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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1898)
THE RECORDS SHOW CURES OF Rheum atisi By THE USC Of ST. JACOBS OIU T CHRONIC CRIPPLES AND Of BED-RIDDCN INFLAMMATORY CASES. THERE'S NO DENYINQ, IT CURES. 9 LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany. V R Bilyeu, Foshay & Mason block. jBN Blackburn, P O block. H Bryant, P O block Anderson Cannon, P O block J N Duncan, P O block. T P Hackleman, Peame block. -O E Hawkins, Ousick block Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly & Curl, bank building. L H Moitan-e, Pearce block. J C Powell, P O block, J M Somen, P O block. H 0 Watson, bank building. Weatherford & Wyatt, Bank bnilding. Whitney & Newport, Ousick block . Q W Wright, P 0 block. Lebanon. SM Garland. Brownsrille. A A 'fussing. f DR. J. L.tilLt ROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY XT LAW ORSOOX CITY, ORBOO Land Titles and Land Office Business a Specialty. H. R Herrill Insurance and Collection Agent Money to loan, warrants bought Office in the Democrat building. K. O. T. M. every Saturday evening at K. O. T. M. hall. Yisttino- Knights inviled. W. A. Cox, Commander. Physical Culture. Parties desiring to enter a class in physical culture for training with dumb bell, clubs and wands, will pleae notify H. C. Eartly. at Exchange Hotel. LINN CO- ABSTRACT COMPANY . Albany 'Oregon. Offiots, Bank of Oregon Building;. Only set of Abstracts of Linn County. Complete set of maps and plats. Cbaifces reasonab'e Garden seeds Which is the cheapest to pay 5 cents for 5 to 15 ounces in bulk or to pay 5 cents for half an ounce package. Call oa William band for garden seeds ol all kinds in bulk The Magnolia I ", -e - : af .a. A" -- c simpsow s son ; SUndarl Prices fork larrente Ur Adams Cusick Block Albany, Or Painless work a specialty. F'IKNT NATIONAL. BAHK. OF AU1IT, OBBOOW Paatdaat Vie Prattdant " Lruira 8,B,TOUSO k w. labodoji TSAllSACt8aOSjl i.bkitt I- ACCOCKTS KEPT abject to eases. IOrr EXCHAHOK aa lt'ff-MUc traaafar, oM X Tork 81 im etBO.Ckloc ud T -UrS OUr, TTIO!IS SAOEob fnaraM tm 8 E Titnm Km. Uk P A Oooowtk, L. lun C. 8. t'jm. FOSHAK k HASOR -Wholesale A Retail-- mmm AUDfioomnsi A LB AST. ORKOOM. Pare Drugs and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in tbe Market. ...ENVELOPES... ALL COLORS ALL SIZES - Largest stock Lowest prices the Printer. O YEARS' EXPERIENCE. V4 TRADE BtABK U -4 rf"f COPYIIICHTS Ac Anyone Mmdlric ffcefrh and descfiptton may f)uit;kly aacertmn. fruc, whether ma lnvcDticMi m robnlilf kr;'jtlj t'ocumunlcatimij strictly uoufltleiituiL Oidoit Atw cj Stfrtecurtate patenu In Aniericia. We have a Wabintrtoa oltHM. Patent taken tbruufb Muua b. Co rcee. fhtcuii ootiov iu tli SCIENTIFI0 Af.lERtjAN, brntntlfaUr Hltjtmted, Inrseat etrcclntlon of nnvKiuiit; :imal, weekly. term. SXOUmTeu. l. "siy t'lt-'i'. pef'inipii eopt(sa:Ml Uams ka 1 .! -eiiHree. Aildrex t aw z" : 1 j 30., w V.rli SEEDS W e put up o r own garden seeds They sre alt Northern grown seeds Tdey are absolutely true to name T ey sre fresh all grown in 1837, The packages are full weight, Price, two papers for a nicksl, We also bave them in bulk. Stcw.xt & Sox HiBDWiBr C i n Star Bakery. Corner BroaJalhht and Firm Sw CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR- -tXalar Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits. Tobacco, Sugar. Coffee, Etc. Canned Meat Queens' Veetabe Ogsr. , ', Spices, Tes Etct rything tnat U tjpt la a good variety and gro - eery store. High est price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCf SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. No Question about full and prompt' meat of losses by fire on ineut ance pti7H with the leading agent cf Albany, M. 844 decs. "ThaVs iat He Insures People For Jon't allow yourself to be roped into tb various "Local Mutuals" now being pushed on you aa being "cheapest in surance, wnen you insure you ao eoi want to worn about ceUing yoor biit u case of loss. M SENDLKf" Insurance. Hay, Grain and Woo! . fin '" m fAJ& .ftTOHMflMri 45 628 9j JO H 12 13 14 15 16 J7 18 19 20 21 22123 d2627l2829l3 Mai am Hois. I wish fo announce to tbe fanners wiU in the vicinity of Albany, especially thosi interested in bog r&uiogr, that I have pur chaaed tbe hog known as Common's Ideal No. 36213 recorded in the American Pol and China Record Co, the one that, took the second premium at the fair this fall. He is a fine bog and a good'bneder. i solicit tne patronage and inspection of parties interested in good boss. He i accompanied Ly a yearling of my own nut in ar which to recordable . I have three thoroughbred sows which 1 am raising pigs from. I bave a few pit at present for sale, all recordable. They can be seen at the Skeels place, one mile north of Albany. F H H UGHeON, The Gardener rooow tMCraettoM to eos voan BOUMBoo rasa AT OVJL Afilaf mhm tllm mod Lamrm afcwrt this grtat pad, t For sale by J. A. dimming Honey to Loan. We bave a block of $40,000 to loan on food farms in Linn and adjoining count ies. if you have good security and perfect title, we caa furnish yoo the coin witbont aelay, as we make our own examination of ecurity. Call on us or write 8. N. Stew-E do, Albany, Orgor, TEE GBEITEST BOGS OP THE AGE! Should be In Everj Boms and Library. T8 People's BIBM019 wrltbm br Rliht Baa. WlllUm Ewart Gimittma. Iz-FramJar ot OrM BritUa uul lrolaad. CbMon Ssata-I Iv CartUM, L. U.. Cbicuo Iboalosleai r, uacatfO. 111.; Bar. rraatne w . . arriv. is is.. Jms of CBO'oclmrT, OmlMiiorr. Kng! Bo. Ospea. DD-fafu Collwo, HoaionUI. luo.i nk W. Oanuoliu, 11. tl.. Armour Xn.tilot rkiMi III Ra. Iwm F. PiBlHurt. O.D.. Hint boos Prasb-torU . Chareh,. Londoo. ..! R. K. 8. kiacAitliar, U.O, blnn Billt Ctioreb. N York OtW. N. Y'-LtW- M-T SamlB-rtill. D.U. Mam fitr-at FraaBastiat Cborch. Lawcnna. Ma.i Ka. Fraak M. HrutoL DJ).. Flrat HathadMC Epueovai Looren craooioB, aji.i ro. " . . - wtwiw. . tlaa Oooimonaaaith, Londoa, Ens. fc.aMton.IIl.i E. W, T. Moora.Lt.IJ.,- I. 'Tha Chrta. ba.. EawarS krarott Uala. D.U, Booth Cona racaliooal Chan. Soatoa.Maai.1 Ka. Joaaob Ar rUot, II U.. Collaaa. Richmond, Ena.i IU. Ca.par lUoa Oraaori. Lalpilc CDi-anit. taipiia. GanaaBJi Rar. Wm. Claa-ar Wilkinaoa. D.D Unl-afaltif of fcbloaao. Chi caao. III. I Hot. Hamoal Hart. U.U.. Trinitr Collcca. EaKtord.Ooaa.: Ear. J. Monro Oil-op. l.D..Rt. Joba'a Wood PraabltarUn Charcb. London. Kn..Kar. Oaoraa aLoriraw.I.L.D.,TbaTampla. Bo-ton. Haa. ruriLAH kUITtOI.-M2 ousa.. 67 full-paaa II loot ra- Sona. silt adaaa, cloth, HHti hair lanuu. biH; full .... Btria A Till, aaaa mil laran,. ou tbibw, Rtrle B-two .oloma.. fall tattad. SaiWl AKT8. qoarto .ira. rariaw qumrtioo to aaeb,mS sapar covan, anrad, InnaM -IlKbtlr. ai.uu aaen yan. For aala at all bookatona am) by bonkMllara. Fof rnnhar iaforraatlou. wr.ta HKNftY O. BHKPABfe Vobliahar. 212 and Xt Mnoraa Htraak Chlcaao. llUaoak . itjraayajayoayajoa AM aavnaja)a. sk i 3aveataii4Tra4a if arts obtained and ill Pat, at basinea condnctod for M ode rat Fee. ! BndmoilM.drwl-igorphoto. WadvUlfi .patmrtaUarrcofcbir-a. unrfeenotdnatill; Viatentlaaeciirad. A I'ampblet -Row toOb-; I uin Patent." with coat of Mm la tb U. B. I aadioctieasotuuleentzraa. taowa i A. SNOW & CO. I J On. a-cirr O-ne. WaSHiaoTea, D. C S a IPX SMAlLXm 3 I '? SSree t. retaia Wit The Oregon is Hi right whether yoti refer to iha stats or to the battleship. Anti-Simon is the name ot a new par ty ic Multnomah county. Mr. Mitchell belongs to It. Mr. Scott does not. College boys always did make good soldiers, just as good in actual fighting as in camp. Key West is the center of attraction. It has within a fsw days jumped to the iront as the greatest news manuIncU nring town In the world. An exchange says that capital is a cow. ard. You can always tes this in time ej ot war. Then is when capital shows her hand and gets out of sight. War reports are not very savsge yet, and come of the reports art hardly worth mentioning, but the big papers must be Gilsd and bene the need ot something constantly even if it has to be manufact ured. - O A Steel .chairman tit tbe state repub lican central committee, atatsd in Wash ington that Oregon would go republican alter a big fight if tbe party held to gether. The joke is that tbe party ao far has held together like a sand rope. We are off a good way from tbe seat o' war, but stranger things might happen than that a Spanish cruiser should enter the Colombia. We surmise though that the Spanish cruisers have their bands more thsn loll at tbe Philippine islands II tbe government wants to borrow t5O0.00O.0OO on bonds tbs people wll tka the bonds at 3 per cent. It tbs thing must be dons it is time that tbs J. Pier poet Morgan crowd . r set down on. It is to be hoped Portugal does take sides with Spain. Better do so openly than eneakingly as sha has been doing . What's the odds snyway. Portugal is the fas: end of tbs world, perhaps the j, worst apology for a nation on ths facs o the earth . Tbe greatest mystery ot the war so lar has been ths Spanish fleet. Boms peo ple are afraid this aggregation of boats may pop out of ths sea anywhere, and bombard and taks one. of tbs principal eilUi before ths people know what is op. U Pi. am does anything like this it will be die first time in her lone history. Th- Spaniards on tbs Island of Cuba are very optimistic Tbey think accor ding to reports from tLers that their soldiers and torts ess stand off lbs Americans with ease, and that nothing is to be Ira red. It is tbs opinion of the Dsmocbat that this is faks news given out in order that the people of the isUa d shall, not be frightened, and tLat as a matter of fact awwt of tbe bpania da oa ths island, particularly in Havana, are so scared that tneir bail stands oa ends. Tbe Oregonian says Mr. Tongue bas learned something siacs 1894 when be wrote so ably on tbs silver question, and tbat be is all right bow on tbe financial question. It hasn't tbs same charity for Ellis and Mitchell and several olb- er men. So tar as Mitcneu is codc-tbcu - a S a Jl he can never atone for bis railroad to Mars statement, in the eyes ot the Ors- gociian. Bat Mr. Tongue can for a silver argument that be bas never himself snswered. Tbe President in bis proclamation of Tuesday gives Spain a good many prisif ee. To May 21 is a long time to give her merchant vessels to get out of t& porta ot tbs United States even allowing those now in it they bad started for a United Stale port to complete their trip and get away. That indicates that so for as tbs United State is concerned it is a very eiyilised country. But really war is a tit for tat business, and there can be no cheek turning when tbe fight is oa. Years sgo tbe Magnolia mills at this city shipped sway from Oregon, mors flour tbaa any mill in ths -alley, siteo making shipments of twenty thousand barrels at a tims to Liverpool. Tbs readere ot tbe Dsmocbat generally wil1 be glad to know tbat tits mill is to be pot is excellent condition snd in good bands and tbat it will again grind floor for tbs hungry people of tbs world. An idle mill is always nasightl, sod tbat of itself is a splendid reason tor rejoicing at seeing the mill again in operation. Perhaps when it is all over we will have occasion to congratulate tbs Albany militia, tor it looks very much now ss if tbev will neyer even see smoke. Ths Oemocbax predicts that if tbey gJ esst ths conduct ot tbs war will be such tbat they will never see Cuba nor any actual service anywhere. This will certainly be a result to be hoped for, and then tbs boys can return after a pleasant experi ence and having seen something of tbs world. Tbtee things though arc wry uncertain, and ths man who goes should do so willing to meet whatever comes up. --. II ill? proposed to wail till next fall before taking Cubs, ss has been slated in tbe dispatches it looks very much ae ft the campaign ie to be a slow and easy one. Sume people thenght tbat when the American gnn boats went down to Coba the war would be settled intide of . ....I, that Hi. whole island could be taken in a t data, that ail was necee aarv was to fire a tew shots and the Span iards would give up. That is not mod em wirier. v"e have some v.iy savage instrument of wsr, but tbey aie lame enoutih when in a comatoie condition It is Double Hut this roar not hs a very htwl. ..f If aetlled tbat way so Viww' " ' much tlifbtr. Bui will it be. Spain's Downward Course. 1779 Spsnifh nnaucjesefally lay siege tl Gib'sl'er.- 1793 l-i"i bv Spain ot part of Kan Dominto to France In the treaty o Basle. 1797 -Spanish fleet destroyed by Kl irlieh off Cape Vincent. isniSnaio re-ceded Inuisiana lo France, having gotten herstif into in jextrlcab e difficulties with the UniUd ' States nver bonniUries. and fearing' a re volt which w mid have lost I er the t r . riury. . 1803 By tbe trea'y extorted by Bona ' n..u qnain hMeame involved in a disss- v:A .nrl Iha laat I irons war wiwi xm,. ... remnents of its maritime wers sbattsr ed in the battes ol Cape Ftnisterie and , Knuliah takes DOMeSSiOn 01 Buanra Avree. in South America, th-n owned bySpain.Medrld v. as taken with out difficulty and the Spanish army scattered. 1810 Revolt in Spain's Argentine coW on fas in" South America Revolt in Spain's colony in Venesuela and New Uranada Revolt in Mexico, bpain s richest and largest American possession. 18U -Ferdinand VII was liberated and again acceded to tbe throne. Spain sroaned under a Royalist reigu ot terror. The cortes f parliament was abolished, tbe inquisition ra-established and nnan. ces wers squandered in futile efforts to regain South American colonies, winch again took advantage ot Napoleon's con quest ol Spain to revolt against Spain's oppressive and tyrannical mle. 1818-Cbile lost the Bpanish crown. 1821 Florida sold to the United States . Spain bad captured the west coast from England. On bis way horns after bis suppression of ths Seminoles in 1818, General Jackson captured Pensacola and deposed tbs Spanish authorities. The resulting differences were ended with tbs purcbaie ot tbe peninsula by the United States for 16,000,000. Men inAanendence sained. A revolt throuzbout Spain. 1823 Armed Intervention in Spain by . -. m a France, Russia and Prussia. Msano entered by invaders; no effect' ve reels-; tancj trade. 1824 Peruvian independence gained, and Spain loeCber last stronghold on the American continent. 1836 Spanish government involved in a desperate struggle with the Car lMs. 1868 Revolution. Queen Isabella fisd to Francs. 1876 Carllst war ended. Alfonso XII reigns. 1893 Cuban revolution befun. Now in its third and probably triumphant year. 1897 Revolution In ths Phiilipine Islands. Tbeea rich Pacific possessions ot Spam will be lost ss soon as Cuba is, snd probably at tbs same time. Washington Letter. from ov rnfnlar Corraapoodaat Washington. April, 25 1833. Oos country, ons flag and ons object tbs licking of Spain. Tbat is tbe all prevailing sentiment in Washington sloes tbs war actually begun. Now that Mr. McKinisy bas shaken off its Hanns peace-at-any-price crowd and their be numbing influence, bs bas become tbrroogbly alive to tbe necessities of tbe situation. This bas been particularly noticeable daring . tbs past week. He started on too right track when be asked corgrees tor the authority to nss tbs army and navy to drive Spain oat of Cobs; betook tbs proper sUp when Is sent last ultimatum to Spain; again wben be recognized ths dismissal of our minister by Spain as an act ot war ; ugaia wben bs Issued orders for our fleet to blockade Cuba, aad yet again wbea be issoed bis proclamation calling for 125 000 men to serve tvo yeais nnleea sooner discharged. Congreea is right behind every ons of tbs moves snd tbe peopls ars right behind congress. Tbs enthu siasm is unprecedented, and svsry Span lab flag captured by oar warship add to it. Tbs only regret tbat is beard is tbat all who d afire in avenging ti e Maine cannot do so, as each stats will insist on tarnishing its toll quota ot tbs tbs troops called tor. Tbe National Guard ot tbe District o! Columbia is already on doty in a camp of ins traction, and although only about ons third can hope to go every man of tbem ie anxious to start tor Cuba. Tbs law authorising tbs volunteer army which was enacted by congress last week, provides for foor Mai. Generals, tbe imprescioa Is general la Washington tbat Fits. Lee. aad Jos Wheeler, of Ala will bs tendered commissions ot tbst rank. "Teddy" Roosevelt, ths scrappy Assistant Secretary ot tbe nary, will re Sign tbat position in order to servs on Fits. Lee's staff in Coba. Wbeaonssoor army gets in Cuba it will maks short work of whipping tbs Spaniards, bat several weeks must elapse before tbat army caa be gathered on tbe southern coast, preparatory to embark ation for Cuba. Until tbea we shall aava to content . ourselves with tbe knowledge that our warships will givs s . good aceonat of themselves ia aay en gagement tbey will bars, either with tbs Spanish torts ia Cuba, or with tbe Spanish warships; aad ws may as well also prepare ourselves to hear of tbs oc casional captors of aa American merch ant ship on ths other side ot tbs Atlantic by ths Spanish. Ws can bops tbst ths boastful Spanish nsvy will corns over and fight our ebipe, but there sre no io- dlcatioas now ia sight tbat it will do so. It looks as tboogh ws will bave to go after tbem wbea we bave captured Cuba. bat Cuba comes first. A long story might bs told about tbe lightning cabinet cnange, in which sd tor Charles Emory Smith succeeded Merchant lames A Gary as Postmaster General, bat if so old an snemv of Smith as Senator Quay was willing to keep quiet and even move that Smith's nom (nation bo confirmed by ths senate, surely others caa do so, at least until after the war is over. Just now nothing is wanted that will not add to tbe strength of tbs government ; tbe first and greeks it demand ' is tbat no time bs lost in fighting the war to a victori ous end. Curiosities. -New Ysrk contains mors Hebrews tbaa tbere ars In Jruaa'eo. If kept continuously running a watch will tick 160,1 4400 times a year. Tbe capital letter "Q" will be found bat twice in ths Old Tenement, and three times in the New. Wssbiug is done in Japan by getting into a ooat ana letting tne garments to bi washed drag after the boat bv a long string. Edison says is more money made vuivi ., uiiwrviici kiiau uijg uue, and that it is better to keep tbe secret of an invention than to have it patented. There are in the world only twelve citiee with over a million inhabitants, four of which srs in Chins London leads tbe list with 4,415,958 New York snd Brooklyn combined rank third, with 2,352,150 (census 1890). Greater New York conta.ns over three million souls. i3o Cripe When you take Hood's mis. The big. old-fash, loned. sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not In It with Hood's. asy to tak and easy to operate, Is true ot Hood's Pills, which are up to date In every respect, aafe, certain and sure. All drugrUU. 25e. CL Hood A Co Lowell, Mass. Ths only Fills to taks with Hood's SarsapasiUs- Kdaeata four Bowel wlti. -.n .i .i. . loo.srw. money. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS This Saturday iiiglit sees the end of j . I . I 1 r . O . 1. I I iub urit uiue osys 01 war. ogiuru naa , been little more than a preparation for! what is to follow. About fifteen Span- Ish boats have been captured as prises , and only one American boat. Besides this a fort was fired on and badly dam aged and a few stray shots bave been sent out from the Havana forts . That is about all . All fears of K'uropeon powers interfering bave passed away. Tbey are falling into the proper line, tbat el neutrality. This leaves the tituation 70 to 17 In favor of the United States, for it mesne that Spain mutt fight her own battles. If she had a bit ot practical sense she would at once capitals, give up Cuba and end the contest, as she undoubtedly will bave to do in the end. Ths mors tbs Dkvocbat man tLink about it the more be believes the United States is doing the proper tbing in suc coring tbe oppressed Cubans. Certainly it is a Christian act to help those who ars being downtrodden ss tbe Cubans bars been for years. As we look at Spain's history there is nothing to com mend tbs cation. From long before the inquisition tbe record hss been a bloody one, not the blood spilt by bravery but by oppression and id underhanded wave. Sbs bas atesdily built her own grave and it will be a very good job if tbe United States does the burying. a a The stories that come from Alaska of extortionate prices lead us to remark tbat ths man who charges an unreason able pries lor anything becas be ie in a position to do so is no better than the man who makes you bold your band and robe yon. Tbat is a fact whether down in Alaska or anywhere else. a Never buy a tbing b-canse you tlnog it Is cheap. Tbere are people a ho are ai ways hunting for bargains.and Ibe result ie tbat they bite at every bait oQVrrrd and soon bave a lot of old traps on hand tbat are absolutely worthlese. When you need a thing go to a reliable person snd get it even if it costs s little mu-, though tbe chances are that the same quality ot an article will not . Rtcent history has two notable in stances of bow war may be made " horl, sbarp and decisive." Oa June 15, l$GC, Prus-i ca'leJ on ths Goverrmente of Hanover, Saxonv and Ilesee-Castel to withdraw frcm '.heir support ot Austria in tbe impending war. These states eent back their re tueal on ths same day .and on the NEXT DaY tbe Prussian armies occupied their tenitoiy. Oa June 27 tbe retreating Saxon army was overtaken and whipred at Licgeoia'ta. On July 3 the batt'e ol Saadowa (or Konitgratz) was fought aid at sunset tbe war was over really not a six weeks' war as it U commonly called, bat a seventeen days' war. The overthrow of tbeFrencb Empire was nearly aa swift as tbe ovenbrow of the Austrian power. Tbe French declaration ot -ar was issued on July 19. 1570. Both armies :, moved immediately to tbe frooteir. The f lif.1 IkmIiI. ..M..t. C I 1 J . ...-Mtv .ii.riulH,oaHlinCI ml u Wiaaemboorif. toek place on August 2, Woertb and tpicbereo august S Grave lost and Mefx August IS, and Sedso,he end, Sept. I. Strict I v business French tbe jeweler. Try ScaUucc's Bast I, aod UUag po-a-r Haifa at lereck's abavins and hair i rutting- parlors. j ULonrtg75 10,25 pwd'- ORtfi.. !., k . U B inn, cit- tsck etagent . Tickets Pictures from to att points in me east. Crawford A Hannah for photojrrarbe Prices from II to f?0 per doxeo. Be sure and e tbe aati rat tUwar t Ropkia Bros, win la; a ii'Hi aie. Rasrt too-d. vet and p.t ia first claw orier at Ytereck s shaving; and bair cut ting parlors Wbea you want a choice sinak, a nice roast or meat ol any kind, call on' Henry Sroiers. He keen tbe bent. Ds. H. E. aad O. K &rs office aad rtaidence in pot office build to Special attention given todiseaaes of women. Doatanoy others by your coajrLing-.and rikk yoor life by aegbcting a cold. One Miauls Cough Oar. cores concha cokla. crcNic, grippe and all throat lunfr trouble. 4. a. vuiaming. Tbe best meat of all kind aad good treatment i tbe Albaar lraed Ueef Company's market, just dwa Second srreet. Good weight and prompt attend tioa. A 'tar year of nnvl. aoff -nat from ptf. B W Para.ll ol KoitaenvilU.r'a. r tested by ssiog esingl hot of i Witt' Witcb Basl vaJ 8kia Hiae aich ecaama. raah, pitnpV td obitiottr;. ra ar. ilv co. -at bj tali Units remile J A Cummiag al Taatt. hftt aa Saaaka laeruft ana. To quit tobacco eaallj and forever, be atag aetie, tall of life. Bar, and vigor, tak Ko-To-Bac. uie wooder-worke. that make area Baea strong. All dragginta, soe or SI. Car guaran teed. Booklet and aamnta rraa. Ar- Sterling Kmedr to., Chicago or New York. 1 TOCURE ACOLU INJOXE DAY fio ijtttUt-i Hf n 1 1 t ,i rb at All ! ! fit'. rf.i 1 1 1 1 ir, i If It fal Core. 25c. What pleaaure is there in life with a bead ache, constipation and biliousness? I'boue ands experience tnem who could become perfectly healthy by uinr De Vtitt's little taily Risers famous little pil's. J A, Cuniming. What Ur A E Salter Says. Buffalo, n Y. Gent: From my personal knowledge, ga'aed in observing tbe effect of your Shllih' Cure in caiee of advanced Constipation, I am pre far- d to say it is tbe most remarkable itemed. that Ja ever been bronxht to my at tac tion T It hat certainly bared many Iron Consumption. Sold by Foabay A Ma son. TOCURE A C LD INONrJ DAY I t-it.tive Hr m j Uiintne rbit I All dragtt rofun I tbe rooey fit (nil J 0r' Catarrh Cured A clear h. ad ho weet brea.h secured with Sbiloh'a Ca arrh Remedy; soldbrFosha' & Maaon Whooping cough Is the most dial renins malady; bat its duration can be cut short by the use of the Minute Count- t.'ure, which Is alao tbe best known remedy for croup and all lunff and broncial troubles. J A. Cummins;. Mcsic Miss Milarca oiinuester Uiacher of piano or organ. 8 vstem the Mason touch and technique. " Residence ifth street, opposite U Pchutcli. If you want k sood mid clem moke buy cigars mado hy our Al bany tlgar tactorv. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind You Ha?8 Always Bought Bears the Signature or TELEC I J r:;c Another 1 upture. Ksv Wist, April 30 rite U. S. die patch boat Dolphin has captured the Spanish schooner Lolls. The Flying Squadron. . Washixcitos, April SO Commander Schley's flying squadron sailed from Ilaropton roads today. It is supposed to intercept the Spanish fleet. A Fake Report - Washisotoj, April 30, 1898. It is re ported fiom Ma Jrid that the Spanish gunboat Ligera bad repulsed a U. . gunboat in Cuban waters. Flrlng at Cadenas. Ksv Wfst, April 30, 1898. Tbe report has been received tbat tbe gunboat New York yesterday evening fired several t hots at the fort at Cadenas. Will Command the Oregon Boys. Pobilaxd, April 30. Governor Lord made tbs following appointments for tbs reorganized regiment : Colorel.O. Sons era of tbs 1st regiment, lieutenant, G. O. Yorin of the 2nd regiment, majors, P, G. Eastwick of tbe 1st regiment, Percy Wil is of tbs 2nd and E. C. Gantenbein of tbe 1st regiment. The Paris ArriveJ. New Yos, April SO. Tbe big steam er City ot Paris, which wss reported to hsvebein captured by ths Spaniards was sighted early this morning. lhc Squadron Soiled. St Yixckxt, Cape Yerde Islands, April 29. Tbe Spanish a juadron sailed from here at 8:30 o'clock this forenoon. Iu oesti nation is not known. Another Capture. Kit West, A pril 29, 1898 The Span ish sloop Eogracia. which wa captured yesterday by tbe U. 8. fat. boat New port, was brought in today in chs'.e of tbe prize crew. Evan Portugal is X.-.itral. Lisbon. April 29, 1S98 decree of neutrality was issued todav by tbs Por tagal government. Another Steamer Captured. Kcr West, Apr.l 23 "he Spanish steamer Guido, with cargo of provisions on board, bound for Havana, ,aa bem csptured by tbe Monitor Terror. Portugal For Spain. L:sbus, April 23. It is reported tbat Portngal wi!! aid Spain in ths war with tbe United States. Mexico's. Poitina . Waskisctox, April ti Mexico bas notified tre United States that strict j neutrality will I observed between the Lotted Mates aid f-pna. I -arse Los. Key Wxt. April 23. Tlio bombard ment ot Mantansa is reported to have resulted in the Is of s large number of i men and tbe blowing up ot the fort. The First Bom bard meet, hav West. April 2S Word bas been received tbst tbe U S. cruisers New York and Cincinnati and tbs monitor Puritan bombarded tbe lord at Mantan sa yetterday afternoon, firing- three hundred shots. No oos was hurt on the ' American noats, bat it i Ibiaght there wae a loee ot life in the tort. Caaaleuaaa New YvBS. April. 29 A dispatch printed by a Wail street new agency tarn: The Monitor Terror aad the suoboat Machiaa have bombarded Cardeoa, killing; many Spaatarda. After aa hour's firing, tbe batteries of tbe ens ay wre silenced. New Tobe, April, 23. 1 Key Wert special says: . A atilor oa the Monitor Piintaa bas beea cocvicted of tr-aaoa. He ia a Span iard with a family ia Mataitaas. He wa couirtt filing tbe lock of a magazine, aad wa found guilty by drumeatd coal I mar tial aad eotened lo be bt. Tkc Satatle I wet Hoso Koso, Apn!, 29. It is reported from Manila that the Aaierkaa sajoadroa has been sighted off Bolino. aortb of Man ila, bat the weather wa ton stormy tur the fleet to commanicate wbh the lasor- lent. A tattle is exptcUd too, tly . ST rar rah CniCEAii.i-Ok, Us.. April, 29. Tfcis ha been a bottiing day ant-tog Ibe artil lerymtsi at Chukamatu a Park. Ia pur suance of order iaaued yesterday, tbe light batteries were ordered to Tampa aad tbe en' ire day ba been taken up ia tretting Ibe men, horse and gun aboard tbe car. Will lavade rah Wamiikoto. April, 28.--A rather striking signification of tbe invasion of Cuba was made today in the chartering of eight large steatntra, of an average cr pa ct' j of about 2000 tons, and able to carry from 600 to 1000 pasrwofrer ea-b. These -are to be oted a transports f J.- the convey ance or the nmt miliar- expeditoa to Cuba So Bt.rc'Waateal WAsat.toTON, April, 29 The hope of thousands of patriotic men inall parts of the conotry were dashed to earth today when General Cor bin ptt'a'ed that no state's voiunser allotment ill be increas ed, a every ttae ba signified that it uld furnish its full qjola of volunteers. Ibis means that no ne outside of tbe various states wiil be allowed to enlist ex cept to fill vacancies in companies existing or tobe created by nonfulfillment of physi cal requirement on the part of members. Nathlaa la M Key West. April. 29 Todav was one of wild lutnor and utie action. First came the story of the borultaniment of Car denas by the ships of the fleet stationed there. The rutin r suddenly developed from nowhere, and developed lust ly, ac quiring an elaborate fiuiab of detail and ornamentation. Tbe Monitor Puritan steamed into port, and Captain Harring ton, commanding the CsrJenas gave the story it quietus by a firm declaration that there bad been no bombaidment of the Cardenas batteries. Haaa'a Case Washington, April, 2J. Tbe char ires against lion. M a Uanna in connectien stth his election to tbe United States senate by tbe state legislature ol Ohio fcave been leceivcd by the vice-pressdent, and will probably be laid before the senate Monday. T muet the Celasabla. iWASnisoTOit, April 23 It is the in tention of the navy department to have one auxiliary naval vessel stationad at the inouth ol the Columbia river for its preleo- (lion, or in esse of necessity The proba bilities are tbat one of the merchaut ves sel wbich have been negotiated tit on the coast ill bs used tor this purpose, or some vessel that can be readily obtained on the Columbia. She will probably be armed with six pounders and rapid firs guns. Tbe Oregon naval reserve will jrobaCly be mustered in for rervics ss ber crew. f.r rraaee. WAStflMOTOK. Anril O0Tfc V. l erubasy today received a cables-am from Paris announcing tbat a decree of neutral ity between the baited State) and 3ialn nas been issued, and that a detailed copy will beferwarded by mail. la rrt Blea St. Thomas, Wert Indies April 28. Porto Rico advices rMAivt h.r. tA.. say tbat .four Spanish gunboats are at San Judean de Porto Rico. Tbev are tW i? .i . . k or POMtWf dars gray. tw o- , . ueen Proclaimed in I orw Rico, and it is being enforced in a tyrannical manner. Crowds of people are leaving for the Interior, snd tbe capital u almost deserted by tbe civilian popl- Re Sfrald ar It New York. AnWi oa r i. ,t..i S.l . , , I . tyuiim vuat a Spanish sqosdron has sailed toward tbe Sr .r" unlua BUtes nv oothing to eonfirm them, snd tbe reports seem to bave Lntted butes naval authorit'ea. A Spanish fleet would find tbe American ,JLrit'CJ?"ti",7rffom nnprotected. Ths cruiser Minneapoles U on tbe Maine coast, the cruiser Columbia near Boston, the tTU.,,l7,FrBCt50 Dd N Orleans attheBrooVlya aaryyard, tbe auxiliary cruisers St Louts and Harvard in New York harbor aad tbe St, Paul at Phila delphia. The Spaal.h Flees Batoxee, France, April 27. Accord- . "er just received here from maona, aatea Xnesdsy, a Spanish aqoad roffl, consisting- 0f tour iroB-cUds and wre lorpedo-boat destroyers, sailed for me u aiteo Bute yesterday . It was rum- orea max toe squadron was to steam di rect across ueAUsnUc aad bombard tbe Dormera poruet United States. The port from which the squadron sailed was aot mentioned, ft was said, however,! hat s second squadron, eonaistiag of four iron "'' aa two cruisers, was being; formed at vaui. us oesuaauon was unknown. The MtaaJlaa Washucgtow, April 27. Tbe war kit- carioa is sobstantialiy this: Tbe b'ocksding squadron remaiaea pass tve before liavaos, with no present pur pose ot tmbarduiK or of drawing fire of ths shore battericw Tbe stragic porpow tn an cubcuve oiocxaae ot tne lubaa eiast is being acomplisbed to tbs entire sabs- t -Mi .. ... . u w toe aatnonues nere. There is no indication that a part of tbe fit will be withdrawn for the purpo-e of affording additional protection to North Atlantic ports. Tk). Or-gwa Chicaoo, April 27. A special to the irwi irom wasnington says: The asvy department has received word that tbe bat tie -ship Oregon was spoken a fr hundred milee below Moatevideo. The Votael wutmomin? mlOBir nader forced draught, and making good speed. She will top at Montevideo for coal, aad will proceed to Key West with all possible haste. Tbe officers ars aot concerned let ber safety. The Asiatic Traaikla WAamxGTO. April, 27. As to tbe im minence of a naval battle off the Philip pine islands, the naval authorities here se riously doubt whether the Speaua fleet will make a stand against tbe American ship. Their reason for this is that the Spanish fleet ts verv inferior to the Ameri caa force nader Admiral Dewey. Tbe de partment, therefore, is aalitfledtbat Ibe Spanish willaot do battle oa tbe high seas with Admiral Dewey. A B) dares' raaalxa WAsarjcoTOw. Anvil 27. Ia tbe war de partmeat tbere is a growing beliet that tbe campaign proper ia Coba will aot be ia fail swing- until next fill, when tbe rainy reason ha ended. That belief, however, has aot prevented tbe officers whose duty it is to get tbe troop together, from pakhieg their work with tbe greatest energy. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Loca Cooaty t base j vuCjiet makes oata that bs is tbe senior partner of tbe firm of F J Che oey A Co, doing bonne ia tbs Ci'y of Toiedo. Ccanty sod Stats aforesaid, and that sijd firm will ry the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each aad every case of catarrh that caaaot be cored by toe use of Hall's Catabbh Crax. FRANK J CHEN FY. Sworn to bef are me and sobscribed ia my rreaeoce'Uiisfkhday of December, A Dls-S. ( 1 A W ULEASON. seal Notary Poulic Hall's Catarrh Core is taken iaU-raaJiv and acta directly oa the blood aa mocoooa ortacesof tbs system. Send for lesUmoa Ula,free F J CHENEY A CO. Toledo, O. Sold by drocfisu. "de Bali's Family Pills are Uie bt. THE PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros- Evwrbody kcows where their place is. Tbey keep a frsab stock of giooei iee. produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable . . ... . .. ., l YwI adke. Yon may regret sou steps yon taks in life tat nose taken into tbe store af Parker Bros. It is a great thing to be well fad. Par ker Bros seep good groceries. A loaf of btwad is not much but yon want it well maJe. Trv Parker Bros'. Please Insist upon having- roar pre scription filled according to the doctor or del s, and guard against subatitutt . W e make a speciality in comooandinsr pres cription, using pure, fresh drags In every one. Oar prices are ia accordance with tbe times. Trv as aad be coanareJ. Barkbart ft Lee Drotgists. bss laoes mats. At tne main uioib- n. Pa. Iam ! ;.t !. west, may be seen probably as finest line of summer hats ever displayed in AI- bsny,sembf scisg all ths latest style snd designs. There are ISO yards of them, . Take your choice. Karl 'a Clover Root Tea. !or Const i pa lion it's (he Bert and if after using it you don't aay a ', return the package and get your money. Sold by Fosbav A Mason Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, ecxema or skin diseases may secure instant relief by using De wiifs Witch Hasel Salve It is the .rest Pile remedy. J. A. Cummings. Ton't tell your neighbors what you ee in the east window of tbe Albauy r ur niture Co. Terms half rash balance before you leave the etcre. Let everybody come to tne tar Baker and get ioave of fresh bread for f t.oe cash. CMsvaa '"Ta-Mss tor .-nta. f-amuteel tobacco bat: ear, want; x.-i -troua. bio- " Hire. inc. ti. .5.11 rif"B,.w J. Gradwohl Inform the general public that bo ell as low as anybody ia the city tor sash. Come and get prices before you bay April 1st, 1897 . 1. pad worn.. Beawtr laTBlooa Deep. Clean blood mean a clean rkin. No beauty without it. tcareta, Candy Cathar tic clean yonr blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the buy liver and driving all im purities from the body, liegin today to banish pimple, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Caacareta. beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. No-To-Ito (or Flrtv Casta. Guaranteed tobacco kiabtt cure, makes weak wu.u u ong, LIuoU pure. 60. 11. All oruggiata One car load of Phoenix Bicycle gone already and another oa the road. ! Albany Market. Wheat 87 rente. . Oata 32, V-HHt 10 cents. Butter IS to 22 cents. Potatoes SS cents. - Hams 11 to IS cents. Sides 10 to 11 cents. " - Shoulders 6 to 7 cents. MISFITS. The National Guards are leaving borne all along tbe coast in a blaze of glory, to nss the language of the press. 'The Spanish soldiers are liable to bave their bands fall at boms without any war with tbe United States. If Spsin actually has a policy in this wsr we would like to see it materialize. As yet it has failed to do so. Tbere is no noli rflebting Soain and na- lib- h- fi I Jem Statesman who try to ring it U sre uiau uuBiness. German snd Newman of Brownsville are running a full page advertisement in tne limes, mat ts the kind of snan that makes ths heart of the printer bap Mclba tbe great singer will be in Port land only one night, next Tuesdsy. Tbe y.iwm ui aumiasion to near ber w'll range from $2 to $7. High, but then she is s high singer. For nerve Commander Everett, of the lighthouse tender Mangrove, which cap- "'is raoama, is entitled to bo to the bead of the class. His game of bluff worked like a cbarm. Spain, who never heard the cry for sympathy from tbe poor Cubans is now crying for sympathy from tbs powers of Europe, by trying to maks out that sbe ha been imposed upon by the United States. Tbs Grant's Pass Coarier is getting np s ticket of its own. It fase so far on tbsatste tfeketonly two names, TT Gear for governor snd J O Booth for treasurer, one a republican the other a aemocrar. Henry E. Doscb, of tbe Omiha expo eition committee was recently in Eag-ne where be was bitten by a flea so severely tbat blood poisoning set in and Mr Doscb has since been confined to bis bed. The Eugene flea is slid to be tbe wont in the world. Tbe L. S. marshal at Portland wi.l no looger have deputies sutioned at diSer ent places in tne state Ths field mar shals will bave to do all tbe work. This meane more work for Depatr Marshal Humphrey, who already is on a constant run. Tbs Cuban flag looks very pretty be neath tbe stars and stripes. If one looks at tbe map one cannot belp thinking that Cuba should really to a part of tbe United States and tbe liuie flag ehould be merged into tbe big- one. If tbie ever occuis though it will bave to be voluntarily after Cuba is free. There is s surprise in store for tbe politicians and people renerajly,' said a as mo oeaaquaners oi tne fusion party this morning. Upon being questioned tbe speaker conticued: "1 bave it from the beet autoority tbat tbe candidacy of W T Hume for state sena tor ia to be withdrawn and ex-Senator J U Mitchell will be put upon tbe ticket ia bis stead. Te-egram. Tbe manner in which people wilt go into itinerant auction store and bid more for ths same kind snd quality of tools than tbey can get tbe same things for from boms merchant who are per manent fixtures and who labor for tbe interests of tbe city, is eometimee as tonishing. Stand by your home mer chants aa yoo would like to bave tbem stand by yoo, A good many people think that Spain would realty like to have her fleet kept ia Portugese territory nader internation al law, so that tbere would be a forced tennieatioo ot tbe war. tht aa a matter of fact Spain la not on tbe fight at aiL It isn't time yet for us to blaster np, bat there bare been some things to indicate that tbete is sumething ia tbe state ment, j Tbs People's Republics new paper iost isroed at Wasco, cars : Toe repab-j "can party of Oregon was never worse! out of Gear than wben ia Geer. Evi dent- tbe old -machibe" is in bad re pair, which make thim-a Imk nnito Moody for some who would like to Hold- . ... - kvhi vau- j biting; will doubtless be tbe expedient resorted to for tbe present brrreet, bat - anrvtha ' - rkirl " a li,.l 1 1 1, t tne oia "machine" bas evidently out- lived its nsefalneea. -Soand" moner i aa J an unsound" machine run by war i ring f .ctiocs ! How does Uiat "eonod : I Meet ominootlv, mt brother, i An official high in tbe war department says tbs volunteer now enlisting will go into camp in their respective camps aad remain there for several weeks, in all .VIVWtfUHJ . prooaDtiit r . fbey are net needed at pr-ent to do bait e, and it is claimed they cau be handled better ia Ibeir re- rpective sutes than to rathe tbem in Urge bodies. From this it seems likely mat ute uregoo companies U1 spend several weeke drilling in camp at Port land. RegUter. We go sway from borne for the follow ing news. Tbe Express-Advance ears: W W Crawford had a runaway last Sat urday night about 9 o'clock on the other side of tbe bridge from Alberr. It wa very dark, aad the team got oat cf the road, took Irigbt at something and ran among a lot of stamps. Mr Crawfora was thrown out, striking on one of bis shoulders, and received eoms bad brais es, tveorgtt Fish of Albany, was with Mr Orawiord, but be escaped without ioiurr. Every man who pays his subscription j promptly, ana u in ousinees aatrertisee I 'De'7' ,pr lZLV , . j b editors table. The beet fnend cf s I narwr ia tria man ah. ia .illin. ftj. v.. r paper is the man who is willing to pay lor ereryuungne gets, juet like tbeedi tor is expected to do when be goes into a store to make a purchase. Ju notice who makes tbe loudest kick about his local paper and nine chances to one be does not take the paper, or it so, is far in srrear on payment. The newspaper is a photograph of the business and enter prise ot any community, and the most progressive peop'e are those who an nounce their business in print Ex change. The Evidence in tne case proves Hood's Sarsaparilla cures rheumatis , dys pepsia, catarrh, that tired feeling', scrofula salt rbeum, coils and all blood diseases. Hood s Pills are tbe favorite family athartu. Cure sick headache, break op cold. When Traveling. -Whether on pleasure bent, or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of He. i as it acts most pleasrntly and effectually ft tee aiuneys, tiver ana ooweiss, prevent ing fevers, headaches, and other forma .J sickness. Lor sale in 50 cent $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Manufactured by tbe vauimuia rujtjni vvmpany only. We are anxious to do a little good ia tbi world and caa think of ao pteaaaater b-.ur way to do it tbaa Vy locomaieodin. uo Minute tough cat aa a preyaatir of pneumonia, consumption and other sec ton lung trouble tbst oUow neglected wiu j a summing The Newest Attbestorsot Will ft stark Jewelry yon will get the facta, and Facia find a 6ne stock of goods to seiett irom. it is up sou ikciuue ut oest lines or watca ad clocks and all kinds ot jewelry. Their Ine of sllveawareia extra and they bave many novelties tbat will please. Ice Cream Now. WIere? AtF. H. Pfeiff-r's, Broadaibin street, A'basy, The best on tbe market. You caa get it at any time, in any quanti'y, from a dish o enough for a big gathering. Pf eider's ice cream la alwa)s rood. . To Care Coaaciaiatloa rorar-r. Tak. Casearet Candv Catnartle. loo or So. It U C. C taU to eutw, drusgiat rfuul Bwooy. DENVER RIO GRANDE RAILROAD TbeSceoIcLineOI tlje World Weekly Ficuraons To Tbe EiST In through tourist cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS Inuhaage of Ezpenencel condiic ton and porters To Kanaa City and Chicago M0ND,Y3 witboQtcbBge.tSt Lake Muetari Pacific and Chicago AC A I too Kail road To Omaha. Chic no, Buffalo TUESDaYS Bo:on. wittoot ehaoga, yji Halt Lke and i'flic t. Rick I .land A Pacific Ky fo St Joseph. Koaat Citv, WEON3UAYS k St fyui, witbont ehaag rta t L.k aad Bar! lag tun ute To K-.i.u Cits and S. Loais THCR9DY3 w,thoot ebaogs, vt Salt Like sod MuMoari PctSe Rv A day stopover arranged at S!t Lake aad 1J oarer A Ride through the faaoa Colorado Scooery For rates aad infornrstun icqnire cf C R k X and S P rent or addie R C NrcaoL. Ga Agt, S K Roceb, 231 Wa-hingtoa street, D-aer. Port'uJ Or ,oo C ilorado. TO TH2 alVSATHSCHOIC OS 2 TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES CP.EAT HORTKERfi VIA OREGON SHORT LIKE VIA SALT LAKE DcXYER OaUHA KAKSAS CUT I SPOKANE aslXREArXLIS Sr. PA81 AD CHICAGO Lowest Rates to all Eastern Cities Beginning on April 22ud Portland to San Francisco every three days, steameis "Oregon," "Columbia" and "SUte of California." Steamers monthly from Port land to 'YokohoTna and Hong Kong; viia, lije Northern Pa cific Steamship Co, iu con nection with O R and X rr tall iafaraEatioa m CculaX it MowrsrrH, Aeunj . I a ADoaa-f: W H HCEILKl. tin't Paa .Aasa PdrCaad Ot. EAST AND- via- SOUTH THS SHASTA ROUtc Ut THE Southern Pacific Co, Calaraas Cipraas Ttataa :san rartiaaw Hatty lr Pjrbaa arS AJsuf Ar kaa a t eaFraa9-u Lr I .Vr ---sit -t-'f at 'a!toas be tweca PtrUaaJ ati Saleia Tar aer. ilar-oa, Jeerao- Albany lanireat. Shedd. Haiser Eugeae Cottage Grove, Drain. Oakiacd and all ttatioul f rota Roseburg sJa'h to aad ia cladiag Ash land. GLUML EAST aaasBI . tut r. m. I 1 I1B L Jam a a Ar tJSaa I L ratuaa ar Sr ItftrslLf alaaay LItir fcSaea I Ar Bi.ili sis t.r I TSiaa lsaiarai aaaacs. Usa-s Aiaaav Ki Ubaaaa S 1 lmt at Aibaav woai Uiaaarai WtM a Laa-a Aiaaav far Laaaaaa r a antn at Aiaaaj traaa Lafaaaaa !t4n PULtMAr BJrrfl SLEEPESo. AMP DininaT Cars en Oirden Routt ccrnun-r .ss 5 nnxc riw 4LVUIIW ULnWV WLkbl illta wrn attavra la all Thraavab Trataa STea S(S eM-vtal-a. aa-TviSBS roBTLABa as toaiaiata Mao, ra aaat (ExeaaaSuaasy aoaaauaa u.AiaV - Saa ILv Swtaa4 Carvaai ArlaJ Ltlioara U:U ralar BxpiawTnua DuUr(espt aady Pttrtlaad --VcJauaorUla Jaaaaa.aaae 'I' rarslar - l I a a Ir 1 1 SO i Sr a j at Piract coanactian at Saa PrxMKea with OecMaat, aad Ori-atal -S hob stul- ataanhip Haas to JAPAVaaS CHISA Saiiiar oa apoajcattoa Kivn mat act.u t. aa-trra pjiat saa Kttr-aw tolAPAX. CHISA. HOUCt.Gaai ACSTR UAoats si.l Itm av ra!tk, Ag-at AibaBT or C SWISS aoBntaK C B XARKHAX. ttfaaagar FA r A forvawa OnaM- Partlaaai Oil FX OA tEXTHAL & EASTER? R. R. CO. -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting at TaquinaBay with tbs Sau Francisco JtYaaaina Ba? STEAMSHIP COMPASY. SlsffiSij"Riisitol" Sails from Yaquina every 8 days tot San Francisco, Coos Bay.Humboidt Bay. FASststou AccoMODATiose Ussoarassst Shortest route between the Willam ette Vailey Md Caluornia. Fare from Albany and points weet tc Ban Francisco Cabih - 9TBBBA6B Round trip good for 60 days. To Coo Bay Cabin... - t sot . S.0C ..17.0C . $3.00 . 600 To Humboldt Bar ana t on uriora, hbiu lied iteerage 8 00 River Division. Steamer "Albany" between Portland ind CorvalUs, throurb without lay-over. Leaves Cor rail. 6:30 a. en. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sundays; leaves Port land, Yamhill street docs, 6:0C a. bi. Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. Eowim Sroin, J O Ut-n. ..Manager Supt River Pi v enJaJaaJiaaiaJ-,a)--- iw