The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 29, 1898, Image 3

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A broke i line of French corsets
regular $1.50 to $3.20 for 50c.
A real imported kit? glove for $1, a
oign ciaw kid glove excellent in va
ue for $1.50
Ready Made Wrappers
of percale and ' calico cheaper than
you can make them well made tco
Ladies Skirts
New linen skirts that fit and hang
just right good valua in black, silk
skirts and black wool skirts.
S E Young & Son,
Albany, Oregon.
At the Ladies Bazaar.
A generous assortment of shirt waists.
Some good things in boys waists.
Most anything you want in childrens
head wear.
A complete line of kid gloves for $1.00.
A 25th A nnlversary
Fiotn the Oregonan :
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
next will be memorable days for the
Catholics oi Oregon, and especially those
of the city of PorllanJ. During these
days, amid ' impressive services of the
Roman church, congratulations, recept
ions, banquets, and the like, the Catho
lics of Oregon will do honor to their arch
bishop, the Moat Rev W H tiroes, D D.
C 8,3 R, upon the 25th anniversary of
his episcopacy.
Dr Gross tame to Oregon as arch
bishop, succeeding Archbishop Segbers,
in 18i5. At that time the archdiocese
-contained 27 diocesans and five other
priests; 30 churches and chapels, If)
academies, 2 hospitals, 9 parochical
w. .
wvw.wa vwu uvm AVW pUUIIO. S U"l S
Catholic population of 18,000 to 19.CO0.
This dioceee now contains 40 diocesan?,
and 23 other priests, 72 churches and
chapels, 2 seminaries and 2 colleges, 12
academies, 27 parishes, with as many
scnooie, in which zoUU children are
trained, aud
31 (Ylrt
It looks as if Letter's prediction of
$1.25 in Chicago will be continued. The
market today is high and upward, the
war aJding an impetus to the market.
The quotations are:
Chicago 119?4C for May, 92c for
tiew xorK io;'4C tor way.
San Francisco 108 for May, 106c for
Liverpool 6c higher.
Albany fiCc.
The Rothell Suit.
From the Timns :
The circuit court held a tpecial session
Thursday afternoin and Friday morning
the time being taken up with the trial
of the case ot M V Leeper, as adminis
trator of the estate of J H Rothell, de
ceased, va W M Rothell and others.
The trial was before the court without
a jury and from the evidence it appeared
that shortly prior to his .death J H Roth,
ell had deeded his property to bis nephew
W M Rothell! Later Mrs Walton j-eti-tianed
for an administrator of the es
tate and letters being granted she pre
eented a claim for $""9 to the adminis
trator for an allowance. The c'aitn was
subsequently allowed by the county
court and there being no property in the
ea'ato, the administrator commenced
proceedings to set aside the deeds to W
M Rothell for the purpose of getting
property to pay claims. The court re
served the matter for consideration, giv
ing parties 10 days in which to file briefs.
. Tangent.
A large increase in our' population is
caused occasionally by the advent of a
freight car load of hoboe. They are soon
hurried along the line.
Our nurserymen are all busy cultivat
ing their yonng trees
The rain of the last week has delayed
some of our farmers, but we expect that
the grain crop will all be in this week.
Politicians are rather quiet now but
we were all disappointed in the repub
lican nomination for governor and we
are not certain that any of ns witl vote
for him v
We don't like to be ignored and es
pecially when we have a man as well (or
better) qnalined however, Mr. tvewcome
has a position given him by Judge Bar
ton that while it lasts is about as good a
governor and more honorable. The Judge
was very careful in his choice in the se
lection of judges and clerks of elections
and was some time in finding a suitable
"gold standard" man for judge in this
precinct, and we can safely re-omnieod
his wise cho-ce. We lke to talk to Mr
N. because he is always ready to talk
and is well read. We feel our insignifi
cance while in the presence of this eiudite
advocate of the gold standard.
Mr. Smith ot Oakville, tost a can of
coal oil between here and his place last
week. Bad luck sir.
Old America.
This is Odd Fellow's Day, the seventy
ninth anniversary, and it is being cele
brated in Albany in a manner suitable to
the important occasion. Besides the
Albany members a number are present
irom uorvattis and other places uniting
in the celebration. This afternoon at 3
o'clock a social was being held at the halt.
The principal event will be at the opera
bouse tonight, when, beginning at 8
o'clock, the following program will be
Piano duet Misses Honkina and
Opening ode.
Prayer Rev. H. B. Elworthy.
Tableau "Rebekah at tha Wall "
Vocal solo, "Torreador's Song," Biaet
j. rui. x. a., ueruage.
Address- tirand Master C!aud Gatch.
The New Galitea A Farce.
Vocal solo Miss Mabel Johnson.
Tableau, "The Hood 8amantan."
Male quartet, selected.
Vocal solo Miss K. Bertha Ellis.
Club swinging Talt and Chambers.
ocal solos fa) "The Wanderer."
Shubert; (b, "The Two Grenadiers,"
Sch u man, Prof. R A. Heritage.
Tableau, "Bible Scene."
This will be followed bv a bannuet at
the Masonic temple, which will termi
nate with the following toasts with II. J
Hopkins as toattmaster:
bubordiuate Lodge A. A.Tussinir.
Degree of Rebekah Mr. L. II. Mon-
Locanipment Jndge W. S. HufTord.
Our Guests T J. Stites.
Response Claud Gatch, G. M.
Good of the Order Rev. H. B. Elworthy.
Beware of
Ing powders.
"cheap" bak
Alum makes
good mt dicine but bad food.
Ask your doctor.
Tennessee Gatherings.
Tss-xkssxb, April 23, 1393
Hurrah for Billy King.
Thos. E McKnight iaia Albany
Mrs, E. Myers has been ill for some
CD. McKnight says that Oaklicd,
California, is the garden spot of the
a Catholic nomination of i worm
Jliaries boss, who has
Dissr.tified Trainman.
Ashland Tidings: Mr J M Hans
Ttroash, one of the well known train con
ductors on the S P lines in Oregon, was
in the city Saturday, en route to San
Francisco, accompanied by his wife.
Mr. Hansbrongh goses as a representa
tive of the B R T of the Oregon lines to
appear before the S P officials at head
quarters in San Francisco It is nnder
stood that the trainmen are not pleased
with the new order of things by which
passenger train crews rub through from
Riddles to Dunsmuir and that they will
ask the officials to re-establish the old
run vis; between Roeeburg and Ash
land, and put two crews on from Ash
land to Dunsmuir, the present division
end of the Oregon lines. This can be
done with one train ciew in addition to
the number now employed and wonld be
much more satisfactory to the trsicmen
ihan the present long luns from Riddles
to Dunsmuir.
Tub Masdamcs Cask. A telephone
message from Salem this forenoon stated
that Judge Hewitt, who went to Slem
on the morning train, bad decide 1 the
mandamui caee which was argued in Al
bany last Saturday in favor of the middle-
JuJge Hewitt returned from Silem
this noon and reports having filed the
decision there, the suit having been
brought in that city-. Under it the See
retary of stats is directed to place the
name of the plaintiff upon the regular
ballot, on the ground tbat the secretai y
is simply a ministerial officer, and tbat
so long as the affidavit with the names
presented was regular he hai nothing
elso to do but file the same and p'ace
them upon the ballot. That so far as
the decision is concerned it has nothin e
to do with the matter of the right of the
middle ot the road convection, but sim
ply that the accompanying proof with
the names presented is sufficient.
The case will be appealed to the su
preme court.
been teaching
st Mt Pleasant, was home on sick leave
Your hnmble servant had the pleas
ure of treating Deputy Assessor Carlton
to a pleasant surprise-
Those who were in Lebanon during
the week to read the war bulletins were : j
J D and John Frank. Wm and Bert !
Blacklaw, Geo, Herman and Lay ton
Davis, Geo Ross, John Swink, O L Wal
lace, Cbaa Cox, Paul Valerious and Thos
Winnified Wilds deserves the credit
bestowed upon her by the patrons ot
this district. She has gained the confi
dence of pupils patrons and directors
under her eminent management daring
the past month the scholars have pro
gressed rapidly.
an entertainment win be given next
Friday eve at the Gore school bonse, by
Annie Blacklaw, who closes a successful
term of eight months school at that
BeaiilM local talent there will
be assistance from surrounding uistncU
and a grand success is predicted. Come
and bring your wives, husbands, chil
dren or sweethearts. You are cordially
invited to attend. McK.
Crop Report.
The rain was mast beneficial. More
rin would be of benefit in Douglas, Jos
ephine and Jackson ccuaties, especially
so in the last two. The rain was accom
panied and followed by warm weather,
which produced a rapid growth in all
vegetation. The frosts of last Monday
(April 18) did no injury. Alfalfa hay is
sixteen todies high in the touthern coun
ties. Clover and timothy ha have had
a finergrowtb during the week. The
present prospect is for a very large hay
Except on tha very low land, spring
seeding is finished. Fall and winter
sown grain are making good growth, and
the reports, without exception, indicate,
from present experiences, an nnasually
large grain crop. Plowing for summer
fallow continues, and all available land
is being plowed. Spring sown wheat
and oats are making good growth an 1
promise well. Corn planting continues
and it will be finished this week. Hops
are growing rapidly; they have eim-
menced to climb the poles. Lambing is
about over; the percentage of lost is un
usually small Shearing continues, with
excellent clips. Garden making is about
finished, and toe rain ot the past week
was o: especial benefit to all gardens.
The fruit prospect were never better.
Apple-trees are now in full bloom. The
bloom has fallen from almond, apricot.
peach, pear, plum, and prune trees, and
has commenced to fall from cherry tieea.
The frosts has done no injury, and unlets
irutt or cold rains thin out the unit,
much hatd pruning will be necessary.
5. fAOCX.
Section Diiector. Portland, Or.
Chicago 123o for May, 93o for July.
New York 121 'jo for May, lOOfa'o for
San Francisco 112c for May, 11 lc for
uecem uer.
Liverpool 6c higher.
Albany 83c.
The O. N. G.
A Wasbixotox Plat. An apprecia
tive audience witnessed the presentation ,
of A Texas Steer at toe opera bouse laat
night. Headed by Katie Putnam, of
national fame, the company is composed
of some splendid artiita. Tue play shows
np ashlngton life and congressional
method, giving more of reality than
many would be willing to admit. The
comedy is live.y at every stage. Katie
Putnam thougo rloog in years has a
good makeup for a young lady and re
tains ner old time vivacity. The sop
port is all of a hixh order and the Bicon
City quartet is extra.
Tax C. II. On oar editorial page will
be found a picture of the proposed im
provements to the court bouse and the
whole as it would look if arranged under
the plans of Mr. Borggraff, Adioioinr
Judge Bartoa makes a plain statement
doubt in the mind of every reasonable
person of the need of toe improvements
suggested. The whole matter though is
to be left to the voters of Linn roomy.
Governor Lord yesterday received an
order for calllrg out the O. N. G. of the
state as volunteers to fill Oregon's quota
of the 125,000 volunteers asked for. The
probability is that the 900 men required
will be taken from tha two regiments
fcvery man going will have to be exam
ined as to his physical qualiflcations.and
it is not probable that iu the two comp
amea there will be any more who can go
than the required number.
F. Co. has not yet received any formal
Dr Ellis surgeon of the regiment, was
no.ified to go south and examine the
members of the different companies of
tue regiment.
Oapt Phillina thia mnrninoM.; .i .
telegram asking ho many men would
gyirum rvo- tie anaaered that prac
V ! .. con,Pny hot not many in
dmdually. He was then asked to learn
how many would go unconditionally. A
canvas resul.ed in only six or seven
5rJng to do - A company all of
the boys are ready to go, but they are
not willing to be divided op, other offl
cers put over them, and sent into other
unfilled companies. There seems to be a
scheme to have first regiment officers to
run the whole business.
The following composed by Will H
Bray, who took the part of the Minister
to Dahomey ia the Texas Steer, was first
published in the Telegram last evening:
(Tone, "A Hot Ttme in O'd Town.")
Uncle Sam may be stow, but he gels
thtre just the same;
He'll free fse brave Cubans from the
monarchy of Spain,
It has been left to him their freedom to
Ul watchword i, "Remember the
Soon you will bear oar boys io blue all
And the American eagle ha will also
W ben Old Glory waves over Morro castle
at the end of spring,
Twil be a hot time in Cuba that night.
And when the war ia o'er they'll come
back home aj?ain.
Siagiag "Dixie's Land" and we've con
quered old bull Spain ;
The eagle still screaming. "Just a re
mind ei of our Maine "
Twiil be a hot time with Old Glory that
A Fine KiJer.
The Odd Fellows had their day yesler
day, and showed what they can do in the
way of a celebrration when they t-y. It
was the seventy-ninth anniversary of
the order. A good many Odd Fellows
from neighboring towns joined in the
festivities of the day, helping to make
the event a success.
At 7:30 o'clock the procession was
formed with Siminton's Band in the
lead, followed by carriage of veterans,
Messrs. E. A. Parker, W. M. Keichum,
G.W. Young and Mr Caldwell, the Ke
bekaha and members generally. After
going through the business streets seats
were taken in the opera house and the
oxercUes 6f the day had. The program
was an excellent ono. It was opent-d by
a piano duet by Misses Hopkins and
Crosby, followed by the opening ode of
the order. He v. H. B. Elworthy offered
prayer. Interspersed were a couple of
pretty tableaux, Rtbskab at the Well
and The Good Samaritan. In vocal mu
sic there were three solo by Prof. Her
itage of lbs Willamette Conservatory of
Music, heartily applauded, a solo, "Paul
ine" by Miss Mabel Johnson, of Corval-
its, warmly encored, and a song by the!
quartet, Messrs. Hammer. Steele, Nel
son and Lee, who were called back. A
farce, "The New Galatea," was present
ed by Miss Lillian Crawford as the Gal
atea, and Joe Dubruille as the statue,
Pygmalion, bringing out the fact of how.
much better a man is as a statute than
as a living being. It was greatly enjoyed.
Talt and Chambers pleased the audience
with some line electric club swingiog.
The event of the program was the ad
dress by Grandmaster Claud Gstcb, of
Salem, who was introduced after the first
song by Prof. Heritage by Past Grand
Master T. J. Stites. Mr. Gatch gave
several illustrations of the sririt of o.l.l
Fellowship, giving its origin from the
saying ot Uhrist, "Juanincli as ye have
Hone it unto the least of ono of these ye
have done it onto me," and snowing its
principles of friendship, love and truth,
the helping of mankind.
A banquet was eiven at the Masonic
temple, spendidly gotten up, followed by.
u vuuacuman n. j. xiopaint
as toastmanter. Lawyer A. A. Tussing
of Brownsville responded to Subordinate
Lodge, Mrs. L. H. Montanye to the De
gree of Rebekah. T- J. Stiles to Our
Uuests whh a response by the Grand J
Master and Rev. 11. B. Eli won by to the
Good of the Order, when at about 12:30
o'clock the aatetnblr adiourned after a
very enjoyable evening in Oddfelliwthip.
Pascengt r rates between the east and
west have been raised to the old p-ice.
OI course.
Oregonians generally are' confident
that the battleship Oregon will take care
of itself, and will not believe any stories
about her uutit well confirmed.
Salem has become metropolitan enough
to have some genuine cases of pocket
picking. Saturday a woman's pocket
was picked of five dollars while watching
the Siatescnan's bulletins.
A big siege of measles has just closed
in the public schools, there probably be
ing more cases than .ever before at a
time. It is reported ' that mumps, are
now creeping in, there being a few cases.
The Pendleton Tribune ravs Mr M A
Moody, the republican candidate for con
gress "has endeared himself in a thous
and ways to the people of Oregon." Bet
it oan't mention ten.
' When the capture of the Pedro was
first reported there were fifteen hundred
men on board. This gradually dwindled
to thirty six, the actual number. War
oee Mill necessarily have to betaken
with a great deal of allowance.
In ih Portland hotels and restaurants
the beefsteak Spanish baa been taken
from the bills oi fare. The people no
longer tolerate anything Spanish. It is
doubtful if it would be safe for a Spanish
sympathizer to appear in public.
Signor Crispi, the Italian statesman
eas the war will be the end of Spain.
That Spain possesses chivary and is val
iant, but they are virtues of the middle
ages. What Spain needs is practical
sense, which is absolutely wanting in
her. He has spoken well. . ,
There is thought to be some mysferv
about the Spanish fleet at Cape Verde
Islands, and tbat the fleet is really not
there at all but is playipg a sneak on tbe
L uited States and wilt bob op at some
unexpected p'ace and do a great deal of
damage. Perhaps, but the chances are
that the fleet will have its hands full
ithout spending its time preparing tor
a surprise.
as Come
From the Criterion:
It is reported that tbe explosion at the
Tuesday evening, April 26, 1898. j Albany brewery Saturday morning caua-
Present. all officers and member.. eJ "P' 01 Lebanona professional
No. 2 s heater was reported repaired me?-h0??Pen 10 he pacing, to
ready for service. I maae iracu lor tne nearest telephone
Tbe barn ouieaoce at Ith and Eils- i"- www.ui neama me
worth streets was ordered removed o" we.r irienos persnaoed them
der chief of police. i ln" ger waa Psst. . The pecolur
The matte' of sewers ordered was con- fT . " " ."..V" . .
tinued nntil tbe next meetieg. V -..u u oiDg u"! u' 00(11(1
Petitions for .radio and curb-nz 7th do P th" "ho1- Snl,n Arm'- '
street Calapooia to western boundary of
city, and Ferry 1st to 9th were referred j Sjme peop'e are afraid Spain will out-
relfuon of saloon keepers aakimr that ) wit the L'nited State, and hvanm tH-k
anyone selling liquor in lets quantities get an advantage. If she does it will be
than one quart be compelled to take out! the first time in her history that the
license was referred. j DsMOtavr koows anything about. Her
impiaint was made of boys attending ' career during the past century has been
billiard hall nigbti after curfew limit.
The following bills were'ordered paid :
P J Smiley, $26; J E Bridgefoid 13 20. C
M Westbruok 3 25, J M a.ernck 9. W
B Earr 6,0 V IVice 1 '.1, Costs vs
Walter Farrell 3 55, Costa vs Joe Rar
mond ft 55. Costa v Tboe KrelJVi, S
J Henton 20 S3, 8 P R K freight U 33,
N J Hen too t'0
Waldo E. Lyon, a trick bicycle rider
gave an exhibition of riding yesterday af
ternooo and eveninc at the corner of
First and Broadaloio street on a Stearns
bicycle. He attracted a lain crowd and
did some wonderful riding to reay his
aodiece. He does his difficult tricks
with remarkable ease, making a bicycle
seem a thing of life. Lvon is a Mum- r-k i
chuaetts young man and la making a trip Uxmvj 3s h-gb-r.
of the country. He intend) to return I aibanv -
east and then go to Europe. " '
a downward oae without a single thing
to ner credit. About all Spain bis left
is her pride, and it take more than pride
to fight. Tbe United Stale is in the
fce:ght of her glory.
Cfaicairo 121 4- for May. 101 ,c for Jay.
New York life f Uay.lul - for lair.
San Fraociaco K9.'is for May, lOv far
An Alaska golJ hunter describee Sheep
Camp on the trail across the coast
moo jtaina a follows: "SbeepCempi
boot three miles long. The ma:nstreet
i is narrow and crooked, following the
! windings ot tbe trail, and all along the
trail are tenU tents everywhere, ttbeo
i a man sells his outfit and goes back they
Uay tnat be "got cold feet." After trav-
eiiog me trail to the scales, aod seeing
the summit, I dont wooder tbat a rood
many men "get cold feet" especially if
tney have to pack their owa staff."
Dan "Wagnoo, of Salem, one of tbe Al
bany boys twenty years sgo, Is in the
William M. Hcag, of San Francisco, is
in the city atter.t'ing to Albany busi
ness. Mr. and M rs. E. L. Power and daugh
ter, of Lebanon, spent Sunday with Al
' bany friends
President W. C. Hawley of Salem
lectured in Stayton Saturday evening on
3ir. Frank Walsh, of the Pendleton
woolen mills, arr'ved ia the city this
noon on a short visit.
Today's Oregonian a contains a pic
ture of Judge Blackburn of this city and
a sketch of his life.
C. B. Moores. reeister of the U. S.
land office at Oregon City, was in the
city this afternoon.
Attorney L Bilyeu has been employed
by Secretary of State Kincaid iu bis
mandamus case Guard.
County Commissioner D. L. Curl re
turned last Saturday night from bis trip
to Dayton, Wash., where he had been on
a visit with relatives,
J. E. Huxley, the Portland agent of
the Yost typewriter, a fine tcacbine.was
in the city today after a trip over the
Oregoman road.
Professor L L Ware has returned to
Chehals. He has spent the last three
or four months at McMinnville, Cerval-
lis and Albany, Or. Chebalts Cor. Ore
gonian. F. W. Watson, of Albany, who came
here to accept a position with the Ash
land Iron Works, was compelled to re
tnrn home Saturday 6n account of tbe
illness of bis wife. Ashland Town Talk.
The remains of Miss Mary Sheridan,
who died at Lebanon last Saturday, were
buried in tbe Catholic cemetery at this
city today, after funeral services in tbe
Catholic church.
Prof. A. S. McDonald, of Harrinburg,
onion candidate for county school super
intendent, has returned from the east
where he went on account ot tbe illness
. of bis mother, who was dead on his ar
rival at bis former borne.
Miss Mary Sedgwicb, formerly of tb0
Albanv public schools, who went to Da'
kota about six months ago where she
haa been located in Redfield. returned
tn Allianv last Satnrdav nieht. and will
make this county ber home. Miss Sedg-
wich is an excellent tracber ana tue
Democrat hopes to see ber again in the
schools of this county.
Mary Ellen Lease, cne of the most cel
ebrated women in tbe world, will be in
Albany on May 18, when she will lecture
under the auspices of tbe college, deliv
ering a non political lecture. Every
Vinrfv ahnnld want to hear her. not only
on account of her reputation but as well
because she is an entertainer of rare
- Oregon's share of tbe 226,000 volunteeis
called for will be just 829. It is said (bis
will induce tbe militia, who will go as
volunteers. Ine governors though may
Bistus Ccc.v.y Ticket. The nmon
county convention was held in Corvallis
Saturday, and a lull ticket nominateu
aa follows: Joint senator for Benton
and Lincoln coon ties. D P Blue.Yaquina;
representatives, A L Clark, Aisea; rep
resentative. A D Hale, Kines Valley;
eonntv judge, E L Bryan : sheriff, Peter
Rickard; clerk, VE Walters; recorder.
W L Can thorn; commissioner, Paul E
Dodele; treasurer, W A Buchanan; as
sessor, Asa Alexander; school superin
tendent. G W Brown- surveyor, A J
Locke; coroner, 8 N Wilkins.
Was DieGCSTBP. A farmer and his
famil passed through Albaoy this fore
noon in tbe old way on toeir way wu
where from California, a-y thing to get
ont of that state, which he gave a very
black eye. He said tbe fruit crop was
entirely reined by the frosts, being
worse than has generally been reported,
and that there wonld be no whet crop
practically at alL He had bad enough
of th golden sUte.
A Fiat Alarh This forenoon afire
was discovered in the rxf of tbe resid
ence occupied by Mrs S M Brattain, at
For Cuba Libre.
Likewise a fine stock of clothing for the
season at the store of the
DntCuBss Tionsei's"
Fit and Workmanship Perfect.
Tbe Appearance itbont the Cost. ;
woto. tee. ran a uttom. 1
, i a ri. aa torn a air.
Some Choice Novelties in Men's and
Boy's Suits, Hats and Caps and
Will be Satisfactory
A Craitt Fun Tha Aral flnhin flas I
will be raised ia Albany tomorrow morn- j r
ine. It baa been made br tbe ladies of This roorninz at S o'clock an
John Ctlio will formally raise it andertbisciiy. Tbe flag of Cub. Libre . L L, iVv!! t .! kP LJ
the Amenran Hag to be left until tbe normally raowj on the stall ot the U. A
Miss Ret la Sloan of the title nnivrr-
the corner ot third and Vine streets, !,ur in city. ''
cwned by Mrs belden Warner, and the
alarm was given. It proved unnecessary
though for the flames were extinguished
without any trouble. The excitement
caused a team to run awar, qniekiy cap
tared and a tandem and bicycle to col
lide aad take a live tumble.
present. Patriotic music was p!yed by
the hood, a squad of K. Co. after tbe
colors bad been raided fired three salutes
and Col V. B . Montagoe made a short
speech fall of the spirit of the dsv. As
' the flags reached tbe top oae ot tbe ropes
j broke aod the Cobee flag was hid in the
1 folds of the stars and stnee as if for
Of course Mark lla ma was go Hy. A
Colombo dispatch stites that the" ma-
' ion: r of the senate - committee reported
Saturday that tbe evidence takr by Item
v I ahAWixt that a mnamrsv Ia mft f a
w ir1- 1 ,,no I'oiteJ States senator by bribery.
and tbat tbe attempt by General Boyce
to bribe Oua was known to Rath bone.
IHck, Minna aod the others working ia
Albany In an artie'e on Oregon cit-
. i t ii
ies tbe Telegram speaaii ui muauj
follows: Aliiaay is tbe county seaioi
Linn county, is situated on tne w uiam-
( rimr. and has a population of about
6000. The entire radius of Albany's lo
cal trade field is a rich agricultural dis
trict, and as a consequence tuecuy is
very prosperous- It ia we'd built, abund
antly provided with transporation faal
itie, both river and rail, has a good water-power,
and is the seat of a consider
able manufacturing industry.
Tbick Bictcujst. WalJo E. Lyon, tbe
trie bicycle rider from Massachusetts Is
in the city and will give an exhibition at
a 'i.v ani 7 -an o'clock this evening on
- i? v. Alia.. A Co 'a Stearns, a fa-
uw w - .- , a
vorite wheel with rum. rress dohcct lu-p
dicate that he is one of the most ex-J
riAarm in tbe united Diaies n
thna who turn out and see him wilfi
have a bicycle treat.
le;r List.
Miss Edith Smick left this noon for
Fred Weatberford returned yesterday
from a trip to Eugene.
Editor William Matthews came over
yesterday from Newport to join the mil
Mrs. Susan Gwilt, president ot the W.
R. C. of Oregon, spent yesterday after
noon In Albany with members of the or
der. Councilman A H. Martin sars he haa
opened a rectniting office at bis shop on
Second street. GAR men will please
take notice.
Mrs. Day. wife of Lawyer Day of Si
Helens, formerly of Albanv aod Leban
on, is here on a visit, tier parents re
side at Lebanon, where she will be sev
eral days
Last evening after the presentation of
Mies Gertie Kobe, of Brownsville, is in 1 protection. And thos the Urt
the city the guest of Mr. John Jones. . stripe will protect the opsreewc
J A. Gross of Ashland, haa iatt re- The citiwns of AlUny are loyal to a
turned from a trip to Palo Alto, Calif. "d ibey a-e etching proceedings
Mrs. Happersnt returned this noon 'nleP ""mt-
frvu a several weeks stay in Roeeborg. J k
tm r.; f it v.. l t-. .J. The Formal Order.
B aUWU:i ws M.II W UtJliSZIWUV j
started for tbe Klondike, baa turned ,
back aod will soon be in Albany again, f Captain Phillips lat evening bv the
Hon- J. K Wea'.herford will return ! overland received Irom General Tutlie
from San Joe. Calif . tomorrow morn-' the formal order cadiog out tbe compan-
Srnate adopted tbe majority report
to 17.
4bte of 19 i
!Tbe Pon
by a
. Crescent bicycle,
Hopkins brottvra, agent.
be.t Bicycle for t e money.
Will A Stark, jewe'era.
2 poind, of rackers for 1 5c at TO
Shaver's 1
Call at French's sod see his girdles from
15 cents np. .
See the nw girdle, the very lalett. in
French's h w window.
Welt and skirt supporters 5, 10 and 15
cents at F. M. French's. f
Crescent l-irycles at Hopkins Biotber
lor ooiy ww. fja sod sou.
F reh seds. two packs es for a nicke! a
Stewart k Sox Harowar Co'a.
Fresh sordt. two packages for a nickel at
Stewart k Sox tiara sure Go's.
r i ...
uacserv mre now way dowi in
call on C E Broweeli for freth ones.
Ladies lo g watcn chains at low
at r reach' jewelry store.
Order tbe beautiful life of Franc E
Wil ard.byAnMUordoa.of Mrs. L E
License was issued today for the mar
riage of Raymond Roberta and Mies
Myrtle MoBnde.
Out of :-e C3 me in lh Eugeo
Company J. ,Us pasted all but to,
a good showing for toe comy.
Members of the DegRe ot Honor are
reqoested fo l-f Ff-aent at the meeting to
night aad mrt with the P4t (.rand
Tbe Unit! States has bow capiatej
eleven Spaauh ve-aris- la itself tost has
not been much aad jet it me.ns a good
deal ia warfare
Hon. W. B. K-ng. oo'oo nominee for
governor. Las challenged Hoe. T. T.
Geer. repot iicaa nominee, for a ioiat
deoate. corn a debate wou'd atirac
general alteotica.
M-!ha. tre sreaet of vocaluta nam in
ihe I'aited Spates will be ia Portland
neat week. Sle baa been given won
derful reorptioa ia Saa frasciaco.
Cohan advices are to the effect tbat tbe
iasorgeots are furciog the figbtieg. Tte
opaaia, fearing itaal by Ua4 aad sea,
are horTTma their troops ieto tbe citira
laanrgeats hav arpe-ued ia force withia
30 mile of lUtui
Ttos Mtraaca had ta mufariisaa
turning el load If bay Dear ateHocTye?
teroay. Hutosiiar) aad Isaac vt
H. F. McHwain's
Cash Store
We received this day direct from tbe manufacturers large line of merchsxdke
- New Arrivals
Mens Balbrigran Underwear
Ladies new Ib&S Oxford ties '
Mens tan, oxolood and green shoes
. Larve line new spring prints
Great assortment straw bau
The best lot of trunks and valices
Fine assortment of gloves and soependera
vmr price on merchandise are great value for your money. Call and
stoca ana pet our price, u will pay you.
Large line pf groceries.
Good News
I have another bankrupt stock of
and all kinds of mens goods.
You are invited to
call and get prices.
(lie Pats the Prices Down)
ing accompanied by Mrs. Weatherford's
mother Mrs. Cottoc and Mrs Alleta Er-rick.
J. W. Seller of the CAE. will move
with his family to Corvallis tonight, tbe
running of the train from the front to
that city making that tbe most conven
ient place in which to reside.
H . II. Vettcb, of the O. A. C, son of
tbe nnion nominee for congress, was in
tbe city today to meet hia aister of Roee
borg.. tomorrow at ittrvaiiis be is to be
united in marriage to Mies Kate Bocban
Mr. Jesse Archibald and Mr. Newton
Houston left this noon for their old
homee in Ohio, their tint trip there
since leaving nearly half a centnrv ago.
ies of tbe two regiments, with instruct
ions to mobolixein Portland! io 24 hrors.
The order is almost a mystery. Uoder
it tbe hospital corps is attached to F. Co.
and placed ia com man 4 of iu superior
officer. This relieve Capt. Ellis, but it
is stated that he has already heen ap
pointed surgeon of the legiment. It
Nothing in this order shall be con-
Portland Welcome sives a live no-
ujdate incident:
Tt novel speciale of a yoongtter rid
ing a bicve'e at a breakneck dip, pur
ttfed by an irate worn aa, also moonted
nfcon a wbeel, astonished pedestnus oa
Midston street Taeedy morning. The
s foalh bad been playing in front of bis
fhotn. and was sammoDed by bit mother
to go on an errand. Instead ot com ply
's ing with the par n la! request, he flaky !
ref used to go,and when hia mother start
ed toaard turn with tbe intention ot ad
ministering corrective measures, he
bopped on his bicycle aad rode away. It
was there that be rerkjoed witboot bis
host. He had forgottea to look op tbe
maternal bicycle record The mother ia
a scorcher of the first water; ber owa
wheeh was handy, and she set oat to
overhaul ber recreant son. The boy bad
a good start.bat the woman.beodiog over
the handle bars like a true racer, stead
ily gaiurd. At ttoth street tbe lad
turned into a curb, abandomed hi ma
china and took to bis heels. He had not
tone three a ep before a feminine band
mrb were oa tbe load at the time of the I
aoruleet hot s.atained niiojanes. Leo-1
aaod UitrnM
FoSlowing ar the officers of the Brows-1
riiie Men Mill, just e'ected: Presi-
deet, Hngh rirtcs; superuiteadeat aad I
secretary, J. . Marchant; treasurer. Joea
tiiaa; director. H Fi4d, James Blace-
ly. Jvba u:as, w. K. fcura, J. a.
GIRL. 14 years of ag, wisbes a place
for a home. Call at DaxocaaT oce.
C" OR SALE CHEAP. I poor, bnma
a aad cart.
Must have room to
show Dry Goods and1
strned to apply to aov enlisted mao w ho
baa not signified Lis willingness o oiii j grasped the nape of h-s neca and oroogtit
io tbe volunteer service of the United htm np with a sharp jerk. The runaway
Stales, or who baa not rased a physical was comoe'led to remount, and was tn-
examination by a medical officer of the nmpbamiy piloted homr, where the last
the Texas Steer the mem bert of thecomp-j Mr. Archibald left Ohio on March 12,
iBoa, a30 nr. noosion pernaps a nine
earlier. They expect to be gone six or
seven weeks. Tbev left looking forward
to an enjjyable experience.
Robert Johnson of Corvatlia, was io
the city tolay, and bis friends were very
much concerned when be stated that be
front. Their tears
any were entertained by the Albany
Elks. Many of the troop are members
of that order.
P. Y. Duncan left last night for Cal.f
ornia to secure a location, and will be
followed by his family. They will spend
scmetime there lor tbe benefit oi Mrs,
Duncan's health.
Following is the list of letters remaining
in tbe Postoffice at Albany, Linn county
Oregon, April 19, 1898. Persons calling
for tiese letters must give the date on wbicn
they were advertised.
Andrews, Mr ES
Berry, Mrs Jennie
Cnmmine. Wm K
Maple, Mrs U i
Perry, Mr Lawrence
Pollock, Mr Cbas
Sandner. Joseph
Thompson, Mr Geo
Bryant, Mr. E H
Caldwell, Mile
Goode. James W
Merrilj, Miss Kate
Pierce, air a. d
Rinhter. Geo
Smith, Mrs Annie
Caldwell, Mrs M A
T. J. Stots. P M
U the season for new life In ntitttrc,
new vigor in.our physical systems.
As the fresh sap carries life into the
trees, so our blood enouitt give its
- 1 . . ! . n . . .1 Iiw.i.H In I
rencweu sircngui wm igvi. u
its iuipure state it cannot do thin,
sud the aid of Hood's Sarsaparilla
1b Imperatively needed.
It will purify, vitalize and enrich the
blood, ana wnii im oihi, wuki
foundation, it will build np good
health, create a good appetite, tone
your stomach and digestive orguns,
strengthen your nerves and over-
that tired fofiliny.
a.VfltlV' vs --- o i
fills has Uecn the experience of thou- f
It w Jll no yours you take
v I was starling for tbe
U Ralph Knapp of the state nniversitv A- iae. w.hen.ll " learned it was
a member of F Co., came down from fr0.1'. P,cn,c t'??Kw,',i,th' r,,lrd com-
Eugene today to enlist for the Goban r'"""'"'
war. and he will do ao whether the com- ru l0DIC-
pany goes as a company or not. Lieut. Geary went to Alhny yesterdsy
- Mr. P. H. D'Arcy, of Salem, ia io the nd n,,n,, wJie-? "2 ,a8hir
city. Mr. D'Arcy is the nominee on tbe
onion ticxet for circuit judge. He is not
only a bright lawyer and a man of abil
ity, but be is as well one of the most pop
ular lawyers in oiarioo county.
' Horace Mann of the Cottas Grove
Messenger nas applied for the privilege
of raising a company of volunteers for tbe
oooan service. Mr. Msnn is a young
man, but baa been an officer in a Florida
company of rifles for four or five years.
next door neighbor to Cuba, and haa
been on the island and hence knows the
country, a proper mao to bead a com
pany of volunteers.
Prof. H. S. Lyman, candidate on tbe
union ticket for state superintendent of
public instruction, was in the city last
evening. Prof. Lyman is a small man
and walks with cratches, bat he has a
good head, is an experienced
old resident of tbe state who understands
its needs, is absolutely honest,) opposed
to the Americsn Book Co. monopoly and
tbe best personal notice the Dimocbat
haa seen of him was from a republican
paper, the Astorian, which referred to
his true worth as a man and educator.
arrived from Texas.' The family came
up on th Yaquina train, and will keep
bouse in tbe W. A. Wells residence. The
outbreak of war rave tbe lieutenant a
restless feeling and he has written to
headquarters asking that he be placed on
more active duty. ltjies.
Death ot D B Montcith .
Mr. F E Allen this morning received
a d It natch, from J S Lamar stating that
be bad arrived in Seattle with tbe re
O. N.G.
Until further order the organization
herein designated will be commanded
and accompanied Jo Portland by the sen
ior officer in command only.
Ail these thine bave mixed matters
almost inextricably and it ia doubtful if
more than six or seven mn answer the
call and go to Portland to be mobolixed.
The company want to n-train tbrir
present officers aod do not with lobe
commanded by first regiment officers ;
Tbe fact is ta lie remembered tbotgh that
in' the regular army one hundred men
make a compaov.wbere only sixty-thrve
are required in the militia, and neces
sarily the companies win nave to oe
combined and reorgautxed and that ome
of the officers will have to drop out.
Col. Yoran, at the head ot the regi
ment, advise enlistment, and the mem
bers of F. Co. mav pjssihly do so Aa a
nhvflcal examination ii necessary and
ibis cannot be bad for two or three days
it is not likely the 21 hour order will tie
obeyed before Saturday. Tbe company
meets tonight when the matter will be
considered .
For one week 50a
can duv DOOK3 at 1
I prices lower tnan
you ever dreamed
One week only.
act in the domestic comedy took place
beyond tbe gaxe t the public eye.
Regardless ot Cost.
Julia Gradwohl in'eods to go out of the
crockn-v and alaaoware boMoesa, go ng in
to some other line of bo.ioe. and beaor
wi.l tell bi goods of this kiad regardli
of cost. W ben fou caU and get bis price
00 wil. be convinced tbat be means t tu
rns, aud will believe what be says
J. GraJwuttl
Inform" tbe general public that b
sella liw as auvliy ia the city for
jati. Com nd gt price before you boy
April 1st. 1S97 . J. t,eDWOHU
After years of aatold anffriiag from pile.
R W Pnrsoll of KoitaeraviHe.r'a, was oared
ny a.iorf tsingla ho f IK Witt's Witch
Haul Salva Mkia ifiaeaaai saen esecaema.
ran, pimples td ohsliBtS'ies are raad
ly cnt by tau umni runny j a
Sons of Veterans. Attention!
a 11 ttrmar members of Joon A. Loesn
mains of D B Monteith ot this city, and uol. 0f Veterans who are in favor
would leave there at 4 o'clock this after 0f said camp will kindly
135 feet of cement walk is Io be built in
Eugene, beginning at once .
No. 2's beater will be repaired ready
for use after 6 o'clock tonight.
'fait k Love, druggints, of Shed 1, have
dissolved partnership, Mr. Love retiring.
Tbe safe in tbe Jecerson postolbce was
recently blown opu and a registered pack'
age cootainag tM stolen.
Last evening tbe United Stales had taken
about nine Spanish vest-ls, snd had not
lost one. That is a good statt, but it is
i not ptobable that the reco.-d can be kept
up. .
Tbe Democrat several days ago men
tioned rome church organizationr as the
noon with them for Albany, He will
therefore arrive here tomorrow noon.
Mr. Monteith an 1 others left Albanv
for Skagway tbe last of December, sail
ing from Portland on or about December
28. Tbe Dimocbat man last saw Mr.
Monteith at tbe Perkins House in Port
land on Christmas day, in good humor
over the prospecte.
The particulars are not known, but it
is supposed that Mr. Monteith died in
Dye before leaving and that Mr. Lamar
was cent borne with tbe remains.
Tbe deceased was bom in Alhanv
about forty five years ago, and spent his
enure ine a resident ot this city, in re
cent years taking an important part in
tue progress oi the city. He was a
member of the Woodmen of the World
carrying a f 3.000 insurance. He leaves
a wife and two children. The news of
his death spread rapidly over the city,
and was received with general regret.
Mr. Curran hsd been in tbe real estate
business wi'h bim for neatly fifteen years
ana teeis as u ne naa lost a brother.
Arrangements bave not yet made tot
tbe funeral service, and probably will
not be until the arrival ot the rematcs,
convene Thursdav evening at 7 :30 o'clock
at tha circuit coort room ot tue court
bouse in Albany. Also ail others quaui-
bed are renfec'tully urged to aitcnd this
meeting. 11 us reorganiza our camp,
and drill thoroughly to that we may be
prepared to enlist later on if necessiry.
A ihnil of term; is eipoiencsd whs a
brauv conch of croap sound throaah th
hnaae at flight Bat th terror an chaa
ns to rolitf aftr One Mioot Coui Car
has beta administered 8f t ani tur aless
ohildteu J A Camming
A telegraph Itne to this place is almost
a necessity. We are too far from the
rest ot tbe world.
Prof. A. D. Morrison ia viskiog wiji
bUgareals her.
A nice vase of flowers oa ar stand
make a fragrant perfume throughout
the room. Many thanks Mis Allie.
Some of our people are laid np with la
Spring araio ia all sown and oar farm
ers ars busy ia their orchards and gar
We see almost ever day men who are
able bodied traveling the road with
small bandies oa their becks. We some
time ask: Whv is this? Doe not th
earth produce enooah to salisf? the
want of every living creature? When
we go into tbe ciue we can obtain a par
tial answer to theje queries. Th giidd
aloocs tha are ran day aad Bight is the
source of most ot tne iniquity tbat pre
vails today, but in those cities where
there are so many nicesatoens, are there
no charcbe? in, there are churches
grand enough, oh! yes, too grand, but
do these churches stand against tbe sa
loons? Do the m. m ber ot tbe churches
got to those places of vice and take there
from those who bave been led astray;
The saloon qqioa is before ns for set
tlement and when it is settled many
other vices wi'l vanish.
Mr. R. E Crawford is laid np with
pneumonia, however, he ta improving.
Young America" seems to be wall in
formed with regard to the movement of
a certain young Mies of 16 summer,
which is all right it he is an old bachelor.
Messrs. F. M. Redfield and P. R. Kel-
ley, of Albany, 'made ns a pleasant call
last Monday. Those, two gentlemen are
candidates oa the republican ticker, tbe
former lor recorder and tie latter lor
representative. Call again gentlemen
The campaign is opened in Oregon and
in Cuba, we fel for those who take
part in the battles in both places.
Littlc Rosb Bro.
J.A. Weaver.
Hi RM Blip.
mt &T8 gn&raii
teed ta wear three
jean. Will giTB
foreYwy ana that
does not prsiB !at-Mastory.
1 swrrey and set of harwess,
FOR SALE. Mrs Dkkiasoes hoase
botd good, iactadiar piano, foidiaa:
b-d. bedroom set etc, will be sold next
week. Call at residence.
MAX WAX TED A reliable yuarg
maa with smad capital to eagage ia
the stork basiner in Eastern Orsgoa. Fcr
further iaformaboa inquire at DawocmaT
near Lyon street. Albanv. Sel. Cnt
neee medicine, Chinese rice. Chinese
tea and nit oil.
OR SALK. Two good freak nulk
cows, ceetle aad rood milkers lal
oa Jcha Lenox, aear Oak Creek bridge.
a Jc
f f dry aad greea.
A i. Savxoa.
F H French
The Jeweler
FOR SALE. A good second band set
of Cooper toofa. Inquire of Mrs.
Hoock, Island Baker.
Wasted TRrsTwouraY AC
tive geaUeioen or ladies to travel
for responsible, establisbed boos ia
Oregon. Monthly $65.00 and expenses.
Position steady. Reference. EockweseSf
addreseed stamped envelope. Tbe Doaua
oa Company, Dept. Y Chicago.
ful geattemcn or ladies to travel frr
respoauble. eatabii shed house ia Oregoa.
Monthly $65.00 and n peases. Position
steady Refereace. Enclose self addresa
ed stamped envelope. The Dominion
Company, Pep. K. Chicago.
a cood bright light for your wheel.
It so call at the office oj tne iTegoa. us
Ligat, Heating A Power uo, tney nave
tbe best ca sate ia toe iars;n.
Prof. A. STARK
Of WiU ft Stark.
Optical Specialist
Graduate of" the Chicago Optbahaic
Is prepared to examine BcieaUScauy
an1 armratiIv. bv the latest and improvec
methods of modern science, any who da-
tire to have their eye tested.
Cosick Block ALWaT.uaxo.
A anMial bimu in aa
K r. Wills Muaie Store pracU-
caliy new aad at tea haa hif th price of
a new on, wita a ige muw muv.
iaia the bargain. Must oe oisoosea or
in 30 days, call and it evu if yon do not
want to boy.
pht O. A. C. students
this morning lor Salem to
Spanish war.
left Corvahh
enlist in the
What pleasure is tbera in life with a head
ache, constipation and biliousness Thous
amis experience them who could become
peitecny healthy by uin D win nine
biuiy Kiaer famous little pu s.
J A, Cunming,
Catarrh Cured. A clear head ano
weel hrea.h secured with Sbiloh'e Ca
arrh Rt'meOy: soldb Foshay ft Mason
April Wisdom.
hook and eye and button Baptists, this waa
OmaLExitATioN. Captain Moon
Uh met at the 2:04 local Captain M.
M. Ellis, of Albany, regimental surgeon,
and at once conuuutei uira to ine at
. The orders received aro for a
" ' . i . t i i
physical examinaiiuu ui uicn, uu vap-
iain Ellis at once commenced bis work,
'" " ... . .., i:i i...
wlilcn Will uu. ira wmtuuuu uuiit
hia vening. His tour will include all
ninici of the regiment.eightin nup
ber, anu wuh mo nuit i. nuu-
ed in, it will bo definitely known how
many ot tne Dys can, go, cugene
Sarsapari 1 1 a 12
line. Bold by all druggists. U
h rallfid unon anaratlv for callintr out u l- OSIIa cure Liver Ills; easy
tha militia - IUUU q n'P toKe.easywoperau..
the militia.
an eichanjs says tbe Willows, Cal.,
barbers are tninamg very seriously ot ru
ing tbe price of shaving farmers. The drv
an error, i nere is an organization in tne . weatber and poor prospects bave made
country by tbe name of the Amisb Menon. their faces so long tbat tbe barkers can't
ites, tue men of wbich wear only hooks and ' afford to shave them at the old price,
eyes and the women dress plainly but neat- ..
ly. i hey live upright uvea and ars Children and adults tortured by burns,
a credit to a neighborhood. scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseasts
ma secure instant relief by using De
One car load of Phoenix Bicycles gone Witt's Witoh Hazel Salve. It is the 'teat
slready and another on the road. Pile remedy. J, A, Cummings.
Whooping cough is the most distressing
m ilndj; but it duration can be cut short
liy the use of the Minute uougb cure,
wbich Is alo the best known remedy for
croup and all lung and broncial troubles.
J A. Cumming.
Music. Miss Mi lard Burmeatet
teacher of piano or organ. System th
Mason touch and technique. Kesiaenci
truth street.'oppomte U P cbuieh.
Tbe Union Nominee tor Congress.
,'eatch's appointments! OF ALL AGES
in Linn county ; tViUn i
Hon. R. M V
.ill ha aa follows
Harrisburg, Monday.May 2, 2 p. m.
Brownsville, Tuesday, way 3, 1 p. m.
Lebanon, " ' 7:30 p.m.
bclo, Wednesday, May 4, 1 p. m.
W. R. Bilyku,
I. 8. Smith,
Be sure tbat your blood is pure.
appetite good, your digeetkn pet fee
io puriiy your oiooa ana onia up
heattb, take Hood's Sarvaparilla.
This medicine baa accomplished remark
able cures rf all blood diseases. It is the
One Pure blood Puriber.
Hood's Sarsaptnlla has power to make
yea well by purifying and enriching your
blcod, giving y a aa appe'ite, and nerve,
mental aod igt-stive strength.
- No-Io-ae for rtftv Cnta.
' riuaraniecd lobaoro haWl cur. Biaka l
nto luouc, blood pure 60c. tl. AUdrugittaia
If you w.iut a aood and cleat
moke buy j 1 ntJs4 by itr AN
buy elftar 'acturv.
second street, between Ferry ami
Broadalbin streets.
WILLIAM tl.Mll-Ct.ri.
d udanUfle rem
aslNMBTsn trial to any ,,"'J
man. A world-wlda reputation back of
thlaoffpr. Every obstacle to happy marriea
lira removed. Full strenstb. de-M"
and ton given toovory portion of th booy.
Jallurelmpoaaiuiet ai iwrriro
ISO u, . I. icuvuiw.
EdarataToar Itowcia ...4. . mm rare (a.
Cnmly Ctth-u! curs MiUpaitn forever
t0c,a9a. IfClftC full. druKBiaureliinamonev
Slop that 5ourfh! Taw warning. It lead to Coiisjmptioa. A iiTu bottle
otShiloh'all ir my ave your life. Sold
oy Foshay asou.
Vnrd Littler.
Ground Floor
Dental Office.
Broadalbin, St.,
Albany. Or.
'Aeolian Oroaa"
Draper Duel
Heavy duck tor binder drapers, best
quality, warp sad filling double aad
twisted, - men uc ana o v
T9iBch and 40 inch duck. 8. 10, 11,
and 13 oa, ranging ia price from Ke to
25o per yard.
Albany, Oregon.
Should bt li Enrj Bans and Lfoarj.
TUB people's Bffiis BistQia
i. wrtt jTi:' uSZ ?Ss?.
Odd Fehow's Temple, Albany, Or. "
All work carefully done under lateit
Tor Infants atxd Children.
Piano.Crgau.Tcics Cultnrs.laimouy
Hits UvlaR. Gilbert,
Mrs FraBcas 0 Banua
1 tsa
Teacher of Music
Waahioatoa 3lrwt.iar V P Chorea, Albaaj
wa. P.1A.I -y"
111.1 .
rrrrtK.r. .o, oi"
HriMoL DO-. rim "I,
an. Huih
iwa 1 or
,n ri 1 Mta
Ma.! IU. Fraall
uuhalM Kowcopm t-aarta.
i . T. Moo. IX-1X, I'
H. I) U. Pel.
StSfffiv Th T.mpi fc-i"-,-
rorv",r .ir i Uit imM. w