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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1898)
Politician and Demagogue. W SWI 1 l mm m . I The newspaper have Mr. DingWy to thank for quite a rise in the price o white paper. Tbe Arizona editor hare recognised the belligerency of tbe Cubans. Thi OUfjht to settle the natter. The Oregon ian is after the yellow jour Biliem red hot. Some of it ought to le punctured, and some of it keeps tl.e people poetedY The publie continues to disagree at to whetbsr there will be war or sot. Cer tainly. So far it is wore guess work than anything elie. Men of tqaal wis dom disagreeing. Uncle Sam is doing a nice thing in th manner in which he i feeding tbe Co bans. He hat a big heart, and it reach m from the Pacific to the Atlantic, and there ia no-politics in Uncle 8am' heart, though he runs nearly everything .into politics. An Indemnity of $10,000,000, which, it is said the President will demand from Spain, cannot settle the matter. It will take more than an indemnity, and it is doubtful whether arbitration will be satisfactory. Spain and the United States should settle the matter between themselves. . There is being some talk in reference to the defense of oar coast in case of war with Spain. One thing is certain a Spanish man of war con Id never get np the river as far as Albany, and prob ably not as . far aa Portland. Eeall though there would never be any seri ous danger of an attack in thia diatant part of tbe United State. Spain will have her handa'foll.on the little island of Cab. As a matter ' of fact she h as already had her hands more than fall with the Cabana alone. Mrs. Clarissa Kluge claims to be not only the niece bet the contract wife of Adolph Satro, who was recently declared incapable of manaainjr his own affairs Adolph and Adolphine, a five-year-old h -y and a slx-yes'r-old girl, are the pre sumptive offspring of the contractual marriage. The courts will be called -nbon to decide the validity of tbe claima made by Mrs. Elcge, and incidentally to decide what interest she baa in hi estate. There's probably nothing in the claim at all. Washington Letter. Frosa ear ratolar Cbrreapoadeat . Washington, March 7, 1898 There is no denying that the present colic of tbe administration ia aggrava ting and galling to the average Ameri can, regardless ot his politioal afiliation. It ia difficult to understand, when Spain is trying to move Leaven and earth to borrow money and to buy warships to fight us, why should we not be openly preparing for war by having Congress , appropriate the money needed to bay additional warships and to pnt as on a war footing generally, instead ot pre tending that tbe preparations for war which tbe administration ia making, not only to the extent of available appro priationssjbut in anticipation of appro priations, are merely routine proceed ings. We are not fooling Spain, and it seems ponsensical trying to fool oar selves. Mr. McKinley Knows jast as everybody else knows, that there isn't one chance in ten that war will be avoid ded. He knows that the acceptance of - blood money from Spain will not be countenanced, and that a peace at any price policy would have no supporters outside of Wall Street and its connec tions. Knowing these things it is bis duty to ask Congress to make the neces sary appropriations to pat tbe country in a proper condition of defense and to enable it to give Spain tbe threshing it bas been itching for daring tbe last year or two. It is no valid ezeme to claim that doine so woalJ be a reflection upon . the Naval Court of Inquiry. If so,8pain has been casting reflections upon tbe Court quite numerously daring the last few daya. Bat, as a matter of fact, would it be any more reflection to open ly ak for the money froa Congress to make proper and needed preparation for war, than it is to be serretly making conditional contracts for tbe same thing, in anticipation of appropriations that Cong ret bas not eren yet been asked to make. There is probably not a man in Congress that wouldaak that a gun be fired in advance of tbe verdict of the Court ef Inquiry, but inasmuch as every body now thinks that the verdict will show that tbe destruction of tbe Maine was not an accident, there is little doubt that tbe majority of Congress would like to see tbe arlmiListration openly making eady to ng tit alter tbat verdict ia ren . dered. -. Few men in Congress are willing to be lieve tbe rumors connecting Mr- McKin ley' name with tbe scheme to buy Cuba from Span. Some of his advisers may be in tbe scheme, but Mr. McKinley .ought to know the people of this country well enough to know that they would bury every man oat of sight, politically speaking, who dared to support the nec essary legislature to make this country guarantee tbe payment of Cuban bond which.would to go tbe present holders of Spanish bonds. If this scheme is seri ously pushed, it will soon be discovered that the universal sentiment of our peb pie is, m'tlioos for the preservation of natiocal nonor.'but not one cent for Spanish boul-hcl It appeare that the friends of Hawaiian are afraid to try to secure annexation by a joint leeolution, owing to threats of tbe opposition to keep Congress in ses sion all summer, if they do. At a sec ret meeting of the Sjnate committee on foreign leis'ions it was decided to make another attempt to ratify the treaty. If that fails, as it is expected to do, the wbo matter may be dropped until the next session of Congress. Czar Eeed's latest ralinsr, that demo, erats shall not when the House is sitting as a Committe of tbe Whole criticise the administration, the republican party, or any individual republican, is another step towards the absolute throttling of speech in the House, and is jast as out rageous a ny of those in the same di rection which bave preceded it. From tbe birth of Congress the custom ha been to allow tbe very widest lattitude to members who male speeches while the House, was sitting as tbe committee of the. whole, bat this new autocratic mu-u bo jumbo says that no democrat will be a'lowsd to make a political speech, ex eept when the bill under consideration is parley political. This muzzling rnle would be outrsgeoes even if it were made 10 apply impartially to all members of J me nouse, out wnea appnea, as it bas ; been solely to anti-republican, members i It ia depriving the representees of the ' people of tbelr constitutional right to be beard at all times. ITarrisburg March 15, 1898 To th Editor: .1 C Sabin writing to the Oieitonian m title pUv, urges the nomination i- election ot X T Ueer for congress iota this district upon the ground that M; (ift is a plan honest farmer, and 0'ith' hour nice it would be to have Mi wurapre nit thia peopie who a ii iy al- farmers. ' ' - " Htu howurptised lam when I find -ijr ,. i't ppcr in which Mr. Sabin's lit -r . . uolLlit-d, e'gt.t extracts from a p-i ri in 1. by Mr. Geer, at Corvallia, winch he piainly shows himself to be a politician and demagogue, and not the .in i coeei man mai nr. canui inn nm to be. He iaes that he does not care to ii rub over old straw, which I must ssy vng'.-s wt- for i always like to hear ii tttiii;g new, but I was only doomed iapi'uinineut for he immediately ell bark to the "pot'' argument of mie- rr presentation and dodging that is al ways resorted to by the advocates ot tbe present corrupt monetary system that is just now being praised by the gold standard fusion party. Mr. Ueer says that the fre silver lu natics have dropped tbe wheat argu ment and do not say anything more about wool and cattle. Free silver men ao not care to thresh over old straw, to use Mr Geer's own wcrds, and it is gen erally conceded by all intelligent men thaUre tree from party prejudice who are noLbound by some other slfi-!i motive that the wheet argument has become e if. evident. tbe Untied States and lvigland are making every ffort to dtru i ver, and tbe wheat cror. of thu world Is the short' eat it bas been since man began to use whea; "Bread is t ho staff of life" and stil! wheat and silver are not so very far apart; wnea. is worth at Barrisbnrg to day the pitiful sum of 64 cents pr ba . in former years with a little shortage in California and the middle west it would o to f 1.40. As to v ooi in tbe same Oregoniaa of March 4, is an account of a man of Tbe Dalles sending a large amount of wool to Boston on Lis acct. and r'neivic. 13J cts per lb. f jr it which - ctj. more than he could have s.vdit fo'in The Dalles; that wou'd sor-ly knock any free siive rite fitly. If w.! qii wil'Vefer back to their wool sa -s LeVre tiie single gold standard and t. 3 present eirk ei'ver dollar was forced uon us and before w heard of the r.tcKinley Bill Ibey will find that woo fi for 25 ar.d 8 cts. in small lots, mil" .n large quantities would have V roirM 2 cts uioie. In Harriabnrg and ether ions of the valley, and now wl.en ti.e b'c-ated 'aroieie ot Kantae, Jie'rska, Washington and Ore or have co'd their extraordinary aood crop tt w heat for about one half of wbat. ii should bava brought then, and bav invested in a woolen shirt for them selves and a woolen peiticoat for their wives atid daughters, the first they bad been able to buy for some time, and so many people are baying extra heavy woolens for the Kloodik, and tens of thousands of sheep bave died n Austra lia, and for alt thia wocl ia worth but 13(C and that ia such an unusual aa'e that many papers publish an account of the sale. We might take np cattle, horses, togs and other things and show tbe same state of affairs, where there is not so ire strong local cause tor it to be otherwise. Farms in this fine valley are selling for bat little more than Government price, they are good ones too and some that are fairly good are selling for less, and even Dingley and Alaska cannot keep up tbe price of eggs and potatoes. It Mr Ueer baa a gocd cause be should use plain straight forward argamenta and leave off thia dodging and misrep resentation. A fast cause needs no such tactics. ..- 0.x a or the Wisdiks. Even though only about five per cent ot tbe business of tbe United Stats ia done with money itself, nearly all of it beibg done though tbe check system, it ia imortant tbat for the convenience of current trade tbat a money be need that ia easily bandied. Experience bas prov en conclusively that the beet metals for it are gold and aiver. Tbe present aisea ot tbe coins bave established themselvea witb ibe people, and they are need to them and satisfied with them B esides they are according to their value doting many deeadee. There ia not a com mo dity in existence tbat can remain tbe same from year to year jast aa a com modit. tbe law of supply and demand forcing . a constant cbacge. Money tbongti should not be enpjected to tbe inconvenience of a pair of scales. This ia noft an age ot warn pa in shells. It would be ridiculous to bave ooe onncs of metal in a piece of coin one month and two outlets tbe next. Nor is it nects ry. f jr the eiamp of the goternmect will mace it if a stable value as a money, a we know from our present experience witb rilver. Not only that, but place silver un an equality witb gold noder the coinage laws, and the establishment of a eady market for it will bring it to par in valne, a fact as cer tain as the appar eut steady value of cold. The demands of trade requires tbe double standard jnst as much t a man rtq lires two legs to navigate veil. Good sense alone die vti i iact that the ratio between tbe two C'.iu should be astaady one, and not eliaog'd )y every ilnd tbat blows. Ex perienco justifies1 the present one of 16tol- is, lis. net attorney Mr, McCain is said to have made 15,000 or $3,000 a year. As postmaster of McMinpville be will ma'ae 91200 to 91500. There is nothing though like being a servant of Uncle Sum. " - Another evidence of prosperity perhaps wiU be given by gome one as the immense demand for warahios. The factories can hardly iutl the demand atidaie working ihr-ir mm uight and day. But" the peo pir have l j foot tbe hills. It DL ni" a book on the United 8-ate,, a. is tnteatened we may look for smehing v-ry caustic. These bard ! times we shall spend little money to ae core a cup v. I will not tea popular book in tiie United States, depend on that fact. j niE PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Baked Goods Ia at" Parker Broa. Everybody kuows ' . .a- - - . stock of groceriea.; produce and baked of all kinda.aeltit reaaonahU ! S Aaaaa. k A aaa a sa 'I riAai IrAast aa ST , fc. f s a 1 ' 11 ti 1 prices ana treat nieir customers wen, an alike. You may regret some steps you take in life but none taken into tbe store it Parker Bros. It is s great thing to be well fed. Par-, ker Bros kep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much bnt yon want it well mads. Try Parker Broa. Sweet Bells Jangled Out of Tune.' How much of woman's Ufa happiness Is tost for lack of harmony. A hundred sweet melodious tones ruined by one little note of dis cord.' Wo men who ought to en joy the per feet happi ness of love and wifehood and mother hood are mis erable from one year's end to the other, be cause of some weakness or disease of the delicate organism of their sex. These delicate com- filainta, which make a angling dissonance of so manv lives, are not bv anv means a necessity of womanhood. They mar be overcome and completely eradicated under judicious treatment. There is no need of repugnant examina tions. There is no need of resorting to any unauthorized medicament compounded by an unskilled, uneducated person. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Preacrfotton cures the troubles of the feminine organism posi tively,, completely and safely. For nearly jo years Dr. R. V. Pierce has been chief consulting phvaivian of the In valids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N.Y. He is an eminent and expert SDecialist in this Darticular field of practice. Any woman may write to him with perfect confidence, and will receive, free of charge, sound, professional advice and suggestion for self-treatment by which 99 out of too cases 01 tetnale complaint, even 01 tne most obstinate kind, may be completely and per- manently cured, - While I waa living at Eagle Rock. H.i Co., Va.," writes Mrs. G. A. Connor, ol' AUIacD anv Spring, MontKtimerv Co., Va., Ma ladv friend cane to m ami mid: ' M daughter, aged Ij Tears, haa repeated hemorrhage at the noae, and she haa never had the neowwry indisposi tions of womanhood.' I advised her to get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The lady pur chased one bottle and it enred her daughter. She waa well and happy whea I left there." Constipation ia the all-embracing can of ill-health. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet cure it. They new- gripe. Slgsbee's Versatile Talent. Ooe day in the spring of 1875, when tbe Daily Graph:c ol New York was in full swing ot its meteoric career, a mod est looking young man called at the art department of the office, with a package of sketches, t ha Philadel phia Times-' Tbe driuga were left for inspection, and tbe artist, banding his address in Brooklyn lo the assistant of the art editor, took bis departure. The availability ot the work was manifest as soon as the pact a is waa opened, and a comic series of the lot was repro duced at occe for the front page. Their appearance made quite a flutter in tbe sockloft of the art staff, for talent eapa ble of furnishing good comics In pen and ink in those days waa a scarce and costly article. Tbe page was signed "S," and that was all the staff knew about it until trie re waa a general shoving about of desks toXmake room "for Mr Sigabee. But Mr. Sigsbee did not materialise, nor did 'bis wonderfully funny drawings continue. It became kn'wn thai the art editor bad duly notified Mr. Sigsbee that his aketchee were accepted, and tbat be woulJ be given a place opon tbe art atavff at once. Would Mr. 8igsbee please be on band upon Monday morning? But the week rolled by and there was no Mr. Sigsbee. Tne art editor waa un speakably astonished. He then wrote still more urgently lo tbe coy, but de sirable artist and this time he got an answer. "Lieutenant-Commaeder Chaa D Sigsbee, TJ. S. N.. send a his compli ments and begs to say that sa be s at pie- sent in command of a government ship be cannot accept the poeition so kindly offered." Delegates to Democratic Conven tion. Albany W B Bilyea. Claud Broders. L II Mnntanye, C U. BurkUart. L W Laugbead. O O Lee, Frank Wood, Jr, Herman Buelow, at benders. East Albany Henry Miller. A H Mar tin, j tv weatbeKord, A W Bteilmacber, nm rarcer, reter Biley, 1 0 Dickey. West Albany D D Hackle man, W C Stellmacber, Geo Cline, P J Smiley, J J Whitney, W A KJmsey. M Scott, 0 H Stewart, r a. rieiBer. Center Hi Powell. Scott Ward. Jack Alphine, Mike Got man. -North Brownsville W J Wind. A A Tossing, Peter Bither, las Calloway, W n Averui, u Arthurs. South Brownsville W C Coolev. W B Smith, Newton Warmoath, Geo War moulb. Orleans A R Stone, M P Slate. Syracuse Ed Meeker, Lee Miller.Jno muauy, A garlow. Waterloo Geo Coabow, U C Rose, G W Taylor, Chaa Younger. Bantiam F M Smith, J H Pery. J A South, OH South. South Lebanon E Kibler, F O Han sard. Joe Stewart, B B Dough ten, T P McKnight,DOPetrwa. North Lebanan M A Miller, SM Gar land, M Weieer, J G Boyles, G W Cm-' son, Ed Kellenberger. Sodaville Sam Cooper, A Parriab, B Cbeshir. North Harrisburg Wm Waasom, O P Hyde, B M Mi.ler, T C Mackey, Tboa Bodgers and D S Bucey. South Harrisburg Tboa Grimee.Oacar Drinkard, John Cartright, M W Canter. Halsey O C Jackson, A M Reevec.Jae A Smith, W J Ribelan, W B Garrett, W B Warmoutb, P W Quinn. . t Scio r J Munkera, Biley Calavan, Jobn Simpson, U W Morrow, E C Peery. Fr-nklin Butte Jake Bilyeu, Lee Bilyeu. Price Mart Miller, n D Bnrkhart, usaiie rayne, k. u jqx ana jobn Max well. Tangent 0 W Cooper.Samuel Cooper, L F Smith, Al Perry, H W McElmurry. Sbedd Jobn Duncan, B M Lamar and U J Shedd. Sweet Home 0 F Bigbee.John Green, G Weddle. Foster Jerry Shea; Chaa Foster. Crawfordsville Geo Finley, J N Rice, T A Morris. John McKercher. Jordsn H 8 Williams, G 0 Weaten houser, C C Bilyeu. D Clifford. ' Fox Valley Henrv Lyons. Harrv Lv- ona, WE Potter f Rock Creek Don Smith. Ben Bnt!er. JRSbepard. Shelburn L. E. Miller. Jeff Mont gomery, C. T. Goins, Robert DeYaney. Tall man W W Crawford, Elrie Arch bald, K E Hammack. Notice to the Public. Beware of Snidi Barbers whj try to ell you Hair Tonic, who do not know bees Irom null leet about yo' r scalo. I have had years experience ana know tbeie ?SuZ&b2 ToS hast mited to vour oarticular case, which you can get filled at any drug store for 5 or 10 tents. Consultation free. Louis Vikrccx. In Olden Times Penpb, overlooked the importance of per manently I eneticial effects and were satis lie I witb transient action; but now that it is generally known tbat yrupof Fits will permanently overcome habitual constipa- I aula a wvii'fiiivt aaavtM always v " w wuy iian twa i.ifirnrrnavi nas-iriiaa win nnr i-imsi etb1f htlve,A. wb,cl ,ct ,0S but finally lnJf : Boy the genu- ine, made by the California Fife Syrup Co. i nsw. maita hv rh i.aliforn How We Say It. Coughs cured for a quarter, no tore, no quarter, we are selling Mots ot Our w bite riuecougb syrup witb j tar, because it is just what we say it is, gie quics relief and is highly recomend '. ed to cure a deep seated cougn, bnrkhart1 & Lee, Druggists my3? TELEGRAPHIC The Vemmlttee HavaRa, March, 15. The Mangrove with tbe court of inquiry oa board, sailed tonight for Ksv West . Captain Sampson president ot the board, assured tbe Asso ciated Press correspondent that the decis ion to leave Havana was not reacnea uniu this afternoon, after a consultation of members. It was decided that while luriher testimony might be obtained here. this was not sutticient fo justify a longer stay. Tbe court has no futtber prophecy to make as to ;he further duration of its sittings or as to when or wurra tne nna lugs will be promulgated- A aakwaarlae Cable Nkw York. Mrch. 15. A Prose dis patch- from Key West says : A shattered section of a submarine cable containing seven conductors for setting off - V .1 1 i L. -I mines, is in ms puiwwwn m wo vwmw w. inquiry. The cable led to a mine under the Maine. Tbe discovery waa made by Ih. Ai--r t fha Mnina wrMkr. thi Drove) that the mine which blew up tbe Maine was connected with a switchboard aaoore, which was in charge of a trusted and re ponsible aent. The Taken at at Ottawa, March, 15. The house of ominous rushed the Yukon railway bill through committee in less than half an hour todav. A scDDlemental agreement has been signed by the government and the contractors making some changes in tne contract and these have been embodied in the bill. Tbe changes refer chiefly to the manner in which tbe lands granted to the contractors are to be sotected. A rvaewabl Slle NbwYork. March. A dis D itch to tbe Herald from Madrid say There is absolutely nothing here reflect ing any foundation tor a panicky condi-i-n of affairs. Everything is quiet and General Woodford bears a farr-wea'her smile, unaoggestive of impending trou ble. Caavteta Arrested Salim, March. 15. C F Moore and tieorge Uets, tne convicts who ran away bat . night were brought back to tlis pen itentiary to is evening;. Tbev were cap tured today at tanby by A u, of Au rora, assisted by tbe marshal of Canby and bis ueputy, uoug Uimmtck. reaapellcsl U Leave Taw a YiCTOaBia. March, 15. "l'ke steamer Islander, which arrive! this morning from Alaska, brings new tbat tbe law abiding ctiteos of Skagway and tbe military havj stopped gambling and ordered the gam ble! a, bunco and "surething" ma to leave town. II W riBsaes Wasbixotok, March 14. Tbe previ dent today sent tnese nominations to tbe senate: John B West, register of the land office at Lewiston. Idaho Charles M Senior", of Oregon, to be commissioner ia and for toe district of Al aska. Pcatmaaters: Oregon Jain McCain, McMinnvtlle. Washington-Oliver Hall.Oolfax. ajtng War V resets Los DOS, March, 14. Tbe Brazilian minister confirms the report tbat tbe war ships A ma ion a and Admiral Abrenell bave been sold to the United States. The contract ia to be signed today and tbe Brazilian officers and crew oow on board the Amasonas will return to Brazil by tbe next mail steamer sailing for that coon try. rrakwMr S Time Madbio. March, 14. A great aeoaaticc has been caused here by aa official dispatch from Havana saving tbat tbe insurgent leaders. Cavito, Alvarea and Nanea have been killed by other insuraeata, white tbe former were oa their way to tender tbeir submission to tbe Spaniards. Official arc lea here say that the action of Canto and bis companions is proof that an im portant section of the iasorgesta is anx ious to accept tbe "legal regime.' Mara C rakers WaaamsTox, March, 14. During tbe session of 'three hcurs today tbe seoste passed a coiuudeTab number of lulls from the general calendar, among them biag one to autharise the construction of eight new revenue cotters not exceeding in cost the sum of $1,035,000. The national ouarrantine bill was made tbe regular or dw, and will be taken op probably on' Wednesday. SjPSt Saleas'S Kfcrssaau Salcx. Marr. 14. M L CbainberUip at Dr. W H Bvrd were today alerted di rectors for tbe Salem school district by a vote of over 3tol. Following is the vote: M LCnamberiain. 590. Dr. W H Bird. SSI; Geo. W Davis 192; Geo. G bingfaam. 162. There were 762 ballots cast. C S Caacta CaaaUAate Sam Drxao. March. 14 A Grant Club bas been csnrrniisd bare, with M Simon as president, frr the purpose of promoting the candidacy of U 8 Grant as senator. What WU tac SVms St Locia, March, 14. Tbe Globes Washington special says; The president sad bis rabinent know officially the result of the Maiae inquiry. Tbey are p.-eprTed ti act . Tbey have can vassed tbe course of events so far as we can foreee them, and bave tornulatep a policy to meet tbe emergeacr. Along its line the administration experts to move, on leas it ia swerrt off its feet by a wave of popular dissatisfaction Tbe board of inquiry will report tbat lh) explosion wts external. The preai dent wilt immediately, through Minister Woodfor J demand from Spain an innem niticatioa of 10,000,000. A Callage firava Kill lag Cottaos Gkovk, March, 1-1. Tbe peo ple of tbU quiet villiage were horror stricken this moraidg to tears that a mur der bad been committed here. Urry P Stevens, while intoxicated, went into tbe Bohemia salo a at 10 o'clock last night and assaulted N J loom, tbe bartender. Jones evaded nim tbe brat Unit, and go ing on the other side of the billiard table, asked Stevens to leave him alone. He asked for help from some b) standars. but tbey were afraid, Stevens ruabed at Jones throwing tbe latter down. Jones dew his knife and stabbed Stevens two or three times in the chest gad once on the top of his bead.' Stevens was pulled off ana car ried borne. He died at 2 p m . The CaVaas BeHeveal Hataha. March 13. Everything indi cates tbat the distribution of relief stoies sent from the U 8 will go forward here after more spedily and effc'ively. attaining better results than ever before. While much good has been done, there is no doubt more room for improvement Eleven Mtm Baraeal Nkw York, March. 13 Eleven men lost their lives in the fi'e whicu swept tbe Bowery lodging house this morning and left It a blackened shell . No, 106 Bowery, is one of tbe beat known lodnng houses on tbat thoroughfare. It is called tbe Bow ery mission lodging house and was con ducted by tbe Cfaristain Herald. rr Alaska Vancouver, March, 13. The steamer Ning Cbow sailed today for Alaska with 600 passengers and 1090 of freight. . mong her pessengr were 21 members of the mounted police, 99 Australians and Hon Alexander Boyie, brother of the Earl of Glasgow, with party of swell English men. This Is the Ntog Chow's first voy age to Alaska. Just Across the Way. At F H PfeiffcT 1 you can get the best Coast and Eastern oysters to be found. He also keeps the best line of confection ary in the city. Call oa bim for tbe best of everything in bis line. Home First. The World afterwards. Get good grcceties for your family.. Conn & tius ton keep tbe best, which fhev sell at tbe lowest possible prices. Fresh vegetables and fruits according to tbe season, always on band. A fine line of crockery. If you want a Rood and cleat moke buy cigars made by our Al bany cigar factory. Catarrh Cured. A -clear head nao weet breaih secured with Shiloh's Ca arrh Remedy: sold by Foshay & Mason MISFITS. J E Heditck, of Salem, yesterday was fined $5 for whipping his wifu. That was tow enough. Tbe middle of the roads should lie cleaned. Tom Watson and Eugene Debs are to be in Oregon this spring. One of the rasSest acts reported is that of Councilman E U Peery, ot Portland, who has resigned bisolllce to go to Skagway. Wonder if "Prof." Hawlev would labor aa bard to make out a black record for Mark Hanna aa lie does fur John Brown? Hardy Salem Journal. I D Driver, ir, has been elected a del egate to the silver republic-n Marion county convention from Salem No. 1 precinct. He is a son of Senator Driver of Lane coouty. , A student at Sodaville has ben offer ed $100 a month to go to Skagway and fill a position as cook. lie n.ight get an experience worth something, but he bml 1 better stay at baine. 1 A Portland psper.that has been boom ing the Alaska business tor some iiui- now calls it a bubb'e and s js it Is about to burst. The Dbmocbat has en Ilea it a bubble right a'ong and it is a flinisv one at that. Tbe McMinnville Transcript calls In in Harvescolt and save tbat be is no mon- o( a republican than ti rover Cleveland, just because ilr. Bcott says protect ion le not a principle. And Mr Bcott came Yambill county. The constant drop ot wa'er Wears away the hardest ttone; The constant gnaw of Toweer Masticates tbe toughest bone ; The constant cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid ; And the constant advertiser Is tbe one who gets the trade A mathematically inclined individval figures out tbat there are 1000 tram pa scattered along the line of tbe 3 t rail road from Los Angles to Portia nd, mak ing their way north, with fckegway as their destination. Tbese Wandering! Millies will 11 nd "handouts" rather scarce op there. At McMinnville Rev. E. A Roes, the Evangelist asked all those in hie con gregation to rise wbo bad read a pas sage in tbe book of Ueztkiah About a dozen arose, come ot them longtime church members. Tbe evangelist said : "Why God bleas you, there's no such book in the Bible!" There was a rose ate flash o'erspread some che ks that bad been sallow for yeate, and it wasn't necessary to extend an invitation to sit down Kegisler. In the reveot oratorical contest the judges oa delivery aete practically lected by Eugene men, Mr. Kuykendall being one of 1 be executive committee and tbe names submitted being satisfactory to Mr. Munch, hence there should t 00 kick tike the M'owing (rom the Guard: There eems to be considerable com plaint among tbe U. of O students in regard lo the markings ot one of tbe judges of tbe oratorical contest. Mr. alnrcn received 93 on bis paper a higher mark than any of tbe other cooteaianu received. Two of the judges. Rev Wire and Hon. Lydell Baker, gave Mr. Murvh good marks on delivery, while tbe o.her jodge, M. A. Miller, of Lebanon msrked ilurcb 65 oc bis delivery. Aoy one who bas beard Mr. Morch'a oration koowe tbat be deserved a better mark than 65. Had Mr. Miller marked iairly M aieh would have won tbe contest, or at any rata would have received second place. Mr. Miller marked Wigbt and Sherman very high. It might bo re membered that both ot these gentlemen are from Lebanon. Here ia another from the Corvallts Mite, showing tbat there will aiwaye be a difference of opinion in such matters : Tbe outcome of tbe oratorical contest was a surprise to tha ' Hayseeds." With the beet ol feeliog t the successful con testant, and all due respect to ttie judges, we feel constrained to voice our booeat convictions,wbich are takeo from aa uc- Srriudiced and onedocali standpoint : IcMinnvilh?, 1st; U.of. 0.,2od. A PECULIAR FACT. Thousand of People Have Dyspep sia in Its Worst Form acd Do Not Know It. A weak stomach is the cause ot about nine-tenths ol all disease , yet ia mot cases tbe wrong thing is treated and tbe true cause overlooked This is becausw a pak digestion pre duces symptoms resembling r.euly every disease because it weakens and disturbs the action of every nerve and organ in the body ; poor digestion causes heart trouble, kidney troubles, lung weakness and especially nervons break down or t.ervoos prostration, tbe nerves cannot stsnd the wear snd tear unless gener ously fed by well digested, wholesome food. Keep tbe digestion good and to one need fear the approach ot disease Mrs II M Lee of Rochester. X Y, writes: For tbe sake ot suffering hu manity I want to say that from a child I bad a very weak stomach, threw np my food very often after eating and after a few years nervous dyrpepsia reaolted and lor more than tweutv veara 1 hav suffered inexpressibly. I tried many physicisns and advertis e-1 remedies with only temporary relief for nervous dyspepsia and not until 1 commenced taking Stuart's Dyspepsia I Tablets last September, six months ago. nave 1 neea iresj 1 rom SUIiertCg caused by the condition of my nerves aad stom ach ; in snort, chronic nervous dyspep sia. I have recommended Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablet! to many of my friends and now I want in a publie way to say tbey are the safest, plecsantest and I believe surest cure tor stomach and nerve troubles. I write my honest opinion! ana 1 win giaaiy answer any letter of Inquiry at any time and feel tbat I am, in my small way, helping on a good cause. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is not a patent medicine, but they contain only the fruit salts, digestive acids and peptones necessary to help the weak etomsch to promptly and thorough tly digest food. All druggists sell Stuart's bvananaia Tablets at &0 cents for full sized package and anyone suffering from nervous dys pepsia, sour stomach, beadachee.acidily, gaesee, bobbing, etc., will find them not only a quick relief hut a radical cure. Send to Stuart Co , Marshall, Mich., for little book describing cause and cure of stomach troubles giving symptoms snd treatment of the various forms of indigestion. Through Tourist Cars. Every Mon iay a thiough tourist sleepiug car wil' leave Portland on tbe O. K. & N. for Chicago, leaving Portland at 8 p. m. and arriving at Chicago at 9:25 a. m. on Sat urday. This will be a great a :cora infla tion for through travel eait and to tbt southeast via KanuttCitv. Karl's Clover Ro-t Tea. or Constipa tion it's lh Best and if sfter using it you don't say s , return the paoa age and ge' vour money. Sjld by Foshav A Mason Boat Toaeers 8s II aad Sara Toar IJfs Iwaj. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netie. loll ol Ills, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bsc, lbs wnoder-worker, tbat makes weaa men atrong. All druggists, too or Si. Cure guaran teed Booklet and sample free. Adilreaa Sterling K-medy Co. , Chicago or New York, Men Are Judged by what they do. So is Hood's oarsaparilla, and its great cures bave given it a good name everywhere. It ii the One True lilood Purifier and Great Nerve Tonic. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to o pei ate. Cure indigestion, biliousness. 2ic. . Mosic Miss Milarea fiurmester teacher of piano or organ. System th Mason touch and technique. Residence , Fifth street, opposite U P cbmeh. Has Experienced wonderful Benefit From Paine's Celery Compound Majror MH B Pnsioa ba b ea Bat f rj'- ebUf ex9il rj 'tit two yaara. Aa a result ot rsa smnoml wtaa al mints trail m. tbe muniHoa 1 y baa prmperod. and today ataads bigh among lbs leaning cUieat of merini Mayor Prsvtoa ia tbe first rh'ef magi train of Hartford nutter tn etoaoltdtieJ furm of govern mm t- tm omga nv panodl In tbe moni-ljl ty t.Uvxj of Conooell tpUi H besras at tin tyvl tu r.Kjn i of lb lJdr 1cm ih.n ii ymrai;, ct ml g o Hartford w 11 Kout a lusii i.- a -qalo. idcs or lr. ( in tbe cltt a a man of ibapenp-e. t 'H a!i a tbucg'-tfol eon eavallva Ki ! fa.i c a I us ol the rewponaibi 1 y 1 11 hi 41 u ui an 1 1 f fata tsemomr.UiJia vt s it Prwrtxra' aaatamat ot lb decdwl 'n- fi: bu ba Carir. tt f-om l'airj' ce er co:p uoi muat carry mara than ordinary wgbl In very bo ; , wtie ibcua l aee-l ot rs m praiioo . and of a rctne-1 V that ta b food any raaabia !- reiUo e, THla ta w b t M yor Prt a j I: ' MaYUK'OfFiCe, UorJ,Cjnn. Tbe BKnlani man of bnslnwsa, tie ha ever so a.uidr. Aad &fl- tb coo Send 1TJ IS Boy,' aajCr-f ? this OOI You may send the Morgan it Wright Piank Road Tire and H vJAV; pot on a "Jim Daady Lantern." F. E. ALLEN & CO. Wall Taper, tiarpets, Lineoldum, Lace Curtains, RugF, Portier Pillovvs Furniture Bedding. Future Frames, s . Linen Warp Matting, - Oil Paintings, and Undertaking Call on ALBANY CANDY CATHARTIC CURE COSTIPATION ''iwtTi11 is. nilT I0c IfJYSTTiT' i ikVI33 25c 50c HAVE YOU BEEN IN Thomas Brink's Furnituie Store Lately, lie ha9 one of the finest stocks of Furni ture in tho valley. Ho has added Bahv Bucgies to h 8 stock. Just call in and you will find that his prices are the LOWEST ilouaJ prwaanreof afs'ra has esusij the it glvea op other niriaa f r mtkfng nerrew to raatonatraia and fail In tone. At b a. ia tbe brain at d asarvea K 1-ates awh a Urns Palxa's -try esmpaaad ba oibfef materials again for making nerve Its bMient, 1 g al v -mai-aJ it B"' & nee, pare. bl;h'y vKsised MILK'S BPKeSrOf olow do ail Una, and Ibis la tha power Tne skin mJUw eves ar iw iioi fal UTt whk5! 1 Paioa ejefcrry empopnd lbsrmomsranf heaitb. If tbe akldha dantafi, of to mrka tbe weak pa oibeathy pa lor or ?2djr rM1- io nve eat diaease tf. ioaspparwn.ins tbe a g!airro ?em- , , 4 to waa Tail.iw a wbt-,it ia Uih mo jctsrv omooonl aappisea ja time to ponfv Use bl ol an4 rsja!ale tneiu,i appropnate food that tba ivacaui kldneya. Fa no'a eiry om!I,n?rk"d ,r trm fiseblo to pound makes Wright rsd b!ool and re ff" unaid:! from tt e masaof lood .vMtna liver and kidneys th-. a ja'o K"a atomica Paio,a eoterw tbat IsbrMightopMitbem wbatravar tm eJ,BP?onf. hs appetita aad porw bt taewtot.v pooriogthrogb Pns,ih" f1? orjcaaa into abape to nwrtuK iw. .paas tae fjd over to tba Mood in each a lt-r laererr ru.n in tba ww)d a(,T pw"a1' prepar-d condition that lbs Pa ne. ca ary compoanp about J butui into na.-Tr. bram aodttaaoe snb upsi klv p-v.p e. iotr tber ar-pwit M ,QI,T bright abcot. and oourM every Uaaoe ta tba.r oay. i ' """ " ' - rTO" "M T OT As avea ebi drmt ar a war, mere i-!u??n 'vr. kijr..fh. art or atoaacb. i blood aU over tbe body. It la this blood wi -h bund, up tba tisjsu-a ltt bars bseo wo-n out. It carries ml tbe mater la a for resunlag; wastei and worn parts i Tj toe m ua -.lew H gtvwa eonai a pxrta ar 1 materials for making moaue: tj tbe boa Hello: p. E. Allen SCO. np one of those "0 Steams "Yellow wheels for Charlie and one of those 135 Queens for Deesie, tbey are the handsomest and best wbeils cr tboau in Alr-aiy. re eard'efS of price, will Lt:?g the cash downleoort. on crbefora ih first da ci ib afternoon. FURNITURE CO. ALL DRUGGISTS - a , saaeottne. serancs imaoion. - - j atomaci, traobwa. diaordered liw, snd (fS!oa ana ait nn la' "tl'1 oot ot over """ nndarTed nerves and c rgana SOUMQKS. In tie Circuit Cort Stair f Crrgem,jcr L 'rm Violet Ford, pbin:ff. Milton Ford, defendant, j T Milton Ford tbe above ramed de-l fan dan t IS THE KAVITCF THE STATE OF Oregon, yoi are hereby reqoi ed to ap pear and aower the ccmplict of me plaintiff hete'n ta tbe aNv eu'itrd coart. tKw pi : ;c iu ibe office ot tbe clerk of aid j 's' Mrch term ol said court, it being I vMuuuaj. ji"iu use mn, j?; sua yoa are bereby lorner notiaed that in case yon fail to so appear asd answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to tbe c-ort for the lette demanded then I, tnwit : A decree of tbe above court anuuU ing. setting aside and holding for naught tbe bottis of matrimony heretofore exist ing between the plainuf and defendant and tbat tbey be forever" divorced. That plaintiffs name be cbat.-u l --n Violet Ford to tfaatoi Violet ilcNiuifa. ker mt idea name, and she bve br col and disbursement of this suit to be taxed. Tbts summons is publicised by order cf Hon 3 H Hewitt iaiige of said court, made at chamber ia Albany. Oregon, oa the! 12tfa day of Janusr-. 1833. L H MosraxTE Sox. AtiomrTs tor Plaintiff. S3MII0X5 'a tae Omul Cfewt ol Ae Stair ol Ore or Ae Coamrjr of Loot Elisabeth Davis, plaintiff vs John Davir, defendant. To John Da?i, the alove namtd defend ant. IN Tilt NAM 8 OF THE STATE OF Oregon, yon are hetcby reqatrsd. to appear and answer tba oonutlaiat of tba above plaintiff, ia tbe abov entitled Cvttrt. now oa Ce wtUi the clerk ot said Court, on or before tha brat day "f vhe neit regalar term ot ra'd Ccnrt, which aid next regalar term a sa d Court begins oa M mday, tbe 14th lay of Hatch, 1SS3, at tha Oiur Hoaae ia (ha city cf Albsny, Linn t'oauty, Oregon, tsilrn are hereby notified tbat if yoa tail o appear ana antvrer said complaint ot piaiouff aa herein required a deerve of said ' Court will ba taken against yon for tba relief prayed for in plaintifi'a said complaint. to-wil: A decree dissolving the bands of Biatrial oo row exiatina between von m said plaintiff, and lor tbe oosta aad dis- CBreementa ol said suit. This Sdmrouas is served by publication in tats Kn. UTS Dimocrat f jt six snseessivs weeks, in pursuance of an order msde by th Hoa. 11. H. Hew tt, judge of said coart. mads iath city of Albany, 1 ian Const v. Ore goo, oa th 25 th dv of Jannarr , 1S9S, W.U Bil-Tisp, Attorney for Plaintiff. ADMIKISTRATOB'S SALE. Nolite Is hereby civen that the nndr signed adminisratortf the estate of Jane E Carter, deceased, will ia pursuance of an order I tbe county coart for Linn county Oregon, duly made a- d entered of m-ni' on thellih day ot April, 1896, offer for sala at public auction at the court house door on the 16th flay of April, 189m, at the hour ol I o clock p nt of said day. tbe 'ouo wins; described real estate. Wit. lxts Joe 4. 5 and 6. in block No 11 in ttackleman s second a.loitin. ,n Ll"n. county Oregon. Terms ol sale ine half in cash in hand and the six raonths from date of sale, payment secured by mortgage on properly. Ed K M Cai i kr, Admr. DR.J. L.HILL Pbftician and surceon. Office, First ft 0RTHERH IIJ PACIFIC R, R. TJ Pullman Sleeping oats, Elegant Dinfr g Cars, Tourist. Sleeping Oarr St Paul Minnearolis Dnlutb . nrgo, rn Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Butte t THROUGH TICKE S... TO "hlcatfO rVashingtou York Soeton and a) Point East and t-ont b Through Uckdta to Japan ami V oa, vta Tscomaand Sortbern Pa-ifie tpamhij Co., an ommcta lioe- For information. t:'ri.e ara, eaps aeC tic-tacallon or i' G lt''hart agat, Albany, O- ADCbarlw-"- Gen Faaa agt ortland- O- TO THE EAST eivaaraac-Holca or 2 TRANSCONTINENTAL- ROUTES GREAT HOSTHERH via SPOKANE MtXKEAPltUS ST. PWt CHICAGO 9RCG?1 SHORT LINE SALT LAKE DckYEB 0AHA SO KANSAS CUT Lrwest Bate3 to all Easte; n Cities Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Uvery 4 days . a afO SAH FRAHCiSGO I Steamers monthly from Port land to Yokohoma and along Kong; via, f he Northern Pa ci6c Steamship Co. i& con nection with O R and N Tor tall iaiorscaioa emii ow Craaas St Momium, A3av. Ot 3 iDDSin: W H HCBLBLK1. Gsji'l Pas. .Acs Pa,Caad Oi . : RAILROAD : Stjenis Liss of the forli Yia OgtoSi Salt laii TO 111 Points East & Saitls? Pullman Palace sleeping cats Pullman tourist cv Free redlining chair cars Aro run through on all trains. Best service Finest equipment Fastest time. r rr A n . a. J -K v j va w uuut oaa aaa irormation call on your near est ticket asent or address R C Nichol, E B Dcfft, GenlAgt, Trav Tass Agt,. 251 Washinston St, Portland. S K Hoopek, GPiF Agt Denver, Colorado. Oregox & EASTER! R. R. CO.. YAQU1NA BAY ROUTE urjnnecung at laqoinacay- vntntbe San Francisco 5 Yaqaina Ba? STEAMSHIP COMPANY. StoansMp "PreaSeit' Sails from Taqnina every 8 davs for San Francisco, Coos Bay.Hnmboidt Bay. Fasxqm AccoirooATtoitr Uitscarassn Shortest route between the rVillans- Un Valley and Caluornla. Fare bom Albany and eointa want tt Ban Francisco Caws.... 8 Of Brtxsjk6K . B.0C Bound trip good for 60 days I'JX. To Coos Bay Oabin $s.oi Steerase 6 00 (To Humboldt Bar and Port Orford, n I $10.01 erage 8 00 River Division. Steamer "Albany" between Portland Ad Corrallis, through without layover. Leaves Cor rail, s 0:30 a. m. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sundavs; leaves Port land, Yamhill street 'dock. tftOC a. at. Mondays Wednesdays and Frid:s. Edwis Stokx, J C Mi'n Manager Supt River Piv KXPkniENC r TSiDI SSAKKB. t eOPVRICMTS AO. Al.veB seixtlnc a atstrh ana Seaaliitloa m auiotljr aswnain, fr. wavthar an InTaatloB anabaMr MUantaMa. tloaiaianiratiooa atrta-tlr euueoanttai. oIJm sre-tej mrsepunna tunts So Amenca. W, kt a Washington tubtw. Patents takea thruuah ataaa tk Co. raouv apects Bolloe la the SCIENTIFIC AMERiCAM, teemtfullr lllosrrated. tanresSSVlreclatloa ot siit staentioe Jtmrnal. weoki j, temu.uu a seat, SIJDsut auMiths. Mwnsiea aPs and tiaaa swa uw rAIKKTSSMUltftt. aifcirasa MUNN A CO., 381 Sraaseav. Kew V ark. n Til W hmk ! Iliii lil illlilr