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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1898)
. jn ''iimlf.L... J- iJi'i-i. J.., iiui'I-'. u. .Ji! hi '. i ' r ''JSS&jSf U In VOLXXXIIl ALBANY OREGON, PRIDA. MAY 13; 1898. .SO 41 Eater at, tTte Foot ante, at Mbaa-r. Or. Hall Mailt n .r KlTtlSC rtller r--rrr V -1 7 it- AIM OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. VE ARE ASSERTING THE COURTS OUR EIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. DR. SAMUEL' PITCHER, of. Syannis, Massachusetts, the originator of "CASTORIA tha samn ihnt was nas oorne ana aoes noi the facsimile signature cf This is the original "CASTORIA" which has leen used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought - on the and has the signciure of CaffMcAc wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except M Ch24T Cmpan' f Chas' H' etcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived Do not endanger the life cf your child -by accepting a cheap substitute which sorife druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of. which even he does not know. "The End You Have Always Bought" - BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF . Insist tin Having -The Kind That Never Failed Toil m ttmiu cumiii, ti aumut mur. swtM m. Oregon Gas Light Heating, and Power Company, Uheap Light For Cheap Heat For Cheap PoweK For Correspondence Solicited. DR. F I. A24SS, Pres. . A. H. FREERKSM, SEC v ?:--V" 1 r ' - - ;.v "';ypaiaspi'g!' i- PORrwfaoa Preparing For the Battle! of Wheresaall it be d3n? Certainly where bany College has claims in this direction thatall for closer investigation. A Full College Training U of coarse the best thin?. Bat Albany also B jsinew College Course thl is inferior to f all term open Bept 14, lSSfcS. Wallace Howe Lee, A. M., Scenic v' Iin e-- Wq5 ,. a- ly-r I 4l 81 " 'g 5 HAVE YOU BEEN IN Thomas Brink's - Lately. He ba-i one of the finest stocks of Furni ture n the valley. He ha added Bahv Baceies to h s stock. Just call in and y m LOWEST 'ALBANY';;. CIGARi FACTORY Ji Joseph. Proprietor, o - nn cvpni wravvcr. Ihurch Ioas3 and Hotel Church. Eoare and Hotel Anything and Everything) .' aw. '.. vamhi I jiU Life the beat preparation can be bad. Al effers a superior Normal Course, and a none in the state. Correspondence . invited, President. DENVER RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR LINE FROM THE ww NORTHWEST EAST -TO ALL POINTS R C NK2HOU GoicrJ Aftat 5. K. HOOPER. C. P.4T.JV WMfaar - K, PORTLAND, OSZ. PtBCVDt,COtA Furnitui e Store will find that his prices are the THTJKSTJAY COUNTY COURT. (Qo. Barton, county Judg; J 11. Water D. L. vunt uomnuauonara.i Id tbe matter of the application of 0 E Olark et al for county road, viewers were appointed to assess damages. In application of G G Jackson et a, for county road, viewers were reappoint ed. In application of R C Pepperling et al for county road, after a contest, viewers wsre appointed. Petition of M E Fugh for refunding money paid on taxes continued. Alex Sumpter was appointed thistle commissioner at Crabtrse for one year. Matter of application of C IF Swank et ai lor county road, continued. E Q Gilbert was appointed supervisor oi dutrict 10, vice bilaa Key n olds. H M Palmer resigned as judge of elec tion. , . Joun sumpter was appointed euper vieor of diet. 4. Bills were allowed as sollows : ROADS AND BR'.DGES. 6tew9rt A Sox 41 60 S A Nickersoo.. 65 10 Or Tel Co 6 45 El Light Co.. 20 00 Meyer Bros 2 00 Accocsrr poor. Aid J W Cox.... 6 00 Aid Alberts S 00 S M Daniel, aid Barnard. Hock' enburg, Moser, 8tellmaker IS CO Aid Henry Myers : .' 4 00 " I Doleman and wife b 00 ' Samuel Keith 6 00 Jas Laree 4 00 Mrs Junkin 5 00 " Mrs Streithoff 8 00 Mr Bo wen 6 30 " Mrs John Hodges 4 18 ' Mr Gillock CO " Mrs Sluaher 5 00 " Frank Rosencrants per mo., i 00 Alma Vail ..; & 00 A Procknow 3 25 B F Sanders 14 Off Henderson 10 00 J M Owen ; 70 Hughes & Troutman 3 63 Dr Trimble, qr salary 25 00 E A Schiflier 1 58 B F Ramp 400 Burkbart & Lee 6 10 P W Spink. 9 00 David Tor bet. for indigent soldiers 20 00 O P Cosbow 1 J LncyBjers .-. 27 00 XISCELULXKOC. Geo D Barton, county ju Jge. . . . O B Montague, clork 100 00 166 65 166 65 150 00 S3 85 50 00 50 00 N 00 16 00 1 00 5 00 13 60 16 00 2 50 5 0 M C Game, sheriff D F Hardmao, recorder P G Morris, treasurer R Wbeeler. superintendent K B Montague, deputy clerk A Lewelling, " sheriff. . . John Usher, Janitor PF Brunk, C H Dr Trimble. acct insane Oragt Joe Raymond Phil Kilter, deputy shenR VV E Robinson, bounty J J Whitney, aeet insane A Monkers, as deputy sheriff... M Ludwig, jail 5 09 J Gradvobl, Peoples Press, printing. B A Stafford, assessor ETFiscer. surveyor . CH Burgraff, aeciO H... b Keebler, re Bute ux Albany Water Co T J Stiles, postace..... Alex Sumpter, as supervisor. . . . Oregon agt los tUymord, pre ex. E--..W tt.k.. ' " Ben Mills, " . " Frank Simpson " " . C W Cobb, rebate tax Oregon agt n m truer ick, pre ex ter as tnisue supet 14 00 , acct sheriff 5 00 , board prisoners &7 00 i Procknow .acct poor 2 CO; , acct poor ...... 7 OUl Fred Dawson , acct poor and et- tionarv 18 VO MU W & Turner, roads & bridges 1 1 00 Geo D Barton, " " 2 60 D L Curl, as commissioner.' 6 00 I M Waters. ...... 10 40 Court adjourned. WbbsThkv RxrrRX. Some believe that when tbe militia boys return tbey will be retained in tbe service of the V. but an army officer declares on the contrary, that the militia will be dis charged after the war ice voyern ment will not care, be tbtnas, to keep up such a big sundin army. Tbe sol- A arm flt.n r.tnrn tA t K.i r hmnM. The v cannot enter the national guard! again, however, without re-enlisting under the law of the state, the rame as new recruits. Register. . Cibcc-v There is is to be a circus in ntonigbt. it win einiou on me grounds between tbe depot ana tne brewery. Tbougb not a large one h is well SDoken of aa an athletic and tumb ling performance, with some good novel ties. Dr. J. L. Hill returned last night from Oregon Citv, where be de'ivered an ad' diess before a middle-of-the-road eon. vention. They have also pot a middle- of-the-road ticket in tbe field in Clacka mas county. China has declared her neutrality in (be Spanish war. The state teachers association wilt meet n Xiewjort, beginning juiy u . . t i o .i : 1 t nn A IW3 HUUPJ UW OUUSIIC. wcitiipciUB to Dr Rill of this city, occupied b Jacob Franc, was burned last tuna ay. L088 about 9500. No inturance. The railroad division, which was recent ly chaoged from Roseburg to Riojles, has changed bacs. This probaoly settles tbe railroad division permanently, ana cu- irene will undoubtedly have to get along without a freight divmon. ueginter. Arranstments are being made for an oratorical context at the college. Tbe pre liminary content wiil be bad at tbe cbapel on Friday evening May 20, wbeu about bve young ladies will be selected tor lte principal contest. It will be open to the public WtiafShall i Be Done FOR TUB DELICATE OIRL I ". - i You have tried iron and i Other tonic. But she keeps cafe and thin. - Her sallow 1 f complexion worries you. Per- naps sne nas a u V coucfh also. Her head aches i and she cannot study. Give her sccirs EE'::s!ca The oil will feed her wasting- Ww i the. o-lvcerine will soothe,' I her cough, and the hypophosj f vioor to her nerves and brain, Never av vou 44 cannot , take cod-liver oil" until you-I have tried Scotfs Einulston. You will be obliged to change your opinion at once. Children especially : become very fond of it; and infants do not know when it is added to their food. joe. and 1 1.00 ; all druggist. SCOTT & BOWNE.Chnr.Uu, Nw York. 469 oaJ 6 50 A9 41 15 Of 6 te 14 00 13 50 50 70 19 70 12 40 5 00 17 10 io on WHEAT. Chicago the highest yet, 150o tor May, 98o for July. New York a holiday. 8an Francisco 100c for May. lOlo for Dec. Liverpool 3.6o higher. . Albany 85c. A Green Farmer. The Portland Tribune baa the follow ing item regarding t Marion county farmer's experience while in the metrop olis: "Monday afternoon. John Lemacher.a farmer, who Uvea on the outskirts of Salem, and ctr.e to Portland last Satur day on a pleasure trip, reported to the police that he had been robbed of 9600 catn and papers which were verv valu able. He stated that he had gone about the city tor some tew hours alter bis ar rival, and. at last met a negro, who claimed that be bad known him at Salem. "The negro stated that as be was thor oughly acquainted with tbe different places of amusement, it would be well for Lem archer to entrust his person and inadvertantly bis ioeeMions to Aim, as tne city was lull o! thieves, etc. Ttiis vas done, but it was only tbe cash that tbe negro seemed to car (or, and be left Lamarcher suddenly to care tor himself, minus bard earned savioes. . "The police recognised tbe negro by nis description as an all-round crook named Russell, and Chief Clohestv im mediate! v wired to the surrounding cities a mil description oi Kutsell, witb orders to arrest and bold liiai. A telegram from Seattle yesterday abated that be was cap. tared there and Dete;tie Reilv was immediately sent to bring him back." Opinions of the Press Concerning Mrs. Mary Lease, of Kan sas, who will be in Albany, May 18: If any man would know tbe manner of tbe woman reformer wbo bails from the broad plains o '"temperance and human ity-loving, eunny Kansas," let bim read Mr. Lease speech at ashineton. If tbe reader is not thrilled by the throb, bing eloquence and rhetorical beauty as as well as by tbe moral intensity of tbst address, he may never hope to be moved by noble speech. Review of Re views, New York and London. tier tall form gave her a chance to send her powerful voice to tbe fa-tbest rim of tbe crowd. Sbe spoke with majestic force which enthralled it crowd Boston Globe. The embodiment of wit, eloquence and utter fearlessness. New Forum, St. Louis. She is undoubtedly the ablest woman orator on the American platform today. Let everv one turn out aud bear, rerard- less of politics. LLiss Cotntt S. S. OovtvTtox. T6V antual convention of tbe Sabbat bv Schools ot tbe connty will be held in Brownsville on Toeedavand Wednesday. May 24 and 25. The officers of tbe asso ciation are Kev. McKillop president, Mrs. F. H. Porter secretary and treasur er, and Mrs Kev. Uond record. o g retary. Tbe program indicates tbe pi pect of an inteiesung convention. Cant. M. D. Phiilipe baaceen appoint ed a member of tbe court of discipline at Camp jLicNioley. Mr. and Mrs. Sommervire.ot Portland, are in the city tbe gueeuof Mrs. Otto Lee and Mr. Ed Blodgett. General Woodford will be given a big rereptioc on his arrival in New lork He will be emitted to it. Mr. and Mrs. John Conner came op this noon from Portland to attend the funeral of Calvin Burkbaru ' W R. rJlain has rented the west of be Mclwain stores and is motnog into tit with bis stock of cloibins and nov eitiea. Mies Winnie Chambertin returned this morning from San Francisco where sbe ba been attending Hopkssa Insti tute during tbe past winter. D. T. Pitcbford and wife, ot Scio. who went to bout ben Oregon for tbe benen of tbe tatter's health, utve teturne home, much benefitted by tbe trip. A. S. Dresser, ot Oregon City, andl rrank -Uavey, of balem, came np lb if noon and will sptak at the court house tonight m plan o! Hon. r. X. bcbaDU maker, wbo was called east yesterday by .. . j. V C. G. Rawlings retained this noon from Dyea. where he went last Decern ber.with a foil beard and bronzed by tbe rortnern wind, tie is glad to be back in Alhanv. and pivna ..ImiiI th ninal Voort of tha Aluka crass. Dt. Adams today has been moviog in to nis new otnees jut sontb of tbe post office block, where be will have one ot tbe finest dental establishments in tbe valley. He will reside jnst west of the tereck residence, near his offices. O. E. Sox, agent for tbe Mutual Life Insurance Co., has been notified that bis company will write insurance for any one enlisting in tbe U. S. service with out extra cost, it they are to remain in tbe U. 8 , if i bey go out only ten per cent will be added. Not a Spaniard. John II. White called at the Dax ocaa-i office this morning and said he was tbe man who was ejected from Millor & Turner's livery stable Wednesday even ing, and he wishes to deny emphatically that be stated that he was glad the Maine bad been blown up. He Uaists tbst be mplr raid tbe Maine should never have been sent into Havana harbor ia the first piase. White is a native of Pennsylvania, baving been born in that elate in 1852. He says tbst be bad a nephew on tbe Maine, who was killed, and has another on the Boston, and that he is thoroughly loyai 10 tne stars and stripe Tbe trouble with White is too much whiskey tie nas oeen so thoroughly soaked th he hardly knows what he does say. U is tramping towards Portland, and ba uardiy been in Albany an hour befoi being pnt ,n the calaboose. Mr. W sober may be a pretty good man, but wben full tbe aopearances are against him, as they are against sll intoxicated men. Was Abrestbo. At Salem fis leade of the circus band and the Leondor cir cus dissolved partnership, tbe leader retiring. In the dissolution Theodore Leondor took charge of the drum aud a suit of clothes aod brought them to Al bany. The band leader claimed they were his property and a warrant was tel egraphed to Sheriff Gaines for the arrest of Leondor, which he did at once and he was tasen to oaiem. ibis morning for trial. Tbe men here claim that the charges cannot be made to stick against Leondor. Th Mcbterino Is of tbe companies at Portland as U. S. soldiers beean this morning at 8 :30 o'clock . A good deal ot interest is being takeu in this city as to i in j . .. . . wuo win pan reaay icr tne duties tbst will follow. Private letters indicate that some of the boys are well pleased' witb the prospects and bad rather go If niacna man not,, in laci inai luey are rather anxious for the experience. J What'Dr A E Salter Says. Buffalo, N Y, Gent: From my personal knowledge, ga'ned In observing the effect of your Shlhh's Cure in cases of advanced Constipation, I am prepared to say it is tbe most remarkable fieuiedj that has ever been brought to my atten tion. It has certainly saved many from Consumption. Sold by Foshay& Mason. r WI1EA Mr. Letter continues to have the wheat market by tbe borns. 'Today's quota tions are as sens.tiona's those of yester day. W Ohicaso 149?,'o for May, JOlc for July. New Yrrk 144c for May, 109, for July. San Francisco 105o for. May, lOOo for July. "i - Liverpool 2 . 4c b igher. Albany 85c. For Recorder. l j rsa -r J"'. 1 . ; Mr. E. O. Neat, the (fnlow nominee tarA ine oiuc of county recorder, is a gentler, man eminently qualified to fill the posi4 tion in the proper manner. Both as al scholar and clerically he is well fitted for(e, uv puamuo- wr, iei came ii urrson in 1889. about nine years a no. and has conducted himself In a manner to give him an excellent reputation among the people, ll baa taught acboo! lor a nam ber of years, in which avocation be stood well. He is a steady, reliable gentleman. possessing tbe health and industry, as well as tbe clerical ability for keeoinffthe recoras up-to-date as ttiey sbuuld be kept. Dresser and Davcy. A. S. Dresser, of Oregon City, and Frank Davey, the Tribune's Salem ror- repondent,spQk at tbe opera bouse last night to a fsir sited audience. Of course tbey proved the fact that the republican party had always been wrong on the money question until tbev established the single gold standard theory, and that ali tbe present "prosperity" i doe to the republicans. Mr. Davey devoted some time to Mr. Kincaid and Mr. King. He accused tne latter of helping to hoi 1 np the legislature and Mr. Kincaid of try ing to run things ia an executive man ner Those who remember tbe proceed ings ot the hold-up legislature wilt not re member seeing Mr K ing's name used in connection witoitatall.snd the manner n which Mr Kinoai-I has displayed ex ecuuve authority hai been by refusing to Issue warrants to railroad commissioners wbo are no entitled to them aad protect ing the state generally against tbe in roads of grasping officials. Tbe Sbake'm Up Quartet, now com posed o: Messrs. Merle, n are, Concklm ind Nelcoo, furniahed campaign none 'or the meeting. Death ot Jacob Kces. Jacob Kee. one ot tbe best ku-iwn inn county farmers and pioneer. d:el tiis tortnooa, at bis home this side of Lebanon, at thesdvanced agsof 78 years. after a Itocennc illnea of several VMr. Kees came to Oregon ia abofil '47 taking Uj a D. L. 0.' Through grt frugality be accumulated a arg proper- ty, mostly ia money aod botvde. and died worth probably orer $!0.0 0, tbe richest Loa eoanty farmer. He-lew v a wife and bo children, but a number oi ;e)a Uvea. Alhany No. 6 A Ranch ot Vigilant was orgtnuJ tj Mr. J r. McUenry at tbe new Macca j .bee hall last night, aad this place will be their home.,. Tbe officer elected were: Past leader, W. E. Rich; leader. Ilea ry Hopkins; 1st S. P., Mrs. Woodin; 1st P. A.. Hamer J. Philips; cne. Louis Viereck : riakoholder. S M. Ra'a- ton; 2nd S. P., Mrs. W R.BiIyea; scou1 U, Prav; fnsrd, M8. T. J. Uopko.; , J. L. Hill; board ot approver Mrs -. iee.nrs. l. irving and a. iv. p.hi-j Tbe Maccabees will meet in tbeir new all tor tba first time tomorrow night, ben a full atteadaace is expected. E.L Brvan of Philomath, union can didate for county judge of Benton coun ty, was in tbe city yesterday afternoon. Tbe Mas-esioe Clob will meet with Mrs. P. A Young tomorrow at 2 p m , prepared for aa excursion on wheels after violets. Cyclone Davis, of Texas, "ill pass through Albany tomorrow morning for Portland, and will stump tbe state in tbe interest ot tha union ticket. Miss Avs Baltimore left this morning on a several weeks trip to different part of the state, intending to visit Astoria, Portland and The Dalles, among other places before returning home. Tbe Girls Military Club will meet to morrow afternoon in tbe W. C T. U. ball at 3 o'clock, and every Patur Jay af ternoon at that hour. All girls are re quested to attend. Rev. J. 11. Cornwall, a resident I Sodaville for several months, aod who wrote several excellent Bryan poems two years airo. is now nastDr of a cburcn at Fulton, a suburb of Portland Cornwall ia a pioneer of IMS. James McCain, the new P. M.. took possession of the office Monday. Miss Lena McCain, daughter of the present in cumbent and Mia &tell Patlv. former assistant under Mr. Harding, are on duty 1 tbt new assistants. McMinnvilla T. R Tbe Miases Stewart, Page, Morris, Harkoess, Alexander, Hopkinr. Ai ec, McCoy, foshav. Merehalland Henton, ot Albauv collese lelt on the Ruth this mornina for Salem, to attend a meeting . . 1 x ,11 j 1 . . a. u I. U X to convene at Willamette tonight. I The administration is fsvonng news oarer men cenerally in making appoint menis. T. u. itum, recenuy appoinwa pofetinaster at Oakland, Oregon, has het n a resident of the state only a year, and there were many applicants for the pos-' itionrold timers. Ruth is editor of the Gazette. Prof, and Mr. lohn Fulton start for Washington, D O , tcmorrow. Prof Fulton has leen g.-anted abaeuce leave by the board to do special work in tbe de part ot agriculture at Washington. His special study will be advanced organic chemistry, and chemistry of the soil, lie will visit also uorneu university ana per haps studv new methods and develop menta in the science of chemitt-y there. Mr. and Mrs. r uiion expect to be east four or Bve months. Corvallia Gasette Prof. Fulton once resided in Manila sev eral months. He says it is a healthy place. ' Tux Cmcus Leondor's circus gave a performance on the grounds near the de pot last evening. It Is a small affair, without horses, but the program is in teresting and well carried out. It con sists of tumbling, mat work, statuary in Greek costumes, a 6 ne flying ladder act. first clsss coutortiouist and plenty of clown business. Another performance will be given tonight. Tbe admission is life and 25c . W bat nleaiure is there in life with a head ache, coustipation and billousnes'- Thous ands experience them who could become firfectly healthy by De Witt's little mIj Riser famous tittle pit's, J. A, Cummiog. WHEAT. , Chicago 170, closed at 167c for May, Julyl06j8'c. t New York 160 for May, U3c tor July. Ban Franci-co lt;3c for May, 100c tor iei'emner Liverpool unsettled and 3Wc higher. Albany 85c. ; . SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Airs Amelia Kleinberg and son. oi fciienstrurg, wash., ag I j the city, tbe guest oi-ter latter Mr, U Senders. Mrs. Wr J. Orfel of Spokane, arrived in the city on a visit the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. E,,A. Parker. Mr. Frank Watsoq anil wire of Albany arrived last evening - Tbey came part way on their bicycles. Newport News. Co'aC D E and F of the regulars of Vancouver, will pass through Albany to nlgbt on tbeir way to the I'rt.idio near Sao Franciaco. F.P. Kelley, formerly of the Red Crown mills iu this citv. hu htwn an. pointed adjutant in one of the Portland 1 lr. M. II. El i-of Ibis citv baa bcn nonorea oy being appointed regimental surgeon of the Uregon VolonUiers, an nonor bis many Albany friends appreci- Maltt-colt was at Alsea last Mooday. m psopie mere received news or fey victory and did not finish ceie-irating until midnight. They kept Judge J I. Whitney, of Albany, wil! address tbe people of Liocoln county ne on tbe political iaaoes of tbe day at To ledo on Mooday et ening. May 9, at 8 o'clock p. m., and at Sileis oa Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. A. B Hammond. Generai Wan... Curtis and Superintendent MeGnire. of 1 1. . 1.1am. f. , : 1 1 . .. . .u.,vH. . viuuivw iwi Tur railroad, leit tr.i morning oo a special train for Portirnd. At Goble tbev a 111 -mt th. general superintendent of the Northern raciac, where (be new time card nt other deuils will be gone over for using tbe Northern Pacific track between Uob!e and Pot tland. Astoria Sews. MiJJlc-of-thc-RoaJ Petition. Petitions with sixty names were filed with the county clerk yesterday aftar ooca asking for the placing of the names of the ticket nominate! at Lebanon, gen erally known as the middle of tbe road ticket, oo the ballot Ht the Regular Peo ple's Party nomination, aod under tbe provisions of the election law the same will be dans The Signatures of the pe titioner , according to the word of that familiar with the politic of the men. cotisit of f rty to forty-five republican and fit seen to twenty middle of-tbe-road poputieU, . fact that aoeak fo- iielf tteiow ia a list of the came aad thoae acquainted witb t :e men may do then own figuring: ! A ttneb. J L Hill, A O Storm, D W Hardtn. J A Lamberaoo. G Loveiee, Geo iiiiea, K M Barr.J H W bed bee, J F DeU, r E t handier, G W Rice. John Nichols. i; reei-ier, t A Swann. G w Daggett. V E Harden. V C Peteraan. R.n F iodge, F A Nickersoo. E BoIr. J M C ran Jail, a I Crar.dall. L H Baker, F M Thompson. T Arre-t, J C Msy, A fenny. " r Martin, M tv ua'ker, John Car roll, Gorge RandaH. il K ICrieno. P Le-iia. J W Wilson. Jos Maver. WO Myers, EC Jsckfoo. M D Hogan. J R Smith, Geo W Taylor, Jchn Doige.OC mo. A II Booth. Geo Rot. C A Blud relt. F M Gatt, Ed Allen. TF Hickman, i D frock, A F Ayers. W S Pound. I P Rove. I Govro. A Holt. G Wertx, T I Chesbir, C A Uerringtoo.T J Plaster.I C Duedali. .Mr. Gradnhols Account of It. Aiar, Or., May 7, 1S9S. To rax Cn-usss or Aiaaxv : I .bought I wnald inform tbe citizens of Albany in regard to our meeting we Lad witb Mr. Alfred Stillmaa. tha man ager ot the Pacific Coast Underwriter Association, tbat I was there witb the balance ot tbe inauranca agent of Al hany, and tbe first question Mr. Etillman was asked ia regard lo tba trouble was what piOfOi'ioo be aad to make ia re gard to tbe raise of IS per cent Insoraaca rate ia the city of Albany. Mr Sullmaa trld ns tha only way he could sea was to have tbe ciiiiens ot Albany have tba citv cooncil repeal tha oidmanrea of li censing the it surance agents 460. The niniil iiicuiuiiuchhii JU. a am i extra 15 per cent ou the insurance policy. mat ia tne on:y way tbe matter caa be settled and if Ibe city council does'nt re peal tbe law tbe 15 per cent will be en forced. One ot our agent aeked Mr. btiuman it tbe ordinance would be re pealed it the insurance com pan ie would reduce tbe rates. Mr. uliman told ns tbat be could not make any pro-ruse, and all thst he could say wa that we would bave a new survey about tba 1st ot Au gust, aud some insurance might be high er ana some lower, according to location. but be want us to understand that the questions which we asked bim bad noth ing to do do with our trouble which ex ists, and tbe only way be could see at present was that the cut council re Deal the ordinance which ia in force now, that woold settle all tbe trouble, which be be lieves would bo a benefit to the citiaeos ot Albany in general. As l bave been la tbe insurance bust ness in tbe city of Albany tor about 20 year. 1 bop the cituens in geneial will insist on tba city council repealing th license ordinance oo insurance agent Aa tbe expense of the agents is to be taxed on the man who h.s his pro petty insured, which i already high enough without addiog tbe 15 percent additional -premium . 1 ramain 1 Your Truly, A Bravs Bov. While playing near the stream in South Independence, wbicb ia tno-tiy back-waters from the Willam ette, last Saturday afternoon, little Etma Milliard fell into tbe stream, which, at that plr-ca, is eight or ten feat deep. It teems that there was a log layina across the stream at this ilaeand little John nie Ots-e, only six years old, climbed out oa Ui log and got tha little girl by the haad aud pulled her out. We think this is quite a bit of pluk for a child ot that aan. Enterprise. Finsd25. Justice II. A. Johnson to j bsy imposed a fine of 123 and costs upon TheoJor Leondor who was arrested at Albany Thursday nigbt charged witb larceny of a bass drum. The man was given a trial at 9 a. m. and was found guilty. Leondor is connected with the clcus aggregation that was in this city Tuesday and Wednesday and his arrest is-the result ot the partial diabandment of the show company here and the subse quent dicpute ss to the division ot the com piny 's belongings.- Journal. Children and auUs tortured ty burns, scald, injuries, eczema or skio diaeases may nernra instant relief bv using De w itt'a W itch Hiol Salve It ia the reat Pile remedy. -J. A, Cummins. If you want good sewlntr machine needles and oil set them of French tb eweler. One car load tt lhoinix Bieycli gone already ana another on the road. Ro mtmkt thm laod fmrf. . - wholw oaae, aa4 aWltel a. FOYQER Absolutely Puro tMVAC SMONS wlMfBsV MVWnim HOME AND ABROAD. Bur Smiley 'a Clan Printing. . i Crescent Bicycle,' ' Hopkins Brother, agent. ' Beat BfcyUs fort e motey. Wiil8tark. jewe'ers. 2 ponada of 'Tacker for 15c at T (1 haver ' Call at French's aad see his audi from 15 cents op. Uelt and skirt supporters 5, 10 and 15 cent at F M. French'. Cmcent biryclea at Hopkins Brother or ooii J, f and J-VJ. Freeh areda. two packa.e for a nkket a Ste-art A x Hard ware Co'. Freb sed. two package for a nickel at Stewart k Sox sraware Go's. Crackers are now way down ia price, call om C E Browuelt for freh ones; Ladies long wmen chain at low price at French lew-lrr .tore. The annual co. a apm-nt of tn GAR and ladies aocietiea will be held at Tbe Uallrs begmKing May 17. - The terenl caadidale cards printed by c-mitrj are mpM- or c:ean pnatins, such as he is well rquipped aad able fo do. Mrs Vier-c-k's Ice Cream ParUra .) Sammer UardVn are opened for the season. we ueucious ice r am aad ice m soda. The Albany crchestra will soother owe of toerr soccessfal dance at tbe Opera bOUa 8 tarda evening t v. aod enjoy yc- r f SpecUtora 10 caofs if tea gtiary. Tbe oad oil meeting of the Eart Wii!amett6 A-mc to of Coagreg-ationa! chore L wU c .T-re at WiiiarJ. Marion or-unty. M'j iu - i il. Tte dutrkt of tbu aasociati -a i .lales C ac'satni, M rtoa aad Ui.i 'ou i. an-1 mo-ig Uow ao tbe prthfTtm ar D Y Poiiag aad i- V Hofro. ..t An Ipworthlan Event. A sub diiri.-t rally of the Kpworth League was h-S I Ust eveutog at tbe M B. church Bt-i-- a Urge number from Albaay ttiere were present nine teen from Shnttt hraded b Rev. W B Moore ao-J ti e pie-ident, Mr. Crome ar.d several Irai Br rnn!!e, Lebanon, Haleey, C-Yvallis, Buenr Viita and Jef ferson. The church was profusely and Ustily dscorated witn fl and bunting, the sura and stiipe and the Coi-an fbg fao ing tbe audie-ca. hi- aa eagle perched proudly upon he pulpit held tbe Ameri can fl in h: betk. There i pa- uiotic appearance to everylbing, even Ibe bright countenance -t the Epworth un young men and women, glowing with loyalty A pleasing a I too imprompta pro gram was rendered, with Mias Margaret Geisendorfer, dirtrict president la the chair. Beeidee singing, led by the M. E choir, mostly of a patriotic character, there wa a rewdiog of the 1st Psalm, lead by Rev. V. U Moore, of Sbedd, prayer by Dr ire, a mding oi an ar tide oa pwor-iaua ia Iodia by Joseph Ralstoa, tbe reading of a war poem by Melvtlia Wire, a I written paper oa Cuba a a mi- too beld by Mias Sim peon oi Lebanon, tba readioa ot a statistical paper by Mrs, Rev Moore, oi Sbedd, showing that here are 17,000 chapter and 1 600, ax) Epworthiaos in tba U. S , a reading by Miea Ciara Gard aad tbe passing of ttic following treeoluttoa ia trod need by M:sa Eva iiimpaoe: Waraaaa, We hare the great honor of having sent tram our various league noble young m.a'wbo at tbe call of tbeir country hare con lorth to "lilt np" the . . .. . k.. tha oppressor. Ireavberou Spain, there-; lora be it j U solved. That we send to oar boy ia Mc&iaiev camp tbe greeting at this rally and tbe aseuraaca ot oor earnest, live and continual prayer for their weilfarti Miss bimpeoa gave tba name ot tnl aioaay cpworui "ueagua woo nave gone to tbe war as Jos. Tor bet, rrak ire and Emit H ward. t be Corvall is League sent Mr Galligherand Mr Becker, tbe Brownsville League Mr Vard Bennett, and Lebanon Joe Booth. A social folio ed seasoned by aa ex cellent lunch nicely served. During the evening tbe oissee Shnlaa ville were beard ta a vooi of Brovnt- duet which received a hearty encore. Tbe affair was a great Epworthian soccesa. - Linn County's Share. " Setrctarv of State Kincaid has appor tioned aad i;itied warrants payable to the treasurer ot each county in Oregon for tbe United State five per cent land aaaee lund ui-ler act of the legislature assembly approved February 1, 1MJ3, found on page ihrea of the session law ot Oregon n( 1893 - Ttie total amount paid over by the U nited States this year to th state ot Oregon is 08, which haa been apportioned among the coun ties according to the era of each county. According to the law this apportionment should have been made by the Secretary of State on the tirt of Ma-ch, but tbat could not be done because the money was not received until a tew d-tys ago. Tbi money mu-t tie used only for the purpose of improving, building anJ maintaiog county roads and bridge Tba amount apportioned to Linn county ia 1U 13. Walter Lvou in his account cf the Gser meeting at the Bay telegraphed the Oregonian ; "Mr. T. M Richardson brought a b i load ot people from Newport and Yaquina." The joke line in the fact that T M. Richardson is tha name of the steamer running between Newport am) Yaquina. NOCL'RE-NO PAY. Th -It Is il or v '! dm isin !! ottoVE's r t-rt-iLts- chill t nic for Malnru Oi.ila and I'evsr. It la imply Iron -! Q linlu - in a usteltwa r- rra. .'nu v t. in i,w oraur i to b. ter, n ' - rol34 M 51 How We Say It. Coughs eui-ed. for a I quarter, no lur n i quarter, we are selunu low ol our ns rine cotign syrup im tar, because it i just what we say it is. n-i-es auick reift and is btanit reoomend- ed to cure a dap seated cough, Burkhart St Lee, Drug - 1st , TO CURE A COLD IN ONK DAY. ' Tit Lit ii a 4 li-uai'Taole! All Or an t rju il I'll iu tusy If It fait o Cur - 86n. To Cor CuuiaUoa roravar. Take Cascareia Caudv Cathartic too ortSo. It C C. C full tocur. UruBiii.i n-funU tno&ey. ' LEBANOX. From the ExpreM-Advant. . Osborne leturned Tuesday from a visit to Illinois and other state . Four families from Oklahoma, all related to Mr. Osborne,came witb him and will lo cate ia this county. ' " I. G.McCuIly left this mornln ,. Mill City, where he will act as bead bookkeeper for tbe 8ntism Lumber Co. for a few months. W. C. Westlake. of California, ptir chased five csrlosds of hay in this vicini ty, and all but one carload baa been shipped. ' Four republican candidate, Messrs Kelly. Winn. Yao Winkle and Red field are in our citv today; also D.F. Hard man , county recorder and chairman , of ioe republican county eentral committee, w neat went np to 87 He in lets place tne nrt ot tbe week. Hoa. J, K. Weatb erford bad 250 bushels in tbe Lebanon warepoose wbicb be sold at the top price. Mr Hushes, ocr -inierorinn-r electtic ugai man, na procured tbe latest im proved globes for tbe stn-et ligbu. e believe this is tbe first town in tbe state to reoetve tbeaa tew glooes. A. B. Wo'-din, president of tbe Albany ouuaiogana. m! asaociauoa, u in Lebanon putting a fence aroond tbeir property, the Wilson boose, which now occupied by Dr. Davenport. IS There was a good crowd oaf to hear Uoa. K. M. Veatch Tuesday evening, Mr eatcb is not a great orator, but he presents, ia a plain manner, eome con vincing arguments. He is known to bt. an honest man and oa tbe side of the people on ail governmental questions, and ta this lies bis streagta and insure bis election to congress. Hon. J. ! Hoiitb, Dr. D. M. Jones and Hon. M. A Miller followed Mr Yeatcb wi.h abort speeches. Sam'i M. Garland, reetnet committeeman, acted as chairman ot the meeting Tbe band bora tarnished some good muiic. SCIO. From the Press : Mr. M. M. Wiliiams of near this city, milks 8 head ot cows that pays him $30 per mootb. This is a good abowiag, and prove tbat cows, when takea car ti will pay for their feed aad something be side. . k There will be a grasge picnic at Jor dan Saturdar. May 14.1&3. There will be maav speaker there, among whom Ex-Judga Boise. Every body ia invited to come and have a good time. Robert Veatch candidate for congress spoke to some teal live members of tha populist party at tbe city ball in this city last Wednesday Owing to tne lack of advertising the crowd was small. .Many in the neighborhood no! knowing of tha appotntakt-at. J. Clem, Candida; toe eoator was ia toa as was also Frank Crabtree. Hob Bryant, of Albany and many o hers Word received from art. Savage state ibat be is bow at ti Sammit, witb all hi goods, lie feels very cbeertal and is well saJstied, far Ia tha lAg. slide where so manv tost their live, his eot re outfit, slmoet. was buried ondanseath 30 feet of enow aad he was loreeJ to dig maofolly to recover them.- Mr. K&leri is also getting along nk-ety. Chalk-Talker Coming. Mrs. Mad L Green aid M.fs Hatiie Ilea lerwa.catuaat lecture cf the W. C. T. V wiU i in Alhanr Mav 16. Mr. Green is a f 4o-as cbalk talker il- lurrates her k Clare pieatifaily with jc lorea weica obo draw oa tbe blackboard la the presence of ber andi-nce She draw rapidly with either or both band, and eoert where delights ber audience with ber exceptional g 1 1 as aa arit ber great t-omor. aad keen hit. She talks or draw for either adult audiences or chil drea. Wants Some Pbesints. The following letter was received by an Albany man: From R. Roberta, Iroa Moantaia Mine. bearinz that Yoa had Soma Pbesict to Sail aod I dide know Yoa name. So I thought I would write a hoe or two, to be let yoa know tbat I want a base Bied. for sale. So if voa have got them for aail. let tne know tbe prica of those. aad Oblige yonr rrnlv, K Roberta, Iron mountaia, Shasta Co., Calif. Foa a Fljiq. A a effort i being made to rata monev for a Bar for tba Oregao .Yoiuateer. and ia order that the people may have an interest in it email con tri bal ion will be received from ll over the tat and sent to Portland for a general land for tbe porpoe. Tboc wishing to if I contribute in Albany mav do so by hand-J me tbe money to Mayor Eurkbart at cia j office. sul Waxca. Tba overla apsr'this morning was del red abort eight hour loaaccMnt ot being cached off tbe track at Cottage Grove by a freight train, ev ert I car being thrown off at a switch. It was a big job to g? uem on again. Atti'ttox RruKEiHR. Ibere wiU be a --teefag at tba bail next Jaonday e-ren- i ua at t o coc tor dnil tor tai'iauoa. All member of the tail are reqaeeted to be preet. By order of the Xoble uraad. R km KJCBKt Tn c Maixc Get a fine bittoa for onl live cent-i at F M French's. Both the method and results wbi Syrup of Figa ia taken; it ia pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts centlT vet promptly on the Jkwneys. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, di&pels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual oonstipatioDu Syrup of Figs is the only remed-f of ita. kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ao- rentable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in ita effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many exoellent qualities commend it to all and bam made it tne moss nonular remedv known. ' Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 eent bottles bv all leadiae dru?- gists. - Any reliable druggist who may no. have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. . CALIFORNIA FJO SmUP CtX Mil, Provisions, Feed, Owing to the change in prL'3 it. ig impoieible to quote price3 for any definite time. ; , We " have the Hammond Co. meals, lard, etc Will always quote prices as tow as we can Albany Trading Go. ist and Baker Sts. the the'bert aad yet simplest type wnte maaufactured, the coaommatioa of th . taventar art. Aa eiosrt steaozraDbe after nsins naav mac a ine. tars. "I cob sider the Voat Writing Mac Line far super- or;oaayl have yet aed " CaU at tbe DraocaAT oSice and ate one ofiha type writer that has to have a perfect aiUga- meat. All Typewriter sapf lie oroered . F. P. Scttiss. AgeatT TEB GSE1KS7 BOSS OF TEE AGE! &si14Im ll Eferj Esze vA lUxj. 1X3 FcGDl5S DIGI3 EiSlOra r nl br KiS Hoi. Will mm Exit GwMa, irmii mt Oix binu bI liwl Owuc fit-. A. H Sorca. ftmiB Ca-:!a. Oxfar. uj Tfi.M.1 Ia CM. D D. Ckic TWlapeJ mximtn. Ckkaca lxU iUt. Fl-hnt tim. IB. uju mi Cmtrym. CwtSot. iJc-ltw. K. fnct V- einril-. D 1. Mw UHiW. aferart . Otura. Lms. tw ; Be, ft- A. kUcanlur. I D, C-'rr BcM Ckarra. York l f irl wunmi yp - c mugwik GosfncKiosat CI-, r i t h Kmc D-Ij- W . I ftn - . a. ' ' Coi, 1 .a- i. B. Ciwr S6f 1-. feiiMMli. Leiiu. tmJ TSe.. K m. it of CfcicaA CIu- Hsrt, I' i - Triistr Cq-n Er-JarCOau-i E J. C. LoriB-. IJD T; ll, Iit M - I imm ijw m. ae fn r ffi. tis. Soli a-dit fsJi -- "if"" BiW B-r-o . fsi knur, tmto-i. Jt: U a P AkTS. -a M. J m uumn u - , Jt ami mi i ' ' j, . rar will i WIttt . a".-- our Capacity In Uneqaalcd In the Valley. OUR WORK' Is I'nsurpas ed In Oregon. We have the best stock U. select from and our price? are always the IawcsI, quality considered SMILEY, Albany. The Fnnte HORK WORLD Thrice-a-Wetk Editia IS Pages a Week ... . . . 156 Papers a Yeai For One Dollar rwhtkkeaevwvy AlS-vwat ay exre-a SwaJ Th Thrice-a- Week Edition of Th k rw Yorx WosJJ) is first among all "weekly"- papers in use. treqoeocy cc mwicauwi aad in rrrson. rci v - . j ita cot tents. It his all tbe merit of a Tat $6 daily at tne price or a aoiiai weekly. Its political ne w is prom pt. cojd pleta, accurate aad impartial as ail its read er will testify. It is sgainst the monopo lies and tor the people. It print the new or au tne wor.o. n tag special correspondence frem all im portant news points on tbe globe. It ha jriMiant illastraUonj.. stories by great author, a capital baivor pP. complex nmrket. depirtiutnts f?r the household ind women s work and ether special d- pwrtmeata. We offer this uaeqnaled newspaper aad th Dkmocb'at togetaeroie vear for t CO VEkRS f TRAOK SSARKS. '4 ncaiCNS. Ill COPVRICMTS ie. Avron n-nr a - iKr "" r'' ..VMOVrtrT tre-4. hhr aa iuwatu JSSStoiiS. OMMt cr ivr-"-" finiUik-H throt w a . -- (Bcetal aoUoe ia th SCIENTIFIC fi!ftFujAH, ilJCw ni,USv SiM-imo crwi euuti "x l'riTs r. Al munn a CO., Sl i;ts-3 -r VarTt. ...ENVELOPES... ALL COLORS ALL SIZES a Largest stock Lowest prices SMILEY, the Printer. 2 'jyfj jf L WHIM K-nt Hate. Hi I -tm-l -f T- ri rfnj a-i LiJu, im.fS) la-1 mtr. t