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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1898)
Several papara have already declared war against Spain. The pen ia a great weapon when in the bauds of a newt-paper. Robert H Mernam, publiehtr at 67 Fifth avenue, N.c Y., assigned just in time. Hii assets were $2 S3; liabilities $85,000. It ia again r ported that Mra. Leate ia about to chaige down upon Oregon. Call out the militia at the edge of the etate. The camber going to Alaska increase, some ot them in the worat old tuba to be secured. If there are not several more calamities it will be a marvel. " The gevernment daring February will ran behind about $7,000,000. It always looks pretty bad for a buaineaa man to rcn behind month after month. Why ian't it jaat aa bad tor the government to d j so. Senator Mason, of Illinois, ia getting reputation aa a hotheaded crank. He ia fuller ot stories than statesmanship. He needa to put a better bridle on hi boree. , The Mains theories have been filling the papers thick and fast. We marvel at the number of experts that there are in the United States, men who know all about how vessels are blown op, and yen don't have to go out of Albany to find them. Rev. Edwards Davis, the officiating minuter at the Dorrant- banging in Han Qqentia prison, haa aued the San Fran cisco Bulletin to recover $50,000 damage for a defamatory article relating to hi actions on the night before the execution. "Inis," said the Kansas editor looking over the top of his spectacle, "ia the mxt inviting manuscript 1 have received for a longtime." "What ia it?' asked the foremau. " A poem, beginning, 'Come, drink with me!" Chicago Daily Hews. A newspaper makes a (tattling elate ment that capitalists are growing poor er, principally because they cannot lend their money. Let's see, Rockefeller ia growing poor -at the rate of a million dollars a month ploa ' bis former wealth. A mouse recently fell into the mouth of a colored preacher at Pasadena, Cali fornia, while aeleep, and it waa consid ered of enough importance for the Exam iner to get a written atatement from the man about how it feela to hare a live mooae down onea atomach, besides giv ing ma picture, ibis is modern jour nal if m. borne of the big newspapers seem bound to have war anyway, acd do not seem willing to await an investigation of the cause of the disaster of the Maine. It looks very much aa if they wanted to sell some extra copiee of .their papers, Some though are very cool giving the newa. In this respect the Oregonian ia a model paper, it doesn't get excited at everything it Mr. J B Montgomery writing from the east declares that are bard there, and gives facta to prove it, declaring that they are pretty bard. And Ibe Oregonian published the letter. All the time some one ia crying prosperity, bat it is evidently slightly for political effect according to Montgomery. - Weil; let's put on a bold face and " be opstimiatic anyway. Juts long laced buainesa is enough to give men the blues. One of the greatest trials in the history of jurisprudence ia taking place at Wilkesbarrie, Penn.. that of Sheriff Martin and deputies for murder, in firing on a mob of strikers and killing several. A jury of twelve man have the lives of sixty eight men in tbeir hands. The responsibility is a grave one, and when they go into the jury box it will be for a deliberation that Las. two tides for consideration, and yet one that calls for a decision that abatl be a precedent aod satisfy justice . Uncle Sam's policy ia : Be sure yon are right aod then go ahead. The pol icy oi too many people is to go ahead before they have found out whether they are right or not. In this 'respect Uncle Sim has a cool bead. While psl itics may run the nation there if an Uncle im spirit rises when it corner to a crisis. iu spirit is a cool one, one that dictate! eire, consideration and judgment. It is no daubs the spirit ttiat will govern the settlement of the trouble with Spain. The Salt Like City Herald tecentlv aued a subscriber for 80 cents subscrip tioo . The defendant awore that be sub scribed for the paper for one month, paid for it and gave explicit inatructiona tor discontinuance at the end of the montn. The city circulators awore that the paper bad been delivered and ' ac cepted for a longer time and for the paj- raent o! which suit waa brought, luetics M foiDDer rendered judgment against defendant for 80 cents and cos's. A- dispatch from Wasington says "Keprewnaiive Tongue points out the great beoefit to be derived frcm the im provement at Yaqnioa. and says that it wil have the direct effect of increasing the pries of products cf the section, in cluding wheat, oats, corn, bops, hay, and all goods which a e shipped from that aection of the slate and from the Wil lamette valley which borders Lincoln couoty. He thinka tlut it will rehabili tate fbe railroad running from Yaqoina east into the rich agriculture regions of the state. He draws bis conclusions at to the increase in the price of products of that aection of Oregon by saying that San Francisco maiketa have governed the prices and that the cheaper freight rates from Yaqoina will be such ss to raise ths pries io that section of Oregon. Me' thinks that the difference in transports-, tou will amount to about 3 ton. Mr. Tongue has achieved a personal victory in the bard work he has done, and has been araistsd in every move by Senator McBride and Represenafive Ellis, -a Yaqnina is located in his district naturally took the lead and has done most of ths work in getting the favorable action by the war department." And then the cat ia let out of the baa; aa fol Iowa: Representative Tongne expects some help from Ibe republican eotixres sionai committee this year during the election in Oregon, as the republicans : are very anxious that the alate shall b carrieJ. Three River Steamers. From the Tribune. Daring 1886 the Three Sisters was launched at Portland by Paeq-iet Broth ti and entered the service of the Ore (ton Pacific Railroad Company, on June 28, in command of Captain J L Smith . Sh waa a light-dralt boat, 140 feet long, 30 foot beam and 4 feet 4 inches debth of hold, with enginea 12t43 inch a. The first year she ran on the river ahe made daily trips betwetn Cor vail is and Albany during the entire sumxer, a feat that bad never before or since been accomplished, connecting the Ore gon Pacific railroad with the Southern Pacific at the latter city. During that year the O P R R waa being extended' Irom Corvallis east, and bad not . yet -eacbed Albany. During the flood ot 1890 ahe waa un fortunate enough to be in the basin at Ore ten City, and aa the current waa too awift tor her to contend with, she waa forced to temain inside- Aa the river rose ahe kept moving inshore until ahe waa over the county road, np against the bluff, when all ot a sudden the wails ot the basement gave way, leaving where waa ouce an artificial mooring ground to enable boaia to unload at the flouring mills, a tuaming cataract. Fottunately the Three Sisters lines held her from being sweit do vn over the tails in the mad rush of water, and she settled in the road high above the wafer's edge. e o - lea there dnrin the spring un t.i u.e basin was rebuilt, and then Uuocntd alter undergoing a complete overhauling. Alter several years active vit aba wss withdrawn from the t- uu, an.l dur'ng the high water of 1S97 si wa. beached at Corvallis and dis mantled, he; machinery was tasen out aid plid ia good order, aod the favorable that they will be alic ia aui:hai light-draft boat. Or 1 cetuher 13, ISSfi, the steamer S u-tv . launched in Portland for ' ibe O i'RR. She was commauded by Ce&t3 -I L. Smith, who ran her for ei.Tt! yrxrf. During the first year ab j ran betieen Dotville and Corvallis, e .V--k wheat to the latter po;t tor ptu at to San Frarc'eco via. i equina hay. ten days alter sue siaruru wi iiasoing through the draw of the I r lg ,at A oany sad collided who me esst pier. ile eap'ain managru iu , her bow on the bank just below the budge, litre she sank with bow out t water ntid the wheel completely tub- tnerg-d. Her entire cargo, consisting of 380C baebele of wheat, and o: her freight waa a toUl loss. The passenger and crew were assisted on shore without any lose ol life owing to the favorable formation of the bank at that point. Tt e Three Suiters of the same company. waa Is iag at her wharf at Albany, and, witnessing tt e plight of her mate steam ed down to her assistance, but owina to tne position she was in was nnabie to render any assistance nnul the river, which was very high at thai time, r ceeded enough to enable the wot k 61 raising bar to begin. After being sub irersad for two weeks the water had fal len sufficient It to bring her guards abova the water, and with the Sister syphons, assisted on her bow by th aiHanw fir Anartment eneine and 100 Chinese laborers from the railroad with backets, forming a line along her guard, ah aa anon broncbt to the enr'ace. She was Uken to Portland, and in teas than thirty days after the accident the was again rnnmng on the lonte. After 10 yeats of usefulness on the river she was . brought to Portland 'o 1396 and leplaeed ber bull wi.h a new and better model, both f jr speed and carrying purposses, and rechHaiened the Albany. . In 1837 this sama company had by toi time a monopoly of the Willamette bus iness, and finding tbsir business inci eas ing, bailt the steamer Win. M. Hoag, named alter the manager of tbe road She waa ISO feet long, 32 feet beam, 5 feet 6 inches depth of bold, engines 19x20 inches. During ber first five years' run she was commanded by Car tain George Raabe. Si Die then sbsbas been bandied by many different masters, and is still in the service, having been managed by tbe Oregon Pacific, ber first owners. The O B. A S., nndera lease ran her one season, thn passing in through the hands of tbe Oregon Cen tral 4Estern, and final'y to the Corvallis St Eaatern, oy whom abe wa remodelled and entirely renovated, making, if pos sible, at tbe present time a better boat than ever. On ber trial trip np tbe river ahe caught on fire amidships from her brier easing, but was extinguished be fore anv serio!3 damage waa done. A Great Man's Blrthdav . Time does not lessen Ihe respect the American people have for tbe memory of George Washington. On the centra ry, if anything it increatee, bis nnee fish life standing out in bold relief in comparison with the selfishness ol Ihe pubiic men of today. Washington loved bis country and he labored faith -fully fur it, not undaunted by tbe many obstacles tbst confronted him. His recompense was the satisfaction of tee ing tbe country he loved started on a safs basie. tie labored not for spoils, nor that he migbt repay his friends for political preferment, but that his conn try might live and prosper. What a contrast with tbe presidents and their followers of today is the life ol Wash ington, - Now there is a strife for spoils, every move almost is a selfish ons, made with a political result in view, rot alone tbe good of the country . Now when a man is elected lis begins laying his wires for reelection, and fills ths offices in bis gift not on account ot ths qualli ficationa of tbe tcsa those d but on account of tbeir political pull. The public pa triotism of today ia akin deep. Con- aiderable of it ia for show. Thinga are engineered with 'a view to party ad vancement, even international affair of great moment. Party first, the country nex'.. With Washington it wat conn- try tirxt and all the time. Po'.icy might tae care ot itself . A thoughtful ob servance of today a a holiday ought to have a good effect upon the people. just Across the Way. At F II Pfeiffer's you can get the liest Coast and Ea-tera oysters to be found He aJso kees the best line of confection ary in the city, CU on him for the best of everything in bis line. ; ; , Home Hrst, - The World aturvrards G-t gnod grcoei ies for your fami'y . Zona k Hus ton keep the best, which thev sol1, at tbe lowest wMibls prii2s. . Fmb vegetables and fruits aecordit-g to the season, always on bacd. - A fine line of crockery. , Oeanty Ia Utood Deep. Clean blood means, a clean skin. No beauty without, it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tin clean vour blood and keen it clean, by stirring np the lazy liver and driving all un- purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. AU drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. , Tove haa a long way to go to react the heart of the modem up to datt young man. When he looks for a wife, he expects s good deal. Prob ably he expecti more than he de- serves. He wants good 4 "looks, good sense eood nature, rood health. They usually fro tog-ether. An observing man learns that a woman who is physically weak and nervous and in capable, ia likely to be ill-natured too. The sweetest temper ia ruined by continual sickness. . A woman whose nerves are constantly racked and dragged by debilitating drains and inflammation, cannot be a genial com panion or happy wife ; and ahe ia totally unfitted to be a mother. These troubles prevail almost universally among- women largely because of careless, ness and neglect There is no real need of them. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription it a positive specific for the weaknesses and diseases of the feminine organism. It cures them radically and completely. It heals, strengthens and purifies. It is the only scientific remedy devised for this spe cial purpose by an educated, skilled physi cian. It is the only medicine lhat makes motherhood easy and absolutely safe. uIm r nwta Mc-N. of Reno VP. O Bn ntV Washoe Co, Kev., writes: "I have discontinued takins the Prescription' aud will not take an more (at present). La month I bad aa sain at all and worked every day an inconvenience whatever. It waa the brat time I never had pain during that period. I cannot j too much lor your medicines, cupeoiui the ' lets.' tavorue nescTtpuon ana nvmsanc rtr 1 know of a lade a lad who took me Dome your FaTorite Prescription' and ahe saya an waa not sick like she waa with her fir baby. This waa her aecond baby. She thinks it a grand medicine. So do L" Dr. Pierce has had a life-time of experi ence in this particular field. His looo-pagr illustrated book, "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser" contains several chapters devoted to woman's special physi ology. A paper-bound copy will be aent free an receipt of si one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only. Address, World's Dis pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. For a cloth-bound copy send Ji stamp. Democratic County Coovcntin A Democratic County Convention fo Linn county. Oreeon. is hereby called to meet in tbe circuit court room of tbe Count Court House in Albany. Oreson on VVedneedav, ths 16th dsy of March, 1898, at 10 o'clock a. m o'vd day, for the purpose of nomina iag candidates for county offices, and to elect delegates from Linn county to the Democratic State Con vent, on to be held at Portland, Oregon, nn Xl.rrh S3 ami tn tranaart a.irh other buainesa aa nronerlv cornea before the convention. The said county convention will consist of 134. delegates chosen by tbe several precincts as follows, towil Albany v tiaisey East Albany.. Scio Franklin Butte. West Albany. Uenter. Price North Brownsville 6jTangent Sooth Brownsville Shedd. Orleans Sweet Home..... Syracuse Waterloo Santiam South Lebanon. . 4Foster 4(Crawlor Jsville. . . 4 (Jordan 6 Fox Valley North Lebanon.. . 6' Bock Creek . SjShelborn Sodavllle. North Harrisborg 6! faiimaa feonth Jdameburg 41... the same being one delegate at urge for each precirct and one for every twelve votes, and for every fraction over oae-half thereof, cast for Hon. II. C. Wat- eon for representative in 1S96. Tbe com mittee recommends tbst the primaries be hell on Friday, March 11, 1898, at 1 o'clock p m of said day. W. R. Bitrax, B. IS. Pats a. Chairman. Secreterr. fllE PLACE TO BUT four Groceries and Baked Good teat Parker Bros- EverTbody kuows They keep a fresh wbere their place is. stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat tbeir customers well, all soke. You may regret some steps yon take in life Lut none Uken into tbe store of Parker Bros. It is a greit thing to be well fad. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but yoo want it well made. Try Parker Bros. Notice lo the Public Beware of Snide Barbers whj try to tell yon Hair Toaic.wbo do not know bees from bill feet aboat yor scalp. I have had 25 years experience and kaow tbeie are four distinct kinds of scalp troubles. I will furnish frea of charge a formula best raited t" your particular case, which you caa get filled at any drug store for S or 10 cents. insult Uion free. lo vis Viersck. Through Tourist Cars to St Lool a Through tourist cars toSt. Louii. A tr ist steeping car srill leave Portland every Monday via Mo Pac and every Wednea day via tht Burlington route at 8: 00 P. M via tne O. R A N. through Salt Lake and Denver wil boot change t? bt Louis, and un der supervision of experienced conductors . No change of cars to the cities, Kansas city or St. Louis. Kee' this service ia mind when going east sod consult O R. k X. agenta or address. W H Uclbckt, General Peen;er Agea', Portland, Ore. What Or A E Salter Says. BcrrALo, N T. Oenta Fro-n my penonai knowledge. ga:nrd in observing tbe effect of your ShiHh'a Cure in cases of advanced Constipation, I am prepared to say it ia the most rmarkable Rented that has ever been brought to my atten tion. It has certainly tavd many from Consumption. SoU by Foshay k Ms son. Please Insist upon having jour pre scription fil'ed according to ihe doctors or deis, and guard against substitution We make a speciality in comionnding pres cription, using pure, fresh drugs In every one. Our prices are in accordance with tba times. Try os and be cocvinred. Burkhar k Lji Dfdgis'.s. TO CURE A OLD INONfS DAT Take Lii.uve Broun Qiinine Tablets. All druggists refund tbe money if It fails o Cure. 25c . Closing out Crockery snd Glassware at cost, G E Brown iix. Sest woik.'owest prices, that's ns, tbe Printer. Knrl's Clovdr Rnt Ts-n. , ir Constipa tion it's thf Hi: and if after uing it you don't say s return the package and get your m tiey . SiUb' Foibay A Mason FREE T! Until March 31st, 1898, we will give frea to cui customers the Famous Paintings of the World Now ia your time to secure them. KNECHT & MEISER TELEGRAPHIC. Hard Tilp Nakaimo, B O 'eb. The steamer George W E'der, Captain Hiokle and Pilots Kdwains aid imnipson, who ou passengers arrive 1 th'.s morning from Rlraowatr aftae a hard IriD. Saturday morning at 6 o'clock the Elder ecccun'ered a terrific storm off ths north end of Vancouver island, fihe was sen broadside tbroueb Goletas channel, which is only a half wile wide, to Queen Char lotte sound, sa far north a Millbank sound, tbence west to witbin 25 miles of Charlotte island. The sea was the worst the officers and crew of the Elder have ever encountered, and, owing to her being with ost ballest, all control of tbe vesel was lost, and it was only owing to the vigil ance of tbe officers that she was sr ved from going with a crah on one of tbe thousands of small islands in this diatrirt. She was forced to remain at sea for 36 hours. rebrwary r'ael stall IhkDaix, 1'eb. 22. All basinets houses closed this sfternoon in honor of Washineten'i birthday. The weather was excellent aid a large crowd turned out at tbe fair grounds to witwss a football name between the Wil lamette of Portland, and The Dalles clnb. The game was excillntf. Ia the first half Tbe DaIIs kicked a eo4. aod in tbe second ball Portlands made tba same p'ay. tbe game beng a tie, ths score stand' ing 6 to 6. Pteparlaa far laaenjesiele WAantrtoTOK, Feb. 22. As soon as the reading of tbe historical farewell address of Washington waa concluded by Lodge in iheaeokti today. Haw ley, cnauman of I he military affairs committee, called un ih hi providing for tbe enlistment of two additional regiments ot aitiUery for se.vice in manning the heavy eoast-defence batteries which congress baa provided du ring tbe hut two years. Aa BaMh -Siaake Sam Francisco, Feb. "22. Tbe Pacific Mail steamihin City of Peking, which ar rived from Yokohama and Bong Kreg.via Honolulu today, brought tbe following Oriental advices: A terrible earthquake occurred on the island of Amboyna, in tbe Malucca group. Jan. 6. Fifty tenons were killed and over 200 injured. The Beaaj't Chicago, Fib 22. The Journal hat ;he following special fiotn Washington: Should it be woven that the Maine was desdroyed by sn outside explosion with the nowieage or Spanish omctais, f resident McKinlev will demand an indemnity of from $13,000,000, to 15.000,000. This statement was maos today oy an omcer ot statement waa mabs today by an .Ith "M department. Tfae Malae aUasater Washotox Feb, 21-Tod.y. velopmenta in the Maine duaater were of a negaiive cbsrscter, greatly to the dUap poiatmeat of a considerable number of persons, who arere io. king for some start ling discoveries by the divers working in the sunken hull. Numerous letters and feiegrame Lave been received at tbe department from in dividuals desiring to join the navy, ak ing to be enlisted immediately. A tele gram was received this morning from an organization ia Detroit offering the im mediate eerv ce of 10.000 citizen of that elty ia case of srar Patriotic ffe also have been received from otner places. Victopia, Feb. 21. Three steanie, tbe L'anube, tbe Thistle and the Ters. re turned today from Skagwav, each with a few tawsoeites on board, there waa very little gold on board and no late news Passengers from Skagay bring news of a blockade of the Dyea trail by miners sad packers, who resisted: the demand ot a detachment ot United States troops to go over the trail before them 1' waa feared at Dyea float trouble wo Id arise over tbe affair. Ttae appvpTtava Kill WafHiSGTo, Feb. 21. V sweeping reduction of over 3,000.000 from tbe amount carried by the current law is made in the sundry avil appropriation till, reported to the home today tbe eggresrate appropriation carried being $44.4!).S93. The total is $13,334,511 leas Uan tbe re gular and supplemental official estimates made for tbe fiscal year 1899. and 3.NSI. 890 leas than the appropriations made for tbe current fiscal year. feather RauraaMl .The Dalles, Feb. 21, Articles of in corporation of The Dal lee. deachotes at Dufur raiticad were drawn up today. Tbe capital stock $300,000 and tbe lncorqnra-' ton E E LytJe. D C O'Riiey and w H Moore. The principal objest is to build and operate a railroad from The Dalles ia to Sb-rmso county, whet,- Tjaarctaosi art 11 be made with the Columbia Southern. Tbe promoters hsve been over tbe route and premtee the plan feasible. S a arrWrat Mam KaxsasCrrr, Feb. 21. Colonel Fred Fnneton. of lot Ksa. late chief of artil lery ia the insurgent army of Cuba talking to a reporter, gives it as his opinion that the deal rjet toe of the Mai e was due to aa aocinent. Colonel ennstoa spent over a jear ia the Cuban army, was in maty en gagements with tbe Spaniards, aod returned home to recover from a wound in tbe leg. The Salter ladepeadeait JacKaoxviixt, Fla. Feb- 20 A spe ctal to tbe Citizen, trvm Key Wct. says: Sailors of the battle ship Maine tnleting from wounds, in tbe Key nest nofnits'. are smarting over tbe de'sy of the covern- ment in pin ahlng what they term a Spanish outrage, in tbeir minds there is no doubt as to the cause of the etpUxiva . If no action ia taken, not a man among them will again psce the deck of an Am erican man of-war. TSm fas 1 1 t laatrr Washisgtoh. Feb 20. The naval court of inpoiry appointed to investigate me Maine disaster will begin Ha wort to morrow at Havana. 1 be news came 'o the navy department tbia morning from Admiral 8icard at Key West, The prompt action is uodonbedly due tt the express direction cf Secretary Long, sen: yesterday, to have tbe in re tuition begin at the earliest possible moment Ve aSaagerat AU New Yobk, Feb, 10. The Spanish cruiser Yucaya in command of Captain Eulate, came through tbe narrows this afternoon and anchored off Tompkins ville, Stanton Island, where she is closely buarded by ssvy yard togs snd police patrol boats Tbe Vizaira baa beee lving outside the bar since Sat Fridav nivhi. .nnabie to coins into tbe harbor owing to the dense fog and rain storm, which has prevailed for over 43 hours. The Marderers raaaht it kdpomd, Feb.. Or. Feb. 20. Sheriff Barnes, of this county, arrived this morn ing from Roeborg with Frank L Smith and George Stewart, arres ed on a charoa of mordering Peter Nelson, near bere last Thursday morning. The prisoners were taken to Jacksonville for safe keeping. Tbe preliminary trial will take place here tomorrow before Insrice Garl T Jones. A I'abbler-s SaleWe Ashland, Or.. Feb. 20. -John Stuffer committed suicide in his sbop in Ashland about 9 o'clock this morning by taking s'ryebnine and shooting h mself . Stuffer waa a cobbler, and bad resided ia Ashland for 14 years, coming here from Portland. He was 63 yean of age lie waa of an erratic u'ispogi'ion, a bachelor without 1 known relatives, and had spe'ls when he would threaten to take his life, particular ly after einblding too freely. A Big Slarm Ashland, Wis., Feb. 20. Tbe worst storm of the season began last night and! has continued all day. Northwestern trains have been abandoned, and on the Central line trains are five hours late. We are anxious to do a little go id 1 1 tbia world and caa ihii.k of no p;eaactsr or bs-.ter Way to do it than Sy recommending One Minute Cough Cu e ss a preysntivs ot pneumonia, ojntomption snd other asr ins lung troubles tht follow neg'ectid colds J A Camming' J. GradwoliI Informs tbe general public that hi nil as low as aiyb)iy in the city fjr cash. Come and get prices befpre you boy April 1st, 1897. J. ieadwohl. Toers srs three little things which d. mors woik than any other thrss little things oiaated they are ths aotr tne bss and De Witts Little Ksrly Risers, 'tis la t being the famous lir.tls pills for stomach and liver IroubWe J A Camming MISFITS. A Portland paper says old at earn er ia good enough for the Seattle-Alaska buainesa . If Mr Geer runs around much mare there are people who will really think he la a miscellaneous candidate. Some of tba Salm noonle are strain bavma Ujv. Lord call au extra session of the state legislature It will rnl in smoke. It $120,000 a veer for Ova yearn is spent on Yaquina aa is now proposed it ougbt to do a great deal for lht harbor. The amount ia a liberal one. Hon. Til Ford, Marion county's wealtbleat lawyer, came up on the over land last night, lie is in a position to talk prosperity. A few day a ago a tramp went lo ibe rear door ot a house in Albany and was emphatically refused anything to est He deliberately went to tbe front door, here ha waa uiwi by another member of tbe family ami got a good handout. The railrokus are cotthg rstes red hot between the essi snd west. Let them do some freight cutting while they are at it, and the steamers ditto. That it what the wheat producers here would like to see. Harvey Scott wss in Peudleton the other day, a surprise to the people tner, ss he rsrelv is seen in the state oateiJ" of 1'orilsud. He is as id to be a very ap- proacnauie man, plain and unoetenla tioua. Fred Dose ot Wnodlmrn haa f-l ku dose for certain. ; He sued We'.ier Toot for $1,900 damages on account of the violation ot contract, and recovered $i, besides having to pay his own costs. aincn amount to about f 1,000. W. H. Post, who has just returned to Portland from a trip a Skagwav says! be boiler of the Clara Nevada on its trip to Skazwe leaked io bad I th.t several ol tbe crew gave up their poai-j lions sna leiused to return sod that their Blscee were piolably uken by o hers Hon D P Thompson,accompanied by a nujaber of friends, laclud ng Mr T M Richardson, will leave in rfew weeks for Viadivostork, to be absent for nianv; imouwia. iuis party ot gentlemen win i nnl lh.r.(nM R : . - r luSr' j atones wAStnxciox. Whose word was truth Whose spirit knew No faltering before the foe And sternly calm, fulfilled Lis trust Aa p?ace begetter of the world." i , . , , . The last report from 1awson Is that there is a great deil of scurrey there, over toiny cases, oi which seventeen are in tor nospitai. I tie disease is absot as bad aa leproey. The man who brings gold from Klondike earna bis dost. Tbe Journal aire that Sanaior k in. ol Baker, Senator Smith of CSaiaop.lloo. Geo. E. Chamberlain ot Portlaod, T. U David. oo, Robert Veatch. and R. A Miller are bsing mentioned for covernor I on a union ticket; Hon. II. R. Kincaid lor secretary of stale aod Judge tieo. Ii. ! Carton for state treasurer. ! The first copy of sn Alaskan duty ap-! peered at Skgway on Februarv2. The Morning Alaskan with O W.' Dunbar formerly of Asto-ia, as editor. Onobar I is a large, fat man, as well as a rustler.! and hence is adapted for tbe business in ; that coantry. It ia anticipate! the j Alaskan will be a- enough to melt a' Cbitcoot Uixxard. The price is 4.' cents a week, 10 teats a eopv. Salem Daily Joornal: Hon Will r! King, of Baker county, was ia the citv Monday on basin ess before tbe supreme i court. He is a young man who ia tikelv I to occupy a plaae on tbe state t ket of the Union party. Two terms ia the sen ate and one in the bonse, aod an ' lawyer with great personal popularity,; makee him suitable material. Meestim-I anew that 23 conotiee out of 32 sra unsl terably committed to ssias.--: . A traveler found a printing office in f Kansas with four employes lures girls and a young man of eighteen, who was evidently foremen. Tbe door ass in expressibly dirty. The traveler, an old-) time publisher and printer, exclaimed : . iin'a IumuI. ... .. i- , 1 aa d one of tbe girls, ' it'e b'a torn to sweep the office, and we girls have con cluded that te shall do iLeveo if a e have to bnild an elevated sideeslk to around in thj meantime." get A row ocrorred on the streets of Skagway on the night of January 31, be tween Tom Miener, of Colorado, and Orin Osgood, of Oregon. Tbe trouble was over Ortoods wile, who ran awav with Misner and came to Skagway on the City of Seattle. Unei peeled to them, Osgood arrived on tbe Oregon aod rort tbe guilty pair on Broadway, when the land began to play and blows fell heavy and fast. The matter waa settled by Mrs. Osgood gjiog back to her bobby and absring his bunk last nibt Skag way Daily Morning Alaskan. The Portland Oregonian did not find out about the match biid shoot in that city on Sunday, the I3th, until tbe 20.h, a week later, though published in the DkiiocBAT the nest day and a mixed up reference to it made in the T-legram 1 1 says: Toe details of a live bird ahoot, which took place at Riverside, Sunday, i have just lesked out, despite the effort mede to keep it quiet. F Seal and R Hughes, two Portland boys, chsllenged George Fromsn snd 8 Meeks, of Albany. Tbe boys from np the vstlev accepted, and 1 100 a side wss put up. The'Albsoj ites came out on top and to ssve them selves from the cbalBng of their friends. the locsl tesm hushed the mstter up aa ! iar aa puosiuir. ine oia aaying ot "mur der will out," however, applies to mur dering binis ss well ss snything else.snd Beat and Hughes will now hsve to lake ihe results ot tbeir defeat. Mr. Wilbur F. Cornell, well known in Albany, who has been arorud Dawson about ten years, writes of the cold there ss follow! : It is colder here then on the Arctic shores. I have many times seen colder weather than was ever found by Dr. Nansen in hia Arctic exnlorationa. The beat thermometers in the world, irom Europe, England and America I might say thermometers in many lan guageshave been brought here, and there is little variation intboir record ing, and 1 know they are accurate. The lowest temperature recorded was in lSStf nen o degrees below wss reschod at Fort Reliance, six miles this aide of Dawson. There were ni whites at rort t lie then. The lowest 1 have seen was 77 below, and tbe thermometers showed abotit 70 degrees tor the entire week. Tbia waa iu January, 1891. Shoul l this occur again, this month, msny persons wauld be found froten to destb along the Yukon, and the few surgeons bere would be buay for some time making amputations. T. O. Shaver. 0 (Successor to F. L. Kenton.) Second St. opposite, Democrat office " in uunniuiii; aep on nana a gooa steel i s t i- i i . .. ui iciuubrias, una irauce na IiUlta which wi I be sold at living prices. OTRAW FOR HALE. Good spring O heat straw $4 00 per ton . M Senders. CEDAR P03T3 FjR SALE- if you are thinking of doing any fencing and want good cedar posts write to Orin Judd Uetioit Ore. THE MAYOR Paine's Celery Compound Never Fails to Invigorate Him When Worn Out. Ssfcafi ft -YK- , S. '.' ? I'.VtW yf j P Y y Jig Mayor Raoadell I agaia at xy ir o! Lnn. I Two years aga h was electa I by tUa combined People's pa ty, Vmt r xte and OiiJna Reform party H waa aain nominated by ace'amU on t,y tbe Uemorrati tosuccael htmas r - mayor eieote-J by a rotieiag in jtty last mnntn. j Mr Bsmsdeli'a pteaent h s'i ptsttion J ts the liluaata rearar.l of bis abl.ity and ha fawrleeateM In deen it g bis opt it iocs, lit has ssrw bolatstaed lo desiare hi.eiavkaioaain ouo K sarbtsbsbsm ,ow to rmyoa, lb aa of tbe ao tn ki r and mhtr waa earsira la 1S4 be , waa candidate ,f .he Pe ple pr.y tor Coogn. A hard ao'kee. a eoaecisat ' ons ofElaJ, afavor ttamIeH hae n -ri redadng the dn'rAoaoftbe bodr I than oore team pahd ioth limltcf bU,.erf cmpoes-d is pmrteg its trengui. at such umea of ezitwme bm caabte vans. It invariaby insane vous iMion aodoTorwi fc. he baa aavt!Mod alanp. am tkaa gives the orn tiQise:r from breaking dowa by taktagjatrang iwtm their na-orai raw-; h ror Pama'a ce'ers compoaa t. I recta a eoaatipaud habit that so common Mayor KoraaJeU'e bons4 opinion f j ly g-a whit eelastary SKeopsOaos, and this g-eat rem lv eanoat be mis akea by 1 frees ire blood cf poisonous Liimrs thai any on who rU his hsttsr that lo to;at aoase t me or o'uei O-ntiop iato grare ' dUeaisa. O'BRI Selling In order to liquidate our we shall sell our entire stock of lf Uinr WIOi.Il 1 1 Ia Fu rn ish i Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Dry Goods, etc. O'BK T.J. mi rrvi the quality sslucli orreepouds wil the Yours for the best groceries, F. E. i jmc i WaU Paper, uarpets, Lineol9um, Lace Curtains Pillo vvs . Furniture Bedding. future Frames. Linen Warp Matting, Oil Paintings. and Undertaking ALBANY FURNITURE. CO. THE OPENING DAY OF The Second Term January 4, 1898. The college merciat work very much, so Business equal to any i i the state. Thia was not so in the ast. is s now. Corae and secure a thorough training in branches o." a liberal education. Albany , Oregon, President Albany College OF LYNN. telsA Rlcbaidson Co, Birlln.ton. Vrtn mt . Uentlamem A prsvioas eaperiene with Prime's ee'ery eomponad. as a re uo-ar of exhausted eoergy. Induced me rc:ooy to take it again. U many dot e of tbe mor'a offlas having uid mr slight phvstaa leanurses gret'y. I made no miataks. In oae wewk. I f ined m ap petite Improved, tba foeiinc of wearina-t dtaappeariog. an I my oervaai bee-iatleg aad!r. rio'a cwery c tupoo.d h thus Usra a frlo 1 I Um of need, and I 'Ike to say a word for a friend. Troly vour . WAL.TKB fa RAUSDELL. Sov 5. lsT. Ia ever; ote.ln bail news faoasis. hanks, newspaper t flics wberaver lbs fncttoo ) of orry la waaifog oat the aervaa and faines its iseati at Cost. bills ENS ngQoods, LENS. O'BBIEN, Agt! Weighing Things The value ol our groceries depends on three things. How much yon get for vour money, how good it is when you get it, and the price yoa pay for what yoa geu We have coffees that ill eat isiy the appetite and the rocket book. Staple goods at less than staple prices. Price is the inducement which balsncee quality and quantity when it' comes to groceries. Our Pride of Japau tea hat price. ALLEN & CO. . Rugs, Portier3, has strengthened its com- that now it has l?ome a College It all ASSIGNEE'S KOTICE OF FNAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given, that the under gned, assignee of the estate of E J W i ogbby, Insolvent debtor bss filed in tbe Ircuit court of tbe state of Oregon for tbe county of Linn, Department 'Number Two bis final account as assignee of said m t ter, and the said fin! account will be beard and pitted upon by said court at tbe regular March term thereof, to be bolder at the court honse In Albany, I.inn coun r. Oregon, on the atb dy ot April 1898, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock p ni ot said day. All persons iat?ratd in 'aid in solvent cat a e are heiebs n.iSed to make ny ol-jections Uiev bate lo t allowsnce n said final scconnt on or before tbe said day for the bearing &nd pasting oo tbe uir uj aaiu court Dted January 28, 1898 a.f """WOKTH, I' E SXODOSASS, A 1 1 y f or A aslgnee A stlyoee ot said insolvent estate SUMMONS. ' Itut Circuit Corn I StaU of Oregon,' Lin Violc Fod, plaintiff. vs Mi'ton Ford, defendant, Tn MiJ ton Ford the above earned de fendant IS THE NAME CF THE STATE OF Oregon, yoi are bereb requi ed to ap pear end aower the ccmpl'int cf tne plaintiff herein in ih aove entitled eoart, now on file in the tmce of tbe clerk of aid court, on cr before tbe first day ol th regular March term of said court, it being Monday, March tbe 19th. 1893; and you are nerety rar.her notified that in ease you fail to so appear aod aeswtr said j . cumpi'iDi, ine piainuu win apply 10 V cart for the ieie demanded tberie, lowit : 'A decree of the abeve coor acnoll ing, setting aside and holding for naught the boi ds of matrimony b-weiefere exi't ing bet seen the plaintiff and defend act and that they be for. ver divorced. That plaintiffs name be changed from Tlolet Ford to thatoi Violet McKamea. ber eu idea name, and she h ve bar cot and oifcbursetnents ot thU suit to fe taxed. lhs summons ia onblisbed bv order cf Hon 3 H HewMt judge of said conrt,made st cfaainbe.-a io Albany. Oregon, on tbe 12Tb day of Janor . 1898. L H Mostaxtk t So. Auoroeys lor Plaintiff. SUMMONS 'a te Circuit CuH Ike Stale ol Crejem fottke Comntf of Lorn Clissbeth Davis, plaintiff rs John Davis, defendant. To John Da7ir, the alovs Basatd defesd aat. IN TH 8 NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, joe are betcby repaired te appear aad answer tbe crmnlaBt cf the above plaiat'9, ia the alova eotitlad (Xort, bow tn n'e arah the clerS o said Ceart, ess or bf ibe hrst da c& Jbt Beit regaUr term of ra'd C&art, ahieh -au aezt rralar term oi said Coart begioa oa M-wdsy, tie Hta day of March, 1SSS, at tba G nrt Hoase l ths city of Albany, Lisa Coeaty, Oregon. A ad y ;a sra hereby aottScd that if yoa fail to appear aad anrwer said eoenp at cf plaiotiff as horeia reoairod a decree of said Ccert will be taken agatast yoa for the relief prayed for ia p'aiatifi'a said eoapiaibt, la wit: A decree diaaolvtag tea boada ol watriasea; row eaiatieg beta-ecayoa aad said pla nu3 aad tor the coats aad dia taracaMatetf said eat. This essBsooae is served by pablicalioa ia tisEiuhts DmocijiTfjrsia sa'xesaive waaka, ia parse asee of aa order saade by the Hoa. 11 H. Ilwtt, jodge ef said coart, aaada ia the est v ot Aibaar. 1 its Coaety. Orcjoe, oa tie 25th dav of Janaarr. 15. W.n Bn-Ttr, A'Ursey for fUiatiff. ASSi&Xll'S KOTSCf CF F1XAI JETTliidlKT. Notice is kerebv given that the under signed assignee of the baca of Oregon, aa lnfoen( corporaua. na ist aay u,ra in tbe circuit coart of the state cl Oregon for Lion conatr. hia al accoont as sach jsiticwsnd tba- sail account ii! be ! beard and pavsed ca by said court In tbe court hoase of una coast :n ine clcsii courtroom 'bciecf on tte 14th dy of March. 1S9$, at the bnur of 1 o'clock p m or as soon teereates ss the luslness of said coon wil permit. Dated at Albany, Ore?or. Feb 12. ""33 D F JAMES. Assignee of the Bank of Oregon. DISSOLUTION OF PA1TKERSH1 Notice U kereby given that the copart eerhi? formerly eVriac between the nn dersigned.C H Laugbead A Wm Fiickicger partrrs at Albany, under tbe style or firm ot Albany Frnlf Co is this day dis solved by mutual consent and that the isaid easiness i I ne carrea on ay me said C H Laoghead a'ooe. ho a ill re cnrealiaccoaaasd pay aH de tstf the late cop in-ership. ' Dated this Slst of January. j C H LfeCbHKAD. I - C . . -. IX CSTfE'S K3TUE aH the creditors anl persons Liter 5 e-ed ia the rrfa'e of Rebecca Smith, de ceased, yon are be eby aotiied that 1 have been du'y appcinted eaecutor of said estate bv the county cotTtot Us county. Ore goo, therefore, all persoea having claims against aid estate are hocfey aotiSed and required to present the same to me with tbe rarer vouchers, at the Saw office of W R Bilyea in Albany. Linn county, Oregon, within rlT months from the date bereot Dated this 1st day of Jarr.y, 1S9S. SAjtrKL Beiuh;. i x-cntor STCCXKCLGER'S UESTIKC. Notice Is bervby erven that there will be a meeting of the stocknoiders ot the Odd fellows Hsll Building Association, held In the Odd Fellows Ltbtary in Al baay Oregn, on Monday the 7th day of March. i-, at the hour of 2 o'clock p m of said dsy. far the purpose of e ect ing seven directors to serve for tbe en sa'ng jear. and to transict any other business that may come before and meetingr Deted this 2nd day' of Feb, 193 E A Passer, J Jostm, Secretary, fresiJco ANKUAL MEETIXG Notice is bereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders ot the Albany Building A ssoclation win be hed at store of J Gradwohl, in Albany, oa Monday, March 14th, 1S97, at 7:S0 pm for ihe eleciicaoi directors, and such other bus iness as may come tefore the meeting. Dated Feb. 13th, 1S97. W C Twskoals. F ? Snmss, 1-resident, Secretary. Notice a hereby given to any and all persons having anv claims against or owing anv to Ihe eata'e of Sth L Caldwell, deceased, to nisi! tame to me at my P) address, Albany, t'regon within tbe next thirty days. Febrjary 10th, 1S93. V H Caldwell IESlJREiTESTlrGPtHS"lGEI - Should U ta ETerj Eome aad Lilirary. tits Feosis's 6mi6 listoio wrftSM hr RiaM Rsa. Wlli( hurt Olalitiaa, uiwih at Itraat tinllaa ana lntaaS. Clamr, Kti. A. H. Uamt CbIIvm. Uifora. Ka.i Km. Sul 1" irtm. l. IV. Cfcicg ThMlt IWbIuii. Itlmn IN.: Km. InlmcW. Fairmr.D F R.tL Umi l i'alrM,rr. i'aalarttrr, Stf; U, m-ms j, a-.nat-. a MttsmsTaTSfiliaa. Ml K. Knnk W iaunti. 1 l Armvmt UkMUtM CtLtoaao. lil.t Hot. i.HMrv i'karcb. Loa Jua. Kaa-i Mi. R. H. MAltkn. l I), fklnr, llai4ia Okuroa. Vara 1 11,. M. V.: Km. Mutya tiviMrtwliri.i Mata Mlnwt PnaSavtuI I'hon h. laaMua. Ma.: Km. Fraak M. Brotol. IU), I'ir HmMm Kpucor! Ckarch. EVaaioa7ir..i K. W. T Uont, IJ1J" rfc 'an llaa IteanHwIli- Laadoa. Ea.i KM. HmM hm, li.u.. 9ota iwmtftiuui wiw. (Ukm, KwawtMl. Kms.; Km. Cwu Kvaa Unaurs. l.uai t'Atnruu. Litttf. limtui m. na. car nai. i)kiu.IIl..Vin'ui) at -hkaa .fht.;ll J Woor.XiiO-on U.H.!S.Jofcir o4 lrMte,triiu ( u i ti. Ltmduo. Kaa.; Km. Oaocsa (X l orinMW. 1.1-! , Tb. Tan. H.o.rNM. ruriua aamut.- sti k la)Ua llhaara. tloaa, gilt aa, vbxa. MX aalt Wnutt. SVO tail Jwraillt Jet'li. i iji 'sMTtos.-ij!as tan-m tMn. tlona. Htjfi Ait Jiwk lull ImM. uit. w'uom. tliUft St I. B In valaiaM. full kw lafwd. SSi vj it IS PA R IS. aaana wu. iwiw OlMrihiu toaara. Mia Mpr nwi. imwI. trimm4 .1 .blJ y. Sl-UU aa Mua. Fur aala u all brnfaum, anl hf booAMlt.r. For funlMT iaforutiuo. .rit, HKSkY O. t.UC l'ARl fruUinSir.m 311 Moatna eu.CIiifaaa. Illlmaa, Ill : Km. Kamnl H.M. It.l. Tnull . t. nHORTHERH I'll PACIFIC R. R. punxnan Weeping . ara, EleeantDing Cara, Tourist Sleeping Cr"- at rati Viinnes;o!i talutb ffargo, fo Grand Kc-rks inmtt Heleca aott Bntte THROUGH TICKE S... TO Chicago rTaahingtou rhiladelpbia VewYork Boston and al Points East and South Through tickdU to Japan aoci Ch na, vi Tacomaand Northern Pacific t-amh!j Co., aa American line. For information, time cards, maps anc ticlreu call on or write C O Borkhart eg jilt, Albanj.Or. ADCfcarlU-". Gen rasa agi Portland. O i iruowJiio : TO THE E AS! SKSSTSSCHOICS OS 2 TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT ORECQfl HORTHERFi SHORT UNE via SPOKANE SALT LAKE DtlYlB Qthlh SJTB KAKSAS Cm UIMXEAPCUS ST. mi CHICAGO Lowest Rates to all Eastern Cities Ocean Steamer. s Leave Portland Every 5 days SArl FRAHCISGO Steamers monthly from Vort land to Yokohoma and Hong Kong; via, fbe Northern Pa cific Steamship Co. ir con nection with O R and N far taB isfanBsjaa cJi an Ccajta-s A Momnw, Albany. Ot a issua: W H eUKLBTjKT. tiaa'L Paa Po,Umd Oi. 0 lll'llllllf : RAILR JAD : : gjeais Line cftlie fori! m Cgia & Salt Laka TO ill Paints last & Ssntisa Pullman Palace sleeping c&is Pullman tourist cvs Frea redlining chair cars ' Ar run through on all trains. Best t-ervice Finest equipment i astest time. For ratss of faro and all in formation call on your near est ticket agent or address R C Kichol, E B Duffy, GenlAgt, Trav Pass Agt, 251 Washington St, Portland. S K Hoopeb, G P & F Agtr Denver, Colorado. OREGOX tUVHSAL & EASTERN R. R. CO. liAnfTAii III IIUI Rio -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Coanectixgat Yaqoina Bay with the San Fraccisco& Yanniua iW STEAMSniP CJOMPAXSTwl Sails from Yaqnina every S daye lof San Francisco, CoosBay.Hambohlt Bay. Fassasnaxn AecoxtooaTtostt UsscarAsast V Shnrtmt mnta between the WiRam 1 tte Valley and Caliiornia. " - - - - est tc 1 Fare from Albany and points Ban Francisco Cabis..... S 0C S.0C .17.0C Stxsjuok .... Round trip good for 60 days. TO Coos Bay r.K; as. rat Steerafe rfwrw f Tn llnmhAl.H Rar and Port Oribrd. kbin ..I 10.( teerage 8 00 River Division. Steamer 'Albany between Portland Aid tJorTallis, throagh without layover. Leaves Oorrall 9:M a. tn. ixieeaays. Thurmlara and Sundsvs: leaves es Port- )C a. a; . land, YamhUl street doc. :QC UonHsTs A'artnfiaJavaand Frida't Eswi'si, J O Ma-v r 'ianager tapt Kiver viVjia. A Fine Heati nnkina Pros., of this citv.hsve thesgeney lor me n-w in. . Domestic Beater, which is a great tU lor boas keepers. X It fits opon an ordinary rook stove ana heats the water in a tank without the old water back which so often destroys the cooking qoaiities of the stove. They nt Hire tbe waste heat, taking the place of first joint of stove pipe and are great fael as vers. They are tare to come into gen eral use. Tbey can be seen at Hopkins Bros, hardware and stove store. These beatera can now be seen in at H. R. Uydee and Councilman O. r. Dannals. I T70R BALE. Xew earteckijoewriter X for sals cheap at Ban u a sic re. . r sV i -aw i