The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 04, 1898, Image 1

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Jlr Jt'
NO 27.
Eatered c.C tke Fee me at tlbaay. -. as aeesad-CIs Hall Mallei i
t .r KCTTISC rakllsaer aa rrsarteter
4b tHeJM
J&fcgctaulelteparationfor As
similating theroodandRcula
tirjg theStomachs ami Bowels cf
Ticss andBcstContalns neither
e5iumMorpliine nor Miacrat.
Not Nakc otic.
m" lVis IWf
A perfect Remedy forConstir-
tioruSour Siomach.Diarrhoea.
oess and Loss OF Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature of
t i,
Wall Faper,
Oarpets, ,
Lace Cur tatas,
Furniture -
Bedding. -
'ture Frames,
Linen Warp Matting,
Oil PaiDtings,
and Undertaking
CJall on
i i jt a 'fern: vga
SI Wi J. to f IJtJgSfca .-n- W O I
. 'f If JSA JaJL ML JL. 1
And tell the people far and wide that
the best; GROCERIES
the finest HARDWARE
the best make of STOVES
are to be found at
The Second Term
Januarv 4, 1898.r The "college has strengthened its com
mercial work very much, so that now it has become a
qual to any in the state. This was not so in the vast,
picgnow. Come and secure a thorough training in
branches o. a liberal education.
Albany, Oregon, PSiM AM C'Ollege '
Castoris Is jrat up la one-dzs bottlss only. Il
? f yon aBytiing ek m tha pl or promise that h
I u Jest u pood" and. ww answer erery p
n nose.1' AS" Bca that top rat G-A-S-T-n-HI.A.
. sttmZr -
Plfu II ill
A large audience gathered at the opera
houso laet nipht on the occasion ct the
visit hereof Fast Grand Master J. O.
Tate, of Lincoln, Neb , now Grand Lec
turer, who is making a tour of the coast
in the interest of the A. 0. U. V. The
meeting was presided over by Hon. J
K. Weatherford. An address of wei
come was delivered by County Clerk
Montague, followed by a song by the
quintet: Messrs Fulton. Steele, roans
Lee and Hammer. A few remarks were
made by Grand Master McFadden, of
Salem, when the speaker of the eveuing
was introduced, in opening his address
he remarked tbat be bad traveled from
ew lork to Albany and lor a unique,
pleasant and smooth reception the one
at tnis city deserved me bakery, tie
then speke for nearly two hours, display
mg a rare eloquence, interspersing his
areuu.ent with many pointed illustra
Some oi the facta presented by Mr,
Tate were the following:
The Arcient Order of United Work
men was orgaeized twentv-nine vears
ago at Meadvilte, ra.,by thirteen me
chanics. These men saw something
ougnt to ue done to mute provision
aitainst the time when wife and child
should be left to fight life's battles alone.
lbey kbew up to that time no fraternal
organisation bad ever engaged in such
work. They realised not the dangers
mat threatened, liiey saw only tbe
need of today, but had 5 simple and
abiding faith that somehow tomorrow
would take care of itself.
It seems almost incredible that in 29
years this little lodge has grown to an
army 370,000 strong: that from so in
auspicious a beginning should have
grown an institution distributing to its
beneficiaries fSO.OOU.COO, and io tbe on.
fortunate among its living members
$20,000,000 more. $100,000,000 distribut
ed to the needy and t.'ie widow and tbe
orphan in the brief period of 29 years.
bocan compreuend it, line wbo can
tell bow much of sorrow has been as
suaged, and bow much of poverty pre
vented, and how much of crime avoided,
by the expenditure of this vast sum of
money at a time when sorrow and dee
pair menaced the home and the fire
sides of our members?
Today after all troubles have been
overcome the order stands with, a clean
record financially and otherwise.
He showed the development of the
pian oi assessment up to tbe present
system oi ciassined assessment, which
be explained in a very comprehensive
manner, remarking tbat he had no
reason to doubt its efficiency and aatety
But. membership, he said meant more
than merely tbe financial benefit. It
signifies all that is involved in the word
fraternity, a graud word. Three words
commend tbe institution. Fraternity,
equality, safety, all elements in tbe
work of the order. He impressed tbe
audience with tbe lasting powers of tbe
A. O. U. VV., declaring that it -would
deal as iu'thtuily with those present as
it had with others in the twenty-nice
years of its magnificent history- -
Reported by the Linn County Abstract
Company, for tbe Dkmocbat, for the
week ending Jannary 26, 1893.
E J Wiliougeby et al by sheriff, to
Wm Laae, T 16 3 w about 300 A$ $XX
V ii Moore & wf to K EEUis.T in,
2 w 5 acres
JobnScbmeer &wfto Catherine
Pfeiffer et al. lot 8 and part of
lot 7 Albany
.... 60CO
L Kirch boH et al to J R Wvalt.lot
and part lot 7 bl 7 Albanv
JUWyattto Catherine Pfeiffer
undivided J of lot 8 and part lot
7 bl 7 Albany
J B vyatt ta L Kircbh-ff, undi
vided of lot 8 and part of lot 7
bl 7 Aibaov
Mart Miller ' and wf to D B Moj
teith,T112w 13 acres
(J-S to Josiah Oshorn A wf, ropv of
patent, claim 93, T 1 1 2 w H40 a
H Bryant, assignee of L E Blain,
to S W Dodd. T II, S w 34 acres
D B Monteitb to Ima H Monteitb.
Til. 2. w 607 acres; Tl 1.3 and
4 w 123 acres; part of blocks 3,
14, 45, 53, 64, and 70 Albany.and
nart of bl 2 Eastern add to Al
11 Mullen to Farmer A Mer
chants Ins Cn,w X bl 6S.Albanr
- 1
L E Biain A wf to S W ltorfd, T 11
3 w 34 acres
P H Marlav 4 wt to M X Alien, T
15, 1, E 200 acres
J T Amee A wf to Mabel H Ames,
small tract T 13 1 K
Lowell Ames A wf toLDAUC
A mes, T 13 1 E 52 acree
E T Willongbby to P X Bank, Eu
gene, Sec 4 T 14 3 w 45 acres
F E Wallace to Agnes McXabb. T
iu, z w 14 acree
The Corbett Case
A dispatch from Washington states
that the report of tbe majority of the
senate committee on privileges and elec
tions in the Corhett case was presented
to the senate yesterday by benator tJat-
frey. Tbe committee recommended that
Mr. Uorbett oe not given a seat in tne
senate. The Oregon legislature, tbe re
port says, deliberately refused to per
form any of tbe functions with which it
was charged, one ot tne most important
being the election of a successor to Sena
tor Mitchell, and tbe precedents are
against the seating of an appointee wnen
tbe legislature naa nau aa opportunity
to elect, benator rettus concurred in
tbe conclusion, but files a separate opin
ion. He take the position that the de
cision in the Mantle case controls in this.
Senator Hoar presented the minority
view, sustaining Mr. Corbett s claim to
a seat.
A teachers institute will be held at Soda
ville on Friday and Eaturda. Februaiy
4th and 5:h. tverjbody invited.
There are current report of a three story
brick at the corner ot irst and Lyon
ttreets. It would be very pieasing to see
sucb a building go up.
(Vrvillui Time-,: K Xeis. of Faler A
NeU. came to Corrallu Monday and unr
chased Alex Caraell't hops, consisting of
27 bales. Eight cents is the price paid.
Mr NeU state that tbete is little demand
for anv but firxt clans hops. Those of this
au&litv have almont all been bought up at
fairlv eood prices ana reniro feDgmna. lit
estimates tbat tbere are vet on sale
Oregon about 20.090 bales ot all grades.
f;RAY LEWIS. On Wednesday evea
ina at 5 o'clock. January 26. 1898 at
the home of As a Beam In Albany, by
Rbv M. C. Wire. Mr. Lorenzo E. Gray
aud Mrs. Mary M. Lewis, of Ellens-
bnrg, Wash.,tormeriy ot Ainany.
They have the best wixbes of many
Hmpl, blotcbe, b ockhead. red, rou(!, oily,
: uotby kln, Hr,l5. raly acatp, dry.thlo, and
falling Hair, f ." Uaty blemUUc prevented by
CuTicin BnAe.tno molt effcctiT kln purify
ing and ljcauilf;'iig Map In tha world, a wall as
purwtaad woeua for toilet, bath, and nailery.
sum rropsw ixmaa mw
BLOOD HUMORS &5&&tbs&&.
Tnere was a large attendance at the
school meeting at the central school
building last night. C. G. Burkhart
presided and the clerk, F. E. Allun read
the call for the meeting.
A report of the directors was read
showing substantially the following.
On account of inaccurate estimates
heretofore made and insufficient tax
levies based thereon there is now exist
ing local indebtedness ot about the sum
of three thousand dollars.
Other liabilities which will ecetsarily
be incurred in maintaining the schools
tor lue ensuing year are estimated as
follows, towit i
Teachers' salaries $ 7,540
Janitori' salary 450
Water rent 130
Fuel ; 300
Incidental ex penses 750
Int on bonded indebtedness 1.V00
Insurance 150
Seating and furnishing 7th room
in Madison street bui.ding.... 150
School fnrmture, supplies, repairs
on blackboards and furnaces,
plastering.sidewalks and sewers
Estimated assets:
Uncollectable tax, etc amounting
to about $2500, of trie estimated
present value of about 11500. .
Apportionment of county A state
. funds
A cot to be raised by taxation....
Total .
The assessed valuation of the property
of the district as reported by the county
citrra- tor tbe present year is the sum of
Tbe report then showed than a 4 tni'l
tax would support tbe schools without
making any provision for the indebted
ness, a 5 mill tak would pay part of the
indebtedness and a 0 mill tax woud pay
an vi it uesiue support ng the schools.
During tbe year there has been an in
crease in attendance of about one hun
dred, wbo have been taught without ad
ditional teacber.and the ninth ani tenth
grades have tbs practically ben taught
wuuuut nira expense.
In lor mat ion from different oarta of the
snows mat toe average' wages paid
teachers in Oregon cities is higher than
here and that the avcrara tax U-i in 99
uregon cities is e mills.
Upon motion of G. W. Wright a lovy
of 5 mills was ordered, thereto beinjf
uuouiuiuub, iuu bo rvcoraeu.
Tbe market cintinaes to ImnrnfR. In
Chicago shorts baying a tbe clique firm,
resulting in the high price for January
beat May wheat as follow :
New York 98?4c.
Chicago 974c.
S'n Francisco SS'c.
Liverpool lc higher. .
Albany 67 c.
In Mcmoriam.
Whereas, in obedience to the bad
call of Tbe Great Commander of n all.
Comrade George W. Hawkins responded
aad went iet" on earth at the sound
of "tape" and answered "Roll Call" on
tbe bivonac of Tbe Urand Army on tbe
creen fields of the golden snores at
Reveille, mneiered out below, mustered
in above, therefore be it
KusoLvao. Tbat iJcPt.ersor Poet Xo. 5
Department of Oregon Las lost a worthy
and honored member and a true om
rade, the country a soldier and Mtriot.
ever re uly to offer his life in its delente,
and the community a true friend and
citisen, and be it further
KcsoLrxu, lhat we deeplv avmnatbixe
with all who mourn bia loss ' Relative
and friends we moorn as you mo-un.
Our tears shall minele with your teas.
and we with you will Bather from nature
choicest and sweeteu Dowers, and by our
common love strew tbe moand that
marks his "ret " and be it further
R i solved, Tbat in our further appre
ciation and esteem of our departed com-
raue. mat toe ban be draped in mourn
ing lor tbe period ot thirty dava and
these resolutions be made a part 'of the
records of Mcf hereon Post in tnemoriam.
S. W. Rmcce,
J. B Babbie,
All the Same as Becker.
A.Blaker. well known in East Port.
land, formerly engaged in tbe train and
feed commission business on East Col-
nib la street, near ater. is now labor
iously engaged in training Angora goata
barneys, with which he exnecta to
nave bimse.t at.d wife and his retinue
transported from Dyea or Skagwar to
Dawson City. The goats were porcbased
aisHtnnviUe. a short time aira. and
the first pair is now being introduce to
traces. Tbey are finely clad in their
nosey coats, and. together with their
long, sloping horns, when set upon a head
that is carried with considerable of as
sumed importance, make qnite an itn
posing appearance. The part r exnect to
suit by tbe middle of next month. They
will provide themselves with all kinds of
ned and evaporated vegetable and
meats. About 2100 pounds is expected
be placed on the sleds. Portland
Tribune. Mr. Blaker resided in Linn
county. His scheme will be a failure.
Angora goats will never do the work.
A Good Many Diplomas.
Between March 5. 1894. and Jjlv 1.
1898, there were issued bv the state
board of education 13(15 teachers' certiQ
cates and diplomas, 462 college and univ
ersity diplomas, 290 sta'e diplomas and
7 state certificate, lhe time of the
iasuance of these papers covered a period
28 months, tbe average monthly is
suance being 48. At tbe same monthly
average as for tbe preceding period, tbe
uuuiucr vi paper mnueu during me past
18 months was 864. The estimated
number of naners ionued between March
5,1894, and January 1,1898, is 2229. At
so a paper this means a very big income
for the superintendent.
Dr. G. W. Maston lef, on last night's
overlanl on a trip to Califcrnia.
Mrs E. E. Parrisb left this noon for
tbe Dalles on a visit with her pareuts
Ex-postmaster Rich, who is now em
ployed in a barber shop in Albany.came
over to loiedo last nigtit. ruled o Lead
The Democrat is informed that tbe
probability is tbat Jay Swank, accident
ally shot at Lower boda, will not recov
er, and that tbe chances are against his
living very long.
The Guard of Eugene Las an item
about the trouble ot b. J. Kenwortby,
Kellers A Co's crockery drummer, well
known through the va.l!ey. in getting
mones on a letter of credit at tbat city
Although under a big head there is evi
dently nothing very serious in the mat
Mr. J. P. Ilshn, the Sweet Home
merchant, returned today from, a trip to
Missouri, where he recently went alter a
wife, acd hence did not return atom. On
Jan. 0, Mr. llahn and Miss Lenora Ter
ry, a young lady near whom the groom
bad spent bis childhood, were married
atLowry, o. The Independent says
tbe bride was esteemed by all lor ber
good traits and that the groom may con
gratulate himself on securing ber lor
companion, Mr. liann was aiso ac
companied home by bis brother, who
expects to reside here.
BriLDiNQ a Sawmill. Hansen & Lan
don, the local Sash and Door manui'act
urers are establishing a sawmill in the
"Bilyen Den" lumbering country about
twelve miles east of Scio. Should tbe
present favorable weather continue, the
mill, which will have a capacity of about
20.000 feet per day. will be completed
nd in operation by March 1, Joutns,
Wheat is on the boom in Chicago.
This noon the shorts were a'ttr It red
hot, bidding up to 1.10 for spot delivery.
May quotations are:
New York f)9c.
Chicago 97c.
Pan Francisco 85?4C. .
Liverpool Jc higher, i
Albany 87c.
Quits a Ouanok. Ia 1878, twenty
years ago.'a directory of Albany was
published oy Mansfield A Monteitb, one
of which is now la the Dcmocrat office.
There were about 500 names in it, rep
resenting a population of over 1500. Of
the names in the directory only 112 are
now residents of Albanv, nearly 400
families having moei from the city
since then, but their places have been
taken b many more,
A Bad Case. The Eugeno paper re
port a case which in some places would
result in Judge l.vnch taking a hand in
proceedings. Kd. Liangs was arrested
there yesterday for rape on May Gilliame,
a seventeen year old girl, ibe details as
given present a very bad case, which if
true should send Bangs to the peniteo'
tiarv for the rest of his life. He was
held for the granl jury under tlOcO
Mr Q W Mcllrgu-j of lirownsv
was in the city today
License was issued todtiy tor the mar
riaite of John Owen ai.d Kills Douglas.
Mrs. S M Hotfur, nee of Albany's
pioneer ladies, is tying dangerously ill at
her borne in this city
George Waggoner, one of the '49 min
ers, of Corvallis.leftth.s week for AUska
on a prospecting trip
Mins Ida Xoffsinger left on today' lo
cal fir Albany in the interests of the
Parmelee library asociatt'n RegUter.
Judge Fullerton, who has been hold
ing court at Toledo, return d home this
noon, also Att-rne Wyatt and W E.
Rich .
Mr. Mark Brownton and mother have
gone to t'ort and where they iU be
joined by Mr Browr.son in '( days
and eside premanently.
C W. Irvine, of Independence, a sn-
in-law of Mr. I. C. Dickey, of this city,
died at bis home in Independence iaH
Sunday, leaving a wife and three chil
dren. Lieut. Clbe), successor olCoj. Jackoo
U. S A., wilt be in Albany in a few
weeks, when he will spend a week here
giving the noo-comtuii-sioned PlUcers in
structions in militarv ta tics.
Mr. Stevens.of theCorvalliiAEattern.
is the posessor of a ba'.lbeariag railroad
velocipede, a wonderful imorvrreinent on
the old wheels. Mr Stevens makes tb
run from Corvaliis here :n 35, minutes
with ease.
Mr. Iuia Vanllorn. at one time con
ductor of the Albany motor, was in the
city ted ay on his way to hit home at
Ashland, after a trip over tbe te, hav
ing bee at the Bav. Astoria and other
places. Mr. Yanlio-n is now braking on
the S. P.
Frank Kitchen aad liohert ft ilson re
turned this morning from Corvaliis,
where they have ben putting in tiling
on the 500 ace farm of Robert Crawford
during the past two months. Tbey put
in I7.CW0 fee; and 5Jr Crawford will
have one of the best drained f artos in the
Mr. Georze Settlemier. a former Al
bany young wo, and eon oi Mr. ao4
Mrs. A. ttiemier, of this cay, died at
Koeatia Wah., several days ago. aher a
yhort rltie. leaving a wife ; and thee
children. He wa nearlv Iforty years of
age, and was a yoanz man of exceUcnt
Several dia'.ingaithed lawyets were in
the city yesterday before Judge Hewitt,
Attorrey General j;eaaa f ir the de
fendant and ex-U. 8 Attorney General
Williams and Mr. Lithiconi for the
plaintiff in the cae of tbe 'retn F.our-
ing Mill Co. agt the traMees of the In
sane asylum to restrain the ore of Mi'!
Creek water.
Rec-u'ar Si'aruar eveain .Lu
toniorrow eveoing at uu-.l.
It i repor ei tbat there will b aVut
one tbooMad delemi'e preeot in Portland
next luly at tbe meet log ot the
league of rpUlicia club tf u.vgoo.
Tbe n:t diploma ever itwued in Al
bany are to be ue'ivered to lh cr at tbe
Opens Uoue tonight. like all tbe lt
wont tbey iMwr Ibe iniprmt cf tmil? tbe
The Democbat reoentiy cave tbe very
peculiar cootract between tr Rjrell and
Lane count r, for keeping the poor o tbat
cooDty, and oa the autbonty of a Eageee
paper gave tbe price as f-. Instead it i
3, which induce dot be, medical attend
ance and even burial fee.
Rev I L Jjne baa just receiye a Iwtler
from Mobile, Ala . from an oi l reboot
mate, according to wbicn tbat tity ha
not jet recovered frcra th effect of tbe
yellew fever a baiioea way. Tbe
prevalence of tbe diee paralysed bai
aew there, doing an imuienee damage to
It financial intere.Uot tba el'y.
During the recent now everil S&!em
bojs were haviug a nov ball h(ht. Joe
woodward, a tbr:eeo tear old to, a
gettinit a good deal the wont of it from
fcrneet Howland. a aeventeeo year old boy.
and drawing hi rc-ket knife, attacked
Kowland. Hibuing him. The Kowland
boy had the Woodward boy arrested for
atsault with a daogeroa weapon.
Total tax in Portland will be "-6 luili.
Of this 5 mills will be peot on tbe cjumy
STITES. At the home of his parents in
this city, at about 7:30 o'clocx tins
morning, alter a lingering illness, of
consumption, Mr. William Stiles, only
son ot Postmasterand Mrs. T.J. Slites,
at tbe age of 20 years, 3 months acd
11 days.
Funeral eeivices will be held at the
Congregational church, at 2 p. ui. Sun
day. Persistent
A cough which seems to hang
on in spite of all the remedies which
von have applied certainly needs
eeyetie ana sensible treatment.
For twenty-five years that stand
ard preparation of cod-liver oil,
has proved Its effectiveness in carina-
the trvin? affections ct the
throat ano lungs, um uus i
reason why t the cod-liver oil, par
tially digested, strengthens and
vitalizes tne wnoie sys
tem; the hypophosphites
act as a tome to the
mind and nerves, and the
glycerine soothes and
heals the irritation. Can
you think of any combi
nation so effective as this?
n. .ur. von mtt SCOTT'S Emulsion.
Bee thtth
Bun and fun w en th wrapper.
joc. and li.eo, ll druggist.
SCOTT A BOWNR, CtrnnUt. Nw York.
j Decidedly Ro;nantic.
I Wednesday evening at the residence of
I mo urine, oorner otn and Lincoln, oc
jcurred one of the happiest weddings
J k now n to Eugene society . Tbe con t ract-
iug parties were our esteemed citizen,
ex-Sheriff and genial miller, J. M. Shel
ly, and Mrs. N. J. Applegate, one of Eu
gene's most accomplished society ladies.
The ceremony was pronounced by Rev.
Morton L. Rose pastor of the First
Christian church of which both bride and
grotnm are esteemed members. Besides
the members of tbe families of the two
contracting parties, only Mra, Rev. Rose,
Mrs. W. L. DeLano.and Miss Whiteaker
were present. Numerous telegrams of
congratulations were received last night
and today from friends in Portland, San
r rnucisco anu oiue? cities on tbe coast
xtie happy couple will reside at the
bride's residence, corner Lincoln and
Mxth streets.
This wedding is the culmlnatinn nf
life long acquaintance involving a roman
tic courtship m youlhlut days. When
about the ages oi seventeen and twenty
live respectively, tee bride and groom
then residing in this state were happy
lovers and even plighted their hearts and
uvea to ecu other. But lor various
reasons tbe golden chord was severed on
ly to be reunited in after years. She was
wooed and wedded to another, and like
wise be too became the husband of an
other. Tbus for many years tbey were
separated, till a: last, death having vis
ited each household, tbe mutation of
time again placed them in environments
not unlike those of youthful days. Reg
Mr. bheUy is well known In Albebv.
having been here frequently as a com
mercial traveler lor several yeais.
A Pioneer Woman
Speaking of Ibe death of Mrs. Cather
ine S. Davis, at the age of 87 years, tbe
Eugene Guard says:
She was universally beloved by tbe
early settlers of Lane county Before
coming to Oregon she had studied medi
cine with a brother in-law. wbo was a
pbycican, and for a number of years
alter her arrival here there was not
physician for miles, and she was ever
ready to use her knowledge in relieving
the duireJ. Many a time she mount
ed her fins riding borse during the dark
hours of night and started out on a mis
sion of mercy for a bard ride of from 15
ranee, ani that too, witboot com
pensation. Hon. T. G. Hendricks in
formed as todav af ber coming to bia old
borne at Pleasant Hill a dark, rainv
nigbtone January, when her knowledge
. . ..a., . , i.:. . i
uuir w uia urouiera irom ayiog.
Every pioneer in Lane county w ill
bear ol ber death with sadness. he
was a good, noble woman, and we all
moum her departure.
Bab Rcsawat. Mr. Anthony, resid
ing across the r'ver was going borne in
bis cart this morning when be took bis
neighbor, Mr. Denton in at Wm. Pea
cock's. They bad gone only a short dis
tance further when the cart struck a
chack bole, breaking tbe tongue and
throwing both men out. The wheel ran
over Mr Denton ' arm and a band was
badly mashed, while Mr Anthony clung
to the lines and was dragged about fittv
yards, w-bea he was left in the road
When be was picked cp it was thought
be was dead, but when Dr. Davis, who
was immediately sent for recacbed tbe
scene, it was found that he was no! bad
ly injured, no bones of men being
ooxen. lhe team ran booie.
A Seio Gajctrs. T. J. C axton, a gen
ius carpenter living in this place, hat
made a strange look eg pump for remov
ing the water which raias in tbe tail
race, which Meesrs. Morris A Bilyen were
excavating. It cocsuts of a box trough
with ao tnd.esa belt running throogh on
iiirii are naued wooden cieata Tbe
belt is etretche-1 on a large pulley at one
end of tbe trough and a lillie roller a.
the other end cl tbe trough. A crank
operates the machine wbicb will move
quite a stream of water, and Is easily on
traced by one man News.
A N r Nam a. Geo. Hubbaid. a lan
berman from Manioevilie, lodiana, has
pur .-based an interest in tbe sawmill bos
ues of Dow Die A Barlow, at Berry, Ore
gon, and ihe firm will do bnsioee here
after under the name .f tbe Cascade
Lumber Co Tbe plant will be enlarged
by the addition of a new boiler and en
gine and other needed machinery. Tbe
company has 330 acres of firat-dase tim
ber adjacent to its mill. btateeman.
A p!ent bat U-en graded J . L. Han-
fir J, 4 Lebanor-. for an air motor for
Tbe Elder it leporfed to bare bad a
ruogb trip to ?-kaay. Among the
patenger w ta D B Monteitb of this city.
Mr. Charles Bam'ord is lying seriously
UI at his borne in this citv.
Hon. Geo. E. Chamberlain and J. A.
Beard came np from Portland thia noon.
Mr. Steve San ford, of Ladd A Bush's
band, 8a'em, is in tbe city on a days
R. M.Veatchis reported to be can
didate for governor on the democratic or
union ticket.
Miss Lettie Keedbatn will leave to
morrow morning forTacoma on a visit
with relatives.
J. J. Murgill. who organized the Fra
ternal Union in Albany last year, was in
tbe city thia week.
Mr. I os. Meiser and son bnva returned
from Roeeburg, where Mr. Meiser has
been in business several months. Lie has
sold ba business there and is contemp
lating a trip to Alaska, perhaps going in
to businee.
License was issued today for the mar-
risge of J. William Bruce and Svlvania
baltmarsh. Mr. Edwin Ritter, cf Leb
anon, applied for a license lor marriage
with .Miss r.lpha farns!), but being un
der twenty it was necessary for bun to
get tbe consent of bis parents, which was
being done.
Evangelist Blair and wife ami Elder
Newton, who have been holding meet
ings in different places in. tbe county,
next week will be in Albany and hold
services perhaps for several months in
the W . C. T. U. hall. They are what is
known as shouting Free Methodists, and
one who heard them in tbe country says
they are efficient In this respect aa well
as successful workers.
Mr. Ira Phelps, a former Linn county
young man, for several years a teeidentof
Medlord, where be has been in tee news
paper business, was in the city today,
and next week will leave for San Fran
cisco, with a view to locating in Calilor-
mo. His family will remain awhile with
Mr. Phelps lather near this city.
A Busy Deputy.
From IheTriouno.
The first Debt's refreshing rest he has
had in several davs was taken by Deputy
United States Marshal Humphrey ia
this city Thursday night.
LaH Saturday evening Mr. Humphrey,
who w attending his wile, who is very
ill at Albany, was called lo the bedside
of bis son, Ue. V. Humphrey, editor of
the Jefferson Review, with whom he sat
untwo nights. Then he returned to
Albany at:d!iUtended his wife a night and
came on to Portland. 1 Arriving here be '
was given charge of the Seufert jury and
sent 10 Ueliio. as uis instructions wore
to keep the jury apart and away from
all outside influence, the old gentleman
came back to Portland a very sleepy
After resting up a day Mr. Humphrey
left for Southern Oregon last evening to
serve some papers, it wiH be a latlg-
uing trip, but he goes in tbe conscious -
1 sees that both wile and son are doing
well and are practically out of danger.
Royal auku the load pare,
wholmaia and dellclewa.
Absolutely Puro
mm. Mrmo m.. sw wwar
The graduating exercises of tbe bigb
s:bool department of the public schools
were attended last night by a very large
audience, wbo listened for three hours
to the entertaining (xercuse.
Tbe opera bouse bad been tastily dec
orated for tbe occasion, the class colors
making fine display.
Rev. McKUlop offered the opening
Tbe Mozart orchestra opened the pro
gram and were beard severs! rimea dar
ing the evening, furnishing come splen
did music.
Tbe graduating orations were pro
naunced by the young men of the class
Harry Cameron paid a fine tribute to
Horace Mano, Mew England's champion
of education.
James Bryant delivered a model ora
tion on Oregon Pioneers, pronouncing it
with excellent oratorical effe t and in a
style to spent: of bia future auceeea bow
ever high be may continue bis atudiee
He spoke of tbe course of tbe pioneer
across the contineut.of Capt. Grey at the
Columbia in 1792, of tbe educated men
wbo came to where roils the Oregon, rf
Marcus Whitman and bis work, a mon
ument to whom is Pacific College A
fine tribal wm paid to tbe pioneers in
their work of building up this country,
the" were patriot of the higher order,
higher than tbe so-called polit-cal patri
otism of the preeeot day. A just recog
nition of tbe Indian war veteracs was
arged for tbe work they did. All honor
to tbe pioneers of Oregon, land of tbe
happy, home of tbe bleat,
Vernon Ramp spoke well on the
"Value of Spare women s," bringing oat
very strongly tbe part little things play
in ail fields in success in lite. Persever
ence will bring results of greatest value
la oar spare moments we lay tbe found
ation of character for good or evil.
Mies Loretta Stewart, tbe nightingale
of tiot class, sang "Fly Forth, Ob Gentle
Dove "
Miete Edna Howard and Mae Mil er
were beard in well rendered piano solos.
Tbe young ladies of tbe clae. Misses
Loretta Stewart. Ethel Bentlev. Hatlie
Olson, iI:Ja McCoy, Anna Marshall and
bdilh Koweil presented Longfellow's
beautiful p tern "Evangelise "
rrof. Tyree In complimentary words
present i the graduating diplomas to tbe
A pantomine ring drill was beautifully
P earn led by Misses Howell, Marshall,
McCoy. Olson, Cline, Francis, Stewart,
Heyo, Palter oo. Tbev bad received ex
cellent training aider Miss Lillian Craw
A cantata. "The Secret." was present
ed by Miaaea Edna Howard. Orolii
Brown. Viia Stewart and Mr. FreJ 1 way
lib a chorus of thirty bosand girls, in
a manner to confer great ere Jit on tbe
This closed the well carried oat enter
A Prettv Tribute.
Tb; Independence Enterprise pars the
following iribat to the late C. W. Ir
vine, of tbat cut. win law of I. C
Dickey, of this city, a tribute few men
ever receive:
Tbe life work of Charles W. Irvine is
closed forever ; but he has not lived in
vain, tits lue has been useful to tbe
commanity in which he lived, and be
leaves behind htm a record ot friendship
deep, etrong, fervent His genial na
ture pervaded every act of bis existence
His devotion- to bis family were no lees
btfcuufat. Tbey coav he fittinrlv gam
med ap In the statement tbat he was a
devoted bueband and loving father. We
doubt if even a bar-h word or rude sen
timent eeeatd his lips in tb family cir
cle. His life was valuable because of its
example. The world i- better for bis
living, and manhood la elevated by the
kindly acta he has left for its guidance.
Tbe deeds ot bis blameless life are
excellent examples of what parity and
tenderness ol heart are capable of ac
complishing. Oar admiration for this
man leads as to observe There is no
death! Tbe stars go down to rise upon
a brighter shore.
Tbe funeral services were be'-d under
tbeaapice ot tbe Woodmen of tbe
norld, ol which order be was a member
and for the sucreee of which be was an
untiring laborer. Rev. D. V. Poling
conducted the services.
A Salem FAarRK. Sheriff F T.
Wrigbtman attached the racset store of
E. F. Oswarn. Thursday evening to in
sure tbe payment of a claim cf $402. 6o
held by the Hamilton ISrown t-hoe Man
ufacturing Company, of St Louis, Mo.
Tbe amount is claimed to be due aa s
balance on goodr furnished the defend
ant betweeu October 1, 1S94 and lecem-
ber 1. 1S97. John Bavne, of this city, is
attorney for the plaintiff. R. L. Sabin,
oi Portland, to whom ha been assigned
two claims aggregating $927 09, today
began a suit against Mr Osburn to re
cover judgment for the amount claimed.
Knocxfd Orr.-: Wednetday
Messrs. Law son Bradley and
Fisher, students of the U. of O
, were
using tbe boxing gloves in tbe gymna
sium for a little whi'e, either through
sunetior skill on tha part of Mr. Fisher
or a neglect to ward off tbe blow on tbe
part of the other. Mr Bradley received a
tap in the region ot his mouth, resulting
in the derangement ot tnree teetn ana
the disconnecting of part ot bia superior
maxillary. Dr. Finley adjusted a sup
port nnder the broken bone ana Mr
Bradlev will be compelled to wear a bead
bandage for a few weeks. Eugene Reg
For tns College. In its account of
a congregational meeting oi the Presby
terian church ot Lebanon the Advance
says: "The matter of supporting At
bany college was considered, and it wa
voted to make an offering tor this insti-
tulion on tbe second Sabbath of Febru
. aty, and tbe following committee was
also appointed o solicit for the same,
vix: J.U. Swan. R. M Brash. Moms
Walker, Eiv-ma Crandall, Kate Cheadle
andNcna Miller.
Lkbason's Sxw Pafkh W. M. Brown
visited Monmouth Ibis week and pur
cbased a printinv plant that was former
ly used by W.M. Cook in tbe pub ica
tion of a newspaper t tb place Mr
Brown is to be editor nnd manager of
the republican par to lie stared ber
in a few weeks VYe nnderst. nd that
the necessary capital is being donated by
local repuolicaus. Advance.
Lkavb Nt.THtwo to ixca. But cli i n
Will A Sbtra They hve a splendid stot k
. Jewelry,
j Novelties,
1 in the lates' designs as well as a Gne line
' ol watches, clocks, cut ga8 ware,&o. They
will will please you in s node and prices.
New Yora- 984c.
Chicago 66", c.
San ''rancico 85 Jc.
Liverpool Jc higher.
Albaay 67c.
1 be Chinese New Yers ended lastnigbt
Tnere are rep-rrU of airaogements being
make for starting another bank In Albany.
To Nioht: There wi!I be a call meet
ing of the.By's Club at 7:39 tonlvbt
Vkrsox Ramp, Pre
Tnt member of tbe Soditille Maecabee
bmt hive given no their charter, and Ian
evening united with Linn tent of this eity
Deputy topreme Commancer Bberw d,
of Portland, performed tbe aniting cere
mony, and a big time was nad. This gives
Linn tent a membership of about sixty six.
Lebaaon Advance.
Hiram Kenton, an old citizen of Al
bany, who has been nnwell for tome
time, was yesterday declared iaane and
taken to the asylum.
Tbe Statesman says: Linn county
officers yesterday brought dos-n one H
Kenton, an insane patient, and commit
ted him totheOSlA. Kenton is a
professional miner, aged 65 rears, and
bm malady takes the form of senility
He l a single man.
French tbe jeweler.
Romonav pare spicea .
Smile) ' cleaa prin tinjf.
Romona Romoaa pure extract .
Try BeaUliog'a Beat tv aad baking aowdcr.
The Bert Crackers in town at C E Brow
ne.ff. Baths at Yiereck shaving and hair
catting parlors.
Pictures from 75 cents to $25 per d'n
at Longs gallery.
Get a set of earviag Knives tor an xmas
present at Hopkin Bros.
Call at Hopkin Brosaod see the pocket
knive best line in tbe city.
O B W mo, cut tick eugent
to all point in tbe east.
Bet yonr watrb with French's
if yoo wast tbe correct tun.
If you want to "wake op' toy an alarm
clock at French's jewelry store.
Cnwford t Hamia for pbolograch
Price from tl to t?0 per dozen.
Be sore aad see the asti rut tiaware at
Hopkin Bros, will las. a lifetime.
"Seow Flake" floor is mad by tbe
Red Crown Mills or Albany.
A fin line of new maciaUbee joct re
ceiied a: tbe Biain Clothing- Co's.
Try our pop corn ; it never fail to pop.
C E Bbowksll,
"R-d Crown' -the eUadard of color
sod strength ia floor. All grocers have it
Xo one can tS.ri t be wi boat a clo-k,
see tbe low price at Franca' jewelry store.
Taxe tbe O C k E ctearner for Portland
daw river on Sunday, Tatsday and Thar
Kazrn Loo-vJ. aet and pit io rt das
orJerat Viereck'a batDg- and hair cot ,
ting parlors. j
Large tale and ml! oroSu is the motto i
of Hopk'a iirw. and hai i why lhay are
Khenyoawaota choice ttek. a nice
roator meat of any kind, call on Hesrv
Broders. He keeps lb beat.
Is H. E. and O. K. Btrs office aad
nandeace ia pot office baiidiag-. f pecial
attention gives to disease of womesu
The beat meat of ail kinds aad good
tfeatmeot at tbe Alb in Dressed Ueef
Compaay's market. jaU diwa Second
rtreet Good weight and prompt attend
It' tb uaiform finish nf tk V Ra.1
Crowa Ajar w l ica mikes it so in pi pew
vb e to thi pistry ck. It ea aiw
be reliei opa far tS resalta. Try it.
Mining Matters.
Tbe fallowing new claims have ham
filed with tbe ccuuty clerk, the V.claima,
being ten claims looaud bv Capt. Laa-
ning and others, which will be developed,
assays of tbe ore being very rich : -
ITl. . v- - -T-. . - I , ... .
us miDCT id aoaeroiii cy tl
W White. Tbe Velena. Vsnas. Valcan.
and Villard b E J Lanning, L S LaDce
and tl nbite. ibe igilant bv L S
LaDue. Tbe Vendome bv L S LaDae.
George and Albert Paqaette. The Ves-
avias by L J Laonmg The aadali
and Virginia by L S LaDue and E J Lan
ning. All in tbe southern district e
Creek south side.
The Nightingale and Klondike bv J V
Pine and V. H. Caldwell
Tne Sin Flower bv Robert J Monro.
Tbe Stiver Eag'e a'od Black Eagle bv
Geo Sakater, oa Graigs creek.
me Bine Jay ty r u anghn, mile
of Albany mill, Santiam mines.
Tbe Red Rock an 1 bite Star by Hen
ry Hadd. on Graigs Creex fj. - -
-i- , -1 .-i , , i t- . ,
ii ckifMKiiaLe bt v.'oraetia nosaro,
mile of Quartrville. -
Tbe Dotavardox blacer br Jaa tTburcia.
Good l esnplar Attention.
Thete will be a special session of tbe
Albaay Lodge of L O. G. T. at tbe resi
dence of Dr. Adams on Monday evening,
Jan. SI St. to arrange for the visit of oar
Grand Chief Templar n Toesdav even
ing. February 1st, to full oat report, of
o tucers, ballot and initiate candidate,
and pay does for ensuing quartc. A full
attendance is reoaeetei.
Chief Templars.
ElCHANtiXD. At tha U. P. church this
week an nnbrella was exchanged by mis
take for a poorer one . Pleaae call at tbe
DsjioautT oifice aad re-exchange.
TbeJ.B. Keener estate was sold at
sheriff's sale today aad bid in by tbe plain
tiffs, tbe Sarah a lately estate, mere
ISO acres.
Both the method and reeulta vhen
Syrup of Figs is taken; it ia pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers ana cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy ana agreeable subetanoes, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
j Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
' cent bottles by all leading drug-
cists. Any reliable aruggisx wno
cure ir. prompuy xor "ijr
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
iDQinitLL. a. y rotJC&r.
5UH MoH TUfc rVajTHl!irpJ
jQ P k -few agra A
Z 3 U 5 6 7 S
9 40 M 14 45
J6.17 18 19 20 JJ 22
M&fti 25 1 6,27120 1 29
Fonr Fans For Sale,
Tbe fol -owing detinble fans sre for sals
Address McMaater bairiil, 311 Wor-
c'e- block. Portland, t reoo, or
rail CG Burkhart, AIp, Orw. for
I. 6 icre. il wcs vf Bim, fa
bDLi'of DW AHinvh .m. ia See J5.
T 13, S K 4, W W M. 33 vert .re c end
bd a ode eaitivslKto. tie rmiader bxr g
eovered with small Umber. Xaidy Creek
'o thr ob tb property. There is
srn.ll orchard. Price $13.
1 60 sere; .Manila S of Brasmsvilfe.
- tfc f I. C of S-wra-1 Jatmsost. n See 11.
fU, R5.WWU. Ah eirad ld
65 acre aader ca!tia'irf ah few-ed, na
Wdi r. Fries t!300
3. 255 mcrr. two on e S of B owds-
vVle, i S 13 and 14, T 14, 8 R 3. W W
13 .ct arc tutal aatd te bsl.aea
Hest -ltd f ir DMsaraze. 73 sere sr
aeder (np. is all feaeed, ass s g-ol sa
jf of wster, good baiidiags aad ordird
Price $3230.
4 7&S ser!. six miles esst of Lebsaaw,
Sect 15 sod 15. T 12, S E 1, W W II.
This is a vary gjod atoek fana. of whlcij '
itlW acres are tiilab'e. It is well
ws'erwJ, all feaosd sad aa aoaie bir
ddiag. Prvse $3500.
7 ?ar a.
tsja -i ii si i nu avr r PfIJ F. moA
Ss SSS. csstul !- omr stsSxw
SV ilit si COOK SirW ILBtV CO-
SI imlc Iwple. .!
.the hast sad vet simpteit tyfe wnie
rnaaafactured. tie ccamnatioa of t
aientors art. Aa expert stenograph
after tuingnuav mac ni-JW, says. icoa
aider tbe Y'ost Wntiasj Machine far saper-
rw i ksT vet used van a
Dxwoceat met aad see one of the tJP-
wrtten tbat baa to have a perftc a.iigw-
mesLi ,
AU Typewriter supplies orarea.
r P. Strmse. Agent-
'X' 1-1 t-J ,
1hricr-a-Wtk Edition
IS Pages a Week - - -
156 Papers a Yeaj
For One Dollar.
rsMsiart-- r waerxeet w
The Tbriee-a- Week Edition of Tax M
I ork Wohld is Erst aovmg aU ;sekly
papers in size, frequency of blicu
iodthe freshne, aceeracy and raivfty ol
its cottars. It his a.l the merits of a
great $6 daily at the price
wt. t-nniitirsi swsis .
ptete. aocurate aad impartial as all its read
5T will testify. It iiagarast tbe monopo
lies and tor tbe peop .
It rnnt tbe new. of ail the wor.d. hav
ing special corrwpondeoce from ail
portant ne pomt oa tbe irlobe. Ub
jrilliaat illastrrions- stones by fan
authors, a capital BuoK,r P.
rnarketa,departuieats i3T -"-r-and
women's work aad other special de-
wToffi'thi aaequaled newspaper and
the Dixocut togetbee ver for t
Built In rpecial sizes for printing office
and factories- State your want and
write tor price and term. IUustrated
catalogue furnished free upon app'ica-
tooa" Amiricas Tvr-x Foodvxs' Co
sswaissa. saaasBVat-
rriittw COPYRIGHTS to
speosl aotlos is to
' .v (.reset sHrrcWtHia ol
Xtisxw-as - t ia s. wm
;i.3S ms
sv" -
J"t RK-" i'-w ,r
ST A puis containirig $10 gold
rrJL Riknarse Return to D5t-
office and receive reward. -
FOR SALB New Barlock tjne writer
for sale cheap at Elaia Co stre.
1 17 HYVILL YOU SU t' E K i l
V kwbs. callous, in growing toe nails
iropnairt wi l rem vemtm
nt sW with a pure vege.-i-CharUbU
...1 Nn extra charge for ca "
s .j -. of business. Koom
I your iebiu"-- v r
26 Rust Bouse.
isSris. ruBi,i 'ram u fi u svsmws
ins Imitsi ism sil aWH ssd cs mmm
mtmt wlia thnm vss 1 sa J pcccriacoaMfv
usitf. sBsswBPMi a sassswssss? rilr7i
sate! !4sili 7 a , i kfs, aad
jsaJ Q lOJPIjcfcsiasvat
ua is aSBBWSBSsai 'Mr4BBassLj car. U
hmtm tAa I 1 I cmry. hlHI St fcSS
oi! hss actes urf Ifi pus Mmbi FattSa
SMM.I,Itii,, ' PI"'' I tin, tmim.
HMtlmSUr .TSrTi f Th n -r as. IS
.fimm SsiUrass. M at fcsrtSjlrT.
"mi i'iii " .hi kSJsSar sTt
l tmu. Tsjs a .W Im bMiTiWM
tks skB sT tW sm IVI
M -j-a bV