til I v II III 1)1 1 VOLXXXII1 EateredRt tfce Pes ait llbaay. r. Secant-nasa Hall MalUn ALBANY OREGON, FR1DA FEBRUARY 25, 1898 r ;r BtTTIStt rablUker aad Fraprtetar NO 30 1 mrnt 1 AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT to THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD ' C ASTORIA,"' AND '"PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS our trade mark. ; It DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Hyannis, Massachusetts, was, the originator of "PiTCHER'S CASTORIA ,"the soma thai has borne and docs ncu zSTT on ever bearthefac-jsimilesigndiirjcf Cz&zUcAt wrapper. This is the original Pi rCHI.TS CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the MoUiers cf America for over thirty . aa t vr-r-i a a a a a a r w 1 11 J years, luuk. jakli-ully ci the kind you have always boun-i and has the signature r? per. No one has authoriij from me cept The Centaur Ccyipany of which President. j Marck8.1SQ7. Q& Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life cf your child by accepting a cheap substitute "which so::io c.-ugjjist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in jgredients of which even he docs not know. "The End You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAOSIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed Ton. -Us CKMTAUM CMMNY, T sK.a.Ua STRKET, MCW TOM fMTV. SCENIC liNE xL.a awnaaar I i ! 1 ' TO? at wr fed ,rw " Of it :za ft W il s&-w igS THE POPULAR THROUGH -3 CAR LINE FROM THE R. C NX3WL. JS1 T. THE ; OPENING DAY OF TheS econd Ten January 4, 189S. The colleg9 has strengthened it3 com mercial work very much, so that now it has become a Business equal to any in the state. This is s now. Come and secure a branches of a liberal education. Albany, Oregon, "' ir2t 4m Ei s tV ' x., o a- raraTPPiiin r-4 - r-w i . . . j.,.s-. . im -it, n aw .aBhr wbbbw vaar awa HAVE YOU BEEN IlS Rg irtl'c omas J Lately. He has one of the finest stocks of Furni ture in the valley. He haa added Bahv Buggies to h s stock. Just call in and you will find that his price? are the LOWEST ypSS CANDY 25c 50c ' ' ' " " S-p - DRUGGISTS ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY hie wrapper ana secinaz u is on the wrap- to use my name ex Chas. R. Fletcher is World OF THE DENVERao RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. NORTHWEST EAST TO ALL POINTS Gcmnl Afttf - S. K. HOOPER. G. P. T. A. Sl. PORTLAND. ORE. ' PENVaLCOtXl College was not so in the rjast. thorough training in It ali President Albany College I jLnntl at 7t hs. I 1 POKTIMDtOR. i-s . i sxagway, alter a varied experience, UKitHfttrs a L.TrttnUL . i :i. MIHHHIV -rs,vra W REAL ESTATE SALES. Keported by the Linn County Abstract Company, for the Democrat, for tbe week ending February 15th, 1S98. L Flinn and wife to P A Goodwin, bl 115, Hackleman'a add to Al bany, including Woolen M ill and all machinery..... $17,900 L Flinn, receiver of Albany Wool en Mill, to P A Goodwin, bl 115 Hackleman'a add to Albany, in cluding Woolen Mill and ma chinery... 17,500 PA Goodwin to Albany Woolen Mills, bl 115, Hackleman'a add to Albany, including Woolen Mill and all machinery John Betbam and wife to John Warren. T J3, 3 W, 144 acrea. . John Warren to John Betbam, T 13,2 W, 160 acres Chaa Altschul and wife to J A Crawford, T 12, 1 E, 320 acre. Mary Ann Mcintosh et al.by slier iff, to Mary Jane Shaw, T 10, 3 E, 160 acres Oxford Milling Co to John Mo Kcrcher, T 14, 2 W, 10 acrea, in cluding mill and machinery J Y McCune and wife to Mary M Cune, et ai, T 12, 4 W P O Lundin and wife to Anna Band, T 13, S R 1 W, 40 acres O P Coshow and wife to J W wank. et al. E lot 2, bl 3, North Brownsville Israel Hart and wife to L Foley, T1UW, 100 acres H F Merrill and wife to W H Davison, 1 acre J R Swank aud wife to Phillip 8wank, T 12, 2 W, 200 acrea. . . . John Wither and wife to L Foley, T12, 2 W.2 acrea Jason Wheeler to Ella DuVuille, part bl 2, eastern add, Albany. . Mary E Couch and husband to . John F Zeller.T10,2 W, 10 acres Jason Wheeler to A E Ketcham, undivided hi part bl 2, eastern add, Albany 17,500 2.000 800 691 1 2,400 1673 10 200 300 1000 A Favored City. A correspondent of the Tribune writ ing from this city aaya: Albany people are feeling greatly elated, and tbey have reason to be. When tbe Oregon Central A Eastern was reor ganized a few weeks ago, it was an nounced that the new company, tbe Cor vallis& Eastern, would build eastward across the state, providing the delegation in congress succeeded in securing an ap propriation for tbe completion of tbe Ya quina bay jetties. How that an ample sum has been insured, I understand that work-will commence immediately noon the completion of the Astoria railroad, which will be about April 1. Mr. a. K. Hammond, the moviqs spirit in both enterprises, has the confid truce of the upper valley people, and that counia lor a great deal, especially wbsn he is financially able to push the work forward. With this road tapping: the rich Mock and limber belts of Oregon, centering its traffic at Aloany, and with reiiaoie eteamshipconnection at laquina with foreign and domestic por, Albany hopes to be to Yaqaina bay what Port land is lo Astoria, the commercial center and business point. And why not? Fa vored as tew cities in the nt, with a magnificent valley, abounding with fer tile wheat fields, statelv orchards, elrek droves of cattle, a wonderful wa!er-power capable of turning tbe wheels of many a factory, with railroads diverging to every point of the compose, carrying car- kmub ui nauvB wuv, cut ir om ioa inex haustible forests that skirt the valley, suitable for any purpose, from cord-wood to shipbuilding, the boaineoa men of our city have great confidence in the future growth of Albany. Property holders are already beginning to stiffen their back bones, iuu talk about a raise in values. Chief of Police Lee went to Salem this noon. E. J. Mo .annahan, of Eocene, was in tbe city loday. W. M. Brown, editor of tbe new paper to he atarted at Lebanon, was in the city todav. ' ' ' - C. S. Harrnisb has returned from Scio where he baa been taking pictures for two weeks. E. F. Sox and L. E. Hamilton return ed froji Portland last night, a here they naa oeen on business. Thera m born to Mr. and Mrs. E. Cook Patton in Salem on Wednesday, February 16 a daugbter. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gould, of Col umbia, Kan., arrived in Albanv this we k on visit with Mr. Silas Li vie ston and familv. Mr: R. A. Bensall. champion of Ya qaina Bay intereeu, was in tbe cur yes- teruav anq today, and oi course rejoices greatly at tbe appropriation for the Bay. Mrs. M. J. Masers left Wedneadav morning for Albany, where sh will visit with her daughter, Mrs. S. W. Thomp son, for a couple of weeks, f-he will also visit in Lebanon before her return. Stayton Cor. Statesman. Dr.E. O. ffvde. who was located in Turner foi a abort time several years aeo, has returned to remain permanent 1 to Practice. He has rented the J. C. Kob- ertson bonse snd will bring his family here soon. Statesman. Messrs. Geo. Hocbstedler and J. H. Akin arrived here last evening on the 5 :45 train and spent several hours visit ing wiiti laliea Knights. Mr. Hocb stedler is a past grand chancellor, of this domain, snd Is working; In the irtereet of the uniform rank. Tney left on tbe overland for Huntington. Tbe Dallea T.M. John Shaw, of Mill City, manager of the Santiam Lumbering Company was st tbe Perkins yeeterdsy. Mr. Sbsw says that the business of tbe sawmills sll along tbe line of the O C & E radroad has picked np veiy materially. His big mill is running full time now, and some of tbe small mills are enlarging their plants. felegrsm. Seventy-one years of age snd a 25 mile ride on borsebaick in one day. That was the feat accomplished Sunday by sirs. Clark, mother of B. L. Clark of Aleea, Tbe roads were muddy and sticky snd the struggles of the horse violent, but this remarkably preserved Oregon wo man made the trip with ease, and Mon day took the train for Pullman, Wash ington, to visit her daugbter. -H. J. Sower ane W. F. PfeifTer arriv ed home last night trim their trip to Skagway. alter a varied f" .n"" ..I". .""1" " 1 laLeu iiara ieviai. hue lormnaieiT Luits- sed tbe boat and came on tbe Rosalie, several other Albany men will soon fol low. Monteitb and Kawlinga were run ning a boarding bouse st Dyea. The men give some graphic accounts oi tins much talked ot Skagway, tbe land of fast wind, snow, doga, males, cayuses. raloons, gamblers and lawbreakers. They were glad to get borne, though the trip and experience was one tney win long remember and do not regret. Instant relief for sklnortured babies and rest for tired mothers In a warm bath with C uncus Soap, and a single application of Cvticuba (ointment), tbe great skin core. The only speedy and economical treatment for itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, ard pimply humors of the skin, scalp, and blood. atlcira Iiwold thnyo$rhmitths wor14. rVrnnDnoinCliai' cl sjoxrustATiQw;, sow rTOOvictors, fKMtOffl, fasT- " llow to Cursi ivWWrv Babv UubmsV. HA1 WHEAT. Chicaeo 104 Jb'c, di-.e to .be work of manipulators. New York 101c San Francisco Bic. Albany 67c. The 189S Encampment. A correspondent in the Tribune refers to the item in the Dbmocxat several days ago that the 1898 encampment will prob ably be held in Albany this year. He says : I talked w'.th a member of the slate military board, who happened io be in town, a day or two ago, and be assured me that in the event of a state militia en campment being held this year it would be held at Albany. He aald tbe board fell short about $5000 on last year's en campment, but it wss probable tt at Sec retary of State Kinca'd would allow the deficiency to be made up out of tbe 1898 1 appropriation, rkotwitnstanding tbe de ficiency of laat year.au encampment will be held thle year, aa a larger amount of money will be avat.abie on account of less expense in otber directions. Albany is centrally located, has a splendid site for the camp and pleiity of good field room for military evolutions. The camp will be pitched at the fair ground i, a most de lightful spot, with p enty of shade trees and water. Tbe Second regiment, I am informed, will be ordered into camp tbe tatter part of June, and the First some time in Soptember A brigade encamp ment would be held in June, but the of. fleers think it would be difficult to get the First Regiment boys oat at that time, as many of them are employed in the business bouaea in Portland, and tbey will be in tha midst of the Klondike rush. Again, on the other hand, the Second Regiment could not go ia camp as well in September as in Jnne. as they are more identified with tbe forming inter est, and in tbe fall the country towns have their busy season. Both encamp ments will bring a large amount of money to Albany, as the soldier bote generally are out for a good time and spend their money with a fiee hand. Beeides.it will be a pleasant social affair to those who have never witnessed a body of soldiers ia camp. Prize for Essays. In order to encourage original investi gation and the habit of close and accur ate observation, as well as to awaken a greate degree of interest in the native birds of Oregon, and thereby tbe better tj inure tbe protection of all that are harmless, and also to add to the atock of krowledge concerning them, the trus tees of the Oregon Humane Society last Mav resolved to offer nriiea tar IK first and- second best e.,5 .iWwKpffJK rT.,1 H lame:,, ra.iey.7TPhe theme is" no? w-wtaa auw awgvai a 4 SlUVI iu J Wl tj, The first prixe will be $12 and the sec ond $3. These will be awarded at tbe anniversary meeting in April next or eanyiaaiay. ine essays Sbouid give tbe names of birds and describe their habits, haunts, p'umage, marking, notes, etc. and be submitted to W. T. Shanahaa, corresponding secretary, on or before March 25, 1898: each eesav to be se'nt under seal, with a fictitious name attached, accompanied by tbe tree name in cocnecUoti with the fic titious name, in another envelope, also nnder seal. Tbe commute) on award will be com poaed of three competent persons, select ed by tbe board of trusteee outside of their own number. Children outside of Portland or Mulloomab county who de sirs to compete for these prizes, will be require! to suomu who uieir essavs a letter from their city or coooty aaperin-1 teodent cerufytog that tbev are ol proper age and have given tbe reeulta of their own personal study and observa tion. Mas. K F. Braasix. Mish Rrrh E. Rocans, Uaoaog H. Qisks, . Committee. Was an Albany Man on It. - Tic tat t rmr ita m3rm th Iocs of the Clara Ssvsds, with ail on board there being six'y-eight.incluiing ofBrtTa. lbe natoi paaaeogers has not yet mats pu Dinned, iberearelearstbatan .il ban man was on board. It was staled at the hotel where be bad been stopping that he bad gone on the steamer. A drummer, though, wbo came on tbs Ro salie, which It tt hkagway a day later, ibougbt be aaw bits, in fekagway after tbe steamer tailed The chances are thou.h that he was on the steamer. Two Corvabia men named Wilkins and Hoi brook, were seen to go on tbe boat just beiore it left, and there were a num ber of rortlaod men on it. A Naw Mmo Euro. Jack Chambers started boms Monday to develop bis new found mine, and waa accompanied by Roll and Fred, sons of Mis C. G. Cope lend ol Toledo, snd wbo are nepbews ol the prospective gold king. L poo reach ing; Corvailis fr m a visit in king's Val uer Mr. Chambers received a letter iron his daughter at home atating that tbe boys at work in tbe mine had taken out a thousand dollars tfce day tbe letter was dated. Corvallia Times. eciiooL EsTtBTAiSMEitr. A ba?ket so cial and literary program will be given at the school bouse in district No. 27, on Saturday, Feb. 26. Baskets will be so'd at auction to tbe highest bidder. Let every one come prepared to bny or sell a basset and have a general good time The proceeds will be used for the benefit ol the school library. Bbasch Stork. Messrs. Conn A Hus ton, of Albany are opening a s.ore ia Gates. Tbey aim to keep a general line of merchandise and give as good bargains ss can be bad in Albany. I. Drait ill wield the yard slick and superintend tbe business. The official inspection of tbe Clara Nevada before it left on tbe Skagway trip waa made by C. C. Cherry, formerly of this city now boiler wopactor at beat tie. A horse waa left standing on the lot at the corner of Second and Ferry streets last night, remaining out in a cold wind with nothing over it uttil tbia morning. Tbat was very bsd treatment. MrsFHIoon baa iust received a letter from the grand guardian of the Pacific Circle, that it is upected tbe order Willi have 7000 members by May 1st, 1893. This U ranid .rrowth. when it ia anown theorjer rier l i -r . . . : started oat with but seven members on April 1st last year. Tbe Dalles T. M, B. F. Swcpe. an attorney of Oregon City is a recent addition to the local bar of Lin coln county, having definitely located In Toledo, arriving here yesterday Mr. Swone announces that he has come to s'ay with us. He was looking for a suitable rity. property to buy for a home today. Leader. MARRIED. ynVP.ft HARRIS. In Albany.on Wed nesday, February 18, lows, ny juuga Geo. D. Barton, Vtr. W. M. Jones and Miss Melinda Harris both of Lion county DIED. pr.ASTK.n At Lebanon. Oregon, on Wednesday, February 16, 1898, at 2 o'clock p. m , Loy Plaster, the oldeet son of Mr. scd Mrs. George Plaster, of thia p.ltv. The young man left Salem shout three mnntha Bso. going to Pendleton, where h. .n,VMi for a time. There he became in hia anfferino' being from a spinal tmnhlfl. and be returned to tbe valley want ta Lebanon several months ..i hara ha became worse and sank rapidly, expiring yesterday afternoon. Statesman. FBIDAY Was Al Bocnleke on Board. Ttere is little doubt that Al Boenlcke, of this city, was on board the ill-fated Clara Nevada. The evidence is t o strong that way. Getting the name mixed the Telegram says : AINabeker, the Alaska manager of J. D. Meyer, the Portland cigar dealer, is believed to have been one of the pas sengers on the Clara Nevada. Mr Ne beker was called home to Oregon during the holidays, by the death of his mother. He was a passenger o.i the steamer Co rona, of the Seattle- Alaka line, which was wrecked off lwis island, British Columbia, January 23. Mr. Nebeker was in charge of a lot of freight, which was lost in the wreck. When he realized his loss he asked passage back to Boat tie on tbe Danube, offering 100 for the accommodation, but was refused. He waa one of the Corona pasaengers takeu from the Alki by tbe steamer Oregon. He left the Oregon at Juneau Sunday, January 30, and expected to start for Skagway a few days later. Mr Nebeker was a member of the Be nevo'.entand Protected Order of Elks. Mrs. Amanda Kester went to Mon mouth this mornicg on tbe Buth. Mr. J. O. Busbnell and Misa Nina Cline went to Salem this morning on the Ruth. The Magazine club will meet at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon with Misa Oiga Hewitt Charles Winant, of Newport, waa mar ried on Saturday last at Elk City in Lin coln county to Misa Eltna xietbers of that place. Mre. Nutting went to Eugene this noon to visit Mrs. C. B. Watson and family and attend the prtcentation of Mabat Mater tomorrow night. Dr, Robert Forbes, for fifteeo veara superintendent of the S. P. hospital at Sacramento, died lastTnesdav. He was a relative of Mr. W. C. Tweedale of this city, who waa visitingat his home at tbe time ff his death. Mre. Forbes was ia Albany last summer. Heasrs U. A Wneh. and J. E Wrioht f.o... -.l 1 .," .. , I v u. r, . n rigai, ieq , oi tins city, wbo I f i ' HT t . ... .... ' . J 1 ". buu vimutra raiinTiimv. tmi m pvruon i toe winter visst- I ay; uere anu in soutnern uregon. leave I tomorrow for their home in Iwnwr I uoioraao - I Mr. Ham Mav. of Uarrial.nnr ia rnrt. I ed to be ateailv improving alter a eer- I ions liioeis. Mr. Mav ia oca of I.inr. county's best men and most eoterprising citizens.and then haa been a genet a! in- tercel expressed and a noiveraal desire lor bis Improvement and recovery. The Dbmockat is tlad to see a liva !n (erest bains taken in pioneer affair. Ti columns oi the DcaocaaT will always be sept open to remioisoent sod historical Wil nnt uiruu uut important. Mrs. Henry Tat lor went to Portland this morning in rpooM to s despatch that her father. Mr. W. B. Tavlor. aangerousiy in. a lew months ago Mr. lay 'or had an operation performed on account of an injur received during the war, imyrovtng auerwaiMf, ootil rector E. W . Achiton, former! of this citv. ia reported to nave been making consid erable mooev at Sksswar. Beside mak. tog considerable at keeptog toarders he had sold bis place which cost about $250 lor S5JU. vt lien last beard from he waa comtempiating goiog on In Union. He and .Becker bad dissolved partnersbio. Becker going to Dyea 'aoJ Achuon re maining at kagway Mrs. E. C. ProUmao. wife cf Post- from Albany, where abe has been the past two weeks in attendance opon her mother, Mrs. Lyle. wbo sustained a frac ture of an arm shortly before New Years. Sirs Lyle, aubougb 78 years of aje. has completely recovered from the accident and regained entire control of the ia jnred member. Telegram. Mr. Al Buenicke. who was undoubted ly one of those lost on tbe Clara Nevada, was a resident of A loans for nearly twenty yearsad was shout 27 years of aa. - ii was a member ol the order of Elks. A. O. U. W.. Woodmen snd L O. O Fio good standing, and waa highly etteemed by a large circle of friends. He leaves a wife sad dsugbter wbo bavs the sympathy of many in their affliction, coming so sud denly upm tbem. The btatesman aays: Tbe subje .t matter is of decided interest here, where Mr. Boentcke was well known snd thoroughly liked. His home is at Albany, where bis wife and baby now are. He was a valued member of Salem lodge No. 336, B. P. O. Elks, am the pews wss discussed sadly st tbe ss sem blags of its local lodge here last night, wben a number of Albany Elks were in attendance as guests cf the Salem f raters. i ue nope is stilt entertained that Mr Boenicke may have escaped tbe perils that beset tbe Clara Nevada and will be beard from happily. Tbe California arspe crop is re port ea to have been greatly damaged. Tbe Clara Nevada w.s built ia 1871 aad beoce waa pretty well a'oog ta years lot a boat. C rallis is to hare a treat treat, lbe wonlerful singer and revivalist. Miller bas bees seen red for one week only, begin ning February 2Utb Frances E. Wi'Urd. wbo died ia New Tort ci'y yesterday, was io Albany in at ue slate convention wmcn waa betd here that tear, remaining io the cit; aevera days, lbe guest of Mr. aod Mr L. E iilain- Uer life s wcrk wa a great one. Clean Printing, we are doing it. esttiKY. BORN. SIIOUGH.-Feb.15io Mr. and Mrs, M. A. Shoogh of Oakville daughter, BRUCKMAN. At Plainview Feb. 18, 1898, to Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Eruckman a boy. A nina mtnmn ahiiile at the cream. erv. and echoed hv tbe chopper, spread the n. a of a nine lb boy at me nome of th otter marer. Lienerai iieftility I f)SS 111 riCM! Scott's Emulsion has been the ...Jard rcmcdr for nearly a arter of a century. Physician: eadily adrtut tnai xney ootain re- . ST a. .ST a a 4 -A.S ults from it that tney cannot gi mm any other tlesh-tormine food Thre are many other prcpara- aons on the market that pretend :o do what SGOTT'S EMULSION W. rmt tfiev fail to oerform it The pure INorweeian ioa-uver ya are such valuable tonics. makes this preparation an ideal one and checks tha was tin y tendency, and the patient almost immediate ly commences to put or flesh and grain a strcngii which surprises tliem. . B aurt yoa get SCOTT'S Emukloa. Sm that the m ana fih mn on the wrappw. joe aad S1.00, all dniggbta. SCOTT A BOWKS. Chaaskt. Ntw York. nxiuo Mi .vr wvAAj,as,w. -F - i nuntMf lrora the btxiv UisrtAtA with the HvOODhOS- I bautRh ninntlca. loiU. L phites oi Lime and Soda, which WHEAT. Cbicauo 103 c. New York 100 Jfc. Hun Francisco 84 6. Liverpool, spot 3 5c lower. Albanv 6Sc. bigbrr May 3- 5c Lighting our Cities. The Salem city council have been com piling the electric light business of tbe cities of tbe Northwest. The figures are interesting. Albany haa 15 2000 candle power arc lighta t a monthly coet of H.60?,' per light, Boue 40 at 8, Dayton, Wash., 13 at $9 61, Eugene 25 at $9, Ev erett 35 at 1 10.80, Fair Haven 1 at 112, Marjlifeld 13 at til, Moscow 13 at 110, New Whatcomb 14 at $7.75, North Yak ima 7 at $12, Oregon City 12 at $8.3., i cnuiuion joai io,roruand ta at fSf.tHJ, Port Townsend 25 al $11, Roaeburg 11 at $13.61, Seattle 88 at $8, Spokane 200 at $4, Wallace $12 at $10. Astoria baa 60 1200 candle power at $5, Hepner II at $10. Hillsboro 11 at $10, Hoquiam 12 at $6 25, Independence II at 10, Mount Vermon 6 at $6.66, Walla Walla 45 at $10. Dallas has 12 2000 candle Dover limni running till midoiKbtatt7.50.Indanflnd- ence 13 at $7 60. Ashland haa 21 1200 candle power lamps running till midnight at $5.60. Colfax has 7 2000 cand: power lamps running excert during moonlight at $10. Average price paid for 2T00 C P lamps, all nialit service, recardleas of nontr used or other circumstances, $9.85. Averaae nrics paid tor 2QQ0 v lim all night set vice, steam power, $10 49. lllj Wheat Shortage. For tso or three dava natt ihr has been an undercurrent of Ulk. hereabout. i-uuccmiog an appaeent suortage of wnsat in tbe owttxerland and Sslvarton warehouses of Messrs E E Mr Kin n.v Me i-o , i us uguree reported ranging from io 2i,wu Dusneis. Mr. Mckinnev. the bead of the firm. haa conceeded that tlier im a rfian. . it . ... i -v..r swv. ui .v ww ixub uni.Drii inn ffr&in in awrage and toe receipts oat agains; tbe . I.. . . . . ousioeas. At tait reports, a compromise agree meat waa abroad amoar tha farmers concerned bearinc tbe finn'a a inatnr au tuose oi at least two-ibirda of the PlroD. wberety tbe grain on bard was to be held for liquidation of the deficit reported, aod as the firm has we.l sap-, plied granaries at Tailman and Moakers in Linn county, aid at Shaw, West htayton, Turner and Howell, in this county, it is more than likely the ad justment wiU be fully and satisfactorily wau. oj lomorrow, toe day nxed as the limit for setilemeot. Tbe high standing and unirnneachahle business record enjoyed by E. E. Mc- Kinney, in this state and abroad, is warranty lor the absence of aovlbina- i qumionaoie or eveu senous in toe cir cumstances here chronicled. Statesman. I Not a Salem Hog. From tbe Eogene Register : lloa.j.w btanjrd.ol Mobaak. to day marketed a hog a bich ia et-iclly np lo date. Joel McCornack, of the t . of O. meat market, purchased tbe porker. which weighed Just 701 pounds, net. Tbe hog was half Poland China and half Clirsterwhite ; was three years old ; had never seen baiem, but broaijbt l cents per poood, areed. Sir b tail or d bas calculated some in. tereeiiog Items concerning tbe profits of hog raiting. Three years ago he gavs $10 lor the pig; np to the 20;h dsy of last September Mr eta Cord figures, tbe pig cost him at the rate of $10 per year. or $30 for he three years. Sines Sep tember 20th be bas led to tbe pig, very waea, one ana oue nau oosoeis ot ebon. mixed three quarters oats to one-quarter wheat. This be figures at 50 cents a bathe1 or 75 cents per week.for 20 weeks, making $!j for chop, which, added to tbs $30 for former feeding, makes $45 ortti oi feed actoaily consumed For the pork. Mr Stafford received 131 &i. and b says figure can't tie; aad he is now speculating aa to wher be made ota proa t. Effect on the CE Speaking of lbe Yaqaina appropriation the Corvallia UaseUe aats: Tbia action cannot help bnt aid tbe sale of tin C AE R bonds, upon which depends the extension of the road to Idaho. it is hardly possible in any event to I complete ucb extension this year, bat it is more man prooaoie tbat tbe road will be built lo Independence prairie this summer, which will ensure it a large new oonoees snd oe oi great benefit to tbe people of Eastern Oregon. Manager stone was seen Taeedav and he was in fine humor over tbe news. He aid the proposed improvement would bnng population and prosperity to tbe uiameite vauey and basftro Oregon Tbia was very gratifying to him as a cit ixen -and doubly so aa a railroad man. sir. btooebad tost returned from Ya quina and could give no informatiou be yond I bat contained in the telegrams. A Dtsa Letteb. Mr. Chaa Cnrran re ceived a letter today from D. B. Mon leitb, now at Dyea. He and Mr. Raw! ings bad bought a lot with a small cabin i on it paying $1050 for it It coat to build there, lumber being SlOto S0. a man and team f I an bour, carpenters 50c to 65c sn bour. They intended to do bast nest there, snd might conclude to go on to Dswson. Tbe mercury bad been down to 8 degrees below aero and tbe wind waa terrific. i J. Gradwolil Inform the general pabltcthat be lellaslowas a.irbir in the city tor sash. Come and get price before you buy April in, to . J. liEADWOBL. CASTORIA For Infants and Cbildrea. Tktfcs cat ' ba 'try SI Let ever very body c'c to tr.e Star Bakery 4' ''tave ol freah biead for ti.ee aid get Cah. C Mavea. J W Itfntl jy, tbe ptonenr boo and shoe mm, does tint-class work cheap. Call on htm. nst north of the Wbmocrat ottice. Stop that Couch! Take warning. It at iv lead to Consumption. A 25 1 bottle ot Shiloti's Cure may ae your life. Sold oy roihuy & Maaou, Beaatr la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. t'aacareta, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by l the laxy liver and driving all im- . liegin today to iloU'bim. blarkheada. complexion by taking 1 ten rents. AD drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Nxw Laundry Omar. W. B. Gilson's barber shop hereafter will be the up town office for tbe Albany Steam Laun- dav. I'ackages will be called for and delivered promptly wben left in bis care. M. D. Pmuurs, Prop. TO CURE : A COLD INONETDAF. All O.mg.'liis rsfua I to nay t it fall cure. o. I atirrintT n Royal aukas tb food pars, waoiaaoaM aad dallcloaa. Fir.vDin Absolutely Pure own atiiiw rrman m.. mrnmm. SATTJBDA- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Judge Wolverton came np from Salem this noon. Cynthia Weaver bas begun suit for di vorce against John Weaver. One of the children of E. W. Acbison, a little girl, died at Sksgwsy on tbe 4tb of this month. Mr. Horace Burnett, manager of tbe Eogene Journal, was in tbe city today on his way lo Corvallia on business. Rev. Artbar Cane is now employed three-fourths of his time in Yamhill county. He also ia employed at Central on Albany prairie. Scio Press. E. T. Bolgate and Jessie Wilkins. for mer Corral J is men were undoubtedly seen to go on tbe Cars Nevada, aod there ean be no doubt or tbeir baving besn on tbe ill fated boat. EdBlodgett, the Albany electrician came np on tbe overland but night for a short visit in Eogene, the guest of Van Wilson. Ed has many Eugene f -lends woo are always glad to see bim. Tbe Register scknowledges a call Eugene Register. A letter received by Mrs . Henry WiU liama yeeterdsy from ber husband stat ed tbat be bad reached J days sfier the loss of tbs Clara Nevada aed that there was no trace of AI. Boen icke. Mr. W iliiams will be at home in a lew days. Mr. Nsle Baird received a teles-ram tbia saorning from La Grande, announc ing tbe aad newa tbat bis father, W. C. Baird, wbo ia well known in this com munity, was not expected to lira. The old gentleman is 84 years old. Browu- vuie limes. M. K. Lewis, of Fairmnnnf hmt brought sail for divorce against his wife Mrs. C. P. Lewis, in the Circuit Court of Benton county, the grounds being deser tion. They came to Oregon in ISal. Ia IS2 Mrs. Lewis refused to live ia Omron or with toe plaintiff and returned to Neb raska. Tbey were married in 1S19. Tbe Brownsville Times aivea tha foi. lowing republican candidates fur office irom tbat part of tbe county : Mr J D Irvine, of Brownsville, sod Mr W J Stewart, of Halsey.for recorder: Prof W a Haider, lor eaperta'endent of schools; A J Kirk, of Brownsville, aad John W Pugh.of Shedd. for aberiff: E A Krann. of BrvwoiviUe, for commissioner CHESS. Games, newt, problems s iciied . Ad. dress Chess Editor, DcjioiaaT, Albany, irrrgon. (From American Chess Ma gxz ne; By Geo. E. Carpenter. W.4 LW lkt, ' .kad ifcw; kuij H rrrw a i r a r f Whi'e to male in two moves. usma o. z, cotc& Oambit. between A. Wolverton, while, and I. McChi oey, black. 1P-K4 sp-ta P-K4 S-QU3 Pxf S-KB3 B B4 26K.QBI K-OI 27B-yR3 R-Kl 2SP-KR4 K-K 4 SxP &Q-Q3 6SxS 29 B-QS4 R-Q6ch ISO K-K3 R-QS7(ck QPxS 31 K-Kl K KCck 7 UxOJck) KxQ (S3 Kll- R-QS 33 PxP PxP 8P-KB3 B-K3 9 P-QB3 P-QRS !3l RxP R-06(ck: 10S-Q3 P-KK3 B-Q3 (a) S-K4 po K-Ki KxS II S-S3 12B-K3 ISO-OO m RxB R-Q4 37 R-S7(ck) K-Kl K-QBI(b! 38 RxP R-K4(ck) 14 B K2 15PxP 16P-KS4 . 17 PxS r-K.B4 BxP 139 K-O-i K-Q2 40 K.-1-2 41 K S: 42 B-Q6 43B-gS RxP B-KS3(r P-QR4 BxP P-KS4 R-Q4 R-Q6 18R-SI 19 P-KR3 R-Kl B Q3 44 B-S2 4.1 R Bt 46K-B2 47 B QR3 R KB4 20 R-Q4 (d) R-a4(ck) 21 RxB PxR K-QB1 22B-B2(e) RxB 23B-KS3 R QBTtck 24 K-Qt RxP 25BxRP R-OSSvCk K-K3 48 b si r k; 49 resigns (ck) KoteabyS A. De Vauey, Jefferson, Or, (a) Forms a bole for white S at QR5, B-v5 is better preventing B-K3. yo) llroely. (s) S KB5 was best. lor if 17 SxU or 17 BxS. BxBck savins; a piece. 'dl lbe outcome ot 19Ui move, b-UJ is tbe right thing. (el tt-os is better, delayins the crisis The attack by Black haa been so per aiatent, tbat white a error here is equiv aient io a resignation. At the College. The following ars taken front The College Studsnt. Mist out: ?ew student. Misses Anna Marshall Elten Sedgwick, Ora Harkness, Ethel Bentlev and RJith UawelL era.lualea of tbe public school Uthcersof tbs senior class. Miss rase. president: Miss Morris, vice president; Mr vtigtt, secretary: Mr Marcellus, treasurer. Sew officers of the Y W C A. Mary Meart, president: Ulara Uard, vice president; Addie Chamberlain, record. ing secretary : Nellie Foehsy .correspond. lng secretary; Bessie Merrill, tieasurer E. E. McKinney Co. Considerrble intereat haa been in the 1 e ported shortage of about 20, COO bushels in the warehouses ot K. E. Mc Kinney A Co.. situated in Marion and Linn counties. A man from Tailman, tftdav. whmi nn. tt 1 1 v,nihniiuMi lw eatMl. aava that all th hs,t haa tieen removed irom me warenouso, tuougn iim.nyiTOiPir aie out. not heard from the warehouse at aiun kera. The Salem papers declare that McKinney is all rigtit morally, lue Dig shortage, though does"nt look well, though it is declaied it will be eatisfa.t orily adjusted. NO CURE-NO PAY. That 1. the w y .i dr se. aitovK's TASTKi.Ks ruiuu t Kir. may not nave k b umbsui ftor Malaria, Ch i la and Fever. It la nrin nromntlT for anf one ho simply Iron and Quinine in a Uateleea . VfA J TVs 'wwntsiiv r-rm. chiiiren v- t. Aduita i.ref er i . wishes to try it Do not aoceptany tobil'er. naoseatlna ronios- Fries. tis-iiroui iw wmr w I (441 FMmJKSqCO, CU Guaranteed tobaaco habit enre, makes weak inmnmir ay. attSV fOaX CK. men Btrouii. blood nure. SOo,!. AlldrugfrMta - . WHEAT. Chicago 106c, hesvf baying by shorts. New York 103c. San Francisco 86 2c Liverpool unchanged. Albany 68c. HOME AND ABPOAD. Found Some money. Call at lbe Democrat office for paiticulars. Will k Stark, jewe'ers. The mea. are getting into tbe poblie schools of lbe cry Another invoice of Cretan's just re reited at hiopkins ro, . White House Java k Mocha coffee the finest in the lauif at F. E. Allej k Co. F. E. Allen A Co have taken lbe agencv for the Stearns bicycles Tbey ar- high arods wheels and the price is very k w. Call at store and soe tamplea. French leads tbe procession wben it oomee to prices on wafebesaad clocks. We do not sell a watch or clock that will not sttad a first class guarantee. Viersnk's Shaving aud Hair Cutti Parlors. Shaving 10 ts Hair Catting 15 Shampooing lOcts. Clean towels to every muwier, French the Jeweler is headquarters for Seth Thomas watches aad clocks, tbs beat in the world. Tbey cost you no more than those of inferior make. Mrs Clan A Thompson of Eogeae bss sued John B Coleman in the La aw- county circuit court for the turn of $4000 damages on account of slander. Hopkins Brothers have began the es largement snd ioprovemea of their store facilities, including a new warelonse fcr gricjbaral iostrameata ia the rear. Tliis afternoon lots 4, 5 and 6. block II Racklemaa's 2nd addition, belonging to the estate of Jane E. Carter were sold st administrator's sale to F. M. Ked field for $675. Children and adolfa tortured by barns, scalds, injuries, ecxema or akin diseases may secure instant relief by using De- itt'a Witch Haiei Salve lit ia toe great Pile remedy. J. A. Camming. F M French tbe Jeweler is railroad watch inspector and you will alwavs Sad bis regulator abaoiuteir correct, with I-u-k observatory time, which is standard time, aa. nsed by tbe railroad companies. The details aa teamed of the Pm ct the Clara Nevada indicates a horrible ex pen- on toe part ol the passengers, there a storm raging and the wind waa Wowing; fifty miles aa boor, tha wavea rolling high. There wasa fire aad aa explo sion when six boors out from Skagway aad taura darkness- The wreck haa been fonad ia a few feet of water and dehrU on there bat ss yet bo bodies. A cog is th agb to csve twaheed the shore, aa bis traeaa ware foond at the right place th the snow oa the neach goin from the water. Tbe K's ot P. Tbe members of Laurel Lodge K. of P. of this city last evening at tha opera boose beid a successful entertainment ia boo or of the thirty-fifth anniversary of tbs order. There was a large audience Mr. Pert y Kel'er, C. C , presided. Alter some excellent motic by the Al bany rcbeetra Rev. W . Copetand. of tha Unitarian church, of Salem, past su preme representative ol toe grand lodge of Nebraska, wss introduced and deliv ered a thoughtful address, displaying re- irch. tie gave a nictory ol tae devar- menl ot secret societies from ancient times, including tboee ot tbe old relic- ioos orders with which tbs secret part was the most important, in which tney bad tbeir signs and grips. Tbeir prin ciple was tbe destruction of tyranny and the protection against despots, as w ell as tbe care of tha members or tbeir widows sad families. Then be told tbe story o: Damon aad Pythias, familiar to maaym which the K. of P. "e founded. Now wa need omre of tbe chivalry ot those das The ettdowmeat rank waa referre. to with its S500.000 reserve load. $9. ,000 - 000 ' now carried by S,QUU Knigbu and 112,000.000 baa been paid oat to the fam ilies of deceased members la this rank tbwro are tare cissses oi rUka, ordinary, hasardouaand extr. haaardooa, tbe rate beinc accordingly Irom 70e to fl J a month. The Unifoftned Rank is a dri led body of members ready ta serve tbeir country oa notice M us Uaod uuiben was neara .n -i-u be home tomorrow night," displavtog marked immovement sines ber return from San Francisco nd a style and grace bat is rM easing, bhe received a warm en core ana responded in a happy manner with a Inilabv sonc The entertainment closed wila a tao- leaar. Friendship. Charity. Beoevoleoce beautifully represented by three of Ratb- booe Sisters mon cnarming memoers. Mmes, O Bnen, til and Carl. A bail followed. Tmtru Aaorxo. Mrs. r red Grim mer yesterday gave a tramp a meal, and ha ranaid ber b- atealina a bam OB his wsy out thtoagb the woodshed Last .evening one ol tne varmints went into thsaoodabed omr tl. J. uopauia ana stole an ax He waa seen .earing witn u bnt could not be found afterwards. The valley is fall of them being pushed for ward from one town to another. Regardless ot Cost. Julius Gradwohl laieads to go oat of the crockery and glassware business, goiag la in mm otner line or potman, ana mw wid sell bis goods ofthiakud reganlieas of cost. Wheo oa call aad got hia pncee aoa win oe convinced uai oe meaa bw oess, and will believe what be save. Hood s Pills ars tbe favorite family cathartis and liver medicine. Price Zc Both the method and recmlts wrhen Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tne taste, ana acta centlT ret promptly on the Kidneys, I liver and Bowela, cleanses the eys- I T7 ., , j v.! i Uken'temeaeotuany.oispetacoiu aches and fevers and cures . naoitaai I 4,, inlereste' in good hogs. He Is constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the j accompanied ly a yearling of my own raw only , remedy ot to ftjw- i-f - whichl aucea, pieaatng t uio vu AM.Br" nirtabla to. the stomach. trompt in a action ana truly Denenciai in its Prt. nrpnarod onlv Irom the most - : . . ' f . t , ... be&IUiy ana agreeaDie BUDetanoee, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the moss Tjopular remedy known. Svtud of Fica is for sale In SO VL "r TZ. ' gwta. Any reliable druggist who 50o anbstitute. I CAUF0RMIA Ft3 SffiU? CO. iw Store Al bany Trad i ng Co R. IV. Morris), Manager. . Are now located in the building for merly occupied by Grahau. A Robaon machinery building and will Le pleased to meet sll our old customers as well as new ones Ws will continue se ling go.ds on a cash basis and take raaaca'a raocccc at a eah price. Wa can save yon from to 20 per cent oa groceries. Come snd see as 1 pk gran mas musb . . . f 10 lgrlon bet vinegar 15 1 ak good Sou- ; 90 5 gal Pearl oil, bring joat can 5 S lb cartoons crackers 'full weight' 20 lbs best beans 25 We also have bran, short and shop teed for aals Ke member tbe slace. Graham build ing Cor 1st and Baker fits. ktar 1 akery Corner BroadalUn and First St COXtAD ULUh PBCPRIETOfi Canned Fruits. Canned Dim -Qoeenswiaa-w VeetIe Cigars, Spices. Tta3 Etc Glaaaware, Dried Fruits. Tobacco, Sugar. Coffee, Etc. erythiag that ia ajpt ta s good variety aadgro; eery store- Hign at pte paid . for ALL KINDS Z0J PR0DUCI 5EHDERS' COHPAHIES Always Pay. Koooestioa shoot fall sad prompt' meat of losses by fire on lBaaaaaee phuesv wita tbe tediag agent cf Aibaay. M. Sen ders. W.fMHetalW-efii .teat allow yoarelf to W roped into th various "Local Jlutnais now oaag pa bed on yon as being "cheapest in surance." whew yoniasnreyoa do not wut to Worry about gettmsr yoiwwjoaey ease of loss M SENDERS hsmraaca. Hay, Grain aad woo.. ASSl&XtTS KOTICF" OF FIJLAl SITOU.in. Notice is kerebv given that the ander signed afsree of tbe bank of Oregon, sa tnsolwt eorporatioB ha this day filed ia the circuit court of the atate cf Oreeoa for Lia erwaty, his final account as such aadarncwaad tha said account will be heard and pa-wed oa by said coort ia the coor hooae of Lisa cooaty ia "be cucait exurt room -hereof oa tre Mii d of March. 1S9S. at tbe bour ot i o'.xs; p. av, or as soon thereafter as the tuaiaesa of id court wiU permit. Dated at Albany, Ore on. Feb 15. ""93 D F JAMES. - AigTee of the Bank of Oregon. . QlSSOlQTlQNGFPETXEBSHi Notice ia hereby given that tbe cot art oer-hi? tororrrly ex'sting between tbe un dersigned .C H Laugbead Wm Flkkioger p-rt-raa Albaav, wader the style or arm oi Aioany rat; tsu "-j solved by mutual consent aad that the said cosines win be eamea on or w .i.t C H .anrtiead alone bo iU re eive all accounj aad pay all de ta if tha late copart-ership. lMted Uus 5lst o wanwary. C H LatTORXaD. Wm FucKincaa. TOSH&i-S 11AS0N -Wholesale RetaQ DsiBBBIS 11D BGOISELLXi kVttXT. osxeox. Pare Drags aad th finest aad LMgwaf Stock Ol Stationary ana owt ia tha Market. Wood For Sale. Good Br wood for sale by tbe cord, from 1 to 10 cords, delivered, for J2.00 to 12.75 per cord. Oa tbe ground. H mlBartl of steel bridge, from tl 00 to $2 00 per cord. Cal" oa or address J. . CantweU. Atbaaj Or, or leave word at waaiocaaT office. . Mai CM Boss. I wish to announce to the farmers with in the viinity ot Albany, especially those interested in hog raising, tbat I harepar chased the bog known as Common s Ideal, So. SfcilS recorded in tbe Amentaa I'oK I and China Record Co, the one tbat took th second premium at fcwito iw; ran. I Ha ia a fine boa and a good breeder 1 - - ... and isspecuoa of am raising ii from. I have a few rig. t nreaxnt tor sale, an recoraaixv. ur n be seen at the Skeels place. . one . mile nor hot Albany ' H IDA uuw , J. lVl. RALSTON IMC U lit, la. 3 O ora East or Democrat umw. Mod-j to loan on rarro aecuruj. a.' mall loaaa made 00 personal tecority . City, count) and school warrants bought. Collections made oa favorable terma. Fir uuuxanca written ia three of the argvatcompaaiee ia the world, at lowest ates- - BABY BLEMISHES msglM