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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1897)
Wbt fiauvtat Have yoa noticed the sboa window this WtekT Heavy soled shoes with light uppers are the leaden. A mans shoe, full stock, calf, lined to the toe, H 00 ' Mens coin toe. black, green or ox bloM, Scotch bals. $3 50 . , A Scotch Bal is the popular style of the season F1I stock calf shoe, $2 50 ,..,. ' Bbja u-can'rippem shoe, $1 55 to fl co Youths dress suoes, $1 10 Childiens shoes Heavy Doogola kid,5 to 8, COc, 8K to 11 85 cents A good grain shoe, 5 to 8, 75c Kangaroo calf, 5 to 8. 90 cents. Tiger kid, 5 to 8, $1 00. S E Young & Son, Albany, Oregon. $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book 5.00 bays a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice strings. catgut" Violin E $4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buys a 5-drawerse wing machine; mgn arm, lignt running; guaran teed 5 years. CfiTPrices on Pianos. Organs. Banioe sent on application . E. U. Will Albany. READ. PEACOCK & CO, Albany. Oregon. In Dress Goods, Hosiery and Under wear you will always find our stock up to date. Hut just now we want to men tion a few new things we have for the Holidav trade: Handkerchiefs, a complete line all styles and prices from 2c to $1 25 Pocket books and cnatelains, a very stylish assortment Kid cloves in popular 6hd-s, either two clasp or foster hook. Umbrellas, a catchy lot, steiling silver mounted, witi metal rods Bom an embroidery sets, x nice present for a lady Belts, the new fancy metal goods, very stylish , Pen knives in fine pearl handles f jr ladies type Feather boas, the latest patterns Table linens and napkins, no better goods shown Jackets and capes in novelty effects, something just out As a special inducement for cash trade we will give away the Genuine Koger A 1 Silverware, which is also very suit able for a holiday gift. The way we do it is this, with each purchase of fifty cents or mire for cash we present you a ticket representing ten percent of the purchase. When you hold ticketi amounting to one dollar or more they will be redeemed by us on de mand in said silverware, which we have on display. It wilt pay you to trade; with us, we guarantee our prices to be j as low as the lowest. Read, Peacock Co., Albany, Oregon. Battenburg lace doilies. Fancy cushion (ops. . Fancy ticking and dennimg. iiew tinsel draperv. Art linen Side board and bureau scarfs. Stamped linens, all new designs Wash silks in all new art shades. Also a Urge line of down pillows from 40 cents up Thk Ladiks bazaar. Our Trip to California. Los Angeles, X ov. 24, 189' Editor Democrat: In our last communication we stopped on at Uhico. Here re found a nice place. Pelm trees all the way from 3 ft. and higher. Chico is a largs place. We arrived there about 1 :30 in the morning, but it was lit up by electricity, so it was at light nearly as day. There was some nice flowers in bloom in the yards as we passed by. Thee are some large nurseries in and around that place. The night being tolerably cold we did not peak our heads out of the car window, but from there it seems to ns like a level country and large farm3 without any division fences between. It looked to us like a large prairie. We asked for im formation and they told na we were bor dering on to the Sacramento Valley and at 3 tJJQ found us stopped at the depot at Sacramento, which is a fine building, and to a bus for a hotel and waited until 10:20 a.m. whfn we departed for Teh achapi. We traveled around the western edge of the city nntil we begin to leave the city aud traveled son: beast-ward. The country from Sacramento on was not worth much, for looks, for they have to irrigate extensively. Small vineyards could be seen with several wind mills for irrigation. The next place of import ance was Latbrop. There we changed cars. Soon we were rolling along. We noticed the farther we went the warmer the weather was. . It was nice and warm. The next city was Berenda It was a . small place, but it being Sunday eve there were lots of Spanish people there and plenty of darkies. This was at 3:30 p m. From tbeie to Fresno is where the big larme is. Thousands of acres in one body of land and not a fence to be seen and'a low tquatty bouse every half mile The lands look like they were miles and miles long. The land is rolling nd lays well. Of course irrigation is neccessary in that locality. We arrived at Fresno at 6 o'clock and a stop of 20 minutes was had for supper. Fresno was a ,ovely place, with pretty flowers blooming all I I 1 . X 1 - . Aft arounu aim wis ui paim trees xo ui &j jeet high - Flowers were growing out of doors better tnan in the houses. From Fresno on that was an awful looking country .nothirg but whitish looking sand and small bushes, we traveled through that kind of a country to Bakersfield. That was as nice a looking town as one would want to eee. It is close to a range of big bills. After we left there it was billy all the way to Tehachapi. The Loop was a funny looking sight to see. They bad on three engines to pull the train up over the loop. It was a terri ble sight to see. You could see for thous ands of feet below in ravines and canons and the railroad crooked around the mountains in most any kind of a way The next place was leuachapi, a won derful place itucx in between two lanees of mountains. We arrived there at 1 :30 in the morning and I tell you I was aw ful cold, mere the wind blew like a hurricane and the dust flew also. Some one informed us before we came here that Tehachapi was as large as Albany We can say right heie that Albany is ten times lancer than that place. We only counted 5 saloons in the place, one bo tei'and several restaurants. It froze ice 3 inches thick the first night. Popula tion about 500. We only stayed there one dav. which done ns lor Tehachapi. Thanks to Little Bose Bud for bis com nlinient but think he is slightly mistaken about having made up to stop off at Sis sons. We did not stop to jew any thing about sardines. We went to mail a let- ter in the Dostoffire and found the office long ways off. We thought we surely could make it. He was only a little jeal ous. i ocnq America SUDDEN DEATH. A Pioneer cf '45 Dies from Heart Disease. Miss Julia Kendall, last Saturday ev ing, at her home at the corner rf W ashington and 5th streets, died sud ucuijr ui uean lauure, passing a cay without any warning. About a week before Miss Kendall had been injured by a fall from a chair, but had nearly recovered from the effect of it. The deceased was a pioneer resident of Linn county, about 60 yeare of age. She had been residing with her niece, Miss Mary Williams of the public schools. She was a member of the U. P. church, a womnn of estimable character. Miss Kendall was the daughter of Rev, Thos Kendall, of the Associated Pres byterian church, and came with him and family to Oregon in 1843. Rev. KeodaU was the pioneer missionary of Linn coun ty, if not of the valley, and played an im portant part in the early missionary his tory of he state. Miss Kendall was then a girl of eight years. From that time to her death Bhe resided in this countv. liv ing a qniet, peaceable life. ( The funeral took place this forenoon at 10 o'clock, followed by burial in the Oakville cemetery. A Semi-Centkskial. Today is the fiftieth anneversary of the famous Whitman massacre, that occurred on Nov. 29 aud 30, 1847, six miles from the present site of Walla Walla. Tomorrow at Walla Walla there will be nnveiled a monument in honor of Dr. Whitman, with ceremonies fit for the important occasion, one that should have occurred years. ago. There are now fifteen sur vivors of the massacre, one of whim has been a resident of Linn county for a good many years, though now at W'ater ville. Wash., Mrs. Eliza Warren, Mr. C. H. Walker, of this county, was there just before and after the massacre and in tomorrow's Democrat will give some thoughts on the subject. Wins at Jrmsiu. Letters received by the family of Mr. G W. Watts state that he is now at Juneau, lie bad been at Skaguay.but there was so much ice and and sleet that it was impossible to go to the mines and he turned back. The weather was simply horrible. Upon getting off the boat at Skagoay a man in rubber boots, long whiskers and a big inr canarawn to na nose, approaching said: Hello Charley." It took quite an in spection to decide who it was.but a thor ough Jia nose of the case revealed E. W. Acbisou of this city, who inquired if bis wife was on board. A. Becker waa also there. They hav9 been working ani making money. Mr. Watts will remain at Juneau nntil he gets ready to return to Albany. WHEAT. The market has weakened a little to lay, and we quote slightly lower rates as follows : New York Chicago 96. San Francisco 87 Jf. Liverpool 2o tower. Albany 68c. Two Oregon Foot Rull Heroes. , $200022 Schillings Best baking; pow der is such baking powder as you would ask us to make if you knew the facts. A Schilling & Company Saa Francisco SO 10 v ruing irom Stanford a snem man says : But of two things there can be no doubt: That Murphy is a remarkable football player, and that he is the moa popular man on Stanford's team. He is not the team, but be is a very large and important part of it. There is another man that Salem, as a part of Oregon, must remember also, tie is vorreat B. Fisher, of The Dalles, who is ope of the strong men of the team : - The Examiner says of the Thanks giving game: F.sher's defensive play was, in the opinbn of experts, the strongest yet developed on the coast. Murphy's kicking was decidedly high class, as witness his sixty yard punt lu the second half. Again, Murphy's great run ui uuy-eignt yarus, wim us accom panying exhibition of dodging, was something that will be talked of until the rival college teams line up again. Portland in Danger. Eight incend iary lodging-house fires within an hour is the record of Portland Saturday night. They were: Occidental hotel, First and Morrison; Lafayette house. Third and Burnside: Central lodcinvhouae. Second and Burnside; Burlington house, 45 Third street; Columbia hotel, First and Clay; American Exchange, Front and Jefferson ; Revere House.First and Mad ison: Cosmonolitan home. 61 North Third. There is evidently a big fire bug in that city. TTJESD A Syracuse. WHEAT. The maiket is quotations are: Live pool 2c lower. New York 97c. Chicago 95?4c. Sao Francisco 87.6 c Albany 07.-. again weak Today's Oakville. A, large crowd assembled at the U. P. cnurcn on thanksgiving day. Rev. G. Henderson delivered a very able ser mon irom rsaim Mtj:i. There were 176 persons present at the church service, about l?5 took dinner at the table in the ecnooi house. Some of the ladies had to go to fcneaa's to a meeting of the w. C, l. U and some went to dine with their irienas at their homes . The remains of Miss Jnlia Kendatl were interred in the Oakville cemetery to-dav. Among those from Albany we noticed Kev. btevenson. Prof. Sox and Miss Irvine. As it was a stormy day the Oakvlle people didn't torn out. Little Rosk Bi d . Hb Bluffed Them. J je Sierer, the bicyclist tourist who is traveling around the border of the U. S., on reaching Harrisburg, was arrested for riding on the sidewalk and fined $i0. He called a special session of the city council, told ihem he had no money and that it would be foolish for them to' board him live days, and they let him go. The Republican city convention will be held on next Saturday evening in the Masonic ground floor hah and the prim aries the evening before in the nsoal places. A call for the meetings has been made by the central committee. J. W. Cusick.P. B. Marshall and F. M. French. County Assessor Stafford is confined ! his bed witn inflammatory rheumatism. Mr Hoffman is opening a notion store in the north west corner of C E Brownell's store. Miss Mary Sedwick, formerly of the Albany public schools, is now located at Redfield.S. Dak. J F McHenry, tbe former Woodman organiser, u now organising lodges of vigilantes. He will work at Aston this week. Mr. G. W. Wright received a telegram this afternoon that his mother died this morning at Winnemucca, Nevada. Mr. Wright' parents were n their way here to make him a visit, and the deceased will be brought on here for burial. Tbef-leventh birthday ot Miss Grace Hardman was celebrated last Saturday .afternoon at the home of her father, tbe county recorder, in a happy manner, which only school children know how to experience. There are not many as wide awake correspondents as the' Democrats forcer Tangent correspondent. On the way to Los Angeles be sat np all night and des cribes every place he passed through night as well as day. Miss Margaret Cundiff last Saturday evening gave a party enjoyed by about twenty ot ner young friends. The ap pointments were pretty, and tbe luvenile affair was nicely carried out, making the evening a nappy one. Hall Bell has sold bis saddlery and harness business to J W Boone.and Hall remains at the bench. By tbe way, Mr. Boone is a greet grandson of the famous Oaoiaf Boone of Kentuckv and common report hereabouts has it that if the old pioneer was as good as his great grand son be was all right. ?. ineville Journal The Band. A good band is a neces sity in a city. Simonton's Band baa been doing excellent work, in fact is not only a good band, but is the most accommo dating band the city ever had, play ing for nearly everything without recompense. A band is a credit to the city and deserves tbe best support of the city. It takes money to rui a band, and some means should be provided by which the band will be properly kept np. Let our busi ness men do their part, O F. Paxton, president of tbe Port land Railway Company, returned home yesterday with bis bride, and is register ed at the Portland, where Mr. and Mrs. Paxton will make their home during the winter. They arrived bv tbe California express and at Oregon City were met by the mother and sister of Mr Paxton. On reaching the Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Paxton found tbe apartments assigned to them beautifully decorated with flow ers, in honor of their home coming, and during the day both received the hearty congratulations from tbe numerous friends of Mr. Paxton in the city. Ore-gonian. S vracdse, Nov. SO, 894 . Mrs. Ben Connor, of Albany, visited inenus ana relatives the first of tbe week ueorgie asciio is attending the Germa scnooi in A.bany One or two other young men from this place will attend laier. Misses Lena and Delia Foreman are visiting in Haisev. They will remain two or three weeks. Mr. Jory and family, of Slem,are vie- iiinK mr. uBvencn. mere is a crew of men putting white- nr logs in tne river on Mr. Crock's place. This part of Linn county has furnished many million feet of logs for the puip UllllOt Perry Carter and wife, of Benton county, spent Sunday with J. B. Davis ana lamuy. Born, Sunday, Aov. 28, to tbe wife of Mr. frank bpalinger, a 10 pound boi James Nave and wife who have been staying with Elijah Wills for some time nave move ttoLacomb. Mr. Lee Miller is boildinz an addition D. M. Coooer is also imnrovinir hia dwelling. We think the directors of Diat. Nn. should erect a wood house at their school Duiiding. We would euraest that the nmiilnt of ihm Kvra-naa n . ...... : . J ... v.v.j rwtw m IMIUIUlh tee to go to Klondike and d'a no mono enough to hire a janitor. Mr. r. M. Miller intenda fanrinir hia hop yard so that next summer his sheep may rj uiei ui uop uce oy way oi div ersion. Our literary organised recently is under the control of tbe following of ficers: Charlie Cox, president; Nix v. vice-president; John Farlow, sec; J. B. Davis, treas.; Charlie Long, editor. The president's intention is to appoint two leaders who shall chose all th members ot the society to their respective sides. Each side to prepare a program and con tiol tbe meeting on alternate evenings. Three judges will be appointed and when the society closes in the spring the judges decide which side gave tbe Lest enter tainments for the seasou. The losing side to give a party and supper to tbe j winner. Charlie is a bachelor and baa evolved a pretty good scheme to get one gooo meat tree. A few Sundays ago while going borne from church Jeff Creel, who particularly likes theeociety ot ladies.proudty marched down the road with one of the gentler sex on either side. The rirla anddenl concuded to visit a lady friend and lei Jen standing in tbe road without mak ing explanations. For one in his life Jeff did not want to see or be seen. Beunua Jane. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL John Petty, of Yaquina Bay, one of the Albany boys twenty years ago, was in tue city today. Mrs Dr. Hendricks, of Harrisburg, came to AiDsny yesterday and will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Davis. Mr. F M French returned last n igb from Portland, where he has been serv as a U 8 grand juryman, having finished tbe duties of the position. Col. Robert A Miller has opened a law office at Oregon city, where he will make a speciality of land businass, his four years experience as register fitting him for tbe work. This week Wallace Nash and family quit Portland to take up a residence on tbe Rook Creek farm. A desire to im prove tbe farm so as to prepare it for tbe market is the reason of the change. It is expected now that the stay on the farm will be for a year at least. Corval lis Times, eft tttsr List. Following is tie list of letter remaiuinff in tbe Postoffice at Albanv. Linn conntv Oregon, Nov. 30, 1897. Persona calling for these letters tnut give tbe date on wbicn they were advertised. Adams, Miss Clara-2 Apel.Mr Richard-2 Ball. Miss Ida BridirM. VtrN Coon, Mr Wm Duncan, Mr Nettie Greecbaigh. Mr Jas Helm, Alva uuwson, Mr Fred Hurley, Mr Roy Mason. Mrs Clara McMullen Mr Wm Nemchick.Mr Ernie! Robertson, Floyd Rosell. Mr Hexxie 2 Townaanrf Mr. R T. Tschnny, Robert Meyers A oona. Joseph T. J. Srma. P M WDNESDA A The sale of propertr for Lisa county taxes began this afternoon, with tbe coan ty as principal buyer The President arrived at Yaquina Bay last night.and the passenirers wrre brought over today. A picture of the Lane county court boose in the Register shows thai it will be one of the bnest looking public building in Oregon . Walter Mc Bride, a former Seattle man now of Honolulu, belonged to a suicide dub. He drew the fatal number, which so worked on bis mind as to drive bun in ssne. It probably didn t have farto drive, as no teall sane man would iielougtos nicideclub. Of all treucs mat is me wors . Dr Hill last evening delivered he reg nlar weekly lecture before the Willaea ette University. Mrs. Collins Elkins and baby will leave Albany tomorrow soon for Port land, where the will meet her husband and return to Lyle. E. C. Rogers has bonght Mrs. Rogers out in the boarding house bminees aod will hereafter run it. Mr. John Concklin was at bis place in Meyer's store this morning fter a confinement to bis home by illne of about two months. Mrs Art Holt, come down from Albany Saturday for a short vieit with her parents and fieoda.- -Jefferson Re view . J udge J. X. Duncan returned vester day from a trip to Astoria, on a visit with his son who is attending school there. Miss Jsne Sellers will leave on Thnra Jay of this wek for Virginia, She wil be Mined in Nebraska by her brotber-in law, J. W. Stetter. Mr. Milton Skeels. of Missouri, ar rived in Albany yesterday on a visit with his brother, Mr. Chester Skeels, whom he bad not sen for twenty-three years. Will Stevens, G. C. Moon. Mr. Rock- ford and son, Mr. Lear, Mrs. Achison, Mrs. Becker, and G. W. Auderson. are among thoe contemplating leaving for be Klondike within a few days, at least for the Skaguay. Part of them will go on me boat mat leaves on tbe otn. Prof. Fredrick G. Young, of the chair of economics and history in tbe Uni versity oi uregon, lelt yesterday morn ing on a trip to walla Walla. Prof Ynong baa been granted a abort leave of absence by tbe board of regents, for the purpose of attending tbe nnveiling of the Whitman monument. Tbe pro testor wil! enrich his collection of his torical data regarding Oregon's pioneer life, ana takes particular pains to secure corroborative testimonv alonir certain lines already published by him and con cerning which there has been some doubt expressed. These data have been carefully compiled and are constantly oeing strengthened by Prof. Young' seaiout enorts fcugene Register. Kila YotT Bowel Wltb tinea ret. Car .jr Cntlmrilr. euro oonslipatlon forever. Wo Zo . irt;. c. u tali. hpiwim""h'"' mv. BORN. Had a Good Name. Hardy Allen, of Crook county, was arrested for stealing 28 head of cattle. The value of a good name came into play, and every body said it was false, and bis bail was famished at a jump. Tbe Journal says: Uardy Allen is not only, personally, a young man of the highest character for hnneatv. but he belonzs to a family that no resident of Crook county, or Wasco either, believes capible of committing a dishonest act. The people here are so wall satisfied that Hardv is simply tbe innocent victim of circumstances that if t en tv times the amount of bonds had been required they would have been ob- . , ..i . . i i tained witnout me BBuug. HO BERG. On N ov 27. to Mr an Mrs Grant Hoberg, Haines, Or., a girl. C ALDER. At Browns ville.Fri lay even in- Nov. 2fi. to the wife of W. A Calder. principal Brownsville Public Schools, a 1 pound daughter. FROM FOOT TO KNEE At Lebanon. In tbe city election which is to be held Deeember 6,the issue will be "saloon cr no saloon," ana ai readv the aueetiou is being freely die cussed on the street and in the churches. I Tbe prohibitionists bave nominated the following ticketi Mayor, N. W. Smith ; oounciloien, E. E. Aldriob, John Morris, Hiram Baker, G. F. Knowles, R. Cheadle and Rev. J. A. Longbottom ; treasurer, J. F. Hyde; marshal, A. Q. Williams Cheap TiNWAki. J. Gradwohl ba just received a fine stock of tinware. A it was received direct from the factory h will not allow anv one to undersell him To Cum w.uv.v.,m rwrtfktfi Take Coscarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25a If C. C. C. fail to cure, druegiats refund money. Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony From a Terrible Sore-Her Story of the Case, and Her Cure. for many years I was afflicted with a milk leg, and a few years ago It broke out In a sore and spread from my foot to my knee. I Buffered great agony. It would burn and itch aU the time and discharge a great deal. My health was good with tbe exception of this sore. I tried a great many kinds ot salve, but some would irritate the sore so that I could hardly stand the pain. I could not go near the fire without suffering intensely. Someone ' sent me Papers containing testimonials of ' ' . . . n til. T Stli4 OUres OF tiooa S Danwparui, wh my husband I would like to try this med icine. He got mo a bottle and I lound it helped me. I kept on taking it nntil my limb was completely healed. I cannot praise Hood's Sarsaparilla enough for the great benefit It has been to me. It cleanses the blood of all impurities and leaves it rich and pure." Mbs. Anha E. Eaxek, Whittlesey, Ohio, Oft for Sknguuy. Albany, Or., Dec. I, 1897. As there has been so much inquiry as to what I expect to do in Skaguay. I will now inform those that don't know. As it is too late for any one to cut me oui now mat i nave Leiiera patent No. 4,11.44 on my discovery which I hereby explain: I nereby explain I hav in corporated a company known a the Al bany and Skaguay Winerwarst (or worse) Foundry, (Limited) Capital $5.75, with power to increase to sa.00 with tint 7f a fry stockholders, in which I am Dreaiilonr secretary and treasurer. As stockholder I have had donated to me a sausage ma chine. Shall enitaee in manufacture of Wlnewurst. or worse than that, in n. ka. I expect to buv does for tion iniau The skin is worth $150, tbe casings will save. Tbe meat will be made inu aau. sage, will ne sold at a fair price, so 1 cannot lose an vthinv but iha r-ark i. I will take a partner and give him one half interest in my company and 75,000 in grey backs on my return from tbe norm for some sum way of saving the bark as it is a treat loss. I hope Jl will be satisSed with this explanation of tbe outlines of my intentions. I remain jours Geo. C. Akuibon. Death of Rev. jas Pearl. Rev. Jas. Pearl died at II alee v todav at 1:15 o'clock, of old age,-being Bl years of age. Rev. Pearl came to Oregon from Missouri in 1851 and baa resided here continuous! r since, a nrominent and innuectial member of society and an honor to his family and the . county Rev. Pearl waa married twice, and was the father of twenty children, of whom about bait are now living. Mr. las. an Winkle, of this citv ia a erandaon The Democrat will notice his caieer more fully hereafter. Master in his Sphere. We Will Give $1000.00 t the person who will send us the larg eit number of subscribers to tbe Ladies Home Journal between now and April 15.1808. This Is In tddlllontoa liberal emmlstlon paid for every subscriber secured. , We shall divide fll,600 amoog 4fn agents wbo do the best work for nsbe tween now and A pill 15 1896. Our Paolflo Coaat Manager will be pleased to see those desiring to take np tie work: Address W H DA NIECE, r Cbarlea Hotel. Albany, Oregon, Dee. l6th and 17th. THE CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. PHILADELPHIA. Many Cases of New Goods at the WHEAT. Chicago today a'moit touches New Tork, a iafo uwuiivuu), Cbicatro 96c. New York 00'c. San Francisco 87. 3c. Albany 67c. In Memory ot Horace Farwcl Death came an uninvited guest and broke our household band. Took from our midst a loving one, io zions ranks to stand. We know he is lost forever here, bis form sleeps neatb tbe sod, Down in tbegave bis body lies, his spirit rests with God. Horace Dear we'll rot forget tbee, tby little hands we will ever see, Beckoning as to heaven there to sweetly dwell wilt with tbee. We bave laid a dear sweet form a way. no Kiiu. .MI ku. Li. " m.w. v .d u uwi u i villi:,.. From our iittle band oi children, be alone eemea uoa s cnoice. Every day we miss oar baby, in the morning, noon, at nigtil. Though our hearts are filled with sadness. jr. we leei nis nome is bright. While we mourn his loss so deeply, and me tears oi anguisn now, lie is is quaffing joys eternal, such as angels only know. But we shall meet him soon again and return toe ainureo lie. Far my heart and my eyes are fall when 1 think of our little boy that died A Relative. Blain Clothing Company's. Seasonable and Nobby. Suits for Mei Pretty and Durable Suits for Boys. - An elegant line of Furnishings in the Latest Designs The Best Underwear for Winter. Stylish Hats and Caps. The Styles and Prices Will Satisfy You STEWABT ASD-SOX BDW. CO Farland, the renowued banjoist assist ed by best local talent at tbe opera boose Saturday evening, Dec. 4 The Joliet (111.) Republican, May 18, 1897, aays: "Air. rar.anu s work gave that sense of complete satisfaction that is alwavs conveyed by one wbo ia master in his sphere. II is style is marked by dignity, perfect self control and esquisite finish. Ilia sense of tonal value U perfect. He merges himself completely in the work which he performs: it seems to now spontaneously from bis hands, as though na were bimsell its original creator. Such a criticism teems rtrange cf a bank) ar tist. Yet it is every bit sincere and lue, aod in analysing Mr. Farland's work, so far as the an iuc eene in concerned, he must be placed in the same company with tbe neatest foreien and American artists and criticised from the same standpoint, lor ne oeter ve it . ' Admission 60c. No extra charre for reserved seaU. On sale at Borkbart A Lie's. HOME AXO ARPOAD. Smile) 's clean prui.'ing. Rom sua pure spices. Romona Romona purs extracts . Try SddlUnc's Beat aa and baking- powder. Shirts and collars it specialty si the Mag noli Laundry Will Sta k aiwavt have la stock latest novelties io ail liee of jewelry. A fine line of new macintoshes just re ceived a: the Biain Clothing Go's. Tace the O C tc E cteamer for Portland down river on Sunday, Tuesday aod Tbors day. If you care for sood bread ask for "Red Crown" flour. Ever groewjman in town has it. The A bany Dressed Beef Co. are van ning a bone mill for mating chicken feed. Call and get some. Too will alwtrt find a fine line of iew elry at Will it Slarks. Do not buy before examining their goods. hen you want a choice steak, a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry Droders. tie keeps tbe best. A fine ironioir board, made bv Mr Ed Davidsoo, may be sen at Hopkins Bros. It has folding legs, Is cheap and ia just the bing tor convenience uet one. The best meats of all kinds and treatment at the Albany Dressed Company's market, jut djwn Second street, bnod weight and prompt attend tion. The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid Society will be beld at the residence of Mrs L t. main on nday tbe 3rd day cf Dec at 2:30 P M. Circumstances making the cnange from Thursday necessary for tnis month. J B Tillotson retorned last nisbt from Gates, where be bad ben to repair be bridge at mat city, lbe river rout so fast and high that vral bents ot the false work were washed out, and bad t be abandoned until tbe waterwent down, Tbe Franklin entertainment at the G . . K. ball last night was a pleasing event, though not lartrely attended. The program was one of merit an l consisted of a reveille on drum and fife in martial style, a recitation by Grace Payne, music by tbe .Mandolin club, a ibantsgiving recitation bv Bessie Cane-on, a duet by Llla and Veda io.-lei. a recitation by Martha Risley.a duet by Greta and Vera Stewart, a vocal solo by Grace ' Living stone, "The Sword of Bunker Hilt," de scriptions and anecdotes ot tbe battle of rranklin ny men wbo were there, Merars. Keece, Breckenridge and Risley, and a description of tbe famous Balaklava by Ool. Mou ague. Tb Cmzcs's Cosnsno x . A call is being circulated and signed, for a cttixen's convention, for the nomination of officers for the coming city elt ction. io ne beld at the court boose t nday etentng next. Woa'v Rbpomi. CapU Phillips lodav received a letter from a company in Rock land, Me .. asking F. Co. to contribute towards a new armory for tbat company. - . i - . . .mv mm an armory u jnnnfiHr.oi). wants itaelf there wasn't very much money sent in response. Kckcss. Socibbs, Wratus Tbtm are names that stand for the 6net drugs and chemicals in all tbe world Tbe kiods most i se 1 at our prescription cooater. We look far tbe best, we ba tbe be!, it it most coetiv to ns. bvt we know that quali ty is staadard sod can be depended upon year in and tear out. Bckebakt & Latv Mas Ash bt has jost received a fioe line o Stamped linen, perfect beanuea Handkerchief. boi, facinator. Boas, mitts' fans, Cbalalain bags. Call aod examine the line of fancy actions. A Babbkl of genuine maple parker Bros. Take your bocset pme. It is cheap but good. Just Across the Way. sjrop at and get Oregon vs. Washington. Loveis of genuine sport will be inter ested in the big foot ball gam. between Washington University and Oregon Ag ricultural College at Corral) is next Sat urday. Tbe game decides the college championship of two stale and will at tract the largest crowd ever aeen at a game In tbe valley Tbe Seattle player are coming np from Portland via Albanv, Friday. Their av erage weight is 180 pounds while tb. farmers do not average 170. But the lat ter are strong and active and their team work is splendid. Excursions from sev eral point will be run aod tb. O. C. A K. are a. ranging for a boat excursion from Albany. BE4..I STATB WE A THE UtKst Summary. Station, Albany, Or. Month KoyeaKer. 1S97. Eleyation above lev I, 214 feat. Moaa teaperatarc, 45 57 Xfuunam twipenur, &; dais, 1 Ih Mtaiwaoi teenprralar, 28; date. C6-.h. Maaa of maiimao iMBperaiore. 51(6. Mom of Biaissn iBprratar; 39.73. rfomber tiaMS auximaat temper at ra 90 i r abova, 0. amber times 'siaiaea teaparaUrs 33" or belcw. 0. Kaaaber lime aiaimam teapsratnre 40 dea-ree or below, 19 . 1 otai ptaapitatjon 12.07 tocbaa. dealest Draaolutwaj ia St coaaexativa boars, aadfUte. 2 55. IS la no. oi cioar days. 2 No. of pa.t!y cloaddays, 11. N of cioadrdays, 17. Xaaber ot days o. which .01 or mora of predpttalioa fail, 23 aaatwr cf oars oa which .04 tr aaora of preeipUatioa fall. 19. Date of ligbt frost, 3rd. 4tb aad 23L Date of killing froat, 25t and 38t. Dates on whteb bot fll. 0. Dataaoa mhxh had bU. 13 -h. Iiata on wbicfc aiet fell, 0. Dataa of tbaadcr storm. 0 Aaron, 0 Prevailing dirctoa ot wtiL Soath. C G eracaABT, olanteer IM Dealers in Oils, Hardware. Falcts and Wagon lateriai. Iron, Steel coal, Cluin, etc and At F 11 Pfeiffer'i yon can set tbe best Coast and Eastern oyster to be found. He also keeps the best line of confection ary in the city . Call on bim for tbe best of everything in bis tine. Tbat clean sharp effect on our prigotin is bad by knowing bow to do rreas work, and by using tbe bet material, still tbe pric. is no higher than tbe other kind. Smiley, tbe.printer. THii BEST Clothe rarks snd ironing boards are made by E. B. Davidson. Sample a Hopkins bro.r where order may be left. The beat assottment of nsner. envelopes. cards and printer stationary of all kinds, ia tbe valley. Smilet the printer. Catarrh Cured. A clear head sno weel brea.b sicur-tl with SbiloVs C arr tttntly: si I 'nil' & iflt)l A Bio Oar, ax. Albany la to have or s nf lbs finest church organs in the stale. Tbe Catholic church ia being greajy enlarged and wonderfully Improved. A feature is a Urge place for a pipe organ. Tbe organ bas already been oruered and will be placed in position as soon as tbe building im ready for it. It will be twentv-foor feet bigh and will cost 11050. On tbe opening day an artist from San Francisco "id giva tbe first exhibition of its powers. The Tbfteeb A correspondent in tbe Koseburg Beview write from Coos Bay: The Truck, ia still on tb. north spit at I toe mourn oi in umpqua, but a great deal further in than where she struck. She is partly filled with sand and is con stfered a total wreck It is very doubt-1 ful if any of bar machinery can be eared, I as there ia no rigging lor that purpose at I this ptac. The captain is expected from loo bay with orders Irom lh owrers wbst course to pursue. fcrovss Wheat is a good price mere is no reason in tne woria why you should not buy your wile a cook stove. We can fit yon out with anything in the Una of stove, and ranges, having a large slock of "Jewels" and "wniveraala" constantly on hand. ben aid aMscsmoi Hunting has now commenced and we are prepared for it with a fine line of guns and a big stock ol ammunition. Our s'ock of shot guns is particularly good and the prices very low. Call early and get yon : choice. Bictclbs We still carry the two best bicvelea in the market thaColnmii' and "Hartford." There isn't anv other wheel that w.ll give as good satisfaction. and the people are beginning to find it out. We also bave a repair shop, so if your old w heel needs any work, come around and e will pnt it in good shape lor yon. Jewel Diar Habbows Does vonrold disk barrow rear op in the middle un less yon run a rail into it? When joo get a "Jewel" yoa won't have tht l roo ble. it baa a solid steel frame, is the most dunble harrow on the market. nnd if it doean't do as good work as any of them yon can bring it tack. Plows asd Habbowh Yon can't raise 30 bushels ot wheat per acre nnlee too get the ground in good condition and we nave the Implement to do it with ana want to sell them. We can sell yon plows that will b. !ight draft and will scour in any soil and we don't think any on. can beat ns on price. The Basr Bcwgy broocht into the val ley ia Stodebak'r's "Irxer," and we in vite yon to come around and take a look at our aiock. W. have them in light and heavy sii,bresier and end t priors quarter leather an J fall leather top and the gears in three difierent colors. 100 Bcuel4I of whea'; ii a common every dav load for a 3li Studetaker wagon. 1ft ia not warranted by tbe mak ers under sncfa a load, but it came tb4 moch right along during tbe straw-hauling sea aoo. Uoa ever it is warranted to carry aa moch aa a SS, wagon of any other manufacture. 11 yoa want a wag on that will lart yon during tbe jest cf your life, boy the "Stodebaker." ScrsaJOB Drills Wm Jordan, E D Farwell, JnoHotchins, Wm Walker, J E Arcnibald, B J Becker. Al Perrv, S Freerkseo, Geo E Edge, Z G Haves, Frank True, E D Barrett. If yoa think the Superior drill is not right at tbe top. vsk any of the above named gentlemen, each of whom bought and tucd ooe last spring. We have joet received a car load for the fall trade, and they are not old bankrupt stock from Portland, but were shipped direct to n from the factory Aos. leu Come arcond and see the very latest aod best oriU. Dos't Fobget that the place to buy all these articles and many others that we bav. not mentioned, is at tne store oi the STEWART SOX HDW.CO. To new circuit court coses are S Hughes fet al agt. Linn county, and Wm Lane agt. tbe county, restraining it from seMinif real property for taxes on the ground tbat due diligence was not used to levy on personal property. lbe Albany Fruit Company have just shipped to Davenport. Iowa. 600 boxta of fine apples. Besides their large shipments tney nave oireu agooamany apples, made cider ana win dry vegetables tor tbe Klon dike trade. On and after Jan 1. 1893. the Western railroads will under no circumstance car ry passengers on their freight trains. The rule is to be enforced from the Mississippi to the Pacific coast aod from tbe Canada line to tbe Gulf of Mexico. Linn Council P of H will held its regular monthly meeting Saturday in Harmony Grange Hall. The Grand Prairie Grange Glee Club expect to furnish some mors choice selections from tbe grange song book. The subject of good roads will be discussed. Upon complaint of R H Westacott, the woman's husbsnd, Obas Smith, a well known local character, was arrested this morning, by the police officers, oa the charge of adultery with Annie lit Wes'a- coit, committed on Hoy. 77. Smith was arraigned before City Recorder Ed N Edes when he plead not guilty. Slera Journal. Leavb NoraiRO to Lcce. But c.ll on Will 4 Stars for such thins: in their line as will suit yoa for holiday presents. Tbey nave a spienuia stock ot Jewelry, Silverware, . Novelties, in the latest designs as well as a fine line of watches, clocks, cut glass ware, Ac. Tbey will will please you in goods and prices. DON'T GO TO ALASKA Until snrins sets in. Usve vou an authentic map of tbe wonderful Klondike soldfields? If not see Mr Geo Went worth, wbo is getting op a business directory of the Willamette valley, in tbe centre of which is display ed a baa!some map of Alsska. Ce'ery from 7aquinna Bay every day. C . E. ROWS ELL. Try our Ua sittings at 10 c. Extra quality. O . E. Brownell. Don't Run Any K isks about health . Avoid coughs, colds, fevers, pneumonia. and all other similar ailments by keeping your blood rich and pure with Hood's Barsaparilla. Hood a Pills are purely vegetablt and do not purge, pain or grpe. All druggists. Osb ob more subgeoks of the Nationa Surgical Institute, 319 Bush St. San Francisco, may be consulted free of charge in reference to any deformltory, club feet, hip disease, etc., paralysis, piles, fistula, chronic diseases and the permanent cure of Rupture, at the Re- uouee, Albany, Wednesday too uuure, aiuany, OTeaneBOBy and Thursday. Deo. 8 and 9. and at the Wil. You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all ; laniette Hotel. Salem, Monday and Tues- Be sure to get only tiooo. .wj,im,iuui, fur tuo cure 01 these specialties mi institute stands nnnav, are the favonte family mMt) The highest references irlv.n. -. : o-i . druggists. JUST Received. A Sale Kirs. A fire occured in the Riely boardinz home at Salem, at 8 45 o'clock Monday morniug. The bouse Is owned by Mrs. E. C. Small. The fire started in a closet off the rooms of Mia Jane Morris, formerly of this city, just how is not known. Tbe fire department turned Ant. and iAnn vtinirmahfw! fh names. Mies Morns lost all ber clotbiog Ml US IOI a Very 111116 auu uiuer ' vaioeu as fiov. DECEMBER 1,1897 H. F. MciLWAIN. CASH STORE Leader Jhe Our cut prices can't be beat, our quality the best, our styles the latest, our stock the newest in the citv and we are the leaders of bigh standard quality ot merchandise at the lowest possible price. We want your trade and will continue to cut prices until you are satisfied we are the cheapest store in the state of Oregon. -A Few of Our Prices Arbockl. or Lion coffee, per lb ll&fc t pr ladies all wool hose $ 25 Mens fine calf shoes 1 75 17 lbs beat cane rranalated sncar 1 00 5 gal best Pearl coal oil 80 All wool drees goods (SOe grade).. cent pks ed Bell tobacco... Mens Woosorket long rubber but - short ' - Short robber boot at 23 25 3 25 2 25 1 00 We have cut the price ot every article in the store and will be pleased to see you early. Yours for great bargains H. F. M 1 wain's Cash Store. Special Sale at THE FAIR Until Saturday night Dec. 4th. 20 per cent discount on Lamps Respectfully, J. A. Weaver. Another lot of Mens and Boys Clothing. Mens suit .rom 9.0o down o 3.3.5. f ome noooy ooys money. list Now Is the time to see the best assort ment of Holiday goods ever shown in Albany. KNKHT &HEISSB offer them at pri ces it will pay you to investigate. nil Hominy, Olives in bulk, Fine Cauliflower, Eating and cook ing apples. A. 0. BEAM. AID S00 PACIFIC LIKE. To lUPointilast - Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pal ace sleeping ears, loxa ions dining can, elegant day coaches, maani5cent tonriat can id free eoiooiat teeper from the Pi. dfk to the Atlantic witbooi -hange COST DtBsXT JJTD CB BAT B3T BOCTB V KW DBSTBB. ) SLOCAB cm. SBUOB, BLALSO. TBAIL. BOSSLajrp AA. Tbe South before tbe War tronpe ar- rired in Albany this noon and are ready ! tor business to night. The troupe is ' tbe biggest one ever in Albanv. a fine looking lot of darters with several stars wbo are white, t here win M a big bone.. ST LOIS RAIET STOR. Una No Kauai Is what a prominent . . . .1 ' a.A.M mmA .fiAm writer aa 01 larnrjr . "vi'-i The are known, used and praised every ' ' ... I I 1 here. Every rs or and st rop soia onaer a crnarantve In owe nerfect aatiMBCtion er - 1 I tl I I L fL money refunded, r or saie oj ouranar, Lee. cee our lins of pocket knives, hvery one guaranteed, 15c to 11.00. Tbe office tbat does bigb grade printing good tock, for tbe price of the other lind, Smiley, the printer. H F Memll bays City. County ard School warrant. Ollice in Uetnocrat building. D. E Ken worthy ha aold his rest aurant to Mr. Baird, who has been working for him. and will return to Sa lem. NO CURE-NO PAY. That la tbe wtv all dru-glat m) GROVE'S TASTKLES CHILL TONIC for Malaria, Chill aod Fever. It ia simply Iron and Quinine 10 a tastelaas form. Cbildien ove U Adu'.ta prefer t to bil'er, naasaating Tonior Prioe. 50c Ladies and Childrens Shoes . . WILL 4 STARK forjswehy. Tbey keep the beet. Pictures from 75 cents to 25 per d'.n at longs gallery. Crawford ft Harnish for nholograchs. trice irom 91 to f.M per doten. Dis- H. E. and O. K. B-ers offices and residence in post office building. Special attention given to diseases ot women. ALBANY OPEKA HOUSE MOOd'S PillS cathartic. Trice UK. Magnolia Elvyatora. Tbe undersigned have rented tbe Magnolia Elevators at tbe west end of First street, Albany Oregon, at the ap- S roach to tbe steel bridge, and will co j uct a general grain warehouse business. Persons wishing to store or sell wheat or oats will do well to see ns before mak ing tbeir arrangements. Eo Goins, W. L. Vabcb. Youno, Mosic Miss Mildred Burmester teacher of piano' or organ. System the Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite U P chtucb. If you want a Rood and clean moke buy cigara mad e by our AI any cigar factory Saturday Evening, Dec 4 Under the Auspices- ot the Albany Mandolin Club Alfred A. Farland, The Renowned Banjo Virtuoso Supported by best Local Talent, In Grand Concert. "It ia impossible to describe Farlanda power. The Banjo's Ole Bull." San Wanoicen Examiner. Admission 60c. no extra charge for re served seats. On tale at .uurkb&rt Lees. Stop that Cough! Take warning. It mav lead to'ConsumDtioa. A 25 j bottle of bhtloU (Care mty lave your Hie. Sold ny (Oibay a Masou. What Dr A E Salter Says. Buffalo, w x. uents: rrotn mv personal knowledge, gw'ned In oberiog tbe effect of your Shttoh't Cure in cases of advanced Constipation, I am prepared to say it is the most remarkable Kerned) that hss ever been brought to my atten tion. It hat certainly .aved many from Consumption. Sold by Foabay M Mason, "Cheapest in town." "Splendid values." "Have found none so cheap" are some of tne remarks made about my ladies and childrens shoes, tbat 1 bave jus placed cn sale. W. K. BL.A1? (lie put tne price now Commercial Printing Wehaveoood stock, good and dew tvne. s-ood Dresses aod understand how to do sooa wora ana we ua it m rar reasonable nrice. lor neat and up-to- date job printing call on. C. B. MILLOY. A Laundry Nugget. Lanndrv natron who want firit clana work dona without paying exorbitant! a. if Q of rw1r r prices should patronise the Albany mOSt COHipletO 8tOCJC O Steam Laundry which have employed regularly five ot the best hand ironerson the coast for shirts, dresses, and ahirt waists, and ten cent is the highest price charged for anv of these articles. S. A SCHIFfLEB k CO Merchant Tailors Carry tbe largsst and Cloths ia the valley; Oil Stall ia Fta Bloci. Good Money Sa On Mens Goods. Shoes, Boots, Uais, Shirts, Ties and Suspenders. Xevcr Rip Pants Overalls. Bloc nee. gloves, etc etc Clos ing Out Svale. Tbey will soon bj oe gone. W R BLalH, (He Puts the Prices Down lllnlnrr District f All point ii the Okaaagaa Country. Ge a pamphlet giving a foil descrrptioc of this wonderful country. Ask tbeacest for a copy of the minis g law of Brkur ColombiB. Lowes rates o and frota Atlantic steamship ines. Canadian Pac. By. Co 's Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CASamax ArsrajniaH stbaxbb ubb ROBERT A. tmiaER arroBBiT at law obbcos crrr, obboob. Land Titles and Land Office Business a Specialty. T7URSISHED ROOMS With or with 17 out board in a private family, cenbal wa jo aot location, inquire at this office. BosoLrxc, rui axd axsraaua. "The shortest fioe to the Cckmies. These steamers carry aa experienced medical man. and a stewardess ob every voyage. For time tables pamphlets, or any in clination, call oa or adores. S N STEELE ft CO. Agent, Albany Or. K J COTLE, Ag t, 16 Third SU Port aid, Or. GEO. McL. BROWN. D. P. A. VanconTer.B. C J W Bentljy, the pwn boot and shoe man, doe first-cla work cheap. Call on him, jat north of the Dxhockat office. .Txn paujoj ntiSTtup "ajaj oi fl "3 "O O II -atvrttrstO iposo siwo 1V1 AT GO ST. M arness. Harness. Having purchased the stock of har ness and saddlery of Powers & Tom linson we will sell all the present stock of harness at cost for cash, to make room for a complete new stock. Now is the time to get a good set of harness at cost. T0ML1KS0N & DUBRtJILJLEw