The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 18, 1898, Image 3

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Daily Democrat. 25 cents Der month
$3.00 per advance, 30c per month
not in advance. By carrier, 10c per
week. 10 per cent added if allowed to
run over months. Single copies oc.
Weekly, 11.25 In advance; 11.50 at end
of year: $1.75 for second year; tz w foi
third and proceeding years, when not paid
in advance. Clubs of five new subscriber
at 15.00.
There Are Others.
Bat none so good for the money
Broadhead dress (foods. They have the
weight, they have the wear, they have
the finish of goods which cost much
mora money.
Almost two thousand yards in spring
styles just placed on sale by.
S E Young & Son,
Albany, Oregon.
We Sell
Very cheap.
New York QSo.
Chicago 9SgC
San Francisco 84 8c.
Liverpool 1 2c lower.
Albany 67c.
Albany Won.
The match shjot in Portland yester
day aft em eon between Albany a two
crack shots, George Froman and Sky
Meeke, and Portland's two best shots,
Hughes and Beall, was won by the Al
bany men. The shooting of Meeks and
Beall was excellent, bnt Froman failed
to get rspon the cooibination, the birds
being very slow, whereas he is remark
ably quick, mad Hughes, who has oeen
considered the best shot in the north
west, shot miserably. The score oat of
possible fifty was as fallows: Meeks
22, Froman 17, total 39;Beall21, Hughes
13, total SI.
.A Copper Mine.
Mr. Jerry Shea, who came down fiom
Sweet Home this mor. iug reports con
siderable excitement in Lebanon over
the discovery of soma rich copper ore
aVrat two miles from that city across the
Santiam. It was found by one of the
Smith boys, and is very heavy Several
men went out to prospect it today, and
if the ledge is what it is thonght to be
the discove-y will be an important one.
The War Department Orders the
Bay Improvement.
Saturdav evening the Herald received
the following disDatrh :
Washington, Feb. 12. The project of
improving Yaquina bay harbor has been
approved by the war department. Bids
for the completion of the work will be ad
vertised for at once. .
Thomas II Tosocb.
The Oregonian received the following
Washington, Feb. 12. Acting Secre
tary Melklejohn today approved the pro
ject for the improvement of Yaquina bay,
Oregon, and instructions have been tele
graphed to Lieutenant Potter, of the en
gineer office at Portland, in charge of the
district, to ijiinediately begin prepara
tion for the detailed plans and specifica
tions which will be advertised as soon as
possible. The appropriation of (25.000
already made is inadequate for the work,
which will costabont 11,000.000 altogeth
er, and further estimates will be submit
ted, but meantime, the contracts will be
entered into.
Representative Tontrue is very much
pleased tonight over the success in secur
ing tavorable action upon the Yaquina
improvement by the wai department.
He has been assisted in this work bv
enator McBride and Representative
Ellis, who have united in urging that the
contract be made and the improvement
commenced. Acting Secretary Melkele
John told Representative Tongue several
days ago that the order would be made,
and that the only reason for holding the
matter np has been on account of the
lack of funds in the treasury.
The following dispatch was sent from
Albany Saturday evening, which ex
presses the feeling here :
Albany. Or, Feb. 12, 189S.
Hon. Thos. H. Tongue, Washington,
f. O. : For ourselves and the people of
Linn county, we heartily congratulate
yon and the Oregon delegation fo your
success in securing the improvement of
Yaquina harbor. (Signed) L Flinn, S
E Young, J W Cusick, ) R Wyatt, J K
rt'eatherford, S S Train, W L Vance, M
H Kills. G B Winn. J R Whitnev. F. Dl
Cusick, F P Nutting, S N Steele, L C
Allot this is splendid news for Western
Oregon. It is hettei than Klondike and
means a good deal not onlv for the ex
tension of the C. & E. but for the state
Considerable complaint was made to
the Dimocbat today that the weather
was too fine. Never mind, the W illam
ette valley wiil come out all right in the
long ran.
The Night Owls
The Woodmen's anniversary will pe
celebrated next Monday evening, Feb.
21, by the presentation of Mr. Chas. H.
BurggraPs lively comedy ,The Sight Owls,
with the following cast of characters:
Isaac Monaeses. an editor and writer
of the comic opera "Baby Elephant."
r. js. Alien.
Erastus Dangerfield. "Rats" for short.
office boy sad assistant editor L L.
Noah Little, sporting editor a man
with a prodigious memory Chas. H.
MiUeoo, a millionaire J. S Van Win-
The Power
of Schilling's Best baking
powder is wonderful.
. . 638
a .olttician D. J. Da-
ihe whereabouts of old residents who
have lett us for pastures new, is always
a matter of Interest to our readers. Our
traveling correspondent!. J. Mooteitu,
has come in ccntact with a number oi
them, and wa have had him report on
those whom he has met or recently heard
John Metzler the pioneer chair maker
lives near Ooldandale, Wash., and still
works at the trade.
Thos B. Morgan, who was a stage
driver in the anti-railroad days, has just
been elected mayor of Heppner.
Dr. E. H. CirirTn is still practicing
dentistry, and has an office in Arling
Mart lings am is a prominent stock
man in brant county.
Joe bteeta haa a sawmill at Hamillnn
uuni county.
wm. i. Cavineas is keeping books n
largo grocery nouse in Baker Oity.
Wess Cavineea is in the stock busii
in uratit count v.
ir. Alexander is now in 8an Jose,
vemuruia -
Jack Titus is assessor of Grant county,
and bas a ranch near Canyon City.
Low, Ardy and Bill Tillard aro locat
ed at Heppner.
Sam Tillard lives in Pendleton.
Charles L. Pierce, our old band leader,
lives in Goidendale, Wash., and is just
as full of music as ever.
Carl Luderman baa charge oi the shoe
department in a largo store in Sliesoula,
Tommy Haalett, at one time "devil"
on the Dbmouut, is living in The belles.
B.n Walling and wife (nee lieorgia
?m.-ey ,lTe ,n KP. Idaho re.
Walling bas an albnm filled with nhnu.
graphs taken here some twenty years
ago, and if the originate could get hold
of them there would doubtless he a Don
fire, for they are well they don't flatter
a bit.
Sprat Montgomery lives in La Grande,
Bad Johnson is near Melrose, Mon.
Dick Powers, who had a blacksmith
shop here years ago, Uvea in Weston,
Or., where he was justice of the peace
for a while.
Tite Marshall is now one of the sub
stantial ranchers in Eastern Idaho.
Stephen Deckard wwks in a furniture
factory in Oakland, Calif.
Joe Clark is in Colfax, Wash .
Hiram Griffin keeps books for a brick
firm m Oakland, Calif.
A Novelty in Bicycles.
The niuct-talked-ol Columbia chain
less bicycle haa arrived and can now be
seen at the store of Stewart Sox.where
it can oe seen by anyone. Xbia firm al
so brought in their first invoice of the
famous Hartford bicvele for ihia
last Monday, and they lasted just one
day. People seem to take to ibis machine.
New York 98e.
Chicago 9c.
San Francisco 84,
Liverpool lo higher.
Albany 670.
On the Wrong Track.
Chief of Police Lee received the fol
lowing dispatch todav:
Town marshal. Albany. Or Send
brief account arrest John R. Grffith for
insanity and giving wild murder stories
to papers. Examiner.
The Chief answered that no such ar
rrest had been made here.
Mr. and Mis. H. F. Mcllwain were in
Portland yesterday.'.
License was issued today for the mar
riage ef D. D. Shaw and Alice GaUI.ell.
Divorce proceedings were begun today
by Iva Kinder againat ber husband Mar
tin E. Kinder.
Twin children of Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Wsstbroek, of this city, last Saturday
died at birth.
Mr. Col. Van C.'eve, editor of the Ya
quina Post, bas been in the city for a
day or two, also, a couple of hi j sons.
Oscar Marshall came np from Portland
after his trip to Skagway. lie returned
on account of the climate disagreeing
with hie lungs. .
Miss Edna Rugg, daughter of Rev M
L Rugg, of Oregon City, will represent
Portland university at the intercollegiate
oratorical contest in Albany on March 11
and Herbert S. March the State univer
Eugene's musical event of the season
will occu next Saturday evening! when
the oratorio Stabat Maier will be pre
- sen ted by local talent. Great prepare
tions have been made for it. Prof Nash
is musical director.
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Cashew arrived
borne Wednesday from a mouth's visit
with a daughter and son at Roeebnrg.
Mr. Coshow's health which was quite
poorlyj when he left.bas greatly im proved.
Brownsville Times.
Mr. August Fischer took a number of
Corvallis people to Albany Wednesday
afternoon in bis gasoline launch, making
the down trip in 63 minutes. In the
party were H. V. Fischer and Robert
Johnson who took the overland for San
Francisco. They go to the California
metropolis lor the purpose, if possible.
of securing a vessel to convey an expe
dition to the x nxos. uorvaius Times
Lincoln's birthday was celebrated in a
happy manner by the W. R. O. at their
ball last Saturdav evening. It was in
the interest of patriotic teaching in all
schools. An entertaining program was
presented to a large audience. Mrs. J
(t. Crawtora presided. The program
consisted of well rendered piano solos by
Misses Edna Howard and Marie farrith
an e'oqaent address on Lincoln by Col
Montazue. seme splendid recitations bv
Gra ie Payne, Edjiund Parker and Miss
Lillie Crawford, a reading of a historical
sketch of Lincoln by Tillie Steele,a piano
duet by the Misses rorbet and an
Timothy Hav, custodian of correspond
ence of The N:gbt Ow a 8. N. Steele.
Col. Snort,
Cash, a collector Claude Dickey.
Susie, a dramatic critic and society ed
tor Miss Lillian Crawford.
Miss Nightengale, an artiaie Miss
Georgia Custer.
MitsbruSy, a subscriber Mrs. Cora
Lodge officers Most Illustrious Hoot
er, J. 8. Van Winkle ; All-wise-Pontiff, D.
. uu Brume; Heroic Hercules. Louis
Vietck; Custodian of Correspondence.
Timothy Hav ; Assiduous Herald, Noah ;
Cautious Pnrsavieat, Rats; Assassins,
C. G. Burktart. Prof. H. Tyree.
Admiseiou 35 and 25 cents.
The revival meetings of last week were
we!l attended and the afternoon Bible
readings conducted by Rev. T. J. Wilson
were very interesting, especially to the
young. 1 he evening services were con
ducted by Rev. Stevenson of Albany.
Mr. S-, although a young msn, is very
able, and we feel sure that he bas been
the means of doing much good here.
May God bless the work that has been
commenced and may many more be led
to Uhnst.
The politicians and office seekers are
very quiet. One wouldn't hardly sup
pose loot a state election was so near.
A small boy threw a gravel and atruck
another boy on the cheek with force en
enough to knock out a tooth and strange
to say it was the gold filled tooth he
strack. Accidents will happen, but hi
de boys should be-careful, "an accident
like that is lough on the dentist's trade.
Jndge Barton was a visitor here last
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Beers eieattke
residence of Rev. Henderson last M in-
day They were called to attend a sick
Messrs. Argyle, Kendall, Glen, Jankin
and Andy Shearer went down the Uaii
pooia in a skiff. They started at the
Blevm'a bridge and landed at the Al
bany bridge. They sho; 07 docks (not
70.) Monday is not a good day to hunt
ducks aa it is wash day.
Mr. A. S. Stone, was appointed road
supervisor. Look oat for good roads !
Fruit drier are under diecossioa now,
and we expect to see some grand lm
Our schools close this week for a short
vacation, and we suppose that most ot
the Johnnies will be glad to be tree.
Little Rosa Bco
of Salem, is
Thb Naw Lebanon Pafbb. Jesse B.
Lawrence who bas for rant time held a
case on the Register, has accepted a pos
ition aa foreman on a new republican pa
per at Lebanon. The new paper will be
edited by Attorney W. M. Brown, and
promises to be a live sheet in the coming
campaign, it will be manned by aco in
tent foreman, and the Register wishes
the new enterprise all success Mr. Law-
rence will probably leave next week for
his new situation. Eugene Register.
Was Dismissed. The case of the city
agt J. E. Bridgeford charged with haul
ing without a license, was called before
Recorder Uenton at I :S0 o'clock today,
and on motion of H. 0. Watson, attor
ney for the city, was dismissed. The
ease has excited a great deal of interest
and caused much comment pro and con.
RemlnUcenses of the Organization
ot the First County Government
of Linn County.
Rbjoiciss at Yaqcina There baa
been ?reat reioicine at i equina bay
oxer the news of the continuing of the
work of imorovine: the harbor there.
Last night the people there let oat their
pent op feelings in a pj'jlij meeting, at
which there was mucn auounug u
the rood newa. As well as Oregon gen
erally it means a great deal for the Bay,
where property will doa&ie in price at a
Wool Gb jwkrs. A wool growers con
vention haa been called to meet in The
Dalles on March 1. 2 and 3. with a view
of organizing a Pacific Northwest Wool
(irnwera Uommerciat Association, ine
Dalles Commercial Clnb bas charge of
the matter. George C. Blakely is presi
dent of the clnb and H. M. Beall secre
retary, both former Linn county men.
Quarterly Meeting.
The fnnrth nnarterlv meeting cf tbe
Tvancelinal chnrch will be held on next
Sunday 20th inst. rreactiing rnuay
and Saturdav evenings at 7 :30. commun
ion Sundav morning at 11 a. m.. preach
ing at 7:30 Sunday evening. Rev. N .
Shupp of Portland, piesidibg Elder will
officiate at all of these meetings.
Mr. L. E. Hamilton went to Portland
today on business.
County Clerk Jones, of ToWn -am.
over from the Bay this noon.
w. P. Donaca baa been appointed post
master at Sweet Home.
Miss Wionitred Fennel
visiting Albany friends.
J. N. Duncan was in Pnrtlaiwt
day and waa registered at the Perkins.
Mr. WalliaNaah. a Drominent firm.r
and well anown correspondent, of Benton
county, is in tbe city.
Co'. Geo. W. Hoehetedler left ihia
morning for Eastern Oregon m tha inter-
est of the C R. K. of P . and will visit
tbe prominent cities of that irt oftr
Kev. McKilloD baa eone to McMinn.
villeto deliver a seriee of lectures to
ministerial students of tbe Baptist col
lege on "Pastoral Theology " The lec
tures will be delivered Tueadav. Wed
nesday and Thursday nights.
The oratorical contest for the e!.l
of a representative of McMinnvitle col
lege in the intercollegiate contest to be
held at Alhanv in March waa won h J.
Sheridan vVallaee. of Lebanon. This
will be the third time that Mr. Wallace
has represented the college.
Tbe Simon ton Band at a meeting last
evening decided to give a public concert
in a few weeks, assis ed by Albany tal
ent. The object will be to raise mnnev
to buy some uniforms The band ia a
credit to tbe city, and snoutd be encour
aged in their effort to improve It.
Good news baa asain been rA;.1
from Mr. Charles Wilkinson statins- that
hs health ia gradually improving and
that he begins to feel like a new man. He
speaks very hopefully and encouragingly,
and his Eugene friends are glad indeed
to hear of his improvement in health.
t.ugene Kegister.
Mrs. D. H. McCullaeh arrived in Al.
bany this noon on her way to can Fran
cisco from Latayette.wbere she bas been
several weeks on account of the serious
tiinees of her fatlitr, who bad a stroke of
paralysis, but who waa much better
when she left him. Mr. McCuilagb will
graduate from tbe theological seminary
in about two months.
J C. Da via. of Prineville. haa ?nat re-
tamed from ban Franc' sco.wbere' he was
cured of a serious disease by the woman
wnouiteieretne body with her hands,
bringing out all bad matter. She is said
to make $30,000 or UO.000 a year at it.
xuia ii ins aame woman who treated
Mrs. J. W. Ball and Edwin Stone, neith.
er of whom did any good
William M. Hoae. who ia in tha dir.
is coDieoipiHing tne pn.unx ot tbe Mag
nolia mm into condition for operation.
with a view to runmog tbe mill. It ia to
be hoped that this ia done. Years ago
this was one of the leadina- mills of the
state, with a product of about 200 barrels
a day and the floor from it went to all
parte of the world almost. It certainly ia
to oe uopea its oia position be resumel
Charles W. Ttlmas-e received a tele
gram from ex-Congressman Towne, now
in California, reoueetinir that his Oiwon
dates be changed to March 7tb, Stb, Bth
anaiuin. Me will speak at Rosebarr
Siletn, Portland and Pendleton, begin
ning at Rosebarg on the 7th. Jas Mar
ry, who resides in the same city as Mr.
towne, savs he is une of the h-ivhteet
uieo ue nan neara speak.
Mayor Younger, of Waterloo, was in
the city today.
William Spaugh waa drowned at Junct
ion yesteiday.
Misa Stella Robinson, of Ensene, is in
tbe city, the guest of Misa Flora Mason.
Mrs. A. B. Hughes, of Astoria, haa
beeu in tbe city the guest of her sister
Mrs Virgil Parker, white on hex way to
Mrs. J. N. Hoffman has returned from
Portland, where she purchased a fine
stock of millinery for the Albany trade
this spring. Do not buy until you have
called and seen her new goods wben
they have arrived .
W. Gi fiord Nash haa received word
from home, stating that his brother Dee
who baa returned from Klondike and was
reported seriously ill in a Seattle hospital.
is much improved ie health. The report
of hia condition was greatly exaggerated.
cagene Register.
Mr. W. W. Scull teft this noon for
Pittsburg. Pa., to resume his old position
of traveling freight agent for tha N P.,
tor tne weatean Pennsylvania district
Mrs. Scully will remain in Albany this
summer and look after their interesta
here. Mr. Scully intends to retain his
fine fruit orchard near this city.
Prof. E. H. McAllister, of the State
u Diversity is certainly a mathematician
of rare talent. He baa succeeded in fig
oring out the correctnees of Mr. Pazoe's
forecasts for tha city of Eugene. Follow
ing ia the rejulr : The percent of verifi
cation for the month of November, 1837,
waa 80 per cent; for December, 90 per
cent; and for January, 1S9S, 80 per cent.
Joseph Webber, who haa been the offi
cer on the Madison street bridge, haa
been sent to the hospital for a surgical
operation. Mr. Weber ia a well-known
resident of Portland, having lived here a
long time. He served for many years in
early days ia the old fire department, and
haa also been on tbe police force for soma
time. He haa been oa the Uadion-etreet
bridge for a long time, and be ia much
missed by those who cross that bridge.
Oregonian. Mr Vber apent about
S3 years of that time in Albany, where hia
irienaa are an-old renideuta who knew
A Coming Entertainment.
The Knighta of Ptthias of this city
will celebrate the S5tn anniversary of
tbe order oo Friday evening, Feb 18. by
giving aa entertainment in tbe opera
aoase, coniatmg of voca: and instru
mental moeic. An address will be de
livered by tha Rev W. E. Copeland, of
Salem, and a grand ball will follow the
entertainment. Good music will be
tarnished by the Albany orchestra. Ad
mission to tbe entertainment free. Tick
eta for the ball 50c each .
Sim jnton Concert Band.
Look out for our concert lo the near
fat ore.
We ate pleased to tee tbe great Inter
est taren tn us by the basinets meo. All
citixene are welcome to oar practice.
Cum iod see aod bear
Mr. Botler baa just become posecesor
of a fine Conn Double Bell Euphonium.
We aie glad to see Mr. L. Powrrs
amongst us again, one of our clarinetists.
The Prohibition Party Will Fire
the First Gun.
An all day rally at the W. C.T U.
di:i reo.u. ihe nomination conven
tion will meet at 11 o'clock. Tbe Linn
County Prohibition club will meet at 1
o clock p. m. followed by a banquet at t
o cioca Banquet program :
Prayer by Rev. Ronald McKillop
Four ten minnte speeches: Rev J A
Longbottom, subject. Good Citizenship;
Kev w rr.irx.ore. w ny the Saloon Moat
Go;CH Walker. The Xeceesitv for a
Prohibition Party: Rev McKillon. How
to unite tne .temperance rorcea.
There will be an evening meeting at
the W O T U hall, commencing at 7 :30.
to which the public are cordially invited,
to be rddreeeed by Revs Loo -bottom.
cm ore ana otner.
ietcsr List.
Following is tbe list of letters remaiuing
in the Postoffice at Albany, Linn county
Oregon, Feb. 18, 1898. Persons calling
lor inese letters must give tbe date on wbicn
they were anvertiei.
Anderson, Miss Josie L Miller, G M
auei oy in" anuses Aoruet ana an excel-
lent expoeit'on of the patriotic work of I SfronfT Steadv nerves
Woodin attemoted to hypnotise the and-!
ience while he ate the fine lunch pre
pared for the occasion, bnt utterly failed,
and all joined In the feast.
At Oakland Calif, last Saturday Judge
t Denny ran two miles in 3:26 , breaking
" ahe worlds rec r J .Let tbe Chinese pheasants
trow .
At the at Oat vil'e eiid'ng last week
there were thirty tour conversions Key
. Stevenson of this city bad charge of tbe
meetings tbe last week.
Tbe re post" of tbe assignee of the Oregon
Bank shows bat a dividend of 19 per cent
will be paid, 25 per cent in all. This is an tx
cellent showing, and is creditable to tbe
management of assigneejames.
There h a general good fee ing over the re
lort of tbe carrying out of 'he continuing
contract. Whatever the incentive of the
war department to order the work done af
ter adverse opinion of the engineers the re
sult is v-ry satisfactory and will mean a
great deal for Oregon generally.Let tbe work
be pushed.
Closing out.
Crcc'tery end Glassware at cost,
C Bhowhill.
Are needed for success
Everywhere. Nerves
Depend simply solely,
Upon the blood.
Pure, rich, nourishing
Blood feeds the nerves
And makes them strong.
The great nerve tonic is
, Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Because it makes
The blood rich and
Pure, giving it power
- To feed the nerves.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Cures nervousness,
Dyspepsia, rheumatism,
Catarrh, scrofula,
And all forms of
Impure blood.
S ewart & Sox today received the fiat
cbainlesa bicycle lo arrive in Albany, an
itsy-s Columbia It is a very pretty machine
Tbe Eiaminer devotes a pa go? o the
Black Patti troup recently in Albar.y.They
eeni to bave capfareu Sao Francisco and
have b en doing an immense busioe.
lbe tupreme court yesterday in the Eu
gene cae decided that women can vote at
kccooi elections wbere 21 yeara of age if
they pay taxsnand have redded a soflLient
icngtn ot time in the distrln'. Ia Albaov
we nave naa sense enough to appreciate
ma wiuiout goiug io me supreme court.
ids iaw is put: enough.
Mr and Mrs Robert Palmer, of La Grande.
aged respectively 88 and 84 yearp, wbo re
cently celebrated their B3d wedding anni
versary. nave living seven children, 37
grand children and 18 great grand children.
Among other pleasant memories the aged
couple were among the psssengprs on the
first railway in the Ubited States, aline
from Wilmington to New Castle, Peunsj I-
There have been several aaricnmanl. ;
Salem lately. Business bas been poor in the
capital city evir since the legislature failed
to organize and make the customary appro
priations of a regular session. State money
is very advantageous to Salem: without
it that towa would dwindle to tie size of
aioany or cugene, or even smaller Pen
uieton a. u.
Adeline, Miss Beth
Blakely, M (2)
Rogers, Mrs Libbie
inlayaon A Powell
Levy. Sol
Litemert Mrs
Maud, Miss E
Rhelford. James
r-mea, Fannie (?)
Keiham, J h
Schuta, O A
beyter, J V
Warman, Mia E
T. J. Stitxs.
Notice to the Public.
Beware of Snide Barbers who try to
sell yoo Hair Tonic, wbo do not know beea
Editor Dkmocbat.
A few days ago you published an ar
ticle from tbe Prineville Journal in
which David Temple ton gave a few rem
lmscenses of the early settlement of
L.inn county. It was nswered by Mr.
Jason Wheeler in an interview with
yourself, and several of IVmole ton's
statements were disputed. 1 believe 1
can tnrow a utile light upon these mat
ters and 11 you will give me room will
enaeavor to uo so.
jjuring my term oi ouice aa rmmtv
clerk I very often spent a part of mv
time when butiness was dull in looblno
V. ..... ...1 , . i "
tuivugu tuiwi reuuniB 01 tne county.
auu i. waa wun great interest and even
pleasure that I did so, for I was, or had
been, personally acquainted with a irreat
many of the old uioneera whose namea
appeared tn these records. I wilt now
give you the sv.y history of Linn coun-
ty, as snown by the records on file in
the clerk's oilier.
The first session of what they called
probate court met "at the school house
on tha Calapooia" on Dec. 11, 1849. Tr.e
county government was organized at
that time by John McCoy, acting as jus
tice of tbe peace, swearing in Win. 61c
Caw as clerk of the court. Clerk Mc
Caw then administered tbe oath of ollioe
:o the following persons, who bad been
chosen by tbe people at an election held
a short time prior:
Probate judges, John McCoy and A.
Sheriff, Isaac Ilutchins.
Assessor, IS. D. Jack.
Treasurer, John Bateman.
School commissioner, II. H. Spauld
ing Jue'jcoof the peace, James Hill
Bonds were given by all of these offi
cers and the assessor waa instructed to
assess tbe coint and make returns as
soon as possible. Court then adjourned
to meet at A. Kirk's, wben tbe assessor
waa ready to report. The records do not
show how, or when, or wbere, the elec
tion was held. What they called the
"probate court" ia now tbe commission
ers cojrt and probite court. It was
composed of two probate judges.
The nexf meeting of court waa held at
A. Kirk's Brownsville) on May 22, 1S50,
with Loth judges present Tbe firs,
tbiog done was to l.cense S. Miller to
ran a ferry on the Santiam. Tbe aeseteor
tho made bis returns which showed
tbe taxable property in the county al
that time to be $3)6.73.2. Tbe levy was
waa placed at 33 mills, a figure that
seems rather steep. The cost of the a
aeaemeet was $205.75. Nothing seems
to bave been done toward collecting
tbeee taxes onlil after the next election
At this same meeting the court laid off
the county into precincts, and ordered a
Soeral election to be beld on the first
onday in June of that year IS!). Can
soma old pioneer tell why this election
was ordered so soon after the one that
occurred ia tbe fall previous?
On Jnnwll, IU, court met and re
ceived and counted the election returns,
and certificate of election were issued
to the successful parties. Three probate
iodgea were elected at this time, John
McCoy, A Kirk and Jas Curl, but the
latter declined to accep the office. Oth
ers failed to qtuHfyon account of the
California gold excitement, and anotrer
elsc'.ion to fill vacancies was called lor
August 3rd .
After Ibis election the o'E.-ers were aa
to! lows:
Probata judge, John McCoy, A. Kirk
and lobn A. Dunlap.
(Jlerk, i m AlcUaw.
Sheriff, Isaac Hotcbloa.
Treasurer, T. A. Bigg.
About this lime A. Kirk resigned aa
probata judge and waa appointed con
stable, to serve foe two vear j Toe court
then ordered another election lor or
23rd. to fill this vacancy. This election
malted in the choice ofO. If. Beber,
who was sworn ia oo Dec. 2. I&jO
Oo ovembtr Bth, ISM), an complaint
ot Wm Bex lord aod John Edmondson,
a writ was issued by the court f r toe
apprehension of Jacob L Coon, the
charge against him being "infinity "
Three daye afterwards the prisoner wa
brought betere the court, and alter bav
ing a fair and impartial trial, was found
guilty of being pvrtiaily insane, and waa
bound over to keep tha peace, under
bonds of 50J.
I will oot give any more ol the record
history at thistimr, bat will continue it
next week.
The dispote arising between Mr. Tern-
tlelon and Mr W heeler I think ran be
settled withoot much trouble. The-e
mast surely bar bees some proriaioaal
government in ibis coonv before I ;.
In fat in reading the coon records I
noticed several instance where claims
were paid that originated aodrr provis
ional government prior io this dace. I
bave oo doubt there was an election held
in this manly io 1S4. jat as is stated
by Mr. Wheeler, but there seems to be
no records of it noaln existence.
In tba records it say the first session
ot court waa beld at tbe school bouse
on tbe Calapooia " It don't say "al a
school boose, so there mat bare been
only one at that time. It was not at
Brownsville, for tha second eeeeion or
court waa beld at Kirks, and Browns-
villa ia partly located on Kirks original
claim. Can some old pi 'neer ted ns
where tbe school bouse was?
Of the first officers of the county, we
believe all are dead with tbe exception
of John Bateman, who still reeide on
h'.a donation laod claim on the la'apooia
below Brownsville.
eobn McCoy lived on MudJy, near itt
month. He wa the father of A K.
McCoy and Mr. F. M. French, of this
Kirk s reUence we bave mentioned
Iaaac Hntcnin'a donatio land claim
was just south of this city, now occupied
by Jas. fclkms, and others, lbe oia
man died several years ago a county
N. D. Jack, tbe assessor, lived near
Kev. U. H. Spaalding. school com-
roUaioner, also lived near Brownsville
He waa a noted Deraon. havinir come vo
this ooaat with the now famous Dr.
Whitman. One ol his children, fcliaa
Spaalding, married A . J. Warren,
nrominent citii-n nl fit county.
wmnccaw. the nrst county cier
hen elected, waa livine- on bis donation
cairn on the Ualapoota, adjoining iraw
lords vine.
V. Bias, the treasurer, at the second
election also came ttom np the Cala
pooia In fact it, looks like the Cala
pooia district, near wbere Brownsville is
now located, beeeed nearly every ui id
there waa in aiattt.
J. L. Coon, :ht man who waa found
eniltvof beinir "narliallv insane." haa
been a resident ol Camas valley, Dong-
las county, for many years, and is lion
ored and revered by all who know him
O 11 Baber,at the lime of his election
lived on his claim on the Salem road
Will 4 Stark, jewe'ers.
White House Java Mocba coffee the
finest in tbe laud at F. E. Allea 4 Co.
1000 Snolted f!ata Bsrrtoii1 41.1. -a:
f.rm New York, tbey can be seen at F. K,
Allen & Co.
Hordes ot tramps are warming through
lbe Valley. hiuana lhair .
i - n ....... .... nruio VI
tbem pretty well dressel men.
All Parties whn hin ratj t..J
uit ruiiu tax will n eaae mil at Ihe
. vi nic lur tne receipt i
r . c. a n rv, i.. !. it.
for the Stearns Ucyclea Tbey are high trade '
vur mm see tanipics.
E la.
'ncn leads tbe procetsion when it
comes to prices on watetws and clocks. We
do not sell a watch or clock that will not
" nrst class guarantee.
T!a)aaUll m CI....: .1 V n ...
ouaving ami nair l.'uttl n
larlor. Shaving 10 eta Hair Outline-15
Mianipooing lOets. Clean (owels to every
customer. '
u I." ,l,e Sewl headquarters for
Setn 1 bourns watches and clocka. the k-
in tbe world. They cost you no more than
.M-j-o Vi interior mane.
Children and adults fortored by burns,
scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases
'iT..1,1;9 .,D8lant relief by using Ite-
ilia Witch H.xel Salve It i. the great
I lie remedy. J. A. Cummings.
FM French the Jeweler i. railroad
--.u inspector and you will alwavs find
01 regulator abaolulel t
observatory time, which is standard time,
an- uiud by the railroad companies.
The grand jury of Marion county returned
Vw ,r!i? bl 1 ,n Jyor 01 P- Cochran,
of W xKibora, wbo had been bound over to
await ths aatiou of the grand jury on tbe
charge of committing an act contrary to
good morals ana common decency
A good aired audience at tbe opera honse
last nijrht beard and saw the Nellie Mc
Henry troop io "A Xi ht in New York."
lbe performance i of the vaudeville char
acter, a lire, loud affair by artists talented
tn their hue of acting.
J. Bentlev tkinir. tanm. .1.1 .
coople of balls through one of hi windows
a-i n.irow i oe hole were there tbiamoro-
Ulg. but no hali4 tint. A I.. I i i
the. wall. ltlt pr able that it wa tne
wora of a bo with his slingshot.
i biiiiiiiiiiiii rniinnm i
vmwm liuuDGio!
I Fit and Workmanship Perfect J
; The Appearance without the Cost, ;!
1 1 ateT im thi woau, toe. roe a aurron. 1 '
i , var a eaia. a, roe a aie.
Tennessee Gatherings.
Taxsasaae, Feb. 15, 18.
Dr. John A. McKniebt, from Tacoma
ash., who is a brother of T. P. Mc
Knight and Mrs. Saraa visiting
relatives at thl place and Tallman. It
baa been twenty four vears since be bas
bat the good fortaifeof meeting any of
bis relatives, and of course it wa a rare
Stella Fronk haa been staying in Ten
neaaee for the past two weeka Monna
rronk e me down from Sor'aviile last
Monday and Wednesday she went lo Al
bany to attend the teacher's examina
tion, irom a hence she returned to Soda
ville, to persoe ber studies.
We were ia Albany last Wednesday,
and beard the "yell" of tbe "oratorical '
claw at the cole. Tbey were quite
eloquent at times.
Sbermao Wallace will again be a mem
ber ol the Intercollegiate contest.
Tli Literary Society witnessed tbe
closing scenes of Geo. C. Davis" admin s
t rat ion last Saturday evening The new
officer electc i ere : President, A Bart
ley; vice-president. J Q Biacklaw; sec
retary, Tbo E VcKnighl ; niaisbal, U C
Davis; critic, Annie Biacklaw. The
propose! amendment to the constitu
tion was declared earned, aod the
number of speakers oo debate was
changed from eight to (is; a very wise
decision. The debate of tbe evening wa
opon ttieqneation : "Resolved that cap
ita, panishment ehou d be abolished,"
which as decided in favor of the nega
tive. The question tor next Saturday'
debate is: "Beaolved that the printing
pre baa been more beneficial to civilis
ation than tbe strum engine."
I am very sorry I can not be io Albany
the 22nd ; but I telieve my cariosity baa
been satisfied. By, by. JicK.
Tbe death of our friend Mr. frelh Cald
well who died oa the let of February
ImS, ia deeply felt amoeg his man
friend at Riverside. Hia preaaoca will
be miteed at the Sabbath echoo! and
prayer netting, where hi smiling fare
was aiaay een The but Jmt be attend
eC prsrer meeting he was a happy as
usual and as hi mother atd the nx'etirg
the asked some ooe to eeclec
some piece to ing. to ber n
tb selected bis old favorite on The
Uly of the valley", which is aad O aaj
was the Us: og that a song
in 1st presence. A a weep over oar
dear friend, a we all bare wept since
the world ha bego a at the consumma
tim ot this inevitable l.w of oat ore, to
dry the leer of our sorrowing friend.
Hope tweet hope is al- that i tell to mor
ula. Let n then hope to meet oar
friend where he ha gone to that prom
ised land, where he is free from pain and
the suffering which be so patiently went
liirougn a no and wa so shortly ended.
AixacD S Faaaaaeax.
For Old and Young,
At Low Prices
At the
11 Hill 11
Chicago 103 c, due to 'be frig-ht of the .
New York lOOc
If an Fraoctaco 85c
Liverpool c higher.
Albany 67c.
Democratic County Coove nt ion
A Democratic County Convention fo
Linn coanty, Oregon, ia hereby called to
meet in the circuit court room of tha
Coanty Court Hoaee in Albany, Oregon,
oo Wedneadav, tba 16tb day of March,
1898, at 10 o'clock a m ot said day, for
the purpo-e of nominating candidates for
county otfices, aud to elect delegate Irom
Linn coanty to lb Democratic State Con
vent. on to be held a. Portland, Oregon,
oa March 23, and t transact such other
buine a properly cornea before the
convention. The said county convention
will consist of 14 delegates chosen by
the several precinct a loiloas, loait
Albany 9 Halsey ,
East Albany TlScio
West Albany 9 Franklin But'e.
Center., 4 Piica ,
North Brownsville 6 Tangent
Sooth Brownvi.le 4 Shedd
2Sseet Home...
4 Foster
4 Craalor Jsvil.'e. .
4 Jordan
6 Fox Valley
6 Bock Creek
J-ibelburn ,
Waterloo ...
Saoiiam . .
South Lebanon.
North Lebanon.
Soda ville
K'orto Harrisbarg 6 lallmaa
couth llarrif burg 4.
Tbe same being one delegate at large
for each predict and one for every
twelve vote, and for every fraction over
one-half theieof.caai for Hoo II. :. Wat
oa for repreaeoutive in 1S93. The com
mittee recommend that the primaries
be hel 1 on Friday, March 11, 1S9S, at 1
o'clock p m ol eaid day.
W. R. BiLvar,
B. M. Patsb. Chairman.
Will not move to tbe Klondike as contemplated, bnt will remain in Albany and
continue business aa before at tbe old stand oa a small margin of profit with the
beat and newest stock to select from. I have thi day placed orders with Kaetera
manufacturer fw large line of sprine nd summer goods, newest patterns, latest
in novelties to be had, in all lines. Wben tbey arrive will be pleased to have a.1
call and eee them. Cash or trade lor Farm Produce. Monday and Tuesday, Feb.
14th and 15th, oar store wiil be closed in order to make room for oar large stock to
arrive. We mill be compelled to place mora shelving and rearrange our stock.
Store will reopen on Wedne- day, Feb 16tb. Yoma for Bargains
Feb Uth, 1898. B. P. McILWAHT.
Tajcgbst, Feb. loth, 1S97.
Butineea in Tangent is quite dull. The
only basioe that is any way lively ia
done by lbe nurserymen.
fbe usual number ol hammer infest
lbe towo.and spend their time whittling
and telbng big yarn.
I here t not much stir ia politic here
et. as there are only a few office seeker
In Tangent precinct. I heard there waa
going to be some kind of political meet
irg at tbe school boose oa next Friday
I'rospecta for gxd crops around here
are aoove tne average, as ail kinds ol tail
gram is looking one and the acreage is
Tbe school which It tanzht at hi place
wiia t rot. Mitchell a princiral ia pro
gressing nicely. I hear of some of the
schools in adjoining districts having
trouoie wun tne large nova. - it seem to
me tbia ia no credit to boys who let m
themselves yoang men
A good joke t tol t on our vil'age black
smith. It is said he dressed himself in
his beat attire and felt at tbe feet of a
certain young school maam, and poured
into her astonished ear his beaulilul tale
ot love. She natientlv listened to bis
story and pleasantly requested tha voung
man to wait until be waa old enough
wbea she could then give him a decisive
answer, tie very suddenli moved bis
boarding place and since then bas been
carefully studying the art'of love-making''
The health ot the neighborhood is good.
Those who were sick so long in the fall
bave all recovered, but some ol tbem are
still quite weak.
The Night OwU.
The Salem Siatesmaa of tbe 25:h says :
Tba Reed was comfortably filled last
night wheo tbe curtain seat np on tbe
first production ot the igol ui, a
farce comedy written by 'tibborj
Charles H Burgraf . of this city, and pre
sented b? ljcal talent, for the benefit of
Salem Camp, o. Its. ocximen oi toe
World. Tbe play abounded with Iodic-
roo uaatioo aod mirth provoking dia
logue, interspersed with local bit. Tbe
first act, a acene in a country newspaper
office, prepared lbe audience for a splen
did treat, which came in tte shape oi an
initiation in the eeoood ad. wbere the
eui'or aww tbe elephant acd rode the
roal. The pleasure ot tbe orvaaion was
greatly increased by the introduction of a
real live 'billy goaU which the initiate.
true to life, rode on tbe stage ia spite of
the objection ol the afo-esard goat. The
administering of the obligation to tbe
candidate for memlaiMbip waa another
enjoyable sorne.eegecialiy wbea tba poor
victim reiaaed to take the ouiijrauon.anc
wa properly ponr bed by tba lodge lor
bis obstinacy. When bappioeea came to
all actors in tbo third act, and fortune
smiled upob all, including tbe poor coun
try editor, aod the curtain dropped on
tba last sceae. many commendations
were beard, and a well pleased crowd
filed out of the Reed. It waa a good en
tertainment and will long be remem-
uered bv Salem fiealer-eoers. aa one of
tbe moat successful affaire of tha season.
The Night Owls will be presented by
Albany Camp 103 W. O. W. next Mon
day night.
Selling at Cost.
In order to liquidate our bills
we shall sell our entire stock of
Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
Dry Goods, etc.
aflt I
?a r'7eLr IT 1 1 71
IKS .) ' A V V-ity
price oo ;
Leads tbe proceeeioa for low
watches and cocas
bank of Oregon Building.
Ffe Deposit Vault boxes 25c
month. 2 50 a year.
from bull feet bout yoi r scaln I have near Knox Butte, be afterward lived
bad a years experience ano know tbeie Albany for many yers, and then
are four distinct kinds of scalp trouble . moved lo Koreet Grove where he now
I will furnish free ot charge a formula; r Idea.
best ruited to your particular case, which
yon can get filled at any drug store for b
or 10 cent. Consultation free.
Louis Vikrkck.
Parties affected with corns should call
on Cooper Turner. He recently inven
ted acorn salve which Jack Howard.
Matt Scott and others have been trving
for a week or two effectively, so effect
ively that tt ts all tbey can do to keep a
place in their households Old scores
are now about even.
In Olden Times
A bad Breoccured in Mnriili flt.M sn.'.
nisrht has caused a loss of 7000.Tbe build
ing oi ii, censtasien was tadly damaged
y i?e ,re ,an! ,tbere wil1 heavy loss
on tbe stock of drug and groceries by tbr
njiitr utners wuo were burned i
out were: Dr Tower, phykician, Cpast Mail
r: ii ?o . ; u ougius, omce, and
Dr. O gmitb, dentist.-Review. I
ConNTV CottvBHTios. The people's
party have issued a call for their coanty
convention on March 18 at this city
primaries to be held on March 12 at the
usual places.
People overlooked the importance of per
manently beneficial effect and were satis
fieJ with transient action; but now that it
i generally known that bvrupof Ftas will
permanently overcome habitual consttpa
tion, well-informed people will not buy
other laxatives, which act for a time, but
finally injure the system Buy the genu
ine, made by tbe California t iff byrup Co,
The !eecription of the flection town
ships, laid off at tbe meeting of court in
M ay, 186U, shows mat ine oounaary oi
Linn county was just the same as it is
now, except that on the south tt wa tin
McKenrie river. u. u. stbwart.
Home Hrst,
The World afterwards. Oet voa
grcoeiie for your fami'y. 'Jonn& I!us
ton keep the best, which Ihev sel at tbe
lowest uisiible priceB. Fresh vegetables
and fruits according to the season, always
on band-
A fine line of crockery.
Just Across the Way.
At F II PfeiftVr't you can get the best
Coast and Eastern oysters to be found.
lie alto keea the best line of confection
ar in the city.
Ctll on him for the best of everything in
hi line. '
Coxing Back. H. J. Sower and W
F 1'feift -r arrived in Portland today and
will be in Albany on tonight's overland.
Tbey reached Seattle on the Kosalie. it
was teared that tbey and two or th.-
olber Albany men might have been on
tbe Clara Nevada, but many anxious
relatives and friends were made glad to
day bv a telearatu annouicina their ar
rival in t' Uy ihe way it is said
they have bad enough ol Mtagway.
Complaint has been made that small
bovs are using sling shots and air guns
in the city. Burn your siing shots and
go outkide of the city lim'ta lo use
your air guns in order to keep out of the
city jail. u. o. ib.
1,-inei ci i'oijce,
Albany, Or., Feb. 15, 1893-
Plcaac InMst upon having tour pre
trriptinn tilled according to the doctors or
dois, and guard against substitution. We
make a speciality in coniv ounuing pre
cription, using pure, fresh drags in every
one. Our prices are in accordance with tbe
times Try ns and be convinced. Burkhar
k Las Druggists.
A Valuable Little Book Sent Free
For the Asaung.
Medical books are not always interest-
ing reading, especially to peop'e enjoy-
ing good beano, out as a maner m .-
scarcely ooe person ia ten ia perfectly
healthy, and even wttn sucn, ow r
later afrknaM mnst COOS.
It is also a well established truth tnai
nine-tentha of all diseases originate with
a breaking down ot the digestion, a weak
stomach weakens and impoverishes the
system, making it easy lor disease to
gam a uwnoia
n . . , . , t : L I.
ocoay neea tear consuoiDia,
nev dieeaee, liver trouble, weak heart
and narrofli avatem aa tone as the ai-
.estion is good and the stomach able to
aasiualate plenty ot wholesome tooa.
Stomach weakness shows itself In a
core ot ways and this lit'le book des
cribes iha symptoms ana causes ana
point tb way to a care so simple mat
anyone cau uuubimuu kkv
Thousands have tome form oi stomach
tmnhla md do not know it. Ihey as
cribe the headaches, the languor, ner
vousness, insomnia, palpitation, conati-
palioti and simi'ar symptoms to same
nther eauae. than the true one. Get your
digestion on the right track and we
heart trouble, lung irouoie, iiver uieeaee
and nervous debility will rapidly dis-
We put up o r own gardea seeds,
They are all Northern grown seeds,
Tbey are absolutely true to name.
T. ey are fresh all grow a in 1S97, a a lew price.
Tbe package are full weiaht.
Price, two papers for a nickel,
We also have tbem in balk.
Stswast A Sox Habowabx C
TOST. Srnrday night, Feb 1. either
na 1st or Lvoa atreet or oa the way to
I tne Depot or oa Ferry rfreet or io the G A.
R Hall ali-ia!nr skis d sp parse eon
I taiaies a tweaty h liar piece aad seven
five dollar sold pinos tome silver and a
, two cent piece dated ISto and a one ooliar
arreea bacK aad a bill of sale eonahning the
osraerseame. Anyone fia iieg please re
turn to tbe Democrat and get ample reward
tive gentlemen or ladle to travel
for reaponaible. established boos ia
Oregon. Monthly SS5 00 aad expenses.
Posttioa steadv. Bfereace- tncio seir-
addreesed sramped envelope. Tee Dumia-
oa Company. Uept. uaicago.
FOR SALE. New Barlock tjnewnter
for tale cheap at Blaia Cr' stare.
LOST. A t.iil blooded Sccteh terrie
due. eiefet moath o'd, iroa gray
$5 renrd. Ketora to W S Toole, betweea
Aibaay and Oakville. Same boaay
are thinking of doing aay fencing aad
vraat arood cedar poets write to Oria Jodd
Detroit 're.
FOR SALE Steata Ctder r actorv, mi
ll equipped for boMaess W ill be sold
CorvaUia. Ore.
f J dryaadgreea.
aad ar
'X'.M -r-J
Thricc-a-Wetk Edition
IS Pages a Week . . .
. . . 156 Paper a Yeai
For One Dollar
ralllMTTTcr altetwanayeaeeaaSawa.
Were aold in Portland last year than all
tha other lines represented tera. Why?
Because no other high grade bicycles are 1
sold at so reasonable a price Tba "93"
Rambler is a beautv and samples can be
Men at George E. Fun's place, on ierr
A Laundr Nugget.
Laundry patrons wno want first class
work done without paying exorbitant
prices should patronize the Albany
bteam Laundry which bave employed
regularly five of tbe best hand ironera on
tbe coast for shirts, dresses, and shirt
waists, and ten cents ia the highest price
charged for anv of these articles.
HOFLIOH DAVIS. At the M. E. pr
sonsge. Albany. Oregon. Feb. 16. 1898
Mr. Theodore Hofiicli and Miss Maud
L Davis, bot hot Linn county, Oregon
' Kev. M. v. wire omciating.
Mr. and Mrs. IloUich have the well
wishes of many friends. Tbey will re
aide about four miles west of Albany.
Masquerade trail.
A masquerade ball will be given Fri
day, Feb 25, by company F, See. Kegt.
This is to pe the last and most noted so
cial event oi the season . we bave the
names now ot over fifty who are going to
masque and still there are others. A
prise will be given (or the best sustained
character. The best ot music and a
eood time is assured. Everybody is (ro
mp:. Spectators 10c, reserved seats 15c,
Dan tickets ioc. uon-t lorgei me aate
eb. 23. Oi iiittkb.
ikl. I:.1a IimV iMtta entirel An thri
Aiua ttttiv vwm v.
c tuse and removal of indigestion and
its accompanying annoyances.
It describes tua symptoms ot aciu
Dyspepsia, Nervous Dyspepsia, blow
Dyspepsia, Amylaceous Dyepepaia, Ca
tarrb of Stomach and all affections ot the
digestive organs in plain language easily
understood and me cause removed.
It oive valuable suggestions as to diet
and contains a table gluing length ol
time required to digest varioua articles
ot food, romething every person with
weak digestion should know.
No price is asked, but simpiy senu
vour name and addresa plainly written
on postal card to tbe F A Stuart Co.
Marshall. Mien., a ""
book on Stomach Disease and it will be
sent promptly by return mail.
Titer are three little thing which d
more work than aay other three little
thins created they ar the ant, tn bee
and DeWitta Little K rly Risers, "Ik la-t
beina- the ftmoa uttl Pill lor Itomacb
I and liver troubles I a Camming
Must Have Room for Sew Goods at
The Fair.
Great clearance sale until March 1st on
Chiaa, Lamps and Decorated Ware.
J. A. Weaver.
Tba Thrice-a-Week Edition of Tat r w
?orx World is first anOBg all " weekly v
paper in aixe. freqaeacy of poblicatioo
and the tresanesa, aceoracy , v.
its coi tears. It hi all the merits of a
great 56 daily at the price of a dollai
weekly. Its political news is prompt.coJD
plete, accurate and itc partial as all its read
er will testify. It i against the monopo
lies and tor the people
It print the new of all the world, hav
rorrearjoadeace from all im
portant news points oa the globe. It baa
jrilliaat Ulostrationa. tories by great
authors, a capital numor page, complete
markets, departments for tbe household
and women's work and other apecial de
We offer this unequuled newspaper and
the Dmocsat togetherona vear for I 00
T. O. Shaver.
(Successor to F. L. Kenton.)
Second St. oppoaite, Dkmocbat office
Win constantly kaep on hand a good stocl
of groceries, fresh pr-duea aad fruit
which will be sold at living- prices.
Tha office that doe bieb trade printing
n rood stock, for the price ot the o'her
and. Smiley, the printer.
Take Lxatlv Brun t Qalutua Taolet
All Druggists refund the m nsy If It fail
o Cure 25i.
H F Memll buys City, County aa
School warrants. Office tn Democra
Try my tea sifting at 10 o. Extra quality
t, urowneu.
CTBAW FOR SALE. Good spring
Oaneat straw M 00 per ton.
M Sexdkrs,
Clubbing Rates.
The Ran Franeiaco Weekly Examiner
text year will giva to its subscribers a
$10,000 reaidenca in San Francisco rent
ing lor 160 a moath, a U.S. bond,a
11,500 gold nugget and hundreds of other
things. - iou can p . r
WuuT Daaocaat for $2 50 a year, wh
tha Dailv DaaocaaT by mail for J25,by
carrier $5.75. ia advance. The Daac
ckat will order onlv oo com rxna tion pay-
ST LOUIS REPOBUC. aemt-weekly
one of tne best paper ia the United
States, and the Democrat paid in advance ,
for oal? II 15.
Legal BUnks, ws have 'em.
ANTED. A few mora engage
ments by tba day to sew.
Mk. Ova.