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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1898)
the fetters now being openly Gor ged to bind them. In recent years there have been number of instances of congressional dia tricts where the adTocates of gold and monopoly were largely out numbered, and nevertheless, by a failure to unite and act together, the friends of the gold standard hare been successful. Thus, as the result of a personal or partisan wrangle, is the cause of troth and justice, and the greatest good to the government subordinated to an ignoble strife. We appeal to yon, let this not be the ease again. Dor only danger is in dirision. If we an in earnest, we must bare harmony among ourselves.-- If there should be those who would divide us, let them be summarily and emphatically rebuked by the people, who have none but high and patriotic motives. After the bold declaration of the administra tion in favor of the gold standard, no bimetallists can ever again, by his vote or influence, give aid to the republican party. The issue is joined: we cannot avoid it if we would. Either the friends of bimetallism the advocates of the gold standard, trusts and mo nopolies, must succeed. Who is not for us is against us. We are asking no man to abandon his par. ty or change his politics; we ask no one to yield any principle, but in this contest, we do appeal to all good men to stand solidly togeth er for liberty and humanity and strike down forever this conspira cy of gold and moooply. "James K Jokzs. ' "Chairman Democratic Nation al Committee." use of the porer secured by fale pretense from a long suffering and too trustful people to put upon will be solidly intrenched against retrenchment and retribution. Briefly stated, this is a part of this infamous design the stamp of the organised scheme. We do not altared popular authorisation. - la pursuit of the purpose of commit ting the country more thoroughly to the gold standard, the plan of this administration is to retire the greenbacks and other non-interest-bearing jmper money of the government, and then issue interest-bearing bonds, and add to the Kwera and profits of national aks. This achievement would turn over the doty of supplying the people's money, tbe very life blood of business, to selfish, heartless and irresponaibls foreign gold syn dicate and tbe American agents and allies. It must be remembered also that this foreign sold syndicate and its allies, with the connivance, if not the aid of our government, today control every instrument of oooimerce in the nation. In fram ing tbe eonstitatioo, our patriotic forefather, with sea loos cars and with prophetic w .adorn, provided that commerce should be regulated by congress, but this tremendous power baa been abdicated by con gress in favor of the gold trust and tb banking business. Money is tbe nist instrument of commerce. arraign any political party on par tisan grounds; we arraign a system and denounce a com pi racy. We condemn individuals and organisa tions that support this system and aid the conspiracy. The party that is the mouthpiece and agent of this conspiracy is just as dangerous under one name as under another. In every campaign, the gold syndi cate and all the allies, trusts and monopolies eombtse. They select the conventions they desire to con trol. They elect tbe candidates that they have selected. Of course they control them after they are elected; therefore, those who are not their agents, and would not submit to their tyrannous spolia tion should strenuously oppose the allied combination of gold and monopolies. The only hope of the enemy is to divide us. Therefore, the advocates of monopoly are just nesting completion. They need but to win one more victory to be come supreme and be able to defy tb sovereignty of tbe people for generations. With tbe policy of the republican administration is a plain confession that tbe promises of the 81 Louis platform of 1896 will not be earned out Power thus secur ed, secured under false pretense, is to be used to carry out tbe ulterior designs of the conspirators. The slow processes of 25 years are rspiily advancing to their goal, tbe near approach to which now seems to warrant dispensing with the cau tion of deceit that bas hitherto been tbe neresiary preliminaries of suc cess. But this openness uf pur pose bss given the opportunity to Ctriotiam. Honest mn should btate no longer if opposed to the establishment of the gold standard in all its rigor, if opposed to the retirement of government currency, if opposed to tbe erection let us Oe more united and harmou- of great banks of iasue as tbe all- ioos than ever; and, farther, let us organize without delay a vigoious campaign in every state and con gressional district, county and pre cilcL. There are but two sides to the portentous conflict All of those, of whatever party, who favor bat tbe gold ring, not satisfied with the conspiracy of gold and monop- THB roFCUST aODBBSS. The populiat address is as follows: controlling our financial system. has captured the other instruments of. commerce to enable it to keep tie gold-atandard yoke up our necks and 'more thoroughly to sub jugate our people and dominate oar government All history teach es that those wbo have controlled tbe instruments of commerce in any country have not only controll ed tbe commerce of that nation, but have also controlled and dom inated the government This, the gold syndicate and its allies, the monopolies in our country, having seized the cruet instruments of commerce, have used this tremen "The eonsDiracv of sold and monopoly is reaching its culmina- dons power to discriminate against tion. Every advance it has made during tbe past 25 years has be-n by adroit and stealthy processes. These would hare been impossible if it had not had its ageuts and confederates holding positions of public trust in the legislative, ex ecutive and judicial branches of the government Neither the ben eficiaries nor the tools of this con spiracy have any particular policy. "In name tb hist administration was. Jtemocratic; tbe present admin isfcatmn is called a republican one, but it has ingforiouety practiced and defended the perfidoua policy of its predecessor. At length, the selfish and brutal interests behind this eonsoirscy deemed themselves strong enough to dispense with the caution and duplicity hitherto nec essary to their success. Tbe administration boldly avows its indorsement of their scheme against the liberty and prosperity of tbs people. Within a few weeks, it has formulated and ssnt to congress a bill, the leading purpose of which is, in the words of the secretary of the treasury, to commit tbe country more -thoroughly to the gold standard. This country has, dar ing tbe past twenty four years, suffered enough of the blight ing effect of the gold stand ard, so far ss fraudulent legislation and executive usurpation have been able to establish it It is now bold ly proposed to legalize what bas been done in defiance of law and sections and individuals, to deatror eompe ttion and to breed busass stagnation, and, to create 'iiard times' in the 'midst of plenty. Thus, tbe organisation arr main tuuaace of great industrial trusts have been promoted which operate to aggravate the evil conditions which gsve them birth. Thus, they are making millions of paupers to create a few millionaires- Tbe inevitable result must be to coo vert our government into as oligarchy or wealth. "Id tbe accomplishment of this end. these evil influences must oly, wbo favor individual slavery. wkiaspreau poverty ana national deetroetiou, should be on oo arte, and all those of wbstever party wbo oppose this deadly design, wbo love truth and right, who love tbrir country, who kwe their homes and their firesides, and who believe in tbe sacred principles declared by Jefferson and Jackson and Lincoln, should be on tbe other side. On this side we solidly stand. Then let us, maintaining at all times party integrity, invite the harmooiooe co-operation of all seeking the same coda. Tbe omi nous dangers threatening tbe ia abtatiooa of tbe republic make this tbe highest duty. The line of bat tle is clearly drawn. We cannot avoid tbe conflict if we would. Therefore, let us appeal to all eiti sens and local organisations to fight this conspiracy t at of a government of trusts, by tb treats and for the trusts to oppose and dominating power in tbe nation, if opposed to every kind of trust and taooopoly, the offspring and ad junct of the mooey power. "Before thw awful and imminent peril to our country, every person al ambition moat melt away and merely partiaaa eowtentioa -viaat be settled. While this issue re mains unsettled, silver republicans populiat and democrats must stand shoulder to shoulder in a common cause. United, we can save tbe re public, the last refug of self government, tbe remaining hope of liberty to succeeding centuries. The policy of our Iocs is to divide us that they may conquer us. It no private interest, pride or folly afford tbe hope thnt we shall fui nisb arms against ourselves. After fall council together, we should, wherever tuere is a contest, choose a etrong champion of tbe common cause and should b given tbe true ellngianee and eai nest support of every opponent of the party of gold and monopoly. The man or organisation that in this grave enais becomes responsible for dis cordant counsels divided ener gise does not deserve the blessings we are all attiring to preserve. Patriots and citizens we call upon shackle opinion and muzzle discus- spirit of 7 is abroad in the land, . . l ; J : .uu, u ueapoioua Ton to anile in this great common mnisad wealth, to come to thw ' .: T- , - . rescue. Patriotism awl manhood are not dead. A large part f the American people, realising tbe wrongs and comprehending the dangers, are ready and anxious to fight tbts system to tbe end. The sion. luey not only suostaue tne press and attempt to seat then well-paid allies m the legislative halls, on our benches of justice and in all other departments of oar government, but even college facul ties ars susceptible to the pretend ed generosity or inverted philan thropy, and they carefully maneuv er for either service or silence. ... The divins right of kings is to be ssooeeded by the divine right of millionaire, wbo propose to run everything, not only the instruments of commerce and our industrial system, but also, as far as possible, the pen of the editor and the voice, if not the intellect of the university professor. Having succeeded in this, the conspirators would not only try to dominate the legislative, "executive and judicial branches of our government, but and tbe friends of all liberty every where are awaiting the patriotic call to .fight a common battle against a common foe. Let this be dune, and we can crush very bett or, as did the mea of the lie volu tion. Let thw be done, and we shall drive them to ignominious defeat Let this be done, and we shall re-establiah what is almost overthrown a government of the people, by the people and for the people. "Mjjuoh Butlxb, and 25 sens tore and representatives of tne populist party BILTEB BZrUBUCaX'8 ADDRESS. The paper of the ailvei republic ans is as follows: ''Tbs cunning plans of the bene ficiaries of tbe gold, standard and service of ritixenahip and patriot ism. No man need surrender Jus party coovictioua. No existing organisations need be abandoned. While striving to overthrow a common enemy upon the last rsa parta of our industrial and social independence is repelled, until the control of the money system is rescued from tbe bauds of special interests and secured to the whole people, the mob of the great army of political reform ia everv part wf the United States should' act ia B - - m .a narmonious co-operation lor tne general welfare. To this object thus arged upon our friends every- wutit, it uetwoy pieags jouwy and sevsrslly our earnest and con stant endeavors. Chxjlles A Town. Chairman National Committee of Silver Republican Party, eight silver republican senators and re presentatives, and Fred T. Dubois. Representative Newlaods, of Nevada, representing the ailvei party concurs in recommending the unification of the silver forces in tbs coming campaign.