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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1898)
toifts HHOD TERMS. Daily DiMocRAT, 25 cent e per month $3.10 per advance, 80c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over months. Single copies 5c. Weekly, $1.25 In advance; $1.50 at end of year; 1.75 for second year; 2.00 for third and preceding vpum, when not paid in advance. Club of fir now subscribers at $5.00. Corsets- A broke) line of French corsets reguhr 11.50 to $3.80 for 50c. Gloves A real imported kid clove for $1. a high class kid glove exoellent in val ue tor rpi.&u Ready Made Wrappers of percale and calico cheaper than you can make them well made too Ladies Skirts New linen skirts that fit and han just right good value in black sil skirts and black wool skirts. S E Young & Son, Albany, Oregon. At the Ladies Bazaar. WE ARE SHOWING A generous assortment of shirt waists. Some good things in boys waists. Most anj thing yoa want in children nead wear. A complete line of kid gloves for 1.00. WHEAT. Chicago 120c for May, KH'o for July fcew York 120c for May, 102?4c for Jnlv. San Francisco 100c for May, 100c for Deaember. Liverpool 3 4c higher. Albany 85c. Stole a Bicycle. R. E. Thompson, of Ilalaey, was in the city yesterday and about noon left his bi cycle near the Revere House, locking it before going into dinner. While he was gone Will Emerick, of this city, broke the lock and rode".the Oorvallie, where he pawned it for $5. A warrant was issued out of Justice Powell's court, and Emerick was traced to Oorvallia where he was arrested last evening and p'aced in the county jail. Marshal Lee went np after him today and brought him back this afternoon. The bicycle is a Rambler of the 1894 dateani hence itwtll be difficult to bring the value above 35 This will make the offense petit larceny. Young Emerick was taken before Just ice Powell at 8:30 o'clock, p!ead guilty of petit larceny, and was fined 25, in de fault of which he was committed to the county jail. A Brownsville Incident. At Brownsville last Satuaday the peo ple celebrated in honor of the flag of Un cle Sam and on general principles. In order to make things load dynamite stick was exploded in the middle of the street near the business houses. Win Jows were shattered and the city shook up generally, to loud was the explosion. WHEAT. Chicago 121o for May, 95fg'o for July. New York 123&c for May, 102o for July. 8au Francisco 99c. Liverpool Uo lower. Albany 83c. Oakvllle. HOSIERY CORSETS L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON. A LONG WAIT- A former Albany lady in a letter to her parents in this city from Washing ton gives the following interesting ex perience in going to hear the interven tion message. Congress does not meet until 12 o'clock, bat the doors of the cap ital open at 9 .Long before that there was a crowd four deep at the five entrances. The lady by some man oeuvering managed to get iuside before the doors opened, and we let her tell what followed : When we reached the dor leading in to the reserved gallery of the eenate. we iound a half dozen people sitting outside in chairs, the gallery not yet being oiened Instead ot opening the doors before the menagerie below was allowed admittance, they were kept locked until the crown burst in npon ua like a vol cano. The . few ot us already there crowded against the door, but in the pushing and elbowing, I thought I should be smashed. My avoir dupois did not take kindly to this eqnera ing and for a time. I feared I should have to withdraw, but fortunately the door keeper let cs in. The wonder is that 1 did ntt fall down the steps, but I soon found myself landed tafely Jn the very front row almost directly over the chair occupied by Senator Hanna. In less lira than it takes to tell it, every chair in the senate gallery was occupied except those reserved for the President, Vice president, the Senators' families and the diplomat", and thousands of disappoint ed people 8 toed outside of the already closed doors. Some, too, bad come as early as 6 o'clock only to be turned away. Some ladies said they thought they should have to come witbont their breakfast Experien a such as these were related and helped to pass away tlie three long hours before the conven ing of eongresj. la a very short time many distin guished )eople began to arrive. Among the first were the young iadiea of the cabinet. Soon Mrs. Bobart came with a party of iriends. M ra John A Logan and her ward, Miss Cisneros, the Cuban girl who was recently rescued from prieon by Carl Decker, the newspaper man, occupied seats in the gallery re eerved fr. tie families of senators. A party from the White House came in later on. In the diplomatic caller? were Sir Julian Paancefoo'e. the British Ara- bassrdor, and Lady Pauncefoote, snd the Oregon Weather Service. Summary. Station, Albany, Or. Month April. 1893, Elevation above sea level, 214 feet. Mean temperature, 51 77 Maximam temperature, 77; date, 24 h Miaiuram temperature, 32;date, Sad, 3d. Mean of maximam temperature, 63.66. Meaalof minimum temperature; 40. 14. Number times maximam temperature 90 or above, 0. Number times minima m temperature 32" orfbelow, 2. Number times minimum tern para to re 40 de irees or below, 11. .Total precipitation. 2.57 inches. Greatest precipitation in 24 coasecetive hoirs, and date, 0.50. Slat No. of clear days. 16. Nix of pa tly cloudy days, 5. No. of cloudy days, 9. Number of daya on which .01 or more of pr -capitation fell, 9 vJNomber of dari on which .04 f r more of preeiptiatioa fell, 9 Dates of light frost, 2nd, 3rd. Dates of kilting frost, 0 Dttes on which snow fell. 0. Dates on wheh bail fell, 0. Dates on which sleet fell, 0. Dates of thunder storms, 0 Auroras, 9 Prevailing direction ot wir-d. N &l 8. C G ecKKHAWr, Volunteer Observer. There is no fun in war The "whistling quartet" has disband ed and we have no night attractions now but the "whistling unet" and it is at traction enough. We were in Tangent last week. We found that town full of cars and every body busy. Martin Forrester says that he is the owner of one of the greatest freaks of nature, "a three headed dog." He says that on the 6th day of June he will slay this wonderful canine We ad vise him to ki:i one head at a time and commence right away. We never kil'ed uirew neaiea aog, but our experience with the one headed kind has taught us to let dogs be. We asked Martin if he would sell the hide. We would like to start a museum and a rare aniruel like that would be an attraction He says the hair is all comino- off disease And h fin'.fl mibw hittitaaair lia bio to a fine for selling diaeacexl dou bides, and again he is not right sure that he will kill it on that date. Something might preveut him from executing his threat and the dog may not be bis. The largest killing of wild geese thai we have heard ot this spring was don. by Thomas bettiemire, H. O. Jackson and Glen Junkin about foot miles east of Tangent. Sixty three geese was the returns of one evenings bout. Who can beat it? Measles is the latest disease in our quiet town. Only one case reported as yet. A birthday party this evening at Her man Holstien't. Miss Winnie's 13th birthd-iy. The young people generally are invited. A lunch of pie and cake will be served. S nne of our farmers are watching the wheat market very close. Tbey didn't sell last summer when thev could set 8f cents, bat decided to take 75 cents the nrst time it got that high, but since it has cone past that mark they have de died to wait and get a dollar. We hope tbey will, but it is rather risky and 85 cents is a good price. Lrtijc Ross 8co, Some ot our people are anxious to go and fight Spain. We would go quick enough if they wonld furnish a covered carriage and allow us to stay in the rear burglary at the residence of D. P. Mason TRIED TO BREAK JAIL. A Close Call to a General Escape From the Linn County Jail. A very skillful attempt to break from the county jU at this city occurred last night, with a close call to a successful termination. When the jail was closed last night it contained eight prisoners, Jim Lee, Fred Crow and Olel Alford, held for the grand jury on account of the robbery ot a bouse at Peoria, l'rank Baker, for robbing a store at Hsrriaburg, Harry Evans, for Directions in every package "of Schil lings Best tea. . Follow them no matter what tea you use. ta As Albavy Pitcher. Mrs. E. G. Laniz has received from her basband. who is now in Indiana, some samples of his new syrup pitches which were in vented in Albany. Tbey are not only pretty pitcher but have an arrangement by which the syrup will not drip on the side at aii.and hence are a longfelt want. Mrs. Lantx baa began the canvass of Al bany and everybody wanting a go id thing will order one. A President's Pictcri. Rev. W, S Gilbert, ef Eugene, has presented Al bany college with a fine picture of one of its earJy president's, that of Dr. Geary. It is in crayon and is the work of (lev. Geary himself, who is an artist of a good deal of talent. Mr. Enoch Miller of Halaey, is in the city thi3 afternoon. Harry Jackson is at the Revere on a visit with Albany friends. Charley Chamberlain, of Portland, is in the city for a weeks visit with Albany fnends Mrs C. P. Horns of Portland, came op this noon and is the gueit of Mis. J. M Irving. Mrs. Happersett went to Roeeburg this noon and in a few daya will move to Portland to reside. Mr Ed Fronk, of this city, has ac cepted a position on the 8. P. aa fireman, and will begin in bis new field of work in a few days. A dispatch from Mr P. B. Marshall at Portland this afternoon stated that an operation had been performed on bis wife and that she waa doing well. Rev. W. S. Gilbert, of Eugene, has been appointed Chaplain of the N-w Or egon regiment, at $125 a month. He will fight too if necessary . C. E. Barrows has moved from Mo Minnville to the Independence track representatives of other fyresgn netiooe. hu"e ol tIerB "d P" ln Kr-secretrv of Ntatn John w I- oater I w - post. in this city, Lee French for forgery, Joe Raymond, ot this city, for burglary at O. Bauemle'a, and Will Emerick for petit larceny of a bicycle. AwhiU before 1 o'clock this morning Sheriff Gaines heard a clicking noire below and shortly afterwards a suspic ions sound as if something waa failing He hastily dressed an I with drawn re volver went below and entered the corri dor around tne cells, running against a mac in the dark, the light having been put out. He turned the light on and was astonished to find five of the mea loose in the corridor. Tbey were hur ried back into the cage and locked in, when it was learned that a daring at temnt had been made L break from tha ail. It bad evidently beeu done in this I tuieciiy, is in inecuy. manner: From the northeast cell, the Frank Watson and wife left this morn inside cells being unlocked, one of the ins for Yaqutna on their bievclea on a wivu m uib uati reacueu itirougn iu visit wun me lormers parents. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Tboa. Kay, of the Salem woolen mills was in the city Lidav. Wm. M. Hoag last evening returned to bis home at 8an Francisco. Mr. G. W. Simpson, of Portland, is in the city on business. T. M Ruth has been appointed master at Oakland, Oregon. Orlanuo Neelanas, who went to Port land with F. Co., returned last evening. Dr Clara Davidson, of Dayton, Is in the city on a visit with Albany friends. Deputy U 8 Mar-bal J. A Wilson went np to Halsey last night on official business. A. B. Croasman, the well known how ler, has been appointed postmaster at Portland. Prof Ware, of Cbehalie. Wash , who recently presented "Queen Esther" iu Oregon all Right. A man who was in Oregon wrote in the foollowing enthusiastic way : Oregon has grown and is growing at a lightning-express rat, and there I abundant reason for it With but l-12Stb part of the population of the United states, she last year produced l-20th of the entire wheat crop of the country, and a sixth of the total wheat exports of the nation went out from Portland, her metropolis, the aggregate product of her farms, forests, fisheries aod mines last year amounted to nearly JO0 for every man, woman and child witbtn her borders. Umatilla cuuntv, with a pop ulation of less than 15.000, turned out last year 4,500.000 bushels of wheat that brought X3.375.000 in sold or over t 25 for every hamau creature in its limits, for ooe crop. Baker county, with bat 11,000 population, produced dating the year nearly $2,0f0,000 in gold, and baif as much mora in grain, fruit lumber and wool or about $275 for every inhab itant Oregon timber lands yield from 50,(X0 to 250,000 feet of 1 archer to the acre, while in Eastern forest regions 5000 feet to tha acre is a big average. Oregon fruit ia being shipped t every part ot the country, and to many regions of Europe; and her orchards aud vine yards pay from $000 to (1500 a year to the acre. Her climate is unsurpassed in North America. Kosee. Dansiee. violets and daisies have been in bloom every day since I waa here last November. Lawn-morwers were rnnninr in Por Janrl all through Decembes and January, al monds bloomed to rebruarv, and mag nolias in March. Prices Ribisq At the sale of the property ot the Carter estate last Satur nay afternoon at the court house on the resale ordered by the coon the former bid was raied S3C5 and the prooertv knot ked don to Mrs Ed Carter for $380. The property consists of three lots and a residence in block II. grating and filed off the ends of the bolts in the binge of the box holding the witcrei. These were shoved np and out with a piece of wire found and tbe door to the box opened In some man ner that ia a mystery the Yale lock hold ing the switch to the doors in place was unlockrd, indicating that 'here la an ex. pert among the prisoners The switch waa thn turned, and it was this clink ing that the sheriff drat btard. This threw the ateet dor onen, there being no extra lock on that door, and the prisoners were fre to go ont into the corridor, which they did and immedi at elr began prying tbe brick from tbe south wall. When tne Sheriff arrived on the scene they had one layer of brick out. tbe start of a hole about two aod a bait feet square, and it would have taken on ly a few minutes to have gotten through to the outat ie. Tbe discovery was a fortunate one. When the Sheriff went in Harry Erne, Lee French and Will Emertck were in bed and evidently bad nothing to do with the affair The'otber men. except voumr Kavmond are do doubt, experienced. The Dkmocsat man asked them how they did it aod each man de tared that be j .81 w Iked out the door into the cor ridor, and of course refused to tell who did tbe job acd bow it was done. May Go to the Philippines. Tbe surgeons at Irvington Park tnis morning began examining tbe members of the National Guard for enlistment in the regular U S. service. Tbe Tele gram says: It is new stated on what la considered good authority that the First Oregon In fantry, United States not de suned to serve in Cuba, but will be seat to tbe Philippines aa an arm v ot occa nation. after the fleet of Admiral Dewey ahall have made the islands American trrri lory. Tbe following dispatch was amons the Associated Press news todav: Dmrer. Mav 3 - Accordine: to Conel lolkmer. adiatvnt-a-eneral of the deoart- men of Colorado, the vo.uoieers raised in ttie elites west of the Miaaouri river will probably be sent across the Pacific ocean to bold the Philippine islands. Evangelical Appointments. At Salem yesterday the annual confer eoce of the Evangelical Association of Oretpn adjourned after making the fol lowing appointments: Portland A Ernee'. Dresidin First German church I. B. Fisher; First Eoglish, L. S. Fisher: Memorial. R. D. Streyffelier. Salem Ltbertv-etreet. If. E. Horn. chuck; Chemeketa aire t, N. thopp. Oregon City H. C Welier. Albaov O B. Streffeiler. Canby A. Englehart. Jeffer on L. Anders jn. Monmouth S. O'Kellv. Tigardville-A. J. Eiwst. Nebalem L M. Hooltoo A. E Myers. Little Flls-F. W. Lonoer. Seattle. A. Weinst. and Mrs. Foster were in tbe diplomatic gallery. j An the noon hour approached, the sea ntors began to arrive. It was thought i that the resolutions introduced by Sen ator Foraker, of Ohio, for armed inter vention in Cuba, would be acted npon, and in anticipation of this, evidently, some one had placed a small boqnet ot Easter liliies on his desk. The senator seemed anxions to avoid any display and as quickly and q j'ntly as possible, he carried the inoffentive I'.lliea to the cloak room. In the meantime, the woman ' next to me bad gobbled up a bag of candy and then finished the one her husband bad A fter which performance, she immedi ately set up a tune for a drink. She did not seem lo forget for a moment that she wanted water, nor did ebe allow those next to her to forget it. She thought this government very remiss in not having water passed around the gal leries for tbe accommodation of tbe crowd. How gladly would she pay for a di ink. That reminded her that the day before two boys sitting just back ot ber had sold their seats for one dollar, and hid then eooe to another gallery, secur ed other seats, which tbev als3 so!d f-ir the eame amount. I tried to read, first the mornine naoer and then Howell's "Chance Acquaintance," but I found it almost impossible witn toe nuoouo around me. At 12 o'clock the vice president called tbe eenate to order,and in a few minutes every senator was in his place. Tbe routine business was began, but there was an air of exoectancv everywhere. Kor mvself. I keot dr eves on the door thrnuch which I. knew Secretary Pro tlen. of the White House, would come with the nresident's message. 1 o clock came and no Secretary Pruden Then it was whispered about that the message would be sent in at 3 o'clock, uemem ber, please, that we bad been sitting in one eoot since 9 a. m. I began to won- Apt if I could nunish my already para lomd Belt bv waitimr another two hours. " j bad just made op my mind to sit it out, being ashamed to o away after all that trouble, when at 2 o'clock. Senator Davis catue in and moved that tbe sen ate go into execuiive session. The crowd in tbe galleries sat speechless while their doom waa sea'd, and before tbey could recover from their amazement, tbe vipm nresident ordered the sergeant to ,iar tha rallenes We were hustled out and down tbe steps like a band of sheep The crowd complained bitterly the government doing business vui.inl pinned doors, etc. Mutterinzs and reproachea were beard on all aides. I was too disgusted to say enyt'ifng. I went down town to cool off my pent-np indignation The first extra papr I found, I bought and learned that Sena tor Davis had come directly from tbe White House with a message from the president, to the effect that be could not send in his message on account of a cable gram fmn Consul General L at ua- .,., elrina Viondav tO get all maricans out of Cuba : that their lives ' . wou d be in danger if tbe president's .no.-ixB plld lor armed intervention. Congress at once granted the asfe'd-for delay aqd now it is expected tbe message) will b read Monday. Of one thing you may be assured, and that is that this hiid wl l not be there to hear it. Tbu1 is rather a long letter, but J thought yon might like to knov some thing about my war experience. Melba tbe greatest singer in tbe Unit ed States, wid pass through Albany to morrow morning for Portland where she will sing in tbe evening for f 2 to $7 a seat. A very happy young man was in from tbe lountry His name ia Littlejohn aod be has a brother on -the cruiser Olympia. which formed part of the fleet before Manila His joy waa over the victory and the safety of tbe Olympia. lobn Ingram and wife returned here from California today and will spend tbe summer in Eugeoe. Mr. Ingram says that California's wheat crop will barmy amount to anything. Tbe drought is terrible.r-Engene Guard. Mr and Mrs. Wren are in the city the gneets of the former's sister Mrs. A. v.. Sf,o. Mr. Wren recem lv returned - J. . . ,,. I u from Skagway, woere ue uiu reai wen and waa one ot the few men who returned with more money than be bad r tore he started. Rev Beoj. Hartman and family have moved from Brownavil'e to this city, where Rev Hsrtman will preach aa pas tor of the United Evangelical church, the first and third Sundays of each, month, for awhile holding, services in the M. E. church South. Collins Elkin. a mercbent of Lvle waa in tbe sity Sunday, ani returned to bia business this morning. The Dalles T. M. Mr. 0 G Rawlings, of this city, left Dyea April 30 for A'bany and will prob ably reach Seattle tomorrow, perhaps to night. . r OS Harnish returned from Camp Me Kinley today, n aiwwer to a telegram a ating th-t his wiif was sick, and tell in him to return immedia'ely Mr. D. F. Uardman of this city is re ported to be a candidate for the office of private secretary to Governor Ueer in case of that gentleman's election. J. R. Davis, ot Shedd, was in tbe city today. He says in reference to his dol lar mark notice that they also have the do lars out there to, a tact we are glad to know Mrs. Dr. Beers,' of Albany, spent yes terday in the city viaitlog Mrs Geinen dorffer, and left on last night's train for rliaa-ton where she will uke the prac tice of Dr. Rudy ot that place, who goes below for a short vacation. Tbe Dalies T M. ot May 3. General U. B. Compaon is organizing three regiments of infantry and one of cavalry in Oregon, to be held in rwdi nesa f tt the call ot tbe President The roll is being circulated in Albany aod may be so been bed by anyone wishing to join. Already seventeen or eighteen have put their names to .. A public meeting wilt probably be called in order to fill tbe list Salem is to have a new ma'e quartet. This means a good deal, not onl, lor the Capital Ci!y, but for the conaty and the Miedd.Thursday " 12 " adjacent vallev towns as veil, for tbeae Halaey, Friday 13 four fine voices will be beard in many Harrisbnrg. Saturday 14 places hereabouts this spring and sum- Brownsville. Monday w 16 mer, in campaign and concert work 'Crtwtordaville, Tuesday 44 17" Tbe voices alluded to are thoseof Meesre Haw.ey. edoeeday " IS" W- J. Crawford, as first unor? W. T Foster. Tbnradav " 19 " Jeoka. second tenor; Will p. Babcock, S wees Home. Friday SO first basso, aud Scott xioxortb, secood Waterloo. Saturday " 21 basso, r hese gentleman have organized lodavitle, Monday " 23 and will enter 0700 rehearsal at cace. Lebanon, Tuesday " 24 Statesman. Lacomo, Wednday ' 23 Rev. C. E. Kliewer. tbe pastor of the .ntiarn. Tbnrtday 26 " German Baotiai chnrch ul il.i.rii. o, rnday 27" ad bia relation yeeterdav alier the j ifr1f; 8lai"T , " S morning termoo. It was a surprise for 1 Wk If' Mond bis congregation. The chnrch troii,i! ' Lyons. Thursday 31 . vote! not 10 av.n d...;...i. d- Mielboro. Wednesday June I c --IZlZZJZlr.- :r,. ---"- V S.nrn. Thnr.1,. .. -" toiiw m can iron ids general j ' . -, , . , comm.tte w hicb held its annual sea, ion j VkTlUeV.r V 7. ... at Cbicaeo last month t .s- Albany, Satorday " 4" German wot k in charge in tbe state of ! The candidate nominated by the re- aldington as missionary. If be should ' pahUcun convention of said county, are accept the call be will mors to Tacoma . most earnestly and respectfully request or Seattle a boil tbe Am of next montti. ed to be present at aaid timea and places ifalrm Jiuroal . Jier. Kliewer ia am and join to the these friendly diacoaaior a KING AND SOVEREIGN. Two Famous Men to Be lo Albany May 13. Hon. W. R. King, union nominee for governor, and Hon. J. R. Sovereign, of Atkausas.of natloual tame, will speak in the court house at Albany, on May 13, at 7:30 p. m This will be the best pollt cal speaking ol tbe campaign and every-bod,- should prepare to tear tbem re gardless ot pot tics. Death of Calvin Burkhart. . Mr. Calvin Burkbait died at bis home la this city at about 6:30 o'clock last evening, of Bright'a disease ol the kid neys, at tbe age of about 48 years. He had been ill for soaoetime, and he had made careful preparation for tbe death that was inevitable bv completely set tling up bis earthly affairs. Tbe deceased was a native of this county, being a member of one of the most prominent pioneer families. He was a cousin of Mayor Burkbart and a son-in-law of Mr John Connor of Port land. He died a fervent christian. He leaves a wife and one son and many rel atives to mourn and regret hi death. Mr. Kuikbart was a member ot tbe A. 0. U. W. Funeral services will be held at the residence of tbe deceased at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, to which all friends ot the deceased are invited. ADMIRAL DEWEY IS ALL RIGHT. Resolutions of Spmpathy by Shcdd Camp No. 391 W. O. W. Whereas the Gieat and Supreme ruler of tbe univerare baa in his infinite wis dom rejioved from among ns the wife of our esteemed neighbor John W. ?ugh, aod . Whereas, tbe tons: acquaintance makes it eminently befitting tha. we record our appro tattoo or ber, therefore, he it Raaoivgn, That the sodden removal of mch a life from our midst leaves a va cancy and a shadow that will be deeply n slued by all .he neighbors and friends 01 this camp, and that with deep sym pathy for tbe bereaved relatives of tbe deceased we express wr bope that even so great a loss to ns all may be overruled tor good bv Him who doeth all things well and that a copy of lbeae resolutions oesent the bereaved family snd also that a copy ot toeae resolutions be tent each ot tbe countv papers lor publication E E Coo. W.C.Jacgaos. W. W. Last '- Commiuce. Political Speaking. At tbe fallowing times and places the candidates nominated by tbe Democratic, Peoples Party and Silver Republican conventions ot Linn county, Oregon, will addrees the people on tbe political iseoes involved ia lb present campaign : ' Tangent. Wednesday May 11 at I p. m rneoa. inuraaay - Halaey, Friday " Harrisbnrg, Saturday " Brownsville, Monday w, Wednesday Foster, Thursday " Swees Home. Friday Waterloo. Saturday " Sodavitle, Monday " Lebanon, Tuesday " Lacomo, Wedneeday " 8antim. Tbnrtday " Mto, rnday There will be a circus, in town next Thursday afternoon. The Indian war veteran have again been not. The bill for their rehe' passed the senate, where it has been buns up for a long time. It is now claimed it nannnt naa on account of the need of all . : MAnJkM trim mar nnrruv,. tne yjvormucub a iuwucj .w. r . r Salem continues to be struck oy prosper- ; v. ir wnn nai coduuucu m kcu- erai merchandise store at Salem, assigned c.n.J. fs.r tha honant Ol U1B creoiw. His indebteaess amounts to $4066, and his aseu to 5065 . Tha assignment was precioitated by au action commenced by Louisa Forstner on a $1651 note. Change jif Climate Breaks Down the Health of an Oregon Man What a Few Bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla Did for Him. " Our borne is in Clark county, Wash ington. My little boy waa taken with asthma when only two years old, and grew worse nntil he waa five, when the physician advised ns to take him to a dry climate. I resolved to go to the great wheat fields of Eastern Oregon and work In harvest, but I soon found my own health waa falling. I could neither eat nor drtnk without getting sick. I was blind and dizry. I procured a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and began taking it, and in a few weeks I was well and able to work every day. My little boy ia now taking Hood's Sarsaparilla with good results." D. Patteb, Wasco, Oregon. 3 Sarsa- O pari, la Is tbe best-In tact the One True Blood Purifier. Bold by all druggists. ' $H six for $3, Mr. Terry O'Brien came over f om Toledo tbis noon. Dr. L D. Mae (aire, who lectured in Albany last year ia in the city. Mr! Walter Lyon, of tbe Oregcnian staff, returned this noon from tbe Bay, where he had been to keep track of Mr Gser. H. L. Kelley relumed this noon from Oregon City where he bad been to ioin bis company. He will resume hia mace as sooaaeeper tn tbe km Urown Mills Mr. Chnrch. of Oreeon Citv. a neohew of Mrs Judee Flinn. esme nn on the noon train and will clerk in tbe store of 8. IS. Young & Son. bergeant S. H. Clea venter returned Jesterday from Irvington Park, where e went with F. Co. Ho reports the Albany boys as well situate.!, and though there ia plenty of work they were in good humor and ready for whatever should come op, whether going to Cuba or toe r oiinpine isisnas. tne loitowing irom tbe Telegram ia about a former Albanv bov: Dr. E. G Clark is about to emulate tbe example of Dr. Darling, and will plant s fiagp tie in nis aooryara. ratnotism is running rampant on the East Side, and every body is anxious to run "Old Glonr" op a 1 little higher than another. Dr. CHrk will tiy to best Dr. Darling just s little bit, alter wbicb some other doctor will make np bis mind to beat Dr. Clark. Hon. T. T. Geer. of lbs Waldo Hills. Marion county, returned this noon from tbe Bay, snd as met at tbs Yaquina train by s few more than the usual num ber at the train, and by the Simon ton Band He was introduced by D. F. Hard man as Oreeon 'a foremost citizen and the next governor of the state, and. standing on the second step of tbs plat- lorm, mine a snort aoaresa, in woven ns reienea to tne predominant interest in tne war, in wbicb people regardless ol party are united, mentioned some of our prosperity aDd gave the nnton platform a hie. There was only a small amount of eninusiasm. We acknowledge a verv nteaaant esil from Prof. W. 8. Mayberry, principal of tuc muru puuuc scnoois. rroi. Will De remembered by manv as s teacher ot this county some six years ago. He says ne aiwaya tuintt 01 "jrook county as place that possibly he should not have left. Me was accompanied by Rev. O D. Nickel son, a former resident of tbis place. After spending s few hours with fiends tbey proceeded on their wsy np tbe Ochoco valley snd will return home vis tbe Bridge creek counfy. rrineville tteview. tr roi. Mayberry recently moved irom this county to Moro, C- E. Conventions. The attention ot the Christian En deavorers of the world is being directed to Nashville now as it was s year ago to &kn Francisco, and one of the greatest meetings in the history of this great movement is assured. Oregon EnJesv orers are looking especially towards Roxeborg at tbi time where their an oua. state convention will be held May lztn to 15th. Dicoaratkms are bein made in that lively burg for the recep tion and ears ot all tbe delegates who may find it possible to attend. Such a receptioi s promised as has never be fore b-e attempted bv anv entertaining city in Oregon. Tbe pro rem as ont lined is one il tbs best tbey have ever I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 pastor ot the Albany cborch. Irvturancs Matters. Mr. Stillinan, Pacific coast jiarger and Mr. Oiney, northwest maoager o tbs Underwriters Association, wets in Albany today, and at 10 o'clock met with the Albanv agents at tbe city coun cil chambers, when insurance matters were considered snd particularly ths 15 per cent rsiee in tbis city on sorount of the inssrancs Urease. Mr. 6ttl man gave the agents to understand that tbe lo per csat raise woolt! be kept in fores so long as ths li-ense waa kept in force. The only way ont of the matter ia to re peal the or linance, and this should be d-me aa the rates are already bigs enough. ' be tors the p-op! npon equal terms. Chairman People's Party Central Com. W. R. BtLYEC. 1 Chairman Democratic OnLral Coos. . S. W. Rasas, 1 Chairman Si! ur Republican Central .Committee. j Crop Report. f Seeding of sinter wheat and oats n tr.e lo lands will be finished tbis week Fall snd winter sown wheat sad oats are farther advanced than tuaal. Sprirg sown grain is making excellent growth. Reports indicate tnst ths grain acreage ia larger than usual in r U sections. Tbs J formerly in lb - t. USfcOJ pUfV- laSMrSCVl T So is the up-to-date stock of GLO THING At the Blain Clothing Go's Store. It consists of a large, well assorted stock of men's. youths and boys suits, in late styles, pretty patterns, properly made, marked at low prices. A fine wool suit for $5 to $10. There are several counters of extra cheap clothino; for those wanting rare bargains. - price, prices PsosracroraLoW T..r-Tbe order; ui .ue c-oioei 10 sena me racicc cowst ;... n, iwrhM. volunteers to the Philippines brings tbe i neach crop will not be s fall ooe war right home to oar owo dx r, for H means tbat about fifty Lino county young men will have to go to that far away country. Tht islands are just be low ths 20th degree of latitude, slightly further south than Cuba, which is Just above tbe 20th decree, and bence is in s vsry warm climate. Thers srs only jmf wj mt bsv crop is most promising: grass has good growth and indicates s large yield s Hops srs growing rapidly ; they srs ip 1 tbs poles snd onto tbs wires in mssy to be Tbs instl sections, bat in tbs real peach growing ' districts a good crop is now indi Aled. Appio and quince trees srs in 1011 bloom Fruit baa set on other varieties of trees. Cbtmee srs ss large ss peas. Tbs prnns trees are overloaded with email, wed set fruit. Wild strawberries ' are ripening. Cultivated a rewberri.e HOME AND ABPOAD. . Wheat today in Albany is 79c. - Crescent liicycV, Hopkins Brothers, agents. Best BicyUs for t e money. Will t Stark, jew-'ers. China ha declared ber neutrality to the Spanish wr. 2 poneds of rockers for 15c at TO Shaver's Call at French's and see bis girdles from cents op. See ths new girdles, tbe verv latest, is French's hjw window. tielt and .kirt supporters 5, 10 and 15 cents at F. M. French's. Crescent hiryrles at Hopkins Brother for only 20. f 30, 135 aod toO. Freh seeds, two packs es for a nicks! a Stewart k Sox Uardware Co'. F reab seeds, two packages for a nickel at Stewart ic Sox 1 sraware Co's. r ... . wacaerw are now wav rlnwa in call on C E Browaell for freah ones. Ladies Ions- wares chains at law at French "a Jewelrv .tore. Order the beautiful life of Prases E Wil ard, by Anns Gordon, f Mrs L E' Blain. . Mrs VSereck's lee Cream Parlors and Summer Garden are r p wed 'or the season. rise ueucioas ice cram and ice enam tod a. Conductor Bea Barter tbis soon look see c4 the L sges trains ever seen here through tbe c ty There were 54 cars be tides the cabot Tbe sles er Airar has essaevd to Meg sows be tiver from the Commies w t reboot II (XO batbei of wheat, and will make ber fir tup fborsday . It will require eight or tee dais for the steamer to complete t -e w jrk. LEB4XON. From tbe Criterion: Miss Nellie share left last night for Albany where she will spend tbe sum mer with ber Lmie Vt. j. p. Wallace. Mrs. J. F. bitie; and children bavs moved to Albany where tbey will reside ' this snmmer. , Hon. M. A Mi!lc is now esmpaism-i ing in the ineret of Xr Vea th the' fusion esndidate lor congress. Mr Mil iar is said lo be ooe of their best campaigners. Mr and Mrs C'ttas Svnith left last nierht for their home io Ibanv after a few wecka v,sit wi'h Mrs W. H. Reed and other relatives oi iui place. B. F. Littleion. brother of J. II. Lit- tiejobn of this wrs oa tbe Olympia. 00s of Admiral Dewey's fleet which is reported to have rank tbe Span;ah fleet near the Phi.ippioe. Mr. Wile. her ot R B. Wiley. grorery business here. o n Alien a I arm last M ellwain's .......Cash Store Special Sale" Arbockle or Lion coffee, per lb....$ 10 oar. laundry or Savon soap Breakfast bacon, per lb ;.. Sogar cure bams, per lb " shoulders, per lb. tc Spkgscom or gloss starch. 25 yds atanda'd calicos 1 Good besvy overalls, per pr 10 j The best brooms 15, 20, ?5, 30 snd 23 Tbe beat bran of floor per sack.. 10 j Bat'le sx Tobeco., 16 ox plug. . . . . . . 11 Mens rib too socks, ner nr ar ' " jjeos straw oats, isrge lines ... Mens tan shoes, cloth top.. stay sin, isys. 3-, 105 z 0". 5 . 1 7. Good News a I have another bankrupt stock of CLOTHING and all kinds of mens goods. You are invited to call and get prices. W. R. BLAIN, (Be Pats the Prices Down) Mr Alley comes here uixb sun uuc., ana as no limit is 1 aoou. o.iwu wcue people 00 tne lDa ready tor nse. piacea on too numoer wno nisy attend I ana most 01 them srs spaoisn soiaera, ; Mn -Q ,u bloom m iucc-ssiui meeting is aireaav ssarea. H. S. Gils, President. Gooeeberrits will Suoo be Many vanetneol loses there to bold tne country. Tbe n stives To Un,WDg season is over and coold PSl Ml thai fUlskaltail akaxalaf TKo Vrt. I r. . I A New Stiamkb I B. Cus' man in formed oi a fes days ago tbat the stock (or the new vessel tone buil.on the Sins law, which we mentioned in our columns several weeks ago, ia very nearly all sub- sen bed snd tbat be bas an order to saw tbe lumber. The iron, spikes, etc, sre lo be brought in by tbe Dsnielson on ber next trip. Tbe plans sail for a ate im schooner of 135 foot keel, and 32 foot beam, to draw about 11 feet of water. Her enginea will be 275 horse power and she will run about 8 knots an hour Her carrying capaaity will be about 300,000 lost ot lumber. Tln total cot: of the ves sel will be near $27,000. rue Florence west. are of the Celestial character. Tbe voy age wonld give the yooog men a chance to see the world, but at the eame time tbe trip would not be an enviable one. Epgesb'" Spawiabd E. L. Rhodes. bugeoe s tamale man. and said to be s Spaniard, late Wednesday afternoon got drunk over tbe report of tbe naval en gagement at Manila snd was landed iu tbe city jail by Policeman Croner, after be bad yelled lor tbs Uoos. tie was fined $10 today tor dieorJorly conduct bv Recorder Dorris. Having no money be is serving out the fine in the city jail. vruari. Fiuto a Prnriox. Dr. J. L. Hill, ot Albany, has tiled today six petition, nominating Luce, Wakefield, al, as tbe regular Peoples party canditfaUS lor govenor, secretary ol sute, treasure: etc. This is exactly what Secretary State Rincaid informed Mr. Holt in a letter dated Anril 7. tbev would be re quired to do to entitle their csndida'ee to a place on tbe btllot according to law. Alter causing much trouble and tmgi- tion they have now complied with the law by nominating tbeir etndidates br petitiona and adopting s name differ ing from the ooe used by the Peoples convention and assembl y held at Port land, March 26. Journal. not be mors success; ul. b bea ring con tinues snd large fics fleects are secured. Stock ia tat. Gardens are melinz rapid growth. Potato planting ia yet n progress. Every thing ia promiriog In Eastern Oregon Grain crop con tinues its favorable appearaoce snd pros pects r a'l and winter sown gram srs sdvsnced bevond tbeir usual stags lor I 1. 1 . Hm. a! ik. ... - Sn.ih. a Drain of ia doina very wall Rain wonld tw ol benefit to all srain. especially to tue spring sown. Tbs gram crop st ins ptes ent time is in good condition. tt 5. raocs. Section Director Portland, Or. A Fine Hall. sooth of tows. from Aiichigan. 1 he ' Evidence is toe case proves I Hood s Srap.rtil a ore rceumaUa .dys-li pepsia. calarrs. toa red leeitng. scrota la j salt rheum. 001 ' s d Jul b'o d diseases, j flood S Pills re the favorite family I atharti: Car a . h-dacbe, break op cold. A T AVELISG MAX Gives Some Valuable Hints Re garding the Care of itu. Health While Traveling. Mr. R.W. Vinrh-r-lon, a commercial traveler frosn Birmingham, whose losi- keeps him almost constantly on tbs rwd. relate In the Sunday N'ews tbe dangers to health from con-tan t change ot incidence i d to wsy he overcame the usual in in rioaa effects. He sats ! Unetbng people traveling cannot very well avoid ia ths constant change in water and. food; the stomach uever bas an opportunuv to necome ac customed to a-iTUimg and in a tew years or much soouer tbs average traveling man becomes a hopeless dyspeptic For severs; years 1 sonered more cr 1-es from indigestion, sour stomachs. headaches, diaute for food, often nc ap petite, gae on tbe eio-uacb and the usual unpleasant enacts 01 imriei aigesiwn, New 5 Drawer Wbceler 5 Wilson Seating Machines mitoall latest im provements Special Price Come pnickand won can have tne far $241.00. J. A. Weaver. Draper Duck. Hear dock for Under dranas. htmt quality, warp as4 fiilic? double sad twisted, 42 inch 4Jc and 6 inch S0c ner yard 29 inch and -10 ind, dock. 8. 10. 11, and IS ex.. ranging ia price from 15e to 25s per yard. S. E. YOtJSG & SOX, Albany, Oregon. Piano, GrginJoiss Cninr8,Ean!iosj Goli HM 1 25c 50c 75c OTSJ That &8 mm.- teed to wear h-ti jeaw. fill giYB A New Ring for eiery ccstiat does not pniT8 sat- isia.torj4 F H French The Jeweler asHdaR.GUtMrt. Sin FraaeaaG Eua Teachers of Music STaaeiastoa Sirttarmr C POaira, Sutaas NEW ADVERTISEMENTS GIRL W ANI ED To do housework for a family of four Apply at Dkmo- csst office. C"Oa REST. Furci.hed or furnished iooms. Ceatrel toes ion. esanire at Dkmockat ofSoe GIRL. 14 yefers of age, wishes s pUcs for a home. Call at Democrat oSce. harness and rart. .1 Mirrey and aet of hrnesa. is rpkndii cwdition. Apply st Aloany Baths, opposite tbe Dsxocbat oSce. I?OR SALE t HiAP.-1 osy. I Fbe1 hod goods, lBciuaiDe piano, twding b-d. edroom set etc , will be sell next week. all at residence. AX ED A reliable vuo."R IV 1 mas with small capital toengaice m the stock bniefs is eVsters Orwoa. F:r furtbtr iBtOrmatioo inquire t UaMocnaT office- nnR wan TONG CO- Second St pear Lvon strest. 4ibsn tens neee medicine, Chinese rice. Chinees tea and mt oil. Wears anxious to do a little goodi in tb World and can think of no pleaeaoter be-.ter way to do it thae Sf recommeoHioa One M male Cough Cms as a prersotiv ot pneumonia, conaarnption and other ssr- tuns luot; troablcs tbt 'ollow neglected coins j a uamming tetter 1.1st. ood Strawberries are in the maiket. Thev are raised in northern California and sre brought here by express. The home ber ries will not appear for everal weeks. The four traveling street merchants who have been doing business in Albany sever al days left this morning on tbe Hoag for Independence. Tbey are "onto" their job. A d spatch in tbe Tribune indicates Ibat the Spinisn fleet is approaching Porto Rico. If this proves true tbe Americas fleets wil, proceed to meet it there and en gage it in mortal combat. George Dugan, a God's Regular Army man of can rauctnco bas junt been sen tenced to ' btrtv years in the penitentiary for a felonious assault on a seven jear old girl. The sentence was light enough. Bids for Ihe cons'ruction of a new build- insr for tbe First National bank.of Eugene, were opened yesterday morning. Eight bids were rtceived' ths lowest, $7400, be ing made b L N Rooney. of Eugene. Tbis doe not include tbe bank fixture or beat ing apparatu-. flOOu 5 fills gripe. DruegisU. 2M. Following is the list of letters remaiuina in the Postofhce at Albany, Linn county Oregon, Mav 3, 1898. Persons calling ror tnese letters must give tbe date on wbicb tney were advertised. Brat ton. Miss 8 E Tisdale. W J Erb, Mr Daniel Winkleblack, Daniel nan, sirs j a Johnson, J 1 Hayes, Mrs A L Wilhelm, Peter Hawley, ias Sylva Winki. Nancv Joy, Mr Fred Karney, Jacob Morgan, Mr t r. T. J. Sirrsa. P M Volleys roa Dswev. The great naval victory off Manilla was being celebrated this afternoon by the firing of anvils When the full particulars are obtained from other than a Spanish source It wil! no doubt be learned tuat tne victory wrs one of the most emphatic io the history nf naval encasements. Admiral Dewey . . . . . . . 1 is all right, but tne uimoikat pieuicis that Admirals Schley and Sampson will be aa thoroughly equal to the occasion when either ot tuem meets tue ai lantic fleet. Jack Mayo. From tbe Times: J. 0. Mayo, for a number of years superinten dent of tbe River division ot tbs Corval- lis & Eastern railroad, under its various managements, starts todav tor Astoria whither he was summoned by Mr. Ham mond. It is not definitely known what duties Mr Mayo will be called npon . to perform, but ot course ne win nil some Doaition of tbe Astoria Goble road tem porarily it nt permanently. For the nresent Mr Mavo a oliice will be vacant Mra Mavo will remain in Corvallie until her husband ia located at Astoria or it is determined whether or not his stay there is to be permanent. The new Maotabee hall In ths Psrriab block is now .being occupied. It baa been fitted np in s vsry tsety manner and is one of the neatest lodge rooms in the vlley, s large, bright room well equipped or lodge wo'a an wmi . f,bleU. 1 remembered tbe con ing thing is tbe fact that the furniture 1 i. . . ...,. intrr..trA Kearly every traveling man has his is-1 T f A nm A vorite remedy for differeut troubles and I A7 X Ul. Q,- QlillbAi I tried ait ot tbets witn no results, r in allv on the train between Pituborgatd Philadelphia one day, 1 overbeara a con versation between to ladies, one of whom had Buffered severlv from indureetion and stated she bad been completely cured by a remedv which ebe called Stuarts l'je TREATMENT FOR WEAK MEil. TRIAL WITHOUT EXPCNSg, The famous Appliance and Remedies of the Erie Med ical Co. now for tha nrst time gSered on trial without expense to any onest man. Not a dollar to be paid In advance. Cure Effects of Errors nr Excesns In Old or Young. Manhood Fullr Restored. How to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Portions of Body. Absolutely unfailing Borne Treatment No O. O. D. or other schema. A plain oner by a nnn 01 high standing Hickory nuts at C E Irownells, .5 DIC If Cntflll lfl 4 WaARA3T, nil. iikuiwnii uu. buh-alu, n. v. Tat Moniy Quirtion, A neat pam phlet bas been issued under this bead, giving the money question as discussed by Ilarrlson R. Kincatd, secretary ot state. It consists of editorials from Mr. Kincaid'a paper from 1877 to 1898, show ing tbat Mr. Klncaid retained through these years tbe same opinion on the sub ject, and that bis party was the one that ih.iimH . Sevtiral of these namnhleta at tbe Dkmockat oliice may be had by those desiring thesa. . Ladies Aid Socim. Ths regular meeting of the Ladies Aid Society will be held at the residence ol Mra. L. E. Blain on Thursday, nay oin at z;su p. m. is of Albaor make.ths chairs being man ufactured by tbe Sugar Pine and Fixtare Co., snd tbs station snd ctogsnt globe altar by s Maccabee. Tbe property rooms are convenient and tbe banquet room is commodious and well arranged tor ufe. The Maccabees are justly proud 01 tbeir new borne. The new hall will be formally dedi cated on the evening of May 10. At Camp McKlnley. A letter from Camp McKinley from ona of the bovs states tbat army lite ia not atl that it has been cracked np to be The men are drilled twice a day and it ia hard work. Crowds of Portland people are there out of curiosity to see ths sol diers. Most of ths Albany company will be examined Friday snd Satmday. (J. S. Harnish was called home on ac count of tbs illness of his wife. Taxb Notics. At tbs next meeting of the council the tax roll ot 1897 will be declared delinquent snd the list ordered published, ray up oetore then. What Ur A E Salter Says. venation because it c trectly .interested me: aod at the next town 1 Inquired at ths Brat drug store snd bought s package lor DIty cents and irom mat aay to mis I have never been without tbem. Tbey are pleasant tasting tablets, not a secret patent medicine out comooeea 01 vegeia ble essence, pure pepsin, fruit salta and and Golden Seal: beine in tablet form tbev never lose their good Qualities use s liquid medicine would, but sre slwaya fresh and ready for use. I carrv a box iu mv pocket continually. and whenever I see sny symptoms ot in digestion I take one, sleo one stter each meal, and tor a year and s nan 1 nave not loet a das bv reason of poor health andean eat anything and relish what I oat; my digestion ia absolutely perfect as far as 1 can judge from my leeungs ana although there may be other stomach medicines just as good as Stuart's Dys wepaia Table's, 1 do nol know what they are. Certaiulv tor people who travel tbey are tar ahead of anv liquid medicine, as they are so convenient, they can be carried in tbe pocket and used whenever I believe they are sold by ail druggists at 50 cents, and believe anv one who will try them will ibera will sgtee with me, that for indigestion and stomach trouble Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are nne qualed. Of Will ft Stark. Optical Specialist Graduate of the Chicago OpthabnM Oollege.. Is prepared to examine scientifically and accurately, bv the latest and inrprovsu methods of modem science, aay who de sire to bsve their eyes tested. CUSICS UlOCt ALS&KT.UKBwOn. SALK. Two sood fresh milk enn irentl and rood milkers Cat on Jobs Lencx. sear Oak Creek bridge. EXPERT BICYCLE REPUM ASD HORSE SHOEING. Second street, between Ferry and Broadaibin streets. WILLIAM II. MILLER. BorrALo. N 1 . uents : rro-n mv nonnnat knowledge, sained in observing ' the effect of your Shlloh's Cure in cases I of advanced Constipation, I am prepared 1 Eggs for Hatching at C E Browneils. Don't tell your neighbors what yos to sav it is the most remarkable Remedj in the ,Mt iindow the Albay fur niture Co. Terms bait oasb balance beiors you leave tbe mere. Let everybody come 10 tne tar Bakery and get 40 loaves ot fresh bread for fi.os cash. that has ever been brouaht to my attea tion. It has certainty aaved many from Consumption. Sold by Foahay .ft Ma 54-Te-tise tor virf Cents. Guaranteed tehaeeo hebt enre, makes wssk .q auow, kiwi oure. sOcsl AUdruggiua T. O. Shaver. (Successor to F. L. Kenton.) Second St. opposite. .Democrat office Will constantly k?p on band a good stocl tt groceries, fresn prauce ana tmiu which will be sold at living prices. 3. UffLI&'S Qround Xlocr Dental Office. Broadaibin. St Albany, Or Vartl Uttler, Assistant. C0LUXS& HODGES . Dentists. Odd Fellow's Temple, Albany, Or, Alt work carefully dons under latesl methods, . tTOR r co WOOD FOR SALE dry and green. -Ash and fir At. Satxor. TTOR SAI A gocd secorrtl I of Cooper tows. 1 Houck, 1 st and tVaksr. hand tet Inquire of Mrs. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY Ac tive gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house is Oregon. Monthly 65 W and expense. Cost lion steady, tteterence. tucraw sen addressed stamped envelope. The LVmin- on Company, Uept. thuago. WAN 1 ED-UPRIGHT AND FAtt H. ful gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house ia Oregun. Monthly $65.00 and expenses. Poeiuoa steady Reference. Enclose self address ed statu pea envelope, ice isuiutmuu Company, DepJ. K . Chicago. TO BICYCLE RIDERS. Do yoa wnt a good bright light for your wheel. If so call at the office ot the Oregon Oi a LigHt, Heating Power Co, tbey hats the best on sale in the market. A special bargain in aa "Aeolian Organ atE. U. Wills . Musie Store pracU cally sew and at let than h f the price ot a new one, with a laige lot of music terown in in the bargain. Must be dkpoaed ot in SO dava, call and it evto if yoa do not want to buy. . - ' ass - n. r. rierriu bsurance and OolIecUoa Agjnt Moaey to loan, warrants bought Office ia the Dsmocbat building .