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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1898)
cmortnt TERMS. Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month (3.00 per advance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over months. Single copies 5c, Wjukly. -11.25 In advance; $1.50 at end of year; 11.75 for second year; S2.00 foi third and proceeding years, when not paid in Advance. Club of five new subscriber at $5.00. UNION TICKET. OCKTY C..t.. T n krlr I n.m Representatives. 1 I Whitney. 11 M Palmer, DrDM Jones. Clerk. Franklin Crab tree. Sheriff. I A Mansers. Assessor. Geo. DeVaney. Recorder. E O Heal. Treasurer. F M Jacr. Superintendent. A 8 McDonald. Commissioner. DC Swann. Coroner. J Q Norman. Surveyor. Anthony Austin. . State. Governor W R King, ecretarv ot state H R Kincaid . Justice supreme court W M Ramsey. Treasurer J O Booth." Attorney-general J L Story. State printer C A Fitch. Superintendent U S Lyman. Congressmen R M Yeatcb and C M Donaldson. District. Circuit Judge P H D'Arcy and K P Boise. District Attorney S L Hayden. The Presidents Message. The president's message asks congress to authorize tLe administration to Uke measures to secure the termination o hostilities in Cuba, to secure the estab 1 lishmentof a stable government there! and to use the military and naval forces of the United States, if necessary, for this purpose. ' Tbe president says the only hope for .relief from a condition which can no longer be endured is the enforced pacifi cation of tbe island. The issue is now with congress, and he awaits its action, standing prepared to carry out every ob lirfatoin imposed on him by that body. Spain's decree for a suspension o! hos tilities is submitted to congress for just and careful attention, with the observa tion that if the measure attains a success- fal result, "then our aspirations as a! peace-loving people will be satisfied If it fails, it will be only another justifi cation of our contemplated action." The Maine-iacident figures prominent I in the message. The president argues that the wreck of the maine in Havana harbor shows that Spain is not able to guarantee security to foreign vessels. Spain has offered if submit to arbitra tion all differences whicn may arise from that affair The president .expresses the view teat recognition of the independence of Cnba at Uis time would be ill-advised axd nwarranted and unjustified, and cites precedents to sustain his attitude, call ing attention particularly to President Jackson's lelneal to recognize Texas when that slate was straggling to throw off the Mexican yoke, and quoting Jack eon's utterances on that occasion. School Superintendents and the American Book Company- - Eorron Democrat. Oregon dcjb 9$ par cent of its school books from the American Book Company, and pays from 30 to 40 per cent more for them than oth er states. The contract between Oregon and the American Book Company will expire in January, 1901 . A new contract will then be made with eome publishing bouse. It will will be baeed on the adoption o; text-books to be made, hi 1900. The 9 members of tbe elate boaid of examiners and tbe 32 connty superintendents then ia office, will vote on books offered by different publishing houses for adoption. The state hoard of examiners will be appointed by the superintendent of pub lic instruction to be eiecUd in lone of the present year. Of tbe 41 votes to be east at tbe adoption, 21 are necessary to a choice. If the American Book Com pany can control 9 votes by securing tbe appointment of men on the state aboard I examiners friendly to it, but 12 ad- . ditioual will be required to give it a mo nopoly of tbe school book trade ot Oregon for six years more. "" Under tbe foregoing conditions, nom inating conventions have an important duty to perform. . No man should be nominated for superintendent of public instruction who is not avowedly opposed to the American Book Company. Its bold on echool patrons of Oegon is a grtevona burden from which they should be relieved as soon a possible. The opportunity for relief will be through tbe next adoption of text books. Every candidate fjr tbe office of su perintendent of public instruction should be required to declare to the onventicn openly and in terms that cannot be mis understood,, that be ia opposed to tbe present echool book monopoly. Will the convention, in tbe interest of school pa trons of Oregon, demand this of all candidate Sj Spain's navy is numerically troeger than ours. But discarding all warships, projected and building, all antiquated and practically useless wooden and iron vessels, tbe two navies compare in re spect of large warships as follows : Battleships -Spain. 1; United States 7. Sea-going coast defease ships Spain, none; Uoi'ed States, o. Non-sea-going oast-defenders Spain. 2; United Stales 1 4. Armored cruisers Spain. 7. all of old types and far lea. formidable than their technical names indicate; United States, 2, and thoee the new and most formidable New York and Brooklyn -Protected and partially protected cruis ers Spain 5 of steel and 10 of hon; United Slates. 19, all eteel . Spain ra ikrs a far better showing in tne smaller craft, torpedo-boats and torpedo-destroyers. But her boats of this type are far from our shores. They are divided into two flotillas, one at Cadiz, tbe other in a crippled condition at the Cape Verde Islands. . Mr. C. H. Dodd, of Portland, who re cently failed for a large amount, was one of the gold bugs who declared that pros perity could be only through tbe gold standard. All over the United States these gold standard men, who would have nothing else have be in going to the wall. Tbe Democrat is in favor of sound money, the money of oar fatberr, gold and silver on equal terms, 10 to I, a ratio fatiefactorily established by long usage. Tbe - Dkmocbat is not in favor of a changeable ratio that will compel a man to take a pair of scales along with him, "but is willing to trust the stamp of tbe government for wb atever fluctuating there may be, and it will not te much when the metais are t ate! alik . Washington Letter. , From our regular Correspondsnt Washington, April, 4. 18S)8 Vengeance is at hand. There is to be dent. no more dilly-dlling with lying Span ish diplomats. Uncle Sam is going to Uke Spain across tils knee and give it a tbre'ahingit has bo long deserved at our hands, and the cowardly and danaraiy massacre of our sailors and the destruc tion ot our battleship is to be avenged Even Mr. McKinle is cow convinced that Spain has been playing him diplo matically for no other purpose tlian to rain time. Mr. McKinley acknowledged his failure to secure the independence of OnK. hsrijrit.imacr. and now it is the turn of conaress. A last frantic attempt is being made by the bond-holding ele ment to muzzle congress, but. there is no possibility of Ha succeeding. Congress knows that the patience of the peop'e of ih. onnntn who ul ace national hunor and patriotism above the stock ticker of Wall street has been reached and that the time of action iB at band.and will act and its action will mean war, which the conn try ia now in a position to fight to a victorious end in short order, if it only baa Spain to contend with, and is deter mined to win regardless ot what it, nas to contend with. The French Ambassdor to the U. S. has asked the State Department officially whether there was any objection to his looking after the interests of Spanish subjects in tbe U S after the departure of tba Spanish minister, and has been informed that . there would be done. This action has been regarded as being significant of the intention of France to remain neutral in the war, notwiibstand- ;... mim auMrtiona to tbe contrary. It was added to by acab'earani from Mad- 1& saving that both U French and British ambassadors had tendered Gen. Wood ford, U S Minister to Spain nffra to care for American interests after hie departure from Madrid. Few men poeees the all around com mon sense equipment and teoiperment needed to prevent the man who fills tie position of secretary to the president the man who stands between the presi dent and his callers, and either mates him lots of enemies or additional f Tn Lamont was one of tbe few. Mr. J Addison Porter, the gentle man chn IIAtf fills the noaition is not He has made himself the laughing eioek of Washington. A good strong Dottle ol smelling aha is what Mr. J Addison Porter need a great deal more than lie does the republican nomination foi governor of Connecticut, although the democrats o that state wonld probably rrjoice to se s him nominated. His hys terical appeal wil doubtless get any e aims he ever bad to the nomination laughed out of tbe field. If a bill, which has been favoradly re ported to the House, becomes a law, ex Confederate soldier who may hereafter serve ninety days in the U S airay will be entitled to all the benefits provided.' for ex-U 8 soldiers in the act of June 27, 1890, generally known as the "dependent pension act." The bill as originally in troduced merely provided as an induce ment for the fcoiou veterans of the iate war to enlist for ths war ith Spain that enlistment should not operate to stop pensions now being drawn, but the com mittee thought the ex-Confederate vet erans would also make desirable re emits, and it wi amended as above. Anti Trust Candidate . From tbe Salem Journal. H S Lyman, the populist nominee for office of superintendent of public in struction, wasboin at Dallas, Oregon, in 1855. Hie father was the well known ptoneei missionary and educator. Rev. Horace Lyman. H S Lyman was educated in tbe Pacific University at Forest Grove, from which institution be graduated in 1878. Con tinuing his studies, be graduated in 1SS2 fiom tbe Oberlin.Ohio, Theological sem inary. From that time until was engaged in various occupations, ... . . r j:, :i among whicn wera teaenmg, tuuuim writing, historical research and preach ing. His knowledge of Oregon history from the Indian legends dewn to tbe present is probably more complete than of any other man in Oregon. He has rritln a laimt amount of history lor publication bnt as it was incorporated in other works it did not appear over his name. In 1892 he was appointed to fill tbe unexpired terra of G C Hall, as county superintendent of Clatsop ' county. In 1894 he was elected to tbe same office on the populist ticket and in 1896 reelected. In both cases he was the only candidate on the connty ticket of the populist party that was elected and in both instances he ran against well known . republican educators. His no blemished record of integrity and devotion tr doty won him tbe confidence and support of all parties, and bis official record will go far towards securing his success in the present cam paign. His connection with the populist party was brought about by political disappointment lor he is not and never has been an office seeker in any other party. ' He baa long been a deep and unceas ing student of eocial :roblsm, a reader ot tbe best literature of ancient and modern lime, and his principles have been acquired by odIv careful, unprf io- diced tbongbt and investigation. A quiet, unssuming man.kind, courte ous in bis manner, ue mates many friends and no enemies. If elected In tbe coming contest, bis well diciplined mind, boneity ot purpose and attention to duty could not bat reflect credit npon himself, the office and bis party. Some one writes in the Salrni States man about Lvman as follows : "I am a life-long republican so do not agree with Mr. Lyman political. y. sti.l I would like to say that I know his life from boyhood, and it has been an earnest, toilsome one, and tbat if he has 'many wneels in bis head' I bey are so finely fitted and adjusted as to assist the balance of tbe machinery 1o wbich tbey belong-to turn out a great amount of ex cellent work during msny years; Ihe moxt importa 't beioit tht those wheels turn above an honest, manly heart, full of sympathy for humanity." Mark Hanua has been found guilty of bribery oy tbe Ohio Senate committee Investigating the charges that money was nsed ta secure his election to the United States Senate. ' The committe finds that the charges of bribery made againet Hanna, Major Dick and H. fl. Hoi len hack are true. He is there for occupying- a s'o'en office, . What Or A E Salter Says. Buffalo, N Y. Gents: From my personal knowledge. ga;ned in observing the effect of your 3 hi lob i Cure in cases of advanced Constipation, I am prepared to say it i he most remarkable .Remedy that has ever been brought 'o my atten tion. It hat certainly saved many, from ooutumptlon. Sold by Fonbay & Ma son. Tangent. Since Young America has gone we have almost been without a correspon The farmers are ail busy now since tbe warm weather has come to stay. Some are nearly done farming, and al1 are busy. Mr. less Moses is busy in the store white his brother and Mr. Couey are on the road selling goods from their wagons. Mr. Late Smith and Mr. James Jenks are sacking wheat and gettiug it ready to ship, while J J Beard is busy all the time in the Express and Post office. Mr. Roberts is busy at work in his blacksmith shop when he is at home. Our Nursery men are all busy and are crowded with Sprint; work. Mr. A Y Smith the Oakville merchant was in town lat Monday. Mr. bm'th is acquainted witD every and ie on friendly terms with every one he niestsi yon couldn't get a political quarrel out of him, and very few know what party be votes with . . Mr. Kewcome is one ot our most talen ted writers. Mr. N. has never aspired for office but ia well qualified for any position and if te should get the nomi nation for governor, he jcould be elected and wonld fill the chair as nicely as any man who Las eer sat in it. Mr. N. is a man ol great'literary talent but he made one mistake in bis life, viz: lie learned the black-smith trade and wieid- the hammer and btowed the bellows too long ; however he now can wield the pen fully as well as he. did the hammer in former year, and as for the bellows he can perform that act to perfection. He is an able advocate of the gold standard and likes! to defend tbe principles ot Lincoln. He is always ready to tackle the "Free Silver" orators and yesterday he was trying to get up a row with Little Rose Bud of Oakvilje. We wish Mr. Newcome well and it he gets the nomination we will ask the 1 other candidates to withdraw, and we know they wilt. Success to yoa Mr. N Old America- THE PROBLEM SOLVED. THE NEW MEDICAL DISCOVERY TESTED. Results of tbe Test ia Various Forms ot Dyspepsia. Chronic indigestion or dyspepsia, while a very common trouble, baa tor some time been looked npon by able physi cians as a serious thing, and - that no time should be lost in treating it proper ly at tbe start, because recent researches have shown that the moat serious, fatal ond incurable diseases have their origin in simple dyspepsia or indigestion. Diabetes la simply on form ot lndi- geetion, the sugar and starchy food not being assimilated by tbe digestive or gaoa. In Bright'e disrate tbe albumen is not properly assimilated. rule consumption and dyspepsia are iwin diseases, ana it is oeyoaa question that dyspepsia makes a ferule sou fir tbe seeds of consumption. Bnt the trouble haa been to find a remedy that could be depended npon to cure dyspepsia, as it ia notoriously ob stinate and difficult to care. This has been tbe question that has pnztled physicians and dyspeptics alike, until the question was solved three years ago by the appearance of a new dyspep sia cure in the medical world known as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which it was claimed was a certain, reliable core for very form ot stomach trouble. Physicians, however, would not accept sncn statements without nrst giving tne new remedy many testa and carnally observing result. For three years the remedy has been thoroughly tested in every section of tbe country and with aarpruing and aalia- factory results. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets can be honestly claimed to be a speciSc, a radi cal laating cure for indigestion in the various forms of acid dyspepsia or eoar stomach, loo much bile, undue fullnees or preeeore after eating and similar symptoms resulting from disordered di gertion. Stuart's Dyepepsia Tablets were not placed before tbe public until this three year's trial left no doubt as to their valne and they have recently been placed in tbe trade end can be found on sale at all drnggiau at the nominal price of AO cents per package. Ko extravagant claims "are made for tbe remedy. It rill not core rheuma tism, pneumonia, typhoid fever nor any thing but just what it is claimed to core and that ia every form of stomach trouble. No dieting- is necessary, eood whole some food and plenty of it and von may rest assured tbat Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest it. Druggists claim for it tbat it is a pleas ure to recomaaend it to dyspeptics, be cause it gives such universal satisfaction. Little book on stomach diseases sent free by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall, Micb. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, J Lucas County Fbaxk J Chesbt makes oatn that be is tbe senior partner of the firm of F T Che ney & Co, doing business in tbe City of Toledo, C unty and State-aforesaid, and that said 6ra will nay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh tbat cannot be cured by tbe use of Hall's Catarrh Cube. KKAXK J CHENFY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my preseoce'lhisCthdayof December. A D18-S6. A W GLE4SON, seal y notary Puolic. hkal Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally and acts directly on the b'ood end mocu-jns surfaces of the system . Send for testimon ials, free. FJ CHENEY CO. Toledo, O. Sold by druggist. 75c- Hall's Family Pills are the best. Notice to the Public, lieware of Snide Barbers who try to sell you Hair Tonic.who do not know bees trora ban leet about yoar scalp. 1 nave had 23 years experience and know there i are four distinct kinds of scalp troubles. I will famish free of charge a formula best ruited to your particular case, which yon can get filled at any drug- store for S or 10 cents. Consultation free. Louis Vjkrbck. Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases may secure instant relief by using De W itt's W itch Hazel Salve It is tbe frreat Tile remedy. i. A. Cummings. - Catarrh Cured. A clear hrad rbo weet breath secured with Shiloh's Ca arrh Remedy: soldo Koahev te Mason Mcbic. Miss Milaroa Burm ester teacher of piano or organ. System the Maon touch and technique. Residence s'ifth street, opposite U P chinch. To Car Conatipatloa Forever, Take Ciuwarets Candy Catburtie. lue or 26a. It C C. C. full to cure, drugsiata rAind money The Evidence in tne ease proves Hood's Sarsaparilla cures rheumatism .dys pepsia, catarrh, tbat tired feeling, scrofula salt rheum, noils and all b'ood diseases. Hood s PHI; are the favorite family cathartic. Cure sick headache, break up a cold. . If yoa want good sewing ' machine needles and oil get them of French the eweler. Educate Your Ilowela TFIth rasas rets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forerer. XOo.SBe. If C.O.O.XalUdregKlataraiundaaoBay. MISFITS. Uncle Sam doesn't kick very. often, but when he does it is felt. The Cubans are undoubtedly as cap able of self govei nment as tbe Spaniards. A big cloud of uncertainty ia hovering over tbe country. Will it ever be lifted. There were eleven suicides recently in St. Loois in forty eight hours, probably coused bv the intensity of the present prosperity that some orators will soon be telling about. Easter Sunday bavins been a fine day seven successive tine Sundays are in or der. Nevertheless if It gets ready to rain on any of them it undoubtedly will not stop on account ol an old sayiog. Fitzhugh Lee has the confidence ot the people of the United States regardless of party, tie poes esses sana in tri! craw a much needed possession these days. A good many people are declaring that the Spanis:i armistice is merely a trick to gain tiiiie. It seems to be accomplish ing its object pretty well if that is correct. AH statements though must be taken with allowance. An East Portland woman became so indignantly patriotic this week that she went down cellar, seised a jar of Spanish pickles, and threw them out into the street. Welcome. The engulfing ot one or two hun dred men under a Chilcoot avalanche Is one of the worst horrors of recent days. It seems as if nothing bat calamity has befallen tbe Argonauts who have been rushing madly toward the gold fields. After all it is a good deal of a lottery. The Pacific Northwest occupies a pe culiar position in tbe wheat u arket of the country at this time, save the Port land Telegram, it hat about 10.000,000 bushels stored in the warehouses ol Washington. Oregon and Iiaho, while no other section of tbe country has an equal amount. The United States has a right to pnn ish Spain for tbe destruction ot tbe Maine with 266 brave sol Jiers.a tact that is as completely proven as anything ot the character can be. This should be tbe strong point in the contest and should have been made much of in the f resi dent's message. - Talking ot vatriotiam. In Atlanta.Ga., recently, according to an exchange sev eral one legged, one armed, battle-scarred Southern men who had been in the rebellion, were discussing the Cuban question, and every man in tbe crowd was anxious lor another war and willing to do their part for the Inited Ststee government in the contest. Cottage Grove Messenger: The family of Darwin Bristow was treated to a pretty eight at noon Sunday last. A f nil grown deer crossed the river in front ot the Bristow residence and stopped long enough for Mr. Bristow to call alt tbe family to view iu After standing there a tew moments it realised it had entered the city and was treading I on dangerous groncd, turned sroued. I swam dsck across tne river ana scram. i uieu uu op uie river nana i is reporteJ at Tbe Yanvictor. born in t. recently nomir at A rt markable ce Dalles Samuel E Linn connty, who was ed for the office of district attorney with out seeking tbe nomination at all, baa refuted to ran on purely personal grounds, though his chances for election wonld be good. In W ashington recently tbere nave been taree case ot men ap pointed to office ref catng to accept the trusts, for which many are madly rustling. All the Cubans have been fighting for ia independence, and to ask that the war be stopped without a recognition of tbeir independence, accomplishes nothing at all, simply leaving them under Spanish government, to again flame up into a local war. All that is left for the I'nited States is to pitch in and whip Spain for blowing up tbe Maine, or else shut op entire. y. So far a tbe Cubans are con cerned, they do not want tbe war to stop cn tbe islaud nntil they scure freedom ' The New York World recently received by telegraph dispatches from every eute in the union on tbe proper eoune for congreM to pursue in the Cuban affair. The only ones from Oregon were sent from Albany, and were as follows : C. G. Barkhart, mayor ot Albany Spanish botcnery In Cuba and treachery io the destruction ot tne Maine demand immediate action. Dr. J. P. Wallace Time has come tor America to act. Dr. J. L. Hill McKinley should not hesitate to do now wbst Cleveland ahooid have done long ago, act promptly to set Cubans free. W. R. Biiyeo, attorney Spanish war fare has been an outrsge upon civiliza tion. riiE PLACE TO BUT Your Uroccries and Baked Is at Parker Bros- Everybody Goods kows where their place ia. They keep a f resh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat tbeir customers welt, atl aiike. You may regret some steps yon tske in lifo bnt none taken into tbe stores! Parker Bros. It ia a great thing to be well fed. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but voo want it well made. Trv Parker Bros. Uow We Say It. Cough t cured for a quarter, no cure, no quarter, we are selling Ion of our White Pine cough fcrrap with tar, Lecanse it is just what are say it in, gives quiet- relief an is hig-Blv reoomend ed to cure a deep seated cough, Uurhart & Lee, Druggists If you want, a good a no clem uioke buy cu ira made by ir Al bany cigar lactorv. Karl's Clover Rov Tea. for Con'-ips tion it's th-Be and if after using it you don't say a return the Package and ge' your money. Sjldbr Fotbay & Mason Regardless ol Cowl. Juliut Gradwohl intends to go out of the crockery and glassware business, uo'ng in to some other line of buioe, and hence will sell bis goods of this kind regardless of cost. Wben cn call and get his price aou will be convinced tbat he means btsi ness, aud will believe wbat be savs DeaQty Is PSood Deep. Clean blood means a clean rkin. No beauty without it. Cascareta, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy iiver and driving all im purities from the body. 1 login to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackhead, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascareta, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. NO CURE-JiO PAY. Tbat la the wey alt druvgisi sell GROVE'S TASTKLESi CHILL TNIC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It la simply Iron and QuSiine in a tasteless f rm. Children love it. Adults orefer I to bit'er, nt.nttatlig Tonlor Prlos, 6J TO CURE A COLO IN ONE "DAY Take Lvculva Brotn Q ttnlna Tablet AH O-ugltts rofui I the ni y If It fl Cnre. 26e. TO CURE A C LD JNONjf' DAY Take Lis.ttve Bromt Quinine Tablets. All dragsts refund the money i it fails o Cure. 25c. . ..... . ' fnn't tell your neighbors what yon jee in the taut window of the Albany I ur- niture Co. Terms balf cash balance before you leave the store). J, " One car load of Phoenix Bicycles gone already and another on the road. TELEGRAPHIC War Certain Washington, April, 12 The burden of responsibility for tbe next move in the Spanish crisis having been shifted by tbe president's message upon the Hhouiuersuj congress, the caoitol today became tne storm center, with the foreign affairs com mittees ot both house as the foci .Ihe struggle in each committee was long ind bitter. Resolutions were intro duced in form of declaring for tbe inde pendence ot Uua. mere is a reneral rcclioirin Washington tonight among public men tli it the ac.ion of congress, as foreshadowed in tbe reso lutions, renders the situation extremely critical, and conservative leaders of both parties connler war inevitable as a result of their adoption, unless SDain makes 'a final and complete surrender by giving up uuoa. Dane by ftpaaleb omrial WsntNOTOK, April, 12 .Consul Gen eral Lee wss tofore the senate committee on foreign relatijDB for an hour, late to day, lie said in hi opinion there was no room to doubt that the destruction of the Maine was due to Spauh agencies "Do von mean the Spauiab euthoriih-s in Cuba?'' he was asked by a member of tbe committee "I mean tbe Sptniah oJicials." he re plied, "but not Ci-jneral Blanco."' A Ustrnsa Baa As row a, April, 12. The second da of tbe salmon season brought lill e chaoire in situation. Perhaps haif a dozen deliv ered as high as 5'JO ponnd, Ibis being tbe catch tor two nights. All but one or two of the canneries are receiving huh, though hwle or no packing has been done. It is predie'ed by M J Kinney, one of the oldest parsers on ine river, inai mis season pack will be tbe largest in years. Big Pslaise Bale Orbcom Citv. Or., Anrit 12. Potato- buyers are buying up all the potatoes left in tbe country . Tcev are paying 20 cenu a bushel, and furnish sacks and twine. One dealer has an order for In car load Tbay are shipping to the New Or.eant msrket The Ta baa Xtw York, April 12. Chief Officer Frank troutlm, of the Untiad steamer Aloedene. which ba just arrtre-l from Matanus, said: "Ween an American army reacbe Cuba the people will flock to i's raoke. All Cubans want is a suretr of help and tbey will rise in a body. Tbey were won b tbe magnificent gifts of cloth and food, and long for American inteif-r- ence, many of them wishing Cuba to l-1 come part of tbe I'nited SUtc. I i Brala W lib aaarru j WaftHtXGTOSc. Atril, It The fu'ure of j the relations of the foiled Slates and j Spain, aud to Cuba, rests wihcoogre the representative body of the American pro pie. What course coogreta wilt purvuei cannot be fortold looight. ! Tbe foreign commit(e of buth h- oe now have ihe subject under Ihe'r con-rot. ! and, alhr due deliberation. i I r.-port to their respective branches hu thv cm aider soouid be the atti!u-i the L'tue States on the grave quvauoo prtr led. Xa Caearvr nTi.ntK..n..v A nil II TV . : ......., a-iM II IOC Tfmt - j deal's meeMire did not, after the 0rt , reading, receive the endowment of a rca joriiy tf the soators and many exen-ed tbemneives from speaktaa- aboai nntil they ) could have time fur careful peruat. 1 A large aambcr of the democratic ten' atora refused to express lbetnlTe at ail. i ; as am sererai repuurca&a, eo the ground .u as uwy cou.a not .pe ,Q comple- mestary terms they would aa; ootbin,- at a"- Waal lw4aa New Yobk. April, II, The foUaa-mg ! i,f ih' "IZZTT Y ! -1 ' lr'at1 to i t?1!' , . wm year agoiouay, me rwired 1 aa arm proposal rora Spain to agree to as arm is- lice. e rttuted tna a wr'oenow ! Tha rain reaxaa mill him l .i k.-J Spain a troops ootil it Uorer. would Uke aa anuittKe nesnui urew a war no i . ... ... . , . r . , . .. aa.ioua Mtooa.iiiues.naii ceace. bat it. maatbeiorail'im. H p!n agr to leave Cuba, la km if ber fli with bar. I am ailhnir lo scree to aa arm it ice to la?t usbl October I, wbea the loyal Ccbans shall come into their own. "Prfmse tell I'reaiJent NVKinley tbit ' forme. T.-1I him too, that 1 am -ritina-) thisattbedLtioa at the Cuban prI yiaional gorernmeat, with which tbey may dir-lt if Ihaan l,r- ' treat directly If Ibsy to desire. ; Mm wsaitow I ... , Vicna. Cj, April II. Ererv s"a i tion along tie route of Contn -OeoeraJ i Ie's special train lavithed arrrniadra tnbatos un n htm. Tbe ooantr Theooantr f.-w n i in the interior turn it bed ardent admirers, who came ia carta, wairoiia and on hor. baca. Whenever tbe gereral stepped to the rear platform at tUtims, borJt of appUu greeted hi m. WssstrstsI sal mt fpatm M.toaro. April, II It is stated that Cnibl Plate Minister (Voodlord leaves Madrid todav. It is farther all-iced that be will be accompanied to th frontier by aa escort of gendarmes. The lnu Washingtox, April. 10. t tbe close of the cabinet meeting tonieht. it was an nounced that tbe prmidenl's meswajre wocld uodout-tedly go to tongress tomor row. Tbe meeting wss devoted wholly lo consideration ot tbe otemajre' addition. Beceri'aed by tbe receipt of tha latter no fro n Spain advising this torernment of tbe granting of an ooconJitiooal armis tice. The sufht ot the preatden's mraae merely recite this latest dev pmeo; of I tne npaaun sitaau a.iio tbe substance of the Spanish note aod ''recomntendins; it to tbeearDetonsidtrtio.iof congreaa.'' wrse Than steswrtrsl Seattls. April. 10. Liter details re ceived here toda from A'asl a inmate ihe borror of tbe avaiancbe on Chilooot pas, instead of k-sseniog it. Sixty nine dead bod'.e bare been thos far recovered, and tbe names ol 130 persoas are reported as unaccounted for. A conservative estimate is tbat between 7-j and 100 pi-raom were killed. A fact that lends horrcHT to tbo fearful tragedy is that it ma; never be known I with any degree of accuracy just kuw many i lives were sacraficed, who tbry were ir here they came from. Many a poor man lies curied here oo human aid can reach him, and where bis remains mail rest un til the summer suns melts the tohs of snow and ice under wbich he lies buried. The r ylsa Sajnsdrsn FcBT Moxrok. Va . April. 10. The fact that this was Sunday and Kaster Sun day, made no pecial difference aith the activity of those on the Hying squadron. In addition to tbe roll ae work on the Col umbia and Minneapolis, some of the new men were drilled st the suns, and the men on the Brooklyn were kept busily employ ed taking on amuoition. An waver nasi Seattle, April, 10. Police officer Thos. Roberts was shot and killed early this nioroiner. while on duty, by two loot pads. Officer George E Day, who was with Ro berts, received a bullet in bis wiur. ihe policemen accosted the footpads for tbe purpose of arresting them. They received in reply a shot. 4 pitch batt e ensued. Roberts fired once and fell. Will only Delay it Ljnpjx, April, 11. Continental tele grams of today's morning papers all wel come the armistice as giving at leatt a firospect of peace, but it is tue general be let, looking to tbe difficulties involved, that there is only a deity in war, as the United States will refute to be a party to further negotioiions. A Laundry Nurrci. Laundry patrons woo want first class work done without paying exorbitant prices ahould patronise the Albany Steam Laundry which have employed retrularlv five of the beet hand ironerson the coast for shirts, dresses, and shirt waists, and ten cents Is the highest price charged for anv of these article.. Whooping cough Is tba moat distressing malady; out its uuraiion can uo i-ui maun h Iib nas of tha Minute Couarh Cure. wbich Is alto tbe beat known remedy for croup and 'all lung and broncial troubles. J. A. Camming. r . What pleasure is there i n life with a head' ai-ha. ennati nation and biliousness r ThonS' aniia ainsrienofl them who could become pet feet ly healthy by usinv De Witt's little Kwly Kisers tamoua lime puis. J A, Cuxming. - .v-"to-mu ror a irty Csma. Odaranteed tobaseo habit eure, makes weak ' -r sirooir, blouC ur. aOo, tl. AU drucgiaia PATRICK DONAHOE Other Members ol the Family as Warmly Advise Use ol Paines Celery Compound. War men in this country whi have I llrevi toe'ear tbe eight barred pi which ln ,Tsbt of. end fewr o OTer h;T- .bjoyed more of tbe Mm trig nt a l-BC. active, well spent life than I ratrlrk a uaoaroa, toe lauoaer ot toe Bonoo Pit' t tbtnoRhow. to. ivera. u noioo.-h J?I la every city. Ti;laza and hamlet states an -I lorri hnrn the Irtah Amer aelt ed. the mm of Parte f oahoe la p kea with rwpe . 1 edmlri34 and aneu?n Mwe thaa ba'f a woturr e" Mr Dons ho ("Uh Ukl tb Plioc In IK. be en nsed oho HtU 0Kl M w m ; brilliant edivr f.- troty V' l lusverv fwi rau ai. ti beha.bnaKoq aab-r.b T a Caibote cbur.h lo Se- Knaiand thai hia n t beet a retapientof bi bountv. Mr DoUr. i i aiw lati aix. ! Tbe toPowio; opo letter ent to Waits, I Richardson at l t. In a Hres4 to " Ihonaanda of rrieois all over toe land ia h-o bmn and nomas Peirknt Dona n f bM r.uo4 '??Vfit;i"R-r.iiM, . 1 n!Tl 7k! ".I- loogbt oo by a pnrBt iliDsnori ,ry irvlog cHarajtr. an J at tne sugaa iJ of Ymada wa were beiievets in yw remedy Paws'eCeJwyComoaod) I was lodoewl to"Ht m irial lam happy tt way UiatatA wiywfa very aatlafa lory, and i fall Us riod effects immeitatoiy. Hnnl am ansa to rscommena na w io i caasrs ilk., mtna where tbe nsrvoos aysiev fromany eao; is run down ao4 wsedaa' Wall Paper. t carpets, Lineolsum, Lace Curtains - Pillows Furniture Bedding. - Rrture Frames. Linen Warp Mat tin gt Oil Paintings. and Undertaking ALBANY FURNITURE CO. On Say! You may tend the Motrin & Wright Plank Road Tire and put on a "Jim Dandy Lantern." RE. ALLEN & CO. . CANDY CATHARTIC NOMCONSTPA HAVE YOU BEEN IN Thomas Brink's Furnitute Store Lately, lie has on of the finest rtocl:3 of Fnrni- lure m tho valley. He has udded Bah v Buggies to h"a stock. , Just call in and you will find that his pricos are the lowest ALB AMY CIGAR!! FACTORY J. Joseph. f ,.:.'".--- .. . . . . --c-j-ox v tt table tocie. I am happy to ataia that tw mtiabni of my faoaU have oawl Paioe'a salary eompooni wHtt U.e mat gru'rvlng r taua. sty aaatTttter in law atra r m. uau bor; ha lecesved the moat proooaneei fsatts from lu use. whilst my too. J Frank Pooahoe. tbe organist ot therm Utedral. Is load in tu praise havin g fwol it a great betp ia regaioing hi t streog-.b (inrix ovorworir In hia pr famhoa. Yea-1 ba!Hv ta Paioe's e ary com putioJ PATRICK D1XAH3E. Tbraa foorlbs ot a I tbe aebem and paioa and dMUNthiaa thU agd erans aaffer from arias p'ainly from retarded circa a I be slow b'ood atreun fC eboked aim an a-s-umatauioa of waste outlor that declares Its . praaeocs Io twinges ot rbemsrim,lambaraoarslria and in abim la mi. All tbsso nanalnral son Jtliooa esa b correct d anl prmaooily itooa away wiUi by vigwoua'y e'eensioa- tba boa-l am rea'aUa tbe taray circa taxioa. Paioe's cat-ery com poo si ia pre miastnuy capable ol doiag tbU bjyoad aav other remedy. Taere la n-aiiog vagae a boot tba sort of -gjod fceaUlh" tbat te prom i oy Pa'oos ce-y compoand ao4 voo d fjr bv men and vsmsa wb have wsd it. It meaaa, aunoog other thin ga.firmsr neve . cwnnWM Oierisn. asrestar oraath and uorersaoiar boddr rancaiooa- Paioe'a erieri otmPMind aecurta toess where otbsr rMnadaea fail, becajss Pa os'a e4l 9rj oo,, poo -d ts tbe discovery ot a great sets nrsssi n n Hello: F, E. Allen & Co Send op one of thoee $j0 S tee ma "Yellow Boy,' wheels for Charlie aod one of thoee f35 Queens for Bessie, tbey are tbe handsomest and best wh eels ever shown in Albaiy, re gardieea of price, will brio ft the cah dow this afternoon. ALL DRUGOSTS Proprietor, ph'tician. bi knew all tbat the sebojt aod text ooks eoald teach him. bnt more thaa mat. La kaew airs; men aid women as few rbrsvqo io sot age have known Uko. Prof Edward E PhWps, M D. IX. D. of the DamnoalU medical aehoot, was ai:s to drive oat disss frou? tbe ayatem boeaose be knew where tbe dlaswae was lodged and bow to belp ths exeretawy or raoa. instand ot eoofaiiog tbem as so many iilotrical remedies do io their effjrt to class M the bidos. Paine's Celery Com pound osooragea aod atrengthtDs tbe kidoeys, and scabies tbeta to oieanse tbe b o-kI ol Its waste, po soooa maoers that are the direct cause of (irjcuuoess, ibsUess oesa, meiaeichotia. b.ood "lafsvse, wasting ascknesMea, beadacbew, sod tbat gen ra! -.rua djwn" eoodruao tbat opatos tbe door to dell aise organic d'sassaas or tbe heR, liver or stomacfa, e'pocialjy a per aos ts ad vanmoi in year and no long r posse wed of tbe annndadt energy tbsi cnaractertxev youtn Paine's celery cxnpoaed ot kes the blood a brut til r1 eoior, increasaa is oii ome in tbe arteries an 1 quicken I: a ciieu lation.and eoabes ths tired person to aieep eigct or to; noora at a atratcb Every man or woman whose nerroas streortb ia at all ovnixed- or whose I'Je is a busy oo in many e'lrection, sin fsel the invigorating, va'iziu tSari cJ Paint's WMcy comcoand, and see his ber health mead iron tbe first two of tH greatest of alt kuisrs mvigorator and reme lies I fm ta Crnrauf CV-rf ft Out .tai sr no j Kir Ue Ccaatfy of Tm r-iiiuieu Lanxt p r Joan Uint, dfndant i l o wood usm, ta scon tinai aeKsui nt. IN Tl XAVt OF THE STATE OF Oragoa, y a h -t- hf r-jatr4 W appsar a-"l ta. omu' Bt of tha abora. psiat u. ui tne al.or comi- Cart, now i nv wicb tbe clera o' said Lojrt. oa or b-1 ra tba first dar rf Jie next regular term of ra'd Cdrt, whicai -ait" next reaUr term ot sa d Coart betrna oa M -wdav, tbe 14th day f Alatcb, 1S3S, at tbe C. urt Howae ia tba tity of Albmy. Lisa t'ossty, Oregon. Aod J is are hereby no4 isd tbat if yoa fail to apsar and sn?wr aaid comp'ant of plaiauf aa herein mjsired a decree ot said Ccnrt will be taien aeainn von for tbe J re i. f pra) ed forin p'aiotiff's eoaplaiat, ' . - . 1 , T . I w wit; a aecree aiaaoiTis,, Iraads or ;rantnon rsw exlainc betareeajoa and : aaid pia'ndff. aod lor tbe coats and oia- t-sraemenUrf said tail. This samtnoBs is served by publication ia ' tat a Rk.bts DmxTLiT f jr ait raesatve weeks, in paraaanee of as order made by the Hon. 11 It. Itewtt, jjdge of aaid coart, made ia the city of Albany. I isa Coo err. .Orejoo, tbeSyJi dav of Janr-. aJKSa. Notice U S Uasd Orric at Oregon Citt Oa March 25:h. 1S9S. The secretarv of the interior ha under date of March i0ib. 1S3S, Usoed an order rvvokinff the withd'awa'a of lands hereto fore made under tbe grant made by act of July 5, 1?W( 14 Stt. i.). to aid m tbe conatructlon of te Willan.e'te V'aUer and Cascade Mountain Ya4r0n Koad. and or. dercd tbat tbe i'xsei-kcted lands em braced therebt be restored to the puUk oomain ana opened 10 tettiement and en try undr the (reneral land laws. Tne above restoration applies only to unselected lands, and rights acquired within any other grant that may overlap the withdrawal made for raid Willamette Valley aud Cascajg Mountain Wagon Koad are not affected thereby. - Notice ii herebf given that the airl withdrawals have been revoked and that the unseleeted lands embraced thereby, in the Oregon City Land Diatrict, will be opened to settlement, on and after May 10:h, CnAS B MooMs,Ree.ister. WmCSauowit, Receiver: tXECUTCiVS NOTICE To all the creditors aril persons Liter ested in the estate of Rebecca Smith, de cetxed, you are he eby noticed that 1 have been duly appointed executor of said estate bv the county coort ol linn county, Ore gon, .therefore, all peraona having claims sgalnst said estate are harebv notified and required to present the same "to nie with the paper vouchers, at the law office of W R Btlyeti in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, within sir months from the date hereof. . fUted this latdav of Januaiy, 1S98. Sami kl Kkauer. Executor STOiKHOlOERSKEETIXC' Notice ia hereby given that tbe annual meeting-ot tbe Albany Mining & Milling to. will be held at the othce of O (i Buik hsrt on tbe 2Mb day of April, 1S9J, a 4 0 clock 9 m of said day tor the purpoe of electing seven directors to serve for wne year and the transaotica of such other business aa msy legally come before the meeting. By order of board of director. C S BhOWNBSL, CO BUKKHART, Secretary, - I'nsidenU DENVER 0- RIO GRANDE RAILROAD The Scenic Lice Of trje World Weekly Firarsions To The 118! In through tonriet cara wittior.t change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOUIilST SLEEPEB8 Inuliaage of Experience! condac- toii ana porxeis T Kto-a City an Cfcleage M05D . Yi without cfcwge.yi S . t Lake Mukaari Pactiic aad Chicago tc A I cw Koiiroad To Omaha. CMet, Buffalo TUESDAYS B-;a:oo, wi i uit c-an. via Milt !. and Cnic Rock I.!ri) & Pacific Hy Tt f! - Jt. Koat Citv, WEHX3DA Y ' k Is oi. with, on ehaae vi t Like l Borliag t "f'.e To K...-M Citv sod S . 1mis THURDY3 nt envg., Salt Lltrea-xi Mia-ouri Pacific Ev A day stopover arraqged at iit't Lake and l)ner A liide tiroug'l ths I.iomi CloradO Scenery For rates asd inform ttwn kqatre iA 0 B & N aod S P ajeoU or addre B C ViraoL. Gai Agt, 3kB r.a, 231 Wiohinetoa street, D-nve--IVr-.'and Ore;oa C dorado. TXTT 0 liio TO THE E A eia ia cHotca or 2 TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES ' CHEAT SOfaTHE?.?, via SPOKANE ORECOi'i SHORT LlfiE via SALT LAKE mm avo KAKSAS CtlT siiSXEAFCUS ST. PAUL CBICACO Lowest Rat63 to all Eastern Cities Ocean Steamer, s Leave Portland lavery 5 days SAM FRANCISCO Steamers monthly from Port land to Yokohoma and Hong Kong; via, The Northern Pa cific Steamship Co. ir. con nection with O R and N For tall inforwiation cadi oa CcaaJUV A Mo'-tiith, AAit Vi a tDPUat: W H HUELBL'ttl. jaai.Pa .Aca Pj-tUnd Ol . floney to Loan. We have a block of $40.0CO to loan oa jrxxl farms in Ltna and adjHamg coont tea. If you have goal secant j and perfect title, we can forush yoa the coin wit hoot delay, as we make ccr own examination of eirity. t ail on cs or write S. X. ?tkkl Co, Albany, Oregon. TEE BOO! OP TES ICS! 1 VTtttce br Biakt Horn. WiUmcb Emt G fntmr sf Hrwmt EnQ" il Ir, nl. - t.l.Il.takVainllMtl . Saatsn 1N Cartn. L. IV. Camss r JUS- Data Ca-wrr. Cumtair. I"". I.MfK Ci,. aXOTais CsiiL f ujimlla. ami Kr. Fnak W. euMioK l Ha'y I U urlt msi 1. m. T rtuiwm Caana. I inn aaau B a. IAntir. ix D. caivmrr CaaKS, jat Otr. N V . Er. Jirtra SaiiM.i. PJ. atm UL VITA Jfcgi X, 11 ii. 11 tnna Hw II U. Po.a CbaacrKQal vaarcs. Loraic renmt. latMtf cw. M. oMw Wi;io. mu wa "JL1 "f- i" oho. lit: E. MToi Sm. I- L. Trio. W ja maiuiHi Cfcarca. LaaJn. Eat-. I-BBa C. lnn-.LLI' . Tb Tmm. Bwm. m. . w (tit etna, S4JK. aait traah iWrwC-ljSB raltiw llrwara. Uaas. 81 tall lm tf tlv stI, B-m nlacoi full Wnai. ftfcJi ia s PiKTS.Qirto , n Sr caga. tnmwd tiwasly. aLSs c P HRe aaia at ail teobura ! t- bsoww fanaw tafewmanoa. wt.w MiNKV O. SJllJAJtlv Titilnhsr n ssil II rnrn -' r- AOMIHISTBaTQS'S sale. ! Notice ts hereby given tbat 'fee nndei signed adm initiator cf the estate of Jn E Carter, deceased, will ia pursuance ot an order of tbe connty court for Una cwnty. Oregon, dolv made a'd entered of woid 00 the 11th day o April. 1SS. ofTera for sale at pchlis auction a: the court house d or on the 30th day of April. IfX. at the hoar ot 1 o'clock p m of said day, tbe following described real etate. tow it. Lots Nos 4. o and 6. in block No 11 in Hackieman's second addition to Albany, Li na county Oregon. Terms "of sale bait ia cash ia hand and the remainder ia sis months from date cf sale, payment secured by mcrtgaee on rroperly. Inu March 16'. Ed RMCutk, Admr, TEASURER'3 K01ICEK0- 9 Notice is hereby given that funds aie on hand tc pay city warrants Kos. ob7 to 416 inclustvw ot tiie issue of 1597. In terest oa said warrants will cease w ith t he date ot this notice. 4lbany Or. Iee. , 1S97. . A. Pas ksr, City Treasurer. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. Notice is hereby piren tbat the ABnoal meeting of the stock holders of the Al banv Trading Co will be he?d at tbe store of the Albany Trading Co, oa May 9th at 7:30 o'clock p. ra. on aaid day lor the purpose of electing three director to serve one yew, and the transaction of such hutineaa as mar legally come before tbe meeting. - By order o"f the board of di rectors. F. T. Bucxt, R. N. Mobrsjs,, secy. Pre. CaTeaisaa4Tra4s BfarksettaiBsd and all Pat-; aa bosiaeas eoadoctatl for MoScrata Fees. aad mixll. dramas orpaoto. wssaTiasn sateajahlafresofeiuirTS. OnrfeaaotdaatiU pxaatiaaKiirtd. A Paavpbiet "Bow tOb-' lala Fatrata." wittt cost of aaaa i a ths C aV aaJfejCtieaoanBtrlaassstfraa. Iilijrasaj C A. SNOW & CO. : Ov. ftur Omer. WasHtnsTwa, D. C.' ID) H ST