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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1898)
f -v ' VOLXXXIIl ALBANY OREGON, FRLDA1, MAY 27, 1898. Enters ft at Mbaay. r. ee-eis Mat i H -t P IETTIIC PaklUkcr sad Propria N043 i "1.1 ii ii 4-, V lWffiiiiiniwmiimiiimnnwiiiiwii lf? cgetaUePrcparatioafor As similating tteToodandRegula bng theStomachs andBowels of RomotesDiestion.Chcerful ness and Rest.Con tains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Kot Narcotic. HwmJmd- A perfect Remedy for Cons lioa- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions,Fcvtrish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW "YORK. Ml EXACT COPY' OF WRAPPER. tea: PHO ENIX BICYCLES. j it Stand the AjLesuer for TEN YEARS among HIGH GRADE WHEELS. Oar Pbornix OiS- Crank made a record lor itself last Reason - Not On Broken Crank in Oregon, Washington or Idaho out of the Hundreds of Wheels sold in these three states in The Result is that others are counterfeiting this crank, bnt this HnM not Alude Wise Bayers who have already purchased hundreds ol the 1898 Phoenix bicycles. Bo far we have been nnable to Get Them Fast Enough to aonDlToor 'agents. Bat our Second Car is on the Road. The Golden Eagle Bicycles aie built for service and to supply the demand or an honest, d arable wheel at a moderate price. - -Write For Our Bicycls , HATES, "The Fair." igentfop llbany. Oregon Gas Light Heating ifteap Light For Cheap Heat For Cheap Powe For Correspondence Solicited. DR F E. ADJKS, Pres. LUFIEEEKSES SSC. PreDariM For the Battle A. of Life Where shall it be don;? Certainly where the best preparation can be had. bany College has claim s in this direction that;call for closer investigation . A Full College Training is of coarse the best thins. Bat Albanv also Basinets College Coarse that is inferior to none in the state. Correspondence invited Fall term opens Sept 14, 1898. . ;S Wallace Howe Lee, A. M., " Scenic Ihse"-World mm v- .At, ft V Sct'?lJasl- rssns HAVE YOU BEEN IN Thomas Brink's Lately. He has one of the finest stocks of Furni ture in the valley. He has added Babv Buggies to h s stock. Just call in and you will find that his prices are the ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J.Joseph. Proprietor. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature; of The Kind You Have Always Bought. ntii Racket" AW . ii i i in; i mm MTCHELL, LEWIS ft STATES CO., Portland, Oregor. and Power Company, Church Souse and Hotel Church, Hooss and Hotel Anything and Irerythtag effers a superior Normal Coarse, and a President. SDENVERa :.R)0 GRANDE RAILROAD. THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR LINE FROM THE ww. Northwest East -TO ALL POTNTS R C NKHOt, CoerW Acnt S. K. HOOPER, & P. at T. A. SI Wiasrn lt.rOS-TlAND.OM. DZNVER.COia Furnituie Store I gTJ.RBT3.sV2g ELOQUEN T MRS. LEASE. Mrs. Mary E. Lsae,probably the most eloquent woman in the United States, spoke last night at the open house to fair sised audience under the auspices of the Albany College., Our citizens were given a literary treat rarely enjoyed in this city- Mrs. Lease is a woman, of wonderful magnetism and held ber and ience for an hour and a quarter as few speakers ant able to do. Her presence is a commanding one and her manner of patting a statement so forcible as to be almost convincing against the will. Her subject "The Swoid and the Bond," leading up to the present war, was an intensely patriotic one as handled We give a few of her prominent state ments : There is a wave of unrest, and the hoar of readjustment is at hand involv ing tbe perpetuation of man. roe giants of machinery nave soper- ceaea laoor, causing a slatted market and unproductive labor with an overpro duction of things. - - We are is an age when there shall be no more sea, told try John. Toe world baa been transformed and is now in the arms of an electric nerve and the bonds of sympathy are general. as aispiay ea in me case oi amtcted India, aud now in Cuba's oppression, in her great struggle tor ireeaom, and civilisa tion demands thai the oke be taken trom ber. From the days of the tower of Babel westward in periods baa been the march of nations until we have reached the end in this magnificent western country, and can no longer escape the great questions oi tne day. bat mast meet and settle tbem ourselves. Every advance has been made over rough places and with great opposition and baa been cradled In a manger. First religions liberty was secured, then polit ical liberty and nsw we must have econ omic freedom in tbe equitable dntribu tion of tbe results of common toil,- It is time for the fulfillment of the savins- of we itsserine, v naiaoever you would that men should do to voa do ve also tin. to them." Preparations are going on in Europe that will wipe kingdoms From the earth. oa nan u ai we neaa, rosoins on to wards Constantinope, which will be the capital of ber empire. England has al ready been checkmated by ber in tbe Chinese empire. S ; s While England's friendlein-a toth- TTo. ited State is a selfish one, for she must nave oar cereals and cotton and financial support or the bank of England woril.i close her doors, nd yet with the com bin auon we cooid dely we powers oi tbs world. t r" As a christian nation It was oar datv to stop tbe cruelty of the Spaniard.wbicb in a year by starvation and butcbey bad destroyed a third of the population of Cuba. Had the DiinciDlea of the St Lonia nlit. form been lived up to the Maine would not have cods to the Havana waters and tbe war would not have occurred. Tbe character of modern warfare was graphically pictured and the importance of Deaey's victory was tbe c imax of eloquence - The United Btatee is destined to be tbe asylum of the world's oppressed. lbe Bag of tbe United Steles wiil wave ever Morro castle and perhaps over Mad rid itself, when tbe Spanish officials will take refuge in tbe catacombs of Rome. , uespite tbe wars tbe world is better than ever before, is broader in sympathv and more civilised. 1 The fature will see the prevention of crime. There will be a brotherhood of men and women nnder one code,applying to both. Tbe audience was verv aDoreciative and the impression received of the pow ers of the gifted women was a general one. - At Detroit. From tbe Statesman : Frank Perkett, n leading young bus- mess man of this place,': and Miss Jjx xie Rsy, of Mill City, who is at present employed as teacher here, wen married in Albany last Friday evening and are comfortably settled in their home here. All tbe sawmills here are ranninv In full capacity wkb many orders ahead. Work on tbe mill being erected by tbe Detroit Lumber company is being poshed rapidly and tbe machinerv will eooe. be in place. New logging camps are being established along tbe rail road below here by tbe mills at MiU City and Gates and altogether businecs is in a better eoadi tiou in this canyon tnan ever before. . Obituary. Bza M. Hulburt was born in Milton Vemont,on Jane 30th, 1818, moved with her parents to Canada about three years later, was married to Elias Truax in 1839, was left a widow by bis death Feb. 18, 1854, moved to Oregon in April, 18S4, and died Maj 17, 1898. She professed religion at an earlv in. and has led a christian life and died in ineiaunopsof a blessed resurrection. She raised a family of six ve of whom are living to mourn the loss of a una and loving mother. Three in this state, H. H. Truax, of Miller, with whom she resided, Mrs. 8. W. Ross, E. T. Trnsx, of Albany, and two in Canada. She aleo leaves twenty-two grandchildren ana eignt great grantcmidren. Tbs funeial was held at tbe home to day at 10 o'clock conducted by Rev. B. nartmsn. Catarrh Cured. A clear head aao weet breath secured with Sbiloh's Ca srrh Remedy: sold by Fother A Mason Stop that Cough! Take warning. It may lead to Consumption. A 25o bottle i stiiiou i t;ure mar ave your me. sold y Fosbay A Mason. Delicate Children They do not complain of anything in particular. They rt ennuirh. but keeo thin and pale. They appear fairly well, but have no strength. You J cannot say they, are reaiiy sick, and so you call them delicate. 1 Whatcanbedoneforthem? jf Our answer is the same that t the best physicians have been S giving for a quarter of a cen- 5 tury. Give them c scca'simdsioa of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo phosphites. , It has most re markable nounsning power. It gives color to the blood. It brings strength to the mus cles. It adds power to the nerves. It means robust health and vigor. Even deli cate infants rapidly gain in flesh if given a small amount three or four times each day. ucandti-eo; .11 sru jgtat. SCOTT SOWNE, Chtmltu, New York. SsTsrssWilWsWSl ALBANY IN 1879 Boiled Dow a from the Democrat v j from Feb 21 to April 4. Tbe Albany Ladies Aid Society was organized. f,n s . . , ,; :. ; The Dbxockat stated that Miss Lsura Tate, .Albany's celebrated pi grist, bad returned borne from San Francisco. Dan W Rumbaugh's first daughter fras born on reb. 23 1879. -; r - r A lodge ot Good Templars was organ ised. Among the officers now in Albany were Mrs F M Westfall, J A War ner, and W R Blain. i. N Liggett now editor of the Prineville Review was Chief Templar. For $ 1 yon only got 10 pounds of sugar. A Lebanon railroad meeting was held. A D Rogers, Fred Graf and John Mil lard were the first delegates from Albany to attend a grand lodge of A O U W (he first one . being held in Portland on March 4. 3,000,000 feet of saw logs arrived down the Ca la pools for Allen, Robinson A Co to be sawed in the mill, the relic of which still existb. Tbe Blue Ribbon Club, the temper- ance organisation of the city, had 750 members. Cap Hunaobrev and iobn Conner addressed the meeting oa March 8. J I Willaby sued the city of Albany for $10,000 damages received trom fall ing into the ditch being built on Ferry street. The suit was settled by paying mm si,ouu. These were temperance days in Albany. Tbe Legion of Honor was ad dressed by Judge Piper, Prof Hewitt uave ( roman and J L. Cowan . The Le gion bad 120 members. George Humph rey was president. 47 arrivals at the St Charles on Uab. day, without any extra occasion. . In tbe Dnocut ot March 11 was pub lished a temperance rfedee with the names ol the signers and Us number of years they agreed to abstain from using r . i . . . uHiuaHiiil liquors, ranging from one year to 99 years and life. Those for life or 99 years now residing in the valley were i u Stewart, L tfiiyen, Jason Wbseler. L E Blain. Phil CnW c ve Langdon, T P Hackleman. Samuel E xoaog. V A Hamphrev. John Coanar and W R Graham. B W Onodiff sign ed for 20 years and hence most wait a year longer before drinking.. Browntvills subscribed IIS Off) far th. railroad through teat city. ThosC V inn. father of O B xeimn died on April 2. P D S Olney, the Underwriter mana ger tor the " W is in tbe city, on insur- ice Business. Mr. Bernard Marks, who has fcn teaching school in Winters. Calif , tbe past year arrived in Alhenv this mnrnin. and will spend hie vacation ber reta ru ng in ume lor tne tail sc boats. $ Lieot Woodrbridgs Gearv of the O A C bas bren ordered to Join bis regiment, the nineteenth U B infantry, in tbe south, and wilt leave at once toward ths seat of war. - Tbs social announced to be riven bv tbe Y. P. 8. O. E. of Uio U. P. cborcta tomorrow evening, on account of an en tertainment at the coUewebas been post poned for a week. The eight year old son of Grant F ro man a day or two ago took a tan- ble from a fence, dislocating one of bis legs at the hip. He tLooght bis time was come when it was pat in place Hon. tf . A. Miller, of Lebanon, is in the city on bis way borne after a trip through the valley with Hon. R. U. Veatch. He reports good andiencee and general interest with excellent prospects for tbe onion forces. Hon. Frank C Baker, of Portland, has been elected Grand Represenative oi the Ancient Arabic Order of the Mystle Shrine meeting at Dallas, Texas, next month. The Mystic Shrine is an inter national Masonic order of high degree. Tbe alumni association of the Albanv college met last evening at the residence of Mr Walter Peacock and began ar rangements for tbe annual reunion hicbt will take place commencement week at tbe college, probably under aomewbat lbe same pi in at that of last year. Rev B Hartman and family, of the United Evangelical church last evening were given a p'easaat surprise by friends including member of the church. Though having retired for tbe night they were equal to tbe occasion and were soon tea Jy for their welcome company. Tbe 110th general assembly of tbe Presbyterian cboreh was convened this afternoon at Eagle Park, Indiana. Dr Trombaii Lee, brother of Prof Lee of wis city, was the one chosen to make the presentation speech of tbe gavel for tbe occasion, an important event in tbe opening of all assemblies. Last year ex- president Harrison made tbe speech. Mr and Mrs C F Rockwell, who save "lbe Oriental Fete" in Salem Tseeday and Wedneedav nights are in the city for tbe purpose ol managing the presen tation of the same here. Tbe Journal says : Msnr home talent entertainments have been given at Reeds opera boose but none on such a brilliant scale as was witnessed last night in the spectacular extravaganza 'An Oriental Fete.' Mr and Mra Rockwell assisted by tbe Uni tarian Ladies deserve great credit for we able manner in which tbey have manag ed and conducted this worthy enter prise." WHEAT. New York 155c for Mar. 113Kc tor J my. Ubicsgo 145c for May, 107c for July. San Francisco 96e for Dec, Liverpool lsc lower. Albany 82c. His Mover DiSAprtAaxo. Wm Cochell ot Crawfordsville, was in the city today with blood in his eyes. When in Albany some time ago he partook of too mucb of tbe yuce that inebriates and when be found out where be was at was minus $40 or over in money. Good ad vice in such rases is to keep tbe liquor from the stomach aod then you can keep the money in your pocket. He is entirely on the wrong track for getting it back. Fill Of r. Last evening the eight yesr old eon of Mr. W. F. Hammer.wbile rid- ng on a bone, back of another boy, fell off striking on his besd. I: was 'feared at first that he was killed, but after be- Ilng unconscious until 4 o'clock this morn ing be came to and is doing well. Sf Pxbkirs will be himself I will appear In the original Si Perkins. Don't miss It, and while yoa are think ing about it go around to Burkbart & Lee's and see tbe bicycle tbst will be I given away next Saturday night if you are there to get it. Taa First Gams ef base ball of the I northwest league lor this season wss played yesterday at Portland between Portland and Spokane. Portland won 1 12 to 4. Fleming, of the famous Albsny Oolta. was in tbe box for Portland and I did some greet work for tbe winning team, striking out 10 men to Spokane's 4. One car load of Pbosnix Bicycles gone already and another on tbe road. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY raka Ltsttlvs Bom Q itnins Tablet I AH Drugriits refu 1 1 the money If It fal Curs, o. TEIDAT Middle ot The Road Matter. Mr. B F ChilJs bas resigned as nom inee for senator on the regular people's party ticket, and last evening R M Owens, a resident of Shed J preciact.get ting his mail at Psoria.was sppoinfed by petition to fill the place on the ticket. The petition contains 73 nsmes, msde op in five sections, of whom only fifteen or twenty are of the middle-of the-road party. A special effort was msde to get democrats and a lew are on we uit, tbe remainder being republicans. Following is tbe list of the signers, wnicu speaks for Itself: ; J A Finch. E L Lunn. J L Hill, G W Window, J W Uarvsy, R Porter, B R Forbes. J A Coney, E E Coon. W O Tsrkcon. R Fsrweil. D 8 Gibson, W W Tait. A L Douglas, N Barber, M L Foe- tor. L. F Smith. Ed SchoeL W A Radar. D Peters, Frank Skipton, Jss Mcbaniel. L Ray, Cbas Wsgoer, C Bue'.ow, A M os ier, M Miller, J W Goods, Jacob Frank, E F Hylaud, Ni St ru boar, J M Merrick, Smith Cox, Ernest Cxorske, Wm Hand. R ft Fiodiey, E S Buckner, W E Rich, W W Rowell. J R Marean W H Daniels. M . O Scbsobel, C J woeeier.O U McUbee. 1$ iey, Darrwger, George Korsbele, E E Wal ton. Wm Crewse.E Wasuff. B W Mo Gee, D W Hardin, John Nichols, H Par ish, J F Whedbee, Frank Dodge, W C Peterson, J Reynolds, I M Crsndell. O 0 Amos. W U Goes. A O Stun S B Coyle, O Ayres, 8 Collier, W G T A Swann, W 8 Clevenger. U W Rice. Miss Neatly 8tevens, tbe famous plan. iat, gave a oncert in Kagene last night. The memorial sermon will be Dreacbed this year by Rev. Ronald McKillop in tbe u,r. cnurcn. airs William it rarker is ill with ap pendicitis. An operation will probably not do necessary. A J Plckard, Lane county's stock man, 1 was in Aioaav yesterday to ship a load of cattle from this city. Mr. J. R. Wyatt, of this city, yester- day. at Portland, was admitl tted to prao tics In the U. S. circuit court At tbe Sugar Pine Mill and Fixture Go's factory yesterday Fred Bathe bad tbe end of a finger taken off by a lathe knife. G T Paivin, a brother of Prof Parvia of this city, died in Barton, Kan this week. He was a veteran of th civil war being in the loth regiment III, vol nnteers Tbe students of tbe Sisters school held a deligbtial picnic acre as tbe Willamette last Wednesday, enjoying themselves for several boars as only young people uov now. Hon. F. I. Dunbar, ot Astoria, candi date for secretary of state oa the repub lican ticket, arrived in Albany last night irom me nortn. tie is making a trip wroogn we vauey. A fine boqoet of rhododendrons from ths front oa the Corvallis A Eastern been oa the Dssocsat's table tUy, intonan turn Kindness ot ice U. ' t, agent, lboss flowers are now tbs attraction along wai mau trom toe Day to tne mooataias. Tbe large delegation of Odd Fellows from different patU of the state passed through Albany this noon for their bomea. Tbey bad a verv socoterfnl meetias- of lh. I 1 . . J . i i . I a ncaeovrg, ana speac la igb terms ol tbe trsateeat received bv tbe bosptUbie people of that city. The firm of Simoaoa A Huston Is svi. d stilly e beJiever of pteaaant borne. Robi Huston recent) aconirrd tbe uh property and transformed it into a neat, comfortable and nictoretane Immn This week John Simpson purchased tbe r jonnton reside ore, one of tbe cost Itsst and handsomest booses in town Corvaliis Gazette. From tbe Journal: Mr. and Era. C. F. Rockwell, under wboee sunervision the "Oriental Fete" was produced in ibis city, left todsy for Albany where tbey expect to present their splendid perform ance. Tbe Sentinel tars: Tbey Cis played s Ulent and oroficienev here that ought to insure tbem s access in any com munity oi cuiutte and intelligence. C. W, Watts sends the following a- rnong o'bers as having registered at Lake nenoeu: Albany. A Heibert. C W WstU. A McKecbine. John Iaon. Joe. Miser. Seisin 8 Watson. I O Boxarth. O U Cbinert, J Hewitt. A F Slowe, J H Ferrer and wile. J B Inun. Don Trnitt. 8 J Gray. J W Savre. w Jorv. A Gr.llv. Dave Drarer. Georra Johnson. Russell Colemsn. James Mathern. Jos eph Cavanaogb, C Smith, Hans Black. The Odd Fellows. Following are the new officers elected by the grand lodge st Roseburg i Grand master, T B Wells, Pendleton ; deputy grand master, W II Wehrung. HHlsboro; grand warden, M L Dorria, Independence; grand secretary, E E Sharon, Portland : grand treasurer, T O rarxer, neiem; grand representative, uisua ustcn, naiem. Rebekabs: President. Miss Pauline I Miue. vorvaius; vice-president, csran Wimberly, Koseborg; warden Mrs Minnie Holman. Salem : secretary. Mrs Ora Coeper, Dallas; treasurer, Mrs Clara ooyie, jjeoanon. The CorvallU Boys. Forty or more CorvaUis people drove or rode over to Albany Monday evening to see tbe tbe soldier boys, on their way to Manila via San Francisco, says tbe Gaxette. CorvaUis bss a special interest in a number of the volunteer snd among thorn: Lieutenant Ralph Terrtll, Ser geant J J Thurston. Corporals, Noel Abrama, Heady and McAlliter, Bugler Konkite. and privates. John Armstrong, El wood Clark. Ed Carter, tbe two De- Lashmutt boys. Harvy Kelly. W G Ken nedy, George Reed, Herman Breyer, Ar thur Simpson. W B Scott. Silas Thorn ton. Wallace White. Sato Pool. William Abernathy and W M Cook. 1 be major ity o! these are ia Compsny ft. Am Alaska Parxa. The DxnocaAThss a copy of the Stikeen River Journal, of Msv 7.oublihed at Fort Wrangle. Wash It is well gotten up and is full of Alaska nsws. Among the advertisements is one of the Victoria Hotel. Day Bros, oronri- etors, Harry Day manager, both former ly of Albany. A special meeting of tbe cbsmber oi commerce wss beid to de nounce the Seattle P. I. for misrepre senting Fort Wrangle and t'is Stikeen route, at first naming tue eauor u. u Piper personally, but dropping bis name 1 -.. 4 nM . r.. mm., ITUUl IUB ITOiUUUUI ( -to. Preliminary Contest. Tonight at the College beginning about 8 o'clock an oritorical contest will beheld in wbich eight or ten young men and la dies will orate, t ive juages nsve been annointed. and from the orators will lect four for a prize contest to take place during commecement week. The pio grain though of sn informal order will be an interesting one. The public generally is invited to be present and it is desired that there be a large attendance. It will be free to everybody. WhooDing cough Is the most distresslnc malady; but it i duration can be cut short tation-padlock : L L White, Ban Fran by the use of the Minute Cough Cure, cisro.Cal. denUl impression material, which is also the best known remedy for For copy of any patent send 10 cents in croup and all lung and broncial troubles. ' postege stamps with date of this paper J. A. Cummiog. toO Afinow&OoWashlngton,DC. ; WHEAT. . New York 165c for May 115c for Jnly. aicagoisoo tor May, ltwc tor July San Francisco 94,e for Dec. Liverpool 2.4c lower, Albany POc. Wis w Cauroama. W H Lowden of Ban Francisco, manager of tbe Pacific Department, Norwich Union Fire Insur ance Society, who bas been in tbe city tne past lew days visiting tbe local saen- ey, left todsy for points up tbe-valley. tie was accompanied by A W Glety, tbe iucai representative ot litis insurance company. Mr Lowdsa Is a very affable gent'eman. He reports tbe condition of crof s in uaiifornla to be in a deplorable stair. Tbe fruit and srain eroo. ha savs. will hardly be a foorth of the nanal Salem Joarnai. These gentlemen have also been in Albany and with Mr Olney are doing tbe valley generally. Lots or Cattls. Several car loads of cattle were being shipped from Albany today to Montana. Tomorrow tbe Cralt Brothers will shin 1700 to St Lonia. ant of tbe biggest bands sent out yet and in a few days Bradley A Clemens will ship 2000 to 3000 over the Northern Pacific from th'.s city. Albany is tbe shipping point for this part of tbe valley and is we center ol tbe world generally. Scddss I Sato. Mrs James J Will lams died suddenly at Brio last Wednes day. Sbe was retting breakfast when abe dropped dead from heart disease. Mrs liliams wss a oioneer and a wo man of estimable euaraeter whose death will be generally tegretted. HATTTR-n A - SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Regular meetiog of tbe Meeeabsea at their oew hail tonight. You will miss it if not pteeent. Thers will be a social dance after the play at the opera boose tonight, by the Albany orcnescrs. Miss Julia Taylor finished ber year's school at Gates yesterday and returned to Albany last evening. Dr G W Grey, of Baa Jose, baa da-, cUled not to build the residence for whicn be recently received bids, oa ths grounds that tbe bias ware too high. B re lis Oaraoa of Lebanon aad James Ktgzs of Brownsville returned to their homes yesterday firm the blind school at Salem, wbich has dosed lor the year. Warren and Ross Deyos were down from Elk City Moods v. We understand that Mr L. W, Devon and family intend to take the next steamer for Coos Bay. Toledo Leader. J L Shay, who was oa board the Maine when blown no tissstd through Albany this week for Portland on a viaft with bis sister. He bad three ribs bro ken, and is now off doty oo a month's fur.oagh. Baetbelor. the pioneer iewelry drum mer is in the city, wearing a white up- to-date bat He declare that be dis carded bis broad brimmed straw became he met a populisf. with one lost tike it down oo the' clher side towardc Port land. Un T W Davenport. V Salem, aad Mra A Wheeler, of Albanr. arrived Thursday on a visit to Mrs M Craw ltit 1, Mrin.1. IT ford, who is serioosly B!. W W Craw ford, accompanied by his wi.'e, came over from Tailman yesterday to be with bis mother for a lime. CorvaUis Times. T G Bennett, who went to Portland to enlist with the Oregon Volunteers, retained borne last Friday. Mr. Ben nett successfully passed the rigid exam ination prescribed by tbe goeernmeni, baton account of earnest solicitations by his parents that be retnra borne, did so- Times. Mr. . M. French returned oa las night's overland from a seven weeks trip through lbe middle east, spending most of tbe time in Minnesota, visaing places be bad formerlly resided in, and with bis brother, while there etonptn a day with tbe parents and brothers and sister of the DaaocaaT man at Spring Valley. He also soeat several dava in Chicago profitably, among its great at tractions being struck most with th stock exchange and noion stock yards, snd was in Minneapolis aad St. Paul some, the former fast leading In tbe race of supremacy. He reports a general appearance of prosperity throughout the state. Geo. H. Williams .of Portland, spoke in tbe court boose last sreedug to a small sod ience. Mr. Williams baa the dis tinction of being tbe only Oregon iaa who k A m mUmI MMtlwia a - -1 - - a-"- I ".0 TJruX ii. i . - : v 1 UMH IB WBIUIM WHIf A.. ., March 23, 1823, and hence is "5 years of age. He was admittsd to tbe bar to 1844. moving to Iowa, where be became district judge in 1847. filling tbe position for five years, in be was appointed I chief justice of the territory of Oregon and came here that year. He was a member of tbe constitutional convention I snd was elected U. S. Senator in 1864. I aod during nis term introduced the fa mous reconstruction bill. He was ap polnUd attorney general of tbe United I States by Grant in 1871, filling the office for lour years, tie baa since practiced lw in Portland and baa occasion ally been called upon to make republican speeches wbea it is thoogbt something heavy ia needed. - As a man be is beid in bigh respect, ajd bas generally been con sidered as Oregon's ablest eiUsea.thoogh st tbe present time be is displaying er ratic judgment on tbe single gold stand ard question. A Dawson Letter. John A Singleton, of Salem writing from Dawion, ssys: Day before yesterday was Easter Sun day and 1 attended tbe services at tbe Presbyterian church in the morning and in tbe evening was bsld tbe organisation of tbe church with 69 charter members of wbich I am one. It is known aa the Klondike Presbyterian church of Daw son. The ministers are Rev 8 Hall Young and vr Mcuwen. If I remain here next winter I expect to go down on tbe American side and locate there. This country is not all gold, but I will ssy that on all creeks which bars, been thoroughly orosoected there bss been gold found but no where nesr so rich aa reported. There s-e 5000 men here now of whom perhaps 100 will go out with "big sacks," 500 with medium sums and 100 with about I20C0 esch and tbe rest bave only enough to buy thsir food and clothing for the coming winter. List of Patent. Granted to Pacific states inventors inventors this week. Reported by O A Snow A Co. patent attorneys. Wash ingtcn.D. O. F Anslsy, Medics! Lake, Wash. Strainer for milk-pails; O L Baldwin. National City, Gal. plant support; L 0 Christie, Sen Francisco, Cal, testing ap paratus ; N Fsllsk, Ssn Francisco, Csl, throw-ofi switch for telephones: W H Frasine, Montpelier, Cal, hay cocking machin; A Kenney, Los Angeles. Cal, water-wheel ; 0 K Kir by, San Francisco Cat, continuous wine-press : W R Ram, sey, Keno, Oreg, coffee-roaster; G flan h'.ntlaAr Hal malA- I nw. . t a r.ii..Ju Unmi. n.i stsjs ssskss fas fssd swrs. &AKII10 FOYDIii Absolutely pure) WM wOr3lg PWsTJsTB CM., eW ssssjf LEBANON. From tbe Express-Advsnce: Miss Amy Collins, of Albany, spent Sunday with Miss Birdeen Johnson. beo. W. Harris was out from Albany yesterday aad placed a fine tombstone over tbe grave of Mrs. Wm. Ralston. Mias Ids Smith, of TaV-ian. and Up. George Ysnk were netted in marriage at oeauieon May 11 m. Tbey bave taken up weir residence in that city. G. W. Daggett and Mrs. Melissa Hj- ran were married at tbe borne of W. H. Cleavenger in this city Monday evening. nev. a. x at mas omciaung. Cyclone" Davis, the famous ooouliat orator, wil! speak in this eity on Satur day, May 28ti, at 2 o'clock. He will al o speak in Albany oa the evening of tbe same uay. The candidates oa tbe union ticket are to speak in Lebanon next Tuesday after- Boon. Mies Edna Allen, of Albanv. has Wn the goest of Miss Magers several days invitations are out announcing tbe marrtsge of i iss Minnie Hamilton to air. ttooert Crniksbanks in Portland on r i ... ., ... a in namuion icrmerly re sided in this city, and is a niece of C. H. naisica. HOME AND ABROAD. Bar Stniiy's U-aa Printisg. descent Bicych. Hopkins brothers, ageata. Beat Bicycle forbie ssobey. Will A Stark. jsweers. Call at French's snd see his sirdlM fm U cents op. If yoa mis swing the Si Perkins Co voa i. .i . . . i j w uru oi -ne Mason. Osit aad skbt soDoortpra S. 10 aJ l.S cents at F. M. French s. Cresceet birrrlrs at Hnnkina RtrK-n for only $33, .T0, 35 and tjO. Fresh seeds, two nark mlw, nk-u - Stewart A Sox Hardware Co, Freth seeda. two nafkami for a aVlssT! Al Stewmrt A Sox ttsraware Co'. CrdUtl come amoad to A O Rmiu'i m- Ice Cream Parlors after y oar ride. Crackers are now wav down i pnee. call oa C E Brosell for fmh ones. Lsdiea long watck chains at low cries at F reach's Jewelry store. If Ton want vood sewies- maehine aerdleaaedou get them of French ths eweler. Mrs Vtereck's Ice Cream Parian anil Somtner Garden are opened for the seaton. Fine detiooos ke cr-am aad ice cream sods. Tne Albaay Reserve Corns win meet next Monday afternoon at tne GAR hall for tbe purpose of completing tbe organi Mtion. All women desiring to be mem bers are lequested to be presen. The birgeit individual tale of wheat this year was made by Stetea Freettea of is county at CorvaJii. for 89S'c. Be was at on time osered more than that He told .317 tmabels. Another box of borne rinibmici from the gardens of Wm Peacock. acroM the Willamette. Ihis was a big one. tne box wesittoosd several days ago being of dim- lull re proportioas. The following is a samsie of Salem ad- veitiaiag: Jeff Myers Can ride a bike as good as aay one. bnt he's not so swift as a professional, if yoa are in need of paints aad oil go to Gilbert A Patterson . J L Tadea. of London. Sr.. baa been awards tk MmHi K. awaraec tbe contract (or IU d The"-Dal.ea att4944. Tbe route between Prineville aad Boras is beid by the some maa. Doctors may disagree aboot tbe treat- meat of a case bat all agree that prescrip- sbould be nut oo at Bark hart A Lee's drag store. They are careful. Try tlaem aod be convinced of a fact worth re- ssemeeriag. Arrangements are being made in Port land for sbtPDiag tbe Oregon exhibit to Omaha. It is intended to make it a cred itable one. A tut of the contributors for expeste are published showing the foi- lowing from Albany: First National Bank $o0 Sam E. Yooag.$25-, Charles Ffeiffer I0; W. C Burkbart, $2.50. The Oregon Voluoccrs. In a long account ot the arrival of the Oregon Volunteers tbe Chronicle says: Refreshed and eager to get their first view of San Francisco's principal streets the eight new companies fell in behind the four tbst bsd come to act aa escort and tbe tour mile march to the camp ground beg-w. Up Market street, b eased by tne regimental Dana ana oy tbe civilian musicians, tbe soldiers trom the neighboring etste swung along, march i no- bv comnanioa and four abreast. As tbe long line stretched out and showed tbe regiment in one body citisens along the sidewalks and perched high in the windows were demonstrative in their ex pressions of approval. "Best-looking lot of volunteers vet," was a common ex pression sll along Market street, out Turk aod northward on Van avenue. Among the Oregon volunteers are the very pick and flower ot the principal towns of the Sum. Tall men are nu merous. Practically all the best foot ball players of Oregon are in the ranks. Cbsrlie Dillon, well known along lbe Coast as a comedian and mimic, is Com- miesary Sergeant of tbe regiment. Tbe companies are now aligned in al phabetical order, A being on tbe ex treme west of tbe cmp and M nearest tbe regulars. A Preliminary Contest. At the college last evening a prelimin ary declamatory contest was held among the young ladies to select four for priss contest during commencement week. There were seven entries. Fran- mb French recited the "Hero Woman,' Cora Alexander "The Rivals." Nellie Knaha "The Trial of Abe Barlow." Lot' tie Ketchum "How Aristarchua Studied Elocution," Oda Height "John Burns of Gettysburg," Ora Harkness "Claudius and iCvnthia," Elva Whealdon "The Boat Race " Ora Harknes, Lottie Ketchum, Elva Whealdon and Nellie ro sbsy were the four selected for tbe com mencement contest. Scoters Alter cold know they may be dioappointed, bot seeker after health lake Hood's 8raaoaritla with the utmot confidence that it will do them wonderful good. Hood's Tills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, billiouaness. 25o. ' WHEAT. New York 166e for Msy. 118c for Chicago, leuc lor nay iiie ior joiy. San F rancisco 90c for Dec Liverpool Sc higher. Albany 80c. A Pcblic Sals. The property of L E Blain was sold at assignees sale this afternoon at the court bouse as follows 100 acres near Brownsville to L Flinn for $700. One-half Interest in 480 acres of Um ber land n Hamilton creek for aboot $225 to S E Young. Kesidence property Albany to L flinn for $2320. Block in Elkln'a addition to Albanv for $260 to L Flinn. Block ia Goitre's addition to Albanv to Dr Davis for $80. To W H Rothell ten scree serosa the Willamette for $261. 10 s K Young 19 lots Corvalli $251. To L Flinn lot Yaauina Heights S1.161 block same $16, corner lot Nye Creek $30, 17 lots Alexandria $5. to Conn bollivan interest in west Ya- qoine property $21, interest in blobk in Ysyoina City $10. 2 lota Greenlake'e ad- aitton to Seattle 91. 10 W l, Vance interest in acres Alexandria. Tax Usual EircauDrcx. J . 8. Cope land writes from Ohio that he expects lo return to Oregon at an early date When Mr Cope land left for bis ol J Ohio borne a few weeks sgo be stated that be r a 9 a , . - luienuea 10 stay six months or a year snd perhaps never come back. But a few weeks stay there convinced him that were is no place like Oregon after all, and be will joorney back to old Webfoot atan early date. Toledo Leader. ' TnfcATBiCai. The live and pretty dra ma "Aline, the Rose of Killarney' was presented by tbe Si Perkins Company last evening to a good sixed aad pleased audience. This afternoon a matinee was being given, and tonight the week's en gagement will dose. At this time the ladies bicycle will be pre n ted, and no number will be considered unless tbe corresponding ticket is in the aad ience Don't miss it. Posttoxxd. On account of the wel come rain, worth th on sands to the far mer, the Crescent bicycle parade an nounced for wis evening, baa been post poned unui next Baruraay evening. atstty is Clean Mood means a dean ekin. Xo beauty withoot it. CaacareU, Candy Cathar tie clean toot blood and keen H clean, by stirring ap the buy lrrer and driving all im purities trom toe Doer, txgon to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, hlirt heaps, and that SKfcJy btnoss complexion by taking Castareta. beaaty for ten cm La. AO drng gaaa, astisfsrtion gBaranteed, 10e,2Sc.Sac After years of aatold saffstfog from pilss. B W Psrssll of Kaitaersvilis.r'a, wss earsd by asiag aatngls box of Oe Witt's Witck Bacsi 5ivs tfkia diasasss sneb as iihis. rssfe, puap'.as aad obstiaateSscras ate rssd dy cared by this UmoiM resisdy J A CaaiBusg What Or A E Salter Says. Bcrrato, S Y. Gents: From my peronal knowledge. ga:ned ia obvrriaa the effect of yo&r Shll-b' Core ia cases of advanced Constipation, I am prepared to aay it is the most remarkable Kerned that bas ever been brxijht to my attention.- It has certainly savd many trom um -option. Sold by Fosbay l& Ma son. What plearure U there ia life with a head- ache, eoasUpatioa aad biltoasnest? Thous ands expeneoce them who could become perfectly eeailtiy by octng lie Witt s bote tally Risers fa moos little pil'a. J A, Camming. Children snd adolfs 4ortared by Tbom scalds, injories, ecsema or skia disease may secore instant relief bv using; Do witt s itch Usaei salve- It is the Pile remedy. J. A. Cummins t. Tw-stna nr snny Casaa. riuaraatced totasts telt esra. makes weak smooa. bo- SScSl. AJlarsgr" Mcsic Miss Milorea Barm eater teacher of piano or.orgaa. System the Mason touch and technique. Keeidenc Vlfth street, opposite U P ebaeh. NO CURE SO PAY. That is tb w.v ail dra-rials sell QROVBTSTASrriLKSi CHILL 1MS1C for Malaria. Ctuiia and Fever. It la simply Iron and Qa'.nloe in a tasteless form. Children love u Adalts prefer is to b;t'er, nastMaling Toniesr Price. STs Taer ars three little things which da more work than any otkar three iittls thins ersated tbey ar tbs oak, taa bos and De Witts LUUs Early Risers, tis lat being the fsaoes little pills for stomach and liver traables J A Cnsssaiag To Cwre CosstrtpoOM Tuissssw Take Ciscareta Csady Cathartte. Me orSSa. II C. C C. rail ss swrs, draggm refnaKt nose TO CURE A COLD IN O.N DAT Take Laxative Brans Quinine Tablets. All drugasts refund tbe money if it fails oCure. 25c. Let everybody come to tne Star Bakery and get so loavss of fresh bread for $i.o cash. C Him. THE OCIllB'CE OF STSUP OF EGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Caxifokkia Fra Stbcp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As . the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Cauforkia Flo Stbup Co. only, a knowledge ot that fact will assist one in avoiding; the vrorthlesa imitations manufactured by other par ties. Tbe high standing ot the Caxi- roBXiA rio Sircf Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the frenuine Syrup ot Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It ia tar in advance of all other laxatives. aa it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritatinff or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. aAn ra.AMC.epa, cat, aectsviioa. sty. mkw tokk. . y. A A .1 f r Mil, Provisions, Feed, X2ssBanEtC. Owing to the change in prices it is impossible to cuote prices for any definite time. We -have the Hammond Oo. meats, lard, etc Will always quote prices as low as we can. Albany Trading Go. - 1st and Baker Sis. THE the'.best aad yet simplest type wnte auasiaetttred, the consummation of th inventors art. Aa expert steaographe after using many machines, says. "Icon ider the Yost Writing Machine far snper ortoanyl bave yet used-" Call at the Dawocaar office aad see one of the type writers that has to hare a perfect aliign mest. An Typewriters sapphes ordered. F. P. Nurrxaa. Agent. in t j -t. 1EW 1ORK WORLD 1 hri cc-a-TVeek Edition 18 Pages a Week . . . ... 156 Papers a Teas For One Dollar fWsJIsaswtvyrT AJScrsiSMaexeewtSaad Tb Thriee-n- Week Edition of Tna a aw orx Woaxs is Erst anvxg all "weekly papers in sixe, freqaencj cf publication and tbe fxeshaets, accuracy aad variety of its coLteara. It b&s ail tbe merits of a great $6 daily at the price of a dollar weekly. Its political news is prom pt, eom plete. accarate asd impartial as all Ui read ers wiU testify. It is against the monopo lies sad tor tbe people. It prints tbe news 01 ait we warm, nav iag special correspondence from ail im -portaat news points oa the globe. It has oriiliant illaatraSoa. stories by great anthon, a capital honor page, complete markets, departments tor ue nonseoota aad women's work aad other special oe- psrtsaenta. We offer Ibis naequalei newspaper and the DnvocaAT togetherow vear for t 00 S,AA4 go VTA TttAOC saABJta. onatona. eorvatoMTs a SCIEMTlFia AMEE18AM, kL HflBT II ao acianriSf SWuS. oa Fatssts Mat trs. t I tieas MUNN A CO., SSI W. Kew Tere. OliYer Plows-Hei m HOPKINS EB0S Agents. Albaay, Oregon, Oliver gave the world the chilled plow And it has saved more money to the farmer of America . than any other implement ever proaneea Geauine Oliver chilled are the best on earth. The Oliver is a promoter of happi ness oa the farm, aad we dealer wno sens it Inm-re. ha ia handling the best. Look out for imudtations and touch nothing but tbe genuine goods, made enly by OUve Chilled plow works. South Bend, I ad- U A. RIO GRANDE RAILROAD The Scenic Hue Of ttje World' WeeUj Ficnrsions To The E1ST In through tourist cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In uhaaga of Experience! conduc tors and porters To Kansas CVy and Chicago Bao.lo and Boston M0ND.Y3 withOBtohaoge-yU Salt Lake Missvuri Pacino aod Chicago tc Altoo Roil road To Omaha, Chioaso, Buffalo TUESDAYS Boeion, without ohaags, via Sa't Lss an Chictgo, Rack Idaod ft Pacific Ky To St Joseph, Ksnsas Citv, WEDNSDAYd ft St Lcais, without change via Salt Lais acd Barling too route To Kansas City and Sw Louis TBURSDYS without ehaogs, via Sals Laksaad Missonri Peoifio Ry A dsy stepovsr arranged at Sal Lsk aad Dsnver . . A Rid through ths famous Colorado o For raise and information inqstrs of 0 R & N and S P gt dJ'J"ir RCNK-aouGsn Agt, K Boesas, 851 Washington street, DauYer, Portland Orsjon CJorado. '?4 I a Avium m W -tr Sau'-Hni aT Sine I lallTp- aasoci foe-a-rarms "aWM SB laum We han- a VaSiwtts 01 Psseais takvsi taisa Mama A Co. rsaatvs saaasal aottee la tas DENVER