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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1898)
: V-.- ' I " I'.-- - :? XX -X:X. ' ' X:- ; "X- :xX-X-X.vX ''y:J X-: : :X:-:. : - - ' '. - ' - : -V ; . V - VOLXXXII1 Enlerea t.C tke Test Office at tlbaay. Or. Beeead-CIass Mall Mailrrt ALBANY OREGON, FR1DA. JANUARY 7. 1898. V r SlTTISaS rablUker aa Praartetar AO. 23 , . - . 7 fcgeable?rcparalioufcr As similating toeroodandRcgula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of ftomotesXH4cstion,ChcfTrul Tiess and BestContains neither Opiuin.Morptiine norlfmcrat Not Narcotic. AMU- HirmmSmrJ - A pcfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoca. Worms,Conyulsions,Fevcrish ness and Loss of Sleep. Xac Simile Signature of TEW "YORK. IS & SI V .JS1 OPENING DAY OF IS January 4, 189S. The college has strengthened its mercial work very much, so that now it has become a iusmess equal to anym the state. Thid 19 so now. Come and fecure a branches o.'a liberal education. Albany, Oregon, B astr L0Tirn ,m 11x11 1 11 a-t- - .mii vev srttr Wall Paper, Lineol&um, . . Uace Curtains, Rugs, Portier3, Pillows Furniture Bedding. "P'ture Frames, I4nan Warp Matting, Oil PaiDtingp, and Undertaking ml ALBANY FURNITURE CO. ,.,HAPPY NEW YEAR... 'a RING OUT YE BELLS And tell the people far and wide that the best GROCERIES the finest HARDWARE the best make of STOVES are to" be found at P. E. ALLEN & CO S. CURE CONSTIPATION 25c 50c 1NY CIGAR FACTORY! (Mil1)1' SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE -OF T3 ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERT BOTlXE OTP CasiarU i pa tp in oo-iis bottle oalv. It U act soil la baft. Scat allow auras to sell yo anything else oa the plea or pnmisa that t, is jtst as pood" and "will answer evary p- pose." Ee flat yoe get C-A-S-T-O-M-A. econd Term com- Gollese was cot so in the oast It all thorough training in President Albany College 6l tri5JP3 ClRE5IYE & yamlhjll of. PORTlAIfEtOR y mil . i" "TTSk. v CANDY CATHARTIC sn 1 11 1 immirn" ALL DRUGGISTS Proprietor LEBANON. From the Express : Attorney Q F Skipworth will soon open law office ia tbia city. Miss Ilda Elkinsia visiting her parents this week. MiBa Ida Ward spent Christmas with Mrs George Buhl. Mrs G D Montague and little son, Bruce, of Portland are visiting MrsJMon tague'a parents, Mr and Mrs Miller. Mr and Mra Hugh Fisher retnrned to their home in bodaville yesterday, after a month's visit with relatives in Port land. Mrs B F Bowdell, Mrs W H Reed and Rose Peebler left this morning tor sev eral days' visit in Albany. Jas Matcbette and wife retnrned to their home at Waterloo Saturday, from a two months' visit with their children in Washington and Idaho. J P Hahn. the bweet Home merchant, left Monday morning for a five weeks' visit with relatives in Missouri A F Hamilton has charge of Mr Hahn'a store during his absence. J K Ewing expects to leave Monday for Los Angeles, in hope that his health will be much benefitted by the change of climate. G S GiUtrap has leased Mr Swing's barber shop and will run it during his absence. Mrs G W Aldrlch "and son, E E A! drich, have sold the champion flouring mills to Emery & Miller, of Oakland, Or. W T Emery, ol that firm, was in town Tuesday,, when the sale was completed. The new firm will not take charge of the mill for several mon;hs ye. R B Montague passed through Lela non last Saturday evening, but we promised not to say where he was going. Lebanon Express. Yes, R B spent last Sabbath in Brownsville, but we won't lei I who be came over to see. Broans ville Times. And now Bob and tome one from Brownsville are enjoying the hohdaya visiting in Portland, but we wou't tell who bis companion is. Any personn this vicinity having a just claim against me to the amount of five cents is requetted to present the same and get their money ; so as to add weight to the scandal which is founded upon malice by a faraty ia this city. As Henry ward tteecner aaid, to go to the expense of killing one he, a hundred more wul come to ita funeral. ro back biting, boycotting or blackmailing in this paraK rapb. R M Caldwell. Surgical Operation. Xrs. Henry Taylor has been in Port land several weeks attending her father, who has been ill. An operation was per formed this week. Tne Oregon ian speakaof it as follows: - A difficult operation became necessary in the case of W. B. Taylor, who is very !l at his home on East Tenth, near Washinston.consistingof cutting through his ekuil back of his ear to give re.ief from pressure. The operation was per formed Monday by Drs. Hockey and Chambers. Tbe patient was put under the influence of an anestbetic.and an op ening made through tbe skull. He came out of the influence of the anesthetic very well, and seemed to have been benefited from the operation. Yesterday his con dition was regarded as very critical, and bis physician was unable to determine what the result of the operation would be until today. He is receiving all at tention from tbe many orders ot which he is a member, but his condition causes many apprehension. The funeral of Mrs. Minnie Boenicke was attended this afternoon by a large number 01 friends, glad of an opportun ity to pay their last respects to one who! I bad lived wei1.. a bi hearted woman, j with a kind word for all, a good mother I and neighbor. Her death is generally regretted. H. F. Mcliwa'n is confined to bis home by illness. W. E. Chandler, of Lebanon, was io the city today on buaioets. Mies Julia Taylor, of the Gate ashcol, is visiting in tbe city. Mr R. M. Cali'weil. of Lebanon, is doin business in Albany today. Mrs. Geo Henderson rame up from Portland today on a visit with Albany relatives and friends. The father of Mrs. J. R. Douslaa ar rived in Albany yesterday from Kansai, giving bis daughter a genuine surprise Mrs, N. H. Allen and son Frank left yesterday, for Burton. Wash., where I' rack is attending the Yashon military school. Several Albany Maccabees, went to Corvallis I act evening on a visit with tbe big Corvall.s lodge. They report a pleas ant timt. Myron Isham and bride have been in Harrisburg on a visit. Mr. Isbam was at one time night operator at this city. Tbey will reside at n oodburn. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wright and their little daughters Willeta and Eulah are risitine this week with relatives and friends ia Browmville, Tbe Endowment Rank, K. of P., last evening elected the lol lowing officers' L. M. Curl, president; E. U. Will, vice, president ; W. M. Parker, secretary. An operation of considerable interest was performed yesterdsy by Dr Ellis on Miss Dora rorter, 01 oneaa. n consis ted of the removal of tb. ear drum and malleus and incus bones. Dr. Henry, of Brownsville, who left several weeks ago for California to reside, declaring that be didn't want any more of Oreeon mud. retnrned yesterday, and be couldn't come back last enougrt. ure- gon is good enough for him. Mr. Smith, advance agent of A Day in Bohemia is in the city arranging for the appearing of the troop in Albany It has been Dlavine to bie houses in Port land for several weeks. The usual prices are hieh. but noon tbe advice of several men they were put at only 50 and 35 cents, rather reluctantly, as the troup is en expensive one. Children will oe per muted to go in for 2a cents. Farmers institutes will be hel 1 at Halsey on January 4 and 5, and at Junction on January 6 and 7, under the auipl-'es ot the O A O protesiors. Tbe firm of Bradley & C'.emonc, stoca men. bas 2500 cattle, 1500 of which at near Albany, and tbe remainder in Asotin county, Waninglor. fcx. A P Murray, a cripple.while on his way home in Baker City lat Friday, was net upon by a thug and knocked down, lie dragged bu 8saiiant down with him, and intbe- scuffle got the would be robbers pistol and with it wounder" the roan, wbo, however, managed to eocape. His course was traced f.r some distance by the blood left in tbe newly fallen snow. Mr Murray says that he is sore he shot thetaan In the stomach . PimnlRn. Iilntrhes. hlankheads. red. rough. oily, motliy skin, itching, scaly scalp, dry, thin, and falling ha!r, and baby blemishes prevented by CtrncuEA Boar, the most effective skin purifying and beautifying soap in the world, as well as purest and sweetest lor toilet, bath, and nursery. CoAr la told thnmirhoat th world- Fottm Dbca AUDCBItil.Ctilli'., Sola Prop., BaatoQ, U. B. A. mr How to ir wot fw Uamon," mUd frt. EVERY HUMOR rTlWZlZZsri FACE WHEAT. Tbe report this noon is of an unsettle! market. Tbe quotations are. New York J X Chicago 92H 0 Ban Francisco 8 to. Liverpool lo lower. Albany 65c. SCIO. From the Press: Ernest Cole spent the holidays with bis Bister Mrs. Ida Veal, Albanv. John Goins and wife, of Albany, were over for tbe Christmas masquerade ball, also stayed for a few days visit among their many (riends here. Mr Geo. Phillips and Miss Anna Wor rel, of Albany, who have been visiting in Si'verton returned to this citv Wed nesday evening. The people in general and the "bovs" in particular thought thingt looked suspicious, so about .9 o'clock: a party of serenaders called on George. After this party left'the boys" began their ahiveree in their own pecul iar style, by discharging four sticks of giant powder, which caused a sky-light to fall in on G. W. Phillips, Sr., and of course, be got tip at once. This contin ued for about au hour, before George could convince the "boys" that he was not married, with another?artirg shot the boys" retired. Probate Record. In estate of Henry Beemer, citation was ordered issued. Returnable Feb. 15. In estate of Rebecca smith, will was admitted to probate. In estate of Tboa Humphrey, account ing set for hearing on Jan 10, 1S9S. In the estate of David H Harris, in ventory was filed. In estate of E R CheadX petition for order of sale of real estate set for hearing on Feb 7, 1S9S, at 10 a m. Citation or dered issued. In estate of Nancy Mrrks. renort of sale of personal property filed. In estate of S H Allen, certain moneys ordered distributed. In eetate of Jas T Weaver, report of sale of person! property confirmed. Final accounting set for Feb. 8, 1898. Bast Ball. At the opera bouse next Saturday evening will be played tbe best oau game oi tne season t. Uo. has been strengthened for tbe contest, and will put up a different game front that played at falem, and will at least make it interesting for the -Salem young men. It will cost only IS cecU to see it. 1 be line up of the team is follows: Stellmacher e Kvans 4 Chase Phillips Cusick la fox Whitney Ilarnisb Weitbrook 2b Pisque 3 Teirel rss G rat lain lss B Olinger f II Olinger Substitute, Bishop Crawford Weatberford c-ubetitute, Ramp An Old Times William Grant, of Far Far. on the eathore a few ruil aonsn of New Port, is greeting old friends here. in tne early J s Urake and Uraat were the 'ailors in Corral 1 1 and made the first uniforms worn bv O A C studau. Sine that time Mr Grant h seen a good many upsanddrwns lie was intima eiy con netted ith the coattroctton of the Oregon Pacific, bvinir rt may be said. Bulr Uoair's firt Lieutenant, and was aiwiys trusted with tbe most important and dangerous enterprise Times. Basi Ball and Foot Ball. Tbe third of a ser es of four games of indoor base ball, between tbe Salem Y. M. C. A. and Co. F. O. N. G. of A I ban- will be plaved in Albany Saturday eveninganoary 1st. In tbe afternoon preceding the base ball came, foot ball teams from Albany and Salem will conteat Icr supremacy on the gridiron. A number expecttoaccoopany the teams to Albany where a very enjoy able time is anticipated. Journal. Fabsws Rcsawat Tueedav waa a great day for runaways at Staylon. As J H. Mtnn was driving Mr "Faber, ol Albany, to Kingston, where be intended to take tbe train tbey met with an accid ent wnich caused the horses to become frightened and unmanagable, and tbey rau ay leaving tbe occupants of tne buggy to the pleasure of a mud bath. Statesman. A man wrote to Portland frjtn Astoria. "The wind Is blowing a burricane.93i; milee an hour at Fort Canby, and 87 4-6 mnes per nour tier ; still businees is fair ly good peoole blow in from all dir-u ions and float out a, ain. During the oat 48 hour. between even and eight feet ol rain has fallen in the city." The es says mis bests Munchausen. Postponed. The children's eotettaio- ment that was to be given b the L O T M r riuay evening is postponed until (utter notice. A metinu of the L O. f t wilt be held Friday evening Dec 31''97. A full attendance desired. It K All the charchea will have Christina exercises, tomorrow evening, of differen Kinas. In Olden Times People overlooked the importance of per tnanently beneficial effects and were satis bed with transient action; but now that it is geoerally known that t-ympoi Fus will permanently overcome habitual constipa tion, weii-intormea people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a lime, bat finally Injure tbe system. Buytbe genu ine, made by tbe California ig feyrop Co, .MAR KIEL. HOWE KESDIG. At tbe home of the bride s parents, sonth of Crawford ville, on Chistmaa day, 1897, Mr. George L. Howe and Miss Lovenia Kendig, Kev. C. S perry officiating. TEMPLE S MIDDY. On Wednesday evening, vec. cv, iro, at tne home Of Mr. B. B. Dunn, in Albany, by Rev 0. U. Sperry, of Brownsville, Mr. Otho Temple, of Lebanon, and Miss Icie Smiddy, of Albany, formerly of Leba non. Tbe ceremony was performed at 8 o'clock in the presence of a few relatives and invited friends, of wboio the Dkmo ckat man and wife were fortunate in be- lug numbered. Congrau.ialiocs and nice repast followed, greatly enlivened by tbe good humor and reminiscent mood ol the veteran minister, who has probably married more couples than any living minister 01 toe county. Kev . 1 1 ... o perry anu tne latner Ol tue groom were young men together and made their first courting expedition in each other's com pany titty years more or lees aao. The groom ia a brother of Miss A'.ice Temnln. uuw ui urn omem uuuuc BCIIOOIS, and IS S An.uAci v . . . . young man or splendid character, tbe bride is an estimable young lady, a for mer neighbor of the grojm. They have the best wishes of many. PETTIT-SOIIWAIBALD. In Albany on Wednesday tvening Doc. 29, 1897, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mr Ernest Pettit and Miss Louise Scbwaibald, both of this city. BATHK MAUFEKT.-Ou the eve of Dec. 29th at the home of Mrs E Fry, Albany, by Rev. Ronald McKl.lop, F ti tsaine and Lena llaupert, both ol Liinn county. a be newly married couplo will make their home in this city lor the present HORN. VflTTWi T ri. x.j-jiij.i.vji. iu usaaioosa, iowa, on ; Thursday morning, Dec. 30, 1897. to air . anu rnrs. rveaung, nee una Mon tana ot tni city, a daughter, Char lotte, alter ner Albany grandmother. All doing -well. Tbi is their first child. Mr. and Mrs.JCeating were mar ried in Albany Nov. HQ, JH2. REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported by the Linn County Ab stract Company, for the Dkmockat for the week ending Pec. 29, 1897 P T Long and wf to C R Loveall, wtydeed, lot 13 bl 2 Kirkpat- rick's third ad to Lebanon .... $ 50 Li toley and wi to i m bettie, exr wty deed, small tract claim 49 T 12, 2, w 1 Emma L Zyseet to 8 F Zyeeet, qt claim deed, Sec 24, T 10, 2, w 40 acres'. 150 Mary A Davis and husband to S F Byrset, qt cl deed, Sees 19 and 24 T 10. 2. w 240 acre. :so C H Zysset to S F Zysset. wt cl deed, Sec 24, T 10, 2, w 120 acres Consideration exchange of prop erty SF Zysset to O II Z reset, qt rl deed, eec 24, T 10, 2, w 40 acres Consideration exchange of prop- ! erty G P Barger and wf to F G Barger, wty deed, Bee 8, T 15, 3. w b0 acres , 1 Luther White to R L White, wty deed, the Luther White DLC W0 acres 10 Luther White to O R B Whu,wty " deed, Sees 19 and 30, T 14. 2. w Sees 24 and 25 T 14 3 w and elm 41. T 14. 3. w 646 acres 10 Lntber White to O R B White.wty deed, lots 2 3 and 4 bl 5 Browns ville and 3 small tracts adjoining e iown ot urownsviiie 10 ORB White to R L White, qt cl deed, N ' Luther White D L O aiary uolao to Jas Dolan.wty deed tract adjoining Brownsville E J Miller and wf toJM M Her. 650 wty deed, Sec 7, T 14, 3. w 135 a S P Fleener and wf to A D Wood mansee, wtydeed, parte! No. 4 T10.2, w P 11 Marlav & wf to M B K el lose, qt cl deed, Se.s 34 and 35. T V, 3, E 120 acres Rachel Arnspiger, to Aon E Am spiger, wtydeed, small tract ad joining city of Harrisburg, deed to take effect after death of grantor 3200 Resolutions on the Death of Co it- radc Geo. W. Hawkins. Aleasy, Or., Dee 30tb, ISfC. At a regular meeting of Fair Oaks Cir cle Vo. 1 Ladies ot the U. A. R. held on Tuesday, Dee. 28, 1897, the following re olutiona were unanimously adopted : wnereae, iue ureat uommander of tbe universe removed from this l.fe our brother and comrade George W. Haw kins, bereas. By the death of Comrade Hawkins bis lelalives bare lost a dear friend and Fair Caks Circle a worthy and and honored member, one whose patrio tism and love 01 country led htm to en list in the army for the protection of our dear Old nag. Resolved. That the members of Fair! Oaks Circle dwply mourn tbe loss of their brother and comrade, beiebr exteod to his sorrowing relatives our heartfelt rympa'.hy in ibis hour of their great or- iW. Resolved, That our charter to draped mourning for thirty dare and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Ibany papers for publication also a coov be sent u each ot Comrade llawkin'i sorrowing relatives. Committee, Mas. Jaxxic Baow. Mas. Jrua Baassa. Mas RaaaccA Small. Mr. Frank Power, the drmziat. is in the city. W. S. U'Ren. tbe well known 10 cu- iist, bas been in the city. Mrs. Lambsoa. of Poriaad, is here on Holiday visit with AJbany fkod. ' W . K Graham retained MH eve ting from a visit with bis son in Seattle. Tbe Portland Tribune give tbe name of "Mite" Richmond Wbreier as one of those attending tne State Teachers Asso ciation mee.iog in that city. The ocbestra will give a social dance tonight at the aritory at 8 -.30 oclock tboee holding invitations for the school and social dance from tbe O J G are wel come. The Eo worth League of :he XI. E. church will bold a "Peony Social" at the parsonage tonight. Come and bring wo pennies and have a good time. Everybody invited. Mr. Wilbur McCau'ev. a young man of seventeen, a brother of Mies Annie lie Cauley .arrived ia Albany yesterday from Centralia, Mo., and will remain tevera. mooil-r, aod perhaps permsoenlly. M Mr. John Dow. aad family yesterday returned to Albaoy to reside after an absent of twelve year. They have been residing in Austin, Tex , but they greatly prefer Oregon. Miss Jennie Gatbraith, daughter of Mr. J. P. Galbraith. after an aueenee ot five years, spent mostly in Chattanooga, Teon., returned home several days wgo. and wilt now make Albany ber home. She thinks Chattanooga, a city of 55,000, tbe hneet place she was ever in. Speakiog ot the Meccabee meeting at Corvallis the Union aavs: There were about a doxen ladv Maccabees from Al bany present, and one of them, Mrs. Craw, delivered a fine address. The Sicca bees are the largest order in Cor vallis in point ot numbers, and their so cial meeting are always successful. Thos A Parrish.ot the supreme coun cil of the royal Arcanum order, was in Salem yesterday paying his repevla to Mr Hood Oouncil .No .oss ol that order. Ueis a very pleasant gentleman, and talks moat interestingly concerning the ... - wi.rx 01 trie Arcanum ana aiso 01 mm travels, he having been over a gojdlv portion of tbe world. He will go to Al bany from here. Statesman. The Oakland torretooodeot of tbe Roseburg Plaindealer says: .MissOer- trnria Pnnrlrioht trr a social party at I ha rHiilKtim n( Mr. lud AITS. A. r . ... . T Brown Wednesday evening, called an old maid's party, tboee present were only th mnnit lurliaa of this community. A anlen lid time was reported, and the la dies were not at a loss to snow what to do to make the time go swifty by. e hope tbey will continue to hsve more nurtioi of tha aame kind and as success ful. What is Scott's Emulsion? f ! - tncrtrirnJno' food arid " 5t"n.?n.em.n . , - . trmlc remarkable In it fksh-form- nz properties. It contains ya- Liver Oil emuisuieo or paruauy rWsted". combined with the well- ' ..... . i T T known and hic-my prizeo nypo- nhr.soh.iteS of lime nd Soda, SO rcrL-j- mi,nrv It materUIlv that their ayvVw -- f increased. What Will It Do? It will arrest bss ol flesh and restore to a normal condition the Infant, the child and the adult. It will enrich the Wood of the anemic . it.. rial leeSta. will stop the cough, heal the irrtU- tion of the throat and longs, and core Incipient consumption, we make this Statement because the exoerience Ot twenry-ltve years nas lll 1 j- f ttimiunf proytu . I Oases, S Waa t" iLL" twim, toe snd ti-oo, til druggists. SCOTT BOWNB, Owmtau, N.w York. WHEAT. A lit'le higher in the eist today. May juiiHuons are. New York 94Jc, Chic.Ro 92,'c Ran FrancUco 84c. Liverpool 4c higher. Albany 66: Foot Ball. The game Saturday at 2 p. m. with the following men in tbe positioo: DALBM ALBAKir Stellmacher femick Bruce lj Beeler W rtlltpp Center L Guard R Guard 1. tickle It tackle I. end Rend L half R half F back Q B Klum' Saltmarsh L Thompson D Fanar O Bishop B Olinger N Smith F Wtatbeiford Hamp R Thompson Howard Stewart bternberg lyree W Refmn W Evans M Miller M 01 aii Southwick Sub Admiuiion 15 cents It Ir, but It Isn't. T h etba ny ISmw; r r E a s acolumn of paragrapbs.under tbe bead of "llisUta " One of these misfits is this : The Oregonian has about made Port land out as wicked a city as it did Ssn Francisco several months ago. me urejonian hs not made Port and outawicki-d city at all. It bas -only shown that Portland has a vile, dirty. lireoticusand eortupt municipal govern ment, at the bead of which stands Syl vester Pennoyer, formerly governor of tbe state Tua Caemxal QcASrrtr. Onlr a small audience gieeted the Cardinal Ojiartet and Prot. Fleck at tbe opera bouse las: evening, and it was thought beet not to give the concert. The fee who bad shown their appreciation for musical talent were refunded their mooey. Af terwards several were invited to tbe par lors of tbe Revere bouse, where tbey were given a treat. Misses Geoevieve and Ethel Hughes and Misses Matbews and Collins, forming tbe quartet, four charming and graceful young ladies, were iieera in tnree or lour selections, tbeir voices blendiog beautifully ; Prof. Fleck, probably Oregon's beet concert pianist. in three selections, displaying his rare tal ent and mastery ol tbe keys. Besides possessing tbe technique be pats an ex pression into bis pertur mane that gives popularity to the pianist. Miss Ethel Hughes and Miss Collins each gave a pleasing recitation. 1 he Cardinal tjuar- tet at least tnaue several warm friends Krone's Pocxrar Snow. Eugene has been holding a poultry show that baa been a marked succeee. A boat 650 birds were exhibited, and theditolav attract ed a good deal of attention in that eitr. nearly as much as a New York brrse show There were six exhibits from this county. D. O. Woodw:rth bad some yaodottes and Langtttans, E Adam Son, of Rowland, had some Mioorcas. P. U Rocks, snd Pekia ducks, Frank Hut hurt, of Sbedd, some W yandotte aod brabmahs, Austin Huiburt of Orleans sime W yandottes and Plymoatb Rocks. Mis. L.B. Witxel of Tangent ron e Buff leghorns, and Erwin Dow of SheJd some Brown leghorns. TiaenoF 51 ixnesota. Calvin Stoart and 11 eery Tetman, his son -in law, fro in Minnesota, arrived here about a week ago to locate permanently. Tbey brought a part of tbeir stock with tbem and have temporarily located here unvll they can find farms to suit tbem. They bare be come lired of lh climate in Minnesota wbere tbe tbermometer registers 40 be low aero, and tbey have t feed stock six months in the year When tbey ar rived ther rented a pasture for their stock, betweea Christmas and New Years, and tnis beats anything thev ever read of They are friends of W. J. Powell, who keeps tbe Vincent botue. Uorvallis Union. Kvt.s Aaacsrett. Jas. M. Kyle, man ager of ibe O. F.& P. Co., returned Wed nesday evening from Portland and im mediacy appeared before Justice II A. Johnson in a boa court a charge of mis arpropriating 1!S5 pousds of pruues bad previously been preirrred againit him by Fred Harst. owner of the frail. Mr. Kyle farnishe I bonds in tbe sum of f 150 with W. T. and Geo. B Gray as bonds men for bis appearance. He will be ex amined next Monday morning. Journal. A Fb at SrvKa "be Surer store and all its contents, including the port- orhce, was destroyed by fire Tuesday night. The store belonged to R W Swenick,wbo estimates bis loss at 13,000, with uot fiSOO insurance. He thinks tbe fire was of incendiary origin. Mr. Swen ick is postmaster at Suver and Wednes day morning he bad to borrow the rail road mail agent' key lo open the sack, bis own having been bo reed up. Oa- setts. Not a Mawbtiso Yeak There have not been as many marriages in Linn county the past yearaa usual, in fact it is several less than nsual. Tbe number for 18i7 is 141, tbe least for a good many years. As usual October !ead all the months, there being It marnagee in tbat month. This baa not tailed for over fif teen years. This year thocgb it bad I close call in December, tbe number ia tbat month being -0. Theatrical If you want to see some thing nice and dainty see Miss Reoa Terry do her English specialy and bear her sing that popular song I am tbe bosom friend of the Prince ot Wales, It is a treat. Misa Marion Winchester ia so light on her feet when she dances that vhey have to weight ber when she doee her dsnce in Tbe Night in Bohemia. A Bowliso Match bet mesa the crack bowlers of tbe city will be played to morrow night on tbe allies The team so fsr is a follows : On one side, Lee, Beers, Kelly, James and Blodgett, to play against Trimble, Pieiffor, McCoy, Brown and Hopkins. An effort is being mtde to change Ibe came of Dusty Benton county tt 1,11 fountain. Certainly Dusty is an inappro priate name in this country. Jxrr as a Shooter. Jeff Myers," the all around good fellow from Salem bas been over to the Bay this week shooting ducks, and in connection inerewun a rood atorv ia told on him. The story goes that Jeff crawled about a hail mile over a piece 01 tiueiand to crawi up on a . 1 1 . 1 1 11. . 1 ncc" ol uucas in siungn. ii goi. iu Lood nosilion and fired bol'i b.rrela iust as the ducks raised to fly. He did not get a single duck, but be picked up forty- lour duck' leet irom wneremey uew np. He had aimed a little too low,... Ren-fox Cocntv Sales. J L Hill to A I J Mathis, 10 actes near Albany, 200; A JMatbis toECKodgera,10 acres Albany, $100; Electa J Phillips to A A Uawley, 21 acre near Ainany, iow. Those Vho Endure. The paina of rheumttisro should be minded tbat a cure lor tin disease mti befouad in Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tbe asnerience of those who have taken Hood s Karsaparuia lor rneumatism. anu have been completely and permanently cured, prove lb power of thi medicine t rou't;nd thi dieea.e. Hood' Sarsaparilla Is the On True Blood Puri- tier ana t?tr.-wh-1 ti.i. I - ""7. when liniment and other outward ap nf pllcatlona fail to give permanent relief.' JuretogetHood'. To Cn.a Uunxrl nation oraer. ' Tatie Cascarela Candy Cnthnriia loo ortSa It C C. C. fall 10 cure, druatcala rotund uu.k v Reyal uku the lood pure, wtaolw ana daHrlswe, pi POWDER .Absolutely Pure S ATUEDA" SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. E. B. Piper, is ia the city the guest of Mrs Lengdon. Mrs. Dr. Frank Skiff, of Portland, ia in the city the guest of her mother Mr. Wm. Faber. Miss Alice Temple.of the Salem schools, returned home today after a visit at Al bany and Lebanon. Miss Lulu Burnett oi Corvallis and Rev Rhodes were married at Cleveland, Ohio, last Wene deday. Miss Abhie Wiight. of the Port Ian i schools, pissed throogh Albsny this noon from a visit at Corvallis. L. L Swsnn is spending New Year's with his parents at Crawfordsville, re cuperating after bi recent illness. Mits Bessie Burkbart and m ther are guests at the borne of Mr. Isaac Butler. Independence Enterprise. At the bowling alley yesterday Mr. Fratier broke the Albany record with 72. It had been hel 1 by Otto Lee with TO. Hon. T W Davenport and daughter, Alice, returned home last night, after a few months' visit id tbe Eastern cities. Statesman, D. C. Herrin, grand lecturer for the A. O. U. W , left this morning for Prine ville, wbere be will hold a public meet ing Saturday nigbu The Dalle T. M. Loyd Pruett returned from the Bay to dy, and presented the Democbat man with a fine specimen r. peui&ed crab. inside 01 a stone which be found there' Mr. W. P. Coonawav. of Indepen dence ha beea appointed receiver of the Moscow National Bank, of Moscow, ldabo, by tbe comptroller ot tbe cur rency. Mr. Connaway 1 to take the position next Monday. Prof S. A Raodle left Tueedav for Enterprise, Wallowa county, and wi! take charge of the public ecboot at tbat place. He had to seek a dryer climate on account of being atHicted with asthma. Lebanon Advance. Prof. Johnson, of tbe Stale university. and wife, are at Sodavitle a few days for tbe benefit of their bea lb. The Prot. hat great fa th m tbe medicinal qual ities o the mineral water, aod visits tbe pnog oce or more time each year. Lebanon Advance. A. F. Avers bs traded his farm near Rock Hill to O. P. Homme! for a farm in Texas. Mr. Aver and family wili re main here for a few months. Mr. Hom me1, and family recently arrived here from lexaa. Toey will take poesresioo of Ue:r new home light away. Lebanon Ad vance. Rosa Devoe. the Elk City boy who met with tbe accident while out bun.icg recently, is r- ported to be getting along nicely and will soon be recovered. He will not be so baJIv crippled in his bands as was first i-ared. as tbe doc-or was ebialo save aii ot bis finger but one, and be 1 eii-eo.e v lucky to g-i of! so easy Toledo Leader. The Albanv papers hate suggested the name of Mr. John ; Fagb. of Sbedd as oee which will be a poeeib e candidate for tbo nomine ion on tbe republican ticket for slier fi hpeaking aboct pos sible candidate for this nomination brings to t' e writer tnird thst, accord ing L-i rumor, this part of the county still furnish more tliao one candidate for this nomination ft is said that Messrs. A. Kirk, Bert Tern pleton and J. F. Yen- ner are pot hie candidate fr tbe re- 51 bl tea a nomination, while Mr. Geo. tcHargne is said to be laying the ground pun to rapture tb democratic Domina- 1-00 for thtr. Bioansvi.le Time. A Dyot Letter. David Horsburg aod Wm Sheriff bare written to Thomas me II 31 Scto Irom Eve. Tbe following are extracts from the letter : Dyba, Dec 14, ISO W e write voa to let voa know we are O. K. and still alive. We got into Dyea atrdar. There ia not much work go ing on here now, on account of tbe tear- envoi lumber 1 here are 10101 men waiting for tbe lumber, and thing are at a standstill A good many , are cutting wood around here, but 1 think it will be hard to sell tofore spring. We can't afford to work at anything we can not get money out ol There will be lot of work here ia a month or so. Wage now are 40 rents an hour, but tbe dava are short, day break at v a. m. ana dark at 3 p. ni. ...... A boarding house would pav i'acker made iuu per dy here last tall, single men 110 to i0 per dav packing on tbeir oacE a teim like Ben and Prince would bring, with a wagon, 11000 We shall go to Sheep Camp st on We ere only fifteen rnili-s Irom Ibe top 01 i.micoot t ase. e think a man can do well at days work op here. Era esb Rejoices. The go vein men t improvement of the upper illamettv river will commence near this city next Tuesday or Wednesday. This is good news to every shipper and producer in Ina count .as it means in tbe near fu ture the opening up of this grand water way, which will necessarily brirg about low r freight rates. The first work will be down on the Sladden rapids. The nraaent channel on the south will be elnad bv piling and revetment work rhirh will open np the center channel of the liver. Thia wi!l take probably two or three weeks work. Thi has been note J one of th four or five bad places betvetn here and Harrisburg Guarl. A Bio Change Ten years ago a freight train with D. ve Houston as conductor. used to leave Portland Monday morning, reaching Junction City that night; coin- ig on to Roseburg the next uav ana go ing through to Ashland the third day. And it required tnree uays u reiurn. Dave tveo with it fo- the whole trip, th aix d'avs, and on the 7th he rested. Now There aro twenty freight train a week passing this point, ten each way. Tba men are all kept busv and O.ecomp- anv is taxeJ to supply power. Roseburg Plaindealer. A BBOWN8VIU.K Cask Recorder Bar ger' court was oci upied Tuesday after noon and evening w'lh the case of the city of Brownsville against W O Tycer, who waa arrested by Marshal Powell about 2 o'clock Cbristmaa morning for f- ' ' j Viowela. cleanses the BV9 disorderly conduct. The esse was tried , Laver ana lowel aear xne eys Tuemlav evening before jury. Attorney tem effectually, dispels colds, bead A A Tossing and Geo. VV Wright prose- aches and fevers and cares habitual cuted the case for tb city Attorneys constipation. Syrup of Figs is the B 8 Martin and r M ivew-.Hwt appear- , - , . tfa tin.1 svm rm. ig ior the defendant. Tbe jury brought oaly remedy of its kmd I ever pro in a verdict of wnilty. Judge Barger duced, ploasing to the taste and ac- T,r .tih . nn of ts .nd chs.., ammintinK In a l to about $25. , , :. a J - , Mr tycer pa.u n; uu ONE DAY nine Tablet' l lUtUKti ia .wil .i ! hit, t.v ulv Br u Cl t a . T IT. . rf l f V AH D.-ug.-itt refua J tue in uy If it fal I Our a. Sjo. THE ELKS. Albaoy Lodge B. P. 0. E. Xo. 359 had tbeir day yesterday, in tbe evening giv ing a reception and ball that will long be remembered in the social annal of the elty. Tbe reception waa tendered at the opera house, given with liberal hand, in the form of a concert, that long before the evening attracted much attention on account of the prominence of th talent engaged for the occasion. The hall was nicely decorated for tbe event. Pendent above the stage was a semi-crescent with the letters B- P. O. ., set off with 42 red, white aod blue electric lights, and on each side of the stage were twelve and eight point elk heads with ha nnu coioreo electric lights on tbe points, the wnoiemaKing a brilliant effect. Ever greens and ivy added to the appearance. The program was proceeded by some fine music by Simonton' band, a credit to our city. At 8:10 the Salejo orches tra opened tbe program with "The Pacemaker,"and were heard twice after ward. once ia place of Prof. Tillson.wbo was unable to perform, and at tbe close of the program, a talented company of performers. ine t-xalted Ruler, J.R.Wyatt de livered tne address f welcome in an eloquent manner, setting lorth th principle of the order as those of broth erly love, benevolence and Cbristiab pint. Miss Bos Bioch, Oregon's most prom- "upranu, waa men beard in a vocal olo. Prof. Lee accompaniet, The Swal lows," responding to an encore with -seware. fcoe is Fooling Thee," Again near tbe cloee of the program aba was beard and given a rowing encore, re sponded to. Mies Bioch ia a brilliant ngcr, pomessiog great personal attrao- 110ns, aaan and style, always rapturing tbe audience. Her voice ha a fine com pass, is clear and her enunciation is f p'.endid. It is a musical treat to hear ber, and Albany people appreciate tbe privilege. F. Stroudmeyer, of Salem, waa heard 10 rprnet solo, given with fine effect. - frl 1 . Sacrev, Albany's popular child vocalist, sang -Cleverlv Caught," and was warmJy recalled- Her voice is re markably sweet and sympathetic, and shs bss a deligbtlul way of expsessing herself. Mr. Charles Reily, f Salem, greatly pleased the audience with ber splendid presentation of tbe moooiorue, "The Window Curtail " Miss Mabel P. Baker, of Portland, in contralto, sang Lullaby," and received tbe enthusiastic encore abe deeetved. Her voice is sweet, smooth and very pleasing, and nothing contributed more to the sucee of tbe program. Meters. Fulton, of Corvallis, and Steele. Poling and Lee, of this city, sang "To Watch Over Thee," aod were en cored, number that were generally complimented. TbebaJiothe Masonic temnU Ihn followed. Tbe room was tastilr deco rated with evergreens, flowers, banting and a number of elk beads, and bril liantly lighted with a large number of white and colored ligbu. At 10 o'clock with the Salem orchestra in ch arm of the music, the grand march waa began. led by ti. J. Hopkins and Mr. Reilv, with a large number from Alhanr nrl adjoining cities, in rich costume, in tbe line, and tbe daocin rontincwd for mr-w. eral boors. A banquet was nvei at tbe St Cbarie. a spread of choice dishes tas tily gotten op and served. HOME AND ABPOAD. C B Winn, citv txket agent. Tickets to all point in tbe east. Smile, e'ean pristing. Rom on pure spices Botnona Romoaa pore extract. Try ScalutSLg s Beat tea aad baia powder. Tb Best Oracle: i ia Iowa at C E Pro- f. Shirt aad collars a specialty at the Mag aolia Lion dry Pictures from 75 cents to It3 per d'.a at Long gallery. Oet a H of CArviag Knives f.-r an J mas present at Hopkia Bros. Call at 1! opsin Brca and see Ue pocket kaire best lite ia the city. Crtarford k Harniah for pbotograchs Prices from II to f) per dozen. Be ure sod se the aati rut tiaware at Hopkia Bio, win las. a lifetime. Saow Flake" flour is mada br tbe Red Crown Mills of Albany. A fine line of new macintoshes just re ceived a: tbe B ain Clotting Co's. Try our pop corn ; it never fails to pop. C E Bkowsill. "Red Crown the sUadard of color aad strength ia flour. All grocers have it Tale the O C At E cteamer for Portland down river en Sunday, Tuesday and Than day. Large sales and unsl! oroSte is tbe motto of Uopknt f$ryt aad aha it why lhayare always 'ousv. When you want a choice steak, a nice roatt or meat of any kind, call 00 Hear Broders. He keeps tbe best. Da H. K. and O. K. B-ers office aad residence ia post otho, building. Special attention given to diseases of women. James Flett, a Corralii printer, yester day wnippe-i ten relger, and tne court fined Itiger ft bide tie was me aggressor. The best meat of att kind aad good treatment at tbe Albinv Uressed Beef Company s market. ust diss second street. Uood weight and prompt arceaa tion. It's th uniform finish of tbe New Red Crown fljur which makes it so mptpea- sab e to the pi try cooks. It can aiwar be relied upon for gi resulu. Try it. Karl Qorer R" Tea. kr Constipa lion it's th- Be', snd if after using it yoa don't say s retura the ractae aod gK tout mJoev. S)Ubi t-aav Xisoa CNIOYO Both the method and results vrhen Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts .mntl vvnt. rtmmrttlir on t.ftA 1 itlnPVH ,r.tW t th stomach. t.romnt in ;.t!rtn and trnlv beneficial in ita .. effects, prepared only from the most ... f 1 1 . - - - healthy and agreeable substances, ita many excellent quaUties commend it XO SUA SUM liaw UiOUV s u uvea popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for tale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist rho mav not have it on hand will pro Y aS 1 HULK SUM MONjTfJE jWEDjTrtUjFRTTSAT CD q 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 6 9 10 II 12 13 Qt 15. 16 17 18 19 0 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 5TQ Star Corner BroadalHn and Him Alt CCKFAD METER PBCPEIETCP Canned Fruits. Glassware, Irrfed Frnft. Tobacco, Sngar, Coffee. Etc. fcr.r td Qaecrisvi Veget ! Cigars. - Spicea T Ete. "errtting tbat u E.-pt ia a cood variety and grc eery store High est pr'-ee paid for ALL KINDS OF PKODDCI Twartr mr. ocsicna. cofTncMT a& Axrme assBg a ttetrtt not anertpon umr V 'l wcirna, fnev facaer ma ttwwtran m 0m e JLt tQKWm ! us sc W lUiV Ti' hi n. 1 . . H . fauau ukea taraaya Kau a Co nsaars SC1EMT1FID WJER15AH, ILStu Buu& o i'Arxrr i MUNN A CO., I St. nr Var. ."THE; Iatbebsstand yel simple type wvite rnanafactBred. th eooumjnaiion of U iDrentor art. Aa expert stenographs after using -nanv mac woes, say. ""1 eon sader the Yost Writing Machine fax scper ortoany lbaTeyet used " Call at the DxwocKAr office aod sea one ot the type writer thai has to hTe a perfect aiiiga roent. " All Typewriters ti5phes ordered. r. P. NcrrtXG- Agent- carta ia r ti wr smt vna taMa w su.11 Z4 Li O ItJlOll o-w CTUu iLmmfl i ifr ssVafJ roa a wa awcr. I t j I -!-? man Saaav CVmsaaar I wot tta iyJ e.i . auttaa- t tas rni aaiar a m I. OT crrauxXE capital arhlKl ai Clubbing Rates. Tbe San Francisco Weekly Examiner next vear will give to us euoecnoers $10,000 reeiJence ia San Francisco rent ing for $60 a moots, a as.osw u. s. wnu.a 11.500 gold nugget and hundred of other things. You can get the Examiner and WxatLT Dkmockat for $2.50 a year, witb. the Dailv Dejiocbat by mail for $45,by earner $o.76. in advance. The Dejio sbat will order onlr on combination pay uent "srLOClS REfUSLIO. semi-weekly oaeoftbe best papers in the United States, and the Democrat paid in advance, foe onltl 75. WANTED-UPRlGHTASDl! H FUL gentlemen or ladle to t for responsible, esiabhshed to Oregon. Monthlv 165 00 andexpe position steady. Refeience En self-addressed etamped envelope. Dominica Company, Dept. H, Chicago. Four Fans For Sale, The following detirabls farms are for aala AdCres McMaater & bairill.311 W Ol easter Mock. Portland. Cregoo, wr tall on C G Burkhsrt, Albany, Oregon, for particulars: 1 . 16 acrea. rne -nil west of Ilalsay, a ihtDlColDW Alliphm. in Seo $3, T.13. S R 4, W W M. 85 awes are e'earet sad ade- cultivation, tie remainder birg oovared with small timber. Moid Creek raa thnatih the proirty. There is sm11 orchard. Kric $13W. - a. 80 ci: e m! S of Bro-oTille, m the DLC "t Sm' Jjhnsoo, ia Sec 11, T 14, R 5, w w M " eird '"d 63 aere ander cu'ta'-o, all fenced, no baildir g. Frie $1300 S 255 acres. t0 mi'e- S of B'owo-ri'le.i- Sjcs IS and i4, T 14, S R J, W W M. 120 or ara tillable aod tha baltace ts best suited f pasturage. 75 acie are ander emp. i H feaoed, has a goed wf plv of water, good buildmn aad or-Jhrd ' . a i.s.1 L-r.s six eniles east or teoanon. o. -I IK A IC T !. S Rl W W M. . 1 1 Th4 ,. r kx1 took faros, of which . . . illl.),. T, U wall about 100 c !; aoraa a v. . -- feeoed nd baa sem lair buildings. Pnoe 3500. Bakey .tMty e TEARS tiKil tb a aal a laHajiaSa ailaaas t - 'J-"", tlL 3 aa uifll I ills cure it promptly for any one who oiuu n ti-w it TV not arrant anr ' W . J " ' - . 1 .