The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 29, 1898, Image 2

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    (The lcmoaat
Daily Dkmocbat, 25 cents per month
13.00 per advance, SOc per month
not in advance. By carrier, 10c per
week. 10 per cent added if allowed to
ran over months. Single copies 6c.
Wxkklt. fl .25 n advance ; $1 .50 at end
of year; tl.75 for second year; $2.00 for
third and proceeding years, when not paid
in Advance. Clubs of five new subscriber!
at $5.00.
Senators. T O Mackev. I Clem.
R.n..nt.tiM T I Whitney. H
Palmer, DrDM Jones.
Clerk. Frank Crabtree.
Sheriff. I A Mansers.
Atsessor. Geo. DeVaney.
Recorder. E C Heal.
Treasurer. F M Jaes. ,
Superintendent. A S McDonald.
Commissioner. D C Swann
Coroner. i Q SJorman.
Surveyor. Anthony Austin.
State. '
Governor W R King,
eeretarv of state H R Kincaid.
Justice supreme court W M Ramsey.
Treasurer J O Booth..
Attorney-general J L Story.
State printer C A Fitch.
Superintendent K S Lyman.
Congressmen R M Veatcn and C M
Circuit Judge P H D'Arcy and K P
District Attorney S L Hayden.
Oregon will furniBh her quota of sol
diers all light and they will be go'd
It isn't too late to whip Spam on ac
count of the old inquisitions, hut the
blowing np of the Maine is enough.
It is only a matter of justice that
young men going to the war should have
their places on returning home, if they
are fortunate ever to do so.
In Columbia county there are three
doctors running for office on the repub
lican ticket. Must be a sick ticket to
need eo many physicians.
. A new industry seems to be the cap
turing of Spanish merchantmen. The
capturer gets H if a bigger boat and
onlv half if a smaller boat . A reward
for daring.
An Albany minister last Sunday made
Weyler out a partner to Satan himself,
which in the eves of Americans is about
the size of it. He is a demon of the
worst order.
Mr. Blauco will have some fun getting
word from his home government without
a cable into the city. The Spaniard who
undertakes to rua the blockade will
have a job.
A Portland Southern Pacifitf man went
home with a terrible cold and proceeded
to cure it by soaking his feet in mustard
water. He was all right in the morn
ing, bat it mast have been faith that
did it. for the mustard was simply co
The War Department is informed by
Dr. Sheldon Jackson, now at Dyea' that
the reindeer which vrere sent there for
the Klondike relief expedition, have been
found useless and that moat of tbem are
dead . Moss has bees found to save the
test of the herd from starving but as no
relief expedition is needed the deer i
hot be nsed. Another chapter in the
worst fool measure of the century .
From the World.
We know now that Havana Harbor is
mined. For aught that we know that of
San Joan, Porto Rico, may also be.
The fact will give oar navy no serious
concern. A dynamite shell exploded an
der water within 200 feet of a mine de
stroys it.
The policy cf oar navy in entering any
harbor where mines are known or sus
pected to be in place wilt be to launch
dynamite torpedoes to each possible line
of mines, blow them all up, and then
proceed. Farragut said, "Go on; damn
the torpedo!" Our officers will now more
wisely say, "Destroy the torpedo with
dynamite and then go on.", . -
Tbe United States rebelled against
England on aeeount of nnjust tazation
witnout representation, and yet the tax.
ea were really not so very high. Tbe
Cuban though is rebelling not only on
account of taxation without representa
tion, but on account of almost complete
confiscation. By the time tbe "avari
cious Spaniard gets bis taxes ont there is
almost nothing left for the property
owner, aod in a great many caeca the
tax collector has taken the property also.
This betides brutality and mielreatm'eat
of the worst order. Isn't it about time
the ehrietain nations of the world, par
ticulaily a next door neighbor, inter
fered. :
A gold Standard Ally.
Bon. W. R. King says in. a Setter of
Msrch 1st:
Tbe middle-of-the-roaders will, if their
wishes are followed lose an opportunity
. to get their principles pot into operation
for fear of having some other party name
harnessed op with theirs. Can you get
principle without officers witb which to
put your principles into operation? If
you want to fight for principle and never
want any offices why waste time aod ex
penses of campaigns. DA you evsr bear
of a middle of the rosder who refused to
accept an office wtien elected? The cam
paign for principle alone, without the
means to put them into operation, can
be advocated as well without parties as
with them. The prohibition party is the
best illustration of middle-of-the-road
tactics in existence. Their principles
are right, but the civilized world can be
sunk into oblivion by the gold slaodard
forces before they can win on that ques
tion, unless conditions are ripe for it, or
nnless the people are prepared to take
tr at up as a leadiog issue.
The constant cry of tbe "'middle-of-the-road"
is tbst all who want nuion of
forces are "pie hunters," "traitors''
"bolters. and other like terms. Tbsy
substitute abuse and hard tames for ar.
gument. It ie indeed strange that popu
lists favoring union should be called of
fice seekers, or "pie hunters" when the
propose to divide tbe offices with demo
crats and silver republicans, while the
middle of tLe road element want all tbe
offices and a ill divide none. Who is tbe
' 'blirgest pie hunter,'. the party wanting
all toe offices or the party asking for a
pottioc only ? Which party is the par
ty of principles, the party wanting to take
a course that means defeat of the caute
Ijt which we have long been fighting
and success of tb party which is now an
enemy to all three forces? Who are the
, t-aitois and bolters, . the party that
stands by the national and state or
ganizations or tbs party that proposes to
go it aloue it everything does not go to
suit tbem?
You cannot escape the fact bat to
run a middle of-the road ticket is breath
iog away from our national and state
organizations and abandoning your na
tional leaders; and further, to indirectly
become an ally of the gold standard
party whether with intent or not as
the middle-of-the-roaders did in Ohio
last fall. Some say they will vote the
republican ticket if tilings don't go to
suit tnem. Can such men be stand
ing for "principles'' when they car they
will vote the gold standard if everything
in . detail is not asdemauded by them T
Men of that principle can do no good in
our ranks for they are against us. The?
must be converted first. No true con
vert of our principles can ever have so
little regard for the welfare ef the mass
es as to voto for the gold standard, sim
ply for revenge.'
Mary A. LlvermorVs New Book.
"The Story of My Life," or the Sun
shine and Shadow of Seventy Years, is
tbe title.
This new and superbly illustrated
book is the crowning life work of the fa
mous Mary A Livermore,and, as she
herself states, it is tbe last that will ever
come from her pen. It is a thrilling nar
rative of her life from infancy to old age,
portraying the sunshine and shadow of
a most marvelous career, told in tier own
It seems almost increible that a wom
an now so famous made "mud pies" in
her childhood and was often sent sapper
less to bed, and was frequently bounced
down into a kitchen chair with an em
phasis that made her "see stars ' When
a young girl straggling to support her
self she took in "slop work,' made
shirts, and euoeequently learned thej
trade of a dressmaker, at which she
worked for twenty-five cents a day. At
eitbteen she "ran away from home like
a boy," and spent three eventful years on
a slave plantation years fail of comedy
aod tragedy, and packed with thrilling
She tells ot the eventful Christmas
night when she wandered into the
church ot a Strang young preacher.
who soon afterward became her husband.
Their comical experience in their first
attempt at boose keeping ; the ignomini .
one fate that her husband awarded to
ber first fish chowder he buried it after
dark in the garden ; and the many tri
als and tribulations that followed are
marvelonily interesting. They . were
poer. She tried ber band at ta'loring.
nd with the money saved by secretly
making her husband a pair of trousers
sh paid for a year's subscription to
weekly newspaper.
Mrs. Li vermore threw ber whole heart
and soul into measures for relief of sick
and wounded soldier, and spent four
years as a norse ia the Union army. Her
intellectual great nee and nobility of
character led ber to rise frcm these
thrilling experiences and become the
best known woman of America, and
opened the way to her pbenominal
platform career that hss roe tinned for
more than thirty years. At her feet
millions of people have eat and listened !
with admiration and wonder. Tlie rich
and the poor, tbe high and the low, the
learned and the nnlearned have been
alike thrilled and moved by ber horn
ing words. She has ewated brilliant
audiences of fashion ; has spoke in state
prisona.jaiIs.and penitentiaries; to audi
ences composed of outcasts, and to audi
ences nombericg thousand of children.
In this autobiography she gives many
reminiscences of ber platform experi
ences, with anecdotes and incidents "too
funny for anything."
Man distinguished mrn e'rd women
have long urged Mrs. Livermore to tell
the marvelous story of ber life. She has
received letters from thousands ot men
and women, nnknowa to ber, expressing
the hope that such a volume would be
The work is wholly and entirely new.
It contains nothing that appeared In ber
"btory of the War." (1887), of which
sixty thousand copies were sold.
The book is splendidly illustrated by
beautiful and costly full-page photo
gravure plates ana portraits, and over
one hundred fine text illustrations.
Many of tbem are intensly humorous.
while others depict thrilling scenes full
of pathos and tragic interest.
We do not know when 730 pages have
given us more genuine pleasure. If we
speak warmly of the book, it ia because
it richiy dascavca it. It ia sold only by
agents, and is meeting with a large rale.
Agents who introduce a first-class work
like this ought to be welcomed, e be
lie, e that tbe best way to keep otft poor
books is by introducing good ones, and
a better one than this bas never brought
to our notice. Putitfnto your homes.
It will be read over and over again by
old and young, witb pleasure and lasting
profit, and may well be handed dowr
from father to son and mother to daugh
ter as a priceless legacy . T
The book ia hold only by agents, and
ii published by the old and well known
firm of A. D. Worthington & Co , Hart
ford, Conn , whoee imprint is sufficient
guarantee of the excellence of this first
class volume.
Interesting Facts About Cuba.
Cuba is 130 miles from Florida.
Its greatest length is 700 miles.
Its area is 48,000 square miles a little
larger than Ohio.
Its width varies from 20 to 135 miles.
" The ecaet line aggregates 2.200 miles.
I la ports cumber 200, of which Havana
is chief " - "
A range of mountains intersect it
lengthwis, in some p!aees 8,000 feet
bigb . - :
There Is a swamp in tbe southern part
160 miles long.
Itbss 200 rivers, independent of riv
ulets. Only one river, the Canto, is navigable
for any importance, and that for only
sixty miles.
There are many mineral springs, tome
of which are warm and sulphuroas.
Gold, silver, iron, copper, 'quicksilver
and lead are tbe leading mela'e.
Tbe temperature rarely falls to tbe
freezing point and sunstrokes are nn.
New Yora's -warmest days of summer
are warmer thaa any days of the year in
There is but one recorded snowlall
that of Christmas, 18.16. '",
Thre are two teasons tLe rainy and
the dry The first extends from May to
November, tbe second over the rest of
toe yesr
. Ligoumvitea, rosewood, mahogany,
cedar, fustic aod laocewood are found tn
tbe forests, ,-"
There are no wild animals except an
csasional wild hog. e
There are fjw snskts, but plen'y of in
sects, including tbe mosquito.
Havana is about the size ol Cleveland,
Oht-. .
I - ' ' ,
J indigo, corn, rice, sage, banana, oranges
and yucca are the eblef products.
The proposed Improvement of
A Cuban flag looks
stars and stripes.
well undsr the
It is aa interesting fact that the war
did not begin with bloodshed as some
wan have begun. '
Tbe official day ot the beginning of
o i :i Ol fiH,t
be a day to be remembered in history. A
A Umatilla county farmer next fall
will thresh his wheat with a four thou
sand dollar outfit. He baa confidence
ia big crops and big prices evidently.
Tbe United State bas been doing a
big thing ia prist -p.unng. Tbis
though is a small part ot tbe contest,
and amour, ts to little besides the real
conflict tLat ia to come.
Just forget tbe war long enough to
remember that in voting the union tick
et yoa are easting your ballot tor some
ixcellent men.
Tbe Dkmocbat hopes tbe Spanish Beet
will not remain out of sight, but that it
will come into play and that it will have
a chance at an early day to cross arms
with Uncle Sam'a flying rqnadron.
Gov. Black o! New York baa been ie-
toiog seventy five percent of tbe bills
presented him. He ia undoubtedly' tbe
greatest vetoist of tbe United States not
excepting Graver Cleveland.
Wiylei has probably been hung ia
effigy more times than any maa living
Hanging men ia effigy does nc good. In
fact . it ia rather small business. Tbe
Democrat would be glad to see Wsyler
banged in reality. That ia the kind of
banging he need.
We are so much interested ia our own
affairs that we can hardly keep track of
the other nations of tbs world. At this
time Turkey and Bulgaria haT tbe
spirit of war, and there ia liable to be
fighting. The papers though have very
little room left for mentioning the fact.
Wheat is way op again and there eon
tinue to be men wbo are waiting
for the illusive dollar a bushel. Tbe
chances are that when wheat drops it
will go down witb a thud ten cents at
jump. The Dshocsat is n wheat pro
pbet though.
ine members ot tbe second regiment
haven't been treated ia just tbe right
way. Tfaeie eeems to have been
scheme for putting ia soms Portland
mea as officers for the companies of both
regiments. In tbis city F. Co. are ready
to stay together as a company , bat will
stand by Capt, Phillips aa their bead
omcer, aod will not consent to go into
any other company under newo fficerr
A Brooklyn, New York, boy, Walter
Jennings, wanted to enlist in tbe navy
Bis parents objected. He did enlist
He swore be was over 21. Wbea tbe
authorities found he was not he explain
ed it by, polling off hia shoes and taking
therefrom cards bearing in bold figures
21. He was too arigiaal to stay in the
navy. He was turned over to bis parents
and bas been thrashed with greater
thoroughness and effect thaa if ha bad
remained ia the service of his country a
life time.
Strictlv i siness
French the jeweler.
Try Schilling's Beat tea and baking powder.
Baths at Viereck's shaving and hair
cutting parlors.
Pictures from 76 cenls to f 25 per d'.n
at Longs gallery.
C B Wian, eitv tick etagent. Tickets
to all points in the east.
Crawford St Ham tab for photographs
Prices from ti to $70 per dozen.
Be sure and see tbe anti rut tinware at
Hopkin Bros, will las'; a lifetime.
Rasrrs bon-id, set and pi I in first class
order at Viereck's shaving aad bair cut
ting parlors.
When you want a choice aleak, a nice
roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry
5 rod era. He keeps the best
Dis. H. E. and O. K B-ers offices and
residence in post office building. Special
attention given to diseases of women.
Don't annoy others by your cougbiog,snd
rUk your life by segketing a cold. One
Minute Cough Care cures coughs, colds;
croup, grippe and all throat lung troubles.
J. A. Coaming.
The best meats of all kinds and good
treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef
Company's market, just djwn Second
street. Good weight and prompt attend
.Xhil" wy dru-gisis aell
iot Mamrie, (Jail is and Fever. It la
impiy iroa ana quinine in taetelese
f rm. Children lov it. Adults orafer I
toblfer, ntaseatlig Tonlor - Pria. 6)
flow We Say It. Coughs cured for a
quarter, no cure, no quarter, we are selling
lots 01 our w nite nne coogu feyrup ltb
tar, liecsuse it is just what we say it is.
gies quits relief and is bigbl reoomend
ed to cure a deep seated cough, Bars hart
Bi Lee, Druggists
if you want rood sewing machine
needles and oil get them of French the
dc 1 U.t U n Q il ituv Taoles
AH fr iri4 rtu 1 1 tti in iy If It fall
o Cure - 25 j.
Deaaty I ISlood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean ckin. No
beauty without it. Caacareta, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples, boila, blotches, blackhead,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Caacareta, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c.
A ,
the Linn County Court House.
To the Tax Payers of Linn County
There will be submitted for your con
sideration and action, at tb June elec
tion, a proposition to instruct tbe county
court to levy a specific tax in the vear of
1899 .sufficient to raise the sum of 112.500
to be expended in repairing the county
court house, as per plans and specifics-
tiona now open tor public inspection in
the county court room in Albany.
We desire to give a brief outline ot the
reasons ot the court tor submitting this
proposition at this time.
First, there absolutely must be some
repairs made oa the present building the
coming year, aa the roof ie decayed and
leaks so badly aa to cause Uie plastering
of court and other rooms to loosen and
fall off. An entire new root ie needed.
Fbe large weighty dome ia so badly de
cayed at tbe base as to sway and vibrate
during a heavy wind storm, endangering
the entire root by ita liability to topple
over and go crashing through into the
courtroom below. There is br.t one
large vault ia tbe entire building and
that baa become eo overcrowded with
books and recotds as to absolutely pre
clude tbe possibility ot holding the
monthly increase of these records tor tbe
coming year, even now very many ri
tne costly volumes are oeing prematurely
worn, racked and bindings loosened,
necessitated by being piled upon each
other and rebandled oa tbe shelve ow
let to lack of vault room to have tbem
systematically arranged.
. la tne present Douoing tne aesecsor,
who at times employs three or four as
sistants, baa no office or room to do hu
work, while the surveyor is compelled to
hols up with the superintendent of
schools. Tbe circuit court room resem
bles the loft of a great empty barn, with
ita plastering discolored, loosened and
dropping off, through leakage cf the
There is no grand jury room and only
an apology for a petit jury room in the
building. Tbe latter room I think bav
ins been condemned by about every
grand jury that bas convened tor the
last tea years.
vt ita an expenditure sot exceeuia g
$12,500 a third story can be twill oa
present wails, covere-1 aitn slate root,
modern style of architecture, entiie
building heated with steam witb radia
tors in every room, saving annually one
half tb coat ot fuel aa com)red with
tbe present stove system.
This arrangement will provide a good
grand and petit jury room, consulting
room, small library, also office for' asses
sor, surveyor and separate rooms for
clerk sad recorder and more than double
the present vault spec which la tier has
absolutely to be provided for.
Tbs county court under the present
la w can make these repairs, but it calls
lor an oxtraordinary expenditure aad
believing ia the referendum they have
aesa proper to submit tbis question to
the tax payers of tbe county, wbo toot
the bills and of right ought to be con
sulted ia tbe expenJitore ot their own
money. To repair this building which!
is so badly needed and In work it over
into a grand structure that all our peo
pi will take pride ia will not increase
the tax for 1899 exceeding IS' tnille to
pay for tbe entire job. Call and eee tbe
plana. Geo. P. Bato.
Tour Groceries and BakeJ Goods
last Parker Bros. Everybody ki.ows
wber their place ia. They keep a fresh
stock of jfToceriee, produce and baked
goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable
prices and treat their customers well, sll
Yoa may regret soms steps you tako
ia life bur nose taken into tbs store a
Parker Brus.
It is a great thing to be well fed. Par
ker Bros keep good groceries.
A loaf of bread ia not much bat yoa
want it well mad. Try Parker Broe.
Please ImJst upon having tour pre
seriptlon filled accord inn to the ooctor or-
deie, and guard against substitution. Ws
make a speciality ia comDoundinst pres
cription, using pure, fresh dregs In every
one. Uar prices are ia accordance with ue
times. Try us sod be convinced. Borkhart
6 Lee Dro.gitts.
SbsThosb Hats. At the Blain Cloth
ing Co's store, in the show window at the
west, may be seen probably tbe finest
line of summer hats ever displayed ia Al
bany,sembraciag all the latest atyle and
designs. There ar ISO yards of tbem.
Take your choice.
Eggs for Hatching
at C E Browcells.
Ice Cream Now.
At F. fl. Pfeiff r's,
Broadalbia street, A'bany,
The best oa Ihe market. You can sret it
at any time, in any quantity, from a dinh
to enough for a big gathering. Pfeiffer's
ice cream is always good.
When Traveling,
Whether on pkasure bent, or business.
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Kigs,
as It acts most pleasrntly and effectually
on the kidneys, liver and bowels, prevent
ing levers. Headaches, and other forms of
icknees. Lor sale ia 60 cent $1 bottles by
all leading druggists, Manufactured by tbe
California Fig Syrup Company only.
We are aoiion to do a little good in tbi
world and can think of no pleaaantar
b4er Way to do it thaa Vy leoommeoding
One Minnie Cough Cae as a preventive
of pnsnmonis, eonautnptioo and otbsr ssr
ions lung tronHle tb-t 'olio neglected
eolds J A lomming
The Newest Atthestorof Will A- Stark
Jewelry yon will get the facts, and
Facts find a fine stock of goods
to (elect from. It is na
todat and icctudes tbe best lines of watch
and clocks and all kinds ot jewelry. Their
line of silvea ware is extra and they have
many novelties that will please.
Let everybody come to tne star Baker
id get e 'oaves of fiesh breed for fi.oe
O Mavaa.
l on't tell yeur neighbors what you
ee in the eat window of the Albauy ur
nitcreCo. Terms half cash balance before
you leave tbe stcr.
flood, Pills act easily and promptly on
tbe liver and bowels. Cure sick headache
The Creater, includes the less, flood's
barsaparilla cares hip disease and scrotals
sorts and it may be depended upon to cure
boi's and piuples and humors of all kinds
' Te Cnre Constipation rorsver
Take Caacareta Candy CatbartlSL lOo orZSo.
If C C. C. fall lo sure, drugguile rotund money.
We irive away choice flower seeds with
tea and coffee, for particulars call on, .
0. E, Ubowmel
K.v Wm. ADril 17. The U. 8. cruis
er Detroit today brought in the Spanish
steamer Abolivar captured by the moni
Terror. . . ....
The captured boat baa on ooru
in silver, which was taken on uosru
Madrid. April 27. -The Spaniard
t, . .lnii ti American steamer
Saranac secured off Manilla.
Madkid, April 27.-The Spanish fleet
has sailed from the Philippine islands to
meet the U. S. squadron.
H.v.Ni. Aoril 27.-The Ameil
. i. nootrnver entere;. the
port ot Msntanzas twice ana w..s u
nnnn. when it retreated.
The Destroyer encountered the Span
ish gunboat Ligera nea? Cards iss Tbe
Deetrover opened fire, when it was re
turned with twelve shots from the Span
iih boat. The Destroyer, aomewha1
damaged, retreated.
Ano:her Capture.
Key Warr. April 26. The U. S. light.
house tender boat h arrived with the
Rmniih aiaamtwiat Panama, an auxitia-
I ry c.-uiaer, ia tow.
No Good Anyway.
London, April 26. The EnglUh gov
ernment has ordered the torpedo boat
Somen, recently purchased by the
United States, not to leave port, on ac
count ot the neutrality decree.
Pobtiaxd, April 26. Govern ir Lord
and military board are iu session tbis af
ternoon making arrangements for moho
hing tbe Oregon National GuarJs.
Wabhisotox, Ap.-U 25. Secretary ol
state Snerman resigned today and Asist
ant Secretary Day we appointel to -uc-ceedbim.
Congress passed a formal declaration
of war, which will give the government
privilege not otherwise L. u .
Tbe guns from Moro castle were turned
loose litis afternoon on the American
English bound vessels repot t the Paris j
sate and well on ber way to the United
Tbe government today bou1it a yacht
from J. Pirpoint Morgan.
Key West was excited over sounds ot
heavy firing ia tbe southeast.
Spain is greatly distressed over tbe
cutting of Havana cable.
Kit West. The cable from Havana
was cut today, entirely cutting Blanco
off from telegraphic commuuica.'On with
Waa a Weaderfal liH" e
Kar West. April. 26, The lighUoie
tender Mangrove puffed proudly into Key
Weet harbor this rooming with tbe ricbeet
prize of the wsr tbn f r. Tbe captive was
to Panama. Captain yaevede, a big traa
AUabtic tinet. and aa auxiliary crour of
tbe Spanish navy, which bas been plying
of late between New York and Havana
She had 29 paevagera, including three
women, one Frenchman, aad one Mexican,
and a crew of 72. As tbe Panama carried
two 12-poander. she could easily have an
aibilaled the little Mangrove, aad a tbe
latter came into tbe harbor "itb her pritr
there eras not a craft that did not tainte
Tbe airk4r
Ksr West. April, 35. 11 p m Tb
torpedo-boat Porter has arrived from cS
the Cabas coast, and repwta Uu! te posi
tion ot tbe btockade coatinoea onchanged.
There bss been no firing on either side.
Tbe cruuer Ciacinnatti today captured
Lieutenant Feroaades. of the Spaoub
army, who waa returning 10 bi family ia
a imsll sloop. Lieutenant Pernandr i
detained en a flagship.
TbeSpaalh r.rrl
St. Vixckxt, April. 20. 6 p m. The
Stwniah 8 -el is still here, and there is 00
if n of an inleatioa of putting to sea
Ammunition and prrjecules are placed
ready on deck lor each gen. o tbe deck
of the warthips tbe mea appear aaxioos to
Sight. The fiuadroa ia still bay taking
tores 00 board aad toiling.
Battle ttpeetrS
Chicago, April, 26. A Times Herald
special from Wathicgtoa says:
Navy department official conSJently
expect that within three days a dtcifcive
httf arill Imm lnm.l.t kafa.a In. .
can and Spanish naval forces operating in
tbe waters f tlie Pnilippinea. It is lero -
ed from a mot: reliable acune that Com
modore Dewey'afquadroa.wbiih left Hong
Koog Saturday fir Miers bay, ha no
left tsat place for the Philippines under
iastruotions sent several days sgo by Sec
retary Long.
Oal .r rami.
New York. April. 26. K c&rrepjnd
entof the World sends tbe follow lo la
ban advices i'ia Key We'.:
Havana is completely 0 t of beef.althnneb
large shipments ar expected from Mex
ico. AH neceaasries of life have gone np to
price never beard of, and if something is
not dose at once, many will j-rtsh of hun
ger. Blanco has issued orders to arm a'l men.
and the order is bing obeyed, end even
bovtof 14 veara are beinc taken in. Lumbers of Cuban bare joined
the insurgents around Havana.
reelltb Blaae
Havana. April. 2G.-Captain-Ger.eral
Blanco has cabled Madrid that be oan de
fend Havana without Spanih warship.
Tbe SeaaUh Heel
Ix)!cro.v. April, 26 A mail diopalch
from tit . Vincent, Cape Verde island, da
ted Monday aayc
Visiting the Spanish ficot has been for
bidden and no maneuvering target prac
tice or axerciinir whatever is proceeding
All tbe ships have been painted black.
No shore leave is granted. The cruisers
have been sll day coaling.
The Portoguese consider tbe Spanish
fleet verv stronir and believe Sosin will be
victorious at the commencement, but that
America's money will eventually tri
umph, Ralbee Besnarkable
Washikoto". April, 25. The house
today passbd te bill declsring the exuten
ci of a state of war between the United
Stalen and the kingdom of Spain in a man
ner which cannot fail to impress the
world. Tbe representatives of 70,000 000
people voed for it without a word ot de
bate, without a decenting vote and with
out a roll call, but with a solemn appre
ciation of tbe gravity of their momenttus
action. It required out one minute and
41 seconds to accomplish this.
Ceartheaae Centred Lei
I,1 n. .A.vit 9.r -T) Miinlw
court today let the contract for famishing
tbe beating aparatus ior tne new court
hnnu in w illiam Gardner & Co.. ot Port
land, tbe prica being 13190. W TCamp
bell was appointed superiaienueni ot in
struction to represent the county court
rreleellas lb rati
Bostos, April 25. The cruler Minns
apolia arrived off Cape Cod at dutk to
nittht. The cruiaer Columbia is at New
port. It is thought tbe government has
stationed the two ciuisars at a convenient
ooint to pro ect the Paris on her way from
tbe grand banks to New York. The cruis
er Topeka ia expected off the shoals about
Friday or Saturday, but be should be able
to tke care ot nerseu wiwuui anutunce.
Opeaed Fire
Org Havana, April, 24, noon, Curing
the early morninr, the Morro caatle bat
teries again opened fire on the fleet, but
without tbe slightest effect. There have
been no casualties among our troops op to
this hour, and not a single shot has been
area against me umuw.
At S o'cloca this morning, the Detroit 1
msde a rich haul, capturing tbe Spanish
Irs Pritchard Got Eotire Relief From Rheumatism by Use ol
Raines Celery Compound
""t"r Pritehard ofXorib Camliit be
P'omlneot to tha cooparaav ...ova
21? Carolina ihV of
-T' P a" lo termor tbe la . Senator
aenata In u,;.
"'rnturd', uUanai.i o ber febh
n fia cwiery compound U reproaao
B-w Ur
inawiraor UH Monalor Wrmn of Wy
omlog wbM dlaUagaHi4 service fir
tn eoanixy' bM farming tatvmta ar eo
well aoowo:
' peruede to try year Faloe'a
celery compound In to rv aprinc.
'a a vary run dowa eaoitton. The
ouim aovoiviog upon the wife ot aa of
ociai ia public Hie a- naturally rry
xbaoUoK, and I was tired oat and car
vil us wUd I couiDDcd u litis le rem
erfy. I tnke pUanre ia testify in to tb
arnat banaat 1 rvcarveil fmoar its use. aod
on Uaibfally cay lui Id almaaa perf
neauh agun. If trtroai mniif rua
nmg do aga u, I abali certainly give it
merchant steamer Cataliaa. ouad for Ca
du. See c Tried a large qoaauty ot pro
tuioea, wbnrb the intended to land ia
er4:r4 Avar
WasaiXMTOx, April, 25. Tbe Port to
morrow will ay:
Trje aoih SH, which roobiliid at
Cape Verde u!aed, was twrrday autiSed
b rortaga! io !-ae St Vincent .
Tbe 'kruwawk ftafr
I.tTruroot. Aprii.:3. Liverpool agents
of the Anx-nata l.r mattd scboceer
Shenaaadoah declare there ia not the
aligblt eridt ace to iaaiify tbe report
that be ha been captorrd by
tne pai
A Celf
NawYoat. April, 24, Tee Hrald
ay . -
Mjor Lcvs'l Jerome, a periojai friend
of President Mctiiniey bt.ngbt bees aa
interesting agxetioa f ron WaMingloa
in regard to the plan of campaign in Cuba .
"Ihe plan wnich wa being diard,''
aid Major Jerome, "was not sa tararion
of l ubj by a large military force, hut the
capture of soma port ia which a garrison
might be placed suScieal!) large ts bold
it imml the Sptaiards.
rati ef Iberian
Wasbihotcjc. April, 2 1 Secretary
.bersnaa acid today thai It wa hia ex pec a
lion that for the recent, and immediate
future tbe iasurent army woeld do the
greater pan of tbe fighting ia Caba. lie
added to tte sateaieot tht tber was ao
unnuoo pi lasieg ine miHtlamea aod
' Dew fn "to Cuba u
! ,numl ,0 asrdships of
anut iboroasbly
military life.
A fenal Bkeetanaileai 1
Washixotoh, AprU, 21. A resolution
formally declaring war against Spain will
be introduced ia congress tomorruw. The
deruioa to do so has been reached after
mature deliberation. All the argument
pro and con were dtscosted this afternoon
at the White Hooe at a confereac in
which Presideot McKinley Alorney Gen
eral Griirg. Jadfe bay and Senator Hale
Sieed For Tbe BtanatteM
Ket West. April. 21. The AMociafed
Pre dUpatch toil Iaontle arrived in
'hia harbor yeeterdoy before midbigbt,
bavins in tow tbe ft at sailing nwwl neize
of tberamoaign, tbe achoooer Uatbilde cf
Havana, 60 ton, ioadeJ with rum.
A Ch4 laaxare
Kxt Wxst. April, 21. Tbe gao-hoat
Helena eaptorrd .bt Spaoisb steamer Mil
quel Jove early tbis mornicg. Tbe Joves
cargo is composed of cotton and atave.
The prise is estimated to value $-W0,CO0.
ber cargo aloue being worh 1 150,000.
Lowest Rates to all
Eastern Cities
Beginning on April 22ud
Portland lo San Francisco
every threa d&ys, steameis
"Oregon," "ColumUa" and
"State of California."
Steamers monthly from Port
land to Yokohoma and Hong
Kong; via, The Northern Pa
cific Steamship Co. ir con
nection with O R and N
tot tail information oali on
CoaaAX & Mohtsith, Albany, Ol
a addrsmii '
Qbn'l Paar.Aeas
PortUod Oi.
' 2-:T
another trial, aad will in the n-t sa lime
recommend II too very oim needing tt,"
It to now time, if ever, to get health and
sir engta.
Notbtng sboatd now interfere lth
buildinc op weakened nerves a sd turifv
Now la lb time of year wbeo rbnma
tista aod oouraifria mass be cored, wbea
debility and nnrvonaoees man be ebaek
e4. whe bad beaitb moat be mended if
one hope ver to get well.
It to not that rbeameuaon. aeura'gna,
lasomaU, aod kidney troubles are bard
lo ears Palne'a celery core pound bas
made a boat of auSerera vrall-bot people
mane tbmelves ebrooio in va'Wa by cj
gieeting tbe eany eysn stoma of diaease.
1 nou aoa or live taas are a aw imi
wearing oat weald be protonee-l tt Pain
eelevT soDSosad were la eaeb (aatanos
used to stop tnoa omiuoa paias over
tbe kidney, to baild up tbe mm down.
oervoae sirengta, and eurs ponneoeatly
tn -mm mjn and raire frewiaenuy recur
lng imeki of hoaiache aud ndigestioo.
"Stand the Racket"
A Leauer for TRS YEAR aong HIGH ORADK WHEELS. Our Phoznix
One- Crank made a record for ltaelt la. season - Not One Broken Crank ia Oregon,
Waahincton or Idaho out ot the H and reds ot Wheels sold in these three ytate ia
1&7. Tbe Result is that others ar -counteriemhg this crank, but tbis doe sot
delude Wis Bayers wbo have alrend porcbased hundreds ot the 18S8 Phoenix
Btcycies. eo far w have been aaabia to Get Them Fast Enough to supply our
sent a. But oar Ecood Car is oa tbe Boad.
The Golden Eagle
Bicycles sie built for service sod' to suprply the demand tor ' aa honest, dcrabie
wheel at a moderate price.
-affile For DsrBiejcls Catalopss
J A mux -The Fair."
Agent for litany.
Wall Paper,
Lace GBrttalns,
"ture Frames,
Linen Warp jMattin,
Oil Pain itings.
and undertaking
Call ou
l ffirS CANDY.
25c 50c 1--map rRUGGISTS
J. Joseph. Proprietor.
11TOHE14 lshs & mm ca
Portlaaa, Orepc
So matter bow y m buy yooll receiye
mirinlMt: OualitT too Will
u..ik.n.kt eWloal the sealee. We
aim to give prompt aod most wr-f -l at
tention to all oroers wneiaer
person or bv mail. This is the season
for canned goods and we have a fine
'line ol the best to oe had both in fruits,
vegetables and meats. We can guarsn-
tee them in every particular, a on wilt
not be disappointed. Can't we eend you
a few cans assorted for trial.
Just received several cases fine white
comb honey at 1S cents per pound
Te undersigned as asalgnee of L E
Btaln, an insolvent debtor w;lonStur
day ihe 21t day of May, 1898. at the hour ,
ot 1 o'clock p m a, the coirt home door
in toe city of Albany, Linn conuty, Ore
gon, sell :o tbe blgbet Hdder for cash
tbe fnllowiog dcribeif real property,
Property situated in Linn county.
A farm containing one hundred acres,
three miles southwest of Brownavilte, ia
Jsred Micbeli Donatfoa Land, See
11 1pl4
260 acres In Tp I4. claim 38, said 60
acres t be soli subject to a mortgage
An undivided one ha'f interest In 480
acrrs of timber land on Hamilton creek
Tbe residence on the corner of Broadal
bin and 6th streets in Albrny, Oregon, "
same being tbe wt ha'f of block 49 of
said city of Albany
Block 5 In Emits addition to Albany
Ulock 54 in GoUra's add to Albany
A so the following described prcpepy ia
Benton county. Oregon t
len acres of land to miles cor n of
Albany, with orchard, and Is a part of
tbe J BCougiU farm.
19 town lots in N B k P Avery'a dd
to CoT-allis. Oregon
A is tbe following described property
in Lincoln county, Oregon:
. Lot Bratfieiu'e addition to Yaqnina
BloA 6 Yaquina'H'gt.U
B.t comer tot on Nc Crae ia Oessy
17 lots BofordV aJdltion to the City of
1-7 of five atd "Tie baf foar'eeoths of
a certain piece ot property in Ya
quina. described in deed frorr Samuel
Cue to G K Farrer anl DB Mmteith
One half nnrtiviiled interest m one blk
ia Ysquina City standing in the name of
R A fcenceU
An undivided hi interest in 6'i acres
adjoining Alexandria
aio tbe touawwg property in dearie,
2 loU Greenlake's addition to Seattle
For a full daexiptioi of the above
described p-opery aod fall particulars
concerning the same apply to U-e under
tfgned. Ihe ncderr-ned reaerTe 'ne
right to reject any and a!l Ud (or said
property t any part thereof ie case fc
j-al deent such bids onreaaooabte
HCWatsow, H Bhijt.
Atty tor Aagrt. Asigote of L E Biain.
Notke is fceret v that 'be un4er
ged aJuiFT.ifl-a T t. estate of J ane
E Carter, sfoceaw-i. ill is pormance 0 an
order of ta eoun-y eoort for Una coanty.
Oregon. dSkwiiaae a d entered o recad
oa tbe ll!h d2S of April. 1G. offer for
-ale at public at ta eoort houae
d or oa the 30Aca of April. at the
hour of 1 o'clock p a, of said day, tbe
oilowing describedii ttel- U!7?'
Lit Xjs 41 a and 6. 6a. block No 11 ia
Linn c-nntj Oregon. Terrasof t
k.H .h h..l rA the KKSinder ia
secured by rocrtgage on proper.y
lei Mirch 15 1
Eo B M Ci lEt. Admc.
ixicuTrrs MsrritE
ToaUtbeenditorsanl pereoas later
Mid in the estate ot Rebecca Smith, de
ceaaed. you are he eby tot 1 led that 1 have
beets duly appointed executor of said estate
by the coanty cotTt 01 una eiur-ty, ure
goo. therefore, all persons having claim
against said estate are aaxeby eotiSed and
required to present the same to me with
the paper voucbera, at tbe law oSc of W
B Bilyea in Albany. Linn coan'y, Oregon,
withia sit moatn trom tae aate nt.
Dated tbis 1st day of Jancary, U9.
Samcw. Beades, Executor
C S Louro Om at Okegos Crrr Oa
Tbe secrttary of the interior ha unde J
aate of March iOt- Ii3. ioed an order f
revoaing tLe whdtawa's of lands hereto
fore maoe nnder the grant made by act of f
July 5. 1566 (U St?t- &9),to aid iathej
construction of tfc WilSan.e1e V lev aad 1
Cascade itonnUia Wagoa Road, and or- I
deredthat tbe csselkcteo lands en I
braced Ibereoy t retoea to toe K"-""
oomain and opened to eltiemBt andea
trv mxW the geaerai land laws.
Tne above restoratioa sprite only ta
oncelected land, and rights acquaed
within anT otbe grant that may orertap
111 ittutnvst iuar m . .
Valley and" Oscale Moaotaia Wagon
Road are not affected thereby.
KMMiitMbt Tim that the nw
'Witr9ls hew been revoked and tba'
ttm iiwbtl lend embraced thereby, in
w. rwen. tNtT Land DfftricU will bej
opened to cerement, oa and after Maj
.1 . . - n r O ,r4nr
WW L.ALXOW 11, lumic- -
vt;r ; hmhr rim that the Annual!
Jin ot the stock bolder of the Al-i
baa v Trading Co wiil re he'd at tie store 1
of the A'bany r radio g Co. on May 9th at
?.sn nVMi r m 00 saia oay ij uie 1
pnrpoce of lectio three directors to
1 L IK an.i rite transaction of socb
Minea as mav tegady come before the
meeting. By ower or tiie ooarj 01 a
rectors. tecy.
VntV-e ia htrebv stven that the anno f
meeting of the A'bany Mining k Xfillit i
v mill he held at the office of C O BaiS
v.. the2ath dav of AiriL -J S1 . a. 4
o'clock p m of said "day for tbeTarro o
electing aeven directors to serve for eoe
year and the trans-act icn of soco other
ousinesaaa may legal 1 ccme before the
By order of board of director.
C S Bbowsmx, C G Bcshart,
Secretary, freeiaent.
Notice ia bereey given that funds are
on band tc pay city warranUos. 67
rn IIS InelnaivwoJ tbe issue of 1S9. In-
iercatw ini -
data ot this notice.
Albany Or. lec. 29, 1SS7.
. A.Pasxta,
City Treasurer.
The motor on the Albaay street rail
way will constcct promptly with all trues
to and from the depot, day and night.
Special trips wit! be a ade at special
ate. t V. Coax. Cor doctor,
Oregon CextiuiT
Connecting at Yaqnina Bay with the
San Francisco &Ya5Qica Ba?
una oay
ft ilslVBl ff-V
SttilB "MM
Sails from Vaquina every 8 days fo
an Franeisco, OoosBay.Humboldt Bay.
Paat!W Accomodatios rj.scarAS8ttoi
Shorteei route between the Willamj
ette Valley and Caliiorms,
Fare from Albany and points west x
San Francisco
BrsaaAGS - ,
Bound trip good for 60 days. . .
Steerage w
To ilumboldt Bav and Port Orford,
kbin $10.01
ieerage - .t 8 00
River Division.
Stemer uAlbanv" between Portland
ind CnmlHa. thrancrh without lar-over.
Leaves Corrall s 6:30 a. m. Tneedif
Thursdays sud Sundays; leaves PoiV
!ad Yamhill street dock. 6KX a,
Mondays Wednesdays and Frida;s.
Eowis Stosi, J O Mavo-
34 auger ' SuptBiverPiv