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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1898)
The misery of it Is awful. UQH'STb JACOBS OIL You'll feel It Is worth Its weight In gold.SfV. ' LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany. W R Bilyen, Foehay & Mason block. J R N Blackburn, P O block. U Bryant, P O block. - Anderson Cannon, PO block. , J N Duncan, PO block. T P Hackleman, Pearce block. OE Hawkins, Cusick block- Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly & Curl, bank building. L II Montanve, Pearce block. J C Powell, P O block. J M Somers, P O block. H 0 Watson, bank build inc. Weatherford A Wyatt, Bank bnilding. Whitney & Newport, Cusick block . GW Wright, PO block. Lebanon. 8 M Garland. .Brownsville. A A Tussing. DR. J. L . HILL Physician and sutceon. Office, Firat St ROBERT A. MILLER ATTOESXYAT LAW OKBQOX OW, 0RB0OW Land Titles and Land Office Business a Specialty. H. F. flerrill Insurance and Collectioe Agent Money to loan, warrants bought Office in the Democrat building. lir Adams Cnsick Block Albany, Or Painlees work a specialty. T. Oe Shaver. (Successor to F. L. Kenton.) - Second St. opposite. Democrat oSce Will constantly kaep on hand a good steel of groceries, fresh produce and fruits which wi I he sold st living prices. Hano,Organ.Toic8 Cnitnre.EarmoDj KUaUeUH. Gilb-rt, lira France O Hamme Teachers of Music Washington Stnct-nw V P Church. A than) Wbicb is ihe cheapest to pay Scents fcr 5 to 15 ounces ia bulk or to pay 5 cents for half an ounce pactsfc-e. CaK on " llham Hand fur garden seeds ol all kinds in bulk STREET RA!LWAY NOTICE. The nr.otoi on the Albany iticet rail wy wile connect promptly with all trains to and from the depot, day and night. Speciel trip wil! i-e i ade at special ales. ' v Cokn. OrdoiKT. Prof. A. STARK Of Will k Stark: Optical Specialist I Graduate of the Chicago OptaaJmiC Uouege, Is prepared to examine scientifically and accurately, by the latest and improve methods of modern science, any who de sire to have their eyes tested. Cnsick Block Alwakt.Orxook. 'I It ST HATI03AL BARK, of auastt, oaseon Prawdeat flea Pnatdant . !ahir -LfLIHH S.X.TOUKO -B. W. UJUUVI TSAH8ACT8 A GkJinilAt.baoklll ACCXICSTS KKPT eobiect to cheek IGfT EXCOASGS and Wernphla maefer, el' He. York Saa rranclaee.CaJeace end future Ob', moss aADSea la.enMe torse 8 K foeee 'Km Uw o P A Gooswm, L. luxe C. S. Fian. NEW YORK WORLD Thrice-a-Week Edition GardenSeeds 13 Pages a Week ... ... 156 Papers a Teat For One Dollar PabUehea'everjr AlternaleBaj except Sand Tbe Thrice-a- Week Edition of T h a aw Yobs; World is first among all "weekly papers in size, frequency of publication and tbe freshne&s, accuracy and variety ol its cot tnrs. It has all the merits of s preat $6 daily at the price of a dollai weekly. Its political news is prompt, com plete, accurate and impartial as all its read ers will teetify. It is a gainst the monopo lies and tor the people. ZIZ It prints tbe news of all tbe worid. hav ing special correspondence from all im portent news points on the irlobe. It ha urilliaat illustration, stories by great --authors, a capital nutvor page, complete markets, departments far the household and women's work and other special de partments. We offer this unequaled newspaper and ths Democrat toetheroie rear for 00 Clubbing Rates. The San Francisco Weekly Examiner next year will give to its subscribers a $10,000 residence in &en Francisco rent ing for $60 a month, a 13.390 U.S. bond. a $1,500 gold nugget And hundreds of other tbinttB. rou can get tue Examiner and Wsxklt Democrat for $2 60 a year, wi.l the Daily Dkmocbat by mail for $4. 25, by earner $5.76. in advance. The Dkmo cbat will order onlv. on comDination pay nent sr LOUIS REPUBLIC, semi-weekly o ie of trie beat paper in the United States, and tha Democrat paid in advance foionljtl 75. , POSUAY k MASON Wholesale St Retail - - DS.TJG&IET3 A3D BOOESELLKE albakt. : OEEOOB Pure Drags and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in ths Market. The Magnolia than laundry C SIMPSON & 50 out Standard Prices Trrl. Ttr iae worlc Warrente cbii Star Kyaker Corncr.RrnadaIMn and First Ste COKRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR -De Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruit. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, . Etc. Canned Meat Queen8Vt&ae Vegetable Cigars, Spices Tea Etc. wything tbat U Svjpf ia a tood variety and groj eery store- Higr- . "et pt'-ce paid - JfOT ALL KINDS TOF PKODOGI SENDERS' COMPANIES - . Always Pay. No question ahont full and prompt 'X""Z vent of losses by fire on insntance pta3e with the lending agent of Albany. M. Sen ders.' ; 'TlaftiliatHe tares Peoj'eFcr, Jon't allow yourself to be roped intotb. various "Local Mutuals" now being pained on you as being "cheapest in surance. when you insure yon do not want to worry about getting- your mon-y ir case of loss. M SF.NDLHS - Insurance, Hay, Grain and Woo!. i in in W 5 6.28 9j jlO 1112I3I4I5I6J 17 18 19 20 212225 24 25 26 27 2829 3Q PolaM CM Hop.- ' I wish to announce to the farmers with, in the vicinity of Albany, eepeciaby tboee interested in bos: raising, I bat I bavepar- caasra ine nog Known as Common s Ideal, So. 36213 recorded in the American Pol- ana t-mna Kecord Co. the one that took the second premium at the fair this fall. ne w nne bog and a good breeder. solicit tne patronage and inspection of parties interested in good bogs. He b sccompanied ly a yearling of my own rau injr which recordable. I have three thoroughbred sowa which 1 am raising pigs from. I have a few piss st present for sale, all recordable. TW can be seen at the Skeels place, one mile corn oi Albany. H HUGHSON, Tbe Gardener, i H Fat ess at a - rtaell.-Xo i oca lam ito-iii Laara abawt hla eraet OaA. aa It I For sale by J - A. -Camming . SUMMONS. In the.Ciroul Court Slot, ot OrgM,er tin Violet Ford, pleiniiff. . , vs Milton Ford, defendant. To Milton Ford the aboev nami fendant- IN THE NAME OF TUP qtitt nr Oregon yoa sre hereby required to ap PfV aDf wer tne comptaint of the plaintiff hfrem in the above entitled court now on file in the office of the clerk of court, on or before the firat of th. regular March term of .airt court, it beinp Monday, March tbe 19th. lfi!. ni are heseby furiher notified that in case yon faii to so appear and mw.r ..u compUint, the plaintiff erHl! apply to the court for tbe idief demanded ther,la tow it : Pt, decree of tbe abova eotirt innnll ing. scttintt sside and holding for nauehL ti e bubdsof inatriruony bfe(ofora i,u ing bet een tee plaintiff and defendant and tbat tt.ey be forcves diverted. That plaintiffs name be chained from Violet Foid to that o Violst MeName'a, her mi iden same, and she h ve hr cost and ai.bursements of this sui to be taxed. Tblasummons is puhlisned: by order of Hon a II Hewut. judge of said court,tnade t chamber in Albany. Orejron. on the L H MONTAMTE & S0H, Atiomys lor Plaintiff. Oliver PlowsHew Prices HOPKINS BROS., Agents. Albany, Oregon. "Oliver gave tbe world the chilled plow na n nasssvea more money to the fanner of America any other implement ever nrodnced. e in a s ffYpy ttrsalw Crew. vii 'V7 aea-!-tt sees jf 2 E I ."Stiir's swa . 5 . : force teretaia fy Oenaine Oliver ta.lled are toe best on earth. The Oliver is a promoter of happi ness on the farm, and tne dealer who it knows he is handling tbe best. Look forimmitationsaud touch nothing but genuine gooas, maae csiy bv Oliv. "a plow work. soth iJeid, iBd u 1 eltc 1100,000 in rash lor wheel at a jump ouitlit to help thinu in Linn county The two tickets are tu the field. The anion ticket M stand all the compari soas offered. Really wheat should not have drop, pjd below 70 cents' at all in this city, but it was the fault of no one locally. The farmer will soon be through with his spring sowing and will be in the city after goods, therefore plant your spring ads, and keep them in. The movement of wheat from Portland daring March was certainly large for aa off month, being 2,000.000 bushels. The April sales will probably be larger than those of March . The middle of the roaders are about to,' starts paper in Portland. An old plant has been secured and the first issue will appear of coarse before election. It will receive plenty of encouragement from the republicans. Vf hen it comes to fighting the Spat iards it will be found that no party has an exclusive claim to patriotatut.huf that the people of the entire country irrea peclive of party will fight tor Uncle Bam past the last ditch. T T Gear is rolling towards the repub lican stats convention with a sweep tbat will certainly secure him the nomination lor governor. The stances are that no one else wil! be named when the conven tion meets. lost What causes it is be- yon J the comprehension ot the Drm ocbat. In placing in nomination a candidate in the recent' republican ennvantion the delegate said ths man been a repub lican all bis life, ia fact was bora one, the first breath be breathed being a cry for protection. Being born a partisan is about the sue of it with a good many voters. fbe Baker City Democrat asserts tbat W RPrivett, of that city, ia considered the best county superintendent in tha' state. Mr. Prlvetl once resided ia Je& erson. He has been renominated and will of course be reelected. He has no filled the office several terms, and hsxte ne is more capanie, so long as ns nss aptitude for it to fill the position. 1 - From thsCiocinnaii Enquirer. "My wife." said the Uli lantern-jawed man, "is as worn inly a womaa as yon con'd find, bat she can hammer nails like lightning." oederful !' sang the cborna. "Lightning," the tall lantern-jawed man continued, "seldom staikea twice in ths same place." Tue Cuban trouMe is no w on ths rag ged edit? of uncertainty, and it iaagoay to await the result. If the termination of it 14 p?ee on hoontable terms the re sult will be commtndsd.bat it it is ;?eseo on dishonorable terms or war at disad vantage, the result of wailing too long tbe administration will bavw to bear. In this re.pect it is somewhat of a lot tery. The duration of sunshine ia various e ontris of Europe was recently dieoeesd st a scientific meeting. It era shown that Spain stands at ths bead of the list, having 'oa ths average three thousand boors ot sunshine per year, while Italy bae twenty-three hundred boors, Ger many seventeen hundred boars snd Fin land fourteen hundred boors. . Fiom tbe Chicago Newe. -Drink A noon tbat ia seldom declined" Poverty A matrimonial bat not s moral crime. Matrimony Tbs post-graduate soars t of s woman s education. Igoporsnce Tbe bliss that prevent soma people from acquiring wisdom. Originality Tbe art of arranging old. words in sn entirely new form. President McKicley thinks tbe ivsn gentt on tbe island ot Cuba ars Iccapa- ble of governing themselves snd the proper thing ie to simply stop the) tbt war. Well, they are more capable of governing themselves tbsn the Span iards are .of governing them. Let these be given ja trial first, Tbsr ars at least i entitled to be relieved of ths brulaM bpanish government. In Senator Gallinget's recent Cnbsa speech be said that in Cuba "in addition to all direct snd indirect taxes on real estate there is s tax on every door, every window sod every chimney in every Loose." I should like to ask the Seas tor It tbe same is not tros In New damp sh'.re under ths Ding ley tariff, wbicb be helped make? Door knobs, hinges, locks, window -glass, bricks, lime, trow els, &c, are all tsxed. Correspondent in World. A correspondent in the World ssys: r . .t..u i ..!.. i.. band, giving everything I can to my wii'e and 1 am proud of it. she gives ms so raucb all ths pleasure, all the comfort. all ths wise counsel tbst I get tbat I feel I can never discLarge my debt. She knows bow to look well, and I don't. She knows how to drest herself, sod don't. Sbe knows how to adorn tbs boose, snd I dont. So I let her do it all for both.". The most model husband on record. S J Xwwsoine a stock man and big land owner at Prineville, is s brother of JohnNewsome, of Salem. H is a good wriVnr on trany subjects and a good land surveyor; He wss county assessor ol Wasro eoanty when it cmbraned what it now Crook, Sherman, Morrow sod Gil liata. For five years hs rode ons mule ami aissKSsed tbe biggest job ever tackled byoiieman. Nesrsoma bas tbe reputa tion, of beit.g an all-around man of more tfoaii ordinary ability. He was bantered onre hv Steve Staate'of IVllas to npit at aarat-K for $20 gold pieces and in less than an hour had busted Staats bank and oyer athoussnd dollars changed hands. Nawnome wsnt to Richmond, Vs., to buy jack slock and Jennies and bad to tak lbs oatb of allegiance tlx times v get through ths lines In safety. He walked tbe stock across the plains and brought tbe first blooded animals of this kind to Oregon. It mads him a for tans and bo repeated it in 1830 bat did not make ss much. Ssra Newsome it a graduate of tbe McMinnvOle College snd ons ot ths "beet elocutionists in Oregon . He hae a son who will graduate from tbe State University in Jane, before be it 18 years old,' Another ton at ths Portlsnd buelness college. Sam Newsome jr., It wiqow glast, on the other band, lett oalv nitue years old but is going to ichool' tome eishty-slx per cent of the beat at Eugime. Journal. through. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. A week ago the DsMocs ATsaid it was not I to predict that there would not be war within a week ss it had done th week before. There- was a little bsiitancy' in the statement. The pre. d ction might have been made and ver ified, for eiar has not yet began. Tbe cloud though is as dark as night and is ready to burst In the greatest storm for ysars. Another week will probably tee war raging with all its horrors around the Cubanjlsland with death and des truetlon oa every band, not alone of Spaniards, bat as well of tbe sons ot the United States. This is the outlook, one that seems inevitable, a word that lias been used quite frequently ot late. If the contest can be made sboit and decisive and be followed by s settlement ot difficulties tbat shall have cansed It there might Hbe given reasons why It will be a good thing. Tbe riddance of Spanish rule from the western hemis phere will be a lesulttor congratulation. Ths stopping ot unexampled brutalty will justify the spilling of some blood. As a matter ol curiosity tome people desire to know bow our modern war im plements will work. Bus site; all war is a terrible tiling, an Institution ot barbarous agts and not ot civilisation, and there should no case arise tbat could not be amicably settled between nations. Were Spain a civili sed nation, ft Is doubtful it there would be any trouble at this time in securing a settlement. One meets many actors who seem to be cat out for tbe theatrical business and nothing else. There is a theatrical sir to them tbat is unmistakable. But oc casionally you ran ap against s man who has tha cot of ona capable ot gracing s go-ernor'e chair, or ths Senate, so far at least st appearances go, casually observ ed. Ons such man is Mr. MeVey, with the Janet Waldorf company. Personally a very genul man, be is broad in infor mation, a student of national events, a quick observer and s gentlemen ia every action. Ot splendid makeup physically ons on even a short acquaintance is pleased with his individuality, and feels benefitted by hav'-ng come in contact with him . An event of tnnch local importance tnis week'.was the sale ia Albany of 10 000 bushels of wheat owned by tbe farm ers of this soonty, puUing in circulation nanny ivu.uuu. iui inm j be a general increased business and bet- ter times locally. In fact the repoit ie that basineas ie much better this spring than a year ago . The Dkmocsat man met JaJe John Burnett, of ConraliU during the week. He U a lawyer ot sagacity and as well a student ol events snd s man ot excellent ( judgment, it ia Judge Burnett's opioion that as soon ae ihe destruction of tne Maine was known it was eqnivaleat to s declaration of war on the part of Spio i and should have beau so treated br I lie United States, and arms resorted to once with oat delay and tbe loug Intcsli gallon that followed. Ti e circumstan ces were such as to Uy the blame at the feet of Spain st once. Another Albany man returned from Skegwa during tbe week, with about tbe same stories as the others have bad, aot very pleasant ones for the city leaJ lag tu tbe'. Klondike. This man did not fornrt tbs wind . He Said it blew every. tbingway but bis swearing habit. He evna stopped drinking and smoking. (Beer 4 25c., whiskey 50 cents and cigars Oceans. Taw large acreags of wbest sown and tbs splendid prwsoecU for large and core crops bat added a silver lining, or gold lining if yon pieler. to the clouds, sod people sis mors optimistic tbsn usual Ths onlloook for tbs extension of the Carrallia sad Eastern road into eastern Oregon bas sdded to tbs encouragement j f ta prospects. 11 m... mb -b.t tbs talent U, if it exeells tbat of all other man there will be money Lb it. Probab ly tbs world's greatest drummer wss in the city d nring tbs week, snd bs coold dram for certain, and yet there is really snot much mask in a soars dram after all. Sometimes tiboagb there is basins ot a red hot order around it. Curious Facts. Tbe rate of the xrowtb of ho man Lair variee. la soms eases it has been known to exceed two inches per month. Tbe average for man and woman is about half aa inch every thirty days. According to a correspondent of tbs Manchester Guardian, some EoglUh mannfactarera soak flaonelet's with a mixture of Epsom salts, glycerine and castor oil to givs it weight, snd bs also ways tbat cotton twill sheets are adulter ated to tbe extent of 23 percent, with a solution of sine Tha annarintjMutant. nt Ilia Xf 1mm wi 'otacs nan Hatchery was recently war- .n Inla off s pond containing ""o "o i" K. At nrst theft was suspected, but cloetr investi gation revealed tbs missing fisb in a con dition of hibernation or winter sleep, in I tbe mud covering the bottom of Iha j pond. Watches should be wound in the mor ning, Ssys an experienced jeweler. Tbs mainspring of a watch should always bs relsxed st night when ths watch is still. and tight when the watch is carried a- bout in - ths pocket daring the day. Winding every morning will effect this purpose, and invariably secure the most accurate time. An island it Is aruiOHneed in Paris has suddenly appeared on the northwest- coast ot Borneo, opposite tne town of Labitan Its appearance sp pears to h due to ths earthquake which happened In September near Kudat, in British Bor neo . Tbe island it composed otclay and. rock. It measures two hundred yards ia lergtb b fifty in width, and it has gone on increasing ranee its first appear tuee. Germany has a method of producing; jj . e.i 111 . ! . it. .1.. i 1 I 1 glass WHICH win iranouui iiput ireeiy uu not heat. A plate of materia1, four tenths of an inch thick, containing twer. ty-eight per cent, of Iron in tbe form j described at terrous chloride, snowed on y 4.06 per cent . ot radiant heat to pats brougb it. while another plate of eqnat thickness, snd contslatng quits as much iron in ths ahspe of ferrio chloride, per mitted 11.2 per cent, to pass. Tha chemical distinction is very small, bul. ths effect it taid to be marked . A thin ner slab ct tbin glass, allowed iest than. one per cent,' of tbe heat of gas flames to past, although transmitting twelve per cent, of beat from sunlight. Ordinary Politics are boiling in Portland. The city is fall ot factions, and when election day cornea men will hardly know whero the are. The uicheil republicans have nominated a county and city ticket, and the Oregouian will proceed to fight it. The name Mitchell is more aggravating before the eyes of that paper than s red Bar before a bull, it doesn't make any difference who the men are or the prin ciple involved Just tack the name Mitch ell to it ia any shape and I: means war from the start. 8m birds frequently rpsnd wseks at sea and are believed to quench their thirst partly from ths falling rains and ijartly from tbs fat snd oil wbicb tbty devour ravenously when opportunity puts it in their way. The keen eyesight ol birds it well known, and sea birds have been sbserved flocking toward tbe storm-cloud, about to burst, from all points rf tbe compass, and tnparsntly drinking in the water ae it descends from the skies- Wind power is derived from the une qual heating of various portions of tbs earth by Ihe suu'srays. Water power is dsrived from the evaporation of water by tbe son's beat and its deposition on high lands in tbe form of snow or rain. A baseball compared to a sphere twen ty stvsn feet in diameter gives tbe rela tive size of the earth and sun. The sun' bulk Is one thousand three hundred times tbat of the earth. The mats ot tbe sun is 330,000 tlmee that of the carta. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I M Loess uounty Fa axe J Chexkt makes oath tbat be i tbe senior partner of the firm of F J Cbe ney & Co. doinir business in the Ci'r of Toledo, Ccunty and Stats aforetaid, and tbat sud arm will pay tbe sum of ON L HUKDREU DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by tbe use ot Hall s latarsh Ltbk FKANK J CilKXFY bworn to before me and subscribed in my presence' this 6th dsy of December, A D 18. (. 1 AW;lE4SON. skai. Notary i'uulic. Hell's Catarrh Core U taken internal) and acts directly on the blond aa iuucu .ns surfaces of the system . Send for tesUinoa lata, free r J CHENEY CO. Toledo. O. Sold by drnggMt. 75c Uall's family Pills sre the best J. Gradwobl Inform" ths general paUfcthat be esilaalow as aavbilr loiuicitr tor sash. Corns and get prion b?f-jr you boy ipril IM, I 33m . J. UEADWOSL. What Dr A E Salter Says. BcrrALO, N Y- Gents: Fron mi penoeal knaw'dge. ga-ord in ob-ertrtng tbe effect of vot,r ShUte's Cure in case of advanced Cumtipaiion, 1 am prepar-d to say it is tbe moat remarka'jle Kemed tat has ever been brought o my aito lion. It hat certainly uvj many frum CottmmpUon. lyjU br Fo.bey t M j son A I-aonJr) Nujmci , Laundry natrons wno wsnt first ctaes at! work done without navinir exorbitant prices should - patronise the Albanv teaa Laundry which bare employed regularly five of the best hand iro tiers on tbe coast for shirts, dreseee, and ehirt waists, and ten cents is the bwbeet price rbsrged for aov of these article. 1T1E PLACE TO BUY Tour Groceries and BakeJ Goods Is at Parser Bros- Everrbody kows where their place is. They keep a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell st reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all sake. Voa may regret soms steps yon tske in life tat nose taken into the store af Parker Brus. It is s great thing to be well fed. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A lost of breed is not much bat voa want it well tnaJe. Trv Parker Bros". Just Across the Way. At F 11 Pfeiffer s voa can trul tha t,t Coast and Eastern orsters to be found. He aleo keeps the bet line of confection. ;ary ia the city. I . ifj" i- !"-. of ..U,i.. A Peach in March is strange sight, a that "Rambler" bicycle i a Peach and is not tbe "beet for tbe money' but tbe best tbat ran be made regsrelM cf price OEO. E. FISH. Ag,ot. 1 on't tell yoor neighbors what yon ee ia tbeeAt window of the Alby Fur- niivie vo. serins nan ra-li balance before jos lease tbe stcre. Onecar lead cf 1 boeaix Bicycles gone already end another on tbe toad. . Children and adult lortnred by burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases easy secore instant relief by tuing He Witt's Witch Hasel Salve It lathe -rest Pile remedy. J. A. Cummir.t. Catarrh Cured. A clear bead sno weetbrca,h secured with bhiloh'a Ca srrh Remedy: soldo Fonhav & Maon Mcsic Miss MilarcJ Burmestei teacher of piano or organ. Svstem the Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite U P cbntch. To Care) CoaatlpaUm forever. .T?!9UT"'', t'fcml.vcnuwruc looorSe, If C C C fail tocure, drus.iiu r.nsol mooev The Evidence in tne caa nmu. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures rbeunisiis .dys pepsia, catarrh, tbst urea feeling, scrofula salt rheum, ooits snd all blood diseases. flood's Pills are the favorite family cathartic Cure sick headache, break up a ooid. If yoa want good sewing machine needles and oil get them of French the eweler. BSarata Toot Itowala VCllh C'uacareta. Camly OaUinrtlc, cure coriKilpatlnn forever We, ii&e. if (1 c. C. fail, druk-Kimi refund moncr. Braaiy Is Blood Uee-. Clean 'hlcKxl means a clean rkin. No beauty without its ("ascarels, Candy Cathar- ix clean your lilood and keep it clean, by wumng up l lie lazy liver ana uriving all im Tranlice from the lody. Jlegin to-day to baniHh pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking --xihmm, oenuiy ior len cenis. All drug- sji aaiiaiaciion guaraniecu, iw, ac, ooc NOCURE-NOPAY. IK til. wvv all lri-H'a .ell wuuvirsTAsrKLKai t:nii,i, t su tor Malaria, Chills anil Kevur. It simply Iron and Qui line in a usteleas nwi Ulill lien iuvs it. Aduit orefer I tobifer, uuseatlng Tonics- Prlos. Si) TOCOE A COLD IN ONE DAY Vaic LitiUvt Brjtn i Q ttnins Tablet All D uf -Uts rfu.i I ine irioy If It fsl I Cure JJ5e. - TO CU R E A C LO ISCiS r DAY Tuko Lixttive Urun Qdinlne rshlels. All drug. lata refund the money if It fails oCjm. 25a. A ihriil r.f term.' if exps-ionosd whsn s rssay cough of croop sounds through ths mnuss at uight But ths tsnof sn chn g to rsiitf after Uos Minute Couh Core has be jo administered Safe snd hi r nless or ohildrsu J & Camming '"la-Bat Mr IUy iruu. j guaranteed tobatco hsbll cure, makes weak I , " airsoKi blwH Dure, too. II. AU druggists. 1 TELEGRAPHIC The Sitaallon Wamiinotoi. April. 8. -One of the best informed diplomat tersely summed ap the situation today Uios: "spam bas placed her back sgainst tbe wall determined to field no more. Even the heroic efforts of the queen regent for peace by granting extreme concessions seems to be over, and the radical element it tn control." Wsr and naval Drenarationa era net. ceelingsystemtticalij, but the larger de tails oi preparations hare oeen shaped and there ia little more to do than to see ibem regularly executed. A. Terrible A raise ae Skaoway, Aoril, 3, yia of Seattle Afrit 9. At about noon today on . the Cfcilcoot trail, between The Scale and the Stone house at least 31 men met death and a large number ol others were injured more or loss seriously in a snow slide. The dead were crushed under an avalanche of taow and ice. Fully 50 people were overtaken by tbe slide, and either buried in tbe snow or scattered along tbe borders of tbe avalan che in a more or less injured condition. j The zeal aa t'reaa Havana Washisoto!. April 8 The expecta tion of state department officials is tbat General Lee will be out of Havana before another sunset. Tbe statement ia based on tbe opinion of Judge Day, who raid to day that tbe consul-general would leave his port of duty probauly tomorrow on tbe Olivette- By Sunday at ths very latest: It is now believed all tbe consular officers ot tbe U 8 in Cuba, snd all A men can citizens wbo desire to do so will have loft the cities wfcere they were located. The Flying Seisaalies Old Poixt Comport. April 8. Como dore Schley, of tbe fifing sijcadroo, waa in fine feather this morning, and was con fident tbat bit now fully equipped squadron can meet successfully anrthing that may be sent against it. All the vessels of tbe living squadron are kept stripped for ac tion. A Bailie Havas. April, 8. The Spanish forces in tbe Cathegena mountain, province of Santa Clara, have, according to Spanish inf or nation at tbe palace, defeated a force of insurgents, inflicting numerous loseee upon tbe latter. Tbe Spaniards lost five men 1 illed and one officer and tour soldiers wounded. War lacTliaht WasHHcoTOX, April, 7. There is no longer any doubt aa to tbe purpose of this rovernment with respect to the situation in Cuba. War, ia tbe opinion of tbe ad ministration, is inevitable, except ia the unlocked for event of tbe surrender on I part of Spain. Tbe president's msire has not been changed in any par't'-jlar I whatever, and embodies tbe ana iuioas views of the cabinet, without the s'tghtest ' variance or esercL moe trier to avert war now mnst come from Madrid. lee Se ie Te Leave Uvana Wasbixoto. ApriL 7. Cooul-Oen-eral Lee will leave Havana Saturday aa a result of explicit instruct ions horn "he tare depart nu at and a reply from bint ataiing that be would sail oa the day named. The intimation given oat at Madrid yew- tenia)', to tbe effect that the qneea regent was- about to proclaim aa armistice is t aba, and tbat the iadtcatioos are tSat the Spanub goveramont wtokt make im portaat coeceesions looking to swUolieh mett of pence oo a basis of practical Co han independence, is regarded officially bene as a dip'.otualic play to gala time, a rahe Tacoma. April. 7- Edward Jooes who pent 'he winter in Daws-jo. says millions ars beisa- waated on reported new strikes. Seen reported new diecoveries be sod bis partner lBvertiiraied proved to be takes. According to Mr. Joo-, there are over 500 tons of hardware utterly rained, being entew up with rust, between tbe coe.t and Dawaos. A tlMr Bean IxDsp.sosxcK, O.- .April. 7. Supben Sisals, a puver, dropped dead on the street here at ' o'clock this afternoon, lie was standing ibe aid walk on C street La kmc euli 1'. D Ryder, president of tbe rpti':icaa cJu-i, ween be pat bis band to bis throat, and. complainirg of a difficnl rj in breathing, feil dead witboat a strug--e. Skto all BUM Cott ssc. 0 Aoril 7. Senator Ri ty hill, appropriating $1,000,000 to place Ohio oa a wsr foottBir. passed tbe Jioaee tbu eresing, and is a taw War reruns M vdr' d, April 7. smiotcial note baa been laeaed. which ssvs tbe cabinet adheres to all its previotis decisions with out modifies ion. and baa adopted reso lutions to tbat eOect. The war feeling runs high. ate like ! . . .. ... i i AknisGTos, aprii. . ssiii as a cannon nn changed the Cuba a situation today. The details remain to be worked sot. bat it it expected that between bow and Moeoay a clearer hgtt will he thrown on tbe future by actios at Madrid, of which one iaipctant feature at least is tbe oeciarat'on of an armistice by tbe qoeea rrgest of Spain. This arattti-. it is ex pected will lead to tbe nltimat-i independ ence of Cba from Spaaisb rule . It was learned from a reliable dip'o matic souice today that tbe ambassadors and ministers of the great powers of Ea rope suiiooed in Washington, and repre-e-ntiag tiermany, Aurtria.Oreat Br i lain. France and Italy, at a nnvting held at the tmtuh emlassy at 4 o clock yeeterday afternoon, atrreed np-tn tbe substantial terms of s joint note tendering their gxd offices to avert war bet area the United iStatee and Spiia. rreen WaSi.14 M ADHin. At ril. 6 Tbe hope of reach ing a peaceful eertlement with the United State is growing stronger. It is reported tht tbat the basis of as armistice a Cuba bss been arranged. It this be troe, a royal decree will appear in the gas4te to morrow or Friday announcing the coo clan oi of an armistice. Analher BUMead SroKAittc, April. 6. Toe Le Ri Mia sing Orupaoy declared its24'b dividend tonight. Tbu oae is for 130 COO aad makes the total -Hvidends $S25.000. . Tbe out- put of the mine increased in March to 200 tons daily. Lean lag Havana Havaha, April. 6. Tbe Mascotts sailed this afternoon with a full complement of passengers, among them many dislin guiabed famiies. During tbe lent 24 bojrstnere have been issued 3n5 passports to pereor proceeding or sbout to proceed to the United States. Miss Clara Barton virted Governor Gen era! Blanco this evening. She let the prince at 5 o'clock and expressed herself as satiKued with her visit Letter CaM San Fsakcisco, April. 6 The steamer Alameud arrived toda from fiiilna. en.t brous-bt with her 44 bars of gold valued at $.Tr7,;t75, from Auckland, and $2,000,000 in sovereigns from Sydney. Her nasaen ger list was very large, there bowg 107 wiwiu iwNft'agira, asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's Wis. Small tn size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man fUl LTL saldi - You never know yoa nave taken a pill till It la all over." 29c CI. Hood A Co, roprletors, LowelL Maaa. Pills The only pills t? Ulte with flood s Sarsaparllta. ...ENVELOPES... ALL COLORS ALL SIZES Largest stock Lowest prices SMILEY, the Printer. 0O(CO S MISFITS. Tbs followers of Mr. Corbett in Al bany got tet down on yesterday heavily. Fitxhngh Lee it tbs nerviest man the day, a man ot ssnd si trail at judgment. , 2totwithstnnding the high tariff on prunes tbs price it low, Ths law of supply snd demand cootlnaee to bsve something to do with each things. The famous Swiftwat. n:u ...j b;u throngh tbs tlsts a fsw dsys sgo fortbs Klondike, lis recently obtained a good " notoriety with notbiag to jattify Its A Haggis at tbe head nfth. vr..; wuniy repaoiicsn representaUvs ticket. e. i riagg, a gold democrat wbo bat hetoTosL reP0Wlc. itoo s m 'tZL"? t?LZ ot coarse He it now referred to st "that sturdv yoaog farmer of tbe Waldo Hills." Soms iLf!!'. 'ide.f'nai,n 'lore, for ser- politict. K aotad bit time to Another wail tKI Mowlsr, when tbe jidente message, which it it declared wilheeqniTalent to a declaration of !i!Jft.,rlwenUd- Kot bo'oreon ! -L!ith.a Amerlcfn- on tbe island, who would at ones be in danger. i One of tbs emblems in tbe republican convention ball st Sstem, says toe Joar nsL read thus, "Tbi. convention Utor K l60' Bosh 1 Democratt Beware 1 ropausta Be Dsmned I" "Tboa,too. sail on, O Ship of State ! Sail oa, O L num. strong sad great ! Humanity with all iu fears. With all tbe hopes of future year. It banging breathless on thy fats!" Longfellow. There its good deal of seesawing on repo it in reference to tha .;.), tronble. One dsy it is wsr and the next " y i- is not. epaia backs down snd lienhpsin does not back down. How long wilt it last before the matter is set- The Portland Chronicle bat discovered that tbs Astoria & Columbia River Sail road is a part ol Yanderbiit's ocean to ocean line, snd tbat it means s good deal jnors for tbs northwest then has yet been expressed. e ??S.'lcoIle lmm " is only 1140.000.000 a year. -It's interest ae count aloos is glOSAJO.OOO, leaving very httls for running the government, and tbe result Is that it has gradually been approaching bankruptcy. Tbecandidacsrof Rmm r.4 oat of bis private secretary e wsy, illis Dunniwsy ia among the number seeking ooojinauon for tbs ofSce ot state primer- sentinel. Dunniwsy has bad pie snare. Oive someone m tbe bnsi- a rcance at it. At least one paper in Oregon-will tap port tbe Middle of tbe road ticket put an in Port 'end reeenUy. Tbe Valy Rec ord, of i.shland. has placed tbs ticket st ' us columns swt will wort. lor iu Tbisisaos sorpriainr. Brother Bvaiser would not be happy if be were not on the off side. Several men were ia Albany today oa tbeir ret am from Toledo, .where they went several daya ago with s company of aboat 6 fly recently from Wisconsin. Tbey were dissatisfied wiu th annMr. anee of things there and to cams back to the valiey to took around, and wi'd prob ably locate somewhere along tbe Wil lamette, perhaps in Linn county. Tbe Lebanon Advance is a liberal pa per. It publishes by reqn ihe call of tbs middle of tbe roaders, or rapndlkaa snnex, for s coaaty convention st that city. Tbe DaaocBAT referred to them as tow repu bl-caa aaex because all through the state tbey are being eocoorsged Iby the republicans and in a political way tbat party will bs benefitted by their coarse. Recently in Pendleton, IS carloads of beef cattle were unloaded for feeding st tbs Pendleton yard. So sooner were uro cars emptied tbsn the potts of tbs Jence gave way, and almost tbs whole bond took to tbs bills. It being dark Bofnng could be dose to prevent tbe herd from scattering in 3inv directions. Ths owners oi u.o rattle her demsnded damages to tbe amouiu of $3000. Allthe cattle were found exoet in a , w Swa r - . xns Junes a Miner and other Alaska papers aa wen as some of tbe Seattle pa inuMHiig- as inveeugauoo in- iu wo cause ot the wreck of tbe Clara 4. m,. . ... - w nioer laumates aa in- cspacilyoathepsrtottbe inspectors st ..uo. m mo controversy It will be an interesting fact to A loan v people tbat a former Albany man Mr. C. a Cherry. ISl hlata Al Ikav a. " -ws vi tut. lUefiECUiraU SW.. . e . ... . no "qaina tithaUoo is this.- There is 125.000 svailable for immediate n e .WZZSr ola.. and there will be eiw,ww more it congress provides for it "M pa left in tbs senate bill but ."' f inioogb the hooee, snd there is the rub. Will the house leave it in. The people of Oregon generally hope to tee it in ths sundry sppropriation bill when it it signed by ths president. From the Astoria News : "YeHow" journalism it tha term ap plied to tbe meet enterprising journals of tbs day. To-os journals were the first to make known tbe findings ot ths court ot inquiry on the Maine wreck, snd all lhf r,Prt- " been verified by ths official report submitted to congress. Tbs cooeervauve journals a-e run by fogies: moss backs snd has-beens. Tbeydespiss enterprise, energy sad patriotism. Tbev are for peace at any price. Many of them would not object to the Queen Reg ent aa a sovereign. There was considerable comment after the nomination ot lbs anion ticket sbout ths number oi Hi AIj All that t tWaO fwwVew. tbe Forks. There sre three, Messrs Crab irew, oi un aers and lie Vaney. There can be no complaint ot tbat character in ref erence to ths ticket nominated yesterday. There it none on it from the Forks, while from Albany alone there are twice aa many, tlx, towit: Messrs VsnW inkle. Reddeid, Kelley, Winn, Fortmiller snd t ishsr, thia city practically monopolis ing things The anion ticket is much more fsiily distributed through the county, those from the Forks even beiug from different sections ot tbe county. The Sentinel In crowing over the re sult ol the primaries the other day said it wat a "glorious victory over loodlt, whisk v, the ring, ths pusn and Bush Lord." Now, nearly one hal t the repu b licacs of Salem voted for Gov Lord Itn't tbit a ve-y bard character to give nearly half ths republican voters of Sa lem? Because Gov. Lord took the state school lands out of the bsnds ota ring, and did many other praiseworthy sets, hs must be sat down upon. Governor lord wat too honest a man to succeed himself it; Oregon. Independent. The little 3-yesr-old daughter of B. E. Kennedy wat severelv hart recentlvat Warren station. Ths child escaped from the bouse snd went out near tha W Ar n railroad to sesrch for her doll, while switching was in progress, says tbe East Oregonisu. She waa in tbe act of crawl ing from beneath a freight car when it begAn to move, and narrowly escaped being crushed to death. Aa it waa the cesvy rails caught tbs calf of her left leg snd cut and mannled the flesh. It ia thought that the bone wss injured, howl ever, or that the wound will prove dan. get-out. 1 v -' : -.Am " - -' III I Chew?- " Sometimes." Piper HeUUiecil' IU go K- -f a good chew ever says no to PIPER HEIDSIECK PLUG TOBACCO (CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR) ' There is more solid satisfaction in a piece of Piper Hetd sieck Lb an in any other brand on the market. Everything about it is right ; the flavor is unsurpassed ; the size is 40 per cent, larger than formerly ; and the pr-'ce is still the same old nickeL Tbe new plug at the old.pricc is positively the bieeest bar rain in tobacco vou ever saw. Be sere and A csk for one of the NEW pieces of Piper Heids-c; CIRCUIT COURT. DETArrxxsr so. 2 a. h. rxwitt, jcdck. Tbe Dundee Mostgags Trust Iavest- ment CosgtJ B iienderson et si. De cree of foreclosure. Priori tee, plaintiff 1st, satigne Snd, Cox 3rd. E J Morrison sgt WJ Rain water et si. recovery of money. J udgment for plain- un. Elixabeth Davis agt John Davis, di vsree. Granted. Iva J Kinder sgt Martin E Kinder, di vorce, ij ranted. Cynthia Weaver agt John Weaver, di vorce. j ranted. Mary E Swank agt Phillip Swank, to ctnuaeaoea. US Ulai. BealT. Tb a ail nic toil ct life, nerre aad vltr. laAa Ko-To- Bactas atroec. A3 arocrma, SOe or SI. Care Seed. Bookies aad bcertiac B-vsasdy Co.. caaoasw sr Itew Tors. After veers mt aataU aaJetiag froas Biles, B W PmrssU wi KaitaenrTula.ra, was eared fey astas a sisirle box of Ds Witt's Witch nasal Wvs dkia rsaa,' pimpleeaad abstissxeBerss ars rsad Uy caret by this faaexs reraedy J Caessaiag Taera are three little thing which asora work thava nay other three bttie thiags created they are the ant, tne bae aad De Witts Lhtla K rlr Eiaera, tke lat besa the faaaoaa little ptlln for ttoaud aad liver traablec I A Caeasaiag Carl's Clover Rjt Tea. or Coastina tioa it's the Bee, aad if after aung it yoa aon t say sretara the Package and ge your Broney. Sold by Foehay A. Mason TO CURE A COLD IX ONE DAY TttiL.xrtr. B-ta Q iUta Tablet Alt Dragttets n'ai I u as rasy If It fail ovare ae. J-etCTerytx snd get toe body come 10 tse &tar Baketj Of tresli oread for Si. cash. C Msves. CASTORIA Tor -f-qs aad CIuldTea. thlfat hex l(anas af ie Sar Fifty Can Mi Gearaaaeed Seoaoeo haMt ewra. mama weah raa euoac. owed pare. eOs.fl- AUdratXiasa US S00 PACIFIC UHE. ToiilPcintaliit Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pal ace sleeping cars, luxurious dining carv, elegant day coaches, tnagnitkent ton rut carsiad free colonist sieeoers from the P- cinc to tne AtlaaUc vntnoat cbaase. COST DtaXCT AJtO CHXATSaT BOCTB T Koolenny Slitiing District BAKCSr, new nanvaa, sLocAjtcrr-, atxsos. BAtuO, TBAIL, aoSSLASOAJIB All point ia tbe Okaaaeaa Coantrv. Ge a ram oh let arivina a full dcecriDtioa of this wonderful country. Ask tbe agent for a copy of the mining taws of Britisr voiumotn. Lowes rates o and from ETJROPK Atlantic eteamship inee. Oauadian Pac. Ry Uo 's iloyal Mail Steamship line to Cnina and Japan vAsADlAB AVSTBAUAN STKAMKX UMS okolcxc, riji ana acstxalxa. The shortest Itoe to the Colonies. These steamers carry an experienced medical man, ana a stewardess on every voyage. For time tables, pamphlets, or any ia ormat'.on. call oa or address. N STEELE sV CO. Agents, A tbanv Or. E J OUYLK, Ag t, 146 Third St.. TocV aad. Or GEO. McL. BROWN, D P. A. Vaacoaver.B.C Honey to Loan. 0 W have a .!k of $40,000 to loan oa good farms ia Lisa and adjoining count It you have good security and perfect title, we can furnish yoa the com without delay, as we make our own examination of econiy. Call oa us or write S. N. Ptbju-s Co. Albany, Orgon. K.O.T.M. every Saturday evening at K. O. T. M. hall. Vleltint- Knights iaviied. W. A. Cox, Commander, - Kh l. you." nil ORTHERfl il PACIFIC R. R. 1 r? PtuLman Slaeplug Oars. Elegant Dinisg Cars. Touris!' Sleeping Car' St Paul Minneapolis Dnlntb Fargo, r- Grand Forks CrooketoB Winnipec Helens snd Butt THROUGH TICKE S. TO ITaabmgtoa Philadelphia Sew Itork ' toston and al. foiate East and South Through tki its te Japan aad Ch aa, vrs Tacoaiaaad Kortbera PactSc eteaiueiut Oo-.aa Ansericaa line. For iniorraatioo, tame carde, mapeanC tickets call on or writs C G Barkbart agit, Albany, Or. A D Chajrito-. A Hen Fnaa agt ortlaad. O- EAST AUD-SOUTH THE SHASTA KOUTE -Of t Hit- Southern Pacific Co. Hell "l Bert See r. a. I L. vassal L fata a I Ar arlSSS.a ArlSdAa n Llsra AlSaa Above tnaias stop at satoas be tweea Portlaad and Salem Tar ser, Maroa. JeJersoo Albany Tan cent. Sbedd. Halser Esgeae Cottage Grove, Draia, OAtaxd and all stations froa Rosebarg soatk to sad ia dodisg Ashland. tdsaa L at Srn L I IXMrn Ll liitm lessen 1 s Aikaa I Ar BIS an hast an Leave Aieaajr lor Leaaaea 4 tier n MM Imw at Aiaaaj troea Laaaima PUllttAl mm SLEEPEKi. - aJP Oinitur Cart on Ogtisn Routt1. SECQNQ-CU5S SLElPiNS CARS eVeaS B(e atetateaw cwasa-ie aav.aau tats a IT. iXtUrnl As tertians Kara BxamaTraia Datly (1 real tdera. L TSSral Ar tan I as neUaaA . BBK-eiaaTiae Ji-f-.-t Ar I s a a It I A a a Lv0 aa DirecHiaBaUBnaSnFiaaiaira wHhOwaaeat. aad Oriental a4 PeaSa auil miiaanSie Haae to JArAlTaaA CUtXA SiaeaanaaioatMn aueaaStaekta te aa'ma anlaaa aad Snreea tsJAPAX. CatXA. UOXOLCLU eat ACSTS LtAeta he eMwwd treaa a ftSSA, Ar- Aleee. or C SWISS X. COKaLaH C B MASXHAX. Maaaaer Saa Far rerVaed Orrg. for-atad 0UEG0 tHYritAL & EASTERFI R,' R. CO. -YAQU1NA BAY ROUTE ennaeanaa Connecting at Yaqurna Bay with tha San Francisco & Yaaiua Bai STEAMSHIP OOMPAXY. . SlsamMji "ProHiuOit Sailatroaa Taaoina everrSdays for Saa Francisco, OoosBay,Hamboidt Bay. FAssiaxa AccoMOOATtoitr Uxscsfamki Sborteet route betweea tbe Willam ttts Valley and CalUornia. Fare from Albany and points west tc saa Francisco Casw sot fhrntiiAeB Round trip good for 60 days. 17.0C ToOooe Bay Oabin S8.0B i-00 I 00 stearaire - o To Humboldt ttay ana t ort uriora labia HO, jteerage 05 River Division. " Steamer "Albany between Portland ind Corvallit, through without lsr-over. Leaves Corralhs 6 :S0 a. m. Tuesdavs. Thursdays snd Sundays : leaves Port land, Yamhill street does, t5 rOC a. ni. Mondays Wednesday t and Frida'a. Edwih Eros, j O Ma-o. . ttauager Snpt River Di v T70R SALK.-Two good fresh milk id milkers. Call 17 cows, gentle aad good oa John Lenox, aeu Oak Creek bridge. !