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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1897)
ek 3cmort.u TERMS. Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month $3.00 per advance, 80c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to ran over months. Single copies 5c. Weekly. $1.25 In advance; 1 1.50 at end of year; 11.75 for second year; $2.00 for third and proceeding years, when not paid .5 advance. Clubs of five now subscribers or $5.00. Some one says living is 2 per cent higher in good times than in poor times. Some one doesn't know any thing about It. Such figuring is always illusive. The papers Lave been full ot whiskey tragedies. Whiskey will cause a tragedy where good sense would only create a smile. Whisky uses all the weapons in the category, and has no respect for re ationship cloth or color. The outlook is excellent for a large holiday trade in Albany this year. Those who come to Albany to buy will not be disappointed. The goods are here in liberal quantity and proper quality, or will be.- Keep track of the columns of the Democrat for advice on the sub ject. You will be invited to buy by the live dealers of the city. If the Democrat was to make a gne it would be that after the Decern be deliveries have all been made wheat will again go down some. This though i? mere speculation we have learned from experience that one man knows about as much about it as another, and there are few who woald be willing for any one to act on the wheat question on their ad vise. That is the position of the Demo crat. A gypsy is a gypsy. The Salem papers recently made a big adoo about a girl that was declared to have beeo abducted by gypsies. She was taken ears of and given a home by a kind hearted woman, bnt it seems that she was really a gypsy, and after getting a little civilisation went back to the camp, and will be a wanderer. Like the Indian she is built that way, and it seems a hard task to reclaim them entirely, though some have been permanently. Now . Portland is getting down to business in the right way. She proposes to have the bulk of the Alaska trade.and will put on several steaxers, enough to send one ahead every five days. It has been figured out that 75,000 people will co to Alaska next year, and there la going to be a strife convey to them there and as well furnish them with supplies at a fancy profit. At the present time Seattle has the advantage in the contest. but there ia not any reason why this should continue, with Portland's com neercial standing. All that is necessary is some of the snap that counts for gains every time. In Galacia, in Austrian Poland, there is a remarkable underground city, which has a population of over one thousand men women and children, scores o which have never seen the light of day. It ia known as the city of the Salt Joints and is situated several hundred feet below the earth's surface. It has its town hail, theater, and assembly room. as well as a beautiful cbnrch decorated with statues, all being fasboned from be pure crystallized rock salt. It has well graded streets and spacious squares lighted with electricity. There are numerous instances in this underground city where not a single individual in three or four generations has ever seen the sun or has any idea of bow people live ia the light of day. ' Some people began to think Southern Oregon was so lawless that it couldn't enforce its laws, all because the Van Pelt family defied the officers for several days, but even Curry county is cot a lawless section, and it may be depended upon tbat the laws will be about as nearly enforced there as any where. The Van Pelts have been arrested, and we guess that they will receive justice quicker than the murderer of Blancbe Limonte and Minnie Williams down in tha metropolis of the Pacific coast. . Probably there is no more law abiding state in the anion than Oregon. Justice is generally done here just about as quickly as any here, thre ia less delay than in most states, aid the Van Pelts will probably find it ro . Farther it will probably be by doe course of law. This is not a lynching state like California and Ohio. Prizes for Essays. An. Osk., Nov 18,1897. The Oregon Society of Sons of the American Bevolation is an organization composed of decendants of ancestors who assisted in establishing American inde pendence. Any male decendant of such ancestors is eligable to admission into the society. Its objects are pnrly pat riot'c and historical. One of them is to stimulate interest in the history of the American Bevolation and loyalty to its principles. For this purpose the society offers three prizes of $25, $15 and $10 respectively, for the best essay written by any student under 21 years of age, in uny public school in Oregon, on any one of the following f jur subjects: 1. The Continental Congress tbe influ ences which caused it to assemble; its character and rank as adeliberat' vs body ; what it accomplished. 2. The causes which led ta armed res istance in Massachusetts, including tbe contest ef Lexiugton and Concord . 3. Tbe Trenton-Princton campaign. 4. The surrender of Cornwallis and the BBr1MAa lata rl in or n n tn it Essays ars limited to twenty-five 'hun dred words; must be written on legal sap a one side pf tbe paper in the student's own band writing and mast be accom panied by the certificate of the principal to the school attended by the author, to the effect that the author is a bona fide student in the school and has been in ! attendance therein not lees than six weeks during tbe school year of 1897.8. Essays must be forwarded to the chair, man of the committee in charge, Wal 1 tee McCamanr, 34 Concord Euildiny, Portland, so ai to reach him not later than Febnary 1st, 1898 In awarding the prizes the committee will be govern ed bv three considerations : - 1 Historical accuracy. 2 Manner of treatment. 3 Orthography, grammar, syntax and punctuation. Any additional information relative te the eompetitim which may be desired will be cheerfully furnished by the com mittee. The essay which is awarded fitat prize will be published in f0li, with ths etameoi tbe author, In the public press. Wallace McCamant, Cbarmsn. H H NonrHDP. Philip SMalcoim. A Semi Centennial. Editor Democrat. Today is the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Whitman Massacre. Appropriate exercises in commemoration of the same are to be held at the opera uouso in Wal la Walla evening at tight o'clock. Tomorrow there will be a dedication ol the monument erected to tbe memory of Dr Marcus Whitman, Mrs Varcissa, Prentiss Whitman, his wife, missionar ies of ths American Board, and twelve others, who were massacred by the Cay use Ind ans on Monday and Tuesday, November 29-30 1847, at Waillatpu Mission about 6 milesneet of the present Walla Walla. The monument will be placed near the site of the massacre and will be unveiled at eleven AM. MrRxIgers, who was one o! the vi tims of the massacre was our teacher. An incident occurred that winter, that I have oiten thought of in connection with Dr Whitman's trsgie death. Many Pinoetra ro doubt remember that iu tbe account giveo of the inaesacre, it was dated tba. Dr Whitman was in the hab 't :f p'trtiag out poison to kill coyotes. Tr lrdiaus all aver that upper country ht ' the inwtslej a new kind of sickness to taem. They treated themselves in their usual custom, by gcirg into their awtat houeae and thun pumping in cold TheeeaUnj process was all ru hi but the cold bath was almost cer U t death, and because many died, de e feing persons made tbem believe the Do- tor ri poisoning them; for hs did give the Iudin9 medicine. One cveuiiip while I was there the Doctor put out fcome po"son, and tbe Ett uio.niui we found a dead cojcle in or near the path leading from the Miss ion to the grave yard, near the foot of the hill on which the latter was situated and not vry far from the graves. Little did we then th.nx the Doctor itfeives remains would afterwards be carried over the spot where his victim had lain, himsef a victim, in part at least, on account of his habit of putting out poison. That winter a man by the name of Comfort, if I remember aright; died of consumption . Tbe Doctor held a post mortem examination, that we scholars were permitted to witness. He cot oat enough of the breast to expose tbe lungs. Some Indians witnessed tbe examination and I think the Doctor made it largely to show them tbe nature of the disease, as they did not, and many of them donot now understand its nature. Tbey would not allow him to operate upon one of their dead. This man was buried on tbe hill where Dr and Mrs Whitman's little daughter Alice was buried, who was drowned in the Walla Walla river south of the Mies'on only a tew reds . I belie re there were other graves, perhaps of Indians This was the first funeral of a white person I bad attended. In May 1S43 as we were being brought down from the Spokane mission by a company of aixty volunteers under Major Magoce, we stopped at the scene of the massacre. We visited the grave yard and recognized some threads of long golden hair I caw scatter around as being those of Mrs. Whitman. For years that sacred spot has been neglected. Only a mde monnd of earth with a board f mark tbe spot where sleep the honoied dead. For yeara an effort has been made to raise a monument food for Whitman's grave. In Jane 1895 I spoke of it in a short talk I made at the pioneer's re union at Brownvill,telling the pioneers it was doe from Linn county where lived so many of those who saw Whit man, to contribute somethiog toward a monument for bis grave. At last one has been erected through the efforts of the Whitman Monument Association. As I understand it, the monument has not all beeo paid for. An adult person contributing $1 ot more becomes a member of the Associa tion, and in due time will have sent to them a handsome lithograph certificate of membership showing monument and surroundings. Himes Secretary, Whitman's Monument Aeso riation, 248 Stark street Portland Or. Tbe cost per share for children is 25 cents. I presume (bey also will receive a certificate of membership. Many pioneers who were encouraged aod helped by Di . vVhitnian.bave joined him in the silent land. For the take of his memory and theirs, let those of ns who remain, and others contribute our share to this monument, and tbe certificate neatly framed and hong up in our home, will attest to oar children and future generations our loyalty to the heroic and sainted dead. Cvacs JI Walkce, Albany Ore. So. 29, 1897. From tbe Chicago Chronicle. It is extremely doubtful if Congress wonld consent to tbe creation of anew Bute out of part of New York, whatever tbe Legislature might say on tbe subject. While on some accounts it might be des irable todevidea gna; state having preponderating in close elec tions, it might cause greater evils to create a new State of which tbe second greatest citv in tbe world, with all its I slum and other evil influences, should have control. The Oregon isn devotes nearly thres pages to tbe Whitman massacre, and in memory of Marcus Whitman who saved Oregon. Tbat is less than tbe Examin er devoted to a game of foot ball, and certainly it deserved more attention. No event in tbe history of the North west is entitled to more notice. But for Whitman and bis daring trip to the Northwest, it is probable tbat even now Oregon and Washington would be a part of British Colombia, and belong to England. All honor to Marcus Whitman on tbis aoniversary of tbe day on which be gave ap Lis life for tbe great Northwest. Special Salb of Ladies walking- hats' jailors and tamoshanters. Special prices on all trimmed hats. MraJohk Hoffman. Let everybody come 10 tm ar Bakeri and get 4- - of fil- hrvad for Si.rx cash i; Msvws Apples and Cider For sale, by the wholecale or retail .green or dried, delivered to any uart of the city. Fine, selected fruit. Cider in any quantity. Apples bought. Albany Fbcit Co , Mill block, Frst St. Earl's Clover ftrt Tea. ,.r Cons! ips tion it's Iht Be', and if after using it yon don't say a ', return tbe package and get your money. Said by Fosbay A Mason xto-Tn-Bu ror FMty Cent. ,.uue i tobacco hatilt mire, miiw v mei! atrow. bitf " "urn. We.SL All rtMigfiia TOCUREACOLl IN ONE DAY. Ttke Laxative Bromj Qulutns Tablets AU Druggists refund the money If It fails o Cure 25a. In New York a short whits ago a baby was born In fail. Ita IT mother waa be- I ing tried foi a.., murder. Every 'I woman lv heart Jg gives a throb ol ijmpiiay bi thought of the blight upon the poor little baby's life. But a baby need not be born in jail to be unfortu nate. Any baby which is not welcomed into this world with loving hearts and ready hands is unfortunate. Anymotherwho Is physically weak and incapable'of bestow ing a healthy constitution upon her baby may darken its future with weakness ana disease. A prospective mother ought to insure her baby's welfare by every means that Nature and science afford to keep her physical powers up to the very highest point. Every expectant mother onght to know and avail herself of the strengthening and re-enforcing properties of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. It gives health and endurance to the delicate organs concerned in motherhood. Taken early during the period of expectancy, it makes the coming of baby perfectly safe and comparatively easy. It makes the mother strong and cheerful, and gives health and natural vigor to the child. It is the only medicine of its kind devised for weak and delicate women by an edu cated, experienced physician. For nearly jo years Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo. N. Y. His thousand-page illustrated bonk, "The People's Common Sense Medical Ad viser" contains advice and suggestion which every woman onght to read. A paper-bound copy will be sent absolutely free on receipt of si one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Cloth-bound for 31 stamps. A sure and permanent cure for constipa tion is Dr. Pierce's Pellets. One "Pellet" is a gentle laxative, two a mild cathartic How Whitman Saved Oregon. Fragments of Alice Rollins' lines on "A Ride That Saved a State j Four thousand miles from bis cabin door Tbe Potomic meets the Atlantic. On, Over the trail grown rough and steep- Now soft on the snow, now land cn 'he rock. Is heard the tramp of his steed as he rides "TLe United States must keep Oregon 1' It was in October when he left The Walla Walla, though little heed Paid he to the season. It was November when they came to The Icy stream would he hesitate T Not he! the man who carried a state At his saddls bow ! It is December as thsy ride, Slowly across the great divide ; It was February when they rode - In Jo Saint Louis ! It was March when be rode, at last, Into the streets of Wesbintoo. Tbe warning questions came thick and i'ast: '- Dj you know that the British will colon ire. If you wait another year, Oregon Ind tbe Northwest, thirty six times the s:ze Of Massachusetts?" You know tbe rest. In tbe books yoo've read Tbat the British were not a jrar ahead. Tbe Uaited States have kept Oregon Because of one Marcos Whitman ha Rode eight thousand miles, anJ was not too late ! A Natural Thing To Do. France propoeea to pass a prohibitory tariff discriminating against tbe Cniied State. "That's natural. If the United States prohibits other countries from send:og their goods here it is only nat ural and proper thaftbey shall retaliate by prohibiting by high tariffs tbe send ing of our goods into tbeir coon try. Tbis is bound if kept up to resn't in a general discrimination against tbe United States, which will then have to depend on the borne market for its busi ness. But the United States ia tbe biggest country in tbe world and depends on the world for its market. It is not satisfied wi'h this country for its buy ers. Tbe result must be tbe crippling of its industries in tbe long ran. A country should follow the golden rale ss much as an individual. It should do unto other countries as it would bare other eocntries do unto it, aod yet there are plenty of people, christian people too, who would entirely igoore tbe rule in Ea'.iooal affairs. They would like to have tbis country charge other countries a very high tariff, bat they want tbe otbtr country to charge ns no tariff at all, at least a small one. The whole business is a narrow and selfish one on princip'e. Tbe United States is not tns country it was one hundred years ago. It 's now able to stand alone, aye more than tbat, to compete with any nation in the world, and all of tbem. Its tariff should be for revenue, equitably adjus ted. From tbe London Times. The Daily Mail gives some striking samples of "poet office homor,"ex trad ed from a circular lately issued from St Martin's Is Grand. The circular conveys instructions as to the way com poo ad words are to be reckoned for telegraphic purposes, an j gives lists of such com pound which are to be charged as one, word or two, as the case may be. Sel dom bat a sublimer specimen of official muddle headedness issued from a gover ment o&ce. For instance, mother -inlaw" as one: " A e' is one word, Al is two; "foster-mother as two 'upstairs' is one word, downstairs is two; cabinet maker is one word, trunk-maker is tsro; pig dealer is one word, toy dealer is two; can't' 'don't' 'woaV and 'shan't' are each one word, but 'haven't' 'basen't' and .shouldn't' are ach two; finally, twenty pence' is one word, and 'forty pence' is two. If the Daily Mail would pursue its rerearches a 'ittle furtber.snd discover the name of tbe geojns who drew up tbis lief, and the precise sum per annum which the state is paying for bis valuable services, it would increase its clsitn to the public gratitude. Agalu the cry comes louder thsn ever tbat the people at Dawson are starving, tbat thy haven't enough to keep them and that if they dn't get out where there is grub they will die for want of food though they have a dozen cans of gold dust. Well that's a part of tbe lottery and the men who go there mat take it into consideration before tbay go It is the biggest undertaking of tbe day when cartlnlly weighed, for a man to ge into this frigid mining region, with its teeming gold, under eight inches of most and in a solid macs of frozen dirt that has to be thawed out. If he does go he bliould staive with the grace that a memt-er of a suicide club commits suicide when he draws the fatal num ber. ' P-uiocratic primaries tomorrow night, k-i there be only good, reliable men nominated for tbe important offices of con noil men. The office is one that should be tilled by good business wen; with the city's bet interest at heart It wilt take splerdid management in the next few years to bring matter! out right. i from l 1 Mmmmimr f mm -si it i r i Ifc .J rpmtr f e-ij MISFITS The latest and most interesting news at Klondike waa that war Was rsging be tween the United Sutes and Japan. The Malhloma has been pulling snags from the mouth of the Calapoola. Al bany dentists should Droit st against this outside competition. A Hood River man claims to have dug 119 spuds from one hill, l-et's hear from brother Douglas. Tbe banner county should not be surpassed in the state. Albany men expecting Albany patron age should stand by Albany institutions A Fiist street man with bake shops all around sends to Silem for hie bread. The Moro Observer tells of a Buck Hollow rancher who this year raised 300 worth of onions on one acie of land and sold the ciop for cash. A reform school boy named McCul lough was attacked hv a deer on the school grounds this week and c nie near being killed. Perhaps a good wav to dis cipline the youngsters. Affections come high in Spokane, Jix- Mator Clough has just sued Col Turner, a millionaire and president ot the Leroi mining company for 50,000 for the alienation of his wife's affections. Col. Turner denies tbe nefarious charge. A letter just received in Salem from Dawson contains the disappointing news that wages have been reduced to the star vation rate of 1 an hour. And a man can work on'y five to seven hours a day in the winter. Jas. H. Brown, a New York voung man, has just gone crasy over studying how to reform the world. 1 here are sin gle men in Albany it would drive crazy to reform to say nothing of the whole world. O. A.Macey. of California, represent ing a commission. is in tbe state after 40O Chinese pheasants, which will be let loose all over California in coops of five birds. At Albany he secured thirty birds from each C. A. Yandran and F. L. Reia. A Salem paper feels badly becanee there is not more blowing about tbe wheat market there, being two or three cents above other valley towns. The Dsmouut has been thinking about it, and will continue to think about it, and everybody else can do tbe same if they wish. Tbe 24th of next January will be tbe semi-centennial of tbe discovery of gold 00 the Pacific Coast by Marshall . The day will be duly celebrated in San Fran isco with ceremonies that the occasion demands. It will be a golden day, and already the papers there have begun booming it. There ia something the matter when contractors differ the way they did it. putting in bids for a steam beating sys tem for the Willamette hotel at Salem. The bids varied from 362S to $7000. On the face of it there are men wbo do not understand tbeir busineee. On January 14. at Salem, the U. ot O. and Willamette University will have a pnae debate on "Resolved tbat labor organisations are an economical benefit,' Tbe winner will debate with Forest Grove later for the championship of tbe state. Some heavy questions will that be settled without any expense to tbe government. By rendering a prompt decision in the court boose case Judge Fuilerton bss greatly surprised Eugene people and par ticularly tbe lawyers, who had not gotten tbeir briefs written in the matter. Tbe complaint was demurred tooa the ground that the county and city could not be made co-defendants. Jndge Fnllertoa held tbat tbey could. Now the defendant will have to answer or go to the Supreme xirt. , Homer C. Davenport, the world's greatest cartoonist, is about to iene a book of cartoons on the great politicians of the day. It will sro like bet cakes One book firm alone has already ordered two thousand copies. Davenport ia generally known aa an Oregon boy, a fact that has done much to advertise tLa state, aa Davenport has a big re potation on both aides of 1 tbe I Atlantic. Alha Heywood, recently in the city, was an enthusiastic free silver and Bryan man. Daring tbe recent campaign he did some very effective work in Indiana. With tbe walla covered with charts he delivered an address three hours and seven minutes long, interspersed with stories told in his inimitab.e way, hold ing bis large audiences from beginnicg to end. Hon Mas Pracht, special agent of the U. S. general land office, arrived home from Roeebnrg yesterday. He has written his chief, Binger Hermann, tbat if he cannot run the government without him for a month or so to lock it he intends taking a layoff and going to Tol man's springs and recuperate. He is still in a bad state of health isb.and Record. His pay goea merrily on just the same, and that is what Pracht is after. The Seattle P. I. got out a special edi tion on Sunday headed "From the Hun gry Hell of Gold." According to it star vation stares tbe people of the Klondike country in tbe face and tbey must eilbet leave or starve. At least three thousand people there mast get out. The situa tion is a very serious one. The man w bo goes into that country must do so willing to give np bis life if necessary, for the chances of a little gold. ' Newofnndland journalism is not behind mat 01 several uregon cities. Tbe St. John's Telegram recently referrred to the editor ol "The St. John's Herald" as "a palsied brat" and "a nervous psrslvtic' whereupon tbe latter printed the follow log indictment of his bated rival : That be is loaded with rum: that he is alwavs arung when a crisis arises tbat be washes Himself only twice a year: that he is always placed in the ship's hold when traveling; that tbe hotels decline to receive him as a guest ; that bis mere presence in a city is standing proof that tne public bealtb Is not properly attend ed to. Notice. Delinquent fax sale for 1806 cmMnued to Sa'urday, November 27. 0 0 Lick, AJbany, Nov. 22, 97. Pity Marshal. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury wilt'surelv destroy tbe senoe of suell and completely derange the whole syatem when entering it through the mu cous surfaots. Such articles shodld never be used cicept on preecriptioas from reput able physicians, as tne damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from. Hall's Catarrh Core, manu factuied by F J Cheney Co, Toledo.Obio, contains no mercury, 11 ad is taken intern ally, actipg directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sore you get tbe genuine. It is token interusliy, and made in Toledo, Ohic, by F J Cteoey ft Co. Testimonials free. Sold by drugg'ats, price 75c per bottle. Halls Family Pills are tbe best. Cvervhody Bars So. Ciucnrota C'aml v CnLlinrtlc. the mnnt won. dei ful iiKxIicul lim:oerv of the aco, pleas ant and reirvalnng to tne tamo, net poiuij and nositlvHv oil kidneys, liver mill bowel. clcanaing the entire system, diHM'l colds, euro lieatlaoho, lover, habitual rnnmipiulnn and biliousness. Please buy nml try n Imx of C. C. C. to-dny. 10, -, M) cents. Hold and guars" lTcd to euro by all druggists. Poa't Tobacco Spit aal Kmoas Anaj. To Quit fobavco eaal!y and forever, be mag. neilp, (ull of Jl's, nerve and vigor, take No-l'o-Bae, the wonder-worker, that matte weak men strong. All druggists, 6Sa or II. Cureguaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterllns; Kemsdy Co., Chicago or New York. TELEGRAPHIC Will Help Kloablke Washington, Nov. 30. The cabinet today connidered tbe subject of tending relief to the people of the Klondike. Ibe resident received a mesaage from the ortland Chamber of Coramerue, stating that there was dangt-r of destitution and snfiVring in Ibe Klondike, and offering to supply the necessary food for relief if tbe government would undertake its trans portation. The information was not de finite as to i's actual condition. Darraar rae San Fuancisco, Nov, 30, -The writ of mandate applied for by the attorney of Durrant to compel Jude litthra to net a date for tbe murder of M ncie Williams, waa dented by the supreme court this eve This means that there will be no interfile eno with tbe decree in'.tlie Linont coc,aad it now begin to look aa if lhirmnt will have to expiate bi crimes at 1 da e sooner than hi attorneys anticipated. Tsnsfc Jark Donald Long Ckkkk, Nov, 30, lack Donald, a heepberder, who awaulted a Chinese a fe days ago, ner Monument, and cjuin near healing him 10 death with a rocr.unJ cut bim iu w vera I places with a koife. wa given a preliminary hearing before a jus tice of the peace nt Monument, and bound over to the grand jury in $2000 bond, which be failed 10 furnish. There' Oaagrr Bit klin, Nov, 30, The German govern en; has abandoned ils intention of send tl e wambip Geffun to Hayti to enforce its ita btniandt. The Off jn instead will be seat to reinforce tbd German II 'et ia tbe Cbiness waters. TberaCalilr New York. Nov, 30, Martin Thome was today convicted of murder iu the lirt degree for killing VVm luldtninppe, his predecessor in tbe affection of Mr AgunU Nack, at Woodoide LlonJ'ine 35, At the request of Thome's condl the puling of the centeuce waa deferred until text Friday. Fen for Ik t-a.l BiMsnoBO. Nov, SO, Representative Tbos. H Tingue, accompanied by bis on and daughter, Thomas jr., and Mi.s Ber tha, left for Washington tonight. During Mr Tongue's abaence hia profromonal bnsine will be attended to by E U Tongue wbo was recently a liuitted to the bar. kald Be Exaterte New Ycbk, Nov. 23. The autbonU in Washington, according to the corres pondent of the Herald, have been informed that France, while ostensibly engaged in in negotiations with this government for a reciproci'y trea, is taking steps to place prohibitory tariff on some American products. Tbe state department has been notified tbat a bill i pending in the leg: Ulative ataembly of Krro imposing a high doty upon certain product, which will practically make tnat country a closed market, so far as the Ceiled States is comerned. Hanleal Slaty' Ttaf Salem, Nov. 29 Mr. and Mrs. E T Albert celebrated the 60th wedding anni versary today. They were married a W heeling Vs.. in 1S37. Mr Albert is hi years old. and i!rt Albert bl. A tecep lion was held at tbeir boms this arteroo n and evecing. k large number of fneod paid repect to Ibe venerable couple. A IltikU Cottage Gkovc. Nov. 23. Tns Cham pion mine, which was bonded several months ago by Joseph S Woodruff of Chi cago, whose option expired tbe 2Jth of last month. Kill be turned orrr to Wool ruff as soon as bi money arrive f re n Chicago. Tbe purchase price was 810.OX). A Terrikte Cat Loxpo. Nov, 29, The latest report from vanoo point along the coat shew that ihe gale which swept the Knlwh water yestetdav and let night and which had not abated its fury np to noon today aa one of t e wont atorm of recrnt I yeais. Ia many places It wat auiot ; cyclonic in ita uoWf, and the long list f of diaters includes a large loss of liveo, ! many wrecks of Urge vea-elt and the Im ! of acorea if not hundred ot sinalVr craft. 1 with aerioa damage to property asliore at j many important town. Will Wall reKrllaa ' WintOTO!t, Nov, 19, K-."-n!or j Corbet and wife hare arrived in With 1 isgtcn for the wiaa, 1 he Pott tays j that tbe committee on election will hoid a ; meeting tbe 6rt eek of Itie section and f report favorably on Corbet's ease. ftfcaajM Be Baaa ,ti ., .ot, i... toe ec3oa imi r-i fb,r.u The tuwge msnafactarer tu ropr'! by es-Jalge Lawreoce Human and At torney KtU. Jmi T.m Iiwmi Seattle. Ncv. 2 Twenty fire men arrived here tfdey on the City'of Seattle, direct from lwon Ci'.y. Tbey were divided into two )urtie. the lat of which left Dawson Oct 16. Tney rame OJt over tbe Dalton trail. Thev are rrpor'ed to have between tbem S-VJ.COT in draft aod gold dus . All tell storie of a food shortage in Dawon tbat i almost a famine. The i lat person fc leave Dawson was lack Dai ton When Dalton left tbe steamer i Alice and Bella bad reached there, load-d light. It i laid that the Bella's carso i conited ot whuky and bultartt bill. a Nlktaua WanlexM Sr-ATTLt, l.'or. 2S . Jamea Well, a well known policeman, cf this city, while act ing a city jailor tonight, waa cowardly murdered by Cbas Philip, an ex-convirt, wbo was recent Ivreleaied from iail at NV ntminter, B C. I a 1' IwUi MosTKTiDKo, Nov. 2$. A montbr meeting of native I'roguatans and foreign ! er wa nen in lavor ci tue candldtcy of Senor Cueataa lor ths presidency . Hi opponent interfered ttd a great tumult eosned, in which senral were killed and many injured. Begaretrs 4f Law KassAsCrrr. Nov. 2. A special to the Tines from Wichita Kan. eav.: Captain E L Howe baa deignated an -nary 10 ss the day fur bit boom, rs to move op"n tbe W'incbiia reservation, if no step toward opening it ha teen taken by congress by that date. A Hew Mlalslry ViEssa, nor. 28. Tbe Austrian min istry todav tendered their resignation lo Emporer Fransia oeph, wbo accepted them and intrusted Uarca Gaatach, who holds the portfolio of public instruction of the retiritg ministry, with the Uk of forming a new cabinet. flayed la Baaw Bctts. Nov 28. Not satisfiJ with their victory on Thanksgiving day, the Qatte football team gave Reliance its revenge" to lay by defeating 1 he coast team by 4 to 0. It was not an ideal foot ball day. It would bave suited very wrll for a skating tournament or polo 00 the ice. Ibe thermometer down on tbe flat was just xero, and the ground was covered with about four inches of snow. Steamer Kuth. Tbe O R N Co's steamer Ruth will -re sums reirulsr trips commencing Thursday Nov. 11th Leivinir Albany for PortUnd aud way ports on Mondav Wednesdavs and Fridays at 7 A M. Leave Portland lo.- up river points on luewaya ibursuay and Saturdays at 6 A M. MARRIED. BELLINGER HOI-MAN. At the Court House in Albany Dec. 1st by Judge Barton, F. N. Bellinger to Miss Ella Hollman, both of Waterloo this couoty. BILYEU PHILLIPS. On Tuesday evening.Nov, SO, 1S97, at tbe Exchange hotel, in Albanv, by Rev. Ronald Me Killop, Mr. Michael Bilyeu and Miss Telitha Phillips, both if Linn county Liver ills Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consu ltation, sour stomach. Indigestion are promptly cured by Hood's rills. They do their work InlOOd'S easily and thoroughly. Sll Best attar dinner pills. K7 I I I CI Scen4. All druggists. H Prepared by C". I. Hood ft (Co., Lowell, Mass. The only rill to take with Hood's SarsaiiarillaV SOCIETY WOMENUSE IT. rirs. Kester Haines, Prominent New York Hostess, Relieved of Insomnia by Paine's Celery Compound. am jfe There ezUts smon womei whi are much In aoHety a rwm of weariness re suiting frr-m overtaxed nerve, mor-in ten ar.d depressing than anv known to tirevt muaeit. lhsovercrowd4liv of such women mi ke thrn slaves of nxiv.we and auuot u.rea wb'eb tbey cannot ignore 1 be toltuwing letter from on cf "tr York's hu -t biMtrtsu tbowtbivno rlicitly Paint's ce'.ery compound n re lied on among ths most ibteipg , well to do families a ws I as Ij tUa many more humble houaeLoi J a 1 over tht country. Sew York City, ct 9. 197-GenUemsn-I think li tin Ur 10 vou that txr teaMmotiy to tbe eonctal rtuttt f my use of FainVa coiery cui pcunk. To year ago I wm almont a wreck froir neivoua rrcr-rattcn. rcauiUng from overwork, a enial and physical. 1 bad loet my meuirry omplly, and frtrnla fearal 1 would never recover. Mr try i g several reinedira to no avail, my pbyai. tan presrilbei f Ine'e calory coin p.und and waclu a few day ibr a a derided ttnr rorotnenl in in' condition. Aier the ui of tbnra b-41 ea 1 waa ro much bet er th tl It wa unnecessary for m to coriiuim Its u. vsca then I bae reeornmsodaJ it wid y. and have yet to hmr I hoi liltt faj.ed lu do aa thjt I claim fur Is. Selling O'BRIENS In order to liquidate our accounts sssss we shall sell our Clothing. Finishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Dry Goods, etc. O'BRIEN T.J. CANDY CATHARTIC M SBBBBBBSSKSBBbsSBS ST D Oliver Bei?t on earth. Everyone knows the Oliver plow. Sold only by HOPKINS BROS. Albany Oregon. CHRISTMAS We all appreciate tho good things which come at Christmas time. We all know that the best is desirable for the dinner. We know that we want the best. Do yo'i know the best goods lor your best dinner are to be found at F. E. Allen iV Co. You want groceries that are high class to go with the turkey. Place your Christmas order with us and know that it will be all right. Yonr wants supplied in a manner that will make you especially happy New ar rivals are citron, seeded raisens, cleaned currants, lemon and orange pel. New Orleans molawes, mince meat. Hill's maple syrup, new buckwheat Hour, etc. F, B. ALLEN & GO. Ilk Toary oneaofferlng from any of te H i t odant npon em inued leas cf s'tep 1 cat a- d do heartily recommwd ft' Very irn y yours. Hltoii L, Halo. :n a.l of nervoos prostration, rtjrvout lnd"gstln, neuralgia, a news, b vsteria or Iscseasnt headache, the o jective point ol a true remedy like Pame'a reiery com pound ia to make more bloo l, gather flesh and increase tbe number of red, hsalib giving corcusclea in ths b:oo. Paine' celery eomp-ran 1 n'ls tbe vee a-l ilh ted hiood, drives out ib dan geroti bomoraatd tbos gives relief to a boat of achat, pain and weaknesses. w, men an1 meo who have lost flesh and g own color e-a and ars Mal-jws to e?hM and paios, gain quickly In nealth from Paine' ca'ery compound. There i hardly a family of any sfaa where there ia not uii member w bo la feeble, f jreer ttrd and b-4 w the standard of bealtb to whom Pain' eel ry compound would provjof invaloab'e ba p JJk only does this grtsat ivigorat r drive oat the acltea aod distrusts tbat have aeeuu.aWied be cause of begls-ted rheumatism or neuralf gia but tbe liberal gain in fiesa and blood tbat ia atwavs notlceabfe and encourag tng result elite nae, criog about Utter health ia the digestive, imitative an 1 eeretive orgtc; la cAbor word, ail over the bJy- at Cost. so entire stock of O'BRIEN, Agt. ALL DRUGGISTS CURE CONSTIPATION'' ows. Plows THOUGHTS. iORTHERH U PACIFIC R. R. Pullman Sleeping Oars, Elegant Dimtg Oars, Touris Sleeping Oarr ot Panl Minneapolis Dnlutb Fargo, TO Grand Porks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKE Si TO Chicago Washington fhiladelpbia iew York Jos ton and al .'ointa East and Booth Throngh tickdts to Japan and Cb na, vis Tscomaaad Northern Pacific steamshi Co., an American line. For information, time card ipS ! 'kh tickets call on or writ V H Bi art agat, Albany, Or. A D Charlt" A 1 f;n Fse sti Portland. f 0HEG0. LEMKAL & EASTERN R. ft. CO. -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting at Yaqmna bay with the San Francisco & YaQina Bay STEAMSHIP COMPANY. SteffiMflMliU" . Sails from Yaquina every 8 days fot San Francisco, Coos Bay, Ham bold t Bay. f AsassGxn AcooMooanosr TJxscar asset Shortest route between the Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany and points west tc Ban Francisco Cams 8fX SrsxaAOi 6.0C Bound trip good for 60 days 17 JX To Coos Bay Oabin SJt Steerage 6 00 To Humboldt Bar and Port Or ford, 5abin tMM peerage 8 00 River Di vision. Steamer "Albany" between Portland Sod Corval'is. throasrh without lay-over. Leave Cor rail .a 6:30 a. m. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sundays; leaves Port land. Yamhill street 'docs:, (K)C t, is. Mondays Wedneedavs and Fridays. Epwis g-soss. J C JUn. M sparer Ka?t Biver DIv. L Waloex, Agent, Albany. DESIRING to rive my whole attest tioa to poultry raising I offer all ex cept 10 acres cat my Farm for Sale It is the best located small farm ia tbe coan' y, one and one half miles sooth of Albany on Tangent road. Have fruod well, ccfclortal te baii2ing. bricc cellar with concrete flow, apple, pears, piam, quince, currants, blackberries, ri-pbemes. straw berrus in abundance for family use. 2X) rods of woven wire fence and everything ia good repair. Also have 2 m;lch cows and one bei fe (will be fresh in Feb.) ail high Trade Jer eys, for sale cheap . CD Bates rAlfifllD PROCURED, EUGENE W. JOHNSON, Ss'ielor and All j is Fateitta ITT Tarfc In, Waaaae:4 c Clubbing Rates. The San Francisco Weekly Examiner next year will give to iu cubecribera a 1 10.000 reerderK in Sn Francisco rent ine fr t' a muutb, a 13,390 U. S. bond tl.ouU gvld nugget and hundreds of other things. Yon can get tbe Examiner and WascLT Dkmocsat for t- 50 a year, with the Dattr Dexcout by mail for 4.25,by carrier f-5.75. in advance. The Dxo csat will order only on combination pay nent ST LOUIS REPUBLIC, semi-weekly. oawviiue o fi Mate, ana im UiXOCRiT paaa m aarance, fot only tl ?. K01ICE CF FINAL SETTLEMEiir NoUce is herebv eives that the under sisned as execufix of the last will ad teatament cf F F Croft, deceased. ha fikd j ia the ccuntv conrt .f Lmn county. Ore Ken, her final account; and tbat said eoart has appointed Monday, tbe 3rd ct Janaarr , 138. at tbe hour of tea o clock in the forenoon of said day. for the hearing f objections. If any. thereto, and ihe set Uemea of the ai Nov 27th. 15r7 DRN Black nrnx, Mit Csorr Attv for Executrix, Executrix, etJ. NOTICF CF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice U herebv sieve that the on Jer iansd administrator of ths catsts of Th Meraaa. ceceased, fcaa bid bis nasi ae coent aa sach administrator with ths clerk of tee scanty oa?t of Una county, Oregon and that the Honorable Oeo D bsrtoa. jade of ki eoart, hs appointed tlstar dav the lit h day ot Lcember, at ths hour of 10 s'oioek a m, as the time, ad t ecHinty sart noau at Albany, t regoa. ths place, tr bearing obieettons to said fiaal aeeosnt. All persons are hereby a -tided tha. if they desire to make anv obieHioa to aid Hoal aocount or setllj msot thereof to be and appear at ths above time and place, or be torever birred. Uated Novembers, 1S57 Go W Wrwht, W G Moroax, Atty for Admr. Adminiatrator KOTIC! OF FiKAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hen by siren tbat tbe under signed executor of the last will and testa meat of Loulia M Kinser. deceased, ha filed with the clerk ot the county court tor Linn county, Oregon, his nnal account sad the court has set Monday tbe 6 h dav ot December, 197. at the hour ot 1 o'clock n. m ol 111 a dav to bear object iocs to aid final acccunt and to se't'e said esta'e. This the 9th day of (Jctobar. 197. Hxsxr KisirR. Execatcr of estate of Louisa M Kiaxer, eased NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby eiven that Lanes W Moren, as administrator of ths etate of Lvdia Morgan, deceaied, haa bled hia final aooount aa suoh adminiatratur wita ths olsrk of ths eounty court ot Lion county. Orsgon, and that aaid eon rt haa appointed Sataiday the 1Kb day ol .December, isy. at th hoar ot 10 o'clock in ths forenoon of said day aa the tims snd tbs eountv eoart room ia Albany, Oxga, aa tha place j far hearing and eslthns said acoonot. All parsons are aotitied Uat if tbty have any objections to sold aooeunt and fiual settle mDt to appear at laid tims snd pises dl presort them. Dated Nov. 8. 1S!7. Cso W WasuHT, Ja$ W Mokgaw, Atty for Admr. Admiaiatrater, FOR SALE. Wberess, by the consideration cf Ihe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn, In a cau.e therein pending wberein J M Moycr, L D Cole, k D Mover, and Mrs F F Croft were and are plaintiffs snd tbe Albany Woolen Mills Company, a corporation, was and is de fendant, a decree was duly rend red.siven and made on tbe 19th day of November, 1&&7, directing Uat the real proper y be longing to tbe defendant corporation and particularly described as follows, towit: Block one hundred, and fift-en (ii5) in liaclman's Addition to tbe Ci y of Al bsny, Linn county, Oregon, the sane appear on record 00 the mp and plat ot aid city on uie id ik viucr. oi tr.e . County Recorder 'f Linn county, Oregon, toge'berwitn the buildings, futures, ma. cbinery snd plant 1 hereon sitoMed, known a the Albany oolen Mills property. with the appurtenances, be sou; by the undersigned, tbe receiver o the proper tie of the above named defendant. Ibe said Albany Hoolen Mi'.ls p'aat consists of tbe W owing, towit: Two (2) -SeU Davis Furber i4S Iran irsuie Cards complete', For (4, sets Johnacn Jt basseU': e:f opcating Jack. 240 spindles each; Two (2) C'Omptoo Sm accy Looms, 'J Hrne, 4x4 boxes; s,x (6) ., Cromptons 1 15 in Csm Loon.e 2, 3 and 4 b-af, 4x4 boxes; Two t Crompions 109 B Fancy Ixotis 4 4 186 patter"; Six (6) Knowle92in F. cy Loon. iHi Harness 4x4 box. In adJi.krn to tbe above there ia s wool opener, Usttihg machine, birr pi. ker, finishing machinery, drying ma chines, dye vat, sool waehas, and other machinery complete necessary fr hnisbin all hinds of woolen goo-i. There ia also a complete palltrattacbtd'o said mil. Now therefore, in obedience o sad de cee and in accordance with tne terms and pravirims thereof, the undersigned, aa re cetver aforetaid, wiil e all and the whole' of the hereinbefore detcribed property npoo the terms ar d conditions, and in to- a anner foUowingr : 1 he aid property will be sold t the biiraeat bidder, one half of the pui chase pi ice to be paid in cash at ihe time of ibe delivery of the possession thereof to the purchaser, namely on or be tore April 1st, Vtf.l-i. and the baiaacc on a credit of ox monfis thereafter, without in tcrcst. wi'Ji etc oiiv to be approved by toe com t. Sealed bid for said property mait re filed with the at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, on or before the 5 h day of February, and each bidder i reqared to des at with his bid, as an earnest of good faith, a certiSd check, payable to the order ct tn receiver lor the sum cftothw-,nd dollars ($2000 00) Ana sll pets tia in-erered are hereby notified, that npon the 7ih day of Febrn ary, lH. at the noor nt ten o'clock a. m. of said day at the court house in the Cttv of Albany, Linn county, Orejroo. all bids received by the said receiver will be open ed by tiie Pon H H Hewitt, jadfreoftbe siid court . The said court, by virtue of said decree bereutofore refaied to, re serves the right to rejet any and all ted s tor said property. Da ed December 2nd. 1SSH, Chambcbjlaih A Thomas, L Fuss, A t-oroer lor fiecei Ter, Receiver, ChamhfT' of Ceranmr. Albanr. Or. Poniand, Orejoo . CQEAPEsT POWER ...HERCULES GAS AI1D GASOLINE BuQt in special srze for printing officea and factories. State yoor wants and write lor price and term-. Illustrated catalogn e f unlisted free npon app' non- Axcsjcax Iti-x Fon-pcaa' Co. PortlanJ.Oregoc Dr Adams Cneick B'ock Albany.Or Palnlesn work a specialty. j- c imlu'o Groarid Floor Dental Office. BroaJalbin, St., Albany, Or. Yard Littler. Assistant. Mai Oia lis. I wish to announce 'o the farmers with in the vi inity ot Albany, especially thcee interested ia hoe raising, tbat I have por ehasid tbe heft known as Common's Ideal, No. Sb2I3 recorded in the American Pol and China Becord Co, tbe one that took the second premium at the fair this fklL He is a fine bos; and a good btveder. I solicit tne patronage and inspection of parties tarerestec' in good boss. He is accompanied ly a yearling of my ess ras ing which is recordable. I have three thoroaghbred soars which I i mm raising pigs trom. 1 nave a tew purs 1 u pnt fo,. .u recordable. They I can be seen at the Skeels place, one mile nor h of Albany. F II H L'GHSOS, TheUardeeer. "Oti SALK A horse and mare, each neighing IX pounds. For sale cheap. Call on Dr Wm Amo. 3rd wAit. SHEET EAILWAT NOTICE. The n-otoi on the Albany street rail way will connect promptly with al trains to and from the depot, day and night. Special trips will be n ade at special a'ea. t. K Cokk. Conductor, FURNISHED Rooms for rent on corner of Fourth and Oslipooia etre Mks. D.C. Scbkix WASTED-UPRIGHT AND FAITH FUL gentlemen or ladles to trav tor responsible, -es'atIishe.i tome Oregon. Mont hi t&3 00 aadexpeeses position stead v. Refeience Eado seif-addressed stamped envelope. Dominicn Company, lept. H, Chicago. EOEFIH THR PI I'MRkU Tin rooSnc and plambica Oppoeit ae opera house TTfT-ANTED TRUSTWOarRY AO f f tive gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house in Oreiron. Monthly S60.OO and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose setf- sddreesed stamped envelope. Tbe Dumia on Company, liept. Y Cbicao. rUDTCTMAO TU. newest and uuiuaimno--xV?be- 'Remembrance Calender for 1S9S, co tu prisma Twelve exauuite Art Studies. The flora of eac-i separate month, enriched oyappropnate quota uoas trom staadard authors. Pri-e, On a Doixak, by mail . H M Ckidbk & Co., Publishers, fork, Pa. wishes to sell his 40 acre tract, con sisting of -0 acres cleared, 10 to be cleared, with IS or 20 tone of bay, ISO bushels of Dotatoes ia the ground, 100 fruit trers.and some cattle and sheep, in a nice location. for In APPLES rvANItD. tore) car loal o reveral varieties Cash paid, at hi'-th. eat prices Call on William Hao.opixw, te Kuss House. itaaiti;. & lew more enirairs- V V ments by the day to sew. Mm R. fc. Owia. Take Notice Just hve days from dais whick to pay your dog tax, and then 1 I oe after tbe doss if not tauvej. Nov 24 1897 E B DA Y1DSON Posadmaater