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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1898)
i "" '-mm"' ' " THE GREAT REMEDY CURES PROMPTLY. LEGAL DIRECTORY: Albany. W R Bilveo, Foahay & Mason block J R N Blackburn, P O block. H Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, P O block . J N Duncan, P O block. T P Hackleman, Pearce block. O E Hawkins, Cusick block. Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. M B Humphrey. Kelly & Curl, bank'building. L H Moatanve, Pearce block. J C Powell, P O block. J M Somers, P O block. H 3 Wateon, bank building. Weatherford & Wyatt, Bank building. Whitney & Newport, Cusick block. G W Wright, P O block. Lebanon. SM Garland. Brownsville. A A, Tossing. IR8T NATIONAL BANK, o auuaT, oaaoon tssidsnt.;..-. VrVesMent. , W.fcAHGOON TRASS ACTS a OnaKALbnnlrtMnasss ACCOUNTS KKFT subject to shecs. IOST EXCHANGE ud telermiht ta-eashw, o,' Ns York Ban Fraattlaoo.CAIoairo aad r-lr OL'.COTIOKt AD1 o favorable terms . 3 K Ton B W LASSIOS P A Goobwt, t. Fun C. 8. Fuss. ' . ROBERT A. MILLER ATTCkKnt AT LAW OBIOOK OTT, OKBQOlf Land Titles and Land Office Business a Specialty. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE OF FIKAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given, that the under gned, assignee of the estate of E J W il ugnoy, insolvent oeotor nas niea m use i ircult court of the state of Oregon for the j rnnnt nf Linn. Danartment Number Two his final account as assignee of said nut kin't allow yourself to be roped into tn ter, and the said final account will be rations "Local Mutual" now beta heard and passed upon by said court at tba pa hed on you as being "cheapest Ilk regular March term thereof , to be boldest gurance," when you insure you do opt at the court house in Albany, lion eouo - tv. Oregon, on the 4th day of April 1898. at the hour of 1 o'clock p m ot said day. All persons iaterjgtedin raid in solvent est a c are herebv notified to make any objections tber have to te allowance of said final acconnt on or before the said day for the hearing and passing on tba San by said court Dated January 28, 1898 R Skipwobth, P E Ssoda8S, Atty for Assignee Assignee ot said Insolvent estate ASSIGNEE'S -KOTiCF OF! FINAL SETTLElnlNT. - Notice is hereby given that the nnder " signed assignee of tbe bank of Oregon, an .insolvent eorporatioa. ha this day filed C tla MfTnit ermrt rtf thai date (if OrHnn for Linn county, his final account aa such 1 assignee ana tua- iaia account wm do i neara ana wa on ot saia court n me . court room thereof on tne 14th da of March, 1S98, at the hoar of 1 o'clock p m-, or as boon thereafter as the tusinees of "id court will permit. Dated at Albany, Onwou, Feb 12. "98 D F JAMES. Assignee of the Bank of Oregon. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the under signed executor of the last will and testa meat of James McMahan, deceased, has - filed his final account with the clerk of the county court for Linn sounty, Oregon, and the court has fixed the 9th day of ftpnl, 1593, at tbe Itour of 1 o clock p m o said day for the hearing of objections if any to the account and lor tbe settle ment of said estate This the 4th day of March, 1898 WiATHBaroKD k Wyatt, W H McMahoh . Attys. Execute of tbe estate of James McMahan, deed. TEE GREATEST BOOK OF THE IGE1 . SionldtwlaETerjBoinBaiidliljrirj. TH3 Feooia's Binis mstQirj I. wrtttoa br Kickt Horn. WlllUm Ewut GIMon Xtfimur of OrMt britima tnd Ireland. Chiwtar. ir.n i iw a. o jw , yuiun . unm.vii v. uJ Hot. &&moet In. CarOm. I. Chiowo TlMolosual eqniawT. Oiinco. 111.; Bar. Fratoric w. Furar. D.D.. of OuurtniT, Oattftair, Bot. SHrE.(kiL D.UnTa(uCllbn-rilW.kM.i , ill.: am. uw r. rmuoooat. U.V.. MAnrMr wbiteriu Cfiare. LAndoo. Ko : Br. S. 8- MaeArthar, D.D, Calrarr Baptut Chorea, haw Vork Cit7. V. T.: Bor. Martra SimutteH, BJ), Maim Kin FreaBapciat Cfaarch. Vcwwux. M.: Bor. Frank ' Eraaom, taL; En. W. T. Moon. LJ-JD Th. Carta. Kiaa OoaMaonwaaiUl." Loaaon. n.; Bv. E4war4 JimiU rial. lj Haaia Uoasrecatlonal Ctaarca. Boavoa. Ham.: Krr. Sovh AmrBmt, D.U. Woilma Oiom, BiehaHmd, w; tun. Caarw Ini Graxorr. Laipais tJatTanUy. rur. Gvrmmnji Be.. Wm. GieOTor WilkinaoQ. I.1-, Unlrenity of Cfaieaao, Chi eaco. 111.: Bmw. Bamoel Hart. I1) Trinilj Collaaw. Marrford.Oona.; Br. J. Monro Gibaon. D.D..8C Joan's Vtood Proabrlariaa Chareh, London. Ens-: Be.Ga tLoiima-.LLD., Tbe T ample. Barton, Maw. rOrtUt nITIOSM2 nam 67 fail-oaa. lllaetra- , (lit eases, oats. (UU, naif lemnt, BXUU; fait lUmOII Ml naeaa. D fnlUwew tHaetra. Bona. Bt titSOt BtrleB wo.olaaiea.fnll lennt. toned. KDSUi in W PASTS, qoarto aire, reriew qoeationa to eecb. aU none, bctio a co ease., itui ttrrwal. one toiidm. neper eorere, aewed. trimmed elie-hUT. UKt eacn para. farther information, write HEKBY O. BHEPABIA gnhl nher.IU and m Heaxo. ntreet Cliicesn.Illinwn. r cit naie aa ail Dooaatore ana or oooaesiiem. Pr. Clubbing Rate?. The San Frantneco Weekly Examiner i.ext year will give to its subscribers a $10,000 residence in 8an Francisco rent ing for $80 a month, a $3,390 U. 8. bond, a $1,500 gold nugget and hundreds of other . things. You can get tbe Examiner and Wbbsxt Dsmockat for $2.50 a year, with the Daily Democrat by mail for $4.25, by carrier $5.75. in advance. The Dkmo cbat will order onlv onoomDination pay. nent . SF LOO IS REPUBLIC, semi-weekly oae of tbe beet papers ia tbe United Btatee, and the Democrat paid in advance , f of only tl 75. Wood For Sale. Good fir wood for sale by tbe cor, from 1 to 10 cords, delivered, for 12 00 to $2.75 per cord. On the ground, mile north of sipJ bridge, from tl 00 to $2.00 per cord. Call on or address J. vv". Cantwell, Alban Or, or leave word at Democrat office. , . . ANNUAL MEETIXC . Notice is hereby given that tbe annual meeting of ' be stockholders ot tbe Atoar.y Building Association be held at store of J Gradwohl, in Albany, on Monday, Marc l4tb.l897, at 7:30 pm for the elect icn of directors, and suih otbrr bus Jrfeis a? may come before tbe n.eeling. Daed Feb. 13th, 1897. W C 1 WJIEDAL', F ? NCTTINO. : 1'resiotnt. Secretary. Notice s hereby given to an? and all pmons baviDif anv claims airaint or owmir any to ther.tteof Setb L Caldwell, elect? sea, to mn same to .me at my r U ad a i ess, Albany, r-gou wiilna ttie next thirty days. Febrwy;i0lh,"l8K. V H Caldwel Piano rgan.ToiC3 CulturB.Earmoriy Miss Hela It. Gilb-rt, Mrs Fiances O Hanuaa Teachers of jWuslc Wasaingtoa 8trut,ntar V P Church, Albaa .Stir akery Corner BroadalMn mid 1'irst St CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR Da - i t anned Fruit. 'llassware, .. j l.ricil Fruitc. Tobacco,' ; ugar, i Coffee. ! . Etc. Canned West Queens ae Vegetable Cigar. Spice. Tea F.K varjthing that U jpt in s good variety and gro eery store. High - eat pt!oe paid for ALL KINDS .'OF PltODlCI SENDERS' (MAMIES Always' Pay. J miMtiAn ahont full and fcroniDt vent of loser by fire on insniance places with the leading agent of Albany, m. a- derm. - - W.fiatH8taresPeop:eFr want to worry about getting yourmow-y 'case of loss M SENDLKS Insurance, Hay, Grain and Woo!. Mail ilia His. I wish to announce to the farmers with in the vidnity ot Albany, especially those interested in how raisins', that I have pur chased tbe bog known as Common's Ideal, No. 86213 recorded in the American Pol and China Record Co. tbe one tbat took th second premium at tbe fair this fall. He i a fine bog and a good breeder, solicit tne patronage and inspection narties interestec1 in rood hoes- He 1 of accompanied ly a yearling of my 0n rasV log which te recordable -I bare hree thoroughbred sows which 1 am raising pigs from. 1 have a few pigs at present for sale, all recordable. The? caa wm. ,t ibe bkeela place, tne mile F II HUGH&ON. Tbe Uarderer BOr j, 0 Albany 54 B s ,AT .SIZAtLv a V fir'---. : wmi V - aj " 1 tn ?f"iia ,f - 'rTr 9 V nn tw6k . j . I rg a be, i tats great pad. a ,1 Fcr sale ly ) . A . Cummina; Honey to Loan. h.v tiW of $40,000 to loan oa at -d faitu. in Lird and aiijoininjc count- 1 . if von have aood security and perfect ti'b1, we can fnri.inb sou the coin witKoot drU). as we mase ocr own examtnat ioaof aacority all on ns or write K N. StcSie Co, Albany, Orgon. The Magnolia Laundry C SIMPSOH s son Stanflara Prices oik WamntB Dr Adams Cnsick Block Albany, Or Painless work a specialty. Oliver PlowsHer prices HOPKINS EROS., Agents. Albany, Oregon. Oliver gave the world the chilled plow1' And it has saved more money - to the farmer of America than any other implement ever produced. Genuine Oliver chilled are tbe best on earth. The Oliver is a promoter of baODi- net on the farm, and tbe dealer who sells ft knows be is handling the beat. Tymk out for irenjitatios and touch notbisir but h eenuino sorvaV mde cnlv bv Oliver Chilled plow work. 8outh Bend, Ind.. U. 8 A. LINN CO- ABSTRACT, COMPANY Albany, Oregon- UfBi-- s. B ink of Oregon Building. Onl set of abstracts of Linn County. Couip.ele ret oi ninpg and plals Cliu fci-H reue mab e IMVHPfi; NOTICE. 'fi.ij" 1 1 ( ir.-niptlj ilh all trains o In h M't r p , flay ut d Mghi. i, !, ! vni . I e n h ; t fpecial i: ' t1 CORK. C'TTuCtor , rOSiiA. i MASON -Wholesale A Retail-- DETJ8BM8 AND BOOSSElbSL ALBANY, OBBOON Pnre Drugs and the finest and Largasf Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. HIS r j w T T ti-er I rI hot lr the nomina- t on for fcovariior, H- would look funny euough in Governor Lord' shoes. W U Parry, at one time editor of the Cirvallis Osteite, has been reelected controller of Ssaltle. Mr. Parry has met with deserved success since going to that city ten years ago. No indemnity can settle for the nearly three hundred lives lost hy the blowing np ot the Maine. There must be some thing greater than that. One thing should be the absolute freedom of the Ccbans. Tbia war talk has done one thing. It has nnited people regardless of politics against a common enemy, and tbe peo ple am a unit in their patriotism. It Spain has a friend in the United States we have never beard of him. Governor Lord is not beior run bv politicians to tuit soma people. Every once in a while te displays the fact that he bas a will of bis own, and that he knows bow to um it. Political ly though be is undoubtedly oat of tbe field. Frank Abram Powell, well known in Albany, bavin, lectured here several times, now a rssident of MeMiouville, is a delegate to tbe coming state populist convention. It is reported tbat he wilt probably stump the state for free silver in the coming election. Tbe public is naturally gullible. Tbe manner in which people rnsb off to Al aska proves this. At the same Uire some one will declare that tba nan who cornea back with several hundred thousand dollars of gold dust is not so very gullible after all . The Baker City Democrat ia red hot for war. It says: Patriotic Americana want no blood money from Spain ; they want nothing short of an opportunity to give Spain eoeb a threshing as will for a hundred years to come cause the na -tioos of tbe world to beware ot an act of treachery toward the American flag or toward an American citizen. Tbe high price acd fast market for stock will no doubt auggeet to tbe farm er the need of going more extensively tuto stock raising in this valley. There is money in it, particularly when com bined with other things as much as n.-teaible. At tba present time them is comparatively li'.tl ato k left, it bas at least been greatly deputed on account of the large amount abipped away. Ia tbe lutare tbe Oregon farmer is going to make it best who diversifies his farm- lag most. Kven the big MP"1 are admitting that the prospects of war are leas than they were. The Dsmoceat stated this in a different way f'oai the atart . Tie indications have not been towards war. All this preparation as a matter ot fact baa bren that wa naiicht not have war. and it was the proper way to secure that and. But the matter ia not yet settled by any means. A nation whose aaei bera are an contemrtibiy low as to blow np a vessel with hundreds of men on board will be a bard one to deal with. Tbe best prospect of eettlamens though lies ia tbe tact tbat Spain is ia no con d'tion for anything, and in fact is al ready ton asnnder from internal trouble. From The Lebanon Expreee As so amusing instance of the great solicitude felt by oor republican friends for tbe welfare of Us populists, wa give an instaxee from rtai life, wbieb oc- j cored in Albany recently. Tbera was aprominent popnliat who wasooooaint foaion, and did not conceal hit aversion to it. autre was an equally prominent re publican ot tbe simou-pore-gjlden circle, wn heard adout tbm middle of -tb(-voadVr. They met, and tbe populist, with a little sorpnse, momed tbe warm bandhake of his old lima reviler VI eay save the republican leader, "I am jast proud of your hrare stand for the itreat principle) of .'oor party. I admire your determination not to fas with thore infernal democrats w bo just want offic. Ftand by yonr colors, my friend, and ft to vie) or v or defeat with honor." Thankine him for the nttsel- jfi?h advice. th pnpuliet went away. wondering liow many kinds of d n fool does h think lam?" Meeting the men who etronvlv favored fosion, this popolist said: Bcrs I ani for fusion. No son-of-a.gna like cm slobber over me iu that style any more.' 1 la t form of Democracy. Eorroa Dimocbat : bball tbe Democratic party A Oregon, ally itsel! with the populist party, whose principles on tbe great financial ques tion, we tii m a nnsoondT snail it re turn to sound Democratic principles? Or shall it permanently ally Use f with tbat party who captured tb democrat ic convention at Chicago, ia 139tT In 1872, the democratic platform read. The publio credit must be caoredly maintained and we denounce repudia tion in every form and guise. A speedy return to specie payment ia demanded alike by tbe bighaat consideration of com mercial morality and honest govern ment," In 1876, It affirmed "tbat re form is necessary to establish a sound currency , and to restore tbe public crtd t to maintain national honor." In this platform tbe Republican party waa de nounced for not providing for tbe re demption of the Faper money then oat standing and for permitting it to remain flunctuating and of cbangiog value.- In 1880, it declared f ur "Honeat Money tbe strict ooainrainance of tbe public faith consisting of gold and ailver and paper convertible into coin an demand.' In 1884, it again declared for honest money as follows: "We believe in hon eet money, the gold and silver coinaga of tbe constitution, a circulating medians convertible into aucti money without lose." In 188?, the democratic party said Imt little on the moner question, but the republican party in Natlmat Convention then declared in tavor of. bimetallism and denounced ttie pulley of the democratic party for dJserimlnat in azaint silver; while the republican parly in Oregon, in 18tf0, totally declar ed tor free toiuaga of siWsr. Iu 1802, the , democratic platform declared "in favor of gold and silver and against unstable and fluctuating- money, bat that the dollar unit of coin age of both metals must be of equal, or intrinsic and ! unchangeable valne, or be adjusted -brou-tt International agre.ment, or by such safeguards of legislation aa shall insure the maintalnaaos) of tj.a parity of . . i. - ,..,1 nnwer the two metals ana oi t" h ol every dollar at all times In the market andin tl.epaitnentot.J.bis and we de- mand that all paper currency kept at par with and redeemable In such r . k .1 .. wsl lsa at ft coin. We Insist opon ima especially necessarv for the provecL.oo . I., far-era and laDOrlllg Ciasoo., ... first and most defenseless victims of an I unstable and. flunctuating currency. This I think when read and fsirly con. strued means to maintain every dollar as good as gold. In 1896, many wou sandi of democrat because of party fealty, including myself, and not having made a proper study o! the financial policy of the democratic party as declar ad at Chicago, supported Mr. Bryan. There is as much reason in plowing with an old fashioned wooden plow sole i because our falhere'iused it, aa there i. i.. ...;nn, that u silver dollar on Us own merits at the ratio of 16 to 1, would be equal to a gold dollar in face or we fact, that the commercial value of tne a . w or. two metals have so changed since jeuer T..k.n -rwl Rantnn'a dav. that it evu, j,vrvw - now takes 33 araioi of silver to buy grain of gold. The ratio fixed bv Jeffer- ik i and ha declared in his ownTlannnaee tbat "the proportion be tween gold and silver is a merjanvue problem altogether." He said Just prin ciples will lead ns to dlsregara tun iega proportions altogemer.uj iu4unw the market price ol gold In tne several couotries with which we shall be prin cipally be connected by commerse and to make an average from ttiem. ai we foilow the old democratic role today tbe average or commercial ratio would be about 33 to 1, and cooetstantly we can ask for no less, it free coinage of ailver be insisted on. It was in 1831, under lackson tbat the ratio waa changed to 16 to I, which shows that the democratic party were willing to change the ratio to suit changing conditions recognising the true rale to bJ, as Benton said to eeteraJne the true valne of tbe two me- tale.'' At the ratio of 93 to 1. a silver dollar on ita own merita would be as good aa a gold dollar, but a silver dollar at the ratio of 1 to 1, can only be main tained in this country as good as a gold dollar by preserving the present aystem of free and unlimited coinage of gold, and tbe restricted or limited coinage of silver. It is bardlx necessary to say met , paper money can be kept as eood as gold only br the government's pledge to maintain it so. Otherwise paper money woold be nnsUble and fluctuating Way back in 1368, tbe democratic party declared in favor of ooe money only "one for toe government and the people, the laborer and tbe office bolder, tbe pensioner and tbe soldier, the pr docer and the bonsboldsr." If we maintain our dollara each as good as gold we will and can make nse of large qoantiviee of silver aod also of paper for money, but every dollar nnder such a standard will be jast what every body desires, v:i: one dollar will be as mod and equal in va'.ue to every other dohar. The same dollar for the poor as tor the rich. This is the old Democratic Doailioo. The quantity or volume will be constantly Increasing iur we as a ca tion sell annually more than we buy, aod have tbe balance of trade in gold coming to na each year; also we have aonnally a large output from oor rich gold mioee. We are the beat prepared of aoy nation on earth to maintain tbe standard out lined by ex-president Cleveland, By so doing we will I think oecome the credit or nation of the world. Onr money will be sought from abroad ; the money center of the world will be transferred from London to Urea ter New York ; and money will be loaned to tbe borrower and on long time from two to four per cent, per anuatn. I do not believe in abuse or ridiole. I accord to every one tbe right to think and vote as be pleasrs. Ilea are liab'e to honestly change on tbia great question as will be seen bv the views ol men and platforms in Oron dot in a -omnaraiivel v short time. Every ooe should read and etndy this imooitaat Question and havs the eon rag j to lake the stan-i that they honestly believe U right. Is wi'.l not do to take the mete statement or speeches of those wbo are more c'am eroue for office, than they ae for prin ciple, or their econtry's welfare, fnere is one thing that all Intelligent men of each of the three parties will adorn aod that Is hat if adopt a svam, tbat brings with it unstable aod fl-ic-tiating money, so tbat one dollar will not he equal in value and purchasing power with any ober dollar, then so a a re aa night fallows the dav, wi I the evil thereof, fall the heaviest on the poor man. It will not d to hae two stand ard. We mast either have the uld atandard and every dot la r as goo I as gold or the silver standaid with dollars not aagood aa gold. Let delegate be elected to oor conventions be will de elare for sound Democratic principle on thU great question, to tba end that tbe party may once again grow to be a pow er for good in tbe land. Nothing hit a few offlcea can be gained bv fosion. It is much hotter fcr ns a a party to pot out a conservative and progressive plat form and as Democrats go it alone. Geo. W. Wiioht. Aibt, Oregon, Match 11th, 1S9S. Be ware ot Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury as roercory will surely destroy tbe sense of ssaell and completely derange the eholc ayete-n wben entering it through tbe mu cous surfaots. Such articles sbojld never be used except on prescriptions from reput able physicians, as tue damsge they will ao is tea fold to tbe good you can possibly derive from. Mall's Catarrh Core, manu faetured by F J Cheney Co, Toledo.Obio, contains no mercury, asd ia taken intern ally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mocoua aurfacesof the system. In baviug Halt's Catarrh Cure be Sire you not tbe Pennine. It is taken internally, aod made ia Toledo, Ohto, by F J Cteney at Co. Testimonials fret- fwtd by drurarta, price 75c pr bottle. Halls Family Pills are tbe best. Regardless ot Cost. J alias GradwobI intends to go out of tbs crockery and glassware business, going in to sovae ether line of business, and hence wL.1 sell aia goods of this kind regardless of cost. When you call and get his prices aoa will ve convinced that he means btsi ness, awd will believe wbst be savs Fonao. Tbat Case Bros havs returned to their eld eUnd by P. O and are turn ing out tbe st work for the least money. Our prices see hair cutting. 15c, shaving iOc or threw snaring cner-as tor zoc Kit era honed and set for 15c. Opposition is the life of kraae ao if you want to keep prices what they are patronizs oor shop jtnd we will sta-f with you unit Gabriel blows bis horn. Yours for the lender ot cutein prioea. Casb Bhos. Wliit r A k. aalter Says. isiwvalo. w i. uenis: rrom mv 5 peponal knowledge, ga'ned In observing vsie Tiiv. v vi vuur ouinu - vurw iu cases wtweVanced Constipation, I am prepared te atey tt is ibe most remarkable Kemedj that tvaa aver been brought to my atten- fawn- It has certainly tavd many from - ,1 C.I I V.. ! w. aveawa jr 'on . uu.m w k v-u kes mi1 on. . . .... - Va-To-Bao for Xltu Casta, Guars nte1 tobaeooaabit ears, makes weak anaB suoaa.adood purs. SOs, It. All druggists. SATURDAY NIGHT TIIOUGIITS. The leading international aflair of the week has continued to be tl.e settlement of the Maine difficulty between the United States and Bpaiu. More and more tbe result looks like peace. This has ' been made possible by the vtiy delioer.j ate manner in which the committee bas taken its tluis, about a month, in a mat ter that really demanded great prompt ness.and yet the very slowness was prob ably the best for the nation The bridge. though, has rot yet been crowed an. other complications may arise. Shonld congress recogniae the Independence of the Cabans the United states win have to back it op, and tbat might mean trouble. The truth ii though, that Spain ia in such a crippled condition that It is in no position to dictate any thing or to do much in any event, aiid it would take only a little for It to go to pieces as a nation. In Albany the leading" event bas been the state college oratorical contest, crea ting great interest here and drawing a large crowd ol students from other places: Collfge spirit was nsver more thnrnnuhlv illustrated bere. The dis play was an excellent ooe, and tbe event is one that will have a lasting impression nn nnr Alnanv colle.e. The result of a contest was very gratiljlng to Linn tb county people, though as usual on such occasions of course meeting with die favor from those who have not hem first. ' Primaries this week began the county campaign of 1838. Tne Democrat hopes it will not be a mud-siingiog Oicbt tbongh that seems to be the epir.i of the day in politics, oce ot covering candid ates up in slime, and of ridiculing thore wbo do not believe with one in polit ics. It might be wish-d that there abonld be a fair contest, but the icdi' cations are that the campaign will be a hot ooe in a political sense Curious Factr-. A huge eel of Fiji Island, fineeu feet long, is reported to have a peculiar thrual formation, causing it to wt.i-lle wtieo ex cited. Texas contains 265,780 tqoare miler. Europe, txeluive ot RuMre and 'fcei British Isles, contains 1 .4.S8.962 square j miles. Sweden and Norway al ne coc aine larger area than Ttxae A curious character in Paris is a man wbo makra bis living by strolling along tbe boulevard and making wsf a s that be can answer correctly so qn-s'ion that relates to tbe history of France. He always win. It is stated on German authority tst the astouodtog number of two miilica glass eyes are made every year ia Ger many and Switzerland, bile one French boos mannfacturee thiee hundred tbousand of them annually. A single stone 115 feet tons;, ten feet rqusre at one enJ aod four fret sboare at tbe otber, bas been successfully rut rem the aandtione quarries at fljoghtcn Point. Wis. Il Is supposed to be loogett moooiitb ever quarried. For a abort distance a l:oa or a tiger can ontrun a man, and can sqoal tne speed cf a fast horse, but the animals lose their wind at the end of about a half mile. They have little endurance. aod are remarkably weak in long p?wer. Tbe peculiarity of a cork leg ia that apart frora tbe name there isn't a v tge of cort about ft. The origin of tte term cornea it is said from the fact ttat nearly all the great manufacturers ol such articles need to live on Cjrk street, Picjjdiily. It ia said tbat Ch:nee cancel be tele graphed, but tbat Sgoree nave tr be need wbicb corresponds to rertaio words This code includes only atout one-eight of (he words in the Iangaae, bench this bas been toond eafficieot far prac tical purposes The sacred 6rc of Iodia have o a I been extinguished. Tne roust ar-c.ei t which stilt exists was rnncratd twite centuries ago in roo-memoratioo ol the votaye made by Parsvev aheo 'bev rtel grased from Persia to India Tbe Are is fed five limes ev-rv to h- nrs nh sandalwood and other frrfrsm ma e ai, comb. net! with very dry In-I A 70uog noniao in Chicago sup-rta berseif by taking care of other p-a,te,e birds and flwera. She at- from bouse feeding and water tget liidssnd Cleaning their rages. Kr.e tl.. n torns bar attention to the plst.'e at d au.c,.w noses, clesmr-g Iravrs and a -lo ct lsrlil!:ir when needed, a! n ways keeping her floral and f i er-d pattern 10 excellent condition. According to the BuddhUt ol reliyioa a mas Uvea twelve t ra .n earth, bis soul icturolog after each de mise to some animal, beinU with some of the lower reptiles, a crocodile. or a won, ana then each time he dies afterward le'.urning toejrus animal of a higher type. In this way tbere uj a gen eral progression of the sent until it reaches the animal representing tbe highest type of all, is the while elephant. Strictlv nus In ess ' French the Jeweler. Try Schilling's Dest tea aod baking powder. Baths at Viereck's sbavina- and hair cutting parlors. Pictures from 75 cents to $25 rer d' n at Longs gallery. C B Winn, citv tick etagent. Tickets to all points in the east. Cnwford k flemish for oholoirrachs Prices from $1 to $V0 per doxea. Ba sure and s?e the auti rut tinware at Hopkin Hi os, will las', a lifetime. Take the O C ft E cteamor for Portland down river on Sunday, Tuesday aod Thurs day. Rsxrrs hond. set and pat in first class orier at Viereck's shaving and bair cut ting parlors. When you want a choice aleak, a nice roast or meat ot any kind, call on Henry Jroiers. lie keeps tee best. Dis. If. L". and O. K. B-ers offices and residence in pot olfice building. Special attention given to diseases of women. Don't annv others by vonrcougLinir.and risk your life by aegbcting a cold. One Minute cougu uar cures congns. crtids, crjup, gnppe ana an inroat lung troubles. J. A. Uuotming. Ihe best meats of all kinds aod rood treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, just diwn Second street, (jnodsreigbt and prompt attend tion. i Whooping cough Is tbe most distre.taiog malady; Out its duration can be cut short by tbe use of the Minute Cough Cure, wbicb I also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and broncial troubles. J. A. Gumming. What pleasure is there in life with a head ache, constipation and biliousness? Thous ands experience them wbo could become perfectly healthy by using De Witt's little kaily Risers famous little pil's. J A, Curotniug. ZH " 7ZTZT u everybody come to tne Star Bakery Let and get : 4 uavve vi iicau wivaw ivi sft,M9 cash 0 Mavaa. TELEGIiAiMMC. ThieeKew Vsel Wahui kotow, March. 11. Homing for the best and prepared fr tbe worst about represents the situation tn lbs war and navy departments there days. Tbe oh? cials still profess confidence tbat there is to be a peeceful ontc me of tbe preseut threatening d ffereocee, but, meanwhile, prepare with serenity to meet their duty, if events shape themselves otherwise. The most important and significant de velopments of the day were the decision of tbe bouse naval committee to place in tbe naval appropriation bill a provision for three new bjttle ships. The A tas ft Flrss Acrid at Astoria, March. 11 A serious acci dent hapcent to Frank Seel, a brakeman on the Astoria k OolutnbU Hivtr railroad, about z o'clock this morning, as a result bich he lost part of a foot Tbia supply train took a load of ties and rails np tbe road last night to be transferred at Clifton. Seeiy, while in the act of makiog a coup ling, slipped, and the wkeels of tbe engine ran over his right foot, mashing part of it into a jelly . tiea. Koeeeraws stead Lob A Cat. March, 11 General William Starke Rosearans, died at 7 o clock this ru ore m 2 at bis home oesr Redonbo. General Roeecrans' death was peaceful in tbe extreme. 'or several days be bad been between life and death, at times on conscious and again in a comatoes state -Trsrks la Be Elevate Cflictoo, March 11 Twen:y miles of railroad tracks will be elevated in this city this sumoier. The cost of tbe wcrk will be about I8.000.OX). and will give em plojment to Zd.OUO men. A ateM la-warsaaa VaJfcouvaa. March 11. Henry Har- rold, of La Center, wbo was in the city yesterday, says a bold highwayman bas been operating with considerable profit to bimsell and morn terror to tbe people in the vicinitv of RiHa-efie'd, for severs I weeks, lie says bs bimsvif was a victim of the road agent ine day last week being relieved of $93. Vaejalaa ravae) Washimotos, March 10. Tbe senate committee on commerse baa r-dorted ad versely on he proposed amendments to tbe sundry civil appropriation bill providing for river and harbor improvements, wbicb do not provide for improvements nndt r tbe coiiunnoos contract e-stem and for which estimate bare not beeo made. This diaion bas tbe effect ot ruling out all tbe amendments of tbia character, except l be ona off ere J by Sen at r McBride, pro viding for tbe improvement rf Ysquina! bsrbor tn Oregon, and pn,pri.ting: 153 I 000 for Ibis purpose, nn action was recommended A Sew Pattr Madbjd. March. 10 PoMi"l and financial circles here realize that Spain, is facing a g ave problem In view of the attituJe of tbe United Sta'e. it ia under stood the Spsnub river, tn-ui ba ebangei its po lev toward Cuba and is now courting the co oneration of the Cuban coostitu ti'msl party, urging- tbe maiotainaace of volunteers and the naoUbiuK of tbe cam Dai I a against the insorcenle. thus giving the miiiUrj po'ie predominesce over diptomaey. aewaaiiweal s-reerewlag Topekia. Kao.. Jarcn 10 The popu list administration of tbe state i f Eaasas cave out a atariling? boblkt addes today one bristling vritn severe criusra of the re-wot decision of ine Unilrq States o preme court in the Kebruka maximum freight case . Tbe address is significant ia that Governor Lsrdy baa already taken steps preitmioery lo ca'llng the state leg islature tn special sreuon. wun toe espec ial puroose of enacting a maximum L-eicht law. tarly BeaweS tsaee1 Ket Wi:st. Mare-. 10. The I'oited States dispatch boal Fern arrived thi morning from Havana Tbe Coiled States battle sip Iowa bas sailei fjr Tortujraa, The lorsedo boal Porter a5- sai'ed for Tortugaa with mail for tbe rlwt. The en tmaht the Maine's silver ware and CO riSrs rroivtr d from tbe wreck. Mr. i:-ell, stewogTaoher ot the court of roqiirr. was uo board. Both of the stenograpberi have now left the court, and it has oof a teropersrv clerk. This leads many here to ihior tbat its work is aract icaJly dose. Ss Bat lag War ahtsw WajtawoTOS'. March 10. Tne United States gweratneut bas not acquire 1 a sto gie additional ship for tbe navy. This is tru. simp'y for the reason that tbe navy ! dedartmeat proceed in with ail tbe cir compecuoa cjesistaat with Ibe nee-Js of the ce in looking lo tb peioee aod qaai i ill's of tbe craft tbere is a strong; di-posi tioa lo refraia frombeing draws into bad barga'tu. a ratal f asTTLfi. March. 9. PaeoevT on the "eam-r Hambo'L woirb arrived bexv earl) tbi momisg frrtn fl ea and ?k air way, tring tbe srwi tha on Use night of March 3. a &. mcorwd at Din. in which it is thcagbt five pwenos piishd Ibe fir broke on in the Every One's Home btitej. completely destroying tbe boei and an adjoin'og taicn and aKCehNtwe. Over IW irou wer- sloeping in h- h wel Ihe tdi of BeH 3ilek. o' Port'ed. and Go K-llr. of Jutewu. bad r a taken out Tbe body n an onk-nwn - ni bad a9 beea recovered. It w t a b that tbe remains f i lor . ea arr- in the ruics. Ieare latl'ali Waenisoro!, Mnrr . 9 Ibere were fewer signs of exoixu-n nl t aste at ib war aod nary dei rtti! : '.lsr, and the preparations being tn d - nemd put tioi; tb army and navy iu ffi -i-n' con dittoo are now going on wit nutte nrethod an t lews exhibition of iev-'sb of pnreht;oo (ban chars- er.a-f 'he pro ceedings in Ihe lst few ia Tbere is a general expression of bMet ta tor a titne at least tbere e no pre spec of a hnc'ilp col.ision, atd what seeiue n a crisis bas rafi-lT paswu. esa-aieas ef ratines WasniaoTOK, March. 9. President Mefcvtnley' hands bsve t-n upheld by both branches of tbe American congreaj. With enthusiasm, favor and promptness, almost nnparleted in the senate in time of prate, that body today pa-sed tbe emergen cy appropriation bill, carrying $183,000 for deficiencies and placing at the disposal of tbe president 60,1)00.000 for national defense. The Orem-a Saji Francisco, March, 9 The battle hip Orsaron arrived this morning from Pugetaouod. It is reported the cruiser Olympia, no on duty at the Asittic sta tion, bas been ordered to proceed to Boa o'ulu tbe I5tb of this m'ntb. and remain there for orders. The cruiser B-ltimore will leave Honolulu for the Asiatic station April 1. The Sew riaa Ottawa, March, 9. It is officially an nounced that tbe Domini, n government will supplant the mounted police now in the Ynkon territory by a portion ut tbe permanent military fcrces of tbe Domin ion Ibe contingent will be drafted from tbe various military stations, and will in dude the best infantry and artillerymen. a Big Cat MtKKRArous. March.9. rhe Northern Pacific, and tbe Great Nor'hern today cut rates to Seattle to $10 to meet tbe Soo's slash, which is effective tomorrow. The rate war lor the Klondike buineie ia now at ita height. HORN. COUOII. On March 7, in Albany, f Mr. aod Mrs. S. B. Uouch, twin sons' Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrtfy In the stomach. Then follow dizziness, beadache, insomlna, nervousness, and. sPiiisi: ft not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning., Hood'i nils stimulate the stomach. rouse tho liver, cure headache, dirtiness, con. stlnation, eta. 45 cents. 8ott ly all tlrunRtsts. The only fills to take with J ztuuu s i Sarsaparllla, 'IRL WANTED To do general housework Call at this office. LOST. A pair of gold rimmed spec aclcs. Return to Mrs. F. M. Redfield. MISFITS. Tbe jokes about the messangar boy will have to stop. He now rides a bi cycle and it ia bis pride to scorch there ahead of time Some one in Pendleton poisoned a fine dog belonging to an . O. man, and now tbat paper is sailing into the dog poison er red hot, giving him what he deserves. A man in tbe Dalles tost a 150 bill and immediately offered a reward of f 25 for us return, tie might aa wen nave oi fered the whole bill nowadaya. It is renorted that the noonltata ot Linn county are a unit for tbe i,omi na tion of 11 O Watson for circuit judge. Mr Watson is and alwava haa been a democrat. Salem Journal. Gen. Lee la all right. He says if Spain wishes to declare any or all of na persons ncn grata it is her privilege to do so. bnt ii we must leave town, we will leave with tbe American flag flying and a brass nana at ine uead of ttie procession. A Salem real estate man baa an ad vertisement in a local paper in monrning, advertising a business block for sale for $3,600 that we understand was valued at 110,000 or $12,000 a few years ago. Figures gather strength, like a snow ball.aa tbey go. The $1600 em teazled by the Newport W. F. agent, bad increased to $16,000 when it reached Astoria, i If another figure can be added it will in-1 anre tbe discbarge of tbe defendant. Woodburn bas a free silver club called the Abraham Lincoln Bimetallic Club Dr. Uniss, formerly of this city, is one of tbe leading members and principal speakers at iu meetings. It is reported tbat President McKinley will aak congress in a message to recog niset tbe independence of Cuba. Tne people of tbe country generally will aus tain such a course. The Cubans have earned their freedom. Let tbem have it. We bave almost forgotten what tbe politics of Fitxbogb Lee are, bnt he ia all right whatever tbey are. lie is juat the man to be at Havana during a time tbat tries a man's metal. Only a man ol 44 calibre cooM look' after tbe interests of the United States at a time like tbe pres ent, An amituar play waa being presented at Junction a few nights ago when it waa loond in tbe middle of Ihe first act tbat one of the principal cb traders was toe drunk to proceed. The curtain was drop ped and tbe money refunded. Another trial will be made in a few davs. Tbe manner in which the congress men united in voting $50,000 000 for tbe defense of the nation aod for war ii it shall occur, speaks very emphatically of the fact that wben it comes to a love of our country there ia no politics, ihooh narrow minded men occasionally seek to make people believe there is. Itis reported tbat tbe government bas a'.ready actually spent $500,000 for rein deers for tbe Klondike relief expedition which hss already been e'eciared ofL For which we have Senator Uecrgw W. Mo ri ride to thank more than anv one etss. This will go down in history aa the worst sooi measure on recora. Ooce a year tbe Eugene papers boast of having more school children wbo draw public money than Albany and give it as an evidence of the larger pupnlation of Eogene. The DntoraAT is inforrred that the Eocene district takes ia the eoantry for miles around, evm across tbe river. Tbe Albany district is practically confined to tbe city limits. Ia OLio a candidate for office has to file a asoro statement of his expendi tures In the statement of Mayor Good of Springfield appeared tbe following: "Meeting old acquaintances and forming aew one, with the s mount expended Tbe matter was taken into coort and be waa onsted from office. Good. Savonarola and the Citizen on tbe Throne, the Gold Seeking Altruists, with Brain and Brawn, will Emancipate the Laboring; Mao from Radicalism and tbe Danger of Urerconfideoce In Electricity, Past, Present and Future, at tte opera bouse to-nigbt. Probably tne imaneoe stt audience in the history cf the opera boose will see it cone. Admission 25 end S3 cents. The Wslls-Fsrro ExDresa Comnane baa done a very graceful act of apprecia-f ciatioo, of McMinnv.le. H Bryant, of tion for it Portland emplovee, says the j Albany, ooe of tbe trustees of tbe aseo Telegram. From she headquarter comes 'eiatton, and T Henneas. agent, came .he proffer to F.ogene Sbebr, the agent I orct ysstrrday and adjusted the lose. nere, in at membership to the loang! Men's Cfaristisn Association will be' bought by tberompanvasacomcliment ary gift to i employes who so desire it. Every where t It -ieuiand is Kr upright, reliable young mn.. A semi-o(Bciai news ayency of Xew York issuei tbe following announce ment: "Alter brief uneasiness tbere is a general belief tbat the peace will not be broken and that the relations between Spain and tbe United States will con tinue amicable. Political personages asset t that the latest renattional dis patches are comp etely wrong in attrib uting an aggreteive arpect to diplomatic relations between the two governments, which have not for a single moment lost tbeir friendly character." Ed Umpbrey, of Lebanon, writing from Dvea says : - i sa, , itonan lor uvea: a citv tw 1 as,, Hurt ah for Dyeala city two months old, with hotels, electric ligh's. i eiaam neat, miners. atg, women. In- diena nM.r, .nH t i t gfc w..w as wuu Kiwua VI WUIVV M just saw a team of nine Alaaka do.e. A lady was taking her friends oot for a ride. There were five in tbe sleigh and tbey west firing over the snow. Every body ia dressed in heavy clothes, furs, mackinaws, German socks, Indian shoes any way to keep warm Tbe ther mometer registers 10 below aero in Dvea, but tbe prices are as high as Chilcoot psss; I dare aay big be.-. Solomon Brown, of Salem, a relative of John Brown, begins a log article in the Journal as follows: Who is this Haw ley, with his hyena instincts? This man whose chief delight seems to be to destroy in the mines of the young their veneration for the noble dead? 1 never heard of him until I came to Salem. Per haps he may say I am a back number, to which I would reply that I hare heard Baron Yon liumbolt.GeoFrancia Train, Mark Twain, and Rev. O O. Brown. Is this young fellow seeking to obtain a national reputation, because his local fame is about worn out by his persistent determination to keep bis name before the public, in one way or another? Judge Hewitt Lectured. Yesterday evening the Willamette Un iversity law students were agreeable eur- ?rised by a visit from the Hon II. Ii. lewiit one of the circuit jucgee of this district. Judge Hewitt is at present in the city attending a term ot court and at the request of S. T. Richardson, dean of the law faculty, the judge went to the class-room and gava an excellent lecture on the subject ot answers in pleading. This is a very practical matter, ami at the aame time one of the most difficult and perplexing to lawyers. Ths lecture was comprehensive and able; the matter waa presented in a very lucid manner and was greaily appreciated by the stu oents. I It is impossible to give a synopsis of the lecture and do it justice. Judge Hewitt's lecture is greatly prised uy sun siuueuia ana tne next time be can be induced to deliver another he will be -S .L l-7"'JT . . i , . -v.u,uv i iiuuvgn anu ineir menus. statesman. Gradwolrl . Informs the general public that he tell as low as auybj ty in the city for taata. Come and gvt prices before you bus April 1st, 1897 . J. Ueadwobi- Legal Blmks we have 'em P Hilar -""! iwira aaa 1 .- I Pure, PeerSe .1 "! LEBAXOX. From the Express: George Elk'ns bss resigned his posi tion in the paper mill and will leave this week for W ashington, expecting to nna work in that state. At tbe annual school election hell in this city laet Monday J G Reed was elected oiro-tor ani 8 M Garlan-i re elected clerk. Miss Maud Aldricb returned borne Monday from Albany, whets she baa been visiting several day with i M Mark's family. George L Alexander, editor of tbe Ad vance, is spoken of aa a candidate for rate printer on the populist ticket. Georgs is a first class man for tbat p- sition. O L and W It Mealey, of Foster, were In Lebanon last Saturday, on their way ta the cold fields of Alaska, Tbey are used to the mountains and fro well pre pared for tbe trip. Tbey went to Seattle to go on a steamer from tbat point. Frank Woods, the tombstone man of Albany, was ia this city Monday, and made contracts to put np two new stones, one over tbe grave of Jos Buhl sod the other over the grave of Mrs Scaniand. Mrs I M Balaton, of Albany, was in Lebanon Friday and S ttnrday in the in terest of improving tne cemetery cere Mrs Ra'ston is certainly entitled to much credit for tbe active interest sh has taken In this work. She has suc ceeded in raising considerable moner, besides several days' work, a pomp and other improretaeits, nd work has ai reedy commejeed Ail tbia is dae to Mrs Balaton's praiseworthy efforts. Oor citizens were startled early Mon day morning by aa alarm of firs. : It was soon discovered that tne fire was: at the residence of John Nichols. The fire originated from a deiectivo flue ia tbe kitchen and had gained considerable headway wbea discovered. Tbe fire company responded promptly ani did such effective work that tbey soon had the fire nnder control, and tbe boose wss saved, tbongh it waa sondes fast damaged, of coarse The building was ' injured in the Oregon Fire Keiief Asso- The Newest At thesorof ill t Stark Jewelry you will get the farts, and Facts ni a 6ne etoek of goods to selext from. Itis np tidal ad j iwciude tbe best lines of warcb and clocks asd all kinds of iewelrv. Their line of stlveaware is extra aod they have many noveltks tbat will fase. TO CURE ACOLt INOXE.DAT. Tain Lttuivs Broat Q::a:n Tablets All 0.-ug-its rnfua J tne ua o ty Cure, S5c if't fsil A thrill nf ira. la xpeneaewd when a brassy coab of croap eoatH1' rrtogh the i linen c niaBt MS am tens)- u r nna ga to react after Una alinate Las : are has been adniasstered Safe and bar aleae or children J A Caaamiag Home t irst. Th WnrM nfT. rarar.W Ret crood I irrcceiiea for vourfami'v. Conn at Hus ton keep the best, which thev sell at the j b. nri 10 T':1 posiioie price. rreah vegetables and fruits acrordies to tbe seascn. always on bscd A fine line of crockery. Beaalr la lllwew Drra. Clcan blood tneans a clean skin. Xo beauty without it. Cascarets. Candy Cathar tic clean yonr blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the laxy liver and driving all im purities from the bodv. ltegin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, biackheada, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets. beauty for ten rents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, Sac, 50c CaSTORIA Foe I&i&at3 and CMldrea. Tas& SB! Stfsa:: ef NO CURE-NO PAY. Tbat ia the wvy all dru-olsls sell UllOVETSTASTKLISS CHILL TS1C lor fuainria, fbllls and. Fever. It ta aim my iron and quinine in a tasteless lorrn. tnniien .ore n. Adults prefer t to Oit'er, aaasssuinx Tonics - Prion. SOe Clean Printing, we are doing; it. Smilkt. TOCU1EA G LD IN O.N c: DAT Tke Lixtiive B.-ta Qiintaa tablets. All drug,' refund the ra xiey if It fails ouure. zi. IUCCKE A COLU 1XOXK DAY. llt'lutllr- t ilt, Qll unt Tial 4,11 t- f Al tl It .ntliv If it fail o l u.e or . MT. T isre are thre JUule things mo'e wurk than any other thi hich d-. lilts thlots ortvi hoy are the aat. .... . . ' tn be ' , u ' V iT ,rT XL lU p.lls for Stol ia t mack aad liv ir )abl I A Camming After years of untold Auff-iing from piles, B W Parsall nf KoitnerviUe,", wasoarsd bv using a single box f la Witt's Witch Bsasl Salvs tkio dissasss such aa ecirma, rash, pimp'ss a. id ohiuoate.scrss are read tly cur 1 by tola Lamoas rsmsJy J A Camming To Care ConalloaUoa ran, Take cascarets Candy Cathartic 10s or SSo. It ti C. C fail to curs, druguta refund money. II l ' T" l -e- TV eaeeweewnaaweaee -SVAJaAs'V, m S00 PACIFIC LINE. m Ta, W M TailiPuSiitilas- i Solid vestibule traics. consisting of psJ- ace sleeping car, luxntoos dining; can, i elegant day coaches, niesinceat toenat"' cars tad tree cokmiss. saepen uwu. diic to the Atiaatic without change V corr DiaaxT aso cHXArasT eoctb r Kootenay District s-AiTsr, jrrw parvaa. slocax crrv, SSXS05, uuo, TBAU, aossLASa Ae All points the Okaaagaa Cocatry. - -J.LaS n a full iofKw: w e r ."r -ear of this wonierful coaatry. Ask tbeaesH j fee a copy of the miaisg laws U Britasr I Cohxmbia. I Lowes rates o and fraaa I Atlantic eteamebip inea. Canadian Pac. Ry. Ca's Hoyal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan Cajiadias acsraAUAjs aonotxijc, iui axd acstshis. TK elww-mt litie to tne CcioaUs. naraen carrv an eiof-rieaoed BWica.! aad a stewaidcas on every voyage for time Ubfca parnpbktm. or aay ia- orwiatxa. call oa or addreas 5 H STTFLE A CO. Agents. Albany Or. KJOOTLK. Aa- t. 146 llrnS BU. rors- asd. Vt- GEO. McL. BROWS. D P. A. Vancouver. o-1- EAST AND-SOUTH via THE SHASTA ROUT OF THE Southern Pacific Co. CkJdU Cxntw Tintaa .sen DnU) S-en r lIIi mI teas I Lv AJnanv Ar I &-S- a 7 .4a a a I Ar LviSasi Vh,re trifns e-oo at sa"lons be twera Ki, .;in.l ana oateni m MsrVtw. Jeffwx Ainany Tartfieat, Sfcedd, Balsey fcrnt rwtGmi. Draia. OakUsd asd a j ii.t,,ma frari RoaBbBrs- sonh to asd lH dadicg- Ashland. fcSB a I L ar Sn lr a L JcJBra ar brl ISsSra LrlTI'iit Lenre AltaaT tcr Khnaesi ton as Aibeav troas L jhsniia Lcnrw Albaav for IjattaBMI Arrtra at Albany Sraas 1 1 Senna PUUXAt Bl)-FU SLEEP! AJIO Dininfr Cars on Cirden Rotite SECOND-CUSS SlEtFINB CAB- Attwcbea te all Tttrewab Trwtws eVews ate Mvlalwa. srrwKnUi r-warivAia ab camsaiaia Man va lull ( BaltkBAXU SSSaB I It Sett -and alJv ItHSPSlAr Cw i r 1 These. reruaa4 aibnav BiaiSiw iianisaAScai " 8-JSaaJ ISdS srf bv II earn - - KxpeaaiTraia OtUl(exeast 440ra, Lr T so ra i Ar rVrOaoJ McJaiaaTine Ar I rts a a tvlss a a Lv 1 a s0 A SStfra 1 Ar tXrect eowowtion al Sa FrooCTtce wHS OecVll. and Orwstnl end Paeiae atail sseassehta bees as JAFAStaae CHINA Saiiim date, oa apoiKWlvow Raise sad ueketa Is eenera mats mad Cnresa to JAPAN. CHISA. HOSOLCLP and ACSTR LIA can W oatwaed trees K rKeNK, Aesat Albaav or C H WIS SI B,COKLSh CBMAKKBAa. Maeaxer Sen F a P A Port' and On tXLCUTra'S K3TICE To all ihecnditors snl persons later ested in the estate of Rebecca Smith, de ceased, yon are he eby aotiied that 1 have been duly appointed eiecntor of said ertafsV bv the county wrt of Lisa county, Ot""' goa, therefore, all persosa having claiB-rs against said estate are hcby notiSed and requUed to present the same to me with j tbe paper voucners. at n iaw om w R Bilyea in Albany. Line coua'y, Orefroa. within si v months from the date h-reot. Dated this 1st dav of Januaty, lc98. Sam i" el K kadkr. Executor iK.a as A Tmda Xarks obtain et and all TaS est business coadarted foe M wderata Fee. SeadmoIel.arawi9torpni. wasavteein natniahierrMiorchar?. Onrfeeaotdnsaii' patentisseenred. A Pampb let "How toOS-S tela Fntenta,- wita eoes or unsis tao fc. ami torstsnoomiirtes swat Pwa. C A. SNOW & CO. Osses, Pmrmwr OtrvM. WasmcMTOw!. D. & SaVsVaVVgagr' K. O. T. M. every Saturday ball. Vlsitim- Knights iaviied. XT, A. Cox, Cominaader, A r V. s a 4 1 i