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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1898)
(The Slcuiorvaf. A Dakota Letter. tuRT BeBTHOLD, AGENCY. Klbowoods N Dak. December 28,1897. To ran Editor : H.iig spent three years ia th st , and being ODe ot the few Oreg iai - tthia its borders, and perhaps tte on constant reader of your esteemed pnpi within its bounds, I take pleas ure i. giving you herewith a description of uiy observation and experience since leaviug Webfoot, and if m your discre tion yon deem them worthy of pnbli caiiou you may give them to your many readers, through the columns of the Democrat. I am much interested in Oregon, its people, and future prosperity ot the state, for several reasons; 1st many year of my lite were spent in "Old Linn" within a few miles of Albany; I am yet a citizen of the state, and hence it ia my home; 2nd, -It is the grandest state in the Union all things being con eidered ; and its future welfare has a brilliant outlook. The people are gen erous and progressive; It ia the land of abundance, and tha climate nerfart and healthful, therefore I never fail to speak a good word for Oregon whenever opportunity offers. For a number of years before coming ' hviv I was engaged in teaching in tne pub ic schools of Linn Co. Or., and ouU , gav no that work in order to accept an appointment under the Civil 8ervice roire, as teacher in the Indian Service a' this place; Therefore my main objct is to giv the true status ot things as I find them today among the Indiana to gether with a description of the country, climate etc. aa I have seen them. Me have just passed through the ' Ci-rietmas tetivitiea on the reservation, elevating and civilising nature, of which any white community might well be proud. These Indians are most loyal on such occasions as Christmas and r our ii ot July, when they take priSe in making tbeee events a surprising success, and are prond of the privilege by which the ' can show their enhgatenment. 1 attended the Christmas exercise t: ' tha Catholic mission conducted whoi-y by Indians, I was favorably impressed throuihoit the exercises by hearing fami'iar eongs being, rendered in the Eaic'.iab language by Indians of all age. I observed but few who were not dress d in citizens apparel, and most of them very neatly attired in drees suits, ant! E'i$'icn dresses was evidence lufficiei.t to convince me that these Indians are adopting the customs ot civilized cation a i ramil rat. 1 marl a vialt In t Urn d;n:ig room where they were ecjoyiLg their Chriumas feast, there I beheld lore tables nicely arranged set tastily with dishes, and almost filled to ove -floving with eatables, all -well cooked and inviting, I noticed there were light rolls, corn cake, fat pies, sliced beef, soup, tea, coffee and a variety of canned fruits and fresh apples. Such a feast i .1 v : i . i wuuiu ue rL'jujrcu vj muj pvupir, ana the advancement being made in domes tic duties by the Indian women is. a noticeable fact. There were five trees gorgeously dee orated in streams of red, white and blue, and highly illuminated with wax candles, all loaded to their utmost with toys and preterits of every description, from a five cent lumping jack to a fifteen dollar cassimere shawl, and for over three hoars the distributing of presents continued, while at intervals of every twenty minutes during this time a well equipped brass band of fourteen - Indian b-iys interspersed the exercises with s me well rendered and pleasing music, and during the whole program venders were continually passing through the crowd bestowing free gif's of candy and apples to all. This was my experience on Christmas day 1897, among the Ree, tiros Ventre and Mandan Indians, and for generosity and grand display it woo Id be difficult to equal. Trees and exer cises conducted by other religeoaa f o.-ie-ties I have beea informed were a great success. The winters in North Dakota are us ually quite severe aa I have found since coming here and geneially from Nov 1st, io aprii itm - ine rr03tJUng" reigns supreme, and bolds every thing in his iron grasp. This winter however Has been mild so far. as vet we have had no snow worthy of mention, and stock of all kinds are farirg well on the range reqoir ing no feed, np to this time. Stock raising is a great industry of this state. and the natural grazing advantages are not surpassed anywhere, and as wild hay ie abundant win'er feeding in this sec tion is not very expensive. These In dians have over three tboussid head of cattle and for some time have furnished their beef eopp'y for which the govern ment pays them six cents per. b. net, and tli en issues them the beef. t.i .... .mig eiaie is an elevated plateau ot considerable bight, and consists of roll mg preine land and sandy soii which yieida cerea'.s and vegetables of good quality snd quantity, when the season I prupuions. inecoutry is appearance reminds me much of eastern Oregon,and easier Washington, but in general char acteristics it ia vastly different. My location here is only a atones throw from the Missouri River and during the sum mr incnths, I enj3y great sport in catching the monstrous catfish with which itr muddy waters abound. Ii it frozen over now, and has ben since Nov 13th, I went down to day and measured the ice, which by actual meae Urnuent was 20 inches, flow would that atrike an Oregonian.fresh f rom vVebfoot? We have had aomecsld weather, but one of the co'dest daye, when the mercury was 25 degrees below zero, I drove 20 mi lee facing a cutting north wester, all the way. (Well it was'nt pleasant, but I soon thawed out, when I got clo 0 be side a red hot etove.) The temperature here is very changeable, one day itmlgbt be 6J above zero, and the next, 30 below The atmosphere however, is very dryand it does not have that cbiJiness apout it that a damp climate has. Snowdrift formed around my houae last winter, which were so high that after getting oi' a chair, I coulJ not see over them, anc in ord-r to have u:tc:ient light in tht ' house it wa necessary forme to cot the drills down every lew dajs with a shovel. Such ia life in North Dakota. Mjaor Thomas Richard, our Agent is putting forth every effort to stimulate and advance the inteiets of these In dians, and under jus supervision we cat only expect rapid progress In every de partmentof the service thronghont th. reservation. The educational status of this reset v. tio- is second to none. This di-partmet of the service is under the supervision oi Supt OH Gates, whose ability educator is of a high order, and wh. through bis constant and untiring ener gy has brought the standard of excel.'enc to its present degree of proCcency T him Is due muc1! credit for the coopera (ion ot the school employes along al liner V, 'ha? ning labor, and pro 'i-t-f . er i-evaHe in a shorter period . t c are three Day Schools rv"..i,. ' Boarding -t 10 pupil leceive traiuing eur i-r tm miuth. fliese i It- Hi ; Ui- hm s a under the control ol the gov e1' m-nr, lii!i on- or two mission :;. .loiiijf a uot;esful and last- t -it ; n -id amocg fhe I'ltliaui'. One oi tUse nciiools is conducted un let thP-opervieion ot Rev C L Hall, 19 years a missionary here. Ilieee Indians some year ago made a Kra'i wi t. he government wheieby they cedea a large tract of land for set l.euieui by the whites, by this treaty the uovernmeot was to pay the Indiane SO.OuO each year, for a number of years in annuities, such as rations, clothes.cav t:e, horses, wagons, farm machinery etc Good crops of wheat a. e yearly pro duced on the reservation by the Indians, generally sufficient to supply them with floor throughout the year. Extensive gardens are also grown each season by them, affording an abundant supply ol vdiretblea lor use both summer and winter. Religious work among the Indiana is Droarreesine verv encouragingly under the auspices ofTThs American Missionary Society, ot which Rev C L Hall ia a most efficient member ard worker. - I have spent five year in the Indian Service, as teai her and it ia gratifying Indeed to viv- the growth aad devel opment ol condition whers-bv the In dian race uhiu the United States, wil sooner or 'atrr become educated and,civil lised. . iff Mosks, fea-.her No 2 Dav School. In Memory of G. F. Crawford. RinM our .ant meetioir. one wb had foi man veare been associated wiib uk i. the management of the tueine" af faiM ot toe A.tMay Fanners Company has i.iit.d h ranks of the elleiit de' oartcl. M? 1-sire to refer to a pat t tbeli'e history, ami particularly to ih :nportan' part performed io the tn trt.t I tn AUoy Farm" rs Company bv on-deoraeed aosociate G.F. Cra fort?. F.r r i arl? ons founh of a century, be .lofd ootirnK'v.for the welfare of tlk , in a'i' . . t;.e iiujf-oi i orgfici- tio. us ho v-ar 1873. ha was chosen cue o- i.e first dim-tors, and wi'.h the excep tii.n of about three and one half years, served continuously in that capacity till the close of bte. For three and one hall years he was president of the Company. The company's success can to a great xtem b- at:r huted to bis fithinlnese, aud iL rfi: me ll e ptople reposed in hi i ability, honesty, and integrity. A pioneer of our Slate and County, his personal aquaintance wiib a large major ity r! the farmers tributary to Aiban ud Tangent, tended to secure a patron ge tnat nured success. Io the early ye'' of tlie Albany Farmers Co. when most business men ttoked npoa a!i incorporations with io- discritsnate distrust, in connection with the Directors of tne Company, he freel) atiFumed personal responsibility.toeecnre tne n-ceaoary means to conduct the bus intss of the Company, but for those riek, which interested stock colder, should, and undoubtedly do Iioid in gratetul remembrance, the Alaqny Farmers Company would now be nnm bemd wiib the numerous wreck oemparary ent In the year 1396, on account ofjailii g health, be claimed and obtained an ex emption from further service as a Direct' or of the Company, bnt bis interest n it affaire and influence for its success never abated. In 1897 tor tbe twenty filth time be assisted in tbe election of its efficers He pasted the years of his majority first in teaching school, secondly as i practicing phtsician, thirdly, aa a bus bandman carving out a bome ia tbe wilds of Oregon, and as a legislator laborirg for the welfare of the people Lastly in helping to orgacize and con duct the business of the Albany Farmers Company In all these labors his effort was crowned with success. He never sorght public honors, bnt at a time when popular opinion demanded more than an office seeker for official po sition, he was chosen a representative and served acceptably. He was indeed 'one of natures noblemen. Possessed of a fine weli cultured intellect, a close student, kind hearted, and renowned for his hospitality ; He had the same kind greeting for all, fr the little ehild be migbt meet noon tbe street, for the lowly in life, or for those of ability and distinction who were bnt bis peers. Though but a few days snort of f nr score years of age he maintained bis foil mental vigor to tbe last. He was devotedly attached to bis family. Having lived to see all of his children in life, honored and itiflaential citizenr, acd believing bis days of labor ended, bis mission in life completed, be ex pressed not only a willingness but a de iie to depart and enter upon that im mortal spirit existence in which be firmly believed. With an faltering trust he approached tbe grave "L'ke one who wraps tbe drapery of bis concb around aim, and lies down to pleasant dreams", fo bis widow wbo journeyed band in r-and with bim for more than a hall entury in happy wedded life, now dis eonrolate on account of "the breaking ol tie tender ties close rwisted with tbe fibers of the heart," and the members ol his family we extfnd onr heart felt -ympsthy. The foregoing was aee"i by Board o Directors ot Atban Kar.TK-is Co., in version Jan. 7. 1898. Attest. Jl H Wilds, Pres. Pass B Marshal, Sec. Oie night 111 New York lichee), ll-e bicyclist, rede 25 miles in fraction less than 52 minuets. lie did it with ease, dif mounting at tbe end of be performonce witnout assistance, calking nimbly away. Within tbe nemory of men still in active I'fe tbere eas not a railwav ira'.n in America that imld make such speed, and e?eu now here is nothing in lbs world bnt a rail tray that can accomplist i. Ex Many persons ars dwperately afraid ol light air, and so shut themselves into lose rooms and breath an atmosphere ofaoned by humane exhalation. It is well to avoid draughts, bnt night air, as Florence Nightingale pot it, is the oniy ir we bae at nigbt,and is ranch whole omr pure than impure. Mr. Uanna will ba senator of Ohio by he narrow margin of sue vote. . his is just about as the Dbmocsat had been predicting, based simply on Hanr.a's haracter as a schemer, when proceed g with bis pockets lined with gold, la is a vote getter. Bad more votes een necessary he would have secured nem, you might never know how, but -iey would have been in at roll call, Janna bas a peculiar style of his own -bat counts. A boss arrong bosses be works lor gain. A sea-captain may navigate his skip safely acroas the ocean, but when he cornea into port be must have a pilot who knows all the difficulties and dangera of that particular channel. In the voyage of lift there are many penioua piacca wu w need the help of a pilot who has a thorough knowledge of the apecial difficultiea aad dangers to be avoided. In those aeucaie puysicai wwihiwct diseases peculiar to women a general prac titioner or ordinary doctor has no opportun ity tn herame thoranffblv oroncieni. sun less to be trusted is the advice of any mere nurse or unscientiBe person, rwii anM-ialiat who ha riven a life of study to this particular field of practice, is competent to treat the diseases of woman's intricate ana complicated organism. Am woman aurferina from these delicate troubles may obtain the most eminent pro fessional advice free of charge by writing to Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physi cian of the Invalids' Hotel ana surgical in- stitute, of Buffalo. N. Y. During nearly years' at the head of bla splendid staff of specialists, he has successfully treated many thousands of cases of obstinate feminine TOP,in.ts- x.- for the sole purpose of curing; the diseases and weaknesses of the feminine organs. No other medicine has been so marvelously successful in this particular field of prac tice. No other medicine so completely overcomes all the dangers and "nearly all nftint nf motherhood. "It is with pleasure I recommend Dr., Pierce's vnmit. PimTintkm to autTerinr ladles. writes Mrs. j. Ferguson. Bam so. DoogUs Station, Sl kirk Co, Manitoba. "After mifferlnr untold tortures I thank God I found relief sad cure in Dr. irterce's FiTorite Prescription.'' Tlie greatest hook Car women ever pub lished is Dr. Pierce's thousand-page illus trated " Common Sense Medical Adviser," sent free in paper covers for cost of mailing nr. l one-cent stamps: cioin-oouno 91 stamps. Address Dr. Pierce aa above. Bryan on Gage. The present Secretary of the Treasury, Mr Gage, is eminently fitted to be tbe instrument of the financiers in tbe effort to complete tbe eel erne commenced twenty four yeareago an I eouUnued with but internptioc uolil the presentday. He poeeetwes a sublime fai h in a superiority of money over men and a supreme con tempt for tbe rights, the interests and tbe opinions of tbe people at large. He knowa that the geld standard was adopt ed in the United S a;et without any party ever asking for it ; he knows that tor twentytbree years after i's adoption no party-ever dared commend it; be knows tbat in tbe campaign oi 1S96 tbe parly composed of boiling Democrats was the only party which dared to declare the gold standard a blessing; be knows that at the polls 99 percent registered their opposition to a stogie gold stand ard, differing only as to tbe means of securing bimetaHsm ; be knows tbat the President, to whose part? be owes bis position, sent a commission to Europe to beg other nations to help ns get rid of the gold standard ; be knowa that tbe Senate and Honre, with scarcely a diss enting voice, appropriating $100,000 of the people's money to pay the expenses of tbe commission wblie it wai seeking relief from the gold standard; he knows that France by joining in tbe demand for international btmetaliem eondemed the gold standard ; be knowa tbat tbe farmers, the laborers, and to a large ex tent tbe manufacture of England desire international bimetalism ; be snows tbat tbe maintainance of the gold standard means unmerited advantage to the mon ey owning and tbe bond holding classes. is undeserved punishment to tbe vast majority of peop'e of liis country and of the civilized world and yet, in spite of bis knowledge of all tbesp facta, be ia deliberately planning to fasten tbe gold standard permanently upon the people of the Cnited S'-ates. Not content with advocation a policy which places the destinies of 70,000.000 free men in tbe bands ot foreign finan ciers'and permits a few London bankers o control our standard money, be now proposes to give tbe natiooal bants foil and complete control of tbe money ot tha nation. In Xovenibr. 1S96, six and a bait mil lions of electors voted against tbe retire ment of tbe greenbacks, and seeo mil lion people supported a platform which was silent on tbe subject. Tbe repobl' can candidate for President, tn bis letter of acceptance, pledge J the Republican party to keep in circolatiou (and as good as gold) all tbe silver and paper moneys now includtd in the correncv of the country, while only one party advocated tbe retiremen of the green bacis, and tbat party polled less t;ian 1 per cent of the total vote. Mr Gage knows these facts and yet, in spite of that knowledge, he is seeking to organizes money trust uore danger ous not enly to tbe industries, but to tbe liberties of the people, than all other trusts combined In tie list of food to b taken by tbe government to the snppoeed to-be starv ing Klondike miners we notice the item of a ton of chocolate A great mistake is being made In not taking at least a too of peaonts, and taffy candy along. These government expeditiDos generally commit some snch fool freak. How many laboiing people right at home have chocolate to drink for break fast. Ex. It ii a sad spectacle wbeo a place can not be fonnl to bury a body, even that of a murderer, but this baa been the ease n California recently. So bitter was tbs sentiment that it was finally necessary to cremate the body, and tben only aiter several trials to secure the use of a crematory. This is wrong in tbe mind of tbe Democrat. When a man ia dead it is his body that is buried, dust to dust, and bis pitvious cbarar ter should not intefere with his securing six feet of ground for it to dcay in. Portland is falling rapiJIy in debt. The city's expenses in 1897 exceeded its receipts $1S2,5C2-S9. The interest bur den of the city already amounts to $254,' 2)8 annually . Retrenchment and re- lorm are certainly needed in Portland. rtieie .s too much government in Fort land, as there ia io almost every town. The only fruit of too much-government is public dettt. u. It is well not to believe .all these little 4lorie tUat come flying over the CliU- coot Dair. about solid mountains of gold on the Klondike. Distance lends enchantment to the view particularly when r-ch Inn Into a country hard tol enter. Mr. Tom Red Is holding things down back at Wis Mngton regardless of the reat Arrerlean roval rv. ' . George Washington Goode, of Moscow, Idaho, once ol Uondon, Oregon, nss com menced disbarment proceedings against A. . Gallasher of Spokane. Wash .. the the legal reprecentative cf the Vermont Loan & Trust Company, who he claims a it the best of htm to the taneoi izm Dy fraudulent means. Gallagher is a form er Euirene merchant, and the Guard de clares tho charges are probably false. " WW MISFITS. Th will ha cacVlins" In Portland on Febuary 1. the date of the state poultry how. William McKinlev has opened a to bacco and confectionary stoiein walla Walla. The Pvthian. of Portland.comca to the Democrat this week nearly all in Ger man. Wats the matter. A Bood cat story comes from Kansas. At Fort Scott Mr. Oatt got mad at Krs. Oatt and shot her.and then shot himself He died, bhe lived A good ending. Tbe Klondike social is the latest fad that has been striking the valley towns As may be anticipated tbe decorations are of a golden hue. A feature is the hunting lor nuggets hit around the liouse. A late Albany joke was the giving of a young man a bandtull of Carters little liver pills for perfuming bis breath . He appreciated the situation when the coat ing bad come on. The Idaho Democrat is holdioir a Klon dike party of its own. The last issue was printed on yellow paper. This is as near as many newspapers ever come to sating (be yellow stuff. The world is full of morbidly curious people. After the bxly of Durrant was taken home hundreds of people stood in front ot tbe Durrant bouse watching it for hours at a time. Joaquin Milhr is getting p'entvof Yu kon experience. He recently returned to Dawson nearly frozen to death. It the poet of the Sierras ever gets to civil ixat'on alive tbe muses should be made to shout. Tbere is something in being a woman Martin Tbora and Mrs. Sack murdered a man in ew York citv. Thorn was sentenced to be hanged and Mrs. Nack to niteen years in tbe penitentiary. If any thing she was tbe wont fiend of the two. Jiue men just from Dawson report immensely rich quartz discoveries near Dawson, lane ledges full of free gold, tbe mother ledge. The men probably ten 10 order to get away lrom such a daxsling sight. Exaggerated reports of all kinda mny now be looked for from tbe Klondike, but don't get excited. The state treasurer's report shows S56,600 in the general fond, vet war rants issued on tbat land are stamped "not paid for want of funds" and draw 8 per cent interest. Verily tbat is scien tific financiering. Journal. Capt. Mahonev. tbe Irish oatriot. who ia now declared to be a fraud, bad rdeniv of credentials when be was in Albany. which iDggesU tbat it ia a very easy thing to have credentials. Credentials need to be examined with a magnifying glass. 1 an m juaucc court, case at &aiem laat j Saturday while on the witness stand A A Moore, in response to a question said tbat a previous statement of Csl Moore was a lie. Cat thereupon proceeded to pay bis compliments to A.N. and a fiitched battle followed.stopped as quick y as possible by tbe court e orawHwat Tbere were 77 Cases of Ivncbinir in the United States d urine the six monthr end ing Dec. 31. It iao't every murderer that (ret three year of life after tbe murder. It is time though that Jadee Lynch was pat oat and Jade Lex filled with electricity and ordered to do busi ness at motor speed. W. S. U'Ren baa been tried for Mm. thins down at Orecon Citv. iast what don't know, and was toond not Buil'y Mr. L Ren is a peasant gentlemen, and we should dislike to see him convicted of anything serious, lis was tried by a pol itical body of soma kind. These are try ing days by the way. Jaasn Stearns baa retimed aa circuit juaaw at roniaoa ana a host of candi- r:.... it :n v 1- "7." J". wis I UIUIUK IIH Wl am lur inp niarai. fill .1T1 UUI" ,' r--t " 10 .uv v. muuu ma lawyers who think tbey can fill such place. Luetgert, the Chicago wife murderer WuO undouwedly killed his wife and boiled bcr body in a vat, is receiving pr I posals of marriage from all over tbe U. j S. A Texas woman says tbe men tbere are too darn laiy to live and she wants Bill Hnn.ll,. for mrA..r. i. V- very nauseating. II this Klondike erase should continue Mr. Mc Bride should secure a permanent relief measure, aa the mines are in an i soialed place, and tbere ia always bound to be danger of starvation, as much in tbe future as now, as thousands will go in reaching tbere with no grab ahead. Perhaps thoueh tbe government will set a little sense in its bead this year of 189S Tha hat pin again comes to tbe front as the greatest weapon of tbe age. At Chi cago Sunday night a cable car wss held np by two robbers, who were doing np tbe conductor in genuine burglar style when Sadia Williams came to bis rescue with a bat pin, and the manner in which she jabbed and s'abbed I bote burglars was s caution. Tbey fled precipitately, and tben Sadie womanlike fainted. Lakeview Examiner: There waa a ped dler in town tbe other day wbo seemed to be a rather intelligent sort of a fellow He engaged In a game of card a with sev eral others, and in tha conversation that followed the subject of politics came op. Me said : "i know all dose bolitics. Now- ataya, ven a velier has bleoty gold, he's a gold-pug; ven be bas blentz silver, he's a silver-pug, and ven he ain't got any ol dem, he'a hopahst," He left townbroie. More men from Alaska ccntinua in av that tbere will be no starvation at Da w son this winter, that they are all right, but nevertheless the relief measure goes right along, acd Portland business man do not seem to have found it out. for tbey keep right on preparing to send re lief, which though, as people outside know, is merely an advertising scheme to bring tbat city forward as center of supplies, and as such tho Dkmocrat doesn't particularly object, I ut it does get tired of tbe buncombe manner in winch tbe whole matter ha been run. and particularly of the manner in which the government was made a dupe tit spending $200,000 that is badly needed in its business. a JUEQK CAMPBELL STOUY. Three toys of twelve or fourteen years were accused of roaming about the streets at nigbt. 'What is your name?" raid Judge Campbell to tbe first one. "John Donley." "V.'hstdoyondo?" "I work at Laurel Hill Cemetery." "That's grewsomo." Then, address ing the second : "Whst'syournsme?" "Jemes Grant." "Do von work?" 'il'ri ""'''''iilL.i.,,. pause. "'Aro"5'jvnaifXU)',lTlitft shout at me when I am out on my bicycle?" "No, sir !" protested the trio, excitedly- "Call me Santa Olaus and things like tbat?" "No. sir!" in chorus. "Make remarks about the wind and my whiskers?" The vigorous denial was repealed, and tbe Judge remarked : 1IW.II l.nlr lilrA Hi A a . m A M-MM but I'll let you go thia time. Stay at home nit-ate. for if you don't yon are I TT VII, JWW 'V. uv vwtuv K.UK, . pretty sure to get in jail." Examiner. TELEGRAPHIC a ladlaw Van-king South McAlibtku I T Jan, 11. A telegram received here this evening- a o:40, state i ttiu . a bund of 150 H- niuoles are on Ue war path and are leaving e hind tbem a trail of blond. Tbe telegram was sent by the railway station agent a Karlboo. Tl e brief informa'ion conveyed was tbat tbe Semino'es were svenging the work of the mob of tbe white men who burned two Seminoles at tbe slake Fri day last, and that the infuriated Indiam had already maaa4cred 25 men, women and children. Papnllsls Mretlag 8t Louis. Jan. 11. Populist leaders of national renown are wsembling here to take part in tbe couference tomorrow of the people's part; national committee, he purpose of tbe conference is to come to an understandinir aa ti tha fu.ure nolicv of tbe party, decide on a plan to bold tbe next national convention and cull the nom insting convention . BUhnp Craastaa Spokane, Jan. 11. tbe Methodists ol tbe Northwett bava lost ther bisd:. That was tbe firs-, news that greeted tbe presiding elders cf ti e p knn. district when tbey met in convention this mo ning at Vincent Me lioditt church Bishop Earl Cranston has been ordered t leave nis Dome at f ort'ond, and lor two year take the place of l.Ubop toss and direct Methodist missionary work .i China, vorea ana Japan l Is la the lr Denver. Jan. 11. A roecial to the rews from thevenne, Wyn says: in tbe city election touav Cheyenne -went, aemocratic ny a nanosome niajoruv tor tne brsl time ip years J be democrats elected two aldermen out 01 irree. tbr republican nominee, A Under- r n 'be tbird ward, winning by on 1 five 111 j t ity. Ta Bte Ciemated tSAiFr!tcico. Jan 11 Theodor Durrani's Uut reque-t i to be with, llu body is to be creuia eJ I' will be taken to Los Angeles to iiubt and then removed to Paaaneda for ti. al lu position. tcnealloaal Harder BfiTK Mont. Jan. II Paric A Laraey, president of thj State S-ving bank, and one of ibe best known citu-ns of Butte, was shot and killed in tbe bank building about one o'clock this afternoon, by Thomas J Riley, a wealths citu-n. ear be 4 Seattle Seattle, Wash Jan-10. The steamer City of Topeka, which arrived here hi af ternoon from Jcneau. bad among ber passengers the men who left Oaasoo City on fee. 9 Tbey were 24 ''ays in cotniog from Dawson tothecorst. 'be I fUl?r recorded was IS below t-ro Ibe j uiuwgut vui wiiq iiietn attoui 90U.WU IB gold du-t aad drain. Dog trams were used in makteK the trip. Tbey all agrre that food is starve, but that lb ere is nc danger of starraiion . Aail-Btaaai Col.imbis.0.. Jan. 10 Senator lUo aa is believed to be snort tonight one sole of election. Toe oppciUun is not sure of enotifcb votes fur any one man, a against only Ti for Uanna, but the feel COBBdentat least of preventing Henna's ejection . Last nitrot tbi democratic steering corom ttee demanded ot Kurt that be furnish at least eight iff oat iu to night from tbe republican member tbat they would stand wita the 65 demorr?' in rating against Uanna Tbe democratic ! steering committee reported tonight that ! tbey were saUs&ed. j Oar Sail Cot art l j WasnixOTOX, Jan. 10 It bad bfo i expected tbat the comtnittw on prmlea-es I mmA 14 . I I . . . 1 - . mrvMvu .wiiu wrr kmjj io up the claim of 11 VV Corbett to a sat in the senate from Oregon, oa tb appointment of tbe goTemoi ot tbat state, but owing to the aUoTM-e of boator Harrow , ibe meeUog wilt not be held until nest Moo day. Mr. Burrows is the on ij rpuUicao on tbe committee wdo will rrp.-e iLe seating of Mr. Corbett. avakaaa -,r si -a. appointed pmasUr of this city ba. beea a reeiJeni of tin slate since ls Io 1S32 be wa e?ectej to the testator. lie was bora ioObioia 147. wafa p,M on the Mwiatippi nrer Is e3 and l6 kmo...i ........i .. . ; . alusotmtandin 1SSS w,t 14, CoW be has been ena.ei a a : shMmii hhuumv Vw W I V S a . a. " "V..-Ai!i.f ceot u.( secooil act Uort-ir p j, "A Navt uadev at tUti.n'e 'beater, luoivbt, Cor- bet stepped before the ear am and aa- noanced tbat be oE-?r t ilzimnuo 35. 0OJ for a bntsb fwbt, tbe entire sum t j yo to ttximiuoa if Corcetl Luis V poi bin out in ter round. Ccritett lot 1m iu issue this challenge oa Jan 17, but de-; cided to make it public tuoighl. ror aoalkera Snsa Ssattlb, Jan. 10 Mr W.sUka h . j -"Y" V. :""""'" riCT vrt-fuo. viMre ne went a ccup'e ( of weeks ago. He reported to tiscm-! po ions tbat be was in favor o lolling to Soul hern Uregon, ia preh- a to wo- IB 1mm Claaaa rukl CoLfKBt-s, O , Jan. 9 fbs -n.a,wil situation basKtcbnadtod4y. Tue cm ! fereaces continue night and ad dy, and ! doubtful members are given a rest Tbe s workers for ibe eeoxtor say ibe now bare ' enouch vole. Tha K urn work, rs sv j tbev can spare anotbor role or two sod -still defeat Manna. Uat tbev msi.t ihat! inev pare KMt all treir dvubtful men now I and will stand to tbe last with at iet si republicans and 65 dVniocraiic ni. miers i against Manna. reralUr r.rla: 0-itario. Or.. Jan. 9. Tbs rx.mina-1 non oi rxiwani u.trer. atraied of killing Peter rrenob, was completed at Bum., on tbe "!h - Justice of ibe Peace U I, Lwi. of Hums precinct, arbitrarily adr i'tcd tbe defendent to bail in the sum t.t 10 000- 1 h "d is said to be purely straw one. Humiliation hardly describe , of tbe ommunity over the ati the fet-lms of est ice Lewis. a wall the atl artl.a WasntSGTOx, Jan. 9. Interest in the ena'e proceedinrs for tbe week center in ia the promised dedate on the irea'y for tbe annexation of Hawaii, which will be taken cp Mooday. senator Davis ha at ven notice thtt he will more an execu tive session of tl.e sena'e for consideration of tbe subject each day. until tbe trva'y (ball be finally disposr-d of A Bla S,lh. Order. B BTox. fan.. 9. --The mule spiouer of j Lowell and New lled'ord were today given ' permisaicn to strike by Ibe executive com mittre of Ihrt mulespinndrs' union and an assessment of 25 cents per week t.t levied n tbe members of tbe union. Deieira es repnenting eveiy mill in New Kngland were present. Feveral delegates made application for permission to strike, but ine board denied perniiravm c all places except Ljwell and New Bedford. A aelllrasrat. ToFnox. Jan , 0. A bispsich to tbe Daily Mail from Iiong Kong, dated yes terday. says it is reported there that En laud, Japan and Russia have come to an agreement respectine: Corea. The details of the agreement are not known, but tbe dispatch says tbe Uritish lleet are re turning to iiong Cong. S'roira lo Death. Covukk Citt Wash . Ian. 9. William Pulman and Parish Jobnson who left here Dec. 20, for their places 30 miles east of Waterville, were found frozen to death about 39 miles from bt-ra by a search party. Tbey had lost Ibeir way and woudered in a circle for nearly 100 miles. Johnson was an old settler. Home Hrst, The World afterward. ftt (mod grcoeiies for your fann y. Conn fc Hus tm keep the best, which thev sol1 at the lowest possible prices. Frash vegetables and fruits according to the season, always on bacd. A fine line of crockery. Slop that Cough! Take warning. It on lead to Consumption. A 25 j battle of Shiloh'sCure may lave your life. Sold ty Fosbay ft Masou. The ofCoe tbat does high grade printing n good stock, for the price ot tbe o'her 1 tind. Smiley, ihe printer. s ' j Ao-Ta-oao ror rirty cents. j Oiranteed toboco bablt care, makes weak men sironir, blei i-ure. S0o.ll. AUdrusgMta. O'BRI Selling at Cost. in order to liquidate our bills we shall sell our entire stock of Clothing, Fu r n ish i ngGoods, Hats and Caps, Dry Goods, etc. O'BRIENS. T.J. THE KINO OP JUVENILES . . tie book bas ever bn mads far yoaas; Popl which compare I ovo-teota tha Mia ol this great oanual. SIX HANDSOME COLORED PLATES ADDED TO THIS YEAR'S VOLUME. sJ Millions of Copies have been sold. i Order frost yosr Bookseller or o a. Every Poalsr sarria It. ESTES & LAURIAT, Publishers, - - BOSTON. THOMAS BRINK, I All kinds of furniture 1 and bedding, and ii Dealer in Albany TradingCo II. .V Jlorriw, .Tlanager. We bare moved our store to the Gra ham building, corner 1st and Baker ta, and will be pleased to meet all oa pa'rons. We will continue selling on mall margin of profits and :or cash o produce taken on a rath basis. We will guarantee l'at'U Ac Savon J Soap the beaten the n a-iel Tit pot I r " ,r ? r ..uVllT... ! 2 ? - J bot,, Wosno... ..... ! 4caM PP". niostart. allspice or I saee l nn aaa . awa-si 23 1 00 25 25 25 25 25 25 1 00 25 25 05 25 25 45 25 OS iO 10 "ft 1 3 Cyeone f moo 3-2 oa botliee extract nilla.; lemon or va- - pa Kotal Java coBew. - pa A'bockla reffe grod to order - a Lion coffee " " ardinee err bos ' cans cove oysUr,cood ones J., papers cor. or gloss s'sreb ' "-! gal nice peeled peaches i 9 Ibe Arm & Hammer l.d (balk) 10c pk RisiRK fun stove tn'isb Nice mixed candy.. Walnut Cora Cake tob ami pipe 5 gal kerosene, briny vour can S lb pk Forest Soap Extrac:. rur ameed better tban Gold lul and made in Oregon 85 ! Wa alAearrv a tin nf tmA eAnatatin of chop feed, bran, aborts,' bay and straw, come and see tie wbeo in need of gnceriea and f.-eJ K.-ti)eaiber the W'sce, Cr 1st and lUker 8t. OUR CAPACITY la Uncqualcvl In the Valley. OUR WORK 1 Unsurpassed In Oregon. We have the best stock It. gelect from anl our Dricef : u . . uu are atways ine lowest, quality considered SMILEY, Albany. The Printer TilEASURER'S N01ICE NO. 9 Notice is bereoy civen that funds aie on hand tc pay city warrants Nos 367 to 416 Inclusive of the issue of 1S97. In terest on said warrants will cease with the date of this notice Albany Or. Iec. 20, 1S97. E A. I'abksb, City Treasurer. 0KEG0. e.tical & EASTERN R. . CO. -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting at Yaqmna Bay with the San Francisco & YaqQina Bav STEAMSHIP COMPANY. SteaMl) "Fmsiilsiit" Sails from Yaquina every 8 days foi San Francisco, Coos Bay, Humboldt Bay. FassaNoaa Accomodationf U.iacarAssct Shortest route between tbe Villain tte Valley and California. Far horn Albany and points west tc Ban Francisco flABIX 80C Btisrags 6.0C Round trip good for 60 days 17.0C To Coos Bay Cabin... I8.0T Steerage... 6 00 To Humboldt Bay and Port Oxford, tiWn $10.01 eerage , 8 00 River Division. Steamer "Albany" between Portland ind Oorvallis. throush ithout lav-over. Leaves Cor rail 6:30 a. m Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sundays; leaves Port- land, Yamhill street dock, o:0C a. in. Monday! Wednesdays and Fridaja, JSdwih Stoni, JOMi'o. l auager bupt River Div ENS Boots and Shoes, O'BRIEN, Agt GHATTERD0X"'I897 Over 400 Pages. 200 Full Page Illustration. 5rol aowr St arias, each a book la Itself, aaa baadrcoU ol Short Stories. A cflotss. Pas ales. c CMR IstVaS PKESEKT tor beys aaa girts at all ace. you want the most complete floir safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. UD soo pacific unz. TolUFointilai. Solid vestibule trains, coosting of pal ace sleeping car, loxn loo dining- car, elegant day coacbea, na-niacent toorist cars ind free Miosis sleepers from the P. ci&c to tbe Atlas tic wiihoat change cost Diaacr aio cnsriarr aorra t Kootcnny) Mininsr District j saarsr. arw ravxa. sLocas crrr, StLSOS, aaLso. vaalL, aossLaxo aa All point in tbe Okaaaajaa County. Ge a pamphlet giving a fall deaenptior. of ibis wonderful country. Ask tbe asent for a copy of tbe mining laws U Britisr Columbia. Low rate b and froa Atlantic steamship ines. Canadian Pac. Ry. Uo's Hoyal Mail Steamship 20. line to China andJapan c3tAOtA5 acsTsaUA sraaxxB ux TO wcKotrLr, rut asn arsraaua. Tbe shortest hoc to Cc ionics. These sieamers carry aa eiferiecel medical man. and a stewardess on every voyage for time tables pamphlet, or any in ormatioa. call on or address S N STEELE k CO. Agenta.AIbany Or. EJCOYLE, Agt, 16 Third St.. Port aad. Vt- OEO. McL. BROWS. D P. A. Vaaconver. B. C- ORTHERN l PACIFIC R. R. S3 -saw- Puitman Sleeping Jars. Elegant Dinirg Cars, Tourist Sleeping Oarf at rant Uioneapoli Dulnth rargo, To Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Butte TROUGH TICKF S... TO hlcKO rTashineton fhiladelpbia Sew York Boston and al Points East and South Through tickdts to Japan and Ch na, ns Tacomaand Northern Pacific steamshir Co., an American line. For information, time cards, maps anc" tickets call on or write O O Bnrkhart agjfit, Albany, Or. ADCharlU. A Gen Faas agt Portland. O- tXLCUTCR'S NOTICE To all ihecrtditors snl persons Liter eted in the estate o Rebecca Smith, de ceased, you are be eby notified that I have been duly appointed executor of said estate bv the county covrt ol Linn ounty, Ore gon, therefore, all persors having claims against said estate are hereby notified and i quired to presrnt tbe same to ms with the paper vouchcti, 1 1 the law office of W R Bilyeu in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, within si" months from the date hereof Dated loij lsl day of Jsnuay, If 98. Samvki. Rkaukr, Executor "ITITANTED TRCSTWORMY AU-1 ft live gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established Louse in Oregon. Monthly $66 00 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. Tbe Dumin on Company, Dept. Y Chicago. FOUND. On Ferry street, Albany, a pair oi kid. glore,new or almost new. Call at tbe Postal i'e'egrsph office . fm o)jaPr TO I Mt E A OIVSS TBS CHOICS Of 2 TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL ant CHICAGO OHECOfi SHORT UUl .VIA SALT LAKE DZKVER OMAHA aso KANSAS CITY Lowest Kates to all Eastern Cities Ocean Steameis Leave Portland Every 5 days .. son SAN FRANCISCO Steamerg monthly from Port land to Yokohoma and Hong Kong; via, 1 he Northern Pa cific Steamship Co. in con nection with O R and For tall information call on Ctjaaax At Mots'tk, A'.b.ny. Ot )B SCDBBMI: W H HCBLfcljKl. Gn'i Pax . Aoas Pocd Ot . Dot k liin Gnle IUILIUAD : guenis Line or tte World Tn Ogflen & Salt Lais TO ill FolEta East & Soitisii Pullman Palace Bleeping Cln Pullman tourist cirs Free reelining chair cars Are run through on all trains. Best service Finest equipment Fastest time. For rates of fare and all in formation call on your near- , est ticket agent or address R C Nichol, E B Dcfft, Genl Agt, Trav Pass Agt, 251 Washington St, Portland. 8 K Hooper, GPiF Agt, Denver, Colorado. ...HERCULES CiAS AD GASOLINE ESGIX - Boilt in special sizes for printing oScee and factories. Stale roar wanta and write for prices and term-. Illustrated catalogue furnished free upon application- Ancatcas 1tt ForsDts' Co Portland, Oret)r . a tie Oremmt Cemrt Ssde of Orrpm,er Umm Viole. Ford, p!ias;ff- TS Milton Ford, defendant. Tj M iltoa Ford the above earned de- fealant IS THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, yoi are hereby reqat ed to ap pear and aower tbe ocmpUint cf tfce ptaiauff txre n in tbe aor entitled eoarl, now on Eie in tbe office of the clerk of 'aid court, on ir before the first day ot th regular March trrm of said court, it being atonoay. Jiarcn tbe lsrtn. and JoaJ are hereby rur.ner nouaed tbat tn case yon faii to so appear and answtr said comptint, tbe plaintiff will apply to the court for the telief detnarriAi tbeni, towit; A decree of th? ah ve ft u.J sqq!1 ing, settina aside and holding f-r n-rjut tle botds of ruatrimoriT heretofore exist lag between toe plaintiff and defend ant sod that tbey be forever divorced. That plaintiffs name be changed from Violet Ford to that ot Violet Me Name" a. ber mtidea name, and she h're htr costs and aubursements of this suit to be taxed, This summons is published by order ct Hon 3 H Hewitt judge of said court, made at chamber in Albany. Oregon, on the I2.h day of Janusr . 1S9S. L U Mostastk Sos. Attom.ys tor Plaintiff. FOR SALE. New Bartock t j newritet for sale ckeap at Blain Co 'a etcre. ADMlii!S7lUT0VSSrLE ' Notre is hereby airei tbattre nnder signed admiobtrator of tho esia'a of Jaa E Ctrter, deceased, will ia nnmoanee of a a t rder of th couotv court for Linn coanty. Cresoa. du'y snsde aad entrm! cf nenrd on the lith dav cf April. ISM. ofTer for al st rable sactioe at the cxsr boose ioor on th i9th day of Ffcioy. 1S9S, at ne near oi l a circs p m ot a-d fay. to. following dwribd real ets.. towit: Lot ro 4. 5 snd b, tn b ock Jo 1 1 in Rack', mn'ifcoid srldition to tie citv of Albaay uiiQwuu... vnun. j e'oia .r raio one bait eb in used and tbe remainder ia six months from da'e of laie, pavintnt sheared by mortge oa th propertv. This Janua-y 6. 1S9S, En R M Carter, Adinr, WHY WILL iOU SUFFER WITH corns, cat louse, in crowing toenails and bunions. A E Uess, tbe oKMime chiropodist will remove them without pain or subsequent soreness. No cutting, nor acids, but simply tawe a separation be tween the corn and flesh and lift the corn out who's, with a pure vegetable oil. Charges reasonable and satisfaction guar enteed. No extra charge for calling m your residence or place of business. Room 3 Rusa House. Clubbing Rate?. The San Francisco Weeklv Examiner next year will give to its subscribers a 1 10.000 residence in San Francisco rent ing for 160 a month, a I3.S90 U. S. bond.s j 11.500 gold nugget and hundreds of other tnmgs. 1 ou can set tbe Kxaminer ana Wexklt Dimocaat for f? 60 a year, wiit the Daily Dkmockat by mail for t.25,by carrier $5.7S, in advance. The Dano cjut will order onlr on combination pay aent ST LOUIS REPUBLIC, semi-weekly one of tbe best papers in the United States, and the DiMOcaaT paid in advance, for only $1.75. aJ'TnCPMfffll 2. 3 45 67 J& 9 iO W M 13 14- iS 16" 17 11 19 20 2i 22 FOR SALE. Where, by the consideration of the Circuit Court cf ttie State of Oregon for the Ceunty of Linn, in a came therein 1 pending wherein j M Moyer, L U Cole, I L r 1 Um. B V frnf al are plaintiffs snd tbe Albany Woolen Mills Concpsnj, a corporation, was aad is de fendant, a decree was dn!y rend- red .given and matieonifae 19th u ay )t Noveroer, 1897, directing that the real propery be longing to the defendant corporatiaa and particutariy described ss follows, to wit: Block one hundred snd fifteen (n5) in tlsxWloman's Addition to tbe Ci y ot Al bany, L nn eoonty, Oregon, as the same appear on record oa tbe map and plate of said city on 61e in tie office of l-M Coabty Kecorder - Linn county, uregoa, oge'berwilh the boildings, fiiture. mar cbmirt sad plant ihfreoo situttd, known as tbe Albany Aoolen Mi ls property, with tbe apparteaance. be sold by the j underirned, tne receiver of tne proper j tie of the above aamed defendant. I lit said Albanv HmLn Miilc n'ant consisi of the Wowing, towit: Two 2) Set Davis A Farter 43x48 In Frame Cards complete; Foot (4, sets Johnson k. Bassetf: self operstiBg Jacks, 240 spindles each; Two (2) Cronn!oo &2 in. Fancy Loom. 27 HiruM, 4i4 boxes; Svx (6) Crotsptoas 1 15 in. ' Om Looo. z, 3 and 4 leaf, 4x4 bcxe; Two (2) Crompton 109 in. Fancy Lkhm 4x4 V&& pattern; Six (6) Knowies 92 in Fancy Loon. 30 Hamesa 4x4 box. In addition to tbe above tbere is s wcol opener, doatipg macbioe, bxrr pi ker, finubing macbinerj, drying ma cbin, ye vat, wool ahei. acd other macbicery complete necessary tor ftnianing sit kiacs of wool j goods, Tbere is also a comlc'e pnlWy aoachedtosaid milia. Now tbeeore. in obedience to said de cree and ia accordar with tne terms and prTtiaona thereof, the undersigned, as re cetrer aforesaid, anil sell all and the whe of tr hereinbefore described property upon the fnM ard conditions, andintbr sranner following: lb said nroperty will be sold to too bigbeat bulder. one nail o tbe purchase price to be paid ei-t tbe time of ibe delivery of the pammmw& thereof to tbe jirchaaer, namely on or be fore April 1st. IsiH, aad tbe balance on credit of six mor.ihs tbereafter. witnout isr tercet. wi-Ji sccniiiv to be approved by tee court- Sealed bid for said property mutt he '-d with the nxet'er at Albany. Lies, eoonty, Oregon, on or before the &b day of February, and each bidder is rrqo red to de r-t with his bsd, as aa earnest of good faith, a certified check, parable to tbe order of tbe leuavei for the snm ct to thwand doilars(S2000 C) Acd all per n inierered are hereby .. C J . 1. . . f-.T. k n Ft.ra ary. IfeK at the hour f en o'ciock a m of sid Jay at tie co-art boose ia tbe Otv of Aloany. Una county. Oregon, ail bid received b tne sa'd receiver will be open ed by the Hon H B Hewitt, judge cf th said court. The said cosrt. by virtoe o said decree bereiaU'tcre refem'd to, re serves the right to reject any and all b d UUl llU- IQM UU W k- wm, w. a. U or said propert j. Lht'ed Decern yerzaa, t:., Csssbhuis k Tho.s, L Tvs Attorneys tor Receiver. K, Cbsnber of Conmrrc-, AJta Po'tlaad. Ore oa - EAST AfwD-SO'JTH THE SHASTA" ROUTE OF TH Southern Pacifio Co, I r. a. I Lr ? mm a a i A-r? triiii j jj at iatm tween Partial I ai 3aia ssr ' Mjricm. Jlrsoi A tangent. vaeoJ. naisey "t Cottase Grore. Drain. Oakland and a froi3 llwbsnr SJC'h to and la- eluding Ashland. S a I L liars Ut fcSra jar PXUM aaaa; ar S'V i-.iii5r Li i 7 taar SJbiar tur Leba-Ku S1J lfe&f arrir as AiOaar frooilMBOo Ian aibsaj tor kkwa ArriT at Albaay favat Ushamm IrSrw, PULUIAr BiJrFil SlEEfm. a wo Dininsr Cats on Ogdsn Rou;tN SECONO-CLKSS SLEIFIK8 CABS Attn 01 So aU Taraaah Tral. Tea atwo IHTtaSoau HTSTBU rsBTaAJIa AS fValH an va sanr ttxotys Baiwuj aosascaa suisaikr tseaa tlx Uatral A SwdaaS Oarvaa ar I iJn Ll lflSr Kafnai Traia Daily (eiotrt Saacsr Pnrtiaaa McMiaannr la&tp dame ar ns a I t I - aw Lvi aa Tril Ar (Mrs 1 ar Dtnte: eoM'rtKn at S Fnico wti OocWwU riswtal n& PaesSe aid ta-aiovj Mass PAN sal CH1 1 4 S uUat Ox oa appiicauea atMaadUckrt -.!. at al Kar JAIAS. 1 tCLU ACSTax- ca a. at-VMl Ima a. KSIa. Art sauar SM'a.a Or, . aFri PurVaaa Dr Adams Cnekk Block Albany, Or Painless work a specialty J n l ATT Ground Floor Dental Office. Van! Littler. Assistant . Broadalbin, St., Albany, Or. Wood For Sale. oeT cord On tbe ground. H nl,?"rt n cord. Cab on or aaaress j. Albany Or, or leave word at DtWOCKAT office. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe stockholder of tbe Albany Cream ery Association will ho'H Useir annual meeting at tbe creamery buik ing on tbt 13th day ot January, 1S98, at tha hour of 1 P M for the purpose of electing h d rertora and the transaction of any other business tbat may come before tbe meet- Bg. December 15, 1S7. 5 From ait, E StMJtv, President. Seeretaif. --v Icaiaoraw. Cxwrass Traiaa .pc-. fiJ F-JTbaaa ' SiWj rlSJiaw