2 Remember this sign ! Conquers PaIn.J LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany. W U Bilveu, Foshay & Mason block. J R N Blackburn, P O block. "H Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, PO block. J N Duncan, P O block. T P Hackleman, Pearce block. C E Hawkins, Cuaick block Judge II U Hewitt, P O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly & Curl, bank building. L H Mentanve, Pearce block. J C Powell, P O block. J M Somers, P O block. II J Watson, bank build in jr. Weatherford & Wyatt, Bauk bnilding. Whitney & Newport, Cuaick block. Q W Wright, P O block. Lebanon. S M Garland. Brownsville. A A Tu9aing. OR. C, U, CHAHBERLIN aoMOiaoFi Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem saea, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St, near 3d street. l. t DR. J. L . KILL Phyeician and surgeon. Office, First St. . 1RST NATIONAL BANK, OF AU1RI, ORSOOS P.eetdeat . Tic Prcslaaut . LFMNH 8.K.TOVNO ' S. W.LANOON i ACOOPNTS KBPT subject to aback. ' Mtif r,paivi! u'Mnnkle tranafer. Ml1 ; a Xew York u Frncico,Caloao and P-Uard OLT.SJCTION8 S ADS on tavonbl. limi S K Too X W UMiOi P A Gooswrs, l. Iu" C. 8. Fuss. ROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW OBEGOK CITY, ORE60 Land Titles and Lind Office Baseness a Specialty. LINN CO- ABSTRACT COMPANY Albany, Oregon Officts, Bank of Oregon Building. Only eet of Abstracts of Linn County. Complete set of maps and plats. Charges reasonable. floney to Loan. We have a block of $40,000 to loan on good forms in Linn and adjoining count- if - If you have good security and perfect title, we can furnish you the com without delay, as we mate our own examination of security. l all on ua or write S. N. Steele Co, Albany, Oregon. A Fine Heater, Hopkins Eros., of this citv.have taken the agency for the niw International Domestic Heater, which is a great thing forhouai keepers It fits upon an ordinary cook store and heats the water in a tank without the old water back which to often destroys the cooking Qualities ol the stove. They ut ilize tbe waste beat, taking the place of first toiot of stove pipe and are great fuel savers. They are sure to come into gen eral use. They can be seen at Hopkins Bros, hardware and stove store. These heaters can now be seen in ate at H. R. Uiydes and Councilman O. P. Dannala. " JUST RECEIVED it' Eft. J- K. H&fa&'s Ml Eery Store- &' pAmrtT.ld lina rf lininua T-T nl n . Goods, Handkerchiefs, Fans, Table Mats ana raacy Baskets. Don't fait to call and get bargains. FOSHAY & MASON -Wholesale A Retail DRUGGISTS ASDBOOXSIUH - ALlsAXY, OKKGCS. Pure Drugs and the finest and Largest mock 01 stationary and Books in the Market. L00KHERE. The Oregon Sctoal Supply Eousb, Incorporated, of ilDany, list ci rr.e to slay ted is now prepared o furnish school 'districts with every thing needed in the line of school furni ture and apparatus, such as Beats, desks, maps, charts, globes, blackboards and in fact ail of the necessary articles which go to and are required in the School room. We are also-general agents for the famous Kennedys Dissecting Mathe matical uiuckd mr leauning 01 mensura tion and teachers instructions. The blo:ks are indeepeoeiabie in the school room, and hoards of directors will do well to come and examine them and see for themselves. These blocks are uni versally endorsed by the best teachere and educators in the land and are to be seen to oe appreciated. Give us a call. Our prices are the lowest and our terms the best. Cilice Strahan Bl ck, Room 20, Uf. stairs. Obkgos ScnooL Supply Hocss. Honiv at' 7 Per Gent 1 have a Iftniled amount of -money lo loan n goon fiwuiity at 7 per cent intr ext. nvp j ears or lonver. Interest payable annually Address U.x 126. Albany Or. The Magnolia Laundry S;andavfJ Pi ices Work Warrantea lhlblU0 PROCURED, EUGENE WJOHNSON, o'ictor ail Attyin Patent Cause !J3! Ke rorfc Ave, WMbiaitB, DC St. Jacobs Oil Cunt Rhcumatism, Ncubaloia, SCIATICA. LUWBAOO, SraIN, muiscs, lonintn, enrrNtaa, AND BURNS. Stair, liakery Corner Krondulbiii I and First St CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR- -DM la- Canned Fruits. Glassware, Dried Fruit. Tobacco, Sugar, , . Coffee. Etc.. Canned Meat Queens'w a, Vegetable Cigars, Spices. Tea1 Etc. erytbing ifaat U jpt in nod variety and grv eery store". High est ptfee paid for '.I.I KINPS OF.PKODUCI Baft touch Rufitare's Ma forr ta ftia Cx. our ?-im. Leer bat tkts vxaX pad, . at tutcrv For sale by J A. Cumming SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. No question about full and prompt' ment of losses by fire on insuiance plaa with tbe leading agent ot Albany. M. hol der. Thafs whatHe Insures People For Jon't allow yourself to be roped into tn various "Local Mutuals" now being puthed on you as being "cheapest In surance," when you insure you do oot want to worry about getting? your money is case of loss M SENDERS Insurance. Hay, Grain and Woo!. Mai Ola flop. I wish to announce to the fanner itb in the vicinity of Albany, especially those interested in hog raising, tbat I have pur chasM the bog known as Common a Ideal, No. 36213 recorded in the American Pol and Cb:na Recoid Co. the one tbat took the aeond premium at the fair this fall. He is a nne bog and a good breeder. solicit tbe patronage and iotpeciion of parties lniereeier in gooa nogs. He is accompanied I y a yearling of my oo rait- tng whicn is recordao'e. -1 have 'hree thoroughbred sows which i am raising pigs from. I have a few pigs t present tor sale, ail recordable, ibey can te seen at tbe bkeels place, one mile nor h of Albany F H H UGHsON. Tbe Gardener. Mill lot Sale. F"r al or will exchange for improved real t state, a large, well equipped sawmill, in good running order. I'm mill l stu aie adjacent b. a large timber be't ano 'as fi e shipping facilities. Here is bargaui for some nne. For further par si ulars require of Toe Stewart ft Scv Hdw Co., A'bany, Or. SiFEET RAILWAY KOTICE. The nr.otoi on the Albany street rail way will connect promptly with all train o and from the depot, day and night. Special trip will be v ade at special a'-es. t . F Corn, Corductor, K. O. T. M. every Saturday evening at K. O. T. M. ball. Visiting Knigbu inviied. W. A. Cox, Commander, OUR CAPACITY IsUoequaled In the Valley. OUR WORK Is Unsurpassed In Oregon. We have the best stock to select from and our pricee are always the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, Albany. The Printer J.1YL RALSTON ftltOKEKY 3 D ots East of Democrat Office. Money to loan on farm kecurity, all mall loans mtde on personal security. City, county and school warrants bought. Collections made on favorable terms. Fire lunurance written in three of tbe arg-st com panics in the world, it lowett ates OsToatsanS Trade If rk obtained and all Pat-! act bnalasM conducted for Moderate Fees. Bend model, drawing orphoto. W.adTiMlf patentaM.fre.of enirjo. Otir feenotdnotill putrntlswcnnd. A Pamphlet "Uow to Ob tain Patents." with coat of same In the V. B. aadtonieaeoaatrlMsutfna. idijeaa, a A. SNOW & CO. ; Swwww - - vwvt FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with or itv-ut boird. ltrms reasonable. Kuq'ure at this otice. Sa bar smaivN Fi.v-i: in"'! W.3 i -3 . b .- 'V rarrt ra raram -Wht StriwflMi. Tax Payers Protective Association ditok Democrat. Hince mention waa made iu a late is sue ot your paper, that Linn County Council had appointed a committee cl five to formulate a plait for organizing s Tax payer's Protective Association, lit will likely interest your many readers, who are tax payers, to know something of what gave rise to the bringing forward of this question in our Granges. Tbe following taken from The Independent, of New Year's, under date ot Nov 4.1898, gave the first start ;and it concerns every taxpayer, many more of whom are out aide of the grange, than are its members. '"The question ot equal taxation will become a burning question in this coun try when people are made lo see how monstrous are the inequalities of our present system or systems. State Comptroller Roberts, ot New, York, re cently Showed bow little of personal property tbe assessors find. Selecting at random one hundred and seven estates passing to heirs, from lists iu his office, Le states tbat ot (hese. thirty four were personal property ranging in value from $55,000 to t3.300.O0O, paid no tax at all. before tbe death of the owner. The assessment the year before death on all the estates amounted to less than two per cent of the actual valuation. These men, the Comptroller says, were not sinners above tteir fellows; the cases are eimply representative cases No doubt similar inequalities exiat eleewLere. They certainly do In Chi' cago.for tbe Taxpayer Defensive League organised rnly last summer has brought them to light. An estate which passed 2,000,000 of personal property through the probate court, bad only paid tax on $750: and the heir was assessed frt 1 500. One large gtocery firm aj assessed tor $50,000; another bo larger, (or 1750,- 000, afterward reduced to 135,000, A rich man pays on a one per cent valuation; poor man on a twenty three per cent valuation, while a large packing house eecspea altogether. These are a few of the many instances given by Edward W Bemts in the Bibli- otbeca Sacra, which also prints an open letter to the Pulman Car Company, from tbe president of the Taxpayers Defensive League. " E Swift Holbrook, contending that tb property of that company, it taxed as any other property in Illinois is assessei, namely at one- tenth 3f its value, would pay $200,000 more annually to tbe city . This League has been able to bave some glaring inequalities of assessment corrected : It begins in tbs right way to seccre reform, namely, by showing the monstrous character of the evils It would be a good thing to hsve such a league in every city and town. That Linn csunty's taxes are lower than any other county in tbe state be ing this year ocly 12 mills is no evi dence tbat much personal property ha not escaped taxation . Does any person of intelligence, believe that tbe 10,000 assessed last year, is all the money in this couoty subject to taxation? From tbe bett information obtainable, the Linn ccunty banks have on dspout subject to loan, not less than f 300,000, by far the 'arger part o! which belongs to in-lividual depositors, tuere- remains one quarter of a million dollars uoasersa ed, that at I2.1 mills would give the county 13 135, a snm snffieieot to pay tbe sateries of tbe County Clerk and the Recorder for one year. The mooey that should be taxed, if not alwaya in tb banks, baa notes or other securities somewhere tbat represent it- This is quite certainly not all tbe personal pro perty not assessed Should an organiza tion be determined upon, to be called perhaps a Taxpayers Defensive League, it will not be cdofined to th . grangers. It sill be public and free to all taxpay ers. Albany Ore., Jan. 19. 1S9S. C H Walks. Scientific. The fastest flowing river ic tbe world is the Sutlej, in British India, with a descent of twelve tnousaod feet ia 180 miles. At sea level an object one bandied feet h:gb is visible a little over thirteen miles. If five hundred feet high it is visible nearly thirty miles. It rains on so average of 208 days in the year in Ireland, about 150in England at Kezea about ninety days, ar d in Si bera only sixty days. According to Nilseon, tbesootogist,the weight ot the Green aud whale is one hundred tons, or 224,000 pounds, or equal to tbst of 83 elephants or 440 bears. So rapid baa been the change in ths Eoglish language tbat tbe EnglUh of to day bears no more resemblance to tb English of a thousand years ago than it does lo German. The most wonderful astronomical pho tograph iu tbs world is tbat wb'ch has recently been prepared by London Ber lin and Parisian astronomers. It shows at least C8.000.000 stare. Near Boise City, Idaho, four hundred feet below tbe earth's surfsce. there is a subterranean lake of hot water of 170 teiupeiature. It baa pressure enough to ascend to the top floor of most house, and will be piped to them tor healing purposes. . London fog absorb 11.1 per cent of the luminous ray frum an ordinary gts Same, while 20.8 per cent of the light from ao incandescent mantle are lost in it. This is, of course, due to tbe fact that the first meotioced light contains far more red ra;s than the other, and that fog permits tbe passsge ot led ray to the exclusion of the blue evident from ihe deep red color which the sun as rumes when seen through mist. A Plan of Work Ia an address sent out to the leading republican workers ol the couoty over the slgnaturei of J M Somers, president and C B Winn, secretary of the league, precinct organization is urved snd ths following sdvics given: "A matter which ia important and ons in which the clubs can do mach good, Is that ot determining the line of policy wbicb the opposition I likely to take in tbe coming campaign. Will there be a fusion of lorces sgsinst us or not? A quiet investigation of this matter in tbe different localities by tbe members of ths clubs among the opposition will give ui a very accurate gueg ot what they will be liable to do, and thus prepared ws ought to profit by it. Appoints committ to take care of this work, see that they are your most discreet members, let no one know of this action outside of (hose whom yoa are absolutely certain are reliable. The committee may call on those of the club j to help them if they desire and think anything can be accomplished, but be Cautious about it. When you think you have the sentiment ot the opposition up on the point (fusion) and the manner of accomplishing it, let the committee write a repjrt, folly, and send to the secretary of tbs County League, and from these combined reports from differ ent parts ot the county we should be able to prepare for the fight. Add to these reports any suggestion that you may think of, bearing upon the coming campaign and the method to be pursu ed to insure success. Above all thing! .discourage all fact ional feelings. Let this be one of tbe msin objects of your club. WE are an independent organisation and only exist tor the purpose of helping the cause ot republican principles.tberefore wesbonld take no part in any fight for or against any person within our ranks. Let the work of the club lie lor the principles of the party only." An exchange objects to atnbassadnis snd ministers, and thinks they are cse- less. They are considerable ot a kid glove affair, a filth wheel. At the same time they are almost a necessary evil, and a country can hardly get along without them and retain their dignity at a nation. A foreign minister is sup. poied to look after a country's interest in tbe country where be is located, and ii he is a good one he does, and travel ers look to him for protection of their interests. It would caus much embar- rasment in a national way not to bave these ministers scattered orer tbe wor'd. It is said to be a fact though that In many cases before the term ex pires they almost become like the peo ple with whom they are living and lose the characteristics of their own pec pie. John Wannamaker does all his adver tising through the newspapers aoJ in no other way. He says : I deal directly with the publisher. I say to blm : " 'How leog will you let me run a col umn of matter through your paper for $100 or $500?' as ths case may be. I let hi ir do tbe figuring, and it I taiok ha is not trying to take more tbsu bi share I give bim tbs copy. I lav aside the prof it on a particular line of gol for advertising purpose. At first 1 laid aside $3000. Last year I laid slide and spent 40,000. I hare done better this year, and shall increase ths mm as tbs profits warrant it. I owe my success to newspapers, sod to them I freely give a certain profit of my yearly bosin." The indications are tbst tkers will be a onion ot forces in Oregon of all the free silver parties. If rightly managed it will mean victory. Ia several coun ties it bss already been decided upon in the county elections of Jons. In Linn county it cannot be told for certain what coors will be pursued. It will re quire more definite action than anything yet done to accomplish it. A fair and equitable adjustment ol tbe office?, in which a 1 uniting take a band will 1 one ot the neceesitiea. President Dole, ol Hawaii, is rereiv- flog a dood deal of consideiation on his trip to Washington, and will receive more upon bit arrival at the capital. Be is very decidedly in favor of annexa lion, and it is to advance iia Interests that be goes io Washington. He is at tbe head of a very small govirnmeot, moch less important than Oregon local ly, and yet ia a national way, on account of its location and industries it is ot uch value tbat it should be ma Je part of the United Stale if it can be don peaceably. Tb Albanian when b geta aay from horns is always loyal to bis astive city. TbeAlbany men in Skagway have oamed a subnrb to that place New Ai bany, a fact that will 1st people know tbat tier, is such a place a Albany, Oregon. Cokvado produced f24.000.000 in gold last year, and therefore her papers think tbat state is ectitled to as much atten tion as Alaska Just rest oa your oar Mr. Colorado, ar.d wait for tbe bo ratine of the Alaaka bubble, sod tfceu you ill come in for more thao your ahare ot public attention. It is said tbat Mr. L Ren got tbe blackest eys in tie fight with gteveos. Perbsps snother round might shaigs matters. Beware of Ointments tor Catarrh that Contain Mercury aa mercury will sorely destroy tbs sense of smell and completely derange the whole system wbea entering it lb rough the mu coui surfaces. Such srticles sbodld never be used except on prescriptions from re pot able physicians, as tne damage they will do ia ten fold to the good you can posaib'y derive from. Hall's Catarrh Core, mano faetured by F J Cheney & Co, Toledo.Ohio, contains no mercury, aad is taken intern ally, acting directly upon tbe blood snd mucous Mir faces of tbe system. In baying Hall' Catarrh Cure be sore you get tbe genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F J Cteney ft Co. Testimonials tec. Sold by drugg'sts, price 75c per bottle. Halls Family Pills are the best. niE PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros. Everybody kuows where their place is. They keep a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked good, of all kinds, sell st reasonable prices snd treat their customers well, all alike. You may regret some steps you take in lifo but none taken into the store of Parker Bros. It is a greit thing to be well fed. Par ker Bros seep good groceries. A loaf 01 bread is not mucti but you wsnt it well msde. Try Psrker Bros. 1 hose Who Endure. Tbe pains of rheum Uism should be minded tbat a cure for this disesse ma t befouad in Hood's Sarsapsrill. The experience ot those who nave taken Mood's Harsspsriua lor rueumauam. ana have been completely and permanently cured, prove tbe power of this medicine to rout and conquor this disesse. Hood's Ssrsspsrilla Is the One True Blood Puri fier and it neutralize the acid which causes the aches snd pains ot rheuma tism. Thisli why it absolutely cures when liniment and other, outward ap plication fail to give permanent relief. Be sure to get Hood's. Leavb Kothino to Lccx. But cll on Will Si Stars. They have a splendid stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Novelties, is the latest designs as well as a fine line ot watches, clocks, cut glas-i ware.wc. Tbey j will will please voo in goods and prieea. Fun A fine lot of Columbia river smalt. first of tbe season at the City Isn Market, t opposite Buss House. - j - - - I Edoea.i Yonr tlowi.la Wiii. Cuaeareta. 1 CT.'iV r'flthiirf Ii mem fnnt!nnlnii . 10c 5. Jt UC.C. full.dru(CKUtrefuud luotioyl SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. Portland has a cusbier to bu proud of. A burgular got the drop on him, and yet with the muzxle at his face, he coolly grabbed his revolver and protected him self. In fact the burgular took to his heels and over the heelf of tils bone fled into (he country. It take sand in the craw to do a thing like that. These Alaska reports are interesting things to keep track of. Tliev are com. log thick and fast from the Klondike. A man with any perception can easily figure out that the truth is that only s few men up there are making money, that it is just the ay it Is in all min ing camps, a few are getting the big colors while the masses are getting die gueted, after tbe worst hardships in tbe history ot mining. Tbe most .money will be made at tskagway and Dyea in speculation and high priced services and goods. In this connection it may be noticed that the Albany men are all stopping this side ofjthe Chilcoot pass. There is no doubt that they are there for busi ness. Chinese New Years struck town tbi week. The Dsmocmat has never, been able to find a redeeming feature in the business. It Is an ignorant, supersti tions, noisy affair, in which all join re gardlesa ot the eflorts made to civilize them and tbe apparent soccers with some ot tbem. Right here the Dcxocbat has no taith In tbe Celestial who wear bi pigtail after professing to bave given up tbe aioegolian religion. The rooster have been crowing and the hens cackling in Portland this week, and none louder tbsu some from Lion cunty. They were fowls to be proud of, covered with 'good points and the Democrat rejoices in their victory. It is a fine thing ior a county to be able to make a fowl record, and this Lion ba been'doing at all ot the pouitiy show. A young lady during the week lost ten dollar. It is not a pleasant fact to contemplate that the chances were ten to one agaiott ber recovering it, though it was in a pu-r-e and was no doubt found by some one. An honest person ! finding money woold imn.edi.tel, ,u.b off loEod the owner, and would not be satisfied until doing tc. but a'tas, alack, how few seem to be really hone.t. Cuba seem a tar off as ever Lorn a recognition by tbe Uoted States nl her belligerent conJitioo, notwttbs'aoding the many anti-election promises, which by the way are ma-ie cf cottub thread. President Dole, of Hawaii, ia making s tour of tbe United Stair, snd Utce Sam will -proceed to make a big a foot of himself a he did over tl fc Alaika relisf measure, lie mutt have .been io poor company lately. Tbe Oregonisn thought tbo tallowing from tbe New York Poet worth pobhsb ing: There baa prubattly seldom been an occasion io the United Stale with bich God, if the general estimate of his char acter and attributes be the true ooe.had lee lodotban wttb tbe Uannac-itesl 10 Ohio. There ba seldom Wru ao occa- lion in which, if the fcenetal e.tim.'eol bis character and attributes be lb true one. Ibe devil was more active, infiuen tial aodsaticfied. Tl.er ba seldom beeu an occaaiun in which the vHe. and de fecU io human cliaratier 10 wtu.-ah- most delights, more abounded and h.Tu . a . I "f - M . , , m? , , . , . jtcia place at five ocJork ia "be m ining. more fruillul. rand, falsehood, eorrop- Tbe aa.-e at 10 p m waa 22 leet 10 inc" tioo, bribery, treachery, indiff-rence 10 a ri of 9 inches alac 6 p ai It the wa poblic intere.t., and to the cbaiaeierof cootmueto rie at tbe pre-nt tapii pubac men. were .be .e.dmg aSenc,e fe -.1. be six in the struggle. The spectacle was alto gether one which mast bave deiighud internal regions. Yet when it was ov.r. the message which it fopired llaona to send to the president was, 'G k1 reigns, and the republican party still lives ' This incidfnl snd the sppoiotm.ot oj Ssytor, the exposed swinJler, to the con sulship ot Maotaczas, Cnba, ip suite ol the remonstrance of al tbat is best in Pfailsdelohs, personally made to the president, rairee, in pite of o, tbe question. What religion is it that tbene men profess? Tbey profess some religion a good deai. 1 hey are diligent in their attendance at church ; tbey have family prayer ; tbey'weep tears of pious emotion when they start from home to take office at Washington. But what God Is this Goi whom ibey worship? It can baldly be tbe Christian uod, f jr the atraggle in Colombo was carried 00 by instru mentalities which the Christian Uod bas candemned iu the at longest term, at sundiy t.met and lo diver mancer. So tbat lb God whose reign i pr?re, according to Hanna, majt have been some other deity. Morever, tbe offense o' which Pav lor ha been convicted are. iu tan ml Christian sacred books.t rested at excluding msn from all fellowship in ths Cbristun world, and from the favor of Almighty God, until be repents and makes restitutio!.'. His offense i. cone d erabiy worse than that of Ananias, and Sapphire. They kept back what was their own, by falsehood, butHjylor tried lo get what was tot his, by falsehood. Nevertheless, (be president, who presum ably worships the same God as ilanoa, bat treated Sayloras if be bad comm. ted 00 offense at all, and was even more worthy of reward than luost citis-n ol tbe United States. 1b':cocs:deiab ) in creases (he puzz'e. It w.iil suggest irre sistibly to every child ia our schools the inquiry. Ooder what theory of tne unseen world and ol tbe future lile are tbs affairs of this nation conducted? Are we worshiping the same uaeeen power a our fattier, and are we living under the ame code of moralty ? Or have we gone back to some ancieut g xl who de manded worsi ip only and cared nothing about conduct? BIA.O. U. W. Event On Wednesday evening, January 2, Past Supreme Master Workman Tate will be io Albany when be will be given s reception at tbe opera house, at which he will deliver an address. He is mak ing a tour of the Pacific coast, drawing big crowds everywhere, and. the one in Albany promises to be the highest of the season. Mr. Tate is said to be one ot the moat eloquent apeskers in the coun try No one can afford to miss hearing him. . rreparlaa r.r Wee London. Jan. 21. The Et Jaaie's Ga- aeite (hi afternoon says : "Japan is preparing for war. Tht, in a nuttbel, is tbe news from Yokohouia to day, and it is really the first news from Japan since the be inning of tbe Chinere crisis. Dost Totiarre Huit aim stm,. iuri.;te ia. To quit tobacco eiml'i and forever, be nmg nolle, lullot lllo. norve and visor, tiilis No To- "ao, tue wonder-wn Iu r. liuit niuli"-! ill rnon strong. All drucciKls. 0O0 orl. Cv.r gimrun- laaA . 1. . a. . a S--. A . a BterltOai JtemeUy to, ChlcAe9 or Nw York. EDICAL mm T n un I DIAL fl Nw To Any Reliable Man. mlan arpllann. and on. montb'i mrndlM of r.r. po.r will b. Mnt on trial. JiJZT! rfttuiu Mpmit. bf ttu ,mai iJSinViaThJ ooaru.4 from allwli of icwwwoitVot.I ERIE MEDICAL COTOV?:- TELEGRAPHIC At vraahlagtaai Wasuihoton, Jaa, 21 The senate to cay, in executive seasion, confirmed the nomination of Joarph McKenna, to be as sociate justice of the supreme court of the United States. In the OiMm session an agreement was reached by the senate today that a final vote on the Teller rear lution providing tbat the bonds of the United States may be paid is silver dollars, and all pending amendments thereto should be taken next Thursday befote adjournment. Dr.w.ed lathe Celajsnbia Astoria, Jan 21. Tbe news reached here tonight that Wednesday morning uuuui i uciu a, reuce raimiere, an Ital ian who had been working for lioneymao, Dellart & Glen about four miles tbia side of W eat port on tbe railroad, at a place calUd BugSy, foil off a boarding scow.and waa drowned. Although there was scv eral men on tbe scow at the same time, they were nnaole to give biui any assis tance, A t atna Karreader Havaka, Jan. 21. The Spanish au thorities report that tbe intogent general Juan Maso, with tbe forces ondi-r bis com mand, with other officer and 110 privates well armed snd well supplied with ammu nition, bave surrendered at Fortmento to tbe Spanish General. A N.rrtavlr Warder " Tekoa. Wash. Jan, 21 Evidence of a horrible m order was Discovered at tbe farm of Daa Gallaod an aged bachelor, today He had been m ordered la bis house and bis body was thrown into the bog pea. Tbe inaide of the house preea ted a bumble sight, and there were evid enceef a terrible strugle Robbery was tb motive, Gallaod waa wealthy He had three years crop of wheat, f 5000 in tbe bank, and was supposed to here money in the bouse. A Mallaaai Araar New Yoas. Jan. 2t. A special to j Prees from Washington says: Advices from Havana are to the effect witn too wbelioos arm or reorn u Spain inai lapiaia-uenerai Btaoco mi'. loin "! .LeI?I war. noneorth nm learers of tbe rsceat alta.i on tbe news paper ofiices have been punished It eeus to be tbe beet opini-.o io Havana tbat Blanco will yitl 1 to tbe d-maods of tbe army. The Jaa Salt, Yokohama. Ian. 20. fleet of nine warebipt will leave ia a few weeks for tbe Chioeae wafers, toe mikado prr viewer in-pecting tbe Voohima and the Fuji (ateet barbette ships Lfccree have been iwced appointing Lieo'enaot Via count Kawanabi rhir-f of ,t9 and calling a upren.e advisory eoonc.l coniiliog of Marqits Yamagata, Miq-i (ijsrja. Marqais Saijroo an 1 Prince Komata. A r eaaaa.a rarltaad rake M'Mix.viiLl, Jao. 3) A Portland paper a few days ag, rootaieed an ac count of a ragdy, which. acordtog to a traveling man oorarre-i at a f py camp near here, resulting in the t urniac to deab of a mother antl bee ln"o. followed oy the aiude of tbe hat an I and by cutting bis lhrot. There is a father' rxlief tere ihat tb sIj-tv w "ms-afactored out ofeSoth" Notb:a whatever ha 'e-o f' ODd l. verify Use atory. SMd aaal.af .aarii.Le, J ia ) lb. ae-n-rtic i legi!auveea: bU to fc-ect "b part? 1 candidate f.r tbe L'oiteJ -Mte senator , -.. ----- vr " .u" .... - - - - M - Mc Millie Toriey .. ., :3s I Tj lor 19 ..30 tar htailat LoriM-nxx Jaa. 20, Ibe Ojio river sTr raw a Hkpkb. Jao. JO. - V Mr. Mattock i ber from Seattle for tbe porrw cf bar int h rv and mo'e ship to Senrt'e for tbe A leak market Horse are already advancing io price and the geoeral fa'ig is 1 ha' by larx lt tbev will be or b at least double what tbey were 12 month agi. S Stiver Stet.ry Waii ! ron. J.o SO. By .be deci sive vote of 41 Io 23. tbe senate today de cided to proce4 al once with the cooctd- eratioa ot tbe resolution intm.1 1.-.! f- dsy ago by Teller providing for the par- .aTa a - ... . -. mem 01 mnas 01 tne 1 ailed Stale ia sil ver, at tbe option ot tbe government. - Shaw las Their V..r WasmsoTos. Ian. 19 All dAv Inn the question of granting heiligereat rights u iue vuuan losurgirnis was argued in tbe boue, bat, as yeatetday ibe msjority bur ied uteit against a atone wa'l. On the onfy vote taken today, a motion designed 10 overrule ine oeamao o toe speaker and direct tiie foreign affairs sn l report with oatffriher delay the Cu'-tan resolution passed or the senate at ibe last session ibe republican stoid k lid snd voted to suststn tbe rbair. The laasalgratlwa Rill WAsnisoTO. Jan. 19 Tne Immigra tion bill, which bas jot passed tbe senate, will be pubed in toe house to secure earlv consideration. The oolf onesti n is as lo whether tbe mejeure wi l be urged a it paed the senate or will tako Ibe firm of a Mitchell bill Tbe Utter includes tbe education il let, boib reading snd writing while the senate bill as it ped tbe body limited the test to reading alone. The Man U ad Eledtoa AKXAr-OLis. Md , Ian. 19. The senate and bouse met today in j iiot session, and after casting ore ballot for Uuited Statn senator adjourned ti.l Jomoirow. The vote ca.it for Judge McCoroas show an increase of two over tbat received by bim yesterdAy. The outcome of today's balloting was a distinct Ciaappo ntuient to tbe follower of Jud je Mc Jomas Pr.perte Sold Coavaixis, Jan. 19. rhet.x-k cf mer chandise and fixtures of Nichols ft Holm of i'biiomatli, recently assigned, was sold to J W Ingle, the bigheti bidder at as signee's sle. "D highest bid was equiva ent to about 52 cent on the dollar on tbe iavjice price of the stock. T. KUadlhe by Balls Saw Fraacirco, Jan. 19. O W Vos tner is planning to go to Klondike by ba loon. He propose to usa the big baloon made for the Chicago world's fair, which was held captive, and he will be aocom paoied by James Thompson, of Omclnnatti A Andrews of Chicago, and E Klemtke of 1 iltsburg, all experienced aeronauts. Baraed la Death Bakk City Jan. 19. A placer mioer naniiMi Lane, aged 65, waa found yesterday burned to death in hia cabin on Rattle snake gulch, near Snarls lr i. he suffered an attack of he rt failure and fell into the lire. Tbe coroner went to ijpsrta to invotiii8(e ihe cause of Lane'i ceath Ibis morning. Constipation causes rauy nan me sickness In the world. It reiains uie digested food too long la the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, hutt- Crfloodl's gesUon, bad taste, coated aia. tongue, sick headache, In- I Qj " omnia, etc Hood'a Ftlla 1 I I I C cure constipation and aU iu - ' results, easily and thoroughly. 85c. All drugglata. Prepared by a I. Hood A Co., Lowell. Mass. Tbe ouly puis to take with Rood's SarsaparUla. i miii 15auran V MISFITS. The dog is now the most popular of all animals, particularly with people who bave their eyes on tbe Klondike . A msn just from Dawron says tbst nsxt spring there will be brought from Dawson about $20,000,000 in gold dust. Probably not one-fifth ot that amoont. We bear a good deal about Dawson drafts, big fst ones. Show us one of tbem. We'll wsger they do not compere with tbe drafts tbst sweep over Chilcoot pass. A man persisted in answering "Nit" the other day in a Buffalo Police Court to tbe questions concerning bis name. It finally appeared tbat tbe prisoner' name was Herman Nit, and the magistrate cooled down again. Mr Kenna also put bia feet ia it ia congratulating Mark Hanna. He tele- gra pried : .Everything good in polities bss triumphed with you," which bas made a large number of republicans who do not believe io Mr Hanna decidedly mad. Jim Black is still collector of custom at Portland. Salem Journal. If'Jim" Black is collector, then wbat has become of the Halsey statesman "Tom" Black, who has been holding tbat oftice for so long? Plaindealer. Tbe Tribune, of Portlend.it beginning to show its hsnd. It ones nosed as an organ of ths people, but it now .favors aiucneii, oiarx tisnna ana an tne po litical vampires of the country. Salem independent. Capt. E. P. Maboney, tbe Cuban pa triot, who was in Albany several weeks ago in a letter to the Salem Statesman proves that be is just wbat be represent ed himself to be while in Oregon, and is greatly grieved at tbe slanders sgsinst his name. It bas been practically decided ai Washington not to admit Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma, this session, no doubt due to the fact that they are free silver territories, though as a matter of fact it is doubtful it tbe present popula tion jitunes it. Posters will look upon the following from tbe Scio News as rather fishy: A Scio bowler threw a regulation ball with such eoglish and peculiar force that the ball knocked tbe two side pins downtb pins being set up for cocked bat,) leaving ths center pin sundirg. Tbe ball thrown struck tbe right pin first, rebounded to tbe left pin. knocking tbem both down with one ball. Mr and Mr Caspar Whitner, one of! the Editor of Harper's Weekly, acd a leading esptpent of amateur sport ia tbe United Slates, arrived y esterase by the Medusa. Mr. Whitney bas made several remarkable hunting excursions and written a few works on the subjet. He is now making preparations for s trip in to the interior of gtam after big game. Siam f ree Press. Fourteen of tbe leading Denver mer chants banded together and proceeded to teach the papers a teeson, demanding a redaction in advertising rales of 20 per cent, which wss promptly refused. Thereupon they boycotted the papers. They got all they wasted of tbe business in two or threw weeks and were glad to get oacs into papers at an increased pnc. They found oot tbat advertising was nec essary 10 so xeeelal bosinoe. io da.l as 10 period From the Portland Ianter It is said that a bright girl of the west ern part 01 lbs city wb-twaaa pupil st the high scoool when Mr. Righr war principal of the institution. 00 one oc casion answered tbe principal so cate'y that sbe escaped farther cmicietn. Mr. Rtgler looking over his das, said. "Miss H , 11 1 am oot mistaken yoa are chew ing gum." 'Yew, I am," said tbe young lady," -but 11 1 am not mistaken yon are chewing tobacco." Tbst settled it. Riglei was in no position to dispute tbe imputation. President Ilswley of Willamette Uni versity bas been writing resolutions en dorsing Mr. Hanna, and of coursw the Journal gets after bim. Her is one installment : President Haw'ey, of the Willamette, don't seem to know tbst people woo don't admire Mark Hanna. have sons snd daughters to educate as well aa those who do, and when a college president goes lo d railing eulogistic res olutions for a mere ptotocrnt ba forgets thst be wpresents a causa higher than mere politic tne cause of public edu cation of tbe masses. Bat even Hawley may learn. An old grey ha -red sire, fall 60 years of age. ralied -rwr IV pa ly Auditor Chase of Walla WUa. fir a niarruce li cense, ssvs lbs Sea lee man. rhe dorn- ment was produced, but before being filled out the applicant stated that be wisbed to bare an understanding about the price. H was told thst ths tea wss $3. He looked squarely into tbe deputv's eyes snd asked tor a reduction for the reason tbat he was oid snd would not enjoy the felicity of married life as long as a younger msn. When informed thst thst made no difference, the eld man left the office aod as be slammed the door, remarked, "I'll go to Pendleton. I will, and I'll be denied if I can't do bet er'n that." Florence West : Report baa it tbat there was a (light hitch in the proceeding of the aooic lodge at their meeting Saturday evening. a iaiy wno was working in a room on the first floor of tbe building in which tne Masonic ball is located, bearing an unusual disturbance glanced out of ber window and was much surorised to see O W Hurd, C B Morgan and I G Knoits clad in their regalia in hot puisu.it of a strange goat. After a time be vii cap tured and taken np to tbe kali. It was afterwards learned that as tbe Masons bad three candidates to initist tbst evening tbe goat bad received extra ra tions tor a few days that he might be able to stand tbs great amount of labor required, coueequently he was feeling very fnsky, snd escaping from the per sona having him in charge', he ran out of the hall. The truth is coming out aboo the Klondike country. A man writiig to Portland says msny are disgusted, that tbe hardships are beyond imagination aud adds: "When you go prospecting you must sink boles from IS to 25 feet in depth, and thsw out the ground with fire, which makes it slow work. It re quires a month or more to sink a hole, and then you may strike psy dirt, and you may not. After you have sunk three or tour such holes your grub is gone, and even if you bave money you can't buy any more. Money is no good here. This country is not wbat it is pictured to the outside world. It ia true, tome men have done well here, but you can see men who hsve been in thi coun try ten years, and are yet poor. So you can imagine the chances one takes ia coming. Regardless ot Cost. Julius Gradwohl intends to go out of tie crockery and glassware business, going in to some other line of bueioest, and hence wid sell his goods of this kind regardless of cost. When ou cal and get hia prices Aou will be convinced tbat be means btsi ness, aud will believe wbat he says J. Gradwohl Inform the general publio that be tell as low as anybody in the city for sash. Come and get prices before you bay April 1st, 1897. J. (.radwohu J W Benll jy, the pioneer boj and sbo man, does first-class work chean. Call m him, just north of the Democrat office. The office tbat does high grade printing .n good stock, for the price of the other lind. Smiley, the printer. ;' r s L yiiyp' iT r t'"' f 'i'JtlX -Era? "Oh Geo-?e! I don't kcow" what to do. I'm sere. Pa says he v.-i'l never consent to my marry ing a Tim as ex-.ravagant as you ere. He siys you never rhew any-hini;btit ii--tcT-iensive Piper llcidsscck To.. ;cco. The new five-cent piece of 0 a PIPER HEIDSIECK PLUG TOBACCO 13 D D 8 if CCHAJIPACVe Fivpr ) per 'cm. larger than tae'old five-cer.t f-iece is bevdes foein- It is the ft ever otlirel at ay price, and tbe Lvest plus; of choice tusacco ever offered f jt five cents. ka 0 LEBANON. From the Express: C P Davia of Pendleton is visiting bis brother-in-law, G T Cotton, and family. Miss Levis Scott of Albany is spending s few dsys with relative in this city. GfOrgis Wbedbee, daughter of Mr snd Mrs J H Wbedbee, died at ber home in this city last Friday, of eonanmpuon after an illness of two years. Ben Dodge left last Friday for Portland where he bas secured a position with the S. P. Co. His wife aod baby left yester day for tbat city. Chas A and W A McKionon bars traded some rattle to Ja Match ette ft Soo for tbeiretore at Waterloo, includ ing Doth stock and boUdiag. Tbe new firm will do business under tbe name of Mcfclinnon Bros. Dr J A Lambereoo received a lone let ter this week from Dr Howard, who is now in Philadelphia attending lectures. Dr Lamberson says he snd Dr Howard wiU be in partnership practicing medi cine in Lebanon witnin two months. B F Bodwe'-l snd daughter, Miss Blanche, arrived iu Lebanon Saturday from Sm, where Mr Bod well bas been working for the electric ligot cocrpany. After visiting a couple of days with Mr Bod w wi s brother, near Waterloo, tbey left for San Francisco, Monday evening. Mr Badwell has a gxal poiUon in ths S 5 Go's office in tbat ci.v, and Mies Blanche will enter school there. Wm Beard arrived ia Lebanon this moraicg from Juneau. He returned borne by way of Seattle- He ar that be wnd his brother have been doing well at Janeao, and there is plenty of money in circa la lion there, out work is scarce, there being about ten mea for every job of work Several peopie are coming out from ths mines bet very few are getting over the mountains on ibeir way to tbe interior. The weather at Juneau baa been very mild, the coldest he bad seen being 19 degrees above aero. Mr Beard expects to return to Alaska in about rix weeks. A Laundry Nugget Laundry patrons who want first class work done without paying exorbitant Price should patronise the Albany fries m Laundry which have employed re-rularlv five of the best, band irooers on ths coast for ihirts, dresses, and ahirt waist, end un cents is the highest price charged for aov ot these article. Home r irst. The World afterwards- Get good grccei ie for your famt'y. Conn ft lias- too keep tbe best, which tbev sell at the lowe-d i -.i! ble prices. Freh vegetables and fruits according to the season, always OB DlCd. A fiae tine of crockery. NO CURE-NO PAY. That la th wy alt drn rria Q ROVE'S TASTKLB34 CB1LL TtSIC for Malaria, Chi! la and Fever. It to simply Iron and Quinine 10 a last form. Children lovelt. Adults prefer i lo b:ter, DUMaUaj fooicar Prios. 50e Mothers Praise Hood's Sarsanarilla oecause oy lis great wood enncning quail ties, it gives rosy cheeks and vigorous ap petite to pale and puny cniidreu. Hood s Pills are tbe favorite family catharti: and liver medicine. Pries 25c TO CURE A OLD lN'OXr DAT Take Laxvive Brm Qainine Tablets. All dragjfl.ta refund the m ney if it fails to Core. 25c. Karl's Clover RaV Tes tt Constipa tion it's th Be. and if alter using it you don't say a return the package and get your maney. SJJbv Foshav A Mason Let everybody come 10 tse Star Bakeiy and get 4c Soavw ol freah bread for l.t cash . C Mavey. TOCUREACuLu IN ONK DAY. Take Lxatir Brora 1 Q.iiutne Tablets All Droggitta refund tbe money T it fail. o Cure 253. Stop that Cough! Take warning. It ma lead to 'Consumption. A 25j bottle oiShil'h's(ire m.r lave your life. Sold by Fosbay ft Masou. , TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY. Tax Lttttiv Brj-n Q ttnlns Tablets All 0-ujrts rsfut t lis mint if It Tall Cure. 35o. n f School diling. Merrill bays City, County and warrants. Office In Democrat vnrra vurea. n. ciear ntad ano weei ore ft seiura t with Saitoh a Ca arrhRsntly: I Fit & ilani II ? it VTa . . .aa. now is mis, onrsnart Lee are now offering guitar mandolin, banjo and vie 110s so ana ou per cent cheaper than eve before in Albany If you are 'bin king of psrehasieg any thing in that line yoa will do well to call on them. To Car Cau..,,M.iiun Frr. Take Caacareta tauOv iutliurtic. w or9e II C C C fait to cure. rucfiM n-fnua mruv Albany Market. Wheat A3 rents. OaU 23 KVgs 20 cents. Butter 15 to 2s cents. Potatoes 25 cents Hams 11 to 13 cents. Sides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 to 7 cents. 0 Q a 0 G a c a a a a c 0 Q 0 -Expensive? V."ry, the old man's behind the times. Tbe sue of tbe plug ha been in creased 40 per cent. Piper Heid steck is reaKy tbe cheapest to bacco on the market.' EAST AND-SOUTH THE 8HA8TAROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co, Catftonia tianaa Tmab. . hnaw OaUa r. . I La SaSaa I L ISSa a! Ar ea I ' I Si a Ariiiia a La ffcSSra Albway . -.'t-x -f-sy at a-foas be tweeo Pf-Uil ani Sales Tor ser, Mari. JeT-rsoa Albany Tangent, Shedd. Halter Eagea Cottage Grove. Drain. Otfciacd and all statioos f roia Rxeburg ssc'-b to aad in dodiag Aahlaad. a 1 Lt Pvmaam ar- ti ll lit ri I U SJaav L SJSra fce I Ar Ba-OT La I T -, 1 Law AJatarl-r Sl imn at A'-au Irooi Lihaaiw IAd a ban AiSaav tar LiSaaiai fat. r a Ann at Aihaaa free lartiaaw 7z a r FULiHAr BJrfH SUEFEE. AXD Oininsr Lars en Cgien Knu' SECGN0-GU3S SlEtrifcS ARi AUKatS t. all Tar-ltSIrala, e- k r Mvlaiva. svtatii rwcTEsaw saw itilui us v aaaid naaaraa au-un.v ua I U a 1 S' Ar XlJ ..111 IS: L CxpraaTrsia Pail, (escape SawSty Pi tsnm IKriiar WYtjaavSe tin a a Lv 1430 aw Knstnrii Sn FratiMe rttOxatial ricaAal a'ad Pa&Sr aaia r.a,An li-M HSnl ;IH i n: Kui aaviicaAw MiadlKkra -..-.-cvarta aad Sara JtlAS. CEI5A. EOCLtTati ACST - m dV.vl fc-aa Sa rKSaXK. Altai KOKWIIk rartaaa Orrg TO 1Mb EAST ervss TKB CBOKS OS 2 TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT ORECOri K0RTHERN SHORT LINE VIA SPOKANE UINXEAPCUS ST. PAUL a5D CHICAGO VTA SALT LAKE CcKYEB OXAKA A5P KANSAS CUT Lowest Bates to all Eastern Cities Ocean Steamer s Leave Portland Every 5 days .. ton .. SAN FRANCISCO Steamers monthly from l'ort land to Yokohoma and Hong Kong; via, The Northern Pa cific Steamship Co. in con nection with J K and IS For tall information call ea Cctxax Jt Mont kith, Albany. Oi a aooasas: W H HCRLBlKT. Gmh'l Pas.-.Aess-Pa.ilAnd Ol. WHY WILL iOU SUFFER WITH corns. callouMs. in growieg toe saris and busies. A E lit as, tbe old-time chiropodist will remove them without paia or subsequent serenes- No cutting, nor acids, but simply tanse a separation be tween the corn and flesh and lift the corn out whole, with a pure vegetable oil. Charges reasonable and satisfaciino gusr. enteed. No extra charge for calling at your residence or place of bosineea. Room 26 Ross Bouse. TREASURER'S K01ICE NO-9 Kotice is hereby giren that funds sis on band tc pay city warrants ros SU7 to 416 Inclusive of the issue of 1897. In terest on said warrants will cease with the date of this notice. Albany Or. lec. 29, 1S97. E. A.Pakkix, City Treasurer. WAN 1 ED-UPRIGHT AND FAITH ful gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established bouse in Oregon. Monthly $65.00 and tx peases. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self address ed stamped envelope. Tba Dominion Company, Dept. K. Chicago. t :.y Sole!