The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 18, 1898, Image 2

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There seems to be no trouble to get
ammunition and arms to the Cubans,
past the sleepy Spaniards. Just a little
Yankee maneuvering does it.
All the gold excitement is not con Ho.
ed to Alaska and the Pacifie coast. In
New York state in the past sin month
4000 claims have been tiled.
From the World.
There is undoubtedly a great deal of
prosperity in this country for the class
of people who can afford to pay $42,000
for a picture.
Autonomy is a failure. That is set
tied. The Democrat gave the same in
formation several months ago. The
Cabana want only liberty, that is what
they are after.
A great trial is taking place in Paris,
that of Zola, the famous author, for writ
ing his opinion about people and things
The trial is a farce and a disgrace to a
nation of these days.
The last red tape act of the Yander-
buig-Tongue case baa been gone throng
with and Mr. Tongue Is in for certain'
though as a matter of fact there waa
never any doubt as to the result.
That ia a political matter, as it always
From the Chicago Tribune.
Servant rushing in. Ma'am the house
is on fir 1
Boston Mistress, who ia giving a 5
o'clock tea, Summon the, fire depart
ment, Honoria and do not disturb us
again; we are discussing t the -'crime
of the plit infinitive."
1 he supreme court could do nothing
else than adjudge that women have the
right to vote in Oregon at school election
Ia most cities the matter waa already
sufficiently settled and they were allow
ed to vote whenever they pleased, wftu h
as a matter of fact ia not dons very often
in Albany, as a rale only a few taking ad
vantage of their right.
After McKnley's speech at the Belsh
user banquet in Mew York, the Sacra
mento Bee, (Rep ) published the monet
ary plank of the republican platform a
SU Louie surrounded by a deep blacc
border, and under the beading "Rrqaie
cat is Pace.'
Ia the New York Assembly last week
when the Week's resolution, asking for
tte resignation of Senator Murphy, was
called np Mr. Weeks offered a substitute
which censured him, but doe not de
mand hia resignation A protracted dis
cussion waa precipated and Mr. Oliver of
New York introduced a substitute calling
lorthe impeachment of President McKin
ley for aiding in the election of Senator
Hanna. The resolution censuring Sen
ator Murphy was finaly adopted by a vet
of 79 aye and t3 noes.
From the Koseourg Review .
There thou Id be no active candidates
for the offices before the union lUta
al cojinty ex nventiooa. Only tha
Bsn whose names are a guarantee of tbe
good faith aud sincerity of the reform
party should be placed noon the ticket.
The struggle is not for office alone, bnt
for tbe triumph of principle which will
give the whole people a better govern
ment in many essential things . Let ua
hope that personal ambitions may b
generally subserved to the public good.
. Frank Thayer at Skagway.
From tbe Telegram .
Life in Skagway, the condition a
they may exiet there and the rescue of
the Corona' passengers were things
which B F Tbayer described to a Tele
gram reporter at the St. Charles last
night. Mr. Thayer is a contractor of
Albany He went North to bnild and
not to mine. He was very lotb to eay
anything except a to what be aw him
self and therefore bis information can
- be relied upon aa correct.
"Skaa-way," be said, "i situated in a
canyon. Three long wharves lead from
the city to deep water where the' steam'
era land. Tbe tide flits extend right np
to the city. Sereral street bisect the
city and tha main one rone through the
center in the same direction the wharves
extend. This street leads into tbe trail
which goes over Chilcoot para, along
which tbe first houses were built- Tbe
bouses ae built among tree and brogr,
and aa a rule are strait and shabby
looting. Tbe best building in the town
will be a '5000 hotel which E Lidesott is
having built.
"The view f-om tie town U wild and
picturesque. Steep, jagged mountains
e jeered with enow and ice above the
timber line rise abruptly on both side
of the city. Generally their top aie hid
: in blinding, whirling snow. The average
cold ia 16 degrees above ro, bnt when
ever the wind blows it is inteneely cold
and cut like a knife. It always blow
np or down tbe eanyonway in hurricane
gusts. ,
"Tbe people of Skagwar compose a
heteroger-eous mars of every variety of
humanity, the saloon element and loose
women predominating. Saloon and
Variety ball are scattered throughout
tbe whole eity. Meal are 25 and 60
cent. Iidginrs from 23 cents to $1.
Lot sell from $45 to t2iHiO and more
Tbe city in Sited with gamblers, thugs
and thieve. Two passenger on tbe
Oregon were touched for alt (hey ere
worth .A another held op in tbe
treet. A ltre number of gambler
and urafier- wen, np on tbe Oregon and
stopped off at the different town.
"Labor is a disconcit. There is ab
solutely nothing fo' laborers or mechan
ic to do, n-l the town is filled with
Sich o. these r'atseit On -the O'lier
bind, the miners s-tum clieeri'nl and
were indittriouly t work brcak'Mj in
dogs and packing over the pans to Lake
Bennett. The pass is ld to be in good
condition and can easily be crocsed ex
cept when the wind is blwing. ihe
devil himself could n'l face tbe cold, bit
ing wind which bowls over the pans
Hay was worth 1120 per ton, and horse
plentiful. v hile a good many outfitc
were sold they belonged mostly to ten
derfeer. The ronj rity of the dotes takes
nortb are worth lesp. The K-qiimo dog
' 1 about th otdv kind auitrd to that
' country. ,
The mlneri were verv iodigoaut np
there aSont Canada's new mining repu
tation. Most of the miner packing to
Lake exptct o build boats and wait for
open water below Lke Bennett along
the river. ,
"The passengers rescned by the Ore
gon from the Corona wete in a sad con
dition . Their blaokets wer sodden and j
wet, and their clothes were muddy from '
the exposure," concluded Mr. Thayer. -
Effect of Free Coinage.
(By Sidney Dell.)
The half billion of American (ilver
dollar are not standard, or value meas
uring money. They are mere tokens, or
decks, for our gald dollars in which
they'er redeeuiab'e at our custom house-,
lu payment of our public dues at 100
vents in gold, limiting them to less than
the "public dues," they are hereby
held np on the basis of value of the val
ue of the gold dollar, which is our
money standard or measure of value ot
our "dollar by tne -crime oi
Tbis means that these halt billion silver
dollars, while they are, nominally, a
limited tender for all aebt are not in
competition with our gold dollar for
that purpose; because the gjld dollar re
deems it and, therefore, really the mon
ey of flual payment, just like the case of
a check on the oank for gold on deposit.
This position need not be argued because
all gold itandard teacher admit it to be
true. It is a fact therefore, thai the
gold dollar i the only real money we
bave to pav our 19 billion dollars of
public and private debt.
Free coinage of silver dollar, with
tall legal tender power ot 16 to 1 would
of itself make all ot our present volume
of eilver dollar standard money in com
petition on their own basis of value,
with our gold dollar for paying all our
poblio and private . debt, becaare- the
unlimited free cotnase would render
ineffectual their redemption at a gold
do'iar'a valu?. It would instantly place
all our due on the basis of vain of tbe
silver dollar and practically change our
coinage ayetem from the gold money or
coinage ytein of 1873, without any
statute changing- back our coinage unit
of value to the, silver dollar. A law too,
simply changing onr unit of value, from
the gold doiur bark to tbe silver dollar.
like it was from 1792 to 1873, would have
ihe earn effVc. It would make all our
half billion silver dllar standard rapn
ev, on their own bam of value in com
Miitmn with sold a leaal tender. It
would redcc3 the demand for gold,
1 reform, to tha extent of over 19 hi!
lioa do! are ia legal tender.
The effect of tbis reduced demand for
gold as legal tender for debt in tbia
nation would be to cheapen gold mot
heavilv. It would be tbe vastest sadden
dereas of demand for gold ever known
in hiatorv. and. of coarse, on tbe law of
reduced demand gold must cheapen,
like wheat or ony other artie'e of lib man
nse. Bat gold bullion i tbe world'
standard, or measure, of property val-
dm. That istoaav. the srold price is
tbe bed rock price. When gold cheap
en the gild price of all other property
value rise. When gold is high proper
ty is low. When gold is low " propertv
is high. Free coinage of silver, then,
would suddenly raise the gold pi ice of
all onr property, "in mnscle and on
shelf most heavily. It wonld raise
them, by mathematical demonstration.
over one fourth. Bra intra, demon
t rat ion, it would doable lhoe gold
price, by cheapening gold ballion one
A mathematical demonstration, in
economic sbieaee, is the ntil possible
feat of logic Bat such is th eas-a, upon
Conceded fact of history, a to tbe effect
of American free coinage in raising oar
mid oricce of labor nnd property "over
one fourth . Let nt see.
. In Jane 1S93, between the Bret and
26th, the law of Austria-Hungary and
East India demonetizing over a billion
dollars of standard silver m-n-y. went
into operation. The increased demand
thereby, for gold in (note two erop.rei
a legal tender, waa 33 i billion do'ilr,
aa ahown be recorded etatis'ie On Jane
26, 1893, silver bullion fell to 64 cents sn
ounce against 84 cent on Jane 1 and
for two year prior. Tbatia, gold rose
from 24 to 1 np to 32 to 1, and all prop-
arty fell snddenly 25 per cent over what
it bad been for two year prior to June
1, 1S93. It made tbe greatest crash ia
values ever known It bankrupted tbe
nation, including Harvey Scott and moat
of Portland' heavy property owner.
Of course reduced demand of 3J billion
dollar w.uld cheapen gold ?. Since
our redeced demand on free coinage
would exceed J billion, gold wonld
fall over a fourth. This is a matbemat
ical demonstration.
It U a moral demonstration that a re-!
dueed demand for gold of 19 billion dol
lars as legal tender would cheapen it one
half of coatee, gold could not cheapen be
low it normal, which ia the value it has
(1) from ue ia the art and science and
(2) 'rom nse a the exchange money be
tween nation wider the lawa of com
merce, whijh.neitber Xerx? nor King
Caite For TJude Sam foogree can
chants Bat aKowing for the great in
crease :n j'd on t put a reducing its nor
mal value o! 1873 and allowing for all the
crona current, of commerce, it is a moral
demonstration that American free coin
age would .hejptn gold About oneha'f
and doable tbe gold price of all tbe pro-
dnctd of human labor in matclei and on
(elf in factory ,fieluand farm, this radden
rise in our values would not ' make rui
noua in the commercial nor tbe indue
trial world as claimed by tte gold bug.
Tbe sadden fall in 18H3 did not hnrtthe
money lender, bnt it rained all the com
mercial and industrial world, including
the editor of the chief organ of the gold
money standard here. Tbe sudden ad
dition of thirty billion dollar to the
wealth of tbia nation, diffused throngh
every bamlet, wou'd not bnrt the com
mercial and industrial world, any mor9
than Klondike nngrett hurt the finder.
ItVoold be the most glorious Chinook
that ever struck a Iroem people. It
would be an icy blast for tbe man who
owned no'btog but gold bonds. Yet
with hi furs, and robe, stolen from his
victims since J one 26, 1893 in fact since
Feb 12.1873 he coold weaiber the blast
and escape t he poor house w here thous
and of our peoplw are now.
It may be objected that it wautd (out
side of ihe board convened by tbe Tel
ler resolutions) be; repudiated as to
some 18 billion of other debts public
and private, if the silver dollar on it
bullion basi, weie worth lees than 100
cent in'gold aud stionid pa ofl those
debts in silver dollar Bet if the mat
tes said 30 oillmn- of bestowed wealth
and redemption froln ruin raured by the
gold money staudatd within their reach
"a little thing like thai" would not slop
them, any more than it aould a crowd
ol detperate Kloodicere. Still the gold
contracts ol fc-tiyoek would have to be
paid in gobl or el e in silver with
preium added, and moet ot tbm are
a-old contract 1 be court would com
pel that Nor would this I men the ex
tent of reduced d mr I d (or gold a legal
tender on free csin." Not a dollar of
gMdluM b- iieteoearyto pa)tho-e debt
l'b?- fctue'-l ibr-for tract creditor would
prf-tumoj-e by tlie iuein (heir property
value than ibe pwtble loan ten per ctn
on 'heir l"n"- Heeblea an Act of cunt
greai can protect rt n against that toes
and l on!d ''o m "
A a no '--. by Miw mass", ol this
wittl W money fiandard
auti ! th ' y :,0 redemption through1
Down Brakes, and Re vera I"
When a train is discovered nulling on to a
tngnuui coi
liaion, it ia a
thrilling in-
tant aa me
brakes I"
and reverse!
hia lever.
Brakes alons
are not
enough; the
whole pro
pelling- pow
er of the en-
'-Tgine must be
made to work
in the oppo
site direc
tion. Thatia
how it ia
with disease.
There are
tltnea when
the system is flyinw along the track of dia
ease at such a frightful pace that no ordinary
methods will Tire vent disaster. There are
plenty of medicines which act merely as J
off disaster for a little while; but that isn't
enough. What is needed is a medicine that
will instantly reverse the entire wasting,
degenerating process, .
when people are losing nesn ana nengn
and vitality, with the life ooaing out of them
day after day, they need Dr. Pierce' Golden
Medical Discovery, which acts directly upon
the vital forces, completely transforms the
entire nutritive organism and totally re
verses the wasting, debilitating process
which is at the root or all diseases.
It enables the digestive and blood-making
organs to supply the circulation with an
abundance of pure, healthy, red blood. It
stops the wasting of tissue, builds up solid
muscular flesh and healthy nerve-force.
aftss Mary Whitman, of Bast Dickinson.
Franklin Co., N. Y., writes: "For nearly te
months I haTC had a bad coach, and instead of
frettint better, it arew worse, until I waa adeised
. SrianH ,n .- Ttr Mnr's Golden Medical
Disowery. I hesitated at 6nt, for it aeemed to
me eothlna- would ie relief only death. Mr
nerenu were anxtoua about me, and I waa aaia
to bare consumption. I tried your medicines,
and before I bad taken many doses there was a
great chance. When the aacoud bottle was empty
1 Baa no eougn ana was grot uwm
the standard silver dollar won! J bring
free coinage very promptly.
Bat the pros and purchased teacbe:
conceal the real troth. The Republican
State League ran away from any chal
lenge to debate the rnin of their landed
money atandard. The challenge ta now
made to the Oregonian. It darn not pub
lish this exposition of e effect of free
coinage, nor attempt ta refute it. Pre!
dent McKintey, at the Manufacturer
Banquet aaid "Let us have tall and free
discussion. We are the last to avoid or
evade it". Bnt perbapa that wa said
in a Pickwickian sense. Let the silver
press of this state back me vigorously
and we will iir the nation to its center.
Tha Oregonian ia allowing np Mr.
Cbaa. Fulton' ilvr record, (bowing
him to have been one of th beat cham
pions in the at ate. Among other things
he aaid only two or three yeara ago:
"By the free coinage, I mean unlimit
ed and unrestricted coinage. I do not
think we ceuld maintain ailver coin nt
parity with gold if the coinage were
restricted to tbe American product. We '
xnat sustain tbe vain tha world ovar
in order to sustain it here. i
"The sentiment in favor of free coin
age is growing rapidly, and it adoption
as tbe policy pf tbi tovernment
question of a short time only, in my
The Dexouat eugge that while it
ia at tbe bnaine, tbe Oregonian repub
lish the letter to that paper by Hon.
Thoa. Tongue two or three yeara ago, by
the way one ot tbe uj wt unanswerable
arguments ia favor o! free iver yet
From the Troy Free. .
A i-ader is oeeeeeary ; Washington,
Jeffereon. Clav. Summer. Lincoln and
Tildeo, were leader, and they honored
tbe Republic bv upholding it welfare.
bat bosses are birds ot another feather.
A party ha no mar need ot a bos than
a railway system has of a thief at it
bead . Today public sentiment in both
parties 1 overwhelmingly againat boa,
ism ; it i weary of miegovernment by
maebinism. Tbe born leader in any
party who recognise thi fact and act
upon it will havj a big following among
th masaes.
Of coarse there ws politic in tbe an.
lion of the war department at thie time
in ordering the work done at Yaqaina.
All tbe same the people of Oregon aie
rejoicing over the fact regardlee of poli
tic . Th work aboold be completed
nd a harbor made that will meet tbe
demaoda of thi prosperous aection of
the coast, and people generally wll1
anile in extended congratulation to
those who secured it.
Another vessel baa been wrecked on
tbe Alaakan ronte. Befote tbe bubb'e
borate many more may be expected to
go the same way. All manner of crafia
are being brought iato a for the pay
ing caaine) and one take one life in
one band almost when one goes to
Alaska on the average vessel.
When Spain promotly recalled De-
Lome that waa a uffi dent apolov to
the United State and an admission of a
strong character that Spain admitted
tbe wrong dene. It is vety unfair for
tbe government to make demands for
humiliating apologie in the style of
several hundred year go. . We are
civilized people now "and do not do
thing after the fashion of those dart .
Mchic. Miss Milarca Barmestet
teacher of piano or organ. System-the
Mason touch and technique. Residence
Fifth street, opposite U P c bench.
If you want a xooa anJ clem
moke buy cigars made by our Al
bany cigar tactorv-
Beaatr In Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cases rets. Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up tbe lazy liver and driving all im
parities irom the body. Jiegin to-day to
banish Dimnle. boils, blotches, blackheads.
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Csscarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
Clean Printing, we are doing it.
Kxw Lhusdrt Oinci.-W. B. Gilson's
barber shop hereafter will lie tbe op
town office for the Albanv Steam Lann
dav Packages will be railed for and
delivered promptly when left in bis care.'
M. V. ratLUPS, Prop.
A thrill if law; is expeMtnoed when a
hras-y eonh of cmop sounds throngh the
h 'ose a', i ih". Rot the terror a-on chan
ges tn re'i f aff r Op Minute V nh Cur
hta l e n adniinietered H fs and b. r nless
for children J A Camming
Kiln rate Tear Bowels With Cnseareta.
Candy Cnthsrtic, care constipation, forever.
10c, 25c. II C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
W eaie ai.xinn. tn do a little goid in tbis
wor d and caithiukof na pleasanter or
bi-.tftrwiy to do it than Sy raoommeoding
One Minnie Cough Ca e as a preventive
f pneumouis, emsumptioo nd other tir
ions luntt troubles that follow neg'ected
lids J A Camming
Best work,lowet prices. Ihat's us
outlet, the Printer.
KcTo-Bae for Fifty Cents.
G'laranteed tobacco hoblt cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure, too, II. All druggists.
mm J
oh mr k c w
INI till,'" ' "
The Nalae Deal re red
Havana, Feb. 15. At a quarter to 10
o'clock this evening a terrible explosion
took place on board the United Stab a
battlrship Maine, in Havana harbor.
The wildest consternation prevails in
Havana. It is believed tbe explosion oc
corred in a small powder magazine. It i
eauma'ea tnar ever zuu ot tbe crew wei
killed, but it is impossible yet to give ex
act details.
Admiral Manterola believe that t! a
Brat explosion was a n-rennda tht wu
hurled over the navy-yard.
The Clara Nevada
Victoria, Feb. 15. The steamer Island
er arrived today bringing further dolails
ot tbe re port ad lees of the steamer Clara
jxevada. ibe Clara Nevada foundered
with all on board opposite Seward City,
in Berner bay where she was running for
shelter. She had on board 25 passengers
and crew.
r if teen Dassemrars who want north nn
the Nevada returned on the Islander.
They say her boiler gave much trouble on
we norm ward voyage.
Crater Lake Nalleaal rark
Washington, Feb. IS. Representative
Tongue will soon have a bavins; upon hia
bill making a national paik out of that
portion of the forest reserve around Crater
Lake. Tbe interior department has made
a favorable made a favorable recommenda-
iiua in mis direction, ana a favorable re
port from the committee on public lands
is exoepieo .
Ceival Kebbed
Gexvais, Feb. 15. M early every busi
ness house in town waa burglarised last
mjrnt. entrance was effected in most
tfnk by unlocking or prying open the
front doors, though in a few case rear
uoors were opened. It was the most
thoroujh work ever heard of in the
Kilted While Break
Hkfpkeb, Feb 15. -James Hall of Port
land, was killed at Willow Junction Sun
day night. He waa intoxicated and
walked off a car platform, falling down
an embankment. He was dead when
picked np. His remains were taken to
Umatilla. Hall was en rou'.e to Bipwia
to work on a boat. ,
Anetber stlth strike
RtDDtxo, CU Feb. 15. A nether rich
strike is reported aa having bee made in
we aim jay mine, on Morrison ulch a
tributary of Coffee creek, Trini'y county,
by the grave brother. The new pocket
is said to be wonb 180.000 it will be re
membered that a $40,000 strike by Ihe
Graves brother caused a rush to coffe
creek last anmmer.
A Terrible Maaa er
Naraimo, B C Feb. 14. News arrived
here from Union at 5.30 that th fine abv 1
steamer Clara Nevada, which sai'ed for
bkagway from Seattle two weeks ago waa
kst with all on board- Feb. 5 she win',
off Steward City, in Berner bay, about 10
mile south of Sksgway, was seen by the
inhabitant of Steward city, all ablaze
While tha long wharf at Berner bay ws
crowded with spectator on tbe awful
scene, a huge report was beard which re
sembled th explosion of boilers, and
nothing mor waa seen of tbe ill-fated
steamer. It is feared tbe nafortanat 40
passenger and the entire crew were lost
a no trace of them can be foud along tne
beach of Berner bay.
Kaeaah Sew
Madbid, Feb. 14. Tbe note from Min
ister Woodford demanded that Spain
should diaavcw the insults to President
McJi'inJey contained in Senor de Lime's
letter to Sanor Canada. Tbe cabinet
ooncil today, it is reported, decided aaaa
imooaly to reply to Minister Woodford
teal Senor da Lome's spontaaeoa resitr
nation and tbe terms of the decree accept
ing it ware considered sufficient.
A last rail
Barrsaa. Feb. 14.-'raak Pkkett.
who wa: working on a well for tbe Uep
pner Light k Water Company, fe 1 into
the well tooLjbL a distance of Mf feet. He
track a man working at tbe bottom, cat
ting a gash in his head, but mt serkmiiy
injuring bim. ttw fenoasly Pickett is
Ujared cannot be told tonight. Pickett
cam here from Prinerilie.
The SnrM i Xmsii
Astoua. Feb. 14. But for Ibe timely
diAfovjry of a Ira in tbe bold of tbe Al
askan steamship Oregon, the vessel might
now be a mas of ragtag flunes at the
mercy of tha wares and wind.
When last about to eroa not. smoke was
dmovered issuing from tbe banker, where
6tX ton of coal were storea. Tbe alarm
waa immediately given.
tee swr CealsWai
MeMUtavILLX. Feb. 14. Chairman
Looper, of tue natoa bimetal lie stale com-
mm, nas rem reed to VcMinrille. H
win Have headquarters here on'il th meet
ngot tne state convenMon. Be is qaite
sanguine of, bis party cairjing Ihe at
and electing both coesresaanen. bnt is not
sore a boat tbe lewJstu-e. ae there are
many republican bold-over aenttors
At Wasfcjaalea
WaaHixoTOv, Feb. 13. Tbe Hawiri
annexation treaty will receive tbe greater
share of tbe senate's attention darioi; tr-e
week. Tbe friend of the tresis hare ane-
cedcd in seenring quit general assent
irom Moator in charge of otber measure
that tbe treaty shall be given practically
tbe right of war until a vote can be se
1 be (.Orbeit case has Lbe riirht of wav.
bat tne probability are that an arrange
ment will be made early ia the week wbere
by a time will be fixed for voting on tbe
Te ke eitewe1
LBWiirrow, Idaho, Fe. 13 J Alrxan
Jer, a prominent, today received a tele
gram from a high railroad sonrce tbat tbe
O R A N would immediately comment!
operation on aa extration of it railroad
line to Lewiaton Tbe information re
cmved today is the general uri-ct of (lis
cut ion on the streets.
est Brewalaa
Graitt' Pas. Feb. 13 O F R.nJall.
a Southern Pacific aection fore mm at
Woodvllie. and hi liUI nrand daughter
were drowned this afternoon while attemp
ting to cross Rogne river in a small fwry
boat. They were seated ia a cart. Tbeir
bone became nnman mrlA nrt hulrl
off when about halt wav ipm. Thev
er On their Wav lo aliend w fnnraJ. Mr.
Kandall leave a widow and ihnw chiU
Aeallaies to be Hawe
KSWYOBK. Kah. IS t Ji.nalrh In
the World from Madrid says:
A formal statement of regret af Dapny
ae Lome's condust, coupled with .n ex
pression of sincere desire that lha Han
alejas letter incident shall not impair the
present frieodly relations between tb two
countries, nor interrupt the negotiations
for a coumercitl treaty, will be made bv
Minister Uuiioo.
Fall f leber
Skattle, Feb. 13 J W Jone was
garroted this eveniog on the water ftont
and robbel of 1133. The thuirs were two
ia number and one wore a mak .
George P Kmmerton, a piMnir r on the
City ot Puebla, which arrived tody from
San F ranci co, reported to nil ice bead
quarter last night that be bad been robbed
of I240. He placed tbe money under his
pillow Saturday night.
Aa lasaaease Sblpau-ai
Bam Fkancibco, Feb. 13. Tbe steam
er Gaelic, which arrived today from tbe
Orient brought tbe largest single shipment
of opium which ever entered the port.
There were 426 eases of the drag, and tbe
duty at $6 a pound will amount to $110,.
880. At tb rotrkH price, tb thipnent is
worth $997,920.
Uow We Say It. Coughs cored for a
quarter, no tare, no quarter, we are selling
lot of our White Pine cough feyrup witu
tar, because it is just what we say it is,
aires quirg relief and is higblv reeomend-
1 to core a deep sealed cough, burihart
& Lee, Drn grists
The Newest Attheslortof Will k stark
Jewelry yon will get the facts, and
Facts find a fine stock of goods
lo sele t from. It is up
todala und iuolude tbe best lines of watches
and clock and all kind of jewelry. Their
line of sllreaware it extra and tbey buve
many novelties that will please.
Peat Tobsec Spit sad Swobs Toar Utt iwa;.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be ma,
netlo. full of life, nerv and vigor, take No-To-Bae,
the wonder-worker, tbat makes weak men
strong. All druggists, (Oa or SI. Our guaran
teed. Booklet and sample tree. Address
Burling Ksroedy Co, Chicago or New York,
Even a Child Can Dye With
mond Dycn.
Diamond Dyes Color Anvthlntr Any
Color Make old Oloai,Uowns,8carfs,
and Suits look like new How to Dress
Well at small cost.
Diamond Dye area wondorf'i be'p to
eoonomieat dreaatng. TUeae simple homa
dye will color anything any rolo . and
thev make oloaka, atooklnga, ernsses,
feather, laoe.-j ouitalna, etc., iok like
new. Many of tbe Diamond uvea are
intdqfrom a,ieclally prepared dyeainffr,
and in no other way oao b ips dyeing be
done no simply and ealtbfactorby 1'iiey
omn in all color, and tha piaiu and ex
pliclt dlieotloua on ptokagu U y
for tbe moat Inexperienced to use thein
with auooea. Kven a child ran dyo a rlub.
perfect color, if Diamond D e aie uvel
Do not risk yur m derta. wiib d e
Ihu claim tooolor both couou and
with tbe nam dye. for it is t:np lle to
set satisfactory result with dye of t'at
character. In Diamond i yea, thxte are
special dyes for cotton aud special dye
lor woe I, and thsy f re all guaranteed to
five satisfaction, if used according to dl
"This is the day ot all the year
That i by lover held moat dear
r or on it they may dare to send
Some little taken to a friend."
The eovernment has been r.rettr well
Diiigley-bumped. From July I to Feb
ruary 1 it ran behind $52,000,000, and
during January alone 112,000,000.
Dr. J. F. Cook ha been arrested in
Salem for practicing without a license.
By the way there ie raid to be a Chinese
doctor in Albany who i practicing with
out a license.
Yaqaina should be one of the most
Important aeaporU on th Pacific coast,
ana, as it I connected by rail with the
great Willamette valley, it is so situated
to command an enormous trade with
tbe interior of tbe state Portlar.d Tri
bune. It ia claimed that the wind blow
as fast as 105 mile an hour beyond Skag
way and Pre, Facing it ia not a holi
day occupation. Tbe warmth of a per
son's face melt the sleet and it then
treeae into ice and the person is in a pre
Dr. Jordan of Stanfcrd Univers'ty in
an addree Saturday night said : "The
same motive that is behind stealing is
behind gambling tin only difference i
tbe statute." As for tbe intemperat
man, Dr. Jcrdan said the time waa com
ing when politic would be the only "pro
fee s ion" open lo bim.r
Within two weak the lertns of W.E.
Yates, Walli Nash and 1. W Daren
port a recent of the Oregon Agricul
tural Collet expire, and n,on Gov
Lord will devolve tbe appointment of
tbeir uccor. It is said a Crvallia
editor would like very much to fill one
oi tne pii
A Kansas ed tor, writing of a crclone.
aaid it turned a we:l inside out, a clr
npatoe aown, moved a township line, :
blew all tbe slave out of a whisky bar-1
re! and lelt nothing bnt the buogbole, -changed
the day of the week, blew the;
hair off a bald headed man, blew mort i
gage off farm, blew the crack out of a
fence and took all the wind cnt of a poii-
tician. J
Aloany need a commercial club to '
push tier in teres U and one should be or-
ganixed at once. Now is the time to act f
while the iron is hot. Manv inquiries:
are being made about Liun co intr and i
there is nothing to send ia rrvponse. J
Will onr bosioe men uppnrt such a ;
club in a niaurer tbat wi.l ena','e it to
do good work. j
A yoanc lady lost a parse containing I
53 io gold, some silver, a dollar green-1
back and a bill of sal with her name on
it in the G. A. R. hall, on Ferry. First
or Lyon strreu. Tbat ws a rjd dal
ol money for a person lo uke to a eorisl
and too much for anybody to hoe. Had '
an boneH person found it It would bare
con returned lo the owner at otKe.henc -it
i eay to piedict that it will never be'
fooad by tbp owner.
Following ia lb bungling manner in?
which th Telegram told about tbe match !
boot in Portland: "A successful shoot
was polled off at Riverside teeterdsr. be-!
tween an Aioeny team and one' from!
Portland. A gcod sixed crowd tovk ad !
vantage of the pleasant weather, and '
went oat to watch the hootinc. The '
match, which was a dooMee. ws won
by Metars. Frobman and Pfeiffer, of Al-j
ewnj. oeverai omer Albany cracks,
among whom were D. Frobman and Sty
Meek, came np to witne. tbe shoot,"
Handreds ot men at Skagway are
thoroughly dietutttd and would be glad
to get away if thev coald do so.snd name
are eontinna ly leaving, and yet every
iteamer that goea to that pUc i loaded
doan and mor berths refused. The
mb onward U a mad one. ana only ex
perience will teach men what a mitts ke
tbey bave made. One cban: to one
hundred of the who go on to Dawson
to make stake is not enoas-h far the
rUk that are run. No man can afford
to make the haxardooa trip for what
is io eigus.
Dei Xssb, just from Dawson, said to a
reporter: up to tbe time we left 380
coast bound men bad registered at Fort
oeiKira. i can lorm a nretiv mni i.i
oi the number of other who intended to
follow n. and can safely nay that tbe
Bumuerouiwara oottoa daring the win
ter will not exceed 400. Folly 75 per
cent of thee are newcomer, who soon
Discover e I tbat Hie in tbe Klondike i
not Arcadianic. Doring December floor
sold for 00 a sack, candies for tinoa
I box, and all other food for an average of
I puuuu. vn sanitary t price,
uu awwuu. vi lucrraseo auppue, were
dowotof35aackfarflour, and 135 a
box for candle. Othei enrplie old at
an average of 75 cent a pound. The
aecune in price it clear evidence tbat
there is no danger 1 1 starvation.
J adge Piper, circuit judge of the North
e-n district of Idaho, once a resident of
Albany, in a recent decision crili jsod the
Supreme Court o! that state in a manner
to attract attention : Referring to a de
cision of the coart he said that it "ia of
tch a character that it is verv difficult,
after three or four time rereading, to de
termine it meaning. It reflect no light,
but lather the reverse, upon tbe juris
prudence of thi state. I am not here to
pronounce a disquisition upon ancient or
mo Jem languages, if I could. In 100
year or lest from thi time the jarispru
dence ot thi state (much of it at least)
that is given as by tbe present supreme
coart, will be eliminated and thrown in.
to the waste basket as unfit to adorn the
page of legal I ire. The decision of tbe
supreme court in the Gaffney case, as
well a in other cases, is so misleading
that it warp the judgment not only of
the district judge, but was warped be
fore it ever entered the shuttle of the so
preme court's loom,"
Notice Is hernby given that there wi'l
be. a meeting of ibe stockholders of 'he
Odd fellows Hall Building Attsociation.
held In the Odd Fellows Librarf in Al
bany Oregn, on Monday the 71 b day of
March. IH93, at the hour of 2 o'cloch
p m of said diy. far tbe purpoe nf ect
Ing seven directors to serve for tbe en
suing year, and to frantic! an,
business tbat may come before s-iid
Dated thi 2nd day or Feb, 1898
K Parker, J Jomrn,
Secretary. Presiden
V V ful gontlemcn or ladies to travel for
responsible, established house in Oregon.
Monthly $65.00 and. expenses. Position
steady. Referenoe. Enclose self address-1
ed stamoed envelone. Tha Dominion
Company, Dep K. Chicago.
$M 'i
The picture shows
has been added to
crease in Trice .
The biggest bargain
one of these new pieces
Try one.
the quality which correspond with tLe price. .
Yoor for the beat groceries,
Wall Paper.
Lace Gort&tns.
P'iure Frames.
Linen Waxp Matting,
Oil Paintings,
and Undertaking
( oil
The Second Term
January 4, 1893.
The" collece
mercial work very much, so
Business College
equal to anv in tha state. This was not so in the vast. It
is s now. Come and fecure a thorough training in all
branches o.a liberal education.
A.bay, Oregon, pjJ I Jy (Jgg
Scenic Iune eWorld
Wr'M &m " YV DAN DHAh
L. Vb. Va & W P(TT
.V rrpar'waK5w5fSmr
I V Bl 9 asavi 7 B HHrH rt -t WfV
t iu 7 r "jGpm&M's&mBmm.
This Much
the exact
increase lhat
he 5-cent piece,
;', "r
n toracco 10-day is
Weighing Things
The value of onr groceries depend on
hree thing. How much yen get for
yoor money, bow good it i when yon
get it, and the price yoa pay for what
you get. .We bave coffees tbat will sat
isfy tbe appetite and tbe pocket bock
btapie good at ten than staple prices.
Price i tbe inducement which balance
quality and quantity when it come to
groceries. Onr Pride of Japan lea hat
has strengthened its com-
that now it has bscome a
rv ii unvi ls.
R. C NJCHOU Otatrtl Arm & K. HOOPER. C P. ft T. A
m wiwami turoanArtaoai, ccNVTt.cota
j Miiiyiii sf
Notice is hereby given, that th under
gned, assignee of the f slate of E J Wll
ughby. Insolvent debtor has filed in the
Ircuit court of the state of Oregon for tbe
county of Linn, Department Number Two
bis final account as assignee of said mt
ter, and the said finl account will be
heart and pwied upon by said court at 1 be
regular March term thereof, to be holdec
at the court honse In Albany, Linn coun
ty. Oregon, on the 4tb cUy of April
1898, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock peiol said
day. All person iater jst:d in taid in
solvent esta e are heiebv notified to make
any objections thev have to i.M a.1 In wince
'rf said final acconnt on or before the said
day for the bearing and passing on tbe
same by said court
fated January 28,1898
E R Skipwokth.
P E Sxodobass,
Asrlgnee ot said
insolvent estate
Atty for Assignee
In ihe Circuit Court State ol Ortgonjor Lin
Violet Ford, pleintlff.
Milton Ford, defendant.
To Milton Ford the above canned dc
Oregon, yoa sre hereby reqai-ed to sp
pear nd ao'wer the ccmnlfint nt th. I
plaintiff herein in the ahove entitled cojrt.
wua m vh -a iuin iiir; ui , uv u Vj
regular March term of said court, it being
Monday, ilarch the 19th. 1893; and yu
are hereby fori her notified that in case
yon faii to so appear and answer said
compKint, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for tbe i el ief demanded therein,
towit :. A decree of th? above com annoU
ing, setting aside and holding for nangbt
tle bond's of matrimony heretofore exist
ing between the plsinliff and defendant
and that they be fore.ver divorced. That
plaintiffs name be changed from Violet
Ford to that ot Violet McXamca, her
mil den name, and she b ve bsr coUs and
disbursements of this snit to be taxed.
This summons is gubtUaed bv order cf
Hon 3 H Hewitt, jadge of said court,nade
at chambers m Albany. Oregon, on the
12tbdayof Jaousr . 18S3.
Attorneys (or IlatotiS.
fa We Circuit Court ot At Slate oi Oreos
or lie Coway of Lam
Elizabeth Davis, plaintiff vs John Dsvir, ;
To John Daria, the store samtd defend-1
Oregon, yea are hereby nqaired e appear
and snswer tte eoBosal of the abose
plsiottff, ta the afcove entitled Ceart, Mw
en 6' with tbe clerk of said Coart, as or
Irt re tbe first av "f .be next regalar tens
(,( f a'd Coart, which .a:d next regwlar teras
oi said Coart begin oa M-wday, the 14th
day tl Uarch, 18S, at tk C nrt Howse i
th city cf Alby, Lisa I'oaety, Oregcsi.
And y im are hereby notified that if yoa fail
to appear sad answer mi cramp a. a' of
plain u? aa hereia repaired a decree of ssid
Coart will be taken raos yon fr ih
relief prayed for ia p'sietifl's said eorap'aint,
to- wit: A dKree dissoiTiag tne bonds o
atrissoa row exVssiag between yoa and
said plainaff and lor tbe costs and du
rarwaMBUef said eatt.
This seaoKMM ia set ved by pwbScatioa is
tats Biohts D em or bat f six sa'seeraiee
weeks, ia pwrsesaee oi aa order esade bv tbe
How. B- H. Hewtt, jJge ef said coart,
asada ia the ci;r of Aioaav, Liaa Coaety,
I OrcMW, os tbe 2S'-o dsv f Jaawsr. l&M.
I W.Ufiinr,
A'Uraey for frlsmtiff.
Xoi is hereby gtvea that the Bi.der
sigved adadaiftremr of um estate of J aa
E C irter. deceased, wi21 is parswanee of a
crder cf tbe eoaatv eonrt for Lisa eoaaty.
Oregoa, daly wade and catered cf reeord
on tbe llth dav cf Apn!. 1S9S. offer for
sale at f atl e aactiew at tbe ceart boose
door oa tbe i9Ji day of Febrasy, 1SSS, at
ibe beer ofl o"c'ck p aa cf sa-d day- the
following desenbtd real eUt. towiu Lots
Nos 4. 5 aod 6, ia b cca Ko 11 ia Hackle
aiaas "Cicd adduioa to tte city of Albeay, j
Line et-aa v. Orrtos. Tcssscf eale at
half cash in baed sad tbe reesainder ia six
aaoattbe frees da e of i!e, pa vsaent aacwred
by esortirirge oa U. rrooertv.
Ed R M Csnrxx, Adow
To a'i tbecrditor snl pereowa lutei
es-ed in the esta'e of Bebecca Smith, tie
ceated, yen are be eby notiied that 1 have
been du'y appointed uecotor of said estate
bv the coantveo-rt of Lisa CMmtv, Ore
goa, therefore, ail persoca having claims
tgtfost said estate are haeby aoiSed and
r qaire-J lo preacnt tbe same to ut with
tbe paper voucher, at ibe iaw office of W
B Bityea in Albany. Linn coun'y, Oregon,
witnui sit moetbs rrotn tbe oale iwreot
Dated this 1st day of Janus' t,
Samt el Reader, Exscotor
KDTICf " CF tlKll sniUUlKI.
Notice is herebv airen that the ander
signed assignee of tne tana of Oregon, aa
fosoivent corporation, ba this day bled
in tbe circuit court of th state of Oregon
for Linn county, hi final account a such
assignee and that said account will be
heard and paed on by aaid court in tbe
court honse of linn county in 'He ciicoit
court room hereof on Ue 14. - -1 of
March, 1S93, at the hoar of 1 o:ckik p
m., or as soon thereafter a the fusintss
of said con" will permit.
Dated at Albany, Orwn. Feb 12. 'SS.
Assignee of the Bank of Oregon.
Notice is hereby given tht the cop art
aerhip form-riy easting betweea the un
dersigned.C H Langhead & Wm Fiickirgrr
prtrersat Albanv, under the style or
firm of Albany Frail Co is this day dis
solved by mutual consent and that the
said business will be carried on by the
said C H Langhead alone, v bo will re
cive all account and pay a'l de ta cf the
Is te copartr crshj p.
Dated this Slst of January.
Wm FticKixoKa.
hereby given to anv and all persons
havinir anv rlsims airainsl nr n.i.. am
to ihe eiU'e of eth I. Cald sell, deceased,
to run! tame to me at my P O addree,
Albany, t regon wi'hio the next thrty
Febriary 10th. 1S93.
V H Caldwell
Notice is hereby g'ren that the annnal
meeting ot the stockholders ot tbe Albany
Bulldlnff Association will he tlt t
of J Gradwohl. in AUtanv. on Mondsv.
March 14th, 1S97, at 7: p u for the
election of directors, and such other bus
iness as may come before the meeting.
Da'ed Feb. 13th, 1S87.
W C Twkedal. F ? Nrmse
1' resident. Secretary.
The n-otoi on the Albany ttrcet rail
wsy will connect promptly with all train
to and from the depot, day and night.
Special trips will 1 "a ade at special
t.F Corn. Corductor,
Notice is hereby given that fund aie
on hand tc pay city warrant Nos. S67
to 416 Inclusive of the issue of 1897. In
terest on said warrants will cease with th
date of this notice.
Albany Or. Dec. 20, 1897.
K. A. I'akkkr,
City Tieaaurer.
TOST. A parse containing $10 gold
.niera Rla.'k num. Return i. n.u-
ovhat office and receive reward.
White, Yellow, Crimson. - J
Will make a magnificent hedge, beautifal I
" .t,..r (,.- l - . 1
ywitt v uutmung Deo. con
stant blootners. Perfectly hardy. One
plant will produce thou lands of fiowem.
Three plants, one each color, tor '
Only 40 Cents, Delivered;
Free Upon Application:
" ...VICK'S...
mud the Lad ief Oardever mad Adrtmer
nfllT Mt om'Jtinlmr fail lncrlKlaaa sa IHms .
uooa tar piacuai u4 culture : MCttrelMsairs.eM.
lie Wfc. Kim Mar Urd. Sfsnr WiatiillaM
liw. T.bcrm Bnemiw. OnHa lT Lilr Una ImrUM Atun. Rmiufuii, m
ir ...irmiif
Bochczter, N. Y,
FREE VtitV'e !:jjstvtss V-.A
CBwUHug llomu.1
Tbe f assets Gardea'.ag IttherHy.
b s rvrtttiMe Ktoe of i-iCnrasfMa tmn riwn V
rmf'tl',f Tli fw ot Vir t llfMrw MBCS.r
V n- s0 F: C'j CcMfl ft rw o- tf fr m V
tare IhMi eeaeM write .is tmm-rm ataarew i
mkw to. mai. W,M.waftcla
V1CK FUBLISHISG CO . Eoctsster. L iL
- : t
Ixms Line of tts World
Tia Ggien t Silt Uh
ill Points last
& Smtbsas
PuHrnan Palace sleeping cars
Pul 1 man too rist cars.
Free redlining chair cars :
Ar run throngh on all
Best fervice , -T
Tr . - . . i -
xiiitat equipment
Kasteat timp
JL VI M Ul 1UI c AUU ou m-
lormation call on your near
est ticket asent or address
T afl TsVw -T1 Tx -sT-w
Genl Aet. Trav Pass Aet. 2 J
251 Washington St, Portland.
o xv xicKirtii, u r a. r -agt, j
a i i
ivssraacsotcB o
Lowest Rate3 to all
Eastern Cities
Ocean Steamers Leave
Portland Every 5 days
.. On ..-r -
Steamers monthly from Port
land to Yokohoma and Hong
Kong; via, f he Northern Pa
cific Steamship Co. in con
nection with O R and N
For rail iufoTEUao eati aa
Ccaaas A NoSTtnn, Albany, Ot
m annaniei:
Ptetlaad Oi .
Southern Pacific Co.
OaUtoraia Ixaraai Ttalaa :aT PortlaM Oalif
1 Bsn
OS r. a. I Lv
rat ml Ar
aa FraGttwa
Ar I aS a
.V! .riii i tUt lou be
iween P.'-Utl aJ Stem Tnr
aer, ilArai. Jef-M- Albany
langent. Shedd, Balsey Koene
Cottage Grove, Drain. Oakland and alt
station frota Roebarg ra'h to and in
cluding Ashland.
ienyer, vo:oraao. it.
0 jo) qT - r
SJSaa I Lv Pttruaa at 4 S r
ttlraLT AlbMT L113W
Je Ar Hosaswre Let T
uusw saascs.
LaaKsAlbwrkrLsaMoa t)
ajTiTsMAIowrrroasLiasaoa lOjSi 4
LasTs Ainwr lor Labaaoa "Ho r
Arrtre at Albany trw Ubssoa Tttra
Oinine Cars oa 0gd?n Routt
attack t all Ttirah Trwtas
Ve Mvlslwa.
rrvTKss rwnTLAiat a rnaia
Man va ssUTIKxerptSwaaar
aaiv, it
:aa IL
St I k.ft
t I r
I r a I Ar
KxpraasTraia Oall ewep ?
4:5 r
1 Ar
Ar v. a
sits aa
Lv 50aa
7 SOra
Slurs Ar
Direct ivctt'Vtt Ska Pnasise with Owfelaat
risaial ni PjciSc mti stsaiasaip lines
f'XtOHH Sulia tat oa applicallun
atstaad tlckrts 1. ..i.icoiu ad Unrvp
en oiitwiti tram SkrKWVkL. ABt
, togmiB
PorVaa Oregaa
Uca F P A
FOR BENT. Furnished rooms, with
or without board. Term reasonable.
Enquire at this offce.