The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 22, 1898, Image 1

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tbaiere cfi tke Toot at Ukur. Sr. Beeend-Claas Hall Katun.
r ;r SCTTI9C rablUaer aad rraprletar
NO 33
I DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Eyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator cf " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same
mat nas oorne ana f.;:j rzu
oear mejac-simue cij"c: r
This is the original " RrCHDTG
used in the homes of the Moiherj cf America for over thirty
' years. LOOK CAREFULLY ci Via mapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bnrrf.
and has the signature cf OlaS
jper. w one has authority from ms to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is
President. ? j
March 8.1S97. ,j.
Do Hot Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life cf your child by accepting
cucap suubuiuic -vvnica some cruggist may oner you
(because he makes a few
grecnents ol which even nc docs not know.'
"The Kind, Yon Have Always Bought"
Insist oa Having
The Kind That Never Failed Ton.
The Second Term
January 4, 1893. Th
mercial work very much, so that now it has bjome-a
Business College
equal to any in tha state. Thia wa3 not so in the oast,
is so now. Come and secure a thorough training in
branches o." a liberal education.
Albany, Oregon, PrBSideilt AlblDJ COllegS
Thomas Brink's Furnituie Store
Lately. Hj ha one of the finest stocks of Furni
' lure in the valley.
He has added BaW Baggies to h s stock.
Just call in and you will find that his prices are the
tnooa2AM3a n tajniacu -s '
Oregon Gas Light-Heating and Power Company.
Olieap Light Fop
Cheap Heat For
Cheap Powb For
Correspondence Solicited.
Dl. F E. AS1HS, Pres.
'4j -. ' .. w.. Ur' v"t' -2
J. Joseph.
Jl,t - m everu
a j-ectcAm wrapper.
CA3T0R1A,-' afoci Aas oeen
on ihp.
from me
more nannies on h
sew irM mt.
has strengthened its com
Phnrch Hoiisa and Hotel
' Church, HoaEe and Hotel
Anjthing and Everything
i . . . i .
fir 1:
The Proclamation Will be Issued
on Next Monday.
Special to Democrat.
Washington, April, 14.
' There wag serious rioting in Spain yes
terday. Many were injured. Hostilit
ies continue in Cuba. A member o thB
Spain cabinet says Spain will resist to
the bitter end any interference of the
United States in Cubtn affairs. Flying
s qnadron ordered back to Hampton
Koads after 43 boars' target practice
Will then be stationed at some southern
port in case war begins. The govern
ment is preparing for naval and laud at.
tack upon Havana. Great activity an I
interest at Kev West. The latest is that
the president will issue war uroclama
tion Monday.
Reported by the Lino County Abstract
Company, for the Dkmocrat, for the
week ending April 12, 1898.
J W Cook and wife to O P Cof how
bl 15, Hauaman'a 2nd add to
Brownsville. ft 1000
a . Ua vender and husband toT W
Sweareogea 4 5 of T 14. 3 W, Si
acres. ... . ; . .
S E (Ja vender and husbaud to A W
Standish, 1-5 of T 14, S W S3
II C Hardman to FO Dannals.part
bU Wadd Albany
F U Dannals and wife to J A War
ner, part b!4, Wadd Albany....
B F Crow and wife to Lewelling,
T 12, 4 W, 40 acres
A Le welling and wife toi W Simp
son, T 12, 4 W, 40 acres. .
Bank of Brownsville to David Cox,
S X of S E H sec 28, T 14, 1 W.
TJ S toThos Thomas, S E l, sec 4,
T10.4. F. 160 acres -
G W Wright and wife toF N Bank,
Albany, lots 3, 4 and 6, bl 63, Al
bany ,
Arrested for Burglary.
Several weeLaaeoKiKhtwatch McClain
caught Joe Raymond and another youna:
man in the Albany Soda Works about 3
o'clock in the mornioe about tocarrr cS
a couple kega of liquor in storage and ht-J
erai noities ol soda. The voanir mea
promised to leave town at once if not ar-
eated. One of them did so. and is aaid
to be in Eastern Oregon ; but Raymond
failed to stay away, and when bis sen
tence of eight das in the tail for being
disorderly hid expired be was immed
iately arrested lor fie burglary referred
to, and the chances are that he will visit
a em.
Kavmond was examined before Jus
tice Bruce and held under $200 bords
or the grand jury, which he will await
is the county ji.
CoMxrrrtc OrncKtts. it the meetings
of the central committees of tie union
for es yesterday afternonn, Hoo. W. R.
tsilyeo was elected chairman of the dem
ocratic central committee and R M.
Fvo secretar: Hon. J. 8. Smith
chairman of the peoples party cential
committee and E. C Xeal secretary. The
four were elected an executive committee
to conduct the coming campaign and will
work together. The selections insure an
honorable but aggresrive campaign.
E. Laforrtst came op on the overland
last night.
Mr Fred Boheim has gone to Missouri
on a trip, perhaps to loctae.
Mr Frank Kitchen will go to Ft. Stev
ens next week to resume work on the
government works there.
James Clark and James Stewart, of
Springfield, have gone to Albany, from
Uich point they awl tale a train load
' of cattle to Montana for a buyer of that
state. bugene uoard.
Coos .Bay Son: A B Seal ami Mr.
Gaiettr arrived oa the last Areata and
immediately departed by privateconvey
ance for the blackaand mines at Ran
dolph. The gentlemen are as sanguine
as ever of the success of their enterprise
and were as jubilant as a Klondike miner
who bad struck pay dirt tint went fSOO
to the pan.
The Guard received from II. F. Holieo
beck, now in New York City, a cartoon
sketch entitled "A Band of Boodlers;
Great Heads of a Great Nation." The
Guard is informed that Mr. Uoilenbeek
is pnpil of Homer Davenport. His
work is bold in outline and shows that
originality and dash that has made news
paper cartosns popular. Eugene Guard
Judge Hale has announced that he
w:ll not be a candidate lor circuit judge.
As be would have been unanimously
nominated by his party, this step has
created considerate comment, and has
disconcerted the plans of the republican
T L I . 1 . T
managers, x ue iimea loron umh ii. Lm.
Benton, w. 1. Yawter and J. S. Orr are
now candidates for the nomination de
clined by Judge lla'e. Jacksonville
Tbe pleasant news reached this city
yeeterdsv that Ralph E. Parker, the too
of A. E. barker, of Englewood, had been
appointed topographic draughtrman in
the United States coast and geodetic sur
vey service. He assumed bis post on the
4.b of April, and for the present will
be stationed at San Francisco. Thus one
by one, tbe sons of "old Marion" finds
places abroad, where they can, and in
variably do, make bonorab'e records
Statesman. ,
Wbeat is 71 cents ic Corvallis.
Malcom E Moody tbe republican nomi
nee ol tbe second dutnet, was oom in
Brownvil!e in this county in 18S4.
Tbe Boton Ladies Baud at tbe armory
last nigbt drew a fair boose. They ate
pretty good musicians. Besides tbe con
cert dancing was indulged in for several
Arrangements are being made for tbe
darting of a middle of tne rosd paper in 1 1
Albany soon. Vr mil w said to be at tbe 1 1
bead of the movement. Tbe dust will fly.
Albany will tben have nve papers . I
mi - i ,. , i ,
ids republican nave nau a uig piu in
tbe conveDiiou at Astoria. Tbe Mitchel
and Si mop factions have divided, rent as-l
under. The Simon faction have nomi
nated Ralph MooJy for congressman, while
tbe Mitchell faction wanted Ellis. There
is a warm time in the town by tbe sea.
Salem Statesman on McKioley's mes
sage: There was palpable disappointment
noticeable everywhere, and wbilo party
opinion was expressed witn reserve and an
evident desire to make tbe best of tbe sit
uation, still men of alt classes, in politics
and out. without carping at the president
or distorting bis motives, exhibited a want
of satisfaction that was almost unanimous j
Sneer Cvn Tscvnravr for torturing, dlisg.
artog, ItehlBg, bamlng. aod tealy ikln ao4 Malp
diwucs wltli low or hair. Warm bathi with Co
VunraA Boat, gentle applications of CDTT0UB4
(olounaat), and Rill doaca of Corlotiaa Baaot
vaav graauat ol blood purL&en sad buooi eorss
SaaS T. ails rhwirhoot Oia warM. VttTras
Dana a Cwim. Cnur., Holt Pmn., Hoatam.
at- " Bow t Curt itehlnaSkla Ptoana,naa.
Republicans at Astoria Working
Slowly and In a Wrangle.
Special to Democrat.
Astoku, Or., April 14. The state
convention in session is ecgaged with
temporary officers. No state nomina
tions have yet been made. Continual
adjournment being made. Simon fac
tion seem to have the upper band but
each appear afraid to show their strength
Alter nrst Daiiot tt will go with a rush
following district nominations were
made: 2nd Judicial, A O Woodcock, of
L.ane, lor judge ana u u Drown, ol
Douglas, for district atrornev. 3rd iudi
ial district. II II Hewitt, of Linn. Geo II
Burnett, of Marion, for judges, District
attorney, OH Irvine, of Yamhill. Board
of equalisation. 8mith. o Tillamook
7th judicial district, for judge, H S Wit
son, of Wasco, Prosecuting attorney. A A
Jayne, of Wasco Member board of
equalisation, C C Kinney, of Sherman
member state committee, H L Kuck
Wasco, W H Moor, Sherman. 8th di
trict, w J Lachner, of Baker City. This
district nominated for judge, T A Mc
Bride and prosecuting attorney,! J Clee-
Crook County.
From the Review.
vne town council lasi -ifacdav even
ing accepted tbe resigaatiorf of Joe Dob
son as marsoat and .vuiiam rrlne was
appointed to fill the vacancy.
Prinevllle for tbe past two weeks has
bad a large number of strangers within
its limits. They are mainly from the
Willamette Valley in search of work.
JnJge Brink and Attornev Barneifeft
last W ednesday for Tbe Dalles where
they go for tbe purpose of arguing the
Injunction case ol McCalf ster Bros agt
toe -caoco uoia Mining uompany.
At the republican cooatv convention
the following nominations were made:
uoroner, August Lappman.
Survexor, C F. Smith.
School superintendent. Haraca Ci
Assessor, I. F. Shown.
Commissioner, U. B. Stewart.
Treasurer, B. . Nichols.
Sheriff J. H.Gray.
Clerk S. LBellnap
County judge, W. C. Wills.
Representative. J. N. Williamson.
List of Pfctcnt.
Granted to Pacific states inventor
inventors this week. Reported by C A
bnow A Co. patent attorneys, Waah
lugtcn, D. C.
Horace Bradt. San Diego, Cal, cash
register; John Breeman, Saa Fraocisco,
spring heel for boot or shoes ; Henry 8
Broogbton,Styton, Or, towel rack; John
C Corwin, Tacoroa, Wash, cargo trim
mer; James J Coosinf, San Francisco,
floating dock ; John W Dickson. Cattle
Rock, Wash, lock ; Geo W Dong la, Pan
Fraocisco, car fender; Geo R Evans, San
Francisco, metallic alloy, Vesper A G lea
ton. Sooth Riverside, Cal, device for
holding stnvels onto cultivator shanks;
Phillip I Sacoby, San Frauciseo, packing
box; Cnas Jenkins, Los Angeles, device
for foepfrndiog, opening or closing gates:
Aiex jonuson.san r ranci, can aoldr-
mg mbCbine; Alexander E Lotstrom
itpokaiK, W ash, stovepipe coupling; J C
Orchard, Tacotr.a, Wash, embroidery
holder, John R Parker. Oakland, cal,iB'bl " fP"Blfi!d
dredging apparatus; Cbaa F Pbillipe,
Loe Angeles, Cal, cork extractor; Wm C
Renter, Walla Walla, Wash, Bible
wheel; Arthur Rochet. Goldenirate. Cal,
saucepan; John u Sbarpleas, Fairbaven.
aih. sboe protector; John P Simmons,
San Fran-isco. Oal, rock drill ; Henry i
weeks, Santa Barbara, Cal, index port
folio. For copy of aay patent send 10 cents In
postage stamps with date of thU paper
to C A Snow A Co-,Wahiogtoo, D C.
Prob&tc Record.
la estate of Martha E Powers final ac
counting set for May S, Also in estate of
Nauey Marks.
In estate ol Samuel Fostar, final ao
court filed.
Notice of superintendent otasvlom of
deaUi if Nancy J. Fiuwater was filed.
In estate of E R Cbeedte.renort of sale
of real property.
in estate ol Jvdith Cable, E Cable
appointed administrator. Bond filed
tlsie V est, idiotic, committed to asy
lum. In etate of Zeno Richards, 10th an
nual report of guardian filed.
In estate of Wm Uuuter, final account
Thos F Cowling was admitted to citi
s?oship. In estate of Geo Hawkins, personal
property reported sold
First account filed in estate of Peter
Fifth account filed in estate of 0 N
Final accssnt in estate of las McMa
ban approved. Executor discharged.
Final account in estate of Wm Powell,
filed and administrator discharged.
In estate of Seth Rockwall, will filed.
In estate of Ann Laboyteauz.inveotory
and appraisement filed.
The Dxatu or Mas Arras. Tbe Daily
Register ot Napa. Gauf.,of April 11 says:
"Cora, beloved wife of S. F. Avers, died
this morning at tbe family residence east
of Napa, at 1 :35 o'clock. Deceased had
not been in good health during tbe past
two months- For tbe psst three weeks
she was confined to her room, and for
tbe past week ber death was hourly ex
pec ted. Deceased was a native of
Lacygne, Kansas, sged 28 years. With
her busoand sbe caiu to Aapa a year
ago last February, and during ber resid
ence in this community she made a host
of friends, wbo will learn with sorrow of
her demise. She was a member of the
M. . church and Ep worth League of
Ibis city, and was a faithful worker in
church circle. Her husband, mother,
sister and brother residing bore, sod two
sisters in tbe east, are left to mourn her
If Pecuuab DrD
In its list of real es
tate sales tbe Salem Statesman gives the
folio lng: Peter A Moses and wife lo
Vlctcr P Moses, lot 6, block 17, in Scott's
Mills, w. d., with tbe provision that if
the granteo or auy of his successors in
interest shall permit or allow any intox
icating liquors to be manufactured or
sold on the premises, tbs legal represent
stives ol tbe Friends' church shall have
the right to at once take possession of
the' premises and have and own said
property. Uonstderation, fit).
Fisk RkxirrgD. The sentence of J
Archibald, of Junction Ui'y, lately sen
tenced to pav a fine of $50 for killing
Chinese pheasant out of season' has had
bis sentence remitted by tbe governor,
upon s petition presented him yeste'day
showing that Archibald was exceedingly
poor and killed tbe bird to provide food
lor his family, and not wantonly, lor
sport. The trial magistrate, the prose
cuting attorney and the deputy game
warden joined in the plea for executive
clemency. btatesman.
Anothsb Union. H. Y. Kirkpatrick
snd George Alexander, of Lebanon, have
iormei a partnership and will merge tbe
I Express and Advance into one paper,
which will give Lebanon two oaoers in-
'stead of three, which is enough for a
. place of its size.
A Mtstebioc Wodno. Mr. Adrian
Come'y bas a flesh wound In one of bis
legs, from a bullet from a revolver of
small calibre, made Thursday night.
Tbero are so many stories about bow it
happened that we are inclined to give it
up. Mr. Comely though says he hsd
taken it down upon hearing some one
trying to get into his room snd It was
accidentally discharged. ,
1 r
SmcIiI to PuiootAT.
Portland. Or., April 15 Judee Shat-
tuck this morning rendered his decision
that the ticket nominated by the first, or
Mitchell republican convention, in this
county is entitled to niirg as real repub
lican ticket. Proceedings were brought
because ins county tier ana city audi
tor refused to accept tne same. Great
interest was manifested here in the de
The Republican State Ticket.
The Simon and Mitciieii factions got
together suiucienuy last nignt to nomi
nate a ticket. '.
T. T. Geer, of Marian countv, was
placed at the head of the ticket for gov
ernor by acclamation.
F. A. Moore was nominated for su
preme fudge by acclamation .
Another Moore, C. E., of Klamath
county, was nominated for treasurer.
F. I. Dunbar, t Clatsop county, for
secretary of state.
Tbe present state printer, W. II. Leeds,
a good roan personaily.but wbo has been
having bis work done la the Otegontan I
office, let dug the printers shift for themi I
selves, defeated graham Glass for state
printer. . r-- v. ' . -
For attome-jcai i, II. N. Black
btrraraf ihla fitrt won fcitiust' the tie.d
consisting of C M. Idleman.Mr. Brown,
Ol tiepner, Mr Hammond, ol Jledfrd,
ana nr. ureeter, ol Uregon City
j. u. acaermsn, ol Portland, an ex
perienced teacher and an excellent man
personally, but who is in with the Amer
ican Book Publishing Co.. who com nel
Oregonisns to pay 20 to 4w per cent more
for books thsa is paid in other sutes for
the same books because they have the
monopoly, was nominated "for state
school superintendent.
Prohibition Ticket.
At Newberg yesterday the foiloeing
ticket was nominated :
Representatives First district. L. H
Peterson, of Wood burn: second district.
C. W. Ingalls.
uorernor a. m. Clintoo.of P.nland.
SecreUry of Slate U. C. Davis, of
Slate Treasurer Moses Bouw,of New
berg. Sopennteodent of nuhiie inatrnt linn
B. E. Emerick. of Philomath.
bupreme ludge- T. P. Uaekleman. of
Attorney general T. J. Bright, of
Sute printer M. P. Mar.iuim. r.1
Forest Grove.
Tbe natioral platform was adopted
CotULUS Bicvcuara Tl.- nin.
County Road Club was recently oran-
tied at Uorvailis , and it is in order for
Albany to stand in with it by organizing
the liau County Boad Cloo. The club
elected ProL Skeltoo as road master, aod
wotkwilltooo be beun on a path in
this county towards this citv. The initi
ation fee is to be (1 fur men and 50 cents
for ladies. A gx4 thing.
Mr J. F. Robinson, of Eugene, is in
Rsi7 me gaeio Mrs. U. V. MOtwf
L XI V.t,l, : i I rj
vru lm caiopaifa (ojiorrow
rr. oaooiDgtoa won bas opeseU a
dressmaking soon in the J. M. Raisum
blocs just east of tbe DaMucaaT o.'iu-e.
Mrs. J. H. Simpson aod Mrs. M. S.
Woodcock and children came over from
Corvallis this nooo to attend Qgeen Es
ther tonight.
M. T. Browcton, a former resident of
Albany, bas accepted a pos-.liou with the
Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company,
of California, and is situated ia Portland.
The DeMoss family, who are now giv
as n i. .
ing concerts through Eastern Oregon, is
composed of lisorje, Hecry sod Llxxie
DeMoss. aod P W. and Aurvetia Davis,
Mr. Davis being tbe piant
Chas. Younger and Frank Galbraith
came down from n aterloo. Tbe latter
will ro to Salem to work in the mill an J
Mr. loongar ts considering one or two
locations. Tcere are about fifteen fun
ics in Waterloo wbo will have to leave
he city if the mill ia not rebuilt.
Whether it will be or not is cot knoan.
Edwsrd Zeiss snd Geonre Uochsicd-
ler have bought the interest of J. E.
Brown in the Sugar Pioe M-ll and Fix
tare Co, aod Mr. Hocba'edVr will re
sume bis former position in the estab
pftimeot. fir. Brown bas bought W. H.
Hobeoo's ioterest in tbe Santiam Lum
ber Co., at Mill City.
H. E. Doscb. superintendent of Ore
gon's exhibit lor tbs Omaha exhibit.was
in tbe city yesterday to secure as nnch
as possible of tbe Lion county exhibit
used hut year at the sute fair. Mr
Doach is sometimes known ss tbe hor'i-
cu'tural crack. He went from here to
Mr. T. P. Hacktemao, of this citv. is
in a peculiar position. He bss been
nominated by tbe prohibit ionnts for
representative on the county ticket and
supreme judge on tbe state ticket. Some
men would give up one of tbe positions,
but Mr. Hacklemao says be can fill both
if necessary. He will probably resigo
as representative.
Mr Ed. W. Copner. Schilling's Best
new man.anj one of the best men Schil
ling has had, is in the city in tbe inter
est of the best wholesale giocery house
on the cosst. one tbst not onlv has the
best goods outdoes busioest in a business
wsy. bcbl.ling bas the pusl and enter
prise to advertise extensively iu the pa
pers, including the Dsmobat, snd hence
this print shop is glad to tell the truth
about bis establishment.
If you want good sewing machine
needle aod oil get theru of French tb
FREERKSEN. On April 14tb, 189S, to
tbe wife of P. II. fr reerksen, ol Peoria,
a 10 lb. boy.
All doing well.
One of America" most fa
mous physicians lijrs: ''Scrof
ula, is external consumption."
Scrofulous children are often
beautiful children, but they
lack nerve force, strong bones,
stout muscles aod power to
resist disease. 'or delicate
children there is o :emedy
equal to
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo
phosphites of lime and Soda.
It fills out the skin by putting
good flesh beneath it. It makes g
the cneeKS reo ny maaung nui
blood. It creates an appetite
for food and gives the body
power enough to digest it. Be
sure you get SCOTT'S Emul
sion toe. and Si.oo J alldruggbia. a
$ SCOTT BOWNE, ChamUu, New York. 3
i, '..Jh
The Powers Will Avert War.
Special to Dkmocbat :
Wahhimotok, April, 15, 1898.--Report
from Ma Jrid is that the Spanish queen
Regent heads a popular war subscription
with one million pestas.
John F. Csples wires from Chill of
a plot to blow np tbe United States gun
boat Marietta while at Valparaiso.
A cable from Rome ssys tbe powers
will be successful in averting war.
John Wannamaker is organizing a reg
iment for Cuba
The senate is debating the resolution
Chicago May 100c and 87,c.
New York May 106a and i-Oc July.
Liverpool c lower.
San Francuco 9(lc aod 9lc.
Albany 70c
In Loving Remembrance.
From the Naps, Calif., Daily Register:
in toe miast oi the cairn, sweet, peace
of the Easter time oar sister, Cora A yers,
has smwered her Savior's caU,"Ooane
unto tie ao t rest." Her winning ways
aod kindly beart, consecrated u tbe ser
vice of The Heavenly King," won for
her a place in oar hearts and lives beld
on!v bv a chosen few and only fully
realized as we join the tender sympa
thetic sorrow.
With her the old, tbe ick, tbe shut in,
were constantly in mind, and her hap
piest mwnen's were those in which the
carried tbe meaag of love, or did tbe
kindly act "In His Name " Ever ready
to listen to tbe call of tbe needy, to go
upoo the errand of mercy, and with her
sympathetic touch and lovicg bean belp
to smooth life's pathway for the sick and
tbe atnicted, she Jed us on to pure and
bo y detda.
Full of tbe tender spirit of ber risen
Lord, ber life was rich in those acts of
love aod kindness which stands the
storms of tears and tbe struggles cf life
and sliioe with tbe warm, bright glow of
the ChtistltkeacU
The loviag wife, tbe tender daughter.
the sweet sister. bas entered oa the East
er Day into tbe city of rest and tbe man
sions of peace.
We. whose circle has been, b.-oken
have the sweet, rich aemory of her lov
ing ways and tender detda to belp n
pass through tbe sad places of life and to
encourage and lead us on to comfort the
weary, acbing bear's around us To the
loved ooee lei l behind we can only tSer
tbe tearful eye, the acbing beart and
the sturdy grasp of the hand, as tokens
of our sympathy and sorrow ; aod firmly
trtist in God "Who doeth all thing
well," oeiieviog:
That in the coming years
It may be in the better land.
We'll read tbe meant og of oar leu
Atd then.ab, then, me 11 understand.
A Leaona:
A Sheep Camp Letter.
Following is an extract from a letter
od L. M Bashor, forroerl y of Itbanoo.
ated at Sheep Camp, Alaska, April 6tb:
"Don't worry about us. We are ail
. L . , . . . . .
rijc'ii. ana arw guing 10 oe Tery caret ai
aod trust In tbe rest. I shall never for
get F rank Ramp's kindness. He left bis
ork ss soon as be heard of the snow-
tide, and came over here on ht own ex
penses and bunted far taodsys before be
lound our camp. Will Kelly ,of Alban.
waswanbitp. Mr. Kampsaid be woolc
star a week, if necssarr.till be found n.
Tbe dead are receiving tbe beet nt atten
tion under tbe circa tx aoora. They are
brought in on band sleds froten stiff.
of coorae. Some, who bare friends here,
areembalned and sent home lo their
families If you couid see tbe men vis
itiog the morgue, yon woold know they
were not ail roogb, hard-bearted miners,
bv the svmpalhv thev show. Tbe other
Lebanon men, Parrish and Roberts, Mr
Humphrey aod son, are all safe and well.
We can't tell, iost-now.bow suon we will
leave here."
The Full Rate .Must be Pa:J.
Tae following letter ia self explana
tory :
fcas t aASCtwo, April Id, "83.
Mr. Julius Gradwohl, Resident A rent.
Albany Oregon.
Uea blr lour lavor of the Sth lost
in relerence to the license imposed by
your city authorities is at hand. Since
the board has in the regolsr voorse of
raioes raied the rates in Albany to
offset this license it woold hardly be
proper for us to issue any of our policies
at less than the incntaeed rate even
eh'tuld we write them direct from this
office, in fact it appears to us that the
only way by whicn theo'd rates eou!d
be restored woold be for your citizens to
get together aod have tbe objectionable
icense osarge repea'ed. l ours truly.
Kou a . ATT
Msnager Royal Insurance Compeny,
Mordecai the Jew, vrs be'll be there
Who was Either? whv vcu bloke don't
you know! sb was qoea of Persia. Hear
ber Friday night at opera house. B. C
Esther tbe beautiful Ooeen. When?
why next Friday evening. Where? at tbe
opera house. Wbo by? TheU.4. choir
and ladies of the Presbvterian cbuich.
Hainan! Hamaa! didn t too ever bear
of bring hi'Dg at high as if amsn. come
to the opera bouse rridsy evening and
oear now bigb I bat means.
In tbe convention at Astoria Eastern
Oregon never got a thing. Southern Ore
gon was well treated tbougb. netting lbs
state treasurer and state printer.
There sre eleven pairs of new shoes at
(he county jail found in the possesion of the
men arretieo ror roooing tbe bouse near
rvona several weeis ago. w hose are they
A man was down from bevond Fcio lo
ony to get a warrant for tne arnst of
neighbor tor the- very serious charge of
rape, in a case in which the complainant
wile was tbe victim. The Democrat
couk' not learn that it was obtained nor
that it will be.
The Circuit C3Urt of Hen'on ronnlv ad
joiirned yesterday alter a short ixwaion
1 here wes ouly en case tried, that of Ezra
Morton against be Oregon Central and
Eastern railroad, begun several years ago
ine JU- J uiajgrpeu.
Thos. Kayandtbd insurance adjusters
are at wafrioo nxiog the toss bv tbe
cent fire. It is said in Salem tbst the mill
will crobably not be built. Home iere
think it will be. As a matter of fact noth
ing nas oeen uone in tue mailer one wav
or ths other.
Five decrees of divorce were granted in
tbe Bonton county circuit court at the re
cent term , M K Lewis from C P Lewis.
Ida k aac eve from B P Vaucleve, Min
nie Wvatt from T W Wviit, losie Steits
from M L Steits, L S K'iue from I L
Kline. Gazette.
A dispatchsays that Charles A. Cru
dall, alias Emanuel Escado, who, acting
under the personal orders of Captain
General Wnyler, planted tbe mines snd
torpedoes in tbe harbor oi Havana, has
been run to earth in Chicago. Wednes
day night i was in the custody of three
United States secret service agents, wbo
sre taking him to Washington, where be
is expected to give information to prove
bevond any possible doubt that the
Maine was blown up by a mine, and her
200 omcers ana men murdered designed
ly by agencies known to tbe Spanish of
ficials. He was run down by a Cuban
spy. " ;.
-To-iie ror sirtv Crnt.
Cbmntoed tobacco habit enre, mairec -.-k
" Hlromr, bio- ure, Stic. II. AU driiv, j,
Royal auks tb food para,
wbolaawM mu4 oallcleas.
Absolutely Pure
MW sMtCWf) PfMsfjra er).( MSsji VBVJC
WL1 Vote To-night.
washixoto, April Tfcs senste
resolution ss being debated by Sena-
eors Wellington. White and Uaffrey. who
are opposed U a war resolution of any
" - auv in 09 louowea oytnis alter
noou and tonight b7 others and it will
probably t late before a Vote is taken.
bich it is proposed to tske before ad-
Troops are being mobo'ised from all
over tbe U b. into tbe Southern state
Out of Supp'ies.
tsr' ....
nasHiyorox. apru Itt. tie ports just
received sre that the Spanish forces In
Cuba are without food and supplies and
can get not bio from Key West There
ii only a week supplies on the island.
The Chilcoot Victim
Postlasp. A,il. 16, 1398 Report
from Dyea jnrt received is that the total
number of iead taken thus far from
Chilcoot Pass snow slide retches seventy
Merriam nw at Vancouver has been
ordered to Frisco to transport troops.
There will be no dance at the
The marriage of Mr. Ko!a Xeiss and
Miss Mary bcblosser is announced to
take pl-ee Moodsy.
Mr. Viereck baa sheared the service ol
Earnst Kleu , an experienced tonforial
artist of San rattcisco.
Albro Dickinson, wbo Is visiting in the
city, will return in a few days to Mis
souri, where uestd bis mother are re
siding. Mr. Jas P-itman, of AlSanv. was in
Brownsville Toesdsv, called here by tbe
illness of hi mat her, Mrs. A Gross.
Browmviile Times.
H B Mover came op bom Portland
MoftJir, reiufoinc anin Wedneanlav
This is Mr. Mover's iat visit to Browns
ville before be starts for Dawson Citv in
May . Bros n viile Time.
JiggS Parrot, a Portland baa hatll
player, wbo obtained a national reputa
tion, having plavsd in several leame
clubs, he stopped bis last grootoVr.
Uedied at Phoenix, Anxoa, Thursdav
A sobsrriD'ioo cper is bring ci -filiat
ed to raise a food f r Mrs. Henry Rogers,
wn?e ncsoaaa recently dte-1 at Drea.for
ber to go to ter relatives. It deserve a
liberal sopp-rt The twper mar be
found at Hol''s butcher shop.
TUe Asbland R-cord. which ia snr-
ported by the mi.UIe-of-the road ticket,
ati of the nominee for congress; Dr.
J. L. Hill, the candidate for co"eres for
this gistric, bceides some brains, also
bas some mrses He is a fluent and
pungent speaker snd will make a can
vass ol this di.incl.
The school directors of District N.i 95.
Lion Co., Or., met aod eected Prof F.
Hiitoo, of Elktou.Or . as Drincioalof
the Seio public s. hool. School ill com
mence the nrst Monday in October. 1S5.
Air. uon c-'mrs well recommended,
having bad experience in the school
room for the past 19 year. Scio Press
DraggtstJ. F Venner arrived home
Saturday last from a six weeks' visit at
bis old home ic Bo4m, and reports hav
ing baJ one of tbe n.ost -eaant times
of his life. While aav be also visited
relatives in Se York. Providence.
Rhode Island, Vermont sad else wt ere
It having been about 35 yea's since, be
left tbe east h naturally was surprised
at ths many changes since that time.
Brownsville Times.
Ths following from tbe Price letter in
ioe rnneviue journal reler tolormer Al-i
At I, -1 I . .
bany people: E. A. Pa; ser, our efficient !
road supervisor, is working a force of j
men on tbe roads. Nonis Morgan bss
again taken his -Id position on the Hack-,
lemao ranch Mis Nellie Richards ha
relurnd home from Priaeville, where
she bas been spending tbe winter. John
Scbmeer bas emploved J. J. Cunning
bam to finish his dwelling and to builj
a barn for bitu. . j
J. B. Keener and Bill Williams, two
hardy, rustling youeg fellows from ths
neighborhood of r.rvwnsville, Linn coun
ty, arrived here Tuesdav. traveling afoot
over tbe ban'.iam mad, which tbey rej
port to be coveted with from ten to bf 1
teen feet of snow. Before eaviog Linn!
county Keeney and Williams had justt?
got oack Irom Alaska, where Wilitamsy
had gone last fa'i and Keeney early in
February. Prinevill Journal.
Chicago 100c for
May and sej.'c for
xew ors iw4c lor
for Julv.
May and 92je
San Francico 9oc ior December.
Liverpool ,o higher.
Albany "3c.
Well Presented.
The beautiful cantata Queen Esther
wan presented at the opera house last
night to a fair sized audience, under the
management oi Prof. L. L. Ware of
Chicago, assisted ht local talent. This
popular cantata was given in a manner
to confer credit on the participants and
manager a large chorus of about forty
voice wag we i irainea. ana me cos
tumes and arrangements were such as to
give the best potsib-e effect to their sing
ing, airs, utngtion :ead ths chorus snd
ber splendid voice added materially to
the result. The tsst was good as a
hole. Mr. Steele, thnnoh ia an mll
iap.'0.l".Kd',"d V,e Pub!i3 ta
"" '? ,",u "I .- rw.
serious suuat ions ot Human, were at
limes taken humorously. His singing
was excellent. The cantata offers soma
esnellent opport nities for solo, duet and
quartet singing, and the prominentchar
acters were equal to the demands of the
inspiring theme, a downtrodden people,
oppressed through the machinations of a
bad prime nunixier, liberated
braverv of oi.e of heir nnmlioi
ted by the,
Z?TJ. lh i Tk. .... I . ., ( . U . . I .: I 1 t none of the arni.!
The splendid accompanying of Miss
Mildred Burmester was ot great assist
vnrsi .
Thocantau will be repeated
wiiu a general aniussion oi 25
wuu no extr charge lor reserved arta:
and no one should uiiss seeing one of tbe
finest local entertainments ever g.ven in
Catarrh Cured. A clear head ano
weet breath secured with Shiloh'a Ca
srrh Remedy; sold by Foshay & Mason
Crescent Bicycle,
Hopkins Brothers, agent.
Best Bicyde for tne money.
Will k Stark, jewe'ers.
2 po.inds of crackers for 15c at T O
Call at French's and see his girdles from
io cents up. .
See the new girdles, tbe very laiest, in
French's show window.
felt and"-skirt supporters 5, 10 and 15
cents at jr. 31. French s.
Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brother
for ouly $20, 30, 35 aad i0.
FrerJi seeds, two packages for .a nickef a
Stewart 4 Sox Hard are Co'..
Fresh seeds, two packsres for a nickel at
Stewart Sox Hardware Co'.
Crackers are now way down in price,
call on C E Erownell for fresh ones.
Ladies long walcb chains at low prices
at F rench's Jewelry store.
Order tbe beautiful lif cf Frances E.
Wtl ard, by Anna Gordon, of Mrs. L. E.
Tbe p!y of Damon aod Pythias wai
presented at Astoria I ait Thursday nigut
iiu a a isiereisoa as uamu and K k,
sbumsker as Pthias
Tbe Polk COuntv mrhair.7rnar.n flats' t SB
The Dslles last week and receiver' bids on
IZXXJ pounds of mobair. Tbe highest of
u".u Jt ceais, was made by a Port
land merchant, and toe pool as sold to
mm. . - - . -
A fiOOd m jrjT mm Mtmina- frnm f.Vt-
fonuk as hebo- are among; those wbo a ere
worxing there but lost their poritions on
-wuna oi toe arootn. trops are a
failure and there u nnMmllr
tjt tbeju at any price.
Tbe suggestion that an examion train
be ran from here to Albany this evening
meets with considerable tavor and may
be carried out. I' ia SanrMaed that
goodly number of our people wnald like
to witoeas the Esther c-uUfa which i to
be repeated this evening. To-days Cor
vailis rimes.
Immense sales of veariimr
takea pisux in Cnyk cenntr anriiii. th
past week or tenidavs. As maav as 23.
MJ bead are said lo have chanvl hnH
The purcbaaer was J W Wake, represent
ing Dr Wilson, of W joining. Tb
bnce have aot been given out, but tbe
PnnevilU Journal 'is assured that tbey
were in the neiiroborbood of S2.SO a h-mii
aier sbearisg.
The MidJle-or-the-Roaders.
The middle-of-tbe-roaders. as thsv
are known by some.or repalican annex
as some call them, met yesterday after
noon in Lebaooo. The attendance was
C D Stein presided with A D Sturm at
J K t jeddee. Jas Downing. John Xich-
ois, A F Ay-rs and D W Hardin were ap-
poiaiea committee on nominations and
reported iu favor of tbe following, wbo
were unanim-Kitly nominated:
Senators. C D teeo. of Lebanon. R F
Child, of Brownsviiie; repreentatives.
X' . - c in i- , :
u vwi:i. w . . t ur, j seller, oi
Waterlooo. K B Anderson, of Albanv-
clerk, E E Laoge.of Harrisburg; sheriff,
rou Kitter, oi Loanoa ; asseesor, J . T
Downing, of Sioliam; reco-der, W E
Hardin, of Lebanon; trea-urer, J W
usoo.olSodaviile: school suoerinteDd-
ent. J RGeildes, of SoUavilke; com mis
toner, ueo B w bitcomb, ol Foster.
Chairman of central committee D W
Hardin, A D Storm, Secretary.
m Conner. John Buruett. A F
Goach. Peter Lewis aad J A t inch were
appointed a committee oa platform aod
reported ia favor cf the following, which
was adopted:
We, tbe representatives of the regular
peoples parti, in bum eonventioa ma
semb'ed. having aa abiding faith ia the
fundamental principles underlying ths
peoples party, as declared at Omaha in
ISSi, reaffirm our faith and pledge our
allegiance to tbe Omaha and St. Louis
platform. i
We especially pledge our legislative
nominees to work for tbe nactment of
direct legislation, by way of tbe iaitia- i
ure aud referendum and the imperative
mandate, in their mandatory form
Whereas. It is conceded by the ma
jority of voters that tbe finance question
is tbe ietoe in the present campaign, and
whereas, democratic coin redemotion as
well s republican gold standard involves
tbe issue of bonds, and whervas, bonds
means bondage (i. e. slavery to Shylock)
for the corking class of oar people, and
whereas, this is in direct conflict with
tbe principles of Ibe peoples party.
Therefore be it resolved. That there
can be no union or corporation between
two organizations of opposite principles
(except tor spoils) we therefore appeal to
al1 populists aod citizens who lore htw
ty to ail us in establishing a finaa-tal
and in lostrial system that shall make tbe
people iniepettdent of Shylock an J his
We favor an economic administration
oi county, stale and national affairs. We
pledge .ur candidates for clerk and
corder that U elected tbey wiil conduct
their respective orSces with the ealarv
a'doed by law without any additional
That Bictcls Path. It bas been prac
tically decided to build a path between
Corvallis and Albany. In fact some
work bas already seen dor.s by E.
K. Lake and others on a stretch of road
two or three miles north of town. This
season the-track will not be made com
plete, it being considered advisable to
build only in stretches where the work is
east. J C Mayo and E. M. Lance ha- s
bten appointed a committee to confer
with the tlbny Cycle lub, and secute
co-operation in the work :.t possible. It
is estimated, that about eight mres of
the path can be built at an expenditure
only about nve dollars per mile, there
to be another meeting cf the club at
ue win uirara nc wuauaj crraiot mi
B o'clock. Times. t ' j
Both the method and results rben
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
i tern effoctuallT, dispels colds, head
' .r.l fvir nm5 mre. bahitnal
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
onlv rpmedv of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects. ire tared onlv from the most
healthy and agreeabfesubstanoes, its
many excellent qualities commend it
w ut ana navg niauu uws mt
popular remedy known.
- 1 Syrup of Fisrs ia for Bale in 50
km fI & ' 1
, . ' j cent bottles by all leading drng
5 cliutsr A? reliable drnggtst bo
i w . - . . .
may uuti auavw ib via auuha w ui aiv
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not aooeptany
CAurcnm no stbup col
isumitf. a. im. .
New Store
Albany TradingCo
R. if. ITIorrisj, .Tlanagrr.
Terms net cash or produce, no charg
ing on books.
S rk Our Mothers mush $ 25
Botun Mills Floor
id lbs granulated sugar, best 1 00
5 gal Pearl oil... 80
3 tb cartoon crackors, full wt 20
Large buttle sewing machine oil. . 05
bicycle oil 05
10 lbs choice white beans 25
5 pa corn starch , 25
gat keg fresh pickles 70
I gal best vinegar IS
t " ' pickUs 30
1" home msde sweet pickles 60
Sib pa Gold Dust 20
20 os bars Battle Ax soap 25
3 cans string beans 25
3cansspiees 25
1 plug Battle Ax tob 25
Best heavy overalls SO
Black spun overalls ;.. 5
A giod supply of garden seeds in bulk
and packages
Early Rose, Eariy Maine,' ar!y San
i ise seed potatoes
We also have fcran. shorts and
Jhop reed lor sale.
Remember the place. Graham bail -
ing Cor. 1st and Baker Sts.
li Ufl equaled
In the Valley.
Is Unsurpassed -
In Oregon.
We have the best stock tc
select from and our price?
are always the lowest, qualitv
Albany. The Printer
thelbert and jet simplest type write
manufactured, the eoocmmatioa or tn
aveator art. Aa expert stenograp&s
after using haov machines, says. "I eon
sider the Yost Writing Machine far super-
or -o&ar 1 bare vet oaed " Celt at us
Disocur oSce aad see one of tbe type
writer that has to have a perfect assign
AU TTPewritsers sopphes ordered.
P. P. Scrras. Agent.
Ihricoa-Wesik Edition
IS Pages a Week
... 156 Papers a Teat
For One Dollar
rsnisiSnSrvrrr attetsaseatai exreatswa
Tne Thrice-a-Week Edition of Taa saw
loax World is first anion? all weekly
papers in size, frequency of po'ulictoa
aad tbe freshaesa, aceoracy and variety oi
its coi I-ts It his all the merit of a
Treat $6 dairy at tbe price of a doliai
reekly. Its political news is prompt, com
plete, accurate asd impartial as ail its read
ers will testify. It is sgaizot the monopo
lies and tor the people
It prints tbe sews of all the wort J hav
ing special correspondence from ail im
petrunt news points oa tbe globe. It baa
jrilhaat illustration . stories by great
anthers, a capital humor page, complete
mark eta, deprtnents 'sr the SoweooM
and women's work and other special de
W offer this aneoualed newspaper and
he OgwocaAT together- vear for t CO
Clubbing Rates.
The Saa Francisco Weekly Examiner
text rear will give to its subscribers a
$10,000 residence in San Francisco rent
ing for $60 a month, a $S,S90 U.S. bond, a
$1,500 gold nugget and hundreds of other
things. lOU can ge lue examiner ww
Wskxlt Pi oca at for 2 50 a year, with
the Daily Pkhocxat by mail for $4.25,by
earner $5.75. in advance. The Dsjso
(UT will order onlv on com oination pay
STLOtJtS REPUSLIC. s?uti-week!y
one of tae oest paper in the Unite
States, and the U 45 OCR at paid in advance
for onlj $1 75.
Foiessing pre-eminently per- rZZ
y feet profit producing posst- 5
& bilities, produced promptly at
Clean Pr.ntery. 12
h Me Circuit Onjrt of te Stait at Onjm
bt I Comty cf Li
Eiisibeth Davis, plaintiff v John Diti
To Joha Datis, ths abova aamtd defend
Oregon, yon are hsteby required to appaar
and answer tbs comolatat of ths above
plaint'ff, ia th abov entitled Cjurt. bow
oa bw with the clerk ol said Court, oa or
bi ra th tint dav f vh nut regelar tens
of ra'd Court, which -aiCt next ri;ular term
oi said Court begins on M -today, the Mta
day of March, 1S&, ar the Cv ur Hoaaa ia
th city of Albuay, Lion County, Ofegon
And y ju are hrrby noutied that if yon fail
to appear and aniwsr said oomp!aut of
nlaintLff a herein required a deer ot siJ -
Court will b takan saamis yon tor tna
relief prayed for in plaintiff said complaint,
to wit: A dacre dissolving tne band of
matrimon; row existing between you aad
said plaintiff, and lor ths oota and dia
boraemantaof id i.
This tdtnraona ia nwTad by publication in
tats BtOBTS Democrat f a aix aaicoaeiv .
weeks, in purananoeof aa order made, bv the
Hon. II. H. Hsw tt, judge of said ooort,
made in th city of Albany, lian County,
Oreion. OS ths S5th d Innnr. 1S08,
Attorney fur rlauttid.
i . . . ...