The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 20, 1898, Image 1

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    ,. HI
Eater as s.e Pest at tleaay. r. Dee4tUti Hall Haittit
r. r ITTI rabllsher east rraartctar
NO 42
A. A. . av -
If I '.J .
1 Uffiffr..&i-- W-T
similating tbeToodandSfigula-
ting tne tomacns anauowels of
itess andBestCoatains neittier
Opium,Morptiine nor neral.
A perfect Remedy for Cons ti na
tion. Sour StomacluDiarrtoea.
onns .Convulsions.Fcvensh
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of -
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
You Have
piwiij, .ajjui H 0,rrM", Mmwr. Wwww ctty, '
T -; iTsaTI Ml mfm IISJ M sjjaBSjtwaaaaaaisa
"Stand the Racket"
X 'Leader lor TEN YEARS anions HIGH (JRADK WHEELS. Oar Phoenix
t)ne-Crank made a record (or itself last season - Not One Broken Crank in Oregon.
Washington or. Idaho oat of the Hondrede of Wheels sold in these three- state in
18i7. Tbe Result is that others ard counterfeiting this crank, but this does not
delude Wise Bayers who have already purchased hundreds ol the 1898 Phoenix
Bicycles, so far we have been unable to Get Them Fast Enough to supply oar
agents. But oar Second Car is on tba Road.
The Golden Eagle
Bicycles aie built for service and to supply the demand tor an honest, durable
wheel at a moderate price.
- affile For Our Bicycle Calalopes-'
J A mm, "The Fair," fflTOIELL LEWIS & SHYER CO..
Agent for ilbaiiy. -. Portland, Cregoi.
OregoGas Light Heating and Power Compy,
Correspondence Solicited.
m F I. AD138S, Pres. A. H. FREEBISE &V SEC.
Cheap Light For
Cheap Heat For
Cheap Powev Fop
Church Era and Hotel
Church. House and Hotel'
Anything and Everything
For le Battle
of Life
The Soldiers.
The first four companies of the Oregon
Volunteers, 2nd regiment, pa83ed through
Albany last evening (for San Francisco,
from which place they will probably em
bark tor. Manila on or about -the
15th of the month. The train reached
here at 10:30 and was erected by a big
crowd of Albany peope. On board were
two members of the hospital corps, Will
Merrill and AnguB Graham, who had
been assigned to. the Eugene company,
and they were given a rousing send off,
leaving with the good will of everybody.
The examination of F. Co. will prob.
ably be completed tomorrow night, and
the company with the remainder of the
regiment are expected to pass through
here next Sunday night on the overland.
The Rejected Men.
From the Ttlegram :
Necessarily much bitter feeling is prev
alent among the rejected militiamen. It
is hard enough to be deprived of the priv
ilege of serving their country, and hard
er still to have lost good positions.
"I Joined tbe guard." remarked a nrl-
vate from Eugene, "with the expecta
tion of doing service when my company
was called for. I have paid money out
of my own pocket to maintain my place
in the guard. When the president's call
came, like others I believed the militia
would go as a whole. That's what we
drilled for.
I abandoned a $75 job and paid out $10
for an outfit to look decent, as no anuro -
priation had been allowed the guar J, and
were in pretty bad shape.
Then came tbe mustering in. Instead
of militiamen, it seems the United States
wanted onlv men physically perfect. I
am not blaming the government but it is
kind of hard on the boys rejected. I feel
at presen; as though I never want to
shoulder a gun agaiu. I am out my time,
money and worst of all, my position."
This is but one ol many similar cases.
Some of the rejected men ueclaie they
will never again join the militia.
The P. of II. ; r
The Council met this month with the
Halsey grange.
11 granges were represented. Charity,
Grand ; Prairie. Harmony, Ilarrisbur.
Haleey. Kncx Butte, Oak P!a!n, Sand
Ridge, San tiam, Tangent and Willamette.
The forenoon was devoted to the prop
ositions rececived by the county agent.
Hiram Parker, for the sale of twine and
trachinery. Tne Peering and McCor-
mick binders wilt be used and an eastern
A fine dinner was served about eighty
The visiting committee waa ordered
"How can we induce the members of
the grange to cooperate more thorough
ly" waa discussed, lead bv Mart Miller,
followed by H C Davis, H M Palmer, J
H Scott, H C Powell, O H Walker, E E
Upmeer, F Z Taylor and J Clem.
"In what manner can the excessive
labors of women on the farm be relieved
and what form ot exercise will be best
conducive to health" was discussed by
Mrs Anderson, S 8 Meyers, A L Bridge
farmer, J W Propst and others.
Keep your pomps in order was talked
At the next meeting "Practical educa
tion in the homes" and "How to train
your children" will be discussed with
Mmes Laubner, Walker and Kiser as the
leaders, and "At what stage of maturity
should hay and grain be cut" with Messrs
rvirer. i reerkaen and Propst as leaders.
The next meeting will be with Charity
Orange the first Saturday in Jane.
H Freerksen, A O Morgan and a t
Myers were appointed a committee to
meet with Dusty grange.
The millinery contract was reported
renewed for this year.
The uoot.1 vote of thanks waa extend
ed. O H Walker was elected newspaner
correspondent lor th year.
Teachers Examination.
The following are being examined by
the county board for teaenerea certifi
cates: - '- -
Cora Alexander. Susie Barnard. Ethel
Bray. Nettie M Bock, Nancy 3ilyeu (for
state) Lizzie Bridges, Jennie Compton,
Mabel Cntler. Maezie Monobue. w k
Gardner. Wm Gatts. Amy Goodrich,
Monnie Fronk. Lydia rrum (lor state
Dot Hams. Amelia Hannert. Olga Hew
itt (for state) Josa Hoffstetter. Oscar In
gram (state) Birdeen Johnson, Charles R
Moore, Libbie Morgao, senna Aiyers,
Uaude Myers. Uora McUuiiy (lor state),
Ltxxie McLeod, barab asb, r iora Uver
halts. Callie Piere-. Alice M Rudolph
Mrs 11 G Smick (lor Hie), ( j omun,
Nellie Snoderiv. H U White (for life),
Sarah Wilson, Btrtha Van Winkle, bra
ma Wodtli.
Chioago 165e for May, 108c for July.
' New York 163c for May, 1170 for
July. '
San Francl'co 104(5. f "
Liverpoo 2.4c lower. ,
Albany 85c. ' ; 7'
- ii 1. 1; "n '
Committed Suicide.
From the Salem Journal :
Nothing has been heard of P.'aldemar
Nelson of this city for the past ten days,
a fact that has aroused considerable anx
iety among his Salem frienas. Mr. Nel
son is a well known character about Sa
lem, having for several years been en
gaged in the dje business, his office ad
joining that of the Journal oince on
Commercial street; I '
On Saturday night, April 30, Mr. Nel
son turned the keys of his establishment
over to Wm. Hamburg, a boot and shoe
repair man whose office adjoins Nelson's
on the south. Mr Nelson told Mr Hum
burg that he wished to go to Albany and
Eugene on a business visit and that he
would return by Tuesday. Not a wotd
has been received from him since and
his present whereabouts are a mystery.
Last night'a Telegram exp.ains the
disappearance as follows :
The remains of the man who com
mitted suicide at the city park yesterday
morning by shooting himself through
the bead have been identified aa those
of ft'aldemar Ne'son.a resident of Salem.
Nelson, who was either a Russian or
Finn, and a bache'or about fifty years of
age He lived in Salem tor a great many
years, being the proprietor of the Salem
steam dyeing and cleaning works. He
was known as a iollv eood fellow, and
had many friends. The only weakness
ascribed to him is last he would occa
sionally go oS on a spree.
From John C. Ptndegast, chief clerk
ot the Esmond hotel, it it learned that
Nelson arrived in the city, registering at
the hotel, day before yesterday. He bad
been to San Francisco for the purpose of
either disposing of or raising some mon
ey on property, and came direct to Port
land ia order to secure the through re
bate on his fare. He confided to Mr.
Pendegsst that he had been nnsucceasfoi
in his efforts to raise money, and seem
ed very despondent."
Nelson did bosinesa in Alhan awhila
a couple of years ago.
A PcccuAa AcocaxT. The 9 year-old
son of Wesley R. Stearns, a conductor in
the employ of the City St Suburban
Railway Company, residing on Twen
tieth and Clinton streets, met with a
singular accident yesterday morning. He
wasendeavmini to disentangle a shie
suing knot with a kitchen fork when the
lor slipped, striking him in the eye,
the f rones nenetratie the ivahall.
Surgical aid waa at once summoned, and
while the siebt ot tha ore an waa des
troyed, it waa hoped that the eye itself
might be saved. This hope, however,
hsa a boot been abandoned, and the at
tending physician expresses tne opinion
mat iue injured eye will have to be re
moved in order to save the ether Tele
' Chlcaeo 150e for May, 104 for Julv
New York 150c for May, U2, for July.
ban rrauGisco iuio tor uec.
Liverpool 2 4c lower.
Albany 87c.
Former Albany Boy.
From the Tribune:
la all probability First Lieuteuant W.
A. Humphrey, of Company' F, 8econd
battalion, Oregon volunteers, will not go
to the front with tha company.
On coming before the examining board
of surgeons yesterday Lieutenant
Humphrey was informed that while he
was not rejected, still nis physical coadi
lion was not such as should warrant his
braving the miasma and fetid airs of sn
equatorial latitude. He would be pasted
did be desire to stay with the company,
dui it was to nis own luiereu not to ac
company the troups.
Inasmuch as Lieutenant Humphrey in
going not only abandons a lucrative bus
iness but leaves an interesting family at
home, the officer reluctantly concluded
to abandon the hopes cherished of shar
ing in the glory of the Oregon regiment
and will remain with bis family and bus
iness. - - '. -. , ; - .
Justice at His Own Hands
A dispatch from Long Creek says :
Word comes from Canjroa City that
Jack McDonald, a prisoner in the county
: . : i : . . i . - , h , i .
hu, cuuimiura rnucrae jueeaay nigni,
by taking carbolic acid. McDonald was
arrested several months ago for assault
ing a Chinaman with a deadly weapon.
He was sentenced Tuesday to two veers
in the penitentiary, and immediately
ailer, on being taken to his cell, he
swallowed a half ounce of carbolic acid,
expiring 10 minutes later.
McDonald was undoubtedly the mur
derer of the brother of the editor of the
Dbmouut about tea years ago in Crook
county. The Long Creek Eagle in a re
cent issue, gives the reasons for this
statement as follows :
Jack McDonald, who ia confined In tha
brant county isu for a brutal assault on
a ituneee abeepberder, made hi boast
to the officer who arrested him that he
bad in bis time killed three men. This
leaves the Journal free to say that auite
a number of intelligent persona In this
county believe that Jack McDonald kill
ed George Nutting, Crook county's stock
inspector, no mysteriously disappeared
about six years ago. McDonald at the
time of Nutting's dUaoDearance. waa
herding a band of sheep in the neign
borboud of Trout Creek, and Nutting,
wnen last seen, waa on tne way to in
spect them It McDonald murdered
Nutting and his character here war
ranted the assumption be did the job so
effectually that no trace of his victim has
ever been toned to this day. McDonald's
confession fully justifies the suspicion
with which he was regarded here at the
time of Nutting's disappearance.
A Startling Discovery.
A Victoria dispatch states that a start
ung discovery baa been made on the
shores ot Lynn canal by the steamer Cola
man. A rowboat bearing the name of the
unfortunate steamer C'ara Nevada was
found high and dry on tha heard near
Seward City, opposite where be disaster
occurred. The boat con wined a couple
Of coats, and two miners' h&j fail of
clothing and provisions, while a few feet
way were the embers of a camp fire.
All this ten-ts to show that at least one
man escaped the fata of tha lot 50. and
should be be found alive the details of the
tragedy will cease to be a mystery.
Fob rut Bicvcu Path. Ten or fifteen
bicyclists attended the meeting last
evening to make arrangements for build
ing the bicycle path on the west side to
a juncture with the path built from Cor-
vaiua by tne enterpnsirg wbeelsuen of
that city.. About 135 has been raised
here for the purpose and this will be
greatly added to. Though the track at
tats end will I a difficult one to con-
street, it can be done, and ia so much
tne more needed, as the road ia in bad
condition for bicycling. j
A Bictcls ?AaaiB. On Msy 21 at 7
o'clock io the evening there will be a bit
Cretent bicycle parade Bicyclists from
adjoining towns will be invited n4 Al
bany it ia anticipated will then be full of
wneels. Already this year 91 Crescents
have gone out from ilookins Brothers
and twelve others have been sold, to be
delivered when received.
Th annual meeting at me Indian war
veterans will be held in Portland oa June
14 and of the Pioneers on the d y follow
Tte teacher for tbe Eueeae schools have
already been elected for tbe ensuing )ear
rror. KeMer wnl continue at tbe hear,
with seventeen ai tan's all re-elected
except four.
CWeaM Barker of Albany, Or., aj-
vertuea ia the Eugene Guard tar tbe where
abouts of Charles W tVsrker, last ea on
the Stnslaw eight years ago. As be waa
then 90 year ot age it is not very pre table
that he ia alive now.
A dipati-h aavs that the lane com! er O
rejections of voUateer has essd ttu-a
comment in the army ordteaJ mrp. The
pbtuctaas woo bat food acted tbe etmi
Dationi say that on'aide of the tasks of
cigarette smokers torn are even fewer re
jections than there were ia the dr of the
civil war. Among habitual users of cigar
ette, the reirctioos are about 90 per a at.
Where shall it be don?? Certainly where the best preparation can bs bad. Al
bany College has claims in this direction thatca!t for closer investigation . '
A Full College Training
is of course the best thinr. 3ut Albany also effers a superior Normal Course, and a
B jsines College Course that is inferior to none in the state. Correspondence invited.
Fall term opem Sept 14, 1898. ,
Wallace Howe Lee, A. M.,
Mrs. William Bumbaogh has gene to
Ashland for a month s sojourn.
Th IWunl TTnnnr A. O. U W.
gave. a very pleasing' entertainmont last
evening" at -. their ball, appreciated by
i those fortunate in being present. A pro
gram was well rendered. It consisted oi
piano duet by Misses McOee and Swan,
addresses of welcome by Arthur Taylor
and sister, children of Mr. Harry Taylor,
nicely done, a recitation by 'Lna aic-
Hareoe. a niano. aoio oy atiss adds
Houik. two eruitar. solos by Dr. Collins,
an.athletic exhibition, on Indian clubs
and dumb bells bv Prof. Hartley, given a
warm encore,a oeauuiui nag arm Dy eigut
little girls, and a tableaux, the uoouess
of-Liberty. fine lunch, followed and
sociability prevailed during itie remain
der ot tne evening. , .
Scenic Iine E World
W ,4 IS
RCNtCHOUCcaml Aral S. K. HOOPER, C. P. fc T. K
Thomas Brink's Furnituie Store
Lately. "He has one of the finest stocks of .Furni
ture in the valley.
He has added Babv;Buggies to h s utock.
Just call in and you will find that hi3 prices are the
The Sabbath School Association of Lion
county will hold its annual convention in
Brownsville on May via and m- .
. Crume tc Davis of hbedd. are building a
two stcrr frame store building to be occu
pied by them in their mercantile business.
Are You
Just remember that all your
strength must coma from your
food. Did you evor think of
thatP -
Perhaps your muscles need,
more strength, or your nerves;
or perhaps your stomach ia
weak and cannot digest what
you eat .
If you need more strength,
then take
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo-
J. Joseph. Proprietor;
phosphites. The oil ia the moat
easily changed of all foods into
strength ; and the hypophoa-
pnitea are tne Desc
tonics for tbe nerves.
SION ia the easiest
and quickest euro for
weak throats, for
coughs of every kind,
and for all oases of de
bility, weak nerves;
and loss of flesh.
Joe sod li.oo; all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemist, Ntw York.
Rev. E. J. Thompson. D. D. . of
vsuis, was in tbe city today.
Rev. C. R. Stevenson went to Roee-
borg yesterday to attend tbe annual con
vention of tbe C. . of Oregon.
Rev. J. L. Jones writea to the Review
from Montgomery, Ala., that be expects
to start home at once, via Washington,
snd will arrive in Albany in abuut a
week. Roseburg Review.
The Manzanita circle will hold a Msv
day social tonight at the hall ia the
Baltimore block, to which all members
of the order and their families are in
vited. A program will be rendered and
a social time bad.
Hon. W. R. King, of Baker Citv. one
of Oregon's ablest and most popular cit
izens, and non. J. n. sovereign of Ar
kansas, ot nationsl fame, are in tbe citv
and will speak at tbe court bouse tonight.
vo not miss nearing mem.
Bob" McFarland. of tbe Summit, waa
in town Monday in his official capacity as
director of tbe school at his borrough
He took back with bim Mies Horlbnit.
of Lino countr. who will take chares of
tne summit -young idea" lor tbe next
tnree months. uorvaiiis Union,
Rev. L. Anderson, who wss pastor of
tne first evangelical church In this city,
has moved to Jefferson with bis family.
lie has been succeeded here by Rev. L.
S. Fisher, who vacates tbe memorial
church on East Eighteenth and Tlbbetts
streets, in favor of Rev. L.D.Strey feller.
Next Wednesday at tbe Warm Springs
sgency a raarrisge will take place in
wincD Albany people will be interested.
Miss Eva Cowan, a former popular young
lady of this city will be tbe bride and a
worthy young man of Portland tne
groom. Miss Emma Pfeiffer of this citv
will be bride's maid. Tbe ceremony wiii
bs witnessed by a good many friends of
tne contracting parties and prominent
residents ot tbe agency.
George A. Dyson, of Brownsville, ar
rived yesterday from Skagway. He was
mere between lour and nve months, and
be formed quite a favorable opinion of
that place, and thinks it will be the me
trolis ot that section in case the gold
fields of Alaska prove extensive and rich
as many who have been into the Yokon
basin feel very confident. While Mr.
Dyson did well himself in Alaska, he does
not advise any one else to rush off to that
land ot the mfdmigbt sun.leaving steady
work and a comfortable home here in
Webfoot, or any other good state, for that
matter. uregonian.
F. U Such is in the city.
Bod Williams has retorted from Skag
way and is in the city.
Judge Wolvertoa, who returned from
Pendleton yesterday, came op from Sa
lem this noon.
Mrs. Julius Joseph muraed this morn
ing from a two moo-.h's visit with reia
lives in ban Francisco.
r. Y. Duncan and family are now at
Msdford. where they may remain for
soma time it tha climate proves ratisfac
William ftasmus ia in the citv In the
interest of the Oregon exhibit at Omaha
and will meet our business men for sub
scriptions .
Of tbe members of the Hospital Corps
that went from Albany. Marcellus and
George Rolf have been mustered into Co.
G, Graham, Howard and Merril into Co.
P. B. Marshal) went to Portland this
nojn to Mia his wife, who is now
able to sit np ahl!e every day. She
will need to remain in tbe hospital about
a weea longer.
Msjor M. H. Ellis of the Second Reg
iment cams ap from Portland last even
ing to arrange his business affairs before
jolnicg the regiment on their wsy to San
r- .. . ... -
rraocisco aaonoay nigbt.
A good sixed audience attended the en
tertainment at the Presbyterian church
last evening and ware pleased with tbe
presentation of Esmeralda by Miss Moses,
It is a very pretty thins well siven. A
social and lunch followed.
G rover Iledrick and Brady Burnett of
Corvallis have returned from kagway
rejoicing at beinsr away from such
country. Aecordina to the limes they
stated that 33.000 men were at Le
Bennett ready to go down the river when
tbe Ice breaks. That's pretty Mh.
Chief Justice Moore and his associates.
Justices Bean and Wolverton, arrived
boms this morning f.-oui Pendleton,
where they have held a session of the so
preme court tlnce the third nf May
They report fine crops and universal pros
perity in Jbastern uregon. sentinel.
Dr. E.J. Surotnerville, of Umatilla
county, returned yesterday to Portland,
from a visit to Albany. He says farm
ers are actually sowing wheat this week
in various portions of Linn, which he
considers taking big chances on late
rain to grow and mature a crop. Tele
All of the members ol F. (Jo. but nine
succeeded in passing tbe rigid exsmina
tion In Portland yesterday. Those who
failed to oass returned home last even
Ino amonir the number being Roy Hul
hurt. Men ice Grey. Wilber McOauley.
Walter Harris, Roy Laporte, Decker,
Bennett, Ralph Knapp and wm. Math
Mr. J. O. Booth, of Grants Paw, un
ion nominee for treasurer on tbe stale
ticket, waa in the city yesterday and to
day. Mr. Booth is a stiong man on the
ticket, ills personal recora is ciesn.ano
at home many call htm Honest John
Booth. He is tbe kind ol man the state
treasury needs. Just at this time the
office is badly in need of a cbanue. and
the only way to secure it it by the s lec
tion ol Air. tfcoia.
Tbe Ladies Missionary society ot tbe
uongrrgatiouai cuuruu win yive a tea
and social at the residence of Mrs. C. 0.
King and Sovereign Given an En
thusiastic Reception.
Hon. W, R. King, whose chances for
succeeding Governor Lord are remark
ably good, and J. K Sovereign, the fa
mous labor loader, spoke at tba court
bouse last evening, and were greeted by
a remarkably large ' audience, many
standing, some coming from a distance
to hear tbe distinguished men.
Tbe 8. j. Band furnished music, and
tbs snvils rang from the public square.
flon.J. 8. Smith presided and at
once pi esented tba audience a surprise
by introducing Mils Carrie Sovereign,
sister of Mr. Sovereign, who spoke for a
lew moments in a happy manner, but
not so short that she did not have time
to express her opinion of the selfishness
of tbe single gold standard.
Hon. Mr R. King was introduced and
immediately got into the good graces of
ne large audience. Mr King is a well
bunt, tine looking young man, 5 feet 10
inches tall and Weighing about 200. His
presence excites confidence. Mr. King
speaks plainly and faTfjr Introductory
asv IOIVI'vU Ul lUfl DDinifflAni iAfltlmsMlf
of lbs people on the Cuban question, but
"7 uiTwiou on many otner matters
In Oregon the republicans had broken
their pledges in nearly every instance.
Bute matters ware considered, frauds
in elections, and tba need of a registra
tion law celeaud bv tha
tbs establishment of tha nx.L.
mlssions and the refusal to repeal them.
Hail a million dollars in twn mm nn.t
to be saved tbe people of Oregon by the
proper legislation. Ha ia tha 1ri.A i
education and is in favor of legislation in
m uiiervkt oi tne common schools.
Auennanciai question wss discussed
n a comprehensive manner, in ki.h i,.
bowed that the contest is now against a
oew party, tba gold standard party All
tbe repabhean nertv baa left ia th nam
on the outside. Tba republkana are in
favor of a gold standard that brings
prioes down and protection that brings
prices up. How inconsistent. Tbe nn
ion parties only want what they had for
so many years in tha equality of- gold
and silver. Wa want principle not par-
-mttMv. aa nvuoucau piaa la to di
vide the enemy, but wa should stand
J. tt. oovereian. on of tha htmt twin
men of the United fetal, siuk Ia.
qoently for aa hour.
He sbowsd how wa are all alike n.
triotic whether in favor of free silver or
single gold staodard. Meacaii Uis ad
vocacy ol tree eilrer as treason ibl, and
ha read from I be Oregon iaa of May 10 to
ttat effect. He ehoaed what true pa
triotism is and how we are a unit fa it.
"J0"4 BO difference in issuing
tt00.O00.00O in hoods and tba same
amount la money, and he waa not in
favor of issuing bonds until all other
Maoorcee were exhausted. Tbe repob
hraa's bimecalism was thoroughly anni-
utiauu . a De gold standard men want
bonds on account of the 3 per ceat inter
est. He waa in favor ol banks, thev ara
a aeceastty, but it is oot their province
to issue money We do our d uty in
navtng a money to Boat with car oa at
borne, that is tha beat money. There is
no such thing as a 60 cent dollar and
never can be so long as tba government
ears it is a dollar, essointiis Law that
created tba dollar and not to tbe metal
alone. Now there ia onlv 1 dollar of
gotd tn 33 tart to pay interest alone, and
yet this ia what the republicans demand,
I bat we pay in what we ha re not, never
oaa ana never can get. Iaa t tnat re
padiatioa. They never have kept their
promises. They promised prosperity
mce the eiectioa we have had the great-
est siriaea in bis tory and as msny lac
tones are closed as belore eleoOoo. i
have bad dollar wheat, but it waa at tbe
expense ot tba unfortunate people in
otber countries, tba starvation of 8,000,
000 people. All tba trusts and moaopo.
lies, including the American book trust.
are oa tbe aide of tbe aingsa gold staa lard
ana w au street is always on lbs wroag
Free eilvsr is not the only reiorm need
ed. There are others. Mark Hani
ism in all politics ia wbkrU tha election
ol a United States senator Is Involved
waa ventilated. Yon have to look through
Mart ttanaa to sea tha principles of tba
republican party.
l be meeting waa a very sneNful one.
key Msass tsw load para.
Absolutely Pure
astyysat tswsWWO nMSfJVti Qr., IgfW YHML.
Buy Smiley 'a .
Cl-an . .
,Pr luting.
A Welcome rain cams tod y .
CJraseeat 3icyde.
Hopkins Brothers, agent. '
Beat Blcytle fort-.e money.
Will at S'ark. jewelers.
w aicn ror ibe Si reruns band at n.vtn
Look out for tha Puahfown band Man.
day anon.
Cail at French s and see his audita from
. r - .
lit cents np.
If you miss senna- the Si Perkins Co von
miss tbe treat oi 'he season.
Belt and skirt supporters 5. IS and IS
tents at F. M. French .
Crescent bievclea at Honkins Rmthm
for only 130. 30, 135 snd 150.
Fresh seeds two narks -mm far si nir-W
Stewart Sot Hardware Go's.
Fresh seeds, two nu-iaoM for
Stewart k Sox t sraware Co's.
Unc'e Kaniel at Iha Dnm fw,aa
Monday sight, prices 10. 23. 30c.
Cyclists eomearonad In A f) K.m'.
Ice Cream Parlors after your ride.
Crackers are now war dowa in nrim
call cm C E Brownell for fresh ones
Ladies loo if watca chains at low rrinu
at I' reach's Jewelry store.
W H Goitra Las been SDDoinled admin
utrator ol the estate of Jacob Kaei.
If Von Wanf srood arsrfnv tnsu-hin
needles aed oil aet them of French the
The seventh aunnal cMmwHt nf
Mineral Sprinn eo lece of Sods. villa will
take place M y 22 to M ay 27.
Mrs Yiereck's Ice Cream Parlors and
Sommer Garden are op-aad for the season,
fine deUoous ice avam and ice cream
There will he nreaehins- sprrisM ia Iha
Evangelical church next Sondtr mornina
aad evening by Rev O B Strejfcler of
Io drive away that d ill tee'iag yon
waat to tour Mrs. Green. She will please
aad amam you aad yon will be beocfiUesi
by neans her. May 16, 7:45.
D tors may disagree aboot tbe treat-
meat if a caa but all agree fiat preacrtp
uoos tbsuld be pa' up at BarkkartA-
L"s drag store. Tier are careful. To
tnecn aod ba convinced of a fact wcrta re-
Tbe music lovers aad plat goers of Al
bany have a treat in store for tbem next
week ia tbe cha(e of tbe Si Persia Com
edy Compaa; White Hassar Band aad
Concert Urcbetra Prices 10. 30, :S0 eta.
Tbe Revere Hoase is betrg greatly im
proved by the CMistroriion of six Urge
two story bay windows, four beiag oa be
east side and t w j on tbe aosta end. Wbea
finished tbe boose will oe repaiated.
From the Express-Advancs.
Miis Mamie Swan is out from Albany
on a visit to her parents. She will leave
for California in a few weeks.
Will Boss has returned home from Eu
gene. On account of poor health, he
withdrew from tbe State University, but
may enter agalu next year.
Mrs. h. StobbleQeld; of Albany, is vis
ittng M iss Maud A ldrich . Mrs. Stubble
field will soon leave for California on a
The fallowing young people graduate
from the Lebanon high school this year;
Misses Maggie Cottor, Hallia Baker and
Pet Smith and Ernest Simpson.
Hon. W. 8. Vanderburg spoke at bo
davrlle last evening, ajd will speak at
Sweet Home tonight. He is being ac
companied by B. F. Ramp
A camp of Modern Woodmen of Amer
tea will soon be organized in this city
with over forty charter members, A
pre-iminary meeting was held Tuesday
evening, at which the name "Sautiam
camp" was agreed opon.
Harry Lines, who has been acting as
agent for the 8. P. Co. at Tallman, has
uctsd iransierrea to uranta Pass, where
be will serve as night operator. Miss
wain, irons Southern Oregen, has been
appointed agent at Tallman.
Mrs. Chandler had an exciting ride
wbiie out driving a few miles east of
town Wednesday. Tte boras became
ingntened and ran for quite a distance,
but she wss able to kesD him in iha toad
and finally got aim to slowdown without
doing any damage except breaking one
Mrs. Jessie Wilson Carroll disuf al her
home io Lebanon, Sunday, May 8. 1898,
aged 33 years. 4 mo a la and 8 dava. Da
eeaed was born near Sodaviile. Dec. 31,
1S64. She was married to John Carroll
on November 12, 1894. Besides her bus-
band, aba leaves six chilirea aad. many
relatives. Sba waa an excellent woman
and a devoted christian.
lamea Burtensbaw and wife arrival
Saturday from California. They had be
coma tired of droogb-etricken California
and are glad to get Back to Oieeon. As
an instance of the condition of affairs in
the Golden state, Mr. B says that horses
srs being sold to soap factories for ft per
head. They had not had any rain to
speak of since a year ago last February.
Chicago t44' for May, 104 for July.
New York 145 for May, 112 for July.
San Francisco 102c for Dee.
Liverpool 3.6c lower. . .
Mrs. MauJ L
Green and .Miss Hep-derson.
The national orgaaiiers and Watrera of
tbe WCTC will te ia Albany May 16.
No on raa s if ord to miss beat ing these
fomuos speakers. Thev are two of the
hrijhte thinkeis ever having via ted this
co-sr. ran ot wit and burner and very ta
strocttve to adults aad children. This is
os e of the first opportunities Albany has
eier bad of this kind. It will be a rare
Attempted Burglary at Scio.
Aa attempt to rob R. E. Ui bier's store
at ecio was made last night. Soma un
known men drilled a hole into the
and were jort ready to nut in powder
when it is supposed they were frighten
ed away. They got soma tools out of
Gill & Ray's blacksmith shoo. They
left one monkey wrench with G. Willis
stamped upon it. supposed to have come
i rem Albany, and twochisels from some
where away from Scio. They took noth
ing out some silk bsndki
was in tbe sate the niabt
supposed the men were frishtened away
ss everything wse ready. They left the
lose, etc, scattered about. Tbev were
basrd by several parties, but nothing
was tnougbt oi lU
New Time Table.
A new time card lor the Oiegon lines
of tba Southern Pacific Company has
just been issued, which coo tains several
changes in passenger train service, the
most important ' eing tba arrival and de-
paitureof lb eat Mdetram at uor
vallia, srrivinf at 11 5 a. m and lev
ing at 1:20. where connection ia made
an lb tha Corral Us A. Eaatera road in
both directions
The overland train from Portland will
arrive at San Francisco at 8:15, instead
oi 7 :45 a. m.
The 8. P. trai i from Portland now ar
rives at 12:10 and leaves at 12:40. Tbe
Ysquina train arrives at 12 Com
plete connec.on is made between the
trains on tne two 'oads, ann ijorvaiiia is
no longer the sleeping place for train
The First Excursion.
Next Sunday a rhododendron exeur
sion, the second annual uoe, will open
the seasoa.between Albany and Yaquina.
Tbe rhododendrons m their blazing
splendor ,aad ib frisky Utile water agate.
lust uncovered, sre there, and tbe trout
are sporUog at Elk City aad other places.
Tbe train will leave Albany at a. m.
aod Newuort returning at otso p. tn.
Koand trip tare
A Chiaf Rats To parries desiring
to attend tha political speaking of Hon.
R. King, st Toledo. Mcndav. May 18th
the CorvaHis A Eastern R. R. will make
a rate of 2 for round trip. Tickets good
going oo loth and returning on litb.
Ocan blood means a cleaa rtin. No
beauty without it- Caanarets. Caadj Cathar
tsc cieaa your blood aad keen it dean, by
stirring np tbe lazy liver and driving all im
nties Irons tbe podv. lierin lo-oay io
biotcbes, bi
sh pimpiea, twiia.
Th Coavaixis MaasaT. Wheat in tha 1
local market is Quoted at 96 cents. Pur-
and that atckiv biuoo complesioB by taking
lascareta. beanty tor ten renta. All arug-
gwu, aatatlactioa gaaraateed, V)c,Sae.fte.
Aftar years of aatotd ssSViiag from piies
R W Parxetl af Kailaeraviiicfa, was cared
iv aaina a sinela boa of Oa Witt's Witch
Haas) Sle 8kia dnsaaea sash aa
j nab, pimsWs a id obstraatejaraa are read
ly ca-o t by tilts taaiaaa resaJf J
What Ur A E Salter Says.
A Etc.
OwiDg to the change in
prK63 it 13 lmpoegible to
quote prices for any deBnite
time. .
We have the Hammond
Co. meats, lard, etc.
Will always" quote prices
as low aa we can.
"Albany Trading Go.
ist and Baker Sts.
sfl vcaas
1 1 "V ' 5r
r jfjj '
m oosnratCHTS ae.
Saxfctr aaamaiB. frae. hur aa taraatioB :a "
araaabir aasaataaSa. naiiaaiii asr i s atrv-t.y
mdaBtiji. OMat WH famaiias; aarcaxs
as ajnanea. W fea. a Waakineuai caVe.
Pauaita taken thxnnrti Masa a Co. saaerra
SwaaUfanr ISaarntad. laistat cUvdattoa of
aa. soeEttSe JnaraaL m.r.Mrtij a ;ca!.
SLM au ntomlta. feacnaw eonies aad siaa
SubK ot rATEra saa tre. Aiklrrai
- SW1 BtraaBsHraa Saw Vara-
Clubbing Rates.
The Saa Frannsco Weekly Examiner
text year will i-tvs to its subscribers a
f 10.000 residence in San Francisco rent
ing forfoDa month, a $3,390 U.S. bond ,a
L500 gold nugget and hundreds of other
things, l oa can get tbe Examiner and
Wmil lrmtocmaT lor 5- ow a year, witn , .
the DaiT-T DxaocRAT by mail for $
carrier $-.75. in advance. The Pijio
caaT will order only on combination pay-
ST LOCIS REPUBLIC, semi-weekly
oae of tbe oest papers in the faitee1
States, aod the DatvociUT paid ia ad vase
toe only II ii.
the best and vet amplest type wute
maaufactured. the concsnmiUon cr tn
uiveotors art. Aa expv
after aaiag manT macaiaea, says. i coa
aider tbe Vest Writing Machine far super-
or easy 1 have yet used ju'
DawocaaT office and see one of tea t ype-
wrtters that has to hare a perrec a. igw-
ent. . ,
Ah Typewriter. "
- -
BcrrxivJ. N T- Geats : Fro
rL-jt. IlV.?? 1... ins tbs oast few weeks the Benton mills, personal knowledge. a5ned ia observing
u.uuavui.a. - - h effect of vonr ShIWi's Cure ia
I nigbt be lore. It IS Ol WIS Wiy, nave purcaa A -fWHnarW I am nreoared
ais, reuuciDg toe immsi ?"XVrr5 I to say it is the most rema'kibse Itemed
grata storea in tne amis iu iv omuf"
Toe amount stored ia tha mills at tbe
beginning of last season waa imj.wm
bushels. Six thousand bushels ot oats
changed hands at 35 cents per bushel.
fhe local quotation on oata is now 3 to
36 cent. The amount of surplus oats in
tbe country, still unsold, is estimated at
6000 or 6000 bushels. Union
that haa ever been brxaht to say atten
tion . It has certainly saved many from
Ceosumpt'oo. &'J by Toshay ; Ma
r?ssswasssiam i
F. M. French, who spent bis bo v hood
days in Cbatfield. aod who is aaw en
gaged in the jewelry business at Albany,
Uregon, arrived on tba noon train Wed
nesday, and remains here a few dsys to
rev. s t tne scenes of his earlier years.
Mr. French came to Cbatfield with his
parents in 1854 and left bare in 189S. He
buds a marvelous change since he left.
wun ouy aa old mark hero and there
He spent some t'me in Chicaao and is
now on nis trip borne Uemocrat. Mr
r reocn also visited Spring alley, near
Cbatfield and spent a day with tba par
ents ot tbe Man aboot Town. Mr. French
will be home in a few days, perhaps to
Paovao a Fiss Tnwo. The other night
just before retiring G. W. Cliue, residing
on the Corvallis road, discovered a firs
in tha straw in his barn air. ciine nas
a big wind mill and a tank full of water.
He grabbed a hose, fastened it; to the
tank and had a stream on the names ia a
short time, entirely extinguishing them
although under considerable msowsj.
A tramp bad evidently sianeu me u.
What pleasure is there in life with a head
ache, coastipatioa aad biliousness? Thous
aada axneneaca them .who could become
perfectly healthy by twin- De V5 itt's little
bjuly Kisers famous Utile pu s.
J A, Cu-nming.
Karl s Clover Root Tea, lor. Cons tip
tion it's the Beat aad if alter using it yoa
don't say a return the packags and get
vour money . Sold bv Foshav Mason
-Ta-ta ror xtny Ceata.
Caranteed tcbco SaWj euro, makes waak
trooar 'nr. l. an
A Laundry Numet.
Laundry patrons wno want first class
work dona without paying exorbitant
prices should patronize tha Albany
Steam Laundry which have employed
regularly five of the beet hand ironers on
tbe coast lor shirts, dresses, and shirt
waists, and ten cents Is the hinhest price
coargeu lor an v oi ibese articles.
F. Co. Next Tuesday evening tht
work of reorganising F. Co. will be ba
gun, ani wiil ba under the charge ot
Lieut. Charles Sears, wno win nave com
mand of the rotnpany . It is thought tne l
company can be pretty well hl'ed up.
When Nature
Children and adults tortured by !burns
scalds, injuries, ecsotna or skin diseases
may secure instant relist by using De
witt s Witch Hsi Salve. It is the
Pile remedy. J. A . Cummings.
naeda assistance it mar be beat to render
! It promptly , but one etrnTd remember to
use the most perfect remedies only w ben I
needed Tbe beet aid most simple and
gentle remedy is the syrup of rigs, man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
On car load of Phoenix Bicrclea
already and another on the road.
Taa Livatlva Rr.imi tl'tlntn Tablet
All l.-ii.'iv. rafun I tbe mtaiy If It Tal
Cure. 25o.
Whoopina-oouft-b Is tbe most distressing
malady; but its duration can be cut short
by the use of the Minute Cough Cure,
rhicu Is also the best known remedy lor
.croup and all lung and broncial troubles.
J. A. Cummiog.
At a special feature during tbe engage
ment ot the "SI Perkins Co." Mr. Mil
ton Dawson, the popular song illustrator.
assisted by J. A. Weaver with his. e)ec-
trie stereopticon machine, will produce
a most beautiful series of Illustrated
songs. A careful selection and a com
plete change every evening. Prices 10,
20, 30 cents.
We are anxious to do a little goodi ia tn
World aod oaa think of no plaasantar
bs-.tar way to do it than Sy reoommeodiog
Oae Minate Cough Cure as a preventive
of nneamoni. consumption and other aar-
Hotrne this evening.refreshments will be tou? ,unt. t",,,,a" oiiow neglaotad
served snd sn interesting program will I owd J A lamming
be rendered consisting ot recitations,;
readings, music, vocai ano instrumental,
Thtt la tti w v all rtrtcsltu H
for MUr1. Ch"' and rver. It Is
simply Iron a tt Quinine in a tasteless
form . unt en v u. auu.h r i
to blt'er, n m lux Tvioloa- Pri3 5
cima enioyo
Roth tha rnethod and results when
Syrup of Figs ia taken; it is pleasant
and ref reahing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on tne xviudvjb,
liTer and IJowela, cleanses the sya
tsm cffectuallv.'dispela colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
.. . . ,.: rti-iiieonsuDauon. oiniBii'Kos
K TIKWl Iim. AllDS BISIUUluiii- . i , -...-..
lug Co's store, in theshow window at the only xemeay ot t Kina verpro
west,.roay be seen probably the fin est duced, pleasing to the taste and ao-
lineof summer hats ever aiepiaywi iu ay
bany.sembraoing a
desiana. There are
Take your choice,
naners on missionary topics, and an ex
ercise by children. A collection to aid
tbe missionary work will bs taken. All
friends ot tbs church and society srs cor
dially inlt-
Catarrh Cured. A clear head aao
weet breath secured with Sulloh's Ca
arrh Remedy) sold by Foshar ft Mason
Stop that Cough! Tate warning. It
mav lead to Consumption. A 2fo pottle
f ShUon's Cure saay rave your life. Sold
y Fothay ft Masou,
Music Miss Milorca fiurmester
teacher of piano or organ. System the
Mason touch and technique. Residence
Fifth street, opposite U P chuioh.
Ma-To-Baa for Fifty Cants.
Guarantead tobaoeo habit ears, makes weak
saao suoag, blood pur. tOctl. AU orugglata.
ts ever displayed in Al- ptabla t the Btomach, prompt in
i l
healthTand asrreeable Bubetanoea, its
many excellent qu&lities commend it
to all and have made it tbe most
popular remedy known.
Svrnn of Fies is for sale in 80
Mtit bottles bv all leading dntff
gists. Any reliable druggist trho
may not have it on band will pro
oura it- wompUy for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
auFcr,niM Ft3 ma? ca
Tasra are r hr.-e little things which do
mora work 'hao any other tbra litt'a
things oreatiwt they re tha ant,
an-t DeWitt Little B-rlV Risara, t.a lat
bains the tma JittU pills for stomach
and liver tranhlo I " Camming
Let everybody come to tne Star Bakery
and get 4 ' ot fresh biead for i.oe
O Mva. f
To Cora Conatipattoa sToravai.
Tahe Caaoarela Candv Catisartta too or SSa.
If G. U. C fall to oure, druMi refund moacav
cswaJasaTti OTSzrzz. T I
ta Mnts.-coat sr aaawija
r .a. snow & ww
sTarwiaT W gaMMIIVS. I tsj.
sSrlrrl'a'w ISjUHSsW
In the Valley.
. Is Unsurpas ed
In Oregon.
Wehavv tbebest stock tc
select from and our price?
are always the lowest, quality
Albany. the rnmer
Thricr-a-Wetk Editta
18 Pages a Week ...
. . . 156 Papers a Yeai
For One Dollar
rwhUakeaevery alternate Saj ease: aaJ
The Thrice-a- Week Edition of Ta a r aw
Iobx World U 6 ret among all "weekly
papers in aise. frequency of publication
and the freshness, scwracy and vsnetv ol
itscout?nts. It his ail the merits of a
neat $6 daily at the price of a doltai
weekly. Its political news is prompt . com
plete, accurate and impartial aa all its read
era will testify. It i sgamst the monops
lies and tor the people
H prints the new of all tbe world hav
tag special correapondenc from ail lta
portant news points on tbe globe. It baa
Silliant Uloatrationa. stories by great
authors, a capital bunror lKVwmPje?S
roarkeU.departuients far tbe household
and women's work and other special de-
PWeofferthis naequaled aewape' aad
tbe DawocaaT togherona vr for W
Or. Price's Cream Batting rowder
Workry Fahr Highest Award.