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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1898)
Ivasre FTieT A If C Thousands have fa IViVr IlllO I MIBaoured promptly of NEURALGIA been to Itoraat. Prof. Lytnao is sn anti-American bcok im.n Pmi A. kpnuBii i not . Retnem- ber this fact. LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany. W R Bilveu, Foshay & Mason block. . J ItK Blackburn, P 0 block. H Bryant, P 0 block. Anderson Cannon, P 0 block. J N Duncan, P 0 block. T P Hackleman, Pearce block. O E Hawkins, Cusick block. Judge H H Hewitt, P 0 block. N B Humphrey. Kelly & Curl, bank building. L H Moatanve, Pearce block. J C Powell, P O block. J M Sotnera, P O block. H 0 Wateon, bank building. Weatherford & Wyatt. Bank bnilding. Whitney & Newport, Cusick block. Q W Wright, P O block. Lebanon. S M Garland. Brownsville. A A Tossing. TilRNT HATIOHAl, BARK, o &UAHY, oanaoa Poaldsnt.. ,. QlShtsr ......... a a LFLINN 8,K,TOUrlO T8AS8ACTS A SEKBHALbuktnilbaaMM ACCOUNTS KKPT ub).ct to shack. IOOT KXCHANQB and talagrapM. Owlet, vol a Maw fork 6u ftaactao..Clea aa FUar4 OL'.COTIOHS ADoa favorable tarsss. S K Ton P A Goodwit, C. I, W Lasnoa L. hm Fuss. Star Bakery. Comer Broadalbin and First CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR -D.aler o- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruit. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canned Meat Queens awe Vegetable Cigars. Spleen Tea F.U. The Oregon has a trip 'I 13,000 miles to no to get to the teat of war, but It is to be hoped that she gets there in time to help if help shall be needed. William Kufua King. From the Baker Citv Dsuiocrat. V lliram Rutus Kin, it.e nominee for governor of the people's democratic, sil ver republican parties, in this state, was horn near Walla Walla, Washington Oct. 3, 1864, of pioneer parentage, and was brought up on a farm. The rugged life on a frontier farm, tended to develop the characteristics of honesty, courage, self reliance and strong Individuality, with which he was endowed by nature, and which at the early age of thirty three, has made bim one of the foremost If confidence amounts to anything there will be no question of the result be. 1 I y0ung men wthln the state ol Oregon tween the United States ana opain. vur confidence is so emphatic as to offer a danger in over confidence. There Is no such word aslUil, though, with Uncle Sam. He is a born winner. The Spaniards will ba hampered trom the start by the difficulty they experi ence in securing enough coal to run their boats. The action of England la de claring coal contraband of war handicaps Spain, already badly handicapped by an empty pocketbook and a poor credit. erything mat ! SJPt ta good variety and grog eery store. High est p'e paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUOf ROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW ORSQOS CITY, ORSGOH Land Titles and Land Office Business a Specialty. H. F. rierriU Insurance and Collectioe Agent Money to loan, warrants bought Office in the Democrat building. K. O.T. M. every Saturday evening at K. O. T. M. ball. Visit in? Knighte inviied. W. A. Cox, Commander. LINN CO- ABSTRACT COMPANY Albany,lOregon. Officf s. Bank of Oregon Building-" Only set of Abstracts of Linn County. Complete set of maps and plats. Charges reasonable. Garden seeds Which is the cheapest to pay 5 cents for 5 to 15 ounces in bulk or to pay 5 cents for half an ounce package. Call on William tiand for garden seeds of all kinds in bnlk Honey to Loan. We bare a block of $40,000 to loaa on good farms in Linn and adjoining count ies. . - If you have good security and perfect title, we can furnish you the coin without delay, as we make ocr own examination of ecurity. Call o ns or wnte S. N. StEBLB & Co. lr Adania Cusick Block Albany, Or Painless work a specialty. SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. T. O. Shaver. (Successor to F. L. Kenton.) Second St. opposite. Democrat office Will constantly kaep on band a good steel nf groceries, fresh produce and fiuiU which will be sold at living prices. Physical Culture. Parties desiring to enter a class in physical culture for training with dumb bell, clubs and wands, will please notify II. U. Hartly. at Exchange Hotel. SEEDS : We put op o r own garden seeds They are all Northern grown seeds They are absolutely true to name Tt ey are fresh all grown in 1897, The packages are full weight, Price, two papers for a nickel, We also have them in balk. Stswakt & Sox Habdwar C O YEARS . EXPtRIEMC I. Mil TtADK MARgs, - UBSIUSIwy COPYRIGHTS Ac Al.yone erutltiff tketvh and description may Quickir McertaUi. free, whether an liiention probably i4ti4fi table. Commuiilcmttona strict If eonffdentiaL 0n mgrscj fors3curintf patent in America. We hare a Washington office. Patent, token tliroutb Hinn 4 Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beaotlfolly IIJasTrstoS, larreat circulation of n; cteuttfle Journal, week If, terra S&U0 a real. lJt)tx month. Kpecinin copies ami liass Book, nt Fatkxtm at free. MUNN & CO., 3(11 Ilriw4nv. V-w Y.rk. -N8wrPrices HOPKINS BROS.f"Jksint."'. Albany, Oregon. "Oliver fcave the world the chilled plow And it has saved aiore money to the farmer of America - thin any other: implement ever produced. Ceouine Ollr chilled are tne best oa earth. The yliver in a promoter of happi. ness on the farm, and the dealer who it knows he is handling the best. Look ont for imwltations and touch nothing but the cenuine (rondo, m)e cnly hv1' Olive "hilled plow work. South Bend. Ind.; U & A. ;. . - , A GOOD . improved fium can ha ex change for part cash anil part unin cumbered Washington property, or would assume small mortgage. -State 4u -de-sciiptionand address box 91 Ocoet, Wash. Noqueation ahont full and prompt' ment of losses by fire on insurance pi vn with the leading agent of Albany. M. adders. 'Hat's ilatHetaresPeo3leFor; Jon't allow yourself to be roped inro ta various "Local Mutuals" now heme pa lhed on yon as being "cheapest in surance," when yon iasonvyou do ooi want to worry about getticg your morr case of loss. M ffc.uth? , Insurance. Hay, Grain and Woo!. Mr. King has a clean record. The on ly thing that can be said against bim is that he is only thirtv three years of age bat really if a man is not able fill the of Gee of Governor of Oregon at that age oe will never be It will be necesss-vo fight the campaign on some other ground. Wherever Mr. King goes he makes friends, and it will be necessary for Mr. Gear to get a higher gear on bis wheel if he would win. It is rsally humorous to see the some papers calling Mr. Kincaid a turncoat and opposing him on that ground, and with the same brealb laud such men as M. L. Pipes, as big a turncoat. Mr. Kincaid's record as secretary of state is the bet of any in the history ol Oregon. It has been tearless and honest. He Is as square a wan as ever breathed and bis career as secretary show. is. Otnces should be filled by m-n uUe Mr. Kin caid, giving the woiid less complaint about corruption in high places. The war scare is having its effect. Products of toil, wheat, etc , are going up. Stocks and bonds going down. The conservative basin sss interests of the Kast, the stock speculators of Wall street are against upholding the honor and dignity of the country because of the effect war baa upon their holdings. What is bad for them is good for the fanner, and the people will find tbat ont. Instead of supporting the party rf Hen na, the will .snpDort the party of the people. Ex . S 4 5162: j0HI2i3t4(516 17 IS 19221 2a?23 Tbe McMinnville Telephone Register m apposed to Judge Burnett's re-election for the following reason : It Judge Burnett is re-elected there will be little use for jurors. He baa estab. listed a reputation for dictating verdicts ml eqnalled by any judge in the state. I urors have heretofore acted upon the mistaken idea that they could bnng in verdict according to the testimony. Tuey know now that their verdict most be brought in according to the instruc tions ol the judge. Mail CM flip.', k I wish to announce to the fanners with in the vicinity ot Albany, especially those interested in hog raising, that I haveper chaaed the hoir known as Common's Ideal No. 36213 recorded in the America Pok-f and China Record Co, the one tbat took ! the second premium at the fair this fall. He is a nne nog ana a good breeder, l solicit tne patrons ge and inspection ol parties interested in good hogs. Ha is accompanied ly a yearling of my own rait ing which is recordable. I have three thoroughbred sows which am raising pigs from. I have a few pigs st present for sale, all recordable. They can be seen at the Skeels place, one mile nor h of Albany. ? H H UGHSON, The Gardener. The air is so full of war these days Itbat it u almost impossible to bear any thing else. It pervades everything else, and proper); so. War overtops every thing else. It is the extreme and most lmpouanioi iu arenas lormuius tutxi- national difficulties. Even thing 'J0 about four thousand miles from where the contest will ware the hottest we are. 'j so Car as the war spirit is concerned, in every midst of tbe fray. The desiie know the latest is intense. In this tbe DaaocasT will do more than it can afford, farnish a condensed afternoon service, giving the nsws bp to press time from tbe seat of war. He is trusly what might be called a self-made man, tor he has caived his way, practically unaided and alone, bs set by obstacles, privations and trials hicb would bavtt overwhelmed any other less favorably endowed with na ture. In every position in lifeuwhether as a farmer's boy, laboring to earn suf ficient money to pay for bis education at college, before tbe bar, as a private cit izen, or in tbe halls of tbe state senate, his strong mentality .Individuality, sound conservative judgment, honesty of pur pose and devotion to principle, have in spired tbe confidence and rerpect of all, and marked him as a fearless, safe and intelligent leader of men. When only thirteen years ol sge he traveled with another party from Walla Walla to Jordan Valley, in what now is Malheur county, Oregon, A distance Of 300 miles, be and bis companion having but one horse between them, each riding and walking by turns. Young King worked on a farm during that summer in Jordan Valley and in the fall just aftsr the close of tne Indian war of 1878, traveled oa horseback alone through wbat .was thsn largely an uninhabited country to Walla Walla, Wash., to1 attend school, and when his school term bad ended in the spring, returned to Malhenr to again lake up bis duties on the farm, where he remained until 1SS2. 8y industry and rigid economy he earn ed sufficient money to take a course in eolleee. and accordingly in the lall of 1SS2, be entered the State Agricultural college at Corvallis, Oregon, where he remained at school for three years; Necessity campelled him to again re turn to the farm in Maibeur county. where be remained catil ISS9. During tbat year be began a course in tbe iaw school of Danville, Indiana, graduating Irom there July 1, 1891, with distinction and honor. Soon after be opened a iaw office in Vale, Malheur county. Orvgon. In the spring ef 1892, Mr. King was nominated by the democratic party of Malheur county for the office ot repre sentative, and wss elected by a hand some msjority. He was msrried on December 6, 1S92, to Miss Myrtle King, of Danville. la search of a larger field lor the practice of bis profession he removed to baker City, Bsker county, Oregon, ia the spring of 1S93, wheia be has since lived in the enjoyment ol a gojd law practice aad where be is esteemed and respected by all irrespective nf party. In the fall of 1893, Mr. King became . I dissatisfied with the democratic psrtv . . . . .... as interpreud by tbe ueveiaoa adminis tration and cast his lot with the people's party ; and la the spring of t was son. inatsd by the people's party for the office of stste senator for Malheur and Baker soon ties the democrats nominating no one against him, and wss elected by a major ity of 330 votes over his repab'rean op ponent. While in tbe Oregon legislature though in the minority party, he was soon rec ognised as a trader of that minority par- i SATURDAY NIGHT This Saturday night sees war actually begun between Spain and tLe United States. Captures have been made and the harbor of Havana has been block aded. It is nut surmised that it will be a very difficult thing to take Havana. And then what. The course being pur sued by Spain is a mystery and it is dif ficult to tell ahatwill follow. With her fleet atatioraiy at Cape Vrde Islands, with Cuba in danger, tler is something peculiar in the matter. IVrhaps there is a deep laid trick that will fool Uucls Sam aud that tne first thing he knows he won't kuow anything so to speak. When it comes to tricks though the yankee has always been able to bold his own. An interesting feature is the innocent injur ed look that Spain has assumed. "What have we done' tays Blanco, "g irom that we should be treated in this way attacked without any cause.' This o court is gsme to get European sympa thy. Who blew np the Maine? Spain. Who treated tbe Cubans for years worse than b utes, even the neipiesi concentradoes inhumanly? t-pain. Isn't it time for the United States to act. V Though a campaign is drawing near iliere is more war than politics in the nr. Reports this week from the conntry Indicate big crops next fall, aad there are many thiogs-to encoursge tbefarm sr. A good price is assured for wheat. The San Francisco quotations for Dec ember speak very plainly for the future and next fall will undoubtedly see ths Linn county farmer getting a price fur his wheat commensurate with the cost of producing i. It is not thought that the war will at feet business on the coast without it is to help it. It will undoubtedly raise the price of produce as well as the demand for it. TELE1K PIIIC. Washington, April 23. There ia a semi-official confirmation this afternoon tbat Hawaii has been annexed, a Ion cipher dispatch being received Minijter Sewell It is fesred at the navy department that the battleship Oregon wss blown up this morning by a Spanish torpedo boat. Tbe Spanish troopship Pedro reported captured was under the guns of Moro Cast,e and hsd on board 1,000 troops. There is fear for the American ship Shenandoah, loaded with 200,000 bush of wheat, which loft San Prancisce for Liverpool, It is believed to have been captured by the Spanish . Washington, April 23. It is stated Secretar) Gage will resign and the cabi net will be reorganised at once. Tbe president's proclamation calls for one hundred twenty five thousand vol. un leers. The reported capture of the Paris by the Spanish in English wsters is believed at Washington, Assistant Secretary I)jy will succeed Sherman as secretary of slate. Ths Insurgents and Spanish bad an eariy morning battle in Cuban interior. Three Spaniards were killed end several insurgents wounded. The naval militia of New York. Mas sachusetts, Maryland and Michigan have been ordered to man vessels immedi ate!. Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents dlites. tion and permits food to ferment and putrlfy In the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache. insomlna, nervousness, and, tt not relieved, bilious terer 11 or blood poisoning. Hood's 111 S Plus stimulate the stomach, " w rouse the liver, enre headache, dizziness, con stipation, eta. 25 cents. Hold by all dniKKtsta. Tueonly Plus to take with Hood's Kars&puills. MISFITS. Mr. Mars is now getliog rer dy to. running things, -or Lost Her Pedro. Washington, April 23. Tbe reported capture of Spanish troopship Pedro by the battleship New York is confirmed. GET A MERCHANTMAN. LEBANON. Washington, April 22. Battleship Nashville overhauls a Spanish merchant men. Tbe cargo was confiscated. Tbe blockade of Havana will begin to night. in Arizona cowboys are receiving troops in patriotic manner as the trsin speeds southward. a a atate ef War Havana. April. 22. Captain General Blanco has published a decree confirming his previous decrees, and declaring tbe iJ iana to oe in a state ot war. He also annuls bis former similar decree granting pardon to insurgents and places inoer martial law ail those who are guilty of treason, espionage, crimes sgainst peace or against tbe independence of tbe nation, seditious revolu.attacks aramst the govern ment or against tbe authorities, and sgainst those who disturb public order, though only by means of printed matter. a recalls' BeswM Ft. Louis, April, 22. Tbe following diipatch has just been received at tbe As sociated Prase office in this city from the Tribune, Galveston, Texas: it is reported by Captain Barnes, of the British steamer Asluun, which arrived here today from Los Palmes, Canary is lands, tbat tbe delay of tbe Spanish tor pedo flotilla, which was attributed to rough seas, was in fact doe to the deliber ate disabling of the enfioes by the eogin- neers who did not want to cross tbe sea. StsH fleas Wakhisotos. April. 22. The Ore n delegation have recommended the follow ing appointments: Register Koseborg land orhae. Joseph li Bridges, of Drain. Keaver Koseburg, land office John H Booth, ot Grant's Pass. In Jian street at Klamath, rice Emery, resigeed, Oliver U Applegate of Klamath Falls. A Se!era paper doesn't think the Un ited 8 tales has to have tbe consent ol anybody else. j The etars and stripes have been furled all over the United States. That means that Uncle Sam has tbe backing of the people in the coming contest. An Albany msn received a letter todsy in an envelope covered with an imita tion of blotches of blood and the words "Cuba Sboutd Be Free." The city of San Francisco hss a very ristocrstic treasurer. He has just been arrested for stealing $160,000 of the city, and it is ssid is undoubtedly guilty. He is considerable oi an aristocrat. ORTHERH PACIFIC R. R. Op The Ohio convention thU reiuired 1877 ballots to nominate a congressman must have been made up of stayers. Wbat is tbe matter of making a reeiment of bem to fight Spain. Tbe- could do it alone almost. Ultimatum is a big word, and it means abont as much as it is big in case of war. Some people though think it is not large enough to justify giving Spain three days when she baa already had too much and baa practically heretofore rendered her decision in the matter. Pujlman Sleeping Oars, Elegant Dimig Cars, Tourisr Sleeping Car- tit Paul Minneapolis Duluth Karjto, ro Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helens and Butte THfl i I i TICK? S.' TO -blcago ftasbingtou Philadelphia Sew York Soeton and al Points East and South Through tickdts to Japan ana Ch aa, vis Tacomaaad Northern Faci5c uteamshij Co., aa American line. For information, time cards, maps an tickets call on or -vrite O G Borkbart ag ant, Albany. Or. Portland. O- t Mr Towoe'a Answer. i H if a- i I '9 .SMALL, COST. 1 - Wl Itaea not bMfcck hyps, spin or i , 'r . si ss is in rn rooow batrueaoiM to car. mnni , i-book nm as m lam ah. Mlbut ESI ttm Lsara abssrt tals great pea, es it lasss Jts artstloiiy. For sale by J. A. Cnmming ...ENVELOPES... ALL COLORS ALL Largest stock Lowest prices SMILEY, the Printer. Wood For Sale. Good fir wood for sale by the cord, from 1 to 11) cords, delivered, for 2 00 to 2.75 per uoid On tbe gronnd,. mile north of steel bridge, from $1 00 to $2.00 per cord. Cab on or address J. W. lent well. A loan Or, or leave word st Democrat office. The Magnolia Laundry c siiyipsoit & sow otandari Pricer WoiWarrente FOSHAY & MAS0K Wholesale Retail- DRUGGISTS itiD fiOQKSEUEU' albakt, oaitooa. Pure Drags and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. Jdr.-Towne was asked these questions: - Do yon believe tbat under free aad in deaendsnt coinage of silver at IS to 1 tbe parity with gold can be maintained? Aesaming that yon do II the United States is thus able to make a 40 cent sil ver dollar worth 100 cents in gold, what reaeoa is toere to prevent exercise of tbe government's power so that a paper dol lar, worth a fraction of a cent, may be saade worth 100 cents in gold ? Ia answer he said : Te we sure I do. N reason on eartb except tbe practi cal diffculty of regulating the quantity efthetssue. It may be news to you( but tbere is practically no dissent from the preposition I have just stated among tbe standard economic authorities of the world. Henry Dunning McLeod, neit to Giffen tbe ablest English champion of your gold standard, ssvs: "There is ideally in principle between a meta'lic and a paper currency, only one depends upon a wider basis of credit or of acceptance than the other." Said tbe great Lord Overstate: In adopting a paper circulation we must unavoidably depend for a maintenance of its due vei ns upon tbe adoption of a strict and ju dicious rule for the regulation of its a mount." Paulas, tbe ablest of Justin ian's juriseonsuls, wrote into the Pan dects, over twelve centuries ago, tbe fol lowing: . "Its (money 'e) power of acqui sition depends not on its substance, but on its quantity." Not to be tidioos in moltplying what to yon will seem revel ations, nrtless your mental audacity it such as to encourage yon to insult the greatest names In political science, but which to men of any information, are common plsces, I will add only one mors citation. It is from Jevons, one of tbe greatest thinkers of tbe century, a gold standard man in his Mocey and tbe Mechanism of Exchange;" Toere is plenty of evidence to prove tbat an In eonvertible paper money, atbodr speak of bim as aa able debater, as an saraest, conscientious man, possess d of sound Judgment, conservative ia his stews, boneet and industrious in bis lite, genial, kind aad coo rt sous in his manner generoosasd loyal ia bis friendship, firm and determined in bit purposes, pore and untainted in both bis private and politi cal life. He was the author of several Important laws now npon tbe statute books of this state, notably among which is ths present irrigation district law dis tributing tbe fits per cent fond amosg tbe various counties of the state er read parppot?s. lis introduced In tbe senate tbe oaly resolution ever submitted to oar state legislate re, proposing an amend ment to the constitution of Oregon, pro viding for direct legislation by "the peo ple. Be also introduced tbe first and only resolution memoraluiog congress to recognise the beligerent rights of the Cu bans and asking for intervention on tbe part of the United State- If elected governor of tbe state of Of goo the people's interest will he safe in Mr, King's Keeping, and no Oregocian, whatever bis politics, will have cause to feel other than pride in Oregon's young est governor. From tbe Express and Advance: Alex Davenport arrived Satarday from Pnneville, coming via The Dalies, lie sava times are good in Crook county, and be will return as soon as ne cso cross iu. mountains. Miss Ada Miller went to Albany Wed nesday, and will remain there lor some time. D L Fry left Tuesdsy evening for his annual visit to tbe Southern Oregoo mines. We bope be wilt make a richer strike thsn be has heretofore. Hon M A Miller wi'l go out on the tan vase with Hon B M Vestch.the congress ional nominee. Mr Miller is credited with being one of the best speakers io tbe stste. J C Seigmund, of Jefferson, the potato buyer, ia in Lebanon this week receiving potatoes. He says be expects to sbipoot six or seven car loads this week. Most of tbem go to California, but some go to Texas. He is paying 24 and - cents. Tbe followicg paper was passed around town Tuesday and received tbe appended signatures: We, the undersigned, fully sod unreservedly offer our services to President McKioler, end sgree to obey fnlly bis mandates or orders, and we further agree to give our lives if neox ee ssry for the freedom of down-trodden and persecuted Cuba. ."Death to Spaniards" is our watchward and battery. Signed by J A Lamberson, (i S Gilstnp, Geo H Rsodle. Hsrry Boyle, J I Frank IM Crsndall. D W Hardin, A W Uetschmsn, N W Smith. K K Humphrev, W J tiov. Frank Lutxe, M Wenner, C J Wells. V F Hardin, O V Taylor, John Carroll, V Blodgett. J FDell. W M Brown, Ed Al len, J B Lawrmce, J B Wirt. O Lovelee, VV U Peterson, W J Cany, t lore Mmton Pashtag Thlag Washibotck, April, 21. With the ac tual beginning ot war, military and naval Preparations were vastly stimulated today te aavy bought a ship sod a number of yscbu. It secured some more material tor gas aad renewed orders for haste in tl.e construction of gens. Orders were sen, to the squadrons to guard their move- en's and the preliminaries of a Mockade -ere executed. ! In the war department, all arrangements WAeiiixcTos, April 22. The presi Jet j h k" Ba1 " toT lS0'tf-'wti'. UWKVia w va MJVICU UVIU UW ..A..vw Guard. 100.000 VOLUNTEERS WANTED. todsy issned bis proclamation ca!!ing for one hundred thousand volunteer-. The United States fleet at II:ig Kong is reedy to sail. The capture Upanisb trroop ship with 1500 on board is con firmed. Spain set the United States a good ex- example of promptness this forenoon by at once rejecting the ultimatum, and now it behooves the united t tales to show what it can do in tte matter of promptness. There ehoold be no more delay. Secretary Kincaid cot to Oregon by splitting cord wood. He saved $100 and then started tor tbe golden west. He has displayed the same plocx in the manner be has bliea the onice ol secretary oi state. i If there is to be a war loan let the peo ple furnish the money and not the Mor gan syndicate. Wsr bonds should be beid by the masses. Tber have tbe money readya. the deposits in tbe banks all over the United States show. The ex-rxiiroad commissioners are making their annual tour of the state on the railroads and are now having their picnic trip on the 8. P. No one ehoold be elected to tbe state legislature who will be io fsvor of paying there men. WAR NEWS. Washikctos, April 22. Woodford is reported safely out of Spain alter a l ex citing experience. The Spanish gunboat at Cape Verde Islands fired salute confirming hostili ties had begun. A Spanish steamer Monteerrat,whkh left Canary Islands April 13 with heavy cargo for Havana was chased by Ameri can cruiser. Tbe government fears the Oregon is ia trouble, and a cruiser bai gone to her re'ief. Linn County Prohibition Party Campaign Song 1S9S. (By U. II. Walker) Yes. comrades we fire 1 tbe first cam paigngun. And our bugle ia soucdiog a charge on the run: To best back the host of the demon of drink. Ere more of our sink. Knthusiastically BccclveJ. Sorml to DmuT. PoatuisD. Or., April 22. 1S98. Troops from Spokane are receiving enthusiastic reception aj! along the line to Baker C:t. Crowds throng every depot and farmers torn out and cLeer. Baker City business boosts close, school adjourns, proceesioo forming anil arhnnl .ail I in National emoiema preparing to meet troops at noso. It is tbe greatest day ia the city's Listory. Miners are pouring in from a'.l parts of the country. Trala Bkaer. SrmSea Los April, 21. The entire gang of train robbers who neld op the S.a ta Fe train near Ore Ciraade early Wed nesday morning were lodged in the county jail tonight. They are U T Chilsoo. of Victor, and C1jle Bnnniegtoa. A Casner sod T Joaea, Tbe latter was fatally woun ded by Wells Fargo Express Messenger MotL and wul probably die within so hoar. The men were captured at their home, today. AcrtaeataT Si Astoria. Arril, 21. Hans Lokiaea. aged 15, son of John Lukieen of tbis city vi! aocidentaiiy silled yssterdav evening, at Brix's lodging camp, on Ueep river. Be was employed at the canp as signal boy, aad it waa his duty to signal tbe en -giaeer when everything was ready to start a log. After he bad gi tea the signal to; sart, the engine polled a Jog np againft a dead tree with great force, knocxiag it down. It fell on vonng Lusises. ma-bed tit bedy ia several pieces, aad crashed his skull, killing him instantly. Tee SsMlcn Calaertag. Cbatta09-,a, April, 21 Five aad perhaps more of the infantry regiaynOs now en note to tbe eacampmec's at New Orleans aad Tampa, will pitch their tents on the Cbtckamsoga battle-fieid . Acting oa orders from Washington, Majjr Gen eral Brooke this aiteraooa telegraphed to eommsadiag oeers of alt re-iments which bare not a'naJy gone to Chatta nooga, ordering them to proceed here at oace. Tbe Salem Independent solemnly de clares that tbe senetorial chair occupied by McBnde is as empty as tbe one tbat was occupied Dy J II Mitchell and ia ad dition Vic End e of being empty headed The Independent Is a very sar castic paper. This friendly spirit of the mothet coon try toward! ber husky offspring ia really very pleasing. The two greatest civilized nations in the world should be on inti mat terms. The Dxxocxat bopea to see an alliaace between England and the United States that shall be strong and lasting. Tbe Dcmocxat baa received a one hun dred page pamphlet devoted to tbe Stan dard Oil Trust, showing tt to be tbe S00 PACIFIC UHE. Io 111 Point East Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pal ace sleepieg cars, laxa'ioos dining cars, elegant day coaches, magnificent tooru I csrs rod free colonist slaepers from the Pa cific to tlie Atlantic without ehanse. coer Dieacr avo canriHT aotrra r Siootcnay Mining, District j All point, ii the Otaaazan Country. Ge a pamphlet giving a full desenptios, of this wonder al country- Ask the agent for a copy of the miniag laws of BriUst Columbia. Ii rt n ad frifi ETJIROIlPiiJ Atlantic teau2bip ines. Canadian Pac. Ry. Uo-'s Royal Mail Steamship line to Cliina and Japan jiicur, xr.w bssvsa, hacas cn, . KSXSOS. ssu-o, TRAIL, KOSPLASD AS CASADIAS srxAHM us acarxAiiAX BosotcLr, sin asd acstbaixa. Tbe shortest lioe to the Cclonias. These steamers carry aa experieaced medical man, and a stewardess oa every voyage. For time tables pamphlets, or any i ormatioa. call ca or address. S K STtTI F. A Cn AmtA-Alhaar Or. most colossal imposition on tbe people j g ) ryvrt.E, g't, 16 Third St.. Port- in the history of the worid. In twentv five veers iu profits have been $1,000. 000,000, equal to $40,000,000 a year, ob tained through monopoly. The figure stagger one. , The republican platform declares in favor of the abolition ol oeedlesa offices and commiesinef. and yet it ia stated that Chairman Macrua of the railroad commission, the most useless of all com missions, placed Mr. Tongue in nomi nation for congress, and Mr. Eddy, an other member of the commission eecorid- eJ the nomination, and. Or. GEO. McL, BROWN. D. P. A Vaacosver. B. C. l -tnsrsaaatka IfceT r- brothers to ruin ihsll At Ch tea manga. II. S. Malonsy writes in a very inter esting manner in tbe McMionville Tele phone Register: Now that tte campfires are sgsin gleswing along the banks of the Chica mauga and tbe armies are again concen trating in tbe south, It may be of interest to tbe militia boys and othsrs wbo con template responding to tbe expected call for volunteers in case of wsr with Spsio, to learn some facts in regard to ths clim ate from one wbo spent several years ia the south daring the reconstruction per iod just after the war. Tbe Impression seems to prevail that it will be dangerous ti health to change from this climate al ooce, which is a mistake, unless there should be an epidemic of yellow fever or cholera . True there would be some dis comfort from beat for a short lime, but a Changs in clothing, which hss been au thorized in the regular army, will to a great extent overcome the rffrcis of the increased btat, which ia continuous, and one soon becomes acclimated. But for yellow fever I would have no fears on ao- if carefullr'MODtof dim,ticcODdition, 0''ngat "For God, and for borne, and for our native land," Thus rings out the w.r cry of oar bo'd temperance tanj; A great cloud of witnestes vompMt about. Oar veterans brave, ss for battle ther snout. Give whisky an inch and till take id- en sure. And thus msny homes are made wretch ed and poor; Men for gold lure our boys wi'hio the saloon door. We too are but selfish anj take an El more. Sioce "Senft"' stands for mustard in the "Old Faderland," He'll warm up the canvas, jutt the man - to oar hand ; And fishing for freemen, no bait in our can, We'll nse what is belter, snd tske Hackleman. wilj some candi- then to limited in quantity, can retain its full vsloe, such was tbe case with tbe Bant of England notes for several years after the suspension of specie payments in 1797, and such is tbe case with the pres ent notes of the Bank of France ." Let me add tbat the Bsnk of England now floats about 16,000,000 (130,000,000) o, notes in uncovered paper, not resting on a specie reserve; and the English com mission on the Indian currency (Lord Herschel's, 1893) mentions that a few years ago Inconvertible paper of Braxil was for some time at a considerable premium over gold. What do you say to tbat? But you speak of "a 40-cent silver dol lar." I know of no such d jllar do you ? Do vou dare to call our present silver dollar a 40 cent dollar? ' And do you de sire to contend, before the common sense of your readers, that to give to silvsr bullion tbe right, nov denied it, to go In t the mint as bullion and corns out as money empowered to pay dsbts and do business to tbe extent of billions of dol lars a year in this country, would not make that bullion worth any mora than it is now ? ones from here to any point iikely to be occupied by troops. As for Chicamanga park, near Chattanooga, which is regard ed as the most available place for tbe concentration and organization of tbe at rules, speak with more recent experience, as I was there during tbe dsdication of National park In September. 1895. Both tbe climate and water is excellent and tbe grounds admirably adapted for tbe maneuvering of troops. The under growth having all been cut out and only tbe large oaks and chestnuts left standing the country resembles vsry much the tently rolling bills in Yamhill. I e:t Sheridan ths 19ih of August, 189.1, and gained twenty pounds in weight during myv'sltln the sooth. I also revisited Atlanta, which will be army headquar ters, and this place is remarkably healthy and free from epidemics. Until the boys become accustomed to them, the cog gers and graybacks will bs their greatest foes, and the first thunderstorm will shock their nerves worse than- Spanish guns. To Cure Constipation Forever. T,Tk" CMMfets Candy Cathartic, loo or Ho. U a C. C. tall to cur., druggists refund moaej temperance unite in sooner secure right- When election is o'er dstes go Up a river oft-nemed that is sure to flow ; While others, successful, will float renown, And among them our Swann will swim gracefully down. J M Marks will be splendid lor scoring the race. And Boherts can surely step in with good grace ; We gladly would mention the rest to a man, Bnt name only Morris snd J R Coch rsn. Now comrades grasp firmly the sabre of Truth, With right for rifla, and rescue our vooth ; And justice in triumph shall reign over all, - - When strong drink no longer shall man kind enthrall. Let all friends of oir cause. For thus we shall eous Isws : When we'll lesp with a cheer o'er the ramparts of sin, Spike the enemy's guns and a grand victory win. Small Politics. Who's Muckers? Why be is the chap that assisted a Sclo prea:lier into a horse trough and then helped to roll him iu the mud. His Pa went to the legisla ture but be didn't legislate. If he is elected sheriff the people want to kuow whether bs will quell such mobs as he has hitherto belonged to, or whether he will permit ad kinds of hoodluniism to run riot. Speak up Mr Munkera tbe peo ple oi j-inn county want a law abiding man tor sheriff. Lebanon Criterion. We don tknow scything about the horse trough affair at alt. Hut want the Criterion to understand tbat the presont candidate for sheriff and the man who went to the legislature are not father and son. And alto that if Mr. Munkers did not legiilate, the same can be ssid of more thsn one repuhlicsn who was there at the ssme time. Mr. Munkers denies being connected with the horse trough incident. At any rate it ia smsll cam paign material. Scio News (republican.) The pieacher referred to was Doug Hamilton. Mr. Munkers is a steady, re table gentlemau who will make a good impression in the campaign. Doa't Tsbacr. Suit aaa Sssoks Iwr Ufc Ins;. To quit tobaeso easily and forever, be mag netic full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-lo, lbs wnnder-worlcer. that makes wean men .H0.""' A'f dru"'', 0o or tl. curegoaraa ted. Bwklet and sample free. Address aterllog K-unsdy Co, Chicago or Nsw York. Havana Ordered Blockaded. W ashixgtcs, April 22. The President is iced proclamation today b!ockadiog the port of Havana. Washijwjs, April 22, 18SS. An American cruiser capture.' a Spanish troop ship with fifteen hundred on board. No confirmation but this is from authen tic sources. The Oregon was orJertd back to Asallc station. Tbe flying squadron was ordered to in tercept and escort the Paris. Trouble is reported at Cape Verdi Is land i. Tbe Spaniards aad Insurgents bsve a skirmish on Cuban Island. A Spaniard attempted to raise a comp pany in Boston and received orders to leave the country. Washington, April 21. Gen. Wood ford wss given bis passport at 11:30 and notified tbe United States that diplo matic relations with Spa'n were severed and tbat this is declaration of war. The ullimstom wss formally rejected by Spain. The president and cabinet have de cided that no formal declaration of war is necesssary. The fleet is moving on Havana aod an engagement is expected tonight. leiegrspblc reports are that Port Tampa is gaily decorated. Stirring speeches and loyalty found on all arriv ing trains and boats. Hundreds of Amertcanr are arriving at Jacksonville, Florida, from Havana by incoming steamers. New Orleans pledgee taenty thousand troops if neceessry. St. Louis gives trjops hearty and en thusisstic reception upon their leaving. New Orleans is celebrating arrival of troops, xue mayor makes a ringing welcoming address. Mobile chamber of commerce and la uor org-mzauons euinusiatiicauv re ceive troops. Chiksmauga resembles scenes of early sixties, but tbe American flag is every where flung to breezes. Chattanooga, Tenn., school children cueer arriving troops ana salutes are fred. Wamiisv.tox, Aptil 21, 1S98. The North Atlantic squadron waa ordered to move on Havana from Key West as a re sult ot a Cabinet meeting. Alt troops have been ordered south, not to stop save for food and water. Exciting scenes are eported in Key West and Havana. Wasbixqtox, April, 21. Nsws came to tbe navy department today that tended to coBSrni tbe new-spa per reperts that the fonnidaUe Spanish naval force at St. Vieueai.Cape Verde islands, bail tailed Isst atght for aa uakeoe destination. This however is denied is some quartets. aatseergrecy a III Wamhxctos, April, 20. Toe booe to day passed aa aa e met gene T war measure tbe bill empowering tbe president to rail out tbe volunteer lorore aad providing for tbetr orgaaraiioe. Both the president aad Secretary Alger bad orged tbe neces sity f yr passing the bill today, aod t'bair maa Ho 11, of toe military committee.droTe it coder whip. Tae Maaaaasas Cswe SaLkm, April, 20. Mandamus proceed ing against secretar of state, to compel bim to file tbe auddle-of-tbe-road peop si party ticket. wr not lena tday as Judgs Heweuc-u ( be reacaed in time. Attorney A W fr,'t ia whoso hand ine maner was placed, left Un morning for McUinnvilie, where Jadg Uewett is holding court. He took ith him the papers for the jadge to sign. iss. m4M ost Loxdox. Af nl. 20. Tbe Madrid ourres pondent ol tbe Daily Mali, telegraphing w eaneeaay evening says : General Woodford's family left tonight oa the ordinary express for Biamt. 1 be American Minister bime.f has tics-is for the Scnth of France by the cipre tomor row. He baa received extensive d Snatch es ot instructions it is doubtful it be will bsve aa oppertuaity of presenting tbe ul timatum, since ia til probability Seeor Gollon, the foreign minister will send him his passport at 8 o'clock torn orrow morn ing. ri. ten WAsntsoToa. April. 20 Tbe Spanish Minister accompanied by six members of his staff, left VVasuingtoa st 7:30 o'clock tonight, and te Spanish government thus terminated iis diplomatic repreoeatation ia tbe United States. Tbe minister and his party left by tbe Pennsylvania road, going northward to Buffalo and Suspen sion Bridge and tbeace to Toronto. From there they will go to Halifax aad tare an ocean steamer. Left Far raka Sax FaAxrtsco, April, 20. The first regimen. United States infantry, compri sing 500 men left here (or New Orleans over the Southern Pacific today. The de parture of I be soldiers resulted in a popu lar demoastration such ss never before has been equaled here. At least 100 000 peo ple assembled along tbe line of march fro u the Prestdi) to the ferry. a Otter rreaMeat Dkaix, Or., April. 20. Prof. A II An derson, of Salem, was today elected presi dent of tbe Normal school to succeed Louis Baixee, resigned, A I.aundry Nugjict. Laundry patrons wno wsnt first class work done without paying exorbitant prices should patronise the Albany Steam Laundry which have employed regularly five of the beet hand ironers on tbe coast for shirts, dresses, and shirt waists, and ten cents is the highest price charged for anv of these articles. Mrs. Eva Patterson of Tacoma, was at the loot of the Cbikoot Pass ready to go over with the crosd just before the recent avalanche, when something so strong that she could not resist it told ber to go back, and in spite of all ber I needs coaSd do she did go back just ia time to save being engulfed in the enow. Out of tte large number tbe tatea were kind to eeiect her as an object of mercy. Albert Toiler, of this city, says be ia orgs nixing a company ot home guards, Dv-t to figbt Spain, 'iat to star at borne snd take care ot the widows anJ orphans. He thinks be can acquire considerable glory without saojeetiog himself to any danger froca Spanish guns, and ia about 20 years he will become a member of the grand army of Cuban independence and draw a pension. Mr. Toner has a great bead. Telegram. From The Dalle T. M.: Will Beats Waihinotoi, April, 22 The Post to morrow will say: "There is every reason to believe that Secretary Sherman will resign trim the cabinet within the next few days. It is felt by the friends ot ths secretary that the present crisis is too severe a tax on his present failing strength, and for this reas on be will retire to private life. His suc cessor will be Asaiatant Secretary Day, io ail probability. Tke Oregsa Bubsos Ayhkh, April, 22. The Span ish torpedo gunboat Temereiff will leave here soon. It is believed sbe goes to at tack the United States battle-ship Oregon and the United States gunboat Marietta, which left Valparaiso Moudsy last for Montevideo. TbeOiegon and Marietta, m Mitnk A.fimattt Kkva ahfitlt 5bV1 mil.a abjaminir between Valparaiso and Monte- needles and oil get video, eler. A thrill nf terror is experienced whan a brassy cough of croup sounds through ths house at aunt Bat the terror soon chan gas to relief after One Minute Couh Cars has been administered Sai s and h r nless or ohildreu J A Camming What pleasure is there in life with a head ache, constipation snd biliousness V Thous ands experience tuem wbo could becora perfectly be! thy by usinv De Witt's little Kaily Kisers famous Utile pii's. Catarrh Cured. A clear head ano weet breath secured with Sbiloh's Ca srrh Remedy: soldo Koshav it Mason Whooping cough la tbe most distressing malady; but its duration can be cut short by the use ot the Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and broncial troubles, J. A. Cumming. If ' you ' want good sewing machine them of trench the DENVER RIO GRANDE RAILROAD Tbe Scenic Line Of the World feeily Fisursions To The EIST In through tourist cars withoct change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TO C BIST SLEEPERS Iiulmp of IioETieiicel cciius to:s acl porters To Kaatas City aad Chicago MOND Y vri&oat ctuge,vt Sait Lak. Miak.Bri Pactae aad ChkSj Ac Alto. Eoi'nwd To Omaha. Cbicafo. Banale There lives in Tbe Dalies an old soldier ! TUESD a YS Bn, wittsoat ehaage. v- who served throughout the wsrof the re- SUt Lak. aad Caicigj. k beliioo, from tbe time ol tbe first enlist- j Idaad A Pactae sty ment to the close of the war, and wbo T St Joseph. Kaaaas Citv. bad an approved application for a nen-1 WEDNSUAYi A St !. wttbeet caaag. oa before the department. Ail be bad via i-aJt Lake aad BarUag to oo to become a pensioner tbe remain der of his life waa to sign the final pa per and forward them to Waetiogioa. But wben the war cloud with Spain be gan hovering over the land, this old pa triot and defender ol the nauoa refused to take the final step. Be sees ia the uirvaienea war toat nu country is in need and says he will not become a bur den. "There is need for money to prosecute the war against Spain." "says be. "and the needs ol the government are greater than my own." Here is a new idea, but a good one : pokane barbers are preparing to have ! an act brought before the next session of j the state legislature requiring all mem bers of their profession to pas accredited examinations before they msv follow tbe ceiling,savt the Chronicle. This is being done with a view of protecting them selves ana tneir customers, if tms is brought about everv man who aits down for a shave will have the satisfaction of knowing that a competent professor is operating on mm. rso amateurs will be permitted to practice; likewise no man wbo is not thoroughly familiar with ail scalp and skin disease. Action was taken in Seattle and Tacoma Satnrdjv. In those ci tie the movement is receiving a'.moat toe unanimous support of tbe profession, and tbe members feel confid ent they will be able to pass the bill through, the legislature. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, . Lucas County ) Fa axe J Chknet makes oatn that he is tbe senior partner of the firm of P J Che ney A Co, doing business in the City of Toledo, Ccuuty and Stats aforesaid, and that said Gran will nay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh tbat cannot be cured by tne use ot Hall's Catarrh Cvrk. FRANK J CUENFY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence' this Cth day of Decern ber, A DISStS. A WULEASON, Notary Puulic. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucnons surfaces of the system . Send for testimon Iftlif fr? ' F J CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. Sold by druggist. Toe Unit's Family Pills are the best. Let everybody come to tne Star Bakery and get 40 '.oaves ol fresh bread for li.oe cash. j SXJI. j C Mavaa. I'on't tell ysur neighbors what-you see in the east window of the Albauy Fur niture Co. Terms half rash balance before you leave the stcre. Albany Market. Wheat 75 rents. Oats S3. Eggs 10 cents. Butter 15 to 22 cents. Potatoes SS cents. Hams 11 to 13 cents. Sides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 to 7 cents. routa To Kansas City aad Si Loais THCRSDY3 witaa chaegs, via Sals Lakeaad ttlia-suii Pacific Rf A day stopover arranged at Salt Lak aad leevee A Rad. tirough the hinni Colorado Seeoer? For rale, aad informs Un iaure of C R & N aod S P aeeots ar addiew R C Xk-hou Gjb Agt, 5 K R--kk, S51 Washington street, Dsaver. Portland Ore,oa C dorado. EAST AMD-SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA KOUTE OF THfi Southern Pacific Go, CaUtaaia Sxprw. Ttalaa Put ta e. aw I L rets 1 Lv sl T4ii lav Aihnv Af S al A SSS a a Lv 1 IMS t a Ab tween 'vii j.ttAni t a U4 hi and SV.ein Tar aer, Marwn, JeTTS3i Aioany Tangent, ShedJ. Halsey Engeee Cottage Grove. Drain, Oakland and all stations f roia Roseburg suth to and i clading Ashland. SdDaa I L rortlaaa At' Sra ttiraLv aittta Ltli.W fcStfea Ar RolxrT L T J Caaaaos ssabssk Lear. Jbaav tut Lstano. S 19 aa Arriv. a Albwr from lobaaoa lta$ a Lean aibuv tor Lahaaoo V " Arriv. at Albn; trw Lsbaao. l - ' PULLMAt Bim SLEEPER". AND Oininar Cars on Ogdsn Routt' SECONO-CLkSS SIEIFINS CABS attack I. all TknsikTrslai a t. IHvUtsa. err tv aaa raTLAna aaa rsststtis Harass aauvlsxesptSwav aoaasca. suvw" litis r a I Ar rortlanS ar L sv I -era KxpTrdU. Dolly (! ""J iwrslsr TT" M.-iaoll S)r a Ar loiti.JlK. Ar 1 : a a I v I s. a a Lv 1 1 M a a rw .Mioa al Saa rroaciso. with OecU. Land Ori -l -ail -"!P " 10 RtSk Llcw ba fcti"l tX v fSSia. A"" Albany or C S WIS. itH K. SOEH LkK C H stAaRHAM. taaaarsr UJ P 4 Fortai4 Orsgoa tMrtaad DR. J. L. HILL Physician and surgeon. Office, First St