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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1898)
. . The Dress Goods Department Is full of, new things to interest and en tertain you . Spring dress rood are opened every day. New. Organdies & Dimities dis played in tbe east window. New Dimities at 8, I2 & 15 i. New Organdies, special value, at 253, S E Young & Son, Albany, Oregon. Ci milUAA Ground Floor Dental Office. Tard Lhtler, Assistant. Broada'bin, St., Albany, Or. -The Ladies Bazaar-... -.gpsrlal Valaes la Black -os Skill . Monaay, Tuesday, Wednesday - i T?ill hare on sale a line of figured Alpacca at $1.63 L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON. CIRCUIT COURT. DKl-ARTMKXT 1. G.H. BCRSKTT. JCDGB. Court convened at 9 o'clock today with fudge Burnett on the bench. W. H. warner and U. T. Glover were appoint ed bailiff The docket was run through the brat time in' 25 minutes. Only two cases were announced for trial. The grand jury will probably not present more tbau on a case for trial. The fol lowing business was disposed of : Tb following grand jury was drawn: H J Hopkins, Geo S'eirs, B Henderson, Peter Hume, W W Water., Worth Houston, A C Gaines. S Young agt J A Smith, rec money, attachment. Settled. S E Young agt E R Case, rec money, a Uch. Settled. Sarab J Elder agt J A McBride, et al, partition. Continued. Assignment of flank of Oregon Final account filed and affirmed, and repot t .approved. Continued James Nanny et al agt Louisa D Set itlemire et al, partition. Continued. Laura A Caldwell vs tla C Caldwel', ;patition. Continued. E L Sabin agt J G Gross, rec money, attachment. Continued. J) P Miller agt BTH Rhodes, remove rr meney. Settled. Assignment L E Biain. Con tinned. Albany B &. L Asa'n ao-t V A head et al. Foreclosure. Will be etUed this term 1 P J Sharp agt W B Gilson. rec money. J udgment for plaintiff bv default. Advance Thresher Co "agt Max Hale, rec money, attachment. Settled. L J Houk, aumr, agt Clvde Beach and E A Beach, rec money, attach. Settled Robert Andrews agt A J Pitner, rec money, attach. Settled. D Andrews agt W ii Smith, rec money attach. Judgment for plaintiff bv deflt. JE McXary agt R Q Keene and 'Emma A Keene, rec money, attach. Settled. (state agt John Haley, assault with dangerous weapon. -. f lead gniltv to simple assault. Will be sentenced to morrow at 9 a. m. State agt Lee French and Jerome Mil ler, indicted tor forgery, committed An December 14, 1807. Will plead Wednes day at 9a.m. London & San Francisco Baok.limiteJ, gt J W Patterson et al. suit on bond. Tried by jury. Yetvict for defendant. Charles Atschul act W.lliam Slavens, recovery of land. Nonsuit by plaintiff. Robt Harrison, as administrator of the, estate of Jos Harrison, deceased, ag' joho xiarriaon, recovery money, attacn mem. j nagment tor plaintiff. Er-gle Woolen Mills Co agt Geo Finle and J C Cox, rec money. Judgment by ueiaun against J J vox only. . UonUn ued as to Fin ley. Daniel Q Miller agt L B WiUell et'al, rec monev, attach. JaJgment by de fault. State of Oregon agt C Morgan, robbing Japanese section house at Halsev. In dicted. Cash bail of $250 forfeited Case continued. O egonagtO Smith, giving liquor to minor. Fined $50 or 2-i days imprison. ; ment. v Oregon agt C Smith, givirg liquor to t minor. Dismissed. State of Oregon agt Lee French and r'Jerome Miller. Plead not guilty. Sep arate trials granted and cases continues. Grand jury adjourned Tuesday even ting without making a report. Petit jury was discharged Wednesday lorenoon. The Mc Y inn ville N Entertainment Only a small audiecce attended the en tertainment last Saturday night given by tbe McMinnville athletes, but they were repaid by feeing given a very enjoyable amateur entertainment. Five young men gave an excellent performance on the boruontc! bar, rings, mat and par allels, doing many .difficult tricks. They were assisted by John Talt and Bob Chambers of this city, who gave a eplen- loTmer with electric light effect. Inter- soersed were several solos bv Miss Kath arine Glen, a contralto, with a beautiful -voice thoroughly cultivated. This wss a treat and it is to be regretted that it was not known before hand that Miss Glen -was to sing. Also some well performed piano solos by Miss Barrett. The Mc Minnville young people at least made iseveral warm friends. Deplorable. Ketnrning passengers ffrim Skagwby state that when the last steamer left that place for the south there were over 200 passengers wbo bid ngag ed passage, but did not leave because the 'boat puroosei lett ux Hours aneaa ot ahe scheduled time. The steamship com tnanies do not want to bring passengers itois way it hurts tbeir business on the mo run. Anotner report says mat pig sable-bodied men are walking the streets .of Skagway and Dyea crying like little cnildren because they cannot get away Jfrom there. Many of them - have no Tuonen and they are afraid of an epidem ic even more severe thin now pravalent. Ex. Euorss agt. salmi. After being de feated by the Albany indoor bare ball team the Eagene team went to Salem nd played tbe Y. M C. A team of tbat -city, composed of tbe following members last Saturday night : Eaans, Terrell, DUque, Bradshaw, 6 and A. Olioger, Chase. Cox, Moir, the battery being Chase and Disque. The scoie in six inn- J ings was 15 to 13 in favor of Salem. This speaks for the splendid victory of tbe . Albany club. - ' Hoob Robbbo. While Mr. H. C. ' Harkness and family were at cburcn last evoning burglais entered tbe residence . and ransacked things generally for jew- elrv and money. Of the former tbey se (cured a bracelet and tbiee rings, of tbe Hatter nothing. Some Sabbath school money in an envelope was left. . Casad Attorney O. P. Coshow has a new cane wbicn he prizes very highly It was presented to him by Dr O B Keese, ot Brownsville, the same gentle1 man who "eaned" Hjii V J jJrraa and Governor W P Lord Dr Reese Is a aoe "specialist," puttimr his idle time iu fashioning unique sticks of all eizes and styles Roseburg Review. To Core Constipation Forevor. Take Coscarets Candy Cathartic. lOoertSe. If C. C. C. tail to cure, druggiata refund money. MTSTERIOUS EXPERIENCE. I ., Mr. J. H. Howard returned Saturday aight on tbe overland from Uuion, ac companied by Ream K. Findley, wbo had met with a thrilling expeiience near that place. Mr. Undiey's account of the affair makes the experience a re markabie one. When Mr. Findley left Albany he was accompanied by James Ooeti, a barketper from Medford, and they traveled together. Alter leaving Portland Ooeti borrowed (20 of Findley, promising to repay it at Omaha, where be would receive some money. A few miles this tide of Union at ' Hot Lake Findley left tbe car to go into the smok ing car ahead He remembers stepping from the end of the first car to that of tbe smokes, and that is all for two or three days afterwards. He either fell off or was shoved off tbe car, he believes the latter. This happened abont 9 :30 o'clock Monday morning The next day he was found by a young man named Skiff, who thought from hi actions that I he was insane. He was taken to Union by Sheriff Phy, who ionnd letter on him which showed where he was from. I'. was thought that there bad been a -con cussion of the brain, bis head being bad ly bruised, and he bad no knowledge of his surroundings. Even when Mr. How ard arrived his wind was unbalanced And he told him that thev were trying to hang him, that they had fixed up the gallows, bat it had fallen three times and they couldn't make it stand. He recoveied con scionsoes soon after and they started for home Mr bind ley af terwarts found that his value, which had been with him in the car had been rifled and that besides the $20 he was oat several more dollar?. The circum stances have attached suspicions toCoeti, but the nature of the affair is such that it will probably never be proven how the accident happened. As th train was going at full speed it is the greatest won der 10 the world that Mr. Findley was not killed, and he feels that be had a remarkable escape from death. The Conttst Figures Tbe interest in the recent oratorical cinieet has continued. So many re quests have been made for he publica tion of tbe figures showing the standing of the contestants that we .give them in foil: Composition Delivery Average Gilstrap 87 74 804 Van Wink'e Rugg Haskell Woodward Murch 85,' 91 H 89' ml 93 90 67 86 76 74S' 83.4' 80 76 1 6 82 5 6 81S 88 1-6 84li' 90S' Thompson Wallace Wight 92 91 i 91S-B In comDosition Benson's figures varied from 85 on Woodward to 99 on Murch : Gaotenber'a from 85 on Gilstrap to 95 on Wight: Penrose's from 76 on an Winks to 81 on Murch. While Benson marked Miss Rugg 90. Penroee save her 81. f be figures of the iudreson delivery in detail were as follows: Wire Gilstrap 93. Van Winkle 82, Rugg 94, Haekeil 93. w rodward 94, March 9o, Thompson 90, Wallace 97, Wight. 95. Baker's Gil strap 80, Van Winkle 75, Rngg 90, Has kell 85. Woodward 80, Murch 90, Thorop soi 75, Wallace 95. Wight. 90. Miller's Gilstrap 50. Van Winkle 40, Rugg 70, Haskell 6o. Woodward 50, Murch 65, Thompson 75, Wallace 80, Wight 90. ibe Judges were selected by the exec utive committee of the state association. and the figures ot mil ibe judges show that tne meaat went into worthy hands. Mr. Jacob Lingrea went to Salem this noon. Mies Murry came op from Salem this noon. Miss Jennie Clayton, of Portland is in the city. Miss Julia Taylor, of the Gates school is In the city. Dr Trimble has relumed from tbe Hospital at Portland and will be at bis office after today as usual . Mr. J. C. Roe, cf Berry ,Ieit this morn ing on a visit to ber former home n Pennsylvania, traveling with Miss Cun diff . Mr. Yard Littler will leave tomorrow for Indians. He has made many frien ds in Albany wbo will hope to see him re turn . Miss Mary Candiff left on the over- j land this morning for Chicago, where she will take epecial lessons under Chi- j cago'a Lest instructors in elocution. Mr. Ed. Crossen, a leading merchant of Elgin, E. O., spent Sunday with Albany friends. Mr. Croseen was a former Al bany yonng man, attending school here, euerwaroa at fcuzene and Stanford. Tboe. Bryant, of Ashland, brother of Mr Hab Bryant, of this city, died at bis home in that city last Saturday of Pneumonia. His brother was with him at tbe time. . He was a former resident of this county. State Organizer S. A. Baker and As sistant State Secretary E. O. Milierof the Prohihiti m party arrive! on the local today from Eugene, where they were in attendance at the Prohibition eonvea tionofthat county. Mr. Miller states that ihia is tbe first time Lane eonnty has had a prohibition ticket in the field for six years. Mr. Baker will speak tbia evening at 7:45 in the W.C r. U. ball on "Kansas and Kansas Prohibition." Admission free. Those Qcail The California quail recently received by Chris Vandran will be let loose nesr Ward's butte on the farm of Ira Turner. Hunters ate re quested to leave them alone. MARRIED. BATS DYS-ln Pnoenix, Arix.,on Wednesday. March 9, 1898. by Judge Ciouse, Mr. A. L. Bates and Mies Lois E Dyer. Mr. and Mrs. Bates were former reai dents of Linn county, the biide having been a teacher in the Albany schools at one time. They have many friends here who will wish them the success and happiness they richly deserve. Mr. Bates has bcugbta formandltity reside at Cold Water near Phoenix and make farming tbeir business. DIED. HEFFROS. In Albany, on Saturday evening. March 12, 1898. after an ill ness of abont one month, Mrs Har riet S. Heff ron, at tbe ag- of 47 years, Mrs . Heffron was a pioneer resident of Oregon. She wai a member of the O. P. church and of tbe Ladies of tbe G. A. R a faithful worker in both- Sbe leaves two children. Thomas of this city, and Mrs Beemis.of Benton, four sisters, and many friends, to mourn ber deatb. The deceased was born in Iowa, Sept. 3. 1851. In 1853 she immigrated with her father to Oregon and settled at the site where Moumouth now stands. In 1867 she married Seth R Hall who died in 1873. she then moved to Albany and in 1875 married Martin l. nenron wno died in 1884. Tbe funeral was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the remains were laid at rest in tbe city cemetery besides those ol toe oasband. n jCs :iu tA-i 9iWU!Cl tKvvH it wdrarup nq Pts wp eirei noA" it eonoX oq iiia 11 'spnos noq? jo ODuouadxa em noaq troq 1'IJ j5tn33j pojrj cqj )U0A3Jd jo auiOD -jdao pas soajdu jnoX uaqvSaaJIs 'sus&o 9Ansatp pun nrotuo)8 jnoA euoj 'aitpdd poo3 oieoaa 'qiivaq poo3 dn pnnq njM. 'aorjirpnrioj jodjjoo 'pj(os ei tfljAi. pus 'pooiq oqj qojjaa pu bzv jund hial 'popaaa XpApsaadmi sf enuwhrsjgcj e.pooii jo pre oqi pa 'Sjl'l? Op ?OlltTB3 1 9118 eJTjdulJ 9 nf toA ptiv qjguojjg paMaaoj su 0At3 pnoqs pooiq jno os 'soajj eqi o?ai (jr( saixrsa Ubs qsojj oq ey j ! j I euioisXs iBorsAqcl jao uj ioz Jisa O.tinBd m opt Aiau jui uws vm WHEAT. Cbicafco May 104c. July 86?4C New York May 99UC. July 89tfo. San Francioco 84Xc Liverpool 3-20o higher. ivioany mo. The Messiah will be sgatn r resented at Salem one next Friday evening. Te division of the S- P. under mana ger Kohler is to be extended to Uunsmuir, and hereafter the road from Portland to that city will be under Manager Kouler. By a tvpographioal error tbe Democrat Saturday quoted granulated sugar at Mo Imam's at 18 pounds for II, whereas it snouia nave neen JO pounds for If. Burglar entered the residence of J. M. Shelley at Eugene one night recently and robbed Mr. Shellev's pants of $lO,taking lunuimcy larur oea room, ne and ma wife sleeping during the performance. The insurance carried by tbe late G. nr i i - . i ... i . i irvine in me "ooauion lodge was paid in full o his widow last Thursday morning, ins oruer ot w. vv. u curing an excellent record fur navinir its obligations promptly and in tbeir entirely. inuepenaence enterprise. iet(ii Ust. Following is the list of letters retnaiuing in the Postoftice at Albany, Linn county Oregou, March 15, 1898.- Persons calling for these letters must give the date on wbicn they were advertised. Allison, Mrs Maud Adaline.Mies Beth 3 Benbam, J R Cox, Mrs Caroline Case, Mrs Leona Frames, Mtas Sarah Field, B Hammond, John Krone, 1 - Little, Mrs Jat Mohr, J C Munn. R J Kwman, Mr W A Xicliols.Mrs Arnie M 3 N'usnaum., Mr Will Odiil, Mr Wm Smiih. J W Underwood. Mrs C J Whittaker, Mr Will Wheeler, Mr W Wallace, James Yon mans, Mr Balte 2 T. J. Stitkb. P H TUESDAY John Parker's Death From the Telegram : . When Ed McCormick, the restaurant man, was at Dawson City on February 3, he visited the hospital there. There were 43 patients confined. 22 of whom were afflicted with smrvy. The rest were fever and other ills. Mr. McCormick was aked if he knew John Parker, of Portland, who had just died of a complicated trouble, Mr Mc Cormick raid he did not remember him. He was then instructed to carry tbe news to the bereaved family. It was only yesterday that a f 'iend of the Parker family bore to them the sad news. They bad bear! nothing of Parker for some months, and did not know what had become of him. It was a sad bit of newj for the wife and children. Parker lived on Rodney avenue and Sullivan street. He was formerly pro prietor of the Albina saw mill, also n ex-councilman. He ent to Alaska on the first trip of the Elder. Not True. Albany. March 15, 1S93. Editor Democrat. While tbe election of school director was in progress yesterday, it was charg ed by a citixen of this city. tha. the ticket bearing the name of Mr. 8. N. Steele was an A P A ticket, and support ed by the A P A, and that Mr Steele was a member of the A PA. Now we the executive committee of the Albany Council of the A P A do denounce the charge against Mr Steele as false ani un true, as .Mr Steele is not a member cf the A P A, nor ever has been a member and furthermore the A P A had no in terest in the election. The Executive Committee of the Al bany Council A P A. Albany papers please copy. Dr. J. C. Littler went to Portland this morning and wi'l return tomorrow night. Aioysius Milner, daughter of E. A. Miiner, of PorJand, is visiting Albany friends. Cbas. A.Sbeibrede.lbewellknow law yer, has neen appointed commissioner of Alaska. I. D. Miller returnel several days ago from Fruitdale, Calif. He says there aie ten poor people there to one here. Editor J.R. Whitney of tbe Albany erald, spent Sunday in Eugene return- ng home on today's 10:0 local. Guard. The fourteen year old danshter of Mr nyder, residing on the Young farm, ied yesterday of diphtheria. Mr. Hatch, brother of the Capt of tbe Matbloma, came to A.banv this morning and went down the river on an inspecting tour. Mr. E. R. Montague has a bandaged nger, tbe result of a bite from Case's acg. made as he was entering tbe rear door of the cost office. Taylor, several veara a o a resi dent of Albany has located in Eugene, and Will open a bakery and confection- ry store' with Harry Holien. J. Lindgren and C. C. Hoeruc. promi nent lOUW men of Albany are in tbe city and will attend tbe local A O U W stag this evening. Salem Journal. MissAmy Ellis, of Howard. Minn, ar rived in Albany last night, having been net in Portland by her brother Dr. Ellis, od will r-peod tbe summer here aith im and ber sister. Miss Bertha Mr. Conrad Backer, of Millers, yester day took a tumble in bis barn which ne cessitated tbe calling of a doctor, and Dr mil attended bim. Jo bones were bro ken, though he was considerably bruised. Mr. John Simpson, of Corvallis. was in the city yesterday, looking remarka bly well after his California trip bile in the southern part of the state he met Ed Quinn, who is running a repair shop at Riverside, and Prof. J. D Letcher, formerly of tbeO. A. C, wbo has a pos ition in view there. L. W . Dsyoe passed tbroueh Toledo yesterdsy morning on his wsy home from tbe Sixes river country in Curry county. Mr. Deyoe and bis son have been prospecting for gold down in tbat country, and bas "Secured possession of six claims, and bas left his son there to work it. Toledo Leader. A farewell social was riven at the hnmt of the Misses Stafford last nivht bv the Epworth League of the M.E. church. in honor ot M r. V ard Littler who left tbis morning for the east to visit his old nome. Aearly cne hundred were pree vat. a literary and musical nroirram was rencerna ana every body en invert a social good time. Mr. Littler haa been for nearly three years assisting bis nncle v. tinier, tne dentist. He is a yonng man ot excellent qualities and bas uibub many mends in Albany. It is noped he msy return again to this city County taxes are now being paid. Ex-district attorney McCain has txum an. puiuu-u pvsiiuiutter at jucasinnville. n! . I .I . i i if ii- - Tbe tlain Co. have bousht tha stork nf goods of tbe O'Brien estate and will close it out at tbe same place beginning in a few days. Salem now has tbe champion Indoor base ball club in Oregon, having beaten Port- laud Saturday, besides every other club it has ever played At Eugene yesterday J H. MrClung de feated E R. bkipworth for school director receiving 255 vo'es to Skipwortb'tSSO Ibe contest was a warm one TO CURE A COLO IN ONEJDAY Talcs LtiiV4 Bm n Q f.alns rableta All D'Uf.'Uts rutin I lis noaty.lf it fel Cure. 25c. Clothiso Cheap. The Blain Co having bought the O'Brien bankrupt Btocx oi clothing, boots, shoes and fur nishings at a sacrifice, will sell tbe good at tbe O'Brien store at correspondingly tow prices giving some rare bargains. riease iriHigt upon bavins vour ore scriptlon filled according to the doctors or deis, and guard sgainst substitution. We 1 make a speciality in comuoundins- ores i cription, using pure, iresti dross In everv ww. vu yux re in accordance wun ins times. Try. os and be convinced. Burkhart ic Lee imibgtsts. : Hickory nuts at C E trownells. Every of Schillings Best tea is a sample. Your money back if you don't like it. WIIEAT. Chicsg3 104c at d 857,0. New York 99?b'o and 88'c. San Francioco 84c. Liverpool unchanged. Albany 64c. The School Election. Some interest was taken In the school election yesterday, though not a large vote was csst, only a few women voting. The rii'.t was as follows: For Director. John Foshay 166 S. N. Steele 167 For Clerk F. K. Allen 253 Scattering 5 Mr. Foshay is a former principal of the i Albany schools and has be-n a director times before, always serving tho uiuinci launiuiiy. Reuben Klger Injured. Word came to town at about four o'clo:k yesterday evening that Reuben Kiger.who resides about four miles north of Corvallis, was injured, probably fatal ly, wniie grunmng. it seems that Mr. Kiger was using a horse on a capstan and was in the path of the sweep, when the singletree broke This released the sweep, which flew back and struck him tn the back with terrible force. At tbe hour of gong to press he was reported as being in a bad condition. This morn ing's Corvallis Mite. Oaltville. The nice weather of last week caused some of our people to plant their early gardens. A large crowd of men assembled last Saturday afternoon to select delegates to tbe county convention of the Peoples party. Tbe delegates elected are: Walt Post. D A Wade. A O Miller, W H Mill bollea and Robert Smith. They are fa vorable to nnion of Ibe "silver forces." Judge Barton tuad ns a rati laU Sat nrday. He spent Sabbath with bis family here. Mr. A S. Stone made" us a present of three nice "cat fish" which were all right, and we are glad to announce that thrre is an abundance of "cat fish" in mnddy. The steamer "Hat tie Belle" is now rnnning on the upper river carrying wheat fr-im Peoria to Fischer's mills at Corvallis.. - We were awakened from our slumber one night last week by the strains of as nice mudic as we ever had the pleasure to lis'en to. We will not give tbe names of tbe singers ss they are some otoor best friends, but rill say "Come agaia we wiil listen." Tbe price of wbest seems to go Bp backwards and some ot the friends wisn ; they had sold ; bnt if tbe war goes on there will be a demand so cheer up. "But there wt'l be no wsr between tbe U. S. and Spain." Lmu Rosa Ben. Rtmca TtAGic. About 3:31 o'clock Sunday afternoon, A. U. Mojre, a son. of Chief Justice X. A. Moare, an attendant at the insane asylum, was thrown oat of a third story window at that institution by T. A Chat field, a patient, who after -wards jumped out himself in hopes of effecting an escape. By tbe fall which was about 42 feet. Mr. Moore sustained a very serious fracture of the left ankle and also Iractured his right wrist besides being considerably braised about the face. The patient, however, escaped more fortunately, in that he sustained no serious injury, fie very sever! v sprained bis right ankle and his left wrist. Joornsl. That Baowxsviu.K Boat. Tbe Emily N., a stern wheeler, built at Brownsville, Or., for tbe Yukon river, is at tbe foot of Salmon street, and will be Inspected to morrow. The Emily will not be used tor trading, but to carry supplies for her owners, who will prospect along tbe Yu kon. The parties interested are Captain ri. Mover, Ueorge Gentry, B. 8. Uoover and E. D. Mover Tbe steamer is 32 feet 5 inches long, 10 feet beam and 4 feet depth of hold. Her cabin can be knocked down and her machinery taken oat for the purpose of shipping ber to the 1 0Kn telegram. A rise About 10 o'clock last night tbe fire bell called oar citizens out to a blaze on Pennywlnkie creek. A Vacated l-st Saturday was discovered on fire, and was entirely consumed, being too fa down to secure water for the en gine when it reached the scene. Tbe building wss located on 2nd street, and was owned bv A. Uackleman. It was not insured Tramps were undoubtedly using it for a sleeping pi ace, and at least get the credit of starting tbe fire. ReeosTBD Chasgc There are well founded rumors of a change in the time table of the S. P. Under it. if carried into effect, tbe south bound overland will leave Portland at 4 o'clock, arriving hem at aaout 7 o'clock, passengers taking sup per here, tbe locals will vary about thirty minutes from the'present schedule. Mctbopolita. The metropolitan ap pearance ot the store of 8 E Young A Son is increasing. Tbey have last in troduced trolley cash system which is a bne thing and a credit to Albany as well as to the store. Died. In Portland. Thursday. March 10, 1898, Earl Cooser, son of Conductor bbsn" (Jonser. aged 17 years, of inter mittent fever. Conductor Cooser has just recovsred from a severe attackof the same malady, bar! was quite well known m Jusene . Guard. Mr Gsorge W . Taylor had to coma the shot gun act on a tramp who was (roing to have something to e it anyway If some one would pull tbe trigger on few of these fellows they would do the community atndness. . , Electric Light s fob Niw post.-Articles were filed at Saiem yesterday incorpor ating tbe Newport Electric Power and Light Co., with R. A. BensalL Wm. Mathews and E. Williams ss incorpora tors. Capital stock 13.000 This looks as if that city is to be lighted by electric- "7- XoTntwo to Do Wirrt It. D r Hill in forms the Dbmolkat that be had noth ing to do with the anonymous circular on tbe streets tday, and knew - nothing about it, notwithstanding reports to tbe contrary. He signs bis name right oat to bis articles. - Cototks. B. II. Irvine, of ' Canada. today left three coyote scalps at (be clprks office snd received a warrant for ibis is tbe only animal in Linn county tbat has a bounty on its scalp Dboppid Dead. Olive Knvken.lall daughter of Dr. K.uykendall, at Eugene, ure., uroppea aeaa inis morntnir vhil plsying with other girls on tbe school grounds. Death due to heart trouble. one was it years oi age. Eggs for Hatching at C E Browcells. TREATMENT FOR WEAK MEII. TRIAL WITHOUT EXPENSC. The famous A rmlltuinffA anil Rm-u. the Erie Med leal Co. no w for the Ant time ottered on trial wltboutexpense to sny honest man. NoS a dollar to be paid In advance. turo Effects of Errors or Excesses la Old or Youn, Fully Restored. Bow to Enlarge aftd Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Portions of Body. Absolutely unfailing Home Treatment. No C o. D. or other scheme. ManhftfMf plain oner by a arm of nigh standing. mic ftrntnit tin t ni aqada t fLMC IilLUIUKL UU. buffalo, n. vi L Package sot DEMOCR ATIC CO. CONVENTION The convention was (ailed to or.Ur at 1 10:15 o'clock by Hoo W u Bilyeu.chair- man ot tue democratic central commit tee. Hon W R Bilyeu was elected tempo rary chairman, ana r j bmiley -ami M senders lor secretaries Committees were appointed as fol fows: Credentials H W McElmurrv. fj Sbedd, J K Weatherford.Dr T C Mackej and L 11 Montanye. 1 The committee on credentials reportedM uionvBhiiirow uuaumuaiiy as published, with only a lew proxies. uoioomin or n on permanent or ganixation a M Garland, H Lvons, II Montanye. J 11 1'eery, I 0 Dickey Order of business M A Miller. GM Reeves, J D Arthurs, J ft Cartright. N G Rice. Tbe committee on permanent organi zation r-portediu favor of the tensor a ry organisation being the permanent or ganisation. Mr. Burkbart moved Ibat a committee of five be elected on conference with the peoples party. D Clifford opposed tbe motion. B M Miller and W ll Averill'were a,. pointed tellers. T J Munkera, W J Ribelsn, i. II Mon tanye, 0 C Jackson. Harrison Averi'l. J K Weatherford. O G Burkhart, CJ Shedd, Robt Miller, D D Hackleman. Uiram Powell. U G Cox, Geo i inley, S M Garland were placed in nomination Tbe ballot resulted in the nomination of tbe following: J K Weatherford, C 0 Jackson, T J Munkers, O J Shedd, 8 M tvarland. The following delegates were elected: W R Hilyeu,J K Weatherford.CC Jack son, D 8 Smith. M A Miller. 0 G Bark hart, Dr TO Mackey, W W Crawford, H O Wtason, J J Whitney, COooley, OH Stewart, Geo Finfey, 8 M Garland, Henry Lyons. The following committee on platform was appointed: M A Mi ler, Dr Mackey, J J Whitney. C O Lee. E Keebler, Wm Smith, A A Tuseing. Tbe committee on conference repotted action in favor of union with tbe follow ing division of ollices: Democrats Clerk assessor, treasurer, commissioner, surveyor, one so jator, one representa tive; Populists sheriff, recorder, sup erintendent, one senater, one represen tative and coroner. Silver republicans one representative. Adopted unani mously. Exchange of courtesies were mads ?be tween the three conventions. A plalfiirm was adopted and ths fol lowing nomina'ions msd: Senator Dr T C Mackey Representative Hon J j w hitoey. Clerk Frank Crabtree. Asses tor Geo M Dney. Treasurer F U Jack. Commissioner D C Swaoa. Surveyor Anthony Austia. caxrEAL ;x mar. West Albany D D Hackleman. Albany, C G Burkhart. Crawfordsville. D C Swann. Center, ueottWard. N Brownsville, C E Stanard. 8 Brownsville, W C Cooler. Hslsey, C V Jackson N Harrisborg, O P Hyde. . 8 Harrisborg, M W Canter. Sweet Home, & J McClure. Santiam, Frank Crabtree. Orleans. A S Stone. Price, R L Burkhart. Tangent, H t McElmnrry. Soda ville, J P Cbcsbir. Scio, Geo Morrow. Taliman, I E Archibald Syracn, E C. Meeker. Waterloo, L M Taylor. Franklin Botte, L VY Po-neroy. Jordan, J A Bilvea. N Lebanon. F C Hansard. S Lebaeon. 8 M.UailanJ. Sbedd, John Duncan. Rock Creek. 11 W Davis. Foster, Jerry Shea, Fox Valley. W E Potter. Shelborn, K L DeVaney. POPULIST COX VE STIO. The County Populist Convention was held In tbe opera boose beginning at 10:30, when it was called to order by E 0 Seal, chairman of the County Central Commit lee. For chairman C C Hogue and Mr Pal mer were named. Mr liogne was elect' ed by a rising vote unanimously. T L. Ltagger was e-ected secrecy. Tne iMiowicgcommilteeon credentials was appointed: It B Sprenger, V Hardin, E C Seal, J A McBride and Cbas Sbaw. Committee on order 01 busmesn, I L Jones, T M Munkers, J 6 Smito, Tbos t reman, Chas Shaw. Geo L Sutherland was elected secre tary. Tbe committee on conference was se- lecte I: T M Mnnkers, C D Stein, Vol ney Roboett J J Baser, 11 M Palmer. Tbe following delegates were reported entitled to seats: Halsey Frank Leevsr N H arris bura Cbas KUer.Jode Pearl, M C B.-ge-s, Coo Meyers. Fox alley Geo McLane. A T Z Jm- alt. A II WyalU roster G Wbilcome. V A Spencer, M Kidder- Jordan B II Irvine. F Huber. A M Sbelton, W H Miller, J W Frost. j Taliman U STroutman. J u bwans.! South Hamsburg J R Bockman, J J Baker, J E Coleman, A J Hill. Sweet Home W li Kirk. S Wood. A J Jenkins, John Mayfie d, F M Barr, J R Orchard Rock Creek-T J McClaiy. E C Seal, Oscar Dilley, Elmer Hester. Franklin Butte. D Mre. A U 1V.U, G L Sutherland. Albany T L Dagger, C O Hogae. East Albany W F iiammer.D L Curl. J S Smith, 8 Merged. west Albany Asa LueUiag, li Pal mer. Shedd John A McBride. V W Rob- nut, 8 P Brock, Martin Thomas and H b bprenger. tangent A Blevins. I J Beard and i W Holman Shelburn S P Munkers, A D Wood manse, John bmallman, A r uoocu Jesse Beard. Price O M Burkhart. J Ciem, Thos Froman. Jas Shelton. O L Sbaw, J R Donslas. Crawtordsville r A Kigvs, t nomas Thompson. Joint Cocbell. A O King. North Brownsville -O t cmics, v u Roberta. Scio T M Munkers, 1 A Munkers, Will Miller. Waterloo R R Humphrey, J W Bar rell, J G Gross,A G McSee, J W Bishop, L. Kld-idire Santiam Chss Cralt. John Daven port, C O Lee, Ailn Charlton, A Layton W V Ssndeis, M Downing. Center M Snyder, w r Anderson, a P Blackburn. Orleans A ! Miller, Itobert Smith, B A Wade, A J Blevins. Syracuse FM Miller, Jonn vi.itams, Wm Conner. North Brownsville Chas W Roberts. B F Childs, Herman Hiller. North Lebanon- Geo Alexander, u w Hardin, A O Sterm, Geo Davis, 0 B Hansard. South Lebanon CD Stein. John Nichols, Dayid Fry, Perry Stringer, Frank Leslie. Sodaville John Wilson, Peter Lewis, W H Ingram. Tbe folloiog delegates were elected! to state convention : U D Stein, IT J Mo Clary, H B Sprenger, T M Munkera, Thos Froman, J S tsinith, A Blevins, E O Nsal, A S McDonald, 0 M Montague, C O llogue. The report of the committee on confer ence of union, and tbe division of oillees as stated elsewhere the report was ratified unanimously, a platform adopt ed and the following nominations trade Senator J. Clem. 'Representative H. M. Palmer. Sheriff I A Munkers. Recorder E. 0. Neal. Superintendent A. S. McDonald. Coroner J. G. Norman. Th silver republicans ratified the ac tion of tbe conference committee and nominated Dr D M jones, for represen- alive. ' AND PERSONAL Mr. Charles Redfield has gone to Washington state to accept a position at snrveyor. Rev. Ackermsu, the well known pas tor of tbe congregational church ot Port land, was in the city today on his wsy to Newport. Miss Florence Mason, of bas been in town since Satur lay, tbe guest of Miss iieien urawiora and Mrs. Hoffman. Corvallis Times. aim uirs. j . m, rorter went over to Albany Saturday and vlai me lormer's naranla nntil monaay. uorvaiils Times. Sid Eon is, wbo recently came from the Trinity mines io nortbsrn California. Is in the city. He says thsre 1 little or nothing In tbe mines there, tbat they are boomed principally in tbe interest of the Slave mmninM -J John Bateman. a pioneer of 1852 died, II yesterday at hia Immat R mil... ,7M ur orownsviiie. lie was over 83 years 1 of age. lie had been ill sevei-,1 weeks. 1 Death resulted from infirmities d ll to his advanced aga. 1 Today is tbe 90th dirthday of Mr. Pat Breonen. of this city. He was born on Wednesday, March 16 1808, and to. . j "TOueway, rat never leit bet- ter, and lh ladies all say tbat he la mng rianusomer every dsy. Jennv Murnhv in a lone? the oratorical contest speaks In tbe fol lowini, nice manner of tbe winner of the medal. The last speaker, Albert W. Wight, of Albany, won the medal by ths spirited, wbolesouled manner in which be entered into tbe delivery of his oration "The Danger of Overconfi. dence." The old opera hoase fairly shook with tbe wild cheers of the Albany people as Mr Wight was handed tbe me lal. a jewe that not only he, but his college cat. well be proud of. Mr. i.ryant's Death. , From the Ashland Tidings: Deputy Assessor Thomas W. Brysnt, of the ciiy, whose serions illness bss heretofore been noted in tbe Tidings, died yesterday afternoon, at bis home on South Main street, succumbing to an at tack of pneumonia, with wnkh he had been suddenly stricken just a week pre vijusiy . Tbe deceased was a highly re spected citizen and had resided here for about ten years, he sod bis family com ing to Southern Oregon from Linn coun ty, for the benefit of the health ot Mr. Bryant, wbo suffered from long trouble, but who was.however, considerably ben efited by tbe change of climate Mr. Bryant was aged 45 years, and leave to mourn bis untimely death a wife and several children. who have tbe sympathy of the community in tbeir heavy bereave ment. An Alaaka Letter. Io a let t from Fort Wrangel to Leb anon relatives Henry Smith among other things ears: "1 have been checking freight at tbe warehouse the last lew dys and I have more fu than a little; tbe freight is just piled up promiscuously and then tbey all lamp onto me because tbey can't find it. I saw Ed end Ab Umphrev on the Oregon sod tbey were oraUy blue took ine Klondike. I think they will be bark here on tbe next ship and there even Linn county boys here now. "At Skagway people are dying at tbe rate of fifty to fifty a week. Tbe steam ship Cleveland passed through here yes terday with twelve dead men on board. Tbey die of spinal meningitis caused (rem exposure. "It takes a whole lot of money to start in any kind of bnsineas now, and is et ting worse and worse with every ship that co ra. Uooses 26x40 are renting for 1 100 a month." - silver Repun'kan. A silver republican convention was held in the GAR ball at 3 o'clock. Dr DM Jones of SodaviUe presided. LL Swann was elected secretary. Tbe following committee on confer ence with tbe democrats and populists were appointed : Thos Brandon, Hon T F Smith. Harlan tlatbnrt. LL Swann and Dr D M Jones. Meeting adjourned. A Psctuib Cass. Mary E. Swank, widow of Jay Swank, bas commeoced suit against Phillip Swank ber father-in-law, to set aside a deed. Just before Jar's deatb, be and bis wife made a deed of all their property to Jay's father, pre sumably witb the understanding tbat the old gentleman was to settle up the claims against the estate. But for some reason a misunderstanding bas arisen hence this suit At this writing we do not venture to say wbo is at fault, but await future developments Criterion. Sam Cask's Cass. From the Eocene Guard : State of Oregon vs Sam Case; ass nit with dangerous weapon. Late Friday afternoon the grand jury re turned "a 'rue Dill." He was arraigned and took bis ds to plead, li. D. Nor ton wss retained to defend him Tbis af ternoon Case entered a pie ol gaittv of simple asasult with the understanding that the senteoce would be tbe lowest fine. 150. Jadge Hale announced tbat tbe defendant would be thus sentenced the latter part of tbia week . Yaoris a Fish. Newport Kews? Pro feeaor P. L. W asbboro, of State Univer sity, and Mr. B. J. rJretbertou, of new poTt.have associated themselves together for the purpose of carry on investigations as to the fishing resources of Y equina bay from an economic and sctentifie elandnotut Tbe results of tbeir investi gations will be published and distributed free by tbe btate Luiyersity and tnroagb. the press, and it is hop hi will have tne result of attracting both capital and tbe labor tbat it employes to l equina bay. Low LvTKBcarr. It was rumored about towo the other day that Lebanon school district desired to borrow a thousand dollars with which to pay that part of tbe districts indebtedness now doe. It required nothing more thsn this rumor to disclose tbe fact that Lebanon bad cititen or two tbat u ready and anxious to take the loan at six per cent straight Bat that was not all ,tn corns a man from just outside the city limits stating tbat he was autbortsea to say lor nenDor. wno was unable to come, tbat he would take the loan at five per cent and all the mora tbe district wanted to borrow. Criterion DirtrrnaaiA. Monday o'ght mes senger came tor Dr Hill to visit tbe fsmily of Mr bchneidsr near Knox Butt stating that fourteen year old girl was very i'l with diphtheria. Oa the arrival of tbe doctor he found the girt dead and a little boy so far gone with tbe disease that he pronounced it hope less Thee had been getting medicine from tbe Chiosse doctor. Thi iNDgrATTOABUt WiLXiss. Wilkins the railroad man Is rapadily pushing the j work on nts raiiroaa oetween nvre ant. Waterloo We understand that the grad ing is now cocop.ete and about on fourth ot the ties are out. We may yet be able to run aa excursion to Waterloo tne Fourth of July. Criterion. We sive awa choice flower sect's with tea and cuflee, for particulars call on V. t. urowneu. Up to Date Link cuff bullous at French's Jewelry store. I'nn't leil vour neighbors what TOO im in the SAst window of tbe Albany Fur niture Co. Terms balf cash balance before you leave the store. Hood Pill ar the favorite family cathartic Cure sick headache, break up a cold. Ao-To-Rac rr Ility Cxata. rtt.kranued tobaseo Batxt euro, nuai v .a wnatrutur. bio- ' Mire. Alldrugnaia atop that Cough! Take warning. It mav lead to Consumption. A 25o bottle ot Shtloh'sOure may tave your We. Sold by Foshay & Masou, Hood' Pills are tbe only pill to takri uoott s iaaraapariiia. easy, cuicivuw Bdaeat Tonr Bowels With Caaeareta, Candy Catbartle, cure eonatlpatlon forever. lOe.sso. pf iris: Has Likewise a fine stock of elothingforthe season at the store of the ...BLAIN CLOTHING CO., DlttSS IHSIIS Fit and Workmanship Perfect. ; The Appearance without the Cost ; , 1 easy in VMS wolo. we. ro a irrro. 1 t a ram. m roe a eie. HOME AND ABROAD. Crescent 3icyde, Hopkins Brothers, agents. Best Bicyde for toe money. ' Will A Stark, jewe'ers. 2 pounds of (Misers for 15c at TO Shaver's Fresh seeds, two packs res for a nicked1 a Stewart k Sox Hardware Co', r 'Fresh seeds, two package for a nickel at Stewart t Sos ttaruware Go's. Crackers are now way down in price, call on C E Browoell for fresh ones. Ltdiea long watctt chains at low prices at French's Jewelry store. White Hoase Java Mocba coffee tbe tioet inthelaui at F E. Allea 4 Co. Garden see la that grow, in lanre variety at C E rfrowneH s. Columbia and Hartford bicycle, the best for tns mjoey, at Stewart Si Sos Hardware Co's. Usher & Co. have sold tbeir stock of goods at Sodavilte, to J M Kolch, recenUy ot Colorado. A good many Minnesota pejple former neigbbors of C H Yonas, Lave recently located around Laeomb. Viereck's Shaving and Hair Cottia Parlors. Shaving 10 its Hsir Cutting 13 Stampooing 10js. Clean towels to every costouier Children and adal's lortared by barns, scalds, tnjanes, ecxema or skin diseases msy secure instant relief by ruing De f itt's Witch H od Salve It u Ibe (.rest Pile remedy. J. A. Cammias. Another pleated audience witaeesed the second PHformaac of Smith and Gorton in their program of e oration, rapid drawing sod impersonation. They are good entertaifer. . Saturday niirht tn old houae standink ear tbe depot was barned an- Sonday night one of Ben Barsxr "s booses jost n rtb of tbe academy was riao bnrned. Beth booses were v-caat and the fires were doablleai canted by noodlnms wno meet in loch noittrs to play cards and smoke. Lebanon Criterion. The Jackamvitle Times is sorry lo learn that fiaarcal dtfScoiUea kave overtskea J A Whitman, one of Met ford "a most eater prising aad popular bvtaes men. He bas been operating in fruit extensive r.aad loeaes in this commodity bare had much to do with bis miafxtnnes. 17JEVLLLD. turn. ilVerwarec. US JZ&JElTJtLJJ-L the Jeweler The best watches for the least amount I of money. Each one fully goaraateed. (Bank of Oregon Building) THE Is theTbeet aad yet simplest type wut maanfa4nred. the consummation of th inrantnr an. An einjrt steaosrapos after aaina- nut macbiiea. aava. "I COB sider the Yost Writing wacnine rax super- or mur I have vet used Usll at tbe DtuocftAT office and see one of the type writers that has to hare a perfect atiign- ment.t All Typewriters supplies ordered. K P. Ncttiko. Agent. K. O. T. M. svery Satorday evening at E. O. T. M. ball. Ylsitinr Knights isviied. W. A. Cox. Commander. OSES nson. . laut:fa. l. I OB !y. I His - of Bowers, 1 . lor slivered. -on: ."LORAL . -.s r.irAtocrs . ant lvter 'M4Htn snS IMive. tuuiubelMlfS coe .a n Imjr tarios IV rrtiLwl wtw: . U UuMdUIUUUUS 3 SONS. , N. Y, Kagazlne. i'oj Aathority. itMit. riAwfi. y. .it.l CNf fnt . li.U!.irai Sloctb.y .t tttii tl rut r. l lw.rrnl mmm I . tua nssutu tut Am .rw I'll'- VICa PUBLISHING CO., ROCtieSter, H..U 4 ' -M Some Choice Novelties in Men's and Boy's Suits, Hats and Caps and Furnishings, THE PRICES fill be Great Bankrupt Sale AT lliiim kriiiiii Co's. Store. t ",T1D? pm-ehased the great bankrupt stock of Nero Bros. San Francisco, at one balf original man u factory cost, will offer tbe same at less than value, while it lasts Stock consists of blankets, quilts, clothing. Urn's and eboea. dress goods. Ucea, embroideries, gloves, bats, snsoeaders and in fact it is a wU assorted, new stock Call and examine it. will save yon money atd yoxe great value. Stock is now ready for your inspection at Alhanv Anp.tinn fln'a StnrA Next Door to THE FAMOUS WHM3MBKER 5 BROWR ESTABLISHMENT Is Ready With Toll Assortments to Meet Yoor Wants in the Following Lines Clothing Ready to Wear GaxjuGmi ready lor immediate ship ment from the acknowledged larg est and best fitting stock in tbe coon-ry, and not on whit behind Made to-Meaa-nre in either style or fabric or fashioning, and exrlasively our own manufacture. Ladies Men rural thins Good As opportunity wbea ordering your Clothing to eet articles in this line at way below regular price. ord as to Prices T or never knew tneh worthy goods . lower bavin when price were un der vain enables ns to save yoa many dollars, aa coat are rapidly climbing tbe ladder OUR SALES AGEST W. R BLAFX Will take pleaaare in showing this as sortment and quoting oar prices. Yoare Truly. WAN'AMAKEK A- BROWN, rhitde.phm. FREE I ! Until March 31 st, 1898, we will give free to oui customers the xamous Paintincs of the World Now is your time to secure them. OKHTiMHSJB New-Stock We are showing a line of shoes this tprine that lor quality aud style is not sur- ... . - . I ' i . ' ,1 ITT cassea in tnis yaiiey. te intend to lead the van in pri ices, wiu not De uudersoia. ST LUIS RAKET STOR Albany, 0:qdi SEEDS We put up o r own garden seeds, They are all Northern grown seeds Tbey are absolutely true to nam Tr ey are fresh all grown in 1S97, Tbe packages are full weight, Price, two papers for a nicksl, We also have them in bulk. Stswabt A Sox Hakowabx C Arr perfection in th art of cycle build- . .... . . . j. rstz i ing. i ney sun nave we vr w vnmcuer Tire. The moat resilient and best tire made. These wnee's a-e etrirtlv up to in flniah. workmanshin and rris. Samples are shown by Gio E. Fish, Ferry.St. ..... ' Bicycles to rent, mciuaing n arop ' ndem 1 me Satisfactory Mcllwaiii's Cash Store; LADIES, MISSES CHlLDRENS -SHOES. lem Esati aid Win Eatxasltapx iBctiW and Sliirta The Unsst of Vnting Paper. Telspesand lasriali ft- LIIo Sepit icbUnls, pens, zZzb tajts, t3, all i dosing cut prices W. R. Blain. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS GIRL WASTED. To do general housework Call at this office LUST. A imiref spld massed eye glasses Return to Ira. F. M. RedSeld. FOR SALE. New Barlockrjnewritar for sale cheap at Blain Co's stare. STRAW FwR SALE. Good spring beat straw 4 00 per ton . M Sksoetcs. TTOUXD. In the dty, near U. P. 1 church a pair of gold spectacles. Call i Rev. McKiUop- 0W WaX TED. Freeh milk cowtiJer- ITT preEerreu euujoci tv -nu. M. SrsDtas. T7 OR SALE Steam Cider Factorr, ful- I It equipped for boaness. ill be sola at a tow price. Adorvws PO Bei2SO. Corvallis, Or. w OOD FOR SALE. Ash aad fir dry and green. ALSATUn. BONG WAIT TOSG CO, Second St Bear Lyon street. Albany. Sells ubi nee medicine, Chinee rice. Chines tea and nut oil. CEDAR POSTS F R SaLE it yon are thinking of doing any fencing and aat rood osoar posts write to onn Juaa tiott re. ww tive eentlenieii or laaiee to travel for rwponsible. established noose in Oregon. Monthly 65 00 and expense. Position steady. Keterenc. kadoae seu addnwaed stamped envelope. TneDbsata- oa uompsny. Dept. x Uilcago. WANIED-UPRIGHT AND FAITH ful gentlemen or ladies to travel frr responsible, established house in Oregon. Monthly $65.00 aad expense. Postuom steady Reference. Unclose self address ed stamped envelope. Th Dominion Company, Dep". K. Chicago The Fair j Has a full line of calicoes, ginghams, muslins, etc., at Fair prices. Kespt J. A. Weaver. Garden Seeds Sk Which is the cheapest to pay Scents for 5 to 15 ounces in balk or to pax. & rents for half an ounce pacxags. Call on William Hand for garden seeds ol all kinds in bulk. T. 0. Shaver. (Successor to F. L. Kenton.) Second St. opposite. Pkmocrat oSee Will constantly kaep on hand a good stool d groceries, tresh pr-duce and fruits which will bo sold at living prices. H. F. Herrill Insurance and Collectioe Agent Money to loan, warrants bought Office in th Dkmocrat building.