The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 04, 1898, Image 4

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    NO MISTAKE. Sr.'ppTo"
Star Bakery
Corner Broadalbin and First Ste
-Deal In
Canned Fruits,
Dried Fruits.
Canned Meat
- Queenswi.
. Tea
everything that L la
rood variety and gro
eery ttore. High
est pt'e paid .
Always Pay.
No Question about full and prompt
ment of losses by fire on insurance place
with the leading agent of Albany, U. Sen
ders jfliat's wlatHe InsnresFeopIc For
Jon't allow yourself to be roped into tb
various "Local Mutuals" now being
puibed on you aa being "cheapest in
surance," when you insure you do not
want to worry about getting your money is
case of loss. Id SENDERS
Insurance. Hay, Grain and Woo!.
Mai ill Hoes.
I wieh to announce to the farmers with
in the vicinity of Albany, especially those
interested in hog raising, that I have pur
chased the hog known as Common's ideal,
No. 36213 recorded in the American Pol
and China Record Co, the one that took.
tha second premium at tbe fair this fall.'
He is a fine hog and a good breeder. I
sol cit the patronage and inspection of
parties interested in good hogs. He is
accompanied ty a yearling of my on tra
in g which is recordable .
I hare three thoroughbred sows which I
am raising pigs from. I have a few pigs
at present for sale, all recordable. They
tun be seen at the Skeels p'aoe. one mile
Ronh of Albany. FHH UGH.ON,
Tbe Gardener ,
' -Wholesale RetaU
Put Drag and tbe finest and Largest
Stock of Stationary and Books
in the Market.
Wood For Sale.
Good fir wood for sale by the con5, from
1 to 10 cords, delivered, for $2 00 to 2.75
per cord. On tbe gtonnd. mile a rt h
of steel bridge, from $1.00 to $2.00 per
cord. Call on or add re J. L'antwetl.
Albany Or, or leave word at Democrat
Toes aoc tooda
liit apfna or
' bonra--lt aaes
Ruptare's owe
force ta retaia
rollov b treetl'Mia fco ear tmr.
;-Boi rnaa as oca Aeaae .-ii
Laars abaart tbta groat pad. aa It iatas
For sale by J. A. Camming
Honey to Loan.
We have a block of 40 AM in Iran nn
good farms in Linn and adjoining count
ies.. If VMl tiavA tmnA i i f - n vFnt
J - - .vvvj iij a... J.-. 1 It..
title, we can famish you the coin without
eisy, as we mase ocr own examination of
aecaniy. i,
i all on us or write
H 3f. Stbjelb Co,
Albany, Oregon.
Albany, Oregon
OfEcf a, Ban of Oregon Building.
Only set of abstracts of linn County.
Com p'.ete et of ma ps and plate.
CLaifcen rpHBonab e.
3 D..oisF.ast of Democrat Office.
Money to loan on tarm aecurity, all
mall loans made on personal tecurity.
City, county and school warrants bought.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Fire maurance written in three of the
arg t companies in the world, at lowest
vi if II urmun
. Notice is hereby givea that tbe annual
meeting of ihe s'ockholders ot the Albany
Building Association will be held at 'tore
of J Gradwohl, in Albany, on M rday,
March Utb, 1897, at 7:30 nn for the
election of directors, and rmh o:hr cus
Inees as may come before tbe n.e Jiing.
Dated Feb. 13th, 1897.
- President Kcietary
hereby given to any and - all, persors
having any claims aga'nst or owing . any
to tbe eataie of Setb I-1 sldwelt,. deceased,
to mail same to me at my P O address,
Albany, Cregon within the next" thirty
dsys. j ' .
February :0tb, U 93.
V H Cal-Wili,.
o a at smpCsX
I ctT A
m - vVr CClj
t . f asiac tratt. WW
S Cfi' Tot. aot teach
3 If ? boaea-lt ases
f f. ft Rupture' mm J
a . f -T -". .-- r
I 1 niwini 1
W RBilveu, Foshay & Mason block.
J R N Blackburn. P O block.
H Bryant. P O block.
Anderson Cannon, P O block
J N Duncan, PO block. .
T P Hackleman, Pearce block.
C E Hawkins, Onaick block
Judge H H Hewitt, P O blotk.
ti B Humphrey.
Kelly & Curl, bank building.
L II Mentanve, Pearce block.
J C Powell, P O block.
J M Somers, P O block.
H 0 Watson, bank building.
Weatherford & Wyatt. Bauk bnilding,
Whitney Newport, Cuick block. .
G W Wright, P O block.
S M Garland.
Physician and surgeon. Office, Firat St.
Land Titles and Land Office Business a
TtAJt&ACTB a Qtil.taauteiBa
ACCOUNTS KEPT rabjact lo .
1HT EXCHAHGB and ta!egraple matte.-, o!4
a Nea fork Baa rrnco,Clo ud r etlard
OL.COTIOKS ADCa ta.orahla tenia
S B Tom
P A Goodwtk,
W UlttOI
L. luaa
Four Farms For Sale
The following desirable farms are for sal'.
Adureas McMaater & buirdl, 311 Wor
oeete; block, Pottlaod, Cregoo, or
call on C G Burkhart, Albany, Oregon, for
1. 1 6 acres, one tile west of HaHey, to
the D L C of D W . AllioehaiB, in See 35,
T 13, S R 4. W W M. 35 acres are cleared
and nader caltlvatioo, t.a rMnainder bring
sovered with small timber. Mo.ldy Creek
runs thrt.ugh tbe property. Tbera ia
small orchard. Price 11340.
2. SO acror; ,e miie S of Broasville,
ia ike D L C of Samoel Jjbnsoo, in See 11,
fi4.bE5.WW. Alt ciied la-d
63 acres ander cultiaic, all ffOtd, no Frice $1300
3- 253 acre. t0 mie'Sof B oaoa
vi'le, in Sacs 13 and 14, T 14. S R 3. W W
M. 120 acra are tillable aaJ the bat. nee
ts best aaited f " pastaragr. 75 ce tr
ander crop, is all feMed, ha a gm aap
ply cf water, good hoiidins and orhnt
P. ice $3250.
4. 7-5 acre, ail mile fwt cf L hovn,
in S-c 15 and 16, T 12. S R 1. W W M.
This is a very - gjod stock f-rtu. -f which
about 100 acne are tiilab'e. It ia well
watered, all feeced and haa acme frr
nildlngs. Price $3300.
S&ould be In Exerj Borne isd Ubrirj.
TEi3 People's Bifiie mstorg
aima or Buni hbb. o inaa inn uiinaim
Z-ra-ar of Gnat Bmiaa knd lreti CtaMer.
Eacj Kot. A. H. Sum. Jikb ' CoDnca. Oxford. a.i
Bot. Samuel Iraa CnrUw 1) L . Iluug Tbalofiol
ft-raiarr. Ckicaco 1"-: K. Fntant . FrTr,D.I.
tAA-. of OuteHiarr. t'utw-arr.
CleerECwn. D.U-TafuOolinw!omnilte.M.i
Br. Frmnk W. tinuulu, J V . Aikmu1 wO(et
KO. 111.; Re. Uearm t. rVeuaM. U.D.. Marflv
baoe - rwbrterUa C-arch. London. t c . Bw. . g.
McARr. D.D, CnT B.ual f-arck. hmm Tor
Cicj, N. V.; Rot. MutTa lio-nmil, Siu
SUM Free Wut Cbarcfa, Lnrulim, Ma.: Baa. Frmmfc
L BriMOl. 7 Fint MaLbadnt Epuooval Caareh.
EraaMOB. 111.; Be. . T. Uoon, iXxtfTba Chru
tia CoBmoaaaalt. Loa4on. Ea Bev. Edward
Eweu Hal. D.D Sootli Caatraaalioal Cbareb.
BoatoB.laL: Bar. Joaaph A car baac D.U. Waalana
Ooilaee. Riciuod. n ; Rn. Cvt Baa Qtecorj.
1h I' ni mi ml.. LeitEi. I..rain): Elf. KB.
I Ctaaaar Wilkuuon. D.l), VniTCrutT of Ctilcaca, Chi-
oa so. ill.; . Mnu nan. I' i . , naur Diiava,
Barcford.Oo B.;Kav. J. MoaroGitnon. U .. Joka'a
Wood Pre 3ttna f.nrrh. Lood-m. Ku : Raa.Oeerea
C V on mar. LL .D . Tbe Temple. Bmob. Xml
rorTLAa leilKH m vm.. t. foliwa l!lrw
lima. fill odea, dot-. KJu. Ball lenat. SSj ail
larast. taa .
MtaSTO MTHI-LS0 rae. folUpaaa Dtaatn.
tiooa. Btrl A cilt edaaa. fall laraat, oa aoiama,
1U.I Stile B wo aoluawe. f uM )eaaC tnftaS. tlUI):
la W F ARTS, qoarto si n. rariea qoaMioaa o aarb. ait
aapee eotara, leaed. tnaiaaad aliabUr. SliB each pan.
For at la ac all bookoraa and b, booluallerau Far
rarrb-r lafonaatioa. writ HEN BY a SHEFABU
PiiMittlTT m aad ' Moaroa -tree-. Ctimaa. IlU-Oi-i
A Fine Heater.
Hopkins Eros.', of this city, have taken
the agency for the nw International
Domestic heater, which is a great thing
tortious) keepers
It fits upon an ordinary cook stove and
beat tbe water in a tank without the old
water back which eo often destroys the
cooking qualities of the stove. Tbey ut
ilize tbe waste beat, taking the place of
first joint of stove pipe and are great fuel
saver. They are sure to come into gen
eral use. Tbey can be seen at Hopkins
Bros, hardware and stoye store.
Theee beaters can now be eeen in nse
at H. R. Hyde and Councilman O. P.
Dr Adams
Albany, Or.
Painless work a specialty.
Ground Floor
Dental Office.
Broada'bin, St
Vard Littler,
Albany, Or.
Piao,GrgaiLYi)iC8 Culture.Harmoiiy
HiM Hela B. Gilbert, Mrs Frances (1 Hamate
-Teacher- of Music
Washington Street, otar U P Church. Alban)
'I he n olm i-t iheAltuti) tuel mil
:y aid iomuiI ; 'orui.lK with all Iraint
0 wr:d froni th dejx t. dH a' t l ight,
S i inl tripe will I i. adc at yp-cial
a'e. i . V CflFN . rr tr,
J Po'BfBsing pre-eminently per-
feet profit producing posai-
Z bilities, producea promptly at
: -MILEY'S 3
Z Clean Pr ntery. ' t
The Magnolia
... '.'C'SIWPSOW Sl sow
Stindard Prices .Work Warrentn
K. O. T.Jtt.
fcvry Snt-ird-y eveniig at K. O, T, M,
ball. V',iiD.- KnichM inviied.
W, A. Cox, Commander.
Wait tll tbe Main 1 raited.
Monmouth p.'ople have big hearts.
They have sent a car load of things to
the Cuban.
Col . Stevenson, of Conu . lias joined
the Salvation Army and presented it
with $5,000. Their religion suit him,
and he is a prominent man in the state.
Tbe man who leads the young girl
as 1 1 ay is about the worst leech on society.
It is to be regretted that there is no law
that can reacb him.
The one aldtd manner in which some
big papers are giving the Maine news i
disgraceful. They seem bound to force
war upon tbe people at all events.
Even the Elder, one of the beat boats
on the Alaska line, came within an ace
of being wrecked, had it been llkmos
of the boats on tbe route it would havs
wrecked. Verily a man takes bis life in
his bauds when he goes to Alaska.
A mighty good thing these days is
common sense. No man though has ever
been found yet out of tbe asylum wl o
would admit that he did not possess it
even in a high degree.
oppose tbe Spanish warship Viscaya
was to be blown np in New York barbor
by some crank wouldn't there be txcitt
went galore, and wouldn't there be a
complication almost beyond unraveling.
From the Baltimore Sun.
If examination show that she was
blown np by a torpedj operating from
without, it will still remain .to find out
who launched the torpeao, whether
loyalist or a rebel.
Portland business o.en are proposing to
make the nrx exposition in that city
a state affair, with exhibit if possible
from every county in the state. Tbe
plan la a proper one and deserve en
There'i to ne war between Turkey
and the United Stales. One Yonsouf,
champion wrettler of Turkey, i to rep
resent l bat country, and a man is to be
selected in this country, in fact any on
who will respond to ths challenge of th
It has been proven now that nrther
the explosion of the magazines nor the
boilers of tbe Maine caused it destruc
tion. It was from outside intertsrence,
and who did it, and who will be responsi
ble. These are question that mast play
a part in the drama bet'ore the bullet
can fly, tor Uncle Sam 1 not going to
throw this cjnntry into war until be
koowa that he is right. He is not thick
beaded, but though alow to act ill even
tually proceed effectively.
Wen Capt. Sigsbee reached tbe deck
of tbe Maine aiUr the (xpionion, th
firat person he met aaa William Antho
ny, an orderly of Marines. In tbeaemi
darkn'Sf , lit by the fiimes o! the burst
ing ship and pic iced by shrieks and
gruan. lie saw Ordeilv Aotliony come
! a"preeeot e'luV as calmly aa it it
were drcta parade and heard him say in
even tones ot perfect tiisc'pline:
"Sir, I liave to inform you the
nip ba been blown np and ia aioking.'
Tbia Is a coolnet aiiuot without a
para lei.
The nervous syetetr, eays Prof. W. H.
Tticin Oil, tia- a greater rtore 'A leseivi
vitali.y thru all th other bodily system
together, end ia tie on y texture that
d not loe wrhftii iu death by starve
tion or other cause. It is the last to
grow old. A to trie nint it need JtuA
grow old at all. provided it be supplied
witn the tnility st in ulcus called inter
est, by which it wiil grow steadily, even
while bone and fine are wasting
i through age.
Tue Maine was a baUie-ship of sec
ond class. Ths United States ta four
first class war vessels; the Iowa, Uas
saebntetts, Indiaua and Oregon, all wel I
equipped for modern warfare, and capa
ble, if properly managed, to copa with
any first class vessels of 3tber nat ions. Th
Oregon is on tte Pacifid coast, hat the
other three are oa tbe Atlantic, ready
for active service in case of trouble be
teen the United States and Spain. The
government can put into active service
other vessels well eqnipped, though f
less capacity, ataoy moment, and sbou'd
war come, Uncle S ten will not bs pow
erless to combat with the Spaoiah navy
The distsnce between Key West to
Cooa is abort, and the namber of men
anxious to reacb the Cuban shore are
many, and tbey would reach there and
take posession of the is'and before
Spain could realise it. We bave con
fidence in tb ability of oor country on
land or sea Ex.
The Dark Side
From the Corvallis Times.
-ripped ot its glamour and the credu
lous conclusion that imagination
helps to draw, the Klondike has little
that is inviting. Men are harrying
tber by thousands, bidden thither by
tales of discovery. And these tales
how many of Uiem are false?
Oregon people read ot tbe t-5,000
recently brought fiom the Klondike by
ex-Detective Welch, of Portlacd. The
story was tbat Le had gone to Alaska by
tbe first trip of tbe Elder; that he cross
ed the passes and for a month built
boats and sold them to Dawson-bonnd
go'd eeeteis; that be netted a handsome
p refit in this way anJ finally went down
to Dtwson himself; that there he form
ed a partnership with another Port
Under and soon located two valuable
claims snd then returned to Porlfaod.
And I hie happy tatiefied return. Ths
piper told hnw lie had carritd a long
sack ot geld duet lo the safety vaults for
depofit at d tnere flung a long buck
,ki:i ea k of dist on the counter with
boll crlesaef ho he had check
and niiiiicet galore and how it a y rela
ted $26,000 all mad wiihn tao
or three brief months. It was a beaut
in. .. ti a'.tf rft.ii ann t . ,
ui nii, .... wh
doabtIes fltahed a I over tbe United
Stater . Hut in Portland there is not one
... , ,
person in ten who believes one word of
it. The very best of authority declares
the money belonged to some Alaskan
transportation -r supply company. 1
Some Idea of the no-eliable character
of the glittering reports from tbe Klon-'
dike is gained Irom the recent visit to
Oregon of MuNumur, of Forest Qrove,
MeNemnr had been for three year in
tb diggings. H had tao claims, but
h worked -either. Be can make more
money packing supplies for tendeifeet
who had more money than brain, ndrDi'
be returned to Alaska, not with shovel,
pick and pan, but with a band of horses
and accoutrements for packing, lbs
i gold he expects to get for his pains
come, not (mm Alaskan mines,
from various states in the union
from foreign countries.
1'bs mines, such of them as are worth
any thiug are all in the hands of the big ,
companies," was tbe statement of a
young Portlander who has been for
three years in the diggings. He bad
been all over the country and was satis
fied with bis experience in the ice and
snow. Though he was early on the
etene h had very little to show for the
hardships he had endured, and had no
intention of returning north. "Four
men were brought in from the trail on
night before I left Skagway," was the
statement of another return Klondlser.
"All of them were frozen and in a ter
rible condition, and tbe morning I left
all were dead .'' For men to come in
with their toes, or feet and hands frozen
with amputation in many cases neceteary
were common occurrences, said the per
an, and it satisfied his craving tor gold
and a knowledge of the frrsen north.
He has come home to stay.
"If any of my friends are thinking of
c.ming to this place, tell them to stay
at home," is what Urover Hsdeick
write to a Corvalli friend. He adds
that there are scores and hundreds of idle
men, and that there is practically
nothing for tbem to do He is at Skag
The absorbing topic th past week
hascootinued to be tbe destruction of
the Maine and tbe strained relationship
between the United State and Spain.
Secretary of War Long tayt he know
no more than after the firat dispatch,
and yet several paper have pro? .n con
clusively that a mine or torpedo boat
did th business, other than an acci
dent. Tbey are probably right. At tbe
tame time th secretary is no doubt ja
diciou In taking hi tlma to find out
the tact. It pay to be cool in cases
like this, where war is at staks. When
the committee report that some one
destroyed tbe vessel then it wtu be ia-
cambent for some one to prove who did it
sndjis responsibis Of coarse the
maaessnow very well it was done by
Spaniard, bat they do not snow wheth
er by cranks or by tbe government, and
Uncle Sam cannot act on hearsay, tbe
wa they did twj or three hundred
year ago. Ths Democbat's prediction
ia that th affair will end without war.
But if it does result ia war it is to be
hoped it is carried on so vigorously tbat
it will mak the hair on every Spaniard's
head aland erect.
A matter of general interest was th
termination of the trial of Z la, the
famous French author. He was found
guilty, and sentenced to one year in the
penitentiary. There is nothing in the
affair tbat confer tbe least credit on tt
French nation. Tbe trial was a farce.
tHime one say tbe country edi'cr is a
power in the land. Tbaoka. Tni is
iMrticnlarlv appreciated when there is
nothing to be kept pat of the paper
Waile there are soma people wbo appre
ciate the fact of the power there are a
good many who never show any sigos
of realising tb fan tbat it takes money
to keep any kind of a power op. A pa
per appearing day after day undoubted
ly has an influence oa the reader, and
here its standard is hiah the reeoit
must in the Ion ran be for the good,
and the mare deiiounent a earweriter
the more critical be becomes.
It Was a Fane.
W.ahingtoo, D. C , Feb. 10, im.
Hon. J, C. Cooper,
McMicnvi'.le, Oresoo.
Dar Fir: Yoorsof February
8th is received. I had not before beard
of the Associated Prees dispatch that it
bad been agreed in Washington that yon
wootd have a democrat for eata'.nr. i I ver
republican for governrr and two popo
lial for conareesmen - I have never
heard a sngiestioa ss to what should or
should not be done in Oregon. If there
a man in Washington Ci:y who pro
pose to inteifere in any way in that
matter, I have never beard ot him Tbe
Associated Pre dispatch ia a fake, pore
and simple. We believe tbat yon gen
tlemen on tLs groond are compe
tent to take care of yuor state, and we
look to you to exercise the discretion
sad patriotism necessary to make sac
ce certain. There will be ne tnterfer
nee from here.
Yotrs Very Truly.
Jaxks K. Jose.
Bottled-Up Anger
From tb Philadelphia Record .
"I a in too mad to talk about it," said
Senator Callom, referring to the Maine
disaster. Tb Senator hos tbe jadg
entofthe tateinan in thus putting
himself under closore. It ia a good
time for all Senator wbo are in the
dark not to talk on this exciting sub
ject. A few davs sgj a letter was received
at tbe senate postofBce addresaed to tbe
"Hon. Zsch Cnandler." As he haa beep
dead for eighteen years, tbe letter was
handed to Senator Hale, bis son ic-iaw
and it tamed oat t bs from an old friend,
the chiarman of a republican committee
In North Carolina, asking Mr. ChandUr
to oppose the confirmation of a nominee
for postmaster in tbat town.
Regardless ot Coat
Julius Gradwohl intends to go out of tbe
crockery aid glassware business, go:ng in
to some other line of burine. and hence
wiil sell hia goods of this kind regardlest
of coat. When JoU ca'l and get bis prices
oa will be convinced thai he means btai
Ofcss, aud will believe what he ears
What Dr A E Salter Says.
Burr! M Y. flents: Fro-n my
per-onii know edge, va'ned in obering
tbe effect of i our ShHib'a Cure in cases
of advdiicud C ntipitlori, I am prepared
to say it is he most rema'k Sle Itemed)
that haa ever been br to my atten
tion. It has certainly vd many from
CensoTiptlnn. S)U b.v Foahay Ms
. ... . . . ...
a I brill f l lairn. la eiDe-ieneea wnaa a
brassy eoaph of croop sounds through ths
hnm" M,.B,h ''' " uh
ges to reluf after One Minute f Jiioi,h Care
Hm u-o administered tJ .f j an 1 h-r nleaa
or ohildreu j A Camming
CafMTh Cured. A clear head nae
weet breath secured with Sfailoh's Ca
rrh Remedy; soldi Foshay ft Mason everybody come 10 tn tar Bakery
and get 4' Saves ol treth bread for $1.00
The office that does high grade printing
n good stock, for the price of tbe other
Smiley, tbe printer.
ThAfamniM Armllanceand Remedies of
the KneMeu leal -O. uciwioriuounvunw
I'Ul -O. oaw lur lutt uiBfc una
ml without expense to any
Not a dollar to be paid
. Cure Effect of Errors
offoriHl on trln
boneet man. Not
In .dv.nrA. C
or Exooiwes In Old or Young. Manhood
Vull Knatnrod. How to Enlarge and
Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Portion
of body. Abaolutolr unfailing Home
Treatment. No ti O. I), or other (Obme.
A plain oiler DJ a nrm oi niga euuiuiiig.
kmc iicninn rn .N'aRAT i
0.1111. lilLUIUMLUU. nur
Prohibition Platform.
Following is tbe platform of the pro
hibition party of Linn county, aa adopt'
ed at tbe convention on Tuesday, Feb
Platform of tbe Prohibition party, o
Linn county, Oregon, for tbe campaign of
WnsRKAS, the tale of intoxicating li
quors, is so far rescuing in its aisss-
troua eitecta upon ine political, unanciai,
moral and social condition of tbe body
politic, aa to fake it the greatest ques
tion at issue in our American politics;
Where as, the prohibition party was
organised and ha existed for one pur
pose, and one only; tbe suppression of
tbe sale of intoxicating liquors for bever
age purposes.
And ii KKKAg. almost everv rflan that
human ingenuitv could invent has been
: .,. . k- .i, P,t.;-.
tried, except tbat proposed by tbe Prohi
bitioa party, and tbat is, prohibition,
Dot a state and national, hacked by a
party in favor of it ; therefore
Resolved, that we hereby declaie our
undying fealty to tbe Prohibition party.
and the principle it is built upon, and
oor votes shall ever be for its further up
building. Resolved, that we do liea-tily thank
tbe member of tbe Woman Christisn
Temperance Union for their undaunted
courage, aud tbe powerful aid they have
every where rendered the caise of tem
perance and the Prohi hi' ion party, and
we devoutly wish tbey may soon enjoy,
with all other of their sex. the nrvilece
of the elective franahise, on equal terms.
a ia now eujoyeu oy men throughout our
Resolved, that our finht is airsinst the
saloon, and not the saloon keerera. and
we wouid gladly see them, of their own
accord, give np their business, so ruin
ous to mankind.
Resolvkd. tbat we cordially invite the
hearty cooperation of all friend, of tern p
erasce, without regard to race.color, sex.
creeu.or past condition of seivitade
tbe old parties .
Rf-olvao, thst we are iu favor of the
initiative and referen tutu.-
The McKinncy Settlement.
I vv Asuisoroic. teb -4 -lt-mors of
The Suteeman give the terms of Ibe'10 dlftTf' ln. ''" rf "
v. ,- . , ,, ."j Maine were le. frequent Ihk ibere were
McKmnney ett.ement as lollo-s, wilhienooSb of tbem allt lousy to warreot
the Unn county warehouses: SHcreiaiy Loag in making this statement
At Hunkers Wheat on hand. 1.SA0! to newspaper roeo a h left bis office:
basbels. Reoetpts out aggregating 4.000 1 "nrnmiBB op tbe aituatiao I aboold tat
bushels. Turned over to creditors sod j ,,,mt tfce depsrtnieiit knoas today
firm Obligated for deficit by its note at ' o4hin. more aboot the cau of the dia
one, two and three years. iaatr than it cid fire mmutea after tbe
At Tallman Wheat on hand, 8 000 ! TP the first dipf-h from Cap
boshels; claims out for bushels. Stgshe."
W. H. Goltra, John Denny and E. E. Tke tMraya to ai:
Hammack elected by firm ami. patrons Xew Yobk. Feb. 24 l'ole yome nu
ss board of trustee to tike char, e of the. expected order is rcwived fwm Madrid,
firm assets at this point, and empower- the ripanuh man of-war Vucaya will
ed to liquidate to best advantage. The wetjrh aucbor tomorrow aftemooa and
firm to have benefit of storage charges 1 ateam tbrouirh the nuroara lo opo -i on
and I ssckage as credits on deficit, also ( ber way direct lo Havana. Atturo lU'da
sacks, screeni and fuel oohand to be sim i moo, the Spa-ion coirul eenerl n New
"rlyo!r'','1" Thi rellOUe holds. ) Vora called on Cjpuio Eulate and took to
also, 2.000 bushels of oais. wish claim in i him impor aot dur.tfb. oce of which
equal amount out against iu -ackafre ordered him to leave tbit port mtnoat
aod norage of ota to go as credit on de ar,
wheat deficit. Tbe company to psv tn-1 The B
'tb,reev;;4:aCUP!r,e,0',n- ,M P-y wiil
He alo declare.! 11,. F,m .. t ? ?? a cot Irom .raoeff-o vu
tbe forbea'aoce with which the s tua- i ' r.ocic.
lions ss been me', by ihe patron .t all i Wa-4 r
Piu' j Ro.nro. Fc'. 2t J W Ca-Wt. aa
At Shaw The firm pv ch 4 per o'd and arl -knoru mioey. wa killed Ibis
cent, of ihe porcbsse price within thirty mnmicg on Lea cr-k. eight miles north
days, the balance being arranged for in inf Vlrrtie LVetr. by a pner earned
three equal insiailments at one. two and j ''ldman, wh ahu' b m hie urn. Oi
tbree years. at 8 per cent, interest prr a 4- idoian 1 1 alow h -e-i in a-lie ofe.
nO0B- J i -upp-"d the iib irrew out of a
J-fu'eie nun- rU r
Dctuocr-tic County Oinvcntin
A Democratic Counti C- tiveniu n fo
Linn county, Oregon, 1 hereby r!ied to '
meet in the circuit cart room of the'
wnty Court Hon re) in Aihan , ir-s r,. j
oa Wednesdsv, the 16;h dsr ni iar.-'.,!
1853, at 10 o'clock a. ru ot j d -t . f -r
the parpote of cotninaiir.g ca-i-t: . . ( ,r
county olfice. and to elect dele r... '
Linn county to the Democratic - :a e tV.n -
venl.on to be held at 4'crtlai d, 're..n.
00 March 23, and to transact eucii other
"""" a proper y cornea neiore tne
conventioa. The said county conventiuo
will consist of 134 delegate cb.len by
the Several precinct a foiloas, to a it:
Albany 9 Halsev 7
Kast Albany TjScio
.!. a sa. .
. 5i
nmaiotny vrianLl n Hut'e.
Center 4'Piioe
North Brownsville 6 Tangent
tooth Brownsville 4!Sltedd
.. 2Seet Home...
.. 4i'Foster
.. -t'CraatorJsviHe..
. . 4llordan
.. 6 Fox Valley....
.. 6! Rock Creek....
South Lebanon
North Lebanon
North Harrtabar 6, railman
South Herri, burg 4
Tbe same being one delegate at
for each brecirct and m fn
twelve votes, and for everv fraction nnr
o-e-hall tbeieof.cast for Hon. II. O. Wat
on for representative in 18id. The com
mittee recommends that tbe primaries
be hel I on Friday. March 11. loa 1
o'clock pmol said day.
w. K. Ei-vec,
B. M. Patsb. Chairman.
Tbe t'orvallis S-ivatioi Array atUcked
Albany la-.t nigbt.
A Laundry Nugget.
Laundry patrons wno want first class
woik done without paying exorbitant
price Should atronia tha Alhan-
Meam Laundry which have employed
regularly five of tbe best, hand i ronera nn
tbe coast for shirts, dresses, and alurt
waists, and ten cents ia the hiiibest price
marge- ior anv 01 tbese articles,
Tbat la th w-t ait dm ,lm ;
for Malaria, Chill and Fever. Ii Is
almiir Iron and Quinine in a usteleas
f rm. Children iove it. Adults ureter I
to blt'er, naasMtlng Tonics- I'rl.-a. 50c
Braalr la Blood Deep.
Clean blood meana a clean akin. No
beauty without it. Caacarcta, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring tip the liizy liver and driving all im
purities from the bod v. 1 login to-day to
banish pimples, boil, blotchea, blackheads,
and that aickly hilioua complexion hy Ukuii
Caacareta, bcuuty for ten centa. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, llk-,2oc,5Uc.
Music Miss MiiarcJ Hiirtiiexter
teacher of piano or organ. Smem the
Mason touch and technique. Residence
""ifth street, opposite II V cburcli.
II F Merrill buys City, County an
8cbool warrants. Ollice In Dt-mocra
rt r,t( t'.lv 1 B-i a Q t'.n n
Alt O-Hj !. rtfu 1H11 u i 'f
Cure. iiio.
ir t rati
S'op tbat Cough! Take warning. Ii
mi' lead to Cons-mptioo. A 25 1 btlle
of Siitlob's Cure ra.y rave your life. Sold
by Foihay ft Masou.
Albany Marker.
Wheat 8eenU.
Eggs 15 cents.
Butter IS to 22 cents.
Potatoes 25 cents
Hams 11 to 13 cents.
Sides 10 to 11 cents. 1
Shoulders fl to 7 cents.
H TELEGRAPHIC. MISFITS. pjpr"''' . . -, . ......
. i ' ' i- --
Tbe tieveramat'a Poaltloa
Washijjoton, Feb. 25 In spite cf the
streus that came from unoil'cml sources in
Havana as to sensational developments in
connection with the work on the Maine's
hull the administration remains firm in its
statement that there is n credible evidence
one way oi the other, at to tbe cauatt of tbe
disaster, and holds to its pur pom to await
tbe conclusion of tbe investigation now
mating by tbe court of inquity.
The tlalae
IIavaxa, Feb. 53 Tbe wreck of the
Maine is slowly but turely siaking into
mud. Before tbe bull can be raised it will
be necessary to remove the guns and dock
debris For lack of proper appliance.prac
Ucally nothing in tbts line has been ac
1 be cloudy weather and rma made the
work of tbe divers unaatinfaclorr today
and very tittle was done.
Ready For Cmergeaeiee
Tampa, r la. Feb. 2.1. Although the
oflicera of tbe comuanr bave not so atad
.publicly, nearU eyery body bere under-
standa that the Plant system has completed
arrangements f r tbe transportation ot
troops and munition of war to Havana on
shor notice. All of the ships have been
placed in condition for n emergency.
Should war be deel red H is said tbat the
company has peifected plans to load a
large body of troops in Havana within 26
hours after their arrival at this place
S'or-eU'a t'a,e
Wasiiinotoh, Feb. 26. Hon. Henry
W Corbett's rubt to a seat in the eenate
, 1T t". iT
n senate for four boo
from Oregon was und-r consideration bv
rs today. Epsoner
concluded tbe speech be began yererday
in raver ot worueit, and was fo'loared bj
. . ..
iei er. J ener apose in suooort or tbe ie
solution presented by a mi j'.nty of the
hlae reaple Baraed k
Charlcstoh, S Feb. 2G Nine lives
weie lost in a fearful fire wbi h raged for
a short time here this morning. The
qutek work of tbe fire repartiuent checked
tbe fire, and it was fooi. ander control,
but not until nine lire-, b-d beea lot.
lililed kria Sr
BakesCitv. e'eb 26, Win S Job-ton.
alrat "Omaha Boh,'' wqiwas shot by
OtlL-er J 1, Baitlev, wbi e restating srrtst
Wednesday night died this morning.
A Keller Bill
Washisutos. Feb. Rpre:entative
BonteUe. of Maino, introduced a bill tbit
afteracon providing for th- reiief of be
victims of tne battle .bip Maine. Tbe
bill provide for tbe payment of l months'
pay to the widows or chiMrco or. if there
f be nosucb, to tbe parent. . or il tnere be
of theae kibe- in the fin .hsuter. la
adJi'ion tbe legal heiriofeacb rf tht
j victims abait receive a y i-rrcirs c: pay
' due at the time of death.
j Tke oairlal Malrse I
Ike Haaiia
Havana, feb. 23 vK- V,t "b
ieqi-r i3!o b . ne ti-s r i pro
gr - int a'i.n,f d-M-ite iiu- I be rea!i
ofaroia. tes n sH uota be siameo'
tba the e thai 11 wa aa ac
'iJ-i e. la .so,.- wi h t e ioreti
gafi a Tue ant i -c. xiy it bowa
fjv Jr-t.Mt 4?ci 1 'e r-ia ron
.. .--mrr :ct v 1. int. They
rea'iwe that rei.i 1 s i h tbe Cmtd
j n
we rsv,-r ui-jc'i in danirerat
Tbit i the x-r,-rl t-!io.
Tke BMie a
WxHtxr"!, Feo.ej 1 he arrival cf
mail in .flinjrtoo frru Ke Weat tbit
afternoon. Itriaain; privat letter
trim BAval vtS.vra Utriv a'l-ached to tbe
Jaie. caned a wav "t -x I'em -ot The
3 1 only f. atue thro-itg ant lubt on the
5 f cau of I be etp'oevm roa'ante-t la the
two leciers wat I tie U'ein "t that tbe two
after boilers in tbe attcr-roiU r space,
and ail the eigbt boi.rr of tbe Uaiae,
were under ateam at toe time of the ex
ploaioo. It d.spmed at once nf the the
oro that a boiler eipioti m h i caom. tbe
wreck .
lata (a Irtr4
Pasis. Feb. 23. 7, ia was found ill .
jon all ttie Chanres araint him. aaa tea-
leoed to on year a t a. prt Moment aod to
pay a fioe of t.TXM franc.
There wa a big deaionntratioa out
side the court when tbe audience ruthed
out announced tbe vrrdtdtct: The crowd
waved bats and cried "5rvo." ard cheer
ed f r tbe army.
ratal AcrMra
I'-SOLlCTO-. Feb. 24 Clarence fa
pots, an employe at tbe Pendleton woolen
mill, met with a fatal accide t at 9:15
o'clock last nixht. He was caught on a
set rin lu a picker abaft, .o.ler tbe woolen
mitl and turned rapidly around unlit every
thred of his clothing was torn from his
body, fie wss so badly injured that he
diet! 1:50 o'clock tnis (Thursday) morn
isg. aie t Ike Baatara
llAVA5A.'via Kev Went, Feb. 23, An
American ollioer of rank tutricieat to en
title him to tak. couiuund of a ship Is
anthoritr for the sUWmeul that a pnib
naval ofticer ome tme ago snid to tbe
Washinghm state d uanment a map of
Havana barlwr, ahowing tuibmarine mines
Spanish residents deny this statemeat. and
sy the mines exist only in imagination
The Cuban', on tbe other hand, claim
tral there are mine galleries under tb.
asy to Take
asy to Operate
Are features peculiar to ITood's Fills. Small In
size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man
saldt You never know you
have taken a plU tilt it Is all
over." 25c C I. Hood & Co,
fVoprtetors, Lowell. Mass.
The only pills to take with Hood's Sars-rr!!-
We put up o r own gnrden seeds,
They are all Northern grown seeds,
They are absolutely true to name,
They are fresh all grown in ISO
The packages are full weight,
Price, two paper for a nicks!,
We also have tbem in bulk.
Stewart & Sox Habdwarx 0
William Brenner and a Marion county
man recently bet 140 apiece on the
weight of a cow Brenner was pun htaine.
Brenner won..
Several men have informed the Dem
ocrat that Mr. John Holman ba recei
ved an order for two torpedo boat for
use in the war with 8pain.
District Attorney Hsyden is popular
among tbe miserly voter of Linn county.
The past six months his fees and taose of
his deputy for criminsl business ia that
county were only $99.50. Journal.
From tbe Journal :
County Judge Geo. D. Barton of Linn
county, i of the opinion that there will
be a middle of-the.road ata iL in
t'ae field in Oregon and tbat Dr. Hill will
oe on it ior governor.
aow it is declared that a fanatic blew
Upthelaine: It mnat have takn .
erai oi tbem thoozh. It will he the
proper thing anyway to make Spain fa
ther the matter and pay a big idemnity,
lucmuing sue liberation oi Uuba.
The "only daily" will probably this
morning print the "news " ot Consul
General Lee having advised ail Ameri
cans, whose business would permit, to
leave Havana. The Tribune had it yes
terday morning. Tribune. The proba
bility is tbst ueneral lee never gave
SD7 such advice.
The supreme court Tuesday. Feb. 22
banded down sn informal, extemporized
opinion to tbe enact tbat In perfect ac
cord with historical fact George Wash
ington WAS the father of bis country,
The bailiff, Finley Perrioe, transmitted
the opinion to Clerk J. I. Murphy, and
sustained tbe reputation tbe Portland
Tribune gave him iu transmitting it. -
Halem Journal. .
It cost f l,5u0 a month to operate the
Oregonian building. Taxes are I !00 a
month more. The charges, therefore.are
close to 22,000 a year. The building
does not yield $18,000. and consequently
there i notning whatever for the sum
invested in the property. An elegsnt
boilditg is there though, one tbat is a
credit to tbe city of Portland.
At tb pubiic school exercise in En
g n in honor of Washington, on the an-
vetsary of hi birth, Ber. W. S. Gil
bert made tbe taUnent thst an infidel
..-ould not be a patriot. He has brought
down several correspondent upon him
in a live manner, and a live debate it
looked for if Rev. Gilbert shall take op
tbe mailer and continue ibe dicaeion.
We received a copy of a paper pub
lished in tbe City of Mexico from J. R.
Abbey, formerly of the C. A E. R. R.,
apd from it we clip the following bit of
news: Tbe femae boll fighter will not
appear at Bacardi today." "Nieaaor
Niiiita, tbe ho.l fighter wbo was danger
ously gored by a ball in tbe ring at San
Louis Potoei. is now foHy recovered
from bis woond." A large "unfurnished
room is advertised ior rent at ffOa
month. Corvalli Union.
A laughable incident happened in the
neighborhood of Mr. Uabberley'a near
Wilbur, in Marion county. Two yaung
girls co-daded they woal'd bave a little
fan, so tbey donned men' clothe and
went arornd among tbeir neighbors.
One farmer caw them and concluded
tbat they were er caped reform school
bora and got together poese, armed
snd equipped, to capture tbem Among
tbe foice was tbe fattier of oce of the
girls. TVr was great snrprite when
their identity was established. .
President UcKinVy a "I do not
propose to do anything at all to accceler
ate war with Spain. Up to tbe present
I do not think war is neceeary or iDev
iiablc. I woo Id be lax in my date, bow
ever, if I did not prepare for' the'foture.
Ine situation is grave, and the policy of
toe administration will be determined al
most entirely by tbe coarse of events
from time to time. There is no necessity
of alarming the people, bat congr mast
be ready to assist tbe admiotsua'ion
witboat making loo many inquiries a to
ths court e of etirr-nt events."
Beware of Ointments tor Catarrh
that Contain Mercury
as marcary will turely detro) tie arose of
s eJ atd ;ompieteiy drraiue the whole
yte-n bee t t.nMgh the mo-
ooui aoitaota. con aniens saojid Der
t oed except 00 prercriptio-t from reput-
aoi? poTtn-tass. as tne damage tby wilt
d 1 tw fold to tbe good you caa p.'-rit j
derive from. Hal.'s Cttarrb Cure. mcu
fa tueed bj F J Cwrj A Co, Toiedo.Obio.
cvt.Uids bo mercary. ajd it taken intern
ally, acting directly upon tbe blood and
mocou torfacjesjf tbettt'etu. labatiog
Hairs Catarrh Cure les re voa et tbe
genaine. It i taken ioU ri.a' r. and made
in Toledo. bU. b F J Ctr-r) Co.
Tewlimonials fret.
Sold by drtis t, price Toe pr bottle
Halls Family Pills are the t-t.
Strictlv BU-iness
French the jewe!er.
Try SchUtiag'a Beat tea and baa tag powSer.
Tbe Beit Crackets in town at C E Brow
uea'e. Baths at Viereck's shaving and hair
cutiing parlors.
Pictures from 75 cents to f 25 per d-ca
at Longs gallery.
Get a at of carving tnivea f -r aa xroas
present at Hopkia Bros.
Call at Hopkin Bros and see the pocket
knives best line in tbe city.
C B Winn, citv tick etagent. Tickets
to all points in the east.
IVnt ano-iy others by vourcougLtog.snd
risk yocr life by aeghcting a cold. One
Minute Cough Core cures cosghs. colJs.
crMir-, gripre and all throat lung trouble.
J. A. Cutaming.
Crawford A Hannah for photographs
Prices from it to X) per doseo.
Bs sure aod se the aati rut tinware at
Hopkin Biot. will Us', a lifetime.
Try our pop corn ; it never fails to pop.
C E Baow5t
'R-d Crown -the standard ot color
aod strength ia flour. All grocers have it .
Tase the O C tt E cteamer for PoitlanJ
down river on Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs
Rascrs Loo-J. set and put in first clais
orier at Viereck's shaving and bair cut
ting parlors.
3.arge sales and smsl! refit is the motto
of Hopkia xtros, and that it why thay are
alwaya busy.
When yoa want a choice steak, a nice
roattor meat of any kind, call 00 Henry
.rolers. He keep the best.
Dis. H. E. aod O. K. B-ers offices aod
residence in poat office buildiog. pecial
attention given to diseases of women.
The best meats of all kinds and good
treatment at tbe Albw.r Dreased Beef
Company's market, just djwn Second
street. Good weight aod prompt attend
Whooping congb lathe most distressiag
malady; but its duration can be cut short
by the use of the Minute Cough Cure,
which Is also the Best known remedy for
croup aod all lung and broncial troubles.
J. A. Cummiog.
jilWliat pleasure is the rs in life with a head
ache, constipation and biliousness lr t bous
ands experience them who could become
petfectly healthy by using De Witt' little
&uly Risers famous little pil's.
J A, Cu-nmin.
Focsd. That Case Bros havs returned
to their old sUnd by P. O. and are turn
ing out the best work for the least money.
Our prices are bair cutting. 15c, shaving
10c cc three shaving checks for 25c. Rja
ors boned and set for 4! 5c Opposition is
the life ot trade so if yoa want to keep !
prices wnat tney ar patroniss our shop
and we will stay with you nn il Gabriel
blows his horn. Yours for tha leader of
eatem prices. Cask Bhos,
Take Laxative Broino Uainlne Tablets.
All druggists refund tbe money it It fails
o Cure. 2.0.
m.-st'-r. x ;i-. v-.x
TWiwt . This ' Mv.tii
w LA I itId
The picture shows the exact increase that
has been added to he 5-cerit ro'ece. No in
crease in price , is-a rn
The biggest bargain -n toracco to-day is
one of these new pieces of PIPER HEIDSIECK
Try one.
Your Groceries and Baked Goods
Is at Parker Bros- Everybody knows
where their place ia. They keen a fresh
stock of groceries, prod ace and baked
goods, of all kind, sell at reasonable
priees snd treat tbeir customers well, all
Yoa may regret some steps yon take
in life tat none taken into tbe store t
Parker Brae.
It is s grert thing to be well fed. Par
ker Broe keep good groceries.
A loaf of bread ia not mocb bat yoa
want it well made. Try Parker Bros.
Notice to the Public
Beware of Snide Barbers wh try to
tell yoa Hair Tonic who da not know bees
from ball feet atat jx r scsln. I nave
had 25 years experience an- know there
are four distinct kinds of scalp troob'ies .
1 will f Ornish free of charge a formats
beat roiled t" yoor particular cue. which
yoa cas get filled at soy drag store tor 5
orlOceat. Coosa it alios free.
Lor is Vikbcck.
In Olden Times
People overlooked the importance of per
maoeeUy beeeficial efects an j were satis
fiei with traasiest actios; but now that it
is generally known that -yrupoc Fits will
permaoeaOy overcome babittuJ conatipa
iioo. treSl-infotme- people wiil aot boy
other laxatives, which act for a time, bet
finally Injure the syttem- Buy the geco
tae. made by tbe California Fig Syrup Co.
Home first.
The WorJJ att.rrard- Get good
crcxaies for yoor faulty. Cons A lu-
toa keep tbe best. wbl:a I her sl'. at tbe
M pta.ible pnefa. Fraah vegetable
aad fruit acxorditg to tbe seascn. always
on bacd.
A fiae line of crockery.
Ilosptal Corps Attention.
Order No. l. Tbe ol-cers and meji
bers of the Hospital Second Regimes:
O. X G will assemble at the Armory
Monday eveninr, Feb. 2S, 1SSS, at 7:30
p. m., nniformed and eqrped fjr rre: al
drill. Br order ot
Cai-t. M. H. Eujs,
. urjeon Sec Reg. If.
J. L- Tomussox,
Hospital S eward.
Try mr t?s sittings at 10c Extra quality
C. E. Br.wneJl.
Ju.t Acrorss the Way.
At F n Pfeiffer s yoa can pet the best
Cuas. and Eaatern otten to be fooad.
He a!o keep the best line of confection
ary to tbe city.
Call oa him for tbe beat of e-cr-tbiagio
nu line.
Please Inist upon haviog roar pre
cription filled accoraisg to the aoctors v
deis, sod guard sgainat sabeut3Ui. vt e
make a speciality in compounding pres
cription, using pure, fresh drags In every
one. Our prices are in acoordaoce with th
times. Try os sod be cccvinred. Barkhar
tUl D.M ggtsu.
Wear anxioaa to do a little good ia tfeia
world and caa thic of so pieasaater or
better way to do it lhaa Vy rocommeodiog
Ooe Minat Coagh Ca'S as a preventive
of poeaaKwia, ooattatsptioo aad other ser
ious luag troobles that follow neg'ected
colds J A Camming
Closing out
Crxkery and Glassware at cost
C E Browssix.
Afier caia f ontoid acff-iiog from piles,
R W Parvstt oi Kottaertville.a- was cared
by ating a s:.ngte tox if t'a Wi:t'a Witch
Haael Salvj tkin diaeaaaa tach at ecxema,
rh, pimples a id ohstiaate screa are read
ily caret by ttU limtit remsdj J A
For Int- and Children. .
Tis he
J. Gradwohl
Inform' the general public that he
sell as low as aaybady ia the city for
sash. Come and get prices before yoa buy
April lot, 1.97 . J. t.CADwoBL.
Taere are three little things which do
more work than any other three litt'e
things created they are the aot, toe b
and DeWitta I.UUo K-rlv Riaws, 1L a t
being the ftmoot little pills for stoaiacb
aod liver trsablss I A Cummiog
Karl's Clover Root Tea. for t
tion it's th . Beat and if after using it you
don't say -, retura the package and get
your money . Sold by Foshay A Mason
Tas Ltxativ Brona Q tiutas Tablet
AH Drafglste re'uad ths ui ay ( It fait
o ture sue.
If you want a aooa and cleat
moke buy cigars made by our A!
b tuy cluar factory-
To Car Coatttpatioa Totevav
Take Citacareta Candv Caihartie. 10s or Ba
It C C C. tail to cure, drucgi-U refund mooey
Solid veftibale trains, eonfming of pal
aee steeping cars, taxa-toos dining cars,
elegant dav coacbea, H-agniScent toarist
csrs tnd free eotoai-t sleepers from the Pa
cific to tbe Atlaatic witbcot change. -
All poicU it the Okaaagas Country.
Ge a pwmpbiet giving a fall deeenptiac
of this wooderf at country. Ask tbeag-at
for a copy of the mioisg Iaw4 Bntia.
Lowes rates o and froui
AUaatie -teainship ines.
Canadian Pac. Ry. Ua's
Boyal Mail Steamship
line to China and Japan
aoso-cxr, yui asb acstbaua.
Tbe sbertest lice to the Cctoni-s. These
atamers carry aa experieoced medical
maa. and a st-wardcas oa every voyage
For tiaie table pamrb!-i. or ssy is
ormation. call oa -r addivst
S S STEELE A CO. Agu.AlaBj Or.
EJCOYLE. AgXl Third St, Port-
ad. Or.
Southern Pacific Co.
aT fnta 1 Da
Soma t
e r. a. I Lr
Ar ' t S3 - a
Lw 1 &a r
taa L
. AJiy
I lli a I Ar
Vn! tr? 1 s op at a 10a be
tween fjcyaal ana -aira tor
see, -Urfoo, Jelersoa Albany
l'angeat, Shedd. Hatsey Eugeee
Cottage Grove. Drain. Oaklasd and all
ttattoos trout Roseburg swh to aad ia
dading AshUnd.
LSD a a
! r a I Lr
art 4$r
Lrl T
Lt alb it tor Utem
4mr at At baavbw -- .
S ta
Utaoa Aikaay tar lahaao
Amva at Aib-a. tram UkMna
It tea
Oinlnr Cars on Oifden RouU"
Vl IIU1I. I I B vV XI kkflKi. I in
AMatSt ta all Threat Trata
4Tel ( Ma HIM.
Sat- ra aattl (X-caatS-aaaj
sua ssi "as a-tk-QT
a I L
Ar I D ie
E-prcwTnia tally (r-ccpt
l fv deaca
Af I a: a
'ill! aa
It I A a
TSO r I Ar
tWrat Ar
Dir"ev vtivtit Sw fraac oa w0iilat
riratal a-ti PteiS: U ta-aOip h
Ptt t O tit Suliar taa appucatioa
atat a-4 tickrta i 1 rr ata aaJ Sunt
JAI AS. C-I. A. ECM'liU aad ACSrS
c,a a j-tmeel trw rl. A
. tsmik MAAit.
Maaagar teea F P A
rorXaaS Orga ortlaad
In lie Omit (Wl Statt ef f-rrgeajer Li
Viol-t Ford, pVintift.
Milton Ford, defendant.
To Milton Ford the above named
Oregon, yoa are hereby requi ed to ap
pear srd antwer the eciplint cf the
plaintiff herein in tbe aWve entitled coart.
now on file in the office of the clerk of aid
court, on . or before the Orel uay ot in.
regular March term of said court, tt being
Monday. March tbe 19th. 18-. ; ad yoa
are hereby further notihed fat in ease
von faii to so appear aod ssswtr said
complaint, tbe plaintiff wUI app'y to the
coortfor the te'ief demanded the.!,,
j Bgt eetting sside and holding for naught
I tbe boeds of matrimony hreofcre exist
towit : A decree ot ice aoove wnr .duu
in. hat saea the plaintiff and defendant
and that they be forever divorced. Tht
plaintiffs name be changed from Violet
Ford to thatol Violet McName-a, ber
maiden name, and she h ve htr cot and
aisbursements ot this suit to be taxed.
This summons is published by order ef
Hon H H Hewitt judge pi said court.made
at chambers in Albany. Oregon, oa the
12th day of Janusr . 1898.
. a J105TASTS A SOX,
Attorneys tor Plaintiff.
Legal Bl.tnkr.we have 'em