TERMS. .rL1" Ds:MOc''. 25 cents per month 13.00 per year.in advance. 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over months. Single copies 5c. Weekly, tl.25 In advance; $1.60 at end of year; $1.75 for second year; $200 for third and proceeding year, when not paid in advance. Club of five now subscriber at $5.00. A few Ladies Long Cloaks that are be ing sold at a great reduction. If you want a large amount of goo ia for your money be sure and see them All the capes and jackets in the department sold at a reduc tion, A good serviceable umbrella for 50o Lots of stIe in the 75c grade and lots of wear too If you want a better one you will 6nd it here at the same ratio of low price to good goods. R Mid G corsets in styles and hars that will fit any form. Aline of French corsets, good fitters, made of French coutil, drab and white, alt grades I) $3 50 or $100 Have you seen our 50c and $1 line. There are no better for that price. Agents for Butterick Patterns. S E Young & Son, Albany, Oregon. 6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 bays a goodne w Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" ViolinE strings. $4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. - $25.00 buysaS-drawersewing machine; high arm, light running; guaran teed 5 years. fTPrices on Pianos, Organs, Banjos sent on application. E. U. Will Albany. WHEAT. New York 96 ie. Chicag? 94 Liverpool 3c lower. Albany 67c. GO, BEAD, PEACOCK & Albany. Oregon. ANNUAL Clearance Sale This year we have not marked down' each article separately but will sell for cash until Feb. 15th, 9S. any article .except thread) at a reduction of. 12 1-2 per cent from our regular prices. This is a rare opportunity to aupplv your homes at a moderate cost with staple Dry Goods, Underwear, Hosiery, Jackets, Shoes, etc, as onr stock is not yet broken. Call early, we will t-y ta p'.tase you. Read, Peacock Co., OSlcers for the A. & C The Astoria railroad is so near comple tion that Mr. Hammtnd has appointed a manager and a superintendent. T. H. Curtis, who has been chief engin eer of the construct:on, will be manager, and John McGuire, who was assistant superintendent oi the Oregon lines of the Southern Pacific, has become euperin tendent of the road. They have just be gun work in their new positions. 'Trains will be running between Port land and Astoria in less than three months," said Mr. Hammond last night. "There are about 25 miles of tracklayiog to be done, and that will be completed within six weeks. The appointment of Mr. McGuire gave rise to a rnmor that the bout hern Pacific was interested financially in the enter prise. It was stated that he had been put in the position by the Southern Pa cific. "That is not correct," said Mr. Ham 1 I - ..r 1 uiouu, m repiy iu a question. rural es tate men have had almost every road of the West behind me, but there is noth ing whatever In the rumors." Tribune. New Animals tjr Klondike. From the Prinevi!ie Journal. " D, J. Shaw and J. T. Henderson, ac companied by Jazk Curtiss, as a helper, arrived in Prineviile last week with 41 Mexican burros that they had brought overland alt ibe way from Dcrango, Col orado, intending to take them to Alaska and go iato the packing busineos. The beasts aya miserably poor, as one might expecU&em to be when it is said that -Tfrev JrfT i i .u- 3ojfu of last October and have traveled nemm? uae lumps, i ue men eighborhood to let them rest and fill np r. probably a month, if the winter con tinues open, when tbey will resume their Journev toward the land of the midnight sun- xne animals were corraiiea iora couple of nights at the old slaughter bouse, and, during tbe day were the ob jects of considerable curiosity to some of as tendeifeet who had never seen so large an aggrega'ion of jackasses of that particular species before. The men , spoke of each particular burro by name, and it was amusing to bear one ask tbe other after Dynamite, or Denver, or fChilcoot, or Skagway, or Klondike. in the nomenclature. Death ot Chris Houck. Mr. Chris Houck, a pioneer resident of Albany, died at his home at First and Baker streets, last Saturday evening, Jan. 29, at the ags of 63 years, after a lingering illness. Mr. Houck has been in a feeble and almost helpless condition for teveral years. Tbe deceased was born in Germany, moving to the United States when young, locating in Ohio and coming to Oregon in 1S52. He was a coDper by trade, and at one time was proprietor of the St Charles hotel. A wife, two daughters, Misses Anna and Sophia, and a step daughter, Mrs. Geo, Waggoner.of Corvallie, and many friends will mourn his death. Mr. Houck was a member of the A. O. 0, W. in good standing, being oneof tbe earliest members of ttie order in this city. Funeral services will be held in tbe Presbyterian church tomorrow atternoon all friends of From Speaker Reed. The following letter was received today from one of America's leading citizens. It explains itself. Tbe hill referred to has passed the senate, and it is hoped to get it through the house. The following has some encouragement, though not definate enough: Speaker's Boom, Washington,Jan.26"98. Hon. Jason Wheeler, Dear Sir: Speaker Reed has the let ter of Jan. 20, signed by you and others with the resolutions enclosed relative to pensions for Indian war veterans, and directs me to say that ho will give the J matter careful consideration. I will hand the copy addressed to him to Gov. Dingley. " Yours Truly, . AMOS It. ALLEN, Per Sec. to the speaker. Not from Albany From tbe Eugene Guard : Today two young sports who are doing the act were brought before Justice Wheeler and given 20 days each in the bastile on the charge of carrying conceal ed weapons. They gave their n imea as Wm. Wisecarver an J Chas. Mitchell. and are aged about 18 and 16 years re spectively, xne boy i claim to bail from Albany. Last night they stopped with 8. L. Bond at Irving and this morning re fusing to compensate bim either with money or labor, started to run. He took after them, and they drew guns on him He came to Eugene and notified the of ficers, and when they reached the edge or town tbey were taken in charge by Marshal Stiles and Constable Scott. Your Tax for the coming year on baking powder will very light if you buy Schillings Best and only one heaping teaspoonful to a quart of flour. 601 be use "Tennessee Gatherings, The Champion Bowler. at 2 -30 o'clock, to which the deceased are invited. A Klne Year Old Soldier. Warm Spring Johnny who enlisted at the age of eleven , and S. A. Land is at the age of 13, will both have to take a retired seat for the ,'ollowing told by the Port land Welcome: There has been considerable controver sy over the question as to who was t he youngest soldier in the rebellion. The point has not yet - been satisfactory settled ; but tbe writer of this has per sona) knowledge of ample proof that Ma jor John Clem.quartertnasterat Vancou ver, is eutitled to that distinction. He enlisted as drummer boy at the age of 9 years. At the age of 12 he participated in tbe battle of Chickamagua. whero he did eminent service, killing a colonel in the rebelling forces. This claim is fully sustained by the record and it accords to Major Clem the honor of being the youog- eet soldier in active service in the war. Last night's gamea produced one new record, that of G. W. Van Houten, of the Road Club, who made a four-game indi vidual score of 204, which beats the 203 made by Idleman of Multnomah, a few weeks ago Oregbnian. A few days ago Albany's champion bowler, IfY. Otto Lee. in four successive j In right successive games he bowled 416, an average ot 02. Both, ot these are higher than the Portland record. lathe contests in Portland it is a rae thing that bowler reaches 200 in four gamea It is the opinion of many that Mr. Lee is the best bowler in Oregon. Paralytic Stroke. Mrs. .Jane Cline, a pioneer resident of Albany, residing at Ferry and Sixth streets, was rendered helpless last Saturday evening by a paralytic stroke. Being almost eighty seven years of age there are no hopes of her recoverv. Mrs Cline is the mother of J. O. Bushnell, and George and T J. Cline and is a woman highly reeiiected. The Crook Co, Mines. Considerable inquiry having been made about the Crook cou&ty mines we give tbe following from the Journal: Lewis McAllister was down mis weea from the Ochoco mines. He reports that they have been obliged to abandon work ou tbe shaft in the bed of the Ochoco till spring, on account of tbe flow of water and the lack o! proper pumping machin ery. .Meanwhile druta will be made in the tunnel ot nil mine to determine tbe quantity of ore in tbe ledge from which the ore was taken that was reported last week to have produced about $56 to tbe ton. bv a test oi one ton at the Tacoma smelter. It has been determined to ship to Tacoma about bve tons more ot tbe ore, by freight teams that are expected in a few days from Tbe Dalles with ma ferial for M. A. Moore's bowling alleys. Jobs Parker's Lcck. An interesting story bar just come from Dawson. Dur ing the illness ot Hon- John Parker, brother of Mr. Moses Parker of this county, a miner in tbe hospital with Mr. Parker, who bad made a rich strike in tbe mines, and a be remarked all he wanted .and who had formed a strong at tachment to Mr. Parker, presented bim with a strip off his claim, known to be very rich, and 't looks very much as if Mr. Parker will come back with consid erably mot than the limit at first slated by bim, $20,000. Died in Poktla-d. Mrs. G. W. AM ricb, of Lebanon, who bad been in the hospital in Portland receiving treatment died last night. Her husband was killed by an accident at Lebanon several months ago. Mrs. Aldrich was a women respected by all anowing her. The remains will be taken to Lebanon tonight. The funeral will be held in that city tomorrow at 1 p. m. Ofiratiox Perform so. Mr. Charles Bam ford was yesterday taken to tbe home ot Mr. James Marks, where an operation was performed noon him to day by Drs. Beers and Wallace, for tbe removal of an aocess. Be is in a critical condition. . . Lane's C H. Bids will be received by the county clerk in Eugene or tbe architect, Mr. Keer, in PorfUnd, ap to is o clock noon on February 21, for building tbe new court house in the city of Eugene. Tbe specifications are exacting. A deposit of 23 will be re quired in order to secure the plans, to le lorieitej in case no Did is nut m. and a certified check must be deposited at the lime of making the bid amounting to 5 per cent oi tbe bid. TTJESDA AT .WHEAT. New Yora 97c. Chicago 96c. San raacisco 84c. Liverpool 1 Jc higher A'baay 60c Heavy rains in Argentine are iojarUg the crcis, which are bow being barveatei Tax Levies. In addition to the total county ami state levy of IShi mills the following levies have been filed with the Count v Clerk for entrT in ths assessment I oil, for the cities and districts named City of Scio. " " Brownsville. ' " &lavilie.... School Diet 107 " " 60 120 " " 85...... - 5 " " 113.".". 115 " 16 " " 42.... " u 39.'.'.'.'. " " 119 " " 52... . ' ' " 47... " " 14 " " 71 " 39 " 110 . 5 . 3 . 5 . 5 . 5 .5 . 5 .5 . 5 . 5 . 3 . 3 .. 3 Vi .2 . 3i . 1 . 1 18 mills Tknnebsp.k, Jan. 30, 1893. President George W. C. Davis is con valescent. Bert Blacklaw, Lloyd Simons. Stella and Monia Fronk came down from So daville Saturday evening to attend the entertainment. Miss Winnifred Wilds is a mode! teach er. No one can consciously believe otherwise who was present at her school entertainment rait Saturday evening Tbo children under her control for the past four months, showed in every man ner the results of the excellent training and learning wbicb tbey have receivsd from her, also the cultivation of good manners and in fact, each child did his part so we.l as to be .more entertaining than the larger ones, who assisted, no. one tingle prompting being necessary By ler kindness and presence of mind she won the affections ol the neighbor hood. An bour bolore the exercises be gan tbe house wa crowded to tbe doors. Visitors from Lebanon, Sodavtllet Knox Butte and Laksview were there. Trie program was well executed, and con fumed about two hours. Among the several selections may be found the fol : lowing: Instrumental music by Tennessee or chestra. Dialognes,"Rect .ing the Poem," "The Changed Housewife." "Tbe rival Speak ers" by Chester Myers and Clarence Roes, "The Echo." Songs: By the school, Twinkle, " aud Daviaand Mary McKnight -."Speed Away" bv the "Trio Grenadiers" Win- n if rod Wilds, Annie Blacklaw and Clyde McKntgbt. A medley by Powell quartet. Solos by Cora Swink, Mrs Bartley and Miss Wilds. At the close the audience was treated to a mild surprise by an oration from "The D wart" which w indeed oneof the most comical doin's of the evening . The enterUinment left the lasting im pression of Miss Wild's sterling quali ties as a teacher, and we believe that when a neighborhood saceed in secur ing a good teacher tbey should keep her for the purpose of advancing education in every way possiUe as a change in teachers confuses and interrupts the advance of pupils. Congratulations, Mies Wilds. W were sorry to bear that yon could not attend "Little Rise Bud," but if you ever visit tbis locality, yon will more than likely visit me also as well as T P. Your surprise was complete, but I hard ly think that yon ever bought elk meat of "me." You are also mistaken, for 1 never have hunted elk to my recollection l ou are on the right track, but yon bave tbe wrong bnl bv the tail. You have aroused tbe curiosity of T. P. McKnight as well as myself. Charles and Clyde, tbe heroes of tbe elk hunt, wish "me" to give to you tbeir best ntgarda. 31 1 K. SOCI4.L AND PERSONAL City Treasurer E. A. Parker street today after a long ilinens. was up Institute at Sodaville Hypnotism Tonight. Prof. Holbook.the hypnctist.wbo has been giving successful performances through the valley, will be at tbe opera bouse tonight, and remain tour nights. Admission tonight 10 and 15 cents. The following is oneof many testimonials: McMinnville, Oregon Jan. 6. '98. To whom it may concern : This is to certify that Prof. C. E Hoi brook tbe Hypnotist and Mind reader has given fdnr eetertainments t McMinnville. Ore, this week with uni versal satisfaction. His entertainments are not only ex ceedingly amusing, but are very inter -eating and instructive, and cannot fail to please and interest any intelligent audience. He is kind and gentlemanly in bis m treatment of those under bis influence. His skill in mind reading and hypnotism is certainly great and his entertainments are well worth the patronage ot all in. telligent people. Very Respectfully J.E. Magkrs, County Judge for Yamhill county. The Fcsebal of William M. Stites at the Congregational church yesleiday af tnrnoon was attended by a very large . .- rrI. - J 1 : U- audience, xne kiuuu uci-vj Rev. D. V. Poling and was a manly, thoughtful effort, that made a deep im pression on the bearers of it. The re mains were buried in the family lot, G. W. Wright, W. E. Gillet, O. O. Riches, John Robson, J D. Barkhart and R. L. Burkhart acting as pall bearers. Be fore closing the services at tbe grave Rev. Poling on behalf of the par ' ents, among Albany's most esteemed citizens, expressed tbanks for the kind ness and sympathy shown during the last illness and after the death ot the de ceased. Lawyer Tossing, of Brownsville, was in tbe city today; Dr. Wayne BrMgtford came down from Eugene this noon. Miss Hattie Ball, ol Albany, is tbe guest of Miss Oda Chapman. balem Journal. Miss Dolli? Clieadleand Birdie StClair have been quite ill tbe past week at tbeir borne in this city. Billy Mack tbe boss barber, spent Sun day in Albany with his family. He is now working for Marsh in f ortland. Mrs. A H. Wil'iams returned tbis afternoon from a two week's visit with friends at Scio, Albany and Corvallit. Salem Journal. 'Among those on the wrecked .Corona was a brother of J. A. " eaver, f tbis city. Mr Weaver with six companions, vera on their way from Missouri to Daw son, with oneof the beet outfits on tbe steamer, inclnding six fine horses. It is gnpposed tbey lest everything A large number of republicans went to Portland today to attend the league oi republican clubs to be held there tomor row. Among those trom Aioany were c. D. Cusick, F. E. Allen, F. J. Miller, N. A. Newport. Geo. Reece and u. U. uiov er. It is thought there will be one thousand present from tbe entire state, A Salem paper reports the prwpecls of another hotel, a big three story, 7-iioom brick, to be erected ner tbe court nouse Hon D P ThooiDon will lecture in Leba nnn on January 8 on "Tbe tanses that Lead np to the War between Japan and China." Following is a recent case in Lincol ennntv EU Will v Matilda Hamar adgment and order of sale of attached property. Three steamers on their way to Alask hare gone down, but fortunately without any loss of life, the Corona, Alaska and Coquitbam . On Friday aud Saturday, Feb. 4th and 5th, when the following program will be carred out: Friday. 1 n. ro. U.S. History Coun ty Superintendent Wbeelei . Reading t'rol. bmma K. Hart. Physiology and Ilygeine Prof F.E.Marton. Morals- President tied des. Upuonal topics General discussion. Evening Session, 7:30 p. ro. First, Literary program. Second, address by Hon M. A. Miller. . iuird, Upuonal dis cussion. . Saturday, Feb. 6, 9 a. m Order Prof Frank Ward. U. S. H.story County Superintendent Wheeler. Arith meticProf, h 11. Baker. H. L. Mack. dammar Prof. A. Simons, R. A Mc Cully. 0ional topics. toon intermission. Geography Pro!. John Swan. J. II. Bond. Optional subject Prof. A. K. McDonali Promptness Prof. M. E. Parrisb. System Prof Cbas New- land. Essay, "Tbe Ideal Teacher," Miss fcthel Starr. Deputy U. S. Marshal George Humph rey was in the city today. Last evening at tha bowling alley Mr Otto Lee broke the Albsnv record by bowling 78. br Sharpies, of Eugeae. lectured in Corvallie on prunes. Tbe Dr. is said to be a prune sharp. Depnty U. S. Marshal J. A. Wilson came np from Portland lat night to at tend tbe funeral ol ilr. Chris Houck. B:hop Cranston cf the M E. church ill prrach n Eugene next ScnJay, Bishop Cranston has not yet paid Al bany a vis:l. Mr. Jaa. B. Ricks, brother of Mrs. S S. Train, left yesterday for the east, wbere be will remain several mobtnsand probably return to Albany in June. Mrs. Elisaheth Center died at Eugene last Sunday at Ibe age of 73 years. She was pioneer ol 1SH. and was the mother of tbe well-LnownconJoctor.Mr. Shannon Cjnser. License was issued last evening by tbe county clerk for tbe marriage of Lawyer Frank Skipworth and Miaslirace Lmph tey, of Lebanon. The cremony will take place tomorrow at Lebanon. Next Friday evening the C. E. of the U. P. church will hold a tin reunion meeting with Mies Ava Baltimore. Al. members and those who have ever been members are invited to oe present. Marshal Eskew and Miss Hattie Cart wrizbt, of Mebama. were married at the residence of James Cox in that city on TintUv, January 30th, Justice of the Peace J. M. Eskew officiating. I Tbe Young Peoples Alliance of the I Evangelical church will give an enter- I tainment tbil evecing. A very interest ing program will be rendered. Admission free. All a'e invited. Glen and Lee Powers, two Eugene young men, lelt that city on Sunday in a canvas bou on the inamette lor Port land, wbere they wll take a steamer for Skagway and the Klondike mines, going prepared lor an eighteen months stay. Tbe funeral of Mr. Chris Houck this afternoon waa well attendel. the ser mon was preached by Rev. D. P Thomp son D. D., of Corvallie. In giving tbe children of Mr. Houck the Democrat neglected to mention tbe name ot Mnr Dr. fc. !. Irviue, a atep daughter. Rev. J. R.N. Bell, formerly pastor of the Fit st Presbyterian church In Baker City and editor of tbe Roeeburg Review, bas accepted a call to Ibe rresbvtenan church at Uollister. San Bonita County, Cal, for one year, and has enteiel upon the discharge of bis duties. According to the - Orenonian Albany men scatter pretty well nn reaching Port land, t: I). Cusick and fj. L. Kes are at the Imperial, J. R. Whitney and J. Somera at the Perkins, S. A. Dawson R M. Caldwell, of Lebanon was doing business in Albany this afternoon. J. B. Hermann, assistant ligbthouae keeper at Cape Foulaeather, was irt the city today. Rev. T. P. Uavne, of Independence, formerly of the Tangent M. E church south was in thb city today. , Mrs. A. H. Freerkjen is the first Al bany lady to ride an' 1898 bicycle. It j( a Crescent, and was bought of Hopkins Bros. Miss Elsie George, of Oakland, Calif., is in the city on a visit, the guest of hVr mother, her first visit in Albany for aev. eral years. C. E. Hawkins, of this, plice has been appointed deputy district attorney for Lincoln county by Dutriot Attornev Yates. Toledo Leader. II. Maitland Kersey, a former nromi nent Corvallie citizen, tiaa just been sued in New York city by Miss Julia Ci lea-inn a cook, for $5,C0O damages for assuutt with intent to kiss her. Jones, Ibe S. P. trave'iag man. wni to the bay today to authorise agents a long the road to sell S. P. tickets, ao that tbey can be bought along the road with. outtbenecessi.y of getting them at this city. Mri. F. M. Miller haa Wn al All.. fo' several days, assuiing in the iare of her grand child, tbe little son of Ait Holt and wife, who bas been very low with pneumonia, but at last accounts wasrepored improving. Jefferson Re view. At the meeting of I lie league of reunbli. can clubs in Portland yesterday alter a warm reeaion in whicn the Mitchell and Cor belt faction j manifested themselves, Claud M. Gatcb, of the Corbett fraction was elected president bv acclamation. Mr. Fulton. the Mitchell candid! with drawing in the interest of harmony, he was elected vice president. O H Winn of tbis city will be one of tbe delegates to tbe national leairua dubs. Prohibition Party Vceting Tbe annual meeting of the l.iun Coun ty Prohibition Club and also a mats meeting ol tbe prohibit! mists of Lion county lo nominate a count ticket for the ensuing 'lection will be held Febru ary 22nd, 1S, in tbe W. C. T. C. hall, AI"aoy. The nominating convention will meet at 1 1 o'clock a. in aid the club will meet at 1 o'clock p. m. Tha ball will be open all day. Thia ia to 1 fat. lowed by a banquet at 2 o'clock o ro Tbe expectation is to make February 22od. Washington's birthday, a rallying dav for all tue prohibitionists of tbe county, and it is hoped that ail prohibi tionists will make it a punt to attend these meetings. Infotxauoo concerning the banquet can be obtained bv writing t- either of the undersigned. There wiil be no charge to the banquet and aU who HOME AND ABROAD. A cape left at tbe school entertainment can be had by calling at tbe Upea House. The amount of tbe pension of John Cat lin, Warm Spring johnny, will be 16 a month. William Jennings Bryan Clark is Ibe name of a new corner at Alsea. He weigh ed 11 pounds. Shaving 10 rents, hair cutting 15 cents, at tbe Alsny Baths, opposite tbe Demo cnat office. Viereck's Shaving and Hair Cutting i arlor. Shaving 10 eta Usir Cutting 15, Shampooing lOcls. Clean towels to every customer. Tbe Oregonhn gives the number of del egates preseot at ibe meeting of tbe league of republicans as 2019. Oftbese57 were down from Linn county, moU of bom wereprtwnt. Tbe Local Oratorical Contest will be be d on Friday evening Feb. 11, 1898. All are cordially invited. Admusion 25 cents Remember tbe date. Children and aduHs tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases may secure instant relief by uting De- itt's Witch H-zcl Salve. It I. tbe great Pile remedy. J. A. Cumroings. Whooping cough Is tbe most distraining malady; but its duration can be cut short by the use of tbe Minute Cough Cure, which is abotbe beat known remedy for croup and all lung and broncial troubles. J A. Camming. What pleasure is there in life with a head ache, constipation and biliousness? I nous anda experience them who could become perfectly healthy by using De Witt's litUe tuuly Riaers famous little pil's. J A, Cumming. At tbe annual meetinir of tha rennl.Iiran editorial press association yesterday in I ortland tha following nHinara -a nUrt. ed for the following year: D M C Gault of iiu'kuoro, prnudent; W l Clare, Uervaia, secretary; S 5 Train, Albany, treasurer: executive committee, J B Eddy, J B Beagle j. iigater. I On Monday evening they were aceomn- expect to support the Probibitioa party amed by ibe " hulling quartet." The at ine ensuin elertioo are cordiail in-, song "H ben the Roll is Called U vited lo attend tbe banauet. Persons bo attend the banooet aie exoected to furnish tometbing for the table. Ibe basic principle of tbe banooet ia eroecl- ed to be chicken pie and ecaiioped pota toe, surrounded an 1 supported by var ions omer article too numerous to men lion. Talented speakers will b at the banquet and a general rally is expected T I. Hackle as, E.C.RoBwr, Chairman of Committee. f"crtary County Commute J. C. Beowx, Secretary of Club 'tangent. Oanville. Mra. Dr. J. C. Smith, of Athena, made a burned visit to tbis place. She was ac companied by ber daughter, Mils Hazel. A Mr. Welcb.of Missouri, arrived here laat Saturday. He is taking a look at the valley witb the iotention of locating. We were called on last Friiay by four school marma and can safely say that we enjoyed their company. See Proverbs 14:33-34. Some of the young Johnnies ranging in age from thirteen to twenty years spend two to three boors every Sabbath evening on tbe hill near tbe church where tbey dance and use pro fane and indecent language until tbe bell rings for Ibe evening service. Is there no Sabbath law in Omron? What j does God's law say? Read Nebemlah 13.21, also, Exodus 20:8-11. A horse with a boggy attached came ov-r "gospel ridge" last Friday wiibool a driver aad ran into tbe fence near Smith' wbere it became detaened from the vehicle and ran down Slate street. We anon learned that it belong to Mill joot who waa visiting at the Academy. Two boys on swift horse soon overtook the runaway aad Meears. Stone and Smith repaired tbe broken boggy and bsrnen. We learned that the borsea name a as "Morgan," but we can safely ay that we know of one Morgan that wouldn't rno off from a school mum. Mr. Peter White, ot Unirerity Park, Is visiting friends her. We are entertained every evening by the "concert singeis" of Stale street. ,"d Ven der" was aong atd played by this newly fiedged band. Tbe performance was luiened to attentively by all the frog and Thomas c ts along the street, bat af ter the open air concert bad died away the cats commenced aad did their bett to beat tb "Uni." They were ably is sisted by tb frogs. We are informed that a yooog man waa fioed for "salting a bear.'' Our ad vice is don't salt wild animal forth law protect bears aa well a men. Mrs. Nettie Bright, of Portland, called on os last Monday. We mad a visit to .,,, . , i the cemetery ia company wib Mrs. B. Black Path. Tb Bladt Patti Troub-i an.l Mi Kmi,h adoors last night played toa large hoo. j reir-rl . ,.r tk- p.; ;;u and a well D.titM tin. Thur mnii, - . . . "n gave the beat darkey show ever pretext ed in Albany. Tbe.program i decidedly funny, as funny as it is poseibt to make ! anything, tbe Coney Ittand skit being j sidesplitting. The I roup contains some i fine voices, excellent in choru. Miss! Jones, the Black Patti, is said to be i,e! best darkey sister id Ibe world, certain-1 ly the beat ever in Albany. The closing part brought out some rareda'kev talent. the feature being the tinging ot the Black rant i a ciBKicai resections. Diiiess Trousers ; ; i$!k for ' Fit and Workmanship Perfect ; The Appearance without the Cost ; ' ' aaar in tmb wold. ioc ro a button. 1 , tt a ei. , ro a miw. At irr WINTER CLOTHING For Old and Young, At Low Prices At the III 111 I II I llll! ' WHEAT. New York 96Ci Chicago 9-b)c. 8-in Francisco 84c. Liverpool no change. Albany 67e. Eilis on Indian War Veterans. Committee os laaioa-nosor AkidLasd Hocbb or KaraESgXTATrvaa U. S, Wakhixgto, D. C-, Jan. 28, 1898. Mr. Jason Wheeier, CapU Camp 17, 1. W. V. Albany, Oregon. Dear Sir: I am in receipt of yours of the 20th inst. enclosing preamble and resolutions relative to t'je legislation needed for the Indian War Veterans for tb Pacific Coast and Florida, and quit agree with yea that if ever anyone de served a pension it is those who under went hardship in the Indians Wars. We are doing all in onr power to secure a favorable report upon tb bill for their relief, and think that we will be success ful in that respect. Howerer, duricg the last session, after having got thru far, w were met with an oietruction by tbe an oar refusal of tb Speaker of the lions fo recogoii aovon for the pur pose of ca'ling the bill cp for considera tion. But we are not discouraged and will push the matter to tbe utmost of oar ability. Yours very truly, M. M. Eixta. Notice to tbe Public. GREAT SALE THE LADIES BAZAAR Every article reduced. A rare opportunity to procure exceptional values. Sale closes Feb 12th, 1898. L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON. MelXWAlN'S Cash Store. Pkgs Arbuckle or Lion Coffee $1.00. Single pigs Arbuckle or Lion Coffee ten cents. H F. Mcll wains Cash fctore tue leaoer. All stock at cut prices. February 3, 1893 IO Beware of snide Barbers whj try t CATAKRO OF THE STOMACH sen yoa nair looic.wno ao not snow bee from bill feet about jot r tea Id. I hat bad 2i years experience a no fcrow ibeie are roar distinct kinds of scalp tronb. 1 will farnua free of charge a fosmuia bett raited to your particular case, which yoa caa get Cited at aay drug store for 5 or 10 cents. ma!tatioa free. m Ixtvis Vi&RacK-l A Pleasant. Simple, but Safe and Effectual Cure For It. The Newest At lhetoro Mill at Stark Jewelry yoa ill get tbe facts, and Facts find a 6n stock of gl lo aeiett from. Ittsop todal and include tb best lines of watches aad dorks and ali kiads of jewetry. 1 heir I Ine of eUreaware is extra and tbey bate many noveitiea that will pase. Tl - iny prooauiy R,ruw f -.,,.h r t m!,h. i of Sitters, wiil accept onr thanks. Lirrua Koi tiro. DcATitor Mas. IIxirs Mrs. S. W floxue, one of Albany's most respected pioneer ladies, died at ber home lo tbis city last mgbt, afiera lingering iUoesa at in ativanceu aga ol waa the mother of Mrs J For a Hospital. ALaasT.Or., Feb. 1, 1S3S. F.oitob Dsmotbst: Tbe attention of lb public is hereby eailed to tbe fact that Albany is ia need of a hospital. Can we have one? How and wben can it be done? Who will ans wer? J. M. Masks. this city, Mrs W M. Powers, of Sbedd. Mr Harvey llogue, and Mr. Cbar.es tiogue, of Portland. She was a woman of sterling worth who will long be e- memtered for many excellent qualities. ineiune'ai service will be beld to morrow a.lerdoon at 2 o'clock at tbe family residence on Wssbinton street, and will be conduct el by Kev. II. L. Keed. of lb Presbyterian church of wbici ibe deceased a aa a member. TO Csxrs ro Wheat. Indeoetdenc Tears. She I coierpr-aw: a. pool oi w neai ot B,eot M. Irv ng, of 1 bushels and twenty pounds was mad np Fl.u8 Mm no ix Ata.wr. Several men attracted cooe.derable attention this morning while plac-.-r mining in tbe mud in front of tbe P.O. It was learned that W. K Blain tbe evening befora bad dropped a f 10 god piece and it was thought it had rolled into the mud After a fruitless hunt it was learned that a Hiatt boy had found the money on the sidewalk lastnigbt. The mining stopped Oh, How Thankful Pecuuab Accident Junction Times Feb. 9: We made brief mention last week of the unfortunate accident that happened to Pat Kennedy. The accident proved a very serious one although it is believed that the band will be saved. Mr. Kennedy and bis son were grubbing and both were' cbooDinz at the same grub. Somehow tbe alternate ax swiugs missed and tbe boys az struck bis father I on the back of tbe right hand, cutting the bones and sinews, leaving it banging with only tbe flesh on tbe inside of the hand. It was a very serious and unfort unate wound, and the band even if saved, will always remain stiff. Just Across the Way. At F H Pfeiffer s you can get tbe best Coast and Eastern oysters to be found. He alao keeps the best line of confection ary in the city. Call on bim for the best of everything in bis liue. Pain Was Maddening and Hope Had Been Abandoned -Wonderful Results of Purifying the Blood. " A, very severe pain came In my left knee, which grew worse and worse, and finally a sore broke out above the knee. It discharged a great deal and the pain from my thigh down waa maddening. Large, hard, purple spota appeared on my leg. I suffered in this way for years and gave np all hope ot ever being cured. My wife was reading ot a case like mine cured by Hood's BarsapariUa, and ahe advised me to try it. I began taking It and when I had used a few bottles found relief from my suffering. Oh, bow thankful I am for this relief t I am stronger than I have ever been In my life. I am In the best ot health, have a good appetite and am a new man altogether." J. P. MOOES, USDOn X aus, maine. Sarsa-parilla Isthe best-la tact the One True Blood Partner. Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills. 23 cents. Tasoext, Jan. 39th, 1897, As Young America bas moved or be come too old to write auy more 1 bay concluded to writ yoa s few lines from this place, r erhsps some ol the raad era of your valuable paper would like to bear trom langent. There are only ten widows in Tangent and vicinity and three widowers. N- W. Green and family left here one day last week for Ohio. Mr. Green goes to take charge of bis fathers farm. Six vacant houses in Tangent. The dance club died a hard death. The wonder in Tangent is what inter ests Ray so much in Albany. Tbe weather is good enough of for summer. We saw the benign countenance of Little Rose Bud one day not long since Bv the wav it ia a funnv rosebud. Why does it not bloom. Some folks say It is too old to tloom,otbers say it ts not prop erly cared for. O. I. C A Rich Strike A very rich strike of gold is reported in the Bohemia district in Lane county, and at Cottage Urove great excitement is said to prevail. It is claimed that a foot of 9.15 foot ledge goes $30,000 to the ton and the remainder $500. Tbe find is on property belonging to Jennings Bros, and Bruno, tsuch re- reports need to be taken with a good deal of allowance. If as stated Klondike wouldn't be compared with Bohemia and Cripple Creek would not be mentioned. In the matter of taxes Astoria ia the wort afflicted of any city in Oregon so cording to tbe present report. 1'ba total tax will be 40j mill. The levy for r unty expenses is 12 mills A R Ockerman.the well-known Portland man who absconded with $3,000 of money belonging to tbe Elki, has been arrested In Vancouver, B C. this week, and Al Uerren relieved tbe parties of the entire amount bv paving i0 cents a Uisbel for ibeeame. 1 bis is from lo 3 recta more oa the bushel -tban the average price paid ia this msrket Centkal Coutti Mestino,. Mem bers of the Democratic certral commit tee are requested to meet ia Albany on Vedneedsy.February9,at 1 o'clock p m, to attend such business a will come before lb meeting. Homciirst. Tbe World atUrward. t good grcaaies for your famt-y. Covb & Jit toe keep tbe beat, which thev set! at tbe lowest pouibl price, rmaa vegetable and fruits accor Jitg lo the season, always oa bacd. A fine line vf crockery. Do3tr ficam. Perfumes ar certain to please ber. especially wbe too give Pal- ir.tr 'a. the bet. -ee our assortment to fanc boxes alio oar iio cf Toilet rate, a! burnt, glove and handkerchief boxes. comb brah nod mtrrer vet Alt new and op to date goods, w ask voar inspection. nCBBHABT 4 LKB. We Sell A Ubdcmt. On amount of the criti cal condition ot Mr. Ham lord, who ia at the residence of J . M. Marks, w kind ly say to those passing that tbey will comer a lavor on the ailing man to pass as quietly as poeaioie or paaa oa tb south si te of street and if our neighbor bojs will plsy on some other corner lor a time, we will be greatly obliged. J. M. Masts. XI at the Esmond. J.R. Wyattat the St I French the jeweicr. Charles and Dr. M. II. Ellis at the I Romona pure spice . Portland Romona Romona puro extracts . Tbe operation performed on Mr. Chaa. Try stbtiiic a Dt tea ao4 baxina powder. StiTcJ' BuesTn - ' E lUIJsUia VI WCI fS -v - l ailWU v ssu as found, porhaps too la'e fr permanent "w.ns at lereca e sbavtng nn.t bair assistance, and Consequently bis condi- cutting parlors. lion is critical. Pictures from 75 cents to $25 tcrd'e.n Mr. John Catlin last evening received t Longs gallery. formal notice that his pension clai n bad I Uet a aet of carving toive f.r an xruas been allowed and be bas been granted present at Hopkio Lro. pension for life under the new law. I rn , n,i.; i i tt, .. wi Tbe amount has not yet been stated, nor k : ,f . , , tbe amount of tbo back pension nisi , , " . . , Aioany friends generally will be glad to . Vun ' J ""'""J know of hi. good fortune. JZZ". " R. 0. Clyde, eJitor of the Commoner, I . ,i n tK.. in trnnbiea. formerly tbe Calamity Howlnr, of Port-1 l a. Cuiauiinir land, a young rnBtler from Kustlervine, I , T. . , scooted into Albany today in the interest I 0 T"t8 of his valuable paper, only $1 a year. P,aU tn th e.'- . . He is for tbe people every hour in the Set your watch with rrencu a reguia or day and all night, "yon becber yer life." 1 if jou want the correct time. a middle ol the road man, we guess. I If you want to "wakn np ' toy an alarm Treat bim kindly. clock at r'rench's jewelry utore." a school recetoox. I Crawford & FLirninh for photographs Last evening at the Madison strest Prices from tl to ttf) pr dozen. school building a reception was tendered I na Ure and sto tha and rut tinware at I the new class in the high sohool depart- Hopkin Bto. will la, a lifetime, ment, who have jusf left the central tt& F,ak.. flour ia mfttla b the school tor that school. It wag a very Rej Crown MilU of Albany, pleasant affair, the manner in which it l . f,. i was carried out conferring honor on all Try our p corn ; it never fwu lo pop. concerned. Over two hundred were c & present. The program was opened with 'Ri Crown" -the standard of color a well rendered piano duet by May and aud strength ia flour. All grocers have it. Besnie Hammer, Miss Minnie Mayo de- No one can afford t be without clock, Itvered an excellent address ol welcome, see tbe low prices at r ranch a jewelry store, a aong by Misses Leon Francis, Bessie T (he O C & E cteamer for Portland Hammer, Emma Brenner and innie d rivor on Sunday, Tuesday and Tburs Mayowss appreciated, an address of j" wntnnnrm to the new rlaas bv Miaa Mahnl uttv' . - . . J ----- - - . i, . I .ul anil nn F In lirt. r ... TSJ-TK orierVyW.;v,g and biir cu7 youDg pupils in tbe meandering viciBsi- ""B parlor'' . , tudes of their course upward into the Large salea and smslf oroHts is the motlo ambiguitiea of higher education. A re- of liopkm iJrD. and ihai u why thay are spouse was made in good style by Or always busy. Simpson, a vocal solo by Emma Brenner W hen you want a choice steak, a nice was appreciated, Miss May Miller de- roast or meat of any kind, cation Henry livered a thougiuiui address to tbe gran-1 Uroders. He koeps tue best. Dis H. E. and O. K. U rs olliees and In Olden Times People overlooked the importance of per manentty beneficial effects and were satia fie! with transient action; but now that it is generally known that rupor Figs will permanently overcome habitual constipa tion, well-informed people will not boy other laxatives, which act for a time, bet finally Injure the system Buy the genu ine, made by tbe California Fig Syrup Co. Closing out. Crcckery and dataware at cott, C E Browksi.l. Legal Bl mka, we bave 'em. Smu it 3cst rotk,lowet prices, that's us. Smilsv, the Printer. After yeara nf antold anffetiog from pi B W Porasll of Koitoertville.fa, wascartd hy naiog a sinila box f ! it WiUh Hail Salva fain diaeaaea aaoh asecsema, raah, pimp as a.MJ ohttioate acre are real ily ca'st Jby Curaminj, this fimis rsmsdy J A WilliSturk, jewe'ers. Sailing Notice. Steamer President ii due to sail from Yoquinafor San Francisco Friday Feb,4th Pawengcrs sboula leave Albany on Thurs day. ood's Australia is now twin? visited hv tha hottest weather in its histon . resulting in nated. which was appropriately respond the dentb of hundreds. Tbe thermometer ed to by Vernon Ramp, piano solos by was 124 in tbe sbade and 187 in tbe sun. 1 Bessie Tyree and Vinnie Mayo were - I good. A general love foast followed, in Trieie are three little things which do which remarks were made by G W. more work tban any other tt rae little Wright, Rev. McKillop, F. P. Nutting, things o-ated they are tbs ant. tna bae County Clerk Montague, Rev. Wire.Mrs. tnai-e wins Little Early Riaers, tie hvt oaing ine iimooi uttla pill for itomaob and liver tronblet J a Camming To tun t-unmipntiu" roravhr. Take Cascarata Candy Cathartic. IDo or JSa If C. C. C. fall to cure, drungUis refuud mouey. Wiie. P. A. Young, and J. O. Irvine, Nice refreshments were served and the company adjourned with an excellent opinion of the scholars and teachers as . . i . i entertainers ana witu renaweu dence in tha schools. residence in pout othce building. Special attention given to diseases of women. The best meats of all kinds and good treatment at the Albany Dressed Beef Oomnanv's market, junt djwn Second street. Good weight and prompt attend tion. It's th uniform finish of the New Red Cmwn flour which makes it so inpiapen- confl-1 sake to tbe pantry cooks. It can always be relied upon for good results. Try it. Heme nber the local oratorical contest nt the Opera House on the night of Feb 11th. Clean Printing, we are doing it. -Smilkv. A thrill nf taemr ia expe-ienosd when brasny cough of croop aounda through the hnuae at night But the terror avion oh an gea to relief after On Minute Cou&h Cor baa bean administered Sfs sod ht r nleas for children J A Camming Chinaware, Crockery, Glassware, Notions,, Books Very cheap. KHECHT & SKISSB Catarrh cf tbe stomach baa long been considered tbe next thing to incurable. Tb nsusl evmpioma are a ru or bwaUrgaenaatioa after eating, aceom oanied sometime with sour or watery risings, a formation of gaases. canting pressure oa tbe heart and longs ana difficult breathing; headache, fickle ap petite, nerroosnees and a genera piayea oat, languid feeling. There is o!leu a tool taste ia the moatn coated tongue, and if the interior of the stomach could be seen it would snow a slimy, inflamed eonditiea Tbe care for this common ana obsti nate troaUe is found in a treatment which cause tbe food to be readily, thoroughly digested before it bas time to ferment and irritate tbe delicate mu cous surface of tb tomacb To secure a prompt and bealtby di gestion is tb one necessary thing to do. and when normal dieesuoe is ceeared tbe catarrhal condition will bave disap-1 pea red. According to ir. uariansoo me saiest and best treatment is to nse after each meal a tablet, composed of Diastase, Aseptic, Persia, a htJe Nux, boldea Seal and f rait acids Tbeee tablets can now be found at all dixg stores under the name of Stuart's Dvspep Tablets, and, not Ming a pat eat medicine, can be used with perfect safety aad assurance that beaitby ap- petre and tcorough digeauoo win io- i thir rMrnlar na after meala. Mr 5 J Boober ol Z710 uearbora bi. Chicago, 111., writes: -Catarrh ia a local coaciuoa lecalting from a neglected cold la tb bead, whereby the lining mem- bran of the noee becomes in named aaa the poisonous discharge tberetrotn, pass ing backward into th throat, reacne the stomach, thus Droducine eatarrb i ' ... i the stomach. Medical authorities pre-i scribed for me for three year for catarrh of stomach without cur, bat today I am l' tbe happiest of men after using one box I ot Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I cannot I bad appropriate words to express my mod lelie. 1 have loana nesn, appetite ana soaoa rert from iheir nee. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the saf est preparation as well aa tbe simplest and most convenient remeay xor any form of indigestion, catarrh of stomach bill.oasnest soar stomach, heartburn and bloating after meals. eend for litue cook, mailed ire, on stomach troubles, by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall. Mich. Tbe tablets caa be found at all drag stoi es. Denver & 10 : : RAILRJAD : : Tii Ogisa & Salt laie TO HI Foists last aSontlB&i Pullman Paiftce sleeping cars Pullman tourist cvr Frea rejlining chair cars Are run through on all trains. Best f ervice Finest equipment Fastest time. For rat?s of fire and all in i rmation call on vour near est ticket aeent or addre.-a R C Nichol, E B Dufft, Genl Agt, Trav Pass Agt, 251 Washington St, Portland. 6 K Hoopek, GPi? Agt, Denver, Colorado. EASTERN R. R. CO. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting at Yaqtuna Bay with tbe San Francisco & Yaaica Bai STEAMSHIP OOMPAXT. SlsamsU5 "MSsit" c.;ia trm Vannin everv S dav tot Saa Franciaco, CoosBay.Humboldt Bay. I a 1 1 I ST BUY STOCK TINWARE ASD GRANlTEilRON at THE FAIR. DDIMTIMr. : l'ooseesing pre-eminently pcr ' feet profit producing "posst- lZ bilities, produced promptly at fc KM I LEY'S Clean Pnntery. lUiuiaanuiUiaiUiuiuiii . tsibs saaaaa. rllsO copyaacHTS e. Aurt aanmtw a alteif aa SaatrlrOo ar imuu. tree. bW a '"" CMoaaeottal. awse? t;na fMnaa la Avertc. W ! a Watfcuwtoa oSM. Pai mis take thnxica ataaa Co. rasam ajacial aotiea ta tb SCIENTIFIC AMER'SAN, beaanrallr UttnrnMed. Urr- eOeeiatloai t an, Hwnllc H-urnl, v;,lnBa3.iK a Teat, aiJOBt mmtli. MKMnj.fi copi and MAa Uvmk n( .Tatksts aaal trwa. AitOnaa MUNN & CO., 361 Bna4. Kaw Vara. Try atftings at 10c. Extra quality 0. . Drownell. Karl's Clover Root Tea. lor Constipa tion it's thi Be', and if after using it yoa don't say s s return the package and get or money. Said b FoshavA Mason Krtuen.f Tfonr llowvla With Cwiearata. Cur.-iy Cnttinrtte, curn eonalipatton forever. 10c, ia,-. lltac, fall, UrusKiaw refund money. More Ramblers Were sold in Portland last year than all th other linea represented tere. Whv? Because no other high grade bicycles are sold at so reasonable a price. The "98" Rambler is a beautv aud sample can be ten at George . Fish's place, on Ferry street. TTsTTANTED TRUSTWOltrer AO- jf j five gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established bouse in Oregon. Monthly fftf.OO and expense. Position steady. Keierence. inclose self addressed stamped envelope. Tbe Domin on Oompaoy, Dept. Y Chicago. Beware of Ointments tor Catarrh that Contain Mercury aa merenrv will sarelv destrov tne sense ri smell and coniDletelv derange tbe wnoi system wba entering it through the ma coa surfaces. Such articles sboald never ha nuvl nxeent oa DreacriDtioas from repot' able physicians, as tue damage they will do ia ten fold to tbe good you caa posubiy derive from. Hall s Catarrh iire, nut factored b FJ CNsney & Co, ToledcsObio, mntaina no merenrv. aad is taken intern ally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfacesoi the system, ia ouyiug Hairs Catarrh Cur be sure yoa get tbe trenuine. It is tecen mteruauy. ana mane in Toledo, Ohio, by F J Cceaey & Co. Testimonials fcee. Sold by drogg sta, price "5c per bottle. Hulls Family Pills are the best. STREET RAILWAY NOTICE. The motot on the Albany atrret rail way will connect promptly with all trains to and from the depot, day and night. Special trips will be n ade at special ates. t. r. toRN, Corductor, FOR SALE Steam Cider Factory, ful iv equipped for business. Wiil be sold at s low price. Address PO Box 280. Corvallis, Or. ass6a Accomodation Ussceraseit Shortest rout between the Willam ette Valley and California. Fare trom Albany and point west tc Ban Francisco Caws...... Srs3ta6 - Bound trip good for 60 days... To Coos Bay Cabin ..... To Humboldt Bay sna ton Whin 10.M fTeerage SCC COC .17.0C IS.CC 6 00 S 00 River Division. Steamer "Albany" between Portland jnd Oorvallia. through without lay-over. Leaves Cor tall a 6:30 a. m. Taesdays. Tharsdaysand Sundays; leave Port land, Yamhill street doc. 6)C a. au Mondavi Wednesdays and Frida;. Eswn Ssosa, J O Ma-n- Manager Supt River Pit TKEASUSER'S KC1ICE KQ. 9 Kotice is bereny ctvn that funds at on band tc pay city warranta Kos. 367 to 415 Inclusive ol th issue of 1S97. In terest oa said warrants will cease with tb e date of this notice Albany Or. Pee. 29, 1597. E. A. Paxci. City Treasurer. Uonay at 1 Per Cent. 1 have a limited amount cf money to load oa good security at 7 per cent inter est, five jears or longer. Interest payable annually. Address Bax 126. Albany Or. OST. A fall blooded Scotch terri ,r. eiirht months old. iron gray $6 reward. Keturn to w S Toole. between Albany and O&kvuie. aanie oonny. ANTED. A few more engage ments by the day to sew. Mrs & fc. Own. w ODD FOR SALE Ash and iir dry and green.