The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 01, 1898, Image 4

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by Luaoiriifoag?
d It's because you oon t cure ir. witrt
1 - m U .. a. B
V R Bilyea, Foehsy & Mason block.
JRS Blackburn. P 0 block.
H Bryant, P O block.
Anderson Cannon, P 0 block .
J N Duncan, P O block.
T P Hackleman, Pearce block.
O E Hawkins, Cuaick block
Judge II H Hewitt, P 0 block.
H B Humphrey.
Kelly & Curl, bank building.
L H Moatanye, Pearce block.
J C Powell, P O block.
J M Somen, P 0 block.
H 0 Wateon, bank building.
Weatherford & Wyatt. Bank bnilding.
Whitney A Newport, Cuaick block.
G W Wright, PO block.
SM Garland.
A A Tossing. , -
o alsajbt, ouws
....... IFL1NN
TRANSACTS 4 GltaKrtaLheJiklrjjIbaalliesS
ACCOUNTS EKPT abtct to tbek.
IOHT B1CHAKOK ud tararrmpale tnMtw,
a NTork Baa lrlwo.Ohleo and rtlr4
OL'.SOTIOHt UDIm lavereMe term
W LaawtOB
V AQooswm,
Dr Adams
Cuaick Block
Albany, Or
Painless work a specialty.
Honey to Loan.
We have a block of $40,000 to loa on
good farms in Linn and adjoining count
ies. If you have good security and perfect
title, we can furnish you the coin without
delay, as we make ocr own examination of
Call on us or write
S. N. StkblbACo,
Albany, Oregon.
Albany, Oregon
Uffioa, Bant: of Oregon BuiHing.
Only set of Abstracts of Linn County.
Complete set of maps and plats.
Cbaiges reasonable
PiaEO,Organ,Yoic3 Cultoe.Harmoiij
Mia HelaR. Gilbert, HnFnmGHnM
Teachers of Music
Washington StreeLaear V P Church, Albea
H. F. rierrill
Insurance and Collectioe Agent Money
to loan, warrants bought Office in the
Democrat building.
Land Titles and Land Office Business a
T. O. Shaver.
(Successor to F. L. Kenton.)
Second St. opposite. Democrat office
Will constantly kaep on hand a good stocl
of groceries, fresh produce and fxuitr
which will be sold at living prices.
Garden Seeds
Which is the cheapest to pay 5 cents for
5 to 15 ounces in bulk or to pay 5 cents for
; bait an ounce package. Call on William
fand for garden seeds ol all kinds in bulk
The Magnolia
c siwsoit & son
Staaflard Prices Work Wamntr
. . .
Wood For Sale.
- Good fir wood for sale by the cord, from
1 to 10 cords, delivered, for $200 to 2.75
per cord. On tbe ground,. mile north
of steel bridge, from 41 XX) to 2.00 per
cord. Call on or address J. W. Cantweil,
A loan j Or, or leave word at Democrat
Wholesale A Retail -
Pore Drugs and the finest and Largesl
Stock of Stationary and Books
in tbe Market.
Notice is hereoy civsn that funds ate
on band tc y city warrants Nos. 367
to 416 inclusive ot the issue of 1897. In
teres ton jaid warrants will cease with tbe
date of this notice
albany Or. Dec. 29, 1897.
K. A. Pabkeb,
City Treasurer.
every Siiurdi.y evening at K. O. T. M.
tall Visum.' Knight ioviied.
W. A. Cox, Comioander.
Oliver Plows ?few Prices
Albany, Oregon.
'Olivt-r gave the wqild the chilled p!ow''
Ani t bnf-iavd more iT)nne7
to the farmer of America
than any other implement ever proloced.
ttenuKi-O'ivt liiHwl re ti- (test on
rh. rhf O'ivpr a of happi.
ties'- on thu farm. .id -h- ! r -e.U
i ki4wti he ih i.andiinit tlf hf . lk
nt fjr imruiiMti- nnd t-.uch nntlnng but
,'h-t wenuin g id, imds enly by niivpr
' Yi 1 el ilonf work. South, I d.. V.
fl. A.
sfiirnii-.i ii and .Jl n-iMnna
h iviiik eoy ! ''m nfiina'- nr owi v any
to h ' t.t-not Hr-lh L Id e'l r-cmaaa,
to m i uiiiie o "I t my P 'J adiresa'
AHan., r goo wuli n tie next thirty
Fe-riary JOth, 189
V H Caldwki.
9 1 mvu m v kt wnicn fw-
Star iiukerj
Corner BroadHlHn and First Sts
. aied 1 1 its,
'-rletl Fruitt-.
Ktc.! Meat
Queensvt &
vrtbiCK 'bat U Rjpt la
good variety and grot
rry (tore High
est pt'-ce paid -for
Always Pay.
No Question a hoot fall and prompt T"L
ment of losses by fire on insurance ptsess
with the leading agent of Albany, u. San
der. WsiiatHeiissTEsFEfljleFoj
Jon'l show yourself to be roped into to
various "Local Mutual now being
no bed on tou as being "cheapest in
sura nee." wheo you insure you do no
want to worry about getting yoar moo? v
case of loss M SENDLKS
Insurance. Hay, Graia and Woo.
Main Gla Ip.
I wish to announce to the farmers with
ia the vi-imty of Albany, especially tho
interested in hoe raisins, that I have pur
chased the bog known as Common's Ideal.
No. 86213 recorded in tne American rat
and China Record Co. the one tbat took
th-t second premium at tbe fair this fall.
He is a fine hog and a good breeder 1
solicit toe patronage and .inspection of
parties interestef in, good boss- rie i
accompanied ty a yearling of my 00 rala-
loir which t recordable .
I hare hree thoroughbred sows which 1
am raing pigs from. I have a " few pig
at presHnt f or sale, all recordable. Ibr1.
can be seen at the S keels place, ens mile
norh of Albany. F H HUGBfON.
copvmcHTa a& Madbw s ffcetrii and desortptioa ma
quVfclr ascertain, free. wht-lhfT an InTeotKMi ia
( rotrtt-'y patentb&e. Couiia uatostfripa atrldlr
cuofldestial. OIln am foraaennat' pairau
In Amines. Vie bT a Waatainaun tXfcOfc.
Patenia rrjwn tbruofcb Maca 4 Co. recaiT
mtrscUl coiito In tli
-eTrt'.?nV-r ill-raratad. Isnnst etmtatloa of
cjtl' raa).wte&7,ta-m4SA4Garaat.
"i t i.s'wrf is. pedmm eopiea aad liAaa
-- 1'at-stb awttrea. Address
K7UKN & CO.;
Clubbing Rates.
The San Francisco Weekly Examiner
i-ext year will give to its subscribers a
$10,000 resideoce in San Francisco rent
ing for $60 a month, a $3,390 U. S. bond,a
$1,500 gold nugget And hundreds of other
things. You can get tbe Examiner and
Weekly Dkhocbat for $2 50 a year, with
the Dailt Dkhocbat by mail for $4.25,by
earner $-5.75. in advance. .The Daao
cbat will order onlr on combination dv-
ST LOUIS REPUBLIC, semi-weekly
one of tbe ' best papers in the United
States, and the Dam ocrat paid in advance
for only tl 75.
White, Yellow, Crimson.
Will make a ma-rmficcnt hedi-e. beurtiM
shade for the piazza, or charming bed. Con
slant bloomers. Perfectly hardy. One
plant will proiiuce thousands of flowers.
Three plan:s. one each color, for
Only 40 Cents, Delivered;
Free Upca Application:
...VICK'S... (
mndlho I ' :
.'..'; csrdenet mud Adriaer
:i.n.. f;i.. immptions and Dtrae.
-. i.-.! in tu ccuiiaaiulre. coa
4 .l tbat
H-. Man. IHattmttoa
: itr,m nf Rtf Peu. Kaaor.
He V- k. ,
tlH',1 "-
j'llWS I '.
r, r-Z "uV&;Z:
.i b.u with bona Ulnar Hons ;
i: .cliostcr, N. Yf
Kagazina, ;
'in-.Bg Authority.
.Mm rumts. vty
ii. car for lha inpib.r
'iua? Manse
'.I..; .ir
CO , RccbBster. I. i
Should be In Every Borne and Library.
THe FBQDleTs BllilB Blstorg
fa written by RlKbt Hon. William Ewart Oladatona,
tx-Yrerxiiar of Great brittav and Irwund, Caacr.
Kn.; HrT. A. U. Btyca, Hutmu' (JoHbic. Oxford, Eag.t
m, amaai xvea uanittn. u. u i uichqo iDsoiogicat
eimii4n.CLic-u,o III.; Iter. Frederic Vv. Frrar, D.L.,
IlAtiii at fiB"trhury. fantarttiicw d'ns ffs.
Ohlcturo, IJl.t Rev. sorgs F. PentecoM. i.D., Marrla
mnam rrerxeris?isi vntirco, ljooaon. r.n.( net, n. ,
juKAnaor, u. i.t sjitivarj jshpum t;nurcn.
VJiir n. i.: new. m anyn
fttrset Frea Bautiatt (Iburch.
H. iJrtato., IJ.L., i- in Methodtat Kpim
tvansttoQ. 111.; Rer. W4 T- Moore,
f l.n (JommoawMftli. London. Eu.i kh. Edward
vrett KaU. Booth CnfrrKtfoiial Cbnren,
fcortoa. llar..t Be.. Jovk Asar Bow, 1J L).. Wwleraa
Collc Kiehmond, a.: Rer. Caxpar Rao. Oieaorr,
Wa.r Wllkinaoa, D.D., lJnierit ot Chicago, Chi- I
aaso, 1)1.1 Ka.. Hamual 'Hart. D.D TrtnUTCoHo,
Hartford. Oona.:Eer. J. MonroGlbMD, D.U.Ht. Johu'. !
j. IJiri raer. i.i. l'., in, i.mpia, rwrwm. jni
rvrius uiTiu9.-t2 p..., Si xuii.paaa iiiaecra.
Sieoa, cilt edger, elotfa. SIM halt raraut, ttm full
laraot, M.00.
;TO Eomesum p-, sno full-pa llloetra
Styla A ailt adaa full Imnt. one Tolarae.
m&t))i Style B-two folunra. fall lavant, tufted, SAI.UUl
in IS PAKl'fi. otiarto atsa. nvlMr autmtlon, to each. etiS
U): Style B two roluror.. fall lavant, tufted.
eajMr oovfn, muwd. trimmed altichlljr. $10 aaa laui.
K fr aai. at all Doosacona anl y DOfiuoliara,
rnrthar information. wr.ta UKNRV fl HHEPA
eabiieber,ffiand,2M MonxtM tit mt Chicago, UUaeke
AM ft at aWaAWB MAT A B i B
144- YEARS'
Mr. Wright's Reply.
EprroR Democrat.
The article front - Crawfordtville, if
hardly worth answering. It li evident
that it la the product ol a boy or ot an
old man, but whichever it may be there
ia no argument in the abuse which f ra
faobsthe article. Personal abuse haa
no proper place in a newtpaper, and it
ia the weapon not of the logician. but ot
the vulgar and narrow minded. He
alludes to my change of poaition.
Whole parties have changed oa this
great question . From 1884 to 1868,
nearly every democrat supported Grover.
Cleveland in hla gold standard policy,
while the republican party in their
National platform ot 1888, declared for
free silver aud denounced Cleveland
and the democratic administration for
attempting to demonetise silver. A few
years ago scarcely a man in either par
ty except gold democrats would acknow
ledge to be gold standard men. When
yon hear a man abusing one for what he
terms "changing: hts principles." nine
time out of ten the party complaining
is a populist who has himself "changed. '
j . k i "i i
or a Bryan democrat who has gons I ack
... , , .
pies, or els it is some irresponsible
person who never paid a dollars tax, has
not enough principle to pay bia debts,
and wants the government to give him
something tor nothing. He ears "tbs
democratic party stands for the soundest
money tbe world ever knew," such
statement is error number one. The
present democratic party stands for a
dollar tbat when standing on its own
legs unsupported by gold will be in
trinsically worth when compared witb
a gold dollar only about fifty cents.
Tbe Jefferson and Jackson method was
to fix tbe ratio so that t! silvsr dollar
would, when standing a'.oae independ
ent of gold be warth about a dollar in
gold. The demncrattn party prior to
1896, see platform of 1892. was tor gold
and silver "but tbat the unit ot value of
eacb metal must be ot ih- same intrinsic
and exchangeable vsjoe." Thus the
little "bot'with tbe language following,
limited its tree coinage of silver to a sil
ver dollar which must have enough sil
ver ia it to be intrinsically as valuable
as a gold dollar
He sajs, ''democratic principles on
the same subject nevtr cOaoge.'Thls is
'error number two. Principles never
change, but when tbe democracy gets
hold ot a good principle it seems it bas
not enough courage to stay witb it, but
abondons it at tbe wrorg time. I will
prove this by bistorv. lst.every admin
istration from Washington's to Jackson's
was in favor of a tariff to foster Ameri
caa industries. . Tbe first national platt
firm ever adopted !a the United States
was adopted inlS32. br the democratic
paity aad it declared for a tariff for
fjreriog America a industries.
Under Van Baren tbe free trade Wing
of the democracy obtained control and
took a stand for free trade. In 1S40, tbe
Wings and Protective Tariff democrats
elected m. H. Harrison ou a protec
tive tariff issue, tbe first Wing president
electected daring forty years, excepting
JobnQ Adams. Again Andrew Jack
eon, and all old tims lackson and Jcfisr
son democrats were staunch, loyal.
Union men, and Jeckon threatened to
bang John C. Calhoun tor indulging in
rebellions sentiments, or actions. But
just when loyalty was most needed in
1861 to 1SC5. the democratic party as a
party was not hardiy as loyal as Jackson
bad been. Again iLv democratic party
advocated dollars of equal intrinsic value
rom isuo to 1S96, but just at a tims
rwben a party was needed to advocate
'be old tims democratic principle of doi.
!ars of equal intrinsic value, it all at
once under Mr. Bryan reversed itself
and declared for tbe bygone ratio ot 18
to l, wbicb mesne a dollar not of equal
and exchangeable value with gold. In
1396, the republican party wbicb had
formerly declared for free silver, tacked
about and took up a principle formerly
democratic but now distinctly republi
can, viz: tbat gold lathe best money
and a gold standard the only way to
maintain one dollar as good as every other
He says," the Democratic (arty never
was a Gold Standard party. This is er
ror number three, for a fsir reading of
tbe p'aiorms of 1834 and 1892, as shown
in my former article proves tbem to
Lave been intended as gold standard
planks and Grover Cleveland so under
stood and followed tbem. All tbat por
tion of the "boy's" article about tbe ra
tio proves tbat nnder so-called bimetal
ism, the cheaper metal or dollars always
drove tbe dearer metal or dollars out of
circulation, so tbat but one kind of met
tal or dollars were actually in circulation
at any one period. Hie own argument
provee tbat there would be no increass
in tie volume of circulation in this coun
try, and that tbs two metals or dollars
would not. as they - not, circulate side
by side. Hence it is better to have tbs
tbe single gold standard as our volume
of money will be just as large, aud eon
staotly increasing by mining and bal
ances of trade in our favor, and besides
nnder a gold standard ws will make use
of millions of silver and papsr money
but it is and will all be kept as good as
g rid. If tbe nations of the earth demon
etized gold and msd- silver tbe stand
ard then I would be in favor of silver In
stead of gold as tho sole standard, but it
i is wasting time to talk of demonetizing
'gold. Neither can this country alone
jcreate demand sufficient to make 16
grains of silver eqaal to 1 grain of gold
Congress can legislate tbat a piece of Da.
(. jrti. :,, ,, ,, .u
I f - mvtm .U U U . .Ul.ll t
per will not be exchangeable at par witb
a ten dallar gold piece unless Congress nta1ra Ik. nnnn,. nf !.. V.
t on to redeem it in gold or to maintain
la Gold Standard. Democracy always
! contended tbat fiat paper was practical! v
'. ... . ......
I worthless and unconstitutional unless
redeemed in coin, as Cleveland construed
ia g3M coin. The bov admits gold
'tob6 uDflactu,iD nd tb' the
; rwoaarn money oi "i civmzea worm,
i His article proves the correctness of the
I gold standard. In my opinion life is too
js'iort for a man after he is covioced be
lis wrong to to hold out fur the wrong.
lei.. . l. I-. .
, auu suuiirr lie maare snir;nrjs ana pur
sues an honest, concmentlbu coure the
better it is. No mun live up to th
full measure of his inaulio-d who pro-
has no faith.
It is bxtier o cl.anne politics snd hold to
I Pnnclplo, than it is to abandon principle
!'d LoM ,n P""'"- I question no
iuau e motive nuimnKii nearly every
' oriu has moie or less rhned it seems on
(this question. My Vwlief Is not a sud-
Aanv annlral nn
an"' acquired One,
a I came to my
present , views some time ago after
CHreful and satisfactory study, and
thought it mora straight forward to let
my view i be known. Hence my fir.t
article, I do not desire to furtber dis
cuss tbe question In the newspapers. '
Go W. WawHx.
Reed pens, split at tbe ends like uuil!
pens, have been found in Egyptians
tombs, ditting probably 2500 years before
The Princes of Wales has a pair of
opeia glasses of platlnm set with rubies,
sapphires and turqnosea and valued at
Tbs Spanish Armada consisted of 1 32
ships, 3165 connon, 8760 sailors, 20E8
galley slaves, 21,855 soldiers, 1355 vol
The largest theater in tbe world la tbe
Grand Opera House in Paris. It covers
more tban three acres ot ground and
cost 63,000,000 franccs.
Goldfish are of Chinese origin. They
were originally found in a large lake
near Mount Tsientsing sod were first
brought to Europe in tbe seventeenth
century, ine nrst in ranee came as a
present to time, de Pompadour.
About ten thousand pound, of elder
wood are collected annually in Iceland,
seven thousand being exported to foreign
countries. Formerly 'the peasants used
to receive about 15 a pound for it, but
the price is now fallen to half that
A cultivator in Aubervilliers, France,
found a superb Lycoperdon, commonly
known as the puff-ball. It measured
- , , .
two metres (over six and one bait feet)
T , , '
UV. . IU WUII IU uoiQiup is wen, lis
owner covered it with muslin and wat
ered it three times daily. Fresh puff
balls are eaten cooked.
Fortune telling is traced to the early
astrologers, by whom tbs plannets Jupi
ter aad Venus were supposed to betoken
happiness. Tbe Sibyllse were women
said to be inspired by besven. In Eot
land tbs laws against fortune Ulling
were at one time very severe. A declara
tion was published in France, Jan. 11,
1680. of exceedingly severity against lor.
tuns tellers and poisoners, tinder which
several persons suffered death. For.ane
telltrs, although liable by the acts of
1743 and 1824 to be imprisoned as rogues
and vagabonds, still exist in Eog
In tbe early days ot no sidewalks Bos
ton people who were wont te take their
nightly ontings carried their o n lan
terns, and this costom was adhered to
until 1834 when eaa was introduced tor
street lighting. "Ine old Latin School I
was built near Kings Chapel, and later
on was rsboilt on tbs site now occupied
by tbe Patker House. It bas always been
thought tbat Robert Newman bung out
tbe lantern oa Christ Church for Paul !
Revere, hut now it is believed tbat the
deed was preformed by tbs letter's ron
fideatial triead, John Pulley. The grass
hopper weather vane on Fsneu'.l Hall,
built ia 1742, bad its origin in the writ
ings of Plutarch.
St. Looia, tbs greatest brick-maaofact
u ring center ia tbe Uoited States, is
beadqoartera for the Hydraulic .Pressed
Brick Company, which bas ia St Louis
tbs two largest yards Sa tbe world, and
eleven factories in other places, the whole
having a yearly output of three hundred
million bricks. lie St Loaia warehouses
are rollee in length. The company own
fifty-eight railroad clay cars, with a
capacity of sixty thousand pounds each.
Powder ia supplied by fourteen boilers
and sixteen engines, 276 mules and six
hundred men. Hie machinery is all
patented aad made by tbe company,
wbieb owns its own blacksmith's and
macblns shops, foundry , harness shops
and wagon works, and turns oat its on
plant forsrsrytbinx it nses.
A Moody Scene.
Tbe New York World gives the follow
ing picture of tbe closing ot one ot
Moody's meetings: Mr. Moody was
nearly fioiened. There was hardly a
dry eye before bim. It was a vivid word
picture be bad give . Men and women
alike were oblivious of their eorroood
ings; their minds bad gone back through
sealeries; ibey" were teeing enacted
over acaia the scenes at Jerusalem.
'And swfrw." eased Mr. Moody, "won't
you do as Joseph did ? Won't y oa stand
np her in this great building and con
fess your Savior as JoefU confessed?
Up, np, op. men and women, church
members and nnbelievers; op. op. op!"
Than ensued tbe most remarkable
scene tbat tbe meetings bare wiuemed.
Tbat vast aadieace as one man aod one
woman arcs in a body. There was no
coaxing needed. Mr. Moody's wort! a
had been enough.
We've only got a Hale left here,"
said Mr. Moody. "It may be days, or
weeks, or months, or years, bnt it's
Us was done. Dr. Worman prayed,
saying, "We thank Tbee. O Loid, tor
tois eight. Here ataod this vat army
of witnesses- Help ns all to stand
strong I Is it too much to ssk tbat ibey
all stand at Tbv right band in Tbv
The msetingwss ceded. Mr. Moody
made bit way thtoogh tbe throngs that
pressed around bim and at once began
tbe after-meeting where alt who bave
never believed before are welcome.
Hundreds followed bim. Hundred.
arose when asked if they wanted to lead
new lives. Mr. Moody smiled crinmpb.
antly. be knew bis mission to "Wicked
New York' had been a success.
The Platform-
Fotlowiog is the substance ot tbe an
ion platform adopted in Portland.
We demand tbe ire and nnrwstricied
coinsgs of silver and gold at the prefect
legal ratio ol 16 to 1, without waiting for
tbe consent of foreign nations, and we
aie unalterably oppoied to the policy if
tbe present republican adminiatiatfon in
demanding tbe retirement of greenbacks
and tbe turning ovr ot the monet-mak!
ing power of tbe government to tbe na
tional banks, as presented by . the hill
drawn by tbe republican secretary of tbe
treasury and indorsed by President
McKinley, and we especially denounce
the avowed attempt by said bill to fasten
tbe country Irrevocably aod forever to
tbe gold standard.
8tringent laws to regulate the op6ra
tion of fish traps, fish whsels and all Ash
ing gear In the waters within the juris
aiction of the state.
We denounce snd condemn tbs corrupt
and extravagant republican legislative
assemblies aod charge tbat the republi
can party in lt sig noes for the spoils of
office, ha becrme divided into warring
factum, so ttatit,1) incapable of govern
ment as exemplified by tbe condition
existing in the office of the state, tr-as
urer, there being at f tils time more than
a half million dollars therein wrung from
the people by the process ot taxation,
while state warrants are stamped
"Not paid for want ol funds."
We de-uand that all district and coun
ty officers be plsoed upon salaries com
mensurate with tbe duties to be perform,
ed by them'.
' Iiastnoch as railroad aod oilier corpo
rate property is not bearing its propor
tion ot taxation, we demand that such
property shall bear its just and eqaal
sbars of tbs rzpsnaea of the government.
There was a frost struck town this
wuek, not a political (tost, bnt a gen
uine outdoor affair with north pole pro
clivities. It nipped the buds that were
out enouftb, aye, it went Into the sap
and chilled tbe life of some of the stems.
It was not just an Albany frost, bot it
stretched out all over the state, in fact
all over the coatt, even iolothe grape
harbors and orange grove of Calif or r 1 ,
It is not neceteary to say that it was not
The crisis is almost here in Cuban
affairs, and the Dexocbat does not ex
pect to be able to gtv a Saturday night
thought with a review of the weeks do
ings tor soms time without something
abont Cuba and Spain Tbe clouds ars
darkening, tbs war dog is growling and
sverytbing is umbrsgeons enough. Be
fore another Saturday night men say it
will be known for certain whether there
will be war. We predict it will not te
known a week hence. There must be a
conference of Spaniards and Americans,
a deliberate one, not a five minute affair,
but a several day affair. With Presi
dent McKinley's aversion to war the
chances are it will be stretched out o
some length. There will be a great
many Its and ands before : war will le
declared unless some act of the Span
iards precipitates it at once.
The most striking feature of congress
the past week was tbs speech of Tbors
ton, one of the eloqoeut affairs of the
session. Mr. Thurston was so much in
earnest tbat he displayed soma of tbe
yim of revolutionary days, and ended
with personal exhaustion. I will be
the event ol Thurston's life.
In Oregon a triple slate convention
has been held, and aUhoagti all mnn-r
f things were resorted t to ran d:s
sension the result haa been a union, of
forces for tbe coving camps-gn. Th
result insures a very live and enrgrMr
election, preceded by a .tm rain
Tramps to the right of yru, tr.repa .
the lelt of you, tramp r.t te
pleading for a batdon:, c.g i
! dirty, Otrce laeeil and ok!?. iuipninna'e
are they, not pot off with a Iroao, not
cawed by an angry eTord, onaaid ihev
go, down tbe valley niin, .i on-
A Portland Building and L tee
ciation has gone under. Tb hard Hmra
was a clincher on its interest-.
the first series matured the pai ui-"i
Stock proved such anionic' affa.r that
it was almost imposib:e to ar-a-h.r ih
Back east the floods bave bn racn
astbey do in some vallets annoaHy A
good many live bave already b-en loi
aod a vast amount ot property destroy
ed. Tbe sympathies of Wi-iamette a -lev
people, blessed in many was, shoot 1
go oat to tbem as well a to the unfor
tunate everywhere.
Games, news, problems solicited. Ad
drees Oesa Editor lrocaAT, Albany,
NO. 5.
(By F. y. Martiodale, Petersboio.N. Y.
ahafcf BW-'
I.-' 1 14
" i
-i u
White to move ia two move.
(To Correspondent )
E B Ssott. Sheibovcan. Wisronain
contributed games, end games, problems
lor uimocsat. i nana you.
J 8 D Hopkins, Parrot, Col rado. coti
tributes games, an noted
A U Uansser, Bay City, Mich., prob
lem receiwd. Thanks
King's Bishop's Openirg.
Plsyed between 8 H Clevenger. wLite
and J A Finch, black.
White Black Wl4te Black
1 PFt P-K4
2 B-BB4 B-B4
S S-QB3 P Q3
a S-KB3 P-KR3
5 P-U3 P-QR3
6 P KR3 S KB3
10 PxPkf BxP
7 P-tiK4:,)BiS
ititH Q-R3.k
9 lv SI b Q5
iOihlH SK7.k
21 K-H2 O KS4d.
7 P-QK3 B-QR2C
8 S-QKt(br
9 8Qjd P-QB3
11 8 tB3 O O
12 OO 8-KK2
11S-Q5 K-K84
14 BxS PxB
15 K-R2(e)P-KS5
Jjy-KOirg K-K2
U QR3ck K-M
K7t( K B2
20 8Q51I) RKB1
'-'7 Q K KxQok
28 K-82 8-5t k
29 K B3 O K4ck
30 l'-st Q-K8
mate (m
.-uire uj Annual vnees editor
(a) A cute way to lead one to stum
( b) looses a piece for a pa w n.
tc) Mr. F. accepts the conditions
(d) Mr. C! Why not 9BxKBPck pre
venting blsck's cssti g?
(e) Since the defense is ro irr. sulsr is
could be msde to br IS F KS4 or 15
8 KR2and later QS-K3.
(f; Hsd Mr. C. played 16S-S1 a fine
position would occur.
(g) 17 R-Rl to risky bot 17 8 Ks and
if permit ei R-Rl woold make tun.
(li) This is effective, but 21 BxKBP
(i) Timely.
0) Another strategic move.
(k) Why not move earlier.
(I) 26 8-KB5 wa more def-n'ive. yet
'be attack is so persistent little cin
(ui) A move more than "i age in
amateur games.
Strlctlv Business.
French ihe jeweler.
Try Sehllllnt' Bat tea and baking powder.
Baths at Viereck's shaving and ban
cutting parlors.
Pictures from 75 cenls to $25 per d n
at Longs gallery.
O B Winn, citv tick etagent. Tickets
to all points in the east.
Cnwford k Harntnh for pliit.igrat hs
Prices from f I to4?0 per dozen.
Be aura and see the anti rut tinware nt
Hopkin Bios, wilt las, a lif-timn.
Kazr-rs KonHl. set and put in firtt clao
order at Viereck's shaving and bair cut
ting parlor.
When you want a choice . a nice
roa lit or meat ot any kind, call on Henry
3roJers. lie kiiep tbe bet.
Dts. H. K. and O. ff. Bfrs oth-e and
reaidence in poet ofrice building. Special
attention given to diseases of women
Don't annnyotbfvs by yottrcougliing,Rnd
rif.k your life by neglrcting a told. One
Minute Cojgh Car cure coughs, cold,
er up, grippe and all throat lung troubles.
J. A. Cuaming.
The host meat of all kind and good
treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef
Company's market, just dwn Becond
street. Good weight and prompt attend
To Cor Constipation Forr
Take Cancaret Candy Catbartla lOo or SVx
IICCC fail Lo cure, flruKglaw ratuad money.
To Any Reliable Man.
W arr almii a p pliant and on month, rsrtnadla.
Of rar power nut t fwmt on tti, HJioi mn
dtitn4 fpiymmf. by lha firmoai MDpnf to th
world In tba traatnjtmtot fuD wank brokao. dla
courastd from tTct of nxcmmm wotrr, ovar
work. Jfca. Happy nMrrt Mmtfd, eomplta rea
toratloaor daaioprmiii of nil robuta condition,
Tha Una of thla off-r ta Itinttaxl. Ho C. O. IK
enema i no dewMspt l o i n murarm, Arldraa
The Cepart ran le
Washington, March 25. Tbe court
of inquiry appointed to investigate tbe
Maire d. sister bis reported tnat tie loss f
the butt eship was due to sn out-ado i-iplt-sion
Tbe state department, by direction
of the president, bas called Min's'er Madrid, to notify the Spanish
governmentof tbe copcldsion . These rs
salts, brief!) stated, are that tbe loss of tbe
Maine was doe to an explosion from tbe
outside, the court l einir unable to fix tbe
restonsibUi:y for tbe ocaion. ,
The court doe not expra-at en opinion
as to the character of tbe -rplonion, but
the testimony goes to snow that it was a
powerful submarine mine tbe exact char
acter of which was not datennined, though
the belief was expressed tnat it was a
floating submarine mine
There were to exp'oiona, tbe court
finds. The first was from 'he outside, and
tbat set off one of the smaller magazines.
The Sstaalah Veria
Madrid, Mix'b. 25 The report of tbe
Spanish board of ioqain into tbe loss of
the Maine, sas emphatically tbat tbe ex-ploat-ni
ws of internal oruional, bat that
it is '"scientifically aud practically demon
strated that tbe explosion waa iu'eraaJ."
The t'nited tiiate. niimoier General
Woodford, bad a I on it cxnierenoe this ev
ing with tbe minirer for oegn affairs,
vnor Oollun .M ajIo k ivh jeoce is ob
Strted as to what transpired
Viae B.aber. a rsleal
New York. Marrh tS. Nine former
republican flice holder Broislyo were
indie el lodiv. Man, of 'I have been
'de in their pnm for s, and aome
of tbm bare teen krOTi. .a reformers
Thry bave been be d in b. Ii .-l- m aoci
ally anl po itidlr On- i-.lic com
muaionr of N-w York ci f'f indict
u ol eoorerts offi-ia!i ! Jt paitment
of city wo'kt
A Strata! We rr
?KATTI., Mrra. 2j t "!y '! a
eoraao h.j hmi t-TiU' i.i'd-red
.sioundioa o'gin A
haaimer atoand in h ui i'n vhtcb
toe woman bad beeo be m iih. She
was boot 45 j ear old Laieunight tbe
murdered wotnao ws idtmtiSxt aa Mr.
Margaret O'Koorke. Hr friroMr home
a in Milwink e. hie- n o'bicitj
-bout March 10
La 4iaee' t flM
La Gbasdx Or., March. z5. Tbe se
lection of a ite tor a surer factory b
be made and Ibe ske- have brea set for
tn bnildinga. ibe fact r giooede will
be on tbe norb fcO oit W itUmsoa farm.
re WarUhe
WarmoToM. Varch. -The lat da
before the ariva of 'b- reptet of tbe
Uaine toort M inqairy wa ooe of tne on
rxampeil activity in all official quarters
AdTtcr came eaiiv that ihe 8panib tor
nedo abulia bad tai leu moat l&e Canarie
far Pt no Rico, sad from this moment tbe
tnoot enenrnic warlike measure foiloed
one aoothrr in constant sorcenioa Tb.
movement of this Bert will b- watched
witb the keenest ioert. a it was teit to
involve senna pateibilitie- which might
comnel Uie United State froteramcut to
prate-1 agaias
tbe movement as a bor.ite
Aa KasHa Mara
UiMt. M trcti 2t . Snow and sleet
are la. link torts in vs-ioa. part of thr
Unitrd Kmvd in. while l.rar rales are
sweeping the r a aod pnin vessels
to eee-k shelier At Bir ji;nham a lac
lory wall wa b oan d)n, killing tour
aaalker atarSer
- Roasi"ao. Or . March 24. A report
com- -oda. from (iaidiuer of a ratlin
affra7 al tha. p'ace iaturdv last. A
mao named Acd-rtoo struck O r-tog ren,
a mul hand, siiti an as, s-verms hi
windpipe, and prohaM fatally wonod
ug him Androo i said to have b-n
a-rrstcd. tie wi'l be b.oocbt here.
aersaaiaiiaa raX.-
ZasoviiLic, starch 24 Fifteen
b adred tami ie v bomele. 15 Ine
bare beeo lost aod oeany i.OA).0u0 w. rth
-t prsperty hare beHi deatrord b the
fiod. Mi Jaute B.ennaa atKt child and
lob .. Leach w. re drva nwt by the overturn
ing of ki5. a!r Naary t'barcn ws
drowoetl in bet boote. and Tits Jooes felt
from a bridge and va tiroao'd. The
proprrty l-ss ice ode t 1 lloskiogum
ntrf bridifea, tbrw Lick'na1 riter iindg
and 20 tmairer county bridges.
a la mrr far altl
AsHLaxo, March. 24. A droreof 190
fat beef cattle, bound for fort land, ar
rived here today fjr bipmnt Tney are
from Klamath ctoitv. and were o-d by G
W Smita. ot K' Fa U to tne Union
Meat Company at tbe eourtevi price a! T1,"
centane- lbecatt. avrr tu orer 130U
pound eacb in weigh . md arras uouiual
iy fine lot.
Aaesbe' FeWiUt Weasaa
J CKKOxviiXB MjTvh. 21. Mi Min
nie Colletle. eaidin witn b rle- ilr.
loba Thorndike, at 8!er mir. was fatal'
borncil tertcHay maniu So wa n
ina coal oil to i't a fir n 1 to. kitchen
iuve, abeo aa eip.oli: ..curreu. lier
do'hing caoght hie snd - cmplteiy
burord off ber holy
at t'ia
CixcisSATit. Match. i3. th Ohio
river I swtlieo bv a pecUi-r n 1 remarka-
betlooi peculiar in tbat. b U- Ih staoe
ot wa'er s pbenominal from heeling to
Carlo, no tributary on the let' b -nk ot tbe
r ver makts the siigbtee contribution to
the ftvwbet Added t uo iino; uaJI t high
tae of water at Pitt.burn. th-n have
beeo fmbet and fl'u tlmunbout t)ic
and Indiana, tSe totrent are ooring into
tbe Ohio from tbe north
A recalls ArcMeat
I ACEsoNviiXK, Or. March. 23. A pe
culiar and senou atcident happeied ben
ics'crday attermmn. 5eeatHl men were
titling and standing in front of the Ban
quet saloon, when !ie proprietor. G E
Neuber, in passioir K K KnMi who was
'eaning back ia a chair, tipped him for
fun. Kibli had a penknife ojen in bis
band, and aa be threw out hi hand to save
himwlf from faUinir. the knife truc Pat
Uonegan jr in the left aids er.t'ring
the rib and penetratirg the left luoir
looeirn i a railroad fireman. Althougo
the wound ts pronounced -erioi.s by at
tending physician, it i 'bought he will
Bltsaar la Mlmarl
8f. Uifis. March. 4 reira'ar Da
kota blixtrrd prevail in St Louis and vi
cinity, extending down into Arkansas
snd in parts of Illinois. Ibe cold weather
which prevail all throuith his section aud
down into Lodas, will doubtless do con -
siderable damage to fruit trees.
Blaere ppre)
Madrid March. 23 Premier Saala
is quoted in aa interview a- saysng: "The
frovernment entirely approves Captain-
General Blanco'a conduct in denying that
tee Maine was blown np with dvnamite,
as Americans allee '
A lrgreaee Have
Dai las, Or , Matv-b, .23 The Dallas
city council ban panned an ordinance pro-
niuitin4 cows being turned iooe on tbe
Streets a.' any seacoo of the .vear
Much in Little
Is especially true ot Hood's Pills, tor no medl.
cine ever contained so great curative power In
so small space. They at a a whole medicine
chest, always ready, at- a
ways etUotent, always sat- n I I gw.
lstaotory; prevent a cold III Saat
or fever, cure all liver Ills, .
sick headache. Jaundice, constipation, etc SSc
Tho only Tllla to take with Hood's Sanaparllla.
Enaeate Tour Bowels With Caaearwta.
Cindy Cathnrtle, cure constipation forever,
too, 2Sc. If C 0. C. fall, drugKtsu refund money.
Middle of tbe road populists are being
patted on tbe back enough to leave a
"Peace with honor, war with victory"
says an eastern paper witb wisdom. That
is a good motto.
Albany bas again been honored. The
war vessel recently purchased ot Bracil
by tbe United States bas been named
Albany. May its csreer be a glorious
The sensational story about McKin
ley's physical collapse, proves, ss tbe
Dsmouut anticipated, a fake ot tbe
worst order. One biack mark far ..i
low journalism.
Impure ws'er is what causes a great
deal of typhoid fever In Philadelphia
the record is 1600 deaths a year just horn
the poor water of the city alone.
Will the new woman put on her bloom
ers and go to war, tbat is a question that
ri. lntre,t' mn7 Wo guess not.
There bas been only one Joan d'Arc.and
tbera will not be many more.
The nnion forces in Marion county
PrmJv redoct'011 in county expenses
. T-,w jr-ar. mat would be none
too much. Marion countv haa been ran
10 a verv extravagant way for many
years and a change is needed badly. !
An Oregon reform press association
bas been organized by delegates of tbe
fraternity who were in attendance on
the conventions in Portland, with B. F.
'"!"" Corvallis, as president. It
wil. be beard from in the com ine cam
paign. California as well aa Or t... k..
having some killing frosts Here it haa
1 Hmh.Kl. u.t a ...
I " j "7 wauiaaTja pescne, w.'iicn
u not oar m do crop, but there tbe frost
has made sad havoc witb the omngee
and tbe lose it ie said will amount to
A Spanish officer ssys Spain can put
25.000 soldiers on tbe Atlantic coast and
march to the Pacific He ie the most
coloseal idiot of tbecenturv. r-nain can't
even rat 25.000 soldiers on tii i!.. t
Cub and march against a starving peo- i
muiu vub eau to me otuer.
A this year'e republican eamnaio-n
NlttOO is OUt. It i an i..h i.
diameter, and tbe inscriotion is in eol-
ors A picture of a boomine- r. nnin ta
aiw on me lace ol tbe bnitcn. Thee
words are inscribed thereon: "The
First Gon for 1S93. Oregon for GoM."
If everybody wss to try to add a little
sunshine to the lives of everybody else
what a fine world we would have. Be
yond tbe Santiam in this county are
three pUce tbat would then be ep&co
pnata namee for many other communi-
lea. Tbey are 8wet Home, Happy
Home and Pleasant Home.
I ItM T n it i n am a - : .
or Jr uhTh. "hW;.p'0.i
it he starts to leave be will know it. R -
cenllv at PnulWi.
intoskaUBd. tod i S; bori w b". neT
and area i.A i .w.. i,7. :...'!
borae a7 sTiooar; ... T.'J
more braCns than bis master
W. L. Nutting, tbe Portland lawyer
with tbe long wbiakers haa lett Portland
and win bereafter reaide ia Michigan,
vjood. idu leaves the Dnm..
. oufv man in Oregoo of thia nam-
orcnu ng u reporu t Mia torUand taw
yer pretty thoroughly played himself
&.-n.t -v. .l - tv . .
wv ui- ia-aocuAT said
a condition ot tbe settlement of thei
Maine affair should be the independence i
of Cuba . That should be tbe sole price I
Aa indemnity plavs no part ia a crim
like -this. If tbe brave men on the Maine
ui-a mat toot migbt be free
mere win be some
recompense lor tbe
terrible calamity.
Tbe Pendietoo E. O. bas figured it out
that there wilt be no war because tbe
money power so wi.s it. There comes a
time in tbe history ot all natioes when
the money power mees it strength, aad
perhaps this wiil be snch a one. Unla
pam doee tbe proper tbiog money wul !
be but a feather ia tbe affair. Contrtw !
wdl be the power to declare war. I
A middle of tbe roeder complains tbat - -alias Gradwohl ureads to go oat of the
be cannot find any but a republican pa-' crockery and glassware business, go's? in
fer in which to Doblish bia nrotoaia a to some other line of baboon, and heaee
long ae a correepoodent ia willing to
sign bis name aod la t ber hie communi -
cation the liaworsur believes in poblirb-
aajtning rxx aDoaire, thoneh
not eodorsiag a wotd in it. The rublic
is capable of doing theirown thiokiag.
r rt c t r . -
. " t. iiarain. two!
aeiegate lo the suteptilist convention
iuircu n oiDs irom roruand. Tbey los eseci ot Totr c-mfw ture ia cases
were two ot tbe sixteen middle ot the i 01 sdvsnced Contipt4oa, I am preoarrd
roader who went out of the convention ! to sy it H be most rema'kabie fiemed)
when the platform was adopted leaving tbat has ever been brought to my artea
f."!.."' things they wsnted in. Dr. tion. It bas certainly saved many from
tun a iso returned borne. All three are .
strongly opposed to fusion and will favor ,
an independent state populist ticket for' kI , iw r . '? A tcnrtntioQ
will be called for A priL
A German Jew. callinr himself Pro.
lessor Bernard" and claiming to be a "H"". ooBaampbow and otter -hvpnoUst.
ie now making a loar throogh j ,0? tfooWes tb-t 'llow Dtg ected
Oreaoo. He is a man of medium height, i ooWJ A Cunimlnf
wearing a black felt hut, dark glaeees .
snd ratber shabby looking dark clothes.
He left Oregon City Sunday night fort Children and adolts tortured by boras.
etieni, wnere ne expects to practice Lis
prmcweion, ins intentions mav he all
right, bot his general appearance is
somewhat suspicions. He left here jn
debt to everyone he had any cealings
wii h. Oregon City Enterprise.
Asa matter of courtesy the Demm-bat
gives space on its editorial page to a re
ply by O. W. Wright to the recent
aeswer of Cliff Abrsms to an artie'e-bv
Mr. right The Dbuocrat haa al....
Ill I , ( , . . - 1
unvcu a nurrai policy in sucn matters.
mi. viin a orams.- the "bo
uj . 1 .
' " as reiireeenied a vouce man
seventeen or eighteen years of age. He
does his own thinkina and hii'n..
writina. and instead of beinv ahntiva
the average re-der of hie article cannot
oui come to Uie conclusion tbat for a
political disputant he is a verv fair ar,l
gentlemanly correspondent- He bas
received a good many compliments on
tbe article published.
Through Tourist Cars. Every Mon -day
a thioogh tourist sleeping car will
leave Portland oa the O K AV V. fnr
Chicago, leaving Portland at 8 p. m. and
luin. .1 1 1 1. 1 . ft cc .
"" v.uaiio at SM a. m. oa eat
urday. Thi will be a great accommoda
uonior through travel east and to tbe
soolo east via Kansas Citv.
nc cviucncc in ine case proves
Hood's Sarsaparilla cure rheomatie .dys
pepsia, catarrh, tbat lired feeling, scrofula
sait rneum, ooiu and all biod diseases.
Hood a PilLs are the favorite familv
cathartic Cure sick headache, bre ak up
a will.
Lei everybody come to trie Star B ilnrj
and (ret r 'otrtt ot fresh bread for i.r
Ch .
Jikk jslk. The Hneet ever in Al
bany without any exception at Parker
Brothers. T'ysome. It is very palata-
Clean Printing, we are doing it.
Albany Market.
Wheat 4 cents. . .
Oat 25.
Kgg 10 cents.
Butter IS to 22 cents.
Potatoes 25 cents.
Hsms 11 to IS cents.
Sides 10 to 11 cents.
Shoulders 6 to 7 cents.
V -
i-'VL-., rso
will bear the closest
narisons. No Abetter
than that used in
W . V I I ' trJ L'J -a"?
Piper Heidsieck. No other toljacco ! .i
so exquisite a flavor. None is so care
fully manufactured or yields so mucli
real enjoyment as Piper. Heidsieck.
These are not mere claims but facts
easily demonstrated. Buy one of the
new 5 -cent pieces.
and be convinced that Piper Heidsieck
is positively the biggest piece of good
tobacco ever sold for a nickei.
R-oators. T C Maekev. I Clem.
Representative. J J Whitney. H M
Peimer, Dr D M Jones.
Clerk Fianklia Crat-tiee.
Sheriff I A Mansers.
Arreeeor Geo DeYaney.-
Recorder. E C Xeal.
Treasurer. F M Jaea.
Superintendent. A 8 McDoaa'd.
tmm:slaner. D C Swaan-
Corooer. i G Norman .
. Surveyor. Anthony Austin. .
Beware of Ointment tor Catarrh
, that Contain Mercury
Snell aod completely derans
he aenseof
deraae the whole
T- -be. eotenag dtbroogb the
eooisurtAOta. bocn arUcfe aoould never
I be need except oa preecriptio frora repat-
able physkiaBs. as toe damage tbey will
do ia tea fold to tbe good jxm can poeaibiy
' derive from. Hali's Catarrh Core, maaa
favored by F J Cenej A Co, Toiedo-Ofaio.
ra-ataic aa merrnrr. aid u takra lnterm
i ally, actina direct Jt npon tbe blood aad
i moroos sortaces ' toe system, ia buying
; Hab's Catarrh Cure be sore yon get tbe
(genuine, u is uxea lateroauy. aaa maoe
; in Toledo. Ohio, by F J Cteney Co.
testimonial tree
Sold bv drucr , prior 75c per bottle.
Hall r ami y ni are the best.
Notice to the Public
Beware of Snide Barbara whj try to
; aeli yoa Hair Tooicwbo do not know bees
! from bill feet about TO" r acaia I bave
bad 25 years expeneoce aad keow there
are or distinct kind of scalp troubaas.
I will farniah free of cbsnr a formula
beat roiled t your particular case, which
yon can tret Cited at any drag store tor 5
or 10 cents, 'oosoltatma free.
i Lock Vraaacx.
Regardless ot Cost.
sell bt good of this kiad regardlew
; co- When oo caU aad get hi ptkws
o iu be coariaced thai be means btai-
: wui unieTr wut ce
What Dr A E Salter Says.
1 V . . - - r.
t-i", j i. ui-iti: r ron esv
' personal kaowledge. ca:aed in oberring
-i'arrpt,on. Sold by Fosaay ; Ma
j We are acxioa. to do a Utile good ia U
I world aad caa think -o P e-ter r
( be-J.r way to do it tbaa Sj r-vootKna
1 9. Mi0Bt Coagh Caaa p.r "bre
scaio. loiortes, ecsema or skin di
may secure instant relief bv using Ie-
: w itt s itch Ha set Sal re It ia tbe .real
Pile remedy. J. A. Cummins.
-m m m
Take Lix.tiva Br jo .Q liaine Tablets.
A'l drogst refaai the maey it it fails
o Cars. 25c.
That ta the wrv all Hrn ii
refef;2RoVE3TASTKtl' HILL 1MS1C
V -S , f.. UailataJ. aTS.atS a . ana ea
ior Malaria, Chllla aad 'Fever. It
aimpiy inn and Qanlne in a taste lee
firm. Chil.lrea ot1u Adults o rotor I
to b:ter, nsdveaulng Tonics- Prioa. 50c
ErwoavH Lkagvb The Corvallis
eastern v. ik win makes round trip rate
m one aaa one crb from Albany to
Weston, to all members ot the Epwurth
aaifue. wimna to aiteno tne convention
ai oicuinnvine. tickets good
starch 31st returning April 4 h.
Ei-worth LRAora Contxnticoc, Salem
A'isinci, m. r cnurcn.McMinnville. Or,
irom Marco si to April Srd. - Take
eieatuer xtum - to eston Landina
rsre and tilth round trip. For farther
tuiuriuatiua can on or address J. C. Oli-
Whooping cough lathe most distressisg
-j i uorauon can oe cot short
by the nee of the Minute Cough Cure.
wntcuis aiaotbe best known remedy for
croup and all lung aad broncial troubles.
' a. summing.
What pleasure is there in life with a bead,
ache, constipation and biliousness Thoue.
anas experience them who could become
wrfectly healthy by osio De Witt's little
"iij iwrert ramous little nil's.
J A, Cunming.
a .. . U,J . i a , i. ,.4. , rhlBt ,
A ""J. r,:a i iu m .y ;lf it rat
v u re oo.
. a tarn! nt t-ra M xp-inej rhn a
orany eoajn of cmop oond throosh the
naa at night Bat the terror a wn ehaa
Be to r!icl after On Minute foukh Or
jm bea adminiatered Stf ani bar ales
or children J A Caisming
Talc t Ltx t iv H- n Q li itnt Taolat
II Druggist ri'uui ths ui iny 'f U fail
o Cur 25o.
If you want a aooa and cleat
moke buy cittara mado by our Al
bany cigar factory-
". cm.-
tobacco i
manufacture of
in - p -cioa ;
T lHFc!nt3l4Ut
Solid vestibule train, eooauting of pat
ace steeping car, loin ices dining ear,
elegant day coaches. nsarniScent tourist
cars tad free eolooiH sleepers from tbe Pa
ciSc to the Atiaatic wiinoux change
cost dibkct aso caxAFasr aorra r
alllning: ;
District f
arw DBsvaa, -
AO potata ia tbe Ckaaagaa Coaatry.
Ge a pamphlet giving a foil deaenptioc
of this wonderful coaatry. Ask tbe asemi
for a copy of tbe miaiag laws of BnliaT
Colombia. .
Lowe rate o aad froes
Atlantic eteamship ines.
Canadian Pac. Ry. Uo's
Koyal Mail Steamship
line to China and Japan
caxaoiax acsts straw misn
The sborteat Uoe to tbe Cclonies. Thae
steamers carry aa experienced inedicai
aaa. and a strwaidcas oa every Toyage.
For Hase tables pampnJrta. or any ia-orsiat'-oa.
call on or addnaa.
S N STEELE k CO. Agenta.Arbaay Or.
t J CUTLE. A ax. 14 Tiird St, t'ort-
EO. Vet. BROWS. D P. A.
Taaeoarer. R. C
Southern Pacific Co.
CaJatartaa fiat aw Ttaiae .an rVrvaa.
" Ww
SSS r. a. I L.
at- SS. a
Ar a . a
u i as a
Tata aa
Above trains atop At "a'l3 be
tweea PcUaai aai Salem Tar
aer. Maroa. JeS'von Aiban
Tangent. Sbedd. Halsey Enceee
Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakiaad and all
stauons troQ Kosebarg iwk to and ta-
dndiiifr Aahlaad.
aJSaa I L
Urs Lv
fcr i Ar
ar SS'r
L.I T S is
Lea. Albaav fcr Lceaaoa
Amn at Aleaar traea LVwaoa
Laaiw Ataaar for Leeaam
Arnreal Aieaavtniaa Lebaaoa
- AI
Dining- Cars en Oden Routt'
Alakl e all Taraaa-h Vrale
eVee ; SsrvlaSeat.
aTvau ronTLASw a coasatata
t aaoTfl
, B IL
B At
Port Iaa4
azprestTraia Dulf (eseeaa aad
4-r. Lv
- affcaeTtlte
lwiee Saaos
At I -R a
tI li a a
Lv 1 1 90 a a
TSSrai Ar
taira Ar
DlreteoaaioaalSaa rreaaera wrtk OenaMt.
aad Orieatal aa PatiSe mail
JAPAKand CHIMA Sailiar 4ae ea aae4iasrei
Bale aad skkMa te cet-r bhbb aad Bxtroea
LIAeta o. oN-4 frora It raastt. Ac.
Albaav or O WINS v
a lOBn La it C9BARKHAW.
Maaaaer tfeaFetra
PDct'a4 Ortr PorUaad
fa (a Circuit Curt ta Stmt as Onrtm
tor U CoanKy o Lim,
Elisabeth Davis, plaiatiff vs Joba Davis,
defend ant.
To John Da?is, tbe above aamid cfad
Oregon, yoa ar heteby rvqaired so appear
aad answer tb eomnlain ot ta abov
pUiBt'ff, ia th abov cotitled Coart, now
oa 6 with th clerk ot said Court, oa or
bat re th brat da Ivbait readier term
of PaM C rt, a hwh - air reil reaalar era
oi said Coart N-gio on M aday, t- 14th
day d Match, 1S9S, at th O urt H-r ia
thcityt Albiav, Lioa t'oanty, Ors
Aad y j ar hrby notified that if yoa fail
to appear and answer said comp'a.a' of
plain titT a hereia required tdeur ol said
Court will be taken agatast yoa for b
relief prajed for 10 p'aiatiffa said coopaiot,
lo wit: A deer diolviag tne bad ol
a atrimoa; row exiaiinc betweea yoa aod
said pla'nofl and tor the costs and di- 4
breaioUef said i.
Thi Hnv ta errd by pab!icatioe in
tat Rights Dswuckat f six sneeaaiv
week, in puranc of aa order mad bv tb
Hon. H H. liw vt.iads of Mid eoart.
mad in the city of Albany, I ina Coart.
Oreaor., cw th 25th dav of Janu-r-. 1S98,
M . Ik BlLVKr.
At rn for t-laiBtiff.
Fbvticiaa aad sir mob. Offie. Fir