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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1898)
Hi if Mlt ifllffnTir VOLXXXII1 Entered c.& tk.e Foet omee at Mbaar. Or. eend-Clas Mali Matlert ALBANY OREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1898. W;t ITTlie rafciuaer aa4 rrsrfetr r 29 y in in Vegetable Preparation for As similating UicFood and Regula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of SW1 PixmotesDigestion.ClKTruI rtCSsandRest.Coutains rtciUw Opium.Morphine nor JEacrol. Kot Nab c otic. tl)1pi rmitt Apcrfect Remedy forConslipa tioruSour StomactuDiarThoea. Worms .Convulsions.Fcvcrish OCSS and Loss OF SLEEP. "" Xac Simile. Signature of . " "NEW "YORK. EXACT COPY OF VRAPFEB. THE OPENING DAY OF TheS is collese Januarv 4, 1893. The mercial work very much, so Business equal to any in the state. This is s now. Come and secure a branches o.a liberal education. Albany, Orego n,' V-rcv: . A M l s s we-', rrr rff. m U - X-i T . 1 J . . I - -J-. i : , i i : ' wt , u 1 M . : 1 iujflc mk'k. wmm HAVE YOU BEEN IN Thomas Brink's Lately. He has one of the finest ttocks of Furni ture in the valley. He has added Baby Buggies to h s stock. " Just call in and you wiil find that his prices are the --LOWEST- Scenic Iine, 74 -Siptrc;! CAR LINE FROM THE 3 iwn p E CONSTIPATION 'IMri '' ' in i in ,'rrfl ii"' 25c 50c ggf.! ,MB2T ALBANY ; CIGARS FACTORY j. JO&EPS. Proprietor SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF 3 ON THE WRAPPER OF ETEEI BOTTXE OT? Castaria is put vf ia ooe-eiza bottles saly. It U net soil la balk. Don't allow anyone to sell yon anything else os the plea or premise that h is "jest as pood" and "will easwer every pi Jtpcae." J Bca tilt yoc got U-A-S-T-O-S-I-A. l caa . yfTTSr Ba wtafPMa lilliliii econd Term has strengthened its com that now it has become a College was not so in the vast. It all thorough training in President Albany College oi r ou . f . PORTlAimOR Furnituie Store VORLD Cf THE DENVER ;-1RAILR0AD TUB POPULAR THROUGH NORTHWEST East , -TO ALL POINTS R.CNICHOU Gcotl Acol & K. HOOPER CP.IT.A. Kl VmUafm St.POKTlAMB.01tE, PENVER. COUX CANDY CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS THTJESTDAY COUNTY COURT. (Geo. Bu-ton, county jutlga; J Curl, Commiwouen.) M. Waters D. L. Application for vacation of Wheeler's addition to Albany filed and March 10 set for hearing same. Petition of T L Golden for appropria tion of $100 for ferrv road denied. Petition of Z H Rudd for redemption of lands, granted. Appointed supervisors A S Stone for Diet 23, O H Whitney for Dist 51, Oscar Drinkard Dist 45, John McNeil Diet 34, 0 11 Bogard Dist 28. II D Burkhart Ditt 14, Alex Dumond Diet 12. Perry Weiss Dist 48, Willard P Dawson Dist , D 0 Miller Dist 18, John Hutchins Dipt 18, -v mcuonaia uisi v. Bills allowed as follows : ACCOUST POOR. Aid Cox, Alberts, Alma Vail. Sarah Hines, Mr and Mrs Barnard, Henry aiyers, Jirs Auams, l ixueman ana wile, Samuel Keith, Larue, Mrs Junkin. Mra Streithoff, Mra Font 9, Henderson, Bo wen Hockenburg. Mra D Mosier, Henry Zes tow, Mrs M Klum, John Koker, R Gil lock . DECbeadJe rent. P Cohen W S Hopper Miller & Turner... 2 00 7 10 7 00 2 00 6 30 IS 00 4 00 7 50 25 00 a 00 8 00 SO 20 6 00 27 00 11 20 6 75 5 CO 8 25 2 00 B F Ramp Lewis Eldndpe. EP Fry..:..... PG Morris..... Dr Trimble....... A lVLrr Pander: Fred Dawson Dr Beers, aid Cook Lucy Byers, boarding poor...... B Erickeon Lewis Rarne Aid Mrs John Hodges Chas Da via PG Morris Florence Crittenton Ref Home.. 50 00 B if Ramp 6 SO W C Farlev 5 00 C Cooley & Co Geo Dawes Albany For Co ROADS AND BRIDGE,. C C Jackson C II Bogart J C Dickinson U FTerhune J W Smith .' G W Rice, acct clerk Albany Trading Co I Wasom . . . . O M Cul AFGooch Barnes & M ankers E T T Fisher H Bochert M J Cameron G L Urav John Millard.. Accorxr srPKRTrsoas. D C Pwann. Diet 39 J W Baldw n las Dyer, dist Ifl J H Edwards, dist 40 C H Bogait W H Beard D A Wade Loots Huber .. MISCKXLAXBOCS. Salaries county cfScers. Chas Hegelee, exhibit Drawing jury People's Press, printing O B Montagae, maps W F Hammer, rccx sheriff E C Xeal, acct ownership book. . Fred Dawson, stationary Dr Trimble, insane Geo Lad ne 5 00 20 00 15 00 7 50 3 50 6 50 1 50 6 CO 44 00 2 30 2 37 20 00 7 00 4 00 4 0) 2 00 16 25 16 20 73 27 00 20 00 48 00 10 00 21 00 38 00 38 00 27 00 12 00 7 00 52 00 1 75 2 00 50 00 10 40 5 00 1 50 44 00 7 50 2 70 25 00 22 65 67 50 32 frt 4 00 1 00 20 00 4 00 1 45 2 50. T L Jones, acct clerk J J Wbitney, acct diet atty M C Gaines, railroad fare Salem. board prisoners Oregon agt Harry French Or a$rt French and Miller Acct lndieent soldiers Carl Roberts, acct sheriff Geo L Alexander, printing Aioany t.i L,t Co Telephone Co rosbay & Mason, stationary B:llof rjSawerfor boon! v. disallowed. fcwgene Items. From the Guard. Without making a general canvass $1700 renreeenta the amount at present t (inscribed by the business oien of Eu gene toward securing a boat to run on the npper river, and thereby lessen their expenses for freight bill. The drag firm of Henderson & Linn has been succeeded by a new firm whose title name will be Wilkins A Linn, the change occurring yesterday By this charge E. K. Henderson sella to F. M. Wilkins all his interests in the business Dr. Chapman's printing outfit arrived here on today's freight trun. It has al ready been taken to the university. The outfit for the boot alack stand and bar ber shop will probably arrive in due coarse of time. James H. Harris late yeaterday after noon instituted a suit in the Lane coiu ty circuit caart against the Columbia Implement Company, for $5,100 dam ages, caused by a wrongful cl.argj of embezzlement. County Clerk Jenning today issued a marriage license to James P Holce 34 years and Estella Kave 17 years. Peter Harpole, 57 years, and Terena II Davis, 21 years. A Very Pectliab Case. Mrs U Key. ho was so unfortunate as to break her leg. at the home of ber daughter, M re J Sawver.theday Bryan was in Lebanon. ts still confined to her bed. She has no use other right side. She sleeps nearly all the time, being awake scarcely long enough to eat, ano quite often goes to sleep while eating She dcee not appear to be in any pain, bbe is now 77 tears of age. Her case is a peculiar one. Express. Mr. Porter Slae went to Portland tki" motning. lie has recently invented an ice sled and will try and introduco it for be Alafcka business. Mr. S. E, Young has purchased the residence and two lots occupied by Mr. S. ". Steele, at the corner of Sixth and Washington streets. It will be remodel ed and occupied by Mr. P. A. Young and lamiiy. GoveruerLor J haa appointed delegates to the northeast Cattle tirowersAtsocia tion to meet in Pendletion on February 15, 16 and 17. Those from Linn countv are R. Snodgraes and H. Somme-ville. of llarrisburg, Lee Miller, and John ISoni of Haljey. Mra Jas Mulkey, of Eddyyil'e, writes us that she was cured of a cancer of twenty years standing by tbe treatment prescribed by Rev J M. Lawrence, cf fhat place. Mrs 31 a l Key says that she bad trtea aany omer remedies and doctors but none did ber good. ty tbe treatment of Mr Lawrence she has been completely cured, Leader. Roft. White Hands with Shapely Nails, Loxn- riant Hair with Clean, Wholesome Scalp, pro- duced by Cctiouba Soap, tbe most effective; Skin purifying and beautifying soap tat world, as weU aa purest and sweetest, tof .-.,. , .HH.rv TTim nnl V nrftTBUtlY WIM?I, lM., " A ot inflammation and clogging ot the Foxes. J UI1GUI& Soir It Kid thromrhoot tlx world. T ansa Dave AS Cm. Cor., Boi. Prop, Borton, TJ. 8. A. I How to romy wwwj - and Udr.-BUiM (m. BABY HUMORS EOT 'SJS&HE&Sft A Live Entertainment. That was what the U. A. R. gav their hall last night in the presence large audience. It was novel and pi i ing. The program was opene.t with music by the orchestra, David Torbet, a young soldier was then publicly punixbed by being placed on a barrel, with the sign on hia back: ''For stealing chickens." Three young ladies tom their expetience in becoming en gaged to thosameyoung man. Mr Jason Wheeler as "Big Bamboo" made a jar gon speech, in which a quarrel ensued with hit son-in-law over paying for his bride, with John Catlin as interpreter. It caused a great deal of amusement. A duet by C II Walker and wife in jargon ana in inaian costume was neartny en cored and deserved it. Mr G W Wright gave a bright address on Exaggeration, one that no doubt made Muchausen turn over in his grave. Mr Risley as a pro fessor of Egyptian mysteries'in costume gave a good exhibition. A member of the OKU was shot in regulation style for desertion and the program closed with a lunch of hard tack and coffee, greatly relishrd. The nudience declared that they had bad a good time. Linn County Council Meeting. The monthly meeting was held with Knox Butte Grange on Feb. 5; The proceedings were given the Democrat too late for this weeks weekly hence we give only th substance of the meeting. The new preauhtfit U L Rees presided. Judge Boise was received with honor and made an honorary member, alu W M Hilliary. A live debate was bad on the beat fowl, for eggs, setting Uble.Tnarket, etc Remarks were made by Judge Boise and W M Hilliary on cooperation among grangers. A fine dinner was had . The afternoon meeting was an open one. It was voted to hold the next session atShedd with Oak Plain Grange on March 5. Delegates to the state grange to meet in Forest Grove will be elected at that time. A petition to congress asking the Ore gon delegation to use their best effort to ecure the continned improvement of Yaquina Bay was adopted unanimously. Remarks were made by Judge Boise, FMKixer, CL Shaw. J Clem, Henry Cyrus, Mart Miller, J W Propst, Tbos Froman, S A Dawson. C H Walker and others on grange matters. Some live tonga were sung. Mr Hilliary reported Santiam grange reorganized on the 3rd wiih 43 member. Teachers Examination. TLe regular examination of teachers ii being held at the college before ruper intendent Wheeler and Commiasioners Smith and Torbet, with the following in atten lance: Roea B Mason Santiam. Ethel Miher Sodaville, Annie Morgan Lebanon, Amy Mason Santiam, Charles R Moore, Brownsville, Perry Van Fleet Halsey, George C Strics'and Scio, Ethel Kaeeett Halsey, L W Edmister Turner. Mr Ag nes Higeins Brownsville. Mable Cutler. Crawfordsvilie, Sylvia Bryant. Lebanon, Benton l ot roster, Koaco an fleet Halsey, F M Nage Halsey, Ann e Crab tree Crabtree, Cora D Van Tangent. Kf fie Titus Albany O G Minicb Lyo, Nellie Snoderly Je3ron.Calla Pierce Rowland, Isaa Boetwick Sodaville, Carrie Preever Lebanon, O N Blair Lacomb, W R Cook, Brownsville. Todd Abrama Crawforde ville, Mona Fronk Sodaville, Sarah Nash Halsey. Lottie Thompson Foster. Grace Brewster, I.eUaooo, Edna Robnett Crawfordsville.T E VcKight Lebanon. Interesting RecorJ. Tho DtvocATio rivioz the reminis cent account of Lion County's first osfi cers had a reference to an earl rase. which was stated and denied. But here ia the record, a very interesting one, which peaks for itself : The Probate judgee being present on 8th dv of Nov., 1850, personally ap pear d before said judges Vim Rexford and Jobn Kd mis ton. and entered com plaint against Jacob L. Coon.of insaoity, said jndges bad a writ issued for his ap preoeneion forthwith and bring him be fore the court on the 11th day of Nov. for trial. Writ returned on the Hth nst with the body of the present olaintiff pre? at proceeded to trial and found said Coon partially insane and bound him over to keep the peace in a bond of $500. Jas Yorbrongh waa sworn. Wm Rex ford and John Kdtoiatoo both awcro. Jons McCor, Joh.v A Dcxur. Mr. Coon is cow a resident of Camts Valiey, Oregon, and ia a prosperous, sue ceeslul larmer, highly respected. Jay Swank. Jav Swank was born J Que 14. ISfco. on the borne larro ot his lather, i'tnllip Swank, r.x miles west of Lebanon, and died on Tureday, eb. 8 He was mar ried to Mies Mary Perry on January 31, 1892 Two children have been torn to them, Byron and Sarab Rule, both now living. Mr. Swank was an upright citi zen and a man of good habits. Besides his wife and two children, be leaves bis father and mother, four brothers and three sisters. Express. r Albany Woolen Mill Officers - The stockholders of the Albanv Woolen Mill met last erening and elected the following officers: 1)1 rectors, fc. w. Langrion. w. I Vance, S. E. Young. D. P. Masou and P. F. McGee. President, 8. E Yourrg. Manager, L. Flinn. Secretary, P. A. Gool win, Unfortcsatks. Six ot the govern ment employes in the customs service of this district, seven, day inspectors and one examiner ot casloms yesterday were let out. as follows : Henry Montgomery, nightwatebman George L. Biggers, of Baker City, nigh inspector. Charlea Lappeus, Chinese interpreter J. J. Kelly, laborer. J. Creed Hoed, ot Koseburg, laborer. Frank O' Dea, laborer. It was done by the government. Mr. Black having nothing to do wit it. Sikoical OrKaATios Dr. Wal'ace came down from Albany Saturday and assisted Dr. Hawk in a sursical opera tion on Lynn Humphrey. Tbe left side and lung ot the boy had become almost filled with pus, showing that he had but a few hours to-live unless relief was af forded. The physicians cut into his side and introduced draining tube, affording almost instant relief to the breathing of lhe operation waa sklll- ully performed and promises to result n saving the life of the patient. Jef- ersn tieview. J.B.Montgomery said to a Washington Post reporter : "This year there will be an increase ol 30 per cent in the acreage devoted to wneac in uregjn and there were never such fine prospects of en im mense yield. In California I am sorry to, sav tbe outlook is the very reverse. The great SanJoaquin valley, that produces tbe bulk of the Brain, has not had an acre plowed so far, and in tbe last six montr a not three inches of rain have fal ln, If heavy rains do not come very soon the farmers of California will be in very baa pugut - Twelve men w m ma city putting up a !w line for tbe Postal Telegraph Co. from Portland to Redding, making two lines to oau Francisco. To Cm CoiMtipittion rorevar. Tnhe Cnscureu Cundv Cuthartla lOo orSSa II C. C. C. full lo cure, UriiuiilfclK refund rut,c'y. REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported by the Lion County Abstract Company, for the Dkmochat, for the week ending February 0th, 1898. F A Dow and husband to Wm Vance,4W,2flacrea.... $ 80 B Cutler and sheriff, to Ol ivia B Seaton 2 W, 280 acres. . . 1403 L F Collins and wife to J W Pier point, 2 W, 70 acres ; 500 Albany Woolen Mills to L Hinn, truetree and receiver, bl 115 in Hacklemati's add to Albany, In cluding mill and machinery Oregon Centra) A Eastern R It Co to Corvallis A Eastern R R Co, all property real and personal of O OA E R R Co l W F Pfeiffer to Mollie F rfeiffer, part bl 8. Albany...... 1 E U Carr and wife to R M Cald well, lot 5, bl , Cowan's add, Lebanon Martha A Carr to R M Caldwell, lot 6, bl S.Cowan "a add.Lehanon. Huldah S Miller to C F Biiee, 1" W. 80 acres...... 200 100 400 CM House ant wife o Nanne B Pollard, lot 6, bl S, Uackleman'a 4th add to Albany.. Willamette Real Estate Co to A M Reeves, lots 7 an 8, bl 40, IJal ey, Oregon 1000 75 Mrs. E. E. Parnsa relumed yesterday from her trip to the Dalles. The agazlne Club will meet tomor row .aftejjaoo at S:SJ"-witlr Mrs. Otto Lee. Ben. L. Norden, a prominent Poitland man died at his home in that city yeatcr day. Miss Marguerite Alderson. of Salem, eamenpthi noon to see her many Al bany friends. Gov. Lord was in the city this noon on his way to Corva'lis on a visit to the U. A C. at Corvallis. Mr. Marvin Turner, a f tr an absence of a coupla years spent in Pendleton, has returned to Albany. B. A. Stafford and wife jea'erday re turned from their California trip, greatly improved in health, Postmaster Stites is again at the office after being confined to his home eeversl weeks with the neuralgia. Mr.F. O Breckenndte, of Portland, son of W . C. Breckenridge. of thia city, will leave in a few dv'.(or Copper R.ver, Alaska, on a riniog expedition, having resigned his position in the electric light works ol Poitland. Social dance Saturday ere at opera bouee. There willle 13 rent charged for spectators in the gallery. Those not wishing to have ha la and eoata checked ii: find plrce to put them. Mgr ot orchestra. Mr. Charles McCullavb. who baa been attending Homes Bcainees College, 'ortland, came up last night and weut to Halsey this noon, where be will be lo cated. He was pleased with the IMmes College. Thecantata. Queen Eater ia to be given in McMinnvilie, on February 2i, under Prof. L. L. Ware, of Chicago, who will take the part of Mordocai, Mi Jennie Snyder will be Qaeeo Esther, E. V. Littlefietd Ahasoerts, B. B. Birker Ha inan and O. II. Irvine liaggai. Mr. and Mrs. James Marks received word I mm Lakawn Leoa. Asta.yeslerday, that on IV.v 10 there was born to Rev. and Mra. C. R. Calender, a son. that all 11 are doing well. It take ihenews two Booths to reach Albany from that far off mission field. Mica Mind Hoffman has been reen gaged by E. S. Willard the Eegiith artor, for two years, and will tn in Corvallis in May after her mother, hen she will re turn to London for the next season. Her reputation aa an actreat has been greatly strengthened the past teaeoa. Mr. James Lee Irvine retamed this week from his trip labia old borne at Reidsville, N. C-, where he spent several weeks very pleasantly, showing tbe warm limate by a big d-e ot tan. He came back by way of Southern California, hirbleail dried np and tsffering for wart of rain. In fact without a good rain there will be no wheal crop at aU. A lodge V.d'ao'fS fca jat been or- gin i id taS&iem. A Marion coon'y man ha made a three yean bop contract at 10 cent a pound, witb an advance of 4 ceots each year. The middie-of Use-road pnpa'Uta at Dab las Hate aominated a county ticket and elert ed delegate lo the stale coovenuon, then a oomber ( f po. uhtU bolted and eecied delegate to the state convention in faicr of f uiton. Maiov Stephen Manhall, of the Salvation Army, who has been ia Albany several time came very near being tilled ii. Portland ye- terdav. v bi-e niiioir a bicvele be wa run down by a motor, and waa almost umli the wbeei. feeo vtie motorsian, .Mearna, reached over and polled him np oat of dan ger. Ilia bicycle was maabed to pieces. A teacher in a school not many mile from UcMitnville. ay the T. K. having instructed a pupil lo purchase a tram mar, received a note tho worded from the child's mother: ,.i do not demre for Lula abail en rase in a rammer as i prefer ber etgae in youthful studies and can learn ber bow to cok and write prooertv rnyaelf . i have want tlirouffb two irtumar mrs'ii anu ... . . - i cant say astney did me no good. 1 preier ber engage la germanena urawmir anu vokal mane on the piano. AaRESTCO. J. E. Bridgeford was ar rested thia afternoon for hauling pota- i am without a Iscense and will be tned at 9 a. m. tomorrow. Benton cnuntv'a tax levy has just been ntared at 21 mills, the amount for coun ts nnrnnaea betnir 13 mills, over three ..... .f l : TKa tfttl i mn li 11 ui ii uu vwuM.i. .... tax for Corvallis will be 31.8 mills. HORN. SN ELL. In Albany.on Friday morning, February 11, 1898, to -Mr. and sirs. . D. Snell, a boy. HAttVKS On Fahrnarv 8. 1898. tO Mr and Mrs. A. Barnes, in Albany, a boy number six and all boys. , . .. ..v - - hildren Who would prescribe ctly tonics and bitters for a wca i puny child ? Itt muscles r.r. . nerves arc so thoroughly e IiAViUd that they cannct :. 'x'Jrp&l into activity. T: . cl :; i cm-S food j a I'kc? 'r, ricrve-strfnoVi-.ct ir ; r .- r - Lilies; -.,r vi O I '.ver Ol! is all of tills. vnz yud still have a tonic in ihi h pophosphites of lime soda to act with the food. For thin and delicate children there is no remedy superior to it in the world. It means 2 growth, strength, plumpness S and comfort to them. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. $ t . 50c ni $1.00, all druggltu. - .-ir a, nnundir K.w vMi. ceecceeess WHEAT. New York 98 c, Chicigo 97Xc San Francisco 84c. Liverpool lo higher. . Albany 67c. ORDINANCE NO. 320. An ordinance lo lieense and tax in surance agents, and solicitors in the city of Albany, Oregon. the people of the cilvof Albanv. da oidain an follows: Section 1. That on and after the first day of March, 1893, it shall he unlaw ful for any person, firm, company, as sociation or corporation to engage in or conduct the business of fire, marine, mutu il or other fire insurance, in the city cf Albany .Oregon, either as general, special or traveling agent, local agent or agciiu, solicitor, principal or manager of any fire, marine, mutual, or other fire insurance compaay unlets said general, special or traveling agent, local agent, or agents, solicitor, principal or manager, shall first have obtained from the city of Albnv a license to conduct and engage in such insurance business. Section 2. Any general, special or traveling agent, local agent, or agents, solicitor, principal or manager, desiring to engage in the business of fire insur ance, as set forth in section l,of Ibis ordinance, shall first obtain a license therefor from the city ot Albany, and shall pay to the treasurer of the city ol Albany, the following sums, towit: For that portion of the year 1SU8, beginning tne lavday of March, 1S9S, and ending the 31st day of December, 1898. the sum of ($eo sixty dollars, and no license for the year 189$ shall be issued for a leas sum than s0; and from and after the first day of January, 1899, each of tbe person or persons hereinbefore enumer ated in section one of this ordinance, en gaged in the business of fire insurance, shall nay to the city ot Albany an an nual license ot ($75) seventy-five dollars, payable on tbe first day of January ot each 3ear; and no eucb license shall be issued for a less sum than $75. Such license issued under tbe provisions of thia ordinance, shall state the name ol each person or persons constituting such agency or agencies Section 3. Any person or persons, firm, company, association, or corpo ration violating any of tbe provisioo of title ordinance, shall, upon conviction, thereof before the recorder's court, be fined not leas than $20, nor more titan b, lor each and every vtolat:on thereof, or imprisoned in the city jail not lees than iO da;s, nor more than 35 days. Section 4. Tbia ordinance shall take effect and be is full f. rre on and alter the 1st day ot March, 1S3S. Mrs. Edward Murray. The remains ot Mrs Edward Marry, ho died in Dututh. Minn , some time ago, were brought lo Albany last night, nd were buried this afternoon, with the funeral from the depot hotel and ervicsa cooducted by Rer. Metayer, at the cemetery Tbe remains were ac companied from Dulotli. by Jame Morry. and from Portland by Mr. and Mrs. Hale Backensto. Mra. Murray died oo SepU 13. lf97.ber remains being kept in a vault since then. She was a pioneer resident of Albany for many years being in charge of tre hx- hange hotel, which she managed in an xceilent manner. For many years she was noted for the Splendid style to wu'cii tbe got up gnme suppers for tbe banter of Albany afiw big match hums. She was alwats esteemed for many good qualities and will long be remembered by Albany people. Woodmen Anniversary On Feb. 21it at the ope w bouse Al bany Camp W. O. W.will ce!ebra:e their lltini an niveraary ia a manner brch will ioterttt tbe public The ill give a three act cotsedr entitled -The Night '" which is full ot fun from beginning lo end. A tbe Wood men have the reputation of success in entertainment we may look for some thing good, the committee in charge ave ticket ready now for any who may ib them. Kecerved seats 3 cents. The board will be ready next Thursday morning at 9 o'clock at Burkhart & Lee's drug store where you can get your seals checked off. Thia will be the event of season and if yon don't see MrMan- initiated and ride the poat you will oi:s a treat. Special Services Rev. C. F Clapp. superintendent of Congregational cburchee for Oregon will arrive tomorrow evening and begin spec. at meetings on Sunday morning, reb. l:Uh. to continue for about ten dava. The Congregational people, cordially in vite everybody to these service, inter esting meetings have been conducted tbia week in tbe lecture room of tbe church. and there will be a meeting held by tbe church this evening. No s-rvices to morrow evening. Mr. Claup is no sen sationalist. Nothing illiberal or bigoted finds lodgement in bis make make-up. lie is a practical man and preacher. e invite joa to all of these services D. . rouse, pastor. A Halsey iturglaryf Last night some time, a thief entered the store of A. M. Reeves, at Halsey, by euttinz out a pane of glace. There waa only a small amount of money in tbe tills and he got only about $3 tn all in dimes anr nickels, of which only about 50 cents was P. U. money. Tbe burglary was d-s covered on opening the store this morn ing. Deusqcknt Cocrtv Taxes. In the matter ol delinquent tax roll the county court last evening before adjourning made the following order: "That the selurn to the countv cWrk of delinquent tax lists of 1893 bv the sheriff with state ment ot collections is hereby received and full settlement made It is ordered that the clerk turn said roll back to tbe sheriff witb warrant lo col'ect balance not yet paid. Match Fnoor. A match shxt will take place in Portlacd between George troruan and Sky Mocks ot ibis county and two of Portland's ciack shots. Live birds are shot at. The purse will bet'." 00. Horace Froman and several others will accompany the men to Portland to wit neea the contest. There is a good deal of confidence in the winning ability of the Linn county mau. Th Batncivoan Case: The case of the city agt. J E Bridgeford for hauling without a license, set for this afternoon was continued until Tuesday at I p m when it will be tried before a jury. Mr Bridgeford claim that he simpK rented his team to J K Douglas for hauling potatoes, not driving bimseit at all . Not Tkps. The statement published in the Urenonian tbaiat the recent meet ingot the Democratic Central Commit tee in this city a proposition was pre sented by the populists, which waa re1 iected, was entirely untrue, ivo pro post tion was presented at all by them, and those present were all democrats Want's a Divokce. Mrs. Bert Van Cleve is to sue her printer-actor husbau for divorce on the ground of non-support and desertion. One child, a bov, has been the issue of tits marriage. Bert Is now "on the boards" in 'Frisco town. Gazette. O. N. G. EscAsiraKST. It ia reported that the O.N. G. will hold its 1898 en campmentin Albany, the best place la' tbe state for it, though no place haa been formally selected. If done it will be of great advantage to this city, as there wU be a large force present. To Cnr Cou.iifMiiuit forvtr Take Oawarnta Cundy Cathnnltt lUoorSfo II C. C C 1ml to cure, druiiyikia rtftuui uiuuuy. Rayai aukaa tba load pan, wbolMoaM aod FOVDER Absolutely Puro aovM Mxm nnf n mow, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Wm. M. Hoag is in the city. Mra. Rev. McGhee left today to join her husband in Sootheren California. A. F. Stowe, a former Linn county lawyer, baa gone to Alaska, with many others a J. C. Peebles and Lyman Savage, Mar ioa county pioneers, died at Salem yes tarda j. Dez . Nath. just from Dawson, is ill a Nanaimo. He brought oat several thou sand dollars in gold. ' Rev. U.S. Shangle, P. E. will preach in the M. E. church south, tomorrow morning and evening. Elmo Davie, eon of Geo. W Davis, U spokes of a a like.y nominee for joint senator in Lincoln and Benton Senti nel. Mr J. P Galbraith haa been reengag ed aa bookkeeper of the Albany Wooieo! Mill at an increased salary, a just testi-; mooy of bis worth ia this position. j G. B. Walton and wife.of Indianapolis, arrived tbia week from Indianaooli and are tbe gueau of Mr Walton 'a Bitter in law, Mra. Bodtne in the country. I. H Van Winkle of thia county was successful in the oratorical couteet atwil-1 tamette university last evening ,W. J. (j list rap at the O. A. C. Mr. C. O. Jones, the Racket S'rei man, annouocee hia intention to soon leave Brownsville for L'n.on, Eastern Oregon, where he will engage in busi ness. Times Mr and Mr. F. S. Campbell, who have been visiting Mra. Campiii'a rel ative at Kiags'ey. left tbii morning for their home at .Albany .Tbe Dailea T. Dr. J. P. Wallace went lo llarrisburg last nlgbt to attend Mr. Sam May who ia lying seriously ii! with heart trouble. Mr. May haa a host of fnends who will hope for his recovery A fine banqnet was given Mr. Bert Wight at bachelor's ball this noon in honor of his vi-lory last evening. Twenty or tnirty youne; tceu had a feast all of their own making, without any dangers of i I effects of overconfidence li the cooking. A letter from Mr. Will P.eifier. recei ved ia this cite from Skagway stale that be will be home in a lew weeks, not going into bostnee there, and w suspect be wiil come back better aalisfied wish Al bany than ever. Mr. U. F. Mcllwain tra account ot tbe many reports coming from Skasway bas decided not to go to that place aa be in tended. Bnsineaa is already overdone there. He will remain ia Albany, en large his stock and posh his merchants le trade here. A Pretty Story. From the Teles ram : Coming toward Portland from San Francisco tbe otner night oa the fast train there waa a baby and it mother- All tbe passengers in this particular car were well aware oi its preeeore. The mother was . a pale-faced litt e woman with sunken eyns. tbe baby waa sick and tbe paseengers were sleepy. Only one of them, perhaps, wished it wouldn't die. This one crept out of her birth and stole down tbe aisle to tbe scene of tbe squal ling. The two women looked at each other, and the mother at once knew that tbe face that peered into ber birth was that of a friend, and tbe baby wa reiin- guisbed, its little form gathered cioee to that of the stranger and carried swiftly along the aisle to a comfortable lower ber-h. The wails cootinced for a while, but gradually grew so Iter, till they were bushed and everything was still. In tbe morning the sleeclee guardian of the child carried it back to its mother.whcm tbe found atill asleep, and who could on ly smile her gratitude when she awoke. Then the one who had done this little bit of kindoees sat down in a seat where berth had been made up till the mother arose aud came where abe wa. The lit- ie woman tried to eay something in tbe way of thanks, but was interrupted with, 1 ou need a good, warm breakfast, don t your - un, no," was the reply. " I enau do very well till we get to Sisson. when my husband will meet me, beside," and then seeing that she had let the cat oat ol the bag, she waa eileut. "ery well," said tbe other, but think we had better go into tbe dining car together. I bate to eat alone." So tbev went in, and, when one after another, the members of the Nellie Mc- Henry company arose and wondered where the star was.thev found her in the dining car. feeding little tid-bita to the pale baby and brineine smile through tbe tears that were yet hardly dry on tbe mother's face. The writer, who knows all about it, thinka this slender epsode very pretty one, quite worthy ot print. Fack from Skagway. The Oregon arrived at Portland last evening at &:'i0 o'clock. Among the pas senger was Mr. Frank Thayer and Oscar Marshall, ot this city. Mr. lhayer went up on tbe Oregon intending to do busi ness there, in fact was so anxious to go that be refused nearly double price for his ticket be ore sailing. He got all he wanted of Skagway at once. Kverv tiling ia overdone and it ia a lawless tough, commnnity,so Mr. Thayer bought a return ticket aud came right straisn back, and would bave come quicker if he could have done so. Hesara a good many of the other Albany people will be bac in a little while. A Lcbakok Ciacts The John A. Lo gan Circle No. 3 was organiid in Leba non on the 7th. by Mrs Florence Qumby assisted by Mrs Brown, Miss Risley, Mrs Uonrad, Mrs Snow, Mrs Lvana, Mrs Small, Mrs Miranda snd Miss Liasie Mi rands, all of Albany There are sixteen charter members. Mrs HuMi s the first president. The Albany visitors were treated well and were given two fine re pasts. A writer in the Advanoe signing the name "A Loyal Woman of the W. K. C." attacks the new organisation. m ErprriHMly Bay ou. Coacarets Camlv CaUmrtie, the, moat won derful medical discovery of the ace, pleas ant ami rerivfilnmr to the tame, act gently mid Hitivly on kidueva. liver and bowels, eli-aiiRiiis the "nitiro avt-m, diei rolil, cum Iteutiuotie, lever, hntiltuiil conatlpatiou and bioimne. Please buy and try a box of C.O.C uwlny; 10, SV, Ml cent. fcoldnd guoi.- ' x-d to euro by all druggists. NO CURE-NO PAY. That la the wiy all dru 'gists sell OUOVE'STASTKLEM CHILL TOKIO for Malaria, Chills and Fsver. It Is simply Iron and Quinine in a taatelaaa form. Children lovej't. Adults prefer t to blt'er, nauseating Tonic- Price, 50o DAVENPORT' CARTOONS. The Finest Picture Book Ever Pub lished. The Democrat man was made happy this morning upon receiving a copy of tbe new bock of cartoons just published ty Homer Davenport, the world's great est cartoonist. The book is a large one, tbe pages being 12x15 of elegant paper and unique cover protecting them. Tbe finest cartoons for which Davenport haa become famous then appear elegantly printed, capturing one regardless of pol itics, and like an entrancing story, hold ing the observer almost spell bound witb admiration for the genius that could pen tbem and origiuate them, until the end with Tom Reed towering over Mr. Ding ley is reached. There are artists w bo can draw, iot Davenport also conceives. From tbe frontispiece, witb Reed looking at the title, and Dingley looking at Reed, past the inscription, 'To my father," the author's interview witb Senator Hen na, Uncle Sam getting his gun ready .and Uncle Sam in many odd situations in keeping witb tbe times, Mr. Hanna and President McKinley in all kinds of poses. corpnleot Tom Reed, Grover Cleveland as a mighty hooter, his English views of Gladstone, Salisbury and others, Hunt ington, Li Hang Chang. tbeG. O. P. ele phant, Teller,Stewart,Sberman.Spooner, Quay, Croker, Tracy and others, one constantly wonders at tbe genins that can pot tray j much, in a few strokes of the pencil. Tbe Dzmockat man doesn't know what tbe book sells for, but whatever it doea it la worth twice the price. It is a book fcr Oreguniana to be proud of, for tbe author is a Marion county man from the foo'.hills.even from Silver ion. Wight Won. 1 ne local oratorical contest to se:ect a I representative of the Al-way Col lee fori tne state intercollegiite oratorical eon eet to oe neid in tbis city on March II. held at the opera house last night in the pr-eeoce of a good sued aod.ence The main fe:nre was of eoarre the six ora tions delivered by tbe etadents selected by tbe faculty for tbe purpose, two each from the Sophomore. Junior and Senior classes Beaidesj waa some excellent mn-1 sic by tbe orchestra, prayer by Key. Thorn peon, of Brownsville, two song by a quartet, Meetr. Achiaoo, Sox, Stewart and Irvine, encored, and a vocal solo by alias Marguerite Aideraon. encored. Clyde Charles Bryant delivered the first oration. A Hero of Anti-slavery.' This waa a fice tribute to Weadell Phil lips, wboe first appearance in Faneul hall waa one of the most dramatic in bis tory, wbose career waa a brave one, self- sacrificing everytbing on tbe altar of lib erty. There ia a big field for another! Phillip Joseph Tyree spoke on'"Consrre?tioo.' showing tl.e tendency from early history lor people to get toge.tier socially in family, clans, tribes and then nation, I followed by a study of tbe things of tbe I world, resulting in literature. He called attention to tbe dangers of unrestrained immigration and of tne trusts snd mon opotie of the country. Robert Smkk gave an excellent ac count of the manner in-whicn Marco Whitman eared Oregon to tbe United States, for wbieh be was undoubtedly entitled to the credit, though some have endeavor J to rob him of it A timely topic oa aceoant ot Nov. 29 having been I the semi-centennial of tbe massacre of I Whitman and bis thirteen associates Marios SlarceJiva gave a graphic ac-1 count of tbe bTOtim of tbe Spanish I prince, the Count of Nassau, ia tbe 16th I century. Albert n lgbt delivered bis beet or-1 tion, tbe "Danger of Over-Confidence," It wa well elaaeified and was com pre henaive in its contraction. Witb Baby lon, tbe world's greatest city, Rome. I Montcalm at Quebec, and Napoleon at I n aterioo, as examples, be lead np to tre I present time snd spoke of tbe dangers I confronting tbe I nited States ia the! mad mtti lor weaitb. the overlooking ot I education od kb migration, tbe surren dering of otScea to demigogue. tbe con test between capital and labor, intern-1 peraace, tb dismantling ot virtue, and obnoxious laws. Calling n poo all to rise! from their ease and sally out to extermi-1 kate the evils that stand out as dax ger I r rials 'jo our nation. I loeeph Torbet closed the contest with an excellent or lion on "Weighed in the I Balance" cilioa history to show tbe i if nfttinftA , K -vi-i r V l.viSw mwA 1 the oi evils, and wondering u mnca waa losiowin i in tne steps ol 1 Kome, with oar political corruution and I partv preiudios. Doea the tale ot Greece wait as. Tbe Uiae for reform baa come and loyal citizens are called opoa to do I their part. Tbe endings of tbe three 1 Jdgee, Key. Thompson, of Brownsville, Rev. Earhart of Turner, snd Jade, Hewitt ot Albany were balanced on the osual points, and it was florid that Albert Wight sood first and Joseph Torbet second, which was the verdict ss well of most of the au- ience including tbe Dskockat man. A Check f-rtd Caskia. The old Pop gun plant baa been resurrected by Jar. Brown, of Lebanon, wbo wiu start a pa per at that place. Thia plant has seen all the upa and downa of tbia life. As the Sheridan Courier it waa edited by woman : from there it waa moved to Amity by t. B Long and run under tbe name ot tbe Topzun. where it attained much notoriety. It was afterwards sold to K, A. Harris, and tbe name changed to tbe Oregon Blade. It was then ran in the interest of the populist party and the Labor Exchange of Amity. Mr. Harris moved the plant to Moo- mouth. where it came oat ss the Monitor, but in a short time Mr. Hani sold out to Mr. Cook. who. after a abort time, con sumed it to the newspaper arave yard. where it baa peacefully lain until last week, whea Mr. Brows gathered tbe re mains together and took them to Leb anon. Amity Times. orn3 eotoyo Both the method and results when Syrup of Figa is taken; it ia pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta Sntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, ver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers ana cares habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the xnoet popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by 11. leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on band will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try M. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FtQ SYRUP COL tmnuc sr. rot x Albany TradingCo If. IV. Itlorrln, Manager. Here is a corker Some of our com petitors say oar goods are Cheap John but wa challenge any grocery store in Albany to show np a better line cf goods than we carry. 3 lb can Sweet Brier tomatoes...'! 10 3 cans Columbus peeled tomatoes 25 1 pk gran mas mash... .. 10 1 pk Forest soap extract 20 1 px Gold Dust 20 1 gallon beat 40 test vinegar f 1 sk Boston mills floor f 5 gal Standard oil, bring your can . 85 2 pa Arbockle coffee grnd to order 25 2 pa Lion coffee " " 25 2 pa Royal Java coffee, " " 'ft 31b cartoon Oregon Cracker Co crackers 20 I large 10c pk Rising San stove psilsh 05 6-20oz bars Battle A x soap....... 25 10 lbs beat beans 25 8 lbs rolled oats 25 A cans pepper, mustard, or allspice 25 B cans Cayenne, clove or cinna mon - 25 3 cans cove oysters, good ones 25 5 lb backet Hammond lard...... -50 3 lb mixed candy 25 3 lbs walnaU 25 Tbe above are some of our goods and we guarantee all good sold. We alao handle bran, shorts and bop teed. fie member tbe place, Graham build ing Cor 1st and Baker Sts. Star jHakery Corner BroadalHn and First St COXXAD IS EYE PHOPRIETCP- Canncd Fruits, Canned Men -Quecnswaw Vegetable Cigars, Spices. Tea' Etc Glassware, Dried Fruit. . Tobacco. Sugar. Coffee. Etc. verytbina; that i sv-pt la s end variety and grot eery store High est pt'-ee paidg for ALL KINDS 'OF PkODfjCf SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. No question abowt full and prompt-;. meet of tones by fire oa iBsminceptace with tbe ledisg agent of A bany. at. TlaftitatHelssirBsPesfiFsT Joa't allow Tcnrlt to 1 ropea into io rarioua "Local Mutoals bow being no -twl em voa as betosr "cheapest In- - . - .Ko. tin , ' whea 500 tnsore yoa do aot want to worry about getting your mosey 1 u crvurns sv v w. . " - Insurance. Hay, Grain aad WooU A fine Heater. Hopkins Bros., of this eitv.bav taken the agenev fox the nw internanonat Domeetrc Heater, wnicn is a grssi uuirg forhous) keepers. It fits upon sn ordinary coos: stove m beats the water ia a tank without the old water back which to often destroys the cooking qualities of tbe stove Tbev ut ilise tbe waste neat, taxing me psacw w first joint ot stove pips and are great fuel savers. Tbev are rare to com into gea eral use. They can be seen at Hopkins Bros, hardware and stove store. These beaters esa now be seen in use at H. R. 11 it dee and Councilman U. r. Dannais. . Mait Gia Hop. I wiah to announce to the farmers with in ths vidaity of Albany, especially those i.iMhJ m brw raisins-, that I have pur chased the hog known ss Common's Ideal, No. 36213 recorded in tn Amencaa rot mA China Record Co. the one that took the second premium at tbe fair thia iaH. He ia a nne nog ana a goou oreeuev a solicit tne patronage ana intpecuoa o parties intereatec in good nogs, ne is accompanied ly a yearling of my an rac ing which i recordable. .... 1 have three thoroughbred sows wnicn i am raising pigs from. I have a few pigs at present for sale, sll recordable. They can be seen at the Skeels place, on mils or h ot Albany. i w m tunsiw. IDeuuwnr. J. M. RALSTON 3 D. ors East of Democrat wnieeu Money to loan oa rarm security, aii eiall loans mde on personal secartty. City, county and school warrants boo gnt. Collections made on favorable terms. Fire insurance written ia three of the arg-t companies in the world, at lowest atea FOSHAi ft MASOR . Wholesale Retail DHUBBIST3 iIB03ISIuLSH ALBAST. oaaeos. Pur Drugs and the. finest and Larjeii Stock of SUtionary and Books in tba Market. STREET RAILWAY K0T1CE. The oto on tbe Albany Ueet raii- ay will connect promptly with all trains to and from the depot, day and night. Special trip will be nade at special a 'e. 1 F. Cosn, Corductor,