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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1898)
THE RECORDS SHOW CURES OF Rheum atisi BY THC USK Or 6T. JACOBS OIL OF CHRONIC CRIPPLES AND OF BED-RIDDEN INFLAMMATORY CASES. THERE'S NO DENYING, IT CURES. LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany. W R Bilyeu, Foshay & Mason block J R N Blackburn, P O block. H Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, PO block. J N Duncan, P O block. T P Hackleman, Pearce block. O E Hawkins, Cusick block. Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly & Curl, bank building. L H Meatanye, Pearce block. J C Powell, P O block. J M Somen, P O block. H 3 Watson, bank building:. Weatherford & Wyatt, Bank bnilding. Whitney & Newport, Cusick block. G W Wright, P O block. Lebanon. S M Garland. Brownsville. A A Tussing. OR. C, U. CHAMBERLM BOmOBOFATSIBT OLLCOTIOBTt .ADE oa taorthle Unu S K Yesn. P A OeoDwix, K w Lamms L. luu C8. Fuxa. ROBERT A. MILLER ATTOHHXY AT LAW OR I COS CITY, OEKJOK Land Titles and .Land Office Business s Specialty. The Magnolia Laundry GSIIVIPSOR&SOH Standard Prices Work Warranted EO E FlSrl THE PLUMBK.R Tin roofing and plumbing, he opera house Of posit Clubbing Rates. The San Francisco Weekly Examiner nexr year will give to its subscribers a $10,000 residence in San Francisco rent ing for $60 a month, s $3,390 U. S. bond.a $1,500 gold nugget and hundreds of other things. You can get the Examiner and Wukly Democbat for $2 50 a year, wi.t, the Daily Democrat by mail for $4. 25, by earner $5.75. in advance. The Demo cbat will order only on combination pay ment FRANK SKIPTOH Successor to John Schme&v. Livery at Reasonable Hate. W Jl keep teams for 10 cents, with feed 40 cents, all night $1.00 J. 1YL RALSTON BROKER. 3 D .ors East of Democrat Office. Money to loan on farm security, all mall loans made on personal security. City, county and school warrants booght. Collections made on favorable terms. Fire insurance written in three of the argpst companies in the world, at lowest ates T. 0. Shaver. (Successor to F. L. Kenton.) Second St. opposite, Democbat offie. Will constantly kaep on band a good stock of groceries, fresh produce and fruits, which wiil be sold at living price?. Honey to Loan. We have s block of $40,000 to loan on good farms in Linn and adjoining count ies. If you have good security and perfect title, we can fnrnish yon the coin without delay, as we make our own examination of security. t all on us or write 8. N. Steele Co, Albany, Oregon. Money at 7 Per Gent. ' 1 have a limited amount cf money to loan cn good security at 7 per cent inter est, five jears or longer. Interest payable annually Address Box 126. Albany Or. Four Farms For Sale, The following detirabls farms are for sal AduoMS McMaater & buinll,311 Woi OM'e? Mock, Portland, , Oregon, or cail ;o C G Burkbart, Albany, Oregon, for particulars: : " 1. ' ' 6 acres, ens mile west of Halsey, ia the D L O of D W Allioah.m, in 8eo 35, TI3.SR1, W W M. 35 acres are c eared and naile cultivation, tie remainder being covered with small timber. . Maddy Creek runs ihrcugb ths property. There is sm-'H orchard. Price $13(0. 3. 80 acru; oe mile S of Broirnaville, iu the D C C of Smael Johnson, in 8eo 11. Tit,sE5,WWM, Ail cleared land 65 acres under cultivation, all fenced, no baildiig. Fries $1300 3. 255 sores, two mi 'e 3 of Reni vi'le, in Sacs 13 and U, T14.8R3, WW M. 120 acr s are tillable and the bal -nee is best suited fir paatnrage. 75 acre are nnder crop, is all fenced, has a goou jui.. ply of water, good buildings aud orchard Piioe$3250. 4 785 cr-t, aix miles east cf Lebanon, in Sees 15 and 16, T 12, 8 E 1, W W M. This ia a very gjod stock farm, of which about 100 aorea are tillable. It ia well wa eretf, all feoeed and has seme fair nildiug. Price $3500. FOOND.-On Ferry street, Albany, a pair oi kid gl07es,new or almost new. Ca at tbe Postal Telegraph office Dr. Price's Cream Baiting Powder wrorid-a Fair WsjUms Medal aad Ptptoaaa. Star Bakery Hroadalbin Jnnd First St CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR - Doi In- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. - Canned Met Queens Tenet blc a gars, Splcea Tea Etc. erytbing 'hat is ajpt in good varietv and pro jjwimiil m',.ffi "rum laa , with the leading agent of Albany. M. ; den. Haft ilatHe Insures People For Don't allow yourself to be roped into th rarious "Local Mutuals" now beina puBbed on you ma being "cheapest in surance, when you insure you do noi want to worry about getting your money is case of Ion M SENDERS Insurance. Hay, Grain and Woo!. Mai dun Mi 1 wish to announce to the farmers with in ihe vi ioity ot Albany, especially those interested in bo raising, I bat I have pur-ctsas-d the hoi; knwn as Common's Ideal, No. 36213 lecorded in tne American Pol and b na Record Co, the one that took th;8PC nd preminm attbe fair this fail, he ia a fine bog and a good breeder. 1 solicit tbe patronsge and inspection of parties uitvrtec in good hoss- tie is anrnmruinied I v aYi-arlinu of mv oQ rau- i : ' - i . . - - I ing which 's recordabre. 1 have -hree thoroughbred sows which 1 a n raise; iigs from. I have a few pigs at present ior Rile, all recordable. Jhey can be seen at the bkeels place, one rniie nor h ot Albany. F H HUGHfeON. The Gardener Mili for Sale. For sale or will exchange for improved real state, a large, well equipped sawmill, in kooo running order. I hi mill i sn ate 2 adjacent t a Urge timber belt and baa fine shipping facilities. Here is a bargain for some one For further par ticulars enquire of The Stewart & So Hdw Co., Albany, sir. LINN CO- ABSTRACT COMPANY Albany, Oregon. Offices, Bank of Oregon Building. Only set of Abstracts of Linn County. Complete set of maps and plats Charges reasonab'e Commercial Printing We have good stock, good and dew type, good pre sen acd understand how to do good work and we do it at s very reasonable price. I or neat and up-to-date job printing call on. G. B. MILLOY. tint. Ihu h ' bone - It BSCS Rupture's on fore to retain HiLCnfasaltL. w umrw ajatstroojn to car yonrtu . , , frw i-dwi wmmm at hub aoknt n' :! mtid Lr ibwut this great ps4, tu It tula For sale by J. A. CammiDtj LOOK HERE. The Oregon School Supply House, Incorporated, of Alhany, Est- c n e to stay and is now prepared to furnish school districts with every thing needed in the line of school furni ture and apparatus, such as seats, desks, maps, charts, globes, blackboards and in (act ail of the necessary articles which go to and are required in the school room We are also general agents for the famous Kennedys Dissecting Mathe matical blocks for teaching of mensura tion and teachers instructions. The blocks are indespeosiable in tbe school rorm, and boards of directors will do well to come and examine them and see for themselves. These blocks are uni versally endorsed by the best teacberc aud educators in tbe land and are to be seen tone appreciated. Give us a call" Our prices are the lowest and our terms tbe best. Office Siraban Bl ck, Koom 20, upstairs. Oreoon School supply Housg. JUST RECEIVED At Mr?. J. K. Hoffinan's Milli nery Store. A complete line of Japanese Holidav Goods, Handkerchiefs, Fans, Table Mats and Fancy Basksts. Don't fail to call and get bargains. tr. Price Cream shaking f'tvdet Pur. Orane Cream sf Tartar I'i - J S vKj I'o not couh ' J m ? ''i". ert 3 fr bonca-5-H B ! r; t . Rupture's tmn f Ufa Scittuwat. Linn County Council, P. of II. New Year's morning 1893 was clear, calm and cold, as day dawned over our beautiful Willamette valley For once no stoim was Taxing and as tbe tun came up from behind ths distant Cas cade mountains, whose lofty peaks were white with winter's snows, its rays touched the dark outline oi the few clouds floating near the eastern horiion and transformed tbem ioto a gorgeous coloring of crimson an J gold, with sheeny silver intermixed. This was the situation when we start ed for Sand Ridge, ten miles away, and for some distance before reaching that place we could see its grange's stately ball on a site that overlooks many miles of Linn county's broad prairies. For a background towered Peterson's Butte, with sides green like to spring time, though reflecting the light of a i January sun. Upon reaching the hall we found many grangers already there and many others fast arriving and for a short season New Year's greetings flaw thick and fast until th. very atmosphere seemed almost filled with happiness. President Powell called tbe couucil to order. A song was sung and a prayer was of t'ered by tbe cbaplaiu. Minutes of last meeting were read and pproveoTTbeu came roll call of dele gates and appointments to fill vacancies. Next came the annual election, resell ing as follows: Geo L ttsese, rres; A C Morgan, vice nres; Elisa Scott, hec;Mart Miller, treas;J W Swank, Vi K: H Parker, agents O U Walker (chaplain. C L Shaw and S U Settle were elected trustees. During the ballot ing a certain young lady wm one of lbs didates for a certrin office. After tbe rat ballot a member frcm Knox Butt up and said in effect, that it bad been heir experience that where a young lady was elected to fill that office she got mar ried within a year. Tbe speech resulted in the triumphant election of the lady candidate on tbe next ballot. Dinner was announced, and repario to tbe spacious dining ball wa found that our bint in our last report to tbe ma trons, over tbe shoulders of tbe husband men, bad been totally acd recklessly dis regarded, for an abundant and luxuriant provision bad been made, invitingly spread out, and proved to be very pala table. All these provisions were furn ished by five families, and fed over sev entyfive persons, with plenty provisions left. That such a small society of sue cees'ul sisters should tend in sufficient, substantial subsistance, for several score of soldiers of the soil, surely should se cure some songs of. praUe. Dinner being over Cosiness was resum ed. Report o( secretary was read and adopted. It showed that nine meetings had been held during the past year, and with the following granges: Sand Ridge, Knox Butte, Fairmount, Oak Plain, Hal ey, Charity Tangent, Uf and Prairie.and Harmony. Report of treasurer was aleo'read and adopted. Bill of secretary for attending nine meetings, was read, and on motion was allowed and ordered paid. Resolution from Grand Prairie grange, authorizing tbe president o! the council to appoint three delegates from each grange to viait some other grange in tbe county, during the month, and report at the next council, was adopted, and delegates named. Also resolution from the same grange to bave appointed a committee of five to formulate a plan for organizing Tax pa; -ra Protective Association by which per property shall be more fully rep- re sen d upon tbe assessment roll, which was adopted. Report ol finance was read and adopted. Voted to meet with Knox Bu'.te Grange the first Saturday in Feb mart. It was anoonced that State Jl as ter W M Hilleary had promised to meet tbe conncil at that time and place. Vote ' fit nks wis tendered to Sand Ridge for use of halt and abundant pro- Visions. The subject," Wbioh tree J makes tbe best all purpose cow.' was then taken p by the leader Geo L. Reece, who brought his heard ol Jersey, into the arena and manfully stood by them to tbe last. Lie was foKowed by Mart Miller, who also bad Jerseys, bat championed the Holslein's. When the two herds locked borns there was a pitched battle, and tbe fight wocld have been terrific bad not some of them been dehorned. Both sides won some honors, be Jersey's to our mind winning the most; for by their activity they more than made np what they lacked in size. For want of time tbe "chicken quest ion" bad to go over nntil tbe next meet ing, with Mrs Romine as leader. Tbe committee on program reported tbe following questions : 1st, Tbe care and treatment of fruit trees, with C H Walker as leader. 2nd, How to snake home attractive. Leader, Mrs A E Olio lollewed by Mrs Clara S.ank and Mrs Mary Walker. Voted to make this qaes tion the first on tbe program at th. next meeting. Nothing occurred to mar the happiness of tbe day, and all felt that New Years had been profitably and pleasantly spent and soon tns thirty veLicles and a num ber of saddle bones were bearing tbe merry grangers homeward. Remarkablc Hold &p. tVuuid you like to know how a man looks when be is holding you up? W S Sadler, of tbe American Medical Missionary College stepped into tbe alley at tbe back of the Woraingmen's Home, in Custom House place, Chicago, about 4 o'clock io the afternoon a short time ago and wss confronted with the appar ition pictured here. He bad his camera with him and, cautioning tbe hold-up man to stand still (tbongb be forgot to tell him to look pleasant).be took a snap shot in tte very moEz'e of the leveled revo ver. The photographic result you see. "Well, you take tbis mighty coot," said the astonished highwayman. ."I'm u-e to it," said Mr Sadier. ' Oh.iu the same business?" insinus ted the robber suspiciously. Mr Sadler explained, lie said he was connected with the Workingman's Horn, and knew all about such fellows as tbe one confronting him. He got to t-ilking with the man. invited him into the Home, got him something to eat and a bath, and started him on the road to use ful citizenship. The man's name la Kenneday. He bas since testified in meeting tbat up to tbe time bis picture was taken be bad beld np hundreds of people in Chicago. He has become a worker tn the Chicago Medical Missionary Association, which conducts the Workiogmen's Home, He is now bard at work on a farm io Mich igan and Is an ornament to tbe commu nity in which be lives. And Mr Sadler , recommends camera as a protection Now It ia discovered that tbe best ani mal for Alaska business Is the caynie. Tbe goat, dog, reindeer, and mule have bad their day in the public mind as the proper animal for tbe business. Now let the plucky little cay use step forward. The first announcement ol the ap pointment of John Fox as collector of customs, read as it it was for the port of Portland, instead ot Astoria. There Is little doubt that Mr. Black will remain In tbe Portland office during the present admistration. It is strange how a sans young man can throw away all bis chances for use fulness in life by deliberately commit ing a crime, like forgery. Tbe tittle gained in a pecuniary way is a small re compense for tbe chance ot punishment alone to say nothing of tbe blackening of the character. There are nearly $400,000 of outstand ing warrants In Portland, a monument to poor management. This besides ths city s enormous bondsd indebtedness. A city the sua of Portland should not run behind that way, and when It does you may depend on tbe fact that there has been some loose government. Perhaps when Durrant broke down he saw In his mind the faces ot Blanche La moot and Minnie Williams as they ap pealing looked tbe last time he saw them alive One needs only to tbink of what the tt 3 murdered girls went through to be reconciled to tbe death ot their murderer, who was nndoobtedly Durrant: It would not Uks 1140,030,000 a year to pay tbe pensions if onr pensioners would only accept tbe examp'e ot George Washington as their guide. When Congress at tbe and of the Rev olutionary War during which it bad never paid him s cent, proposed to fix his pay, be declined the offer on tbe ground that be did not need it. World. Tbe holding of farmer's institutes through the valley is an excellent thing for tbe farmers and should be encourag ed. Tbe science of farming ia an import ant one, an J should be more thoroughly understood. It will when practically carried out, and not viaiooarily, mean more wheat to the acre, finer fruit, big ger bogs, betttr hotter and more of tbe conveniences of life. One needs to at tend tbe institutes in order to get tbe full benefit. iney nave established a plan up on the Klondike which will forever prevent starvation. A good many men who re eently went there bare a years supply ahead. Tbe Dawson city men go to them, confiscate their property, paying a big price for it, in fact whatever tbe market there calls for, leaving tbem barely enongn io feed tbem to Dye, and tell tbem to get, and they get, as the number coming oet indicate. Ia the meantime tbe government and a few Portland boomers are making donkeys of them selves on tbe relief proposition, and tbey are liable to become the laughiog stock of the world. The day ought not to be very far dis tant when intelligent, thoughtful people will select their family paper with as much care as they do their preacher nr their school teacher, for, as a matter of fact, tb. family paper may bare aa much to do in shapiog public and private mor als as either the teacher or the preacher. A publie journal in tbe family rircle, be it good, baa, or indtfierent, is read mire or lets by every member of tb. family who reads at all. Tbe teacher has tbe child or young person five or six boors a day : tbe preacher talks at or over them aa hoar or two a week, while tbe psper is in the boms the who), week tbrougo, and as a general thing is thoroughly read because it isalw.ysat fatal if for no better reason. Eastern Ex. Tbe world may progress in some things but tbe proportion of fools to wise men seems to remain as great as ever. Re cent inqniry in the workiogs of tbe great gambling eatalisbme'nt, Monte Carlo, developed some interesting, as well as astounding facts. In addition to tbe subsidy paid tbe Prince of Monaco, tb. gambling booses provide and keep tbe judges, police, lighting, water.poatoffice, clergy and charitable institutions. The total revenue of tbe tables last year was 1,540,000 founds. An interesting item is tbe pressnbventicne of 25.000 pounds Curious Facts. Tbe completion of Commonwealth ave nue extension make a continuous avenue 120 feet wide from tb. Polic Gardens to tbs Cbarles river in Newton, 11.14 miles. Next to our grape wine it is believed tbat Japanese sak, or rice wine, is th. oldest alcbolic beverage known to man, its use in Japan dating back 2000 years. France bas set up about three hundred mooumects to more or less distinguished Frenchmen during the last twenty-five years, and there are now 127 committees collecting money for uore. Wales iathe richest part of Great Brit ain in mineral wealth. England produ cej annually about $10 to each acre. Scotland a little less than $10, but tb. product of Wales amounts to over 120 per acre. A fibrous preparation of steel, made In the same manner as the so-called "mineral wool," by passing an air blast through molten steel," is coining iot0 use for cleaning, polishing, eii, Instead of sandpaper. Died Game. Theodore Durrani's last words are giv en as follows: He whispered a request to be allowed to speak. It was granted, and then with hia feet on the trao, thi cord about his throat, tied fast to the cross beam on tbe gallows, the holy water ol bia baptism in the Catholic Church on his head, he said these final words: "I desire to say tbat although I am an innocent man, Innocent of every crime tbat bas been charged against me, I bear no animosity towards those who bav. persecuted me, not even the press of San Francisco, which bounded ma to the grare. If ai y man thinks I am going to spring a sensation, I am not, except the sensation that I am an ' innoecnt man brought to the gravs by my persecutors, bnt I forgive tbem all. Tbey will got their jut tice from tbe great God who is master to us all, and there I also expect to get tbe justice tbat ia tbe justice ot an innocent man. Whether tbe perpetra tors of tbe crime of which I am charged are discovered, it willmake no difference to me now, but I say this day will beg sbaine to the great stats of California. I forgive everybody who bas persecuted me, an innocent man whose bands bavs never been stained with blood, and I go to meet my God witb forgiveness for all men. . MAGICALLY EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR WEAK MEN OF ALL AGES freiN I TO ALL! Vmem NO HONRV I IV ADVANCE. Won alerfol appliance and attlenllfle rem 4le. mbs on trial to any reliable man. A world-wide reputation back of thla offer. Every obatnele to happr married life removed. Full trewrth, development and tone given to every portion ot tn. body, failure Impossible; ae no barrier. No C. O. I), scheme. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. SlSjW: SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. The event of the week exciting the most interest on tbe coast was the bang ing of Theodore Durrant tor tbe murder of Blanche Lamonte, an (cycle blooded affair that would make the north pole feel warm. This was anticipated by the Democrat, and we are glad to give the final chaptet in tbe life of the most noted murderer banged after one of the most obstinate fights in history, hardly par ailed in criminology. Tbe opinion of a majority ot people is that he received a just punishment. Certainlv just it guilty, and guilty according'to tbe cir cumstantial evidence presented, which is often the best evidence, and in this cassis unquestionably gsod. he people are glad It ia oil tbe boards. They are thoroughly tired of the name of Durrant. They bave bad their fill of him, morning, noon and night, and now are ready for something else, which It Is to b. hoped is not to had. t r Vl llnrranl .,- - , Tbe center ot attraction in tt e politi cal world this week baa been toe ap proaching senatorial election in Ohio, with Marcus Hanna the middle figure in tbe picture. The fight is a fierce one politically, all the best element in the American blood being agatost tbe elec tion of this man, who in lets than a year has come clear to the front on account of bis boss methods of doing things. Whatever a man's politics when he be- . . ... i. comes a regular boa wait uorns ii ought to be opposed by every one loving a common coonliy. At this time it looks aa it Mr. Banna will be deleated, but the Democrat will continue to predict his election, hoping that tbe prediction will be a poor one. Cuba this wejk again comes Icrward for notice on account of the report ot Spain having decided to consent to th. intervention o the United States. This would mean Cuban freedom. $250,000, 000 coold easily be raited by tbe natives for tbe purchase of the island, and would be a good way out of it. Tbe leading feature of congressional proceedings this week has teen tbe dis cussion on the civil service lar. an ef fort being made to do aay willi civil servict methods, and return to spoils system pure and unadulterated Lit si chiz-n s ;ontd favor as moch as possible ihe taking of offi-ee from tbe hands ot politicians and filling tbem b meu on account of their ability. It is to bt regretted that a fight is being made. China continues to be a leading pic tore in tb. world's panorama The kio etoscone sboas several greedy nations with knives in band rashiog upon It to cut it in pieces, and tbey ma susceed. but probably not to any great extent fbe biggest hogs are national ones. Tbe lazes in Atlanta, Gr . ere form erly payable September 20 ol each tear, and tbe city would boriow in anticipa tion of tbem all through tb. soring acd summer. Now tbey are pacaale in io sla'Imeots, ooe-fourth in April, one fuoth in July and the rtst io October. The cunsequeoc has been that the city has never before so fully and promptly collected the does, and it saved from $6000 to $7000 in interest on money formerly borrowed to dikI expenses peoding tbe tax collection. The Licwo caar has heretofore favored rearSy the same system in Oregon, havi:.g tbem collected here, one-half in April andooe ha'.f in October. The nex lgisialure thoud pa o-h a taw. Sail "Bow I'i to beoneot ibem great actresses or singers "' tier Mother u ; t dunno. Ii most bao unhealthy bosinees." Sally -"Why. tra?' Her Mother "Don't you all is see tSeir names in the paper teil ii' bow they've been takin" patent medicioes an' tonics au sicti 7' Jhem;t and Drn gist. Tbe editor of "the-Louisiana (Mo.) Press bad at least one subscriber who did not appreciate tbe paper, and who wrote in the fobowing fervid fashion ordering the discontinuance of it: "Bryeon i rote you to stop mv paper i want you to stop tt i am settini enomrh of your old scheme to make me take your paper, i slate once more t don't want your dog son old paper the noet Mrs. has notified you and she has sot a a record of it and if you don't aton th. dam thing i will give you a piece of mv mind. Mop mat paper I haven t taken none ot tbem out of the ofes." The Democrat hss received a copy of the Spokane Cbroniclo. containing a de cision oi Justice wirt w. Saunders in the case of a man arrested for assaulting a man who had Insulted tbe defendant's ife. Justice baunders fined him $1. the lowest possible fine, and regretted tbat he had to make it even that much, as a man bad a right to delend his wife's honor. Tbe woman had been accused of shoplift ing in the Whitehouse store, with out any cause, and the case attracted a good deal of attention in Spokane Regardless ot Cost. Jotiu Gradwobl intends to go out of the crockery and irlassware business, going in to some other line of business, and hence wi.l sell bis goods of this kind regardles of cost. When ou call and get bia prices aou will be convinced tbat be means btsi nww, aud will believe what he savs Stop that Cough! Take warning. It mav lead to Consumption. A 25 1 bottle of Shiloh'i Oire may avs your life. Sold by Fothay & Masou. Aaelegaut line of hanJkercbiefi and neckties at tne Biaiu Co's for the holidays. EdncataYonr llowela With t'uaeitreta. , tP""Jy Cathurile, care conxl tp:iilrn forever. 10c, an. o. c. C. foil, druvi's'-rcluud money JiiMieceivd an elegant line of holiday handkeruhiftia in all tne latest designs at toe Ladle Uazinr. THW 3KST Chthes ra-fks and ironing boards are mida by E. li. IXtvidson. Sample a Hopkins b.-oj., where order say he left To Cure Coii.u.mlum Fore.-, Tulio f '.-iwiirpts Cnudy thiUturila We or (Sk it C (J. C fall to cure, drum-inii rofund money. v Buy your Christina candies, nuts etc, of 0 E Browned and you will get the freshest and purst to be bad. Poa't Tobaero Spit aad ftinuhe I ear l-i Amy. To quit tobacco euslty and forever, be mag neilo. lull of life, nerve and vliior, take No-To-Boo, tbe wonder- worker, that makes f itk men Strong, Alt druiiKlals, Wo or 11. Co.? guaran teed. Booklet and aampla free, Addreaa Sterling Kemedy Co., Chicago or New York. MISFITS. Tbe Leroie mine at Rossland has paid another $50,000 dividend, $725,000 in all, and it is cold enough at Rossland to suit the average man. It cost $095 to repair the Gates bridge, but Marion county will foot ball ot tbe hill. The bill must bave fallen into the Sanliam and got soaked. F. T. Talbot, of Portland, sued tho Pope Manufacturing Co for $25,000 for defamation of character, and recovered $100. Quite a come-down. Ia it nossibie that the small saleo Victor bicycle in Albany had anything to do with the failure of Overman & Co. Perhaps there were too many towns like Albany. If there is really a food surplus in Klondike, the joke is on tbe congression al relief appropriation. Washington Post. The joke is there all right and the money gone. Linn county has a new officer, a coun ty physician, who will attend to all tbe poor for $100 a year, including all surgi cal work. This will save the county several hundred dollars a year. President McKinley has pardoned a bankwrecker every six we-ks since he took tbe oath of office. On tbe eve of Christmas be granted ptidons to six at one time. Tbe respectable racala have a friend at court. Pendletoo E. O. Advertising is to buiness what steam is to-, machinery the grand motive power. Macaalay , There I but one way of obtaining bus iness publicity ; but one way ot obtain ing publicity advertising. Rev Francis Schneider, of New York citv. last vear nro -ably married the mnat cnnolea olrnvone in tbe world Tbe number was CSS, about two a day. There is such a demand fo- his services that be has given np preaching and at tends strictly to tbe marrying business. There is a vein of humor in this prize fighting business. Here is tbis man r'luaiinmons who is allowing his parents to live in a poor bouse, refusing to fight Corbett uottt be has whipped Maher, I after be bad already such an event. fought, him bef j:- A twig of willow !n full bloom, black berries in blossom and frogs croaking, armsprinc Johnny reports aa oddities for tbis time of the year. II tbev mean anything the PaMtouuT doesn t know what it is, but there are prooaoiy peo ple who ran figure almost anything they please out ot it. Some men are declaring that Mr. Hanna wiil not be elected, and that is the wish of a areat many people even in his own party, tor tbe opinion ia common that be is a disgrace to politics, a leech on tbe body politic, a blot on fair deal ing and it will be well if be is dropped. Bot tbe DmocKAT will make a confident gueea that be geu tbe necessary voles. Q iinine is now worth more than gold at Daa sun, being $20 an ounce There is a big demand for it at tbat price. It is in order tor McBnde to get up a qui nine relief measure, at they are rejortd to be about out of tbe staff up there. It would be just as sensible as the other relief measure. Tbe cars tbat arrived in Portland for the Astoria and Columbia River R. R. didn't come empty. Tbey were loaded with freight for Astoria valuehle freight io. The ea-s are tbe regular Southern Pacihc stvie and mere no doubt manu factured in tbe Southern Pacific shops in tbe east. Neas. An exchange vara that when prosper ity comes it wi'l not be neeary for the papers to tell you in ruder to know it. You will feel it in the air and will know it without beio; to'd. So long as there is a big dispute it needs to be viewed a ith suspicion, though it is a lact tbat some men are projperoat where others are not and never will be. On account of aicknews Prof J W John son today was compelled to forego tb. pleasure 'of hearing his clae.ia the University of .tregon. This lathe first tfcne tbat this bas occurred with Prof Johnson during bis t.ent-r-two years' connection itn that institution. A long record broken. Go ard Col. Eddy, in tbe Plain Wer, tsvs of his brothee railroad ooimisioner: Gen. Corn peon is looming ut aa a candidate for the democratic coraioatiou for gov ernor. If nominated ihe general would makes stubborn fight S veral of tbe newspapers of his perawn' are advo cating his candidacy. Pennoyer and bis push are against the old soldier. There have been full accunts in tbe Eugene papers of tbe das anll v attempt ol some one to kill Miss Daisv Dillard. a ; beam if ul young lady of that riiy. She was reported to be shot throogh a win dow, and wa. bit. Now it transpire, that she did the sb wtiog herself, in a fit of despondency attempting to commit suicide, and then repenting ot tt and laying it to a third person. Tilmon Ford, a Salem lawyer, who is well known over tbe S'ate, sets judicious loans on improved farms in Oregon are tbe best investments be knows of next to government bonds. He has been loaning money on such for twenty years. and baa never lost a dollar or had a lore- closure suit. In contrast with Ibis stands Uie rrcurd-of about $300,000 of the state school land funds loaned out on all sorW Of real estate, in all parts of The state, that is practically uncollectable. The Journal man. From the McMinnvilleT R: This seems to be g dead easy town for the "business directory chsrl" man, judging from the manner be got in bis work here. Why tbe modern business man should ke caught by such trans parent schemes is a mystery to thinking men. rue moat sagacious business men of tbe present day write declaring that tbe best mode ol advertising is tnrougn tbe columns of a live newspaper. Next to this comet iu circulars and dodgers, but the main dependence should be placed In newspaper ad vertiaing. MrPennover gave $25C0of bis last year's salary as follows : Msn'a resort $ 200 Refuge Home 200 Boys' and Girls' Aid Society 200 City board of charities 100 Rescue Home 100 Good Samaritan hospital 100 M mcent a hospital iw Portland hospital 100 Home tor the aged 76 Baby Home 75 Chairman democratic county com mittee, Napo. eon Davis li'OU At a re-union of the Pike county, Mis souri, seiners toe lonowing was given in response to the tonst : "I wss born in old Pike County. And l tbink there s nothing like ner; Tbo' I've strayed beyond her border. Yet at heart I'm still a Piksr. "As a fellow loves his sweetheart. Cause be can not help but like r erv So a fellow loves Pike County, If he's ever been a Piker. "Sister, sweetheart, wife or mother O tbe world tins nothing lijte her ! If you ever see a Pikess Vou will want to see a Piker. "Eastward, westward, northward, south ward. Upward, downward, nothing like her 1 In the eyes of every Piker. "AH her dead in well, no matter Still believe there's nothing like her, W hen old Gabriel toots his trumpet Every Piker'll be a Piker." Music. Miss Milarca Burmester teacher of piano or organ. System the Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite U P chuich. TELEGRAPHIC A CsBbtaalUa Saw Francisco, Jan- 7. Th. South ern Pacific Company and the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company have decided to advance passenger rates by rait and water between San rrancisco and Portland. Tbe Southern Pacific's new rate is to be $17 with berth. Second-class $11 with berth." Oregon Railroad Company's first clas rate is to be increaaed to $12. Tbe steer age rate is to be $8. rrebabla Caaartf Havawha. Jan. 7. It has been rumored since yesterday that General Vubugh Lee will accompany General Blanco when the latter takes tbe field. It is further re ported that Senor Estrada Pa! ma, tbe delegate to tbe United States of tbe Cuban insurgants, will arrive here shortly and accompany tbe captain-general and Gen eral Les to the field, and that a conference with General Maximo Gomez will follow. The reports hare caused a sensation In tbis city. 1-ap.rtaat Bill Wasiunotow. Jan. 7. Senator Led ire, today introduced a bill to provide for tbe construction of a telegraphic cable from this country to tbe Hawaiian islands and Japan. China and Austrsila. Tbe bill grants a subsidy af $125,000 a year for 20 years on the service to Hawaii, and an ad di'ional 175.000 a vear for the same length of time for the extension of tbe lite to Japan or Australia. Seattle, Jan; 7. Thirty-five Klondik ers arrived here today on the steamer City of Seattle, brining advices from Dawson up to December 7. The trip out was without incident, other than the usual hardships of seen a journey. j 'We passed betef 200 and 300 on our way out," said Mr. fcppner. "Par ties will be eomingr in every day ntw Tbe si nation at Dawson is practical'y unchanged. The food supply u better than it was two months ago on account of the people leaving." atj sf.raterera M'MuarYiLLK. Or.. Ian. 7. The Com bos boys were today loged in jail on sus picioa of being implicated in tbe killing of George Pager. Their story doea not agree with tbe published statements that tbey bad attempted to elude tbe officers of tne taw. I'her gave their namca as Arthur and sHney Combos, aged 20 and 18, res pec!;veJy. Tw. B.w Oregon rlsaasleva WAKHijtOTOjr, Jan.7 The following Ureyoa post masters have been appointed: I y Blitch, Siskiyou, vice Alice E Ager, resigned; S A Robinaett. Spicer, vice William M Bailey, resigned. aaaa'a fawners Colcmbcs. O . Jan. 6. Coocervatiie estimates tonight place tbe legislature at 75 to 70 agaiutt Hanna. Tbe workers cf tbe senator claim 71 votea and ataoranoes of tie necessary two additional vote, aad poen bly fuur more Tbe opposition iniuts that Hanna will aerer have 70 votes on joint ballot and tbat they have gained two rotes atnee tbe legislature adjourned over tail Monday. Frvafeet t Set! lews Chic-co, Jan. 6. A Tribune special from Washington rats: Spain is considering a'formAl request to law . niieu suuea io uaa us good Ciuoe io stop the fighting io Cuba. Intimations bave been received at tbe stale depan- nent tbat tbe Sagaxta govermeot baa become convinced tbat tbe only wav to caveCebaia to accept tbe often proffered good effces of tbe Uni'ed State.. u-ta A.alraa LoMx)x. Jao Accord :n?ta spe cial ditpatcb 'ions Shanghai. Roia is endeavoring to Obtaia terms simi'ar to Germany 'a for tne occupation of Port Arthur ard the Kuo Tang peninsula from a point considerably tort a cf Ta Lien Han. It is believed that tbe at'ttode of England aad Japan will frustrate ner de signs. fterlawa Mmi B.w Nslsosc. Wash., Jan. 6. Word cornea from Eureka of a shooting ejiar there New Year's morning, which resulted ia tore men being tenoulv wounded. Tbe abootiag oocured in a "blind pig" saloon ron by a man named Ventoo. Th. caase of tbe trouble waa a diaagrwement over a game of cards between Henry Godfned son aad Charley Bennett, in which the former claimed that be wasbetrg cb-a'eo . Tsw .. actus Law Washisotoss Jan. 6. The friends and eamies oi tbe citJ service law ex changed broadsides in tbe bouse tsday. Tbe heaviest gnus oa each side were brought into action. GroeTeoor and loba oo acb mid- exbao.tire speeches, and kept toeir respective aide, ia a conaUust furore. The interest in tbe debate mot h more evident than jesterday. A TVftlrf SAarl Sas FaASCtsco. Jan. 6. Tee Colo m tie theater, on Posreil street, near Mrkt, tne smallest nut tne most popalar ot the th-M rJarhnn-M i-tr-IU.i in tni. -;t- t.. Kii-dtaodVr. Gottlob Co . was eMttAl br fire tbis evr.i-.-r. Ti tlim-a nMi about I2,(M ur,ce io iso interior; walls, ceilings and !u.--;!ure. s Jefc. Fes T AtAsrla AsToaiA, (V-, Jan 5 Tne ie tt of tbe appointment by tbe preaioent of John Fox to be collector of catorat at Astoria has been tt. main topic of conversation in the city today. The Mucbell and aati Corbett faction of tbe republican party are greatly etated and rej .ticing o ver tbe victory of their candid.;., their festivi ties tonight being prolonged and hilari ous Tbe friends of tbe defeated candi date seem disposed to make tbe bet ol the situation. Fi " ManSried Tacom x, Jan. 5 On September 16 last John Horn left San Francisco for Tacome with a letter of credit for $25.0), iued by a San Francieco bank, since which time nothing has been beard of him. Horn was a returned Kloodiker, and a letter today from relatives in Edon, la.. scfcgeata tbat poniwy be nas been mur dered Tbe police in San Francisco and tbe Sound ciuei ban been unable to learn anything of tim. At, O. Colvmbis, O,, Jan. Both branches oftbt legislature bave adjourned until Moo Jay, but both aides ol tnj senatorial contest remain in conference daily and nightly at the Neil hous and tbe Great Norther a hotel, respectively. The sus pense and secret wcrk will continue un'il next Tuesday, when tbe two branches of tbe legislature vote separately for senator. Proaalaeat Xaa Stead Salsx. Or.. Jan. 5.-3 C Adams died at bis bom. in this city shortly after 10 o'clock tonight, at the age of 73, after an illness of only a few data. His death was caused by ths grip aud a complication of other ailments Mr. Adams waa a man of strong intelect, an advance thinker, and possessed scholary attainments. Hi. life was devoted largoly to historical research. He was author of a chronological chart, and a lecturer and writer of more than or dinary aoility. Taaaae Bills V. - Washihoton, Jan. 5. RpresenUtie Tongue has introduced tbe following bills: A bill authorising tbe commencement of legal proceedings by Ue United States government to condemn and purchase tbe canal and locks at Oregon Oiy and open then to the use of the public; a bill to establish a I fe saving station at tbe mouth of Tillamook bay, and a bill to establish an assay ofce at Portland. Starving fakwaa Key West, Fla Jan. 5. El Diario de la Marina, tbe Havana reformist paper editorially statos tbat over 500,000 people have died in Cuba ot hunger, most of ihein baing women and children. The oeocentrados are still s'arving and there is need of active work to relieve the suffering. Liver QDDs Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, cowttt patlon, sour stomach. Indigestion are promptly cured by Hood'd nits. Tbey do their work easily and thoroughly. 1 Best after dinner pills. I)a C5 5 cents. All druggist. It I I I W Prepared by C I. Hood ft Cxx, Lowell, Mass, Ths oiuy rill to take with flood's Sarsaparilla. tic will bear the closest inspection and com parisons. No better tobacco i3 grown than that used in the manufacture of Piper Heidsieck. No so exquisite a flavor. None is so care fully manufactured or yields so much real enjoyment as Piper Heidsieck. These are not mere claims but facts easily demonstrated- Buy one of the new 5-cent pieces, 40 and be convinced is positively the biggest piece of tobacco ever sold for a: nickeL LEBANON. From tbe Ex pres.: Jav Swank ia slightly improving in health. Dr. Emery Cbeadte and Miss Hattie Rice are to be married today, in Port land. It ia said tbat tbe reception and ball given by tbe E.ks in Alfcany, last Friday night, surpassed anything of tbe kind ever given in this county. M. D. Hogan bas sold to James Mc Curdy bis farm near town, taking in part payment tbe two-acre tract of Mr. Mc- Cnrdy's near the excelsior mills. W. H. Moore and Miss Lent M. Peter son were married today, at tbe residence of J . T. Jackson, in this city, G. Love lee, J. P. officiating. Tbe A. O. U. W. lad re gave a puoiie installation of officers Monday nigot, to which tbe D. of . H. was invited. A. D. Barker, of Albany, was tbe installing of ficer. After the ceUllauon an oyster supper was served. Joe. Keebler brougnt in a dressed beg yesterday, that weighed tzo lbs., and rid It to KeKenbenrer fc Mayer. It was the largest bog that bas been brought to Lebancn tbis year. I. R. Bona, of Albany, bas purchased of Dr. t oiey the place lormer'.y owned by Mr. Borum and sold to tbe doctor. Mr. Borum will rent tbe property. Married, at the borne of the bride's mother, io Lebanon. Jan. 1. John Bud lev and Mise Alic Ambler. Rev. H. B. El wortbr officiating. Tbe best wishes of their maoy friends are extended to tbe happy couple in their New Year's advent ure. SCIO From tbe Pres. : School opens next Monday witb two new teaehe-s: Mise Smith, of Mon mouth, in the intermediate department j and May Morris in the primary depart ment Henrv Myers of this city left last Tues day for DaUaa. Frorc there he wiil go to Portland and take the brst steamer for I Alaska. Otto llirth will arcomoanv I aim. r Tb receipts of the cty in cash were. I3l l diebn-emsnu, SIl'H.W. oa! ance o-i l.ti.J. $75. The city's indebted- nets reduced during tbe year over $400 The receipts ol the Ci y E ectric Liht & Water plant exceeded the expanse of op erating same, which ia a good showing lor tbe citv. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will surelr destroy tbe sense of swell and completely derange tbe whole syste-n wbee entering it ItruuU we mn cout surfaoia. Such articles snculd never be used except oa pnsscriptiosa from reput able puysicians. as tne damage tbey will do ia ten fold to tbe good you can poswb.j derive from. Hail's Catarrb Cure, maau favored by F J Creney t Co,, contains no morcurv. aid is taken intern ally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In baying Hah s Catarrh Cure be sjre you get the in Toledo, Ohic, br F J Cceney Co. Testimonials free . Sold bv druifg sts, price 75c per bottle Halls Kmiy Pills are the best. A Laundry Nurscu -Laundry patrons who want tiist class work, done without paying exorbitant price, should patronise tbe Albany Meam Laundry which have employed regularly five of the best hand ironeraon tbe coast for shirts, dresses, and shirt waists, and ten cents is the b'uhest price charged for anv of these article. TOCURE ACOL'J IX OXK DAY. Ttits Lxt'lT B-vn i Qii teas Tablet. All Drug!- ra'ual the in i?y 'f it fait .Cure 25 u T'ajbit tvt ui it of oP etvslop es card and printers stationary of all kinds in toe valley. Ski let the printer. J W Bentljy, the pioneer boot and shoe man, does first-class work cheap. Call oa him, just north of the Democrat office. Don't Gceks. Perfumes are wrta into please her, especially when you give Pal mer's, tbe best. See our assortment in fancy boxes also our iine of Toilet cases, albums, glove and handkerchief boxes, comb brush and mirrer sets. All new and up to date goods, ws ask your inspection. busxHAHT t Lee. Karl's Clover Root Tea, lor Constipa tion it's tht Be'- and if after using it you don't say s return the package and ge jour muury . ohjo; ( snav Mason If you want a good and cleat raro bay cijtirt mid t by oqr Al any cigar factory. va-aiTu vureu. a ciear neaa ano weetorjAwu saral with StibVs Ca arrh it, uty; ti I . ' .l)t un Let everybody come to tne star Bakery and get 4- oaves of fresh bread for $t.ce Cash. . GMtvit. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. stalls bta rmiSs atfutars St other tobacco lias LARGER THAN FORMERLY that Piper Heidsieck A Fine Heater Hopkins Bros., of this eitv.bave taken the agency foe the n-w International Domeetx Heater, which is a great thing fcrhousi keepers. It fits upon an ordinary cook stove and heats the water in a tank without tbe old water back which to often destroy, the cooking qaaiil!? of tbe stove. They ut ilixe the waste heat, taking tbe place of first joint of stove pipe and are great fuel savers. Tbev are van to come into gen eral nse. Tbey can be seen at Hopkins Bros, hardware and stove store. These beaters can now be seee in nee at H. R. Hivdes and Councilman O. P. Dannala. " V. N f s T TTT o Q I m TO IHr. E A S l sivKs tmx choics or 2 TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES CHEAT NORTHER. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL Axn CHICAGO 0REC07J SHORT LINE VIA SALT LAKE DcKYEB OMAHA ass KANSAS CUT Lowest Rates to all Eastern Cities Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 days son .. SAN FRANCISCO Steamers monthly from lort land to Yokohoma and Hong Kong; via, The Northern Pa cific Steamship Co. ia con nection with O R and N Foe tall information call on CcaaAH J Monteith, Albany, Ol a annaam: W H BtJRLBUKT. Gbm'i. Pas. .Asa Pa.tiand Ot. TRAD MARKS? COYICHT Aa. . Ak-eat wnmtttrm a ktfc and tempiM a anirkW a-rwuin. mat whtbr aa u-Kie m pntu,N- palentiitM. CuaiBunuoMiti-l Hlirtl Cualkiontial. Old aSSlrr h-Hin( pattHMS tn Aawtr. V ha. a Wa-buuctj. oa Pub tka tbiMa atiwa a Cu. rMt- ap-xiai aouo m ta. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, teantirnll- tntwrrated. tare- fMam e anv o-tii:;K- .uruJ. wAiy,term.tMv a T. A1.&&LX months. rH.-ina vp aad UAa ou t'Arium aaattrM. AddMaS MUNN A CO., 31 Brudait, Ktw Yara. STREET RAILWAY NOTICE. The motoi on tbe Albany street rail way will connect promptly with all train 10 and from the depot, day and night. Special trips will be n ade at special a'e. i. F. Conn. Conductor. FOR SALE. New Birlook typewriter for sale cheap at Blain Co's store. h h j i' u1 v.,-Vt !j1l7iUi.,1L , - .f- :r i4t s kV44 K YEARS - i f KXPtRlaNC .rrrll.J r