A few Ladies Lonar Cloaks that sre be ing sold at a great, reduction. If you want a large amouLt of goo is for your money be sure and see them All the capes and jackets in the department sold at a reJuc lion, A good serviceable nmbrella for 50c Lots of stj le in the 75c prade and lots of wear too If you want a better one you will find it here at the came ratio of low price to good goods. B and Q corsets in styles and shapes that will fit any form. Aline of French corsets, sood 6tters, made of French coutil, drab and white, all grades tl $3 50 crtlOO Have you seen our SOc and $1. line. There are no better for that price. Agents for Butttrick Patterns. S E Young: & Son, Albany, Oregon. READ, PEACOCK & GO, 1 Albany. Oregon. ANNUAL .Clearance Sale This year we have not marked down each article separately but will sell for cash until Feb. 15th, '98. any article (except thread) at a reduction of 12 1-2 per-cent from our regular prices. Thin is a rare opportunity to supply your homes at a moderate cost with staple Dry Goods, Underwear, Hosiery, Jackets, Shoes, etc, as our stock is not yet broken. Call early, we will t-y ti please yoa. Read, Peacock Co., 96.00 buys a good Mandolin with book 5.00 bays a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is strings. 1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E Btrings. $1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buysaS-drawersewing machine ; high arm, light running; guaran teed 6 years, OVPrices on Pianos. Organs. Banios sent on application. E. U. Will Albany. CORVALLIS & EASTERN NOW. A Formal Transfer at the O. E. Made at Corvallis. Albany TradingCo R. I. ITIorris, Manager. , We have moved our store to the Gra ham building, corner 1st and Baker Sts, and will be pleased to meet all ou pa'rone, We will continue selling on small margin of profits and for casb o produce taken on a cash basis. We will guarantee Battle Ax Savon Soap the best on the market. Th put op in our own wrappers. Boston Mills flour. $ 95 6-20 os bars 16 lbs gran sugar ; 10 lbs best beans 8 lbs rolled oats. .. 3 quart bottles blueing 4cans pepper, mustard, allspice or sage , 3 cans Cayenne, cloves or cinna mon 3-2 os bottles extract lemon or va nilla 9 pa Roval Java coffee, 2 pa Arbuckle ccffef grml to order 2 pa Lion coffee ." ( " . Sardines per box 3 cans cove oysters, good ones 4 papers coru or gloss starch 2-1 gal nice peeled peaches 6 lbs Arm & Hammer Soda (bulk) 10c pk Rising San stove ps'iBh Nice mixed candy Walnut Com Cake tob anil pipe gal kerosene, bring your can.... -3 lb pk Forest Soap Extract, guar anteed better than Gold Dust and made in Oregon We also carry a line of feed, consisting of chop feed, bran, shorts, hay and -etraw. Come and see us when in need -of groceries and feed Remember the .place, Cor. let and Baker Sts. 25 30 WHEAT. New York 95C. Chicago 93c. Liverpool 2fc higher. Albany 65n. Forty wheat vessels headed for the Co lembia and lower cbarters ought to mean a higher price In Oregon. Probate Record. In estate of G F Crawford. M E Craw ford aDDointed exec, without bonds. In ventory, cash $430; real 110,360; person al $1460. Total $12,2n0. In estate of Robert Johus, report of sale of reil property tiled. In estate of Helen Spencer, 7th annual account filed. Final account approved in estate of Arthur Saltmarsh. In estate of John McKercher and D B McKercher, final accounting set for March 7. In estate of J J Rozulle, citation issued on petition to sell real esta e. -Final account in estate of Emily Spice- filed In estate of Albert Butts.final account ing set tor Feb 12 In estate Jas Pearl, will admitted to probate. H H Kirk executor. Bond, $3,000 Legatees Isabel Kirk ami Elisabeth Van Winkle, each $200. Ella McDariel and Fl.rtnce West each $1. grandchildren and great-gandchildren $1 to $20 each. Redman and Sherman fearl $400 each. All residue between William, Silas, Redman, and Sherman Pearl. In estate of Daniel Wilson will admit ted to probate. J X Duncan executor. Bond filed for $5000. Legatees children of sister Margaret-and Samuel, 100 each; children J II Wilson $600 share and share alike, Martha Decker $1600, Elizabeth Blain, $-"600,ClarB ain $1500, rostTof estate eauallv between children of oamuei, j u and .Elizabeth. Mr Etta Stubblelield appointed guard- vs uunaiu clUUUIVUVIU In estate of Melva and Zella Lewis.nrst account filed Cash on hand $3,060. syndicate of English and American itahsts. The Hunchback A pleased audience . I , . - . i . . . . .. . . .. .. cumpieuon oi uie Asionat wiiceseea toe presentation of tuts old Mr. A. B. Hammond, president of the O. O A E. Railroad Co. that was. arriv ed in Albany last Saturday night on the overland, and went to Corvallis on a sperm! train yesterdty st 1 p. m., where today he formally transferred hr deed the property of the old company, road bed and rolling stock, to the newly in orporaled company and the road will hereafter be the Corvallis & Eastern.witb head office at Albany, the formal remov al of which though will not occur for awhile. -A A meeting of the stockholders of the company whi be held at this city at a date to be named, when arrangements will be completed for the formal' issuing of first mortgage bonds for over $10,000, 000 the money secured to be used for the extension of the road into Malheur county at a point on the Union Pacific line. It is also intended to run branches through Priceville from Pendleton south eventually to the California line. The money has been secured of an eastern I cap-! A DAWSON LETTER. A Linn ountv Man Gives Kcllable Facts. . , road about March 1st Mr. Hammond is to turn his attention to this road and its extension. DlBO AT Dawsox. The renart that James. H Jackson, brother of C S Jack son, editor o of the East Oregonian, loa' hisJife in the Klondike, is confirmed in a letter from John E Lathron and Dr Beatle to C 8 Jackson. Jackson, and Beatle were camped at an 'eland at the month of the Swalue. 13 miles above Dawson City. Jackson went to Dawson City with two lumbermen, and left their November 9 to return alone. He was not seen afterward. He was searched fcr two weeks, without avail. The trail was dangerous, and it is thought Jackson was drowned in attempting to cross a weak piace in toe ice. PRIXEVlLLE. From the Journal : The marriage of Mr. Frank Bonney -and Miser Angie Lnckey took place at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joho L. Lackey, at 8 p m. Sundae evening, County Judge M. E. Brinja officiating in his own peculiarly jrppy manner. I and then follows a ong account of the affair The Indian school at Warm Springs seency at present nag an attendance oi 120 pupils, and before the school year closes. Agent Cowan expects the attend ance will be loO. lbe ecbool is under excellent management, and is doing good work among the Indian children. Uncle Frank Nichols has made a "pig gin" which he intends for a present to Mrs Levi Ankeny of Walla Walls, a daughter of the late Senator Kesmitb, whom Uncle Frank has known since she was a child. The . piggin is of juniper wood, bound with brass hoops. It is -finished in oil and the natural color of -the wood and el jean t workmanship make it a very hand.-OTie vessel The "piggin" is a small mi'.k pail, having one -of the staves extended for a handle. The city council has raised the saloon license from $200 to $400 per annum; the brewery license from $40 to $100,and tsxed the drug stores $100 to sell liquor in quantities less than one gallon. Ex isting saloons are allowed to take out licenses on the old basis of $200 till next .November.. Venders of cigarette are taxed $100 per annum, which means, and it is dorfbtless intended to mean, the prohibition of their sa'e. Victory for Hammond. Judge Fullerton, at an adjourned ses sion of the circuit court at Corvallis last Saturday confirmed the report ot Keleree Woodcock as to the disposition that should be made of the $19,800 residue of the sale fond of the steamer Willamette Talley, which was sold by order of the federal court in California in 1895. The report after recommending that the re ceiver and his attorney, and the costs of reference, be paid, says the remainder of the fund, aggregating about $17,000, should be paid to the Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad Company, successors to Bonner & Hammond in the owner ship of tbeOiegon Pacific railroad. This is the remnant of $40,000 received for the steamer. A Skaowat Lkttkb. A letter received this morning from ekagway tells of the experience of B F. Ramp, Rollie Ksmp and G. C. Moon packing over the White Pass trail.. They had m-de a trio of eight days, each packing two hundred pounds with sleds. and receiving- 3 cents a pound, or about $9 a day and expenses. Having the Moon and son with him Mr. Ramp was able to do business at all times of the day. Mr. Sam May. of Harrisbonr. wns do ing business in Albany today. Postmaster Stites has been confined to his home several days by illness. Chas. W. Holsapple. the well known Portland policeman, died last Saturday. Mrs. L. H Additon. of Portland, has gone to Mass., called there by the dan gerous illness of her father. Lawyers Weatherford and Watson are at Toledo attending Circuit Court, which convened there this morning. Miss Maud Winslow arrived in Albany last Saturday all the way from Georgia, to become the wife of Mr. Will Govro. of Sodaville. H. Marsh, of Michigan, who has been spending a few days in Salem was a pas senger tor Ainany la.il mgut. states man. Mr. Pood, the six foot six agent of the mutual Life Insurance Co of Portland, is doing business in Albany. Mr. C. E. Sox is local agent for the company. Rev. J. S. White, pastor of St. Josephs Catholic church, has been quite seriously m .i... . l. i . . : -. - 111 IV! BBb mWtL IMIfc LI IB CJUUllIUD showed a marked improvement today. aaietr journal. The three months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Den ham rrcently died at Fresno. Calif. Mrs. Denbem was formerly Miss Lillie Dodder of this city. Mr Denbam is now clerk in a bis boot and shoe honse in vhat city, the same house for whom he worked in Chicago when married. Mr. H teller, of Oregon City, has been employed as bookkeeper at the Red Crown mills, to succeed Mr. Townsend, wbo has been promoted to the position of manager. Mr. Kelley is a brother of . 8. Kelley recently tran-ferred to the mill at Portland. . Mr. Louis Parker, a son of Moses Parker, returned from Portland Satnr day with a Klondike outfit and will leave on Feburary 1st to join his nncle Hon. John Parker, now at Dawson, where be s gradually improving in health after a siege of illness caused by d ink ing too much Klondike water. One of the most successful young men ot Southern Oregon is w. I.'Vawter, of Jackson county, a former resident of linn county. Six years ago be gradoated from the state university, and yet in this short time his property Las increased nn til now he pays taxes on 115,415, which means that i:e is woith at leaet twice as mnch. After 24 years separation H. J. and Thomas Hopkins of this city, Mr. Harry Hicnards, of the Waldorf Uo., and Mr. George Southard, Alabastine drummer, met in Albany last Saturday and renew ed eld friendships. They were boys and young men together, and the meeting was tberetore a happy one. 1 was terminated with an oyster supper. Fred Page Taetin. of il.e firm of !$ &Tnstin, has been appointed special clerk in the U. S land office at this place. We understand that the place is worm ituu a month, and be is to, assist Major wait b in his labors, it is another of the many plume tbat Hon. Binger Hetmann fs distributing among his friends. Roceburg Review. Many years ago Tuttin was a resident of Ai-ha0- Enelish play by the Waldoif Co. last Saturday nieht. An entirely different kind of production from that of the even ing before it displayed the versatile tal ents ot me two stars Miss Waldorland Mr. McVey to advantage, and the good opinion of them remained. The trojp went irom bere to tugene. and after a return engagement at Portland m all go to kbu c rmucioco, anu ineoce to jtasirana, the Mecca of ambitious actors and act resses. Incorporated. The following articles of incorporation were filed in the office of the secretary of state Saturday: The Harrisbnrg . Lumber Company, with headquarters at that Linn county town. A capital stock of $10,000 is named. E X Upmeyer, L H Lassell and J R Back non are incorporators. Statesman. WHEAT. New York 95.. Chicago MSc. San Francisco 84c. Liverpool 1: higher. Albny 65c I avenport's New Boon. Three copies of Homer Davenport's new book "Cartoons" were received at Salem today, one by his father, Hon. T. L. Davenpor., one by his broiher-in-Uw, Carey Martin, and one inscribed, "To My Dear Friend J. J. Dairy m pie from a feller who he knew aa a bey. Yours very truly. Homer Davenport, late of Silvtr ton, Oregnn." The inscription is around a pen drawing of a "little kid" laughing at his own first effort at picture making, with a black cat looking on in surprise On the title page is a cartoon of big Tom Reed with his back turned an-t little Tom Plait of New York, the types of two bosses. Next comes the inscription "To My Father" with a life like portrait of the old Silverton granger looking at his hayseed biy'scartooo. Thet.e is graphic introduction by John J. Ingalla. Then follow the inimitable cartoons of Uocle Sam, Mark Hanna. lohn Bod, McKinley, Lu Hung Chang, and pretty much all the notables o! the current history, Salem Journii. The Indian Wab Yetiban Bill. The Oregotian's Washington correspondent eays : senator wctmae is very hopeiui that the bi.l which he has passed through the senate pensioning indian war veter ans, applicable especially to those in Oregon and Washington, will pass ths house at this session. Oi course, it is quite a bard matter to get such a meas ure through the house as the rnlesof that body are such as to prevent claim bills and pension bills passing unless approved bv the house leaders. A majority of the honse w'll no doubt favor the bill if it can be brought to a vote." Afteb am Officb. Sam Clark, of Sa- lem.is in Washioetan trying for appoint ment to a position in the Agricultural denartment. He has the endorsement oi tho Oregon dele.ation and two or three others from the Pacific Coaxt, including Wilsou of Washington anl Perkins of California. He is confident of securing the position, Mr. Clark is one ot the valley's pioneers, editor years ago of the Willamette Farmer. The Black PattiTroubadoorr.a company nf fiflv darkey artutt, will be in Albany on rebruarj 1, aner an tngBgeujeui ,u in land. A riot is reported at Fort Yokon. Capt. Ray raised the flag of toe U S aa ' declared martial law. Men wanted provisions of the Alaska Commercial Co. on long time, which was refused. E . Quackenbnsh has brought suit in tl state circuit court against WiULini 8 Sib son, Charles P Cborch and Sylvester ar rel for an cccunuDg ui iuw uiuwk ri..'.AWAnKr,ah Mr f! . an i iSlbflOD. faarCB ft Co., of which the plaintiff and defen dant were members Quacfeenbush claims $40,000 is due him from "he lueraoers oi mo firm, and demands mat it oe pa-". School Tax Levies The school board of Eugene secured the rate of special school tax levies for 29 Oregon cities. The average tax rate of the 29 cities is 6 mills. 8 -me of which are as follows: Albany 4. Ashland 9V. Astoria 7, Baker City, 74. Corvallis 4.4, Dtllas 6, Cottage Grove 5,', Grants Pass 10, Independence 4, La Grande 9, Med ford 10, Union 7, Roeeborg 4, Salem 6, bngene 2, Portland 1,. Albany's rale will probably be over 4 mills this year. A meeting will be held tonight at the school bouse at 7:30 o'clock to fix the amount. Tax payers shook! attend. An Albaxv Max President. At the Corvallis &. Eastern Railroad meeting at Corvallis yesterday Hon, J K Weather- ford of this city was elected president ol the new cmpany. The first roortirage bonds have been sent to ew lork lor approval, and npon their return wilt be bled in udd, Kenton, Lincoln ana Man on counties for record. The Oregonian says only about S2, 11 1,000 will be raised, bnt tbe Democrat is reliably iniormea these first mortgage bonds will be over $10,000,000, tha amount tbat will be needed to complete the road lo a con nection with the Short Line in Mal heur county. Mb. Tats is PoBTrAo. The Tribune speaks as follows of tbe reception to Past Master Workman J.G. Tate, who is to be at the opera honse in this city t'tnor row night: Past Supreme Msster Work man J G Tate received a brilliant re ception at the Marquam Grand last night, upon bis official visit to tbe Oregon juris diction of the A. O. U. W. The dis tinguished visitor entertained tbe vast audience with a masterly address npon "Our Oder," consuming an hour and a half of time and it wss delivered with an int:ne force of utterance that command ed uoflaking attention. Tbe attend' ance was beyond adequate accommoda tion. Tbe speaker was listened to with eagernees and animation, that frequent ly asserted itself by spontaneous bursts of applsuse. The folic wing letter was received by W. N Smith of Oakvil.e from his brother C. O' Smith, who left here last June for the gold fields of tho Northwest Territory, Dawson City, N. W.T., Dec. 3. 1897." You will no doubt be surprised to hear from me at this point (if thisever reaches you; as me man system bere is very un certain. We have built our winturnnar. ters twenty miles above Dawson Ci'y on the Klondike river. We pulied inhere ': to avoiu an Ice jam below. 6IU8U ice bean to form at Pully river on 2nd, and during our last three dava run we were hemmed in by running ice most of the time. I would of written sooner, put the growing cold weather drove us to ouua a cabin and now we have just com menced to get it dried out and get set Ilea dowt,. We have tmnn fnrtnnt enough to get us two claims sp'ece. One on jinsiey cretk and the other on Hen aerson creek. Mv Hendnrann rrMk claim will bring me $2,600 or $3,000 any aay n i want to sell it. but I think it is worth more. We were the first to slake on Ensley creek, and as discoverers we named it for Mr. Ensley of our party it is being rapidly taken op. We intend to sink a few holes on it as soon as we can get a good camp set up on our claims. Mr. Kicharda and I made a three davs trip up the creek trying to find the source out. neiaiaout two nights .without a tent, 30 degrees below sero one night and 45 the next. 30 degrees below here ieeis aooui as cold aa 8 above in Oregon, but will freeze you quicker as you do not feel It. I frost bit my toes and fingers Slightly. Mr. Ensley and I went to Daw son to record our claims the 28th 1 came hack Wednesday and Mr. Ensley camo back Thursday. When I left Daw son at v o clock the mercury registered 42 degrees below and before 10 o'clock fell to 53 degrees and staid there till 2 o'clock. It was very cold, but I was warmly dressed and didn't feel it. J have loond that 40 degrees will freeze my ears and 55 degtees will freeze my nose and cheeks if they are exposed..! Provisions ate very scarce at Dawson, so many came in short. Flour was worth $150 to $160 per sack during the latter part of October and the first part ot Nov. ember, but has fell to $50. Hundreds ot people are selling out their outfits and going out tbe ice. Many a poor fellow will drop out by the wayside ftom cold and slat vation. Many people have expected to come in and pick no gold in nuggets, but whan they find they have to work to get it tney get disgusteJ with the country and leave it. I have plenty of grub to feed me till July 1st, by that time provisions will come np tbe river b boat I am keep ing a sharp lookout for quartz, as where there are placer there is sure to be qnanz, if not, tbat explodoa tbe theory tbat quartz is tbe mother gold. This is a rich country but t needs prospecting. There will be great devel opments here in the next year, although everyone will not strike it rich. It will be at least . two months belore this reaches yoa and 4 months before I get an answer, four long winter months. Tbe days are getting very short, the son jast peeps above tbe hoHzon and is getting lower every dsy. I have seen tbe aurora boreal is several times and it is a beautiful tight. Potatoes are worth $1 apiece. Tbe npper Ynkon is practically unde veloped. It promises to tnrn out rich but that all depends on this winter's prospecting. The tributaries of the Klondike are rich only in epou, hot there are some very rich soots. The ! gold that wilt leave Dawson by next spring by boat is estimated by o il tim ers to be very near 17 tons Id weight fo.!K,uuo m value. ow and heretofore nnonenected creeks are turning out rich beyond all ! expectations. The only creeks which I have been piofpected to any extent are the Bonanza, Bear and Hunker on tbe Klondike and Dominion Oaar.z and Sulphur on Indian Kiver. Tbe "all cold" i and "too coco gold creeks of tbe Klon kike, as named by tbe Indians, are showinr np we', I aa tbe shafts go dawn deeper and when the "pay streak" is discovered th- pbecy of the Indians may come ti V There is a . .or here that Soain and Japan have combined nd are at war with tbe U.S. bat is no mail has been in during tbe last eight weeks it cannot be definitely learned. We also get ra mors of good times in tbe U. S., high prices for wheat, wool. Iamtr, etc Well, I most close tbis. I hope to be out next summer, but may have to go down to Alaska next spring where tbe miner is allowed more privileges and is not so imposed npon as here. I wid wiite sgain soon so as to send by tbe second mail, which will leave a month later. CO Sum, Dawson City, N. W. T. jfcW'? utih'r don't Si4L.- J T4 know just wneiv Star Kjjit is. When a woman falls oycrDoara she some times drowns when there is a life buoy just within a few strokes of her all because sbe rlnan'. 1. n .. j : i, ,u nrr 'it. Sick people often mm in tni Thev he. come discouraged and disgusted with taking med icines and give UD in desnair. Mrs. Mm 1 Kt.war, .1 ZtiZZ Saratopa, tianta Clara Co.. Cal., in a letter to Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician of tbe Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buf falo, N. Y., aays: "I suffered for fourteen years with fcmide weakness, nervotmnen snd Reneral 'kbility, trying everything 1 could find to help mc all to no avail. Al though I was thoroughly discouraged and diajru&ted with taking medicine when I heard of Dr. Pierce's medicines, I thought I wonM try once more to find relief. I took the Golden Medical Discovery ' and 'Favorite Prescription,' and too great praise cannot be riven for the rnnid relief they rave me. I am Bow free from the former troubles, and CITY COUNCIL. Tuesday evening, Jan 25, 1898. Present Mayor, recorder, marshal. street superintendent, chief engineer, poundmsster, and Councilman D.nnals, ualhraith, Senders, Hopkins, Martin and Graham. The following bills were ordered psld : P A Hnioks. $31 39: A tl Martin. $5 00: J M Ralston. $12 50: Uibliu A Howard, $2 60 0 W Watts. $9 00: N J Henton. $52 70; (IB Milloy, $7 60; K B David son, $14 75. The bill ot Dr. W. A. Trimble for $43 00 attendance upon young Culttert- n, injured at the depot, E B Davidson, past xiipreme pouuduiaster. wre con tinued. The mayor read his annual message. which will be found on oureditonai page. The committee on streets and public properly recommended a sides all across xyon at 6th street. Ordered constructed. The chief enaineer reported 1200 feet of hose on hand, coke 2)00 lbs, coal lOuO lbs. cisterns ire full except one at 2nd and Kerry, cause not known. Apparatus, in gooa con-ittion. Petition cf John Clelan. asked for du. p'icaie warrant issutdOCCI-lao for $10. the origiual' warrant being lost. Granted. Licer se to sell liauor was granted to w tv uoweu. Ride were opened and contracts let as ) may God blcsa Dr. f ierce in all his under- follows : WIIU(S IV lUir ouuliii uUUJilHIIV, I . g. u rur prioiiua r r tuning. Lumber: 8 V Hall, carload lots only. $7.25 per thousand feet, red fir lumber. Referred to committee on streets and Thousands who had reached this forlorn and hopeless condition of body snd mind have found new hope and rescue in tbe use of these marvelous remedies. Dr. Pierce's great thouund - page book, "Tbe People's Common Sense Medical Ad viser" is sent free in paper covers for n one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only; or, "cloth-bound fir ti stamps. Address. Dr. R. V. Pirrce, Buffalo, N. Y. Rev. J. K. Thompson, of East Cstais. Wuhin( ton Co.. VI., writes concerning; this ureal work: "I am charmed with lbe jr and genera! ob ject mnllrr of the enlite work. I coutMer It a valuable addition to mycarefullv selected library. The purpose to t men right phyaically tsaaoblc one. 1 am also pleased with the refined and at tbe same lime learleu wav in which yoa bandit those drlieale mhjei I pt ruining; to bfoloiry. thu taking tb?work ad BtrabSjr filled Jur the yuung.-' WIEJI3 3ST1D Q v- the SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Dancing school begins tonight at iiuvrj-, at eigoi o ciocg sbarp. Burr Powers aod Miss Mary Pogoe were married in Eugene last week. Tney have the best wishes of many Lion coun ty people. Mrs. U. J. Sower aad Mrs. W. F. Pfeitier returned last night from Port land, w tie re they had been to see their husbands off on their Alaska trip, Mrs Duncan Monteith spent yesterday J Salem, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Fleming, returning to ber Albany home via the overland last night. Salem Statesman. Miss Minnie Stockton, of Portlsnd, is . . . ,uo oi ut. n. u. D'vts. JSUIUUUUU M1UUUU1U 1 ySffissdiV I l Wirt;.' Fit and Workmanship Perfect I acsv tws wou, too. ram a bvttom. I tt a rain. - a, o . I ill. vaaaf pubhc property. Furnishing meals for city prisoners: Win P Small 10 cents per meal ; Mrs M G Stetter 12 cents. Contract was let to Wm P Small. Keeping estrays: Miller St Turner, with bay per day, 24J4c; bay and oats, 49,1,0. D Bussard, 60e per dsy. Con tract was let to Miller k Turner, stock to be fed hay only. Gravel : F L 8a;h, 7c per yard. A small window was ordered placed in No. 1 'm engine house. Oanville. Mr. Johnson, of Junction, is visiting wilhMr. Esgy. They were neighbors in Dakota. Two grabbing machines were actively engaged last week near here and many a giant oak and fir were uprooted which will make room for more wheat or fruit trees. The small Johnnies at school enjoyed the "beautiful snow" of our childhood days in a land where snow waa plenty aod laid on three months instead of three days. "So thanks we will take rain." Some of our young men would like to go to Klondike, bat do not have the wherewith to take them. Parties who are preparing to g to Klondike aod de sire to take dogs with them would do welt to come to Oakville. We will aall Miss Stockton is a graduate of the Tor-l001" ?nd'Ked interest in 50 good (for noiiuogi oogs ana will throw in the "bara." First come first served. N. B. Tbe dogs are in good order and would make good mutton for they have fattened on sheep. A case of asaaolt and battery occurred on tbe corner of Church acdfcwte street Sabba h evening. The assaulted party was ttaloh Cote and the party wbo ap nlia.1 tha Katttf air uA.IMi iUm.. fust rotnl a war. T" . . . - eefal m. n.. ri,, , ! eon. a aeputy sbertn came ont today wUb thT ?J?Jt fb llelT,,n,i''lioytea Howard to accompany him Francisco Dmat?c Mr J lo A'b,BT- ,,0rd cPMd ETlviU-- iZ v I s , . I tioo as the weather wai not very nice. Judge .S. McFadden. of Corvallis. and be had business at the Coon ij Seat was in Albany yeaurdav nn hia .n-i. ' Salem to attend the funeral of his fatter, j W . ' . .w,: fc, . , KnfreiVl in rV. f.mnw iT 1 U inln i us to be there on account of the weather. . -, ' ' we will call wiU f. P. McKnight when nn,'T" " A A Bently, we Tisit that locality . By the way have f,t . , pueutnonia. aiders yon been fcik bnnung lately 7 Do yoq an illness of only four days. DeoraJ j reroemtr the time we bought a bank of uH yr,..',J' ebter of M j ESk meat of yoo at Lower SodaT Oh no, . . " " pioneer oi i yoo are not tbe same boy. 1 - uiuujuu ana iia onto College and is now attending to her nurse in rortiana. Mr. Frank Ga'braith, wbo was recent ly injured in tat, accident in tbe Water loo Woolen Mill, is in tbe city recuper ating. He will be ready to go to work in two or three weeks. Miss Mand Hutburt, accompanied by her mother, left for Oregon Wednesday. Mies Hu'burt has just closed a very sac- WINTER CLOTHING e For Old and Young, At Low Prices At the iii ill 1 1 mini!, I ii WHEAT. The eastern market if showing a marked improvement. In Chicago tbe clique is taking all tbe January wbeat to be seeored at si, today, l ne mj quota tions are: New York 96J,'c. Chicago 94?4C Ban Francisco 85c Liverpool l.'c higher. Albany 65c To-NUht Past Supreme Grand Master Workman J. G.Tate arrived in Albany this noon. He was met by the Albany band and a large delegation of Workmen and con ducted,totheir hall.wbere aeceptionwas given him this afternoon by tbe Degree of Honor. Tooight he will deliver so address at tbe opera house, which wilt undoubtedly be filled for the occasion. At 7:30 a special train will arrive from Corvallis. The Statesmen in speaking of hi ad dress at balem says: For over an hour tbe speaker held bis audience spell boon 1 hv bis eloquence, bile be presented one argument after another in favor of fraternal beneficiary orders, and he ws cheered repeatedly by hia audience As a platform orator Mr. Tate ranks h'gh among those wbo have appeared in this city, and oia address was one of the best ever delivered in Salem on the sub ject which he presented last night, aad met with a warm recpoose. GREAT SALE THE LADIES BAZAAR Every article reduced. A rare opportunity to procure exceptional values. 8ale closes Feb 12th, 1898. L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON. - AT- THE CLOSING OUT SALE OF THE H. F. MclLWAlN CASH STORE. 8 spools Wm Clarke thread I 23 5 pr mens rib top seamless socks... 5 5 gal best Pearl coal cal SO liens warm lined gloves 50 Mens Winter Kinz underwear 40 Fall and complete line of groceries at cot prices) Klondike- Call early and secure great bargains. Jaunary 25, 1898. 9 pes Arhoekle or Lion coffee 1 ojj Mens all wool suits from $5 00 to 8 K Ladies $2 shoes go for 12 Mens $3 fine shoes go for 1 "5 All wool dress goods (worth 50c)for 25 to close Lefore going to the 1844. daughters Tennessee Gatherings. A two weeks revival meeting is in pro- II I M I. iSam. 1 1 ...... .'L.I 4 1 . u , i-a V . v ,lM01P1rl I Stevenson of Albany wUl assist Bev. at K L- Taylor a barber sbop a portion Heodersoe. o. last summer, i agssn attending tbe i . D. Crn toosorial requirement of tbe patron of i t-irrua Koea ten. M!!':I!opal",h"riD.tpior, Mr-Van! Ma. IUmmosd Sain to the Corvallis Ortwfck hss scqoi-d an ioterett la tbe ! Times man that ii all went well work business Corvall.s Times. noui.t commence on the esleasioo ol the Alexander Rennie snd Mrs. Rrnaie ro eaataard as soon as the Asto'ia road returned oa Toeadav from Eiko Nev.( ' ccu'd be completed,, which wUi happen whither the former ba4 gone to accept a 1 erly in the spring. Also, tbat while the position, as be soppoaed, in a drygoodsi principal othre of tbe new company store. Upon arrival at his destination, ' woold be in Albany that the bead quar Mr. Benoie found the condition much i ter would fcr the present at least aod different irom what he expected. Toe possibly forever continue in Corral lis. country seemed a desert land, a suitable i Just wben the new name woald go into residence cou'd not be bad. living was Urct on company way bills and in the ti!t, and besides be would not be at home in a sort ol department store car rying hard are. erai-erie and Inrnlmr. He will resume his former position with i days There was to be no change what- transa lion ct company bosmeee coold not oe definitely staled, bnt it woald probao'y happen in tbe coarse of a few Xolsn A Cailahao. Corvallis Time. Those Dreadful Sores A Fi! Bicyclb. Mr. Geo. E. Fish, the new aeent for the Bam bier, has re ceived an 1898 machine, which is being greatly admired. It is not only splen didly put together in high grade style, but it is a beauty. The price will be onlv $00 All Mr Fish wants is for bi cyclUts to call and see it. To Kni. t.HS 9:"s.- eU CuI"!y Cathnrtlc. 10c or "OA u i-. u u tall to cure, drufcgiiits retuud mcf, They Continued to Spread In Spite of Treatment but Now Tney are Healed -A Wonderful Work. "For many years I have been a great sufferer with varicose veins on one ol my iimh. Mv foot and limb became dread fully swollen. When I stood np I could feel the blood rushing down the veins ol thia limb. One day I accidentally hit my foot airalnst some object and a sore broke out which continued to spread and was axeeedlniriv oalnfuL I concluded needed a blood purifier and I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time those dreadful sores which had caused me so much suffering, began to neal. keot on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa rilla. and in a short time my limb wss completely healed and the sores gave me no more pain. I cannot be too thankful for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa rilla, has done tor me." Mas. A. B. Grxsos, Hartiana, vermoni. sarsaparilla Is the best-In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills cure all Uver ills. 2S cents. Mr. Ed Tower, uf Sal em, was in the ci.y today. J. M. Nolan, advance agent of the Black Paiii s Troubsdors is in the city. Mrs. E. Bergman, of Oregon City is spending a few days with MUs J. V. TbomsB. Ex-County Judge J. N. Duncan, of Albany, wg in salem yesterday stttuing np tue estate oi K. u. Brown, deceased. There were two births in Albany on January 23: To 'he wife of Walter Chance, a son. To tbe wife of Eobert Moore, a son. Frank Fowers.for several months clerk at tbe local OBAN Co- office has been promoted to a position in the company's office at rortiana . eaiem journal Z. H- Rudd has returned from his trip east after a varied exp rience. coming hack by wsv of tbe Mexicsn lice, getting a taste ol Koutnern uaiitornia weatner, Licenses have been issued for the mar riage of J. E. Bowers and Louisa Rock well. Willie K. Govro and Maud L. Win- slow. George B. Gsy and Mrs. E. A. ilc- Kercber. Mr. Cliss. Burearf. the Salem play- ritrht. has been in the city making ar rangements for the presentation ot bis play the boctat uircie, by tue wooamen on February zi. There were forty accessions to tbe C it bo- lie Uburcb in caiem last eunaay, msuop Gross counrming a class of tbat number. The Alaska craze is nndoubtedly deep wbt-n men give up an important political positions in order to go there. Some time sgo the mayor of Seattle abandoned bis office and went north, and now. Direct r Ombart of tbe Ba'em scnools, has resigned to go to tbe HioDdike. it will be wed to keep an eye on Gov. Lord. Txx.Ms.-ii:, Jsn. 33, 193. Scow. Ugh ! J Q Swink has been quite ill with la g nppe. U A fatnrn la smog tbe nn:sbing touches to Jas Blackiaw's new residence. A new wood-shed has been completed at tbe school honse which will be a great benefit It is one of the best structures in tbe country school districts o the kind, i'be money was raised entirely by soctsls. Over (100 have been raised for various purposes by tbis method in tbe past two years, with only nine socials, tbe last one yielding more than any one previous. T P aiclvnight unfortunately lost a very fine dog recently, for which he says be was ottered siu lbe nnder win oe suitably awarded by returning poor little j "t uxsy " to bis heart-xokeo master, woo thinks probably tbat he might bare fol lowed "Hub Bryant dome, wuen he wss in Tennessee a fee days past. We bear with disgust tbe result of tbe election in Ohio, but it is aa Mark Han na says "God reigns." Of coarse the worthy gentleman didn't mean to say that it was only a slip of tbe tongue. Don't put tbat down against bim, lor God knows that Hanna's election will be a detriment to the republican party. The Literary society was deprived of its president and vice-president last evening, PresG C Davis being very 11 and v ice-presiJent Annie Blacklaw being ab sent; but the society met the demands by supplying Jas blacklsw aspreaiient pro tern, otherwise tbe society proceeded as usual. The debate was won by the affirmative, after a bard fought contest, uprn "Resolved tbat the Klondike gold discovery will benefit the faciac Coast not '-is a benefit," as reported last week. lbe question adopted by tbe society ,was, "itesolved tbat ths mind gams more knowlede by reading than by observa tion," which will be discussed by Mrs Swink. affirmative, and Mrs Nellie Mc Knight negative, as leaders, assisted by Tbos McKnight, Chas Ross, and Annie Biacsiaw atbrmativo. las Blacklaw. A Bartley and C P McKnisbt negative. me society ad loomed to meet in two weeks, t eh 5, 'U8, reserving next Satur nay evening lor entertainment. HOME AND ABPOAl) Eight people died from 'be effect of tbe Spokase.tire One cutter wis s-.n ia Albany. It looked lonesome. Dr C 0 Brown ha rHfJ hta mi ill. mua aim inat be waa a 'nr. David Daone has hren appoin'ed coKec torof internal revenue tor Oreb. suc ceeding Henry Elackuan. The Astoria News says tbe latest report is that Hammond will pal a fleet ! steam ers oe tbe Alaska rxite jiist as sooa a lbe Uoble road is finished. Linn county contractor wi.l Jo weil to take notice of lbe fact tbat bids will toon be advertised for for building the new t-aae count court boose. It is reported that President McKinler will visit the PaciSc coast, including Ore gon, next summer. People KeoeraJly tU be glad to receive a vit frm tbe presi dent ot lbe United States, and it is to be hoped lbe report provet tree, i'.'n'f f-res ident snouia make one tour ot tho country . Lttr Mt. erer in the general officers or employee ot tbe road, tbe new company being merely trie old one nnder a new came. Bow u so CoNirer A a interesting bowling contest has been going on at tbe ai'.eys. It is tor fifty games, part ot which have been played. Otto Lee will wio, having finished with an average of 43. Dr. Trimbie is next with an aver age ot 40.11 ia 45 games. Cbaa. Pfeif- for's score for SO games is 36 SO and E. I Cnsirk's S7.66 M r Fratier averages 36.31 in 33 games. H. J. Hopkins, 34 66 in 37 gsmes. J. E. Brown 33.60 io 40 games, O. A. Archibald 31.72 ia 33 games, Anderson Gannon 24.16 ia 25 gain, Chris Vandran 36.25 ia eight gan.es. What Dr A E Salter Says. BcrrALo. N Y. Geots: ro my personal knowledge. ga:ned in observing the effect of Tour Shllth a Care la of advanced 'OnstipaUoo, 1 id prepared to say it is tbe most remarate nemeoy that ha rer been bwnabt to my atten tion. It has certainly aavd many from Consumption. So'd by Fohy Ik Ma ton. The School Entertainment. Following is the list of letters remaining in the Fostomce at Albany, Linn county Oregon, Jan 26, 1893. Persons catling for these letters must give the date on wbicn they were advertised. Following is the program for the grad- uating exercises of the 10th grade of the public schools to be g ven at the opera house on Friday evening of this week. inrocation Kv if. L. Keed. Selection The Moxart Orchestra. Oration Horace Mann, Harry Canv e'en. Vocal solo Loretta Stewart. Oration Oregon Pioneers, James Bry ant. Piano solo Sixth Nocturne (Leyhaih) Edna Howard Oration The Value ot Spare Momsnts, Vernop Ramp. Piano solo Moonlight Musings, ( man.) Mae Miller. l-ooglellow Evangeline Loretta Stewart, Ethel Bentley, Haltia Olson, Mida McCoy, Anna Marshall, f.diiu Rowell. Selection The Moxsrt Orchestra. The Revel ol the haiads, rendered by the following: Edith Roweil. Anna Mar shall, Mida McCoy, llattie Olson, Nina Oline, Leona Francis, Loretta Stewart; Vinnie Mayo, Lixxie Patterson. Selection The Orchestra. Cantata "The Secret" by 30 girls snd boys. pupils from 7th snd 8tb grades. freeentation oi oipinmas. Benediction Rev. C. R. Stevenion Aubrey 0 0 Conner, Roe well E Ueumond, Wm Hale, W C Little, Emma Myers, Ruth f orter, James O Smith, Walter L Woolmirgton, 0 H Ames, W D Crotbers, William Hsrris, John Lewis, Melva Martin. Thomas McQuaid, James II femitb, S A Webber, W 8 Gerhard, Kate T. J. Swts. P M Just Across the Way. At F H Pfeiffer's you can get tbe best Coast and fuutern oysters to be found. He also kees the best line of confection ary in tbe city. Call on bim for the best of everything in uib line. ood's His Fhopbbtt. Corvallis Times : "In the estate of Leo Gerhard, appraisers in three counties, to wit: Douglas, Lane and Benton have made their report. Those for Benton were: P. M. Zierolt, N B. Avery and E. ?. Gieffos. Tbe prop erty In Douglas ii valued at $87; in Lane $750 and ia Benton at $700; total, $1537. Closing out. Crockery and Glassware at cost. .. - G R BuowNatx. The Weather. Tonight and Thursday rain and warmer. Hirer 6 fret. r M.Krikcb. Displaywan In Olden Times. People overlooked the importance of per' tnanenllv beneficial effects snd were satis fiel with transient action: but now tbat it is generally known tbat r-yrupot Figs will permanently overcome naonuai conatipa lion, well-infotmed people will not bay fiber laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. Buy the genu ine, made by tbe California Fig Syrup O. XO CURE NO PAY. That la tha w.v ail dro 'irlsla sell GlloVE'STASTKLRii CHIL.L TOK10 for Malaria. Chills and raver, it is aimnlv Iron and Q ilnloe in a Ustel f rm. chll-tten .ovl't. Aduita prefer I to blfer. najsnattng looter Price. Stw STEWiBT 1HD SOI EOT. CO Dealers in Hardwire, Faliti and CCs. Wages liUriiX -Iron, Steel I oil, Chain, etc- b tot as Wheat is a good price and there is bo reason in the world why yoa should not bay yoar wile a cook stove. We can fit yoa oav with anything in the line of Stove and ranges, having a large stock of "Jewels" and "cmversala" constantly on band. Gcss m AHHCsmos Hnntieg has now commenced aad we are prepared for it with a fine !ioe of guns and a big stock ot ammunition. Oors'ockof shot guns is particularly good and the price very low. Call early aod get yoa choice. Burrcxaa We still carry the two beet bicycles ia the market the "Colombia" and "Hartford." There isn't any other wheel that will give as good satiafactioa. and the people are beginning to find it oou W a.eo have a repair sbop, so if yoar old w beet needs any work, come around and we will pat it in good shape lor yoa. JcwgLDtss; Hasjiows Does your old disk barrow rear np in the middle un less yoo ran a rail into it r n orn yoa get a "Jewel" yoo won t have this trouble, it baa a solid steel Ira me, is the most dortble harrow on tbe market. and it it doeso't do as good work as any ol them yoa can bring it tack. Plows ao Hiaaowii You can't raii 30 bushels ot wbeat pet acre nnlee yoa get tbe ground in good condition and we nave the Implements to do it with ana want to sell them. " can tell yon plows that will be light draft and will acoar in any soil and we don't think any on can beat as on price. Ths Bist Brocr brought into tbe val ley ia Studebek-r'a "Ixxer," and we in true you to come around and take a look at oor stock. We have them ia light aad heavy sixes, breweter and end springs quarter leather aa 1 full leather top and the gears in Ibree dinerent colors. 100 Bcngu of wheat is a common 1 . . 01 . lL.U every-aav raaa lor o ciuucwih wagon, it is not warranted by to mat ers nnder such a load, bat it carries th.t much right along danog tbe strew-Lsal rag season. However it is warranted to carry aa mnch aa a 3V- waeon ot any otber manniactare. it you want a wag on that will last yoo daring the lest ol yoar lite, bay the "Stodebaker." Scpxhoe Dulls Wm Jordan, E D Fsrwell, ?io Hutxhins, Wm Walker, E Arctiibald, B J Becker, AI Perrv, B Freerksen, Geo E Edge, Z G Hayes, Frank Trues, E D Barrett. It you think the Superior drill is not right at the top. i sk any ot the abovs named gentlemen, each ot thorn bought and used one last spring. We have just received a car load for the fall trade, and they are not old bankrupt stock from Portland, bat were shipped direct to a from the factory Aug. 1st. Come sreond and see the very latest and best anil. Dos't Fokoit that the place to buy al these articles and many others that we have not mentioned, is at the store o the We Sell Chinaware, Crockery, Glassware, Notions, Books Very cheap. oecht & mm More Ramblers Were sold in Portland last year than all the other lines represented l-ere. Why? Because do other high grad bicycles are sold at so reasonable a price. Tbe "9S" Rambler ia a beaatv and samole can be stea at George E. Fish's place, on Ferry stieet. ALBANY OPERA H0DSE J. GRADWOHL. Manage'. FebruarF 1st T. O. Shaver. (.Successor to F. L. Kenton.) Second St. opposite, Dsxocbat office. Will constantly keep co ha ad a good stock of groceries, been pr"doc and baits, which wiU be sold st living prices. First appearance ia Albany of the World - Fa mous and Unrivaled Black Patti TROUBADOURS The Greatest Colored Show on Earth, aad tb biggest theatrical hit uf the cen tury. Greeted every where by applaud ing multitudes. Fifty ecataeiea in Ebony who have set the entire world aipginy their fascinating and -melodious cooa ballads A joyons blendiog of song, story aod dance, by the merriest people nnder the son. A YEUTABLE MMII03! Coon Comedv. Coon Songs, Jubilee Shjota, Cake Walks. Bock Dances, Vaodeville, Operat ic Beviewa. Black Patti AND HE FIFTY PROMOTERS OF MIRTH AND JKELODY, Are the feature of this nniversalty popu lar company. The stage performance ia the quintessence, ot refined rue snd sweet meiodv, aad is intended for the ESJOY JlESf OP ALL, especially ladies aad children . Bring tbe little one to the maUDee.they will erjoy it better thaa the ciTOS. Everybody should bring their shoaling voice, for it will be re quired daring tee CAKE WALK Admission: Reserved seats ac, $al lery 50c, children 25c. Piano,0rgin.Yoic8 Cnltnrs,Eamoiij KasBdafUGtlbart, Vral Teachers of Music aahinatua Stnct,nar F PCkank. Attsay Wood For Sale. Good Br wood for sal by the cord, from 1 to 10 cords, delivered, for tl 00 to 12-75 per cord. On tbe ground. X mile north of steel bridge, from CI 00 to S2.00 Per I cord. Call oa or address J. W. Cant weil. Albany Or, or leave word st Dbxocbat office. STEW AKT SOX IIDW.CO. Bio Sxcnk Stoby. On the Bowmsn farm in Svracuee precinct yesterday W .1 T I I I ' tl liowman. Aiexiraiuuuu, rrwi rar low and Winifred, Klias and Walter Truss run upon a den of full grown j skunks in a log. drove them ont with sticks and clubbed thirteen of '.hem to death They will sell the (kins. This is a true story. Died William Adkinson, and Eng lisbuian, wbo has been on the county the psst month, being kept at the home ot Mrs. Bvars, died this forenoon. He had co relatives here, being compara tively a stranger. Don't Ocass. Perfumes are certain t please her, especially when you give ral tuer'e, tbe best. See our assortment in fanry boxes also our iine of Toilet cases, albums, glove and handkerchief boxes, comb brush aod mirrer sets. All new snd op to d ite goods, we ask your inspection. bl'RSHAHT A Lkb. Krcrrbody ear Ci'-'nir'Ma CamW Cathartic, the moat won dci fi l ni'tli'Ml li-ocrv of the ao, eas aiaiml rofivalnnir t the taste, aviganUy Hid positivrly on klihievs, livei hud owe), cleansing the entire system, dlaiiel coins cui-n liraulnolio, fever, liabituid rontlnlton 1 1.' l!o.n hiiT and try a Imx .ri i f. irwli'iv : 10. a. M) cent, bold and guars "cd to euro by ail druggists. . Khcumatlsm is due to lactic in th ki.i Hnnd'a SarsaDarilla neutralises iIia an! J and completely cures tbe aches and pains of rheumatism. Be sure to get flood's. CLEARANCE SALE at THE FAIR. Underwear. Hosiery, Gloves. Mitts, etc Ao-To-Bao ror rirw Cents. Guaranteed tobasco nablt euro, makes weak men strong, blai-i nure. too. tl. AU drugrtaia T.nwara Weatherford. Watson and Whitney came over from Toledo today, and J. K. Wyalt went to that city, cir cuit court being in session ttere this week. Dogs Wasted I wish to buy dog to be nsed for the Klondike trade. None wanted weighing less than 75 pounds. Call on me near the Sugar Pine k Future mill. . E, B. DaVid..s. If you want a Rood and cleat moke buy cigars made by our. Al any cigar fa cfotv- inriTURA OLD INONct DAY ivfea 1. 1 .live BrJini O iintne Tsblets. AU druggists refund the money U it fails o Cure, aac- . t.t evervbodv come to tns Star Bskeiy and get i" loaves ot fresh bread for fi.o cash. ... CUsvss. Try the tea sittings at 10 o. Extra qualily"! U, c, urowneii. Sal3 closes Jan. 18th J A Weaver Special School Meeting. NOTlCalS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE legal voters of School District No 5 Lins county. Oregon, tnata special meeting of said district will be held a' central scoooi building on the 26th day ot January AD, 18'iH. at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p m foJ tbe following objects: For the purpose of levying a tax on taxable property ot tns disttict to support tbe publio schools for l ha ensuing vear . . , . " , ... JJ f , . lOrtd UStea Wis ism, usy oi January, ioro. C Q BUHKBUKT. F E AlLKJt, Chairman, pro tern Clerk. xdonui Tnnr Bowala With Caseareta. Cur.'i rathartic, cure oonsttpatton forever. lue. rar. It U O. O. tall, druggisu reload ownay. . i mniTmo wig rAluUlu PROCURED, EUGENE W. JOHNSON, oUcitor anl Attjin PatentCanse imse Yrk Ave Waalautau.aC CHEAPEST POWER NEW '0RK WORLD Thricc-a-V?tk Edition 18 Pages a Week . . . . . . 156 Papers a Yeai For One Dollar. raaUahedcvery aitceswteaay carve The Thrice-a- Week Edition of The is a Jorc World is first among all " weekly nanara in alas, treauencv or ooDiicatioa and the freshneas. accuracy and variety ot its coi tents. It has all tbe merits ot a great $6 daily at the price of a dollar weekly.' Its political news is prompt, com plete, accurate aod impartial as all its read .... ... .... . . i . era win tesuiy. it is against toe monopo lies and tor the people It prints the news ot all the world, bar ing special correspondence from all im portaat news potnta on ue alone, itnaa orilliant illustrations, stories by great authors, a capital nuaor page, complete markets, departments for the household aad women's work aad other special de partments. we oner mis uBeouaiea newspaper ana th Dxmocbat togetheron rear tor $ 0d ROBERT A. MILLER ATTORXKY AT LAW 0AIQO2I C1TT, OaaOOM Land Titles and Lxnd Office Business a Specialty. COTS ErJTOYO Both tho method and results yrhea Sjrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant aad refreshing to Uie taste, ana aces Sntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, ver and Bowels, cleanses the ey3- tem effectually, dijpela colds, bead aches and fevers ana cares habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia tbe only remedy ot its tina ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to toe stom acn, promp m its action ana traiy Denenciat m a effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable subetances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the moss popular remedy known. syrup ot r igs ia xor bmj v cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliaUa druggist who may cot have it on hand will pro-. core it promptly xor any oae ww av - z . TN a sa v-wv wisnes to ry iw jLnow:aj substitute. CiUFOSMU HQ SYRUP CO. iBuaruu. at. e sr rotx. stt, f MRNT NATIONAL BASK, P ot ausaitt, oaaaoa TV. Pi MlJt . LPLIini .. s..vorsa . W.LAJIOOOII TaASSACTC A OKMsaALbaaktBtSj A IXX1' NTS 1 1 PT aab lcl W . Wl KXCaAKaS aa4 ulrraaala nmlatZ a lark 8aa rraaris.Catar aaa futlara OLLCOTlOHt aAPl SrMs tana. 8 1 Teswa Laaeso C. i. FUax. F0R SALE. Xew Barlotk tjpewriter tor sale cheap at Blain O store.