The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 14, 1898, Image 3

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Daily Democrat, 25 cents i-er month
3.00 per year, in advance. 30c ptr month
not in advance Hy earner, 10c per
week. 10 per cent bi1Ii if allowed to
run over months. Single copies 6c.
Wbrki.v, II .25 in advanue; (1.50 at end
of year; 1. 75 for second year; $2 00 for
third and triredinir tears, when not paid
.2 advance, Club of live nw subscriber
A few Ladies Lontr Cloaks that are be
ing sold at a (treat reauction. If you want
a large amount of goo is for your money
be sure and see them All the capes and
jackets in the department sold at a reduc
tion, A good serviceable umbrella for 50c
Lots of stj te in the 75c prade and lots of
wear too
If you want a better one you will find
it here at the tame ratio of low price to
good tfoods
R Jnd G corsets in styles and ehars
that will (it any form. Aline of French
corsets, good fitters, made of French
coutil, drab and white, all grades tJ $3 50
for $1 GO
Have you seen our 50c and $1 line.
There are no better for that price.
- Agents for Butterick fatterns.
S E Young & Son,
Albany, Oregon.
v Albany. Oregon.
Net Customers
More new customers, that's
what we're after, we know there are
more to be had, because we had many
more last week than the corresponding
week of last year. We know if we can
get our goods introduced to new people,
new custom is sure to follow.
Commencing Wednesday, Jan. 12th
and rontinuing for one week, we will
offer as a special inducement :
Dr V arnera So. 8S8 corset worth regu
lar $2 00 at l 25.
Dr Warners No. 411 corset worth regu
lar $1 50 at $1 15
Dr Wariiers Health corset worth reeu
lar $1 25 at 1 00
Dr Watners WaieU worth regular
$100 at 83c
Royal Worcester corsets worth regular
23 H f I OO
Royai Worcester corsets worth regular
$125 at 87c
Royal Worcester corsets worth regular
ooc i ouc
ana iu our oroken lines ot corsets, no
matter how the regular price, at 60c
each, and in addition we are still giving
away with each purchase of fifty cents
or over, coupons redeemable in our Rott
ers A 1 silverware. We invite' your in
spection of our stock .
Albany, Oregon.
(Geo. Birtoa, county Judge;
Carl, Commissioner!.)
J K. Waters D. L.
Tbe annual list of jurymen was select-
eu. xn addition to the names remaining
in the box from last year's list.not drawn.
the following were chosen to make up
. . . . . i
me reqoirea iwo nanjrea:
Tangent E D Barrett, W E Jenks, S
H Bryan, J H Siott-
Scio Robert Carey, Mark M Peerv, B
E Hibler.T J Miller.
Brownsville W W Waters, F H Web
ber. Bert Temple ton. Geo M Kimsey, W
M Roberts, a L Kirk, Frank Hyde, Geo
McHargup, J D Arthur, W O Smith, Joa
Sweet Home A J M-rClure, B F Bur
nett. Crawfordsville Geo Finley, Wm Ire
land, J P Cavender.
Larwood- A C Gaines, C P Hasler, J as
Croft, Jas Hasler.
Albanv C W Sears, J B Couey, H F
Merrill, M Senders, P J Smiley, V E
Baker, J W Propst, A E Bloom, Moees
Parker, M F Dawbon, Fred Blumbe-g, J
R Douglas, J E Brown.
Shedd rsul Annis, F Ackerman, Geo
B Pogh, Henry Sprenger.
Harriirnurg John Grimes, GeoAlford,
W s Brown, MConninghsm.Wm David
son. P,W Starr.
HoUey J F Ba r, T J Philpot, A F
Walter Smith. D A Wade. R M Bamford.
Lebanon X 8 Dalgleish, vV j? Moist.
obn Wither, Jack McMonogle. Eh.
eebler. t. ti iavior.
Halsey 3 L Hayes, J S Rameer. Geo
Simmons, Wm Ribelan, L N Allen.
N Crnme, L C Leeper, N H Bateman, T
A Powell.
riainview W Huston, Jas Nichols,
Isaac Wbealdon, Jessie B Parker.
Crabiree H A Hecker.
Waterloo Chas Younger ,GeoCoshow,
Geo Steins, J H Turpin.
Milleis J J Spelinger, Jacob Schill
ing - Rowland David Pierce.
Jordan M V Bi'reu.
Shelburn A C Clirisman, J W Miller.
Lacomb Wm Loofburrow.
Soicer A M Baltimore, Frank Smith.
Peoria Ed Btover, Geo W Clingman,
E Davis.
Remarkable Case ot Grit.
From the Prineville Journal :
Henry Odell of Paulina met with a
frightful accident last Friday on tne
range some teo miles from tbe Paulina
poetoffice Henry is wintering a band
of sheep for Sicbel & Williamson and an
old ewe that was dropped by the herder
bad ret urned to tbe ranch. Fearing tbat
others bad escaped the vigilance of the
herder Henry started out on horseback
on Friday morning to bnnt the range,
He took his Winchester rifle along and.
when some distance from home saw a
coyote ahead oi him and gave chase, hop
ing for an opportunity to get a shot at it.
While urging bis horse downhill at a
stiff gallop the beast stumbled and threw
ita rider clear over its head, landing him
on a heap of stones. Unfortunately the
animal tamed a summersault and fell
with the full weight of his body, on Hen
ry's left leg tbat was lying across a stone
The leg was broken and shattered in I
frightful manner jnst above the ankle,
the broken bones protruding through tbe
flesh. In this condition the poor fellow
o.rawled a mile and a half after bis horse.
till tie succeeded in catching him. Thee
ha somehow raised himself into the sad
dle, suspended the wounded leg from the
saddle born by a piece of rope and rode
between eight and nine miies to Paulina
im to town tuebaay to do near tne ooc-
tor, and he is now lodged at the house ot
Theodore Cadle Dr. Belknap hopes to
be able to save tbe leg, but it will be
months, at best, before it can be used.
Mabch 23. The democratic state con
vention has been set for that date at
Portland. There will be 268 delegates
at it. Linn county's apportionment' be-
in 15. Qn the same day the silver re
publicans will meet in Portland with 131
delegates, Linn county's share being 6.
Tt ia orobable that there will be a union
nartv and oooulist convention J n tbat
dav. A faction ot the Utter party
though is in favor of a convention on an
earlier day.
Week Installed. Last evening Fair
Oak Circle No. I Ladies of the G. A. B
'eld their annual installation of officers ,
in tne presence ot members and a nnm
par oi invited friends. Following are
the officers t President, Mrs Jennie
Brown; Senior vice, Mrs Julia Barber;
J uuior vice, Mrs Mary Conrad ; Treas
urer, Miss Anna Worrell; Chaplain,
u4ui unij j uonauctres, f boebe .Ev
ans; uuard, fearl Livingston. After
toe installation a short program was ren
uwra kuu a mucu lervea.
$6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book
5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book.
$1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo la
$1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E
$1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow .
25cts burs one dosen steel Violin 1st or
2ud strings.
$25.00 buysa5-drawersewing machine;
high arm, light running ; guaran
teed 5 years.
SflTPrices on Pianos, Organs, Banjos
sent on application.
E. U. Will
New 7ork 92c
Chicago 90,4 c
San Francisco 83ij
Liverpool l?4'c lower.
Albany 66 c.
Jtidgi Barton on Politics.
In an article in the Portland Tribune.
judge tsarton supports Xoung and U
Ren and favors an early middle of the
road convention, in an article savoring
of war as follows;
In this morning's issue of the bright.
spararng aauy tnat so many people are
becoming attached to, appears an ar
tide headed, "Believes Younj la Fooling
Them," etc. In this article Messrs
Young and U'Ren are severely criticised
end charged with treachery to democracy
for calling the peoples party state central
committee to convene on January 19,
Ye Gods! Since when have democrat
ic politicians become guardians of tbe
people's party of the state of Oregon, and
arrogated to themselves its management
and dictating when and where this po
litical organisation may hold their state
convention T
Upon what meat does these, our)
uaeears, leea, that tney nave grown so
great T Their impudence is astounding,
and their criticism of these gentlemen
are not only nnjust and unfair, but their
premises for reasoning is away off
Now let me to them a tale untold, and
recite a few facts that are pertinent to
this call. (Then comes the tale, argu
ments in favor of the early convention)
Ibe people s party proposes to have-a
very early state convention. They pro
pose to have tbe first convention in Ore
gon in 1S98. They propose to out.ine a
policy adopt a platform, nominate a
complete ticket, so wise and just and
liberal that all other reform elements in
Oregon can readily accept it, and that,
too, without any surrender of their
principle, or party organizations. The
people's party's complete organization of
30,000 voters, recruited from the ranks
of the republican and democratic parties,
clearly entitles them to take tbe initia
tive step in this uprising of the people,
against the gold bug English Tory party
of Matk Hanna and the trusts in Ore
gon. It seems to me that wisdom would
dictate to certain politicians that it
would be well to cansult the common
people before they do anything rash.
Taa A.AC R. R.-Tfackiayingon the A
& O. R R. has p regressed two mites west
of Gobleand is onder good headway at
this end, although tbe graders are still in
the way. Graders are rushing the work
all they can, and the five pile drivers are
putting in the trestle work very rapidly.
It will take a few days to lay the track
when the grade is ready. Astonan.
Ik Memoriak. At a recent meeting of
the board of directors of tbe Albany
Farmer's Co. resolutions were passed in
memory of the late Dr. G. F. Crawford,
for many years president of the com
pany, paying a jnst tribute to one of tbe
county's moet worthy pioneer citizens.
The Democrat will publish them in full
Wx Kcsnrx. Miss Bboda Hail, ma
tron at the Fort Simcoe, Wash , agency
and school, in renewing her subscription
to the Democrat lor 1S98, says: "rtiu
sick turn turn oaoke snow, nike ticka
warm, tliaa cold, bin iwash sick, bin
Boston sick. Mike Kumtux."
Basb Ball. Tonight at the armory
there will be an indoor game of base ball,
the first of a series of three to decide who
will go to Salem to play the club of tbat
city. Admission 5 cenu The contest
ants will be called tbe uastons ana tne
Mr. C E Hawkins and family leave to
morrow forToledo, where they will locate
Mr. Hawkins opening a law office.
Mrs. George Humphrey was taken
dangerously ill this afternoon, and her
husband, who is in Portland, was tele
graphed for.
Dr. G. W. Maeton has returned from
his trip to California, coming hack by
way of the Sound cities. He will remain
in Albany at least a month, bat bis fu
ture plans are not yet settled upon.
Mr. bam Worrel has been appoint .
di iver and collector for the Albany Ste M
Laundry, and will attend to deliver
and receiving laundry and the collect
of accounts. He began work this mo
Collins Elkins, the leading merchant at
Lyte, Wash., came up last evening on
tbe boat and returned this morning. Mr.
Elttns accepted the hospitality of bis
brother knights, attending tbeir instal
lation last niz'it. The Dalles T- M.
Tbe following advertisement appears
ing The Pal.wi T M.: Prof. A. W.
Lundeli, M. K., a post-gra luate in voice,
harmony and theory from tbe conserva
tory of music of Albany college, will visit
Tbe Dalles on or about January 10 with
the view of locating. He earnestly so
licits the patronagge of the music loving
public, and his say will depend entirely
upon tbe possibilities extended to him in
i - r , l
Qis proiesaionai wora.
Mr Hanna is etttin? 'h-re; be knows
bow, having had an expetienuj oefore.
The state tax levy will probably be 4
mills. It should not be over 3 mihs. Tbat s
plenty, under tbe circutmtan.'es
The Union party and free silver republi
cans will hold a state convention at Port
land on March 23, in seperate conventions,
with the purpose though of working to
gether. DeU gates have been apportioned
to tbe several counties.
The Boys Club have elected the follow-
iriflr new officers: President. Harry Craw
ford; vice president, D Burkbart; secretary
Allen Stellmacher; treasurer, Harry to-
sick; secretary ou progiam, James Biyant;
editor, Harry Cameron; guide, rea
Weatherford; guard, wi Merrill, ine
board of directors consits of Abby, Ban
kin, Tyree, Poling and Crawford .
Marshall Chadwick, a prisoner in the
jail at Colfax, Wash., was taken from bi
cell last Saturday night by a masked mob,
and runovd ont of thd window. Another
prisoner was shot and left for dead, but
will recover. The proceeding is a disgrace
to the Palos country.
Poor and
Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble-
Had no Appetite-Now Better In
Every Way-A Delicate Child.
"Some time since I took a sudden cold
and could not get rid of it. Being subject
to catarrh and bronchial trouble I coughed
terribly. I lost my appetite and grew
poor and weak and I did not feel like
work. I began taking Hood's Barsapa
rilla. In a short time the cough disap
peared, I slept well, had a good appetite
and I was better in every way. last
spring ,1 was not feeling well, I had no ap
petite and no strength. I resorted to
Hood's Barsaparilh and soon felt more
like work. My little nephew was a deli
cate child and had a humor which trou
bled him so he could not rest at night.
He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Bar
saparilla and now be has s good appetite
and ia able to sleep." Mas Ajbbib
Feeeman, South Duxbury, Mass.
GOCFS parilia
Is the One True Blood Partner. All druggists. $L
are the best after-dinner
HOOU S PUIS pub, aid digestion.
A Grange Installation.
.Saturday. Jan. 8. 1808. was Installs
tion Day at Grand Prairie Grange Mo. 10
r. oi ti. The exercises were puDiic.and
impressive, with Past Master S. A. Daw
son as installing officer.
Following the exercises came one of
Grand Prairie's usual nice lunches that
was partaken of by abiut ninety grangers
ana invited guests.
Then came the einsinn of trranse tones
and earnest remarks by J H Scott, Geo L
Kees, s A Dawson.J Kobms.C II Walk
er. MraM Bod i tie, Mrs Mary F Walker
and others.
Uraud Prairie Grange is prospering
ana applications lor membership are
coming in at nearly every meeting
The following are the officers for the
ensuing: Les'ie B Payne. Master : Wat
ter Wallace, O; O L Shaw, L; Bnt Fro
man, S; Wayne Davison, Aast S; Mor
gan Uenshaw'.Treasurer; Sanford A Las-
seue, secretary; Unas P Peebler, UK;
uiadye Shaw, Ceres; Kate Payne, flora
Lydia Froman, Pomona; Ella Foster,
Lady Asst Steward; C H Walker, Chap
A New Papkb. Mr. O. T. Porter, ex-
U. 8. Marshal of Alaska, in a few days
will issue a republican paper in this city
to be known as the Linn County Repub
lican. It will be printed on the lele
scope presses and that paper wilt be dis
continued. Mr. Porter is an old news
paper man. tie started the first paper
at Harrisburg, then moved to Albany,
and for awhile edited the Herald, after
war is running a paper in the block now
occupied by Knecht & Meiser. He is
well known as one of Mr. Mitchell's
friends and supporters, but tne Democrat
is not informed as to the position tbe
paper will take in tbe matter.
P. S. Hon. J. M. Somers, one of the
leading republicans of tbe valley, and a
prominent member of the last legislature,
will be rseociated with Mr. Portnr in the
publication of the paper.
CoLtMBt-s, Ohio, Jan. 11. Vote for
senator today was 56 for Hanna in the
honee and 17 in the senate, which insures
Haana's election.
The List Completed.
Yesterday the Dsxocrat gave part of
the 1S93 jury list, those holding over in
stead of tbe new ooes as state.!. Tbe list
ii now complete and we give the new
members of the years panel:
Albany Wait Mead, Joe Shelton, Al
vin Marks, II O Harknes, J Clem, A C
Miller. B W Condiff, John Robson, J H
Scott, W A Kimsey, W U Hopkins, H
Snesens, G S Acheson, 0 B Winn. F E
Allen, W V Baltimore, E A Schiffler,
John Briggs, H Broders, A Brownell,
Ubbe Peters, Seth Caldwell, H M Pal
mer, H B Miller, L O Coatee, M Senders,
Henry Kirech.
Ta' I man Geo Mc Knight.
Lacomb J W Halsey, Jacob Fttzwa
Gates Oscar Dilley. T J McClary.
Kingston Samuel King.
Lyons C F Swank, J C Lvons, W E
Waterloo W Bishop.
Brownsville B Henderson, Wm Smith,
Peter Bi' her, T J Edwards. N B Stand
diib, H M Farland. Peter Hume.
Scio VV H Young, A D Woodmanee, J
J Barnes. Tboe Large, D Myers.
Jordan U H Phillips, Jake Uober, W
R Ray, S M Goodman.
Lebanon BF Blodgett, APBlackoorn,
J M Stokes. A Gottche, B Burtenshaw,
James Boyle, J C Bilyeu.
Halsey John Matlock. Elmarian
Stnitb, Frank Lee per, Wm Scott, H
Santiam A C Goyer, Jas Hasler.
Shelborn X B aabbura, W Hull,
J Pym, D Ogles bee.
S weet Home J R Orchard, J May
field. Sodaville Oscar Healy, Wm Ingram.
Shedd Mark Curtis, E Dow, F G
Jefferson J B Davis, Jas Groshong.
Harrisburg L Douglas, DS Busey,
P Hyde. W W Briggs. Samuel Slay. Geo
Brand -n, J R Biuckman. Dan McLao.
W H Cnmmings, J W Burrell
Plain view W P Anderson. John (Sal
lagbtr, J B Roberts, I M Turner. Paul
Belt. Jode Pearl, F M Kizer.
Oakvil.e A Y smith, S A Stone, H
Eolstein, Geo Blevins, John Vineyard, R
A Bamford.
MrxKSRS, Or. Jan. 10, 189
The proverbial three frosts, but
rain as yet.
Where can you beat Oregon tor fine
winters, and even old wtbfxrt is trying
to out do herself this year.
Quite a number of persons reported
sick in this neighborhood.
G M. DeVaney made a flying trip to
Albany this week.
S. D- Titus has moved to Albany in
tending to locate there permanent!.
bteve Kicbardeon and wife have moved
to tbe Denney farm.
we see that a Jew rk lady is en
deavoring to adopt herself to the gold
standard, having bad her stomache re
Fusion of all the silver forces is the
talk oi every body in tbis locality. Six
teen to one and keep the middle ot the
Our genial merchant (Mr. Smith) is a
metier beyond the average, divided bis
time between merchandising, lumbering,
horse trading acd other avocations to
numerous to mention.
George Engel has been appointed post
mas:er at Ashland.
Mr Al Boenicke, who recently went to
Juneau, is expected home tonight.
Mrs. Logan returned this noon from a
tip to Trootdale, where she visited her
son Sam for several weeks. Sam is now
in a store.
Miss Genevieve Hughes, of Salem, re
turned home today alter a two weeks vis
it in Albany the guest of Mrs. Anderson
A letter received by his family from
B. F. Ramp, at Juneau, announces his
arrival there. Everybody was rushing
on north, tbe spirit being to get to the
mines as last as possible. Thero were
corwdsand matters were evidently being
Claud Gatch, grand master of the
Odd Fellows, leaves today for Baker
City, Pendleton, and other Eastern Ore
gon points for a week's official visit
among the lodges of that section. Dur
ing his stay there be will dedicate a new
hall in Pendleton. Salem Statesmen.
Tbe afternoon Lebanon train
after leave at 4:40 instead
At thA armnrv IasI niirtit IKa PiMrnfa I
defeated be Castoff 19 to 17 in a closely
contested game.
Wihiam McClaren of Junction bas
been arrested for robbing an old man
named D Simmonds of 25 cents.
Kola Keis, the Salem bop buyer,- re
turned borne yesterday morning. While
here be purchased John Anderson's is
land bops for 11 cents per pound.
Eugene Guard.
Tbe board of regents of tbe 0 A C bave
recommended Woodbridga Uearv. a Mn
cf tbe late Dr Geary for tbe position made
vacant oy tne resignation of Lieut. Dent
ler- . Tbe appointment will give satis
faction. The Gearys were pioneer resi
dents of Linn county.
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remaining
m the Postomce at Albany. Linn county
Oregon Jan 11, 1898. Persons calling
for these letters must give the date on which
they were advertised.
Bennett, Mr W D Morley, M iss Geneva
Barton, Mr L A Parish, Mrs Ine.
J.I S ,. ut. ' ; w T'nier. Ed
Cahway, Mr M 0 Rea, Henry 8
ue dwell, Miss Birdie Wills, Mrs E
rellows,BO Hurley.'MrKoy
McMeekin, Mr Erank.
T. J. Stitss. P M
Edncfcva Tour ttowala With Caaeareta.
10? rrnc;.?f7 con'rtion forever,
we. . II C. 0. 0. fait, driifglstaref und mone
Editok Dkmocbat.
You refer in last evening's Democrat,
to an article I sent to the Tribune, as sa
voring war. How could you, my dear
brother, connect one so timid, so gentle,
so mild, with cruel, heartless, bloody
war. Oh I how you have misjudged me.
By all that is gocd let us have peace,
beautiful, sweet confiding peace. I has
ten to assure you if there is any bright
Illuminating balo encircling these tnowy
locks and venerable brow, it is this self
same white winged angel ot peace.
I quote I'rora the Tribune article of the
7th which says: "The democrats believe
that Long and U'Ren are trving to fool
mem ana iney deeply resent the at
tempt. If theso two gentlemen were to
near all that the democratic leads say
about them, privately, there would be a
personal encounter or a foot race, for
there is more than democrat whose
words burn and roast and scald." Broth
er, does this savor of war
i stateu in tnis so characterized war
article, that these gentlemen Issued th
call for January 19th meeting, on a pe
tition ana request oi populists of Linn
county. Like honest, upright, fearles
leaders of their party they manfully did
their duty and called down upon their
heads the abuse ind vituneratinna nt
Democratic politicians of Portland and
elsewhere. The populists ot this vicin
ity who were largely responsible for this
call would be arrant cowards to have re
mained silent with knowledge it thia
democratic abuse ot their leaders. I am
impressed with tbe opinion if there is no
union oi forces to prtgon. it will be sole
ly due to the assinine blunders and actlana
oi certain pie hunting demosratic politi
ciana who desire to manipulate everv
thing in sight.
As to my being a middle-of-the-roader,
ui not no Bure oi tnat, nowever, it be
ing a niiddle-of tbe-roader consists of
staying with the only principles and a
party that insures independence to the
citizen and prosperity and happiness to
me laimly, we plead guiliy.
uao. u. kakton.
A Chriatf&n Endeavor letter.'
Dx8 Moimis, Iowa, Jan 5, 1898.
Oda Haight, Albany, Or., Dear Friend :
v hhe passing throueh tnnr nli n
the Christian Endeavor excursion last
summer, I happened to get a bouquet
with your card attached. 1 came across
it again today, in looking over dot things
aad thought I would write you a" lin in
appreciation of your kindness in greet-
luK u m we paseea mrrugh your place.
We had a most de.ightful time in onr
journey westward and also on our return
ing eastward as well as whi.e we stopped
at San Erancisco.
I also went on the excursion to Boiton
with the C. E" revet al years age, So from
ocean to ocean I have been with tbem
and believe theie is no better class of
psopie to join tbra tbe Christian En-
aeavor Band.
I spent thirteen Java with
other C. E'a in Yellowstone Park and am
sull enjoying the memory of it. It will
always oe a bright spot in my life.
After returning to my home in Des
Moines, I felt the heat of summer very
much. All through the month ef Oc
tober the weather bf re was unusually
warm. A great contrast to th Pa-lfi
Coast climate.
Des Moines, ou know, is the capital
of our state. We have a very fine can.
tol building, and th.'s winter we have a
seaaan of the legislature wbi-h convenes
every alternate winter. Gov. Shaw tbe
recently elected governor, will be inaug-
uu uu mi ioui oi wis month.
Would be pleased to hear from Ton at
your leisure. Sincerely.
RxnaoTA H Oawio,
201 5th St. Dee Moines, Iowa.
Huntington U Accommodating.
In a letter to an Astoria friend about
making Astoria a commoo shipping point
with Portland. C. P. Huntington says:
"I have felt a deep interest in thia
question, as I do in allqnestiooi relating
u tranvponauon ana anecung the ma
terial progress of a commnnity, and
when Mr Hammond ask J my rood of
fices in tbe purchasing: of some of his
more important tUDpliee. I took Dleasura
in obliging him, and think through my
relations with the best manufacturing in-;
tereataof the east, I have been succes-
ful in saving to the Astoria roed a sow-1
staotial amount of money. I am a pret- j
ty nusy man, but if 1 can do anytkmg at
any time to benefit the interests of the
lower Columbia river I shall be very gla 1
to do it not only because ion and the
people of Astoria ask it, but because I
regard our interests at lying diaiioctij in
that direction.
A Yorxo A anar. John P:ne. the ten
year old son of Mr. Jas. V. Pipe, recent
ly painted a dogs head tbat displayed re
markable talent for one so young, or
even twice as old. Ii has been framed
and placed in the window of the Biain
Cloti.i-2 Co's store. If Johnny coslio-
uea to improve be will be a second Land-
see r.
In Old en Times
People overlooked the importance of per
manently beneficial effects aaJ were satis
bel with transient action; but now that it
is generally known that .vyrupot Fiaa will
permanently overcome habitual constipa
tion, well-informed people will not boy
father laxatives, which act for a time, but
boally injure the system - Boy the genu
ine, made by tbe California Fig Syrup Co.
Leave Notniso to Lccx. But call on
Will & Stars Ther have a splendid stock
ia tbe latest design as well as a Sue line
of watches, clocks, cot glass ware,c. They
win win piease vou in goods and pncs.
Your Groceries and Baked Goods
Is at Parker Bros. Everybody kbows
where their place ia. They keep a fresh
stock of groceries, prod nee and baked
goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable
prices and treat tbeir customers well, all
You may regret some steps yon take
in life tut none taken into the store of
Parker Bros.
It is a greit thing to be well fed. Par
ker Bros keep good groceries.
A loaf of bread ia not mnch but yon
want it well made. Try Parker Bros;
Those Who Endure.
Tbe pains of rheumatism should be
minded tbat a cure for this disease mt t
befouad in Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tbe
experience of those who have taken
Hood's Sarsaparilla for rheumatism and
have been completely and permanently
j cured, prove tbe power of tbis medicine
to root ana conquor this disease. Hood
T w1 tn V Sarsaparilla is tbe One True Blood Puri
ofat 4:60 a fier and it neutralizes the acid which
causes the aches and pains of rheuma
tism. Tbis is why it absolutely cures I
when liniments and other outward ap
plications fail to give permanent relief.
Be sure to get Hood's.
just Across the Way.
At F 11 PfeifTer'i you can get tbe best
Coast and Eastern oysters to be found.
lie also keeps the best line of confection
ary in the city.
Call on bim for tbe best of everything in
bis line.
January 6, 1803.
Hereafter we tbe undersigned will not
make any charges on Laundry work undtr
10 cents. Albany Steam Laundry.
Magnolia Laundry.
Tak Ltxallv Brora i Q'llutne- Taoleta
All DrugKlits refund the. money If It fail
e i;ure za.
Karl's Cloyer Root Tea, for Constips
tion it's lh Be, and if after using it you
don't say s , return the package and get
your money . a Jiu by Fosbay k Mason
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
Indian Agent Cowan,o( Warm Springs,
war in roruane Teeioruny.
Mis k E. Farrish has returned from
a several weeks trip to ban rranciaco.
Superintendent Paine of the state in
sane asylum, of Balem, was in the city
Brady F. Burnelt leaves at once for
bkagway, Alaska, where he will opn an
ouice ana praaiiue iaw. uorvams limes
Miss Mary Sheridan accompanied by
ner sister Mrs. Theresa bch naased
.'through salem tbis morning from Port
land enroute to Albany. Journal.
Mr. Warford. a younger brother nf Ur
Elmer Waitord, of near this city, arrived
in Albany several days ago, from Iowa,
and will remain several months, perhaps
iwroiaoenuy .
Mr. Albert Brownell went t Portland
today to attend the meeting of the
Northwest Fruit Growers Association,
an organization that is doing much for
toe fruit interests of the northwest.
O W Dunbar, the corpulent and rust
ling editor of the Budget and News, of
Astoria, has retired from those papers
uu is en oia way to oaagway, wuere ha
will start a paper, lie is bound to
make things bowl.
Ira A Phelps, who has been emnloved
as lob printer and foreman in the "Mail"
othce at Med ford for several rears, will
leave for California soon, to try a chirm
oi cumaie lor the benent oi bis wife's
health. Ira s a first class printer of
many yrar'a experience. Tidings.
In Portland last Sunday F. 8. Camn.
bell, of Albany, ws married to Miss
Mary Cox, of Kinglsley. Mr. and Mra.
Campbell have been visiting friends here
tne past two days, and leave tomorrow
for tbeir home at Albany. The Dalle
T. M.
Rev. C. G. LaMaster. a divinity stu
dent and acting pastor of in Junction
Chiletlan church hat been compelled,
on account of failing eyesight, to discon
tinue bia studies and his' Junction work.
tie will return to bis home in Amity and
Will Breach il Indeoendence everv Knn.
day. Eugene Register.
Mr Al Boenicke returned last nicht
from Juneau and Skagway. After a short
visit at hrme he will so back to Juneau
and resume butiness there. He brought
wttn hlin sojie fin views ot Jnnean.
Skagway and surroundino- scene.
Three views particularly of the
Chilcoot pass, with a c-owd climbing
over or through it are more than ordin
ary interest as they show things just as
they are. The Albany Deoole are nearl v
ail at Skagway, where muter are very
French the jeweler.
Noonecaaaff rd tibs wiiboata clo-k.
see the low prices at Fraoch's jswelry store.
Set your watch with French' rcn' or
if you want the correct Um-
If you want to "waka no'' toy an alarm
cluck at French's jewelry atore.
This is telf denial wec in the Salvation
Army. Every week is self den in I ek
with the DEMOcaAT man and several ef
his friends.
Dr. J W HilL nrincinal of th B..hon
Scott acadmv. Moaday made an awiiro-
meut to li-orge H Hill, for the benefit of
bis aeditora. This will not affect the
Ad editor aarcactically remarks that he
wanU to boy a sack of flour, a our of
shoes and a felt hat, and is retdy to re
ceive the !owet bids for the came. Me
says that some of hi own townspeople
treat bim that way when they want
printing done to tbe amjont of two or
three dollars.
Too goeba introduced the folluwing bill:
Granting a pension to I .it tie ton Lladcav
of Hiilsboro, Or. Lindsay wm a ve'erao
of tbe Mexican War, and it is proposed to
ptanioa him at 125 or month. To m.
aioa John Krro. of Startoa, Or. at I2S
per month. Providing far the par meat
on paid on Oregon and Waabingtoo terri-
tvv Indian war claim for the sappnwaioo
of Indian hostilities in Island 1&59.
Ascal SItrnw. f ion. S. A. Dawson
returned tbis noon from Salem, where
he attended the annual meeting of the
Lower Columbia Fire Relief Association.
Tbe follow tog officers were elected:
President, Tboe. Panlson. Washington
county; secretary, J. Voorbeee. of Mar
ion ct-onty ; treasurer. 8. A. Dawson, of
Linn coonty; directors, A F. Miller,
Multnomah county; W. M. Military,
Marion county ; J. D. Petrie.Laoe coun
ty, and J. Casio, Clackamas county; J.
C. White. Polk county. The association
is an auxiliary of the Oregon date grange
and affords fire pru'.ectioo to the mem
bers of tbe same.
Shell asp bnor Arrangements are
being made for a match shoot in Port
land oa or about February 13, between
George Froman and Sky Meeks of this
count' aod Hughes and Beal, Portland's
two beat shots, for $200, live pigeoos to
be the targets.
Next Friday afternoon Meeks. Balti
more, Geo. anj Grant Froman and
Winkley will shoot at pigeoos, aod a live
time is expected, as tbey are tbe beet, io
the county. Open to all .
Fo cr list Mea-rnco. E. C. Neal, chair
man of tbe county Central committee of
the people's party of Linn county, sev
eral other members and other prominent
popo lists, about fifty in ail. met in tbe W
C. T. U. hall thia afternoon, and were
in session at pre time. Tbe principal
tneme was tne caning ot a county con
rvention at an early date and tbe matter
of onion with other parties, on which
there is a division of sentiment, accord
ing to reports to tbe Dkmocxat.
The Conspiracy Case.
PortusD, Jan. 12. Tbe jury in tbe
poetoffice corn-piracy case, after being out
all night, today brought in a verd-ct of
guilty against Julian Eppinger, and not
guilty in case of George V atsor ;
Religious Services.
At tbe U P Church last night the Pastor
preached upon the beparated L te aod
urged separation from sin and telf. Such
separation is due to Uod because we are
caller' bis disr-iples. witnesses, soldiers
servants, friends and tons. Tonight tbe
aubiect will be "the al e of a human
soul." All are jordially invited to attend
these services.
Don't Gcass. Perfume are carta into
please her, especially when you give Pal
mer'a. the bent, fee our assortment m
fancy boxes also our iine of Toilet cases,
athnma. ulnve and handkerchief boxes,
comb brush andtuirrer seta. All new and
op to date goods, we ask your inspection,
What Dr A E Salter Says.
Buffalo, N Y. Gents: rro-n myi
personal knowledge, ga'ned In obering
tbe effect of your Shlhh's Cure in cases
of advanoed Constipation, I am prepared
to my it is the raon renwkiVile Itemed)
that has ever been braonht to my atten
tion. It hat certainly .avd many from
Consumption. SU by Fosh.y & Ma
Good Times have come to those whom
iilood s Sarsaparilla has cured of scrofula
catarrh, dyspepsin, rheumatism, wea
nerves, or some other form of imoure bluo
II ?o l's Pills sre th oily pill to tak
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cures all live '
If you want a Rood and clest
caaoke b4y cirs mile by our Al
any cl;ar tactorv-
Try our taa sittings at 10 o. Extra quality.
" Si laanawaavaa.l I
V ls uivhubii,
L0K(J.-On Ian. 8, 1898, near Mon
rovia, Wash., to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
W Long, a girl.
Mra. Long is well known here as form
erly Miss Ada Knlghten.
Edueate Your Vowels With Vasearata.
Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever.
lOo, 26o. I (1 0-O. full, draKKla'sref und monoy.
Tuesday evening, Jan 11, 1898.
On account of the financial statements
of the recorder and treasurer not having
been presented the mayor announced
that be would defer his annual recom
mendations until next meeting.
Tbe mayor appointed committees for
the year as fo.lows :
Ways and Means Galbraith, Senders,
Ordinances Senders, Martin, Dannals.
Accounts and Current Expenses Mar
tin, Hopkins, Galbraith.
Streets and Public Property Hopkins,
Dannals, Graham.
Fire and Wter -Dannals. Senders.
Licenaes Galbraith, Hopkins, Martin
Health and Police Graham. Bonders.
The chief of police reported tbat dur
ing the year 207 tramps and vagrants
were furnished, lodging against 395 in
1896, a decrease of ls8. Meals in 1897,
o at a cost oi . against IS7.75 in
1896, a decrease of $10.75.
mat i ram oa uau been keot from con
gregating as much as possible, about the
city, by keeping tbem in the jail nights
and causing them to leave the city tbe
next morning, daily rounds beinv made
during tbe day, tbe aim being to handle
the tramp nuisance effectively with as
little expense as follows:
13 arrests were made for violating cir
ordinances, principally disorderly con
duct. Loss of pioperty by tbeft in 1897
did not exceed 50.
Attention was called to city jail, unfit
for use as a jail, particularly iu cases of
minor offenses, like violation curfew or
dinances. t'JOO would rebuild the iail
providing fos separate anartmenta and
also for fomalea, with proper sanitary
regulations, and he rect amended as
soon as possible the reconstruction of th
jail. Tiie chiefs assistants were thanked
lor able assistance.
As tax collector On hand 130.71. ra
ceived frora taxes of 2i$l40o.S2, taxes
of 97, 15798.05, street tax 68.fti. Total
7806.38. Balance Ki. 82.
The chief engineer'a annual renort vu
read. It showed two fires during the
year and six false alarma. The tire
ruiredon March 31 and April 27. one
from detective flue and one from peculiar
causes. Total loss $2100, insurance
$2000, loss to city $100. Expense of de
partment ft lUa 95, of which $225 was
for fixing flues of engine. He recom
mended tbat feed water be mixed with
lime to prevent floes from nit-.ius-. and
that Chemical Engine Co. No. 3 be sup
plied with apparatus of some kind. Rec
ommended thorough test of No. Vm en
gine, tie also recommended regulating
building and repairs in fire limits.
Report of street superintendent show.
ed tbe following:
btreet tax 524 days work with team at
.50. $1310: days work by men. 424. at
L25, 530; total $1810.
havet tax roll for 1897 Personal tax
12.50: property $14690. Total 12181.
Paid in work $1810. cash ISA 92. Tota!
$39082. Balance doe, $272 88.
l arda gravel need 3471. outside street
tax, creek gravel 512 yC at 5c, $25; rivw
gravel 2959 yards at 7c, $207 13. Total
$So.72. Lumber, $269 26. Other ma
terial and la dot. 1300 86. Total. mi k5.
exclusivn of street lax .
The reports of tbe treasurer and city
recorder showed tta following:
Total receipts for tbe year $ 13192 91
Total expenditures 12372 77;
Usance on hand
320 14
Indebtedness account.
Warrants issued prior to 1894,
including bridge and Linn
county warrants
Issues of 1895, 96 and 97
10329 58
3198 04
Total 13527 2
Bonds due in 1918 73000 00
Bonds due in 1915 20000 00
Cash on haod..
108527 62
74 08
Balance 1C0943 55
Warrants were issued for:
Mayor and council ...f 170 00
Marshal 840 00
Police 1104 25
Recorder 784 20
Sapt Streets 540 00
Treasurer 100 00
Fire department 1108 95
Elect-ic light 1613 00
towers 1)4 75
Labor on streets 12S0 S5
Sundriee 964 74
Recorder's comparative stxtcment
showed expenditure as tollows: 1893.
$13,117 44, bond interest, $3,500. total.
f 17,617 43; 1894. 19.758 26, bond interest,
H-WO. total. tW.258 26; 1695, $9,735,
oond interest $5,100. total, fH,S35 12;
1S96, t9.V5 95, bond interest $5,700,
total $15,124 95; 1897, $3 510 74. bond In
terest $3,700, total, $14,310 74.
Petition of EB Davidson for pound
master was read with 111 names. No.
l's recommended Wm Miller for engi
neer. O C Ulelan was recommended, by
No. 2's for engineer.
Appl-catioo of E 8 Davidson. J M
Merrick and D Bastard fur poundmat'er,
F M WesUall, for auperintenJent, J M
Kossfor nigbtwatchman and engineer
of So. I s, W M Bailies, G W Taylor, H
B Miller, W A McClato and Geo Lnper
or niguiwaicn were reaa.
4ds were ordered advertised for for
city printing, gravel, feeding tramps.
lumber ana keeping etrays.
Mr Grabam moved tbat office of night
watch and engineer of No. l'a be sepa
rate. Carried.
Salaries were fixed as follows: Night
watchmen $45, engineer $10, street
superintendent f 45.
Ataracai lee aaked lor the privilege
of naming tbe night watch men himself
o anion
The ballot for outside nightwatchman
resulted as follows : A W McLaia 6, be
ing unanimous.
inside Watchman H B Miller 6.
Engineer No. l's J Lindgren 6.
Engineer No. 2's O C Ctelan 5.Wet
tall 1.
btreet Superintendent Fi M West-
fail 6.
Pcundmaster D Bussard 4. Davidson
I, McMerick 1.
fclcction of citv attorney was noatnon-
eu inaenntieiy.
, . . ., . . a
ibe following contract bills were or
dered paid : E A Parker $25, J L Tom
lmaon$25, Albany Water Co. $31. EI
Light Co. $139, 8 Conn $3, city council-
men fos.
The chief engineer was instructed to
prepare inventory of all the property of
tne nre aepartment.
S. P. M. A F. OrricsRS At tbs an
nual meeting of tbe Sugar Pine Mill and
Fixture Co. held yesterday afternoon the
following were elected officers: C.
tars, president; Ed Brown, vice pres
ident and manager; Ed Zeyss, secretary
om Out?
J Do you come to the close of
the 6y thoroughly exhausted?
Does this continue day alter
I da y, possibly week after week?
w Perhaps you are even too ex-
haostei to sleep. Thensome
I thine Is wrone. All these
things Indicate that you are
suffering: from nervous ex
haustion. Your nerves need
(rrAiav and vour blood en-
o richlng. 9
i Scott's Emulsion j
te BaaaawaSBWasBBBaBamaawBBBaawawai S
I f CaA-Kw OiL with Hypo- i
J phosphites of Lime and Soda,
? . .. Um Mm4la tn w
5 contains i y
want. The cod- d
m unci " -
liver oU gives the needed
strength, enriches the Wood,
f rrAa. the nerves, and the hy-
eophosphites give them tone
and vigor. Be sure you get
SCUT r5 Emulsion. '
m AH dniii i yx. and V
SCOTT ft BQWNE, CJwmUu, Uw York,
Oolcmbts. Ohio, Jan. 12. The joi
convention elected Hanna amid gre
confusion, and charges of bribery. T
role was 73 for Hanna to 71 against
New York 92c.
Chicago 90'i;.
San Franciaco 62c.
Liverpool 'Ac lower.
Albany 66;.
Another Sarcastic Answer.
Indianapolis. Ind.. Jan. 10.
"The Mayor, Eact Portland, Ore: In?'
porta nee of full representation in con
vention cannot be overestimated Ad
vise tbe number of deleyales appointed.
If not already, when will your board
act? Answer.
"H. U. Hauns, Chairman Monetary
Executive Committee. (Single gold
"Portland. Jan. 11. 1898.
"H. H. Hanna. Chairman Monetary
Executive Committee, Indianapolis.Ind :
Will send no representatives. Favor
silver dolUra. no: national bank rags.
Congress, not yoorselvea can legally act.
Yon should disperse.
"Sj I Tee ter Peonoyer,Mayor of Portland,
including East Portland."
Mr. Knox Haight and family passed
through here last week on their way to
Mr. J.C.Brown made ns a pleasant
call fast Monday .
Some of our young men went to tbe
Basket social at Beliplain Fridy evening.
Tbey report a prortam and tbe baskets
sold well. Some brought two dollar.
Read Nthem'ah 5 :3.
We took a walk last Friday for onr
health snd a we wandered eastward we
soon arrived in the city of Taogent . We
found the people all astir and happy.
Prof. Mitchell and hif dog "Peter" are
teaching tbe village school. Tbev are
well liked. (We mean tne Prof.) Mr.
Jesse Moses is doing all that one small
man can in selling goods. He is ably as
sisted by Mr. E. B. Coney aod Sam
Moses. We found Mr. Joe Beard and
sons very busy at the depot. We were
informed that Mr Mill bad gone to Cal
ifornia. Perhaps be will find "Young
America." We found Mr. Forester of
the Tangent nursery st the store of Mr
Moses. Mr. F. is well informed with
regard to "fruit pests." ?rof. Swike
bammer makes bia headquarters at the
at ere. He is also accompanied by bis
dog. They (that is Prot. S. and dog) will
go to Klondike soon.
Mr. David Shearer is the successful
bidder for carrying the mail.
What's the matter with McK? Per
haps he has partaxen too freely or im
bibed too much on Christmas.
We are truly glad that stale elections
come only once in two j ear for the ante
election talk makes ns tired especially
when we hear mea talk tne very oppos
ite of wbst they intend to vote. Tbe
words "hypocrite" aod "liar" are near
akin. . Lima Ross Bro.
C B Winn, cuv tick etagent
to an points in tne east.
&mile 's e'eaa printing.
Romooa pure spices.
Romona Romona pore extracts .
Try Sebllllac'a Bast tew kc4 feaklec powder.
The Beit Cricken in town at C E Brow
Shirts and collar a specialty at tbe Mag
noua LAondry.
Pictures from 75 cents to 125 ner dVeui
at Longs gallery.
let a set ot carving Knives l-r an smas
present at Hopkia Bros.
Call at Hopkin Bro and see tie pocket.
uires nest line is tne city.
Crssrfbrd k Harnish for Dhotoarrsxh
Price from tl to S?0 per dozen.
Be sure and see the antt rat tinware at
Hopkia Bios, will las. a lifetime.
"Snow Flake" floor is mad by tbe
Red Crown Mills of Albany.
a Hoe Une of new macintosbM just re
ceived a: the Biain Clothing Co's.
Try our pop corn ; it never fails to pop.
"Bed Crown"' the standard of color
aod strength ia flour. All grocers bave it
Tate the O C k E cteamer for Portland
down river on Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs
Large sales and smsl! oroGU is tbe motto
ot Hopkin and that ti why tliay are
always busy.
wnenyou want a choice sleek, a nice
roast or meat ot any kind, call on Henry
Broders. lie keeps tbe best.
Dis. H. K. and O. K. Btrs offices aod
residence in post office building. Special
attention given to diseases ot women
Q The best meats of all kinds aad eood
treatment at the Albany Dressed Beef
Company's market, jutt djwn Second
street. Good weight and prompt attend
It's th uniform finish of the New Red
Crown Hour which makes it so inpispen
sab.e to the pastry cooks. It can always
oe reued upon for good results, lry it.
Mothers Praise Hoods Sarsaparilla
because by its great blood enriching quali
ties, il give rosy cheeks &nd vigorous ap
petite to pale and puny children.
If Hood s Pills are the favorite family
cathartic and iixer medicine. Price 25c
Take Lar.tive broms Oiintne Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if It fails
ouure. 2oc.
Mwill biys City, Cutty i
wjrr.tnta. 0:1 ;s In lVtijj
That clean sharp effect on our printing
i had bv knowing how to do rres work.
and by using the neat material, still the
price is no nigber tnan tne outer sinu.
smiiey, me printer, fev;
Bvsrybody Bar aw.
Coacnrets Canity Cathartic, the most won
derful nieUlcal diaroverv ot the ape, pleas
ant and rofrvshins to the taste, act gently
find KsiU vely on kldoejra, liver nnd bowels,
cleansing the entire avstem, disl colds,
euro lieatlaohe, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of C. C. C. to-day ; 1 0, S. M) cent, bold and
guarsntocu to cure by all druggist.
For Old and Young,
At Low Prices
Mens Oregon Wool Suit
Met a $8 00 suit go for
4 cans sugar corn
4 cans standard tomatoes
4 cans standard pepper 10c size. . .
Mens $3 00 fine shoes go for
Mens $225 " " "
Battle Ax tobacco It ox plogs
8 lbs roUed oats, best
Blankets from 75 cents to
Dealers in
Hirdwire, Paiitaani Gill,
Wagon lateral.
Iron, Steel, Coal, Ccain, etc-
brovas Wheat is a good price and
there it no reason in the world why you
should not boy jour wile a cook stove.
We can fit yon oat with anything in the
line of stoves and rarer, ha ring a large
Sloe of -jewels" snd "universal"
constantly on hand.
lies axo ssncxmos Hunting bas
now commenced snd we are prepared
for it with a fine line of guns and a big
stock ot ammunition. Oure'ock of shot
guns is particularly good and the prices
very low. Call early and g you -choice.
Bicycles We still carry the two beet
bifveiM in the market ihm "iVkinrnKia'1
and "Hertford." There isn't any other
wheel that wJI rive ss good satisfaction.
and the people are beginning to find it
out. We also bave a repair shop, so if
yoor old wheel needs any work, come
around and e will put it in good shape
lor you.
JaTwaxDis- Hassows Does your old
disk harrow rear np iu the middle un
less you run a rail into it 7 ben yon
get "Jewel" you won't have this
trouble. It has a solid steel frame, l
the most durtble harrow on the market,
snd if it doesn't do ss good work ss any
of them yon can bring it tack.
Plows axd Haaaoww Yoo can't raise
30 bushels of wheat pet acre nnless you
get tne ground in good condition and we
have the implements to do it with a on
want to sell them. We can sell yon
plows that will be light draft and will
scour ia any soil and .we don't think any
ons can beat ns on price.
Tax Btsr Bcgct brought into the val
ley is StudebaWs "laser ," and we in
vite you to come around snd take a look
at our slock. We have them in light
and heavy sises.brewster snd end springs
quarter leather an 1 full leather tops snd
tne gears in tnree dinerent colors.
100 Bc-Bixa of wheat is a common
every-dsv load for a Studebsker
wseon. It is not wsrrsnttd by tbe tusk
ers under such a load, but it carries tht
mncn right along during the straw-Lsnl-ing
sea soo. However it is warranted to
carry as mnch as a S1 wagon of any
other manufacture. If you want a wag
on that will last yon during the test of
your life, buy tbe "Stodebsker.-
Scpsjuob Drills
Wm Jordan, E D Farwell,
JnoHutchins, Wm Walker.
J E Archibald, B J Becker,
Al Perry, S Freerksen,
Geo E Edge, Z Q Haves,
Frank Trues, E D Barrett,
If yon think the Superior drill ia not
right st tbe top. vsk sny ot the above
named gentlemen, each of whom bought
and used one last spring. We have just
received a car load for the fall trade, and
they are not old bankrupt stock from
Portland, but were shipped direct to n
from the factory Aug. 1st. Come arcund
and see the very Latest and best drill.
Don't Fosckt that the place to bay al
tnete articles and many others tbst we
bsve not mentioned, is at the store of
now is tbi. Bnrkbart s Lee are now
offering guitar mandolins, banjo aad vio.
uns 'ii and ou per cent cheaper than ever
before in Albany If you are 'hiekmgof
crcnasiBg any thing in tbat line you wilt
o wen to call on them.
Don't Fail to take advantage ei
night class in book-keeping st the
lege this week. Tuition free f-r
ons Closing out.
Crockery and Glassware at cost,
C E Brown six.
J GradwoLI
Inform the general pubiiothat he
sell as low a anybody in the city for
sash. Come and get prices before you bay
April 1st, ISHi . J. UEADWOBL.
J W bentlay, the pioneer boot and shoe
man, doe first-class work cheap. Call oa
him, just north of the Democrat othce.
Albany Market.
Wheat 60 cento.
Eggs 25 cents.
Butter IS to 22 cents.
Potatoes 25 cents.
Ham 11 to 13 cents.
Sides 10 to 11 cents.
Shoulder C to 7 cents.
Oil HI V
$ 00
4 00
1 75
1 25
6 00
We Sell
Very cheap.
Hosiery, Gloves. . .
Mitts, etc
Sail close 3 Jan. 18th
J. A. Weaver.
Wholesale A Retail -
sxaaxr. obcgok.
Pure Drags and the finest snd largest
Stock of Stationary and Books
ia the Market.
Rano.Organ.YoiCB CilturcHamioiij
Xias Bda R. GiltMrt.
Teachers of Music
WassiBctoa Siractear C P Chares, A!baay
K. O. T. 31.
every Saturday evening at E. O. T. M.
hall. Visit in Knight iaviied.
W. A. Cox, Commander.
GRffiFiHi BB0LT3.
Not a Patent Medicine, But a Safe
Core for All Forms of Indi
gestion Tbe results of recent investigation
have established, beyond question, the
great value of the new preparation for
indigestion and stomacn tronoiesv; it is
composed ot the digestive acids, pepsin,
bismuth, Golden Seal and similar stom
achics, prepared in the form of 20 grain
loaenges, pleasant to tne taste, conven
ient to carry when traveling, harmless
to the most delicate stomach, and prob
ably tbe safest, most effectual cure yet
discovered for indigestion, sour stomach,
loss of appetite and flesh, nausea, sick
headaches, palpitation of the heart, and
the many symptoms arising from im
perfect digestion of food. They cure
because they cause tbe food to be
promptly and thoroughly digested be
fore it has time to sour, torment and
poison the blood and nervous system.
Over six thousand people in the state
of Michigan a one in l&H were cured of
stomach troubles by Sloan's Dyspepsia
Full sized packages may be found at all
druggists st 50c. or sent by mail on re
ceipt of price from Stuart Co., Marshall.
Mich. Send for free book on stomach
diseases. " "
Post Tskaccw Spit aa teat iwtr aaaj.
To qutt tobacco eaaUy and forever, te mar
Belie, lull ot lite, nerre aad visor, tak No-To-Baa,
tne wonder-worker tha makes weak aaea
strong, ail druggists, toe or (1. Cuieguama
tced. Bookies an4 sample tree. Address
Stexttne Ramsdy Co., Chicago er Nsw York