The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 18, 1898, Image 1

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Entered c.O tfce reel nee at Albany. Or. Seeead-Claaa Mall Mallei i
W T limit ratiuaer aa rraprlasav
1 "' sSr?Tiivi1w mm mii'i m lliinn'i minn m :i n in -
AVtgetablc Preparation for As
similating tteFoodandR-iila-liiig
theStomadis and Bowels c
ness andBestContairts neither
Opium.Morptine norKixat
Apesfect Remedy forConstipa
fion.Sour StomactuDiarrhoca.
Wains .Convukions.Fcverish-
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature of
Oregon Gas LigM Heating
Cheap Light For
Cheap Hsat For
Cheap Powe For
Correspondence Solicited.
il: F E. IDil S. Pres. A. H. FRmiSES, SIC.
1 1..
The Second Teri
January 4, 1898. The co'.bgo ha9 strengthened its com
merciarwork very much, bo that now it has become a
Business College
eual to any in the state. Thia was not so in the past.
ig s now. Come and secure a thorough training in
branches o." a liberal education.
Albany, Oregon, PreSidMlt AM COllegC
25c. 50c- " rfi
i. JOfcKpa
' OF -
of evert
Castorla b prt p la mt tin botUea caly. It
la so old la balk. Doat allow anyens ta sell
yosMytMng else on tie plea er praodse that It
ia' just aa geod" aaa "will aas svrv pr
poM." "See that job gat 0-A-8-T-0-B4-A,
and Power Company.
Church House and Eotel
Church. Eon e asi Hotel
Anything and iTeiything
-k V W.ia T-" W L I W
r I far
-. ALL
(Geo. Barton," oounty Judico; J M. Waters D. L.
Curl, Commiaalonera.)
Petition of Gruff King and D J King
for vacation of certain streets was con
Petition of Jaeon Wheeler for vacation
of t heeler's addition to Albany granted.
Application of 0 W Cobb for rebate of
tax, continued .
Petition of 0 O Jackson et al for coun
ty road, continued.
Petition for appointment ol PR Bil
yeu as road supervisor denied.
Petition of J D Griffin et al, asking for
removal of W H Roberts as road super
visor of diet 4 was denied.
The following road supervisors were
appointed: J R Orchard dist 11, bilas
Reynolds dist 10, J Clem diet 13, Moses
Parker dist 21, Frank Tritea diet 47. 3eo
McKnigbt dist 18).
The tax roll of 1S96 was ordered de
clared delinquent on April SO.
The assessment roll of 1897 was order
ed turned over to the sheriff with a war
rant for the collection of the taxes.
Application of Eastern Investment Co.
for wbapJLwtiflLrOaUiwed. j
Bills allowed : 1
Aid Cox, Alberts, Sarah Uines, Mr
and Airs Barnaad, Henry Myers, Mrs
Mrs Adams,I Coleman and wife, Samuel
Keich, Larne, Mrs Junkips, Mrs Streit
hoff, Mrs Fonts. Henderson. Biiwen.
Hockenborg, Mrs D Mosier, Henry Zes-
iow, mra fll Klum, Jobn Koker, K Oil
lock, Mrs John Hodges, Mrs Mitchell.
DEOheadle $
V C Farley, dlgeine grvo
Alhanv Fur Co. coffin
2 00
5 00
15 00
O W Curl
12 80
3 00
2 50
7 00
15 00
1 00
5 15
27 50
8 92
16 00
2 50
6 00
15 00
23 50
10 50
3 00
3 00
83 00
6 91
2 40
12 76
Si 00
11 02
Hughes &Troutman
B F Ramp
HO Watson
Aid C Harnett
PG Morris
VV A Long
Harry S Johnston A Co
Cable t Staoard
W T Cochran
G C Vennum
Mrs Miriam Shank aid omith. . .
A T Russell
Mrs Lucy Bvars
Fred Dawson
M Lndwit7 ' :
Mrs Francis Mellmaker
D W Hardin
Sawver Bros. I
I Whealdon
H Truax
J J Sawyer
A R Bogart
Sawyer Bros
Weill. Fargo Co, express
G W Rice, extension tax rolls...
M C Gaines, board prisoners....
Mrs Welt
S tlariee of county officers.
John Uaher, janitor
J J Wbitner, diet 4ty
C F Swank, deputy sheriff
Crawford & Harnish, maps
G D Bernard & Co, stationary.. .
E U Will, stationary "...
Chas Hegele, exhibit
John Catlin, Janitor
r lei Co C H
Oregon agt Homer Biiyeu
Indigent soldiers ."
W K Blain, books
C E Roberts, deputy sheriff
Al El Light Co
JGraJwohl, C II
R Wheeler, teachers ex
J S Smith,
DTorbet, " "
E T T Fiaher, eurveyor
Smith & Dogger, printing
Glass & Prudhomme, stationary.
B A Stafford, assessor..
J L Jones, extendi- a stmt roil..'
P J Smiley, printing
T J Stites, i-cttate
C F Swank, deputy sheriff
Oregon vs Clarence Morgan and
Walter Smith
Irwin Hodeon A Co, beoks
W L Jones, Oregon agt t rench &
P J Smiley, Printing
Fred Dawson, stationary
M Ludwig. OH
B F Sanders, aid Cavwood
44 00
21 40
6 00
10 00
5 00
5 00
Jt 00
2 65
U 00
5 50
5 90
4 95
10 CO
1 25
2 00
20 00
1 00
25 00
24 00
10 60
1 SO
21 03
13 00
14S OS
36 00
67 10
14 50
4 00
7 65
61 65
12 4)
11 78
7 00
6 00
6 00
10 40
6 00
9 55
John Hearing, aid Gi'.lock
C Kendig, roads A bridges
J M Waters, as com
DLCurl "
Geo D Barton, rds and bridges. .
Mr J R Ream is morinir bis mar
b!e shop into tbe Maaton turner, rnd will
use the two south rooms and yard in tbe
rear for his business.
C A Pillsuurv. tbe famous mi 1 man
of Minneapolis, "has been in Portland
nil mill tarts out 2200 barrels of flour a
da Pillsburv predicts a rive in the nrke
The residence of J W Ma'kry, of En
gene, was burned Toetday night. It was
insured in 'he McMiotmlte cooperative
company. This company also recently bad
a loss in Lebanon.
A famoa and verr lmportaot trlil end
ed yesterday In Wilktebarre, Penn. thai r.f
tbe state agt sheriff Martin and deputies
for shooting at and killing several s'rikers
last year, lliey were lound not guilty.
oe aemanu lor good borws is increas
ing. H C Smith-on, a Seattle horse
buyer, left Fussil, in Gillam oantv, a few
days ago purchasing a carload. 22
bead, of work horses. He paid from SCO
to (175 f6r teams sreubiog from 1100 to.
16U0 pounds.
' At the Y. M C A Hall Friday even
ing George Uerscbbach broke bis leg at
the anWe wkile practicing pole vaulting
under direction of Prof. Uown. Tbe
matte were so placed that tbe young man
struck on tbe edce of one andbis foot was
doubled nnder bim Tbe break was a
inful one. Salem Journal.
Last week, C
!'Ci!1"TrD"1ir' fa?'
ride from bis farm beyond Cress Keys to
The Ddlles He coveted the entire dis
tance, a little mrre than 100 miles, in
lets than Is horns. He received word
there at noon one day. of the illnes
!S of
bis wife, and wai in The Dalles the folio
be man urrested Testerdav noon bv
Mar-hall Le, while on a break beam, and
supprsed to be wanted in Oregon city f jr
embezzlement, proved to be tbe wrong
man. though answering tbe detenption1
almost completely, except tbat his lace
oaa not been staved recently. He went
on bis way south by the overland
A Washington dispatch mts: Represen
tative Tongue has been trying to make ar
rangements to have tbe veterans of the
Indian wars taken at soldiers homes uoder
the same regulations as the voteran of tbe
Mexican and late wars The U S pais
$100 a year to the different soldiers homes
tor tbe support ot eacn ot its soldiers, but
this allowance has not vet been mads for
veterans of tbe Indian war.
Skins on fire with torturing, dungnnng,
Itchine, burning, bleeding, scaly, and pltnply
humors, Instantly relieved by a warm DUi
with CuTiccKA 80AF, a single application of
CunciiBA (ointment), the great skin cure,
and a fuU dose ot Cutiouba Kkkolvxht.
It! throijrhOfilrtv.wwM. Tnmm J).
r7PsV . - MW in tars wiwhsj ss t
How It Happened .
The following letter received this uoon
explains bow the accident happened to
Mr. R. R, Findley at Union, as nearly as
is known:
Union, Or., March 9, 1898.
Chief Lee, Albany Oregon.
Dear Sir : Regarding R R. Findley,
will say that yesterday just before noon,
a man. apparently demented, waa re
ported to have been seen about 4 milea
from here. I sent out for him, and attar
getting him here, called a physician who
examined bis injuries. He first thought
that he was not seriously hurt and ex
peeled that he would be conscious bv to
day. Tbia morning he waa no better.
when I sent you my first meswge. I
had alreadv callfui annthv nhrair in tn
consult witn me one nrst obtained, and
auer getting vour message to care for
him etc, have removed him to the hotel.
obtained a nurse and have the best med
ical attendance to be had. The Doctors
think he will recover without an ditlic
olty and say the principal danger is.tbat
his injuries might result in heinorsires at
. i. . . i . i . i
uie mi m injury id me oram.
From the beat information, we think
he fell from the train, while passing fjoni
one car 10 anomer
Yours very trulv.
J. F. Pur.
College Notes
A week of jubilee.
The seniors finish the long
course of Latin
six year's
President of tbe junior class sports the
Macbeth and Julius Gesar ars quoted
with wild gesticulation every where.
"Those aspiring artists" are -es ponding
to the spring weather and the magic
touch of Miss Moses.
Mrs Allen, chairman of College com
mittee of Y W.C A. in North est, was
one ot the visitors of the week. Hbo ad
dressed a special meeting of Y. W. C. A.
and spoke in chapel.
The enlarged portrait of our first pres
ident. Rev. William J. Monteith, baa ar
rived and will be placed in tbe library.
The older alliens who have seen it say it
is a speaking likeness. 6o far ire a re un
able to get Dhotoirroba of Presidents
Geary od Condit.
Saturday waa converted ints Arbor
Day Tbe studen a put in some good
hard licks in behalf of the Campos Im
provement Association. Wbenourlawn
is completed and tbe ninety trees have a
years growth every student will feel an
inner satisfaction in tbiokingof those
blistered bands, tbe beavv spade or tbe
creaking wheelbarrow. The association
ttanka friends lor their help.
Albany is the chosen ground for the
Ditched battle of Friday, March 11, 1593.
Here in heated contest the honor men of
our nine great colleges will do battle on
me piauorm lor the state honors. Each
contestant wilt head a strong arrar of
college people. Tbe O. A. O. will send a
special train. The U. of O. will charter
a couple of cars. An excursion will
bring tbe delegates from- Portland and
the intervening colleges. Tbe Lebanon
train will bring large numbers to see
Bert win. Of the large number which
will come we entertain 80. In this our
frieads are helping cs so nearly all are
provided foi. We srive a tweoiv dollar
gold medal to the winning orator. After
the contest our n siting friends will be
banqueted at tbe Masonic Temple.
Ia tbe afternoon U. of O. will meet A
C. in a game oi indoor base ball at the
Of era house.
ibe total expenias of about to hun
dred dollars will be paid from tbe door
receipts Friday eveoiog, the balance be
ing applied on one of our improvements.
For financial reasons wa regret the op
portunity comes only once in n ne years.
We appreciate the helo of our frimda
and shall expect to see them at the con
test covered with our black and orange.
Hurry np! for the seats are going fast
and all a ill aoon be taken.
Ke member our yell.
Rate a-ter tbret, ter thrat, ter tbrat
Ter a ter tix, ter lix, ter Iix,
Kick a ba ba, kick a be ha
I Ibany College Rah ! rah ! rah !
Divobc DT in SaLtw.-Todav waa
certainly "divorce day" with Jndge
riwttt linnng the forenoon the mar
iage relations between six couples were
disaoivej. There remain however six
otber anch cases on bis docket fordis
position at this term of court. Decree of
divorce an findings wss entered in tbe
esses of Emma Lane vs Isaac Lane.Mary
E. Smith vs A. A. Smith, Eliubeth
Shaffer vs Joseph Shaffer, Fred L. Tay
lor vs Anna L. Taylor, Wm. L W hillock
vs Anna K. Wbiilock and Mary M lv
eqne vs J. K. Leveque. Journal of Wed
nesday. TheO. I.O. A. Coxtsstt. The gold
medal to be presented to the winner of
the prin contest tomorrow night arrived
this morning and is on exhibition at F.
M French's. It is an elegant medal
and tbe one who secures it may well be
proud of the trophy of victory The re
ports indicate tbat there will be nearly
two hundred students here from other
p'aces to attend the contest.large crowds
coming from Corvalus, Eugene, Salem
and others towns.
A Maccabss Halt. The MtviW
have rented the second storv of the
arrish block, except tbe part occuDied
v the Republican and have alieady be-
un fitting np some elegant rooms for
beir lodge meetings. They will have
ne of the finst balls in the city.
Rev. Geo. Manshart .pastor of tbe First
Evangelical church at Albany, Oregon,
was in tbe city Thursday and Friday vis
iting friends. Rev. Maosbart began his
minUtry some ten yanaga in i Ins coun
ty wbsn but a beardless boy. Then, as
now, sermons were characterized by a
fwholesome and encouraging. Ten years
I Bjave given him tbe culture and exper
ience one wisnes to nnd m a minister.
MoPersou, Kan., Dai'y Republican, of
Aiarcu s.
Ras Away. This morning the drsy
earn of Frank Purdom became freinht-
fened at eight immense steers on the
ktreet and ran away going west. The
yiraystood the racket very . well
Mrs. Al. Boenicke went to Portland
tbia noon,
Mies Cecil Ramnv. of Harrislmrtf ia in
vur ciiy visiung irienas.
:. : . j t i
I he Albany orchestra this wk will
bold tbeir social dance at tbe armory
Saturday evening.
Mr. Burggraf. the author of tl. xioht
Uwls, was in tbe city this noon on his
j uuiuc uuui a trip up tne valley.
Mrs. W.O Davis, of Butte, Mon., is
in tne county visiting frieads an i relativ
es. tier neadqusrters will be with her
aaugnter Mrs. Kev Hood ol Shedd.
VI T T T-1 It . .
'! a. IV. rinmev ID I innnnnn r-
ceivea a oispaicn trom J. H. llnr.l
wno arrived at Union at 10 o'clock. It
lead: "Keam better. You needn't
Lr ij. l.. uowiand, of this city, has
oeen seriously in at tne home of bis son
in- law, jar U. Smith, at Han Fran!.
but i teported out of danger and improv
iDKsiuwiy. oirs Kiwiand ib with him.
miss tsprenger and Miss Murry, who
went to Dnluth, Minn., several years ago
to reside, have returned m Oran .n,t
will probably (make Albany their home
Miss Mprenger is with her moti-er in this
city, aun Mies Murry it now in Salem
Mr Charles Finer, nostal BrV m ti,.
8. P. Is in tbe city. He and bis brother
George of tne Seattle P. I. are contain
qlating a trip through the eastern states
in a lew weens.
ir you want a row! and cleat
moke buy cigars made by our Al
bany cigar factory.
This Is college day in Albany for cor-
tain. There is no doubt about it even if
it bad not been announced right along
for several weeks, Tbe evidence ia pro
nounced, not iarticularly .loud,- but
loud enough to be beard. Gentlemanly
though snd ladylike in demeanor are
the ones who are here, a fine crowd of
young people, full of corpuscles. They
are here to orate and b herrd iu oration.
What is more honorable than to repre
sent one's college in a contest of oratory
and brains . D is far ahead of beinir the
champion foot rarer or pole vaulter.
Uence it is wen lor tbe brother students
to veil vociferously their collese veils.
and me louowers oi me vmor tonight
I.. ... . "
will be excused if they yell in csps. This
college spirit is an excellent thing when
aept in uounus. -In
Albany we have hnng out the
orange ana o sck, qui jusi tne same we
have tbe supreme t respect for all the
other colors that are appearing today on
our streets.
TUB jp I O. A
The Oregon Intercollegiate Oratorical
Association met fa tbe college chapel at
2:30 thia afternoon, with President Kay
kendell of Eugene, in the chair, and a
practically complete delegation from the
oine colleges present, tbe bright colors of
tbe different institutions msrking tbe
location of the delegates Credentials
were presented and the routine business
taken op.
Officers were elected as follows: J. S.
Wallace, ot McMinnville. president: II.
G Hibbard, of Willamette, secretary.
C. A. iloosler, Portland, treasurer.
Tbe next meetinir will be at McMinn
Chicago 104c.
New ors 98Tc.
San r rancic Nfc,
Liverpool 3-10 lower
Albany 64c.
Democratic Primaries).
Thefollowing delegates have been elect
edtotbe democratic county cooven
lion to meet next Wedneedsy.
Albanv W R Bilveu. Claud Broders.
L H Monunye.C G Burkhart.L W Laug-
bead, CO U, I-rank wood, Jr, Her
man Boelow, M Sender.
West Albany D U Uackleman, W U
Stellmacbcr, Geo Cline P J Smiley, J J
Whitney, W A Kimsey, M fecott, C 11
Stewart, F H Fielder.
East Albany Henry Miller. A H Mar
tin, I K WeaUierford, A W Stl!macber,
Wm Parker, Peter Kile v. 1 U ihckev
Frice Mait Miller. U D Uurkhart.
Leslie Payne, E U Cox and John Max
well Halnev C C Jack ton. A M Reeves. Jas
A Smith, W J Rlbelao, W R Uarrftt, V
B Warmoatb. P W Quinn.
North Lebanon M A, b si Gar
land, M Ueiser. J G Boyles. G W Cm-
son, fcd Kelleoberrer.
Nvrth Lebanon. E Kiblr, F C Han-
aard. Joe Stewart, B B Doughten, T P
McKnigbt. D O Peuce
orth Harris burv m w assom, u r
Hyde, B M Miller. TO Mackey.Thos
Kodgers snd U b Jousey.
South Harmburg Vbii Grimee.Oscer
Drinkard, John Cartrigbt, M W Canter.
Tangent B W Cooprr,i-atno I Cooper,
L F Smith, Al Perry, U W McEloorry.
A vote was taken on anion ot iorcee.
being in favor with only one negative
Fox Vallev Henry Lyons. Harry Ly
ons, W. E. Potter. t .
Dr. B. F. Falter is in the city.
Mrs Ben Barker and cbilJren.of Port
land, are ia the ciiy visitieg Albany
frieoda and relative.
W. C. Tweedale ret arced this mora
ing from California, aft-r an absence if
ssven weeks,ecent mostly in Sacramento.
Mies Rose Train returned this morn
ing on the Rath la Port Is n. I. accompany
led by Mrs. & &. Iram and Mrr. noodV I
Mr Ben Goodwin. aa-Utant manaseai
oi i no pi. raui tcsuranre v.o.. is in mi
city. He is a rousm of Mr. I'hti Oootf-
1 bev had hot torn a lies at the Wood
men lodge last evening, which is said to
be the reason why Mr Iturggraf spent
tbe evening here.
Miss Lois Dyer, formerly. of the Albany
schools, bas gone to Arizona, where it is
reported tbat abe is to be man led to Mr.
Yatea, formerly ot Oakville.
Mrs. Helen M Fouthwiek went to Al
bany today to confer with Mrs Hawkins,
a prorcineot member aod srorker in tbe
Pacific Circle. Saiem Journal.
H. M Real, cashier ot the First Na
tional Bank, left thia morning for San
Francisco to spend a month visiting in
that city. Tbe Dalles I". M.
Mr. A. C. -Shaw, recently clerking
with 8. E Young h Joo. has retired,
and Mr. Ed Stewart, of this city, hss ac
cepted a position in the store and will
work in the shoe department.
. E. Adcox, a prominent Albany, Or.,
business man, ia registered at the Es
mond Portland Telegram Mr. Ad
cox is the jwe!er who has done business
in nesrly every place in Western Oregon.
ra. Carey F. Martin, of Salem, a sis
ter ot tbe famous Homer Davenport, is
said to rival her brother as an artist.
having done some excellent work dis
playing a rare talent. There are several
cousins also who sre geniuses with the
pen and pencil.
Judge W. C. Hale of tbe first Indicia'
trict.ii holdina the reaularterm ol the
circuit in Lare county for Judge Fuller-
ton. Judge Ful erton finds it necessary
to devote all the time from now to the
end of bis term of office to tbe disposal ol
business now held under advisement.
From the Salem Independent: The
Mineral Springs college is but a young
institution, and has so far had a hard
road to travel, but under me enerin-uc
and skillful management of Prof bedde.
rand will at no distant day be one of tbe
ka. educational institutions on tne ra-
ific coast.
Where the blood loses its
intense red arrows thin and
watery, as in anemia, there is
a constant feeling of exhaus
tion, a lack of energy vitality
and the spirits depressed.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo-
is peculiarly adapted to correct m
tntS COnouiMl' auo wwuiw
oil, emulsified to an exquisite
fineness, enters the blood direct
and feeds its every corpuscle,
restoring: the natural color and
oSvino- vitalitv to the whole
system. The hypophosphites
rcadi the brain and nerve
centres and add their strength
ening: and beneficial effect.
If the roses have left your
cheeks, if you are growing:
thin and exhausted trom over-
! work, or if age is beginning
. to tell, use SCOTT'S Emul-
. sion. w
I ot sura you get SCOTT'S Emulsion
Alidnigtfju; Joe snd li.oo.
'Z SCOTT a BowNb. intmuM, new io.
SCOTT Si BOV. NE.Ch.mUti, New York.
Blood i
the mortgage filed.
Tbe mortgage for tbs issue of first
mortgKge bonds of tbe Corvallis A East
ern Railway Company has been filed for
record in Benton county. It bears tbe
date of January 26, 18b8, and is made in
favor of tbe Central Trust Company, of
Mew York. It covers railroad lines and
appurtenances, constructed and to be
constructed, as follows:
Beginning at a point on Yaquina bay
and extending to the bound ry line be
tween Oregon and Idaho at or near
Snake river in Malheur county.and from
a suitable point or function with said
first-named line east of tbe summit of
the Cascade raoge, in a southerly direc
tion by some convenient route to the
boundary line between the states of Or
egon sad California, in Klamath or Lake
county, together with 141 miles of tele
graph line from Yaquina to Detroit, and
also all railroad equipment.
The instrument covers all railroad
lines constructed or to be constructed
or acquired until such railway shall
amouct in tbe aggregate to 750 miles.
The aggregate amount to be issued, it
is stipulated, shall not exceed (11,250.000
in first mortgage bonds, of $1000 each,
payable in 100 years, interest to be 4 per
cent, payable semi-annnally.
Mr. Diamond.
Cobcro, Or , March 10th, 1898.
Eoitob Dkmockat.
I see by the daily of the 8th inst. an
srticle touching on tliearlr historv of
Oregon, by O H. Stewart. Will you
kindly allow me to correct some of his
statemonu Sir Stewart claims I acteJ
on the election board while I was still an
Irishman, while tbe fact of tbe case ia, I
S'od my intentions several rears before
coming to Oregon, in Kendall county, Il
linois. ery resperuuiiy yours,
John Diamond.
The McMinnville Athletes
Tumble into the opera bouse tomor
row night and see tbe boys from Mc
Minnville tumble and tarn. There wiil
be a live time an1 tbe entertainment will
be one worth witaeetiog.for tbe members
of the club are good amatner performers.
They have been well trained and will
give some pleasing exercises. Talt and
Chambers of Ibis city bay been invited
to panic: pate and will give an exnibitioo
of cluh awinaiag with electric light ef-
lect. interspersed win be souse good
music by McMinnville talent.
Iasrsn toTBAria. Tbe Slate board
yesterday issued papers to teachers,
those Irom Linn county being in tbe list
b-tng the fol owing:
S'ate diplomas Cora Alexander,
A. Wiley, Chas. F. Copper, Ethel
Red field. Mamie F. Allen.
State life diploma Lois F. Dyer.
A cariosity seen :i V M French's
window today waa a pitce of mors tent
from Lake Senett by 0 W Watts, tbe
kind with which they fee4 goats there-
The cnrantzitioa cf tne McMioaville
Building and Loaa Association hat bees
ab.nt completed wit b a capital slock cf
S40 IXJ aboai ooe-bsjf of which U already
aibcibed. Tbe question of orguibing
such aa aasortaUon bas been under ad
visement by the bntiMM teem of McMinn
ville lor some time. -The T. R .
Tbe Grey Earle was al Albaey this
miraiBg having come np tbe river on log
ging business.
W. B Lawler bas returned from bis
trip to Salt Lasa city
Mr. Collins, state treasurer of Montana,
attended the oratorical cot-test.
Mrs. John Brash went to Oregon City
this morning on the Ruth to visit her
' JH. Howard and R.B. Fiodley arriv
ed in Portland laat evening horn Union
aod will come np to Albany on tonights
overlmd. Mr. Findley was not as badly
in theihort aa Cist thought.
A card received froa Mr. C. O.
Jonea announces that he has located at
Elgin, Oregon, where be will ran
racket store He writes that times ap
pear to be quite lively in that
coon try Brownsville Times.
John Simpaon and family arrived
Toeeday evening from a four months
soJoarn in California. John ia hale
and nearly from tbe efiects of the
trip, and be retains to bis work with
renewed hopes. Corvallis Times. Mr.
Simpson was in Albany today.
Lebanon Advance Items.
J. M. Kotcb of this city has contracted
for Fisher Bros.' stock of merchandise in
Sodavllle, and will take possession ot tbe
same tbe last ot this month and continue
tbe busnees. Mr. Kotcb ia a good bus
iness man and will doubtless do well in
Tbe Rebekabs gave a reception to Mr.
acd Mrs.J.C. Mayer, in Odd Fallows'
ball, on Wednesday evening. There was
a large attendance of members and invit
ed friends.and it was a very nice and en
joyable affair. An interesting program
was rendered, aod a fine sapper- was
Miss Helen Bode is lying at the point
ot death in Albany, where she went a
short time since to take medical treat
ment. Her physician. Dr. Hill, tele
graphed to Mr. Bode last evening that
ibtre was no chance for her recovery.
Mr. Bode Jaod daughter. Miss Flounce,
went to Albany this morning to attend
her bedside.
Should be Banished.
A Chinese gardener who Uvea below
the city was tried veeterday afternoon be
fore Justice Powell for cruelty to a horse.
the craity consisted in cutting on two ot
the legs cf the alrealy very emaciated
animal, and when discovered by Pete An
derson rete Kiley apd t rank hetchom
was getting revly to cut off the other two
preparatory lo burving tbe animal alive,
this after clubbing tbe animal in a brutal
manner. Ihe Celestial was fined flo.
The brute also deserved a coat o( tar and
featbeis sod banishment to China. He
is a blot on humanity, ouch heathen do
not deeerve recognition of soy kind.
, More Disgusted Men.
r N
. ... .... 1 1 1 i
r I tarry v aixins ana oroiner sou ueorga
Slavins, of sweet Uome, who went to
Skaswav a month ago to make their for
tunes, teturned lsst night, a disgusted
crowd of men They want no mora of
1 1 a L . Th.v ittul Ihifc lhM w a ra
e hnndre 1 men there to every job.that n
the weather was horrible and that fie
4 1 reports of sickness were not exaggerated.
Ck........ . .,-1. -n.1 !.. I
after they wil
contented with Sweet,
Albany Won. A red hot game of base
ball was played at the opera home yester
day alteroon between Albtny and tu
gene, it was close irom tne snd very ex
citing. At she end of nine innings the
score was 0 to 0. bugene tailed to score
and Albany made 1, winning the game.
Highly Rbcomkndbd. From llev.
D. O Ghormlev, pastor of tbe First
Presbyterian church, of Moscow, Idaho,
under date of March 9: "Tbe Smith'
Gorton enter. alnments were high'y com'
mended by inoee who attended "
A Match Shoot. An interesting
match shoot was had yesterday after
noon between If. 11. Pfeiffer and Frank
Gumming 25 live birds apiece were
g tired at, uumming Killing iw ana x-ieiner
is, the latter snooting only limes
the food para.
Absolutely Pure
Chicago, Mav 104c. Jul 97
New York. May 98, Julv 8&3.
Kan Fraccisco 63 4e;
Liverpool unchanged.
Albany 64c.
Albany Received First Place.
The sixth annual intercollegiate ora
torical contest was held at thj opera
house in Albany last night in the pres
ence of an immense audience. The
event was an important one in collese
life, and a very entertaining one.
Tbe cominitiae appointed for tbe pur
pose by tbe O. 1. O. A. nreaented ih
f blowing resolutions, which were adopt
ed: Whsbxas. The delegates of the State
Oratorical Association have been treated
wiib great kindness and consideration,
Resolved. By tbe State Oratorical As
sociation. that we extend a vote of tbanks
to tbe citizens ot Albany for tbeir ho
pitalicy ; and be it further
Keaolved, That we extend our thanks
to the faculty and student af Albanv
vouege iot uteir xinanees and tbe coor-
. 1 1 . . - ... ...
teoaa treatme t which we have received
at tbeir bands, and to tbe judges in this
contest, and also to those who have as
sisted in making this program more en
joyable, and to all others who in differ
ent ways have assisted ia making this
tbe th annual meeting of the Oraurical
Association, a great success; and be it
Resolved, That tbe secretary be in
structed to pr-went a copy ot these reso
lutions to eacn ol the hKJ papers for
KeepecUul'y submitted,
C.J. WaxD,
S. T. Smur,
U. G. HiBBAan.
Committee on Resolutions
Tbe president anroonced that tbe ora
tions bad been published in the Albanv
College Student, bicij wi'lbesold for
15 cents, and to abich the Dckocsat re
fers tboea of iu readers desiring to see
the orations iu full
Tbe orators look their seats ooon the
stage, and after prayer by Rev. C. R.
Stevenson, the oratorical contest be
w m. J. uiLSittAf. o tbe U A C was
tbe firtt to speak His subject was
"Brain snd Bra s n." It was a plea for
a modern practical education tbat makes
men tcick and was delivered with force
aod es roe i nee
I. li. VAX WINKLE, of Willamette
University, a Lnn county voorg man,
waa beard oa "The Gold Seekers." Tbe
oration deait aunt-be excellent use to
hicb the prosperous - miners
of the world bare put tbeir moa. v.
tLoagh in far to many cases the mooey
haa beo need for selfish parpcce. The
greedy narjoos of tbe world aod trasts
like tbe standard Oil Co. were given
tbeir iut dert.
MISS EDN'A RCGG. of Portland Uni
versity, a daughter of Rev. Kcer. at
Oregon City, presented tbe subject ot
"fiadicaiism " Tbe tnfioenc of tbe
radical in the wor.d was presented in
pretty language, wth well rounded sen
tences. The radical ia not tbe fanatic,
but is guided by wisdom in working for
tbe world's advancemenMud as his work
soceeeds be becomes the cooservauve.
Tbe orator spoke with excellent elocn-
ttooary e3ct,diepiaying a p.easing voice
and a sympathetic presence. Tbe ap
plause was general.
Mies Ln rrencn waa neard in a vocal
solo, sweetly stitig.
GEO.L. HASKEEUof Pacific Uni
versity, of Forest Grove, psonoanced bis
oration on Tne Emancipation of the
La bona; Man." Tbe method given is
to be that ol invention, which will give
him greater opportunities lor personal
advancement and perconal improvement.
Strikes were justified, bat arbitration
cific College, of New rg, waa beard on
" Altruism. ' ibis was somewhat of a
sermon, on though, loll ol nice
thoughts, carefully expreed, calling
for higher thoughts, centering in God's
love, looking towards lives, of unselfish
ness lived for other.
HERBERTS. MURCH. of tbe C ot
O., commanded attention at once in bis
presentation ot Savonarola, a lavorite
oration ot college students, great
play lor expression, and as well demand
ing tbe sympathy of the audience. Tne
oration was delivered witb tbe moat
dramatic effect of any ot tbe nine, some
what after the stamp of tbe lecturer.
Henry Morgan sang Tbe hte squall,
and received a live encore.
K Sof Monmouth. had the important sub
ject of "Eelectricity in Fast, Present and
Future. Electricity waa taaen irom its
mysterious past aud taken up through
Its magnificent present displayed iu our
lights and power into the future with its
unioia roesi Dilutes.
ville, a native of Linn county .pronounced
his oration on Tbe Citisen- on the
Throne, and met the expectations of his
friends. The respoaeibititv of the Amer
ican citisen was loicibly expressed. He
placed the citixen as the leader ol tbe
state, in tact int. ci-.iaan on the throne
and to him we look for our liberties. Tbe
oration was splendidly delivered and met
wi'h tbe applause it dererved, not alone
on account of its preeenta.ion but as well
because ol tbe excellency ot tbe tnougbt
of the composition
ALBERT W. WIGUT, of Albany Col
lege, conferred great credit on our own
college in tbe epleudid arrangement and
comoosilion ol bia oration ou "The Dan
cer of Overconfidence" and the excellent
manner in wmcu it waa presented, ine
danger ot overcoufidence as illustrated
. . I i . . i : : . ..
destruction of Babylon, down through
tbe battle of aierloo t rora all of them
an application was made to our present
lime, ana a warning was given to our
jown nation to be ca eful ot bverconfid-
ence in her attainments aud atreugth.
lit was particularly a timely effort.
I The orchestra was agaiu heard in
Of its well plated selecuobS,
while the
judges were comparing notee.
Ihe decision ot me judges was an
nounced and the elegant gold medal was
presented to Mr. Ubert v ight ot ilia Al
bany (Tolletfc. 1' aaa n reeled with im
mense applause, partu-uiarly by tlieAl-!
bany contingency ttiesecoud place was
given toJ.S. -ailac.
tJommittee on i-ompo-inon it. i.
Benson. Grant's Pass; President 8. B.
L. Penrose, Walla Walla; C. lL.:Mu
tenbeia, Portland.
Committee on unlivery Hon. Lydell
Baker, Portland; tiou. M A. Miller,
Lebanon ; Dr. MO ire, Albany.
During tbe evening the college yella
were beard many more In this while
Albany had some taking yells it was gen
erally admitted mat McMinnville had
the best yell ol the nine.
Tba contest was followed by a fine
banquet given the coutestsntt and dele
gates in the Masonic Temple, under the
supervision of tbe ladies of tbe Presby
terian church.
Garats, news, problems solicited. Ad
dress Chess Editor Dsmocsat, Albany,
SO. 4.
(By N. Marcbe.N. Y.)
msm wwk
'7 &
Ym4 V"'
White to mate in two movrs.
Aa interesting game between two
young piayars at Eugene, Oregon. Re
ported for tbe DcMOCRAT,
C.Gilbert, white, and C.A.Eastland,
1 P-K4
3 B-K3
6 QS-Q2
8 -QB2
19 8Q4(e P-KS4
20 8(Q2)-S3 P QB4CI
21 R-C2(g) PxS
22 8xP Q-K4
23B-B3 B-Kl
8-R4a) 124 R-Kl
25 R-QB2 V.K2
'n B-KB5 ek K OBI
9 P-KS3 Q B3
11 O-O-OCb) S S-5
12 P-RI 8-R3
27 QxQRP(b) R-QB1
23Q-KB2(i) PrS4(j)
29Q K2 Pxf
30RxP BQS4fk
13 R-Sl S-B4
14 B-K2 8-K5
1 xQP(d) RxKck
32 fix K - R-QBl(m
33K-Q2 RxS
15PQ4 P-K83(c)
lo p-5
34 Q Q3 QxB ck
17P-KS4 8-B5d
35 resigns
18 KPxS PxP
'a) Castling waa better,
(b; 11 S-QS3 was tbe proper defense.
(c) Prep-1 ing aa escape for 8
(.) See something better. "Tbe cri
sis in tbe rims.
(e) 19Q-Q4 would have tared tbe
(0 These rawn move, like those ef
tbe 8 are eye openers.
(g) Lost move, for if 21 PxS 22 RxP
bat sn opportunity here was clearly
missed 21 PxPeP would have been tbe
proper play.
ini it was better to save the rame
than to gain a pawn. 27 0-Q4 is proper
(0 23 QQtetill holds rood, or 28 R
Q2, or QxtfSP.
(J) Every moveof black is a stunner,
(k) Crushing oat White's last hope.
(1) Too late, see continuation.
(m) Pressing bis advantage
By assistant Chess Editor.
So.utions Tbe sev to No. 1 ia R-OS7:
to No. 2 is S Qt. Koond by J. A. Finch,
M. Cannon, C. E. Sox
Crescent 3icycV.
Hopkins Brothers, apmf.
Best BicyOe for tctt mcoey
Will Stark, jewe'ers.
2 poinds of erasers fcT 15c at T O
Fresh seeds, two tckaze for a nicke? a
fttea'art A Sox tlareaare Co'.
Fresh soda, tsro packasea for a nickel at
Stewart A Sox Hardware Go's.
Crackers are now way down ia pries.
call isCE Broweel! for freh ones.
Ladies long waicn chains at low prices
at French's Jewelry store.
White House Java A Mocha enffea the
&net in the laacT at F E. A Ilea A Co.
Girdea seeis that grow, in large variety
at C E Jrone!i's.
CcJumida and Hartford bicvcJes. tHe best
for tbe m jney, at Stesrart A Sox Hardware
Run this afternoon tonirn and Sun
day stationery tempentore
Kiier t .b tee.
Yiereck's Shaviag and Eair Cuttle
Parlors. Shaving 10 cts Hair Catting 15
Shampooing lOcts. Clean towels to every
Ctris Yandran has secared a doxen See
California qiail. which be will tuns loose
after while They aboald be left alone
until they have a chance to increase.
Children and adults tortured by barns.
scalds, injuries, ecsema or skin diaeaars
may eecere instant relief by using De-
witt s Witch H4iet Salve It uthe great
Pile remedy. J. A.Cnmmir(S.
An intercollegiate base ball atsodatioa
sraa org-nisrd yesterday afternoon in' ths
city with tbe tcHowiet; officers: Ben ben
Tnomrson. rf McMuisville, prteideat;
rraek Kellmaker of Albany, seeretary;
Brace Barnett of Corvallis treasurer. A
schedule of gamen will be arranged in a
tew weeks tor tbe comma; base ball
Kansas and Kaaa Prohibition wilt
be discuwed by Rev. N. A. Baker, of
Kansas, in W CTC Hall. Albany on
March 14th. at 7:45 p m. Dont fail to
bear this popular and pleasing lecturer.
The Examiner of Thursday five a large
pictnre of -the fu contestant in tbe
oratorical contest here, and th Oregon-
is n alo fciv.'s the nine.
ABOther strike bar been made in the
Bohemia mines ia Lane county. The
ore assays wju to tne ton. nig uung
art claimed for these mines.
Chief of police Lee this momma was
teaching a couple of well dressed hoots
how to e!ean streets.
The populist primaries were in
today throughout the county.
Both the method ana tcealts hen
Syrup of Figs b taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
Ently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
ver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers ana cares habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and asrreeable Bubstanoea, its
many exoeilent qualities commena it
to all and - have made it tbe most
popular remedy known. 3
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 jw
cent bottles by all kstding drag
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not nave it on nana wm pro
care it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
auFonm m mu? ca
New Store
Albany Trad ing Co
lc. .V Morri, .Yfaiiagrr.
Are now located. in tbe building for
snerly occo.iied by Grahau. A Kobson
machinery building and will ue pleased
to meet all oar old customers a well as
new ones W will continue se ling
go ds on a rash basis and take vakxek's
raoctcx at a cai-b price. We can save
vou from S to 20 per cent on groceries.
Come and see ns
I sk Bot.n Mills Flour.. !
Battle Ax tobacco 16 oz plug
1 ps A 'buckles eoffes,grnd to ordr
2 p Lion ,
2 ps Royal Java
3 cans peeled tomatoes
3 lb can Sweet Brier tomatoes ....
5 gal "itndrd oil, bring yon can...
3 lb cartoon crackers, full weight.
10c pk Rising San stove polish
8-20 os bars Ba'tle Ax soap
3 cans spices, yon may select
3 cans cove oysters
7 lbs rest rolled oats
i dos clothes pins
I lb 5Pe Spider Leg tea
1 lb 50 cent Gunpowder tea
I lb Lion brand -t
Sice sweet corn fed bacon
1 gtl'ow 40 tet vinegar, have you
tried it, bring your jug.
8 lbs best beans....
1 pk gran masmosh....
We also have bran, shorts
1 9t
chop feed lor sale.
Remember tbe place, Graham
ing Cor 1st and Baker Sta.
Fonr Farms For Sale
Tbe following desirable farms an for saV.
Adkftsa McMaater A bamll, 311 Wor
easte; block. Portland, Oregon, or oaCG Burxhart, Albany, Orcgoa, lev
1. 6 acne. ss -aiU west of Halaey. is
heDL ol DW, ia See 35,
T13.SR4.W W M. 35aercaara elearad
sad aada- ealtlvatioa, tsa i iiiail t beicg
eovwed'with small timber. Maddy Creek,
rasa thtvaga the prooerty. There ia
sm.D orchard. Price 13D.
3 80 acra; .M mile S of Browaaville,
n, tee DLCol Sara-I Jokoaoa, as See 11,
f I4. R5. W W al. AU cleared laad
65 aeres aader cs'tivaina, all feared, no
oaitdvjp. Prv $3J0
3- 255 acre, two aii eSof B ens
vi'le. ia Saes 13 aod l4. T 14. S R 3. W W
X. 120 aer are UllaWa aatd Um
as Seat called t jr paevarage. 73
sodar crop, is all leased, haa a good sap
ply of water, good bsuidiags and or?crd
P.iee $3250.
4. ;5 aera, six miles eaat of Lebanon,
a Sacs 15 aod 16, T 12, S R 1. W WM.
This as a verr gjod stock frm. of waieh
aboatlOO aeres are tUIah-'e. It is welt
watered, all fenced sad haa some fair
aiidiags. Prioa $3500.
fri -T.;
Thricc-a-Wetk Edition
13 Pages a Week ...
... 158 Papers a Teat
For One Dollar
raaJIssndevery Alseraase nay cares awwd
The Thrice-s Wek Editioa of Taa s arw
Tobx: Wobxo is Eras aotwg all "weetty""
papers in site, frequency cf publicaiioa
and the frehoe. acenracy and variety of
its coi tart. It Ins ail the merint of a
great $6 dairy at tbe price of a doilai
sreekty. Its political nesrs U prom pt. coa
plete. accurate and impartial as ail its read
ers will testify. It ia against the monopo
lies and tor the people
It prints tbe news of ail tbe world, -bay
ing special corns poodeoce from all isa
portent news potcta oa the globe. It baa
jriiliant illostratioa&. stories by great
authors, a capital ftnmor pee, complete
marketa, dertartmewts far the household
and wonsea's work and ether special de
We offer this un equaled newspaper and
tbe Dkhocbat togetnerowe rear for t CO
-is Unequaled
In the Valley.
Is Cnsurjvasscd
In Oregon.
We have the best stock to
select from and our prices
are always the lowest, quality
Albany. The Printe
Is the' Wt and yet simplest type wute
manufactured, the consummation of tn
iBvanWrs art. Aa etp?rt stenographs
after using nnv machioes, says. "I con
sider tbe Yost Writing Machine far
or o any I have yet used " Call at the
Dbmocbat dice and see one of the type
writers that has to have a perfect aliis
ment.t ...
Ah TvDewritere supplies ordered.
re supplies oraerea.
P. P. Jitrrriso. Agent.
Ii B, als FwetElGS
oUctor ani Attjin PateatCaisB
ITS Ha War A va Vf fclaa;a.i "
ZS pMseesing pre-eminently per
r feet profit producing poesi-
bilities, produced promptty at 3
oaiiL.r-1 o
Clean Pr.ntery. Z2
Fhysirian and surgeon. Ofise, First St