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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1898)
..The Dress Goods Department Is full of new tilings to interest and en tertain you. Spr Eg dress good are opened every day. New Organdies & Dimities dis played in tbe east window. New Diniit'es at 8, I2&&15.. New Organdies, special slue, at 253. S E Young & Son, ' Albany, Oregon. Vard Littler, Assistant. J. C. LITTLER'S Ground Floor . Dental Office. Broada'bln, St., Albany. Or. THE LADIES BiZilR . Pleasing variety of latest shares color In Ladies & Childrens Hats Fall linen of veilings, 15, 20, 25, SO, 36 cents per yard. L. E.& H. J. HAMILTON. BUTTER AND CHEESE MAKERS. The State Dairy Association met in the opera house at 2 o'clock this afternoon, with coly a email attendance. There ? a good display in keeping with the organisation, consisting of a center piece of butter hand carved, weighing sixty pounds, twenty-six dif ferent kinds of cheese and other thing?, the product of the dairy. Hon. Thomas Paulsen presided and called the association to order. Some preliminary . business wag at tended to. The address of the afternoon was de livered by Hn. W. W. Bakr, state food and dairy commissioner ,on "Pure Food," a subject handled comprehensively, show ing bis familiarity with it. Tonight the following program will be presented, and it will pav our citizens to be present and hear the discussions on some important matters: Music by Albany orchestra. Address of Welcome bv Mayor C. G. Burkhart. Response by Hon. Thos. Paulsen, Gar den Home, Ore. . Music Address, "Baiter and Cheese Making" -Col. Julius Kaupiscb, Portland. Music. Illustrated lecture on Dairy Cattle and Dairy Methods Prof E F. Peraot. Among those attending from outside Linn county are John A. Kaupiscb, VV. W. Baker, of Portland, F L Kent, H. T. French and E. F. Pernot, of the O. A. C, and Mr. Douglas of the Springfield creamery The address in the afternoon by W. W. Baker brought out considerable of a discussion on the need of good laws for the securing of pure food, Prof French, G L Rees, Mr Williamson, of tbe Rural Northwest, Julius Kaupisch. the wittv batter and cheeee maker of P rtland, E J Seeley, W H Kinney and F L Kent en tering into tbe discussion. WHEAT. Chicago 305Jc and 84o. New York 99c and 87c. San Francisco 147 and 139,c Liverpool s higher. Albany 66c. A 15 Per Cent Blizzard. All the insurance agents of Albany yesterday received a formal notification fiom the Pacific Insurance Union that hereafter an increase ot hfteeu percent should be made to ail rates on ac count of the recent insurance ordin ance taxing the agents of the city. A meeting of the agents paying licenses was held this morning and a demand will be made at once for the withdrawal of the order. If it is not done there will be a kick that will be beard to the At lantic, as the people will not stand any such raise. Of course if it is kept in torce ine ordinance will have to be re pealed at once. Following ia the notification. Office of District D. Board of Fire Under writers of the Paiiae Portland. Or.. March 20. 1893 WnERKAs, The expense of transacting the business of fire insurance in Albany, Or., having been increased by the recent passage of an ordinance imposing an an nual license tax of seventy-five dollars, upon each agent for the privilege of do ing business in said city. Resolved, That on every policy taking eueci, on ana a iter niarcn z, less, an addition charge tqual in amount to fif teen per cent, of the premium, shall be addea as a specific tax, to be collected an.d remitted by the a;euta. P. db S. Olnsv, Manager. The licensed agents of the city say they will continue to write policies without tt 15 per cent addition so confident are tbej that the order will be withdrawn . . Albany, Ore., March 28, 1898. Julius Gradwohl handed us a circular which he has received from the BoW of Underwriters that the insurance cf the city of Albany is all raised 15 percent on the pr em fern, so the policy holders of the city of Albany will eee by the City Coun cil passing an ordinance for the insur ance agent to pay $75 licenee to do bus iness m the city of Albany which the City Council claims it will he a great help to raise a revenue for the city of Albanv. It 1 1 not even out of the agents nor the insurance companies, but the people who insure their property for protection in these hard times Some of them hardly have enough money to pay the insurance, and taxes on their p-operty, will have to py a special tax to tbe city of Albany to protect themselves. I hope that the City Council hive seen bv this time by making a special tax on the In surance agents it ia not coming out of the insurance companies, and that they will repeal the ordinance. Thirty Crescents Tne biggest single shipment of bicycles1 ever received in Albany arrived this morning at Hopkins Brothers direct from the factory, recently ordered by tbe firm by telegrap.1. They were Crescents for men, women and children, all the way from $20 to 50. The demand for the Crescent, a fine wheel for a low price has been great, justifying the large snip menu Get in lice and examine them and eee if there is any wheel their equal for the money. - Among the wheels was a srr.a'.l one tor Hazel Pleiffer, who will be the youngest rider ia the city. David Tbe State Union Ticket. The union ticket nominated at Port- j land on Saturday, when completed was as follows: For governoi--W R King, populist, of Baker. For congreBiman First district, R M Veatch, democrat. Linn : Second dis trict, O M Donaldson, silver republican, Ot Baker. For secretary of state H R Kincaid, silver republican, of Lane. for supreme judge W A itamsay, democrat, of Yamhill . For attorney-general J L Story, pep ulist, of Wasco. For state printer Charles A Fitch, populist, of Clackamas. For superintendent of public I us t ruct ion H S Lyman, populist, of Clatsop. DISTRICT NOMINATIONS. First district Judge E U Wade, silver republican; prosecuting attorney, A N Sloiss, populist; member of board ot equalization, O A Worden, populist. Second district Judge, J W Hamiltou, democrat ; prosecuting attorney, U Den linger, jr., populist. Third district fudges R P Boise, pop ulist, and P H D'Arcy, democrat pros ecuting attorney, S L Harden, democrat; member board of equalization John P Robertson, populist Fourth district Judges, J V Peach, democrat, department 1 ; Thomas O' Day. democrat, department 3; Dell Stuart, silver republican. Fifth district Judge, W D Har, popu list. Sixth district District attorney,. J T Hinkle, populist. Seventh district Judge, W L Bradford, democrat; prosecuting attorney, A Van Vactor, populist. Eighth district Judge, M D Clifford, democrat; district attorney, E Hick, democrat; member board of equalization J R Gregg, populist. In the Middle. The Middle of the roaders ins'ead of waiting and having a separate car ven tion on April 10, got right down to busi ness and nominated a ticket in Portland before leaving that citv as follows: Governor John C. Luce, Grant Co. Secretary of State Ira Wakefield, Jackson ounty. Sta:e Treasurer J. K. Sears, Polk county Superintendent ot Public Instruction J. E Hosmer, Yamhill county State Printer. I), L. Grace, Harney county. Congressman, first district Dr. J. L. Hill, Linn county. Nominations for congressman from the second district, supreme judge and attorney general were passed. They will be filled by the state central committee. Ask Your Doctor what effect alum has upon the stomach.' Then make up your mind whether you will put any more low-price baking powder into your husband's or children's food. Schilling's Best is pure cream of tartar and soda. Nothing else. AM TXTKSDA-2 A CALIFORNIA LETTER. A Discouraged Hunt for Good Pros pects. Upton, Cal. March 27, 1898. EnrroK Democrat. I thought I would write a tew lines to the Democrat, as I have friends in Ore gon who, no doubt, would like to know what has become cf me. I left Oregon last November and I have traveled over considerable country since November, but I have not found tbe place yet that can beat Oregon in all thins. I first went to Stockton, Cal. I soon found out tbat was not the place I was looking tor, as there was no prospect for a crop, every thing is dried np there. From Stockton I came Lack ai far aa An. dei eon Station where I temained until! the 22nd of March, when I came on to Siaiioo, Oil. The fruit was all killed by the late BATTLE-SHIP MAINE. Calm and stately in the blue watert of tbe Gulf stream. Lies at anchor, our proud and gallant battleship Maine, No word of warning have those sailor as they dream. That 'ere another sun, they will perish by the band of Spain, The myriad stars, the pale white moon, Kiss the waters of the placid deep, The stars and stripes float o'er tbe jib boom. While our heroes dream in tranquil sleep. Those heroes brave in quiet rest at mid night. Ne'er dreamed that hell shall endure the stain. Of this bold deed of lawless spite, Tbat marks the treacherous hand of Spain. I All is silent, the sentinel walk the deck, ) The deen sea rock, tbe foam beds ma iron wan pti ainou uy instate, .u,vu,ii,..,i baa badly damaged the grain. The farmers are all discouraged. Wages down below were from 75c to $1.50 per day on the fruit ranches. Up here at Sisson I do not know so much about the wattes I hear they pay from $1 76 to $2.00 per day in the mills and factory Some ot tbe mills are running here al ready, and the others will start up in a wtek or so. The weather at Siss-in is very cold. We had a light enow last Friday. W. W. Powell. There was a much larger attendance in tbe evening, and a good deal of interest was taken in tbe exercises. Tbe Albany orcbeslra furnished music for the occas ion. Mayor Burkhart delivered the address of welcome, timely remarks in favor of diversified farming and particularly of this branch of it, a very iir porta nt one, . appreciated by Albany people in tbe es tabliebment of a first class creamery here Tboe Panleen, the president, respond- ed. The gist of his remarks were in i--vorof better dairy laws. Col Julius Kaupisch, of Portland.kept the audience in splendid humor In an ad .dress of a witty order on butter and cheese miking, presenting for inspection 26 varieties of cheese of bis own make. He was equal to tbe occasion when arked number of questions on the subjec . Profs French, Kent and Pernot of tbe O. A. C. gave an illustrated stereopticoa lecture on dairying tbat was not only in structive but very entertaining. Some fine view of blooded rattle and dairying devices were presented. The session this forenoon was Opentd at 10 o'clock. In the absence of Mr. Weeks Mr. Douglas, of the Springfield creamery .was called upon to introduce tbe stioject of ""Silo," which he handled in a practical way, Prof French then discussed the matter and answered a storm of qoee--tionj. The fact was brought out tbat corn when properly raised is a reliable crop and a splendid food in silo or other' wise for cattle . Mr. H. C. Walker opeuea the subjec of Cheat hay, and incjJentallv gave con 8iderable pioneer history. The fact was brought out tbat Mr. Thomas Froman raised the first cheat hay in Oregon in 1857 on the place noon which be now re sides and that in 1861 be made the first sale for $14 a ton. It grows well on white land where almost nothing else -can be raised, but he considered it an in ierior fodder, of about 20 per cent less -value than red clover. A resolution introduced by G. L. Rees, asking tbat tbe present pure food law be not repealed was passed unanimously Prof. French then delivered one of the beat addresses of the meeting on "Breed. ing and feeding the dairy cow," contain ing suggestions ot great value to the sev enty nve iarmers present. Mr. Irene is a cyclopedia ot information and aa ' ewers all the questions during lite meltings rained upon him. Interspersed were a couple of solos Henry Morgan, warmly applauded. Sylvester was brought from Lebanon this morning on the train and taken o Salem tbia noon by Mr Chiis Cusic. Mr. Sylvester had been let 'Out tf the asylum on patrol, but growing worse was ordered back. Mr.Will Merriman went to Junction this noon, where be will be located here after. Mr. Sam May, of Harrieboi-g was in the city today for the first lime since his recent illness. Riley Hurlbnrt, who has been attend ing business college in Portland, return ed to Albany tnis noon. Gen. Tattle was in Albany several days, out it said it was politics and -not war that kept here. H. R Scbultx very unwisely used an ax at home tor splitting wood and as a result be now curies a hand in a sling. Mrs. A. B. Hndelson, accompanied by her little daughter, Mjbel. left Tuesday for a visit with Kansas relatives and old time friends. A. B. went as far aa Portland with '.hem. Review. Mies Emma Jones, of Marion county, was bound to retain the name of Jones o she has just married Mr. Nelso P. Jones, ot an entirely different family. Mr. Albert Bryan of Apiebipa Colo., is in tbe city, on a visit, the guest of his father E L Bryan, of Tangent. He was accompanied here by his sister. Rev. O. B. Streyfeiler and Miss Rose Ho.nscbnch were married at Portland on Tuesday of last week. Tbe former was pastor of tne Evvangelical church of this city for awhile At Por'land Saturday George Alexan der, of tbe Lebanon Advance, received S9 votes for state printer and G. A. San lord, now of Columbia county, formerly editor of the Jefferson Keview 10. Professor Louis Barzee has resined bib position as president of tbe Drain normal school, and will leave at the end of the present school year for McMinn- ville. He baa accepted a poiition as in structor in tbe college at that place Mr. William C.Tweedale left today. as a com mis loner to the Omaha expo sition to attrrri the mining and irriga tion convention at Baker City this week, as a preliminary step to tbe later expo sition at umaua. Mr. Thompson and family arrived in Albany a few days ago from lows, where Mr. Thompson owns a couble of fares and will make Albany their hoae for at least a year, with a view to re maining here permanently if they like the country Hon. R. M. Yea'.cb ha- been bury to day receiving congratulations ot bis numerous lnenas on nis nomination mr this district. The heartiness and non partisan character of these congratula tion shows the universal esteem in which Mr. Veatch is held by the people of this eommunitv.-uosegurg Keview. iHon. W. R. Bilreu. of this city, re-1 aa aM fa S nnmiirnhnn for l.CiVVU WO " ft' congressman, to 74 received by k. M. H Veatch. Mr. Kilseu wouio nave maoe a i Oregon's O. N. G. The statement ia bain? made that Oregon's O. N. G is tbe only one in the United States that can be ca fled out by tbe genera! government, whi'e in other case the allegiance has teen simply to the state ot which the O . G. is an in stitution. It is to be learned tor certain whether this is a factor just simply a war joke. As a matter ot fact no orders have ben received by ahv Albany officers at all. The whole business is somewhat of a canard. And yet it is a tact that in Al' bany the members are making arrange ments for starting at tbe first call, and Saturday tbe Dsmockat published a rail for recruits to fill the company. The members are not frightened either. Al most to a man they are ready to go it the order cornea. If called out it may be for coast defense and then it may be for fighting on Cuba itself. The Pacific Spanish fleet is net big enough to caose any apprehension for this coast ia case of war. Tbe Tribnne says on tbe subject : "Colonel Tuttle states absolutely that no orders for tbe O N. G. to Uke tbe Geld have been revived by him. Gen eral Beebe was rather indignant over the report and denies point blank tbat there , any truth in it. However, it is an absolute fact that tbe rumor origi nated with officer of the Oregon Na tional Guard, and for this reason' it was thought to be authentic. " Hunting a Lost Child. From the Crook County Journal : A. Davis came in from tbe Matolts Monday n-ght bridging word that tb lit tle 4 year-oid eon of Gay Allinghain, of Fly Creek had wandered away :rom borne Saturday afternoon and had not been found wben Mr. Davis left Monday morn ing.although nine men had been scouring the woods in search of him from Satur day night. Tbe child was last seen by bis sunt, Hiss Dolly Alliogham. playing with tbe doz in tbe vard . The dog bad disappeared with tbe child and bad not returned. Wednesday morning as many as a score of residents of Prlneville and vicinity left for the Mstoles to assist in the search for tbe child. Among these were Frank E.kini. Ed Harbin. M A Moore. M R Bibbs. Chris Cobrs, Ike Moore Al Cubitt, II A Belknap, H Tay lor Hill. Arch Powell, Chaa Bolbsy, Al Davit, Sam Burkhart, Paul Swayne and E F Foren. Tbe extremely cold nights of Saturday and Sunday leave little hopeol finding tbe child alive. The younger members of the Junior society of the Baptist church met wit) their leaders on Saturday afternoon for a tbe horns ot Mrs. Koius lao mo on, who gave them a moat cordial greet ng, and enterta.ned tbem very pleasant- y. About thirty were present, a nuoi ber of auite lively games were played. then a short program was rendered con sisting of music and recitations, followed bv a "Tootb-oicK luncb ' they an seemed to have a very enjoyable time, and b o dock the bour lor separating, seemed to come ail too soon. Such gath erings among our church societies do much to cultivate tbe better side of hu man nature. That Insurance Business To tos Editor: . In todays Morning Herald eppeira an article "Insueasce Kates Go Up. An attempt to add 15 per cent to the already high rales." In answer to which I ask the forbearance of the re .ders of your valuable journal to tbe following : In tbe article referred to this late men t ia indulged in : ''The action of tbe city council in requiring insurant agents to pay an annual lisenee is undoubtedly the excuse for this raise, but as the re quest tor tbe new ordinance came from the insurance agents themselves it lxks like a job on the part ot the insurance companies." Who in the name of common sens (and borse senss will answer in this case) introduced and rushed through to its final passage this ordinance in Ques tion? In tbe article referred to, the statement is made that tbe reqees;' came trotn the agents themselves." How many agents of insurance companies of Albtny were ever consulted in regard to the matter at all. The fact of tbe whole business is this, as has been communi cated In a former article in your journal by one, of about three of Vhe prime n0v era of the conspiracy, that it was for nothing else than to "wipe off tbe face of the earth" certain inturauce agents so tbat the "favored few" might live in luxury. I will give the Herald credit for saying one thing in its article before mentioned that witi bear investigation and t bat is this : ' Rates are already too high." But will we ever lower them by such actions as those recorded by our oooorable city dads in tbe enactment of such city laws as that covering the in surance agent. Liceniie? No. tbe very opposite, as is now qui'. vividly demon strated, will be the outcome. The Herald says"Tbeiosaranceagecti of Albany reld a meeting and will de mand a withdrawal ot the order." A very proper tbingt?) I must say, wben those agents, after securing tbe enact Dent ot this licwnse law, tniormed their various companies tbat they must "put up or shut np" anl aa a matter of busi ness tbey "put np." and now on tbe same business principle tbe insurance couipaniee are going to "even up." which is only carrying out tbe proposition on correct business lines. Tbe Herald further states tbat only about ten per cent of premiums bad ever been ret nroed to tbe city to cover losses, etc, all ot which speaks well lor tbe fire protection for tnecty ot Albany, which is greatly strengthened by tne proficiency and good management of tbe Albmnv Fire beoartmeiit. But on tbe otb r band should we be visited by a eobSjtfration such aa would destroy tbe business portion ot our lair city, then bo would Settle oor loseesT uouia come from no other source than our pro tectors under- och circumktances tbe insunoce companies. in conclusion, and expressly totnose councilmen who are trying to represent toe best interests of tbe cuisensof Albany In tbe nsme ot bumsoity, gaard with diligence your sacred trust, and wben sncb evils aa tbta ordinance, which can well be termed "insurance monopoly escapes your vigilence and enters into onr midst, then at your awakening, give it such a just rebuke as tbe future fen erations may truly say of your actions "Well done good and laitbiul servant. KNOCK SO UlT JJES. AGRKT a wreck. Ana tnose siuray seamen sing in wat ery graves. But hark t What sound is tbat like peals of thunder, A flash, a loud report, followed by another Tbat seems to rend the waves aronder. A moment, and the vessel sank. Its precious freight to smother. Up! Up! From cautions slothful bed, Look on bloody Maine. Oh ! See the dying and the dead. Oh ! See your brothers slain. Oh i ! Mighty Weyler. of infamous fame, rhy deeds are wrLtea with a tyrants brain. Long as the world shall last.will live thy name. Whose hand destroyed our gallant Maine. AxjtllOoLESBV. Junction City, Or., March 25, 9S. WHEAT. Cb caco 104c. and 82o. New lork yS,c and 95','c. San Francisco fe8c Liverpool 6-10 low r. Albany 66c. 190 40 70 300 REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported by the Linn County Abstrsct Company, for the Okmocrat, for. the week ending March 30, 1898. Win II Davidson and wife to Wm McDonald, T 15,4 W.l acre.... 1 D P Mason et al referees, to J P Wallace, S i lots 7 and 8 bl 60, Albany Mattie E Elson to P Srhlosser, lot A, bl3, 8hultz,frontad to Albany B W Sylvester and wife to May E Harris. T 13, 1 W, 41 acres E Musselman anl wife to F W Per kins, T 12, 2 W, 2 acres. G F Long and wife to L E and E J Miller, T 9, 2 W, 110 acres ...... H F Kills and wife to N A Swift, Sec 31, T9, 3 E, 20 acres J A tlodlne et al to M I Bodine, tin divided interest in T II, 3 w, 207 acres State of Oregon to R W Fialie'. W Jd.8ff , Sec 1, T 13, 2 W, 80 acres D B Beers to J F Anderson, Sec 16, T15, 1 W, 280 acres. E Goan to E B Wilson, small tract In. Lebanon, Oregon 0 E Hawkins and wife, by sheriff, to Margaret Madv, 8 - Iota 7 and 8, bl 28, Usc'kleman's 2nd, to Albany. U M Roberts anl husband to F H and J K Weber, small tract in Bro.vnsville '. 225 Mary A Hunter to D 8 Roberts, lots 7 and 8, bl 3, Galbraitbs's sd to Brownsville U S to Geo Whitman, N W U, 8 E hi. N E H, 8 W H and lot 3, Sec 7, T 10, 5 K 131 acres - Geo Whitman to L U Whitman, et al. T 10, 6 E, 80 acres State of Oregon to Mary McKerch er, lots, bee 22, T 14. 2 Vf, 37 acres Susan Butts, et si. to Fraok French, in and adjoining Browns ville Susan al, to Frank French, T14, 2 W, 68 acres..,.; Susan al, to Frank French. T14.3 W, 98 acres ...... - ' ' . .... dine Likewise a fine stock of clothing for the season at the store of the V : ...BLAIN 100 - Dulciiess Trousers ! 900 &S?K gO?S. ' ' StlZ&i rX !' "I w:m : 176 Fit and Workmanship Perfect ; I Tbe Appearance without the Cost 46 TH worn. ice. ran bottom. ! I Tr Ms. on a air. S407 4900 WHEAT. Chicago ime sad 82c. New YorS 9gC and 856. San Francisco t$8 cents. Lierpoolii'c fcigber. Albany 67 cents. Ex-Councilman Gradwohl on In- Ei scTainrr roa Paixcvnxg. II. Tay lor Hill while below, examioed fully in to tbe workings of sn electric plant and is now in correspondence with manufac turers of electric plants and will be in a position in a abort time to make a prop osition to the people ot Prinevilte. Coal oU from tl to sd scan is rather steep. It is to be hoped that tbe citUens will re spond to Mr Hill's proposition readily as we are satisfied it will be a verv liber al one. Review Pain 12,000. Mrs. B. B. Dunn last Saturday was paid tbe 2,000 beneacisry f and earrred by ber husband, the late B. B Hie A.O. L". W ,tbe payment beiog made in less than thirty 'days. Mrs Dona is one of the maay who have been placed to comfortable circa instances through the A. O. U. W. Thit Failbo. Word was received ia this city Saturday eveoing that Rorkey D. Hodgkln.of this city and Leo Eugeae hell berg, of Sublimity, who un the 1st inst. took sn examination at Vancouver for ad mission 'as cadets at West Point, had both (ailed to pass the required ex amination. Both ot the young gentlemen submitted ered table papers in all of tbe branches except tbe important one ol ar ithmetic and in this particular study both tailed. Journal. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL suraoce. E lilor Dtmocttt: The Herald of the 29th on authority of ex Councilman Gradwohl says insurance is increased 15 per cent. I will say tbat I have talked with five or six ot tbe lead ing agents and tbey tell me that tbey will write insurance at tbe aan, rates ss heretofore notwithstanding the circular Mr. Gmdwohl refers to. Now I woulj like to know what kick tbe people have as long as tbey can get tbe same ratrt of insurance as before. One thing I do koow is tbat tbe city of Salem collects over (1000 per annum from insurance companies and no rates hav been increeee-t there. While Al bany would collect $500 per annum un der ber city license tbey raise a bowl and want to raiaalhe rates 15 per cent In the face of this it is highway robbery, a tbe additiondl expense to all tbe com panies is not to exceed 5 per cent, yet tbey raise the rate 1 per cent Have our peo4s no backbsne and will they not stand by their council and stand" np for our rights as other cities do, or shall we show the white Csg aa has generally been done before, and let these trusts bluff ns out One thirg certain is the council will work for the best interest of the DeoiJe to tbe best of their. -ability and wben the lime comes to act yon will find we will be on band and Uke tbe proper coarse. Ccunrilroen are insurers aa weil as others, sod it does not stand to reason that tbey desire to increase their insur ance premiums. The feople making tbe biirgent howl in this matter as we:l as those calamity how le-s in other affairs du not pay uxes or insurance. As for Bro. Uradwoht I think we bad better torn tbe whose city affair over to him, aa be seems ti think the city has not gone right since be left lbs council. O P Daxxals. First Ward Councilman Eugene city will bold its annual election next monday. The U A R of Eugene in enjojing a good increase in its membership, At 'he regular meeting last evening, five new members were obliged, and thirteen ap nliouions for membership were acted up on. I he Poet now has a membership of about HO Eugene Register. - The convention closed this afternoo at 4 o'clock, considering all tbe difficul ties encountered a marked success Grand Prairie Gracge Club.ccneisting of Mr. and Mrs. Walaer and Mr. Shaw, assisted by Rev. Poling, were beard in some one music. Tbe Misses Palmer were also heard during tbe afternoon in a duet with man colin accompaniment, delighting the audience. Tbe election of officers resulted as fol lows: President, Tbos Paulsen Vice-presidents, Strauder Froman, of Linn, and John J. Gratley, of Washing ton county. Secretary, F. L. Kent Treasurer, H. T. French. GL Rees, of this county, discussed the cow, a big subject and one of tbe most important of the day, as every but ter eater knows He did it well, and wasfollowed in a live manner in a general discussion. Prof. F. L Kent of the O. A. C, gave an address on tbe Babcock test, treating tbe subject thoroughly and intelligently. H. W . Williamson, a Portland editor. spoke on tbe subject of "Disposing of dairy Products," giving some suggestions tbat will no doubt piove of value to those receiving them. KOTB", Mr. Paulsen is an excellent presiding . officer, a good natured one. Mr. Kent Gils the secretary's chair as it should be. Linn county has four creameries, they being it Albany, Piainview, Scio and Halsey, with a skimming station at Shedd .- Tbe product of the Albany creamerv for three years has been 4,538,160 pounds of milk, 203.000 pounds of butter, and cash receipts of $35,430 ss shown by a re port of Mr. Seeley. - Wah You baa sued Lutn Duck in the strong candidate and there is a general licirciit court. regret in mis coumj Ui -a nominated. Just the same though the! forces will give Mr. Veatch their united! SUDDOrt- Mr. L. L Ware, of Chicago, who is presenting the beautiful cantata of Queen Es.ber in this state, arrived in Albany this noon from Corvallis, and will meet tbe singers of Albany to nigbt at the col lege chapel for the purpose of beginning .t nnen for the Dreeenta- tion of tbe cantata in this city in abou.J . r . J tlirea weeks. It Will DO given uuuer u auspices of the United Freeoy tenan cnoir and tbe la lies ot the rirst rruuj church. When Traveling, Whether on pliasure bent, or business. take on every trip abottla of Syrup of Figs, aa it acts most piratrntly and effectually on the aidneys, liver and bowelss, prevent ing fevers, headaches, and other forms of Mclcne. Lor sale in 50 cent tl bottles bv all leading drugtrists. Manufactured by the r.i: : r:t. . ritcojrup company only. The Weather. W. F. Reid is out after an illness of severs! weeks. John Kami. William Couch. D M. Sooper and Jas. Hale went to McMinn viile this morning on tbe boat. Ex-msyor Sutro. of San Francisco, is rspidly failing, and it ia reported his death may occur at any time. Harry Cameron, a recent graduate ot the high school, is lying dsngerously ill with rheumatism of tbe heart. Mr J. A. Williamson, of Parsons. Kacaaa. sfter a visit in Linn county tbe guest of his daughter Mrs. J. R. Doug las, retuned home about a month ago be wss taken III and died about a week ago. lie lelt Albany in good health. Senator S. H. Holt, of Jackson county. wss in tbe city last night on bit way home. The senator baa been telling some of tbe papers bow easily the fusion ticket is going to be defeated. Not so very essily judging from tbe herculean enurt be made againat it. Rex Allingham, tbe little boy who waa lost on tbe Metoles, was found besides bis dog fast asleep, after having traveled twelve or fifteen miles. Tbe faithfulness of bis dog undoubtedly ssved his life A large searching party had been organ sed to bunt for the child, including about twenty from ?rineville. Mr. Henry Maine, of Yaquina, bead painter for the Corvallis & Eastern, has been in the city several days for the first time in eight years. About fifteen years Mis- Helen Crawford and mother came over from Corvallis oa the noon train . Mr. J. B. Mcrin, formerly ed'nor of the Harris bant Review, is teaching school in Motley, Minn. Rev. J. L. Jones left this morning tor Alabama, on a visit with his parents and. expects to be gone six weeks A late report is thst Hon John Parker. at Dawson, is not dead, but it cannot be verified one wsy or tbe other. His wile bss received no information on tbe sub ject directly. M ss Mary Candiff writes Albany friends the, she recently bsd a visit with Miss Maud Hoffman and bad heard the celebrated vocaliat Nordica. r K former Albany man at Pendleton writes tbat be bad just met Sid Dorris and Pet Montgomery on tbe streets, and thst tbst city is becomeing quite an Albany settlement. Rev. H 8 . Sbangle and wife left this rooming tor tbe east and will visit io Arksnsas and other states wben Rev. Sbangle wilt attend the general assem bly of tbe M. E. Church South at Balti more, Md. Hon. R A. Irvine ot this city, waa with Hon. R.M Veatch for four years in the elate legislature and declares that there is not a man in Oiegon wbo labored more earnestly in the interest ot the tax payers than Mr. Veatch. He is not only a good talker, bat a reliable man wbo will always be found on the side of tbe people. Io Portlund at 4 o'clock yesverdsy af ternoon Miss Edith Veazis and Mr. El win R. Bryson were married at tbe borne of the bride's mother. Tbe wed ding was a quiet sffslr, and the guests couuned to a limited number ol the bride's most Intimate friends. Immedi atelv followina the ceremony tbe newl wedded counle took the overland tor San Fr-ncifco where thev will spend tbe first three weeks ot their honeymoon. Returning to Corvallis they will occupy tbe Cooner houaa on Seventh street. Mrs. Bryson former' y resided st Eugene where sue en-dusted at the University of Oregon. She is a sister ot Mrs. Prof, Glenn of Eugene. Corvallis Times. CLOTHING CO... Some Choice Novelties .in Men's and Boy's Suits, Hats and Caps and Furnishings, THE PRICES Will be Satisfactory H r'Cash in price. prices HOME AND ABROAD. . A. R. Carrington A rail 6 and 7th Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, agents. Best BicyUe for toe money Will A Stark, jewe'era. 2 pounds of meters for 15c at TO 8baver's I Eight new telephones have been added to ine s) stems in the city. Lreaceot bicycles at Hopkins Brother lor only aa). S3u, 135 ud 150. Fresh ateda, two packs es for a nickst Stewsrt t Sox Hardware Co'. Fresh serds, two packages for a nickel at Stewart Sox tisrdware (Jo's. Crackers are now way dowa call on C E Browoell for fresh o Ladies long waicn chains at Io at French 'a Jewelry store. White Boose Java Mocha coffee tie finest in the Uu at F E. A lie A Co. GarJea seel that grow, in large variety at C E drowned 'a. Out rf the ordinary printing is tbe kind do. caiLEt.- Tbe Corvallis Times fails to even mea tian tbe presentation of Qoeea Esther ia that city. Golden Fairfe biodee are bones wWia at reasonable price J. A. Weaver "THE FAIR" agent Cblomit and Hartford bicycles, the best ' for tb am), at Stewart & Sox Hardware Go's. j Yiereck's Shavieu and Kair f!attin 1 Parlors. Shaving 10 eta U sir Cutting 15 j Shampooing 10.. Clean towel, toevery XII E F A MOUS "n you tne Iw.w msnj people ia town WRRRMflKER 5 BROWN will be riding Poo-tix UicycUs More cCTQflf ICUMCNT June 1st. J. A. eavcr, The Fain" t STJlBLiiHMfcnT cent. Is Ready With Foil Assortments to Meet Tbe PeodHoo E. O savs 125, 000 Yoar Wants is the Following Lines Mibels of waet wrre sold io tbat city I Clothing Ready to Wear atSafurdayiRneofitbriagingashibas ready lor immediate ship- Go' cents. VJJ ment from tbe acknowledged larg- Cometotba bamro-k Social tonight ' fiM e f1''?'' sad ssc Irish 3n,d 1'a.que soorears f "d."ot ""J boh'nd Made to-Meas-will be nrH.Md.oK. iccu served. ore in either style or fabric or fashioning. MARCH 28. F. Mcllwain Store0 9 pas Arbockle or Lion coffee $1 00 22 yds standard prints 1 00 Gilt Edge sboedreaaing .., 20 Gold Dust washing powder, S lb pkg 20 bars Cudaby'ssoap , 25 Xew p-Uerneoutiugsperyd..... 05 5 gal Standard coal oil SO Mens fine calf shoes 1 25 3 cans cove oyste-t 25 . Ladies fine coin toe shoe, 1898 125 Cotton batton per roL, lb -. 05 Mens Storv King boots, per or 160 Porois leather shoe laces, per pr Co Taole damask, per yd 25 King overalls, ex value, pr 40 " jumpers, ex loag : 40 Good broos s 15, 20. 2 anX SO la. worth more money. Tbe best brands of floor. Can save you. mooey. Produce Wanted. LADIES, MISSES CfllXORENS SHOES, Mem Boot asi Sice! Eats ml tap Were Thankful. The members ot the Suite Dairy Asso ciation in adjourning yesterdsy after noon were in a very thankful mode anl resolved as follows: That the Oregon Dairy Associatioa hereby expresses its gratifies Lion and its sincere thanks to tbe enterprising ci Li sec so! Albany and Linn county and the Creamery Association tor the very hos pitable meaner in which th;s association has been rereived.for the liberality which, has freely provided for the meeting of this association, tbe spacious acd com fortable opera bouse of tbe city has furnished tor tbe several sessions ot the meeting, most acceptable music and has provided all the other necessary arrange menu which have resulted in making this tbe most Important meeting in tbe history ot the association. Tbe hospitable rteeies extended to the members win ns be remetnbereo. inanu are aiso ue to tbe newspapers tor notices and re a of our meetings, to Messrs Kau pisch A Bams, tbe albany creamery and theuregon Agncultora. college tor ex cellent exhibits, to Mayor Burkhart for Ins sonreriauve address of welcome, to the musicians whose efforts bare added muck to the eojoyment ot tbe sessions sod to those wbo have inrnished papers and addresses for the meeting. mission 10 tests Toe Prisoner of .lgi-n was presented at tb opera bnose I uf night to a good sited It as presented ia a first class manner. iiog seaersJ satis! actios with a critical aa leoce J. E Rifferty. who receatiw returned fro a Skagwsy to this city, savs it is all a fake; that hundred get diouraged. sWt their outfits for It trie ot nothing and turn their backs oo tbe K oodike Many ti those wbo po-bed over ibe moaatalos from Stagwat will b turned back by tbe mounted- police beeasse the haves. less tbaa 1000 pounds of prevision, with tbem. Sktgwsy is full ot mea broke sad dis couissrel, sad the trail over tbe moontaia ia strews wi k bod its of ssea who fell by the wayside. o one eaows ana bo c cares what brcomes cf his sm hJbor. every ooe ha enough to do to take care of himself. lecirear asi Skirts inti srtrlitflwlr ourovn nunnfActnr- Ladies Mens Furnishing Goods WfjfBfiir ISIS G03dS A aopportoni'T wben ordering voor X. Clothing to get articles in this line at way beiow regular price. -A Word as to Prices Yon never knew sncb worthy goods lower b-tyinsr wben prices were un der value enables ns to save yon many dollars, as costs am rspid'y climbing the ladder. OUR SALES AGE5T W. R.BLAHf Will take pleasure ia shewing this -as- sortment and Quoting oor prices. Yoors Truly. WASAUAKEtl A EKOWN. rniiadcpbia. Tie finest of Writing Pajer. Ia TBicpeiaM I2XZM1 UK Begait inkstand, pgsi, c:8 coots, etc, all al rMsg en; price? W. R. Blain. From tbe CorvslHs Times: Eph Beach, tbe efficient nightwatch, was tbe victim ot a cowardly assault made by a drunken and disorderly gang from tbe boat s crew of the steamer Kttlh Sunday night. There were four men in tne gang, and tbey were able to belabor bim consider olt before be could pot np aa effective defense. A blackened eye and a tew bruises and sore spots wre all tne inconvenience vuSered by Mr, Beach as a result of bis battle w:th tbe tonghs.and be waa able to go ahead with bis duties during tbe rest of tbe night Tbe identity of but ooe of tbe men u known. Was Discharokd. Maude Wagnon who was arresiel lest week for larceny by bailee, was dischsrged by Uity lie order YA N. Edes to Isy. The woman's trial began at 4 p. m. Moodsy and three witnesses were examioed for the slate, At thts point McCourt and Rafter, coun ael for the defense, moved that the lhe motion poinip Medicine pore condition of the blood after win ter's hearty foods, and breathing viti ated air In home, office, schoolroom or shop. When weak, thin or impure, the blood cannot nouruh the body as it should. The demand for cleansing and Invigorating is grandly met by Hood's garsaparilla, which gives the blood just the quality ana viuiiity need ed to maintain health, properly digest food, build up and steady the nerves and overcome that tired feeling. It is the ideal Spring Medicine. Get only Tonight and Thursday fair rtationary temperature. River 4 feet. F. M. French, Display man. Millinery Openg. The Misses Ball announce their open ing of spring and summer millinery to take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 29 and 30. All the ladles are in vited to call. .t.. m lw AimmlmtuHl . I hi motion waa . . . . l.ll.l It V kn u,0ua.wvw. - agouenry was one ot Albany's editors, Md uken under advisement by rniininif In. K .out.. ( .wkll. Tk. I . -. ... . . i i . the Court until 1U m. tuuay wing u:o running tbe Register for awhile. The time be scorched Brother Potlinger then of tbe Herald, is still fresh in the mind of tbe Democrat man. - Mr. Maine Is one ot tbe ex-superintendents of the M. E. a. . G3ood s Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Sarsapari 1 1 a ".1 elns. C I. mood si tx., uhm . . r,... cure aU Liver Ills and IlOOd 5 FllIS sick Ileadachs. Ha. We give away choice flower Beer's with tea and coffee, for particulars call on O. E. Brownell. Mpbic. Miss Mildred Burmester teacher of piano or organ. 8ystem the1 Mason touch and technique. Residency Fifth street, opposite U P cbuich. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remaining in tbe Poatoffice at Albany, Linn county Oregon, March 30, 1898. Persons calling for these letters must give tbe date on which they were advertised. Cooper, H L Hurst, Mrs Mary Churchill, Mrs M 0 Holdrey,' Amos Cooper, Frank Kern, Albert Ooslas, Mrs John Lucas, v illie Dunn, Marcus Moore, Mrs F A Hiller, Mrs B Nusbaumt Will Haley, b ra Frona Phelps, J M Uuber, Peter Bommers, James T. J. Stitis. P M case waa dismissed released. Journsl. and tbe woman Another insurance license was innnd yesterday, this one to tbe new firm of rreerksen & Hill. The William M. Hoag went down the Chop Failcsb Chief of Police Lee today received a letter from bis brother, near Fresno, Calif., in which it wss stated tbat fie crops, both ceresl and fruit, were almost a complete failure, not only there but elsewhere through river this morntng in place of tbe Albanv. the state, which is verified by other re- judge Brink is at the bead of a move ment for a telephone system for Prine villa. 22,000 pounds of provisions were ship ped from Eugene yesterday to Cuba, far I tha starving Cubans. N f Several car loads cf Pioneer stone have fl ..J t U ...... .-L. . 1 1 . m . ii uomu tutu" u A-unuy irons 101600 lor T tsuirene to oe used in the new court houi . mm ihhuu Tuagnou was meet at Salem yesterday afternoon for stealing the horse and buggy taken through Albany severe! daya ago and tbe decision of tbe justice was reserved. The Kugene Transfer Co. baa been or ganized and incorporated with W W Haints. Isaac Gray and and A 0 Wood, cock as incorporators. Capital stock 14000. uujeu. .us ruuuiug ur. a river steamer on the Willamette. Yesterday aftoruoon several pieces of property, belonging to the estate of Mrs E uonser, deceased, ot &ugene. were sold at I publie sale bv the executor ,T G Hendricks. ; to the highest bidder The one story brick I building and ground, 40x160 feet, occu pied bj Ax Billy s department store was id in by Mrs Racheel Santsrs for $5,450. nnrts. WSffSS had oeen cut oowd, so that where be bad been receiving $30 a month he was getting only $10, and real ly was not needed The drouth seems . L J! a-.! ... T 1. . f to have been very uimiuium. iusi feet is beiog seen in tbe increased price f wheat in uregon. - Albany Fibm. F. A. Ballard and WiPiam Johnson arrived in Albanv sev eral dsys ago from Staples sod Motley, Minn., ana Will wivi vumr wines mu this city their borne. Tbey are msking arrangements to open a gnn store and bi cycle end general repair shop. Both men are experienced workmen as gun smiths and bicycle repairers, and come well spoken of. A ramp of Modern Woodmen of A mericawill be organized next Saturday Interesting School Decision. Not long ago certain petitioners from school districts Nos. 115 snd 23 petition ed Ooonty Superintendent Wbeeler for minus of bonndrv line. Un tne day set for bearing nine of those w4io bad signed the D-titioo sDoeared. by remonstrance. Mr. O. Y. right acting as attorney lor tbe petitioners took the position thst as tbe remoostrators had previouely sign ed the petitioo, tbey were estopped from defsating th jurisdiction ot the county superintendent, by the signing of the remonstrance, because it wsstneir act of joining with others ia the petition that gave the srperintenuent jurisdiction, and having invited it, tbey were stopped from detesting unless fraud oe shown in proem ing their names to toe petition The county superintendent decided ad' vera.v. whereupon Mr Wrisht SUid out a writ oi review sua sman m cae the 22ud on sppeal before Slate Supt Irwin. The state superintendent ren dered his decision yesterday sustaining ice points oi law raiseu oy nr. n rigut revised tbe county superintendent, f HE PLACE TO BUT Tour Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros. Everybody knows where their place is. They keep fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all alike. . . You may regret some steps you take In lifo tut none taken into the store ol Parker Bros. , It is a great thing to be well fed. Par ser Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but you want it well made. Try Parker Bros. Draper Duck; Cowardly Assault. Hear duck for binder drapers, best quality, warp aa-i tiling doable ai iwuted. 42 inch 4'Jc aad so locn aw per yard. Ti inch aad 40 tack duck. 8. 10. 11, aad It oa. ranging ia price mm 15c to 25j per yard. S. E. YOESG & SOS. Albany, Oregon. iFREE 1 ! SEEDS MLItncry Opening. Tbe ladies of Albauy are invited to attend a grand aaillinery opening at Mjra I A Uonmsn s, beginning Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. The store will be brilliantly illuminated with electric lights, and the finest line ot spring mil linery ever seen in Albany will be dis- plsyed, including 50 lovely pattern bats. ttridsy and Saturdsv will also be open ins dsys. Do hot fsd to call and see I this beantilul tine of new millinery. Focao. Tbat Case tiros havs returned to their old sund by P. O and are turn ing ont tbe best work for tbe least money. Our prices are hair cutting. 15c. shaving IOc or threa sbavinsr checks ror zoc iui- ore boned and set for 15c Opposition is the life of trade so if you waat to keep prices what they are patronix oor shoal and we will sta with vou un il Gabriel blows bis horn. Yours for the leader of I eastern prices. Cass.Bhos, Until March 31st, 1898, we will give free to oui customers the Famous . Paintings of the World Now is your time to secure them. HECHT & HMD We put np o r own garden seeds, They are all Sortbern grown seeds They are absolutely true to asms Tc ey an fresh all grown in 18S7, The packages are fall weight, Price, two papers for a nickel," Wo also have them ia bulk. Stxwabt A Sex Haxbwikx C MM-lis. mat m guaran teed to wear tires jean., fill gin A New Ring fareTerj csafta. toes not proTB sat-iifantorj, 50c Scat Tsharcs Sftt aa4 Basse Tsar Uft Awaf. To salt tobacco easily and forever, be naff aeue. fall ot life, tern and vlor. taks No-T Bae. tb wonder-worker, that make sreas men atroog. All drogsista, too or II. Curesuaraa teed. Booklet aad sample tree. Address Sterling: B-mm&r CO, Cotcaco or New York, Kdarat Toar Bowels Wllh Caaearota. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forpTer. tuc.sw. li uut. rail, arusKiv r1 UIK moacj. Eggs for Hatching at C S Browbells. Hickory nuts at C E Irownells. Have Disappeared. SntDos, Ore., March 21, 1898. Mrs. Kettle M. Carothers of this place hss been tsking the well-known medi cine. Hood's Saisspanlla, which has completely relieved ber ot rheumatism, headaches and nervous attacks. She aaa aian t on hied with scrofula swellings. but these have disappeared since takings Hood's Sarsaparilla. Millinery Opening. Mrs. Ashby finds herself overwhelmed ' a large i ployed Bicyole oil the best, French the jeweler has it, 15 cents. mi Toers ere thr little thing which do more work tbaa any other three little things created thsy are tb aot, tu bs and DeWitts Little Kr)y Risers, tLs lat bains-the famous itttls pills for stomach ! and liver Iraubbw I A Camming New Stock We are showing a line of shoes this tpring that lor quality aud style is not sur- . a w erv Dassed in this valley. ve intend to lead the van in pri ces, will not be undersold. ST LUIS RAKET STOR. Albany, Ov'aDi. FMFrencli, The Jeweler NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOR S ALK 3ouse- parlor set. Bobeim, Ltoo street near l-TURXITURS r hld goods, including- CJ1 oi tred ditch. "" IRL WAX 1 ED To do general bouse- I ... i, rt . VJ wore laii at ifawuvsLai Kitchen Department ot TIIEFAIIt" Itnma First. The World afterwards. Get good grcceiies for your family, umn r Hus ton keep the best, which thev sell at the inwast ivfuuible nrices. Fresh vegetables and fruit according to the season, always on hsnd . A fine line of crockery. New Stock Reduced prices Guaranteed goods Onr Granite Iron Is tbe town talk. Buy Some. Keept. Smn that naucrh! Take warning, it ma lead to Consumption. A 25j bottle bv a large stock of fine millinery snd hss 0f Shiloh's Cure may ave your We. Sold employed an export trimmer and wi.ll by Foshay & Masou. To Care Constipation forever. Pah Cumnti Caod v Cathartic 10s or So, It C. C. C. fail to euro, drugglaM rotund money. nigbt in tbe U, s. nan, at oo cues have ber full stock on aispiay msrco. with thirty members. It will be called 3l9tf April 1st and 2nd ; ' Please call ana Willamette camp. j examine before purchasing elsewhere. a . I ... If vou want good sewing machine I needles and oil get them of xrench ths eweler. No-To-Bao (or fifty Coats. Guaranteed tobaeeo habit cure, makes weak ma suong. Wood pur. 600. II. Ail drufllsie. COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Od4 FeLow's Temple, Albany, Or. All work carefully methods. dene nnder lstrst Legal Blanks we have 'em Smiiit t-TesM to Sin Cansa. -Ouarantoed tobacco habit core, Bakes weak tteasuooc.blveC.iMu. Udrugyiata G0W WAXrED.Freeh milk cowViJer sey preferred, subject to 'rial. M. Sfsdbrs. A GOOD imnro.-ed farm can b ex m for nart cash and oari unin cumbered Washington property, or would scans smalt mortgage, estate run De scription and address box 91 Ucosfct. Wash. T70R SALE. A good second band set I of Cooper tools. inquire oi Mrs. Houck, 1 st and Baker. TO BICYCLE RIDERS. Do you want a good bright light for your wheel. If so call at the office of tbe Oregon Gas Light, Heating Power Co, tbey have tbe beat on sale in the market Waktsd. Three roams on ground fioor for light housekeeping, with another fam ily. Address C L. Chandler, Peoria, Or. State price. . HOXG WAH TCESG CO, St near Lvon street. Albanv. Sells Chi nese medicine, Chinese rice, Chinese tea and nat oil. AGOM S. One two horse wagon will trade for boards; a small wagon with tongue or shafts for ona or two bones, for sale, inquire of J. M. Marks.