The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 11, 1898, Image 3

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    Site Sciiwaat.
Daily Democrat. 25
3.U0 Tver Tear in lifvinm SHn nor mnnth
o in aavance. ay carrier, iwt per
week. 10 per cent added if allowed to
run over months. Single copies 6c,
WititKr.v, $1.25 In advance; $1.50 at end
of year: $1.76 for second Tear: s2.0U for
third and preceedinsr year, when not paid
in advance. Clubs of five iww subscriber!
at f 5.00. . !
a few Ladies Lonsr Cloaks that are be
ing 'Sold at a great leduction. If you want
. a large anioiiLt of goo is for your money
be sure and see tbem All the tapes and
jackets in the department sold at a reduc
tion, A good serviceable umbrella for 50o
Lots of 8t) te in the 75c grade and lots of
wear too
If you want a better one you will 6nd
it here at the same ratio of low price to
good (foods.
R and G corsets in styles and shapes
that wilt fit any form.. Aline of French
corsets, uood fitters, made t.f French
contil, drab and white, all grades ti $3 50
or $100
Have you seen our 50c and $1 line.
There are no better for that price.
A gent a for Botterick Patterns.
S E Young & Son,
Albany, Oregon.
Albany. Oregon.
Clearance Sale
This year we have not marked down
ach article separately but will tell for
-cash until Feb. 15th, '98. any article
except thread at a reduction of.
12 i-2 per cent
from oar regular prices.
This is a rare opportunity to supply
your homes at a moderate cost . with
staple Dry Goods, Underwear, Hosiery,
Jackets, Shoes, etc, as oar stock is not
yet broken. Call early, we will t-y ta
please you.
Read, Peacock Co.,
A Racy Story from the Prinevllls
. Dave Tern pie ton was in a reminiscent
-mood the other night and told the fol
lowing incident of ear'y pioneer life in
"I crossed the plains in 1847 with the
company of immigrants of which T. J.
Carter was captain. I was then a lad of
IS years. We settled in what is now
Linn county, about three miles eatt of
the present site of the town of Browns-
-rule, my lather purchasing the 640 acraJ
ilAnaHnn !ai m a! a Ktphal. Pt.l
ter for a mare, an old gun, two or three
pair of socks and a little ammunition
This was two years before the county of
Linn was organized with a territory
which included what i) now known as
Lane county. During these two years
we paid no taxes, bad no lawyers and,
of coarse, no county officers of any kind.
As at first organized the county was di
vided in two precincts, one called Keys
and the other Kirks. The first election
vat held in the fall of 1849 The voting
place oi me iveya precinct wis at iuo
present site of Lebanon and that of the
Kirk precinct was at the present site of
Brownsville. There was only one ticket
in the field. I acted as one of the clerks
of Kirks, though only IS years old. The
other clerk was a man aamed Keady.
Ths judges of election were Elisba Grif
fith, Alexander Kirk, .from whom the
precinct was named, and a Mr Walters
The precinct polled 37 votes. At Keys
(Lebanon) they forgot ail about the
election until the day Had passed. We
elected a man named Barber for county
judge and John Mc'Joy and John Dun
lap for county commissioners. For sher
iff we elected Isaac Hutchins and for
cleikWm McCaw. The name of the
assessor I forget. On the first assess
ment of the county the sheriff collected
taxes to the amount of $1000, and the
.county court sit in almost perpetual eee-
-aion till they had used up the whole
amount in salaries and then adjourned.
I remember being at Clerk McCaw'a
-place one day when he said to me : "Do
70a know when county court meets
again?" .1 knew no more about the
-date than the clerk did bat I saw very
plainly that be wanted to get another
whack at the $1000. Court wis held in
fair weather under a maHle tree that
-was still standing when I attended the
pioneers' meeting at Brownsville last
- year. In rainy weather it adjourned to
'Kirk's smokehouse. All that I ever
knew it to do for that $1000 was to ad
judge a mar named jaks Coon to be In
vane. As we had no asvlum Jake was
-.given to the sheriff who set him to mak
ing; rails till fie got wen enougn to n
stitle him o release.
Sale ot Oregon Bank Accounts.
Considerable interest was taken this
afternoon in the sale by Assignee James
of the accounts of the Oregon Bank at the
Court House steps. The accounts were
being soli eingly. Some amounting to
several hundred doilais brought no bids
at all. others only nominal amounts. The
bote of Isom, Lanning A Co. for $11,000
was bid in for $100. and a total of about
1200 bad been bid for about f 15.000 worth
of accounts when the Democrat man left
the scene.
Notice to the Public.
Beware of Snide Barbers who try
sell you Hair Tonic, who do not know bee
from ball feet about yorr scalp. I have
had 25 years experience ana know theie
are four distinct kinds of scalp troubles
I will furnish free of ' charge a formula
best foiled to your particular case, which
you can get filled at any drug store for,
or 10 cents. Consultation free.
Louis YiERKCK.
Alaska Bocsd Mr. J. A. Weaver to
day received a letter from bis brother, j
who was on the wrecked Corona, written
on board of the Oregon, to which he had
been transferred. He and bis party of
six had lost all their personal effects,
but fortunately their freight had been
put on another steamer and was safe.
Their norses were saved. Their loss
waa about $150 apiece They were con
tinuing their journey and proposed to
on on into the mines. On board Mr.
Weaver had met the Albany men, Mr.
Sower and others, who were well and
enjoying tbe trip.
Hol brook closed last Saturday night with
a big house. A class was put tnrougn
tha nmial manauvers besides tlieawaken
ingof young Kyniston after bis ten hours
sleep. A great deal of interest waa taken
in ili pub shows. The opinion is divided
as to the genuineness of the hypnotic ex
hibitions. The word of some who were
bvDnotised is certainly to be relied upon
and the declare positively that they
couldn't help eing through the perform
ance as ttey did.
In 'he Circuit Court of E'ugene,
following is given as ibe record: Jennie
SmiUon vs the S?utbern Pacific Company
judgement. Mo ion for a new trial over
ruled. Judgement granted. Defendants
given 30 Ua-s stay of execution to effect
appeal to supreme court.
6.00 buys a good Mandolin with, book
(5.00 buy 8 a good new Guitar with book.
$1.00 buys 16 choice "catgut" Banjo Is
: strings.
$1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E
$1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow.
25cts buys one doaen steel Violin 1st or
2nd strings.
$25.00 buys a 5-drawersewing machine :
high arm, light running ; guaran
teed 6 years.
JESPrices on Pianos, Organs, Banjos
sent on application.
E. U. Will
Department 2 of the circuit cour t
today in an adjourned session with J
EL H. Hewitt on the bench.
The following business was transacted :
In the matter of the sale of the Albany
Woolen Mill property by the receiver,
bids were opened fcr the same as adver
tised. There was only one bid, that of
t. A. Goodwin, of $17,500 for the land
on which the mill is situated and the
entire building and woolen mill plant,
under the- condition that the receiver
wi.l sell all the material, wool, woolens.
cotton and dye stuffs on hand belonging
to the mill, at cost price to the receiver,
and also that the receiver turn over im
mediate possession of the mill, which is
empbacised in a second paragraph, al!
contracts made by the receiver to be per
formed for the manufacturing and de
livery of goods on terms agreed by the
receiver. The title must be free from all
liens, taxes and all claims. The bidder
will purchase firewood at $1 75 and pay
cash for same and all material. The
matter was taken under advisement.
In the case oi Standard Shoe Co.agt R.
N. Thompson et al judgment and decree.
In case Crow agt J. 8. Smith et alto
correct :a deed, trial was being had at
press time with a number of witnesses
in attendance from Oakville.
In case of sale of Albany Woolen Mill
property tha bid of P A Goodwin was
ordered accepted. Material and wood
to bs sold at cost price. Decree e itered.
Conditions in bid allowed.
In B F Crow ajt Robert Smith, decree
for plaintiff on findings.
First National Bank of Albany agt
Arthur W Masten, partition. Sale con
Albany B A act AS McDonald et al.
A Bush agt J C Johnson et al. judg
ment by default.
A M Terry agt G W Elkina et al. sale
confirmed. 1
M Hale agt 1 B Couev e al. sale con- !
Amanda Long agt G W Rogers et al.
sale confirmed.
Edwin Johnson aetGWCox etal.
E Thrall appellant agt M L Armstrong
respondent, judgment of justice court re
versed and cause remanded to Justice
i court.
Mary J Gordan set E W Achison et al.
sale confirmed.
W B Wright agt J L Hansard et al.
sale confirmed. -
Board School Fund Commissioners
agt 1' M Kirer et al, sale confirmed.
Hoard school r and Commissioners agt
J H Johnsoa et al. tale confirmed.
Mrs. H. H Cross died at Stavton on
January 3rd.
Rev. Manehardt will leave tomorrow
on a trip to his former home at Leonard-
ville, Kan.
.Carl Rankin will leave tonight for
Stockton, Calif , with a view of locating
sonewhere in that state.
H. E. Noble and Wert Minor, two Port.
land lawyers were in the city today on
boainecsobelore Judge Hewitt.
Mr McKibben, editor of the Senator.
the K of P paper at Portland, is in the
city and will be at the lodge tonight.
Miss Ora McFarland arrived in the
city this morning from Haniord, Calif
where she cas been clerking in ber
fathers store. She is the gnest ot Mr.
and Mrs. Stitea.
Mr. Henry Rogers left this mornioc
for bkagway hoping to get into business.
Unon his arrival he will aire the readers
of the Democrat the exact sitnationthere
as he sees it, prospects, etc
William McBride, ibe baker, who was
tried Saturday afterncon tor stealing- a
coat and shirt from in frost of P. Cohen's
store, was found guilty by the jury and
as aentecceo to the county jail fcr thirty
The number who will go to Alaaka
keeps increasing. Besides Messrs. Al
bert and Edwird Umphrey and Louis
Parker, heretofore mentioned, Edward
Chambers and Smith Cox will leave on
the next trip of the Oregon for Alaska.
W. II Street representing the "Orient
Insurance Co of Hartford Conn." was 1
in the city today and placed the Agency
of the company with H. F. Merrill.
The company is prepared to write in
surance at lowest rates .
Miss Retta Stuart, of Albany, arrived
on yesterday's local and will 'enter the
U. of O- She will reside with Mr. and
Mrs. G. S. O. Humbert. Eugene Guard.
Misa Stuart recently graduated from tbe
high school. She is a bright young lady
who will be a credit toany school. -
D. O. Derrin, grand lecturer A. O. U.
W. is in Albany and will - remain over
ni?bt. He is on bis way to Lyons to
address the order at that place and yes
from there to Rcio. He will visit baiety
Lodge tonight but will not make any
puttie adJi ess while here.
Married, ft tbe First Presbyterian
church. Portland. Thursday, at 5 p. m
wedding ce'emony waa perlorme 1 by
tbe Rev. Edgar P. Hill. Misa Eleanor
Russell, of Portland, and Mr. Edward B
Townsend. agent of the Portland Floor
ing Mills Company, at Alban,where the
contracting parties will reside. Mr. and
Mrs. Townsend each nave a targe circie 01
friends and -acquaintances bere whose
best wishes follow then to their new
borne at Albany. Oregunian.
The total attendance in tBe Salem
schools last month was 168, average at
tendance 1393.
Governor and Mrs Lord will visit theO
a ft far the first time under the new man
agement next Thursday.
Birred aDnles and other good apples are
DOW Bringing a gooupnv, wtug iiwtu
to a dollar for hrst caas trait inrougn ine
valley generally.
The Enterprise saw mill property .which
was sold at public auction in saiem eat"
urday was bid In by J W Comet tor 4,WU
l he mill is new and valuable.
The estate of the late Mrs Elizabeth
(Vmapr- nf Enirene. inventoried at 151,419.
It consis's of three blocks and resilience in
F.nopne. a bier farm. lots, and $8,735 in
cash and notes.
Mr A Rn.h i said to have soent 110.
(Wfl in imnnwinff Willamette hctel in Sa
lem nvmUr. it win take feaiem several
years more to get np to the size of tbe ho
tel, but it is gradually doing it in good
Change of Climate
Breaks Down the Health of an
Oregon Man
What a Few Bottles of Hood'
Sareaparllla Did for Him.
Our home la In Clark county, Wash
ington. My little boy waa taken with
asthma when only two years old, and
grew worse until he waa five, when the
physician advised n to take him to a dry
climate. I resolved to go to the great
wheat fields of Eastern Oregon and work
in harvest, but I soon found my own
health waa tailing. I could neither eat
nor drmk without getting sick. I waa
blind and dizzy. I procured a bottle of
Hood's garsaparilla and began taking It,
and in a few weeks I was well and able to
work every day. My little boy Is now
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla with good
results." D. Patteb, Wasco, Oregon,
Is the best-in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Bold by all druggists, gi; six for $5.
v at mis. do not purge, pain or
HOOd S FillS gripe. Druggists, itsc.
Use pnly one heap
ing teasp.oonful of
Schilling s Best Bak
ing Powder to a
quart of flour.
You must use two teaspoon fuls of other baking powder.
New York 957.'c.
Chicago 94i.
San Francisco 83c.
Liverpool lo lower.
Albany 66c.
An Albany Man Complimented,
oe. ween twenty ana thirty years ago
Mr. John Briggs, of this city, was the
leading musicheachcr of Albany and this
part 01 tne valley, in a writeup of the
choir 01 the First Presbterian church of
Portland. Mr. Briggs receives the follow
ing compiiment in connection with oneot
his old pupils, then a resident of Albany:
Mrs. Edgar . Coursen, the solo so
prano of the chair, has been well and fa
vorably known to the Portland public for
mat y years as one of the leadimr churc'i
choir singers in the ci.y. Mrs. Coursen
has a pure voice of peffect soprano tim
bre, one that is especially adapted to
cburcti work. It has been well called a
Ala MtitAn. r- r
MrHejt trmVmg was received from
her father. Dr. E. H. Griffin. She then
studied w,ith Mr. Briggs, who had re
ceived his musical education from the
beet teachers in London. Mr. Biigge
drilled his young students for several
vears on the masses and oratories of tho
old masters, and it was undoubtedly this
early training that made Mrs. Coursen
toe thorough musician that the is. Later
she studied with Joseph Roeckel, of San
Francisco, who had been associated with
La Grange in Paris.. Her church- choir
experience covers a period of 16 years,
eight oi which were spent in Trinity
cnarch and eight in the First Presbyter
ian caurcn.
A Letter of Importance.
To thi ciTizasa of Alb axt axd vie is
Yourself and your friends are cordially
invited to attend the Local Oratorical
Contest, which will take place in the
opera house, Friday evening, February
11. 1S9S. W have placed tbe admisaion
at 25c . You may reserve a seat w ithout
extra charge at BurkLart & Lee's drug
store.. We hope you will find it conven
ient to attend, as by so doing yon wU en
joy a pleasant evening, encourage tbe
College in its oratorical efforts, an 1 as
sist in tearing the financial burdens con
nected with having the Intercollegiate
Oratorical Contest, March 11. in this city.
Very respectfully,
W. H. Lac. President.
A Whopper.
Here is a Matolea Ash story from the
Prineville Journal that will unstring tha
nerves of Dave Froman and John Alt
house w hen thy read it :
George E. Porter got back Saturday
from a ffehing trip on the Matolea. He
and D. W. Allingham in about ten boars
of four days caught 262 white fish, aver
aging from 12 to 14 inches in length. Mr.
Porter brought back with him a boat lib
poands.wbich he readily disposed of at a
bit a pound. The fishing was ail done in
one pool on the Allingham place, not
over 12 feet rquare, and oat of this pool
as many as 517 fish have been taken since
the 1st of January and they filled the
pool when tbe men left so that at times
one could not see the bottom of the river.
New York 97Jc
Chicago Sc,
San Francisco B4
Liverpool no change.
A'.bany 66c.
Sheriff Gaines wss in our quiet town
last week. He was notifying lodges and
clerks of election.
Messrt Glen Junkin and Raymond
Barton captured a wild goose by sbooticg
it on tbe wing.
In last Fridava Pemocbat we see an
article beaded A Protest. we are
truly sorry to off end anyone and will say
that tbe gentleman is mistaken altogeth
er aa we have never even hinted that we
would enforce law on bim or any one.
He uses an expression tbat is very nn
meaning tons: "He who locks on the
rong side of a cloth should not entitle
tbe design." Now, we will agree with
this but who will decide which is right?
Mr. Editor, we have been a correspond
ent for your paper for many years. The
democrat is a welcome visitor in our
home and we want it to continue. As
we "Look on tbe "rong side of tbe cloth
perhaps it would be beat to get a person
tbat always looks on the right tu'e to
writs tbe news Irom bere.
McK. we know von don't recognise us
but von are aivng yourself away in good
shape. Ask V. W. Crawford who we
are and if he dpn't tell, come to Albany
on the 22nd of February and you will
ns at tbe w. u. 1. 1 . bail about dinner
time, and, perhaps, yon will hear ns talk
some. Why don't yon shake ns by the
hand when we meet in Albany?
Messrs. A. 8. Stone and A. T. Smith
were in tha county seat en business last
Little Rose Bcd.
A. B. Hammond, of tbe A. & C. and
C. & . has gone to New York on busi
J. W. Blain left last nieht for Califor
nia for a business location and for the
benefit of his health.
Mr. Arehie Mosier. a former proprie
tor, baa bought tbe restaurant 01 Tbos,
Riley, and will again ran it.
Mrs. Cbas. Waggoner of Albany, arriv
ed ub today and will visit at the home of
ber daughter Mrs. David Link. Eugene
Several members of Fair Oaks Circle
ladies of the G. A. R. went to Lebanon
veaterday to organize a Circle of tbeir
License was issued in Salem last even
ing for the marriage of David- Imlab
and Bessie E. Chapman, two promi
nent young people 01 tiiat city .
If vou wish to spend a pleasant and
helpful evening next Friday night attend
the contest at tne vpera House, trooa
music by talent from borne ana abroad.
Tbe Siraonton band last evening ac
companied Carl Rankin, one of their
members, to toe depot 10 see mm oji ior
Stockton, Calif., where be wil. join his
Mr. Percy A. Young went to San
Francisco last night to join bis wife wfeo
is there the guest of her parent", and
will visit several davs before returning.
when he will be accompanied by bis
Among those attending tbe adjourned
term of court was Hon. Ueo. K. Uham per
tain, of Portland, one of tbe attorneys in
the woolen milt case. Mr. tjnainDer
Iain's name is beina mentioned for Gov
ernor, and tbe Dbmocrai hopes it will
have an opportunity to suaaert him
tbat important position, which if elected
ne wouiu nil who lairness ana auuiry.
When the sate ot accounts, notes
judgments of ths Oregon Bank had
completed last evening, tbe total receipts
amounted to 1573.65 for about $20,000
worth nominally. The assignee has about
$4000 in cash on hand now to distribute,
which will - make a dividend
about 12 per cent, 18 per cent in all.
Three Men Drowned &t OregoaCity
Ubbgon City, Or., Feb. 8th, 1 p. in.
tieorge Freeman, three sons, George,
James. Harry, and L. I. Shannon were
swept over the falls in a dense fog this
morning. Only Harrr treeman reached
the shore. They live in Canemah, east
aide of the river, and are employed in
the mills on tbe west side. The nsual
custom- is to cross the river. They lost
bearings and were on the brink of tbe
falls before tbe danger was realised.
George and Harry Freeman clung to the
boat, were caught in an eddy, and went
near the shore, Harry after a straggle
reachel the shore, but George sank a few
feet from the bank. None of the bodies
have been recovered. The river ia being
patrolled. Georpe Freeman and L. I
Shannon leave families Tbe present
high water greatly increased the current.
13 months ago three men barely es
caped under similar conditions.
Teachers Institute.
Soru villi, Or., Feb. 7, 1893.
Tbe institute that was h-ld in tbe col
lege chapel on the 4th and 5th Inst, was
a success.
issTmrra xotcs.
County Superintendent Wheeler made
a good presiding officer.
f resident Geddes worked bard to make
tbe institute a success.
Hon. M. A. Miller mads several good
t speecber.
f rot. Uaker is at home in arithmetic.
Miss Mager'a boy quartet brought
down the bouse.
When Pro:. Emma Hart talks or reads
everybody listens.
Prof. Parriah hit the nail on tho head
when he said: The work in institutes
are not conduced with proper dispatch.
Prof. Swan talks good sense when on
the subject of geography.
Prof. Simons aaya children should be
taught speech correctly at first. Correct.
Prof. Suit's essay on the "Ideal
Teacher" was said to de the gem of tbe
Prof. Marion's acbolari y and pbytical
delicacy gave emphasis to the topic that
he discussed. He plead for plenty of
fresh ar
Prof. Emma Walter aa musical direct
or filled ber part well.
Prof. Ward waa at homt discussing
"Discipline in Schools."
Tbe visiting members rave the citisens
a vote ot thanks for their hospitality.
It was decided that algebra ought to be
taught in public schools; that geogra
phy and history ought to be taught to
gether; that history should be taoght to
tbe younger people more; that the Eng
lish tanguagc ia neglected; that Prof.
Dixon's diagram work in history ia the
thing; that the visiting members were
treated to good dinners: that the insti
tute was not ran ia tbe interest of any
!:: tt.
The visitors were cordially invited by
the president of tbe college to com a again
and were thaoaed for the good interest
shown. Sttdcvt.
Special Meetings.
Tbe Congregational church baa secured
tbe service of Rev. 8. F. Clapp. Sunt.
of Congregational churches for Oregon,
for special meetings, and be will com
mence his labors on next t-onday, Feb.
13th. He will remain until after the
20 h iost. Mr. Olapp is well known in
Albany and needs no introduction at
this time. As a preacher and a christ
ian gentleman, be ia a power. It yon
have not beard him. do so daring this
special en art. tacb preaching service
ill be proceeded by a good, Uv soog
service. Tbe poblie ia cordially invited
to these special, gospel services. Service
of song will begio at 7:30 sharp; preach
ing at 8 o'elock. Special tervice in the
lector room 01 the church, on W ednes-
dsy, Thursday and Friday evenings of
true eea, coaaociea oy uie pastor, lbs
pastor and eong-egmtion wi:l be glad to
welcome yon to all of these meetings.
A Wonderful Escape
Shortly after 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Oscar Taylor, a brick-layer, fell from the
top of tbe Willamette Hotel chimney to
tne grouna oeneaui, a aistance 01 ninety
feet and escaped without any aviioos in
Mr Taylor claims, that tbe scaffolding
gave way beneath him, thus precipitat
ing Dim to tne ground.
Mr. Bey nolds hastened tocall a physic
ian. Dr. J. K. Smith responded promptly.
To the sstonishmeot of bis fellow work
man, Mr. Talor arose from the pile of
lumoer into wnicu ne naa laiten. and
with bnt little assistance walked into tbe
rear room of tbe Wells Fargo A Co.,
An examination of the man disclosed a
severe cut on the chin. Hie face was
badlv bioiaedaa was also his right tnigh
aud lower limbs bat eo far aa a careful
ex imination could determine no bones
were broken. Salem Journal.
Death of Jay Swank.
Jay Swank died at Lebanon lst even
ing. Un J oven ber zu be was snot lor a
deer at Lower soda, tbe ball passing
through tbe lower part rf his body as
heretofore describe J tie made a brave
fight for life, but the chances were all
against bim and he gav up tbe struggle.
Tbe case haa attracted considerable at
tention throughout tbe state. Tbe de
ceased was a man of excellent character
and hia death will bs generally regretted.
tie leaves a wile and two or three child
Mas. Ucbbay's Remains. Mrs. Mary
Sprenger received a dispatch yesterday
from Jas. Murray ,at Duluth, Minn., that
he would leave yesterday with the re
mains of tner mother, who died several
months ago, and will reach beie Thurs
day night. Tbe funeral will be held at tbe
depot hotel at p. ci. r riday and tne re
mains will be buried in the family lot in
the city cemetery, the services being con
ducted by Rev. Metayer.
A Row Last Saturday even
ing, Toy, a Eugene chinaman, was try-
tog 10 collect a bill for 11.80 of Bam Case,
a barber, wen known in Albany, when a
row louoweo, resulting in the Utiinaman
receiving a bad cut wttb a knife in tbe
forehead, which Case claims he gave
himself, entf case was somewhat
scratched up. The latter hid under a bed
in tbe hotel where he was arrested and
held under $200 bond awaiting examine
New 8. S. OrricxBS. The S. 8. of the
Presbyteriap church, at a business meet
ing last night elected tbe following of
ficers for the ensuing year:
rroi. Bcnmttt. superintendent.
O. E. Brownell, asaiatant superintend'
I. P. Galbraith, secretary.
Harry Cuaick, treasurer.
Marguerite Hopkins, organist.
8. N. (Steele, chorister.
. Goff, librarian.
Tbe Albany and Elmore had a
raee between Portland and Balem yes
terday. Ibe blmoregoc through the
locks first and bence a atart of nearly an
hour, but uapt Bmtin pni on steam
caught up with tbe rival, run Into it
beat It into Haiem.
Ae-ToBaa ror nitf cnta :
Guaranteed tobosco bsnil curs, oiabea woak
men atrona, hlr. ure. 60c. II. All drufgwia.
Mr. and MrdBs. F. Goods want to Al
bany today for a few days visit. Salem
Jos Klein has moved from Trail, B. O.t
to Pendleton, where be Is with the Pen
dleton Boot and 8hoe Co.
Mr Francis Hemny returned today
from a trip trip to Boise, Idaho, where
be has been for some time.
S'ate Supt. Irwin will lecture before
the students ot Mineral Hprings Colluge,
Sodaville, on Thursday Feb. 10.
A. Cannon, attorney, and H.C. Nule,
administrator of tbe Rich estate, were in
Corvallis Tuesday to obtain the confirma
tion of the recent sale of lands belonging
to tbe estate. Corvallis Times
Jck Roscoe, who used to handle the
Albany motor, arrived in Albany this
morning from Cilifornia, wkere.he has
been working on the lines of the W. F.
Prof Mark Bailey left Seattle this
week for Mass. He haa been an edu
cator for fifty yaars and will now retire
Nearlv twenty of it was spent ia the
university at Eugeno.
Of tbe three men drowned at Oregon
Oity yesterday George Freeman waa a
member of the Artisans and L. L. Shan
non was a member ol tne A. O U. W
The third wa a boy ot axteeo.
George Miller, brother of the fa
mous Juaquin Miller, is on his way to
Alaaka He intends to stay on this aide
of the Chilcoot pass though, and let hi
brother prospect the other side.
Prof. E B Fleck, director of instru
mental music at the college of music of
Willamette University, left yesterday af
ternoon for Portlaud. He will plav, this
aftenoon, be ore the Portland Musical
bociety. Salem Statesman .
By letters received in this city it is
learned that Leonard G. Brown who ia
attending the Chicago University college
of pharmacy was elected to the presiden
cy of his class for the senior term by un
animous vote. There are 143 members
n the class Eugene Guard.
Will t Stark, jewe'er.
Shaving 10 rents, bair cutting IS cents,
at the Aloany Batba, opposite tbe Demo
crat office.
A recent event in Toledo was a fight be
tween Ben Jones and A T Peters, a over
county affairs.
J R Dorglas haa just sold 1 100 bushels
of potatoes to be shipped away, twins
private. Tbe retail print in Albany ia
aaw 30c.
French leads tbe procmioB when it
comes to price on watehea and clocks. We
do not sell a watch or clock that will not
etia-i a first class guarantee.
ViererJt's Sharing and ILur Cutting
Parlor. Shaving 10 rta Usir Cutting 15,
Shampooing lOcU. Clean towels to every
French the Jeweler ia headquarters for
Seth Thomas watches and clocks, tbe bett
in the world. They cost you no more than
those of inferior make.
Sam Case, tbe Eug-e barber, was held
under $200 be ads to await the action o! tte
grand jury, ail for assaulting a Chins men
with a dangerous weapon.
la a sheriffs sale ia Jscksoa county in
the case of Wm Faber att L A and Caaa
Coeti the property t tx.ui.-ht tm by tee
piamtiff for the amouiit of the judgment,
$37 19.
Y04 cannot afford to mim tbe oratories!
contest at the opera bouse oa tar niirht of
Kab 11. For further announcements '00
centiog the program watch the d lilies of
aixt week.
Theccntrolierof tnecunvacy baa declared
a third dividend of 20 per out ia faror of
the ervditora of The Oaiiea National baok.
This m .kes a total of 70 per cent on claims
for 1 04.348.
Children and aval's f ortored by barns.
scalds, injuries, enema or skia d
may secore instant relief
yj aunt tw .
Witts WitcbH.tei Salve
11 la toe great
Pile remedy. J. A.Cnmmiit.
F M French the Jeweler U railroad
watch inspector and yoo will alwas nod
bis regnUtor absolutely correct, with Lick
observatory lime, which u standard time,
aa-i naed by the railroad companies.
Get your seat reserved bow for tbe ora
torical contest, aod avoid the rash. The
seat board is open at Barkbart Lee's
drag store. Yoa will beer more oratory
and moeic for your Zi cents thsa yoo ever
did . Yoo can't afford to miss it.
i e e. , ,
IrviBg Cooper and George Stewart, two
Salem members of tbe UNO wre arret
ed jeaterdey for beta drunk aad disorder
ly. Tseir caroeaiBg i repotted to have
been cese la the armory, no tbat these is
liable to be a ccurt martial ia addition.
A special from Xaaaiaao s!ats that tbe
steamer Novo ha- arrived there from Ssa
way with 25duffoted paneagers beard tir
ed of the eoootry after Uteir 6rt expenesoe,
and several d-aouocinff tbe Klondike rush.
Tbe passeeavrs said 200 ntea could do a'l
the wore: offered at Skagway. and there
were at least 500 mea there who bad noth
ing to do bat drink and gamble.
".Modern Woodmen of America.
Special Depute Head Consul J. R.
Hughes will explain the working of this
remarkable order t those interested to
morrow (Tboraday) evening at tbe G. A.
R. ball. All interested are requested to
be present.
Central Committee Meeting.
A democratic central committee meet
ing was held this afternoon at the omce
ot W. K.Bilreo. Forty or fifty of tbe
leading democrats of ibe county were!
present. A harmonious meeting was
held and resolutions passed favoring a
union of forces agaioat republican meth
ods, with a little opposition.
Kern arks were made by a large nam
ber.all loyal to the principles of the dem
ocratic party.
following ia tbe resolution :
Rsolved that this committee favors
tbe holding of tbe county conventions
lor the year 1893 of all toe parties oppos
ing tbe repub'ican financial policy, aad
in favor ot reform in state and national
affairs, at the tame lime aod place, and
me loinine o laid names on sucn ta.r 1
and honorable terms as may be n ritual
Iv agreed anon in tbe selection 01 one
Mixed Up.
Last Monday the Dsmocbat punished
a reminiscent atorv told by Dave Temple-
ton to tbe Prneville Journal man. It
told of tbe Erst Linn county election
Mr. Jason Wheeler, o! this city took a
nrominent part in tbe election and hence
1 .. . . . . 1 . 1.
knowa ail aoouiit. no says iuo awry is
full of errors. Instead ol tn 181'J the
election took place in 1818, instead of 37
votes beine cast tnere were inateaa
of Issac Huchins being elected sheriff
Mr Wheeler was the first sheriff, de!aat
Ine Mr. Meldron, father-in-law of-D. P.
Thompson, by 70 votes, there was no
money reaiixeu unui ioou auu iue story
' i. , .!i ,ntA 1 .1 -.
of the county court raising $IU00 and
meetine until it wa spent in their sal
aiiea was a laae. iue ursi court insieau
. ri 1 i . . 1 . . ,
of beinif held under a tree near Browns
villa waa new at jerry trriDiis. six
miles from Lebanon, fur. heeler says
the atorv of Jake Coon, alive now. we
believe, being declared insane, and being
made to work until well, splitting rails,
is not true, there being nothing in it.
According to Mr. wneeier Mr. Temple
ton has done a good deal ot lorgetiing
In Olden Times
People overlooked the importance ot per
manentlv beneficial effects and were satis
tied with transient action; but now that it
is generally known tbat bvrupof Firs will
permanently overcome nauituai consiipa
lion, well-informed people will not
other laxatives, which act for a time,
finally lniure the system. Buytheeenu
lne, made by tbe California Fig Syrup
TakiLtXUiye BrornlQilntn Tablet
Alt Drug!' re 'uod ths iniuiy if It fan
o Cure ii&u
Some Requirements that will
Found Indispensable.
Tbe universal article of diet in that
country, depended upon and Indispen
sable, is bread or biscuit, either in the
camp or upon the trail, yeast cannot be
used It must be baking powder; and
the powder manufactured by the pro
cesses of the Royal Baking Powder Com
pany, miners and prospectors have
learned, is the only one which will stand
in that peculiar climate of cold aod
dampness and raise the bread and bis
cuit satisfactorily.
Thase facta are very Importint for
everv one pnpneing to go to Alaska and
the Yukon country to know, for ahould
he bo persuaded by tome outfitter to
take one of the cheap brands of baking
powder, it will cost just as much to
transport it, and then when he opens it
for use, after al! bis labor in packing it
over tbe long and difficult route, be will
find a solid caked mass or a lot of spoil
ed powder, with no strength and useleaa.
Such a mistake might lead to tbe most
serious results, Ala-ka is no place in
which to experiment ia food, or try to
economize with your stomach. For use
in such a climate, and under the trying
and fatiguing conditions of life and labor
in that country, everything must be tbe
beat and most useful, aod above all
things it ia imperative that all food sop-
imim BiiBii nave perteci keeping qualities
It Is absurd to convey over such difficult
and expensive rontes an article that will
deteriorate in transit, or that will be
found when required tor ne to have loat
a great part of Its value.
There is no better guide to follow in
these niattere than the advice of those
who hare gone through similar experi
ence. Mr McQuesten, who is called the
"father of Alaska," after an experience
of years upon tbe trail, in the camp and
in the use of every kind of supply, ssys:
"We find in Alaska tbat tbe Importance
of a proper kind of baklsg powder can
not be overestimated, a miner with a can
of bad baking powder is almost helpless
in A.aska. e have tried all aorta, and
have been obliged to settle down to use
nothing but tbe Koyal. It is stronger
and carries further, but above all things,
it ia the only powder tbat will endure
tbe serere climatic changes of the arctic
It is for the same reasons that the U
S government in its relief expeditions,
and Peery, the famous arctic traveler,
have carried the Royal Baking Powder
The Royal Baking Powder will not
cake nor lose ita auengtb either on board
abiporia damp climates, and is tbe
most highly concentrated and efficient
of leavening agents. Hence it is indis
pensable to every Alaskan outfit. It can
be bad ot any of Ibe trading companies
in Alaska, bat shoald the miner pro are
his (applies before leaving, be shoald re
sist every attempt of the oatfiaer to
Salm off upon bim any of tbe other
rands of baking powder, for they will
spoil and prove the cause of great dis
appointment and trouble.
Albany Woolen Mill Incorporated.
Articles were filed today with tbe
county clerk and Secretary of stale in
corporating the Albany WooVn Mill,
with r. A. Goodwin, P. F. McGbee and
S. L. Riley aa incorporators. Capital
stock 150,000. paid op, ia 500 shares of
f 100 each. Tbe stock is all taken A
meeting of the stockholders will soon be
beUl and officers elected. The baainese
policy will be it is said practically tbe
mm aa recently,- which will insure the
success of the mill nader the bww man
agement. "A Night i Jfgw Yobs," a clever far
rial absurdity, headed by Jolly Nellie
Mc Henry, cornea to tbe Albany Opera
House, on Tuesday evening Feb. 15.
Jolly Nellie McHeory ia well known to
most theatre-goers from tbe Atlantic to
the Pacific, as being one of the brightest
souhrette tarring 10 torce-comedy. This
time abe cornea 10 ns with a pew plav
A Nieht ia New York." harinv h
specially written lor bc wtth a view lo
what people like.
Tbe skit to be H.
Gratlon Donnelly, and ia written in the
author's happiest vein, showing New
York life aa yon see it at tbe French BaJI.
It abounds in sparkling moeic, pretty
dances and rich repartee, and goes with
a laugh from start to fioiah. The CO 13 p
any is spoken of highly woererer it has
been, and is cotnpoied of only the beat
talent in tbe profession, among whom
are John Webster, Tony Williams,
William Hafford, Billy Barry. J Haya.
Miaa Mai Raymond. Miss Mildred Coo-
t : : 1 i -
owi, iaa uj more, huiiuh
fOrmx - h an, I nthera K.l. n U at
Burkbart A Lee's drug store.
A Saiaw AestoxMSST. Even the board
ing bouse-keef era are assigning ia tbe
Capital city. Mrs Ada A. Pogue, who
for several years baa conducted a board -ins
boaso at tbe corner of Coort and
i I ron" streets haa made an assignment for
the benefit of ber creditors, naming John
McConrt aa aaatrnee. Mrs. Pogoe s as
sets are estimated at $S27, while ber lia
b'lttks amount to $215 60.
Good Mim. Tbe Bohemia mines ia
Lane county, are undoubiedly a splendid
proposition. A sample of what ibe aiioee
can do ia the clean up ot the Gold Mill
A Mining Co. for January. With a five
sump mid $13,000 waa produced, prob
ably not equalled for the number of
ttanps in tbe stale. Recent aaaays
made of ore there are very rich.
Plcafc Init upon having soar pre
scription fitted according to ibe doctors or
deia, and guard agaieat substitutian. . We
make a speciality in comtoanding pres
cription, nsing pare, fresh drags tn every
one. Oar prices are in accordance with the
times. Try ns aad be coevinted. Bnrkbar
k Las Druagtsu.
How We Say It. Coughs cured for e I
quarter, no tare, no quarter, we are selling I
lots ot our n bite fine cough fgrrap ithl
tar. because it is iost what we aay it
iries quick relief and is bigtm recomend I
ed to care a deep seated cough, Burkbart I
Ac Lee, Druggists
Weak; Nerves indicate defiient brood.
Nervous people find relief by partftinff and
enriching their blood with Jood's barea
pariMa, the great nerve tonic.
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to
I operate.
Cure indigestion, biliousness, !
J ust Across the Way.
At F 11 Pfeiffer's von can get the best
Coaat and Eastern oysters to be found.
lie also keeps the best Uneot confection
ary in the city.
Call on bim for tbe best of everything tn
his line.
Shaving 10 cents.
Hair cutting 15 cents.
School children can get a bair cut for
10 cents.
At the Combination Barber Shop.
AUar years of nntold effxiiog from biles.
B W Porssll ot Knitnervtll..fa, wss eared
hy oing a single hot tt Ue Witt's Witch
Hsss Halve (tkin disaasas soon as sesenia.
rtah. pimp'ts obstinate sens are raed
ttv eurad by this f mois rsmsJy J A
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdei
World's Fair Highest Award.
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remaining
in the Postoflice at Albany, Linn county'
Oregon, Feb. 9, 1898. Persons calling
for these letters must give tbedate on wbicb
they were advertised.
Adams, miss lianna tsaird, ueo 11
Balcb. Clara Barlow, J H
Buskirk, r rank UampbelL frank
Couey, Jobnoie uouey, eilas
Feeler. Josie rank in. U W
Gibson, Miss Anna MGreevy, Mrs af "
Hawley.Mias Jeasie-3 tlillman, 8 W
liennings Mrs Lizzie Lstt, Chas
liolman.Miss Laurie Lawwill, Miss Laura
Loutsenhiter, J 0 McDonald, Mrs Lucy
Power. E R
Raymond. J II
Richardson, M N
Savage, Misspells
Schwaibold, Mrs
Schwaibold. Mrs
Schwaibold, Lousle
Senders, rrea
Smith, Ueo A
Stubling, Arthur
T. J. Btitss. F M
Tuesday evening, Feb 8, 1898.
PresentMayor, recorder, chief of
police, chief engineer, superintendent
and eoancilmen Gelbraith, Dannals,
Hopkins. Martin, Graham. Council man
Galbraitli was excused.
fbe following bills weie ordered paid:
OE Weetbrook $ 2 25
M G Stetter 600
B Huston & Co 4 2
W W Rowell 6 CO
B fl Davidson 8 00
8Conn 8 00
Albany Klectric Light Co. 139 00
The committee reported in favor of
disallowing the bill of Dr Trimble of
13 for medical attendance for young
Oulbertaon, who fell from an 8. P. car.
Tbe committee on streets and public
property reported that they bad accept
ed tbe bid of 8 V Ha!i of Gates for lum
ber at 7 per M F O. B. Adopted. An
ordinance providing for same was passed.
Report of superintendent of streets
showed expense ol street work fjr two
weeks as 53 00, and cleaning streets aa
$185 75.
An ordinance waa introduced provid
er the requiring of a license to solicit
Or engage in tbe fire iosn ranee business
in Albany, as general, special, traveling
agent or solicitor, of $75 a year or $60
from March 1, with a fine or imprison
ment for tbe violation of tbe same, of a
fine of $30 to $75 or imprisonment of 10
1000 aaya. f eased unanimously. Or
deted printed in the city official paper.
Designation 01 v Btuaar-l aa nonnd-
master waa read and accepted.
air rete ociuosser complained of the
brick of Mr Beni. Hardman at Frr
and Second streets, occupied by Tbomaa
uemg in a dangerous condition
and unsafe Upon motion tbe matter
was referred to committee on streets and
public property.
A poundmaster wis ordered elected to
succeed D Baseard. A ballot was taken
reaultin as folio s: J M Merrick 5, E
B Davidson 1.
The matter of improving tbe city jail
waa referred to committee oa ways and
Bills for cleaning the streets amount
ing to $185 75 were ordered paid coder
suspecaion of the roles.
New York TM.
Chicago 96c.
San Francisco 84c.
Liverpool 2c higher.
Albany 66c.
Strictlv Business
French tbe jeweler.
Romoee pare apices.
Romona Rontons purs ei tract . 1
Try fefclinnCs Beat tea aad balclnc powder.
The Best Crackers in ton at C E Brow
ser's. Baiaa at Viereck's sharing aad hair
catting pariora.
Pictures from 75 cents to $25 per dVa
at Longs gallery.
Get a set of carving knives for aa xmaa
present at Hopkia Bros.
Call at Hopkin Bros sod see the pocket
knives beat line ia the city.
C B Winn, cut ttck eta gent. Tickets
to alt points in the east.
Don't sbo-j others by yoor coaLiaff ,snd
ruk yocr life by aegWctiog a cold. One
Mtaote Coagfa Oar- cures roughs, colds.
,r, grippe aad ail throat lung troubles.
J. A. Camming.
Crswford A Earntsh for photogracha
Prices from 11 to tVO per dozen.
Be sore aad see the aatt ra-t tiavare si
Bopkia Bros, will las. a lif-Uate.
Try oar pop corn ; it never fails to pop.
C E BaowstLi.
"RdCrowa the staadard of eoler
aad stratgUi ia fiaor. Alt grocers have it.
Tace tbeUC A E cteasaer for Portland
down river on Sonday, Tuesday aad Thar
Rasrrs too-d. set aad pit ia first class
oraar at Viereck a shaving and hair cat
ting pariora.
Large sake and mE oroSU ia the motto
of Hopta itrot, aad thai it why tbayare
always busy.
Wbeavoawaata choice steak, a nice
roast or meat of aay kind, call on Henry
Brodera. He kwos the beat.
D-s. H. E. aad U. C. Rrrs offices aad
residence ia post oSca bo i Ming. Special
attention given to diseases of women.
The beat meats of all kinds aad good
treatmeat at the Albanv Dressed Beef
Company a market, jsst d)wa Second
street. Good weight and prompt attend
vYboopingeoagh is the most distressing
maiadr; twi ita duration can be cat short
by the nee of the Minute Cough Care,
which is eJeotbe best known remedy for
croapasd ail long aad broocial troubles.
J. A. Camming,
What pleasure is there in life with a bead.
acne, cooati nation aad billoosoeaa Tboas
ends experience tbem who eoald become
perfectly healthy by nsinr De Witt's likUe
tuuiytusers famous little pil s.
J A. Cunmiug.
A Laundr) Nugget.
Lsnnilr mImm wka want firat etaaa
work done without paying exorbitant',
prices should patronise the Albany '
Steam Laundry which have employed.:
regularly Ovaoi ibe best band irooera on
the coast for thirta. dreaeee, and ahirt
waists, and ten cents is tbe highest price
; r barged for any of these article.
Clean Printing, we are doirtfr it.
Closing on:.
Crockery aad Glassware at cost, ,
Legal Bl inks, we have "em.
NOEL. In Globe. A. T . oa January 29,
to air. aad Mrs. Harry oel,a son, ine
finest boy in Arisoua.
All doine well. Grand pa K infer is well
DulctiBSs Hon
l?Qtk for rtffi.
; Fit and Workmanship Perfect
; The Appearance -without the Cost ;
! ' aar id ths aous. too. eoa a awnow.
ty a ' .r.r-u-Li-Li-1
At czr
Cash Store.
We Sell
Very cheap.
Were sold in Portland last year than all
the other lines represented tk.ere. Why?
Because no other high grade bicycles are
sold at so reasonable a price The S8"
Rambler is a beauty and samples can be
eten at George E. Fiau'a place, on Ferry
We pat op o x own garden seeds.
They are ail Northern grown seeds.
They are absolutely true to name.
Trey are fresh alt grown in 1897,
The packages are fall weight,
Price, two papers for a nickel.
We also have them la balk.
Stswakt & Sox Haaowaax C
Tbe 6 D Corset
. . ..The Chicago Waist
Fit just a little better
than any other
Sold by
J. A. Weaver.
Possessing pre-eminently per- ;
ir feet profit producinjt noasi- "
tZ bilities, produced promptly at 5
ZZ Clean Pr:atery. 3
Notice te hereby given that there will
be a meeting' of ibe stockholders of the
Odd Fellows Hall Boilding Association,
hetd la tbe Odd Fellows Library ia Al
baay Oregon, on Monday the ?th day of
March. U9S, at tbe boor of 2 o'clock
p m of said day. far the purpose of e ect
ing sevea directors to serve for the en
suing year, and to transact any otrr
Daalaesa that mar come before aaid
Dated this 2nd day of Feb, 1838
E Pakkkr, J Josiph.
Secretary, Indent
T OST A parse containing $10 gold
Black Doras Return to Daw.-
oout offics and receive reward.
For Old and Young,
At Low Prices
III (1011 (IS
Ladies Bazaar.
Article Reduced.
Albany TradingCo
B. X. 3Iorri, manager.
Here is a corker Some of onr com
petitors say oar goods are Cheap Job.
sot ws challenge any grocery store ia .
Albany to show np a better line cf gcoda
than we carry .
3 lb can Sweet Brier tomatoea t 10
3 cane Columbus peeled tomatoea 25
1 pk gran mas mush 10
1 pk Forest soap extract 20
1 pk Gold Dust 20
I gallon beat 40 teat vinegar 15
1 sk Boston mills flour 95
5 gal Standard oiLbring your can . e-5
2 pa Arbockle coffee grnd to oruer 23
2 pa Lion coffee " 25
2 pa Royal Java coffee. " 2b
3lb cartoon Oregon Cracker Co
crackers 20
I large 10c pk Rising San stove
peaan 05
6-20 os bars Battle Ax soap 2-5
10 lbs beet beans 25
8 lbs rolled oats 25
4 cans pepper, muatarl, or allspice 25
3 cans Cayenne, cloves or cinna
mon zs
3 cans cove oysters, good ones 25
S lb backet Hammond lard 50
3 lb mixed candy 23
a ids wainota Zo
Tbe above are some of oar goods and
we guarantee all gnods sold.
We also hand!, bran, shorts and
chop teed.
Remember tbe place, Graham build
ing Cor. 1st and Baker Sta.
T. O. Shaver.
(Successor to F. L. Kenton.)
Second St. opposite. Democrat oSce
Will constantly kaep oa hand a good cted
of groebriea. freah pr?dnce aad frails
which wLl be sold at bring prices.
Wood For Sale.
Good Er wood for sale by the ecrd, from
1 to 10 cords, delivered, for ti 00 to 2.75
per cord. Oa the ground. 4 mile n rt h
of steel bridge, from fl 00 to $2 00 per
cord. Call oaSr address j. W. LantweJi.
Albany Or, or leave word it Democrat
ia hereby given to any and a! persona
baring aay claims against er owing aay
to Ihe estate of beta tUW well. icceass,
to mail same to me at my P O address,
Albaay, Cregoa within the next thirty
Febrsary 10th. 193.
V H Caldwell
Piano,CipiLTeic8 CnItm?,Eamsij
Teachers of -Music
Wiahlitna StncMear C FGkwrcfc, Alba.;
I Tin's KartaoVtaiaM and mH rtS
illmimaiKi lTrrlfnr nwlrrse rm
6eadndl.disw:at;orj&ota. Waad-ra, lit
slialilss fin nifriiTn OarfeeaotdaafcUj
namtiaaararea. A Paarahlct -Bow top-j
imiia wrca csa or wuw ia sa
it ma.
43- A. SNOW & CO.
Wmihwtw. Dw C-f
- stXFKRiasia.
m mmmmi ..u ii.i a
Amu miBiia a akctfc ma atilrai mmr
ante It aaeartam. track bcbr aa Umouoe
raoaMr nwiuNa tVauooHiouicas anrtij
euoaMtUl. OMM aamc? for wiBf pataota
as Aaera. Wa kara a WMfcutctaa oavev
Pauota akct tannf Maaa A Co. man
sswoai asrtt ia ta.
tMBtffattr IBWiim larmet (trcctuio. S
in, Kaliae Jooul wiT.MHa3jl a rat.
S1JS MX Bomb. SpaBa cuowa aad Ua&a
Book m !AtKXTs m trca, AMna
Sat Hi ?. Nw Twk.
At the
eW waw-