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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1898)
sis Am icmoctaL UNION TICKET. COUSTT Smators. T 0 Mackev. 1 Clem. Representatives. J J Whitney, H M Palmer, Dr D M Jones. Cleik. FrankCrabtree. Sheriff. I AtMunsera. Atsessor. Geo. DeVaney. Recorder. E C Neal. Treasurer. F M Jact. Superintendent. A 8 McDonald. .Commissioner. DC Swann. Coroner. J G Norman. Surveyor. Anthony Austin. State. Governor W R King, ecretary of state H R Kincatd. Jnstice supreme court W M Ramsey, Treasurer J O Booth. Attorney' general J L Story. State printer C A Fitch. Superintendent H S Lyman. Congressmen R M Veatch aud C M Donaldson. District. nirrnit Indire P H D'Arcv and R P Boise. , Di trict Attorney S L. Hayden. The country is fall o! Spanish spiel A few need to be captured and shot sa they deeorve to be. One good example might t are a beneficent effect. Answering to Roll-Call. This one fought with Jackson and faced the Uffht with Lee; That one followed Sherman, as he gal loped to the sea; But they're marchin' oi together just as friendly ae can be, And they'll answer to the roll-call In tbe mormn : They'll rally to the fight, In the storruv da and night. In bonds that no cruel fate shall sever ; while the storm winds watt on nign Their ringiDg batttle cry: Our country our country forever The brave old flag above rippling down it led Each crimson stripe the emblem of the blood by heroes shea ; It shall wave for them victorious or drooD above them dead. For thevM answer to the roll cal. in the inormn ! They'll rally to the fight In the storm? day and night. In bonds that no cruel fate eball sever ; hile the far-famed battle cry Shall go ringing to the eky : 'Our country our country for ever 1' Atlanta Constitution In union there is strength. Don't be I sidetracked by false statements. !9! Smb There Will be speaking All through the I county as stated elsewhere. Turn out and hear the issues oi the day candidly stated . Thi Gold Standard In Japan. It take a good while to whip the Span lards at home. No matter bow crushing the defeat they haven't sense enongh to see It tor a week . One more naval defeat on the part of the Spaniards and Spain will go to piece The defeat at Manila bai been enough al most to Cause a reign of terror. Wrea election day comes voter will go up to the polls and cast their ballots as they have made np their minds to do. The nnion forces In this county Lave not much doubt as to the result. MISFITS. The Ftencb consul general has bien ordered to take charge of the Spanich business in Oreeon. Didn'c know as there was any. The gteat Melba sang at Portland last nittht, drawing a packed bouse of about 1600 people and about $5,000 in cash She did not carry the audience by storm. All eyes are turned towards 'Manila, It is a city of 200,000 people and an mv portant one in the commercial world . John Dunbar recently came from Ne braska to Portland with $12,000 in cash. He opened a saloon and now has $0,200 left. r::'ii-i f Ii' ''ui'''m'' UmM The pulpits all over the United States la-t Sunday biased with patriotism, and when the Bun went down the Spaniaitls were completely whipped so far aa eenti - ment goes. "Her tinsband'e death completely pros trated her." "Did she love him eo dearly ?" tVT TT U . .1 1n. I. ninr .n. Ant " Courier Journal . We were afraid the Spandiarde would come ecme trick onne by which they would get an advantage, bnt it waa left for the United States to creep np on the enemy at night and knock their keels from under them. Uncle Sam's eyee are wide open and be will not be found nap, Manila.lhe chief city of the Philippine Islands, wbich belong to Spain, Is an old town, having been tonaded some S?5 yeara ago, and a big town containing nearly, or quite, 300,000 inhabitant. A base ball league is about to be let loose in the Northwest. If the managers will keep their men sober, different from the usual practice in the Northwest, the clubs will be given a good sappeit. The public likes good clean base ball. But they do not like the game when played in a snide manner. Tonight at Po't'and a larae number of people will pay $7 to hear a woman sing, a .me will pay 5 and some on down to 12. It simply shows that there ia a de mend for genius and talent, and if a per aon can become eo superior in any line to the general run of people they can com raand their price. Aqplher verification of the fact that thsre is room at the lop. The Rochester N Y Times, oue of the able and stalwart silver advocate! of the country, in discussing the mistake made by Japan in adopting the gold standard, naee the following letter from D U Toyko a native of Japan, which appeared in the Boeton Advertiser. The letter will to read with interest by all students of the money question : Laet summer while visiting Boston, I noticed several very favorable com ments in ynr paper on the adoption of t'e gold standard by Japan. Your pa oer also contained a letter from a sub scriber whe bad recently returned from Iamm .nt iln.1nit hi. hri.f minnrn In I that empire had learned that Csunt Mot-j sukata, the father of the gold standard, was a very wise man and made a meet brilunt speech in tha parliar ment in defense of the gold money. Will yon permit me to state that the almost universal feeling of the Japanese, aa ex pressed in the newspapers, is that the adoption of the gold standard wasa grest mistake. It is a gene al custom in Ja pan for the newspaptr to give a review of the rear's events at the beginning of each new year. In theee review which have just appeared, there u a geneial condemnation of the gold standard. "It is acknowledged that the financial j situation in Japan is very bad compared witn that of a year ago. Public securi ties hae fallen, railway and industral shares are very low. Many new under takings have stopped for want of fund. Bnt, chief of all, the exports of cotton yarns to China ia at a is gen erally confessed that this closing of the Chinese market t- Japanese yarns ia due entirely to the new gold standard o Japan." Ever j thing that has a Spanish name has to get ont of the wa v . It is reported tbat a farmer kicked a Spanish windlass off his place, and in another case a row occurred over painting a house a Spanish brown. The Spaniards are beginning to pay the price for the sneaking manner in which thev blew aa tha Mainn Thaw will have many opportunities to Remem- oer me Maine. TKLEGriAl'hlC Look Out for Cnghiod Now. Kingston, May 4. The British consul at Santiago DeOuba is reported to have been attacked by a mob of Spaniards, when be fired, killing a Spaniard. He was then placed in jail . Tho Spanish Fleet. LisnoN, May 4. It is reported that the I Cape Verde fleet has been ordered to join 'the fleet at Cadis. A Fort Destroyed. Kit West. May 4. The gunboat Wil mington yeeterday completely destroyed the fort beingerected atCojuna, Cuba. Sampson'-: Fleet. Some people thought the victory off Manila would end the Spanish war, bat the Spaniards have already given notice that they will fight to the last ditch. Another verification of the statement that the Spaniards lacks practical sense. The papers are telling what happened in the Dewey morning. A good start bas certainly been made, bnt give Sampson a chance and be will Schley the life ont of the brutes whether off Cuba or Porto Rico or any where they may meet. When it comes to names the U. 8. navy is all right. The election in Portland is developing into a go ae-you-ptease affair. All e( forts to whin men into line am failin. People are going to do just aa they pleate aujway uuwn were. Rev. Edward Divis of Oakland. Calit who has been in Albany several times is to be summoned before the Evangelical Alliance ana euow cause why be should no oe aismtssea. us is accused of drunk' en nets and immoral conduct. Some on played a joke in Portland b blowing np a Chinese bomb under Wol A Z wicker's torpedo boats beintr mann factnted. It went all over the cute as a mean Spanish trick. There will be man mountains made out of mole hills before we war is ended. A eilly report circulated throngh Spain was wanner wasa general uprising throughout the United States and that wa government was going to pieces whereas in the history of the United State) there baa never been each a uaan imity in any canee as there is now in tuts war against Spain. The readesvoae at Chickamanga has been called "Camp Thomas," being named tor the onion general who never failed in any military movement wbich he undertook, and who alone of all the generals of tbe civil war destroyed an enemy a army in a single battle. Success : "His success in a financial way has been something marvelous. " "Yes?" Yee, sir. I've often hrard him tell how, when became here fifteen years ag, all he owed in the world was a duller and a quarter, and lat week he failed for a million. Detroit I carnal . The Dkmocbat is called down by the PrioeviHe Journal as foliowe : The editor of the Albany Democrat rays, "There is hardly a lost cabin in the state. The Deraocaat man bas never seen one." Then the Democrat man has never trav eled much, or has a ery defective vision. There are scores of htg cabin in his own coon'y and hundreds elsewhere in tbe state. There are fears that the Spanish fleet have sailed to meet the Oregon . This would be about ber size. It is doubtful if she dare meet tie American squadron, so she may eneak across the ocean and catch the Oregon alcne. Tbe Spaniards, if they do will have their hands full for a few moment?. The Oregon is a first class battleship and would fight tbe whole fleet desperately for a few hours The victory of the U S flett nider Ad miral Dewey at Manila over the Span Sards n one of tbe greatest in naval war fare. With five boats Dewey complete!! annihilated fourteen Spanish boats. The Americans showed their en penority at every point. It may not be becoming to boast, but this country hasalwaja displayed a bravery snl good judgment in nsval contests not iqialed by any other conrtry in the world. From the St. Lonis Poet-Dispatch. Ko moch attention baa been given to tbe mechanical excellences of warships tbat roar.y are dieposed to look upon tbem as mere fighting machines, and victory ia likely to rest with tbe beet built, most modem craft. But machines without men are worthless, aod a badly built ship in the bands of a good man is a match for a eood ship :n the hands of a commander a ho falls ebcr oi the stat ure of manlken. As in the days of tbe Armada and of Trafalgar and of Lake Erie, God is on the side of tbe best man. Down at IrWrgton Park, Portlapd, tbe Albany boys and a good many other boy are getting several boars practice In tts daty of wsr, that they may be reaoy when called to go to Cuba. Training for war ia as bard work as one doee. It ia no child's play. The d rid though is one that will do tbe young men a great deal of good if the war shall end without tbeir assistance. If they a"re needed in the Iront they will get an experience the most severe tbat ever comes' to a man-1 The young men are one who will profit by it whatever it is. Tbey are not tbe hoodlums of tbe eomsrunity whoee ioee wonld not be felt, but among tbe very beet among us, bright stodents and faithful employee, young men we need at borne aud are glad to bave here There ie an Albany man who thinks be could pick out a company be wonld lite to eee in the front row in cas4 tbe enemy made an attack, bnt they are not at Irv ington Park. A correepoadent in tbe World says: A friend of mine wants to enlist, bat only measuring 5 feet iachee in height he was rejected. This man is aa patri otia aa a full blooded American, and tbinka it aa insult added to hi misfor tune. I believe there are thousands of short men who are willing to fight, and with this reflection east upon tbem are boil ing over with indignation. If 1.000 re cruits between 5 feet and 5 feet inchee wonld offer tbeir service in a body, do yon think they would be rejected? Key Wt. May: 4. Sampin's fleet sailed today and it is thought an import ant naval engagement is about to take place. For the Philippine Trip WasHiyoTOS.May 4. The government bas ordered nine of the Pacific Mail Co's steamers capable of taking 10,000 troupe to the Philippine islands. They win con vey tbe militia from California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming to Manila. Bound North. J?, i'anmiedorer.Dewer la PaiueaUa. J.Onoos, May, 3 Little additional new bas t rrived from Manila, but tbe cardinal fact is that Commodre Dowey is no in porsesftion of Manila bay, end can certainly take pottexaion of Oorregidor ie 'and, even if he finds difficulty in effectual ly capturing Manila itself, owing to tbe absence of a necessary landing fore. Tbas navmar secured a naval tiam, tie will bave no dimculiy in necurtng suoplies of coil. Commodore Dewey, according to a re ported dispatch from Madrid, nave Cap lain-Oeneral August! i bous to comply wit" un iiinmii'um woici demanded aU warlike stores and the en ire s'nek of coal in charge of the government offi. iaU . tut the Cable ixiNDoif May, 3 me Madrid corre pondentof tbe Daily Mail savs: It i naif, sted that all the half-breeds at tbe Manila arvenel, who are rebels at Leart, cut the caolea connecting with tbe submarine mine, and thus eoab'ed Com niodore Dewey to force the Inrbor 10 safety. No real bombardment will be necessary to destroy Manila, if tie sbelU are f such a deocription as will set booses -n fire, the bulk of which there are of woid and ba n-bo. BY WEIGHT OR MEASURE. No matter bow y m buy you'll receive your full equivalent. Quality too will be on the right side of tbe scales. We aim to aive prompt and most caref ol at tention to all ordere whether given in person or by mail. This is the season tor canned goods and we bave a fine line of the beat to oe had both in fruits, vegetablee and meats. We can guaran tee them in every particular. You will not be disappointed. Can't we send yon a few cana a sorted for trial. Just received several casee fine white comb honey cake. at 12) cents per pound F. E. ALLEN & GO. RioJakkkio, May 4. The batelesbip J ence Oregon and the gunboat Marietta sa:led 1 for the north . alrk Waik Vsiiik;tom. May, 2 Several war measures were passed by tbe senate today, and notwitbs auding tbeir importance. not one elicited tbe tli; bteet debate. Prob ably tbe mot impvrtaat measure ratted. waa the emergency wai defi -it bill carrying $35,720,945. Not more ihan 10 minutes were consumed in pasng it. tbat time being occupied reading the measure reparllry far SrtUa 1 Waiiiisotos, May, 2, Wben s.k.d if tbe army was preparing for an invasion of Cuba at an early date, Secretary of War Alger replied : " vv's are preparing for Immediate ac tion and we try to keep so prepared, but plans made today may of oe.v.ify have to be changed tomorrow, and tbat is why we are compelled to keep such abocie si- Rioting in Spain- Maubio, May 4. Rioting has occurred today in many provinces an.l a revolu tion is feared. Strictlv tusio From tbe Lebanon Expreea-Advance. J. Clem, one of the anion nominees for state senator was in town Tuesday and made us a pleasitit call. Mr, Clem lives aboat five miles east of AJbery, on the farm he pnrchaeed when first coming to ihit ft re eleven years ago. He has been a life-lji.g farmer, and we lielieve has bi e-; a tnccesefnl one. lie is well known in tha county being a prominept ti'o.lrf-r if the Grsnge and one of the habere i.-t ti.e reform move ment. He Etand high as a man uf honor and intet,r:t-. has a good head for bufinees, aa l ei'i be relied upon to labor for in-1 and economical law. We feel en re that be will be elected aad will make a Kood record in the legislature. From the Salem Journal : Tbe R publican ttare convention mad a serious mistake, at Astoria, in puttinic np two county officials for two important state offices, who are indirectly, if not di rectly .connected wiih and responsible for defalcations t7 which the taxpayers have lost large sums of money. Mr Dunbar, county clerk of Clatsop county, for thrae jear certified to the cor reel ness of the semi-annual state ment of a defaulting county treasurer. Mr Moore, as county judge of Klamath county, consented to compromise with himself as the onlv solvent bondnmen of the defaulting county treasurer, of ibat r-ounty, pasabt nt3j cents on lar. xne republican candidate f r stale su perintendent of schools is- tbe candidate of tbe American Book Co. monopoly ant helped fasten some of its most Inferior text books upon the people at high priees. If these statements are not founded np facta The Journal will retract them and pablih full explanations for denials. Carl Decker save that the monitor Ter- tor, deeigoed not for epeed, bat to strike sled e-bammer bios at an adversary, has demonstra'ed that pr'ke? are not all toineswiit. i Tbe pondrruns blockader mrobined p'eaenre with the hoeineee of be'eagnr ing Cuba, by optating tbe Spanish Steamer Ambrosio Bolivar. Sixty thou sand dollar in silver was kwt to Spain in the baffled' attempt rf tha Bolivar to steal into Havana. The veel carried aleo a cargo cf bananas Steamer and ea-so a-e estimated to te worth a hoot $150,000. Tbe Terror, off Cardenas, sighted tha Spaniard close to shore, making full speed toward its haven nnder tbe guns ofMorro There was not a moment to Ioee. The steamer wonld be lost in tbe tarknes. The lumbering Terror eonld not hope to pursue. ' Uncle Sam's gunners were rrady Prize money was to be won. A shot across tbe bows of the steamer. Her en g nes slowed, then she darted ahead at f ill speed, bnt almoet immediately stop ped. The Spaniard bad elected not lo riek another shot. Wbea the craft was come up with.aba proved to be an iron screw steamer of 192 tons, fclie wae from Port Limou Ceeta Rica, and Ler 26 passengers were wild with fright. Tbe Captain, J B Fus inos, did not give the strong reassurance tbat belongs to tbe stout Spanish heart of tradition. He alternately wept and corsed and cried oct that be wonld kill himself.! He thought better of the lat ter, however. French the jeweler. Try Schilling- Bast la- a4 baklnc powder. Baths at Yiereck'e ahaviag and bair cutting parlors. Picture from 75 cent to tSS ir diaza at Longs gallery. C B Winn, city tick etagent. Tickets to all points in tho east. Crawford at Hannah for photographs Prices from II to t?0 per dosesu Be sure and eee the aati rat tiaware at Hopkia Bros, will las'; a lifetime. Raters bood. set aad pat ia first class order at Viereck 'a shaving aad bair cat ting parlors. n nen yon want a cboice atsak. a nice roan or meat of any kiad. call oa Henry Sroiers. He keeps the beat. Di s. H. E. and O. E Bters offices aad residence ia post office building. 8pcial attention give to diseases of women. Don't aaooy ethers by your coughing .and mk yoar life by eegWcting a cold. One Mi aa Coagb Carw cures coughs, cold, croor; grippe and all throat long troubles. j. a. uuntming. The best meats of all kinds aad Mod treatment at the Albinr Dmad twr Company's market, just dwa Second street. Good weight aad prompt attend tion. From tha Rural Spii It : Just because a Stats Fair Association with a board of fossilized directors can not make a success of a race meeting ia a country town, it is unreasonable to argue mat me town or trotting interest is dead. a gooa man who knows bis business and hasn't forgotten that be is alive, can make not only a success of a week's meeting in almoet every town in Oregon, tmi oe can mate some money as well. Tho following ia the amoqnt of rations famished to Un men each day at Irving ton Park: Twelve aad one-balf pounds of Ireeh meat, or TS' pounds salt meat. 1 1 V poands of bread, or 10 pound of crackers ; 12.8 oancfw of coffee, or 3.2 ounces of tea : 6.4 ooncea salt. 10 ounces pepper. 10 pounds potatoes, 14' pounds of batter, 20 eggs. Wheat has bean taking a lively tum ble. Tbe highest pries paid was 90 cents, and wa are astonished that every person having wheat did not sell at sorb a bib price. Will people never learn to accept a good thing witboot waittnz for the whole world. Wben wheat gets as high aa 85 or 90 cents it caanot get much high er but it can get a great deal lower, a fact prod new. should bave learned be fore this Has Manila Capitulated. Losdox. May 3. An unconfirmed ru mor in the bouse of commons is that Ma nila bas capitulated, but as ceb'e com munications stopped yesterday this a not yet certain. Tk rw Praalralea Romk, May, 2. The po ia prostrated by tbe news from Manila he expretaed a horror at tbe terrible ksof life. He said he wubed that be bad oied Lefore seeing such a war. l'aaa llaic WisniscTox. May 2 Paf.e bsve bee elablihed at lUinn-ai.d Soeep Jamp Alaka gylvanus M K wt aa I abinil j R Blair were appoint I tbe repeclive Wall Paper, uarpets, Lineoleum, Lace Curtains, Rugs Portiers, Pillows Furniture Bedding. Picture Frames, Linen Warp Matting, Oil Paintings, and Undertaking Call on ALBANY FURNITURE CO. poatmacer Madrid, May,! Advice from Maji!a j ay that tbe Ame test, o,adroe. under 1 Commodore Dewer, a;p-rrd tiff tbe by ; I oi jganiia aooui o cioca ibi morales; ana opened a strong caaona'ie agaiont ! PHOENIX BICYCLES. "Stand the Racket" ASSICKFES SALE OF REAL ESTATE Te undersigned as aiaignee of L E Dlatn, an insolvent debtor ;ionStur day tbe 21t day ot May, 18, at tbe hoar' o 1 o'clock p m the court bou.e door in tbe city of Albany, Linn eoauty. Ore gon, sell o tbe blgbeu t dder for cash tbe fallowing deicribed real property,- towit: Property situated in L'nn connty. A farm containing one hundred acres, three miles southwest of Brownsville, in Jred Michel Uonatloa Land Cla.m, Sec 11 ID 14 2fA acres In Tp I4. claim 38, said 26(' acre t be soli subject to a mortgage thereon Anondivtoed one ha! I interest In 480 acres of Mm ber land on Fafeiiton creek Tbe residence oa tbe corner of Btoadal bin and C'.h streets in Aibsnr, Oregon, same being the wet ba'f of block 49 of aid cy of A'bany Block a in bums addition to Alr.any Block M in Goitra's add to Albany A so tbe following described prrperty la Benton connty, Oeg aa : 1 en acres cf land too mites nor h of Albany, with orchard, acd is a part of tbeJ BCoogi'l farm. 19 town lots in N B A- P Avery's add to Cor-allis. Oregon As tbe following dercribed property in I.invi'in county, Oregon: ' Lot BrasSclu's addition to Ysqoina Height blojk 6 Tsaoiaa lle'srhts I t corner tct on Sje Craei in Creasy block 17 lots Bufot d' aldltion to the City of Alexandria 1-7 of five aid a half foarreembs of , a certain piece t-f ijioperty in Went Ya aoina. deaeritwd in deet froir Samuel Case to G K FaireT an i D B MinteUb lecorded One half nnnivided ioterest ia onebik in Yaquina City landing in tbe name cf B A Bensell An undivided ietexest in 6J4 acres adjoining Alexandria Alto tbe following picperly in SeafU, Waabiogrtoa: - 2 lot Greenlake's ddi;ton to Seattle For a full dacription ot the tove deacrilwd -property and foil particular coccerainfc the same pplv ta onOer signed. The crderV.i.ned reserve he rignt to reject any and a 1 Hds tor said property rr any part thereo s ease re t a I deem such bids onreaaenabte H C Watso. H BavAJfT. Atty for Awigee-. A-signe of L E Blaia-- A Daily Occurrence. Key West, Mav 3. The gunboat Cos tke today towed into port U.e Stauih schooner faaco, secured off Cuba ererelT t! ID1- A Leader lor TEX YEARS among HIGH . h.rf-. n. .uh . ,JM -e Ooe- Crank made a record for Itself last season , Don Itius do Austria. GRADE WHEELS. Oar Photnix Not One Broken Crank in Oregon, I Notice Waahincton or Idaho out ot tbe Hundred 01 w neeis soia in tue-e turcw . - . March lOt'. 16, C S Lasd Omc : t Obeoos Citt Ob March 25-h. 1833. The secretary of tbeirteor ha asde usaea aa oraet Deserved Recognition. Wahisgtox, May 3. Concree introdnced resolutions thanking modore Dewey and promoting lo the office of Admiral. ageo ad ber commanoer ... k. Ld Aa Ij7. Jl'UY X TaWPtoeS " lUe V""ur. " " "? TJ. ' r-v---- -- m Mr ; fore maae nnoer toe grant mae oj lo.lay Wimo f raveling. vvheiber on pkasore bent, orbosiaesa. wae on every trip a now? or ?yrnp 01 rigs, aa it acts roost pleasmtly and effectually on tbe Sidneys, liver and bowels, prevent ing fnvers, headaches, aad other forms of sickaem. bor sale la 50 cent $1 bottles by 11 iMj;.iM.Hirt. j 1 , 1 1 ... California Fig Syrup Company only. The quota for the Oregon regiment is 819 and of this number there ere now in camp 614 officers and men. The various companies throngboat tha state are rep resented as follows: Pendleton SI. La Grande 49, Tbe Dalles 65, Hood River 4, MCMtanvuteoo, Aniand 5a, Roaebnrg 42. Kugen 80. Salem 104, Albany 63, Jiabbard 17. Wood born 20, Orerou Citr 60. Itia expected that Portland will f Ornish aboat 400. This will bring the total above 1000, bat it is ptobeble tbat when too examination is made that 15 per cent of the men will be foand physi cally incapable of standing tbe rigors of war. Tbe officers at Portland seem to be very changeable. This rooming Lieu tenant Carrie received notice to issae a call for fifty vol an leers, to report at the armory at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. It was staled tbat Capt Moon would be up tonight lo enlist the men, end they would be transferred at once to Portland and there enlisted with tbe members of Co. C from this city. There were plen ty of young men ready to enlist, and at aboat S o'clock this afternoon a dispatch was received notifying tbem to rease en listment as tbe regiment is full. This cooled tbe ardor of soma of tbe would be recruits in a very abort time. Register. Probably True. Londok Slsy 3 lie per s Lsve circulated all day that Man, into the bsale of the U. S. wsy of confirming it. other Spanish vee! a turr J. American xjnadroa retired b.tieg rexeivt d heavy daraai e. A secood tavsl engag-mc t followed, ia wbica tbe American qairoo arain suffer ed con-iiWable 'oa as t e t;pnib war bip Mindanao atd Cil were slightly damaged. Dunn Ibu enasTemtit tbe Javite forts maiataioiM a aleidirr aad Com s stronger fire npoa th- Amencaa sqaadroa turn I ,ttab IQ tQe nr.t eagjg mea I lLe too u (rriiv x -n-d t'v the rioo nrx fnn the Paitippteaw, and the-e t aa immeaae crjd K berng :n tbe Salle e Saviila . ta BcotTtS la Vfalasa WHtlOTO!t, JSay. I. Wbirg1oo U ivjot.-inar loeigliU Kot aia-w lbwdark dt A a tbirvi ot a cemur o have tb people of lhi city b -o profoaaily moved by war newt a tbcv wre ibis erea mg. 1 be fir-t battle of tbe lup oA meri caa sar ba been loogbt ard victory lir with Admtrai leev anvadroo nodes the a ars aad stripes. I'bt a raah to a freety ot mibaciar.te rvj terns'. A'bestoMrictaM itulic.nnir a great victory fnr itw Amprican xjiatrra. the e.Uuiaasi -f tie peple ca let leoe. and tbe trevtn f :be ci'y bare rang with cheer tbrrajr. ut tta Bight Ik iS'SlsVto.: : faVbivebnnnabletoGetTbem Faet Enough to wpply oar j ' Sut! Vlw bt gents. Bat oar Second Car is on tbe Rod The Golden Eagle Will Fight to the Lat Lokdos, May 3. A dispatch from Madrid today states that tba Spanish navy will be united in a fight against the United Slates navy. Will Go to the Philippines. W MBtMo-ios, May S. TUe Cabinet to day decided to send warships aid troo!,. thr..t4of Ass i-oe aim t ia 11 - L , T". . . 1 . 1 f I . . I ' a nauita 10 oeip l'waey dou toe If lands. It is probable that a soon as Dewey can be beard irm five or six thousand Pacific roast troops will be sett. Bicycles ate boilt for service and to supply the demand J wheel at a moderate price. .'or aa honest, durable J 1 mm. "Ths Mi." Aputforllfnsj. Preparing IITCEELL, OTIS & SI1YIE CO-, Portlmid, OrtgCE. an stihi 1 j WaaaijtoTvX. Vaj. ! foe aarv dej ' tiea of tbe arm! of h battk For the Battle of LifL- a has fallen j- go at IUo battlmbip Ore- ( This a abjct of s Wh-re soail it be dont? Cer aialy where tbe bent preparation can b; ba4. AI-1 There i 00; Sonera urfaii for it weans very ma-1 tiay College baseUtma ia taisd'rtcuoa that;.-a',l forcioainvetiguon. ! tern I atreoth r A Jaiir I Sa;pe-jes Beet ! wiibin a fortcigbt. Tbe Manila Fiht Washisotojc, D. C, May ath-r r4aie 1 MtutD. Jay, 1. B anco cables that jtb Amerieae warsbipa bljctadiair Cieo 1 Uriel ifoesjo captured a paaish mrcbat steasa Spsnish official dispae. received her. ; ..Z; bTd state that fire Spanish vessels were de- a Friaoecrc Tbe cinuu pisiengers stroyed by the American Meet in tbe vie-1 were liberated, inity of tbe Pbtllipinee Manila was! suttMirrw rbe bombarded and hundreds of Deoniesre! Itrxsonvru K. Ha. Mai 2 Jt is reported killed. Latest dispatcbee . ' ioisM Hat a dwpn bi te received ik.t nn a.... . . , 1 here, cooteet of which BuK-ate tbat JkKW I that no Amerau vessels were lost Re rwn'c,, Mch mrmJ uJ M mtor Cat j ports say tbat while Spanish fleet out- he.- a deire to tcvvm Moy tbem wul; numbered tbe force ot this government J .- e Taetday. and that the aieamsliipe ; in vel and mm. the fi,M ... .t.,t 1 Uii't anJ rknaa. of tbe i Unt line A Full College Training a of coarse tbe bet tbin. 3at Albaay ala-i effer a enperior Korm1 Coorse, and a Banners vailege Coorve tbat i iafenor to none in the t e. Corretfoadeace .lavited. Fail term open. Sept 14. 1-5. Wallace Howe Lee, A. M., President. contraction of -e Wuian.e-te vley an CacaAi Moontiin Wagoa Road, aad or dered thai tbe csso-bcted lands em braced ttnrebi be reMored to tbe pawr domain and opened to teltleatest and ea try nnd-r the geaeri land laws. Te anre restoration applies 0ry k deselected land, and rights acqatred within any other grant that mav overt tbe i:hdiaal scade for raid Wil'amett ano vacaae H'un.Jia Road are not Eed tcereti . Notice h fcere by givea that the ai wi'bdrawal bave been revoked and t& the n!ieiected Unda embraced tbereby, it Ite Oregoa City Land Dmnc will b? opened to ee't'emeat, on and after Ma 10Ji, 1S98, Chss BMofBs,Reister. WaGaitowiT. Receivers HOUSE OF FIRM. SEfTliafMT. Ko'jce is kereby gives that tbe rnder sijBed exeeah-n of the last wiM aet teU at cf E R Cbead'e, deeeaso, aais Sled Uw'r col aetKittt ia th) rfiee cf taa rvr fr llnm antr. Oitaoa. acd tkC'T Cort of u4 eosatv ti & ad Motday, thefi hav cf Jse. liSS, t th boar of 1 oV-oca p aa. sd the Coaaty Coart ra at tW Cjar. Rioae ia mxi -OiB-j aa tbe rise aad pace for bearcsx .ayibjctvaaif aay to Bbd aceart aad for -ka ettleM-bet Daxd My 6, 1SSS. 1. E. V HEAD LS B'KME T Lll -'. Itb S. CacatLX. Eaccwtara. and deeieire. rtie Newest At the storof Will k Stark . jewelry yon will get tbe facts, tad ; rne PLACE TO BUY Facta find a fine stock ot aood . to seleit from. It is np Mat .ind include the best lines of watcb and clocks and all kinds of jewelry. Tbeir line of til vea ware is extra and they bave many novelties that will please.' Ice Cream Now. TosrrUroeeriea and Baked loods Is at Parker Bros. Everybody kuows -wbere Ikiir place ia. Tbey keeps fresh wtoot: af groceries, d rod ace and baked feod,of aU kinds, sell at reasonable pneeaand treat tbeir customers wen, an If tbe Spanish fleet proves to be off Porto Rico tbe flying squadron should not Ioee two seconds lb starling after her. Ti.e sooner a naval battle on the Atlantic tbe better for the American cause. II we can't whip. Spain in any kind of a tea fight ' It will be well to leare of the fact. The Democbat bas supreme confidence ifl the Ame.icsn navy and the men com manding the battleships. Tltey are fight ere from aay back aad that is s great deal in a naval battle. The brave heart ed men "are the ones who win,' When boats meet fn the open ocean then come the tug of war and the one who hesi tate is lost.' Let ti.e fleets meet and d un will go Mr. McUinty, who Is a Spaniard.' From the Journal. We do not wisb to disparage the ahili t ea of Pr l. Ackerinan of Po Hand, bat we earnestly believe that in tha person of Prof. Lyman of Astoria he hss an op ponent wuitliy ot bis st effort. , We aoni'!er U rather to Mr. Lyman's ors.lit that the Am-rk-ao Book Trnat Xo-Id-Bm for Uttr Ccnta. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, make weak ssanauong, blood pure. 0e,ai, aU druKgiata. 8-Lyman it a man of wonder. ui eiergr, a man ot g eat nrain power iiili ait Kill n e, a 'earlier,' an organ Urr, a ontprailfi', a botanlit, a historian, a "' of id -ah, t to elevate Oregou lui'ati'iuai icti rel. ; Prof. Lyniaii i lilNral aul tolerant in bis viewfv- H believes in character aod edncato,iial qualifications a'ooe us the test lor cm nioyniPnt of teachers, not po lt ral or religious opinions. If jou wan- to tri-t O e-xon nliooi out of tbe rut oi t .ug pi lin.3 vte for Lyman. Wlere? At F. H. Pfeiff-'r's. Broadalbin street. A 'ban v. Tbe best oa the market. You can get if ( want we'1 made, st any Ume, in any quantity, from a dwh ' to enough for a big gatberiug. Pfeiffer's i w cmra 1 always gooa. Yew mav regret soma steps too take ia life bat nose taken into tba store af L Parker Bras. It is a grest thing to be well fed. Par- j kar Bros kee good groceries. A loaf 01 bread ts not macn oat you Try Parker Bros. Big Spanish Amtwtton Madku, Msy 2, 1898. The Spanish admiral at Manila admits that his fleet was entirely demolisned by Admiral Dewey. The U. S. fleet is now bombard ing Manila. No Houbt It. and other ' earner wert ttbcUily iapec- (4 tday tA axvrlain if tbeir capacity ts ; ufiicient f Jf that panther ot troop. Ml' acta i mratiad a te Vr-iiaaiioa. Londos, Msy 2. Advi -es to the Brit iah colonial nfliMM.R,m ik. k. . i tha .ml,. B!.k . .. xi ..'my rreaeaos'lhHfknday ol m . m.iiii, "-jlllHn Stto of Ohio. I hj w l ,( Loca Conaty rass J Cheubt make oath ibat te l, tbe aenKir partner of the firm of V j Che ! aey A Co. doing bnMnea ia tbe Ci'y of lo.edo. C'natr and tKate foresaid, ani that id firm wi'l ry tbe ran of ONE : til .MKt.l WLUtS fnr eaci aat j every caie of catarrh tbat caanot be tared i by toe ate of Hall's Ct u a is r K.tMl J v.tlt..ri.l 8 worn to b fore me t ubribed in Dec in ber, A annihilated. Dewey hss demanded the surrender of Manila and unless the same is complied with will bombard the city. Five Hundred Killed. Pabib, May 2. Dispatches from Ma nilla are to the effect tbat tbe Spaniards bad 600 kil'ed in the naval battle. j Ma I. j A wt;LKSON. K clary Puulic. A Laundry Nugget. Laundry patrons woo want. first elasa work dona without paying, exorbitaat prices should patronu - tha Albany Steam Laundry which bsve employed regularly Ave of the best hand ironers on the coast for shirts, dresses', and shirt waists, and ten casta is the bigbest price charged for aov tbeee articles. That Tired Feeling is doe to iosptv eriabed blood. Hood's Ssraaparilla ea ricbes and vi alizes the blood -and gives strength, energy and visor. Be sure to get Hood's. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gr:pe. All drnggisis. PIcaae Inaist upon bavrassioar pre scription filled according to the doctor r deis. aad guard agatat anbsbtuttMi. Wa make a speciality ia comooundiog pros cription, using pure, fresh drugs In every one. Oar prices are ia accordance with tbe times. Try as and be convinced. Burkbart A Lee Druggists. A thrill nf te nv is sxnerisneed whsn a brassy eongb of eras p soonds throogb tha boo at night Bat tbe terror anon ehaa ges to relief after One Minute Con.h Care ha hen administered Mats and nar.nlaas 0' obitdreu A Camming CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tbi Kind Yea Kara Always Bought Bears the Bign&tare or ST Toere are three liitl things which do mors w.m k than any '.her three little things created they ar tba ant, tne bee and DeWitt Little B rly Risers, tks la.t bine the ftmna little pills for itomaob. aod liver trouble J A Camming etas The Union Nominee tor Congn Hon. R. M. Veatch's appointments! will be as follows in Linn county: I Hsrrisburg, Monday, May 2, 2 p. m. j Brownsv'lle, Tnesday, May 3, 1 p. tn.l Lebanon, ." "! ocio, netinesuay, aiay 4, 1 p. m. W. R Bii.YEir. J. 8. Smith, Ohairmenv We give away choice flower seeds wit lk tea and coffee, for particulirs call oa, C. E Baowsa Beaatjr ! Piood Deep. Clean blood means a clean rkin. "So Ittautv without it. Caararets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the bod. Begin to-day to banish nininlea. Iioil. blott-hea. hUr k I.mH. and that sickly bilious complexion by taking tunma, oeiiuty lor ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c. SskThosb Hats. At the Blain Cloth ing Co's store, in the show window at the west, mav be seen nrobablv ths ftnani i line of summer batseverdiaplayed in AN 3 bany.sembracing all the latest style and r l... rTil. - , k j , . , ii unium, imio miu iw yarus 01 nem. 1 Take yoar choice. After years of untold snfffung from piles, B W Parsell of Koitneraville.r'a, was cured by naiog a single bos f 'ie Witt' Witch Usael S1tj -kia iliseis aoh aseesams, rash, pimp' a id obstmatefaerra ars res't ly caret itj ihli (m u remtjy J A Gumming - Cata'rrb 4'ured. A clear head aao weet breath secured with Shiloh's Ca srrh Remedy. otdy Foshay k M sson If you want a Rood and. ctewa woke buy cigars made by our AN bany cigar lactorv. To Cor ConatlpatlAa ra Take caacareta Cand v Cuthartla los or tta. If O, C O. fail to oure, drusgiua xtuod inoMy Karl's Clover R001 Tea, lor Constips lion it's Vtn Best and if after using it you don't say ay, returtt the package and get your not ey . Sold by Fosbay A Mason 1 IliHTor Bowaia CaMtnM, Candy Cathartic, aura constipation forever. Me.Sbo. ItC.O.O.aiil,ruKaiisrfundinony. A CrM la pia. London. May. 4, The Madrid corres pondent of the Daily Mail najs. There is no looser any doubt tbat tbe internal situation icauingbe govern ment almost as mm h nneaaiues a tbe ex ternal situation. List night's rlemoomr -tion was one of (be most serious iu a long time. There is a general be'ief that a total cabinet crista la iminent, ard if will prob ably end in a coneiderab'e modification or tbe present govern men f, possibly in the formation of a national ministry nnder t tie presidency of Marshal Martinez Cam po. Uvumtui Eaaasemeal. ATL4HTA, May, 3, A jpeolnl to tbe JoJinal from Key Went ajs: Tbe Marblehead bas arrived with the Argonaut, the Nashville's prie Ahile the Nashville was away trying to cap'ure a mail steam r, two Spanish guuboata came out and attacked tbe Hornet The Hornet returned the fire, and the Matbie head coming in tbe action soan atter. Af'er bring a broadside, the Spaniards turned about. Captain' Mcv'ulla' thn,k he sank one of tbe Spaniard, and prob ably both. The light occurred off t ieo fuego. Martial Law. Madrid. May, 3. The proclamation of martial law has caused much dinsntufac tion, being declared unnecesaary unl t tbe government has information of a s ctional eonapiracy. Tbe newpip?rs are pirtnu larly discontented with tbe sute of affairs existing, aa tbe mere mentiou of military operations is punishsbte severely Nat Ward frcm Bewey. WjmaiNOTOX, May, 3. The dty paused without a single word from tbe American fleet ia the Philippines, and in view of the long continued inbsrrup ion iu the cahle commnnication, the otbcials are beginning to resign themselves to the be ief that they mutit await further official news until a boat arrives from Hong Kong. There does not seem to be any doubt ss to the government's purpose to bold the islands pending a final settlement lib Spain, wben they will bv uoed us collater al to secure payment to tbe United Stat t of a war indemnity. gear Majer tieaerala. Wabhihoton, Msy 8. The nnderktanr Ing among some senators today Is that four major-generals of tbe volunteer arm have been determined upon, and that three of tbem are Generals Wilson of Delaware; Lee, ot Virginia, and Wheeler of Ala. Hall's Catarrh Cor i taken Internally land acts directly on the b'od an nincu.n I vurfaees of tbe in . t-eud for trsttaioa !UU,free ' e. . a., r- - .... m, "v r 4 t.iir.. i ' v. lou-aa, v. Sold by draggii. TjC Mall's FamUy IM.'e are tie Uat ttcat Tcc SfH 8m Iwr mA in. To quit tobacco euily sod lorerer. lie mae oetic. ruil ol LI, nerve aad tieor. take Ko-To-Ilac. the wnoder-iraraer. thai make vea men sirorf. Ail drufii tOcortl. Curesmaran teed. Booklet aod Miopia free. Address Sterling U-medy Co. dilcaco or Mew York. Whooping cough is the most distreiBg milady; out it duration can ue cut short hy the use f the Minute Cough Cure, which I al-o the beat knuwo remedy for croup anil all lung aod broncial troubles. J - A. Camming. I CANDY (I LJJ CATHARTIC I VN. CURE X)NSTIPATION I I 2Se SQe """"ia.,,,. , nJla" TTOTV3rrS I 1 . i I ! ar sa vw urn mm m w a am m-f sr s sr '- -'-' hs 1 m ilvl i S00 PACIFIC LINE. To IU Point .ast Solid vestibule trains. conist:nr of pal ace sleeping cars, lorn ious dininir ctrv elegant day coaches, ruasnitioent tonriat cars od frecolonit leper Irom th 1 . cifk to tlie Atlantic without ilwntfe cosr.Dieacr axo cnnrsxr aotrra t Kootcnny) r.wTW, siiiiingr IllKtrict. f -". PACIFIC R. R. tXEcmrs's mm Trta'dtbeersditx-rs"! rereoss ttrt 1e-ediabeesta'ecBebet Smith, tie cesed. joa arc te eby sxti sed tfcat 1 bave beea duV if pointed uecntor oi said estate bv use coanty co-rt ta ci-iy, vre goo. therefore, ail perse tiving claim against ad eite are hareby ao-iSed ind fwjslred to present th same tc s wh tbe paper voccbers. it the Uw oc cf W R Bilrea in Albany, Liaa county, Oregoa. wHhin si month from tbe date brcot. Dated this 1st day 4 Jaioay, 1J-98. STOCKHOLDER'S HEETIKC. Xotice i hereby give that Ae Aannal meinKo( the stock holders of the Al baav Trading Co wtU te be d at tbe store of the A'oar.y Trading Co. oa May 9th at 70 o'ciock p. m oa said day tor the purpose of tlecttae three directors to serve oa yeu. and the tunwctioa of sacb Stuines a mav legUy come before tbe meeting. By order of the board of di rectors. F. T. BurT, R. Moaaus, ?ecy. ST0:KB3LCEBS ueetikc Kctke i hereby gveo bat tee annual meeting of tbe A banv Mlnire k iXiV.rg Co. will be b-Jd at tbe oSce ot C U tSuik hart on the IVh dav of acni. o'c'ock p at of said day for tbe X. eiecting; aevea directors to serve basinss as snav iegil come serore tr-e meeting. By order of board of diiector. C Skowxxix. C G Bckkhakt, Svretary, Preeidect. Children aod aJul's lortared by burns, scalds, injurie, eczema r kio discuses may lecoru instant reiie! by uing De vitt 's Witch lisel Satve It Uthe -reat Pile remedy. J. A. Cumuiii'kt. - If you want good sewing machine needlt and oil get them of French th eweler. One car load i f I bot-nix Bicycles gone elready aud another on tbe toad . tmmmtttit?mmmmmw! Julius Gradwohl :-Dealer in- SB Hardware, Crockery, Ulsss. : ware, Groceries and a.l goods : kept la country stores. WILL SELL GOODS i FOR CASH : As Low as Anybody. Country produte and eggs taken in exchange for gooods T11IL All points in the Okaaagaa Country. Oe a pamphlet giving a full descriptiot of this wonderful country. Ask tbe atrent for a copy of the mining laws of Priti&r Columbia. Lowes rate o and frfttn Atlantic teamship inee. Canadian Pac. Ry. Uo 's floyai Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CANAOIA AVSTRAUA! STaAMSa UXI TO aoHotrLV, rut akd acstkaua. The shortest lioe to tbe Colonies. These steamers carry an experienced medical man, and a stewardess on every voyage. for time tables pamphlets, or any ia orniat'.on, call oa or addreaa S N STEELE & CO. Agents.Albany Or. E J OOYLK, Ag't, 148 Third St.. Port uni,Ot. GEO. McL. BROWN. 0 P. A. Vancouver. H. C l uiimetn Sleeping Oat, Elegant Dining Cars, Touris?- Sleeping Car? st Paul MinaeapoUe Datoth rargo, in Grand forks - Crooketon Winnipeg Helena and Butte THR JJ.i TICKE S.' TO -liirago aTashiugtou Philadelphia Sw Ttork to Ion and al fointa East and Sooth Through tickdts to Jpan snd Ch ns, rt Tatomaaad Northern Pacific steam&hit Do., aa American line. For information, time cards, nape an! Uurkhart tickete call on or write O G agjot. Albany, Or. ADCharltw. At Gen Portland. t Fas agl Oliver Plows-ii Fricis HOPKINS BROS.,' Agonts. Albany, Oie.on. TASUSErs KQllCEKO- 9 ISottce is hereoy givn that funds aie on band tc pay city warrants No S67 to 416 inclusive ot the .issue of 1S97. In terest on sa.d warrants will cease with tbe date of this notice. Albany Or. Dec. 29, 1S97. E. A.Paaxsa, City Treasurer. K3T1CE 10 3TCCKH0LDEBS Notice ia hereby g'ven thit tc snaaal meeting of the Albany Farmer Co. will b he'd at iheotSoe oi siJ company In Albanv, Linn connty Oregon, on the I7'h da r! Way, 1S?. at 1 ocock pmol said dAy, tyt the purpose of electhg (7)direc tor to serve for the term of one year, acd the transaction of auch other business as may come befure he meeting. Uone bv the board of direc'or. M H Wture, President, Attest : Pass B Maksbaij., Sec. Clubbing Rates. The Saa Francisco Weekly Examiner text year will give to its subscribers a $10,000 residence in San Francisco rent ing for $60 a month, a $3,390 U. 8. bond, a $1,500 gold nugget And hundreds of other things. You can get tbe Examiner and Wbbklt Democrat for $3 60 a year, wiih the Daily Dxmocrat by mail for $4.S5,by carrier $5.76. in advance. The Daao eaAT will order onlv on combination pay oent ST LOUIS ' REPUBLIC, semi-weekly oue of the best papers ia the United States, and the Democrat paid in advance for only $1 76. NOTICE TO CCMTEACTC8S Sealed r-roosas Jo- thft couiTOction nUI... f a tmn .1.1 "Tr frame resi tlvnce to ! baiit i Aioany. iTtgon, win be received up to 5 p m on Satutda; Way 8ih. by Mr I K 0ay at hi residence commencing Monday morning. May 2 133S. where plans and specification eay be seen. Oliver gave the world the chilled plow And it ha saved more money to the farmer of America than any other implement ever produced. Ueouiue Oliver chilled are the beet oa earth. The Oliver is a promoter of bappi- neas on the farm, and ihe dealer who ei it knows he is handling the best. Look out for imailtations and touch nothing but tha senuin jjchhU. made enly bv Olive Chilled plow work. South Bod, lad.. U A. STREET'SAILWAT KOTICE. The motor on the Albany trcet rait wv will connect prcmt lly with a'l trin . . . , . i . j i : v . to ana rrom in oepT, w.v "u OpVviai lJW n U ate. v Ccnn, Coednctcr. K. (X T. M. every Saturday evening at K. O. T. M. ball. VUnting Knight inviied. W. A. Cox, Commander. Wood For Sale. ) i Good fir woad for sale by the cord, from 1 1 to 10 cords, delivered, for 00 tr w per cord. On tbe rtonnd. mile n rth ot steel bridge, from $1 00 to $2 00 per I cord. Oalt oa or address J. V. tantweli. Alnj Or, ot ieave word at Dsmocbat office. . Dr. Price's Cresun f3akinz Powdti Worfd'a Fair liigbcst Award.