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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1898)
1 k4 r I t 111 ilT-ff ft VOLXXXII1 ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAl, JUNE 17,1898. Eater CO tke Foot fe at Utatf. )r. m eea-Clae Mall Hallrii B XTTTIB rahllahar sad TfmrUft NO 40 V hr ft i ? (gi) ; 111 "t1' t - "Jr ArcgetablcPrcparatioRfor As similating tkroodandRcgula ting ftS tamachs andJBowels cf Plromotest)icslion,ChccrfuI ticssandRcst.Contalns . -eiUicr Opium,Morphin.e twr Mineral Not Nahc otic. BwtfOUlh-SOiCIlETCnEt . MxSmnm Aperfect Remedy rorConstina- hon, Sour SJomach.Diarrhoca. orms .Convulsions .Fcvensh ness end Loss of Sleep. Tac Simile Signature cf "NEW YORK. SEE THAT THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF : 4 EXACT C0FTOFWRAPPEB. Pj IS OH" THE WRAPPER OF EVEBT BOTTLE OP ?! n fr& a mi Cuteis fa sat n fa lira hattlat mSr. Tt U act told U talk, Scat tllsv axyas to mB r aayttiag aba aa tbs aba se postias Oat M tsHjastaa good" aad "wl ummnM. pow." totbtf yoiget04-M-4JUlA. n.&5- - haa PHOENIX BICYCLES. "Stand the Racket" A Leuer lor TEN YEARS among HIGH GRADE WHEELS. Our Phtxnix One-Crank made a record for Ueelt last season-Not One Broken Crank in Oregon, hl'!tonT Idaho ont of Uondrede ol Wheels eold in these three state i i 1 7j ir?-8 8olt 18 that others aw counterieitibg this crank, but this does not delude Wise Bayers who have already purchased hundreds ot the 1898 Phoenix Bicycles Bo far we have been unable to Get Them Fast Enough to supply our agent. But our Second Car is oa tbe Rod. m The Golden Eagle Bicycles tie built for service and to supply the demand or aw wheel at a moderate price. honest, d arable For Our Bicycle Caalopes, Ooltra & Enmuangh Igentfrforilbany. MITCHELL MIS & STAYER CO., Portland, Oregon:. Preparing For the Battle of Life Where shall it be don?? Cefaialv w'aers the beat preparation can be had. A bin; College has claims in this d-ieetioa that "call for closer investigation. - A Full College Training is of course the best tbio. 3at Albany also effers a euperinr Normal Course, aad a Basineaa College Coarse that is inferior to none in the state. Correspondence .invited. Fall term open Sept 14, 1898. Wallace Howe Lee, A. M., President Oregon Gas Lp Heating and Power Company. Cheap Light for Cheap Eeat or Cheap Powe lor Hmrch Home and Hotel Ciarch. House and Hotel Anything and Eyerything Correspondence Solicited. DR. P E- ADAMS. Pres. 1. H. PREEEKSES, SIC. Thomas HAVE YOU BEEN IN Brink's Furnituie ALBANY IN 187. M From the Democrat of May 16, 1879 to July 11, 1879. The Albany, Lebanon, Brownsville and Narrow Gauge R. K. Co. was incor porated with W H Anderson, J B Irvine and G E Wolverton as incorporators. OapiUl stock (150,000. H Flindt attracted attention with his flying machine. , J J. Beard, ot xangent.obtatnea little notoriety by marrying a couple as notary puDtic, This was the famous rust soiing and farmers were blue., Geo. E. Chamberlain and Sallie Welch were married at Hatches, Miss., on Slay 21. - Hon. H. H. Gilfrey left Oregon to le gin his duties as reading clerk of the sanate, a position he has filled ever since. Misses Hettie Miller and Annie Alt house graduated from Albany college on June 11. Their essays were respectively "Hesrt Culture" and "Straws Float Lightly, cut Pearls Lie Deep." Dr. Ir vine delivered the baccalaureate sermon and R. S. Strahau the annual address. President Hewitt retired to practice law and was succeeded by Rev. E. N. Condit, now of Walla Walla. . Of the committer of arrangements for the 4th of July celebration only two L. E. Blaln and T. P. Hackleman, now re tide here. Laurel Lodge No. 1? K. of P., was or gaoised in this city on May SO.with Geo. W. Hochatedler as the first chancellor commander, Henry Clark vice chancel lor, Frank Davis prelate, L. N. Liggett K. of R. and 8 , K. A. Foster M. of F.. L. J. Martin M. of E..J. -W. Foster M.l at A., L. L McCartney I. G. and Virgil Parker O. O. It coat S13 to build a cross walk those days. Col. T. E. Hogg arrived from the Bay on bis way to San Francisco after iron for the railroaJ. J. vv. Anderson was often compliment ed tor his good work as marshal. The 4th celebration wa "busted," times to bard. A sold mine was discovered at Sweet Home causing great excitement. j. w . Alas ton and xiellie U. Canon were married on June 4th, at Waitaburg. i ne v eel Side railroad was bant al most to Corvallie the first of ln!v. The following teachers were elected for the Albpny schools: E. F. Jox principal at $90, Mrs. E. F. Sox. Mrs W. U. baston. Miss Rovta Alexander and Mi Martha vi heeler I aaistanu ac .0. There were four applicants for principal, cne D. V. S. Reid, aad seventeen for assist ants, i be directors -were D. AI.ToomD- son, L. Bil)en and John Conner. bpeakinff of a call from Jadee Shan non, el Benten couotv. the Democrat said: "Long may be wave." He nov wavee at Eaetland, Texas, and receives the Dcmocxat every week. LEBANON. From the Criterion. G W McE.boes and familv have moved to Polk county where tbey will make their future booe. J)hn Moist racentlv eaDtured an es caped lunatic from the asylum. He de livered nis cnarge to an officer at Albany. Mr Frank Miller and Mies Emma Ti- vey were married this morning at 8 o dock. Tbey left on the mordiog train for a wedding tour. Lebanon is Dreoarin? to entertain naa of the largest crowds ever Men In Linn county next Saturday at a Maccabee rKnic Be cure and come. Albanv ia nranarinv tn .1ihrtjt th Fourth in rrand atvla. Tt lev sill nn doubt have the eagle scream very load but in point ot numbers tbey can't touch our coming picnic. MlSS Ilda Elkins. who hu bmn Uiaeh- mc in th public schools of Albany for the past year, returned home last eve ing, school having closed Friday. Rev Thomas returned from Portland Saturday where he had been tn aiiand the graduating exercises of the Portland University. One of his daughtax was a member of the graduating class. . She returned home wr.h her father. At the cemetery Prof J G Swan deliv ered the oration of the day It ws an eloquent and patriotic address, full of tender memories for the nation's dead the Mae and tbe gray and abounded tn hearty, honest praise for the heroes of the present hour. X S Dslgkjlab returned Saturday morning from Winona Park, Indalna. where he had been to attend tbe general assembly of tbe Prasbyterian church. He reports a very pleasant and profit able meetieg Mrs Dalgleish and the children will return later. - Mayor O U Burkbart of Ibanv was in our city last 'Wednesday looking after some business interests, and to attend to tbe new organisation of Woodmen of America. Mayor Burkbart npcko in high terms of the thriving condition of our favored little city. Fob tbs 4th. A. J. Hodges returned this noon from Portland, where be made arrangements lor tbe appearance in Al bany on tbe 4th of Julv of tbe wondertol blind bry pianist rrank Ricbter, and a companv of four or five first class ath letes, mere will De a raisea piatroi m like that of last rear and on it will be presented many attractions worth seeiog and hearing. A ladiea night enteruainment will be given Saturday evening July 2, when a fine program will be presented. WHEAT. Chicago 87?4C for July, 7B.c for Sept. New York 93i'o for July.oW for Sept, Liverpool 2c higher for July, c higher for Sept. ban Francisco 81o for Dec, Albany 63c. A Peremptory Writ. Statb of Orkgos,) County op Mabion. C ss. College ot Law, WillametteTJniversity, la re, commencement class t)8. To the Editor ot tbe Democrat, greet ing: - v s command you, that personally yon be and appear before the. College ot Law, of Willamette University, on the last day of the term thereof, towit : On the eleventh (11) day of June, A. D. 1898, at eight o'clock ?. M.. at tbe First Method 1st Church in Salem, in said County and Bute, then and there to be a witness in tbe above entitled cause. And this you shall nowise omit, under penalty of what the law directs. Witness : Jorph Albert, Geo. Byron, Carey F. Martin. Invitation Attorneys OI said Class. By Ikfpkrson Mtbbs, solicitor. ' Judge Wolverton is to deliver tbe ad dress. . Carey F. Martin ia thevaledio terian. . . Dick Rogers, ot the Kings Valley grist mill one of Albany boys fifteen years ago, was tn tbe city today. Misa Ava. Baltimore has returned from her trip up the Columbia, and has since been enniined to her home by ill neea. , Dr J W Cubic, a Drominett Dbvskian and banker of Albany, vUiled Eugene yesterday morning to bis home today. Eugene Register. Quite a number ot Albany people have gone to Bronnsvi.le today to attend tte pioneer picnic being held there, by the way one ot tbe moat popular gatherings ot people held in the county. Revs. Reed and Stevenson returned this morning from their fiehing trip to Mebama, coming on their bicycles, reach ing Albany about nine o'clock. Tbe trout did not remain at Mehama, as tbe Dikocbat intimated yesterday, lostead a large string was brought to Albany, of which fact tbe Dahocbat bad a very practical demonstration. Mr Alfred Holman, a good many years ago connected with the Oregonian, but who for about ten years bas been run ning an agricultural paper in San Fran Cisco, bas returned to Portland and re sumed bis position on tbe Oregonian, in tbe editorial department. He is a young taan of fiae attainments. THE OFFICIAL VOTE, This is a picture of F rankle Ricbter, the wonderful blind boy pianist, who will appear at Albany tree to tbe public on the glorious 4ib. FEIDAT COUNTY COURT. Bills allowed. Rrgular salaries of county officers. Monthly allowance for John W Cos, Alberta, Mrs Uinee, Mr and Mrs Bar nard, Mrs Huckenhurg, Mrs Stellmaker, Dinah Motes, Henry Myers, I Oolmaa and wile, Samuel Keith, James W La rue, Mrs Junk:ns, Mrs Streitboff, Mr Bowen, Mr Henderson. Mr Gillcck. Mrs Slaabtr, Mrs Vale Pro poa! of D W Haruin for building bridge, rejected. BiU of B F Cbilds acc't e eclion, 15 00 rejected. George Hoflich was allowed 60 dama ges, on accoont of accident at tbe bridge beyond tbe Ctlapooia. Petition M E Push for rebate of tax. continued. Two children of John Koker, of Wa-I terloo allowed It monthly. John Usher, janitor, 10.00 J H Scott sect Roeeoerants. 5.00 J BTilloUon, roads and bridges.. 10 75 Henry Cyrus, roads and bridges, 1175 J P Hohn, acc't poor 5.00 " " roads and bridges.. 3.24 A H Smith, acc't poor 120 PG Mortis, stationary 4 50 C F Swank, acc't sheriff 4 00 Mary t ail, roads and bridges . . 3 35 Giats & Prndbomme, elections.. 10.00 Pete Ruetner, acc't jail 2.00 PG Morris. acc't Door 10.00 J N Owens, fuel .50 W O Worley, acc't por 5 00 P W Spioke, roads aod bridge.. 716 C F Swank, acc't sheriff 13.10 Stewart A. box, road i and bridges 19.00 F L Lamb, atc't sheriff and elections 5.CO 2.70 . Fifity New Lawyers. Oregon continue to bar the smart est young men is tbe Us ited State. Of 51 yooog men examined for admission to the bar only one fail! Following is tbe complete list of those who passed : F W Mn'.ker. Portland: C II Labbe. Portland: John T Look. Rutwburg; W A Robbina, Salem : A D Leedy, Salem. C b Sox. Albanv: Bennett Swantoa. Mar sh field ; John 8 Hodgin, Salem; J N Me raddea, Corvallia; J HoRmsn, Albany ; F J Richardson, Portland; George Black, Portland; James D Coffey, Port land: Edard Raioford, Portland: George W Caldwell, Portland; wuiiam B Singer, Portland : Charles U Wilson, Oregon City: OrnUe 0 Cochran. Port land; Leon H Sieinbart, Portland; Lon A Uarlow.Ponlaod: Mrs Olive England, Salem; Mies Gabrielle Clark, Salem; William Buebey, Salem; F W Water. Salem; LE Bean, Eugene; Carey F Marti. SA.em ; H J Robioetl, Rose bo rg; A G Croseen, Malem ; FT Wrigbtmaa, Salem; Edwin D Morgan, galea; L L Swan, Albany; C S Jackson, Canyou ville; W A Wood. Rainier; George By ron, Rosebarg; Mark B Bump, Corval lis; Daniel WLson, Portland ; Edward H Cabalin, Portland; H U Tomliason, Portland ; John Brooke, Portland ; J D J Portland; Lincoln Working, Portland; Joseph 11 Albert, Salem ; Harold G Bice, Portland. Coarle E May bee, Wist on ; F A Turner, Salem ; Joseph O'Coaner. Portland ; Jeff Myers, Salem ; George P Goggia, Portland; and George F Rogers, Salem. , Lkt of Patent. Granted to Pacific states inreotor ibis week. Reported bv C ASnow A Co. patent attorneys, Waahlngun, D a C L Arqoee, San Jose, Cat, Reading attachment for meters; F Boston g, Et lensbarg. Wash, twine-holder; E Botti ni, Saa Francisco. Cal, air-corn pressing apparatus for vessel; E H Chap pins, Marysville, Cal, cycle-baadle-bar fasten icg attachment ; G Gillus. Jr Golden Gate, Cal, music-leaf toraer: A Had sal I, Mapleton, Oreg, deride for converting motion; CI Hall, Saa Francisco, Cal, a pa a rat as for operating elevators; J Hart lord, Saa Francisco. Cal. spirit-lev el; J R Nagell, Tacoma, Wash, bicycle frame. For copy ot any patent send 10 cent in Doetare atimoa with date of tbi naoer loC A Snow A Co.,Wabingtoo, D 0- . . : . CANDY - I 7 ( Js uun"- o v im. WinvvH v f vim fri i NanK I r. IMIir mizAUK!? all l 25c 50c Nh";n.i.i"' mur'1 nPtTrTT5rrs I I A store Lately. He ha? one of the finest stocks of Furni ture m the valley. He has added Babv Baggies to h s stock. Just call in and you will find that his prices are the -LOWEST- -ALBANY. CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor r ibb at sodavillb Sodaville was visited by a fire Tuesday, which de stroyed tbe large bouse at nottli end of Main street, formerly owned bv Milt Westfall of this place but now owned by a Mr Davis, ur U M Jones bouse also caught fire but wa extinguished with out damage. Criterion . The St axdabd Insurance (Jo's will neo ! cessarily have to make several reductions in rates to compete with the O. F. B. A. of McMinnville . Patronize a worthy home institution and save fully 60 per cent cf money paid for premiums. Tax Collsctioks. Sheriff Johnson! turned over to Treasurer Patterson today I $32,894 68, making a toul turned over to date ef f 108,666 17. Eugene Guard. A New Organization. At tbe col'ege this afternoon the Mem orabilia Society wa organized with 0. I C Bryant as president, Lvle Spear sec- I retary, and M ary Stuart librarian. The object is to gather historical facts in con- nection with us college, an J any record I in tbe hands of our citizen will be grate-1 tuny receive-. - A live bicycle collision between Stanley I and Ed. Stewart on a tandem and Grant I I Froman this noon reunited in a bad mtxup I and tbe masbing ot rroroan s machine. An effort will be made to get tbe nation al sssociation of teachers t) meat in Port land in 1899, This year tbey will meet in Watbingtun U. V. Tbe "Oriental Fete" was presented at Eugene last evening by Prof Rockwell and a company ot Eugene people. 600 reserve teats were sold, each purchaser voting for a sultan. A C Woodcock was elected, re ceiving 280 votes witb Al Hampton second, wun 6io, Tbe conference report on tbe postofSce appropriation diii, as agreea to Dy tbe sen ate, carries $150,000 for rural free delivery. uisv ass wun iwiuibo, bury UUU-0 DtYlO appropiaieu vwu.uuu, sno toe senate hav ing refused to mike any aDDroniation. I ' Tina ix rvsAni-i laiA ln,.l.iii 1 I sw assa vvui vu - hibw lUVIUIICg Will" I mittee of tbe two bounes to investiaaio tbe qaemiua ai excessive cnarges ij tbe rail- road companies for mail transportation. Mr w J Be ford, acc't elections J H P Hope, elections Pr ss Pob Co, Stationary 14.50 ti Manora, assessor B Hansard, elections... t.bQ J B Thompson, elections 2.50 J C Bilyeo. elections 3.00 S A Handle, elections fi 00 L A Trask A Co. etecUona 3 00 A J Pitner. elections 2 SO J W Bell, elections 6 JO C L Ranes. roads and bridaes 0.60 w A -one. acc't poor I.IW J 8 Smith, school exsmination .... 6.00 DTorbet, " " 9.00 K W heeler. " " 33.00 E1T Fisber, acct poor 2 00 surveying 3 uu John Maxwell, acctelections 3 00 B L, bmltb, " " 1 ou S M Dannie! M poor 10 75 Albany Fur Co 15 00 Klec Light Co, acct Cti ZOW Fosbav A Mason, stationary 6 75 C Stone, roads and bridges. i .... 8 00 B Enckson, roads and bridges. . . 8 60 Or Telephone Co. 515 Dr W H Davis, acrt insan t 00 Burkbart A Lee, acct poor 3 55 Tl btitee, postage 80 95 Bach A Dun I, acct pcor 10 uu 8 W Mitchell " " 3 05 W B Murdevant. acc't sheriff 6 25 David Torbet, soldier fund 23.85 First Maotla Letie. . Tbe first letter to arrive In tbe valley from Manilla after the fight was by W. II. Osborn of Salem from hi eoa Gay. Here It Is. , "Masila, Philippine Island "May 4. 1898. "My Dear Father: I will write and tell you all about the war. We left Hong Kong a week ago Sunday aad took our time is coming down here and we got here last Sunday morning at fifteen to 1. and were fired op a few time. "at 5:38 a.m. the battle opened op with full force. We took ap a line ot battle in the shape of a C(uie 8 and, be ing constantly oo the move, it was hard for them (the Spaniard) to get a shot la oa as. ' There were six of ns aad tnorUeaof them also six forf . "By eight o'clock it wa all over aad the battle wa oar two boor and tbir- ty-eevea minulaa. "We destroyed the ship and the forts and killed 1300 men aad 40 offl cert and one admiral, and not a man oo our fleet got so moch as a ectatcb. "I can bear tbe abclls go singing in the w ea it was a close call Mt we were mbMed. "At 12 m. tbe governor general eeat hi sword and com mi as too to ibe com modore of our fleet by hi aid-de-camp asd the war is ever oa the Pbilippioea. "Monday aad Toesday we tpeat in de stroying tbe email Ion on the island and gathering relics. "A lot of men have Span tab flags tbey tore dawa from their laabiac. Many of tbem have sabre aad swords. I am on tbe ck list, too mitht ear. bat I was able to do my work at the battle. It is so hot here that the men wear their pant only aad kick Decease they have to do that. uWe bar lived on hard tack and black coffee since Saturday boos. "Toot eoa, Gct Oaaoaa." Governor H H Clinton. TTGeer.,... W R King John Luce King's plurality.. Secretary of State HO Devi FIDoabar HRKincaid Ira Wakefield. Kiocaid'a plurality State Treasurer JO Booth 0 8 Moore, . . J K Sear Moses Vote w...... ... Booth' plurality.. fiflfvtntt,i M. J H Ackerman PE Emeries J E Hosmer. II S Lyman , Ackermaa's plurality. 8tate Printer Cbas A Fitch DL, Grace WH Leeds... T8 McDaniel ; Fitch's plurality , Supreme Judsa T P Hackleman FA Moore WM Ramsey uamsey'a plurality. . . Attorney General - DRN Blackburn O J Briabt J L 8tory Blackburn' plurality Con trees ui sb JL Hill.... , LH Pederaoa T HTongne..... ,.. KM Veatcb Veatch'a plurality . . . . District Attorney 8 L llavdea.. " O H Irvine....... Harden' majority . . 2 Circuit Jodgea R P Boise O H Burnett PHD'Arey HH Hewitt Board Eaaaltutins ,. J P Roberuoa Jasper 8mitb ttobertaoa majority Stale Senators t Clem TC Mackey r K&euey a I. isasell R M Owen CD bteia W P Elmore J W Seaft Representative! DMJooee B M Palmer J J Whitney R W Fisber .s... 17f2 M H Wild 1795 O B Wlaa 1563 15S 1904 2026 145 122 169 1838 2035 148 197 1928 1874 220 155 5 1968 174 183 1967 1 1914 176 1789 186 . 125 199 1829 1966 . 137 1896 193 1875 21 183 155 1867 1968 121 1940 1687 253 1739 1907 1514 1948 16S9 259 1871 1831 1875 1681 159 146 190 161 ' i-rselutcry Fur S ATTJEDA' REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported by tbe Linn County Abstract Company, for tbe Dbxocbat, for the week ending Jane 8, 1889. ' - 8 1 WHhoit to Jessie Baird. T 14. 2 W, 40 acres... t 60 J R Stewartsoa to II Germer. T 9. 1W, 183 acre 1437 Willamette Real Estate Co to C G Gray, 1 lot, Hatsey : 60 J D Morrow to D H Piarca. T 15. 2 1X7 ja m J D Morrow to D H Pierce. T 15, 2W-... 88 H Bryant, aawignee, aad L E Blaio to F N Bank, Albaay, T 14, S W lOOaerM.4 iou, U 49, Albaay, hi o, Elkuuadd H Bryant assignee, aad L E Blsin, toS E Yoansr. laadT 12. 1 E... U 8 to Zechary Heald, T 10, 3 E, jou acres - A R Campbell to H aad A Phillip, T10. 1 W. 100 acres...... A A McRLaorry to 8 H McE or- ry.Tll.l W.129 A i 1941 1934 ...... 1861 KB Aadereoo. W M Conner J O Keller J 8 Morris EC Robert OH Walker Cocntv Clerk- Frank Crabtree E E Loaa JM Marks J 8 Van Wiakle...: ... Crabtree' plurality. Sheriff J R Uochraa I A Monkera John W Pugh , rcu ratter... M ankers plurality.. Election Not W E Hardia I W Menxie E O Xeal FM RedfieM Neal'a plurality.. Treasure! R E Crawford K M Jack J W Wilson JW Wolfe Jack's plurality, j 6102 votes were cast in Marion county. Not many stayed at home. There a lots ot satisfaction in that- Fred Dwon, drugs and stationary 41 05 J M Willy, roads and bridges.... 7 20 Dr Trimble, scc't insane 5 00 llarriabure Lumber Co reads and brides 2 60 S W Ross. wood.. 12 10 Lon Stone, building bridge 20 00 Marion Co. acct stay ton Dridae. bill 838 00........ 10 60 M O Gaines, sundries 15 48 A .Fleshy Consumptive Did you ever see one ? Did you ever hear of one ? Most certainly not. Con sumption is a disease that Invariably causes loss of flesh. If you are light in weight, even if your cough is only a slight one, you should certainly take Scott's gtnuslion of cod liver oft uttib hypo phosphites. No remedy is such a perfect prevent ive to consumption. Just the moment your throat begins to Weaken and you find you are losing flesh, you should begin to take it. And no other remedy has cured so many cases of consumption, unless you are far advanced with this disease, Scott's Emul sion will hold every in ducement to you for a perfect cure. Ai! Lii-Ksiata, soo. ana i , i hf RroTT Bownr, 7. " -7-7 - nr Mr. J. A. McFeron is visiting friends in luyton, wash. A big A. O. U. W. oicnlc will be civen at Jeoerson on Jane 3. Mr. W. A. Wells, a newspaper man ct Alton, Iowa, ha been in the city, while on a trip over tbe stale. Mia Mary William, of tbe public schools, went to The Dalles today on a visit with relsUvee. Mrs Frank Hackleman of this city is lying dangerously ill at ber borne in this city with consumption. Prof. Reynold will have a ladle night at the Sternberg corner tomorrow Bight instead ol tonight as intended. Prof. Mae Pollock, ot tbe Wsitwburg actdemy, arrived home last night to spend tbe vacation season in Albany. Rev. and Mr. M. O. Brink of Cot tage Grove are in the cllv. called here by tbe venous ilness ol the former s brother Dart Brink. Mr Fred Stahl went to Salem this noon after bis daughter who ran away the & rat of the week. She wa trace to that citv. bavins: aone with another girt, and was bsld bv the chief of police until called lor by Mr tstabU Mr. Isaac LUev.of Washington county. was in the city yesterday, and was tbe Euetof Mr. 8. E. Younz. Mr. Lieey came toOreson in 1810. and when Mr x oung' parent and other relative came here in 1852 tbey made tbe'r nome tne first winter with their former Ioaa neighbor. Mr. Lisey, and as wbest wss $2 a bushel and everything in proportion tt meant someining to do ooepiwuie. From the Looking Glsss Cor. in Rose- bora Review: Bud Williams. oneof our old friends who bas been away for over four vears. is visiting relatives and friends here this summer. He has just returned from Ataska.where be haa been lor several months. We hope be has come back loaded with gold nuggeu. Divorce Granted. From the Telegram. A divorce waa granted by Judge Ce- I land this oiomiog. It was that of Em I ma W Smith against Gharle E Smith I who vere married in Montana in 1888, While living in Albny. in 1896. tbe de tendant Inflicted personal indignities up- lon tbe plaintiff and rendered her life burdensome, xne piaintin aiso was st towed to reeume her maiden same, Em I ma W Fitzgerald. wueatT Quotations for July and Sep'ember. Chicago 88c, 75 Wc. ewYork65iic,7ic. Liverpool 1, .6 higber. San Francisco 81K fee. Albany 65c. J L Hill received 166 votes for con gressman in Marion county and Lace only 66. Tbe vole in Marion county on circuit judge waa Barrett S32S, D'Arcy 2509, ooise zyii, Hewitt -I3U. Ia Lane county tbe Republicans will elect the esoator, two representative, clerk, assessor, com mtasioaer aad sur veyor and the Unionists oo representa tive, siieritl. treasurer, reboot upena- tenaeat ana coroner. Tbe tlagg will wave la Marion county. Ilia initials are E H and ha aacceeda Rev Berkley. Tbe vote ot th EaH Albaay precinct a been sealed, so that if there u a eoa- est all tbe docaments will be Intact. The prohibition vote waa Increased' about fifty over two year ago. Tbe election of Mr. Crabtree as clerk ai by a very small margin, only one. On one or two talley ah ecu tber was a dis pute ia eaavasaing over some marks that wet ran almost loselLer. bat tbey were ol coarse allowed as intended, and no contest could ever change tbe result. II E Edwards, unionist, wa beaten la Lane county for county com miss ioeer by oae vote. He 1 talking about cot testier it. Better not. Contests a rote result ia the vote being increased William filakelv a son of James Blake- It of Brownsville, was elected sheriff of Umatilla eoonty.tboagn Moody bad 440 majority. It is rt ported that the official vote will show Judge Boise elected circuit jadga instead ot Mr u 'Arcy by GM DeVaaey JT Downing J A Stevenson B A Stafford 8taSord'e pieralty..... SuperiaUadent A S McDonald WC Swaaa LA Wiley MCDoaakrs piuraity Surveyor Anlbocy Aasiin ETT Fieher J B Roberta Fisber' piuraity , O D Cham berlia W F Fortauller J G Norman No-man's piuraity. Commissioner John La per.. O H Raseel D C Swenn GO Whitcomo 8ann' piuraity 128 147 116 187 .. 157 .. 158 .. 1921 ! . 124 . 152 . 1920 1 .. 132 . 200 . 1786 . 171 218 . 194 . 153 . 1925 . 1842 ,. S3 . 16! . 1946 . 168 . 1766 . 180 . 1851 . 155 152 ,. 189S .....41 j ,. 1886 . 208 . iss; ....29 ,. 1772 .. 2027 .. 1791 ....255 900' .. 1876 .. 1905 29 .. 164 .. 1852 .. 1903 .. 130 50 Miller to J O Davie, lot 8 aad vert tot 7. bi 10. Albany L Monday to L R Cartwright, ad joining uarrubarw.uregoa H WodtU to Ethr Calkins, T 13, IE. 13 acre J C Simpson to C V Johnson, 2 lots Scio Tb-m lorn to S A Henry, T 9, 1 , 13 acres G H Bland sialteE E Taylor. T iz, 2 W, 30 acre W B Doaaea el al trustees to H G Everett. Lebanon nroooftr J J Roeell, deceased, by admr to & B Moo tame. T 13. 1 E 200 acre. J E Cyrus to J E Irvine, Scio prop erty W W Scully to Amanda W Scully, T 11. 8 W. 17 acre P O PeppevliBg to F H Pepperiiag. T10.1E.40area Carrie A Rolf to Z B Thompson, 1 kit. Sweet Heme Investors Mtg Sec Co to 5 PCrame, T13.3 W, 10 acres T A Morris et al to R R Galbraith et al. trnateea. T 13. 1L1 acre. Lixxie Goaa to Ella F Sawyer, Lebanon atvmertv Grant Sodg to A From, 2 lots, loaooa A R Ide to J M Iiadiey.Ttt, 1 W, 30 acres... TJ Boiler to MA Craw terd, 2 lot, too ia Albaay W T Looftoanow to A L Ricbard- .T11.1 W Delia Parriah to Al Parriaa, T 12, i w 7!7. B W Caadiff to M Lndwig. part U 17, Albany, aad right of way to eoactmct sewer . L Higgina et al, by sheriff to la- UtM Sec Co. T 13.3 W. 50 acres Jaae E Carter, deceased, by admr, USA Uaweoo, 3 iota, bl 11. Harklemaa' Sad add G w Pickeas to L Neahaoa. T 13. IE, 80 acre SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Bob Hendricks and JV r'i. ,.i Saiem are in the eity. The Albanv otha m n- dance at the opera house tonight. Mr Holme ha sold his dairy and mUk rout to Mr YoJer of Lane eoonty. Editor J 9 Stewart of the Leader, waa alected Jadga of Lincoln county by 154 majority. Albert Shaw of Rlm ww a si. 7.IT,. . ','f't cu maa wui give aa x- bibitioa tonight. , J W Hamilton defeatad A f! w,-. eock for Judge of tbe 2od district by nearly 500. The prope thing. Miss Joyce Brownell of Albanv. cmt nP joday to assist st the concert at Vil la rd Hall tomorrow niirht Cnmfi. Guard. ..... - . The Sisteis Aeadamr will r.m Tneeday evening, Jane 21, when a pop nlar entertainment win be given at tba opera boose. Program later. Word La been H iK. T? C G LeMaaters, pastor of tbe First Christian chnrch at Dallas and a former xnyiniiy ecoooi student, will be married to Maw Myrtle Hamilton. of imitim.. i-Gaard. -,:, - . ' Mrs Eoreae Clark want tn ait. IbU morniDg. Mr Clark will join her tomorrow., lit Clark ha been speod if several week here repairing type WTitatSw Euxeoe Register. Thealfajr bovaof the fiatknitV ht. with Father Metayer made a verv wAmmm , act pseale trip to Waterloo last Wednee day, oa their return taking laoch with Mr and Mrs Bach, of Lebanon. The affair was one they will long remember, i A abang is expected to be made ia mlroad agent at this viae. Mr. J 8 Gaither, the agent that baa beea ta aonedbere for the past two year, will beawedto Yeaoina.aad W H Buoy of the Albaay- ofSe will un. in Ti Toledo Leader. M Ocb ef the success of tK ia Douglas eoonty was doe to tbe spieodid eaavaa made by Mr O P Cos how of this eity. He is a fair, candid aad able speaker aad a mtt!.mi. eommaads the highest respect of ail who uow aim, noseoorg Keriew. Mr Roee Ho. r,nT -k has been atadying ia Sew York City for two yeara nader Gortatowrki. Soeefly, Scharweake aad Mill, and Mica Ada Hendricks, vocalist, who h H Ting for a year nader Frederic Bris tol of New York Citv. rexnr t o a few weeks ago. At tbe earnest solicitation of the Alumni of tbe Coneer- ror?.01..Male MTOCotOof which Mr HoUenbeck is a umIw tK ladiee have consented to use tbe 'alumni evening derug eosniaenceineat week. loeaav sreniag June 14th, aid will be aamated by a quartet el Eugene's most popular veeaiitta. fcugea Guard. 2298 8 1000 . 100 2542 150 100 200 603 600 365 1300 1714 1 15 225 4tf 110 200 300 1 700 4001 900 Provisions, Feed, Etc. 978 in 960 400 WHEAT. Qoolatioea for July aad Sept: fvaicaro 86,737. new lore vz, 7bc uverpool le lower. Saa Fraadseo 80.Se for Dee. Albaay 65e. Tbe California Prospects. .... 1703 .... 1509 ... 194 Remodeling court boose- Yes No.. Majority lor Pirha of mantf none fau Ye t6 So .. 872 Maioritvfor e Local Effect ot the War. The fcugene board had a call frosa a victim of the California dronght ia the persoB of Ralph L CrisweU formerly edi tor aad publisher of tbe Saata Paula, Ventura eoaaty, SeatiaeU Yeatara ia a Sootbera coast eoaaty, lyiag adjacent to Los Angeles eoaaty on th north. . Mr CrisweU stated that the croa ftQ- are is complete aad would be hard el rgaiisatton try a resident ol this Willam ette Talley a he views it with green pas tures aao noid. id a vera ram tall of that section la 19 inches, bat this yv tbe rain gauge registered only 3 lacbee. Sheep, cattle and aoreea, except those used for domestic purpose, have beea shipped out. Absolutely aotb'ng will be grown, even toe irrigating streams sav ing completely failed, eatora eoaaty bas a population ot lZOXXJ. Mr CrisweU say ke bad a nice little newspaper business, tat locked no tb office and left it, plant, accounts an all. aa tbere waa no as ia running a paper lor a commumry t&at wui nav no means ot support until another year roll around. Owing to the change m . prices n is impossiDie to auote prices for any definite tune. We have the Hammond Co. meals, lard, etc Will always quote prices las low as we can. Allany Trading Go. ist and Baker Sts. S32U23XS fmtkt Catrmi Curtrntti Sutt arOrv AxtAc Ct ry GRTVwr. Piainbff. Junior Recital. Obiook all Right. Jos. Keebler ar rived bom Monday from a aix week I visit at hla old horn in Illinois. This was hi first visit to hi old home sine coming to Oregon twenty-seven years ago. He reports having had a' very pleaeant visit, hot Is glad to get back to "God's country." as he sails It. He rays there were only ten nice day during his stay in the "sucker" state, which record tnuch I abased Oregon can beat. He also ssys that Uregou roads are better tban those I of Illinois, and that our state 1 a far advanced in every respect. Express-Ad vance. The junior recital ot th Conservatory ot Music of Albany College waa held at th college thi afternoon, when th lol lowing program wa rendered : Overture. "Masaniello" Auber First. piano, Mis Wadaworlh and Mr. Clyde Cox. "Eight Bella," Rieger Menr . Mor gan and Parvin. "Shepherds Song," Krug Artene Train. "Cluster ot Roses," Vincent Mis Nina Wadaworth. "La Argentine Masourka," Ketterer Miss Addia Scbiffler. "Heather Bella Polka," Kunkel Fox Brothers. "Student of 8jrrento" (Transcription) Celesa Vida Mas ton. "Orange Blossom," Giebel Mis Ed na Howard. . "Far Elite," Beethoven fcr. Clyde Fox. "Ah. I have 8ii,hed to Rest Me," Verdi Mr. Henry Morsan. "There ia Sunshine ia my Soul," Eiansiription) Bweney-Sharp Mias lira Sharp. , "Magnetic Walts Song," ArdlU Mis Jennie Ohling. "Old Folks at Home" (Transcription) Boone Miss Edoa Howard. "American Girls," Kunkel Misses Scliiiller and Mas ton. A Court Housb Burnxd. Tbe Polk county court house waa entirely destroy ed by fire last night, together wih tbe contents, the records being destroyed. including the returns ol the recent elec tion which bad btenonty partially can vassed. The loss l a bi one to tbe county. A Nbw Destination. It ia now learned that the destination ot the Oregon Vol nnteets instead of being tbe Manillas first is to be tbe Ldrono islands, a Span ish possession, which are to be taken, whan the tmnna will tut nt Ia th Phil. Ipplnea. Tbe Charleston la to head tb reunion, KX p m. Ladron expedition. Oc ot th effect ot tbe war between this country and Spain strike with spec- ial tore la thi city. This i( th peraly- aation ot th rop industry. Owins to th fact that it ia no longer possible to obtain hemp from Manila the Portland Cordage Company, on Four teenth aad Northrop streets, was obliged to redac It working fore about ball, a week ago. The average number ot band employed by this firm ia 75, so that over 35 people have been thrown out of employment. There ia yet on bad raw material sufficient to keep tbe re maining handt at work about two weeks loneer. When thia ia used op and it ia still im possible to procure hemp, tb factory wui bavsto close down. leiegram. St Mary Choi 1st era Picnic Rev Father Metayer aad hla twenty titer toys started oat last Wednesday morning for Waterloo on their annual picnic. Their carriage were decorated with tb national colors. - Tb day spent in game ot all kind aad ia drink- in too a water. they arrived bck la Lebaoca at 6 o clock where at the invitation of Mr and Mr Bach they tat down to a grand (up per. The table was beautifully decora ted with tbe star and stripea, th main attraction being a Dewey Cake. At 10:30 the party arrived nome nap n and all loud in their praise for their beloved pastor who spared neither time nor expense in making the day so pleas ant. . - W P Monmouth, Or., Commencement. Sunday, Jane 12th Baccalaureate ser mon, Rev. Edgar P. Hill, First Presby terian church, Portland. Mondav, June 13th da Day. Exer cise begin at 2 :00 p m. Btadeat' Re ninn. 8: d m Tuesday. Jun 14th Field Day. Ex ercises beein at 2 o nt. Meeting ot Board ot Regents, 1:00 pm. Society en tertainment. 8:00 p m. Wednesday. Ian 15 Commencement Day. Exercises betiln at 10 a to. Alumni TO CURE A COLD IN O.N OAT. 1 ak laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets all Draggiata refuad th moaey if it fails to care. Z5c. TX2 EXCEUB'CE OF STttTCF B2S ia due not only to the originality aad simplicity of the combination, bat also to the car and skill with which st fat manufactured by actentifio prooeaaea vknown to the Cautorxia Fl 8rBtn Co. only, aadwa wish to impress upoa all th importance ot purcbaaiag th true aad original remedy. Aa the genuine Syrup ot Figs ia manufactured by the CAurossu. Fia STxtrr Co. only, a knowledge ot that tact will assist on in avoiding th worthleas imitations manufactured bv other par- tie. The high standi-? of tb Cau- roxsiA Fio Strut Co. witb the medi cal profession, and the aatistaetkn which th genuine Syrup ot Fig haa given to million of families, make the nam ot the Company a guaranty ot th excellence ot it remedy. It is tar ia advance ot all other laxatives. aa it acta on th kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating; or weaken ing them, and it doe not gripe nor nauseate. Ia order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the nam of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. - BAH rBAIOaO. OaA iCTsvrujr.B. xiw ybjk.x.y. W:ttm Baston aad Gecrg astaa, PAa danta. Te George Rastaa tbe above aaaasd de- faadMt: IX THE KAME OF TUB STATE OF OREGON, yea sre keraev teqaoed toac- pear aad sat war tfce complaias tt tae abow pr;-itiy. ia tbe aWre antitW eoaus im the aMveaaoii a earns aewoai urn w tbs elark ef ad eaart, a ar before tbe orat day et the eext regv term at said eoara, wkie said tana ef ud rt be- liw oa tfce 37t aay ei Jim. iu, ac ua. ear basse ia tt city ef Alba, Liaa aamty, Oregoa. Aad ye are he -e try hntkar aUnd tbak if voa fail to app aad aaswer sad eeaaplaiat a aereby re oeired, tbe Bud pbuatiff will apply to the ... - . . .- . . : r aatd coars xer tae iwu pn? u w oocoplaiat, towit: roM. ror a oeeree et aaia eoars wuecs ieg said martgag saeatieaad ia said eoaa plaiat t be foiacloeed aa4 tb laada tbere ia sssBttoaed. tawii.- o aamoerea eawvi ei saataa t&irty fear (34) la towaabip aiae aeatb of raage ee eaat of Wiliaawitts Mer idiaaia 1 iaa eoaaty, UVegoa, eoatarauag forty fevr aad n'tv six ewe haadredth t aa aerate be teld aad tbe proceed thereof ia be spotted to tb pajmeat ol tac coeta aad aabaraaaainta ef tkn scut aad the ebarges at taakirg each aal ad to tba payaMatof tassasaotgau auoraey a m m sotd aS aa t us pja sasiot S300 ia US (oldooin aad iaterect thereoa st the rate ef S p eaat yar asm freaa tb stceed dav of Ootcber, 1S96, aaUl paid. Seooad. For a dtcree fxeIoug said aaertgag aad baniag yea aad all peieeae ebu-aiag by, through or wader ye ef aay rijht, title er iaUrmt or right or equity ef rsdesaptie ia said preaaisae or aay patt tbarsof. Third For a dtorv that if the erected ef seek aal be aot taffioMBt to pay alt f said same ei stooay. that plaiatiC take jadgBMBt agaiast j ou foe th balaaeer aaawmg aapaid a tier said preeeeua are applied. Thi aasamons is pabtiahed by erde of tb Hoa H H Hawitt, jadga ef said eoart; wkl order boiag made aad dated oa tb 12th day of May, 1808 WRBILTEU. Attar aay fot Flaiatift. aad Trad HaravoWalaadaaa U Pat - aM for Maarata Pcca. fcaa aactrf. awiwphoa4 Mri ,. . iW to Ufr taeC tftva. c.a. &nov & co. tm Pmw Omw. waewi Tea. Dw C yatMtablatrMiotcbarra. 0wi Mntltmini. A Pajophta -8o tola raknta,- with aaawia. 1 ! The Newest At the s? on of Will t Slark Jewelry yon win get me nets, aa Facts tad a fine atock ot goods to select from. Itia np I todat and iaclud- the best lines of watch 1 and clocks and all kinda of jewelry. Their llaeof sllveaware is extra aad tbey have maay novethiM ttiat will please.