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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1898)
mortal UNION TICKET. CeUBTT Senators. T 0 Mackev. I Clem. Representatives. J J Whitney, H M Pa mer, Dr D M Jones. Cleik. Franklin Crabtree. Sheriff IAMastrra. Arsfssor. Geo. DeVaney. Reorder. E 0 Neal. Treasurer. F M Jaeg. Superintendent. A S McDonald. C tnmiabioner. DC Swann. Oioner J Q Norman. Surveyor. Anthony Austin. State. Governor W R King. Secretary ot state El R Kineaid. Justice supreme eourtW At Ramsey. Trfaaurer J O Booth. Attorney-general J L Story. State printer O A Fitch. Superintendent H S Lyman. Congressmen R Jd Veatcb and C M Donaldson. DI8TBICT. Circuit Judge P H D'Arcy and K P Boine. Di trict Attorney S L Hayden. And now Japan m having a gold stand ard panic. One ot the leading Japanese papers says, "The financial panic which occured in Okaska is only the first ot tfce disasters that will follow the adoption by Jtpan of the gold standard." Salem Journal: Republican papers make a great f QM OTer the fact that si teen populist delegates walked out . Do they torget their late republican con v en tion at Portland when the chairman was knocked down and trampled on, and half their number walked out? The Maine court of inquiry has fourd that no evidence could be found to fix the responsibility. On this alone the United States would not be justified in going to war with Spain. It would be necessary as the Dmocat has heretofore stated to place the crime at the feet of Spain. The possibility of war lies in the reported coming demand for the freedom of Cuba, at leant the stopping of the cruelties inflicted upon the people of the " island. W. R. King, the union c aodidate for governor is thirty three years of age, and hence a young man. He is a graduate ot the O A C of Corvallis, and ot an Indiana law school, and now enjoys a paying practice . He has been a state eenator for two terms and is a very poo u'ar man where known in attern Ortgon. He is said to be a fine speaker and is a man of excellent attiarmenta and habiu. H R Kineaid, candidate for secretary of state, has filled the eSice s well that there is a general demand for his reelection. He is (he kind of a man the people delight to honor . f O Riotb, candidate for state treasurer, i a man of sterling worth, one of the beet knon men of southern Oregon. W M R jisey, now fifty years of age, is or ol the leading lawyers of the valley, be has a Urge practice and eni'oys the coo filmdenee of thi members of the b as - wen as of the public. J L Story, for at'O'ney general is fifty two year- uf a.e. lit was admitted to the bar in 18SI a has a good practice at The Daiir. H was a pioneer of 1833, and went it- ttif army from this state. H S Lytnau t-. a prominent teacher of Astoria an.t i euuken of as a man of ability and cap. o a til filling the office of state act:. i eapennndent well. C A Eitch, the candidate for state printer is editor ol the Herald at Oregon City, a bright young man who is also said to be a bn - t - let. R M Veatcb for congress is a of the people wboee interests have al wave deen identified with the masse. P H D'arcy, the . candidate for sirrnit judge is a brilliant attorney of the Saiem bar and one ot the brightest young at toruey in tbe state. Judge Boise has bad such a long judical carer in Oregon that it is familiar to all. It has been an honorable one leaving a record that elands the test of the years. S L Hayden bas been one" of tbe beet district attor neys tbe district bas ever bad, and there Las been a general desire that be be re elected. A reader of the Democrat thinks tbe following is worth a place in the Demo crat: A million bobolinks killed last year! tour million other birds slaugh tered io tbe same period and for wbat? That their torn and distorted bodies add attractions to tbe headgear of American womankind! These are no suers-work figures, bat the official repott of the Audubon So ciety of Massachusetts . And wbat does it mean? It means five million vorces stilled in Nature's avian elioir. Five million flashes of cheerioeee and glad ness taken from bnman life; and mil lions of other young lives doomed to starvation or prey in order that the plum aged corpse of the murdered bird may be rent by a milliner and jammed in hideous sbspelessness in milady's bat!. . Here is tbe appeal to tbr ladies of ths land made by tbe New York Mail Ex press on tbe subject: Ah, milady, is there no efficacy in these desolating figures? Is there no mercy in your heart, no conscience in your make-up, ne sentiment in your soul? Can think that tbe killing of tbe birds with which yon and your sis ters are crowning your beauty Is grad ually aiieneiog the grand oratorio of the forsr and the fields? ': , ' birdles country 1 A voiceless fores! ! w a a desolat'on it would be! And yet ttii s jost what tbe coontry is coming tn if ng birds ol our land are to be - S at tbe ra'e of five million a ' o order to gratify femeniue vai itji keep woman "in etyle." - at a riewsome, hideous, copseieni-e-. x 'style" it is that murders mel.! a ri Alienees the la k that eings fruu tutiv-n'e gate.' LEBANON. aa the Ciiterion. 1- Di. J. A. Lamberson anuonces him- sef candidate for tie Legislature Principle single gold standard and high protection. C. R, Lovealland wife took their little b i) to Albany where they will Lave an operation performed on him for canor ot tti stomach, F. v. Perkine and family wfac ! t;.e past three years have lived near Soiibvitle, left for Howell, Michigan. Kiiu liy. E. B Vroom left last Wednesday for a v . t to the borne of bia childhood near ii itf in Sew York. Mr. Vroom wil; t g.iiiti nil fall and he may possibly de i i.i make that country his borne. UeiiH been a resident of this place for several years and our people regret to see bim leave. Up to Date Link cuff buttoni tore. at Freich's Jewa iv Wat 1 Union Platform. Following is the Union platform in full : United in a common cause for the sacred purpose of preserving the princi ples of government by the whole people, in (act as well as to name, restoring and maintaining equality, under that gov ernment, of all classes we, the people' democratic and silver-republican parties ol the state of tiregon, waiving all minor points of difference, and uniting for the purpose of carrying out the great under lying principles upon which we are all gred. do nv-ke aid present to the peo pie ot this etaie the following declara tion of principles, and to the carrying out of which we solemnly p'ede each and every candidate upon our mated ticket We demand the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people. We demand the initiative and referee dnm system of law making in us optional form, local, state and national, and the submission by congreje of all important national questions fur an advisory vote of the people, until such time as the national constitution eball have been amended so as to provide for direct leg islation. . We demand the tree and anreslricted coinage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio ot 16 to 1, without waiting lor the consent ot foreign nations, and we aie unalterably opposed to the policy ot the present republican administration io demanding the retirement ot greenbacks, and the turning over of the monej-mak-ing power ot the government to the na tional banks, aa presented by the bill drawn by the republican secretary of the treasury and indorsed by rreeident McKinley, and we especially denounce the avowed attempt by said bill to fasten the country irrevocably and forever to the gold standard. We demand a national money, safe and sound issued by the general govern ment only, without the intervention of banks ol iaaue. to be a fa I lege' tender for all debt, oublic and private; aleo a just and equitaoie and excient means of distribution direct to the people through the lawful disborsementa of the government. We demand that the volume ot circu lating medium be speedily .increaaod to an amount sufficient to meet the de mands of the bneineee and popu'ation ol ihiecoontry.andtorettore the just level of prices of labor and production. Wetavoreucn legislation as will j. re vent tor the fu'ere the demonetization olanvkindof legal-tender money by legal contract. tfe demand that the gove-noient, in payment of its obligations, shall use its option aa lo the kind of tawfnl money ir. which they are to be paid, and we de nounce tbe present and preeeeding ad- miniiraiionfor eorrenderinr lb ie option to the holders ot government obliga tion e We demand that there shall be no lU'ttwr ine o'" United S'-i iutere bearing bond We demsad that p-ie-al -aving banc n- kb-ttfhwi H h- ov rntnrnt fv the eft depo-H "f h- saving of the penpb ami io laciltaie hnare. Wrc nl-iot a dam-rout and ncjiii fie eanen.l -r, m all d pattmmt of th g .v-rnmeot, to the infl iee of rnel. icrpn'a'i -n ami ag-gaifs of weailb I ; ul the iok'ni o the high cnn-r 'b- la-tt n r.-rpura-w la jrii. to j trad- itu tin- wi-1 oi their j Uie employers and to att aid vali.i land vhoU-som '.aw paaed -Jy the lg a Mauve department of tbe states and ! government, noon flim-y pretexts, at the blieste f euch institction. We are opposed to government by io junction . In state matter w demand : A simple and well-gnarded registration Uw A more tqoiUbl mode of appointing judges of election. Stringent laws to regulate the opera- ' tion of fish traps, fish wheels and all fish ing gear In the water within the juris diction of tbe state. We denounce and condemn tbe corrupt and extravagant republican legislative assembles and charge that the republi can party in its eagercea for tbe spoils o! office, baa become divided into warring factions, so ttatit is incapable of govern ment as exemplified by the condition existing in tbe office of tne sUte treas urer, there being at Ibis time more than a half million dollars therein wrung from tbe people by tbe process of taxation, while etate warranto are stomped "Not pa.d for want of foods." vV de-uand that all district and coun ty affic-rs be placed upon salaries com mensurate with the duties to be perform ed by them. - I lasmucb as railroad and other corpo rate property is not bearing its propor tion of taxation, we demand that such property shall bear its jost and equal bare of the expenses ot tbe government. It is customary in a political campaign, before an election, and sometime after the convention,- for a newspaper to make a formal presentation of the candidates of its party, to its readers, that they may form some idea ol their qualifications if thev are not already .familiar witb them. PartUan encomiums are gener ally taken with allowance," and yet after all the word of a friend is more to be believed than that of an t enemy.' Tbe union connty ticket is headed witb tbe name of T C Mackev and J Clem for state senstors. Dr. Maekey is an old and reliable practitioner, a past grand master Workman aod i certainly a man tronaly in evmpatby with-the need o' th p-npie He is a gtod ta'ker and a ina-i o' exne;lent udgmxn. Mr. Clem i one f the L ading Orangera of the 'tt!- . h't mHiiMrii'ii", na-d working .. , who il be Iw, td voting in the t i-' : ir p',pl kvnvraily, thbUab i 14 Hate to pr -diet the monopolies and t ost- will not. get any favor. J J Wtiituev 'or uprtet n'a ive is an old u;.t ho'I on- or die b. . known men i lie va-ie , Ht- h fli'-d several po (r oi trus- in an accepiabls manner, arlessly, and poeeeses the ability to take the leading part in me representa tion ol hi constituency. H M Palmer i a farmer, an educated gentleman as well, a man of excellent personal worth ami one who? will do bis duty. Dr, D M btnes, is annld iTactitiotier and a success ul one. tit. is a msn of abi'.ity,' and ben he g ies to Salem his constituency ird not hesitate io relv upon judg ment. For county clerk Mr. Frauk in Crabtree is qualified in an eminent man tier Be received It is education in He tgrkuttrtral C-Ileie at Corvallis, and is a m&nof culture a well as of personal at tainments; His nomination bus given .t - t a " general satis srtlon I A Munkers, nom inee for sheriff Is an industriou,Tsliable young uian, of Scio, a member of one of the moat reliable pioneer families of tbe county. He possesees tb ability to make a competent sheriff J I knows tbe county thoroughly and 1 said to be well qualified for filling the office pf assessor. E C Neal is a young man of good address, possessing by tar more than average clerical ability, be Is pains taking in his work and would keep tbe records clean and correct FU Jack Is on of Brownsville's most trustworthy uitiiens and could be thoroughly depend ed unon as treasurer ot Lien county. A S MoDonald, principal ol tbe Harnsburg school, is aa experienced teacher, who has our educational interests at heait. He is a man ot ability who would push the school interests of the county. D 0 Swaun tor commissioner, though a farm er now, is an experienced carpenter, having worked a good many years at oth er business and hence is particularly well adapted for the office. For surveyor Anthony Anstln has the apparatus and has had the practical experience that fits him well tor the position. J G Nor man la an industrious, steady shoemaker ol this city, well situated for attending to the duties of coroner, which should be filled by an A'bany man. Mrs. M. B. Carey, formeily of Oregon but now an invalid ot Fairfax, Va, writes a poem on Oregon that will touch a cord in every Webfoot teart. It has ten (out-line versee with a retrain, "Oregon. Dear Oregon." varying and noncliding, "Oregon, My Oregon": "t love thy rivers deep ai.d wide, , That slowly to tbe ocean glide. And mingle with Pacific's tide Oregon, dear Oregon 'I love thy bills ot deepest green And flowery vales that lie between Thy wheat fields with their goldao . sheen, Oregon, fair Oregon. Salem Journal: Fusion is the fah im ever since MeKioley fused with the Gold Democrats and placed Arch Democrat Gage at the bead of bis cabinet for a few vote'. Oafcvlllc. Some of our young men have gone to Eastern Oregon in search rf work. They eonidn't folicw tbe f '.. of Horace Ureely. "uo west young man and seek a fortune " Their oarenu bad followed that advice until tbey had made it im possible to go any further, so we will change the advice and say "Go east yonng man and work at any wages ob tainable." ''Fortune is a laxy goJdees, it witl never ome to you." We have a few m-n who are anxious to go to Cuba They I eel snre that they can mace tbe "Spanish fly." A young lady called at Smith's last week and nought a box of cough drops. A Toarg man who was sitting bv tbe stove eaid: "Did yon ratcb any cat fish last night?" Tbe ladv said: "No. 1 never go a fishing, why do yon ask?" "Cause that's vy experience, catch cat Geh at night buy congb dropa next day." One can't always tell by appearances, but smito. Keeps a targe supply ol books and linee and also a good supply of cough xlrooe. Mr tlmanan Sni h, ol Halsey, was vi-itiug friends here lan week. He in tends to go east in a lew days on a visit to the land ot his nativity, tie will taktf advantage of tbe low rale. tfe were in Tangent last week on bus intss. Found Joe Beard busy at work on a new building which is soon to be w copied by iloeei Brothers as a store. Uncle Je-ee UcGhet was busy ringing the bell at tbe church, a revival is in progress. Mr Jeeee Uoeee was trying tn do three mens w.trk in the store His brother Sam wa on tbe road with tbeir traveling etore. We learnod that Mr td (Jooey woe able to be op again An- e that Mrs Mills, who went to Call for nia for ber health, was not improving We felt lost without tbe anDearance of Yooor Ax erica, bat we learned that be was doing better io California than be could here. Mr. William St John, cf this place, bas invented a fruit drier which is a complete success, and very simple in construction and so easily operated that a child can move tbe trays when loaded with fruit. Ten bushels of plums or prunes aod five or six of apple can be dried at one filling. Mr. St John bas applied for a patent. A sample 4ri. r can be seen at bia shop. Oor veteran farmer, Geo. B Dodd. will go east next week . lie will visit bia lei sures in South Dakota. He will be gone about thfee weeks. V Oar peaches are not all killed and if we have no more frost we wilt bave a good supply oT plums and prone. Lirru Rose Bcd. Tennessee Gatherings. Txjaigs&kg, March. 27, 1998. War! war war! Last evening at tbe Literary, tbe regular debate of tbe so cietv was dispensed witb. and given to a patriotic meeting of citizen, concerning ths constrained situation existing io the U. S. in respect to an almost oaantmoas demand to "thrash Spain." Three die patches were red, respectively, from Key West, Washington. D O. Mid Havana, which were received at Lebanon late in the evening, from tbe "Tribune." Several very sensible, patriotic speeches were made. "Spain intend sending 23,000 troop to America, and sweep over the U. 8. spreading terror before them and leaving ashes behind them,' said one of the speakers. A gentleman rose io reply and very forcibly asserted that "A Span ish army 25,000 strong in the borders of tbe U . 8. wouldn't lent anv longer than' a snow-ball in ." The meeting adjourned. We are glad to report that Mr. Geo. Rose, who gas very aick recently, to be improving. Does "Little Rose Bud" pay taxes? - Banley Stuart will see that Mel is not along next time. School is progrevsing nice! under tbe efficient management of Winniired Wilds. .Cliff Abrams: Congratulations? Your true and modest, but powerful, able el fort in behalf of bi-metaliam, is unans werable by a gold-bug in the state of Oregon, although it may be subjected to that abuse of which tbe average gold-bug in capable. Every prominent brave, whether be be political or otherwise, must have bis enemies, and if you rhance to possess any, you should be proud of tbem. The end of the 19th century has brought forth !en army of young men, who prove to be the most able advocates oljibe people's cause, sn j as we firmly be lieve that "right will prevail, though the heavens fall," a century hence this world will be governed by urchins Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. McKnlgbt will start for Valejo, California, Thursday, to remain permanently. McK- Stite of Ohio, Cit of Toledo, ) Lucas Conaty . ) Fkakb J Chemkt makes oatn that be is tbe senior partner of tbe firm of F J Che ney & Co, doing business in tbe City of Toledo, Ctunty and Stats aforesaid , and that slid firm will pay tbe sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS fur each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by tne use of Hall's Catarrh Cube. FRANK J CHENFY. Sworn to before me aud subscribed in my presence' this Cth day of Decrmber, A D1S0. (a) A W0LE4S0N. j naal V Notary Puulic. Hall's Catarrh Core i taken internally and acts directly on tbe b'ood! and mucuons surfaces of tbe system . Send for testimon t lata frne b- i riiirwrrirn tij- n Sold by druggists,' 75c Ball's Family Pills are the best. . , y, . , ' , . . , . . A Peach in March is a strange sigbt.bu . jiambierM bicycle ia a Peach and is , not the -best for tbe money" but tbe bett , that can be made regardless of price. OEO. E. FISH, Agent. Catarrh Cured. A clear head aao . i - ! A : !L r'h Remedy: sold by Fosha k Msson One car load of Phoenix Bicycles gone already and another on the load. TELEGRAPHIC lateaae lalerest Wabhinoton, March, S'J Tue inter est in the Cuban situation the interest might also be termed excitement, so in tense was it reached its climrx in the nroceedinirB ot the senate today. As on previous days since the discussion of the Cuban question, thoasands of peoole flock ed to the capitol, only a few of whom, compariUveiy, could gain an admission to toe galleries, within nve minutes a tier the senate convened Allen, of Nebraska, Introduced a reo'ution recognizing the independence of tbe Cuban republic This was followed by a resolution proposed bv Kawiins.ot Utah, declaring war against the kioidom of Spain, Foraker, of Ohio, then introduced a resolution deflating lor such intervention in the Cuban war as would bring about the independence ef the island. Following this came a resolution bv Frre. ot Maine, demanding that Cuba be made free. Live speeches by Mason and others followed. ' akaaway aSTstrs Tcoma. March. 29. Tbe steauie: Cleveland arrival from Skagway with news of a shooting affrty in akagway on March 24, tbe date th Cleveland saiiid. in wbicn two men were emeu in a res taurant or dmoe halt, and a third man shot in the same resort it is said that the men killed were bound for the gold fields. Toe Cleveland passed tbe Geo w Eider from Portland for Skagway and Dyea, with a large number of passengers. The A Wk C K St AsTORit, Or., March 29. The chief engineer of tbe Astoria & Columbia River railroad reports tonight that tbe road will surely be finished in time for the republi cs state convention, which will be held here April 14, it is expected that the last t.A'i will be driven about April S. Presi dent A B Hammond is on his way here from New York to take part in tre formal pub'ic exercises. Critical ailaailea Ntw York, March, 29. A Hera'd spe cial from Washington ears: Havana's quiet is in danger of being dtrturben bv another outbreak, such occurred in tbe Cuban dty just before tbe AUine dropped anchor in it harbor Consul General Lee has cabled to the state oepartment that the situation is critical, a la a adred Chicago. March, 29. A Washington special to the News says: ''There is only one chance -n 103 that war wiil be averted.'. Such was the re mark ibis afternoon of one of tbe most prominent members of the cabinet who bas been coespkoous as a "peace member.' gala CiMalag New Toax. March, 29 Kmile Zola ha agreed to come to the United Statee to lec ture. Edmund Gerson of Ibis city, has reaeived a cable accepting the terms offered for a lectore. but not anting any defiaite date for sailing. WxrHtiroToK, alarch.28. The immense mass of testimony taken by the Maine court of inquiry was sent to -tbe senate to day and, with tbe president tneaage and findiog of tae court, was referred tc the committee on foreign relations. Tbe tes timony was taken on eighteen differeM day. Every witness who was known to bave aay information tout could throw any light npon tbe great disaster was taken lo give nisteeusioay. Tbe president baa distinctly dUclosed to hi cabinet associates, hi purpose to avert war if it was poriUe. and with a jost to lotion of tbe Cuban problem. He bad teit from tbe disposition manifested by Spain, that this juat solution could be reached. tnia. bosrever, is with oat considering con gress, wbicn may, now tbat tbe sobject u formally before it, take mmls radical act- ion. A BUlBd ealk Tag Daixts, Or., March. 2S The re- mains of a unknown maa were f.rd nader tbe railrred bridge near town this morning. A cororaer's inqnest develop- ei the t,r. Ih th m.n hmA i A. train at Hood River stealing a ride on the1 blind baggage. He had evidently started to gyt off before the train stopped, sod, stepping too soon, missed tbe planking, and fell 100 feet to the ground. A Uveeeewe WABsncoTOX, Jiarch, 23 X scene of intense interest waa presented ia toe tee ate today when the president' mewage transmitting tbe finding of tbe Maine court of inquiry was received. Tbe galler ies were packed to tbe doors, and tbe at tendance of senators was quite as large a it ba been at any time durisg tbe present Aatkr Hill lire Salkw. March. 23. Fixe broke oat ij tbe dry boa- of tbe Salem woolen mills at 8:45 o'clock this evening. Tbe building aad cohteoti were destroved. Tbe de boeae adjoining the drrboose was slightly damaged . Both were frame toctures aad separate from tbe main building. Tbe insurance oa both building and their coo tents was $3000. Tbe loss is about $2000. Walk m ttaeeee Cokvallm. ilarcb, 2S Andrew Gat atly.'father of a-large aad prwtninent fam ily in this county, died suddenly at bis home near Philomath at 1 V- this morning of heart disease. lntMi fee taw e)rga Lima Per- via Galveston. March. 2S. The delay of the arrival of the American warship Oregon at Callao is the topic rf anxious conversation among Americans here. tMsaeg Tavtrs :Trmn. WAkaTiKOTOK, March, 27. Tbe devei opmeeta of tbe day ia the Coban ail oat ion indicate progress in tbe negotiations ol this country aad Spain looking toward tb maintainaace of reece, for loe present at least. Then is good authority for Bay ing tuit Spain' with is to secure a cessa tion of boaiilitits ia Cuba raUr than to esg age ia war with tbe Uoited btates, and tnat it is more than probable I bat, tbe ne gotiations with tbe feagasU ministry will take such a torn in the immedute future. A Big Crewe Todar Wasbtkotox, March. 27 The largest crowd which ba attended a session in con gress ia years is eipec'el at tbe capital to morrow, wben the official report of ine board of inquiry on tbe Maine disaster will be given to tbe country. Extra in structions have been given to tbe attend ants, and admission to tbe reserved galler ies will be strictly by card. Not one tenth of the people who storm tbe doors are ex pected to gain admission . A ratal Maraa South M'Aleatir, I. T. March 27. A terrific wind storm swept over the coun try between tbis place and Colgate last night. Foor houses were demolished, and the occupants nf three of tbem are reported lo have been killed . Those reported killed are: James Seafoam, wife and three chil drew, the Pendergras family and oamnel Slinson, wife and five children A rer Way II Madbid, March 27 Tbe latest intel licence from th United States bsa occa sioned a great patriotic movement through out Spain. A large number of persons bave announced tbeir intentions to give up a day's pay for services in otder to red a fund to purchase warships.. A commit tee over which the Bishop of Madrid will pn side, has been organized to receive the subscription. A Baaslan Victory Pkkino. March. 27. M Pauloff, the Russian charge d'affaires, signed today the agreement regarding the lease of Port Arthur ard Tailien Wan and the railroad concessions, Port Arthur will be given over tomorrow. Chan Chow will remain Chinese, bat the Russians will establirb a small stations in ths eivirons. The Newest Atthestorsof Will ft Stark Jewelry yon will get the facts, and Facts find a fine stock of goods to select from. It is op todat and includes the best lues of watch and clocks and all kinds ot jewelry. Tbeir llneof sllveaware is extra and tbey have many novelties that will please. Beaatjr la Blowd Deep. Clean blood means a clean rkin. No beauty without it. Caaeareta, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the laxy liver and driving all im purities from the body, liegia to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Caaeareta, beauty for ten cents. All drug gist, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c. How We Say It. Coughs cured for a quarter, no cure, no quarter, we are selling lots of our White Pine cough Syrup with tar, because it is just what we say it ia, gires quick relief and is faigbh reoomend ed to cure a deep seated cough, Burkhart Ic Lee, Druggists MISFITS. A big effort is Lelntr made to bring about a fusion between tbe Mitchell and Corbett factions of tbe republics party An exchange baa already discovered that in June there will be a change from a Lord to a King at a governor of Oregon It continues to ba the cnlnion of the democrat that there will not be war ith Spain Just the rame bullets may be flying within a meek. A one armed tramn In Enuene. upon Investigation was found to nave tao arms hist as good as any one These are dayt ol fake ho oos. Look out for Iraous. A rare occurrence is reported at Sweet Home. Two tramns visited that place recently and the event was so uncommon that they were fed at a table and given a p'ace to sleep in a barn. PortUnd Telegram : - A "Chinaman's Motto" is posted conspicuously on the wan ot a South End gro ery . it reaus : 'I no trust you, you get mad ;l trust you you no pay, I gel mad vie think so you get mad heup good for me." From the Jefferson Review : P H Ravmond. of Salem, is the latest republican candidate for cotirty cl-rk. Perry can't win it, cause why. we've got it in for him for murdering oor pet white rabbit 30 years sgoio Albany Murder will out Sato Jonee, who is running for gover nor of Georgia, has a platform of hie own. which for originalisy u ahead of anything else reported, tier it is: "1 am in favor ot simple, unadulterated, unparcbasable.onbuildoxable manhood ' He also declares against demagogue and admits that corporations have rights Among the sinning literary light who will be at tbe Chautauqu assembly which meets at Oregon CiU in July will be John Temple Urovee. editor of tbe famous Atlanta Constitution. Hugh Con- 'ory, a noted Bos' on orator ani Dr. fmn- son tbe leading Bapt et minister ol Chi cago. It is propsed to make tbe assemb ly the beet in its history. In a review ot the latec nrentionr tbe Salem Journal says: On the platform conference, W R Bil yeu made the most telling perb that was made. A man who can ait Mill for ten hour while tbe storm nf debate i raving and then say the right word li the right way pos.'esse the instincts of ftUtesmanebip. Secretary Kineaid struck tbe keynote when he said io a letter ot acceptance : The demand for the co:oe ot silver on the quality with to! I without wail ing for the consent of foreign n-tints, which ha united three great political parties in Oregon in 1S5M ! wiil prob ably unite them in every etat In 190O.i. in my opinion, tbe geatet i.sue ot the age and involves tbe most vital interests of tb people of tbe United Hate and the whole morld. Tbe following just receive J from Daw soa is eooagh to give some men the gold lever: "There Is enough goM pl'ed op in harreck here to 611 a wood rack 24 feet long, sod i feet high aud 3 feet aide, loe Barrett, ot Snohomish. recntlv took out f 13,000 from 21 pan of gravel." II i claim i on Bonanza creek, a short dis tance below discovery." By order from the govrrnmet all 27 WV la '! "r".""- i 1 "'' n,rd wo " Matlock, bt'Jn.u? P bef e-tab hd a big brewery at Skagway. and has jast got tbe same in operation. He baa expended a large amount of mooev. aod waa ia a positioe to make big return when tbe government order cut bim off. Eugene Register. Tbe supreme court of Vi'gin a decided January 27, that tbe newspapers ot Nor folk most pv the lmnee m ..( 1Q0 year on morning and 16? oo evening pa pers, recently imposed by be city rooe rit . Tbe opinion holds that the lax was levied io accordance wilb charter risbt and boot an abridgement of the freedom of tbe pre, a claimed l the nee p pes. Tbe legts'stnre wiil be appealed totoa.mend tbe city charter. T B Whitney, traveling freight sgent of tbe Southern Paci.ic. whose bead quarter bave been in tthland.b mov ed to Portland. He savs Ashland is the liveliest town between lrany and the California line, ard that 15 ew build ings are in couree of erection Telegram. That was kind in Mr Wimnev to make it between Albany and California, in stead of Salem aod California, bat bow doe Eugene like it. TBEY MCDLE IT. ttvrcwru aiBMTie: etc i mr as asmutk rt r it sit - It AS STOW it IK.f Bit. Ridicule' However, Is X..t Argu ment and Facta are Stubborn Thing Stomach trouble are so common and in many caaessoobsti iate to cure that people are apt to look with apkin on e-y iwmedy claiming lo be a radicaL permanent cure for dyspepsia and indi geetion. M anv such pnJo tbemeelve on never being humbugged especially on medicines. Thi fear of being humbugged mae e carried too far; so far, in tact, that many persons suffer tor years with weak di gestion, rstner than risk a little time and money in faithfully testing the claims of a preparation so reliable and universally used as Stuart's IKspepsia Tablet. Kow Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets aro vastly different in one important re peel from ordinary proprietory medicines for theteason (bat they are not a secre'. patent medicine, no secret is made of their ingredients, but analysis show them to contain the natuml dige ive ferments, pure asceptfc pepsin, the di gestive acids, Golden Seal, bismuth, hv drastis and nux They are not cathartic neither do they act powerfu'iy on any organ, hut they core indigestion on- the common sense plan of digesting the food eaten promptly, thoroughly before it ba time to ferment, sour and cae the miechiet. This is the only secret ot their success. Cathartic pills never have and never" can cure indigestion and stomach trouh le because they au entirely upon the bowels, whereas the whole trouble is really in tbe stomach 8toarfs Dyspepsia Tablets, taken ftei meals, digest tbe food. That is all there is to it. Food not digested or ha'f di geated I poison, as it creates gas, acidity hfuchea, palpitation of the heart, loss of flesh and appetite, and nuny oth-r troubles which are often calltid by some other name . Tbey are sold by druggists everywhere "Wcentsper package. Address Stu aat Co., Marshall. Michigan, for book on stomach diseases or ask your druggist A Laundry NuKftet. Laundry patrons wno want first class work done without paying exorbitant g rices should patronise tbe Albany team Laundry which have employ, d regularly Ave of the best, hand ironerson tbe coast for shirts, dresses, and khirt waists, and ten cents is the highest price charged for an v ot these' articles. C ASTORIA For Infants and Children, tlaiu tsa srtry Hfutus Sf Karl's Clover Root Tea. or ConsMpa , tion it's th Best snd if after uting it you I don't say a return the pack it e a m ge ' your money . Sold by Foeluv A Mason EX-PRESIDENT HARRISON'S NEPHEW When Worn ODt N thing Helped Him Like . , i i i o oe corn "'- ' '" man' .on'rv as nn to. rut ramnv rnn Mln'aters In Kogland. lo lorn inatloetit j IV Uiwi'il" piiilioa aid a n.i 'Uj l:t. Two rrevufcrtita "ft a Unit! -t . a Governor of Virginia n wa- aoa ignerof the Deei-raUoenf Iodepj-deoee nf a mmeer of euatr -aa t Mer yrs a I witota fur g3-r l o lather lo axi. ha but ooa pr ie'. to tbs cun ir, ,nn w abtox Mr obn.SuH rrwoo Jr. nepiisw of g Preoeeot II 'ri on rto bard. Inm eamoaUn w..r lo tbe a-Hitttwest ahuwed 'ba aimng fml v gift, eida tb rHhla aporeMtlve U ea oj r-tne it rtmionii l a an vjrm rnwiim tor to body and Urate worn tne- aj ('v oseo: KaKCITT Mo Jaa2S.lS9J. Wa'ia. Kicarloa C; Gent emeu-1 give me pleasure to sy tha Fs ss't eer e -mooa -d ba r-ov 1 ol inedumaoie beivtUt to m at ditT went imee wbeotbe It trtCtaeott) mt o-k and the nervaos atral-i lot.owing a'iluou w;rk to ruup'lcx ba- tax I me p''kWI:t. W'ib th tboosaod o: other nisnlA worker, wto bate been IvMJth ilbi I'.. li reonjaial J m gnee' tetrllv and bui.der Yio sua'. iOUS SC-TT H ABRTS S. Jr l n a o-irv mna a d l be '-o mm t t-u tW eurlici ouv erT-edTebt eoneidatattna Dhrutta. lob re!i! n to eswn f debduy attain Utt a w:iter-r PHOENIX "Stand the Racket A Leauer for TEX YEARS among HIGH tiB ADfc WHEELS. Oor Phoenix One Crank made a record lor iteeli last eaon Not One Broken Crank in Oregon, Washington or Idaho ont ot the Hundred ot Wheel eold in tbeee thne vtate in !& 7. Tbe Reenlt ia .bat otter are counterieitibg thi crank, bat thi does not delude Wise Huyere wbo have already purchased hundreds of tbe 1S3S Phoenix Bicycles fo far we have been unable lo Get Tbem Fast Enough ta supply our agent Bat oor Secocd Car ia on tbe Rod. The Golden Easle Bicycle aie bain for service and to aopply tbe demand for an boneet, wbeel at a moderate prue. .r.te For Our J 1 Vtmi "The air " Igen.for Albany Wall Faper, arLtet8, Lineolsum, Lace Curtains. Portiere, Pillows Furniture Bedding. Picture Frames. Linen Warp Matting, . Oil PaiD tings, and Undertaking Cull on ALBANY FURNITUREJC0. Oh Say! HAVE- YOU BEEN IN Thomas Brink's Furnituie Store Lately. He ha one of the finest stocks of Furni ture n the valley. He has added Kahv Buegies to h e stock. . Just tall in and y mnvill find that his prices are the LOWEST- ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor. r i . .ni to rooo'eraet lb ataln of on Mni-d. oroloorod work aod excuerxMW. a .r.,-1 nn(w the . i". - j r i - ni of lbs mediral Droteaaoo. and In arte accordance with the direction of nhnli-iin of acknowledged abuiiv. No oroioarr nip. no wa.i uiidioi ihii no professional one ldiio aaraap tin or bloel nartfiereao do what Pain cal v eomoocod t abls to atsompltii: core nun and women or eoen eeiioqa mini a ktJoey troa l,var complaint aod 4 r p pi or perananeatiy enve awa and I ber' tbi p nol uiat no aunerer bou'd lose aigbt if -permtaeetly drive oat ol thesyaw a. rbetimnUm neirm'gia aod a1! aUe affjettooe NervseaaJ tr.l3can be wrotktd out. This Is lb ooJiu-ao of thoasandtof ex baastad nervoa rtatem tart save baeo almost wok4 te'deatn in aeboo', oooni log r oma taxertes and atorea. bhskv serve, flioby owl A, moldy coo -iaiaa aad tb gsaw.-at appaaraoe -J w irises i and psie toll tb a ory of ex nausUon. Peruoent beadaebae go whb ervjosdetMiity. That lernb tbrobbtdg oTU-e aat eoores from wret:bsd coo ditioa of the nervoa ys em. Tiearwr to get beK tr perfect bos th of b dy aod brain to to reeo eto and oouriahlh nervate? mae4 yt Pain esiaryekjmp un 1. It I a asarchiog care fr ail d '. "hu in iie vitiated bioi. libjtrt at strength wed r-p njm ael o? pn byniw vij ron t. ue. BICYCLES. durable . Eicjclff Calalopes. Pcrt:and. Oregoc. Hello: p. E. Allen & CO Send up one of those $"0 Stearna "Yellow Boy,' wheels for Chsrlie and one ot those S5 Queens tor Bessie, tbey are the handsomest nd best wheels ever shown in Albaiy, re jrdletsot price, will bring the cash dow this afternoon. You may send the Morgan & Wright Plauk Koad Tire and put on a "Jim Dandy Lantern." F. E. ALLEN & CO. SUMMONS. In (he Circuit Court Stale ot Qrrgenjir Lin Violet Ford, pleintlff. V Milton Ford, defendant. To Milton Ford the above named defendant. IS THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, yoi are hereby reqai ed to ap pear ana m'wt' the .Mmo int of the plaintiff herein in the aove entitled court, now on file in the offic of tbe clerk of aid court, on cr before the first da- of th- regular Msrch term of said court, it being aionoay. aiarcn the 19th, 1898; and yoo are hereby fur. her notified that in case vou fait to so appear and answer aald complaint, tbe plaintiff will apply to the c art tor the teUet demanded tber li. towit s A decree of tbe above eoor annoH ing, setting aside and holding for naught tne aerosol matrimony heretofore exist ing net aeen toe pUtnitS and defend nt and teat they be forever divorced. That piai niin name be changed from Violet rord to thatol Violet McKamea, ber im toen name, and sbe h ve htr cots and oubursements of b;snit to be taxed. Iblssummon is ontilisned bv nrderot Hon H H Hew'tt judge o said coort.roaile -i cnamoe.-a m Albany. Oegon, on tb 12b day of Janu-r .1898. L If Moxtaste k Sox. Attorneys tor Plaintiff Notice C 8 Lahd Orric at Okkcos C'itt Oa March 25? b. IW. The aecretarv of tbe interior hai u"de fale of March lOth, lgSrS, iaaoed an order revoking tbe witbd'awai -f lands hereto fore made under the grant made by act o July5, 1 W6( 14 t).u) aid in th construction of :be Wilan.ete Valler an Cascade Mountain Wagon Road, and or dered that tbe cssej-exted lands em braced thereby Le rekiored to tbe pm-lu domain and opened to teltlement and en try unds the general land laws. Ine above restoration applies onlv V uraelecUrd land, and right arya'red within any oth grant that may qaeriap tbe withdrawal made for raid Wil smrt e Valley and Uiale MonaUitf Wagoc Koad are not affected ibercb. Notice itiereb given that the air ari'bdrawals have LeVn revoked aad that the nf elected landa embraced thereby, i" tte Oreeoo Citv Lauid Ditrict. will be opened tA se'-t'eroeot. on and after Maj ltth, IH'j, l. ha B HooacA.Keguter W h G allow kT, Receiver ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE OF FiNAL settlement Xotlce is bereSy given . that the nader anted, assignee of the estate of E J W it nzhbv. lnol-ent debtor bss bled in tbe Ircoit court of tbe stale of Oreooo for the county ot Linn. LVpartment Somber Two ma nnai acconot u angnee swu b i tor, and the said final account will be beirt aad pateed opn by said court at tbe recnlar March term thereof , lo be bolder at the court boose to Albany, Jin cone y. Oregon, on the 4th day ot April 193, at tbe boor of 1 o'clock pud Mid dav. All persons ia'erstfed in id ia sol vent ea e are kerebv setified to make any of jections Usee bave to e allowance 4 aaid final second oa or before tee said day for the beating aad passing oa tbe tame by said court Dated January's, 1893 E R SairwowTB. P E Ssodcbaas, Atty for Assignee Atrsee ot said insolvent estate EXf CUTOit'S NOTICE Notice is hereby giew that Use ender signed execuror ol tbe lest wiil and testa, meat of Jame HcMahan. deceased, ha filed hU final accooat with tbederk of tie county court for Lmn aouaty. Oregon, and the court ha fixed the 9to day of April, isSi, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock p m of said day for the bearing cf objections it aay to the account and lor tbe etUe meet of said estate rht the 4th day of March. IS$e? WgATHxavoxD A- Wtatt.'W H HcMahos Attjia- txecaio' of the estate of Jarne McMaban, deed. GWD EVENING. TEEASUSErs KOI ICE K 0-9 Notice is beveoy given that fond aie on band tc pay city warrant Nos 367 to41Sincloveof tbe issue of 1897. In- tereet oa aid warrant w ill cease with tbe I date of this notice Albany Or. Dee. 29, 1S97. E A.Pabjccb, City Treasorer. UClCUTrR'S K3TIIE !ToaUtbecrditorsanI persons fetrt eted in the estate ci Rebecca Smlt. de j edited, you are be eby aotiied that 1 have ' been duly appointed executor of eaid ettate bv the co&nty cocrt of Lien CJOftv, Ore I c 1 1 l - agalnat aid estate are eseby aotiaed ami required to pee-nt the same to me with tbe prer i oiorra. at the Saw offio of W R Biiim in Albasv. Lien county. Oregon, ! wHhin si moath from tbe date twreot Dated this 1st day of January, U9s. Sam vex. Reader, Executor ADItlNISTEATQS'S SALE. Notice Is fcereby given that the under signed adminisrator cf the estate of Jane E Carter, deceased, will ia pursuance of aa order of tbe county court for Linn coonty. Oregon, dulv made a d ti'ee-d of record oa the Iltk day ot April, lSSo, fTer for aie at pabtie aocuoa at tnecoort bouse d or oa the 30tb day of April. at tbe bout ol 1 o clock p m ot said day, tne following described real estate, towit. rU No 4. 5 and 6. ia block No 11 in ttackletaan'c secosd addition to Albany, Linn county Oregon. Terms of le we halt in cash in hand and the remainder ia six month from date of sale, payment secured by mcrtgage oa properly, lhisiiarchlfi. 193 Ed R M Caates, Admr. ST02XHQLQEBS UEETIXG Kotke is hereby given that the annual meeting of tbe Abaay Mining at Milling Oo. will be held at tbe office of CG Burk hart on the&th day of April. lS93,a. 4 o'clock p m of said day for the furpose of electing sevea directors to serve for ene year and the tranacticn of such other business as may iegalU ccme before the meeting. By order of board of directors. C S SKOWSKtU C Bl RKHART, Secretary, President. STREET RAILWAY. K0T1CE. Tbe mot ot on tbe Albany ttrcet rail way will connect promptly with aH train! to and from the depot, day and night. Special trips will Le n ade at specie' at. v Cork. Cerdnctor. I OSr.Tfce front heel of a Victor JLbicycle t placed in a boeirv from tbe country by mistake. rteae return to he Lam OCR at oftke. CHANCE TO TRADE. Would any rne like to trade a piano for real estate in Newport, Salem or Seattle. If so call t the Dixoca.vr office. W OOD FOR SALE. Ash and fir dry and green. Al Satlo. WANTEl TRUSTWORrHY Ac tive gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established bouse ia Oregon. Monthly $65.00 and expense. PrwtUon steady. Reference. Enclose self ddnsesed stamped envelope. Tne Dumin on Company, Dept. Y Chicago. 1 WANTED-UPRIGHT AND FAITH, ful gentlemen or ladie to travel for responsible, established bouse in Oregon. Monthly $65.00 and expenses. Position steady Reference. Enclose self address ed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Pep K. Chicago. K.O.T.M. every Saturday evening at K. O. T. M. ball. Ylsitinif Knight inviied. VV. A. Uox, Commander, DENVER RIO GRANDE RAILROAD lieSccuicLifleOI tlje World- Weekly lumrsioiis To Tbe I ill In through tourist ear witliont change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In uhaage of Jxpeneccel candnc- toii ana porters To K o-aa Cir v r,4 Chicago MOKD Y4 S t Lake Hue a'i Pcrie acd Cbieag tc Altoo Roilroui To Omb. Cr.iei. , VnVtlt TCE5DaY3 B aaio, sntt oat aie, y HK l,kend I'aic'gi. Rick I Uad A I'ac.Bc r.y 'S. Jopn K-esaa Citv, WEHXjUAY- A Hi Iis. witbBteluug u't Like id Barliag m r. use loii n Citv aad S Lsais TrJCRSDY3 witbiet chg-, i HJ Lktad Mm-eri Pacific Rv A dv stopever arrwtged at S.J; Lake aod Dearer - A Rid t trough tb famoet Colorado Sesery For rales zid information inquire tf O E & S and S P ateou r address R C Xicnou Gen Agt, S K Scees, 251 Wbuctaa tree, l xs-. Povt'aod O rforado. 0RG0. tEMHlL &, EASTERN R. LI. CO. -TAQU1NA BAY ROUTE Connecting at Taqmna Bay with tbe San Francisco 5 Yaqaina Eaj STEAMSHIP COMPA5T. sisiisU "PreaHeif Sails from Taqaina every 8 days lot Saa Francisco, Coos Bay, Humboldt Bay. j fmiKimM. AocoODATiosr Uisrarasart Shoneet route between the eViHam- eUe Valley and Ceiitornia. Fare ttont AlbaEy and point west tc Baa Francisco Caku S Of Stxxxagx fUC Botmd trip good for 60 days I'jOC To Coos Bay Cabin $iuf Steerage 6 00 To Humboldt Bar and Port Orlord, kbia $10X1 peerage... 8 00 River Division. Steamer -Albany between Portland gsd CorvaJli. throcgh without lay-orer. Leaves Cor rail m 6 -JO a. m. Tuesdays. Thursdays aad Sundays; leave Port land, Yamhill street dock. 6rOC a. bs. Moedayg Wectneedsy s and Frid:. Edwts Stosx, J C Mj-o "isoager SaptEiverDiw J"BaaL WWSfl TO THE E A CITS T8 CHOKS OS 2 TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT KORTHEF?! VTA SPOKANE KIXXEAPCUS ST. PAUL Ann CHICAGO QRtCOS SHORT UKE via SALT LAK DckYEB QXABA A2T9 RAKSAS CUT Lowest Rates to all Eastern Cities Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 4 days SAN FRANCISCO Steamers monthly from Fort land to Yokohoma and Hong Kong; via, The Northern Pa cific Steamship Co. iu con nection with O R and K Tor ball infarsatioo osjt oa CcaaAX Jt Mostvth, Atb4n, M 4DDRSJW"; W H HTJHLBliKT, Gct'l Fast . Aa PcCaedOt. Clubbing Rates.. ' The Saa Francisco Weekly Examiner- vext rear will give to its subscriber a $10,000 residence in Sn Fraocieco rn- 1 ing for t)a month, a 5,390 U.S. bond, a 1 1.500 gold nugget and hundreds ol other I things. You can get tbe Examiner and WaXELT AlgMOCSAT tOT 3 OW a TVr, - iia the Daut Dehocsat by mail for carrier 5.TJ. iti advance. The Pkho ceat will order onlv on com oination pay , oent SFLOCtS REP'JSLIC. sni-eekly om of trie oet papers in the United Statee, ami the D jcmAT paid advance tot out f I 75. ffw imacCwws. VoM-.-rt ass twtimi fwc ts rt' . IKH - Cmmr .tM. tMs r.t pd. M t lata. For sale by J A. Cummieg The Magnolia 4 Laundry c siMPson & son Stanlard Prises WoiiWarrt DR. J. L.HILl Pbysiruui and larewn. 0&k SMii! f i i S AT 11 V MKw BHUti r- .. 1,1 f i (