'"2ial5 Remember this sign whereby It Conquers Pain. LFGAL DIRECTORY Albany. ' W R Bilyen, Foehey & Mason block. J R N Blackburn. P O block. H Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, PO block. J N Duncan, P O block. T P Hackleman, Pearoe block. O E Hawkins, Oasick block. Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly & Carl, bank balding. ' , L H Mentanve, Pearce block. J C Powell, P O block. J H Somen, P O block. H J Watson, bank building. Weatherford & Wyatt. Bank building. Whitney & Newport, Cuaick!block. G W Wright, P 0 block. Lebanon. 8 M Garland. Brownsville. A A Tuasing. , 00. C, U, CIIALIBERLIH Treata tamors, strictures, facial blem eoes, neuralgia and other diseases, with gaivanio electricity. Office on Ferry St., ear 3d street. DR. J. L. HILL Physician and surgeon. Office, Firat St. FIRST RATION At. BARS, OF AaVBAXT, OBMOSI .. ; LFMBB Vase PmaWaat fc- 8.K.TOUVO K. W. LABQDON j TRANSACTS A eSNBRALbaaUaaJbawlaaSB ACCOUNTS KEPT anbiact to aback. lOHT tinniNOt aad talarrmDfci. tnaater. a He York 8aa rrnaiUoo,Cnloaoand FUaed I OLLIOTIOftl AD M favorable I Ten. riOoono, -G. I WATCHES If you want a good reliable watch on . ... French - the jeweler. (Bank of Oregoa buOding.) We have the goods, the quality guaranteed and the prices are tight. 'filitcfmfMST-. latoorexpenss jifyoa're not please. . F E ALLEN & CO- SeU Them The Magnolia Laundry C.5i!rIP50Rp5S0 StanM Piices Wori Warranted Half Price Store w onia oe an appropriate name tor my attxk of Boofcs fur old and Tonnn-. office I beoks, office fixtures, filee,inksUnds, draw - na tnrvlat istlrai r-lnaaaa nnnaf. . vuh aaaawaaiaj-aBajaWf baj uiavaaao, u a aavr v7aa ties, ecvelopee, cheapest to toe very finest; writing paper, tablets, a buye lot of both; calling cards.ticketa, 8 S cards cheap, pen- uwi icra, peuuia, ysam, nouona, oioiung I pads, tissue, etc, at the rate of II 00 worth I lor 60 cenU. VY K. BLvAIN (He puu the prices down.) Honey to Loan. We have a block of $40,000 to loan on good farms in Linn and adjoining count- If you have good security and perfect title, we can furnish yon tbe coin without delay, as we make our own examination ef security. Call on us or write S. N. Steele at Co, Albany, Oregon SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, '... . OESIOS1S, ''' eOPYRIOHTS ato. ALyntM seadtnir . akatefe and Sa.eripUoB may ajnicklr aaeertain. fraa. wfaetbar an InTaotton Im arobablr paten tjib la. Cofumuntoailona acrtctly eoofldanttal. Oldeat muy tor aaoarloc patent, tn America. W. bar. . Waabloatoai ofBoa. Pataota taken ttaroaxh Mana A Co. raoalra apaclal DoUoa in tha scientific, mmm, keaotlfaltr lltnatntad, lama dreoiaUoa oi anr aoiaotlfic louroal, waakly.tannaaiUJO a Tear, SUOaix notitba. ttpaeliaen eopioc and HAJIA Book VATom Mat fraa. anriraa MUNN A CO.. 38t Brtaiwir. Maw Y.rk. CHEAPEST POWER - ...HERCULES UAS AND GASOLINE Built in special sizes for printing offices and factories. State your wants and write for prices and term. Illustrated catalogue furnished ' free npon app'ica- tion. ' Ameeicah iTrs FotnrosBs' Co. Portland.Oregon. i S. AX rSKElGSI inimiiu PROCURED. EUGENE W. JOHNSON, !or ani Itly in Fateit Cause Itf S S. Terfe Ave., W.ahlacS.a, c tm ft Uiow L, luaa FUHU f I zVil Teas Coffees Extracts Badcing Pwan St. Jacobs Oil Cum Rmcumatism, Ncuraloia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Sprain., Brui.k., oacNcaa, SnrrNtaa, LOOK HERE. The Oregon School Supply House, Incorporate!, of Albany, Has come to stav and is now prepared to lurnteli school districts with erery thing needed in the line of school furni ture and apparatus, such as seats, desks. maps, charts, globes, DiacKooarus ana in fact ail of the necessary articles which ifo to and are required in the school room. We are also general agents for the famous Kennedys Dissecting Matne matical blocks for teaching of mensura tion and teachers instructions. The blocks are indespensiable in the scbotl ronm.and boards of directors will do well to come and examine them and see for themselves. These blocks are uni versally endorsed by the beet teachers and educators in the land and are to be seen to be appreciated. Give as a call.. Oar price are the lowest and oar terms the best. Office S.rahan Block, Room 20, a,, stairs. Oaaoos School Supply Horse. J. M. RALSTON BKOHEIa. 3 Doors East of Democrat Office. - Money to loan on farm security, alt mall loans made on personal security. City, county and school warrants bought. Collections made on favorable terms. Fire insurance) written in three of the ar. it companies in the world, at lowest rates- Millfoi Sale. For sale or will exchange for improved I real .state, a large, well equipped sawmill. Itn good running order. 1 bis mill is aua atel adjacent U. a large timber belt and haanne shipping facilities. Here is a bargain for some one. For farther par ticolara enquire of The Stewart & Sox Hdw Co., Albany, r. t 11 ub--'Jllo TO 1 fife. EAST OITK8 TB CHOlCk. 0 2TRANSCONTINENTAI. ROUTES GREAT OREGON NORTHERN SHORT LINE VIA . VIA SPOKANE SALT LAKF MIKNEAPOUS - " ' DcKYER OMAHA AXD ST. PAUL ASB CR1CAC0 KANSAS CITY Lcwest Bates to all Eastern Cities lOcban Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 days SAN FRANCISCO Heamern monthly from Port land to 'okohoma and Hong Kone; via, The Northern Pa cific SteamshiD Co. in con- , A nation with O K and is CtraaAX A Mohtkitb, Albany, Oi a Annaaass W H HUBLBOKT. Gzn'u Pas.- . Aoaa Pcvtlkod Oi. ORTHcRM PACIFIC R. R. 1 P11 1 m yn Sledpitlg Jar8, I 0 rn rin ft ry Oars ttleganT. Wimi g r3' TOUTis?" Sleeping Uarc St Paul Minneapolis Dnlnth Fargo, Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Butte TO THROUGH TICKE S, TO Chicago rTaebington Philadelphia Sew ork toeton and al Points East and South Through tickdta to Japan and Ch na, vis Tacoma and Northern Pacific steamahii Co.. an American line. For information, time cards, maps anc" ticlreU call on or write C Q Bnrkbart aguflt, Albany, Or. ADCharlto". Gen Paaa agt Portland. O- SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. No question ahont full and prompt ment of losses by fire on inraiance plea with the leading agent of Albany, M. Sen ders. 'That's what He InsnresPeoy.e Fcr Don't allow yourself to be roped into to various "Local MuttiAla" now beirfg pushed on you as being, "cheapest in surance," when ou insure you do no) wan to worry about getting your money is case of loss - M SENDERS Innurance. Hy, drain and 'A 00'.. " aaaaaiajaiaaaiaiaiaiamaiaiajaiayaayayaas m Caveat, and Trade Hark obtained and all Pat; act boainaa conducted tor Moderate Pee. 1 Bend mod el, drawing or photo. WeadTlM If i patenUtilafreaofckirse. Onrfeenotda.tilli patentlaciirl. A Pamphlet "flow to Ob-' tain PatanU," with coat of aam. in th. V. 8., aad fordaai ootmtriea aent free, f dirtaa, ' a a. sriov & co. fee. Pavcarr Ornoc OvaKaajajajajaja flciuoctat. The lo!loin noii ia poated conspic uou)y in an .ffice; v-hut ibis door, and as soon as vou have done talking on buaiueas, serve your month in tub same way." A paper in Maine prints ttie news that 'Mr and Mrs Harrington were the recip euts of a daujli'.er '1 hursJay last." Un doubtedly it did not arrive the usual way or this paper would certainly have said so. The first question that congress will take up when it assembles the 6th of December, will be "a deficiency in the revenues." The dr tlcieocy, in spite of the Dingley law, sine a the 1st .of August is $32,546,078. The first 15 days in Sov emher it rearhed nearly $6,000,000. In Bsatou they dou't ay "There'l be a hot time in the old town tonight, " but the esthetic blonde murmurs, "There will be an interval of time remarkable for abnormal tompera tare witnin the corporated limits of the aucient municipality as tne night draws her sable curtains around." Now it is declared t t currency will be the leading topic in President McKin ley's coming message. This subje has come to be somewhat like hot coals and perhaps the President will find it hot. Any way it, is to be the great question before the nest session of con-' grses and it is entirely fit that the President should express himself. The Baker City Democrat boasts that It showed the Portland merchants "the best town in Oregon, and one that in three years will only be exceeded in population by Portland." This claim would be disputed by the papers of Salem, Astoria. Albany, Pen J le ton and perhaps other Oregon towns; but there need be onlv friend I v emulation, not bitter rivalry. Walla Walla Statesman, It is to the interest of every town and county in Oregon that Portland shall be a prosperous commercial city, taking the lead in the Nortbweet. The Dkmockat hopes to tee her at the bead in the Alas ka trade, as well as in the Northwest reoerallr. There should be a united effort to keep that city ahead as a com mercial center, in preference to any of the big cities oi Washington. Portland's Broanerit should mean the oroFDeritr of other smaller cities of the state. Some times it baa looked as if Portland waa working selfishly against its country neighbors. Bat this cannot b) trne, for Portland's life depends on the surrounding country. The outeiJe press of tne state should hesitate before it nnnecesearilly attacks the metropolis of the state. From the New York nn Most people fancied that the material for centenaries waspretty nearly exhaus ted. Tbey thought that the end ot waa in sight with the anniversary at the battle of Trafalgar. But co; tha air mails bsve now broken the record . They have jast celebrated the centenary of the tar tamed Baron Mancbauson. Unen lightened mortals hereabouts used think that Moccbaneoo was a legendary hero. There are few people who have not read the story ot bis exploits, and many have seen them and enjoyed the spectacle bngely in the old English pan tomime. But the Baron waa by bo meant an imaginary character. He flourished in flesh and blood, and the pantomime did not present anything more than m ere sketch of his adventures, lie be longed, we are told by the German news papers, to one of the mot ancient fami- 'iesof Germany, and his decendanta gave to Hanover and Brunswick many distinguished statesmen. The railroad atat'on of Roeeil, Kansas, on the Jetior branch o' tbe Santa Fe bas been swallowed uo by the eartn, and today there is a dark stagnant pool water where 12 hours ago stood (be de pM, grain elevator and several small buildings. Tbe swallowing process occurred during the night- The cause of tbe drift of tbe water ia unknown. Sticks thrown into tbe pool are sucked out of sight, as if by s mons ter undertow, but baa a smooth surface. Hundreds of people tave visited tbe scene and found that tbe bottom bas dropped completely out of tne land upon which tbe bamlet waa situated, leaving in its stead a hole about one and one half asree in extent. So lives were loet as no one remains at tbe station after tbe west bound train passes. A similar freak occurred in Mead coon ty about 10 years ago. Tbe phenomena bas given rise to tbe theory tbat s great river of sea underfliws all Western Kansas. Another Boom Proclamation. Following is tbe substance of tbe thanks-giving proclamation ot Gover Jobn C Brady of Alaska, almost equal to that of Governor Bodgers, of Washing ton, as a boom affair : Tbe people ot Alaaka have very much for wbicb to be thankful to Almighty God in the year wbicb bas just passed On account of the wonderful discoveries of gold upon tbe Klondike we bsve been prominently brought before the pnblic, and many wbo bave decried Alaska as good for nothing, are now admitting that it has wonderlnl possibilities. For this turn in the tide of opinion let ns give thanks. While the cattle npon tbe bill are the Almighty's, the gold, copper and coal in tbe mountains, and tbe fish in tbe sea are his also. We here in Alaska can raise oor voices in praise and thanks-giving for the abund ance we bave enjoyed tbe past year We can rejoice also that onr friends and relatives scatteied through tbe states of the Union and tbe provinces of the Dominion of Canada, ha 7e been bleated with abundant harvests and that tbeir products find good msrkets. ThinklTl 250 Envelopes lor 15c One qt best Ink for 25c Granitiron cuspidors 15c Our stou-i" of Lamps. Crock8ry & Glassware is the latest in Albany to select from, and the piices the lowest . you can gee s coance on that Ilaviland Decorated French Chi a Dinner Set for nothing. Call and see about it. Albany's Cheapest Store KHECHT & HISEB I SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS Tins clo'fs a week of good winter weather. Tue rain ceased its fierce (all, aud gave place to chill. The river, which rose as high as fourteen feat, fell to seven feet above low water. ' A lack of snow in the mountains prevented several feet on top of the fourteen. A marked rise in the price of wheat has offered much encouragement to wheat holders as well as speculators. It Is an Intsresting fact that holders are learning some lessons and then's a spirit not to trust too much to that old practice of waiting for a dollar a bushel. Owl enough is pretty good some times. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, and is a very nice idea to keep in ones bead on the wheat question. This baa been Thanksgiving week. It is a good thing to be thankful, in fact the thankless person is not a good neighbor . One had better live net' door to amiser-than to a person who has no sentiment of gratefulness for a fav or. And so it is with manv bless ings of lite, wnich increase with gooi behavior. This spirit of thankfulness should be a broad and generous one, not elfish one. While it is a fact that the world is keeping a pretty close track of No 1 it is true 'hat tLe moat satisfact ory life Is the one spent for others, as ngrateful as they frequently are. A season of thanksgiving ought to make better men and women of those engag ing heartily in it. During tb. week Albany has bad genuine game of loot ball. It ended with out any disaster. Though a vigorous game and a hard fought affair no one was hurt materially and it terminated with oat anything in particular to gossip about It except the game as a whole. It is an interesting fact that a great manv people in different parts of the country are making a greater fight against the game because ten or fifteen , perhaps a Jesa number, are killed in the game, played in every town oi any aiae, in the United States, in a year, a greater opposition by far to it than to the liquor traffic, which kills over sixty thousand a year.beeidea the other trouble it causes. Foot bal'., while it has object- ional feat area, has good many good one,and it is not a gams for causing con vulsions. It bas features which are bound to make it a permanent sport in colleges. 1 sport though which on ae count of its rough characteristics wil always create opposition. The mo bamorona opposition come, from the rieoda of prise fighting, who ote it as a lever to boost their slogging and make it appear that there is a more brutal contest. The DaxacaAT hopes to see the rough teatnrea smoothed off so that it will develop intoa more open game. authlnxton letter. Proa aw rag-niar Cwrat4at Washington, Noy. S3, 1S97. Czar Reed is in tbe field for the re publican nomination tor president in 1S0C, aod hi. candidacy may play an important part in the legislature of the House at this session of Congress. A Reed machine has already been organ ised, and, la addition to all tbe origi nal Reed men, it will attract, it ia ex pected, all of the large number of re publicans wbo worked for 11 r. McKin lsy's nomination last year and bave be come disgruntled because of tbeir fail ure to get what tbey wanted for them selves or tbeir f fiends. Senator For aker ia understood to be looking alter tb. Ohio end of theBeed machine, and j u Z tbe fight on the election of Boss Hanna coo surfaots. Such article snoald neter to the benate ia beins need as a means of j be nsed except on preacriptioss from repot weakening Mr. McKinley in his own " Pbrae. a. tne damage they will .t.. -iii. . '.Ilrl w 1 do i. ten Md to the good you can poanb.y state, with s view to preventing bia , ,rom Ua5;'s Ciarru Core. mno being able to control the Ohio delega- j factored by F J Cuey Co, Toledo.Obio, lion to tbe nest Republican Natiooal j contains no mercury, aid is taken intern Convention. The rivalry between the I directly upon the blood and o j , ... , , , . mocou surfaces if tbe y tem. Inbavtog Seed and Mekinley faction, now secret, j u., CjlUrrh Cur, ,aw Joa ti ia iikely to be open and spirited in ti e genuine. It i taken interoBhy. and oade near future. fin Toledo. Ohio, byFJ Cieney Co. Tbe democrats do not even bare to to the trouble of fighting Secretary Gage's gold bond scheme ; it is having tbe little life it bad thumped oat of it by republicans. A boot one bait of the re publican Senators and Representatives wbo bave been in Washington since the gold bond scheme waa made public, have taken occasion tofpnblicly condemn it. Aa Mr. McKinley has always been known to be a follower, not a leader, of tbe opinion of bis psrty, it will be in teresting to see what effect this tepnb lican condemnation of the issuing of gold bonds will bave upon bie treatment of tbe subject in bis annual message to Congress. Some amusement bas been created in Washington by s long printed state msnt given out by tbe self-constituted monetary conference, as tn in inten tions concerning lbs financial scheme It le engaged in batching ont. These gentlemen say tbeir report wilt be with held from the public until tbe snnual report of the President baa been sent to Congress. Tbe country would survive if it sere permanently withheld. The statement acknow leges tbat they "rcog nise tbe fact that they bave no holiday task before them in securing the adop tion of tbe report by Coogre.." a hicb is an entirely unnecessary acknowledge ment ; everybody knew it all the time But here is about tbe most amusing sentence in the statement : 'Somv time will be allowed to pass alter tbe publi cation of tbe report before any attempt is made to force it to a vote in either House of Congress ("force" is good). This time will be employed in a cam paign of education, by means of thorough discussion in the press and in the popu lar magazines of the merits of the pro posed financial reforms." The most of tbe merit side of tbe discussion will be paid matter.but tbe unt.-ammeled press will make no charge tor showing up Its demerits, tn view of the popular ides of "educated public opinion," tbe plan of campaign is exposed when the state ment says that tbe members of the con ference are confident tbat tbe great body -J . . ,! f t .. oi eaucaieu puone opinion in tbe coun try will corns to their support. So much of it as sets its educational matter from Wail at tee t and London, probably will. Mrs Asrbt haa joat received a fine line o Stamped linens, perfect beauties, Haudkercbiefr, bore, facicators. Boas, mitts' fans, Chatalain bags. Call and examine the line of fancy ociions. Try our taaaiftingsfatlOc. Extra quality. v. t. urowneu. IT. Caw. Conanpatlon Soraver. Take Cnacareu Candy Cathartic loo or tSa, K C C. C fall to ours, drukglaw refund money. .Catarrh Cured. A clear head .no weet breach secured with Sniloh's C srrrt Hi ally: snd i-'hiu & Midi B F Merrill bays City, County and School warrants. Office in Democrat building. MISFITS One of the Eugene foot ball players was the O N G man who toon the prize at the encampment at Hood River for being the homeliest man there The News, of ficio, thinks that city has a team of bowlers who can howl with any in the county. Tbey can be accom modated in Albany at any time. iesieruay was a nouuny in Aioany lor i earnest. There was something going on from morning tonight of a hohdar char acter; shooting for turkeys at the range, bowling, foot ball, base bail, dancing.eic. i Little business was done, and the people I oi me aay generally celebrated. When the Portland nartv started for the Klondike one young man objected to John Parker because he was too old. It is an interesting fact that Parker made the riflle all right, doing k is own pack ing, while the young man after they had started weakened and returned to Port- laud. Pearl Boyd, who created so much ex citement in Salem several weeks ago b a story of her alleged abduction, hae re turned to the camp ol gypsies in norm Salem from whom she ran away. Again is the deception of this class ol Individ uals illustrated. Journal. The firei steamboat was moored on the Willamette, at Milwaukee on Christmas 18j0. At that time it was anticipated ! that Milwaukee would be the great eat city or the Northwest, but it is little larger now than it waa then. Sidnev Dell, of Astoria, wrote O. P. Huntington about bis road to that city Hr. Huntington answered that he didn't know any more about the aflaiis of it than Dell, and in a manner to show that be wanted it understood that it waa not a Southern Pacific road, but Hammond's, backed bv several big capitalists. There are people though who will never be lieve tuat anyoue else owns it. The Balem Journal ears : "The city of Albany has an ad in the War Cry. Al bany is smooth when it can work the Sal vation Army for an ad." Not thinking that waa enough farther down it adds: Albany ia advertising its resourc in the War Cry Here is a pointer for the Chamber of Commerce." All of whicu is a display of childish jealousy. Capt. Kubn was well treated in Albany, and appreciating its worth as a citv and us epleodid treatment of the Army gave it a nne writeup, entirely voluntary and without a cent of pay. except as waa re ceived lor the customary big ssle of War Jrys. A Tacoma paper once ee'.d : "Tacoma, Tacoma ; Ambrosia, aroma. Seattle, Seattle, Death rattle, death rattle." After waiting some lime Seattle bas responded as follows : j "Death rattle, death rattle, ' Tacoma, aroma. Well fought, good battle, Ambmta, Seattle." It waa left for The Junction Time to tell a regular fih chicken tory. Here it is: A number of Frank 'liarveys chickens, after a few wobblee laid down and died. Frank says he couldn't effor t this after refusing SI',' rente for hi wheat, so tbe nest chicken that showed signs of diatreas, be performed a surgical operation by opening tbe craw and found to bis surprise a water dog This was removed, the craw sewed up and the chicken walked around as if nothing bad happened. A number ol chickens were treated in tbe same manner and in each case tbeoperatian waa socceaxful. Battus or Fsvx tus entertAinment at ger and 'liiurn LouaignoBt. jr , reportrd G A R ball on the anoitCMry cf it bat- ! a baring peruhed is itneNehaiem moon lie. Hew many popi' aad teacher ran laio.bad reached Vernonu. afier being teditsdMe? CvmetotneG A R bal' kwt nine da.iby were without food Ihree next Tuesday night and hear the men who jdaja but locally found a deaerted cabin were there tell what part they 'eok in the betue. Kecttauons and to nstc storks, all for ten cents. and war Beware of Ointments tor Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy tbe sesfe of , ieaumonial tree. 8old by dram '. price 73c per bottle. Hall Kamiiy PliU are tbe beat. the PLACE TO BUY Tour Groceries and Baked Goods Iaat Parker Bros. Everybody kuowe wnere tbeir place is. I hey keep i a freeh stock of BTOceriee. produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices snd treat tbeir customers well, sll s.ike. Yon may regret some steps yon take in life Lot none taken into the store -l Parker Bros. It ia a greit thing to be well fd. Par ker Bros keep good groceries A loaf ot bread is not much but yon want it well made. Try Parker Bros. Just Across the Way. At F H PfeifiVr s you can get the bet Coaa. and Kastern o?ter to be foand. Be lo keeps the bent line of confection ary in tbe city. Call on him for tbe he of everything in his line. NO CURE-NO PAY. That I. tb. wif ail ilru si.'a 'ell (.ItuVKVS TASTKI..E3 CUIi.L. T MC for Malaria, Chill, and Kever. It la alii) ply Iron and Quinine in a ta.tel.-a. form. CulMien ove it. Adii.ia urefer I to bll'.r, naavHs'Jng Ton lew Price. 60c Special Salb of Ladies walking ha!' sailors and tamoshanter. Special price on all (rimmed bats. Ms Jons Homiix, WILL & STARK forjaweliy. Tbey keep tbe best. Pictures from 75 cenls to $25 per d-.n at Longs gallery. Crawford & HarnUh for photograph. Prices from tl to 90 per dozen. D i It. E. and O. K. Bt-rs otfires and residence in post office building. Special attention given to diaeaaea of women. Stop that Cough! Take warning. It ma lead to 'Conaumption. A 25 1 bottle of Shiloli'i Cure tny fare your lite. Sold by Foihay ft Manou. Krertbody Say. 80. CnsciireU Canity Cathartic, the mnt won derful iiKtlinii tli!,oerv of the npe, p.eas. ant uik) rcfn-ahine to the. tnie, ni't euntly nnd Miitivfly 011 kitlncra, liver mid bowcla, cleanainir the entire avatein, dlel rnliix, cum heiuinolin, fever, huliltuul i-miatlpation and blilnunnoM. Please buy ami try a box. Of C. C C to-dny ; 10, 'St. M cent. Hold and guar? -'Ted to cure by all druggists. A Laundry Nugget. Laundry patron's who want first class work done without paying exorbitant prices should patronize the Albany Steam Laundry which bave employed regularly five of the best hand ironera on the coast for shirts, dresses, and alnrt waists, and ten cents is the Highest price merged lor anv of these articles. If you want a good and clean mo Ice buy cuari nt tJ by our Al any cigar factory- TOCURE ACOLU IN ONE DAY. rake Laxative Broino Quinine lableta All l)aiglau refund tbe money If It fall! Edaoke Tonr Bowels With Caaearata. i , Can'iy Cathortle, euro aonatlpatlon forever. 10c, toe If U.O.O.taU,druifiilauretundBiouey. MEDICAL TREATMENT OH TRIAL To Any Reliable Man. afarvalona appllano. and on. nonlh'a ramed!. of rare power will be tent on trial, without an. mdvnnct ixiynwnt, bf I ha (ramoat company in tha world In Iba treatment ot man neat, broken, dla enuraffad from elfacta of exeeaaaa, worry, ovarw work. Aa. Happy niarrl - trournd, eompltta raa. toratlonor darelopmaiil of all robuit condltlona. Tha tlma of thla offer limited. No '. O. It. achamai no daflaptluni no naauanra. AddraM ERIE MEDICAL WjlSfiSSffi? TELEGRAPHIC. fter ike Alaak. Ti.de Portland, Nov. 26 Arrangements nave at mm been completed for the prom ised 5-day service between Portiond and Soutbeaatern Alaska, sa forecast in these columns several weeks ago. and. in accor dance with dupatches received at tbe efhee ot tne UKan Uo., yeaterday, the Pacific Coast Sieamabip Company, ia now ready to place in service three United States insiected iron steamships between Port land and Alaaka pointa.aa rush of business trom tnia port snail commence. r "y WAsnisoToN, Nov. 2C Tbe report of me secretary oi me navy waa made puiilic today, it abows tbat tbe present effective fighting force ef tb. navy consist of four ballle-ahipa of the first cImm. 2 armored crainera. 16 rruieers 15 guoboa'a 16 double turret led rocnitera. I ram. 1 dynamite gunboat. 1 dispatch-boat- 1 Lrarjinnrt steamer and 5 torpedo boats There ars ' unrer conatncUon 5 lattle-ahipa of the brat claw, 16 torpedo boats and 1 submar ine boat. There are 61 other naval ves sels. ratal AerMcal Bakeb Citv. Nov. 26. A fatal acci dent occurred last evening at tbe El (born bonanza mine. In some unaccountable manner James Cagel ignited some giuit powder, and the wnoie magazine explode 1 with a force which almost jarred the mountain. The un'ortunate miner was killed as if struck by ligbuinb. fct I. Banc Silverto. Nov. 26. a LCoolidge. of thia place. ba received a telegram atatieg j that all tb Van Pel a inoticaed in the killing o' "Cfrley" Cooiid.e. seven iu number, have beam captured, and at the preliminary examination at Cbetco, waived examination and ail ere taken to tbe county jail at Gold Beaco to await tbe action of tbe grand jury oo charge mcr- aer. HMa Bw Viks.na, Xov 2d. the disorder in the lower botae of tbe rvich-ratb waa o accent ualed today that a strong detaciiuwwt of police ban to be called to pe-rve peace, , ID. social democrat, and deoutU indulged in a Iree ngbr, and IVi r-r a., ejected irom me bMi-e ib di'orben were eventually removed fmm he platform fomlh'y and .:ngly by te police AafHaaay SiraatSrat Madrid ov 27. I Be offcial gazette publuned Saturday tbe riaj decree grant ing autonomy to CoIm and forto Kico, thus removing the at:e'v iba. had begrjo o be expressed on ail tde a. the reauit of tl e government' retisrote and ou x-p'-aoied dei.y Tba.a-.iila. ta Los do? Xov 25. -Over 300 A men car. mea and women and a few E:.gl;,h pr on, ceicbta'ed rbekhvtng IUy by a dinner at the Hotel Cecil, tnd.v. The party loctoded Jot n Hav. Coiled State, amoanador, aad hi wife and daughter; Henry btte.aecretary of the f cited S:ate - i t r r . j . . irrri'V'7.' 01 imw;; Arcuoeaoon ciociatr. WDU , "7 v.,.l,ill jw f . fi ..j u- f..j c...iland. lamhill street dock. a. minisfsr at Crugna. A BVaaj.a ILi arrkara nii.Lft9BO, Nov. S6 Wcrl was re ceived here late lt niitht tha Jola Ber- m which were auine provuion. otherwiie pernap (ney would bare pentned . atUe ta law ratare Msw Ycbk. Nov. 25. On Sunday foornioe-, for Ike firt time in the history of the Cuban war, rebel bu'ieU aooght the mIm in Uavaaa. says a dispatch to tee tierald from Uavana. The shots rame from Can Liianca. 6000 yard, acruas the ea'raace to I be narbor, and whi'e no one wj hurt, the palace, with iu electric lights, was a shining mark, and mut bave been hit. A WaUataB Fare Fakt Cuailam. Wash . Xov. 26. Fair Service at Co atore and port of the aloes', the Oai:a)oet aaloon. SchnateJ'a tailor abop, Kieg'sahoe store, the rair-bervtce ttable. and warehouse were wiped out by i;.. i. u. rw..11 :n about 00. Tne inrurance ie about It Waa BMasncwflBl. Vis-xsa. Xov. Ctf.-Tbe uopiraJleied violence ia tbe lower booe of the reicb arath yeaterday i about the only subject of coaverwalitM throoghout Austria today. I be tirrmaa pnMreaaiat party haa publish ed a note er. pre sing regret at tbe oatbreak and duc'aimtna any retpoaaibility for it. Oxs os atoks avaccoxs of the Nations Surgical Institute, 319 Bneb St, Sao Francisco, may be consulted free of charge in reference to any deform itory. club feet, hip disease, etc., paralysis, piles, fistula, chronic diseases and the permanent cure of Kuptnre, at tbe Ke ere House, Albanv, Wedneeday and Tbortda. Dec. 8 and 9. and at the Wil lamette Hotel. Salem, Monday and Tues day, Dec. A and 7. For tbe cure ot tbeee specialties this Institute stands unpar alleled. Tbe highest references given. Commencing Thursday, Sov ) 1th, the O. C. A E. steamer Albany will again resume Iter regu ar run. Leaving down for Portland ani way points Tuesdays, Thuradaya and Sunday at 7 o'clock a tn. Up river on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridaya. Ciiair TifWAKs J tiradwohl ba lust received a fine stock of tinware. A It was received direct trom the factory b will not allow any one to undersell him Appics and Oder For sale, by the whole ale or retail green or dried, delivered to any rart of the city. Fiue, selected fruit. Cider in any quantity. Apples bought, Amusy KhcitCo.," Mill block, FrstSt. Oin Last Link of plush capei and jackets haye arrived. An excellent oppor unity for ladies not yet having purcbaaed theirs. Prices extiemelv low. Ladus Eazaab. Something Dropped. Hear It. Did You We will sell lor cash, Cnground Roast Coatee aa follows : Our Superior Blend 12 lbs for $1 On " Best Kio 10 lbs tor 1 00 " Hoyal Blend 8 lbs lor 1 00 Have only a few hundred lbs of these coffees on hand and can not guarantee these prices for any length ot time C. E. Bbownkix. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tht he ll Bii ,,rr " t Sl(aMurt f Ao-To-Hae rur Fifty Coot, .u.-uiilwl touuero haijit core, nia.tea r.k nieu atroua, bio- ' vuro- Soc. tl. Ail lrnc'"l Albany Market. Wheat 67 rente. OaU2S. Eggs 20 cenls. Butter 15 to 22 cenls Potatoes 25 cents -Hams 11 to 13 cents. Sides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 to 7 cents. AHD S00 PACIFIC LINE. To All Points East Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pal ace sleeping cars, luxurious dining cars, elegant day coaches, magnificent ton rial cars md free colonist sleepers irom tne ra. cific to the Atlantic without change. COST DIRECT AH 0 CHEAPKST BOUTS) T Kootcnay Hitting District VAKCSr, HKW PBXVXn, hlocas c1tt, hslsov, KALSO, ; TBAlb, ) ftOHBLAXO ABO All point, in the Okanagan Country. Ge a pamphlet giving a full deocriptior. of thia wonderful country. Aak tbe agent for a copy of the mining laws ot British Colombia. Lowes rates o and from Atlantic steamship ines. Canadian Pac. Ry. (Jo 's .Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan Caaoias AUSTBAUAM STSAMEa bonolclc, rui Aim adstbaua. The shortest lioe to the Colonies. These team era carry an experienced medical man, and a stewardoaa on every voyage For time table, pamphlets, or any ln- ormation, call on or address. S N STEELE k CO. Agenta.Albany Or. EJ OOYLE, Ag't, 14 Third St., Port- and. Or. GEO. McL. BROWN. D. P. K. Vancouver. B. C 0KEG0X tlATKAL & EASTERN B. Be CO. -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting at Yeqaina Bay. with th e San Francisco 5 Yaqaioa Ba? STEAMSHIP COMPANY. SlBHiB"Mi6l" Sail, from Yao nina every 8 days lot Saa Fraocisco, Coos Bay, Humboldt Bay. f AaSSCEB ACCOMOPATIOSr UMCBFABSBt Short ert route between tbe Willam ette Valley and Caiilornia. Fare trom Albany and points west tc Ban Francisco Cams BrCXBAGB Round trip good for 60 days To Coos Bay Cabin siraga. ...... To Humboldt Bav and Port Orford. Oahin '. Buerare 8 00 River Division Rieavmer 'Albany" between Portland aad Oorvallia. throngb without lay-ver. I mm Cor vail a 0:30 a. m. Tuesdars, Thnradavaand Sundays: leave, fort- Ifondsvs Wednesdays and Fridays. Enwts Ssoss, j c Mm Mawaswr Sir. R.ver O v. L Walpbx, Agent, Albany. HEW 0RK WORLD, 1 hricr-a-Weck Edition IS Pages a Week . . . ... 156 Papers a Yeai For One Dollar. rwSUiSeSevery aJw.sVajeeaeSwwal Tne Thrice-a-Week F.ditioo of TbsNkw loss Wosuo i firtt among ail "weekly -rarjen in nre. frequency cf pobbcaboa and tbe frethneaa, aceoracy and variety el its cot tents. It bas all tbe merits of a mat $6 daily at tbe price of a doHai Lfa - eeklv. 1U noitucai ne 1 prom pi. corn- plete. axe and impartial as aU it. read- era will leaury. 11 is sgainH ice moaopo- lie and tor tbe people It print, the newt cf all tbe world, hav ing special correspondence from all im portant news pn'nt. os tbe idol. It bs dtiitiant illostrUJV stories by gnat author, a capital nuo-cr page, complete marketa, departments fir tbe household aad women a work and other special de partments. We offer this uaequaled aewvpaper aad the DswocBaT toge:brone vear for 00 Sale ot Real Estate. KOTICE hettby g.vto that th. an dcratsaed ada laiatrator with tb. will aa aexed of it. aetata el Kobert iohoa, d. etaswd, will, by virtae of aa order of aal. daly mad. and en tared ot record, in the eoanlycsatt for lino county, Cr o. tb. 5tb day of November, 1$97, aataorixiag and licensing tbe anderioed aa euch ad eainistrator t sell all the real estai. be loagiagtotb. eataU of aaid decewed. la pa raa. dc thereof 1 wil oo Satarday, December, 1H.1S97. t the hoar of 1 o'c ock p si, ot aaid day aa th.couit hooae door in Albany. Laa eouaty, OregtNi, offer for sale at public auction, to ta. bightat btdd.r, the fallow !dk nal eaute: SS5 SO aerea lo Tp as a l weat, 3 43 aerta in Tp 13 B 4 weat 321.77 acre, in Tp i 3 B 4 wast 16 75 seres in Tp 4 e B 4 weal 1 ha aoath block 34, liacklemaa 's 2a J ad Albany , Lou 5 and 6 block 16 flask Vmaa'a3rd ad Albany 5i 38 acre, in Tp 1 1 S R 4 weat lt 3 block 3 Cowan', al ti Lebanon Li t block 23 J M Balaton a aecooi;ad to Lebanon pLU 1 block 27 J M Kalatoa 'a aacocd to Lebanon Th. w X of the H W qn.rter of 11 x 120pn Hacaleman a ad 1 1 citj of Albany. 2 35 acres to Wectcia addition to Albanv 20 acrea ia V LCJohn Barahart ia To 11 SRSwest S5 block 4S Goltra Park ad to Alb in v. Bloc. 60 Ooltra fark addition to Albany 132 by 143 feet in block 66, Albany Una half acre in block 5 Uackl man'a 3rd addition tn Albany Th. S W quarter of block 129 Hackle nan's addition to Aloaoy Terms of salt, oaah in hand Dated Nov.mbwll.lS97. J K WKAllIERFOKD Adminiatrator with the will ntx h.eatau of Rubar Jo t ,, No riiiait Ui arlT Aaalaatr Fakam ta rafun4 awoay it wa do not -wr. loom IwaaTfaraamaprtr. faWSS and ita. ami wia w- prwffjr CO COtTSS) bavrs) sjt ihmm or pny 9Sfmnm ot will eaauwn coaila.. aa Btak. a wa tall to L ElTJil raisrvsisj D)liaaaU aaBBayaawXvaa f 4 ra. If Ton a.ra taapn aaa. .ml h.ra arhea aad LIU wj, hMUaepaaaakana Klna.alaaaJaalia tfaafaa.Vaaaar Car. part of thaboOr.Matror la DMVta. Baa Tkeaaa. 4 HMa. I WioaaUajr fCrm fkUklssfff , tasjssMwassry or TsprUairy ll m at Uu. Prlatarr. ami i-aina afj lorvrs. vej I suad ejjfcsillsjsi? ,a . .ia a.i ua mom noa Ml. Tatla alia haa alwaya Wfl Ik sVklU f tin WM j tor mtuvT rvssrw rhsaT : aaalaaa aAyaarlaaa mi4 a at'Mutr of t-VrRIXENB aad STWaaaBSnar thtsl itllaTaSasl Villa OUT ItsaTfj &4.i CSJipitsai beltlnd OUT ameoadlUoaal naraaiaa. wrt.inlnr IS. aaw ao.a and Addn IS sa l Tenant. 'aleaa, IlUaaw. am.aa . . K. O. T. M, meets every Saturday evening at K. O. T. M. hall. Visiting Knights invited to at tend. J. F. Tboutmam, Com. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder t work,' Fair tus&cst Award. 000 Your money back at your grocer's if you don't think that Schillings Best is the cheapest of all the baking powders that you ever knew of. "But," you may say, "I can get baking powder for half the money." Yes, but Schillings Besi'xs worth more than twice as much, because it doeF more work and does no harm as alum and other cheap baking powders do. I 1 ;l 2) -Chew?- -Sometime." f . -av - a & - I"U go you.- No lover of a good diew ever says no to 1 PIPER. I I HEIDSIECK I 1 PLUG TOBACCO 2 (CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR) A7JUC I Tn... AM .ni;j -.rTefi-ti'nn in a nle-rr of Pioer Held- JrV Tliere is Steele than about it is per cent, same old the biggest Q aak for : S. II SCHIFFLEH k CO. Merchant Tailors Carry the largost and most complete stock of Cloths ia the valley. Oil Stall in Fiini Eloct- Good Money Saved - On Mens Goods. Shoes, Boots, Uais, Shirts, Ties and suspen der. lcvcr Rip Pants OverslU, Bloufes, gloves, etc, etc Clos ing Out Sale. They will eoon all be W R BLAIN, He Puts the Prices Down) EAST AND-SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. AlSoraat Saaawa. tiala. :aara PuCax. Dalti fcxaU i .Vvr-. Ari SSJ a Art a a L i ase r . e. . 1 1. fonjiaa. a a lit a .1 Ar AlkMy .Vs ri i i-op at s'a-loa be tvrecn Pjr-.iail and Salem Tor er, Jlarion. Jel-rfi Albany Tangent, ShedJ. Haisey Eugene Cottage Grove, Drain. Oakland and all ttations from Roaeburg iu'h to and in cluding Ashland. I 1IHIK U uvivnmi - C WM aanel Ja 'ItCX. TJOaVa la any WOW uiauiu uu . JK f 'S Q about it is right ; the flavor is unsurpassed ; the size is 40 J , . i - & , .4 XM . t m 9YrirT a vprvrniRir v J per cent, larger tnan lormcny ; ana uic pn gm K same old nickeL The new plug at the old price is positively K J at, Kf'sraxf harmin in tnhiCCO VOU CVCT S2W. Be SUTC and & wr -" fc : . ...... . 1 a. I Li PoruaM jr Sra ItUrnlLT Albany Lll.tOra fce. (Ar Bcapabwrg La I TSa uaaatai aaaaca Laara Albtar far Lharw TSA J a Arrtaaat AloaaT hxMaLibaaoa S a Laara Albaay tor Lahaaoa li'tri Amra al Aibaajr troaa Lab. a A4 r Laav. Albany for Wdodbara via Waodbara SraarS ltUli A Arrira at Albany from W oodbam ti&r Laara Albany lor Xatroa m e Arrira al Albaar troai Katro. 1 .14 a PULLMAF BJrFET SLEEPERlv. AKD Oiningr Cars on Ogden Routt SECOND-CLASS SIEEPIN6 CARS Attache ta all Tbraa.h Tral.a eTea Se Mvtalra. BBTWBBS rBTLABBt AS BVAlLla Stan SAaTtKseaptSaaaay aosaaea. aaivaaav :0a ILr ronlnnd Corauil. Ar 1 136 i.vltr Ittll .A Kxpraai Train Dally (titer Sunday : 1 L Portlaad TSOr.l Ar Ar a:n a LvlsS'a. Lv&0aa McMiDarUle Iulap.. danc Sum Ar Diraet eoanactiot at 8n Proai9 wltb OeeMaat ricntal and PaciBo ail ateamahip liana PW.iHMIU Sulinr laa on applicaunn , and Mc ket ' runu and Ramp JA IAN. H1A. EOt LU and AVSTR. , caa ba ohtataal Irom tkFBtSSIa, A(nt ' . SOIHI tH MaSKHAV. Sanairar oar. Fa, r A Farvaa. Ors Portland AHD PURITY Ti I at our expense if you're not pleased FE ALLEN A CO. CoHms 5ptea Extracts bakios Powdw Ma 73 X. T aa aa. oo 2B4 Star Hakery Corner BroaJalbin and First bt COXSAO UEYEH PRGPEIETD? Canned Fruits. Glaseware, Dried Fruits. Tobacco, Sugar. Coffee. Etc. Canoed Je Qacenswaw Veet Cigars. Spices Tea Etc "erythiajr tbat U Ejpt la soodvariery andgro eeryatoTw- Hig et p Repaid for ALL KINDS OF PK0DICI FRANK SKIPTON Successor ta Join Fcinser. Livery at Keasonable Kates W Jl keep teams for 10 cents, with feed 40 cents, all night $1.00 FOSHAY & MASON -Wholesale A Retail DSUSSISTo oDEOomum ALBAXT. OKSGOS. Pure Drugs snd tbe finest snd Larxeaf Stock of Stationary snd Books ia the Market. a vneicsstocs Albany, Or Painless work a specialty. C LimiE'S Ground Floor Dental Office. Van! Littler, Assistant. Broada'.bln, St Albany, Qr WWdl, i tKaararCtrr. Tn-a a.4 t.-a a atjs. ar'" 11 KM-..h a- c. Roctcc' ea area to re; . t Hall-Nn-1 . . A Follow btatrwtttna to van, muni. . Hove rutitHa iulm k- ata onr TraaMa. Laara .baart tbU BTaat sad. aa I For sale by J. A. Cumming. TREASURER'S K01ICEK0- 7 Notice is hereby given that funds aie on hand tc pay city warrant Nos 391 to 821 inclusive of the issue of 1S97. In terest on wid warrants will cease with tb : date of thia notice. Albany Or. Nov. 27, 189T. . A. Pabxkb, City Treasurer. fiLfr i & of the NEW pieces of riper tieiasiecic ag9 4 at E a:l.K. ' VS)Aa, M