ahc Jlemortat. TERMS. Daily Dkmocrat, 25 cents per month $3.1)0 per year.in advance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over months. Single copies 6c. Wksslv, 1. 25 In advance; 11.50 at ena of year; 1.75 for second year; $200 foi third and proceeding yean, when not paid .2 advance. Club of five ik subscriber 5.0f. A few Ladies Lontr Cloaks (bat are be ing sold at a great reduction. If you want a large amount of goo Is for your money be sure and see tbem All tbe capes and jackets in the department sold at a reduc tion, A good serviceable umbiella for 50c Lota of stjle in the 75c grade and lots of wear too If you want a better one you will find it hern at the same ratio of low price to good goods. R and G corsets in styles and shapes that wilt tit any form. Aline of French corsets, Kood fitters, made of French coutil, drab and white, all grades ta $3 50 for $1 00 Have you seen our 50c and $1 line. There are no better for that price. Agents for Butterick Patterns. S E Young & Son, Albany, Oregon. BEAD, PEACOCK & CO Albany. Oregon. In Dresa Goods, Hosiery and Under wear you will always find our stock np to date. But just now we want to men tion a few new things we have for the Holiday trade: Handkerchiefs, a complete line all styles and prices from 2c to $1 25 rocset DOOK8 ana Ubatetains, a very stylish assortment Kid gloves in popular shdes, either two clasp or foster hook. Umbrellas, a catchy lot, sterling silver aiuumeu, win nietai rods Roman embroidery sets, a nice present ior a Udy Belts, the new fancy metal goods, very sty usn Pen knives in fine peul bandies for Jadies use F eather boas, the latest patterns Table linens and napkins, no better goods shown Jackets and capes in novelty effects, something just out As a special inducement for cash trade we will give away the Genuine Roger A 1 Silverware, which is also very suit able for a holiday gift. The way we do it is this, with each purchase of fifty cents or m ire for cash we present you a ticket representing ten percent of the purchase. When you hold tickets amounting to one dollar or more they wiil be redeemed by ns on de- otand in said silverware, which we have oa display. It wilt pay you to trade with us, we guarantee our prices to be s low as the lowest. Read, Peacock Co., Albany, Oregon. The Ladies Bazaar Lave tie best selected line in late style handkerchiefs ever brought to Albany. Prices from three cents upward, also tbe up to date pocket books, parses, chatelaine and shopping lags. jozrsriD-AJY- SCIO From the News. State Senator Dawson visited Scio last Wednesday, presumably to confer with Senator Johnson on political matters, who was in Salem at the time. It is rumored that Senator Dawson would ac cept the po8toffice at Albany. Mr Kale Curl and wife of Grass Valley, Sherman county, is viaitinz friends and relatives in and . around Scio. Mr Curl raised 2700 sacks of wheat this year. Mr. A. J. Houston, who at one time did a great merchandise business in Scio was here for a few days this week. He now lives at Lorane, in Lane county, where he is farming a tract of land. Mr. Jjbn Curl was circulating a peti tion around town this week asking Gov Lord to paidon his ion, Newton Curl, and Charles Vaughn, who were sent to thb penitentiary last spring. It whi spectacle and every body sympatniz with Uncle John, as he is sadly in need oi bis .-n's assistance. Mrs. Carl is an invalid and Mr Curl is hardlv able to work The petition was freely eignedi by people here oat of sympathy for Uncle John, believing that his son had coffered enough for a crime that was doubtless planned by others. Brownsville. Frank Wood, tbe'Albany marble deal er, this week placed a beautiful monu ment in tbe city cemetery to mark the last resting place nf the late MrsC. H. Cable One of tbe noblest oi women, Messrs G. A.Dyson and Wesley Stan dish have been packing their outfits and are now awaitin? the sailing of the steamer Elder from Portland, for the gold fields. These gentlemen are tbe first to leave this locality for the north. bnt later they will be followed by sev eral others who hope to dig much gold in the far north. We sincerely hope that their highest anticipations may more than be realized. Otto Hiatt. of Albany, who came to Brownsville Saturday with a wa?on load of grave stones for Mr. Frank Wood, also hronzbt with him a iaz of Albany tanele- foot. This he reinforced with some of Brownsville's "best." and as a natural consequence he was arrested oa a charge of being drunk and disorderly. He was landed in jail, where be languished nntil Monday morning when Recorder Barger assessed him $5 ard costs, amounting to $7, and all for the "fun" of disturbing tbe peace and dignity of tbe city for a brief period. New Officers. Home Foram President, Lizzie A Crs w ; vice- president, Dr J L Hill ; Treas Chat Knecht; secretary, Amy Living ston ; orator, Mrs J L Niayo; asst orator, Mrs Conrad Meyer; historian. Mrs BE Hyman; outer guard, MrEWagstaff; medical examiner, Dr J L Hill ; pianist, Mrs Bessie Swan directors, Silas Living ston, Elmer Wagstaff, H C Hardman. Oreeana Encampment No. 5, L O. O. F. O P. RLBurkhart; H P, Fred Bruckman ; S W, E J Seeley ; JW.HE Kirscbl Scrloe, U W bears; treasurer, J Gradwohl: trustees, T J Stites, R L Burkhart, C W 8ears. Tanzent Grange M. L B Luper : O. J E Ownbey ; L, J H Pcott: S, D S Bridge farmer; A 8, W JFisber; Chap, J A McGheejT, AC Morgan; Sec, Minnie Bridgefarmer; G K, L F Smith ; P, Miss Ella Bridgefarmer; F, Annie Bridge farmer ; C, Mrs Addie Morgan ; LAS, Minn Eliza Scott: trustee. LF Smith: delegates to Council, A L Bridgefarmer and A C Morgan. F Co' Defeat. At Salem Saturday afternoon the base ball club of F. Co. wont down before the stronger team of the Y M C A by the onesided score of 25 t 8- It was a victory by superior force. The bovs were plendidly treated, and npt in stronz terms of the Salem boys Th third came will be played in this city next Saturday evening. The Albany Club will be greatly strengtheued.in fact probably four changes will be made,and Salem will hot have an easy time. No esji one should miea the game. j Seksatiobal Benton county ha a sensation Last April Wni. JCerr was instantly killed. It was sworn by Geo. ' Webber who waa with him at the time that it was by looking over a bomb he thought had gone out, and having his head blown off Tbe Times now de clares that it never happened in any such way. end the intimation ia that there was a tragedy. It declare that tbe cir cumstances justify such a theory. $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book 5.00 bay s a good new Guitar with book, j $1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is , strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice 'catgut" Violin E strings. $1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buysa5-drawcrsewing machine ; high arm, light running; guaran teed 5 years. aOT"Prices on Pianos, Organs, Banjos sent on application . E. U. Will Albany. A DAY IX PORTLAND. A common eveut to many Albany peo ple, but not a very common one to the Democrat man. Here's a memorandum of it that may contain an item of interest to soma. "Christmas morning, got up at 5.15,and after a lunch, short ride with Ike Conn and a ten minute delay at the depot, was sleepily on the way. A ride to Portland tnougu a dragging anair is soon over, with hardly a realization that it has been made thiough the finest valkv in the world. Portland, the metropolis of the North west, in Christmas quiet, in a drizzling rain, is not a circus. But it is a good sized city, with an excellent commercial pulse, though row somewhat feverish ovei Alaska trade. . A visit with Hon. Geo. E. Chamberlin a possible candidate for governor, was a pleasant affair. Mr. Chamberlin is nice ly situated, and Albany people almost universally call at his office regardless of politics. They know they will be treat ed like a brother. A lunch at the Hill house with a hos pitable brother and sister-in-law, and then off for Multnomah field, or better Mudfield. It was the second contest be-) . . I i i . 1 iwwu iu rival ciuua ior supremacy at foot ball, Portland, who had previously won 4 to u, against Multnomah, teams made up of old foot ball players. In a drizzling rain, mud ankle deep the two teams with all the energy at their com mand, and a limited amount of foot ball skill, with niass.guarda back and tandem plays hammered at each otber and wat lowed in the mud until the men were only distinguishable bv their sizes, with faces covered and hair matted with mother earth. Occasionally a run around the end, particularly by the more fleet footed Multnomahs, created excitement, and every gain oi five yards, was greeted by the rooters with horns. bel.s and shouts. The crowd was with tbe Mult nomahs, and when the game finally ter minated in tneir tavor 1U to 6, tbe three thousand people left the giounas with raised umbrellas with at least two thous and of them rejoicing at the result. At tbe Perkins the Dkmocbat man bad a talk, with C. W. Watts, just from Stag- may. He arrived on Friday, received a tons interview from the Oresonian. fol lowed by a letter Sunday morning, so he was some w bat of a conspicuous fieure. atid was ready to give all the information in his possesion. Tonight be will return to Dyea and the Dbmochat guesses will open a ie.tanract,witha partner, though be baa a good oner of a job under a fort land firm at Skagway. Mr. Watts talked with a number from Dawson.and be does not believe there will be any starvation. Among the Albany men at fekagway Becker and Achison had jaat completed a big brewery at big pay. Mr. Lear got a job the next morning at 50 cents" n hour, and George Anderson bad all he couli do at goo-i wages. Mr. Watts said be was ready to beip Albany men going there to get work, where in his power. n ill Reiner, who was running a res taurant, has sold out, and will go to Skagway. At 6 o'clock the train left Portland and at 9 :45 reached Albany. Fred Ross, of Wallace, Idaho, is in the city. Clem Jones, of Brownsville, spent Christmas in Albany. The little daughter of Rev Manshardt is dangerously ill. Dep-ity Clerk Montague spent Christ mas in Portland. C. K Fronk and family spent Christ mas in Gervais with Mr." Will Merriman. Miss Nettie Whitney, of the public schools, is spending the holidays at Eu gene. Mies Delia1 Hardy, of Lebanon, i in the city the guesi of Mr Clarence Du brnille. The Magazine Club will meet for im portant business tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock with Miss Flora Mason. Frof. Charles Cundiff, principal of the conservatory of music of Philomath col lege, is in the city ior tbe holidays. The regular meeting of the Baizil'ai chapter No, 16 O. E. S- will oxor to morrow evening at 7.30. Election. Prof. F. M. Mitchell, of the Tangent schools, left last Saturday f.HMiltouoo a visit with his cousin, Rev. W. C. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hooking, of Albany, came down yesterday lor a Christmas visit with the latter' mother, Mrs. K. C. Small. Journal. F. J. Miller and family, of Albany, were arrixals bv this afternoon's train aod will eat turkey with Grandpa and Grandma Gray. Eugene Guard. F. A. Baylor is tbe new W. M. of tbe Masonic Imlc ( Junction, and W. S Lee tieaturer. The former is a brother of Al Baylor, the latter of Marshal Lee, of this city. At Minto the first Christmas tree was raised, and a happy time was had. made more pleasant by tbe presence of Hon John M into, alter wbom tbe town was named. Master Lloyd Prnett leit Albany Friday for Yaquina ti ppend holiday week with his father .' T.lvd is a bright boy and has made many lue-ida during his stay in Albany. Mr. CD. Bates returned Saturday from Portland where he spent several dave assisting tbe Wells Fargo office in the laree Christmas business, which wts unusually larae. Mr. Bates had charge of a W. F. office in Mich, for thirteen vears. Karl's Clover Root Tea. iur Conipa- tion it's th-r Be. and if after using it you don't savs-'. return the package antf ge1 rour money. SjIJ br Fosbav A Mason The enrollment at the O A C U now 324 The state teachers association will meet in Portland tomorrow. R M Pnltfl. formerly of Philomath, no of Suver. was up Wednesday. Mis nop cron of 8.365 ponnds was sold last weea three-fourth at 9 cent znd the;balance at five cents per pound. Times. Tuesday night roboers entered the store of SlUuiss. of Woodburn, and can if d away several of tbe best suits of men s clothes, overcoats, bat, s uspendem. jew elry, etc, and about $10 in caab. Tbe loss is about 1500. Oh, How Thankful Pain Was Maddening and Hope Had Been Abandoned-Wonder ful Results of Purifying the Blood. " A very severe pain came In my left knee, which grew worse and worse, and finally a sore broke out above the knee. It discharged a great deal and the pain from" my thigh down was maddening, large, hard, purple spots appeared on my leg. I suffered In this way for years, and gave np all hope ot ever being cured. My wife' was reading ot a case like mine Cared by Hood's Sarsaparllla, and she advised me to try it. I began taking It and when I had used a few bottles I found relief from my suffering. Ob, how thankful I am for this relief I I am stronger than I have ever been in my life. am in the best ot health, have a good appetite and am a pew man altogether,1' J. p. Mooes, Lisbon Falls, Maine. Mood's spX, Is the best In fact the One True Blood f urlfler. Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills. 25 cents. WHEAT. Firm as follows: New York 95,0. Chicago 94 cents. San Francisco 84c. Albany 65 c. In Liverpool a holiday. Firemen's Ball. The opera house on Chrittmas eve, was decorated in genuine fireman's style, displaying old time spirit. Different parts of apparatuses were tastily ar ranged over the hall. A good many epectator witnessed the unique cos tumes, tasty and grotesque. Following is a list of maskers: Queen of Hearts, Lizzie Fowler. Starry Night, Marv Hoetlich. Blue Bell, Clara Wheeler. Crape Paper Dress.Mrs.Cuas. Wheeler. Jockey, Lee Morgan. Ivev Girl, Edna Robinson. Clown, S. W. Uolman. Clown, G. Bratton. Rainbow, Willis Arnia. Red Riding Hood. MeJa Reece. Irish Girl, Stella Zeyes. Nurse Girl, Miss Reams. Princess, Etta Risley. Paper Dolls, Georgia Custer. My Ladies Maid, Zeila Williams. George Washington, T. Howard. Black, A. Kercbenr. Posy Co Yap, (..has. Wheeler. Masque, Delia Darby. Paper Poll, Lottie Ouster. Prince, Rockle Wiiiis. Milkmaid, Lutie Sternberg. ' Fairy, Ora Payne. Autumn, Mrs. Killen. Sailor, Harry Pollock. Diamond Dick, Toppy Barr. Clown, M Payne. Cook, Bert Prusaell, Gail Boetelie, turner cstuim. Silver Bell, Mrs. Clarence Duuruiile. Mack tbe Barber, J. K. Chambers. Clown, Boxer Neeland Pocahontas, Mrs. Bullia. Jack of Heart. W. C. Bullia Fro?, Vernon Ramp. Blue Bed, Mrs. Goin Scotch Hunter, Lucy Kelley. Soowtlake, Miss Connell. Queen of Night, Martha Risley. Nun, Mrs. Quimby. Domino, Clarence Dubtuille. Spanish Troubador, R. W. Conn. Prairie Flower, Disha Miller. Chrysanthemum Girl, Delia Doughton. Out of Season, Mr. Parrisu. Hayseed, Mrs. Parrisb. Hayseed, A Goins. Rip Van Winkle, W. B. Gilson. Sudden Death. George Hawkins, tbe well-known G. A. R. man, died at the Pioneer House this morning of heart disease. Yesterday afternoon he spent some time fishing in the Willamette, and when he weot to bed at aVut lu o'clock he was as well a usual, which wa only fair, for he had been subject to fainting spel.s, and it was known that his heart was very weak. In the morning he was feurd dead in his bed, lying on bis aide in a peaceful manner, as if tbe passing away had been an easy one, probably without a struggle or consciousness. Mr. Hawkins was a member of the Al bany G. A. R. For awhile be was an in mate of the Soldier Home at Roaeburg but left it and returned to Albany to re side. He was 60 years and 3 Jays old. and had been married twice, tbe first wife being dead, having separated from the second wile He leave two daugh ters, and hai a rster in California. Funeral services wilt be held tomormw at I p. m. at the Pioneer houie. Tbe sermon will be preached by Rev. Cane. Three Operations. Three operation? have been performed in this city for appendicitis, since the last issue of the Dsmocsat. On Saturday Mis Fisher, daughter of E. T. T. Fisher, was operated upon and is doing well. Yesterday an operation was performed on Mrs. Boenicke for appendicitis and a rupture, and she is gradually improving. Maud Worley, a young lady about eighteen years of age, was brought down from Gates Saturday evening and an op eration wa performed yesterday, but theie was a atone formation in the appen dix and gangrene had set in, and she was unable to recover from the effects of it, and died this morning. Big Real Estate Deal. CharVs Pfeiffer of tbU city and Louis Kirckhoff of Astoria, have bought; tbe John Bchmeer Livery stable property, corner Second and Ellsworth street. When business men like these invest large sum of money in Albany real es tate it gos to show that they have con fidence in tbe future growth of our city. The property above mentioned i very desirable. CiiftiKMAS Eva Doisgs. Santa Claos arrived in a boat Friday evening. He left hi sleigh back east or np on the Klondike, we don't know which. Hi pack was liberally loaded with presents suitable to tbe receiver in most cases. and be took them around to tbe differ ent churches an 1 a well left tbem at tbe bomea of our citizens. He wa assisted at tbe M. E. church, M. E. church south. Baptist church. Presbyterian church. Congregational cborcb and U. P. churcb in an artistic way, by the member of the Sunday schools, with exercifes appropri ate to tbe merry occasion. At the Cath olic church a midnight mass wan held. and witnessed by a large number besides Uiose partaking. The members of the Evaneelical Sun. day school waited until Saturday even- log before receiving Mr. S. C, and it wjs then done in a pleasing manner. If C C. C. Isii to ctin. lnii.? -fwn it r. MARRIED. H A LET X E W M A X. On Tuesday eve. T . - AO 1 uvu to, ioji, -n i-jracuoe precinct, at the home of the bride, by Rev D V Poling, Mr E O Haley and Mirs So ph rooia Newman. The ceremony wa performed in the presence of a few relatives and friends and waa a happy affair. Mr and Mrs lialeyrre among Linn coubty's best young people, and have maoy friends who will unite with the Democrat in isbing them the best blessings of life. Mr J O Wamsley acted as best man and Mir Nellie Haley as maid of honor. The groom ia a sonot ex-State Senator P W Haley, formerly of Polk county ,and the bride is a daughter of Mr Elizabeth Newman, a pioneer resident of ' Linn county. MAYER DUMOND. On Wednesday Dec. 29, 1897, at 10:30, a. m at tbe residence tf Mr. F. E. Allen.in Albany, by Rev. Davenport, of Lebanon, Mr. J. C. Mayer, and Mies Annie Dumond, two oi jDanon s popular young peo ple. 1 be ceremony was nicely carried out. ana was lonowea Dy a tine wedding din ner ana neariy congratulations. Mr, and Mrs. Mayer lelt on tbe noon train on a bridal trip to Aberdeen, Wash , from men tbey will return to Lebanon to re side. The following were present at the wedding; Mr and Mr John Dumond. Mr and Mrs Alex Dumond, Mr and Mrs Hawkins, Rev and Mrs Davenport. M and Mrs F E Allen, Mr T E Ashby, Mrs Inez my, Mrs Joel Mayer, Mrs Wm ia ber, Mr Carmine, Misses Ella Stell macher and Alice Temple, Messrs. Rob ert Montague, Walter Worrel and Wren Btellmacber. WALLACE SHEARER. On Dec. 28, 1897, at the residence of and by Rev C. R. Lamar, of Lebanon, Mr. Koss Wallace and Miss Pearl Shearer. The best wishes of many go with tbem in their married life'. OLDS WHEELER. On Dec. 25. 1897 at the residence of tbe bride's mother, in Albany, Oregon, Mr. Chas. H. Olds of Siskiyou county. Calif., and Miss Mary 11. Wheeler, 01 Albany, sister of the county school superintendent. Rev. H. L . Heed officiated. May happiness and prosperity be their lot. COMBS KM APP. In Albany, at the home of tbe bride's parents, on Dec. Ort ho n V 11.1,;.. T t 11 - Frank Combs and Miss Mabel Knapp, both of Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Combs bave the best wishes of their many friend. TTJ33SDAX Mis. Buenicke's Death. The Dkmocbat yesterday mentioned the fact of the performance of an opera tion on Mrs. Minnie Boenicke for appen dicitis and a rupture. Mrs. Boenicke showed an improvement for awhile but yesterday grew worse, and at about 4 :30, died, at the home of Mrs Moon, abere he was being cared for. Her death will ne generally regretted . She was a good woman, faithful in all her duties. Mrs. Boenicke was barn Oct. 27, 1830, in Bav aria. She bad been a resident of Albany for nearly twenty years. Mr. Hnenioku died sbiut twelve years ago. The de ceased leaves two sons, Mr Al Boenicke, now in Alaska, and Gus Boenicke, with v . . neuter. The funeral will take place on Thurs day at 2 p m. at the residence of the de ceased, to which U friends are invited The lptC Glee Club Concei t. The University of Oregon Glee Cub made their stop at Albany on their first annual tour, and performed at the opera house last night to an audience of about one hundred ufty Ihe club was given a warm reception, and the application of the program was evident from tbe first number, nearly every selection be ing encorea. uesiues me catcny Kings oi tne ciud were nve specialties, una. uauoway, son oi tne receiver at Oregon City, who one year held tbe prize in the interstate oratorical contest, displayed rtre talent in his impersonations, and received a fast encore. V . Ui fiord Nash was heard on the piano in several selec tions, W. K. Glen gave a coster ong and rroi. I. aj.uien a baritone solo, all well received, but it was loft for Allen Eaton in his monologues to capture the audi ence, lie t a genius and nearly a whole how all alone. The club i made up of a one tot oi young gentlemen, and tbe Democrat hope will they meet with the favor they deserve on their tour A Country Christmas Tree. The Christmas tree at ihe school Louse in District No. 27 was a success in every respect. The tree stood in one corner of the house, and was arranged so it would revolve, and presented a fine appearance. It was tastefully arranged and beautiful ly decorated with the many fine presents which it contained A abort program was rendered by tbe school and others, consisting of tonga and ueciamauons Old Santa Claus made hi appearance with his candy, nuts and popcorn, to the delight of all tbe children present. In distributing the present a beautiful al bum wa found which was presented by the pupils to their teacher Mr. M. F. Wood, which would bold 60 cabinet pho to, something of which he wa justly pr jud. A fine gold watch wa presented to a yonng lady by her intended or to ids one else, which caused her to be very happy. There was many nice present and all was remembered in torn way by their friend. Although we live in tbe country and are plain country people, we can get np a Christmas treo that would be a ciedit to many of tbe town or cities. Our school wiil continue for two months more, and when it closes we ex pect lo give an entertainment which will excel anything of the kind ever under taken here before. Cox. Ma- Saxrr is Pacific Baftiht. Inlhe Pacific Baptilt of a ecent date, is a two coismn artie'e by J. W. Sealt, of this city, on tbe recent city election and elec tions generally, which has been handed tbe Dkxockat for publication, but it is too long for our columns, wbtch are al ways open for anything of a reasonable length that is not of personal character. Mr. Sen ft ascribes defeat to the churches, wbicn b: say need legensratiog. He tell of one man who becoming a Chrut ian said to him, I Lave received much encouragement upon taking a stand tor Christ from the saloon keeper, aod will not the Christian people come lo my rescue." One man engaged in the le galised business sail to him, "You are right, and if I thought there wa any hope in winning would vol for ycu, but the churches are rgatnst your reform movement." V'a Lcjcksx Froai Mr. Ailiogham, who drove tbe Sister's stage last Mon day we learn that Mr E H Sparks wa preity badly hurt last onday. He was riding after cattle when bis boree be came unmanageable, and ran under tbe limb of a tree with him aod wa drag ged off hi horse. He was hurt about tbe breist, how bad onr informant did not know. Priuenlle Review. Mr. Spark is a former Albany man. As A lb art Gam. Albany will be given an exhibition pame of foot ball ue xt Sitorday afternoon, tbt promUe to be tbe best of tbe season. The con tending club will be Salem and Albany, both of which are pracicicg ior tbe fray. The Albaoy team is not entirely arrang ed, but it i probable Joe Sternberg will be at quarter. Bridge ford and Howard at half, ctewart at full back, Steiimaker of course at center, and C'.em, Graham, Lair Thompson and Ramp among thoee in tbe line. While a light team it wilt be a very plucky one It is stated on good authority that Mies Annie Tanzler ba sold tbe Hotel Jefferson property to Mrs Lougbmiller, of Marion J. T. Jones went to Albanv ou Thurs day. John ha been in poor health o4 late and bis mission to that ciy was to rousu't Dr J. P. Wallace. Jefferson Re view. J. R. Geddes, principal of the SodaviUe College, wa in tbe city today. Dr- T. L Ball, of Portland, is in the city ou a holiday visit, the guest of hi mother. Mi Mabel Craw, of F.ugene, is in the city tbe guest of ber uncle, Mr. Frank Craw. - Prof. W. J. Crawford, a former prin cipal of the Albaoy schools was in the city today. J. R. Wyalt, P. J. Bmiley and J. A. Wilson attended tbe Detweller reception Portland last evening. Mr. Peebler, of Umatilla county, has been in the count y the ueit ot Ms brother, Mr. J. F. Peebler. Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien, of Independ ence have been in the city the guest ol tbe Utters fatbtr Mr. John Uiblin. Mrs. Rev. Eccleston and child, of California, are in tbe city tbe guess of the fomers parents, Mr and Mrs Jas. Marks. License has been issued for the mar riage of O E Haley and MUa Sopbronia Newman, two of Syracuse precinct' popular young people. Editor J. R. Whitney, of the Albany Herald, spent a con pie of day o! the A mas holiday with relatives in this city .Eugene Guard. Wm. Frarer will be at Miller & Tur ner's stables on Thursday, Dec. 31, to buy horses, from 1000 to 1200 pounds, also a few mules and low grade hoises. Steven R Uteen, postmaster at Oregon City, has been living too taut tbe pas' few tears, aoJ is discovered to be a defaulter to tbe amount of 1000 or (800. H is bonds - men have taken charge of tbe office. Mr. Meade Detweller. grand exalted ruler of tbi Ews of the United State waa given a reception in Portland last night. Mr. G.Kr. Rawlinga f this city was among those who helped receive him. Tbe George W. Elder left Portland last nieht for bkaswav. in the list of pas senger appear the following from this county: C. W. Watt, D. B. Monteith and Mr. S. E. Decker first class, John Isom Jr., J. C. Findley, U. A, Dyson and A. W. Blandish second class. The South Before the War troupe played in Walla Walla last Saturday night, and U workipg it way east. Tbe farmer's Institute will meet at Tan- gent Dec ana ou. and a aood program will be presented. Preparations have been made by tbe Tangent people for an excel lent time. ' Articles of incorporation rf Ridgefiold Mercantile Company, of Portland, with Messrs E L Tbompson, F 11 Allison and J L Simpson, innorporators, were yesterday nieu in tne omce 01 toe secretary ot state A Portland scheme it to run a raft of 5,000,000 feet of lumber down the river alonr. the coast to San Francisco. Tbe chances are against the success of such au enterprise. No baking powder except the L . J , v-ucajjcbt uwes any Harm tO speak of: but some do good than others. more Tour money back if you don't like SchiUin;'n Beat, at your grocer's. A Schilling ft Company San Futurist o WHEAT. Liverpool 'A cent higher. New York W;Bc. Chicago 1)4,' c. San Francisco 81,'c. Albany 65,'ec. Election of Officers. W lllamette Lodge, ho 109, Fraternal union oi America, oi Aioany, at its reg ular meeting list evening elected the ouowiog oincers: fraternal Master, F. E. Adams; Justice, Mrs. M. C. Rowe.l Protector, Miss ElU Cree"; Mercv, Miss Edith Rowel! ; Truth, Mrs. Nellie O. Ba ker; Tressurer, W. W. Rowell; Secre tary, Alfred H. Freerksen; Guide, Mrs Belle Grate; Guard, Mrs. Lottie E." Freerksen; Sentinel, Grant Grate Stewards, Mrs. E. L. Smith and Mis' M. O. Arams. The following were the officers elected of the Simcnton'a Concert Banri Mon day evening: President. 11. Connowav : Mre-presieent: C. R. Rankin: Secre tary, C. M. Butler; Treasurer, I. B. Marks; Collector, M. E. Gray A Supreme Court Decision. The Standard Shoe Comoanvet l an. pellanta. vs R. N. Thorn dmd ft al. rik spondenu, from Linn county; H. H. Hewitt, judge; modified. Opinion by Bean, J. ' It appear that Thomrtaoq. a men-ham of North Brownsville, Linn county, was insolveut, and an action was commenced against him by the appellant and consid erable property attached. Therefore, Thompson secured some of his creditors and immediately attempted to make a general assignment. The opinion of the supreme court is that the evidence clean aimwa ih.i Thompson made the preference com plained of in view of a contemplated general assignment, and aa a nan of th same scheme. For that reason it i or dered that the decree of the circuit couit be modified to the extent of setting asi le the general assignment, so far as the rights of these plointiffs are concerned ' under their attachment. 1 The Salem Attraction. A concert which Albany people gener ally should attend is io be given on Thursday evening net, at tbe opera bouse by the Cardinal quartet, of Salem, a eplenaid musical affair. The program is a good ooe, one that will please in every number. Beside the four uleot- ed vocalist n'll be beard Prof. Heck. the moiioia oi rare attainment, i Admisioo. IS cent tor reserve 1 teats, 33 cent la the gallery. A Salem Faiu-rc. The Oregon Fruit Produce Company, of the Capital city, ba doted it doors. The failure i com plete. Four or fire vuiU bar already been begun against tbe company, among otber one of tbe Capital Bank for 1700. Tbe aeu are given at bout o0u0 but it is very doubtful if they are any where near that much. Tbe company n.fcl a .m1 m.mw f.M& J ..... aming others several Linn county men. u uigioe on tne miptneni ot green of the failure. WED JtTJE3 3T3.-V SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Bishop Go i ia the city tbe guett cf Father Metayer. At Waugh, the Toledo silooa keeper waa io tbe city today. Kia ltha Cbeedle has jastcompieted a ucceeslol term of school near Jetfereoo, in tbi county. Social dance on New Year's eve at the armory. All holding dancing ticket i 1 be entitled to amend. Mr. M.J. Morris, of Alban;, is visit ing Mr. and Mr. E. E. McKinney for a lew days. Salem Journal. Mrs. John O'Brien, of Albany, it vivit ing ber parent. Mr. aod Mr. S. M. Titu ir tbi ciiy. Eugene Guard. Mr PA Young aod caughter, and Miss Sarah Alihouee left iatt night lor San Fraac'sco on a month vieit, the gueet of Rev. M M Gibson. Mr. Geo. K. Henton of Eilensburg. Wash, i in tbe city for the holiday , tbe guen of hi uoe'e Recorder N . J. Hentoo. 11 is a student :n the Port land uuiversity. Mies Genevieve Hughes, of Salem the talented leading soprano of the Cardinal Quartet, is in the city tbe guest of Mrs. Anderson Cannon. Sbe wiil be beard tomorrow nigbt in the concert at tbe opera boose. Pro! John Fulton has been invited to appear aa tenor in the in the entertain- ! ment to begiveo Friday night b the Kike at Albany. Mis Elocli, ol Portland. is to appear oa the same program. Corvallis Time. Charles Osborn. an O A. C. student and Miss Liuie He were married in Oakland, California, on December 7, a fact that ba jost been learned in Cor vallis. Tbev will make their home in. Oakland. J E Adcos, a former resident of Linn County, ha opened a watch and jewelry repair shop in tbe Henderson building on main street. Corvallis Times. Mr Adcox has now run a 'shop in nearly every town in Western Oregon . Tbe county clerk and his deputy were kept busy today issuing marriage li cense. Among those issued were the fol lowing: For the marriage ot Otbo Tem ple aod Icie Smiddie, Charles Thomp son and Luella Hart, and Ernret Pettit and Louisa Schwaioold. From Washington Post: In addition to his work of making very funny car toon Mr. Homer Davenport has found the time to write a most sensible criticism of those New York politicians w'io pro pose to abolish this branch of jonrnadsm by prohibitory legis'ation. New Officers. Bariillai Chapter of the Eastern Star: W M, Mrs F E Allen; W P, O L Mar shall: A M, Miss Zulla Winn; Sec, Mrs F M Redfleld: Treas, MrJ W AHhouse; Cssd-jctress. Mis Halite Galbraitb; Asst Conductress, Mrs w K Uilyeu; Trustees, Mrs S 8 Train, Mrs E W Lang-! don, Mrs 0 0 Kelley. Charity Grange o. iu.j: 11 U uisbop. M: 0 P Kieer, 0; F M Kuer, L; Ed Wigle, S; Fred Pearl, Asst S; Austin Bond, Chaplain ; II L Kizer, Treas ; R G Wig!e,Sec; Elon Waggoner, GK; Mary E Kier, Pomona; Flora Wigle, Flora; May Pearl, Ceres; Lutie t'earl, L As; Louie Bond, organist delegates to L C BO, HO Bishop, R G Wigle and Flora Wigle. Tiis Yamiiux. From the Transcript: On the 22nd inBt. Congrersman Tongue wired James McCain irotu Washington. D.C.. as follows: "The war department assures Senator McBride and myself that the Secretary of War nas approved plans for locks and dam on Yamhiil. and will advertise at once for bids to complete work br contract." 11 comes on authen tie authority that tbe government is now ma s iaitnr tor tne aite upon which to construct the dam and lock near La fayette. In fact everything now points to a carrying forward of this work next year ' " TJrsrr At Corvalli a few morning ago, in a fog, Fred Blumhart, the ferry man, wa conveying a coupie 01 u. A. C. studeats across ths river in a skiff when a ateamei backed up against them and upset the boat. All were thrown out. and were rescued with diilicultv. Blu mbart wa nearly drowned. I CITY COUNCIL. Tuesday Evening, Dee. 28 Present Mayor Burkhart, Recorder Henton. Chief of Police Lee, Street Sup erintendent Westfall and Councilmen i weedaie, Dannals, Hopkins, Uogue and Martin. . T.he 'lowing bills were ordered paid : nP, Nuttln 0 25, Foehay & Mason 12 93, O P Dannals $10 70, Stewart A Sox Co. 50c,Hopkins Bros f 10 75,Hughes & froutman $4 60, B i Purdom $5 50, F L Such $26 88, M C Cheien $250, NJ Henton $58 60. The total cost of the improvement of Ninth street at the 8 P crossing was re ported a $215. the superintendent work ordered done as except a small ditch. reported all tbe being completed i he petition of J A McFeronet al, ask ed for a sidewalk on north side of 4th street abutting lots 6 and 7 block 19. granted and pioperty owner ordered to build same within twenty days. Ordinance bill No. 334 providing for the letting and keeping of animals taken up by the poundmaster, to be by con tract upon bids received the same as for other contract, was read three times ud passed. i ,lrVr" -t0 n ,ialKr we granted the following: Emil Etter, Giblin & . '',n,el Marx, Peter Schloseer, Williams Bros The bonds of the marshal were ordered placed at $11000 for tne year 1898 and of the treasurer at $7000. HOME AND ABROAD. C B Winn, citnticket gent. Tickets to all points in the east. Smile) 's clean printing. Romona pure spice . Romona Romona pure extract. Try Sehllllo,-, Det tnt aod baking powder. The BestCrackeis la town at C E Brow ueds. ShirU aod collars a specialty at the Mag Picture! from 7S u.i. i t; per d' o at Long gallery. Get a at of carvinir tninu .r present at Hopkin Bros. Call at Hnnkin It ...l . pocket. knives bet line in the city. Crawford Harnih for ph-rtograch Prices from II tov0pr doJa. Bi?nMd oti ntt tware at Hopkin Bios, will Us a lifetime. Red Crown Mill of Albany. A fine line of new macintosh jat re ceid a: the Biain Clothing Co'. Try our pop corn t it never fails to pop. C E Bbowssl. R-d Crown" -the sUodard of color sod strength io floor. All grown have it 1 ate the U 0 E cteatner for Portland d,n rirer on Sunday, TttMday Than djf. 7 a Tb0" i . , . . , , aiu orouu is tiie motto o Hopk.n rfro, and thai n why Ihav are aWajibu.r. ' " nen you want a choice steak, roat or nteat of any kind, call on Brodert. He keeot the a nice Henry D L. aod O. K. lU-n oSres and rwioence to pod oob building. Special attention girea to dueaues of women. -',a.T"w,al Jsuaxy Irt Mr. Geo. E i 1 xm o h!t piumbiog store a Goe H' beif hardaare, keepioir a fir - The beat meat of all kind aad good treatment at tbe A;lm Iti Company', market, jut dim a Second Uoo weight aod prompt attend The suit ciotioce to pile op against the Uregos Fruit aod Produce Cj. of Salem. There are now a-Tf a complain", on file, calling for HIX6 1. It's th uniform SoUh of lis New P.i Crown A -Kit wiich make, it an limits ! ab e to toe p.try cook. It cn always rf"cj Pn lM reaalta Try it. Jam. F.onu died at FaJetn this week i pooeer of Lino coeatr. baring come here io im: and readed bere ooUl iaat October, waea he mved to Siwm to reside. He teave a wife. Gasette: Corrallu MAtr.,c loj.a n. pect to eoaimea tb erection of a haad Ksme temple on their lor fronting Second rtreet near Madiioa. Tbe ediSce would bare been buUt eerl years ago but for tbefaikreof Jobs' baa k, in which tbe Masonic fond were deposited. Gord t.ye Durraot Late teaterday after eosa tbe supreme cotirt, after batiog beard tbe nw'ter argaed io chambers, de- oieo tbe application of tie attorneys for W h i Lhtrraot, toe rondecned murderer of Banca Lamoatfor a writ of probable cam, Tbe fooJub. illv character f the Klon dike reiie! (poiU) expeditoa is coourmed btLe'oHowioa-: -vy y." exdaimed George Hajea. who har en operattog a pack trjia oter :Le Skagway trail. bat doe coafrre toeaa by appropriation 1300.000 fur the Dawson tr.ioer? Tber hare eoouira tet much more tbso have honored of men right here in Portland. Tbe t-Ml.OOO might aa ell be thrown into tbe oceao. There are too aod too of provUioo at Fort Yokoo. 30 miUw down tbe nver. Aod Dawsoa people know ail about it. A Never F.uJingSuit. lion. J. C. Fullerton. of Roeebur. judge of the second judicial district, ar rived in t-aietn yesterday afternoon on the 2 o'clock Isca' train, acd repaired at ones to the state library where he met tbe sltorneys representing the various iutereats involved in tbe distribution of tbe 10,000 acces, accruing for tbe sale in attachment last summer, of tbe steamsnip -viiiiamette alley," once tbe property of the Oregon Pacific Rail road Co., and sold at' procedure had at San Francisco, where sbe waa libelled fer supply claim. From 2 o'clock until 8 in the evening, fudge Fullerton listened to the argu ment f counsel in tbe matter of the confirmation of the report of referee A. C. Woodcock, of Eusene. The gentlemen appearing ia advocacy ot the respective interests were : Wallace Nasb. sor the alleged lien ot T. E. Hog claiming under receiver's certificate Judge John Burnett, ot Corvallis, and G G Bingham, of Salem, for the general creditor and labor lien holder and Judge W . S. McFadden, ol Corvallis tor tbe Bonuer A Hammond interest. When seen last evening by a Strtes man representative, Judge Fullerton was unable to even approximate a day when he would deliver lit juJgment in the premise. Statesman. L'lsct Things From the Times: Tne Hole! Corvallis is deeper than ever in litigation, borne months ago tbe u nreme court atlirmed tbe decision ot Judxe Fullerton in which tne property was awarded to Philip Phileand tbe Ger hard estate in satisfaction of mortgage held by tbe latter. The action was lot lowed a month ago by an order ol the same court granting a petition for a hearing, and Monday me same august tribunal banded down a further decision that upset Judge Fullerton' decision and remanded the case back to the Ben ton county circuit court for a new trial . a A Good Cacsk. It is said of Henry Miller, whose farm adjoins the neatly Impassible place on the Sublimity hill, that he intends to apply to Marion couu ty to reimburse him for the daily task ol assisting traveler tunfortunately envel oped in the mire at this point oa the county road. The place ha become well nigh impassable, i,the daily route ot to tage lines and the pace cannot be avoid ed. Mr. Miller ha been ever willing to assist travelers, but there is a limit to human endurance. Tuesday, D. Kitch en's buggy mare went dow 1 in the quag mire and wa II Derated with much an Acuity. Mail. - A Scio Romisav. Five small boys, of Horn 1U to 10 year 01 age. oroae ibw confectionary ators at Scio Sundav night Und took most ot the stock of candies, ! cigar, nut, chewing gum, etc Tbe 1 leader ol the gang 1 about 10 year 010, aud ba served time in tbe reform school. One of; the youngest boys, who ia about 10 year of ge, and wa influenced by the larger boy, told hi father of the robbery. The bov hid the good. Thl wa the second time they had broken in to the store. Many Cases of New Goods at the Blain Clothing Company's. Seasonable and Nobby, Suits for Men, Pretty and Durable Suits for Boys. An elegant line ot Furnishings in the Latest Designs The Best Underwear for Winter. Stylish Hats and Caps. The Styles and Prices Will Satisfy You WHEAT. This norm as follows: New York ft57c. for May. Chicago n fie 8 in Francisco r4j. Albany 68c. A Teachers Institute- Lebasus, Or., Dec.. 28, 1897. Eorroa Democrat: Dear sir: Preparation are being made for an excellent teacher institute atTallman. Friday. Dec. 31. The teach er of the vicinity are putting forth irong effort to make this a pltasant and profitable teachers meeting. No teacher doubt the benefit to be derived from such meetings. Although tbi is a time of Christmas (eetiviiiee and we are more ioclioed to put aside acbool-work, let u rally to the aid of tbe Tallman teacher nd make tbi institute equal to our other anticipated pleacire. All of tbe teacher of Lebanon, and many of tbe prominent busineea men expect to at tend, and hope to meet all of the Albany teacbets. X. Salem's Klsphaxt. V'rotn the Ash land Tidings: Mr. J Conner, tbe well koown Boaifare of this city, baa com pleted negotiation whereby be secures poaseceion of tbe Willamette Hotel in Salem, aad be will re-open tbi favorite hostelry in the early part of February. "Tbe Willamette." formerly the "Cbe meUka," t ono of tbe favorite and famous hotels of Oregon. It baa cost over 1200.000 to build, famish and remodel, and when the present reno vation aod improvement are -completed will be aa substantial and up-to-date a hotel aa there is in the s'te of Oregon, without exception. It ha 150 large, airy, first da rooms; every one of which mill be beated by steam aod there are 100 rocm en suite, beside a number of sample room for commercial traveler. Tbe building will be lighted lb roue bout with electric Hght and an elevator of the most approved model put in. Tbe entire establishment baa been refurnuhed throughout. Tne hotel will be stri-tly first clasl ia every retpert Rate fl OO per !ay and upwards, itb special rate to targe parties acd perma nent meet. THa Lebaso Mill. W. T. Emery ha associated bia.seif with a partner in purchase of the Lebanon flooring mills noted ia last Monday's Review. The gentleman is John Miller, of Gold Beach, for eeveral year bookkeeper with tbe Alaska Salmon Packing Co. at that place. The mill have a daily capacity of 100 barrels, and Lee Armetronc will go to Lebanon about tbe 6 ret of tbe year to take charge for the new firm. Mr. Em ery doe not expect to more from Oak land before the first of June. Eoseburg Review. Foaar.m Flag Beginning January 1st the weather nags will be displayed I from 9 a. m. onlil 6p.m indicating tbe j mvwurr lur 'lie iuiu.iu$ mj foreraat will be published daily in the DcaoraAT. F. M. Frxsca, Display man. letter List. Following i tbe lit 0! letters remaining j in tbe Po&ioitce at Albany. Una county Oregon. Dec 2S, 1S97. Persons calling I for thewe letters must give the date en wbicfi they were advertised. Cooper. Mr Frank Cockre'.l, Tboma Crabtree, MiesUiara relsows, urBO Franklin, Moses Hacteopauch, Mr Henry, Mr I M Kelly. SO Marion, Mr -Patterson, Otti Heineman, Mr Jo Morris Mrs A F MaurilljA Winter Steal. M-G A Smith, Charles Sbeitoa, Mr Ha moo loran, J M T. J. Svms. Gojd Niws. Hon. C. K. Wilkinson is I aow in Boulder, about 25 mile from Denver, Colorado, and report aa im-1 provement in his health . Eugene Reg ister. list-Now Is the time to see the best assort ment of Holiday goods ever shown in Albany. OECHT & HEISEB offer them at pri ces it will pay you to investigate. S. A SCBIFfUB k CO. Merchant Tailors Carry tbe largast and most comDlete stock of Cloths in the valley. OU Slant in Mil Mock- T. O. Shaver. (Successor to F. L. Kenton.) Second St. opposite. Democrat offioe, Will constantly keep oa hand a good stock otgroouries, reah produce and fruits, which will be sold at living prices. DECEMBER 20, 1897 GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE H. F. MclLWAIN, CASH STORE The entire stock of Dry Goods, Clothing. Boot and Shoe, Groceries. Men, La die and Children Underwear most be sold without reserve within tbe next to day, a I have made plan to leave for Klondike about that tune and will aed ail dock at cost and lee than cost to close businea soon aa possible. Call early. Brown Shoe Co s. 5 hoe, ia all grain kip and in fine shoe will be sold lor one dollar per pr Men oil grain and kin boot 9 pa Arbockle or Lion coffee 5 men all silk necktie Regular 35 and 60c ties in above lot 6 bars Cudaby Diamond C soap, the beet laundry soap made ' 8 spool Wm Ctark new thread 16 ox plug Battle Ax tobacco Mens $L50 Fedora hat Suyton Floor, per sack 5 gallon keg yrop. U F McILWAlX'S CASH STORE- TIIE FAIR Compliments Season. Presents of the Thanking tbe people of Albany aad vicinity for their kind word aad very liberal patronage. I asecre tbem it will ever -be my desire to merit a continuance oi same. Darinc tbe com in e year I will greatly increase my stock and will sell only the very best goods, every article of which will hare my guarantee and will be sold at price that will increase my reputa tion of being tbe cheapest and best opto- late department store in the valley. I extend to you a cordial tavitaaon to visit my ator whether wishing to pur chase good or not- Coping tbe year tS will be prosperous lor everyone 1 retrain. Respectfully J. A. Wsivxa. -3 DJin3nlSa Oranges, Sweet potatoes -a -1 IIS o Candies, Nuts, New dates. A. 0. BEAM. WE Have Toys Ditto, About 2 bits a bushel Don't neglect your soles ST LUIS MUST STOS DOLLS AT CO "TaT"Hr 1 arness. Having purchased the stock of har ness and saddlery of Powers & Tom linson we will sell all the present stock of harness at cost for cash, to make room for a complete new stock. Now is the time to get a good set of harness at cost. . T0ML1XS0N & DUBMILLE. 19 CO 00 ZO 2S 25 75 00 85 STIWABT AEB SOI M. CO. Dealers in Wascn I ale riil. or, Ires, Steel, CeaJ, pfcaia, etc S totes Wheat is a good price and there is no reason in the world why yoa should not boy your wile a cook store. We can fit yoa out with anything in the line of stores and ranges, having a large stock of "Jewel" and "cnirersaia" constantly on band. Gcss aid Ancxmra Hunting baa now commenced and we are prepared for it with a fine line of gun and a biz stock ol ammunition. Our foe k of shot guns is particular, y good aod tbe prices very low. (Jail early aad get yoa rebowe. Bicycles We still carry the two beet bicycles in tbe market the "Columbia" and "Hartford." There isn't any other wheel that will give as good satisfactkm, aad tbe people are beg inning to find it out. We also bave a repair shop, sou I'yoor old wheel needs any work, come around and we will put it in good shape tor yoa. JswaxDiSK Habsows Does your old disk harrow rear bp in the middle un ices you run a rail into it? n ben yoa get a "Jewel" yoa won t bave tbia trouble. It has s solid steel trams, is tbe most dortble harrow oa the market, nd if it doesn't do as good work as any of theoa yoa can bring it tack. ' Plows asd Haxsowi, Yoa can't raise 30 bushels of wheat per acre unless yoa get tbe ground in good coadtKn an we bave tbe implements to co 11 a im ana want to sell them. We can cell yoa plows that will be light draft aad - will scour in any soil and we don't think: any ens can beat as oa price. Ths Bast Bcggy brought into the val ley is Studebak-r's "Iner," and we in vite you to come around and take a look at our stock. We have tbem in light and heavy sises,brewster and end springs quarter leather aa J full leather tops and tbe gears in tbree ainerent coiors. 100 Bchels of wheat ia a common every-dav load for a SV Slndebaker waron. It is not warranted by tne mat ers under such a load, but it carries that much right alongdanag tbe straw-Laai-ug season. However it is warranted to carry as much as a SS wagon cf any other manufacture. If yoa want a wag- oa that will last you during the rest of your life, buy the "Studebaker." Scrsaioa Dams Wm Jordan, E D Farwell, Jno Hatchine, Wm Walker, J E Arcbibald, b J decker. AJPerrv, srreerasen, Geo E Edge, Z G Hayes, Frank True, E o tsarrett. If yoa think the Superior drill is not right at tbe top. ak any ot the above named gentlemen, eactt 01 wbom oougnt and used one last spring. We bave just received a car load for the fail trade, and tbey are not old bankrupt stock from Portland, but were shipped direct to a from tbe factory Aug. 1st. Come arc and and sea tbe very latest and best drill. Don't Fokor that the place to buy al these articles and many others that we have not mentioned, is at tbe store ot the STEWART & SOX HDW.CO. LINN CO ABSTRACT COMPANY, Albany, Oregon. Offices, Bank of Oregon Building. Only set ot abstracts of Lisa County. Complete set of maps and plats- C barges reasons ble . Harness. ft TTTr