The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 08, 1898, Image 3

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Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month
f 3.00 per advance, 30c per month
not in advance. By carrier, 10c per
week. 10 per cent added if allowed to
run over months.. Single copies 6c.
Weekly. $1.25 in advance; J 1.50 at eno
of year; $1.75 for secoud year; $200 foi
third and preceed in g yearn, when not paid
in advance. Clubn of five new subscriber!
at $5.00.
Insurance Matters.
Dress Goods
Is full of new things to interest and en
tertain yon. Spring dress (rood are opened
every day. New Organdies & Dimities dis
plaved in the east window. .New Dimities
at 8, l'2)4 & 15 i. New Organdies, special
value, at 25;.
SE Young & Son,
Albany, Oregon.
Ground floor
Dental Office.
Vard Littler,
Broadalbin, St.,
Albany, Or.
Pleasing variety of latest shapes color
In Ladies & Childrens Rats
.Fall lines of veilings, 15,20,25,30,35
cents per yard.
Department 2 of the circuit conrt con
vened this morning; in charge of Judge
Heitt, with a small calender to run
through. Two or three cases .will be
tried besides four or five divorce cases.
The Albany bar was pteeot ia force,
with 8 M Uarland from Lebanon. A A
Tussing from Brownsville, District Atty.
Hayden an 1 R Skipwortn.
F J Porter agt John C Elder, partition.
In the matter of the assignment of i
Clark Bros. Continue J
In the matter of the assignment of Al
bertina Kreiesel, insolvent Continued -W
T Cochran agt John Cushmanfore
cloeure. Continued
In the matter of the assignment of F
M Kiier, insolvent. Continued.
Elizabeth Sicker son agt Hugh Kicker
son, partition. . Continued.
ilaryjane Miller agt KJira Brown etal,
. partition. Continued.
In the matur of the assignment of A
' M Hammer. Continued.
Wm Lane agt Linn Co, injunction.
. Judgment by default.
Nancy Bilyeu agt J R Stewart et al,
-.foreclosure. Judgment by default.
Board School Fund Com agt M J Mon-
teit'i et al, foreclosure. Judgment by de
fault. Sarah P Blakely agt Sustn D Keehey
. et al, confirmation. Sa'e confirmed.
Jacob Sees agt Eliza Jane Farrier et al,
confirmation. Sale confirmed.
W J V an Schu) ver & Co agt G W An-
derson et al, confirmation. Sale con
.firned. A I ban'- Building & Loan Associativa
: agt M W Orton et al, confirmation. Sale
Albany Building A Loan Association
-.agt J W Blain et al. onfirmed.
Mrs C W Sogers apt Jane Woody et al,
foreclosure Judgment by defanlt except
-as to j vj .iaer and wile and Jane and K
B Woody
First National Bank agt Marisn Jack
et al, to cot reel title. Judgment for
Editor Dtmoctnl:
I thought I would inform the citizens
in Albany in referring to the recent tax
f 15 per cent to be added to the premi
ums on all policies on account of license
recently imposed by our citv council. I
mar aay that I have ascertained that the
premiums from the Albany agency are
about $10,000 per annum, and there are
nineteen agencies. A tax of (75 on each
agency is therefore $1425. 15 per cent
on $10,000 in premiums is $1500. The
additional tax therefore is just sufficient
to pay these licenses I wouli not teel
quite so uncomfortable about these
license if it were equitable and if it were
based upon the license charged "other
lines of business involving no more
money, but I still believe at the present
time where the majority have hard work
to meet their obligations it would not be
a wise movement to put any license on
any business at present, but the facts
are beyond dispute that the ordinance
was originated bv certain areata who
desired to crowd the smaller, agents out
of the business. I do not know just who
was responsible, and all I desira is that
the citizens in Albany in general peti
tion the couucil to repeal the ordinance
in regard to taxing the insurance agents.
I do not think the (itizens of Albany will
be very willing to pay 15 per cent add
premium for the sake f concentrating
the business in the hands of two or three
men who happen to have influence
enongh in our council to secure this li
cense tax. J. Gbadwohl
Portlsnd. Or., March 31, '98.
Mr. Jcutm Gbapworx,
Dear Sir
Replying to your favor of the 30lh inst,
in reference to the 15 per cent tax, in
which you state that a number of agents
have offered to write policies in Albany
without making the additioaal charge
required by the circular
Any agent issuing a policy without the
15 per cent additional whether in Board
or non-Board Companies, is laying him
self liable to penalty as prescribed for
violation of Board rules, for writing bus
iness at less than proper rate.
lours very truly,
P. ow S. Olset,
Delegates to
Republican Convention.
To meet in Albany Wednesday :
East Albany W V Baltimore, D F
Hardman, E D Cusica, John Denny, N
D. Conn, A M Holt, H L Walden, Grant
Froman, W H Worrell.
Albany-J R Wyatt, A B Woodin, C 3
Wina, O E Sox, J A McFeron, W U
Davis, S Froman, J R Whitney, J J Gra
bam, A M Cannon, P A Goodwin, W E
West Albany Geo L Reee, C P Dan
nam, P R Conn, P A Young, N M New
port, W P Small, Geo E Fish, Fred
Shultx, S N Steele, A W Blackburn, J N
Duncan, W F Fortmiller.
Price W U Thompson, Samuel Bo
dine, James Dixon, U C. Powell, P B
Marshall, M F Dawson, J W Propst, F
Cornett, J S Froman.
North Brownsville E A Evans, Peter
Smith, L Tyeer, R H Chaplin, F M
Brown, W W Robe, F II Weber and A C
South Brownsville W A Stafford. Jo
seph Hume.Ed Moore. Peter Hume, A M
tempieton ana w A Tmnpleton.
Tallraan- Jamas Wallace. W S Thorn d-
j son, Geo McKnight, John Baltimore.
byracuse John Cooser, E. S. Buek-
Sooth Lebanon W H Boo:b. John A
Lamberson.Wm Jennins.Guy M Brown,
W B Donaca, S K Kickerroo, J G Reed,
W E Chandler, G F Gould.
North JLehanon Geo Rues, J W Sim .
on, Geo Lovelace, Chas Blodgett, J G
Swan, A H Kenoa.l.
Orleans .N Needham, Jos ates, J 1
McCune, David Sherer, Dawson.
Foster A H Yost. Fred Wadtli
San tiam Herbert Downing, Herbert
Carlton, A L Richardson, Geo Clark.
Halsew P T Starr. J W Miller, Berry
Cnmmings. J M Miller. N H Pratt, T A
Powell, T P Pat ton, Alex Power. W C
Smith, J T McNeal, John Sucdiah.
A A. Tossing, of Brownsville, is at
tending court
Mrs. Will Lyon, of Pullman, Wash.,
arrived in Albany last Saturday night on
a visit with Albany relatives and friends.
U. G. Hale has returned from Idaho,
where he spent tie winter. After the
i-xperience Linn county is good enough
for him. ;
"Dr " Joe Sternberg returned this
noen from Portland, where he has just
completed bis first year as a medical
Mrs. C. Arnold left this noon fr St.
Joseph, Mo., on a six months visit with
relatives. If well enough she will also
go to Washington, D. C.
C. W. Marty n, at one time in the em
ploy of the O. P. at Albany, has been
made train dispatcher at Ashland, being
transferred lroin rortiaod.
Hettie Moore agt Anihooy Moore, divf" George A. Geisendorfer, of the SoJasM
vvib. wuwuuwu , I 1 ID Qfl C IT tWBV. 1IC (CUWM J-AJ M CI
- I I .
Violet Ford agt Milton Ford, divorce! Soda a very du.l place Del ore the spttngf
Granted. I and summer campaign for health begin a 1
Death of C. R Sylvester.
Mr. 0. R. Sylvester died in this city
this morning at the age of sixty five
years. About nine years ago, Mr. Syl
vester, then residing in Illinois, was a
large robust man, weighing two hun
dred pounds or over, tall and straight.
While driving a team he was thrown out
upon his back, which was injured so
severely as to break down bis system,
and the once strong man became oent
and thin. Mr Sylvester served his
country faithfully in the rebellion, and
wae a member of the G. A R. He was
a man of splendid character, faithful in
all his duties in life. He leaves a wife
and daughter in this citv. The latter is
the wife of Mr. W. F Hammer.
Charles R. Sylvester was born August
oru, loo, in me state ot Maine tie
came to Albany in 1894, and has lived
here siuce, a good, peaceful and honored
citizen, esteemed by all who knew him.
The funeral will take ao at the M .
E. church at 2.30 p. m. t as or w The
services at the cemetery alb conduct
ed by the G. A, R.
Two Girl 1 rami a.
From the Oregonian :
While at Cascade Locks Thursday
Sheriff Driver, of Wasco county, learned
that two young girls had arrived at that
place after having tramped from Port-,
land on the railroad track Mr. Driver
found them and learned that they had
determined to go 1 1 Heppner, where
they claimed their father lived, and, be
ing without mena. were traveling on
foot. They refused to give their names
or that of their father, so Mr Driver's
ens picions were a-oueed, and he took
the girls into custody. They were brought
to The Dalles by boot, and lodged at the
Columbia hotel, but Friday morning
slipped a ray, and were not overtaken
until they bad reached Seufert'a cannery
three miles above town.
The girls at first refused o give their
names, but it was finally learned that
they are Mamie and Mabel Dante, and
that they are aged 16 and 14 years, re
spectively They claimed to have for
merly lived at Albany, and that on ac
count of trouble between their parents
they left home. Sheriff Driver is still
hoi ling them, with the hope of ascer
taining who their parents are. If their
parents cannot be found they wi:l be
placed in charge of some reform institution.
Crop Report.
Fall and winter sown wheat and oats
are very promising; excellent growth
has been made. ' Spriug seeding is being
rapidly pushed to completion; in some
localities all the spring grain baa been
sown, on bottom lands sowing will soon
commenei Rain is needed in Jackson
and Josephine counties. As a rule, in
creased grain acreages are being report
ed. Seasons seldom open with more fa
vorable grain prospects.
The effects of the frosts is vet a ques
tion One ot the fruit commissioners re
ports. ''Commercially no damage has
been done;" while some growers report,
"Peaches are killed," "Aluvnds are
killed ;" and others report. "Some dam
age done." Cootidering all reports, it is
safe to asanme that while in sectiors the
frost may have killed the bad, yet as a
whole, no actual damage has been done;
for it frosts do not thin out the fruit, a
great expense is entailed to prone it out
by band. Cherries, plnms, and prunes
are coming into fall bloom. Garden
making is active, karly-sown vegetable
seecs have made excellent growth.
in taste rn uregoo sprint seeding in
the Columbia River Valley is about -tone;
fell and winter sown grain have an excel-
stand. Plowing for summer fallow is in
progress. The peach trees are in full
bloom, but material injury from fraets
is not anticipated. The -report ftoru the
alley a-e flattering for the grain, fruit.
berry and vegetable cr tps.
B. S Pace
Gathering far Tomorrow.
Frank Welsh, son of Dr. Welsh, ar
rived h ere last Friday fnm Missomi.
He is well pleased with the country,
and will probably stav here.
Benjamin Tharp, of Saver, died sud
denly on Saturday March 26, aged 67
Mr Tharp was highly respected by all
who k jew him, had lived a consistent
christian life and was prepared to meet
bis God, he had been a member of the
Baptist chuiclr' for forty vears. Mr.
Tharp was th? father of 12 children, 10
are still living and were at their father's
funeral last Monday. Mrs. H M. Stone
oi this place is a daughter. Death comes
to all, 'Be ye also prepared for ye know
not what day nor what hour death may
Presbytery of the U P cbnrch will
meet next Tuesday evening in the Oak
v.lle church, the opening sermon will be
preached by the moderator, Kev. X J
Wilson, of Eugene.
Our soring term of school commenced
Monday morning
Froet again ! but there will be no mor
frost after Easter.
Do we pay anv tax? Wbv do yon dc
sire to know McK." L,inle Rose Bu 1
is not a candidate lor office and yon kno r
what class of people are exempt frot i
taxes: " v omen, lunatics, ministers an i
Indians," which one of these did yo l
enppose we belonged to. Yes McK. wp
pay a tax, we are not like Judge B anl
others, see Linn County Republican!
However, don t take our word for it bu'
ask Bruce McKnight or W W Crawford
or go to M C Gains and yon wi'.l find by
- referring to the tax list that L R B has
paid the 1897 tax.
Spring grain is mostly in the ground
and our farmers are well pleased with
the prospect for a large crop, but gardens
and irutt are not so promising. -Little
Kobe Bcd
N At tkaplnCA ftf thu AnturtAin
nient of Mrs. Partlow and Mss Baker
at the opera bonae last Saturday night in
the oratorical contest the silver cup was
voted Fred Thomson.
Prof. W. A. McGhee.of Oakland, Or
is in the city cn his way to Baltimore, to
attend the general conference of the M E
Cbnrch South to be- held in Baltimore.
He will also visit St. Joseph, Mo., and
other places.
District Attorney Sam Harden came
up from Salem this noon and is attend
mg circuit com i. Mr. Hayden baa made
a very efficient and popular oinctai ana
will receive a big vote in the coming elec
Dr. J. P. Gill died at Eugene last Sat
urday at the advanced age of 82 years
He was born in London, coming to the
United States when a bo v. He located
in Oregon in 1870. Dr. Gill was an. uncle
Delegates to the republican coucty
convention, which meets in this city to
morrow lore noon, are already gathering.
there are a good many candidates to la
bor with them. P R Keller. W A Tem
ple' on and L H Laselle. are after the ea-
atorsbip. Dr Lamberaon, W A Calder.
M a Wilds, I Y McCuue, J R Davis, fc
A Ilennesi, C B Winn and G L Rm are
mentiooed lor representatives J W
Pogb. Frank Froman and A J Kirk
are candidates for sheriff with Pugu io
the lead. J S VanWiok'e will probably
be nominated for clerk, though J P Car
ter is after it. Charles Warner. F M
Red field. W B Wright. J D Irvine and J
E Dixon are fter the recorderebip. Some
one says the chances re in favor of Ir
vine. B A Stafford will be renominated
for assessor. Green Morris for treasurer.
W a Wiley for superintendent and E TT
Fisher for surveyor
Delegates not heretofore mentioned
are :
Scin A J Johcson, V F Gill, George
Phillips. Jr.
iranklin Butte Wm Brenner. D E
Berdan, T S Coffer, Wm Moore.
Jordan L-wis Trask, m H Small.
Sbedd J R Davis. R A Jarne. J Car-
uthers, J-bn Barton, Frank Bayne.
North Hameburg E E Upmever. Jas
Sabio, R A Kampy, feam'i Nixon and
Brace Davidson.
A Lady
tried Schilling's Best tea and
did not like it.
She tried it again and
made it according to direc
tions. It's her only tea now.
Oil the War Path.
D. 8. Christ ner, a young man, was re
turning from across the river yesterdav
afternoon with a fish pole and string of
nun, wnen he was attacked by Joe Ray
mond and Waller Farreli who struck him
with bis pole and slapped the fish in his
m. n warrant whs iss'iea tor iiietr ar
rest. Before thev could be found with a
Mr. MrDaniAl f mm inrn,, Ik. ,iv.,tl.,v
made things lively for W W. Rowell bjrl
taking possession at his bus and running
things. Farreli aud Raymond were ar
Mrs. E. C. Rogers has returned
a trip 10 uaiiiurnia.
Miss Mart Rieland, of Eusene. la in
the city visiting friends.
Judas Whitney went to Usrrisburir
this noon to prosecute the tramp arrest
ed fjr robbing the store of Hyde & Taylor.
R. M. Lewis and family lelt Friday
evening for Kansas City, Missouri. Mr.
Lewis spent a couple of vears in that
country selling Liverine, a Lebanon pro
duct. He will again engage in the same
business. Criterion.
John T. Ames of Swert Home, who for
several years has been in poor health,
died last Saturday. Mr. Ames was an
old pioneer and has always been consid
ered one of the best men of that part of
the county. vnterion.
rM. Charlss 6ulton yesterdav received, PPointeJ as follows: D F Hardman, E
a letter Irom his son at Uooolulu, dated! " uo". "eroeriwriion, J x jucuirne,
rested afterwards on the first charge af-J
ier Borneo nat oi a struggle on tliair pars.
The young men bad been drinking
hard, and whiskey was at the bottom of
the disturbance.
Upon being taken before Recorder
Henton this forenoon Raymond and
Farreli plead guilty and were fined $15
and costs apiece, or eigbt days imprison
ment, which will be in the couity jail.
A Fire.
About 11 o'clock last night a fire was
discovered in the frame building oc
cupied by the Albany lunch counter and
the ore department was called out none
too soon, for it waa with effort that the
flames were gotten under control before
spreading through the wooden range
Prompt work though saved the' block
Some damage waa done the building and
considerable the contents on account of
the water and the removal of the furni
ture in anticipation of the building burn
ing. The but'ding owned by Mr. Shape,
is insured.
At 2 o'clock the flames attain broke out
in the roof and a second alarm waa given,
uui ii provea unnecessary.
Notes. Ban Clelan had to ba hrnntrht
from the budding, having fainted from
the smoke, but he soon revived.
Ihe damage to the building is about
The fire undoubtedly started from be
tween the joists in the floor, through
which the pipe passes.
John Parker's Death-Verified.
From the Oregonian :
Ail doubt con-erning the death of
Capt. John Parker at Dawson City was
saept away yesterday by-a letter receiv
ed by W P. Sinnott, who lives on Broad
way and Ross streets, East Side, from
his son. The letter gives aa account of
the death of Captain Parker at the bos
pital at Dawaoa Yoosg Sinnott was at
the hospital, and bad been looking after
btm to some extent. Before Mr. Parker
died, and when he became convinced
t&at the end was not far off, he commis
sioned lbs youoif man to write an ac
count ot bis death, so bis family would
receive tne last eat message direct, and
be complied. Mr. Parker died on the
13th of February, and was bnried at
Daw ton. The Albina men. of whom
there ie quite a colony near Dawson.
were present at the bunaL Mr. Sinnott
yesterday acquainted Mrs. Parker with
the information, although it could hard
ly be considered news, aa aha baa about
given up Al hope. Mr. Parker waa well
known ia Albina. having lived there for
a number of years. He leaves a widow
and one daughter, and was about 55
years of ae. He was a tnuer of Eu
reka lodge. A O. U. W of Albioa.
ahh h gives his Umilva protection of
2(100 Captain Parker stood the tria
over the pass very well until wUbin a
short distance of Dawson, when ha be
came ill, and never left the hospital after
reaCbiog aia dest nition.
March 23, written on board the Balti
more. The boat was about to sail for
Hong Kong to reinforce the American
fleet there. The sold inn on board con
sidered war as inevitable . Garfield bade
his father good bye probably for the las
The Republican County Convention
convened in the court bouse this forenoon
with 140 delegates io attendance.
Tne contest for chairman of the con
vention, which had taken place befoie
the meeting, reaul'ed in the nomination
ot J R Wyatt of Albany andW iM Brown,
of Lebanun, after introductory remarks
by Mr Wyatt aa chairman of the cen.ral
committee, A M Holt, ? R Conn, N M
Newport and A M Cannon were appoint
ed tellers. Mr Brown recefved 88 votes,
Mr Wystt 49 snd 2 blank. Mr Brown
took the chair, and did the best be knew
N M Newport was nominated for sec
retary, but declined on the grounds that
he wa a lawyer and a poor scribe, and 0
K Sox was elected. U B Winn was
elected assistant.
The following committee on credentials
was appointed : J R Wyatt, W E Chan
dler, E A Evan, R A Jayne, R L White
committee on order of business was
Chicago 105 and 85c.
New York lOOtfc and 88.Sc
San Franciacu ifc.
Liverpool 6s higher.
Albany 70n.
Linn Co. Council P. of A.
The Linn County Grangers met with
Fairmount Grange, Befcton county, last
First came a song, then a niayer by the
chaplain followed by roll call ol delegates.
H Parker, agent of tbecouncii, report
ed progress, hut urged the several gran
ges to complete their lists ot machinery,
twine, etc., needed for the coming har
vest and send them io to him as soon as
Special committee to formu'ate a plan
for organising a tax payers Protective
Association wss granted further lime
Reports from the special committees
of three from each grange to viait some
other grange, were called for. Owing to
various hindering causes no visits have
been made, exceot that of C L Shaw as
on of a committee to visit Fairmount
grange. The same visiting con mil tee
continued another month.
The subject "What effect has the moon
upon the killing of nieu and the plant
ing of seeds" was thn taken op. with
Thos Froman aa leader, followed by J
9.le.?V!I prk-. J H Scott, 1 W Propst.
H M Palmer, C L Shaw, Mart Miller, M
B Case, 8 3 Train and A L Sridgefarmer.
"The best mode of canning fruit," was
taken op. The leader, Mrs Olin being
absent, Mrs Mary Walker led the ilsit
aion, followed b7 Mrs Cornett, Mrs Shan
non, Mra Payne, Mrs Morris and othtrs.
Mart Miller gave hia2.exrieoca in can
ning sausage.
Loder the "Good of Ihe order" ela
qoent remarks were made by J If. Scott,
A D Hale and others.
A pleasing feature of this meeting was
lbs attendance of members from Kings
Valley grange, tor the first time repie
sented in the coaccil. since it became
contrihotary thereto laat October.
Committee on program reported tne
following for discussion at the next meet
First, "How can we induce the mem
bers of grange toco-operate more thot
oogbly." Leader. Mart Millr, to be
followed by A A HawUy and II C Davis
Second, "in what manner can the ex
cessive labors of women oo the term he
A C Buck. P B Marshall
Mr Johnson moved that acommitleeof
fivo on ap oriionment of count v for del
egates be appointed Mr Hardm n
moved a substitute that the delegates be
elected by the convention as r whole
Mr Wyatt moved that a committee of
thiee on permanent organization be ap
pointed Carried Committee: A.J
Jobneon, F A Mckaraon, and J C Stand
ish. Committee on reaolutima- Polar
Hume, N M Newport, Geo McKnight, O
B Winn. A P Flory.
The afternoon session was opened by a
song by S N Steele.
Tne committee on credentials reported.
The committee on permanent organi
sation reported in favor of making the
temporary officers the permanent officers
The comm'ttee on order of busioeis re
ported according to I be following pro
ceedings: The committee on resolutions reported,
presenting a resolution reaffirming alleg.
iance to the principles set forth ia the St
Louis platform of 1896, endorsing the
preaideosand bis cabinet, congratulat
ing the people on improved financial con
ditions snd appealing to the people of
Linp county for their vStes regardless of
party who wanted the present conditions
For two senators P R Kellev, L II La--sll
and W A Tempieton were' named
Tellers, A J Johnson, Herbert Carlton,
E l Cusick and F M Brown
Vote; Kelly H7. Lasarll 102, Temple
ton 65. Kelly and Laaaell were declared
For three representatives R W Fisher,
CBWinn, MU Wilds were chea by
for clerk S P Carter and J A Van
Wiakle were named.
Balllot. Van iokie 12t, Carter S
For sheriff, J W Pob, Frank Froman
and A J Kirk were named.
rirst ballot, fugb 78, Kirk 50, Froman
2nd, Pugh, 74. Kirk 54, Fro
man, 30. Fromaa withdrawn.
3rd baljot, Pugh 81. Kirk 74.
was declared nominated.
ror recorder, F M RedfieH. Fred
Dixon, H C Powell and Cbaa A Warner
were named.
First ballot, Redfield 73. Warner 66,
tixonf Powell 7. Dixon and Powell
were withdrawn.
Second batloi Redfie!d 80, Warner 74.
Redoeld waa declared nominated
For commissionsr Robert Glass, John
B Trask and O H Rae!l were earned.
For commtsioner, O Q Rnwelt
For superintendent, L A Wiley
nominated by acclamation.
Kor treasurer.
Likewise a fine stock of clothing for the
season at the store of the
1 Dutcness Ttonsersl
Tit and Workmanship Perfect.
; The Appearance without the Cost
1 aaar in tki woaio. tec roa a aurroa. 1
i var a ma. at poa a air.
Some Choice Novelties in Men's and
Boy's Suits, Hats and Caps and
Will be Satisfactory
Diamond Dye Make Beantful and
Brilliant liol-.ra Which Will Not
Fada-So simple that Even a
Cmlj Can Uc T-iccn Successfully
Fr Treutjr Year 3 the Stand
ard Horn a Uyis.
Don't weir f td wiwn
I oo't I-. a' b almpty becauM yoa
cannot aff It- hoy a-ew dreaa.
Ittanot ,n rj to wear elothtrg
tba la faded an1 ababby oeftoae vu
have no mu ry to nay more. With one
or two packages of Uamood Dvea that
onat on;y tan -xnto ttxt ol J drena can bs
avad a Usaioaa wl beautiful color
and trade t 'nok lika new. Thousands
oTwoatoa il hva spring dreaaes this
year that racvx td now. but
wblofa Nev - - th'-o oa y a l fl the
rwaatt ot oolonr's ovar tbei? old matemala
with IMaat-f d Dye.
Dtamood I ytn are 83 imp!e and
to um that -xma ehlld eaa. by fj soaring
tbair plain dir cn. n-. get faat and baaoii
fo" eo.or. I rvev wi' d r. fade, crocs, or
waah out, ad a to ol) pacaajre Jy
that bar at n ua ta-t ot years 4 oas.
10 not ma y or aoida wta Im.taoeaatf
tba Irtaroooii
APRIL 5, 1898
" iMcHwain's
Gash Store
We have received today direct from the manufactories, large lines of Dry Goods,
Boms and Shoes, Oent r'aroiehingalso tba beat assortment oi Trunks, Telescopes
and Valises Call and wa will be pleased to show yoa the assortment and make
yoa prices. We know we can save yoa money on every purchase.
Dry Goods
A iew soft finished mualin, per yd 6e,
Large new avortment a tiring? prints Sc.
Ladies bicycle suitings, per yd, 12
e patterns ia tinea duck sailings,
per yd, l3J'e.
Large line new towelings from Sc.
Fiench Imperial soilings, the latest
1U0 styles ia new spring prints from 5c
Have Disappeared.
swell wrs:
Phildm. Ore., Marco SI, 1893
t rm V id.. U i .rnlhHl nf thia dace
has been taking the weii-known medi
icine. Hood's aisapanlla. which has
J W Wolf, of Browns.
WalJaw " 114 bAlaa
FoV surveyor. E T T Fisher was nom. Ptr "I'eved her ot rheumatism.
i . . . i:..iii..-i .: neaoacnesj ana nervous auacss- ciu
For the Omaha Exposition.
Messrs. E. J. Frasier, of Eugene and
Mr. O. J. Olsen, representing the board
of commissioners for the Omsha exposi
tion, to be the second biggest one ever
beldintbe United States, are in tbecit
in the interest of the Oregon exhioit
Our county and citizens will be asked
to do their share, in the shape of a loaa
to be returned by the next legislature il
made as is snttci-
of J. R. Whitney of the Herald- r 1 aa appropriation is
r A fajiily reunion wa held yesterdsV j pated.
.u.Hanfa rtf A It (til to in IFUKI
; that waa of more than ordinarv inA J. A. Wilson came op from Portland
teret. air. unggs was a pionreror io'. "
A. B. Hammond, who built the
toria-Goble railroad, was seen at
Hotel Fort'and last evening. He
asked if there were any more lines
iected for the near future. 'Well,'
Sued Already.
From the Telegram
lioneyman, Dellart A Glean. Utrouch
their attorney, A. C Emmons, today
fileJ a mechanic's lien with the recorder
ol Colombia county aeaioat the Astoria
A Colombia River Railroad Company
for $211,458 30
Tbe amoont ia due for work and 'ma
terial furnished oo the conjunction ol
474 mi'esot railroad from Ner City to
Station 727 in Columbia county oa and
between the firat day of Jolv, 1S36, and
the 20tn day of March. 1S9S.'
Tbe original contract was let to the
Nortbweat Conatrorttoo Company, who
in torn sublet it to Honevman, Dellart
A Glenn, for the amount of 1636,999 w.
Ol th I394.IS2 baa been ad ia cath.
and 1329 44 io noies, making a total pav-
nwl f $395,511 64, leaving a balance of i
M1,4& ) now due and unpaid. j
- i m mii w
TJsrox C. K Orricxaa. The onion city !
Christian Endeavor association held
their annual meeting last evening ia the
Presbyterian cbnrch and elected tbe fol-1
lowing officers for the enauiog rear : C.
E. Sox. president; at tea A va ftaltisnore,
Miss Reiner. Miss Ethel Radfieid, MiM
Stewart and Mr. Clyde Bryant, repe
snting the five aosoc at ions ia tbe union,
vice presidents; Mias Velle Irving secre
tary and treasurer. It was voted to in
vite tbe state association soon to meet io
Rose bars to bold the 1899 meeting in Al
baoy. An caster sun ise meeting will be
held ia tba Presbyterian church next
Sunday ft to 7 a. m. to which the mem
bers of the Epwotth League an I Vine
yard Laborers will also be invited.
Bio Wbkat Deal. A large wheat deal
waa consummated in this city yesterday
whereby Moore, Fergsuon A Co., of San
rrancisco. by tneir Aloany agent. U A.
Wrstgate. beoght nearly 100.000 bushels
of wbeat stored io tbe Albany and Tan
gent warehouses, for 70 cents a bushel,
cents above tba market prtce. Ihe
sale will prove a beneficial one for the
county, tor it puts in ctrci.taiton a large
amount of morey. early all the stor
era sold-
would be conclofi v to be ter health lor
them." leader Mra Anderaonf Maleev.
to be followed by Mrs W X Ptiliits and
Mrs F M K -.
A committee of three, consisting of
Mra Snaa, Mra Swaoa and Mrs Wailer
were appointed to make arrangements
for porcbaeing millinery goods.
On motion votea to meet the first Sat
urday ia May aitb Maiaey grange
For coroner, m. Fortmilier by accla-
Arrested tor Burglary.
Constable T. J Siewns. came dawn
from liarriaburg ibis morning, and re
turned borne oa tbe Roar burg mail with
Frank Baker.wbo to wan'ed at that place
for burglary alleged to bare been com
mitted ia ilyde A Tyler's hardware
store Feburary IS.
Baker waa owe of a gang ol tramps who
waa arrested ia this city about Marco 20.
and severally swateoevd to ten m 15 days
io tbe county jail. Several knives and
rasors. anasrenng to tbe of
stolen from the HarrUbarg store, were
found oo Baker's person Tbe Harris
burg officials a ere nodded ai-cordiugly
and wneo tfaker was discharged from the
county fail this naorniog, be aaa immed
iately taken into castol by Constable
Stevens. There are naqueatiocable
other members of the gaog implicated in
the burglarr for which Baker has breo
arrested. Salem Journal.
was also U oo Wed with scrofula sareUings.
malion 1 UK, umfmra v'uw
1 or aasesor. B A Stsff d bv ar1... 'd' Sarseparilla.
A. R. Carricctoa apiU 6 and Ttb
Crwaeeet UictcI,
Hopkins brother, aeat.
Be Bicyvle tot t e money
Will A Stark, jewe'era.
2 po-isda of crackers for 15c
Guiic. tbe very la tint, at ritacn",
See the aw Kird-.
Frrach'a how window.
How We Say It. Coughs cured for a
quarter, no are bo quarter, we ar eetlicg
luu of our bite Pine coogh fcyrup ith
ir irana it u ioit what we ear it ia.
nrea aawa retiet aa-t is hignh rcomnd-
!ed locate a deep sealed coogn, Uur.hirt
; tc Lee, Drogtiata
16 lbs best granulated sugar ..
5 gal Standard Pearl coal oil
9 bars best laundry soap . . . .
f 1 00 box Savon soap
apan tea. new crop, lb .
9 pas Arbuckle or Lion coffee..
.f I CO
. 25
. 75
Red Crown flour, the best ia the
market, price at etore
Boots and Shoes
Mens doable sole kip boot! 1 (30
extra qoality coin toe, Dew last 1 75
Ladies coin toe, new last, Ul colors 2 00
Ladies fine shoes ft, (1 25, 1 35, 50 1 To
Childress school shoes 50e, 63c, 78c,
85e, f 1 00 1 25
Men's Furnishings. .
Mens rib top Rock ford socks pr 05
The beet $ I 00 white shin 65
Mens all ai k ties. fOc valne, for 25
25 Mens reiora bata 50. 65. 75. tl and 1 cO
1 00 , Mens bock, calf, goat gloves 35 to. 1 25
McII wain's Cash Store for Bargains
at T
u . - f J
j looruroccncr anu
the very latest, io ' , Kt Parker Bros E Terr body kowa
where their place is They keep a fresh
prod ace
f HE
and baked
and ia the head of four generations, ol
whom all were represented on I tin occas
ion, a very pleasant one. Those present
besides Mr. and Mrs. Griggs were: C.
H. Kalebon. of Port'and, Dr. Lee and
family of Junction, W. A. McLain and
family, of this city.J L. Griggs snd wife,
of tbe Forks, Mrs. Adr'ie fiickerson and
con, of Farmiogtoo, Wash., rl. X . Kira-
patrick, wile ana cnnaren ot ieoanon,
Mra. r rea rortmiuer oi roniauj. u.
Lee .druggist of Junction and Misses Car;
and Lucy uard ot Aioany.
wa state assemblies will be held in
Roseburg text month, the 0 F'r and tbe
C fc's will meet tbere.
4 .nw..fni farmer's institute was beld
at Rowland last week under tts auspices cf
tbe professors ot tne u a v, a ungui.
of vonnz men.
. 1 1
it,. fi..t iim in several years ite
d .i.-h M.n hu an Albany corre
pondeut, who this week touches op saveial I
Albany boys ana men.
More Wheat Movet.
In addition to the 160.000 bushels of
wheat sold here oo Monday 40.000 busb-
is were sold yesterdav. S0.0O0 being pur
chased by ,. A. Westgate lor Moor.
Ferguson ACo.nd 10,000 by tbe Albany
rarmers Co.. making 140.0W puabeis
sold in Albany this week, putting in cir
culatioo nearly $100,000. About &0O0
husbels remain unsold in tbe warehouse
at Albany and Tangent.
The regular market price today in any
quantity is 70 cents.
Marion County Ticket
repueo ; "we must try to put wbat we
have on a paying basis first." In re
sponse to a question as to when cars
would be running to Portland over tbe
new line, he answered that bus four
miles ot track was to be laid to complett
tbe connection. Telegram.
abetter List.
Following is the list of letters remaiuing
in the I'ostofiice at Albany, Linn county
Oregon, April 5, 1898. Persons calling
for these letters must give tne date on wuicu
they were advertised.
Awbrey, OO
Bradley, VV W
Brumser, Lillie
Cooper, B M
Cooper, M V
Cato. RL
Gironx, J 8
Herrrn & Levy, 3
Kelley, Mrs Lizzie
Long, Mrs Martha
Stewart, M K
Willi; mBon, frank,
'Thomss, Lucinda Lewis, Jo N
Burkey, Mrs Nora.
T. J. Strss
McMinnville, John 8
Nixon, Frank
Setilemire, Claud
Thompson, O F
Woodard, Geo
Williams.Mrs N E
Walter, Walter
Kizer, Ed H
Laogdon.Mrs Nettie
bteward.0 1
Williamson, I A
Every thought,
word and action
takes vitality
from the blood; every nerve, muscle,
bone, organ and tissue depends on tho
blood tor Its quality ana conuiuon.
-..:.. Therefore pure
OprinS; blood is absolute! v
necessary to right
ItfietHCint? living and healthy
bodies. I IooiVs Sarsaparilla is the gretit
blood purifier and tho best Sin-nig
Medicine. Therefore it is the great
cure for scrofula, salt rheum, humors,
sores, rheumatism, catarrh; etc.; the
great nervine, strength builder, appe
tizer, sfomnch tonic and regulator.
Lient Geary, of the O. I . C , was io
(tie city today on hie way home from
Fort land
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sower are in Sa
lem arranging to move to that city and
o into business.
Mrs. W. w. Scully and son left yes-
erdsyfor fittsburg, fa . to loin Mr
Scully, who went there several weeks
Wm. Blumberg arrived io Albany laat
night Irom Michigan, and wilt be tbe
guests ol bis son Mr. F. W. Blumberg
and daughter, Mrs. C. D. Bates,-ol this
Mr August Stark, who baa been at
tending the medical department of Wi.
lamette oni versify for some time to per
fect himself in all tbat leads up to tbe
subject of optics, has returned home and
will be found at Will & Siark's ready
tor business.
C. W. Martyn and family have gone
to Ashland to reside. Before leaving
they srere given a farewell aurprise at
their home, no. SVo tast Twentieth
street. The affair also celebrated their
wooden wedding, and was very enjoy
able to all present. J elesrram.
Mr Van Kirk, of Janesville, Wis , is
in the city today on bis way south
through California, taking a look at the
tbe coast. He uses tne appearance oi
things so well be intends to return with
bis wife and remain at least several
months some where on tbe coast.
Populist Central Committee.
A meeting of the Linn County Populist
Central Committee is herebv called to
meet at Albany, Liun &.. Oregon, oo
Wednesday, April l3ib, 1898. a I o'clock
p. m. All committeemen and populist
candidates are requested to be present
E. O. XtAL,
Co. Cbairmau
sold by all
druggists. 81
six (or
Charles Patterson, of Roseburg. last Sat
urday nieh' was be d op and rebbed of
Tbe First National Bank of Eugene is
making smmgirnentu to erect a new block
wbich is to be tee nuest ia mat city.
The bis C. & E- mor'aage has been
fi'ed in thU county. Tbe object of this is
to sell the bonds in he eastern market that
tbe road may be built. Tbe raising of the
money for the purpose is yet to be done
Hon. R. M. Veatchhas forwarded to
Washington his resignation aa rf giater of
the United Siatss land office at this place.
and baa asked tbat be bt relieved at once.
His term expired some time ago. Mr..
Vesica will take to tbe stump soon and
make an active canvass for election at reo '
reseoative. Dispatch.
tL. ik. . f.,1. .i r-k. ' atoek. of arroceriee. prod ace
Utr. .inr. . tu i aooda. of all kinds, sell at reasonable
t prices aou treat toeir vuivuiun m otvii, mu
Creacent birvrles at Hopkins
for ool 20. 130, f aad 50.
t3 ..
i v na rrM soma ateos voo take
Fmh .!. two packa et for a nickef a j la lifo tat none taken into tbe store M
Ste-art A Sox Mara are Co' . ! Parker Brae.
Freh ed, two packages for a nkkel alt It is a gre a thing to be well fed. Par
Stewart A Sot naraware Co'a. J aer Bros keep good groceries.
Crackers are oow way down in price, I A loaf of tw d is not much but yoa
call C E Broeoell for fmh ones. j want it well maJe rry Parker Bros.
Ladies Ion if watcn chains at low prices '
awreocnsjeweirysiore. , . lfnnlht W-.
White Houae Java Mocha coffee tie
nnet m tbe laac' at F. E. Altea A Co.
Circuit court adjourned Ian aibt natrl :
tomorrow morning, wbra ao or three j
tnata will be bad.
Member, of S. C. Band meet at Pall.
7 JO tbi evening for porpese of t laying
for "tte Draminer Bov of Sbiloh."
At F II Pfeiffr 'a yoa can get the" bsst
Coast aad Ka.tera o?ter to be foonJ.
Be also kee a tie best Uoeof coofeciion-
ar ia tbe ct
Call oa him for tbe be, of everything ia
bis tine.
Lacks osb Lrrnta A drummer ws
in town Saturday who latks butoneleth
of comDleting tbe sentence wbich will et
title him to a 1200 diamond ring, to be
given away by tbe makers of soda mint
eum. He bouaht ud nearly all tbe soda
mint gum trying to get mat lette, put
laiieu. utnera were Duyingjum to get
the letter, as tbe drummer would pay
well lor it, and as a consequence Satur
day was a red letter dsy in the gum
trade. Eugene Kegiater.
Brownsville Elxctios. The election
at Brownsville yesterday resulted in tbs
election of tbe entire temperance ticket
as follows: Kecorder, J. U. Irvine;
maiehal, F. M. Powell; treasurer, J. 11
Glass; councilman Firat Ward, Nate
Bair I ; seeond ward, W. f . bimore ; third
ward, William Kobe.
Laat evening a cooole of Chinese pbeas
ants came to tbe city to get tbe war news,
and of course made a bee line for the Dim-
crat ofhice. One of tbeoa lighted in tront
ot Smi.ey's just north of here, and the
ether tun against a wire just east of tbe
offace on tbe rear porch of W. r . ffeiBer t
The Republi; ens of Marion county
yesterday made the following nomina
tions. Represenativee. J. W. MrCull:h,
t urner: John McCourt and K. fl. Hagg,
Salem; Abner Lewis and W. L Cotn
mings, Anrasvitle. Senators. N. II.
Looney, Jefferson ; L. J. Adams, Miver
too. herifft Alcnto Wain, Salem;
clerk. W. W. Hall. Woodburn; recor
der, J. II. Rowland, JrReison; treaa
orer. A. L. Downing, Sublimity; com
missioner. WHism Muev. Aurora; as
sessor. J. W. Hohait. Stlverton: school
sunerinten dent. Ge. W. Jones, Irffer-
son: snrvevo-. B. B. Hemes. aiao
Hills; coroner, A. M. Clougb, Salem .
.Mr. Hammond's Version.
A wrong impression has gone forth on
account of the bg suit ol Uooeyman, De-
Hart A Co for IJ4I.4SS on the Astoria
rai.road contract. Here is Mr Ham
niond's version as given in tbeAstorisn:
" rbere Is nothing doe Honevman, De
ll art A Glenn on that coot ran." said M r
Hammond "They (ailed to do the work
according to contract, aad practically
abandoned it ia January, alleging bad
weather, unfavorable sot;, etc., as rea
sons for tbeir inaction. The construct
ion company took hold of i, pushed tbe
road tbroogb to completion, aaa cnargea
theexo-nse no against Hjoeymeu, De
Hart A Glenn, wbose claims were tnus
fully cancelled We have money to pay
our bills, and are ready to pay wbat we
owe oa construction aad at the same
time pay others tor doing it."
Regarding Remedies tor Dyspepsia
ana indigestion.
x Pah in March is a stroegensht. i
tbat "Rambler" bicycle i a Peach aad is
not tbe 'best Re tbe mmej" but tbe best
tbat can be made regar- teae of price.
OS J. E. FISH. Ag?aU
I nn't tell n-l rhb-M-a what TOO
m ; the i.t wind w of the Alb vv F or
al tors Co. Terms aalf rath balance before
yoa leave tbe a ere.
la Ready With Foil Assort menu to Meet
Your Wants ii the Following Lines
Clothing Ready to Wear
C asjixst ready for immediate ehip
J ment (from tho acknowledged larg
eat aad best fitting stock in the eoen-ry,
and not one wait behind Made to-Meae-are
in either style or fabric or fashioning,
and exrlosi rely our own manafaetare.
LadidsAMeas f- urnUhirtg Goods
A opportani'y when ordering yocr
Clothing to get articles io thia lino
at way below regular price.
A word as to Prices
Vow never knew tnen worthy goods
X lower b 'Ting wben prices were un
der valne enables oa to save yoa many
dollars, as coats are rapidly climbing ibe
Will take pleasure ia showing this as
sortment and quoting oar prices. Yoara
irniy. SUAxAiaKifiKUH,
Draper Duck.
Hear dock for binder drapers, best
tioality. warp aa4 fitting double and
wiated, 42 inch 4Jc, aad id inch 50c per
29 toca and 40 in L dock. 8 10. II,
and It oa ranging ia price from 15c io
25c per yard. .
Albany, Oregon.
em Eorjts andSlifjei
Hits ail La?s
leciTEar ail sMrts
fertile lens Gog2s
Iliatot of Writmg Paper.
TElopei ul Saieriils
HIo Eepnt iitstaaii, peai,
office to b, Etc, all a; clc&rg
V. R. Blain.
eev.ood street, beiween Ferry and
BroadaibiB street
Central Committee Meeting
1 mtinirnf the Lion Couoty Dam
o-ratic Cemral CommitUe ia heieby called
tometatAlbtny, Una county, uregon.
on Wadoesday the ,13'h day of apr.l 1S98
at 1 o'clock p. m. Democratic Candid
atia ane required to be prent.
B M Pavss, W It Bu.tsd.
SejreUry. Chairman
044 FeLoa ' Temple, Albany, Or.
Alt work carefully dcaeasder latest
For Ikfmu ud Children.
Tk. fn
44 wegss
Legal Blinks we have 'em
S Jill XT
Secretary Yates baa reteije from the;
secretary of atale a stats warrant for fa,
1)00 f Jr the uas of the agricultural college.
Toe appropriation is tbe creation 01 an act
. .. - . . 1 , 1
Ot tbe isate legislature auu.ieu r,erai
years ago, but tbe present is tbe first in
stance in WUirn tne appropiauun una uo.-u
claimed or rcce,vedby tbe college. Times.
Pinnae Insist upon having tour pre
aerintlon filled according to the doctors or-
dma. and guard against substitutim We
make a speciality in compounding pres
cription, using pure, fresb drugs In every
one. UUT prices are 10 aix-uriianw wim wn
times. Try ns snd be convinced. Uurkbart
A Lee Druggists.
When Traveling,
Whnther on pliasure bent, or business.
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Kigu,
as It acta roost pleasrntly and effectually
on the kidneys, liver and bowelss, prevent
ing fevers, headaches, and other forms of
tinitniwa. Lor sale in 60 cent II bottles by
alt leading druggists, Manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Company only.
Children and adults tortured by burns.
J.,fcr f Hnrwt h f!o ijuiicn, vuwtOA VI lain UIOCBBOa
as. Prepared only by C. L H ., , may lnBtant relief b- ngin De.
. Mass. america . Witt's Witch Hael Sal ve. It Is the
Maaaig pillgUken after dmaar aid dtsMtlon. pile remedy. J. A.CummlpgS.
To Any Reliable Man.
Marratoaa atpttioa and one month', ramadlas
cf rara puircr will b unt on trial, wuxou ana
advnn fnymnl. by tba I oraniou oowpanr la tha
world In Ua traatmant ot ma aanfc. brokSB, dta.
couraaad from affaeta of wcmm, worry, ovara
work,ao. tlappy tacur. ooaiplMa raa.
torauoaor dalopim of all mbwt eondliiosa.
Tha tin of tbta otfor la limited. o o, O. U,
aebatnai no dwptlaf n" Jtfar. Adnrw
rhe Newest At the stor of Will A Stark
Jewelry you will get the facts, and
Facts aad a fine stock ot goods
to select from, ltia up
todat" and iccludee tbe best tines of watch
and clocks and all kinds ot jewelry. Tbeir
line of sllvea ware is extra and tbey have
many novelties tbat will please.
The national disease of Americans is
indigestion or in its chonic 'orra, dys
pepsia, aaa lor tbe very reason tbat it
so common many people neglect taking
proper treatment for what they consider
tritting stomacn trouoie, wben as a mat
ter of fact, indigestion lays the fonnda
tion for many incurable diseases. Ko
person with a vigorous, healthy stomach
will fall a victim to consumption. Many
kidney diseases and heart troubles date
their beginning from poor digestion;
thin, nervous people are really so re
cutita tbeir stomacha are out ot gar;
weary, languid, faded out woman owe
tbeir condition to imperfect digestion.
Wben nearly every person yoa meei is
afflicted with weak digestion it is not
surprising that nearly every secret pa
tent medicine on the marret claims to be
mre for dveoensla. aa well aa a score ol
other troubles, when in fact, aa Dr.
Wertbier says, there is but one genuine
dvaiiensia cure which ia perfectly safe
and reuaoie, ana, moreover, iuib rnmruy
ia not a patent medicine, but it is a acien.
. . . . m 1
tluO comoinauon 01 pure papain virev
from animal matter), vegetable essences,
fruit salts and bivmutb. It is sold by
druggists under name of Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets. No extravagant claims
are made for them, nut lor tndigeatton
or any stomach trouble, Stuart's Dys-
nensia Tablets are lar ahead ot any rem
edy yet discovered. Tbey act on the
food eaten, uo dieting Is necessary, simp
ly eat all tbe wholesoet food yoa want
and these tablets will digest it. A euro
results, because all tbe stomach neeis is
a rest, which Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
sive bv doing the work 01 digestion.
Druggists sell these tablets at bOcta pei
nackase. Little book on stomach ail
eases and testimonials tent free by ad
c resing Stuart Co., chemists, Marshall
Notice to the Public.
lleware of ?oi 1 Barbara whj try tot
1. w -S " J kaaa I
611 TOO TlsVlr lnc.wuo UU BW lUVW VCnrsa I
from ball feet lut yo r kii i w I
had 25 yv&ra expenDce aoo know tb?ie I
kinda of scalo troobies.l
I will faraioh free of charge a formula 1
,nitn.t in vour narticalar case, which
m m, set fiiled at anv drug store tor 5
nr to renta. t -onsuitFtioa free.
!hat are paran
teei Xa wear th'EE
jean. Will gin
for ever j ona that
does cot proTB sat
isfantflry, . FMFrench
The Jeweler
COW WAXrED Fresl" milk cow.Sjer
sey preferred, subject to nl.
M. SmoKBs.
A GOOD impro.-ed firm can b ex
change for part cash and part unia
vambeted Washington property, or wou.d
tnaia amall mortaraffe. Mate foil de-
acriptioa and addresa bon 91 cewt.. Wan.
Attar vaara of nntn!4 aenVilog from piles.
B W Parsall ol Kni oer.y(lla.a, was cared
iv aaiog asinni- t " a Witt's Witch
Hml Salt, 110 iImhw Hon uku,
raah. pimp" -a hannta srrea ara r
- . .
Iv co-at by it tmoia remsuy j
5n that Cooirh! Take warning. It
mo iea.ii to uansj-n io. i '-
nf Shiloli' r. .ro m are your life. Sold
oy Foahay A nasou.
choice rlower sees with!
... ..rl ... ft for narticular call on
- r ,,
U. C. orowneii.
There ars three little things whiob di
mora work thaa anv other three lit t'
thlnsa created they are tba ant, toe baa
J rtnWitta l.lttla Rarlv Biaera. tia In
Bicycle oil the best, French the jeweler the famous little p Us for stowaoh
at it, 15 cents. and livsr tronblci J A Ctxsg
Eggs for Ha'cbi"g
at C E BrowLsll.
Up to Date , . ,
Link cufl but'ous at French's Jewelrv
Hickory nuts
a 0 E trownells ,
Taxe Ls'tv. n Qt xa rab'et
All Ong.-l-rta rfu 1 1 t am y If t ft
Cure 25e.
Take Lax . ive Br m Q limine Tablets
All drugst4 refund the money it It fails
o Cure. 25a
We put op o r own garden seeds,
They are all Northern grown seeds
Tbey are absolutely tiue to name
T ey are fresh all grown ia 1S9"
The packages are full weight,
Price, two papers lor a nicksl ,
We also have them in bulk. .
STswaar A Sox HaaowAg C-1
FOR SAI A good second hand set
of Cooper tools inquire of Mrs.
Honck. 1 st and riaker.
TO tJlCYCLE RIDERS. Do yoa want
a good bright tight for your wheel.
If so call at the ofSce of tbe Oregoa Uaa
UgH. Heating A rower to, ibct bv
the best ea sale ia the aket
tr..,i Tkm numi ee ground fioor
for light ho-wfkeepiag. with another fam
ily. Address O L. Cnandler, Peoria, Or.
State pnee-
near Lvon street, aioan'. cii vm
nese medicine, Chinese rice. Chinese
tea and nut oil.
GIRL WANTED Of good"habits aad
industrious to work in a hotel, ia Al
bany . Call at the I'm hoc bat office.
WAGONS.-Ooe two horse agoa wfl
trade for boards; a small wagoa with
toogoe or shafts for one or two horses, for
sale, inquire cf J. M. Marks.
a OS!-. TVe front wheel of ctor
Lbicvcle was placed ia a buggy from
the country by misUke, rieaae retora to
the "DaMocaAT oane.
nBivrK Tv TR4UE. Would aay
me like to trade a piano for real estate in
Newport. Salem or Seattle. If so call et
the Dxmocsat cmoe.
dry and green.
and fir
Al Saxiob.
If you want tt Rood and cleat
moke buy cigars made by our Al
bany cigar tactorv.
Ma-To-flM tor a-lftr Orata.
Guaraatead tobaeeo aabtt curs, makea waak
SM auoog. blood pure. aao.fa.aU druggiata.
Prof. A. STARK
Of will 8tark.
Optical Specialist
Graduate of the Chicago OpthalmN
la prepared to examine scteatiticaJly
aal accurately, b the latest aad impm
methods of modern science, any who de
. am to have their eyes tested.
Cusick Block Ai.ia;v.Oaaaoa.
POTATOES S xry bushels of good po
tatoes for sale it twenty cents per
bushel, including sacks if entire lot be par-
tnaaed. Apply to tiMOcaT omce.
tive gentlemen or ladies to travel
for reapon&iWe. established house in
Oregoa. Monthly 65 00 aad expeases.
Poaitioa steady, rierereow
addressed stamped envelope. The llomin-
oa Compaay, lept V Chicago
fol teatlemrB o ladies to 'ravel for
reepoBMr-t. eetaiUbed honee ia Oregon.
Meithly $65.00 and upends. p"
steady Reference nd setifeddre
ed .tamped envelope. The Dominion
Company, Dep . K . Chicago.
Physician aad surpeoa. Office, First St