v They stop work, cost Sprains and Bruises t rMt uttin tn cure I l. ".! I It saves time. them rleht away with Ola JaCQUd Wlln money, misery. LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany. W R Bilyea, Foshay & Mason block, i JRN Blackburn, P O block. H Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, PO block. J N Duncan, PO block. T P Hackleman, Pearce block. . O E Hawkins, Ouaick block t ; Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. 1 i ' N B Humphrey. Kelly & Curl, bank building. L Hllontanve, Pearce bloc. J C Powell, P O block. ; -t J M Somen, P O block. ; - C IT n Watjmn. hank building. Weatherford & Wyatt. Bank building. Whitney A Newport, Gueick block Q W Wright, P O block, : ; Lebanon. S M Garland. BrownsTille. A A Tossing.' ; '? ',-, j : "NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice it hereby given that the under signed executor of the last wiUand testa ment cf E R Cheadle, deceased, have filed the'r tioalaoooant in the office of the County Court jt linn county, Oregon, and the County Conrt of said oounty has n xed Monday, the 6ih day of June, 1893, at the hoar of 1 o'clock p in, and the County Coert room at the Court Honse in said county as the time and place for hearing any objections if any to said acoourt and for the settlement thereof. DaWd May 6, 189S. D. E. CntADLa. Birdie St Cunt, is Itha B. Chkadle. Executor. tXECUTCS'S KQTICE I To all the creditors an 1 persons latex ested in the estate of Rebecca Smith, do cegsed, you are he eby notified that 1 have . been duly appointed executor of said estate bv the county court ol Linn county, Ore gon, therefore, ail persona having claims against said estate are hereby nouSed and required to present the same to me with the paper vouchers, at the Saw office of W R Bilyea in Albany. linn county, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof Dated this 1st day of January, 189S. ,. Samuk. Rkadkr, Executor ; f OUR CAPACITY s Unequalcd In the Valley. OUR WORK Is Unsurpassed In Oregon. We have the best stock- tc select from and our price are always the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, Albany. ' The Printer CaT-ate and Trade Xaria obtained and all Fat- . i -. wxAik.A tar Maderat Fees. Send model, arainn g orpnora. ""'"" i.t.M.fM.AfiirM. Onr fe not an till iln.mmA. A Point) b let -Row to Ob tain Patents," with cost of suae la the C 1 C So. C--A. SNOW V CO. illlSHml" SSAlSiW EAST AND- SOUTH VTA THE 8HASTA ROUTE OF Tlit Southern Pacific Co. CaiHornla riiss Train :n FurtiaB. Dally Sort (M r. . I L S4a I L llii aAr Portland Albany San Frardsc. ar I JO . Arlfcaaat Lt 1 MX)- i tt,we trains ecjj it salons yz tween Portland and Salem Tur mt. Marion. . Jefferson Albany Tangent, Shedd. Hslsey Eugene Cottasre Grove. Drain. Oakland and all stations from Roseburg south to and ; In clading Ashland. 840 An !L lizVi r I Lt rartuae Albmj at 4Sir tour I at Rosebar unuaoa saAava - Urn Albtny Icr Lebuoa 810 as AniTaMAltMurtromlAbBBon l IOsSU in team Albtnf for Lebaaon . :o r Ajriv. t Alb&ny from Lebanon 7s 6 I PULLKA. mm SLEEPEEb. AJtD bininflr Cars on Ogdsn Rout SECGND-CUSS SLELPIN6 CARS Attavekea) taa.ll Vtaranafc Trains 0M C PHTlaloa. sTWftU rsiTuis acs cesrsiui stAU tb ain.1 ( Exe.pt Buooaj aoanDsa mail, aiit Mam ILt UtfA Ar Portland CamUls Ar I bJO Lt I lio r a Bcpren Train Doll (except and if i bO r u . L TSOrai Ar 830ra Ar Portiand McHinnTilla Iulepa denes ar 1 t:ti a a v I a a Lr J 4 60 a a Rebate tickets on sale b-ween Portland. Slera mento.nd Sao Franeiaco. Net ratea $17 Srst clats ana f 11 second oia. inclod nr sleeper Rtte. and Uc'teH to eaHrrn points and Enropt to JAPAN. CaiWA, HO-iOLCLU and ADSTKw LIAeta tw ohviined trim la FatOSIL, Azwrt Albany or C t WISC5 , R KOtnLtH . C9MABKHAX. iMacaxer , Sen F 4t P A Portland 0.;g.. Portland m . a reieio iniuinu PROCURED, EUGENE. W.J0HNS0N, Sofic tor antl Atiy in PatestCanse 179 .tie Yaric -. fVaaklaaivn. D C JDEAPIlbT POWER ' AGENTS WAN TED 1 FJR ; 'WAB WITH SPA rN," including battle on sea and land. - Contains aUbout armies, navies, forts and warships ot both nations and graphic story of tne great victory of tbe gallant Dewey; 'ells everything about Sampson,. Scoley, Fitzhugh Lee and lend inif commanders, by Hon. Jsmes Rankin Young, the intrepid leader tor Cuba libre in tbe halls of Cotpregg. f Tbe greatest war book p- bliebed; 000 large pages: 100 superb illustrations, many in richest col ors. Has" large colored mspi. Biggest book, highest com missions, lowest price; ooly 01.75. Eanb subscriber rectives grand $1 00 premium free. Demand enor mous; harvest for seots; 8l day credit; freight paid; outfit free. Write todsv, AddreHs, Tbe National Book Concern, Dept. 15, 356 Dearborn street, Chicago. - ROBERT A. MILLER attomtkt at law ob soon crrr, oeboo ' a i Titles and Land Office Business a C!. y. . DR. J. L H1LL k-j .iuu and surgeon. Office, Fir. t St money, give pain. UNION' TICKET COUNTY ,,- Suatore.-T C Mackev. I Clem Reoresentatives. J J vruitney II M Palmer, DrDM Jones. Clerk. r rnnsuraotree. Sheriff. I A Munsers. Assessor .Geo. DeVaney. , , Recorder. E C Neal. Treasurer. F M Jacx. Superintendent. A S McDonald. Commissioner. D C Swann Coroner. J G Gorman. i I ? Surveyor. Anthony Austin. State. Governor W R King. ecretarv of BtaieH R Kincaid. Justice supreme court W M Ramsey. . Treasurer J O Booth. s Attorney, general J L Story Bute printer G A fitch. - Superintended h. S Lyman. Congressmen R M Veatcn aud C M Donaldson. District. Circuit Judge P H D'Arcy and K P Boise. - ... " District Attorney 8 L Hay den. ; , SUMM3HS Ik U. Cirena CtJtrt of (As State W Or; on brtae Comty of Linn GRThvtnaf, Plaintiff. TS William Raston and Georg Rnstoa Dfjudants. To George Raston the above mined de fendant: IN THE NAME OF TIIE STAT8 OF OREGON, yon are herabv required to ap pear and answer the complaint f the above plaintiff', io the above entitled court ia the above entitled cause now on tale with the clerk of .aid court, on or before the rirat dav of the v.ext reauiar term ol said conrt, which said term of sa d conrt be gins on the a7th day of Jane. 1S9S, at the aonrt house in the citv cf Albanv, Lino oounty, Oregcn. And you are hebv farther Boti6ed that if yon tail to appear and answer said complaint as hereby re quited, the said plaintiff will apply to the said conrt tor trie khki ptayeu w mu complaint, towit: tint . t or a aecree oi saia -nri uicti ing said mortgage mentioned - in raid com plaint to be foteclosed aad the ltn-U there bb menuuned, Vowit: ixt namocrea one (i) f section tnirty four (34) in township oiae aonth of range one east of Willamette Mer idian in I inn oonnty, Oregon, containing forty fear and fifty six one haadredth oi an acre to be told and the proceeds thereof to be applied to tbe payment ol tnc coats and dirborsementa of this suit and the charges of making such sale ad to the payment of too sum of $30 attorney's fees in soid salt, and to the payoneat of tbe sum of $300 in US gold ooin and interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cant per aa nam from the second dav of October, 1S9S, until paid. Second, r or a drcree Iiireclwing saw mortcaie and bjriioj von and all penoas elaining by, through or noder yon cf aay rijht, title or iotareat or right or tqmty of redemption in Slid premises or any part theranf . Third For a decree that if the proceeds f sack sale be not sufficient to pit all of said sums of snousiy, that plaintiff take indsment aeaiait tou f.ir the balance re maioini; nnpaii after said prce!eda are so applied. This sdmraonais pnbluhed by oiderof the Hon H H Hewitt, judge of said conrt; said order being made and dated oo the 12ih day of May, 1S9S , W R BILYEU. . A'torney foi Plaintiff. Clubbing Rates. Tbe San Francisco Weekly Examiner t,ext year will give to its subeenbers a $10,000 residence) in San Francisco rent, ing for $60 a month, $3,390 U.S. bond,a $1,500 gold nugget And hundreds of other things- Yon can get tbe Examiner and Wkkbxy Democrat for $2.50 a year, with the Daily Democrat by mail for $4.25,by carrier $-5.75. in advance. The Demo crat will order onl v on com Dination pay. nent ST LOUIS REPUBLIC, semi-weekly one of the best papers in the Unites' States, and the DaUf0CBr paid in advance oi only $1 75. Draper Duck- Heavy dock for binder drapers, best quality, warp ani fiiline double and twisted, 42 inch 40c, and 56 inch 60c per yard. 29 inch and 40 inch duck. 8. 10. 11, and 12 ot., ranging in price from 15c to 25c per yard. S. E. YO&SG & SON, -ry Albany, Oregon. ...ENVELOPES... ALL COLORS ALLSLZES Largest stock Lowest prices SMILEY, the Printer. SsratT TIME CBEOl t.ES. . Frena r.itland gait Lake, Denver, Ft: Worth, Omaha. Kan sis City, bt. Louie, Chicairuand East. Walla Walla, Spokanr, Minneaxjiiat , b' ' Paul. Duluth. Mil- " Asmvs Fan Hail p. i; Fast Mail 72am Spokane Flyer 'I pm K:Hikan : Kucr wauk.ee, Cbicago, at East. UteSN STEtNflllir'. All Baliinar dates auiijwa-.-toehuiffe. For Ban 1'raiicwoo Sail Hay 1, 4, 7, 10. 13, 19, I9.fci,l6,28, To Alafika . BailM.y8,lfl, 20. 8pm 4pm 7 pm 6pm s 4pm El eunday 8pm -Ka Sunday faturday 1 pm. 6 am Ex Sunday 7am Tues. Thur. and Bat. . lolasahta a lrer Steamer. To Satoria an-1 W. .. Llldilijf. 5 i; . ' M'lllamrtie Clver. 4 :3 p as Gmoa City, Newlxsrij, Ex Sunday Baltmand Way-Land's : Wtllametie and Tarn. SiiO p m . kt I Klver-v-i Mon, V el. Orejf n City, rayton, and fil. and Wa) -Landings , WHIaaaetle ttirer . 4-. .0pui Tues. Thar and Hat 1 ' t:S Mur.. Wed, aud Frida Po.tlandand Corvalli Tu. Wed; and Way LandUg and Hat Lv LewistoB &AS a m Sun, Tues, Saake Bliver . Ulparia to Lewis ton i . --; ,. auu 't nur. W lrilL'LDKUT, Ui. faaa. Ag nt Portland, Ore. C O RAWLINCS, Hut, A.teby. o MMo Sued For $10,000. Fiom the Tribune. The silver question will be decided by the courts of Multnomah county, Mr. Sidney !)iU, has forced it into the cir cuit court. Until the main question can be averted by some technicality ,the court must give a decision and then it will be 'legal y and judtuiily established in Multnomah county whether or not free coinage is harmful to the man who earns wages. It is one of the most remarkable and curious snus that bas ever been com menced- in the United States. There have been few occasions when the po litical issue has come rquarely into court for decision. And it is not known that the silver question was ever brought in to court before. But if tbia case should be carried to the state supreme court, there will be a solemn decision as to vbetner iree silver or the gold standard is tba correct doctrine. ; Mr. Dell has done many curious things bnt none so curious as tbia. He u such an ardent and determined advocate of free coinage that he hss filled columns and columns in the newspapers upon the question. Mr. Dell has sued the Morning Ore gonlan for $10,000 on tbe reward which it offered tome day a ago to any one alio would prove that a reduction on the value of tbe dollar would not also reduce wages to the same degree- The offer of j the Oregonian was one of the idiotic things of which it Is quite often capable. For no one ever heard of political prin ciples being destded by bets. The offer in big, black, flaming type, read thus: "$10,000 REWARD "Will be paid by the OregonUn to any one who can prove that a cheaper dollar can be substituted for one of greater val in tbe payment of debts and wages. with cot reducing the value of debts and wages in the same proportion that the value of tbe dollar is reduced." The offer of such a reward was about as silly and foolish a thing as the yel lowest kind of journalism l.aa been guil ty of. When Mr. Dell read this offer, he at once replied. But strange to say, tbe Oregonian would not publish bis answer. It was also offered Tbe Tribune which published it. Mr. Dell made a formal demand upon H. L. Fittock, the manager of the Ore. gonian, yesterday, aod waa, of coarse refused. Mr. Dell at once had his attor neys. Mes-rs. Catlin, Kollock A Catlin, beeio suit for tbe $10,000. Whether or not he is, by his reply, entitled to tbe reward is a matter cf individual opinion. Every silver man will declare that be Is entitled to it, and every gold man will maintain that be is not. It is believed by several lawyers who believe in tbe gold standard that be has a clear case . Mr. Dell's answer is that debts already exitt; bence a dollar cheapened one ball wil". reduce them one half. Wage are yet to be earned . He contends that the American mechanic will have the gold value of his wages whatever the currency may be. And if tbe xod standard is cheapened one half, whereby gold prices of the products of labor are doubled, the laborer will get bis share in the rise, His wages will be doubled go'.d prices Tbe only question U : Will free coinage cheapen the cold dollar? and the Ore- gonian's question coccedes in effect that it wilt. The Oregon ian's management wilt find its freakish offer mora expensive than it contemplated, tor it will at least have to defend the suit. Fine Speaker Coming. tion. Jcbn J. Lenlz, ot Ohio will ij-eak in Albany next Tuesday evening. . Mr. LenU stands today next to and almost a rival of Hon. William J. Bryan, as an orator and popular man. and the people of Oregon can congratulate them selves that tbey will bave an opportunity to bear him. He is a man of magnificent physique, very much like that of Mr. Bryan, a magnetic voice to which one can listen fur hoars without tiring. He is probably known by reputation to every silver man In Oregon on account of the biiter aod scurroloos attacks that bave been made npon him by tbe gold press of the east, which set him up as a special target at which to a'm their fund of vii lificst'ioos. And all this, because in tbe house of representatives, not long ago.be bad tbe manhood to stand np and criti cise the actions oi tne president in per mitting the policy of tbe administration to be dictated by Banna, Elkins and others. No one shcuid mis tbe opportunity o hear so distinguished a man. so great an orator, and so sincere and earnest an advocate of silver as. Mr. Lenlz. The meeting held in Portland by Hon W. K. King and J. K. Sovereign was ooe of the largest ever held in tbe north. west, at least twenty five hundred peo ple, mostly voters being present. Tbe Oregonian gave it, six or seven lines and said the audience was composed mostly of women. Tbe character of tbe meet ing was such os to inspire the silver forces and an immense vote for the un ion ticket may be looked lor in Portland regardless of the bitter opposition of tbe Oregonian. Tbe government bad better get in snd whip, the Spaniards just as fastaa it can wherever it can find them. Delays are dangerous in war, particularly when complicat.ons may arise that wiU make an early victorv very important. A great many people are getting nervous over the continued delays, though their confidence is nnlimited In the caval offi cers who have charge of tbe fleets. They are all right if that strategic board will only tell them to sail in. A Mandamus Iiccision. From the Sentine.: The supreme court today banded aown a decision in the famous mandamus suit of J. K. Sears against r'ecaetary ot State Kincaid, upon the appeal of Mr. Kincaid, Irom Judge Hewitt's ruling to the effect that he was compelled to recognize the nominations of the straight people's party convention and place tiirui npon the ballots. The supreme court reverses Judge Hewitt- It holds thai the writ commands Secretary Kincaid to perform something not enjoined upon him by law; but the opinion sustains the real contention of Bears that the secretary has no power or authority to pass upon the regulsrity or validity of nominations or conventions making them The reversal is bsced up on the fact that the writ enjoined loo much in specifying that he mus; certify that Scars and others were regular norn- ! lnps, etc. - ! The effect of the decision will probably j be to throw the costs upon Mr, Sears, and i will have no bearing upon tbe ballots, ss 1 thev are already arranged, Mr. Kin icaid having fixed the names in a satis : factory manner, , .. . - ! That Tired Feeling is due to loipov ensued blood. Hood's Sarnapsrilla en- rubies and vi alizss tne blood ' and gives j sirengtb. entry and vigor. Be sure to , net Hood s. , Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and ' no not purge, pain or grpe. All druggists Th School Book Question- I SATURDAY NIGHT TIIO UGalTS Portland. Oregon, May 24 1808. Editor D smock at. As the time Is approaching when the neonla will maku thair final decision in Pard to candidate and policy allow me to address your readers direct. I My part of this contest has been to bring to the notice of our people the eon faster, and that while s certain prepare dltions of school text books and the re- Uon was necessary Spain was no better lie! which may be sought from our prei prepared in the slart than the United ent unfavorable conditiona. To the extent of my ability I have been giving information such aa I could obtain, and have been expressing my purpose to get for Oregon as good books, at as low cost as in tbe neighooring states. This question will not now be misnn- derstood. Our people are Intelligent ana understand their interests. It is easily seen that my interest lies in the direc tion of information and discussion. 1 have freely declared my opposition to tbe present contract, and bave only sought to awaken general Interest and inquiry. Tbe people will not be easily continues to watte at war, though rent deceived by eleventh boor denials or by Internal strife. We hope for some expostulations on tbe part of my oppo thing decisive before another Saturday nent. I am tolly persuaded that toe voters understand the respscuye positions of myself and Mr. Ackerroan. I make no comparisons except to show bow we stand on this all important q-.estion. I have as tar as possible, provosea general discussion. Mr. Ackerman bas addressed, it is said, thousands ot per sons by letter, bnt baa gone do farther than to disclaim any politics in the office and to aak ancnort noon the ground of bie educational qualifications. I bave obtained from the sum super intendents of California, Idaho.Moutana, Missouri and Texas, authsntio informa tion as to school books and their cos tnd to the limit of my ability have published this through tbe stats. Mr. Ackerman has given no such information so far as I know, bnt ha baa not Questioned tbe accuracy of mine. I bave taken a course to sec a re the re cord of both Mr. Ackerman and myself In 1884. Not nntll I bad done tbia did he care to publish tbis information. By our record it is shown by Mr. Ack erman that be voted the American Book Company ticket while I voted against it I do not question tbe conscientiousn of hi. vol hit BO one can doubt that by the vote and by bis associations since isoa k inii n.r.i.m. .nd . I 1894. ha ia in tnll nndaratandino' and . i A Rn.. i fVtmnan and I cm uninBtJt. He baa attamoted to .how that mv vote wonld hrinn- mor. -Tnan.lr. bonka than his : w. . 4- J;. . ..I. k. .hin. I ins to me the coat of one more book than to himself. Mr. Ackerman declares tbst be voted aninat chance of books for tbe sake of economy. He did however, vote for cer tain changes which were in tbe interest of tbe American Book Company. Neither were chances extravagant. Exchange rates were offered which made it practic ally no more expensive to get near good books than to keep tbe old poor ones He eeeks to cast odium npon me by Je- during that I voted for a "syndicate, ' which waa probably something even more infamous than tne American Book Company, bnt tbis will be merely recog nised as a scare-crow fur election pur poses. Tbe firms composing tbis allege! syn dicate, oion 4t Co., Maysard, Merrill St Co., DC Heath & Co. and others are doing boBinees at far leee cost and fur nishing better books to tbe people of other states than is the American Book Company in Oregon. Le; tbe people examine all tbe rumors set afloat against myself and some moo atrooe syndicate sod tbey will trace tbem direct to tbe American Book Com pany Let tbe people examine the records o this company aod they will find that it is a good concern not to have in onr state. In order to secure favorable prices and good books competition most be left open . Let as settle tbis qneetion ia view of the facts developed sod whether Oregon cannot do as well by ner schools as is done in ashing ion or Idaho or Texas . Tbe exertion ot the American Bx'a Company to elect Ackerman are proof of that interest in bis behalf. Bis public letter is a series of apologies snd solici tations for the company. Through him tbey are asking leave to stay in the state The tone and inference of bis letter ss well ss its overt admissions reveal bim as their candidate, through whom tbey are eeeking an indoisement at tbe polls. that will give tbem a continuance of their contract. Hi 8. Ltmas. Wben a man runs behind bis ticket in bis home county it is evidence that tbe people of tbe state should relegate bim to private life. Io 1891 Thomas H. Toogue was defeated for state senator in Washington county, being tbe only re publican with one exception wbo failed to carry tbe county. In 1S96 bis vote for Congressman compares with the vote of the other candidates as follows : For Supreme Judge. Bean Rep. 1744, Burnett Dem. 558, Gaston Top. 1108. For District Attorney. Cieeton Rp. 171o, Hedge Dem. 405, Smith Pop. 1122. For Congressman. Tongue Rep. 1540, Vanderburg Pop. 1503, Myers Dem. 315 Thus Tongue was Irom 176 to 2C4 vo'.e bebind tbe ether nominees of bis party and this in bis home county. To read the partisan dispatches in the Oregonian ftom different parts of the stale one might be lead to believe that all tbe republican meetings.had immense audiences, that trere was great enthusi asm snd tbst many votes were made for tbe single gold standard, while the nnion meetings are poorly attended, that tbere is no enthusiasm, and that nothing is said worthy of notice Alt of which of course is understood by intelligent read era of the presa. The Oregoniana news items seem to be edited as much as its regular editorial department. Voters should be particular wben tbey come to to cast their ballot to see that the crof s la between the figure and tha name to be voted for, and that tbey do not get fooled by the name tbe "Regular People's" on tbe bsllot. That refeta to tbe middleof-the-roaders, known as the republican auxiliary, and keep your crosses away from ft unless you are one of the fifty or sixty in the county who really desire its election. Vote for tbe "People's Democratic -Silver repudli can" candidates. If men are to be opposed (or office be cause they don't alwaya pay their debts in full, it will be found that both sides will get some live hits, the same as thev. will if a candidate is to be opposed be cause he misspells words, uses caps in tha wrong places and doesn't pay much attention to punctuation. Good judg ment suggests that such tbinga be left out of politics, for tbey are more spt to bk noting than forward acting, The public Is gradually getting used to tbe war, so that while there is a great interest there is not that intensity that there was. This waiting has done it to a certain extent. The general opinion, without any intention of finding fault is that matters should be pushed a little States, and the character of tbe contest was such that a stroke should have been made en the Atiantio side as decisive as the one on tbe Pacific. The Democrat doubts the justification of the calling out ol the additional 75,000 troops, though developments may change one's opinion on this point. A first class nation should have dealt more summarily with a fifth class one. The troth is that tbe pro gram seems to bave been to frighten Spain into giving op and sneing for peace before auy pronounced attack was made, It looks very much as it tbis bad not worked very well. Spain obstinately night. It cannot come loo quickly Oregon stands out alone in the politl cs field. Its election is held at a time of tbe year when other states are taking a rest, at an offseason. The only advan tage is that it turns all eyes this way from all over the United fttates, and com ing before any other state election gives it a national cast, particularly for con greesman. Tbe result is that eastern speakers and money are put in tbe field here, adding spirit tbe tn strife, and no doubt resulting in corrupt methods that might not otherwise exist, a frequently crops out In Portland part icul illy . The weather the past week bas been Ideal for tbis time of tbe year, tbe kind that makes tbis tbe land ol sore crops. in tbe langnage that baa been need for these many years. But lor these gentle showers our spring wheat would be a failure, bnt tbey always come, tbis veer jost about the right time. Tbis week saw the Albany boys villi many others sail from San Francisco for the Philippines in the interest ol tbe coon "J move in requires no smaa amount i. - i . I ' o. ora-cry, "u that there la danger ahead, and that the . cusam art awai nru iur iwn a,in returning agein- We all hope though that by tbe time they reach Manila ptace may have been deelaied and tbst Soain BUT BITS oeeB inuceu i uj iu. k ui -nnl,I b doM 7nr Politics nt Lebanon. Lsbaeon Oregon, May, 28, 133. Enrroa Dbmocbut. Amongst tbe other chaff, C. B. Winn tried to give we Lebanon people in hie talk on Thursday aftsrnooo, waa that chesnnt. "AtcKmley raised the price of wheat in Oregon" bnt be torcot to tell us wbo raised tbe price of hop snd prone. tineas Mark Banoa did that. So much is bein said about tbe patri otism of L. A. Wilie, bote candid think ing public fail to see wherein it is dem onstrated. Lebanon people did toink bim somewhat brave aod patriotic, after reading bis ''Spread Eagle," declaration ia tbe Daily Ilerald, written w.nile at Camp McKlnley, ia which he stated "that if elected to tbe office of county school superintendent that while be was away with the brave boys fighting for bis country's honor and her flag, that he wonld place some person to fill tbe office daring bis absence, tost waa in every way folly oosUned to 611 such oSce." Bnt when some wiser ( ersoo informed bim that be could not ptace some otDer person without bavlcg first been qualified to tbe offine himself, be straightway wrote another epistle to tbe Herald and ls and BebolJ, be came rushing back home, taking na all by surprise, saying "he couldn't get in, sti'l be passed in every way a good ex amination. People in general and especially those of bis own party do not endorse tbe nay be bas done. He waa educated in Tal man public school and bas taught several county schools in tbe foot bii's, Foster, Sweet-Home and Crow-Foot. He is not a graduate of tbe Santiam academy as stated in tbe Herald, nor ot any other institntioa for that matter. Tine, there is no politics in tbe office of county su perintendent of schools, but tbcie should be educational quali Geations. LtBaNosrrx No state convention ever assembled in Oregon bas named a bettor or more wide ly known cllisen for tbe office ot state treasurer than the one that nominated J. O. Booth of Grants Pass. Mr. Booth baa been a resident of thie state for 40 years, and tbere I no man that can truthfully say that be ever tailed to d'.a charge his whole duty in every trust that was confided to bim during his long resi denes in Oregon. Grauta Pass Courier Religious Services. Baptist Church ; Subjecu'Leviticus" or the Book ot bscriuce and I'rieethood. at 10:30 a m. "Celestial Forces." 7:45 p. rn . There will be services in the M E church south tomorrow morning, preaching by tbe pastor i(ev J L Jones United Presbyterian Church : Preach ing services st the usual hours, 11 a m and 7 :45 p tn Tbe tneme ct the Pas tor's morning sermon is " Songs in the night." Evening "Daniel." S Sat 2:30 Jr. Endeavor st 3:30. Senior Endeavor at 6:45. Everybody cordially invited to all these services. Memorial Services in tbe United Pres byterian Church st 4 p m. The sermon will be -breached bv Kev McKillop. While some of our boys are rocking up on the Ocean's bosom, may the others of us show our patriotism by being present at this patriotio service. Everybody come. Presbyterian church : Sabbath School at 9:45. Morning service at tl o'clock; evening service st 7:45. Junior Endeav or at 3:30; Senior Endeavor at 6:45. Subject of the morning sermon," The Ad vent of the Spirit." Evening, "The Vslne of a Soul." A cordial invitation ia extend to all to attended these services. Congregational church : Services at 1 1 s m and 6 :45 p m. The pastor will apeak morning snd evening. The ser vice in the evening will be ot s patriotic nature and in keeping with the day. Morning subject, The Ideal, the Real. Subject of evening adddress, From Gett ysburg to Manila. 8 8 at 12:15; Y P 8 u E at 6:45 A cordial invitation ia ex 4 tended to all to attend these services D. V. Pouso, Pastor. Laundry Notice Vernon Ramp has accepted a position with the Albany Steam Laundry in the absence ot Capt. Phillips and will hate full charge of tbe delivery wagon, collec tion etc. All work will be sent out in I first class order and a liberal patronage of tbe public ia earnestly solicited. H. J. Phillips, manager. WAR NEWS. Landed t Cienfugos Kky WibT. Mav 88. A dispatch boat ju8t tn My, the Americana landed a Cienfugoe Tuesday night: They dam aged tbe Spanish fort after hot contest. Acting as Spies. Wabiuxotow, May 28. Government officials claim tbe Austrian minister is acting as s spy. The papers say he will be given bla passport and American min ister recalled. War with Austria Is therefore proba ble. Two Oflicers III. Wasbikoton , May 28. Secretary Long baa received word trom Dewey telling of tbe serious illness of two of his naval of leere. Just From Manila. Homo Kosa, May 28. Tbe American cruiser Zafiro bas just arrived firm Man ila. Tbe situation there is unchanged. Will Be Certain First. Wasbuotox , May 27. The President says there will be no embarkation of troops to Cobs until positive Cervera csn't escape from Santiago. The Baltimore. Losdon, if ay 27 A special to tbe telegraph is that tbe Baltimore is lying in Mud at Macaboloe, injured during Dewey's battle at Mani'a. WHCutt the Cables. Niw York May 27 .A Tribune spec ial says Sampson wss ordered to cot tbe remaining cable at Goantanemo and re- cut tbe cable repaired at Cienfoegos Chasing a Spaniard Kir Wssr, May 27 The Cruiser Ban croft is cbaaiog a Urge Spanish s'esmer near here. Three Suspicious Steamers. Kit Wxjtt May 27. Three large un known steamers are egihted off harbor. A Repulse. Kir Wm, Msy 27. Tbe Americans ID 1USI io attempting to land some soldiers at , "'y a were met by the Spaniards and repulsed s number being killed. Saltlsnorc Injured. WaaatsoToa. May, 27. A dispatch from.Hcng Kong slate that tbe Balti mote bad been disabled, bnt without lose of life. Tbe government babied lor particulars. Germans Helping Ksr Put, May 27 Tbe report Is just teceived tbst Sampson Capture! a coal , deposit at Cao which bad been dropped by a German vessel. Rixcivcd Guns. Kit West, May 27 It la learned that tbe Spanish received a Urge consignment of guoa abipped as Fren h cooking uten sils. Fine Words for tbe Ongoniaos. Tbe splendid impressions made by tbe Oregon boys in Saa Francisco, is vs gratifying. Tbe ben Francisco ews Letter says: "Now by all that is sacred, Orecoa t boa Id be proud of herself. We of Cal ifornia are apt rather to thisk tbst we are of tbe salt of tbe earth snd that onr boys are of the cream of tbe universe Tbe Oregon National Guard should set us a tbinking. Tbey are here one thous and euoog, and tbey would do credit to anv nation in tbe world. The aiftat of these young tallows as they came 08 the boot last vtedneedav made mea believe. whether tbey liked it or not, that tbere is a strong military instinct ia the United State They are aa honor to their state and to their nation, and if fighting there is it will be eeo that the boys from Ore- goo will be among the first to win fame Tbe appearance) of these Oregon batai- lions should teach a who!eeome lesson to our boys. HOME AND ABPOAD. Wool 15c. OeU 34c. Hay. bailed. $7.50. Boy Smiley s Clean Printing. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, ageofa. Best Bf cycle for tue moay. Will k Stark, jewe'ers. Call at French's and see bis girdles from 15 cents np. Kelt and skirt snpponers 5, 10 and 15 cents at . M. French's. Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers for only 920, 30, f 35 sad t50. Fresh seeds, two packa ea for a nickel a Stewart A Sox Hardware Co'. Freeh seeds, two packages for a nickel at otewart at oox nsraware wo s. Cyclists come arooad to A O Beam', new ice Cream Parlors after your ride. urackers are now way down la price. can oa t c urowncii tor man ones. Ladies long watch chains at low prices at r rencn s jewelry store. Brownsville people bave begun arrange ments to make the eagle scream this year. If you want good eewlng machine needles and oil get them of French the eweler. A company of volunteer is being organ- iied at Corvallis. thirty five bave sub scribed tbeir name to the roll. F. M. French bas placed i a his show window a very handsome arrangement for snow purposes, it is mgenius. Tbe saw mill of J. C. Gooda'e. at Co burg, was partially destroyed by fire last xnursday mgbt Loss about 87.600. in surance $2,500. lie ll rebuild si ones. MrsViereck's Ice Cream Parlors sad Summer Garden are opened for the season. Fine delicious ioe vam and ice cream soda. A Raiser dlsnatch eava that tha Iwlv found in Muddy creek has been identified a tbat Ot Monroe Shcon. an Eaetarn man. It is generally believed tbat family tronhlM musea mm to urown nunselt. A satcoel belomrinu to Mrs. Jacob Nor- cross was lost hut night oa tbe Sand Ridge road about two miles from A I ban v. n contained a tittle monsj and other things wi wue to tne owner. Do' tor may disaaree about tha treat. ment of a case but all agree that preacrip- iuus uuia ue par np at nurkQart Lee's drug store. Tbey are careful. Try iuem ana oe convinced ot a fact worth re- niemoenng. Kdaeate Tear ftoweie ,.M Ceaeareta. r.nii r.i.a,iM . i . . lOo.SOo. JtC. a C. tall, drufglata refund monar. Constipation Causes fully half the sickness u th world. It retains tb digested food too kmc In the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, ui(U r3Ddr8 gestlon, bad taste, coated s sk tongue, siox hsedaehe, to- I 1 1 a sonuua, etc Hood's mils 1 1 1 S ears com U nation and all Its " results, easily aad thoroughly, sse. AH drnrgtsts. Prepared by C I. Hood at Co lUowen, Mass. The only 1111 to take with Beed'a gersapartUSa The rrecraaa Waskuotow, May, 27. The military situation, as at present decided upon by those in authority, is to make no forward movement ol troops, either npon Porto aico or vuoa, until inu ana aenmte Infor mation is received as to the location rf the Spanish squadron and its possibilities as a iacior in ine aggressive movements of Spain. steps bave been taken to aamra ar! in. formation as to whether Admiral Cavern's squaaron is inside Santiago harbor. Where are the SnewlaraU Lokdok , May, 27. A dispatch from Kingston lamaica, says : r - oauvu. whereabouts of tbe Spanish Cape Verde squauiun remains nninown to the Amen cans. innrsdaylastCevera was reported to be at Santiago de Cuba, and Schley left b ey -rest ior tuu port. The next morn . " T , , ST a. -J av.a- iZJ -lit;, J" ftMdro wa! tne Briusn snip Premier 7. . . . ---- w IVIIVW VU IMUU niKM I h Art H oinee inen, we bave been eagaced in a fruitless a fraiUMO search aw tvuo upmuiiwut IB LOO USJI srOU ID ID6 I aaa S kaaa. falva.a.a. .J X 11 . I a jne I Uarribbeaa A BUwaJUa BUaler Washihotoh, May. 27. The Hawaiian annexation question assumed definite shape in tne senate tOdav when Lavlra and Mor gan offered amendment to tbe war revenue bill bearing direct lr noon tha anbinct. Lodge's amendment is in the w ords of New lead's resolution, and nrovidea in direct terms lor ue annexation of the islands Lodge announced it to be bis purpose to press the amendment to the end. IH1..I.K I UoKOLL'LC. Mar. 20 via San Francuco May 27, The cit 'sens of this city held a mass meeting oa tbe 18th inst, and mads I iMrciijrau to entertain toe v otteo i Btate troops when tbey pass tbroush this city. The meeting was moat enthusiastic I ffiwta Spa. Blah Aatfcartty Madrid, May, 27. A dispatch from : Havana savs Carjtaia-Geaeral Blanco has received information that nearly 30 Amei- caa vessels were seen in front of Cardenas. Dianco caoaas Wa uevera's squadron is Still at Santiago, and that tbe bulk of Bampsoa s squadron is blockading that port. Schley's squadron is watching the incatan passage, WASRnoTO, may There was a lack of News today from Admiral Dewey, and tbis convinced tha naval authorities that there could be little credence nlaced in the Madrid report of aa accident to tbe tu.ptuore. Want fly rrewt Sswta LoaDox, May 28. There are continued mister ptedictioaa of impending revota lion in Hps in contained ia a special dia patch from Madrid today. aCmperor rrancis josepn. ot Austria, is said to nave stronzlv advised the aoeen reseat to ore pare to fly, and her motber, who is now is Madrid, it reported to hare riven her tbe same advice, bnt. it is added, the queea retreni u determined to remain . BasMIe) With Balleta SAiuncar. Md . Mav 26. Garfield alas:, eolorrd. aared aboat 18. waa takes from jail at this place this uorninfr and hanged to a tree and snot almost to pieces, lie waa awaiting trial oa a caarge ot bav tag cuberaiiy snot .Herman aeusy. a white boy of about tbe same age ss hi aeif. Very lesVSalaa WaJarsoTox, May.26. Secretary Lang said at the close of office hoar todav thai no word bad come from any of tee scout- ing Trawsts, bo en.ae-Tja ia nesxiaaiaa waters, corweraing the Spanish firing sqoadroa, wherefore be coadoded that Cervera was still ia Santiago t arbor. Sop- posedly. Schley is ryiag outside vralcbuig the entrance; to prerect tbe egreas of the opsaiSO Vessels. Lofdow. May. 26. Tbe Star claim to have iaformsUoa tbat the Preach minister for forwga affairs, X. Haaataax. is mak ing great efforts to atop the Spanish-Am-1 encaa war. It says that Kaatia, Amv tria and Fraace are eadexvoriag to udoee (rermany aad Italy to km a ia a repreaeeta- S IgL'ieacslLa tioa to Pivandent Mcslinley. declaring isal IDI poaer. nil waDDe epaia to grant tbe lsdepeBdesce of JCuba. hbooid Am erica refoa the ubsfreaaon, it is furtner ailesred, tbe nower aswtioaed wonld send a fleet to pot Cuba under international rule. Seeeaal taaaAta EmawallUM Sax FaAXctsoo, Msy. 36. After a care ful inspection of the 7000 troops aow at Camp Bicbmood, it was semicfcial!y aaoooBced today that th second Manila expedition would nobablv be eomioaed ot tbe First Colorado regisaeot tbe First Nebraska aad tbe thirteen) b Muuaeaota, a total of 3058 volunteers. No Una for the departare for the expedition has been fixed. a TW Fare as Surtax Poar ap Paixca, May, 25 The report of the arrival of the Spanish Cape Verde fleet at Santiago is correct. A correspond ent here bas been able to obtain definite coafirnutioa of this new, bat op to the present it has been impossible to ootain detai ia. Uispatcbes seat from here to Santiago asking for information on the snbjeet remaiaa eoaassrtred. Tfc lie, aim-where Elae Cafb Hattos. May, 25. A rumor, which cannot be coo firmed, i circalalinir here to the effect that tbe Spanish Cape Verde squadron, under Admiral Cerera. generally caderatood to be st Santiago de inoa, ia now at uesirnegoa. Tfca Orra Icrrrxa, Ha May, SS. Tbe baH'e ship Oregon, which arrived here at 10 JO last night, left at 4 this morniair. Aa ef fort waa made to interview tbe offcers but they declined to talk asd it was impoeat- dio to get any lnionnauoa wnatever, Enaiga Jonasoa came oa shore for orders, bnt declined to be interviewed. wav Sterna Caicaoo, May, 25. A speciil to tbe News from Washington says: Porto Rico is to be taken. The preaiJrot baa decided that Sa-npsoa shall move im mediately ea tbe ialaad while Schley gusroa vevera . as least su.UUU troop will be sent, and another arm ia at tbe same time to eater Cuba, tbe plans now le ing ready. aaetawe can Washuotoit. May. 25. Tbe event of the day ia tbe war situation waa the was tne issuance of a proclamation by the-preai dent calling for 75,000 mora volunteers. It added a new and stirring phase to the lettarie conditions which have prevailed of late, aad came with almost startling nriexpecteoneaa, even to many taigbomcers of thearay. Bl Astoria Fir AsroaiA, May, 25. Tbe largest fire in thta city in year occurred this afternooa completelv destroj ing tbe box factory of Clatsop Mill, the Columbia cannery, the i'acinc Union cannery, and the Leinen- Webercanery Tbe fire started ia the engine room of the box factory. rollowiog are the lessee: Clatsop Mill Company $ 16,000, insur ance $10,000. loiumoia cannery, rjj.uuo, insurance !1.0C0, Pacific Union cannery. $ 2,500 Lelnea Webber, $2,000. Nets and boats perhaps 110,000, Public Speaking. Hon, John M. Geaim at Albany, Tues day, May 31, at 8 p. m. What Or A E Salter Says. Buffalo. N Y. Gents: From mv peronat knowledge. gasod in obterviog tbe effect of tout Shtloh't Cure in case of advanced Constipation, I am prepared to say it is the most remarkable Remedy that has ever been brujht to my atten tion. It hat ortainly saved manv from Consumption. SjU by Foshay it Ma son. What pleasure is there in life with a bead ache, eonsti nation and biliousness lr Thou. ends esperience them who could become perfectly neaithy by turn De Witt s little Eaily Kisers famous little pills. j a, vriimming. . Children and adults tortnrad bv bnrn scalds, injuries, ecsima or skin disease may secure instant relief by using De wut s Witch U al Salve. It 1 the rea Pile remedy. J. A.CumminkS. Seethe new girdles, the verv la e.t, I French's show window. MISFITS. Some of the newsoaoers back east are I doing the government about as much unn as me strategic board. Do not believe any Manila news or any other newg that comes through 2fni;h othority. The Spaniards me prince ol liars. it loom very much as if a botch bad been made of tbe capturine of the Span ish fleet. The strategic board and even naval officers have undoubtedly been ' Ant aa. 1 44 Kan. L. a ' w-.n.vt. vj mo npftDiaras. Tbero 4ra talent .r mA., .u. at WSrAM-fu Wfl JJ V Wf UU1U UB I a' K they could fill com . w UKW f Ull UJOOIU I j . . ', . ZZZZr, I".' i.t wiw a. 1,-- -.a, .v gv uu;w; auu WKetQlDgS Had the Nicaraugua canal have been bnilt it wonld now be worth hundreds of millions of dollars to tbe United States just tor war purposes. It should be pushed ahead. A Eugene boy wrote home Irom Presi dio: Th. jt!m.ti.. .l.. A fl "!"" " JWCl.T BU1UW SlCIIIIIIIllIli; Blbt" fUr OQr xJ m 3-ck bit I attempted to ran tbe lines tbe sentry I quickly speared it with tbe point of bis oayonet ano in toe gossip of the Celiior- ma camo thev real I r comDlimited onr officers oa the efficiency of their men saying, "even a jack rabbit couldn't get through tbe Or agon lines- Frank Joseph Ego, foreman of tbe peach orchard force of tbe large orchards of tbe Bank of Ashland, is a sympathi zer with Spain. Ego objected to the patriotic utterances of tbe young Ameri can workers and yesterday the growing trouble witn tbe Spaniard culminated in a strike by tbe 30 American boys wbo walked out, leaving go alone. Tbe public schools of the city will close next week, ss per announcement elew wbere, after perhaps tbe most successful years school in tbeir history, noticeable lor toe tnoroogbness of the work, tbe harmony of the management and gener al satisf action among tbe patrons. Tbe reelection oi tne lorce win be an insur ance of a first class school for tbe next year. oc many people write letters ia a msnner that would be very ptesentable 'ben Dubliabed verbatim. Tbe Dsato- ckat gets few tetters that wonld show np well lost ss written, and otten socn trom educated people. Tbere are several can didate on the republican ticket wboee verbatim letters wonld not be examples ol literary art or speocenaa in cnaracter, Xot finding anything else against bim a candidate oa the union ticket ia ac ensed of having several years ago settled sa ac-ouat tor forty cents on the dollar. People living in glass house should cot - a prominent candidate on tbe re- publican ticket for another office, doesn't lre do even tnat mnch and lor years eccounu against bim have been ia tbe bands ol lawyers tor col lection without iiunn. iuu uwugu ia an u-o uc ainu an pouut aw m e men how on nsmee. Tbe Baker City Bepob!kan ia tbe only paper ia Oregon tbat has attacked tbe character of Hoa. W. B. King personal' i. t-v s r.i HI..I. 1 J' -a'' .evuua aiuvu.aw;,viB I reputation is being shown np by the pa- per. Uol. Alley i a trustee ot tne t-oia- ters Home by virtue of being; a soldier. At tbe last state encampment of the G A. R. in Engene. a committee reported thrt bis name could not be found on tbe roster of tbe company of which be claimed to be a member, and that etepe t should be taken at once to unseat him as a trustee. Al the grand lodge of kl aeona in Portland last fane, hi case came np in a aomewhst similar manner and a committee consisting or D. P. Mason and W. W. Steiwer pronounced him an imposter and recommended tbat all lodges be warned against him. The Insurance Situation. - Alhany inenrance agents this mcrning received tbe following: Tbe executive committee bave tbis day adopted a resolution rescinding circular number 3 issued March 26, 1$$S. im posing a special tax oo every policv tak taking effect after March 29. 1S9S. Tbe taxes already collected thereunder may be refunded. P. nt?. Olxkt, Manager. Besides tbis tbere will be a reduction oa property ia tbe city of nearly 15 per cent. Tbe re rating has already been done, and tbe new book will be ia Al bany by tbe first of June, st which time tbe new rates will take effect. Tbis shows a big advantage to tbe city of Al bany, ooe secured by the council and several of tbe agents after a live contest. A Clabu. Nevada Sctt. Seittle dis patch says tbat Mrs R L Uaa :horne, of Portland, today filed three suits again st tbe Pacific A Alaska Transportation Company and W W and H P McGuire. Mrs Hswthorne charges fraud against tne acquires, alleging that they as di rectors authorised the assignment of the company' interest in the 3).000 insur ance policy oa the Nevada to M J Mc Guire, the wife of H P McUuire, for the purpose of delaying and hindering tbe creuitors ot toe company in tne col-ec-tion of tbeir debt. Oatvllle. Several cases of measles have broken out here and two of whooping cough. There are seven bicyclists in our citv st present. If yon want to get strong go to Smith dining hall oa election day. Mr F 0 Stockton died on the 2Uh and waa interred in the Oakvtlle Oemetry veeterday. A large crowd of people followed the remain to their last rest ing place, Mr Stockton was one of the earl v pioneers and a fa'.thful member of the U P church for 36 years. He hss served as elder and for the greater part of that time his seat waa never vacant. He took great delight in church work especially in tbe Sabbath School sad Christian Endeavor and for many years tbe nights were not too stormy tor him to attend the mid-week prayer meeting ana uis attendance was not aa aa idle spectator bnt an active worker. "A good maa has been taken from ." A large crowd assembled at tha achnrd bones on Wedneecsy evening to hear Mr uates oi uiiisooro. Mr Smith saya : "lbs hoodlums were yelling from 7:30 to no clock." The tiate was hard close The road boss bas called oat a large force of men with wagons to haul gravel. ne expect oetier roads in tbe future. sir atone xnowa now to fix them. We wish tbat a Prof of whistling auuui cvuie iuiu ur ourg. u e Know be could get a class. The Temperance temple at Chicago is in need of money and unless the debt is paid by Sept 1st the Saloon element of Ubicsro will pay ior it snd use it against tun uienas oi temperance. Christian people can we afford to let tbem do this? Come to the rescue, the "Maine" has been attacked. Ltttlx Rosk Bi'o. NO CURE NO PAY. Thtt la the wi v ail dm 'gists sell GKoVK'STASTKLKS CHILL TMC for Malaria, Chills snd Fever. It Is simply -Iron aod Quinine in a ustelaae form. Children love H. Adult prefer e to btl'er, nauseaum Tunkxr Prio. 6 s Taere ar thre liitl things wiiioh d) more work tban any other tfcrei litti thing oreated they are tb aot, toe b and DeWitta Little Karly Risers, tk la t being the famous litti pill for ttcmaob and liver tronblet I A Camming . h TREATruENT FOR WE&K QEH. TRIAL WITHOUT EXPENSE. Tbe tsmons AppUaaee end Remedies of the Brie Med ical Co. now for tbe am tune offered oa trial wltboot expense to enr Donee nan. ae Be pail a 1st aatfeeiee. Core KHecta of Ersors or K actre w iwoor louoa-. nanaooa Vnllv HMtnred. How to Ukrn and amnrtm Week. TJDSTeiotd Portlnna nt Hudv. absolutely nntaiUnat Home Tntmant ftfo C O. D. or other aehemau A pialn oner vj a una ux aiga wanoini. it iirmnif rn .r97. If. MLUIUHLUV. , MJFPAU,N.Y lira $00 PACIFIC LINE. ToiUPcintiEai Solid vestibule trains, consistm ot pej- ace sleeping ear. Inxnnoos elegantday eoacne - cart ina rree coicmu. airrrj.. eific to tbe AUantie wiihoni change. coRDiancr axo cKXArasT nocra r Koolenny WAKCSr, nr DXSTsn, SIOCA err-, sxeo. ZAL.O, TBAIL. BOeSLAXPA0 aVl.f Mfl, rkla,it All points in the Okacs Country. Ge a cam pb let giving a full descnptios. of this wonderful oocntry. Ask for a copy of the mining lews of Bntisr Columbia. Lowes rate o and troni Atlantic eteamsbip ines. Canadian Pac.Ry. Oo.'s Boyal Hail Steamship line to China andJapan CaJADIAS ACSTSALIAJI STXAWX USX aosotnx, rxn a acstaixa. Tbe shortest lioe to tbe Colonies. The learners carry aa Hperaw man. aad a atewarac oa trcj j-- Forriav tables patitUrts. or any i ormatton. call on addresa. g S STEELE t CO. Agent. Albany W. Port- aod. Or- GEO. MCI bkui". "or v ancoiivea. iQRTHERJL PACIFICO- Pullman Sleeping Oars, Elegant Dimrg Cars, Tonns Bleeping varr at raai MinnearoUs Dnlnth Fargo, ;n Brand forks Crookstoa Winnipeg: Helena and Butt THROUGH TICKE'S, TO S -Ueago Washington kork button and al- oioU East and Sooth -. Throci tickdU to 1 apaa aad Ch &, rt Taonmaasd Sortnaa Pacific steamsnii Go aa American line- For information, time cards, jrp anc tickets rail on or write C ti unrxnart asoat. Albany, Or. A JJ artvr. tt" Portland. O- DENVER RIO GRANDE RAILROAD The Scenic line Of tqe World feeilj FiGHKicE! To Tbe im In through tourist cars witbont change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In liiip of Experiencei conduc tors ana porters To Kaaaas City Swd CM--SO Baffalo and Boston MOND1TS witioat ekaage-yia Sa-'t Lake alasstari Pact tic aad Chicago St Alton Boiiroad To Oo-aha. Cnicao, Faffala TUESDAYS Bwon, witbost cbaage. V Salt Lake aad Chicago Rick Ialaad A Pacific Ky Ts St Joseph, Kansas Citv, WEONSUAT3 A St Lewi. vntat U Ttaalt Lak aad Bariiag tew root . . . To Kansas City aad Sv Lw THURSDYS witheat ehanar, via Sals Ikaad Mtss4ari Pacine By A day atoporer arranged at Lake aad lVner A Rid through th fascoa Colorado Soaaery inn For rate aad information mqair ct U & N aad S P agent er addrea R C Nrcaot. Gen Agt, S K Rooxas, 251 Waahmftoei street, I7",r Portland Or,oa t dorado. Oregon liEvruAL & EASTERN R, Be CO. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting at Y aqmna Bay triththe San Francisco & Yatdna Sa? STEAMSIIIP COMPANY. Stsaiin'Msil" Sails from Yaqnina every SdsTB foi Saa Francisco, Coos Bay.HumboMt bay, FASSsmsa AccoMOOATioiit CascarASSxt Shortest route between the Willam ette Valley sad CaUiornie. Fare from Albany and points west tc Baa Francisco Cams Btkkxaos Round trip good for 60 days. To Coos Bay Cabin .1 8 Of .. ...17.0C S.0s 6 00 steerage. . " ' , Port Orford. To uuiaooiu bj 10 qi tkhia V.V.V.V". 800 eerage River Division. Steamer "Albany" between Portland Ji tWvalUs. through without layover. r:r iwnlln 6:S0 a. m. Tuesdays. fhuredsysaud Satn-dafs, leaves fort and. 1 am Dill a-rena uwa, v.w m. Mondays eunrouaj auu i i-j o. Edwin stokx, w "iaaager Supt River Div Lat evervbody come io tne Star Bakery and get 40 loaves of fresh bread for fi.oe U MtlSI.J