The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 25, 1898, Image 4

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    Remember this
whereby It-
Conquers Pain
W R Bilyea, Foshay & Mason block
J RN Blackburn, P O block.
H Bryant, P O block.
Anderson Cannon, P O block
J N Duncan, P O block.
T P Hackleman, Pearce block.
O E Hawkins, Ousick block
Judge H H Hewitt, P O block.
N B Humphrey.
Kelly & Curl, bank building.
L H Moitanve, Pearce block.
J C Powell, P O block. .
J M Somera, P O block.
H J Wateon, bank building.
Weatherford & Wyatt, Bank building.
Whitney & Newport, Ousick block.
Q W Wright, P O block.
S M Garland.
A A fussing.
President, i i ... ....
W rVaatdeot
TSAB8&CT8 A 6KMKKALbuklB(lbadM
ACCOUNTS KB FT subject to shack.
lOHT K1CHANG.K and telegraph!, tnstfer,
OLliCCTIONe UDI m tavoreble turn
8 K Tooae
E W Lasaioa
L. Fuh
C. B. raw.
' Land Titles and" Land Office Business a
Physician and surf-eon. Office, First St
K. O. T. M.
every Saturday evening at K. O. T. M.
ball. Visiting Knight inviied.
w. A. uox, uominanaer.
H. F. rierrill
Insurance and Collection. Agfal Money
to loan, warrants bought Office in the
Democrat building.
Dr Adams
-,r VUBiC JlOCB,
1 .
Albany, Or
Painless work a specialty.
Honey to Loan.
We have a block of $40,000 to loan on j
good farm, in Linn and adjoining count-
? I
Iff --via
i have good security and perfect
" :.k JuKnt
title, we
Te mate r own exaiorof
. wiat aa.
. Hular a a
t all on ns or wnte
8. N. Stkxii & Co,
Albany, Oregon.
Albany, Oregcn
Offices, Bank of Oregon Building.
Only set of Abstracts of Linn County.
Complete set of maps and plats.
Charges reasonable .
The motor on the Albany treet rail
way will connect promptly with all trains
to and from the depot, day and night.
Special trips will l-e n ade at special
ate. t. V- Cokn. Cordnctor.
Uim Hela K. Gilbert, In Fruoa G Suae
Teachers of Music
WMhiBKtoa BtratMU- V PChareh, Albu)
Should b in Everj Eoms and Ubrarj.
I wriltaa by BUht floa. WillUm twmrt GlaSaton
Ex-Pmmiar at Ormt Britua and Inland. Caaatar.
F.n; Bar. A. H. Bajca. Qoaaa'a Collaca. Oifora. Knc i
He. Samoal Im CnrtiM. D. D.. Chicaco Tbaolaaical
EamiaaiT. Chicago III.; Bar. Fradarie W. Farrar, D D.
r .SLB, Daaa of Caaurbarr, Caalarborr, Eac; Ba.
ElaaarBLCapao. DJ,TaruColleaa.8oiaarriila. Maaa.;
Kar. Frank W. Goaaaalna. V. IJ . irnoir lastitataf
Chieaao. III.: Bar. GaorgaF. Paataooat. I.0.. Maul
boaa Praabrlariaa Chorea. JLoadoa. Eaa.; Bar. B. 8.
VaoArtluir, Galvar Baptiat Chorea, tiaw VarK
City, N. Y.; Bar. Martra Soaiawrbell, DJ, Maia
Straat Fraa Baptiat Chorea, Laautan, Ma.; Bar. Fraak
M. BrMaLUli.. Pint Mat hod tat Epiaeopak Chorea,
Eraaaton.111.; Bar. W. T. Moora, LLi "Tha Chria
tiaa OoBamomwaalth," Londoa. F-na ; Bar. Edvard
Eraratt Hala, DJ) Sooth OonirautionaJ Chorea.
Boatoa. Uaaaj Bar. Joaaph Acar Beat, U.D.. Waalaraa
OolJeaa, Biehmond, tna.; Kar. Caapar Beoa Graxorv.
JLaipsitf TJniraraitjr, Laipzta, Germany; Bar. Wm.
Claaror Wiikiaaoa, D.D Uairaraitr of Chieaao, Cht
caso. 111.; Bar. Hamoal Bart, D.D., TrinUrCollaaa,
Hood Praabrtarian Chore h. Loadoa. Eac.. Bar. Gaorca
C Lorlmer, LL.D., Tha Temple, Boaton. Maaa.
rUITLi EUITIOL M2 pairaa, 7 fallow lllaatra
ttoaa, (ilt edcee, cloth, SLAThall laraat. t&itK fail
aeraot, WOfJ.
SCaitTO unniUS paaaa, SIX) fnll-paga Oloatre,
tfooa. Stria A silt edaee, full lerant, oca volume,
SlaiD: Stria B two volume, fall leaant, tafted, Sai-OUt
in M t ABTS, qaarta aire, review queatione taeac&.auS
' paper eovaro, vawed. trimmed altabtir. (1CJ0 each part.
For aala at all bookatorea and bjr bonaaellera. For
farther information, write HENRY O. SBPABU
SCaTeatsandTra4 Mark obtained aad all Pat-
rent bosineaa coadocted for Moderate Pee.
rnd modL drawinc orDhoto. WSadviaclf
IpateDtablefrceof ctire. Onrfeenotdnatill
rpatehtUaecnrcd. A Pamphlet "How toOb-
t Lain Patenta," with coat of luge ia tha V 8.,
i and foreign coaat.-ioa aent fraa. f rti rnaa.
a a. snow & co.
iTrarr Orrtct. wAflHiiiCTOM. D. C.
oTic tor and Altyin PatentCanse
ts Se fork Ave.. vrablasisai,.B C
Pj-SfSBing pre-eminently per- 2
y X profit producing possi-
Jp: ilities, prcxJucea promptly at 3
SI - Clean frintery. ZS
Clubbing Rates.
The San Francisco Weekly Examiner
text year will give to its subscribers a
$10,000 residence in San Francisco rent- j
ing for $60 a month, a $3,390 U. S. bond, a !
$1,600 gold nugget and hundreds of other '.
things. You can get the Examiner and 1
Wxbklt Democrat for $2.50 a year, with I
tbe Dailv Demootat by mail for $43by
earner $5.75. in advance. The Demo-
chat will order only oncomoination pay-
aent (
ST DUIS REPUBLIC, semi-weekly
nueofta best papsrs in the United
State, aud the Djmocbat paid in advance ,
for only $1.75.
IlQjajrlajaavaajjeayejejeeyeeayejeiaai 4a
J rail a Mia
St. Jacobs Oil
Costs Rhcumatism, NtussLOia,
Sciatic, Luateaao, mini,
BRUISES, Soa, Ttmisae,
and Burn.
-.nierl.rodalbin nd Flrt Sta
Canned Fruits,
J", f anned Altai
Dried Fruits.
Spices v
erything that U sjpt in s
tood variety and gro
eery store High
est pt'e paid
Always Pay.
No question about full and prompt 'i. -M
ment of losses by fire on intoiaace aUjss
with the leading agent of Albany. M. SW
den. 'That's wlatHe iESnresPeoplc Fer
Jon't allow yourself to be roped into Uu
various "Local Mutuals" now betas
pa med on you as being "cheapest to
sura nee, whea yon insure yoa do not
want to worry about getting yourmor i'
ease of loss. M SESDLVS
Insurance, Hay, Grain aad V, oo!.
Mai! ilia Idih
I wish to announce to the farmers with
in the vi Jnity ot Albany, especially (host
interested in ho raising, tbat I have pur
chased the hog known as Common's Ideal,
So. 36213 recorded in the American Pot
and v. hina Record Co, the one tbat took
th secend premium at tbe fair this fall,
lie is a fine hog and a good breeder 1
ol.cit the Datrjniga and inflection of
par tea interttef in (rood ho. He js
accompanied I v a yearling of my on rasv-
ZZlTiZSi. A .kM 1
I f hhftf J?T 1
am raisins pigs from. 1 have a few pigs
; '"'."r CT"
canine seen t be Skels place, ca mile
) nor of Albany F II HUGHaON
The Uaxdeter
FoUew fanrarnetteo to
Laara abaart this treat fakd, aa It tartan
For sale by J . A. Camming
-Wholesale A Retail
mmm in eoomusi
Pore Drags and the finest and Largest
Btnrk of Stationary and Books
in the Market.
Oliver Plows--iei Wen
Albany, Oie-on.
Oliver gave the world the chilled plow"
And it bat saved more money
to 1 he farmer of America
t ban any other imtlemenl evtr produced.
Gei-uine OHvr -htl!ed are tne best on
earth. The Oliver i a promoter of happi
ness on tbe farm, and the dea'r who sells
it knows he handling the .best. Look
out for imniftations and touch nothing but
tbe genuine goods, msda enly by Oliver
Chilled plow work.. Soulh bend, led- C.
8 A
The Magnolia
Standard Prices
worK warreniM
Wood For Sale.
(Joml fir wo'd for snlf by the cord, from
1 t. 10 irif, delivered, fr 2 00 to 2.75
per :ci-t. Un tbe ground. J mi'e north
of B-'vi tri'ge, from $1 00 to $2 00 per
cord. Ci- Of r iirea J. vv. t antweli,
Aluf! - Of, or leave word at Dimockat
ArtM mam
Notice is 'ereby given tJ at the annutl
meeting of bf H'tvahoiHer ot tt-e A tost y
ijau-iiDtf Aaoouuiioo u tie he'd at -tcre
of J Gndo''l, in A'hs. Monday,
MarcM4H),18!7. at 7:30 pm for ib
eJec'icn ot directors, a-iu u h othr bus
inefs a rnt come before the n-euring,
Daied Feb 13tu, 1897.
1 resident. Secretary,
4 '
. hereby given to ant and all person
having any cU'm against or owing any
to the".teof Selb LCldU. le?esi,
to mil same to nest my P O address,
Albany, Crego- within He next thirty
das, .
V U Caldwkl
"aa T'' ' eaataT Craar. K m j
? VPflfe IVva ae toack fif
Ta VJo't ""pa, aaiaa or ay
f t aptar' awa Jf-J
S . i fares to reteta
FoBew bMraetJewa to earn roara-i, itl e raw
mwataa.-i.aoea aaas a aom Aaaar wl
Sm oar Traeaaa,
Slit f&mscatL
imily Dkmocbat, 26 cents per month
$ -.00 per advance, 30c per month
not in advance. By carrier, lOo per
week. 10 per cent added if allowed to
run over months. Single copies 6c.
Wehli, $1.25 In advance; 1.50 at end
of year; $1.75 for second year; $2.00 for
third and proceeding ean, when not paid
in advance. Club of five new subscribers
at $5.00.
Senators. T 0 Maekev, 1 Clem.
Representatives. J J Whitnev. H M
Palmer, Dr D M Jons.
Cleik. Franklin Crabtres.
Sheriff. I A Mansers.
Assessor. Gso. DeVaney.
Recorder. E O Neal.
Treasurer. F M Jaca.
Superintendent. A S McDonald.
Commissioner. D C Swann.
Coroner. J G Norman.
Surveyor. Anthony Austin.
The above is a ticket composed of rep
resentative men, men representating the
people, among whom they live. Just
common, every day people. It is trne
they are not wealthy men they have
not been in the kicda of business that
produce wealth fast but, they ar a
steady, trustworthy cet ot candid.tes
whs will suit the voters of the county,
sufficiently, in all probability, to elect
every man on the list. Of course the
enemy in campaign style, will hunt for
flaws, and mud will be slung, but the
public has learned from experience not
to accept every campaign statement
mads. It is the intention ot the Daxo
cbat to treat all men fairly. It will not
allow any name calling in its columns,
first it is not a decent way of doing
thing, and second it loses rather than
makes votes. It is enough to give facts
after investigation.
It ia now over e'even weeks before
election, too long a tiu" fr a constant
contention over candidate, and it will
be the Dsmocsat's purpose not to keep
op the continued turmoil nor assist in it.
And yet the province of a newspaper
daring a campaign at times demands
firmness and mettle.
There was a time when people wanted
the newspaper to aiake things hot in a
political campaign, bat it is being learn
ed from experience that hot remarks
and editorials, particularly when not
savored with judgment, are backavting,
and tbongh they tickle some men silting
on dry goods boxes, they do not please
the thinking masses. Yellow journalism,
whether on a big or on a small scale,
calls tor chunks of mud, but respectable
journalism calls for cleanliness even in
When better informed the DsaocaAT
will notice the candidates personally,
tbongh it might do so now with some of
them who have been favorably known
throogh business relationship fur man
Popular Science.
Uumi-jlt said tbat
single pound 0
the finest spider webs would reach
around tha world
Una inch of rain falling npon one
square mile is equivalent to about 17,
500,000 gallons of water.
English is spoken by ouly 125,000.000
parsons, while it is estimated that Chi
nese is epoken by 400.000,000.
Since tbe beginning of tbe nineteenth
century, tbe number of English speak
ing people has grown from 25,000.000 to
A dog has in bis upper jaw six iocis
ars, two canines and six molars on each
side ; in tha lowsr, six incisors, two ca
nine and seven molars 01 each side.
Tbe beautiful and delicate coljrs ob
served on the eggs of bird are not very
fast to light, mora esoecially when tbe
belong to the lighter class of color.
Four of the Montana willows, with one
from the island of Unalaska, are the
smallest throbs of Selicaceae in the
world. One of these growing often only
haif an inch high, ia believed 10 be tbs
smallest species of willow ever known.
If tbe land sntiaca of tbe globe were
divided and allotted in eqnal shares to
each of its beman inhabitants, it would
be fonnd tbat each would set a plot of
twenty-three aod ooe half acres, but
much of it wonld not be wortb having.
The girat Utah iiydrocarboi belt
stretch from noitbraat to southeast
for one hundred mile scrota the Unco in.
paha-re and Uintah Indian leservatioa.
Here occor the larse-t snowa bodies of
gilsr-mite, rla-eritt tuin-ral caontchooe
aaptiaitic limestone and sandstone.
A Cornell profetscr mskes an interest
lag announcement atout brains. The
miio portion ol ti e human brain i
coinpoeed of the cerebrum, and the por
tion snterior to it, devoted to smell, si d
known as the olfactory bulbs, i eome"
timts treated a mere apn-ndix to tha
cerebrum. Bat this professor, after
coropariut! brains from all grades of the
lower aultnals, declares tbat tbe human
brain is sn anatomical monstrosity, aod
that, in a historical view of tbe brain, the
portion devoted to thinking is more
properly to be styled a mere appendix to
the part devoted to smelling. In some
creatures, tbe olfactory portion is much
the largest psrt of the brain.
In a recent article against fusion Dr
Hill says:
" The fight is now fairly 00, and truth
will prevail, though tbe heavens fall.
Middle-oMbe-ioad democrats sr.1 mid
dle of-ibe-rjad populists will rneet on
the common ground, shake hands, and
make a common cause of extinguishing
party-wrecking fusiontsts." The joke
tb suggestion
of union between
middle-of-the-road free silver populists
sod middle of-tbe-road single gold stand
ard democrats, in an article opposing
fusion .
The republican press is going to he
greatly foubl-d during the coming cam
paign over the democrats, populist
and silver republicans laying aside prin
ciple for office. Tbe fact is they hsva
not laid asidn principl, they aJl believe
in the free coinage oi silver, lbs
great issue before the people, are op
posed to government by trnsta, and
want a reJuction of expense.
At a meeting ot the . Torrey Botanical
Club, recently, the. president described
some remarkably small trees a hied
he had found growing on tba top of a
precipice in thn Shawangnnk M 300 tains, j
at an altitude of 2200 feet These trees, I
although they had perfectly .developed
cones, were only six inches in height, y
Please Insist upon havitfsr tour nr. !
tcriptiOn filled according to tha doctors nr. I
uciB) eiuu guaiu against SUUBUMllIDn. TV S' a .Kl. i L
iuaaw a -Loviauiv j u wuiufjuauisir area
enption, using pure, fresh drugs in every
one. On- prices are in accordance with tbe
times. Try us snd be convinced. Barkbart
k Lee Druggists. 1
To Cur Constipation for eve.
iTjiteua-curet Uaudy Catbartla lOo or Ha
ll C. C. C. fall to cure, druggist refund money.
Democrat Platform.
1. The Democrats ot Ltnn county,
Oregon, in convention assembled, believ
ing that the present depretted condition
of the country Is largely due to the
financial system now prevailing in the
United States in consequence of the bad
laws on that subject passed by congress
daring the last thirty years, and be
lieving that the money question is one
of the main questions ot publio import
ance now before the country, we are
therefore unalterably opposed to tbs
single gold standard and in favor of .im
mediately returning to the constitu
tional monetary system in existence in
this eonntry up to the year of 1873; to
this end ws demand the tree and unlim
ited coinage of silver and gold into
equal standard legal tender money at the
present legal ratio of 16 to 1, without
the intervention of any foreign or Euro
pean conference whatever, and upon
terms of exact equality at the miots,
and when so coined, to be of equal legal
tender quality (or all debts, dues and de
mands botji public and private in any
2. We demand tbat all paper money
shall be issued by the government
without the intervention of any nation
al or private bank.
S. We are utterly opposed to the
leaning of interest bearing bonds in
tit a of peace.
4. That no contract or law shall dis
criminate against any kind ot money
issued by the government.
5. We demand the reenactmsnt of
the mortgage Ux law, and the amend'
ment ot our assessment laws so tbat a'.l
the just indebtedness ot the Ux payer
within the state mar be deducted from
bis assessment.
6. We demand the election of all
officers by a direct vote of the people
7. We demand that the people shall
have the veto power aver all legislative
enactments by the use of the relsren
8. tVe are opposed to the present
school nook monopoly cf this wtate,
whereby the peop'e are compelled to pay
nnjost and unreasonable prices tor
school books. We therefore arraign the
republican party of Oregon for enacting
such laws wnereby the- school children
of the state are compelled to pay tribute
to book trust, and demand tbat said laws
be repealed at the next session of the
9. To the end that we may nave an
economical administration of tha state
covernment. we demand tbat the tala-
ries of all the officers shall be kept strict
T within the limits of the constitution,
aad that all laws now providing extra
fees or compensation for - any duty or
service imposed bf law upon such c facer
shall be repealed.
10. We urge npon the next legisla
tors the unqualified repeal ot all useless
commissions and especially demand tbs
repeal oi the laws creating the Railroad
commissions, the State Board of eqoal-
Lulion and the Domestic Animal com
mission, and also the repeal ot the laws
creating and appropiating money for the
support of the state and district fairs,
and the office of fish commissioner and
1 frame prolactor.
M A Ifiuaa,
T C Mack sr. ,
W B Surra,
3 i WarrxiT,
A A Tcsawa.
A Cabinet ot Millionaires,.
Kossel A. Alger, Secretary ol war.
Private fort una estimated 13,000,000;
iavested in lumber and timber tracts
aad various financial institutions.
John Sherman. Secretary of State.
Private fortana estimated at i 1,500.000;
availed in real eaia'.e and railross'
JohnTD. Long. Secretary of tbe Navy.
Private fortune estimated at $1,4,00,
000; invested in real estate and stocks;
made money out of bis profession, the
Cornelias N. Bliss, Secretary of the
Iaterior. Private fortune estimated at
1,230,000; made bis money in dry goot'a;
Yice-President of a Wall street bank
aad an officer in many financial insti
tutions. Lyman J. Ga,re, Secretary of the
Treasury. Private fort ooe estimated at
$1,500,000: President of one tbe great
banks of tha west; hsa been in the bank
ing business forty years.
James A. Gary, Post master- Gener
ele PrivatM fortune e4imatei at 12 000,
000; cotton merchant and mann'st-turer
ana officer in mssv banking instil n -on.
Of tne iwanrhnoe members of the
Cabinet one alibtnh be is picbably
not a millionaire, should be clashed a
moog tbtm. for tharesson tbat hi to"
tercets lie wholly with them. He is John
W. Grirgs, Attorney Geneial.
Corporation lawyer; identified with tbs
interests which have msda New Jereey
a by word io the land.
Tbare remains one other tuetnlx-r of
tba Cabinet, bat his name has not been
mentioned in nnection with the prrs
Snt sitnation. It is James Wilson,
Secretary of Agriculture, a plain loaa
farmer. By no stretch of the imagina
tion can ha bs coasted among the plu
tocrat. The miUiootite Cabinet officer repre
sent Wall street, tbe concentrated fiaan
cial and especially the corporate intarest
ot tha nation. The World .
Beware of Olntmenta tor Catarrh
that Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely derame the whole
syiten when entering it through tbe mu
cout surfaces. Such articles should never
be used except on prescription from reput
able physicians, as tne damage they wilt
do is ten fold to tba good you can possibly
derive from. Hall's Catarrh Cure, maou
factored by F J Cheney & Co, Toledo.Ohio,
contains no mercury, aad Is taken intern
ally, acting directly npon tbe blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In boyiug
Hall's Catarrh Cure besom you get tbe
genuine. It is taken internally, and made
in Toledo. Obic, by F J Cneney A Co.
Testimonials free.
Sold by drug?'!, price 75c per bottle.
Halls Family Pills are tbe best.
The Newest Atthesloriof Will A.Stark
Jewelry yon will get the facts, and
Facts find a fine stock of goods
to select from. It is np
toditta and iccludes tbe best lines of wstch
and clocks and all kinds of jewelry. Their
1 Ine of stives ware is extra and they bsve
intany novelties that will please.
Legal Blink webave 'em
Skill ET
Tase the O C k E cteamer foe Portland
Armn rioar an Hnnrlu Tnaul.a and Thrive
That Is tba wy air drnygls'a sail
tar Malaria. Chills and Fever. It la
faimply Iron and Quinine ma tasteless
iform. Children love't. Adults prefer t
ito bifer, nanssating ionics- rrioe, ouo
Another week sees the - big potter
newspspsrs as full of war as ever, and
one to see sotue ol the headings might
think hostilities would begin before
night, but though the pspers bavs taken
two to tonr days to get here it seems no
nearer bullets. Let the committee sctusU
ly make its report and a formal conference
bs bad with Spain, and then it will bs
time to make emphatic statements. In
the meantime preparations go on, and
properly, the same as if there was
actually to be war, and the more
thorough the preparations the raore
probable is peace.
The' report of the deto'ation existing
on the island of Cuba, as graphically
stated bv Senator Proctor who was
there and saw with his own syes, sll be
cause of the barbarous system of Span
ish role, makes ones blood boil with in
dignation, and it is not surprising that
some men would like to Ibraib Spain on
general principles. No nation deasrves
it more. Two hundred rears ago there
would have been war the next night
alter the destruction of the Msine, but
now civilisation demands deliberation,
looking toward peace, and thia is pioper.
Only an enlightened course should be
pursued, and yet the United States
should not for one moment allow its
colors to droop. As a strong nation it
should cot permit a wesk sister people
to be trsmpled upon.
Dating the week pretty good proof bss
been presented tbst Weyler, the great
est Cend of ths age, was at the bottom
ot the Maine disaster, and people gener
ally will be ready to believe the fact. If
Spain would make him pay the penalty,
it proven, it would be greatly apprtciat
ed by Americans generslly
Locally the principal event ot tbe
week has been the formation of a nnion
between three forces in tbs coming coun
ty campaign. As might be expected it
has ranted all kinds ol comment. A
nnion of forces for political advsntsBe is
common, even where parties do not
agree. For Instance in ths south, where
the democrats were strongest the repub
licans and populists have for vrare no
ited their force i and diviJed offices, and
it was thought good policy, particularly
by those interested Of course, though
these things are viewed from a selSsh,
standpoint, and it depends on who is
getting pinched.
N. W. Items.
From the Pci3c Farmer :
L'p in Union county 740 pound begs
are not uncommon -
. Many boo contracts ate being ma'Je at
10 cents for fatore crops.
Horses still continue to arrive in car
load lota at tbe cannery at Linton.
Tbe farmers ot Umatilla county bsve
incorporated an agricultural association.
Cox A Clark have been offered $200.
000 for their land and cattle in Lake
Calavan Bros, have 500 head of 1 and
2-year-old cattle near Scto, in Lion
A band of 3 and 4-year-old steers sold
Isst weak in Klamath county lor $10 a
W. M. Butler, ot Montana, bis pur.
cbaaed 6000 head ot cattle in Harney
A band of 1012 motion sheep, averag
ing 99 lbs., was sold recently at Tbe
Dalles for tonr cants a pound on foot
James Wright. Yakima county, recent
ly sold two carloads of sheep for tbe Ta
coma market for $j.1I' a be;d.
Tbe county eotnmissienersof Columbia
county, Washington, bsve bought 300
ounces ot strychnine to poison squirrels.
M. W. Walker, who wss Isst year
renting a 552-acre farm, near Pendleton,
made enough from bis heat c-xp to pur
chase the place, the price ot which was
Frank Brown. superintendent of Chss.
E.Ladd'sOak Mill Farm.sarsthe Short
horns be brought oat from the east last
year are tn love with the Oregon weather.
One firm in Aorora has shipped 2000
bushel of potatoes this year.
A herd of 70 head of deer trotted
through Umali'la county last srrek
William Barr.of fossil, Gilliam coqoty.
wants 20.000 yeailiog sheep.
Twenty-one emigrants nave lost ar
rived at Medford. Jackson countr, from
A floor milt is wanted at Ilsiix. Uma
tilla county, ibe aniens will .rive s
boons of $2000.
About 30,000.000 feet of lumW and 3.
000.000 railroad lie were tu; rast year in
Lnion county.
The Coquilleereamery o.i l its p'
SShi cents a pound lor the iu in
the Det ember mils.
It is reported that 169 lie d "f rait!
wre recently sold in Kiaru ih co-u,t for
aix cents a pound on (not.
Hop growers in Polk county have . n
tractdd 106.100 lb.., ot hnpt -o a NVi
York firm at 10 cents a piund.
The Lake county rabbit hm-ra killed
l.VK) in one day and it was not a very
good day for rabbits either.
A bunch of 1.18 head of Prineeille beef
cattle was sold the other dav at The
Dalles for foorceutta pound on foo'.
S. B. Chsndler, of Lakeview recent 1
bonght 2500 head ot sheep from a genl
man in Harney countv for $3.75 a head.
Mr. Chandler was offered $1000 for his
bargain within a week
A Victim. The body of George It
Roger arrived in Eugene from Dyea, Al
atka, on last night's train, and was met
by bis fstber, who resides at Itsbel,
Lane county, who started with it for
home this afternoon, and where tve bur
ial will take place Monday. The young
man died at that place March i. of spinal
meningitis, after an illness ot only 12
hours. He wss 24 years of age. Guard
Notice" to the Public
Beware of Snide Barbera whj try to
sell you Hair Tonic, who do not know bees
from boll feet shoot yocr scalp I hsvs
bsd 25 years experience and know there
are four distinct kind of scalp troubles .
I will furnish free of cbsrge a formula
best suited to your particular case, which
you can get filled at any drug store for, 5
or 10 cents. Consultation free.
Louts Vibkscx.
Fochd. That Case Bros bavs returned
to their old stand by P. O and are turn
ing out the beet work, for the least money.
Our prices are bair cutting. 15c, shaving
10c or Hire shaving checks for 25c R.s
or boned and set for 15c. Opposition is
tbe life of trade so if you want to keep
prices what they are patroniw oar shop
and we will tav with you no ll Gabriel
blows his horn. Yoirs for the leader of
etem prices Cass Bkos.
Tiikouoh Toukist Cass -Every Mon
day a thiougb tourist sleeping car wil.
leave Portland on the O K & N. for
Chicago, leaving Portla-.rd a' 8 p. m. and
arriving at Chicago at 9:25 a. ni. on Sat
urday This will be a great accommoda
tion far through travel tait and to the
south east via Kansas Citv.
Spring; IItlrno,boil, pimples, sore
and all eruptions are promptly cured by
Hood's Saisaparilla. which thoroughly
purifies the blood eradicating every trace
of scrofula.
Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head
ache, biliousness and all liver ills. Price
25 cents.
" Children and axJulls tortured ly barns,
1 1 11 : Mnm. AW .Win iliaae..
acaitia. jujuricn. wvwww v. ... . .
maysocure instant relief by using De-
w.tte Witch Hsxei eaive- it isu. -rtat
Pile remedy. J. A. Camming.
To Any Reliable
Msvi-T,fr. pplttn nd on mentb. rmnmdim
of rar power will nn( on trial, ivuKoui mni
adwfvM paym4nt, bj the rn.oi vmpmnj ia tt
.world In tb trsafttniant ot mma wcwk, brokeck dl&w
CoursvfffMl from tTtwts of mcmst, wotyt, oTr
work. AO. Happy mnrrl -$tm oursd. eonipiata rea
tnraUoaor da!opmi,t oi all rnbuit oocdittoca.
Tha urn of thla ofT.-f ta ..mitt.. Mo C O. Uw
The SPaa lab futre
Wat niNOTON, March, IS. Seventy
thousand men is tbe nnmhrr of Spanish
soMiers who bsve been killed, wounded
and otherwise incapacitated (or duty our
ing tbe present war in Cub.. These fif
ores have been received in this city from
reliable sources, recentlv.anda'e said to be
as nearly authentic as it is possible to ob
tain them witbout resource to tbe records
kept by the Spanish government.
Tha present force of Spanish in Cuba is
135,000 regulars. Of this nam'ier, it is
estimated thtt 80,000 are effective for
military purpose.
Ia CsaaUtla Caaaty
Pcbdletox, March. 18 fbe demo
crat-, populists and si'ver republicans of
Umatilla county enacted a complete alli
ance today . There was some trouble at
brat over tne terms of fusion, bat an ajtree
ment as to tbe division of officers was
reached at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon by
tbe conference committee Its report was
adopted The convention unanimously
agreed to support each other s candi
dates. Aa Air af Saepeaar
Wa Hi Soto-, March. 18 An air of
suspense was notacesbls in tbs nsvy de
partment today due to the apotoacb ot tbe
time for tbe delivery 1 1 the report of tbe
court of inqniry It i not known when
the document will corns to Washington,
and in view of tbe reports of the detwoiiu
sMon of outside parties to obtain posse
sion of it before the department receive
it, tbe officials, if they know, mi l not say
bow the pspers are to be brought to Wash
tre-er raj aval
Washisotos, March, 1". Senator
Proctor, of Vermont, who retoroed Isst
Sunday from an extended trip to and
throngh tbe island of Cuba, this after-
0001 made a staU-mant to tbe senata of his
observations on the island From many
point of view hit statement was remark
able It bad evidently txvo most c.' j
fully prepared It - boars Cuba to be aa
island n desolation .
A aew Sajaaatraa
WASAtssros, March. 17. T!.e event
of tbe day in offcUl d eles was tbe issu
ing of an order for the to.-matiou ot a new
squadron of naval vessel to Ui stationed at
Hampton Roads . Tbe sqaadroe ia the
begioirg will consist of fire ship, all tne
beat of tbeu types. Two of them, the battle-ships
MaMetfhuett and Texas, are
withdraws from the fleet at Key Wee aad
The Weatea All Klcbl
lasAOcia. Ws:h March. 17. Tbe
Gilmsa hotel was destroyed by fire today.
caonng a loaa of $5000. fully inaored . A
pr-cnltar featare of tbe 6 re was that it was
fought by tbe women of tne town, wbiie
tbe men stood around in groups and looked ;
A rartlaU SUwart
Iloaros. March. IS A special to she
Globe Irom Ivey Wet, by A. Maurice
Low, says:
It is laaraed toaight tbat tbe rep-r; of
the wot k of the ct tut rf inqairy bs been
sent to 'ashiegtoa. This is not the le
port and tbe feodisgs of tbe CMirt which
bare not been agreed ure, bat it it io tbe
nature of a commnnication far the ne oi
the preaidi tst, which be may or may not
make public, a he rV fit.
Tare Crtswra
M aoui itLn. Or.. March. 17 Frsak M
Simpx-a, -fr'gb and pts-rrger agent
for the Coos Bar Rvaeturg railroad, sti
today given a ireiiminar. rxatnioalioa
ia be jttatice coat ca a cbarga of embes
iemeat, faififscatios cf records and arson,
aai bonod over to sppear be'ore the craad
jary la May. ta the sum of i 1JX. Simp
aoa was retaraed here from Saa Fraacisco
upon a reqaistiioa lata-d by Goreraor
table lear-a aval
WASBWorox, 4 arch. 17 H'aa.BIan-hs
K Bruce. '-oloTf-d) died today. After
Krel Dojglsss. Bruc bad ler?nr arded
aa ibe ctot coupnta oua of his
Claras Omlala.
Ntw Yoac. March. 16. -v-ettor S B
Elkin ia the "ridkt-:
Tba Amencia r-ple anoa'd treat Spaia
io tie prevent s'ale o' affai jut -as tbry
woald auy o'b-r aatioo
Omecioos of Ser streng h an i desiring
to be just, the Usited "ue. etnnot efLwd
o ba other than fair o v rnadoct to
ward oaib. She base litficulu with
Soaie. and eeks noa Up to this mo
ment Ibe L !S ba no ran lot war lln
Soaia. Sp.ia is i-np , Iri to kalJ
ha I lielooir to ber.
Tbe Cewrt af leejary
tlAVAiit. via K-v ei, March. 16.
Wuh the lpr:urv? b-1- o of iaqoiry
after a Secon 1 t.' : '
rk lA e Mii,e. tf
ttoa Tb' iourt '
r-dv to leport T:
ch i-ge !" a l'..f "b -to
i lb i er -'- 1
-ion ot-il-H 'be M ;
t - oe ot tte
tit. Jr
' s ne.rlj
r-B t
r fir,f
I etwo
lit t actiooa
h ive te-en Mi rr' e- l smve
a It rS Arreateal
OitooK Cnt, M rch. Ifi. Late this
alteroooa lr-U y l r-te.1 -le es warhai
Uiimpre) -n'e S R Grvt. ex-p.iat-
-oa iter of lh citv. o a charge of atutjes-
tlitg lM of mo e- ord-T fund while
'ua'.maater Tne rviopiaiot was sworn 10
b- E Clenim-n'. to oB inspector.
Tbe matter grew out t the d:tniiasal cf
Green a poatroas-er br moetu ag,
00 a charge of en; 'a u ing potrfict tuods,
ibere Ulog a atiortaa-e ir tbe box rent aad
key deposit fuod, a mon-y or-Vr having
been cashed :o the wrong pernio.
rawderiy raaarsaeet
W asui-ot-js, March. 16. The nomi-
a'ion of T V I'owderlv. as ira migration
commissioner, was tonfirmed by the sen
ale in examtire scwion today by a vote of
3 to 20. Sedator Chandler was the only
republican voting against confirmation,
ahiiea large number of democrat voted
for Powderly. T.e vote w preceded by
a rather sharp det-a'e
Paris, March.16. A urorr today affirms
that the French fleet is being prepared for
mobilization, adding tbst feverish anxiety
prevails at all tbe arsenals and shipyard,
wbich are working until 10 o'clock at
oiubt. Aurora avs the French northern
qoadrou at Cherbourg is ready for imme
diate departure.
re (a a F Ws
WAKniNGTOT, March. 16 Oregon rost
m asters nave been appointed as follows:
Martha J B.lfour, Fife, vice Eluabeth S
Morrill, resigned; Henry Duckworth,
MiKwen, vice Stel a Wilson, resigned;
I'barlesCrcucher, S.camore, vies Wilbur
II Chilcote, resigned.
No Gripe
When you take Hood's Pills. The big. old-fash,
toned, sugar-coated pills, which tear yoa all to
piece, are not In It with Hood s. Easy to tak.
and easy to operate, ts true
of Hood's FUls, which are 1 1 s
up to date In every respect. rBI15
Safe, certain and sure. AU -i B "av
drugglsta, 850. C I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Masa.
The only Pills to take with Hood's Bartarartll
Buy a G. D.
....Ulcyclo Waist.-.
If you would enjoy
Sells them. Itespt
. ...
0W WAN fED-Fresb milk cowjjjsr-
vsoy preiurreu, buu,
M. brDK,
Twenty widows recently left San Fran
cisco on the same steamer for Skagway .
Tbat looks suspicious.
"It is strange what differences there
should be, between tweedle-de-dam and
Tbe middle of tbe roaders are being
patted on the back in a vory loving man
ner these days. Tbe spectacle is a fun
ny one.
Tbe Roseburg Review aaya the abadow
of adversity bsngf over that city. By
all means let tbe sunshine of harmony
uispei tne snaaow.
Thia ia 8t Patm-Va rlav- arwl alan tha
first anniverssrv of tha famnna fihtnf
Oorbett and Fitzt im mons. The weather
uas done credit to tbe day.
ibere were 205 names on tbe petition
01 m Daioin man ior scnooi Director, up
on election dsy be received 141 votes (or
tbe office. The incident is a ssmpla of
Tbs Sslem Sentinel has at tbe bead of
its editorial page: "for Governor T.
T. Geer of Marion county." It will
probably have to change that after the
suite convention meets.
At tbe democratic convention atCalem
Jen Meyers received 1 vote for snperin
tendent. Hecansed some amusement 1
alter tne nrst Daiiot Dy withdrawing bis
name, lie did better for representative,
receiving 42 votes.
Tbe latest msn from Dawson aays tbe
outpnt from tbe Klondike mines this
year will be 13,0000.000. It is doubtful
If it is ever known how much it is. Tbe
Klondike liar baa become so big matters
will have to be viewed with a great deal
of allowance.
The Salvation Army bss discontinued
its meetings in Jacksonville for tbe prea-
ent. The captain sate that it is too bard
a proposition to tackle tha situation here
with so small a (ore of soldiers. Jack
sonville Times. That is a rare thing (or
tbe a A to do, give op
Ex-Ch'ief of Police Bohertson. of Port
land has returned from Dyea and Skag
way and aays that tbe efforts of the
transportation companies to get people
t go to Alaska is nothing leas tbsa
rrtminal He baa undoubtedly spoken
the truth, and there sbonld be a bait.
Yesterdsy's Oregonian contained lik
aeasea(?iol Jim Ball and S.G.Irvin.
of Newport Their many friends in En-
gene feel like encouraging a suit for
damages against tbe paper for defama
tion ol character. Tbe pictures could
hardly be ecogoized. Register.
Prof. Shaw of the O. A. C, went to
Med lord and other Southern Oregon
citiea yesterday in tba interest of beet
sugar. A big effort ia beikg made at
Medford to get a angar factory at tbat
city. One comes high, bat it it a big
tning when secured.
fbe reported diaaalisf action in tbe
people's party convention coasts ted of
one man, and be took 00 rocaaderably.
Una ia 111 is not vers terrific. In the
democratic convention there was also
one, who stated bis case ia a very gen
tlemanly manner. 1 in 134 was not
very bad.
"Is there no balm in Gilesd?" snoot
ed tba preacher.
Tbe druggist ia the back pew, thus
suddenly aroused from bis slumbers,
robbed his oyes and answered :
Ai out at present, but I can give yoa
something just as. food." Pharmaceu
tical era.
Via. Leasa's trip to tbe Northwest La
under the Lveeona borean. her subjects
are purely literary, and there is 00 poli
tics in it. One mould think though to
read some of tbe papers that abe was a
Nebraska cyclone sweepirg through here
on a political biixxard.
A title of a dog has been attacking
bicye'e riders on Lyon street Law
student Swaon had part of his coat torn
off aad tha DaaocaAT man just esc iped
being eaten np, only his overcoat being
bitten, cwsnn got mad, but toe Dsx
ocbat maa has been in tbe newspaper
business too long to get mad at such lit
lie occurrence. He wonld tbonsb like
to stand by and see tome one fill ibe cor
with lead
Printers Ink says:
Two important (actors bare contribut
ed diteetl to the success of the Oregon
ian One of tbese is tbe strong person
ality of U W Scott,its editor.wbo among
tbe leading editors of tha country rank
as high as Henry attersoa. of tbe
Courser-Jourr- . The second aad eqaat
ly important faoor 1.1 'he success of the
paper is tba argrvwaiveees of Mr H L
t'lttock, the mansger and part owe jr.
Ia a 'est ot the strength of the rope
with which it was designed to eieeu'e
Jack Leooard at Coltax. it was broken
Tueskiav morning at that c'-ece, savs the
Walla Wa la Slate-man. Tbe test was
made on the araffoid by Deputy Sheriff
Greene Smith with a bag ot san i weigh
ing 175 pouods sod a drop ot five teat.
Tbe rope was a bait inch hemp It had
previously served to Uka the lives of a
negro and 1 Chinaman at Spokane. A
close call for Leonard.
A Wandering Willie who can.e from
khe south aod was making his way north,
bound for Skagway or any other old
place, called at a noose on Spring street
for a "hand out" yesterday, savs tbs
Ashland Tidings. "Why don't yon work
st sosse trade, instead of tramping tbe
conntry"said the housewife at the home.
"Trade madam, ''said the tramp, hangot
ily, "I'm a professional msn." "Whst
profession," interrogated the lady." Well
j'tat now, I'm an after dinner speaker;"
aod his impudent wit got him his meal.
Two University students were suspend
ed yesterdsy for leaving Eugene without
permission. It seems tbat one of them
bad been sent by bis father down the
valley on a matter of bueiaeas. and the
other one bsd obtained permission of the
president to attend the Albany oratorical
contest, but later on bad the permission
revoked, but could not appreciate the re
consideration. Tbe students are both
members of prominent -Eugene fsmiliea
and tbe suspension ia creating consider
able comment. A number of students
were granted permission to go, and tbe
discriminstion against those who were
refused caused the trouble. Register.
Joaquin Miller ia as homesick as a boy
away from home the first time:
Ob 1 but to st ou my little doorstep in
the warm night weather, above Sao
Francisco bay, and see the twin-horned
lamp of a new-born baby moon light np
the Golden Gate, and then go timely and
restiully to bed, in the wsrm, wide bil
low. Let me but live to see thia again,
and I will not go tar away at least not
in thia desolate neigbborh tod ot the
north. For I wss born to roses, sun
lands, song bird, modest moons and
warm, south weather. Let me not be
caught here again, for caught I am like a
wary old rat in a trap. The whiteness and
silence ere ot a kind tbat I abhor, and
the thought of my warm Contra Costs
steps and my little, familiar moon, light
ing the Golden Gate, make me homesick.
I would not be tied up in thia lorn,lsrge,
desolate largeness another winter for all
tbe Klondike gold yon could noint at ma
iwith a dcx.n north poles in a thousand
Catarrh Cured. A clear head sso
wcetbresth secured with Saitoh ' Ca
srrh Remedy; sold by Foshar k Msson
Tats LtxtUvs Bra at o Tablets
All D.-ag.iats rsfuaf tae utiatylif It fall
Cure. 25c,
If you want a s;ood and cleat
moke buy cigars made by our Al
bany cigar factory-
. - .
' Or. l.V'f
. . m . : t
All lLJ'
P per l:e.t::cc"il,
" I'U go you."
f a good chew ever says no to
There is more solid satisfaction in a piece of Piper Heid
sieck than in any other brand oa the market. Everytain;;
about It f right ; the flavor is unsurpa;ed ; the size is 40
rer cent. Hrzer than formerly: and the pr're is stiU the
s-me old nickel The new plug
il.e biggest bargain in tobacco
ask for -r. of tSe .Ntw pieces
Strictlv uusiness
French "he jeweler.
Try Schilling's Beat tea sad baklac powder.
Baths at Yiereck's shaving and lair
catting parlors.
Pictures from 75 cents to $25 per dosa
at Longs gallery.
C B Winn, at txk etagent. Tickets
to all points in the east.
Crawford k Earntsb for photographs
Prices from $ 1 to $V0 per dozen.
Be sure aad sea the aati rut tieware at
Hopkia Bros, will las': a lifetime.
Raxcrs Looad. set and put in first class
or lex at V wreck's shaving and hair cut
ting parlors.
When you want a choice steak, a nice
roast or meat of any kind, call oa Henry
Sroders. He kaeps the beat.
Dis. H. E. aad O. K. B-ers offices aad
residence ia post office building. Special
attentian given tn diseases ot women.
Don't annoy others by your coughing .and
rik your life by neglecting a cold. One
Miaute Cough (Jera cares conghs. eolda,
craap, grippe and all throat lung trouble.
J. A. Coraming.
The beat meat of all kinds and good
treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef
uompany s riaraet, jok own cmosmi 9
street. Good sreiebt and nromot atlewi !
Whooping coogb is the tnost distiejsisg
malady; bat its darsiioa can be cut short
by tbe one of the Muate Congo Care,
whkh is also the best known remedy for
croopaad all ioag aad broacial troobies.
J. A. Cummisg.
What pJeaaure is there in life witna heaui
acbe, coBstipatioa and bilroosaeas'f Thoos
aads eipenence them who coo Id become
Mfecify neaithy by ntiac Ce Witt's liule
Caily Ruera famous littie pit's.
J A. Cnsming.
Your Groceries and Baked Goods
Is at Parker Bros- Everybody kuws
where their place ia. They keepafreab
stock of iTToceriee. produce and baked
goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable
price and treat their customers well, all
Yon may regret some steps yoa take
in life tut none taken into tbe stored
Parker Bros.
It is a grant thing to be well fd. Par
ker Bros kaer cod gToceriea.
A lvaf of bread is not much bat yoa
rant it well made. Try Parker Broe".
Regardless of Cost.
Jaliat Gndwohl intends to go out of the
crockery and glawre holiness, going in
to tome othr liae of boaaes, asd henoe
wiJ sell bis goods of this kind reeardiea
of cost. When yon ca'-l and get bis ranee
aoa will be convinced that he means bui-
nvss. aod will believe wbat he savs
What Ur A E Salter Sajs.
BcrvLo, N Y- Gent: From my
persona! knowledge. ea:ned ia observing
me rnecror voor Shtioh Cure ia cases
of advanced Comtipatlon. I am prepared
to say it is he most remarkable itemed
that ba erer been brauht to my atten
tion . It hat certainly aavd many from
Consumption. Sold by Foshay A Ma
A'fcrr ycaia of aotoid aatifetiag from pile,
B W Parsall at Kaitaeravilrr.r, was cared
by asing a single box of la Witt's Witch
Basel Salva ctkia dieeaaee ach a ecsaa,
rash, pimp'ea aad obstinate's -res are read
ily caret by tbU tuaois rrravly J A
A thrill of term- is siperieaosd whea a
brassy cough of croup sounds through ta
honss at ntgbt Bat the terror aoa chsa
gas to rslisf after Oaa Minute (Vu(, Car
was feeea dminitared Safe asi 3 r alaav
or obildteu J A Camming
Beaaty Ia Blood Drew,
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Caacareta, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving ail im
purttie from the body. Begia to-day to
baniah pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion bv taking
Caacareta. beauty for ten rente. All drug,
giata, satutfaction guaranteed, 10c, 23c, 50c
For Itfants and Children.
Take Lixatire BromitJainioe Tsblvts.
An drugstt refund the money if it fails
ocors. 2.
J Grndwol.l
nfortu the geo rl pabl:c that he
ellai Ijvt as auvbKly in the city tor
tasb. Come and get prices before you buy
April 1st, 1397. J.Geadwobl.
Let everybody come to tne star Bskery
and get 40 loaves of fresh bread for $i.oe
C Mbvbb.
Albany Market.
Wheat 4 rents.
Eggs 10 cents.
Butter 13 to 22 cent.
Potatoes 25 cents.
Hams 11 to 13 cents.
Sides 10 to 11 cents.
Shoulders 6 to 7 cents.
at the old.i rxeii positively sT
you ever satr. Be sure and fi
ot riper x:c:uaiccx. g
Solid vestibule trains, constating of pal
ace sleeping cars, laxnaona tiiniag' cars,
elegant day coaches, niagnificeat toariat
cars tad free colonist sleepers from the Pa
cific to the Atlantic without change.
lannf onnv) yASXsr.
aiavw vsvuaoa i
llinfnrr )
All point ia tbe Okaaagaa Country.
Ge a pamphlet giving a full deamrAicc
of this wonderful country. Ask tbe agent
for a copy of tbe tniaiag laws of Britut"
Lowes rates o and frota
Atiantk eteanuhip ins.
Canadian Pac.By. Uo.'s
Boyal Mfil SteamsMp
line to China and Japan
nosourix, rm axn antatALia.
Tbenorte-t lioe to the&loriwis- Thevr
ataamarw, carry aa eipevVaced msdicat
man, and a atewardcas oa every voyage.
For tiae tables rantphlets. or aay ia
ormaloa. call oa cr addnas.
8 N STEELE k CO. Ag-nta.Arbaay Or.
E J COYLE, AgX M Third St, t'ort-
and. Or.
V amcoaver.ri. C
Uf THfc
Southern Pacific Co.
CajSaraaa Tiai Ttataa :ava Pwrtma
t a -.
sas r. a. 1 Lr
sasaa I Lv
Ar I Lie a a
Lv t aas r a
rat a a 1 ar
Abov ir: sop at ra'iaas be
tweea ParUaal aoi Salem Tar
aer. Marioa. Jefffrvoa Albany
Tangent, Sbedd. Haisey Eageae
Cottage Grove. Drsia. Osk-acd and all
stations froa Roeeborg satb to and ia
clading Ashland.
fcSSaa 1 Lv
M' llH
U I leSrw
Lr t I t SB
ilt-ar a I Lv
kssra I ar
Laaw Albaav ttr Latawaa
Am re at Aieesv Boss
Leave A.auiv lor La Kama
Arrive at Aibaar troaa Laaanoa
DininiT Cars cn OftJen Rout
Attaeaieet ta att Tkraaak Vralaa
'M at SHvtataav.
asrvsiSKS raarutsa ana issutlu
Man. vs saat I
assvua aatvtaan,T-
Lv 1 1 ot r a
XxprewTraia lailj(or Baatay
4ra, Lv
sural Ar
ln I At
Ibdepa acajs
ar I rt a a
11 ta a a
DlreKteaamaetiwaat Saa Fi.aile.e wHS OetUeajt.
aad Oneatal aad FactSe aaail ereamefcjf taaaa ta
JAPANVrd CU1SA SiliiK oae- da apoixal
Raus aad Uckvta to ea-tera rvtaxa aad araroaa
UA eaa be amd treea at tasia. ael
Albaav or C t WIS
Var-acer Sea far A
Parfavd Orrf - Porliaad
puilman Sleeping dars.
Elegant Din g Cars.
Tourist Sleeping Car
61 Cant
CO Grand fork
Helena and
Sew York
loston and al.
fointa East and Sooth
Through tickdts to Japan and Ch na. vts
Tacoma and Kortbeni Pacific steamshir
Oo., aa American line.
For information, time cards, mans anc
tickets call on or write C G Borkbart
agent, Albany, Or.
AD Charlton. A Gen Faaa aai
ortland. 0
S l aa
raor a
n a r.