The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 22, 1898, Image 4

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Four Farms For Sale
The following desirable farms are for sale.
Address McMaater & burrill, 311 Wor
' caster block, Portland, ' Oregon, or
rail oo C G Burkhart, Albany, Oregon, for
1 . f 6 acres. on mile west of Halsey, in
the D L C of D W Alliogharc, in Seo 35,
T 13, S K 4, W W M , 35 acrea are cleared
and under cultivation, the remainder being
covered with email timber: Muddy Creek
run through the property. There is
small orchard. Price $1300.
3. 80 serve; ne mile S of Brownsville,
in the DLCof Samuel Johnson, in Seo 11,
T U, 8 R 5, W W M. All cleared land
65 acres under cultivation, all fenced, no
baildingi. Frioe $1300.
3. 255 acres, two mi'e S of Browns
vi'le, in Sscs 13 and 14, T 14, S R S, W W
M. 120 acr a are tillable and the balanoe
is best suited f w pasturage. 75 acres ar
nnder crop, is all feaoed, has good sup
ply of water, good buildinga and orchard
Ptiae $3250.
4. 7S5 acraa, six miles eaat of Lebanon,
in Sees 15 and 16, T 12, S R 1, W W M.
This is a very good stock farm, of which
about 100 acres are tlllaVe. It is well
watered, all fenced and has acme fair
uildings. Price $3500.
Star Bakery
Corner;BroRdalbin and First St
-Dialer la-
Canned Fruits,
Tftried Fruits
Canned A!et
Queensvt .
everything tbal io mpt in a
eood variety and (rmS
eery store- Higl
et pile paid
Always Pay.
No question a'ont fall and prompt' "
ment of losses by Ere on insni ance pi i
with the leading agent of Albany, M. 8M
ders. tThal's wtatHe Insures People For
Jon'l allow" yourself to be roped into tb
varioas "Local Mutuals" bow being
puibed on you as berns cheapest In
sura nee," when too insure von do col
want to worry about gettingr your money ir
ease of loss M SENDLK S
Insurance, Hay, Grain and Woo-'.
SSouId It In Ererj Home md Library.
TUB FSOBIS'S Bf&lB Histoig
Ie written or Eight Hon. William Fwmrt Glad-toaa,
Jr.x-ttvmDBr off ureac 0nuaa ana Ireland, uiiwr,
Y.n,; Hf. A. H. bun, Qnera'a Collaen. Oirord.
Xst. Samoet lies Cortiaa. 1. D CUoio Taaolosioal
Seminary. Chicago. UL: Bar. Frederic V . Famr.D D.
Pmnn of Caairbaiy. Oanterbarr. r iwr.
ank W. Ginulsa It I)., lim Iiu
l IlLs Bar. Ihwvii F. Paatecoat. D.D.. Mania-
wdntMria.. Chnrrh. Landaa. Kn..: Bar. R. M.
klacArtaar. D.D- Calvary BaMuC Chorch. Ken- York
Oicr. N. T-: Bar. Martya koniMitrM, D.D.. Main
Street Frea Bap&at Chorch, Lawiatoa. Me-: Bar. Frank
M. BrntoLD J, Fires Hetbodiat Episcopal Cborca.
ETanatoaVBl-: Bar. W. T. Moor. LL-D "The thria-
tian Gooamonnaalui.- Ix-ndon, : Bev. Kowara
Carets Hate. DJ South Congregational Chares,
Uoatso.MaaM Bar. Joaspu Acar beat, D.U, Wealeraa
caeo, III.-. Bar. Samoa! Bart. D t.. Trinity Col tan.
Eartiord. Conn.: Bar. J. Monro Gibaon. D.I)..Bt. Joha'a
W ood Preaoyterian Cborch. London, ria . Bar. Gearse
UlmmBT, l.lll-. 'loe lemple, iwton. jaaaa.
run la asmos-se num. s? fnitoan illoai
tiona. kilt edcaa, doth. tsjuTkalf levant. t&Oli foil
laraot. tS.OU.
tlona. Stria A rilt adcaa, foil ievant, ooa Toluma.
, 3D fall-pace Uloatn-
15Hh Btylo B two rohiaMa. fall laraat. toftaS. til JO
Ut w r Ail la, qoarto maa. renaw qi
tM3r coven, wwed. trimmM aliatfaur. 1jU0 c
PtV awXkfl aUL aVll hAatoi and h rkanatawllMirta.
further information, write HKJiRY O. 8HFABXIv
rwoiiaomr. tu. aaa Xii JiannM feu-- UKiiiia
Tolai niilia flop.
. I wish to announce to the farmer witL
in the vicinity of Albany, especially those
interested in bo raising, that I have pur
chased the hog known as Common's Ideal,
No. 36213 recorded in the American Pol
and China Recoid Co, the one that took
the second premium at the fair this fall,
lie is a fine bog and a good breeder 1
solicit toe patronage and inspection ol
parties interested in pood bogs. He it
accompanied ly a yearling of my on ratt
ing; which is recordable. .
I have three thoroughbred sows which 1
am raising pigs from. I have a few pig
at present for sale, all recordable. They
can be seen at Ibe Skeelg place, one mil
nor b of Albany. F H HUGBfeON,
The Gardener .
IVM ant tmu-h
faipc, spina or
' bonr- Hies
Rupture's awa
fores to retain
mwmr onrunmi ao eora V on rat i , j .
aiwillu-IVK l jrI AT ooa iiui whoMllaaBd
Sm our Trnaiia.
Lavra tMit tbl great pa4, a. it atr,
tacka autoraatlfMly.
For aale by J , A. CuoiBiirig
" frajf-- OE8ICNS,
At. yone tending sketch and description may
)uickljr, free, whether tun Invention (a
(rrotmblf patentable, Cocumunfcatiomi atrlctljr
onfldentUl, OMent Acxy ftr securing p&teut
in America. We hare a Wafthtnjetoo other-.
Patent tuken tiirouKa Uttun A Co. receive
qiKuu uuiive m tut
beantlfallr muBtrated, lanceat ct reflation
fiy ciut! .ie ; mrittl. weekly, term, tajjU a
i-s'iu psiriaha, Hpe!iiuen oupies ud 11a
"iooit s i'iTKXTu aeut tree. AadruH
ofic tor and Atlyin Patent Cause
t Na Vara Ave., Wasklaa;.. It c
fa at smaijl
(C03Tr VS.
S t'' I Va sot tou-a j -IJ
V4,t alpf. aplna or S. 1
3 Y? -1 ' hone -U Haas
! tif. i niipture's .?
5 f , 'ores to retain .&.y
It cure In
two or thrao
vigorou rubs.
W R B'tlyea, Foehay & Mason block.
J R N Blackburn, P O block.
U Bryant, P O block.
Anderson Cannon, P O block .
J N Duncan, P O block.
T P Hackleman, Pearee block.
G E Hawkins, Custck block
Judge block.
N B Humphrey.
Kelly & Curl, bank building. .
li H Montanve, Pearce blotk.
J C Powell, PO block.
J M Somers, P O block.
H 3 Wataon, bank building.
Weatherford & Wyatt. Bank bnilding.
Whitney & Newport, Cuaick block.
G 7f Wright, PO block.
- lebanon.
8 M Garland.
A A Tussing.
r AcaaKT, oaaaoa
Praatdaot , ,
nosPreatdant .
. uruwa
.. S,l.TOUl!a
. w. LaNOPoa
TRAJ8ACT8 A GfcN aHALhaakAntfbaetaaaa
ACCOUNTS KIPT aobloct to ahark.
IOHT EXCHANQ1 tad talegraphta UmaehK, al
a Ne York Sea frDcico,Ckloa aaa P .lUar
OLIOTIOXS aaOSaa lenMa twa "
8 BToeaw K W Lasoa
P A Oooawm, b.
C. . rum.
Physician and snrceon. Office, First St
Land Titles and Land Office Bus'oew a
K. O. T. 31.
every Saturda.y erenina at K. O. T.
ball. Vismnir Knigbu tDTiiea.
W. A. Ooz. Com loander.
!i. F. Herrill
Insurance and Collectios Agent Money
to loan, warrants bought umce la tbe
Dkmocrat buildine- '
Wr Adams
Cnsick Block
Albany, Or,
Painless work a specialty.
T. O. Shaver.
(Successor to F. L. Kenton.)
Second St. opposite. Democrat office
Will constantly keep on band a good stocf
offfTOCuies. fresh pr"doce and fioita.
which will be sold at ii'ing pricea.
Wnica is tbe chMWt to paT 5 cents for
5 to 15 ounces in bulk or to pay & cents for
half an ounce pactaee. Cal! on illiam
Hand for garden seeds ol all kinds ia bulk
Wood For Sale.
Good fir wood for sal by Ibe cord, from
1 to 10 cords. leliTered, for 12 00 to 2.75
per cord. On the itionnd. mile n rth
of sel brtfge, from 11 00 Io 2 00 p-r
cord. Cl on or addrea J. . Canlweli.
Alban Or, to ieave word at Dkmocm.m
office. '
The Magnolia
Standard Prices WorkWarrente
-Wholesale A Retail- -
Pore Drugs and the finest and Largest
htock of stationary and Hooks
in the Market.
rioney to Loan.
We have a block of $40,000 to loan on
food faros in Linn and adjoining coonU
If you have eood security and tier feet
title, we can furnish you tbe coin 'without
delay, as we make our own examination of
Call on ui or write
S. N. Steele Co,
Albany, Oregon.
Largest stock
Loweslt prices
the Printer.
Draper Duck.
Heav duck for binder drapers, Inst
quality, warp an filling double and
twisted, 42 inch 4')c, and 5H inch 50c per
29 inch and 40 inch doe It. a 10. II,
and It oz., rangiOer ia price from. 16c to
25c per yard.
8. E. YOHMG & SOS.
Albany. Oregon.
Llfsf. CO- ABSTflACT ZQfflkKt
Offices, Bank of Oregon rJuitl. ,
Only set of Abstracts oi Line Caanty . ,
Complete set of maps, and; plain
Charges reasonable. .
Garden Seeds
fa Mtwtmt.
Senators. -T C Macker, I Cletn.
Representatives. J J Whitney, H M
Palmer, Dr DM Jonas.
Clerk. Frank Crabtree.
Bheriff. I A Munker.
Aisessor. Geo. DeVaney.
Recorder. E 0 Heal.
Treasurer. F M Jack. .
Superintendent. A S McDonald.
Commissioner. D C Swann.
Coroner. J G Norman.
Surveyor. Anthony Austin.
Governor W R King,
ec ret ary ol state H R Kincaid.
Justice supreme court W M Ramsey.
Treasurer J O Booth.
Attorney-general J L Story.
State printer C A Fitch.
Superintendent ti 8 Lyman.
Congressmen R H V eaten and C M
Distiict. .
Circuit Judge-P H D Arcy and K P
Di trict Attorney 6 L Hayden.
Jefferson's birthday was yesterday,
A few Jefferson'stoday could find paying
ioba in the United States. We need
Mr. Moody is satisfactory to the Ore
gonian because be has always been (or
the single gold standard. That is the
only qu ali Scat Ion necessary.
The contest should be a vigorous one
This is a fast age, and though theie may
have been delays in coming to the
scratch there sboald be none in the pro
secution .
After all Mitchell ia a better man than
Joi Simon. Bat so long as tire Ore
gonian exists with Mr. Ssott at the
head there will be opposition to any
thing that savors of Mi'-' li.
Mr. Ellis was found wanting and was
properly let out. As a matter of fact
though it waa no doubt oa account .if hi
free silver proclivities. He was not sat
isfactory to Joe Simon and the boss in
Talk about double header. What is
the matter of the Astons convention.
A little fusion mere between the Mitchel1
party and the Simon party might be a
salubrious thing for tbe candidates. Tbe
members of tbe anion forces are pre
pared to look on and smile.
' Young air. Leiter's bead is undoubt
edly growing larger, tie certainly has a
big bead and in a financial way is strict
ly on lop. Mar wheat ia high, just aa
high as Mr. Leiter caa make it, and that
means millions of dollars ia bis pocaeta
before the season is over.
Tbe president's meessge ha been dis
cuseed more than any document of recent
limes. The concensus of nnbiased opin
ion ia that it did not come up to ti.e de -mands
of tbe situation Tbe statement
of tbe republican press alone is sufficient
to establish this.
As a candidate tor governor air. King
will be found in the front. Mr. Geer
will not begin lo have bis own way . On
tha contrary he will realise that be bas
met an opponent worthy of hia steel.
Wherevir be goes Mr. King attracts tbe
attention ot tbe masses, of which he is
peculiarly a part and in sympathy.
From the World-
Tbe Maire disaster it tbe tuaia count
ia oar indictment against Spain. I is
onr supreme justification for driving
Spain from Caba. It is tbe high and
conclusive reusoa upon wbicli the nations
expect os to act, aod tbev wil) jueliy loee
respect for oar-eel vea, II we do not act.
Crop prospects have never been belter
in Oregon than they ant today . Tha
outlook i eenainly bright for tbe farm
er tbe eomia year. lne demand for
tbe product which be raises is such aa
to make the price a good one. Hi pros
perity will mean better times for the
people generally.
Uncle Sam slioolai remember the face
that itere i danger ic ovetcoafidence.
He sh-nld tie buttress from the start
Spain baa rather gotten ahead of iho
United Statea in diplomacy. Now let
the United States beat ber fighting. Cer
tainly she can do it, bnt it is bo child'
play as some people seem to thiak.
Among tbe candidates in tbe city this)
week was Mr. I. A. M ackers, for sheriff.
Mr. Munker not only belongs to an old
and reliable family, but b is himself re
liable and trustworthy, and i aa well a.
man with who attends to bud
oets. He is in eyery way competent t
fill tbe office of sheriff ia a manner thai.
ill give general satisfaction.
Tbe harmony of tbs nioat forces ist
this county is marked, and ia all right.
Tbe campaign will be- to caoseUisssnsioa
in tbe tanks, bat it won't work. Tbe
middle of tbe roaders ar outside, maay
of them are former republicans, and they
are evidently wetting in their Interest.
The game ia to cry "stick to your prin
ciples," which, fe really tinmoroos ia
view of tb matter.
No one need have any fear but what
tbe senators and representatives oa tha
union ticket wiH go to Salem no work in
tbe interest of tie people of this county
and state. Tbey will not only be)a or
ganize bwt tbsy will work afterward
agsini tbe useless comraifsione, for a
redaction of expenses and tbat the inter
itof toe niarses generally may ba advan
ced. .
People, now thoroughly disgusted, ara
omlng bsck from tha Skagway country.
Tbjay are almeot tumbling over each oth
er to get away. The number going in i
much less thaa formerly and several
boats have been taken off the route.
Some people am incapable of learning
except by experience. Ae a whole tbie
Klondike rrffeMtess will be remembered
as tbe greatest taks of tbe age, regardless
of tbe amount of gold taken out.
Hrynns Position.
Mr. ftryan would liavo been equal to
I Ihe occasion. At Lincoln Neb. MsrcbSl,
ihe made tha following statement Jo. an
fswerlng to tha question whether, ia his
it a . 1 al I I IJ f aL
.lodgement, tha time bad arrived lor the
U S to interfere in behait ot Cuba, and
j bring the war to an end :
I; "X time for intervention bas
arrived. Humanity demands tha we
. shall set. Cuba lie within sight of our
A .i..aal anrl t ha snffertust of her neoola
cannot be ignored unless, we as a nation,
havs tcome soengrossd in, money
making as to be indifferent to distrsss.
"Intervention may be accompanied
by danger and expense, Lut existence
cannot be separated Ironi responsibility,
and responsibility sometimes leaJs a
nation . as well as an individual into
danger. A neighbor must sometimes
' iucur danger (or a neighbor, and a friend
for a friend.
"War s a terrible tLiog nd cannot
be defended except as a mean to an end,
and yet it is sometimes the only means
by which a necessary end can be secured.
The state punishes its own citizens by
Imprisonment or even death when coun
sel and persuasion fail. War is tbe
final arbiter bstween natons whers rea
son and diplomacy are of no avail.
"Spain might not resist Intervention ;
it is to be hoped that she would recog
nize the right ot tbe United States to act,
and Immediately withdraw from Cuba,
bat whether she resents intervention or
not, tbe United States must perform
plain duty. " "
"Spain has only herself to blame for
the condition of affairs in Cuba. 1 she
denies to ber foimer subjects tbe rights
o( war and calls the Cuban army a mob,
let her remember the word of Victor
Hugo: The mob is the human race in
misery .' No nation can afford to make
tts own race miserable.
"If the Cubans preler death to Spanish
ru'e, it is because Spanish rule has rob
bed life of joy and hope. If a nation
sows the wind it mast resp the whirl
wind." Tbeee are the words ot a statesman.
Popular Sctanc. .
Astronomers say -that ooe million
"sbootieg stars" fall into tha sun for
every one that comes into our atmos
phere. Fully nine-tenths of the stars lie in a
belt of the heavens about sixty degrees
wide, tnrongh the center of which run
the Milky Way.
In some parts of the Milky Wy the
telescopic stars are so numerous that as
many as two thousand may lie within
the limits of.a space which msy be cov
ered by tha moan.
According to the computation of Prof.
Hamy, tha black race embraces about
one-tenth of the living members of the
human species, or 150,000,000 individ
uals. Certain butterflies bsve verr trans
parent wings, and these are thought by
Haase to be even more effectual for pro
taction than conspicuous "warning
stripe or other markings.
Meda Wiluite, of Backner Ky , now
four years old, is probably the largest
child of ber age in tbe country. She
weighs 120 pound, has a chest measo re -ment
of thirty-eight inches and is four
feet high.
Fatigue cause a chemical change in
tbe blood, resulting In the production of
a poison resembling tbe vegetable poison
which sertain savage tribes use as ar
rows. When tbe blood ot a tired ani
mal ia iniected into the arteries ot a
fresh one, toe latter exhibit a'f the
symptoms of fatigue.
Prof. C. Loyd Morgan bat, ia his new
book oa "UabUand instinct,' advanced
tbe theory that, while the calls and al
arm notee ottered by birds are probab! r
due to simple instinct, tbeir songs may
be traditional; that is, handed dawn
from generation to generation, and per
petuated through the faculty of imita
tion. Curious Facta.
The bottom of the Pacific, between
Hawaii ana California, is said to be so
level that a railroad coald be laid for five
nnadrea mile wiibout grading any
where This fact was discovered by tbe
llnited State surveying: vessel engaeed
in maling sounding with tbe view of
laying a cable.
The crown of England ie kept in tbe
Tower ol London, and not in the queen's
dressing room. It is nevei brought out,
r-xcepting on grand state occasions, bot
whenever a ceremony, each as a drawing
room or levee take place, tbe queen
wtars a circlet of diamond in the form
cf a crown.
An Knglish writer says there ie cruelty
in tbe keeping of goldfish. Balfofeucb
captives die from sheer want of rest. As
fish have eye so formed that tbey ranot
endure tbe light, in a glass veseet ihey
ar in aa entirely wrong place, as is evi
dent from tha way in which tbey dash
'boat and go round and round, until
fairly worn oat.
Tbe great pyramid of Cheops i tbe
largest structure ever erected by tbe band
of man. It original dimensions at the
base were 7W feet square,' ard ita per
pendicular height in the highest point
448 feet. It covers four acres, one rood
and twenty- two rods of ground, and ba
been estimated bv an eminent English
architect to have cost not less tbaa 9165,
Ia Nice, Franc, there is a society call
ed "Tbe Friends of trees." The forests
and mountains being almost completely
devest ted and denuded ia tbe maritime
Alps by the axe of the peasant, a price is
givsn to land owners who plaot trees on
vacant spots, aod an anoual Alpine fete
destines a donation of 1100 to ths society
or individual who plants tbe largest,
Remains of tbe skulls of two wild horses
have recently been discovered in Ireland
They indicate that the animals were very
much smaller tban tb horse of today.
Tbe remains were found in tbe gtavel
underlying a bog. 8iuii'ar discoveries
bar heretofore been made in Ireland
some of them ia Shandon Cave. Geolo
gises believe that a race of wild horses
inhabited the Island at the same lime
that tbe gigantic elks, whose skeleton
are found in the nogs, flourished there.
But while the elks were of eoormons
staturs, the horses were dwarfr.
It is stated at the War Department
tbat applications havs been received
from over a million citizen of the Unit
ed States wbo are anxious to serv their
country against Spain .
As a genersl reply to all who have
placed tbeir services at at tos dipoaat of
tbe Government, tbe Secretary of War
to-day announced that should any addi
tional troops be needed, aside from tbe
regular army, the National Guard oC Ibe
various States will be first called upon
and D first mustered into service. One
reason for this is that tb Government
would immediately have over 100,000
drilled soldier, fsmUjar atih tbe duties
required of litem.
trom the Atlanta Constitution .
LorJ, Lord I" exclaimed the old lady.
1 ..........
"It does look like they're agwlne ter
have wer! How I wish ell my boy was
im Congress!"
"In" Congress?"
"Yes; ksse then they'd vote lr wsr
n" stay out o' It"
Kdaeate Your bow el a With Cfeavareta.
Candy Cattaartta, cure constipation forever.
10c, Sbo. If C.O.O.fa(l,ayui;lirfunV money.
The Dkmockat wasted considerable
thunder last werk In its prediction for
the coming week. That Is an easy thing,
for behold a man has no powers ot look
ing into the luture these days. Tbe big
dailies are full of advertisement of fakes
otellyourfutuie, but none of them has
aver been sbie to predict a single occur an hour ahead, though some may
bsve accidentally done All the
signs were for tha inauguration of a
bloody war within a week, but it is
not here, aod it is to be noped it never
will be if it can be prevented honorably.
But only Spain can avert It, for the
United Slates has stepped into a rut
from which it cannot tetieat. Spain
must give In or there will be a contest.
There is now no doubt that Weyler
was at the bottom of the plot for the
destruction of the Maine. He is the arch
fiend of tbe nineteenth century, a man
without a heait, of a blood stained na
ture, who would stop 'or nothing to ad
vance bia intraata and ibe interests of
Span. .Ibe viprr deserves all the cal
umnies besped upon him.
A good deal is said about what the
powers will do. That sounds like inter
ference in other people's business ; but
in an international affair like this it is
undoubtedly right for the nations ot tbe
world to come forward and offer their
good offices in securing peace, the same
as might be the ease if there was lroub
between two neighbors. If a Jbird
neighbor could do anything to heal tbe
breach it would be proper for him to do
The halls of congress have resounded
with fiery speechei this week, but there
was not beard tbe voices of a Clay or a
Webster. We haven't tbrm there.
In Oregon a stats convention bas at
tracted a good deal of attenliou. a strik
ing feature ot it was tbe manner tn whirb
ooe man dictated tbe program. Joseph
Simon is having bis day. but the time
will come when be will take the tumble
that all bosses have eventually taken.
A point is-always reached when Ibe
members of a Dartv will rise no above
boss rule. The Deuocbat is opposed to
beesism in whatever patty it may be
What U in a name. A man was io
the city this week going ty tbe name of
The Golden West Chimney Sweep, cer
talnly poetical enongh for a prima donna
He was a loog, lank, lean fellow with
out anything indicating such a poetical
And Melba is coming lo Portland, the
greatett singer in the United States to
day. IIr real name i just plain Nellie
Mitchell. Melba ia from Melbourne,
wbrie she wss boro.
T. T. Geer, nominee tor governor,
bas already mads one mistake. Wbeu
nominated La shook! have been at the
p'ow and have been hauled vS like Cio
cionatas. But was be. No, he a at
Salem waiting at tbe end of tLe wire,
and he was not at all surprised
A local eveot thie week bas been Ibe
presentation of a pretty cantata. Qaeen
Esther, often successfully given by ama
teurs. People wbo aaa- thi eaataia pre
sented 17 years ago wi. I natoraUy make
comparisons, but that is a rignt aa-J as
ihey will not be published no one will t
hurt. Tbe present will not softer by it.
Ot lo thirty persons mentioned in ibe
DsvoraAV wbo took part io February,
1881 twenty one wer unmarried. Ot I
the at least seventeen have since mar
ried. Of ihe other four ooe i dead ; to
Mi sees Lib Irvine end Uinme Moatettb,
are resident of ihe city, and cte is in
tbe present chorus of voice Ths Dem
ocar knows nettling about tbe other,
Mr. Polteneer. but Ihe cbaocr are that
be is married if alive. Of the nine mar
ried people mentioned only ooe, ll. C.
Clement, ia dead, in all cnlytwooot of
thirty having Jied ia seventeen year.
Of the thirty only eleven are cow resid
ents of Albany, and of tbtse only three.
Mr. Ltegdon. Mi Irvipe end Mr.
Nutting are taking fart in ihe
preeentatioo of iheraotaia. One other
Mrs. j. II Simpson, waa in t'e rhorut
when given recently inCorvaUis-
A correspondent in World says.
"Tbe President is acilog aVout the
Maios diater aa if we were lo b:ame
and really oaed Spain an apology. Ye,
to my mind the Maine disaster seem
the only thing worth talking about "
From the Express-Advance:
Hon. M. A. Miller spoke at Tangent
last Saturday evening.
As msy be seen by our heading, the
Lebanon Express and the Week!? Ad
vance have been consolidated under tbe
bead if Lebanon Express-Advance. Thie
ha been don (imply as a business
proposition because tber will be more
mocey in it.
Mr. Gottaeb ha sold hi beautifi I
little bom on Bridge Aveone to air R
V. Cariin, who recently arrived her
from Nebraska. Mr. aod Mrs Gotteche
will leave io a couple of weeks for Cali
fornia, where tbey wiil spend a short
time and then go on to Florida, where
he owns a farm.
Wm Gordon, who bas been conducting
a shoe store in this city for about eight
momhf , bas closed out bis business. On
next Toeedsy Mr. and Mr. Gordon will
go to Newport, where tbey wiil spend a
couple of months snd then return to
their old home in England.
Dr. l. M. Jones and Mies Msy Morris
were married at tbe home of the bride's
parents, in Scio, yesterday They came
to Lebanon today and will make their
borne in this city These are excellent
youn people who have the best wishes
of many friends throughout tbe county.
Mr Jones is a successful young physi
cian, a son ot Dr. ,D. M.Jones, and a
graduate of the medical department of
Willamette University. The oride is a
daughter of J . S Morris, is a graduate
of Mineral Springs college, and is a
model young lady. The handsome young
couple begin married life under very
favorable circumstances. May tbey
ever be led in ways of pleasantness and
in paths of peace.
Albany Market.
Wheat fi7 rents.
Oats 25.
Eggs 10 cents.
Butter 18 to 22 cents.
Potatoes 25 cents.
Hams 11 to 13 cents.
Sides 10 to 11 cents.
Shoulder G to 7 cents.
Causes fully half the sickness In the world. It
retains tbe digested food too long in the bowels
ana produces biliousness, torpid liver, UuU
gestlon, bad taste, coated ?
tongue, sick headache, tn- I Q I I
eoauua, eta. Hood's rills 1 1 1 I J
cure constipation and all It mmm "sv
result, easily and thoroughly, sse. All druggist.
Prepared by a I. Hood a Co., Lowell, Mass,
The only l'UU to take with Hood's SarsaparlUa.
Spala's aililade
Wahhinoton. April. 15 In view of
conllicting reports as to the attitude of
tipain, a liign foreign authority authorized
tbe following lemio.ucial statement of the
Spanish position as to the surrender of
"Once fof all let i, be understood that
tbe erroneous impreraions as to Spain's
relinquishment Of island of Cuba am flaA
and are calculated to inspire false hope
and embarrass intelligent action. Tbe
government of Spain ha never entertained
the IhouebL and never will entertain it.
of evacuating Cuba. No ruler, no states
men, no Cortes Of Sd1U would aver rnn-
lder such a humilii'ion.'
Tie rraeTaaa
Wahhinotok, April, 15 The Wash
ington Post's summary of the situation,
to be published in tomorrow' issue, in
cludes tbe following statement:
Immediately the president is empower
ed to ue th army aod navy, he will Issue
an ultimatum to Spain $ iriog her 24 hours
possibly 48 within which she is to
answer will peaceably with
draw her troops and flag from Cuba. Her
refusal to evacuate the island- -which is, of
courte, expected will be tbe signal for
action on tbe part of this government, and
that action will be the vigorous uie of our
naval and land forces.
A Bis weal
Portlaki), April, 15. According to well
defined rumors, negotiations are now well
under way for tbe transfer of the immense
warehouse and elevation system of the
Pacific Coast fc evator Company to a Port
land firm, consisting of Theodore b Wil
cox and William M and Charles E Ladd.
who are also .be owners of the Pert land
Flouring Mill Company's system of mil's
and warehouses in Oregon and Washing
ton. This is one of tbe largrst transactions
ever bandied in tbe Pacific Nortbwett.and
tbe amount involved will run into mil
lion .
Tbe Mae Vf ha DM II
Chicago, April 15 According to the
Times- Herald, lbs statement made bv
,'CraodalI, who planted ths miaes in Ha
vana harbor, and who waa run down
yesterday, are euhatantieted by letter
in bis possession from Wepler'a officer
and from Weyler himself.
aVeMewlr Vfarilk
Wasuisgtos, April 15 Decidedly
ids most warlike step taken by tbe war
department in preparing for ihe possi
bility ol an encounter with hpam waa in
augurated today, when orders were is
sued for tbe concentration at four point
in tbe south of six regiments of cavalry
20 regiment ol Infantry, aod the ligLt
batterie of five reaimeoteol artillery.
raietotie to relatives not connected with the
tu., ai .lboine' Who would rtm a aoldiers home.
majiter'Ueneral joba W'aaamaker h i sent
m aa a sra s. Ui A, a a s atv a w .
this teleeram to Washiniruo:
"To tbe honorable, tbe Secretary of
War : Though opposed to war un!ea oou
orably unavoidable, in eveot of i's coming,
I will, onder your instruction- raite a regi
ment of PenBtyivaaiane for military duty,
and go with lb em for kcivk.
Jon.t ASaMAKtR."
la The tratala
Wni!C0T0!t, April, II Tbe at'en
tioe of tb ctviiizsd world is focoaed oa
tbe senate ot the United 3' a tea. Upon
il action pmbabl) depend' tbe momea
toaa qnettkn of war bet a-e-n ihia cuaety
ad bpain. The action ol Ibe boose of
reprejwaiative yesterday in adopting a
reaotuiioe looking o armed iaterventioa
ta tbe l utaui rebellion traoslema tbe
ter oi lo'erest aaa action trom one wing CI
toe great marble capitol to tbe other.
Ibe diacimion will last several dtrs a
twenty seiutor have decided to debate
la aUatrM
MiDR'ii, April. 14. Tbe
feeling ia
Madrid is atrotuer thaa ever. All parties
united agaiaat the goiriineo. and there
are siauter references io tbe "Aoatriaa"
whith meaes tbat tbe qsieen repeat, wbo
baa never beea popular ia Madrid, is
i raui-iiT ij ids- inu uiaor. mt
. . . 1. . : : . . . l
era.i-H urr iiij--vt u riu mwi it u
cvmmeot ot tte EosTiieh and French
press oa the tozsifi-n uf K ru ,xrvr Fran
c's Jowph reepeenng Cooa.
A WeaaVrfal Eaeape
FoatT Gaovg, Or , A,iil, 14 Yes
lerday. while J 6 Bx. at ibe Fjceat
t.rove stone qaarry, four mil- imi-heiaat
of here, was driving bia horse hitched to a
car loaded with rock op toe moontaia
railroad, which rua aaW t an em-l-enkiceat,
the aairaal fell over the bluff,
landing amoeg tbe lofrsl') et btlow.
It rrqotred aa hour'aarork with a crosscut
a w t get the horse out, and. -Strang to
say, bo boex were broke and Mr. Bom
reiuratd bom driving the animal ia the
Xllag KeaMly
Yajtco vaa BaBjicks April, 14.
There is a rumor current here lod.iv thai
I the Sixteenth infantry, noar stationed io
la riepajtroeet of the Colombia, with
headquarters at Fort Sberran. bas been
order, d to hold i'eef io readioem i mvv
at any time lv is tot pciibl to verify
tbe report here.
Al ran a Kara
New Yobk. April. 14 Tee British
a'eamet 8nvia arrived today from Porta
tvira purU. tbe 11 of w&ich. Saa Jaa.
sbebft .Ipnl. 17. Captain Oark said at
the time he left Saa Jaaa tbe Spraiah crui
era Vixvra and almiranta Oq jeado were
till ia Port coaling, waterin and pr
viiiomog, aod tbat entire sectecy was
maintained aneot tbeir departnie-
la Kara ae
Lo.xdok, Aj-ril 15 Tb morning papers
are hi ed witb dupatcbee from tbe t'oatia
ear. nearly all of tbe ime tenor. Tb be
lief tbat war is inevitable is nnirersal. -as
the feeling of botility tothe United State.
Tbe papers are Sited witb article peculat
ing opoo the effect of lh war upon secur
ities, the market and other interests.
The Vale TTsat M It
WAsni!cTOX, April. 13. The house of
representative today, after one of the
moat and memorable day in it
history, by tote o' o-J bi 19, adopted
a resolution wnich nine- tenths of it mem
bers believe makes war inevitable.
Tbe resolution adopted di.-wcta tbe prei
deut to intervene at v"c in Cubs, to re
store peace and secure to tbe people of tbe
island, "a stable, independent govern ok nt
of their ctwn.'" and authorizes him to use
the army and navy to execute the purpose
of tbe resolution Tbe fight was a bitter
Tbe Cable all Right
Kkt West. April, 13. Agents of the
Cuban insurgents are trying t communi
cate the probable action of c merer to
tbeir associates in the field. Tbey may
get news serosa ibe Gulf hymsuisof a
boat from other porta. No vessel sre
leaving Key West for Havana, sod none
bave arrived from there.
The cable communication with Havana
was intermit d forseveral toirs Ibis iKrn
ing. Later in the dav it started to
working. The cable officials h-re could
offer no explanation for tbe happening.
Astoria, April, 13. In tbe republican
congressional convention tor the secoaJ
district ot Oregon, niaicoim a iuooay, ot
Tbe Dalles, a as nominated by acclamation
for representative this evening. Ttis ac
tion wa preceded by a settlement of the
con text between the delegates from Mult
nomah county and the administration of
tho regular delegation
Jast Far rrarllee
Fcht MoHRoa, Va., April, 13 .It be
came known eariv in the forenoon tbat
Omodore Sob ley had received sailing or
ders, and immediately tbe scones on the
ship and ashore became one of animation.
Tonight it was reported, on what is be
lieved to be good authority, that the squad
ron was ordered out on a f ractice cruise,
and that the fleet will retur a to Old Point
in s day or two.
The rapes Mrk
London, April 13. A d'upatch from
Rome announces tbat tbe pope has again
telegiapbed the emperor of Austria, beg
ging bim to use his inlluonce with the oth
er sovereign in behulf of peace between
tue United States and Spain.
a Klrh Strike
. Carton Cm, April 13. -W. P. Mount,
of Susanville, arrived in the oity yesterday
having in his potsearion some of tbe rich
est aud mot beHutitut toe gold quarts
specimen ever seen in this country, taken
from his recent discovery, the Scyscraper
mine. From the result of three days'
Hipping he eati mites that $30,000 worth
0f ore will oe tosen out The deposit of
D01C1 lias oran trawju aiuu i.v v.
distance ef 1700 feet-
The Dimocbat i in favor of peace, but
it wants it coupled with Cnban freedom.
The President is between two fires,
Congress and Spain. It is difficult to say
which is to be feared the most.
Some one says the Boston Ladies Band
Is a Portland organization Boston bas
to give tone to tbe whole United Stales
in musical matters.
Some one bss discovered thai Mary's
lamb no longer follows ber, for tbe sim
ple reason that it cannot begin to keep
up with her. She rides a bicycle.
Don't lose sight of tbe 266 brave sail
ors killed by Spanish treachery. Justice
demands some repatation for the great
est crime of tbe present age.
The Spaniards area nearsighted people
else tbey would look ahead a little. They
are bound to loee Cuba anyway, ao they
might as well have given ber np grace
fully without war.
Some of President McKioley's friends
In corjgre. are trying to prove that the
seneeof theiecent message wss for the
independence of the Cubans. Tbey
might as well sty black is white.
Another bia effort ia beintr made tn t
Governor Lord to call an extra session of
tha state letrialalnre. All manner ol
representations have been made. But
the Governor is stolid, and will probably
remain so.
The name of Phil Metchan. who had
been mentioned so much in connection
with tbe republican slate convention,
failed to be mentioned when the dele
gates met.
Tbe Astoria railroad has been accept
ed by tbe subsidy committee, and Mr.
Hammond will be given property ia As
toria that will eventually be worth sev
eral million dollars.
Walter Tooze ia taking bis seat as
coairman ol the convention at Astoria
said "Piosperity is here " Mr. Tooze is
pottmaetert Wood burn and an exchange
aye probably refers to himself.
Tivers charges are being made against
M perintendent Bears and hie wire of tbe
i-idier home Mrs. Bvara ia even is.
cusrd of dealing out pies, cakes, etcetera
Teddy Edwsrds of Xew York cite has !
ridden ons huudred successive cento-
ries on bia bicyc'.e and intends to make
a record aod fame for himself by riding
365. The chances ara that ha will be a
physical wreck by tbat time.
On of the principal planks in the
platform of the middi of the roaders a
U referendum, and yet ft was recently
need by lb people's party in tbe matter
of onion, with a big reeolt in ita favor,
and they refuse to abide by it.
Dr. O. B. Keac bas a way of bis own
of obtaining notoriety. A couple of
years ago be D reanled Mr. Brvaa with a
I cane mad bv himself and a few data
; ago n treated Harvey bcolt, ol the Ore
gooian, in the same way. He makes
no party distinctiMia in his farors
.. . . .
! in soughs ar now running frort
I Wranele wide owa. Trie other lr a
j newcomer asw a eign reading "Bureiu of
luiormauoo" on a tent, tie went in
tide And got all tbe information be de
sired . fi was rolled and relieve I oL all
hia mocey. It was a regular robbers
"A flag that will not defend ite defend
era and protect iu protector is unfit to
camber the earth," said Mr. Ingersoll.
and that sboUd make tbe president snd
everybody else think of the' Main with
tb TiS defenders killed by Spanish
Tb matter continue to be com plicat
ed. It is stated tbat tbe president will
veto the reeointioos in favor of declaring
war in moan u independence i- it eluded
in them, lh reeolulioo would prob
ably b pasted over hia bead. Bot ia
tb meantime tbe matter ia being de
layed interminably.
, - . . . - , I "i'l sell hi good of this kind regardie
, "Tfl".re. V' hLU rowforl I of cost. When oa ca l and get hU pner
k JT",11- The, lju!are ol ' a wili be coavioced that he means bui
lbir crops has added several onu to wllI wb,t b
she pne of wheat oa the coast, aod our;
larmera nave naa me advantage oi it.
Tbrr ia no pleasure in reciviog gain
thtough the bad lack of e Bother, and yet
aboat half the fort ones ar uiaJe tuat
Mr. Geer it need lo b at Asto
ria. It was ail evf'-d before hand. The
Telegram says: "T. T Geer leit for his
farm , 10 mile eaet of ba.em, this morn
ing. He was beard hollering into the
ear of Frank Parker, of toe Walla Wat'.a
Statesman, that he bad to go bom and
look after his sheep." Geer will oe rati
fied at Salem tomorrow night.
When General Lee says tb Spaniards
blew np the Maine you may rest assured
it is a ttct. It was not onlv Spaniards,
but It was Spanish official's. Had the
Maine belonged to another nation then
tbe United States tb war would have
been fought and been over by this time.
Fbo forbearance bas been remarkable
Tb following joke was going tbe
rounds today:
"Hsr von heard tbe new."
"What is it."
"A dispatch jnst went over the wires!
from the ordering all the li '
orari-a to nose at one."
"W.ll, well, whst is tbat for."
"Why they a afraid tha magazines
will explode."
A Eugene chinaman named Giro Gin
has declared his intentions of enlisting
ia the U. S. army and fighting for Uncle
Sam in the war against Cuba. He is
aching lor the business to bafin. The
manner in which the Celestials fought
Japan doesn't give the Democrat much
confidence in their fighting capacity, and
ths government had better have juet as
few ot them in ths army as possible.
W. C. Hawley, of the Willamette Uni
versity, cloees a letter to a Brownsville
friend in hich he agree to lecture there
on May 14 on Cuba Libre with these
words "Youre for war." President Haw
ley delivered this lecture ia Albany sev
eral years ago, and those who heard it
have never faltered in tbeir sympathies
tor the oppressed Cubans.
Twenty-five hobos met in Portland,
and after patriotic speeches unanimously
agreed to tender their services to their
country in case ot war witb Spain. There
ar said to be U0Q tramps on tbeir way
north this side ot Redding, California,
enough to make a good sued regiment,
and ths public would greatly appreciate
seeing tbem formed into a regiment at
once, before tbey take the entire valley.
xuey are patriotic wuu a vengeance.
J. P. Gibbins, an Englishman and one
ot the greatest inventors and makers of
mines In the world, says over his own
signature in a statement to the Wor!d
that the Maine was blown np by on of a
lot of mines which he sold to Spain in
1896 for use in Havana. Mr. Gibbins
says that these mines wer so construct
ed that when a vessel swung against one
of them the current was closed and a
dropping shutter at the keyboard on
shore informed the officer in chsrge that
everything was ready for effectively
touching off the mine.
From tbe Journal : -
Senator King ot Baker county, was
given a most hearty and cordial tecep
tion at Salem, Tuesday. He could not
go two blocks on the streets in less than
three hours. It was a continuous ova
tion from personal friends of all parties.
The Statesman ignored the presence of
Hon. Wilt R. King in this city. He was
not even given the customary courtesy
of a personal item. Tbe republican man-
nwtfammta Armltaiwvianrl Rjmiarllaa rrf
the Erie Medical Co. new fur tbe first time
offered on trail without expense to any
booestman. Not a dwllar to bewald
la advance. Cure Effects of Errors
or Excessee In Old or Young. Manbood
Fully HmiIotinI. How to Fnlartre and
Btrenriben Weak, Undeveloped Portion
01 noay. Anaoiuieir unialllua; Home
Treatment NoC . D, or other scheme.
A plain otter by a Arm of bleb atandint.
ITDIC Iirntnil nn 6 Niagara at.
tnit IlltUiUftLUU. buffalo, rt. v.
agers do not like tbe way King Is re
ceived by all classes of people and hard
ly know what to do to check tbe tidal
wave of good will asd friendly feeling
shown towsfd ths young leader from
east of the mountains.
Tbe following is one of tbe most hn
morou item of tbe day: "lion. T. T.
Geer doee not believe that a candidate
for tbe high office of governor sboald
seek a nomination by attending a con
vention, lie la right. Instead of re
sorting to tbe office-eeekiog method he
was attending to his private duties. His
nomination yesterday, by acclamation,
is a case ot the office eeekina tbe man."
The truth, as everybody knows, i that
Mr. beer ha been seeking tbe office for
montti auu nad sought so well and el
lectively that be did not need to to to
Astoria. Mr. Geer has been an office
seeker for years.
If President McKinley has been some
what weak io tbe fight with t-pain and
was not emphatic enough on the Maine
disaster, he will now know what is bus
iness. Tbe republican stale convention
yesterday passed the following resolution
introduced by M. L. Pipes, who only re
cently fused with the party : "Kesolved
mat the following meeeaee be at once
wired to Preeldent McKinley : "The i
publicans of Oregon, in convention as
sembled, to the president of the United
Stales, greeting : With tbe ctmoet con
fidence in tbe wiedom of your adminis
tration and pledging you the support of
tbe state of Oregon, we express our
earnest convictions that tbe Maine was
destroyed by tbe design or criminal ne
glect ol bpanisb omcerr, and that this
outrage is just cause for the United
States to drive tbe -panieh nation from
tbe western hemisphere."
Tbe congreesionsl convention that re
nominated Hon Tom Tongue, coogratu
la ted bim aa follows : "For securing tbe
continuance of the work of improving
Yaquina harbor; the construciion of tbe
locks in the Yamhill river; the improve
ment of tbe upper Willamette, and look-
ing to the further improvement of Coos
j bay, Coquille, Tillamook, t-ioilaw and
' other Oregon harbors ; the purchase by
i the government of tbe locks at Oregon
i City ; securing liberal pensions for the
soldiers of the 1st war: furthering the
measure to reimburse the Iiadian War
Veteran for tbeir losses in laying the
foundation of the commonwealth, and
granting them pensions, and. generally,
hia faithful labors in promoting the
best interests of the people of thie dis
trict and of the state and nation at large.
Strange tbst they couldn't bare thought
of something e'se. What have Ellis and
McBride been doing to be congratulated
A Live Hold Up.
A genuine hold-up is an unlookei for
occurrence in these parte, hut the unex
pected sometime! occurs.
A. Jsy Tempi etoo. deputy county as
sessor, is still expemeacing nervous sen
sations, and cold chilis are yet playing
leap-frog np and down bis spinal column.
Mr. Templetoo was en route to the
home of Lincoln SCirk on Saturday even
ing, and at a boot 8 o'clock, when on the
by-road that leads from the main
throoghfare to Mr. Kirks' place, a maa,
woo ne claims waa a $r:ant.ifcrast s ebot
gun into bis lace and demanded, "Hands
Up !" Tbey west cp,and after the high
wayman had gotten poceeeelon of tbe
deputy aseeessr's money torse, contain
ing a boat f43, the yoacg man waa per
mitted to proceol on bis jourcey-
Mr.Templeton says the shotgun which
tbe big robber carried bed barrels eooal
in site to a kraal buret. Brownsrille
Regardless cr Cost. j
Julia Gradwobl iaeads to go oat of th
crockery aod glassware basinest. goisxz in-
i to some other line oi ba-iaet, aod tea
1 t
larrm tbe geaer: paM.e that be
tell a Is as aaybily ia the city fr
sua. Came and g-H vices b;fore y xi be
April lt. 1397. 2. Ueidvosx,
Piaoa Drey.
means s e;ean riun.
beanty without it- lascare!. Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, hy
stirring np the buy liver and driving ail ini-
puntws from tbe
banish pimpiea. tx
hodv. Imviii tiwur tn
boils, blotches, buckheads.
and that sickiy biiroaa complexion by taking
vascareu. neauty lor ten rents. Ail ctrcg.
gate, aatiafacuon guaranteed, 10c, 25c. 50c
Tbl i tha wvt alt dra's;isa ae-U
for Malaria. Chslle and t- r. It is
imply Iroa and Qoiniae ia a I
firm. Cbildrea love iu Ada;ta oreiM- i
tobifer, ntaioaUrig Toaics- Prija. 51
Tjere are three
autre work thaa
little things which do
aay other torse In tie
trjiag crea.te.l-they are tbe sot, toe bse
aai De Witts Little K.rlr Riser, tie !at
bMog the ftm-Mt little pi! s fr itomack
aadlivar trioSlaa f A Csmmis,
Children and adult tortured by boras,
scalds, injuries, ecxema or skin dieeasea
ma'y secure instant relief Iv asing- De
witf Witch Hsel Salve. It itbe -real
Pile remedy. J. A.CummiPfct-
T Lt !, B- u r i n rio'et
411 D-ufi; ri'a 1 1 1 1 , i if t fat
Cur lie.
Ton't tell your neighbor what you
e ia the ejt window of tbe Albany Fur
niture Co. Term half cash balance before
jou leave the stcre.
Whooping cough is the most distressing
malady; but its deration can be cut short
by the use of the Minute Cough Care,
which Is alao tbe best known remedy for
croup and all lung aad broncial troubles.
J A. Camming.
What pleasure i there in life with a head
ache, constipation and biliousness 'f rhous
ands experience them who could become
perfectly healthy by usin De N itte little
Eat ly Risers famous little pilV
J A, Cunming.
What Or A E Salter Says.
Bcffalo. N Y. Gents: Fiom
peronal knowledge. ganed in observing
ma rue. i or your coinn i,urd in cases
ot advanced Constipation, I am prepared
to aay it is the mot remarkable Kemedj
that has ever been brought to my atten
tion. It has certainly saved many from
Consumption. Sold bv Foshay & Ma
son. Boa I Takarea Sail aaa Saasts loef ut Ana.
I"' loriaeoo easily aj forever, be mag
eue. run or Me, nerve aixt vigor, take Ko-To-Bac,
the wonder-worker, that makes weaa mea
fi."" drastiia,SOoorl. Cure g-uaraa-teea.
Booklet anil sample tree. AtKlr
Blerling KuneJ CO., Chicaco or New York.
Take Ltxtive Br-Jiui Qaioine fablels.
All druglsts refunJ the money it It tails
oCure. !c.
Mcaic. Miss Muorca xiuruieeter
teacher ot piano or organ. System the
Mason touch and technique. "Kesidence
Filth street, opposite U P chuicli.
One car load cf tboenix Bicycles gone
slreudy and another on the toad.
Connecting at Yanuroa Bay with the
San Francisco & Yaaina Bay
Steaillj "Mlsf
Bails from Yarioina every 8 days fee
San Francisco, CoosBay,Humboldt Bay.
FASsnoaa AccoMODATioar Uasoarassst
Shortest rout) between the Willsm
cite Valley and California.
Fare from Albany and points west tc
Ban Francisco
Round trip good for 60 days.
To Coos Bay
btaVaOaFakATaT - . ...... a
O 00
To Hnroboldt Bay ana ron wkwu,
tnbin tlO-Of
8 00
River Division
Stea-ner "Albany" betweeo Portland
md Corvallie. tbrouzb without lay-over.
Leaves Coryall s :S0 a. m. Tuesdays.
Thursdays aod Sundays; leaves Port
land, Yamhill etrwt coca. 6KK a. m.
Mondays Wedn!ay sand Friday.
Edw Stow, J C
4eaeger Hupt River Div
or Trie
Southern Pacific Oo,
CWJforBfe (apnea Ti-laa raiUa. Daily -
ar 6 S3
r. a. Li
en i l
7 .tea a i Ar
A! bay
Sea rraedeta
An: -.' i- t v i be
tweeo Pf-tt.l Ail 3leji Tar
er, Mria. J-Tifi Albany
J Cotta?; Grove, Drain. iJakUad and all
stations troia nvjiir; u-o www
eluding Ashlani.
i a a I U
ictara j i.
Ul't Ar
Usee AJbaar fcr Lebeaoa IS
Arrinat A'Mav aroamL-JBSoo Vn au
Lear. Afe. 1 v L! r
Amra at Ajba-v frtm Labeaws 7 a r
PQllaUU BU'rr! SLPtEo.
Dinine Urs on Of den EouU?
aUat laaU IhrawsfcTraS
Tea : SMvtafeav.
rr rTiaae catu
tuiu AO.T(Cxeesl
E?TCHrrat1XBlr(rKaC my
trSSra, L
TSSral Ar
aa , - a- a m
riaa it
Lei Mas
Hr Ar
r.raa eoaaarcre-l Tmmmot wlh Orryirmt,
and Onaasai avl PacSe ataaaMBis Baast
iaraS aaa cais A SSi aa- apstkania
SiaHulut'( ta ea-5ee aw abA P.arm
laJATAS. CiU, H )-Lri.!J Ml ACSIR
Ul tv he I lr Sa Flala. AgreaJ
Aiany er C WISI
a. aoa -aa c s x abcrax.
Itaaanr iaUfl
Port at
Fmlma.n SleepiUij -Jars,
Elegant Ding Cars.
Toiixis Sleeping Carf
at fast
Tfi Grand Forks
He lee a and
Trf0 J 3 i TlOKz S-
iostoa and al.
.ointa East and Soath
Throcgh tickdts to Japan aad Ch aa. n
Tacomaaad Korthera Pacisc steanuhif
Go., aa American line.
For information, time cards, map anC
tickets call on or writ C G Bark hart
ageot. Albany, Or. .1
A D Charltn. At fieo raaa Agi
Partlacd- D
TticSccuiclioe 01 lljcWorld -
WeeHy risnrsions ' .
To Tha
In through tourist cars without change.
Ini-haap of liasrieacel cenriuc-
toti ma portars
To Kansas Citv aad Chicago
M0XD YA without cfevago-VU Salt Lake
Miaw ari Padbo aad Chicago
JC Alton Roilroad
To Umaha. Chrcao. BarTaio
TUESDaYS Boa -on, witboat chaaea, v-a
Salt Lake ad Ofticag J. R ck
Idand A Pacifie Ky
Ta St Joseph. Kansas Citv,
WEPXSDAY3 A St Ixais, without ebanga
via S-alt Like aad Barliog
tom route
To Kansas City aad 8t Loais
THURSDY3 without ehaog. via 8l
Lakeand Miasoeri Fscibc hr
A day atopover arranged at SU lake-
aad IVjorer
A Rid tbrouzb ths f.mja, .uiorauu
Sjenary -
For rate and informiUon icqutre I L K
N sod S P stents e addtesa
R C Kft-Boi. (in Agt,
251 Waahmiitoo stree.
Portland Ore.oa
U K KcWts,
C dorado.
,Cartsas4 Tr4a Xarr obtiload and all rat
lantbttaiara-ooaaacladfur Moderate Fees.
genii mod4. drawing or photo. WeadTiat If
i patentable free ofcharea. OnrreaaotdaatilJ
paieciiaaecnrea. a fampniet -now toub
1 taia ratants." with coat of same In tha U. a
andforaia ooqniriea sent froo. f 1 "rins.
ca. snow & co.
Ore. aae Omee. Wttsnawa. B. ft i
Wrvaa,afaajaja.a,)Jar. at