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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1898)
Icwtftxat. TERMS. Daily Democrat. 25 cents per month 13.00 per year,in advance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over months. Single copies 6c. Wrbklt. f 1.25 n advauce; f 1.50 at end of year: tl.75 for second year: $2.00 for I bird and proceeding ears, when not paid in advance. Clubs of five pew subscribers at 15.00. There Are Others' But none so good for the money as Bxoadhead dress goods. They have the weigbt, they have the wear, they have the finish of goods which rost much. mors money. Almost two thousand yards in spring styles jst placed on sale by. S E Young & Son, Albany, Oregon. WHEAT. Chicago 106 c New York 108Wc San Fraccis;o 8tt.4c. Liverpool lc higher. Albany 68c. IHUSUJV l .I)LRUEin New Creations Dainty and Well Made at The Ladies Bazaar L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON. Jlust Have Room for New Goods at The Fair. "Great clearance sale until March 1st on ajtuas, Lamps and Decorated Ware. J. A. Weaver. Lines Suggested by. the Death of Seth Caldwell. A boble one's fallen, one cherished of earth. And gone to the God who knows his worth ' " Though honored and loved and trusted by all, 1 J Va a 1. . . . xo cuuiu uut uuojr me vaiospoicoK call. ' His stay here was pleasant, peaceful and calm, .'His company sweet, his presence a balm, ' . A friend to the errine and bore well his part, His kindness is written in many a heait. There are broken hearts left on this pitiless shore, . . All bleeding to think they will see him no more. " There's a vacant now in many a place, " Where loved friends oft his image can trace. 5 But christians remember there's a man siori above, j Prepared for the good, by the father of love. The grace of our Lord is sufficient for . . -Though oft in oar own weakness we 8tambleand fall. May God in his goodness oar hearts pre pare. And guard and keep us by omnipotent care. May a home with the true and faithful be given To dwell with our friends forever in - heaven. - LrcT Robkrts. Febrnary 10, 1893. A Crook County Letter. Just from Juneau. Mr. Ben Monet, who left here several weeks ago for the gold fields of the north, returned last nignt t.nd is at the Rubs House. He went only as far as Juneau. HeJearned the situation sufficienilv to satisfy him that the sooner he returned home the better for hm. Hundreds of men at Juneau and Skagway are absolute. iy without money enough to set a mace tn sieep, ana spend tne nghtf In public places often with a stick of wood for a pillow. He talked with Mr. Noyes. brother of Al Noves who was on the ill. Fated Ulara Nevada. He was at the wharf in skagaw when the boat left there to see his brother off, and talked with AI boenicke, whom he knew, and saw board the steamer. When the disaster was learned he immediately wenttoJun eau, and was doing what he could to as sist in finding the bodies, several men twin kept on a patrol night and dav along the bench. Mr. Monet is glad to be back in Albany. TTJE3DAJC Being settled. E. E. McKinney, the wheat man, was in ine cuy mis morning on his way to Tallman, to settle the matter of Bhottage in the warehouse at that place. He had succeeded in making sat. isiactorv settlements in Marion count and at the Munkers warehouse, and ex pected to at la.lman. A Democrat man saw him and learned that the total short age was 10,0C0 to 12,000 bushels. Of this 2,000 was at Munkers and 6,000 at Tall, uao. Receipts are out for 12.000 bush- els atTailman, and there are 6.000 bush els stored there,instead of the warehouse being empty as reported Saturday to the UBMOCK&T. Threr from Albast. At a mcetimr of the Sons of the Revolution in Portland tomorrow afternoon the priisi will be awarded for the best essays accoding to the offer made last Kovemher. There will be three $25. $15. and $10. There are sixty four essays' three of which were written by Albany students. Willard E. Marks. Russel Wallace and Mabel sic Coy. The Dxxocxat hopes to see the three Albany contestants get. the whole three pi ries. To Go to Salt Lake Qty . W. B. Lawler, developer of the San- tiam quarts mines, was in town today. enroute to Salt Lake. He told a Jour nal reporter that he had not lost faith in the property at Anidem but was engaged in preparations to pnt in a new process that would atop waste of the baser ores He says there is very little free ore and the yield is from $3 to 16 per ton. Mr. Lawler was in the city to see his counsel Win. H. Holmes and Seth Ham. mer, and took the boat for Portland, whence he takes tbe night train for Salt Lake. He says $307,000 baa been put io to tbe Anidem mines Journal. Mr. and Mrs. Lawler came no last evening before going to Salt Lake City. One cf the Maine Crew. One of the members of the illfated Maine crew, that was destroyed off Ha vanna on the 16:h was a 'son of Mr. Charles Sutton, of this city, and brother of Mrs. Al Boenicke. whose husband recently met his death in the Alaska waters. His name appears in the offi cial list of the crew of tbe Maine as fol lows: Frank Sutton, fireman, second clasr. PROHIBITION CONVENTION. The prohibition county convention at the W. O T. U. hall at 11 o'clock today was called to order by tbe chairman of the central committee, T P Hackle- man. W P El mote was elected chair man and 0 H Walker, secretary, Tbe following were registered as pres. ent: E 0 McLsin, D 8 Bridgefarmer, J O Brown, J M Marks, T A Mo-nson, O H Walker, A Y Smith, E B Penland, H O Davis. W H StJohn. O U Ohsmber lin, L E Blain, J T Hadley, J W Sen ft, SP Williamson, OR Stevenson, EC Roberts, 8 B Morse, T P lleckleman, John Morrison, J H Mears. J S Morris, A L Bridgefarmer, H Holstein, W M Adams, A J Carothera, J C Littler, John Luper. F S Taylor. W 0 Swann, W P Elmore, A M McAfee, J R Ojchran, 1 B Roberts, R E Crawford, A Sutherland, T O Shaver, J u Jones, T Thomas. John Chance, R A Bamford. The following committee was appoint ed on rominations: J W Senft, AL Bridgefarmer, J C Littler. After speeches by several the nomi nating committee reported as follows: For senators Hon VV P Elmore and J W Senft. For representatives G II Walker, T P Haekleman and J S Morris. For county commissioner John Luper. For county clerk J SI Marks. For county recorder J W Mewies. For county sheriff Jas R Cochran. For treasurer Robert E Crawford, for Assessor J A Stevenson. For school superintended WO Swann.. Resolutions of respect for the memory of Frances E Willard were rassed. Delegates to the State Convention, J W Senft, Tbos Morrison, J A Longbot eon. S B Morse, T P Ha:kteman, O H Walker, E C Roberts, A L Bridgefarmer, W P Elmore. Tbe state committee was asked to hold the convention at Albany Resolutions were passed declaring un dying fealty to the Prohibition party, an endorsement of the W CT. U., that y.-Y o o Beware of " cheap " bak ing powders. Alum makes good medicine but bad food. Ask your doctor. m MR RIGtiS WASIIEKE. Crawfordsville, Or.. Feb 10, 1893. Editor Democrat: Yesterday George Finley handed me the Democrat ol the 16th in which you published an article written by V. a. Stewart giving tbe early history of Linn county in which he asks "if some old pioneer csn tell why certain things were done, and Mr Finley requested me to answer tbe same. In order to do so, however, it will be necessary to go back a lew years in tbe history ol Oregon I came to this 18-16 and found on my arrival here that there was a provisional government in existence herewith executive, legislative and ju dicial departments and Oregon City as seat of government. In the tall of 1847 I settled in Linn county where Craw fordsville now stands and in 1848 we had an election at which Jason Wheeler was elected shetiff but I do not remember all tbe others who were elected at that time. On tbe 14th day of August of that year ths act of congress establishing tbe ter ritorial government otO-egon was ap proved, thus ending onr provisional gov ernment and making it necessary for os to hold another election, first ol all to elect a delegate to congress and a mem ber ot the territorial legislature, men was done in the soring or early summer of 1859, said election for this part ot the the fight is against the saloon and tot j county being held at the residence of A. the saloon keepers, calling for the coop-1 Kirk. From a letter received by Hon. Jason Wheeler from Mr. John Schmeer we are permitted to give tbe following of gen eral interest: "We have had a good winter, about five inches of enow, and tbe coldest weather was 8 below aero at my place, but three miles trom here it was 14 be low. We are on tbe edge ot tbe desert, fifty miles south of Prineville and, have a good place. Stock is wintering well and horse particularly are fat. Tbe nearest family to my place is four miles, and then there is nobody until yoa get to Silver Lake 50 mile. Onr orrnges (juniper berries) have been ripe ei-nee .November. If you were np here now yon would ee eoooe fine deer banting. 1 saw a band not over a mite from onr ho Jse with over a hundred in it, but they are very tame as there are very few" rifles in this part of the county, li the railroad is built it wi I come within mile of our place, end there is a good chance for a town cloee to me, tbe roads, water, etc, being suitable for one, and it would be a ehioin place for stock. There is plenty of water, grass and wood here. Mr. Schmeer wants a cheap gun that will kit: deer. W.CT.U. Meeting. Form lb Albaxt Max nc TaacBt. Deputy Game Warden Charles Kissing- er today arrested J. A. Archibald on a charge of killing Mongol tau heasanta out of season. Mr. Archibald does not deny the charge and says be has a family in poor circumstances and needed the pheasants lor looJ. Mr Archibald was brought to this city this afternoon bnt wiil be tried before Justice Butler at Junction. Eugene Register. J, R. Wyatt returned this noon from a trip to Portland. Mrs. John Althoose returned this noon from a visit in Corvallia. P. Macdonald and expect to leave tomorrow for their former home in eonth eastern Minnesota. Lawyer C. E. Hawkins came over from the Bay this noon on business, though coming a day or two early in order to bear the owls boot tonight: Tr Trimnle left to dav for St. Yin- 'cent Hospital Portland to receive treat ment for a troublesome knee joint.caos ed by a run away accident, severs', weeks go. Mrs. Al Boenicke aod her brother-in-law, Mr. Gua Boenicke are in Portland, investigating tbe aestn ol Mr. Al Boen icke on tbe Clara Nevada In its recent wreck, to that there will be no mistake in the matter. Tomorrow night at Salem the .oratorio Messiah will be given by the Choral Un ion, under trot. Heritage, w iss jen- evieve Hughes will take tbe solo soprano. Miss Roblin tbe alto, Will C Haynea ol Portland the tenor and Prof. Heritage tbe bass. Judge W. S. McFadden, of Corvallia returned from Western Pennsylvania, where be iad been with tbe body of his lather. Tee watuer bad been pretty good. Everywhere he learned of men starting fcr tbe Klondike, and the craze teemed to be general. Mr. Joseph Lsdue.the famous Dawson millionaire, about whom so much was said in the eastern papers, passed through A.bany last batorday morning on ma wiy back to Dawson. He is tbe foun der of Dawson, and is so rich that b re centlr paid $250,000 in one check (or a steamer for the Daasn traffic eration of all friends ot temperance gardiess of race, color, sex or creed, and in favor oi the initiative and referendum. A dinner was then served, and a pub lie meeting will be held tonight. Hocus Pocus Etcetera. A large salience attended the ibiid anniversary celebration of tbe Woodmen of Albany. Like' their previous efforts it was a success. Tbe attraction was Mr. Cbas Burgraf's Night Owls, an Oregon comedy abounding in live situations aod hits, speaking at every point of Mr. Bnrggraf'a talent as a composer. Tho play opened in a print shop with the devil, Mr. L. Lm Swan in charge, stand ing off tbe bill collector, a position he filled in splendid style. Mr. Burggraf was a fine Noah, the sporting editor, while Miss Lillian Crawford filled tbe position of society editor in an admira ble manner. When the coast "as clear of creditors the editor in chief, Mr. F. E. Allen, Isaac Monaesee.alwaja being mis taken for molastes, appeared, and Sited ti e star place in an excellent manner. After ail tbe trials be went through we are astonished at tbe fact that this is not an obiiuvy notice. J. 8. Van winkle was all rigct as Stephen Millison the millionaire and tbe most illustrious hooter, D J. Dubrnille was equal to the occasion as Col. Snort and the All Wise Poo tiff .8. N. Steele covered himself with glory as Timothy Hay and tbe re corder, Claud Dickey, was a good col lector, t bough unsuccessful and Mr. Cora White was true to life as tbe bate subscriber who failed to get her pa per. Louis Yerick had been there be fore as tbe Heroic Hrrcloes. and C. U. Bnrkbart and G. M. Knox were not alow as assassins. The poverty stricken editor in order to retrieve bis fortunes composed an opera. The Baby Elephant, in which the Misses Coster, Miss Maud Halburt and Mr. I George Ro'.fe played leading parts and were beard in solos and choruses. Asa stepping stone to prosperity Editor Men saases joined tbe Night Owls.and was in itiated in alive scene, midst cro-s bones and skulls, being banged by the neck, tossed in a blanket, relieved cf a pound of flesh, which was fed to the lode dreg gon,set upon by an elephant, rode on tbe frisky goat, put in tbe sweater aod blown up by tbe infernal machine, leav ing bim in a bad condition of mind until he induced tbe bill collector to join. Tbe play dosed with Rats and Susie about to be married, with a rich allowance from Susie's grand father, tbe millionaire, a small fortune for Noah and $5000 in cash in the Albany backs for Monasseefor his Baby Elephant opera The play was laugbab'e fn.m the be ginning to tbe end and caused a gieat deal of amusement and constant ap plause. G. W. Siapsou, of Portlsnc.isin tbe city. Stnatw A. J. Johnsrn was in the city last evening. Albert M. Grilley.the Sa'em Y. BJ.C.A. secretary, baa gone to tbe Klondike. Last evening Mr. Dsn Shelly a team ster residing in tbe eastern part nf the city received a partial stroke of paralysis. Thomas Jones, the barber, left for Port land yesterday to remain permanently. His lamiiy will follow in a few days. bam Statesman. Mr. Brice Wallace has left Knoxville. Tenn., where he went on a visit last June, and after visiiog awhile in Miss ouri, will return to Albany to reside. Mrs. G. U. Asbby returned to her home in Portland yesterday by the steamer Rnlh after speniing a week visiting friends and relatives in Albany. Mr. Caleb Gray went to Portland to day to appear before Jnge Bellinger on the charge of selling liquor illegally. Several years ago Mr . Grey was in trouble here over a charge somewhat similar. Mrs. C.'H. Langhesd.of A'.bany, and Mrs- U. E. Chipman, of Skamockawa, Wash-are in this city visiting their sister Mrs. W. A. Moores. They will i main about two weeks. Salem States man. Samuel R. t hurst on was alecied as delegate to congress and John A. Dunlsp to the legislature I went to Oregon City in the fall ot 1849 and was not at tbe e'ection men tioned by Mr Templetoo nor at the elec tion in Jose, 18-M). I came home in July and was elected county treasurer at the special electk n in August, 1S50. Mr Stewart asks why the election in June, I860, was ordered so iwa alter the election in 1849, and I will state that tbe legislature met during tbe fall of 1849 or during the winter following, Idont re member tbe date, and fixed the time fcr the elections on tbe first Monday in June and tbe elections were heid annually at that time. "The school house on the Calspooia was on H. H Spaulding's land, one mile above Mr Kirk's place, and was the only school house on the Calspooia at that time. Mr Stewart aava "it looks like the Calspooia district, near where Browne vi'le is now located, bagged nearly every thing there wss in sight." Well, with the clerks and treasurers offices in Brush creek valley, (Oaw.'ordaville) known then as Uoogera neck, and John A. Doo lap and A Kirk aa i-idrea. and N D Jack as assessor, it did look a little that way. But 1 am spinning this out mocn longer than I intended when 1 commenc ed and as Mr Stewart pi o poses to con tinue bis extracts from tbe records, that win be more interesting than anything I could give. Yours truly T. A. Biggs. Who Can Vote State Superintendent Irwin has issued lette giving tbe information of who can vote at school erections. Boiled down it is any one 21 years of age, male or female, a resident of tbe district lor thirty days, wbo pays taxes. In dis tricts X lees than one thousand popula tion tbe father and mother of tbe chil J ren ot school age may voto regardless of uses, but not in district o over one thousand population nnlesa tbey pay taxes and in both eases tegardlesa of sex. Sam as a Lbctcbib Speaking of a meeting ot the Laorean Society ot 'be Suie University the Guard s.ys: Tbe principal feature of tbe evening was aa address on "Electricity" by r. 8. H. McAllister. He has spade a specialty of electricity, both in theory and practical application and has constructed several piece ot eiectncai apparatus wnicn, have been pronounced canal to tboee imported from Germany. His address was devoted to an explanation of tbe electrical lighting system ss used in American cities, and especially in Ea- geoe. Tbe different systesrsand plans used were illustrated by drawings and their underlying principle and differ euccs explained. Tbe address was very practical and tbe society learned many facta which will prove of great benefit in a world which is more and more moved by electricity. " Tennessee Gatherings. Tsnnxbseb, Feb. 20, 1808. "Nicto Potro" I? Where art thou, oh Jacob? The literary society was well attended last evening. The president and vice president being absent, the secretary called the boute to order, and by motion O N McKnlfcht was placed la the chair; however the president arrived and the tables were turned. The debate of the evening was very interesting, and was decided in favor of the negative. The judges were Prof R W Swiuk, of Siiel burn, I DKronk, director of Tennessee school district No. 102. and "Hon J dye E E Thompson," ot Tallman. With some difficulty the following queitiou was adopted for next Saturday's dUens sion: "Resolved that Labor is Justified in Organising against Capital.' The speakers are: Affirmative, Mc Doughton leader, John S 8 wink, George O Davis, asalstsnts. N.gative, Wm Blacklaw, leader; Cbas N Ross, Clyde McKnight, assistants. John A McKnight with much regret returned to his home In Wsshington. Prof and Mrs R W Swink.ot Shelburu, are visiting Iriends and relatives in this vicinity. A farewell reception and family reun ion was given at Fronk Brof. rexideoce last Friday eve in honor of Dr John A McKnight. A few friends being invited One of tbe main ieaturea of the evening was an oyster supper, to which all did jue'Jce. After supper tbe company en loysd themselves by "spinning yarns.' games and chatting, among tbe relatives who were present may by lound the following: Messrs.T P.C D. 0 N, Tbos. E and John AlMcKnight, J D. W W and J W Frook.snd Geo. Meyer. Mesdamea: Julia, Nellie, and Dora McKnight, Sarah r ronk and Kuby Meyers. Slmsts Stells Fronk and Mary McKnight. Tbe following friends were present: Mrs Blacklaw.M'ss Annie Iila:klaw and Mr. Jos. Blacklaw. The enjoyable eve ning will long be remembered by those present, as one of tbe bappieit hours in tbe history f their lives. Stella Fronk wilt be one of the future incumbents of "Camp conveniences," and while there she expects to attend school at the Grove dut., where Annie Blscklaw is teaching. Captain Simmons, who has been very ill is convalescent . Died, at the home ol bis son "Grand pa Bartly, at the age 85 years. Geo. C Davis snd sons, we are inform ed have taken a very large contract ot coning wood. Well, iu raining very hard at pres ent, Mc K. CITY COUNCIL. Tuesday even iog, Feb 22, 1888. Present Mayor, recorder, marshal, street superintendent and Cooncilmen Galbralth, Dannals. Hopkins, Senders, Martin and Graham. The following bills were ordered paid . 1 75 60 10 25 19 84 16 03 8 50 83 70 a 12 1 25 75 63 la The W . C. T. TJ. was holding its regu lar meeting this afternoon at S o'clock instead ol Tuesday, its usual day. on ac count of tbe hall being en ted for Tues Following was tbe program : General topic Food . 3:30. Devotional Exercises, conducted by Mrs Elkins. Scripture lesson, Kom Boll call Kesponaod to by giving , same well tried, tavonte receipt. Paper, Meat Its value as food moth . ods of preparing it Mrs uunam PaLo. Vegetables their value aa .food method of preparing those in most .common nse. Mrs AUbouse. Paper Does tbe qnsntity and quality fl food eaten have any- inflaeoce upon the spiritual lite, or condition of tbe in dividual, Mrs Msrks. 3:40 Business meeting. 4:00 Adjournment Singing Doxol ogy. Com. The Tramp Ncibahcr. About twenty five tramps are located in Hackleman'i grove, trom which they come to ihe town and do tte city begsjiog, until the women are afraid to go to tbe door. Tbe Mar shal as fait as possible drives them to the city limit, wbeu they go their ren devoux, and then come back. Don't feed tbsm. What is the matter of a rock crusher or something worse. Tbe case demands something stringent. Baker City is fo have a $15,000 meat and packing souse tbe bnest in the tute At San Francisco but Saturday Judge Denny ran four mi'es in 7 :20M. beating tbe coast rerord,and eoming within 1M sec of toe world s record A week before be beat tbe two mile world's record. The gcvernroent is taking a conservative careful course in the case of tbe Maine. If it was as rsttle brained as Senator Mason of Illinois there would be war before night regardless of bow the calamity occurred. It is reported now that the etuse of the loss of tbe Clara Nevada was due to the ex plosion of some dynamite being taken to tbe Tread well mine. Tht reports about the condition of the boiler would sooner make one think the real cause wss the explosion of tbe boiler. Another tragic death occurred near Cbet- co. Ore. Saturday, morning about 9 o clocc Thomas Van Pelt and two of bis sous were but a abort distance from their home, woen tbe lather was instantly killed by an un seen foe. - lbe murderer is unknown, but is suspected to be a friend of Al Coo lid ge jr wno was killed near Cbetco last fall in iziUar manner. Tbe third prise of $10 has been award- . : v. . 1 1 t t . : 1 1 Beside tbeee tbe committee made "KST T Yi .JTT Zi :Vivi u- aer waji iu tuv uw v - Mr. bid Doms. of Wasco, arrived in Albany last to meet bis son who is expected here from Arixona. Mr. Do iris and Mr- William Westfall are running a cigar and confectionery store at Wasco, and have been doing well. Mr. Lnke O'Brien returned this morn ing from a trip through Calitornia, where be bad been on a prospecting trip, lie found no place that suited him, and is now mating arrangements 10 return 10 bis former store at Toledo, where be did an excellent buetness lor several years, going in about two month. In the mean time he will give rare bargains in clotb'ng and blots and shoes. Tat Pautt W is sss The judge the Washington birthday prize contest awarded tbe prise as follows: Tbe erst prize ol $Z) to Mtsa erdi Monroe, of the Portland high school. Tbe second pr se of $15 ha been awarded to Mifs Laura Parker of As toria. JE3 3 IDJT SOCIAL AND PERSONAL E. L. Thompson, of I'orlanJ, is in the city. Lieut, and Mrs. Dentler left Corral lis last evening for tbe east. Miss Letue Needbsm has returned from a visit with friends in Seattle. Mr B. B. Donn is lying in a critical condition at his borne on Washington street Mr. Will Rh has bought out the Coooer barber sbob opposite the Rues House, and will hereafter ran iu Msj.G W. Freeman, went up the roai to Eugene this noo to j?io tbe Mathlo- ma, w Inch la workiog ibis side ot that city. MrGuon.tbe genisl agent of Liverpool London Globe, of Portland, was in tbe city today. Mr, Gonn is an old news paper man. Col. George Hochstedler, 1. R. K of P., returned last evening from bis trip through Eastern Oregoo. He reports a prosperous appearance to thing there Tb livast town be wa in was La Grande. Mr. D. J Doprilie will go to Portland with a view to locating io that city. He has been succeeded io the Press office by Mr Ira Pbeip. recently cf Mod ford. Mr. Frank Snlion, who was one cf the victims of the Maine disaster, wss not a ana of Mr. Charles Sutton ot ibis city.aj reported ti tbe Psmomut and stated yes terds y. M r. Solum 'a so Garfield , is on tbe Philadelphia, where be is dotog well bayingbeea premoted twoor three lim. W. A. Wells, after aa absence of sev eral months, arrived yesterday from Sn Francisco, where be has been Ukiog treatment for a throat ailment. H is con dition is Improved. Corraliia Times. Tbe K. Y. Herald's Havana special says tnst Americana bare been adrijed by General Lee 0 send their families out of Havana aa tbe volunteer are atA mmcs and anti autonomy, and nave peen inspired to create trouble in case tbe Maine m-jairy prove toat tbe ratrtroptie was due to design. B F Purdom W A Long F L Such Hopkins Bros , P w Mpinks G B Milloy N J ilenton Wm Yoder Nlcoll Bros U btpberd , , J H Goins..... The committee on ways and means reported that the matter of improvement ol the city jail had been referred to the Albany Iron Works, who had presented plans for an interior for the .city jail witu estimates, which were given as $475 tor a two story jail, including paint ing. The plans were ordered adopted the cojjimttee on streets and public property reported in favor of having tbe recorder write Mr. Hardman, owner ol the brick building oi copied by Tbos Brink, asking him to put it in a safe condition. The street commissioner was asked to have iron boxes on piers of bridge bold in? water drilled so ss to let out the waier. A turn was reported on Lyon aod 4th street that let water drip upon tbe side walk, me trough, ce using tbe trouble ueciarea a nuisance, and the same wss ordered aba s 1. Mr. Dannals invited the committee to go to Second and Washinirton streets anri see places that breed typhoid fever. &lr. ixuis Miller asked privilege of putting glass front in building on Ferrv street, raar second. Granted. councilman Galbraitb presented a re monstrance against tbe insurance, litn.e ordinance paused at tbe last meeting, signed by J . O Powell. Tbe grounds against it are: It is illegal, being con trary to tne constitution ; it is a ui and hence illegal: the rate ol tax la eima i we ; the ordinance tends to create a trust, end in the end tbe ui will be paid Ly the people, tbe companies raising tbe rate to meet tbe ux. Mr. Galbrtith movea mat the remonstrance be refer red to the committee on ordinances. Carried, The committee on wars and means were instructed i wsssfsayWyvssMWsvT jDulcfiGss Trousers Fit and Workmanship Perfect ; ' 1 1 The Appearance without the Cost ; ' 1 1 st in vms woato. tea. roe a airrrOM. i m roe WINTER CLOTHING or Old and Young, At Low Prices At the nil Mil m HOME AND ABPOAD. peciuca-ions for ths city jail and bids w wirniKu lor. Licenses to sell liquor were granted H Baelow and C A. Yandran. WHEAT. Chicago 106c. New York 102,. San Francisco ailt'c. Liverpool le lower. A I ben T 68c Oattvtllc. Caleb Grey's Arrest. Under a triple Lead tbe Telegram ot last evening says: Deputy United States Marshal Humph rey returned trom llslsey this morning, bsving in castody Caleb Gray, an aged drnggtst, arrested in tbatoty on com plaint ot J. B MoUay, ol the Coited Slates internal revenue service, for sell ing liquor at retail without a government license. Tbe examination of Gray was held before tbe Lotted Stales coin ecu stooer of Albany, wbo bound bim over to honorable mention of thirteen others. among which was tbe essay of Miss Mabel McCoy of ibis city. S. C Basd Korea G. Ws. birthday was celebrated today by a banquet grand ana least royal, roe elaborate decora tions, the patriotic speeches, la fact, tbe wbols affair was io keeping with and re- uecten honor on tbe occasion. Bnsiness meeting was postponed till innrsdsy on account ot tho "Uwia." The new caps are expected soon. Tcs AhTOBU IUtuoiD. Reports from tbe front are to the effect that tbe east and west end steel gangs are only aboot 20 miles apart and there is eve y pros pect that tbey will meet before April 14. says tbe Astorisn. A landslide Wed nesday Impeded progress on this end oi the line, but rail-laying was resumed Thursday. I lie Lvldenco in tbe case proves Hood's Sarsaparilla cures rheumatia .dyir pepsia, catarrh, that tired feeling, scrofula sait roeum, ooiis ana au b'ood diseases. Hood's PUIs are prompt efficient: always reliable, eay to tase, easy to oper- a e- ioc. fur nished the required bond before United Males Commissioner Deady.upon his ar rival in the city, with Louis Blomtuer and H C. Allen as sureties. Tbe defendant in this scuon is one ot the ninneer drnirffisu of the Slate, and is aboot 70 years ot see. He has been in the drntr business at iiaisey iot owt years, aod this is the first time ne has evsr been arrested. In aldition to being nreaidrat of the Linn County nooeers is reported to be a strong churchman, and a man who bas always enjoyed the respect and highest esteem of an wno nave anown mm. f Tbe Teleeraoa is mistaken about mis being Grey's first arrest. When we see tbe wild geese flying to ward Klondike we feel sure that spring is coming, however, this to not a sale role to go by, aa many a man bas gone oo a wild goose chase to tbe cold north and we have cool weatber here all tbe save. We mads a hurried visit to Tangent it wouuay ana were giaa to see SO many of onr old Inends still ab a to hold down boxes. We loosed carefully among uie iraioea ueaos lor ins DKMorwaT cor respondent but failed to find bim. Mr. Neaeome informed ns that be was tbe man that wrjie the Tangent items for the new republican paper in Albany. We would like to bate a copy for Mr. X. is a good writer. wears n quested tn aute that there will be a meeting uf free silver voters of uasviue at the school Loose oo Saiordsv eening next. Good speakers will be there aod the public geoerally are in vited. Come everybody ! Mia Maude Wade was thrown from a horse aod bad her uboalder badly bun, leal itnnlav evenina We see by the Herald tLat an attempt io organise a"uara tiuo baa been made here. We will try to correct that sttte meot. Tbe "Lawyers Club" has been formed, but if it takes a "liar" to make a "lawyer" Oskvilie is not in it as we have no first class "liars." Lrrrut Rost Bro. Jury List. Following is th list of jurymen drawn for tte March term of Circuit Coon which wil! convene in Albany on March 14: Tallman Gsorge McKnight. Harrison rgJ W Burrell, L Douglas, Dan McLas. Oskvilie Robert Smith, II UoUtein, R L Bamford. tthelbura J Pym Waterloo Geo II Coshow, Cbas Younger, Geo Sieirs. Albany Jas H Cox, II J H .pkios, 0 B Winn, E A Schiffler. H atsey-'ieo Sim mons.Elmanoo Smith, 8 L Hayes. Lebanon Eb Keebler, Jack Mctfon agle. Lsrwood Jas Hasler. A C Gaines. Scio Robert Carer, a D Woodmaaaie. R E Uibler. Browosvdie W VT Wafers. W Smith. ret-r Hume, B Henderson. Gates rj XcUiarv. Plain view Worth Huston. George's Operatic Colored. strcls. Min . Will k Stark, jewe'ers. Whrat u 70 c-n's in Corvabis. 2 poands of crackers for 15c at TO shavers I ceited at Hopkins Eros. Try J K. Htights attachment for plows. ret thing un earth. White House Java k Mocha eoffm tV.e bnet in tbe lani at F. E. Alice Co. It coat $4,177 tn wea Douirlaa couerv but year, nearly double that cf Una county. Tbere are 7.363 long distance telephone on tbe circuit ol which the lutes in this city area part. Be la time for a rool seat to nerform- ance of Code Tom's Obia Saturiay next- seats os sale at Burkbart Lee. Prices 25. 35. 50 cent. F. E. Alien A Ca have lk-n itu .mv torthe Stearns bicycles Tbey are high grade wheels and tbe price is very Its. Call at store and see tampies. Tbe Review, of Rwbanr. will Wte Uut publicat ion of a daily is that city os March woicn iney let- nd to make a perma nent affair la that ci'y. French leads the proceMioo when it comes to pncee on watebes and clocks. We do not sell a waich or clock that will not na4 a nrst class gear lee. ViererVa gbsviog aad Hair Cntti n Parlors. Shaving 10 cts Hsir Cutting 15 Shampooing lOds. Cleaa towels to everr cnstooner. French tbe Jewder is headquarters for Seth Thomas watches aad clocks, tbe best in tbe world. Tbey cost you oo mors than lboe of inferior make. Children and adol's tortared by boras, scalds, injanea, enema or skia' disease may secure instant relief by aaiag De- itt's Witch H xel Salve It is tbe great Pile remedy. J. A. Cammipt. F M French tbe Jeweler i rUroad wuh inspector and yon will alwats Sad hi reira'atar abeolutelv correct, with Lick observatory lime, which is saadsrd time. aa need by toe railroad companies. About thirty fire tramps srers en the freight train that paSHtd soatb this morn ing, hid away in tbe rare, tuwv Lhe umber was a woeosa. ageauiue tramo. be waa faring- with tbe rt. oo'y worse here, aasheaad tbe man she was traveling with were pot off. The dog market in Seattle has experi enced a fearful slump. Tbe Alaska Dos; Company, composed of Ashland p&rtiea. wno recenUr took a tot of ) canines tbere are ha via g great difficulty ia disposing of them at any price. An auction aie of docs waabeldlast week and tbe highest price realised was 92 50 pe bead. H. F. NEW OPENING SALE" MclLWAIN CASH STORE. Call and see our new stock, get our new prices, sare money SEW PRICES. 16 lbs beat granulated sugar.... 9 pkgs Arboekle or lion coffee.. 22 yds LL Muslin '. 20 yds Cabot W muslin Hens fine shoes.. Ladies fine shoes Battle Ax tobacco, IS os plug... 100 Star tobacco, 16 os plug 40 1 00 20 yds new su jdard calicoes 1 W 1 00 8 bare Codahys Diamond C snap. 2a 1 00 With every 8 bars sticks Bvx 1 25 I chewing gum given free of charge 1 25 I Good broome 15, 20, 25 and SO 25 ' Feb. 1, 1398. New Store Albany TradingCo B. If. Morris, Manager. Are now located ia the building for merly occupied by Grahau. A Hobeoo machinery building and will be pleased to meet all our old customers as weJl as new ones We will continue se'ling goods on a cash basis aad take raaxaa's raococa- at a cash price. We can aave yoa from S to 20 per cent on groceries. Come and see as. I (k Barton Mills Floor I 90 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS To do general bocsewcrk. a girl wiabe a place. Call at tbe residence of L. W. Moeach. OB SALE Steam Cider Factory, f o Iv eouipced for boainees Will be sold F at a low price. AUreasPOBex2S0, Corrailia, Ore. TTOOD FOR SALE. Ash and fir f f dry and green. Ai, Saylos- Battle Ax tobacco 16 ox pluz 2 pa ArbackJes coffed, grnd to ordr 1 pa Lion " 2 pa Royal Java 3 cans peeled tomatoes 3 cans Sweet Brier tomatoes 5 sal Stndrd oil, bring your can .. -3 lb cartoon crackers, foil weight J 10c pk Risi itg Sua stovepolish 6-20 os bare Banle Aa soap t cans spices, yoa may select..... 3 cans cove oysters 7 lbs test rolled oats i dot clotbes pins Strictlv Business With e MmMnt Jf 1 1. ubIam. every one of them an artist, consolidated with tbe Georgia Uoiversit Graduates will be ia town next Tuesday, March 1st,) ai toe Aioany opera buuse. Tbe organisation has been pronounced by the press, in nearly every large city in the country, to he a leader io iu line. It is tbe only minstrel company wbicb carries ladies for a cborus. It's success in ail tbe large cities kas been phenome nal. Tbe band, under tbe leadership ol Chaa Alexander, ia a feature: and the work ot Al Waits. Jack Oliver, John PampUn, Jamea White and the rest of the company is a type or minstrel art. Successful Teachers. a former Ysqains steam Seattle on the ?0th for A Cobuko Fibk. Tliij morning about 2 o'clock the livery barn belonging to J A Holt of Coburg. was discovered on fire. and tbe flames gained such besdway as to be beyond control. The building and its contents were soon a loss. Tbe barn of Henry Phillippi, situated just north, caught tire also ana soon suc cumbed by tbe flames. Mr. Pbillippi's residence caught fire a number of titns and it was saved only by hard work of tbe citizens wbo turned out to help. As it wss the residence was badly damaged) From Oopurg parties it is learned that Mr Holt carried insurance amounting to $1,000 in the American Fire Insurance Co. Guard. Break is thk Ditch. This morning, Mr Ed Blodgett had just shut the gate down in the ditch above the electric liebt ' works, when two lengths of the flume gave out at tbe "uottom and one polling tbe shutting down of tbe water works of the city. Work was immediate ly begun in tbe repairing of tbe damages, and the ditch will probably be ready for tbe lights tonight. Every thought, fl uil s"tt St? ISS I O O CI from tbe blood; evory nerve, muscle, bone, organ and tissue depends on tho blood for its quality and condition. Therefore pure Opring blood is absolutely lAj:!eA necessary to right ill ed I C I II living and healthy bodies. ' Hood's Sarsaparilla is the great blood purifier and the best Spring Medicine. Therefore it is the great care for scrofula, salt rheum, humors, sores, rheumatism, catarrh, etc. ; the great nervine, strength builder, appe tizer, stomach tonic and regulator. Tbe Fara'lon, er, sailed from skagway. ' Another steame r bss been wrecked on tbeSkagwy route, the Admiral, loaded with lumber. Tbe tailors all ercaped. Prof. B J Dillon, a renowned hypnotist is coming down tbe Columbia, and prob ably fil be in Albany in a few weeks. Wonder if be tbe stne as Prof. Dillon tee Pnrenologist. E. IS- McKinney returned tbis morn- from his trip to Tallman, where he made satisfactory arrangement with Ire stows o f wheat in tbe warehouse He found about 8,000 busbels in tbe warehouse and a shortage of about 6,000 busbels. He bas now arrangements for settlement with all tbe warehouses except the ones at Tur ner and Shaw in Marion county, which he will attend to next, anticipating no trouble in a satisfactory settlement. Letter 1.1st. Following is the list of letters remaining in the Poetoffice at Albany, Linn county Oregon, Feb -22, 1898. Persons calling for these letters must give the date on wbicn taev were advertised. TJ1 LTU The Newest Atlheslonof Will k Stark Jewelry yon will get tbe facts, and Facts find a fine stock of goods to selett from. It is up- todat and i deludes tbe best lines of watches and clocks and all kinds of jewelry. Their naeot siivea ware is extra and tbey cave many novelties that will please. Kw Lacunar Orrtcg. -W. B. Gilson's barber shop hereafter will I tbe op town onice tor tbe Albany tne am L.aun- dav . Packatrea will ha railed for and delivered promptly when left in biscsre raiLurs, Prop. Try my tea sittings at 10 c. Extra quality V. fc. tirowneii. obeli's Sarsaparilla Su7;1! six for SS. Prepared only by C. L Hood 4 Co., Lowell. Mass. America's Greatest Medicine. HOOd'S PHIS tka altar almw aid dUMtton. Bridges. Lvd Brinkmejer, W Covert, Mrs Lank Douglas, Arthur Ewing, Fay (2) Ewing, MrsD E Frank, W Gretn, Herman Grigs, Ubarles Hauften, Jno Holgate, Mrs M E Hedges, J W Hudleson, W Herren & Levy (2) Hay. Miss Susie Kennedy (orchard pruner) T. J. Lewis, Miss Maud McOallocb, M A Miller, Clara Murvin, Mrs J Nichols, David Newton, Mr Oakley, O T Rogers, Mrs Wm Reeves, Mrs Esther btubds.Mrs Emma Stinson.F L Sleeper, Rev Wm Sc'iemann, A Warner, Mrs W 8 Waid, Mrs Feby H F Memll buys City. County an School warranta. Office In Democra building. VnMnmlna the Hat of tSSChelS Who naseed at the recent examination. Be sides these fifteen failed : - 2nd grade. Todd Abrams, Crawfords- viiie. Elbel Bassett, ualsey. O A Blair, Laoomb. Annie Crabtree. Crabtrce. W R Cook, Brownsville. Amy Meoa, S"tiam. Annie Morgan, Lebanon. F N Nogle Haleey. Lellie Thompson, Foster. Third grade. Sylvia By ant, Lebsnon Grace Brewsier, uensnou. O G Mimicb, Lyons. Kthel Miller, Sixlaville. F E McKuigh', Lebanon. Kenton Yos. Foster, Edna ftobneit, Crawfordsville. First grade L W Ed mister, Turner. Stale diploma Cora Alexander, Of Al bany College Li a wyte, ot Aioanv uouege. Normal diploma. Ethel Ked field, ot Albany College. Mamie L Alien, oi Aiuany uonege Z.-e Bkeels, ot Albany College. O'jas V Cooper, of Albany College. Oscar Fisher, of Albany College. Marguerite flopkius, ot Albany Col lege At the Congregational Church. Tbe meeting which has been in pro gress for almost two weeks is well at tended, and the interest increases with each service. Last sight a large con gregation gathered to b-ar Mr. Clapp on "Keiigton a r amtly Atiatr." Tbe ser mon produced a profound impression, and will certainly bear Iroit. Tonight he will discourse on "No Room in tbe Inn." A cordial invitation is extended to all. Was Sub on mfe Class Skvaoa. It is feared that Miss Eva Looney, of this sounty, was on the illfated Clara Nevada She left Albany severs! weeks ago for Skagway soing on the Corona, which was wrecked, and wrote afterwards that sue would return by the next boat, which was the Clsra Nevada. Nothing has been In Olden Times TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Tak Ltxttiv Brom Q ilutns Taolst Ail Druggists re'und the in usy If It tail o cure too. French the jeweler. Rom one pure spices. Romosa Romons pore extracts . Try SefclUlBg's Beat tea aad beklnc powder. The Rett Crackers in town at C E Brow ne-Is. Baths at Viereck's shaving- and hair catting parlor. Pictam from 75 cents to t23 perd-wcB at Longs gallery. Get a set of carviog tnives for. aa xmas present at Hopkia lirja Call at Hopkia Bros and see the pocket kaivee best Uce ia tbe city. C B Winn, cit tick etagent. Tickets to all points in tbe east, Doa'tanniy others by ypnrcou?Ling,od ruk your life by r-egWcUng a cold. One Minute Coagh Oar cures coughs, cold. er jup, grippe and all throat lung troubles. J. A. Uuiaming. Crawford k Earaih for photographs Prices from f 1 to g?0 per doxeo. Be sure aad see ths anti rut tie ware at IIopkin Bio, will las. a lifetime. Try our pop corn ; it never fails to pop. - r. tsaowKtu. -Ri Crown" -the staalard of color and strength ia flour. All grocers have it. Tase the O C k E c tenner for Portland down river on Sunday, Toasday aad Than day. Rasrrs tood. set aad pat in first class orier at Viereck shaving and hair cat ting parlors. Lara tales and smsl! profits is tbe motto of Hopkia dry, and hi it why lhay are always busy. - when you want a choice-steak, a nice roatt or meat of any kind, call oo Henry Stolen. He keeps the beat. Dis. H. E. aod O. K. B-trs offices aad residence ia post office building. Special attention given to diseases ot women. The best meats of all kinds aad good treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, just d jwb Secnad street. uod weight and prompt attend tion. Whooping cough is the most distressing malady; but it d.irtiou can oe cut short by the use of ibe Minute Cough Cure. which Is aUothe best known remedy lor croup and allium aid broocial troubles. J A. Cuoimihg. What pleasure is tbere in life with a head 25 25 25 25 25 10 85 20 OS 2S 25 2ft 25 05 39 30 35 10 lb 5fe Spider Leg tea lb 60 cent Gunpowder tea lb Lioa brand tea Nice sweet corn led bacon 1 callow 40 teat vinegar, have yoa tried it. bring your jog.... 8 Iba best beans 1 pk graa maamuah... ........... We also have bran, shorts chop feed for sale. ttemember tne piaee, ixranam oouo iag Cor. 1st and Baker Sta. 15 25 10 and AT COST SHINGLE MACHINERY WASTED .A second hand onrfi for making shingles, either by the calling process by steamiae; r a as w outfit with bene power axrarb-ment- Addrea James R Bixby, Fife, CrooE Co, Or. - - WASTED TRUSTWORTHY Ac tive gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house ia Oregon. Monthly $65.00 aad expenses. Poutiow steady. Reference. Ettdote self addressed tamped envelope. TneDvmia oa Company, Dept. Y Chicago. LOST. Sbirday Bight, Feb 12, either oa 1st or Lyoa street or on tbe way to tbe Depot or oa Ferry street or ia tbe G-A. R Hail alligator skia clasp parse con taining a tweaty dtllar piece aad eerea five dollar gold piece some silver and a two rent piece dated 1865 and a one dollar grees bacx and a bill of sale cooatming tbe owners name. Any one fiaiiag please re tura to tbe Democrat aad get ample reward WANlXD-UPRIGUTAND FAITH foi geatiemcn or ladies to travel frc fespoaatble. established boose ia Oregon. Monthly $65.00 aad expenses. PomUow steady Reference. Cadoea self address ed stamped envelope. The Domiaioa Company, Dept. K. Chicsgo. SHEET EAILWAY KOTiCE. The motor oa tbe Albany afreet rail way will connect promptly with ail trains to aad from the depot, day aod Bight. Special trips wii! be a ade at special ate. t.F. Coass. Cc-dcctov. HASnLER,SKailCEK0.9 Notke is hereoy girn that funds ate' oa hand tc pay city warrants Nos 37 to 415 inclusive of tbe imn of 1S9T. In terest on said warrants will cease with the date of this notice. Albany Or. Dee. 29, 1S97. E A. Pasxix, City Treasurer. Mens and Boys Clothing. No shoddy goods F educed trices -cs ctfcsr llnei tutil Harci 10th. ST LUIS RAKET STOR, Albany. Oregon. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE B0BEQT A. CILLER airsaxET at uaw oaisox crrr, or nww Land Titles and Lxad OSce Barnes a I Specialty. SEEDS We pnt op o r own garden seeds. They are all Northern grown seeds, They are absolutely true to name, Ttey are fresh all grown in 1S97, The packages are full weight, Price, two papers for a nickel , We also have them in balk. Stswakt & Sox Baidwau C heard from her since, and tbe Dxiocrat I is informed that there is pretty good evi- j ache, constipation and biliousness V fhous dence that she boarded the Clara Nevada at Skagway Mosic. Miss Mildred Burmestet teacher of piano or organ. System the Mason toucu ana tecnniqae. Kesioencs fifth street, opposite U P cbaieh. People overlooked the importance of per manently beneficial effects and were satis tied with transient action; but now that it : is generally known that Mrrupof Figs wilt permanently overcome habitual constipa tion, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives, which set for a time, but finally Injurs tbe system. Huy tne genu ine, mads by the California Fig Byrup Co. GriT tub KiitsnuiTU. A nartv of five will leave Albany this week for Dawson City, going on the Oregon from Portland tor Mkaowav. inevare jos. aieiser. r.u Goins, A. McKecbnie and An lone Hu bert and another man from across ths river. They bsve purchased a complete outfit including 1200 pounds of provis ions s piece, enough to last a year. Fochd. That Case Bros havs returned to their old stand by P. O and are turn ing out tho best work for the least money. Our prices are hair cutting, 15c, shaving 10c or three shaving checks for 25c. Rai ors boned and set for ,15c. Opposition is the life ot trade so it you want to keep prires what they are patronixs our shop and we will stay with you un il Gabriel blows his horn. Yours for ths leader ot emblem prices. Cask Bros, If you want a Rood and cleat tnoke buy cigars made by our Al' bany cigar factory. 8titxs. P M Stop that Cough! Take warning. It mav lead to Consumption. A 25 j bottle of Shiloh's Cure may tave your life. Sold by Fotbay k Masou. How We Say It. Coughs cured for a quarter, no cure, no quarter, we are selling lots of our White Piue cough b'rup ith tar, because it is just wbat we say it is, an fit atiicx relief and is higblt recomeod- ed to cure a deep seated cough, Burkhart & Lee, Druggists wimaSiuphv tS'OOt sjih. Miq "Buojh nan, ssitsui 'una tiusq ossviiwt paoiusasao stusa Amu siu ng4i4 ands experience town who could become pei feci ly benitny bv usim ue wilt s lime baily Risers famous little pit's. J A, Cuxming. A thrill nf term, is sxps'itnssd whsa a brasiv cough ot crup soands through ths . i . . n . . . v gee to relief after One Minute Couth Cur has bean administered oafs and b raises tor children J A Camming. Catarrh Cured. X clear head ano weetbreedi secured with Shiloh's Ca srrh Remedy: soldo Fojhar & Mason Let everybody come io tne Star Baker; and get - Voave of Ireth bread for $l.or cash. CMsvas TOCURE A COLO IN ONE. DAT. ra LtttUvs BnniQtintns Tablets All D.-ugrUta retail tae mayllf it fall Cure, o. sT.Vr.s.Y V 1 am J B aTvSjIj I w J. GRADWOHL. Manage-. One Night Only" Saturday, Feb 26 THE CELEBRATED JOHNSON'S UNCLE T01IS 0AB1 Presented by a Company of Competent Actors. SeeTopsy See Uncle Tom See Marks See Eva The Grand Transformation The River ol Ice A Tkrkb Rtsa Cibccs A dsrkey was holding forth this afternoon at the corner ot First and Ellsworth streets, wLh speeches, songs and jokes, guitar accom paniment. He waa a whole circus, and soon drew a big crowd from all corners ot the street. To Core Consttnattoa Forever. TVo Canes reta Candy Cathartic 10a or ISO. II O. U. O. tail to eure, druggiata refund mutter Albany Market. Wheat R8eents. Oats 28. Eggs 15 cents. Butter 15 to 22 cents. Potatoes 25 cents. Hams 11 to 13 cents. Sides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 to 7 cents. l c Price ot admission 25 85 50c. Seats on sate at tsurkbart Lee.s. FRENCH THE J EW ELER Leads the procession for low pi ices watches and cocks Hank of Oregon Building. Safe Deposit-Vault boxes S5c month. 2.50ayear. ALBANY OfERA HOUSE on J GRADWOHL. Manager. per More OSE JOLLY SIGHT Tuesday, March i. ! Georps Operatic Colore! HiiisirBls Consolidated with tbe Eeorjia Draemtj Graiiatcs Colored CEicii Songs, dances, specialties, fcoattiera pastimes, negro ecceniraiwew. oa tne tevee, a mgu .., land, plan st'oo melodies, Way f down South before the war. ; I v - rr . 1- J &532SSGkW Ultra uJ-Hii Because no oiuer into grauo vy."' . i,i mrt.t old at so.reasonable a price. Tba -W' T","-'-ZYZZl hk a oeauiv anu v- -- - , - NVl hi , Finn's place, on r err " - Ramblers Rambler is sten at George E street. . No higher. Seats now seeing at Bnrkbart k Lee's r 1