A RUBBER. for SORENESS AND STIFFNESS. LEGAL DIRECTORY; Albany. W R Bilyeu, Foehay & Mason block. JRN Blackburn, P O block. H Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, P O block . J N Duncan, P O block . T P Hackleman, Pearce block. O E Hawkins, Ouaick block Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly & Curl, bank building. L H Meatanve, Pearce block. J C Powell, P O block. J M Somers, P O block. H 0 Watson, bank building. Weatherford & Wyatt. Bank bnilding. Whitney & Newport, Ousick block. G W Wright, PO block. Lebanon. S M Garland. Brownsville. A. A Tusaing. ROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNKT AT LAW ORIQOX CITY, ORBOOST Land Titles and Land, Office Business a Speaalty. V - DR. J. L.HILL Physician and surgeon. Office, First St. URST HATI03IAI. BARK, OF AUiBTi OIHOR hwMwi.wniiawwi i FtM PrsUnt Osfalr. ............... .. 6..ioua . W. LAHaiX8 TKABaACTB A OSJiKKaL banking (b net DeS ACCOUNTS UFT aaMect to tbMCk. lOaTBXCHAMOB adtolccrmpUe tnaater, soM a New York 8aa hudm.CUact a ruttae OL'.XCTIOHS SADSoa faonble tants hubiqii S K Tous Liaeto P A GOOBWTK, L. C. 8. run. Q D AITDTTD BAC.7C! u liniiiuuLin iiuujjij. AVhite, Yellow, Crimson. Yixll make a magnificent hedge, beautiful shade for the piazza, oc charming bed. Con stant bloomers. Perfectly hardy. One plant will produce thousands of flower, ThreepUnts, one each color, f Only 40 Cents, Delivered; - - i FreeJDpoa Application : -3j ... V o... ; - GARDEN AND FLORAL .....GUIDE.- TBS BVST JT-4.VS CATALOCTS nd the Ladies' Gardener and Adviser Tha only ewe containing rail lMJulpaon. and Ulrro Boos for pliuiiDc ami cuitim ; so couipreoanstra, esa sensed. dutM and Initial that He VVha Haas May Ktai, Stty tllawianea from nature. Colore plaua of 8t Pesa. Kastnr tiara. Taberao Bctaniaa. GoUea bey UIy Cartas Onbliss. ifeybrra Awers. Brauufullv cmbossc cor ISAlarsspscaiaMnpleiely AUea aita hnni i iinatraiMns JAMES VICKS SONS. Rochester, N. Y, (Bartae postage) Al0KTOUf lg18, Tbo Famous Gardening AnthorHy. h ft veritable mine of infrkrmatloa mtmat fViweiii ctabtca und Frati-. and bom to grow an car for tfaes rx-wf-IIr. Tb pnr of Vict niusinu4 Uowkth.f M&uaa m Tin? una rt yr- wm if m . r mrm ibhi f y with aim f--ec ataaiM Ui mafn-doe siai t malicd to fum ccgu-Uif Um aUl moun tag ulai. nu at u Y1CK PCBUSHI5G CO.. Boctestsr. H..L OUR CAPACITY Is Unequaled In the Valley. OUR WORK Is Unsurpassed In Oregon. We have the best stock to select from and our price? are always the lowest, quality considered . SMILEY, Albany. The Printer x . THE U theJbBst and yet simplest tyre w'lte m inufactored, the con.ammation or t invnators art. As etpsrt stenograpne after aing many machines, says. : "' Mn aider the Yost Writing Machine far Jpe or io any 1 have yet osed " Call at toe Dkmocbat office and ee one of the type writers that bas to have a perfect allign roent.t ' All Typewriters supplies ordered. . V, P. Nottiho. Aeeot. K. O. T. M. every Satordny evening at K. O. T, M. ball. Visitin Knijrhu inviied. W, A. Cox, Commander. Four Farms For " Sale The followiK ieiral U (S'tntara l-jr ail . AdUreaa McMiSterSf bu.r.tl. 311 W-eaate.- hlnok, Purtlamt. Oeon, or cail on C G Burkbare, Albany, Oregon, for particnlart: , , 1. 1 6 acr;. nn.nil weat of H !, ii nV.. . a . 1 r alt: I. : u r tne Lf Li J Ol 1 9 w Ainnvn Hi, IM ovc o-, T 13, S K4, W M. 35 acr.a are c.etrod aDil Dane' caii'ivaiiou, i r'uiiuier ww Covered with mull tin. bt. Maid r Crek ran through th pteuorty. Taem is small orchard. Price $1 330 . . 2. 80 crv"; .is mile S of Brormvillr, iu the D L C of 8 .ma-1 J hnoo, in Hee 11, T 14, H E.5, -WW H. Al cleared land 6'5 acres Boder caltiva'ir.D, all fo.rd, no uoildicK". Price $1300 vi'le, in Ssoa 13'and U, T 14, 8 R 3, W vV M. 120 acr are tillable an.) the bti nci ' i beet anited f it putorage. 75 ace r noder erop, is all feaoed, haa a gti an ply of water, good baildinga and or :h rd ' . 4. ,785 acr in, mi mileaeaatof lbinon, in Seus 15 and IS, T 12, 8 K 1, W W M. rt . f . ; 3 . I t : - t . I i bout 100 acres are tlllab'e. It is well atered, all fenced and haa some fair niMioga. fnce 350, v ' Ji - f ANTED. A few more engaire , menU by the day to sew. JMiiS R. K. Owfm. 0L It cure In two or three vigorous rube. A Fine Heater. Hopkins Bros., of this city.have taken the agency for the new International Domeet'c Heater, which is a great thing tortious) keepers It fits upon an ordinary cook stove and heats the water in a tank without the old water back which so often destroys the cooking qualities of the stove . I hey ut ilize the waste heat, taking the place of firdt joint of stove pipe and are great fuel savers. They are sure to come into gen eral use. They ran be seen at Hopkins Broe. hardware and stove store. These beaters can now be seen in use at H. R. Ujdes and Councilman O. P. IKmnala. Dr Adams Painless work a specialty. J. C LITTLEO Ground floor Dental Office. Vard Littler. Broadalbin, St., Assistant. Albany, Or. Piano.OrganJoica CnItnre.Eannoiiy bus Beta fU Gilbsrt, lln Frances O 11 .mm. Teachers of Music Wsahingtoa Street,nrar V PChurck, Albany -Hiniimiifflii!fflwninmi- E PRINTING 3 Possessing pre-eminently per- S 'F feet profit producing posei- 5 i bilities, produced piomptly at 5 I . : ; Clean Pr.ntery. Z The Magnolia Laundry c C SIMPSOH r SON Standard Prices Woi-Warrciits ryr prj y, NEW mi WORLD Thrict-a-Wetk Edition IS Pages a Week . . . ... 156 Papers a Teai For One Dollar lwhUalw4everr aiientear exrea4 mm Tne Thrice-a- Wwk Edition of Th a n kw York World is En aniiosr all " weekly papers in size, freqnency of pnbHcatioa and the freshnefcs, a ceo racy and vi iety of its coi tnrs It h'4 all the merits of a peat $6 daily at the price of a dollai weekly. Its political news i prompt, cuoi plete, acenrate ad impartial as all its read, en will testify. It is against the monopo lies and tor the people It printa the new of all (be world, hav ing special correspondence from all im portent news points on the piobe. It haa orill iant illustrations, stories by great authors, a capital numctr page, complete markets, departments far I be household and women's work and other special de partmenta. We tiler this nnequaled newspaper and the Democrat togetherone vear for 00 Lrm mhmat tbU grwmt p4. aa It lata For sale ly J . A. Commins; t- Taint HitrL ...r. nil' : eoSVIiCKTI aa . a . At.Tone aendtnar a teeUb and eeaertittnn m. euictlf aaeertalB. free, wlietber an lD.antlon la probably patentable. Coumanlettlnna atrtctly eoolMential. OldeM irrxj forMeortnx pu.nu In America. We have a WaanlnatMi office. Patent taken tbroBjch Mima A Co. reoelre apeetat aouoe in tae SC1ENTIFID fiMER.GAH, Deantlfallr innirrated, lanre aor .ctentlae journal. weekiy,i II..V) mx rootilhfk. Spechi?a lanreat etreclatlon of kiT.termiit3.uO. real. II..V) mx rootilhfk. SpectiDAn copt and iiajia Buvk oh Vatexts aeul free. Aiklreaa MUNN 4 CO., 301 Broad-Mr. Kew Verk. v, s. s reKEiGR inirlu PROCURED, EUGENE W, JOHNSON, oTic tor asi Atijiii PaMCaise 17t Me Terk Are.. Wa.hlaaiea. DC & Caveat asdTrade VarlraoMalaedandallPat-l est bnriacea eondncted tor Moderate Fees. I Pnd molH.ln-Tn(!orpnoto. weaaTiacjii I patentable froeof cUir-e. Onr fee not dne till 5 patent i a wctired. A Pamo'j let "How to Ob- Uln Patsnta." with cost of aaioein the V. 8.( and fo.eign oounirlee sent free, ill, rnaa, i i a , snow & co. i tfcilSrifSarS -r''rr,littA Clubbing Rates. The Bao Francisco Weekly Examine! i.ext year wilt givo to its subscribers s $10,000 rwiidenee in 8-n Francisco rent in? farfoOa month, a $3,390 U.S. bond,. SI RNivniil nniiwl. ami hundreds of other thinwc You can iff the Examiner and Wmckxt Dcmockat tor fZ 00 a year, witn tl,o Din v nniiT ti mail for l4.25.bv carrier $5.75. in advance. The Demo crat will order onlv on combination pay nent ST L0U18 REPUBLIC, semi-weekly I Aaa rvf (ha hAur naruiM 1 rt Is h A TT n I tai States, and thf Democrat paid in advance , ?. 4 m y Wawtew. ; WW xFuA -,v lour - tM H Vfe ' ki f t J 3 a."' V ?' ---H aaea jr ' .' fi ' ' Rupture's awa .J?, 3 i Flit to raUia f . rax-" hMtrmttoaa to enra yxmrm ,, u wnka.-:-B. (US AT On Attzjrr ba rtftoud at.n.1 Tiina JI44. ' . TEARS mm Now it transpires that Mr. DrLome has been talking About our womeu as well as about our president. Tomorrow evening at the court house there wi 1 be a discussion of free sil ver vs. the single gold standard. There will be at least free silver debates there, and single gold standard men . will be given a hearing. ; At their primaries on March 12 the people's party of this county will vote on the question ol union with the dem ocrats and silver republicans at the coming June election and allow . the vote to settle the question. A coyote "round-up" was re ently beld oc Union Flat, Whitman county, Wash. 25 coyotes were discovered and sixteen were rounded up and killed. There is probably more tun about a coyote round up than a fox hvnt, to say nothing of the good effect of destroying so many toes of the poultry yard. Toe result of town elections la sixteen counties of the State of New York indi cate that this is a democratic yrar. In almost every county the Democrats lo ered the Republican majorities returned last year and the year before, and in some cases showed a remarkable in create. Sojae six months or more ago a laborer in the national treasury bnilding at Washington was caught with $28 of stolen money in bis pocket. To ascertain theexteutof this leak the "High officials'' set 50 men at work counting the coin on hand. The shortage mas recently ascer lained to be 1859. It coat $15,000 of the people's money to discover that some one had robbed the people of IS59. From the Pittahnr News. During each month of the year we famish oar readers with Republican prosperity supplements. No more such supplements wilf be sent with our pa per. The supplements are a freed, a delusion and a lie. W are ashamed of them, sick and sore at tte idsa of send ing out such "prosperity supplement," hen at the same time we are enable to collect enough money to meet our bills after having made them. The etock io teres ts of Oregon are among the great interests ct the state, and it is well that the men engaged in fie business meet io convention to further the interests of the business. Tiis bas beec done this week in Pen- di-ton in a meeting that brought to gether a large number ot representative cittleroen. In this business the valley baa been moving ahead aa well aa eaS'em Urrgon. and the cattle interests brre have greatly increased in ;ne hut U m years. The jadicion farmer i as fast as possible diversifyii-g bis buei nis. On oar own cowt we have bad a horror, one that strikes home, and per haps one that tboold he investigated, it is a question the public have a right to have an honest aaswer to, that of whether the Clara Nevada was sea worthy. There nave been re parts that she was not in fit condition tor such a trip, and that previous to being repaired bad been abandoned. Hainan life is too precious to be risked in unsafe vee sela. In the first place no one should allow a srsxs to indnce tbem to ship in a pourvesetl. A report of the actual con dition oi this boat will be read with interest. Let the truth come out what ever it is- Tbe matter of the destruction of the Maine has been generally discussed Ibis ee. The sentiment is prooooneed against Spain, so much so that few are willing to give her credit for not having blown op the war vessel. Undoubtedly the Spaniard is mean eoougb for that, but the public in a ease like thla may well keep cool and view the affair dispas sionately, getting mad when the ease ia made. If the Spaniard did do the bori nees there will be occasion for war on ehort notice, but the conservative view of the matter la that it was an accident. A thorough investigation sbou d be srade before serious accusations. In interna tional affirs it is not wie to jump at eoncluaioa. If the Maine affair shal1 prove a stepping stone te the seg ment of the Cuban trouble ia favor of the oppressed Cabana it wilt bave serv ed a great purpose, tboogh so great a loss of life is to be lamented. Curious Facts. On Jolv 6 the eeith is farther away from the son than at any other time. It is oot unusual forthe Duke of West minster's charity bill to amount to$100, 000 a year. The average life of women in FraceA daring tbe last th'rty-two years bas been thirty eight years, and that of men thirty six year. " The largest telegraph office in the world is in tbe.General Poetoffiee building Lon don. There are over three thousand op erators The Englith bavs adopted a new fad in shape of perfumed butter. The butter is of extra fine quality and wrapped In muslin, ti Is (hen placed upon a bed of rose leaves and tbewbole put io a refrigerator, where it is allowed to remain for ten or twelve hours, dm tog which time it becomes per fumed. Id Washington, D. C, recently, tbe underground trolley was put Io a sevete lest. Wafer entered the conduit and nearly a block in length of it was com pletely flooded. The cars, however, op S'ated without any trouble. Washing ton and Ne York will soon have many hundred miles of trolley condu'ls in op eration already a large length of such roads is working so that tbe above lest is very important and reassnriog. The Chinese are eaid to possess secrets jn tbe preparations of sweets that aston ish our most accomplished confectioners. Tbey know how to remove the pulp from oranges and subetitute various jellies. Tbe closest examination fails to reveal any opening or Incision in the -f kin of fruit, They perform the same feat with eggs. To Any Reliable Maris Uerrekma appliance and one nenth' remedies of rare powr will be unl on trial, without an mdvanc pttyment. ij tne foremost e"n pen? la the world In I tie treatment ot n.n weak, broken, dla eoo raced from effMii of exewMi, worry, or.r wora, 4e. lUppr awrrl a .reared, complete ree. toratloaov development ot all rbut conditions. Tke time of tbls offr m limited. Mo C. O. Ii. ch.mei no decpttont no exposure. Address ERSE MEDICAL CO-Vr HEDIC1L ' & ohibiu .mm SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS . There bas been muhlto talk about during the past week. The pobho bas had something to keep Tgoing annuel constantly. Tbe destruuiion of the Maine has been of local interest and has been discussed with as much earnestness as if it were an Albany matter instead ol having happened over three thousand miles away. Well it might be, for it Is an event of much moment to the Un ited States. If the vessel was blown np maliciously under the cognisance of Spanish officers it will be an occasion for war, but if It were blown np in a manner that the blame cannot be traced to tbe Spanish government, then it will be no inch occasion, the same a if it cannot be proven that it was caused by outside interference. It may be predicted that whatever tbe investigat ing committee may ascertain and re nnrt the Snanlah Kovrrnmsnt will dis claim all official connection with it and make due amende so far as they can be made. The Spanish government Is not on the fight, that is tbe long and tbe short of It, and it wilt Uke a good deal to t jrce Snatn into a contest. Among the weakest nations on earth, played out, its ancient glory gone, a wrects, it is in no condition to baggie about matters. Its people are underhanded and treach erous, and almost anything may be btlisved about them, bnt as a nation it ia doubtful it anything la done that will display national bravery. Tbe United State should display no Jingoism, but dropping all politics, act for the good of the nation . It ia to be hoped tbe affair remits in the settlement ot tbe Cuban trouble, tertnin atlng in tbe freedom of this downtrodden people, residents ol an island, where starvation would be absolutely impossi ble, nnder rormal conditions, so p-ohfic is vegitation. A strong band is needed to force justice at thia time. On thla coast we hare an accident that baa made many heart ache, tbe loss ot the Clara Nevada, In tbe North ern water. Tbe accident was undoubt edly doe to the bad condition of the boiler, tbe condition of which waa no doubt the cause of sixty or seventy people being taken aa with hardly a moment's warning. It saggests tbe neeeasityct tbe most rigid inspection hereafter of every craft before It is al lowed to ra I oo the Alaskan trip. Thia week bas seen tbe death ot one of tbe world's foremost women, Frances E Willard, many tbink the foremost. Her career ia one to admire. A woman with a noble purpose in view she bat tled unceasingly for tbe right axainet many obataclea from which leas brave women would bave retreated. Thous and of women in the Untied State, In fact the whole world wi'.l mourn as they would tbe loss of a sister, tier name will be en.br ined in the heaiUof ma by. President Jordan's Word The followiaa- are soma interesting thoughts from an address recently de livered by President Jordan ot Stanford University : I wish this morning to make a plea for a noble Hie, for the enticement which on most overcome come more from one's own impulses than from the wor'd. When I was a boy I remember reading aa enumeration of things which were gocd, an J those that were bad, aod enticement was measured among tbose that were good. I could not understand that then, but I so now, for no man ie virtaou until be haa resisted tempt atiooe. There is no road to happiness that does not call for self-denial. 8r If -denial give to advantage to tbe selfmad man. Ha learn many thing from it tbe value ot money, to economize, and. best of all to tar "No." Be wbo learn to ray "No" U. bimeel', can aay "No" Io other. Jones beard ot a uoi- versity I don't know where ; ia Tartary pereape where tbe students bad to stand on averr morning to be knocktd down. In this way tbe students were taught self-restraint. There are two kind of aln ie this wcrld evil to others and evil to our- selves. II is ot evil to ourselves that wish to steak toda7- Sia is the short cut to bappioees, it promiee happioers without toil. It ia false pleasure and leave a dark blown taste ia the morn ing. ' Idlesese is the short road to happiness through tbe op a door of which all other evil come. Gambling is aa attempt to get some thing tor aotbing, but to win is to lose. Tbe same motive that is behind stealing is behind gambling ; the only dtnVrtnce is ia tbe statutes. Licentinosnes is another short cut to happiness. Bot no man can lead a double life, and Inst must be trodJen under foot or nun will go down before it. Flirtation covsrs a mo'titad of e viis but the man who wantocly touches a lady's band should be shunned like a rattlesnake. All kind of drag an J stimulant i are to be avoided. Tney borrow from the mind and never payback the I an Tbey weaken the wind, which is wo'ee than weakening tbe body. ' Indulgence destroys talth and love and hope. John L Sullivan says: "There is joy in life, bot this j y is only known tn tbe man with a few jolts of iiq ior u idr bis tnit." Be is like tbe man who had a glass of brandy and soda in the morn ing, went to bis office aod said to his clerk: "Tbe world looks difiVreot to a man alter a drink of brandy." '"Yes," replied ths clerk, "and the mat looks different to the woild.'' The time is coming when politics will be the only pofesion open to the in temperate man. Railroads, steamships aod buriness men won't have him ; only the long suffering people will still em ptor him. Vulgarity weakens the mind Ob scenity is tbe second power of vulgarity. We judge the eivilixation and morals ol Poi,peil by the pictures, which a deluge of fire and lava and eighteen centuries have failed to d-troy. Would we care te have futur generations judge our civ il zttlon by the bil -board which are to be seen on Market street In San rrancisso todav? . From the Philadelphia Ledger. President MuKinlwy pays little respect lo public opinion or to the fitness of candidates for public office, but his stanch adherence to his policy of allow Ing Senators to pay tbeir political debts at lbs expense of tbe public must awak n tbe admiration of practical politi cians. He has appointed Senator Bay lor, ot Montgomery County, to be Consul at Matausas, agaiost tb protests of tbe Senator constituents and the demon-, atratioa of Baylor's unfitness for publie offlc. THE II. A L A. The annual meeting of the Albany Building & Loan Association was held last evening. The following directors weie elected : Julius Joseph, 8. 8. Train, J. 8. Dun can, D. P. Mason, A. B. Woodin, F M . Freuch, A. M. liolt.O. U. Winn, E. W. Langdon. 'the directors elected tbe fol lowing officers : President, A. B. Wood In; vice-president, Julius Joseph: sec retary 0. B. Winn; treasurer, E. W. Langdon; attorney ,J. N. Iiuncan. Aud iting committee: F. M. lied Held, P. A. Goodman and J. R. Wyatt. The follow, ing finance committee was appointed: Dr. J. p. Wallace, F. M. French, S 8. Train. The secretary's report shows the fol lowing: KKCCIPTa. On hand last statement t 12 75 Received from due 6,397 J(5 " " entrance aod exp 202 75 " interest earned. 1,872 86 " floe 228 27 " taxes 72 70 " ' loans repaid.... 1,169 66 " ' rent....!, 188 30 $10,144 46 DlBCR8lMKNT. B paid withdrawals " " expense M " taxes " " repairs and insurance to real estate By paid witndrawal 8,760 34 319 50 310 83 207 40 650 00 $10,138 07 Balance on band 6 47 Share eerie Paid shares Value shares 1 228 107 184 28 2 34 V 100 172 8S 3 16 96 162 40 4 18 :t 155 17 5 10 8T 145 69 6 32 84 14a 17 7 16 78 127 20 8 45 72 120 50 9 17 66 108 93 10 15 60 101 S3 U 20 54. 92 06 12 8 41 83 37 13 4 42 74 41 14 8 36 67 18 ASsrrs. Cash Personal accounts... Loan on mortgage Loan on note , Real estate Fixtures 6 47 6.541 46 63,310 46 24 1 41 7,436 86 43 00 $77.570 20 I Less unearned interest. 2690 78 837 00 460 51 Due on withdrawal. . , Due on account .$73,590 91 Nat aetets Democratic County Convention A Democratic County Convention fo Linn coouty, Oregon, la hereby called to meet in tbe circuit ecu rt room of the MMioiy court iiouee in Ainaui, llrevon. oq M ednesday, tbe 16th day of March, 1898, at 10 o'clock a. m otea-d .ta., f .r the purpose of nominating candidate for county offices, and to elect delegate irom Una county to the Democratic Sia Coo venl.oa to be held at Portland, 'regnn, oo March 23, and to transact such other businea a properly come before the convention. The a id county convection will cooaist of 1S4 delegate chosen by tbe several precincts as folio we, to ait: Albany 9.Ualey 7 KaatAibanr 7Scio 5 nest Albany Jt.Krankitn Butte. 3 j - - . I North Brownsville KTaogent 5 Sooth Brownsville 4&bedd 3 Orleans 2 Sweet Home 4! SvrarnM . l!.'nir Waterloo 4 CrawlorJsvii.'e. . . Sao liana Vjonian South Lebanon... 6 Fox Yallev North Lebanon ... 6 Rock Creek Sjodavtile SHbelburn Nortn Harmborg fallman eoutn uameburg 4 Tbe same being one delegate at large for each predict and one for every twelve vole, and for every fraction orer oae-half tbeieof.caat tor Hon II. O. Wat son for representative ia 1896. Tbe com mitiee recommend that the primaries be bell on Friday, March 11, Is&S, at 1 o'clock p m of (aid day. W. R. BlLVST, B. M. PaTsx, Chairman. Secret are. The 8oatbe.n Pacific Company is soon to add 1,100 ears to ila equipment on both if Atlantic and Pacfie system. Orders bave joet been placed with tbe Barney & Smith Manufacturing Com pa sy the Easign Manolacioring Company and Ibe tV)a A Freoch Company for 630 box cars, 150 double decked feeding tock ears, 200 Sat car and 100 baUast car. Two hundred and fi'tr of the box ear will b pot lo erric on tbe Atlan tic system, while all of tbe remainder will be need on tbe Pacific system. Tae double-decked slock cars bave never been ased on the coast before- The or ders will be filled hetween March atd August of :hi year. Masquerade ' an. A masquerade ball will he given Fri day, Feb 25, by company F. Sec Kegt. This is to pe the last and most noted so cial event of tbe season We have the name now of over fifty who ate going to maaque and still there are other A prise will be given for tbe beet aostaiosd k. . . , . lusisncr, auv ueet 01 music and a good time is eared. Everybody i go tog. 8 peel store 10c, reserved seat 15c, ball tickets 75c Don't forget the date, eh. 2 Coxm Trta. . Strict Iv buainefts French the jeweler. Romnna pure spice Romona Rotnona pure et tract . Try EtbllllDg s Rest lea aod halloa; powder. The Best Cricket In town at C E H cow rie l's. Katbs at Viereck's shaving sn i hair cutting parlors. Pictures from 76 cents to $25 per d' a at Longs gallery. Get a set of curving knives f.r an xuuts present at Uopkin ltro. Call at Uopkin Bros and see the pocket knives best line la tbe city. C B Winn, citv tick etagent. Tickets to all point in the east. Don't an ny others by yourcoogLing,and riok your life by ceglrcting a cold. One Minute Coegh Unre cure coughs, cold, cr up, grippe and all throat lung trouble. J. A. Curaming. CriwforJA Rarniah for photographs Prices from It to f?0 per doien. Be sure and see the aoti rut tiaware at Hopkin Bios, will las' a lifetime. Try our pop corn ; it never fails to pop. C E Bbownsll. "Red Crown'' the standard of color and strength ia flour. All grocer bave it. Take the O C & E ctemer for Portland down river on Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs day. RaiTS lonl, set and put in Grit class Ji der at Viereck's shaving and bair cut "ng parlors. Large sale andsnml! orofit is tbe raotlo ot liopkm lirn, and thai i i why thay are alwyt busy. When you want a choice steak, a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry 3rolers. He keep tbe beat. Dis. H. E. and O. E. Bers offices and residence in post office building. Special attention given to diseases of women. The best meat of all kind and good treatment at tbe Albany Dressed lieef Company s market, just d jwn 1 . 4 ... I J .... O , street. Good weight and prompt attend ' " F . ... ,. WhOOPing COUgb is the mOSt distressing malady i but iU duration can be cut short , send naval engineers and mechanics to in by the nee of the Minute Cough Cure, vtwtigate the explosion. wblcb Is also tbe best known remedy for . croup and all lung aod broncial troubles. A staiiraa Mi J. A. Cumming. i Topeea, Feb. 16. The government What pleasure is there in life with a head) lien on tbe Union Pacific road 1 Kanaa ache, xioostipation and billousneasV Thous- was wiped out today. The Kansas r-scific ends experience them wbo could become toad was bought in by Alvtn w Krecb, perfectly healthy by uin De Witt's little representing the reorganltatibn commit fcaily Risers famous little pills. tee, for $6,303,000. Krech was the only -J, A, Cumming. bidder. LiverDDDs Like biliousness, djmpepsta, headache, consti pation, tour stomach. Indigestion are promptly. cured by Hood's Pills. Tbey do their work Hood, easily and thoroughly. "11 Best after dinner pills. ysa 1116 SB cents. All druggist. I I I V Prepared by C. 1. Hood fe Co., Lowell. Mats. Tbe only rill to take with Hood's SanaiHtrllla. TELEGRAPHIC a wis Cat CmcAoo, Feb. 18. The Canadian Pa cific road loday exploded a b jpsb among Its American competitors, by announcing a wholesale reduction of rate. Tomorrow the Canadian Pacific will make the rates from all point in New Eng. and Now York to the coaat, $40 drat clam and 130 second class. Rates to St. Paul will be cut from $29 60 first class and $28 50 second clas to $20 first and $19 second class. On learning ot the Canadian Pacific's intention io tbe matter, the Grand Trunk road at once invited tbe Chicago road to join it in meeting IneserateOria Chicago, which was done. la Madrid! If adrtd, Feb. 13. Tbe newspaper are urging the government to adopt great precautions when the American divers arrive, and not to allow tbem to descend alone and examine the Maine, aa divers ent by private person might be bribed to report at variance with the actual facts aad might even do something to tbe holt which would serve as confirmation of tbeir report. Tbe whole pres en joins the mosi riirorous supervision of tbe wreck ing of the Maine. I stlss Seattle, Feb. 18 Fusion was effected today between tbe populist, democrat and Iver republican The fol'oeing municipal ticket wai nominated: Mayor 8 C Calderbead, (p p.); control ler, John Wallace (ailerr rep ); corpora tion council, Fml Rice Roeli (dem.); treasurer J at Lyon (dem.) Late f BassMsrs vVasbisoto, Feb. 18 lb feature of tbe day in the navy department was tbe large number of rumors of a warlire ten deosy that reqaired attention and In every cae con tn diet ion Secretary Long was induced to make a statement. He said i'bat really no information has been re eeiwd sinceCaptain -itr' e ' fit A jUpatcb i addiag an thing to our an tiede ot the disaster J Xettlac Seaaly far r j Fort (-asanas. IJ.bo, - 18 Tbe' J tmopa here were start le-t af b ; u order to p'it company ti six'.' infa'i'ry, in i rradiDeaa for ear'y dprt.r t i-urt Ste J tren. there to Uke ration Toe company ill protW? Uave brre m ia tbe next 4-i boor Indications po'bt 'o tbe early . tra frr of tbe beHji im t .be Six t-eo'h iiifao'rr to Va eovee bar-teks. iter i unu.ual sctiv t m army circfe, tul y rtl serecy is ome -re j . n Cia a evmm PoRTLaxo, Or,, rrb IS Tbe steam rs IJ jeea, and Hut, bolt, which armed ia Seattle Thorxlaj morula , hroagfet cn&rmsliod of the lot of the earner Clara X evade. Th litre steamer Realler. ami out from Joseao to hare tbe faseof tbe midnar totne .found tbe blacteoed hall, burned to toe water', edge, io about six I at hum ot water, bot ia 'o day ratting along the bleak shore cf I.rnn caaal failed to discover a aiagle sign of a survivor Wlll be lareattsalrel Wamiukjtos. Feb. 17 Tbe vre- , i men! baa aett'ed ba-k into a watting at . j Uluiie n rp4 to tbe eribie Maice It 3 I aster io li.r.ns. harbor. Tlie great shock 2 cau-ed tT the news has trivia way to a jjca'mer aad amre j idtcia! a"a:e t-f mtad. 4 j and the naval cJS rr are now r-igned to j await the rem't ot tbj.l ic.ir.r;, b. a court i men! baa sett'ed ba-k into opened today by a nary depsrUneo . Aaaertra. (.center WMBtask sWv, New Yobs. T. IS. Mi Fracce E WiliarJ. prvattiriit o! ibe Woma Chris tian Tempeernrx L'oino. died shortly after midnight ttt 'ndaj) WTBtne, at te hotel Empire, this city. m t ibe bed side of Mia VVjUaid at Ibe time of her death were her niece. Mrs. W VV Ba'dwin Mi. L M Severs. Vice-preidet ol the W cri" Mi Aaea M Gorton. Ml, Wiilard' crtary. and Dr. K Hill. Mi WilUrd bad been til fcr three week. Tke Ceweeal a4alaa jACaaoxviiajt. FU Feb. 17. A pec iJ to tbe Times foioo and Citizen iron Kv et sap: Tbe genereral opinion ot many persons here is that tbe Maine was bit with a tor ped). after wh c. toe maatioe exploded jo an interview Thomas Uelvil', of Brooklya, who was oot iojnmKl, aad was on watch on a qoarUr dec, said that be felt two dutioct thocks Tbe first waa wot a. cever as tbe second which blew op tbe ship Otber sorrtyor o; tbe came opinion, that it was foot work. luris einke Loxg Cresji. 'eb. R ch gold strike ia this country are becoming cos mi a oc currence, a Bomber having beea made that are panning oot well. A rich discov ery having beea made io what is knows asSpani.b gulch, la one week's lime about $100 was taken out. Il Waa a aweee Pkspletox, F 17 Tbe first annual convention nf (he Pacific I.ortbweet Cat-Ue-ir rower's Aesociatioq was brought x a clcee this evening. It i. aoaatmnosly voted to bave beea a su . aad tbe West era r rower are so fseura'dy impreesed with its value that 'hey have ecided to let no future rsi n pa without such a gathering f tsan Washisoto!. Feb 17 ptm bs -fic'ally di ciaim i i - a ritive manner tbe refl-ctiaos contained l" ibe I v L a let t ere and aa officia'lv anroun- by he slat, department today, the lnnd-'it t satis factorily cked. The W alae II vax A. reb, l6..Ni'ral. the total number of the crew of the Maine, 9i were red . Tbe Maine, at tbeiimeof the explosion was a ancho a bo t 500 frjm 'he arsenal, and aome 200 yard from the fi suing dock. h explosion put out th'i s're t ligbt" near the harf and blew down leegraph and telephone wires in city Captain sigsbee say; "I cannot d terrain ibe caase, bat cvtupftrnt invesUgato will decide wheth er the explosion wa product irom aa in terior or exterior cause I caun.t tay an) thing until after such an iayeasigalion ha been made. The Clara Nevada S S ATriK. Feb. 16. A private telegram from Nanaimo, B O aay that the ateemer Qieen hd arrived there from Skaeway, , brintrtng coonnnatory news ot Ibe loss of tne steamer Clara Nevada la t aaalllla Cwaaty Pemdrtor, FeO. 16. Tha populist and democratic conference commit'ees' session here today agreed upon a basis ot uaion in the county campania, and will submit recommendations to the county conven tions. It hat been egret d to give tbe pop uliats the stale senttor one representative clerk, assessor, superintendent of schools and commissioner. The democrat to have two representatives, sheriff, recorder, treas urer, surveyor and coroner. eaeswsl la Bpala Madrid, Feb. 16. The following se mi otlicul note baa been issued: " 1 he new ot tbe disaster to the Maice ha wanned a painful impression ia Mad rid. It was at first feared that there bad been some act of imprudeace t3 which tbe catastrophe was attributabe. Afterward as the detail arrived, tbe fears were dis pelled, and fueling of sympathy and sor row took tbeir place for iho misfortune that had occurred. Jast a liuir Ket West, Feb. 10 The correspond ent ot the Associated Pies has been as sured in a reliable quarter that Captain Sigtbee is under the miiireroiou that the Mal?,! TV i. 0 Up by ".V-" V0 anu that he has communicated bis unpres- sions to Washington, asking at the same limn that tha nave rl.r,Artmanl shnuld MISFITS. One of Frank Thaynr's Alaska stories is that the Becker goats, while grazing one hillside were mistaken for wild game and sbot. A Spanish warship Vlscaya ha been running op the eastern coast, and an extra squad of New York policemen was called out. Tbe matter Is assuming a funn7 aspect. The report about tbe Maine are so thick one can hardly keep track of them. The vesse is to be raised and that will tell tbe story best. The evidence though look more and more a if the eause of me uestruciion ot tne vessel came from the outside. Joaquin Miller, it is reported ia verv anxious to get away from Dawson, but cannot do so until the boat run. There is no poetry in the affair now, and the noveuy nas worn on. - This is a year when men should not be allowed to nominate themselves for of fice. Why not try the experiment of letting the office seek tbe men. At least no man should ever pledge himself to sny canuiaate. It is reported from Kansas tnat St John, tbe famous prohibitionist of that state, ha recently been detected in sinning a droggit' license to sell liquor. it uas caasea a small cyclone. If tbe first appropriation for the Bay, a placed In tbe bill is only $25,000. aa re ported, it will pe little more than enough to repair damages. Tbe first amount ought to be at least $100,000. An accident or not ah accident ia tbe principal topic on the streets, referring lo the destruction of the Main. It ia probable that a majority of people be! ieve it waa tbe work of fcpaniar j. Tbe Demo cbat doubt it though recognizing tbe treacherous character of the Spaniard. The destruction of tbe Maine was un doubtedly an accident. Everything jo tifl:s that position. It Is very natural to lav it to tbe Spaniards, but there ia noth ing on which to iound tbe charge against them. Some people would have the Spaniards prove that tbey are innocent, hut H e onus is on tbose making the charge. Rosebnra enntainavl an .vmitil tnunity yeateiday, when tbe news of the destruction of the "Maine" was eWen oot. A recruiting officer could have gatbere t op quite a number of volunteers if be waa on band, who would go down aod lick the Spaniards out of their pa jama. Plaindealer. A Lane county voung man had a notice lice put in ol tbe bogene papers that be bad been married to a young lady there, w hicb waa not a lac. Verv property the paper roasted him when it found oot that it bad been imposed upon. That waa not enoogb, be should have been also physically flogged. In 1S53 a eras arose for naming valley towns after Indian. Ti e result waa tbst Albany waa called Takenah, Salem wa changed toCbemekeU and MaeyvRle toCorvalli. Tbefotmer two di.n'ave.1 good judgment in returning to tbe for mer name, bet tbe heart of tbe valley up the river never did so. Here i a hot one aealnt I tbe Span iard: Ir.C. E. Pendleton, who ar rived in New York bttlmitMiMrl.mn. aaea. from Key tVeet, yte'erday morn ing, eaya mat wuue tie was in Havana be heard many threat of violence to the Maine. Finally a Spaniard heatedly told bim : "We bave eoougb submarine mine under and around the Maine to blow the Maine to hell whenever we pi Here i a John Wannamaker inter view: "Mr Waoamaker. yoa are one ot the Ia'et advertiser of the country. 1 have noticed that yoa keep your ad vertisement running daring the jard time, a any of the merchants iave let them drop. Doe it pay to advertise when time are hard?' "I certaia'y think so." replied Mr Waoamaker. "When time are bard and people are oot buying is the very time that adver tising should be tbe heaviest. You want to get tb people in to see what yoa have to sell, and yoa must advertue to do that. Wben tbe time are good tbev will come of their own accord But I believe in advertising ail ths time. We never slop advertising. Mr. Asbby Pearce says the first claim ever taken np at the site oi Albany was by a man named UcKiiirk. alter whom also tbe peak known aa Mary'a wa first named, put a woman whose first name was Mary died on the river leading from it aad the river aod peak were both nam ed after her. McKisick remained here only a short tin -and the H.cilemans, Smead, Millbollauu. Mootcilh. Burk lsrt and others occupied ibe ccuntry. Tne following advertisement appeared in a Eugene paper nearly thirty-five year ago. It tells its own story : Notice ia hereby given to whom it may concern, that I bave thia day depoaited with II. Small, Crmnty Clerk of Lane county, Orejron, the sum of $1,530.00 for payment of twj certain promtssorv note given by R. H. Haxleton aod Robert Oathey to Campbell E. Cbrisman one in March and tbe other in September, 1861 bearing 25 per cent, interest, a moontiog lo tb esum of $1.52.'. a com puted bv the aid Christian on tbe 2UI lay of August, 1S63. R. II. Uazletox. September 1, 1S63. A laundry Nuct I Laundry patron wno want first rlaiw j work done without paying exorbitant price should patronize the Albany Meatn Laundry which bave employed regularly five of the beet hand irooere on tbe coast for shirt, dreesee, and ahirt waists, and ten cent is the highest price charged for anv ot these article. TO CURE A OLD INONf. DAY Take LtXtttve Urotni Q linine Tablet. All drugst refund tbe money it ii fails o Care. 25c. Closing out Crockery aad Ulassware at cost. C E Bhowxell. A thrill nf term. is xpernnsed wh hi a brassy eoagh of Croop aoand tbroogh U.S house at night Bet tb teno- snoa chtn e to relist after On Mioot Coagb Oare Ha bean administered Safa and hi r nleas for ehildreu j A Camming Tbe office that doe high grade printing n good tock, for the price ot the other and. Smiley, the printer. TO CURE A COLD INOXK DAY. Tttti Lkit'.iv. B.- n Q it itn Tabltt AH Dniatt re'uod tb tn rasy It it tail o Cure 25o. After yea i of ontold aoffeiioa from pile. B W Poraell ol Knitnerville,fa, wa cared by using a single box tf Da Witt' Witch Ksisl Salvs fctkia rlieaaaa och a eexsms, raab, pirap'ea aad ohs'.ioat "raa ate read ily oared by this famoas rmlj J A CutnmtDg Catarrh Cured. A clear head aao weet breath secured with Shiloh' Ca arrh Remedy: sold J Fosha & Mason Best woik, lowest price, that's us. Smilbt, the Printer. To Car Coastlpattaa Voravwiv Take Caacarela Candy Catbanie. lOoortSa. It C C. C tail to cure, drugglau retuad money. Albany Market. Wheat 8 cents. OaU 23 Eggs 15 cents. Butter 15 to 22 cetts. Potatoes 25 cents. Hams 11 to 13 cents. Sides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 to 7 cent. in '" I want to thank yoa, old man, for putting me on to Piper Hetf sieck Plu? Tobacco. It' tbe only thin I snow of that is really cheap and good at tbe same time." Tbe enjoyment of tbe Champagne Flavor of 29 PLUG TOBACCO & U no I'-ngsr Pwhed to tbe rich. Since the to per cent, increase in si.e rtj.r :'Jstcck flag is really the cLeapest tobacco on the m irtct. A ' v- ur tjhaccooist for tbe tuw p'xtce and get Hi: biggest p ug o! fir.ciy uavorcd tobacco yoa ever got for 5 cents. l-EBAXOX. From the Expre: J. M. Ralston, wife and little boy.Rol 'a, of Albany, spent Sunday in Lebanon wi Jj relative. Mrs Frees Marshall, of Albany, visited relatives in Lebanon Saturday and Sun day. D. D. Shaw aod Mice Alice Gatchel were married at boon today, at tbe home of the bride' mother, Rev C R Ltmr officiating. Tbe Lebanoo publie school ha been e'oeed for two weeks, on aceoont of tbe meaaie bring prevalent among the scholars. The attendance In Mies Maz ers' rooj) ha beea reduced from 56 to 16. Hon. D P. Thorn peoo, of Portland, will lecture at tbe M E church in th' rnday evening, Feb. 13. He 1 an able speaker, and ail wbo bear his led are WUJ undoubtedly appreciate it very much. I- ML Bsebor aod John Sturtevant ex pect to leave Thursday or Friday for Portland and be in readiness to no iheElderon her next trip to Alaska. Tbe foil amount of the company 'a stock has been subscribed, making $1000 tax lor toe two men . John Roberta left vesterdae far Part. land to make arraegeaoeate tor purchas ing aa Aiatkan oaict, and also to make other neceseary arrangements for bis jjorneT. He expects to etart for Alaska sometime between the let aod 15th of March. Mrs. P. M. Smith met with a paicfa accident today. She tell, while attend ing ber honeebold duties, and brke her arm, near tb wrist. Dr. Foley attend ed to the wounded limb and Mrs Smith ia getting along nicely. There ha beea considerable excite ment ia Lebanon this week over tbe finding of very rich copper ore near this place. We have not yet learned who mede the discovery, ss whoever it wa ia evident! v not aav ins- mwh itunt However, he has taken Joe Smith into bis confidence, aad Joe has prospected a liule where tne float was found and says be can pick np piece of ore aa big as s stove-lid. but he does not tell wnere tha find was made or w bo are tbe other par ties interssrea. L-t Friday evenine Joe. KesbW and Bill Htldretb Dad aa altercatioo, at Mr Keebler'a residence, just norih of town, whkb HiidreUi ia liable to remember for some time. It seems that Mr KeeMer bad fort. Men Mr Hildreih'a cominc on the p-a-e, out Hildreth persisted in con tinuing hi visits, and Friday evening mi rveeoier iound mm in the kitchen and told him to leave. Hildreth refowd to do so, and Mr. Keebler got a good aixed club and ned some persuaeioa that soon convinced Mr Hildreth thatjt was not a healthy locality for him. and. he not only left the place, but the country, aa welL That night he walked to Al bany, and ibe next dav he took the train for Portland. Beware of Ointments tor Catarrh that Contain Mercury a mercury will sorely destroy tbe sense of a-nell aad completely deranse the whole system when entering it through tbe tnn coaiurfax. Such articles should never be used except on preecriptioa from reput able physicians, as tne damage tbey will do ia ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from. Hat. ' Catarrh Cure, menu figured by F J Cheney t Co, Toledo.Ohio, contains no mircury, aad is taken intern ally, acting directly upon Ibe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Uab's Catarrh Cure be sure yoa get tbe genaine. It is taken internally, and made ia Toledo. Ohic, by F J Cteney ft Co. Testimonials free. Sold by drusnr , price Tic per bottle. Hail Family Pill are the best. How We Say It. Coughs cmed for a quarter, no cure, no quarter, we are seuteg lota of our White Pine cough gyrup with tar, because it is just what we say it is, gives quick relief and is bighlv reoomend ed to cure a deep seated cough, iturkhart it Lee, Drogguu The Newest At the star. of Will A Stark Ifn-elrv vmi will iret the f-t and Facts find a fine stock of goods to select from. It is op todate and iccludes the beet lines of watches and clocks and all kinds of jewelry. Their une or suveaware is extra and tbey bave many novelties that will please. . Bot Tsaerra Sail aa gawks Twtr LU awaj. To quit tobacco easily sad forever, be mac aetle. tall ot lite, serve aad viaor. take No-To-Bae, the woader-worker. that make weak a strong. AU dractista, SO or l. Cure ruaraa teed Booklet aad sample tree. Address SterUag KesaeJy fo. Chicago or Kew York. In Olden Times People overlooked the importance of per maoeotiV beneficial effect and war aatia fied with transient action; but now that it t generally known that byrupof Fias will permanently overcome habitual constipa tion, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally Injure the system. Buy the genu ine, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. We are aoxioas So do a little good ia this world aad eea tbiok ot no pleasaater or bs-.Ur way to do it than y recommending Oo Minul Cough Cats a a preventive of pneomooia, ooniuroption and other sc ions lung troubles Ihtt follow org'soted oolds J A Camming Try my tea sifting at 10 c. Extra quality O. E. Rrownell. No-To-Bm foe Fifty Coat. Guaranteed tobswoo habit cure, snakes weak saea .irons', Wood pure, toe, St. All UxufSiiU. ' lit"- ;'V y. it -tsjnS. ,1 I - -y V r-t T' K ? PER S8EC ilB S00 PACIFIC Lir.E- fo inPtintsIiit SoUd vestibule traiaa. coonrtieg of pai aoe sleeping care, luxa 4 elegant day eoacbea, msnnit toen carsTad freeeoiotttat simper from tbe Pa cific to ll Atlantic wunoot cnaB;e corr DiaacT axo cbxapikt eocv r liootcnay Itlinin? District jtaxcer. HEW DS3TSB, siocaj cm. STBXSO. utao. Taajt, KOSSlASBa All pointa in Use Okaaagan Cooairy. Ge a pamphlet giving a full owcriptwt of itiis wonderful country. Ak beaeitt for a copy of the saining laws a ttntisr Colombia. Lowes rate o aad frosn EUROPE AUaatk rfeejBsbip iaes. Canadian Pac.Ry. t'o 's Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan caSAOiAS arsraaiJAW ftulMXm tnrs 050LCIX. VUI AS9 aCSTSAll. Tbe tborteM Uoe lo the Cclooi. Ttur steamers carry aa expeneaced naeoicai saaa, aad a stewardess om erej For tiaaa tables pampeJ-T ormatioa. call oa or address S S STEELE k CO. A (few a. Albany Or. KJCOTLK, AgX Third SU Povt aad.Or. GEO. McL. BROWN. D P. A. TaacoBver.B. I- EAST AND-SOUTH T"HE SHASTA" ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. OaOy seSr.avlLv Pjruaad U'ltt'i Ar St a Lm 1 Sr ltlU ajsMsy Mi a I At Si K'tjT tra'n at ,eiloa be tsreen PjcUaI -J baiea lr aer. llartosu Jelrsoi Albany Tangeot, Shedd. Hateey i.oeie Cottage Grove. Drain, Oakiasd and alt ctatioas troa Rosebureswh to aad ia- dadiag Ashland. M9a L iter a I Ls Alaaay I Ar VmJ ilswr Kar Itsnn Arriva at AiM trosa L ibus tai Lsaws Aisruiv Ise Urhin-a Arrtte at Aibsay nwsa tiSaasa TtSra PUllMAi BUrFEl SLEEP ERo. aJTD DioinaT Cars on Oden ReuU SECONQ-CUSS SlEtPIHS ZMZ attatfcad saatl Ttr.wfc Trmlws Vs-s K4 Mvtataa. ssrrwssJi reaTLAai a ceasaiit an va aaar tatawpt Sasnsj aeaascaa asivaanvv arlJ tllae It:! leal As .ita bpn.mii ttilj (except -aaUr e i i Poniana atcMiaavtSe lLdspa desMa Ar I a v 1 1 aw LvS9aa yssrai Ar S sera I Ac Dine eMn-Ktit-t a Fraatisea wttk Osaasat vieatal ail PuiSe sail stawship imm PVSstl ! II 1 1 Suss: W via aalxatiaa ate aa ticket , ta-txaoiata aa Kama) JAI-AX. CBIXA, HC5CLU aat ACSTkv ea ' I lew A rttlk. !' .Toim-ik maMHAw. Massuar iwi ff I PorVaa Ongos, Honey to' Loan. We bave a block of $40,000 to loan on good farms in Linn aad adjoining count lIf you have good security and perfect title, w caa furnish yoa the com without delay, as we make cr own saaissm- security. Call oa na or ante S. K. Ptsjxlx Co. Albany, Or-goa. LINN CO- ABSTRACT CQMPANt Albany, Oregon- iVfS.vt Bna of Oreson ctuUdiag- Only set ot Abstracts of Line County. Complete set of maps and plat. Charge reasonable . AXKUAL MEET1XG Notice ia hereby gives that tb annual meeting of the stockholders ot the Albany Bulldlnir Association wili be beld at store ofJGradwoW. in Albany, oa Monday, March lth. 1S97. at 7:30 pm for the election ot directors, and such other bus-. iness as may come betore tbe meeting. Dated Feb. 13th, 1S97. V? C Twxaoi. . FP Ncttiko, President, - becretary.