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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1897)
volxxxiii Entered c& tie Font at Mbaay. or. as Beeaad-Class Mall Kalteii ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1897. r- i HC1TII6 raallsber aa4 rrrletr st 13 AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD " C ASTORIA," AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. 7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and do:3 nou) szSau m ei'erU bear the facsimile signature cf 0si&$7i&!c&x wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers cf America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY ct ike wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bonili yf. -:'T 071 e and has the signature cf wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Conpany cf which Clias. H. Fletcher is President. . j n March 5, 1S97. CZ& Se. ,r. Do Hot Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life cf your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients, of which even hs docs not know, "The End You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIM1LE SIGNATURE OF '4 Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed Ton VMS CCNTaUH COWMMiy, TT Ml HA AT TCST. NU TO fit SWTw WHEAT. Wbeat kicked a coat to day in fine at vie. In Chicago it made a ph enominal jump nn I ' . u : Art In New Yore it rf ached tl.003?g". In San Francisco 89:. Liverpool did tue proper thing going up lc. Albany did better, going up 2c, being oat. THE OPENING DATE OF mm COLLEGE FOR THE Thirty-First Yea r Is September 15, 1897. Its facilities for a fine Higher Education offer ee! by tbls institution are of a nigh or3er. The cillege is thorough in all its work, lha faculty ismaae np of specialists in man j lines. Albany is a safe ana pleasant residence lor young people. The college offers thorough courses in music, commercial worL normal academic and c'oUesiate studies. The new Ca'-alope may b3 obtained upon application. Correspondence inTited. Wallace Howe Lee, President. Wall Paper, Oarpets, Lineoleum, Lace Curtains, Rugs, Portier.3, Pillows Furniture Bedding. Future Frames, Linen Warp Matting, Oil Pain tings, and Undertaking ALBANY FURNITURE CO. A Long Bicycle Ride Joseph Sierer, of Jacksonville, 111. .was in Albany yesterday, a conspicuous fig ure on account of his peculiar suit. Ilia weather stained oil coat baa an adver tisement of a California hotel on the back. Sierer is making a bicycle tour of ot the United States. He left New York City on June 24, and ia to make a com plete circuit of the United Slates along the border within twelve months, when tbe New York city clubs will present him with $500. He had to go up through Maine and then west through the north ern border states until he reached Port land, when be tarned south, getting into Albany Wednesday evening, remaining for Thanksgiving, lie bad traveled 6218 miles of the 17,000 he expects to go, coming here on a Fowler in the mud. He frequently rides on the railroad track, taking the path the tramp uses. Sierer left New York city with $7 and pays his way by giving exhibitions and selling bicycle appliances. Recent ly he has had some pretty rough riding to do, frequently riding in water over the rims of the bicycle- He has had many live experienced, some of which were close calls to death. He left Al bany on the same tires be was riding when he started out of New York citv, well patched abd bandaged, and will continue his journev along the outside states until he gets back in New York. Until be gets beyond the biskijous he will earn his mouey. Through White Horse Rapids. John Parker, of Portland, a former Albany man, undoubtedly reached the Klondike allright. A letter received in Portland from Tom Cain, one of the par- ty of twenty-tive that went from Port land was written after tbe party bad passed through the daogerouk White Horje rapids. He refers to the ride as follows: "Before we reachoi the White Horse rapids we bad made np our minds to go around them, but we soon found that we could not do this without great lose of time and a possible failure ,n the end, and so we decided we would venture tbe rapids. We bad a large, fine boat con structed, one of the largest and best that nal wen Bum. lhe mao who built it was going down with ne. and I guess he put jome extra touches to ber for bis own safety. We got all ready and load ed the bo.t wit"i tbe outfit. 1 took tbe rudder, Mitchell of Sel wood was at the bow, and the rest -f the men were In various parts. John Parker, who wa determined to s--e everything, stood up in the midd'e so he could have a good view. One boatload had j ust left and made the rapids in good shape, scarcely taking a drop of water.bnt it looked very 'scary,' I cantell you. There were a good many others on the bank ready to go down, who were watching us to see how we came out before starting down them selves. I teh you we went through a whining. "It was a frichtful triD. but was Quick ly over. Tbe water boils and tumbles and rnna with fearful speed. Tbe dan cer is in being thrown against the rocks, which are pretty numerous. Mr. Par ker had a good View of everything. The men were cool eootwli, having a lance and eUnnch boat under tbem." . PVIARj RAGTIGAli &RES5IVE Q.' I A. m m -T l7 I m i----.ay n-r- t t i w it r : t n n : , i "t l vr aar- m W. . - ' I A:,. SV i' wr na wm mm aac sx-ff i U . A. A X M riJL MAS. i w s. w vn-JAy ?Tfi I'll rar m a- H414 yamjill or- POKmimCE IT WAS A TIE. Albany had a genuine Thanksgiving day foot ball game. Tbe Greens of Eu gene and tbe Albany team played an in teresting game in the afternoon in the ""eeence of several hundred people, dhey were given a taste of genuine foot ball, and not a stretcher was uso J. When the two clubs lined up at 3 o'clock tbe universal opinion was that Albany would be badly beaten. Eugene averaged at least twenty pounds more than Albany, in fact was a heavy weight team, though the arrrangement was that neither team should average mote than 140 pound. The two Driver boys.sons of Rev. Driver, loomed up with their near ly 200 pounds of solid flesh, and the gen eral makeup was that of solidity. It Bmved to be solidity without any science, luring the whole game not a single re turn punt was made and only one end run. Their playing was a continual bucking of the center. This tbey did ef fectively, and after getting tbe ball on Stewart's kickeff gradually Vok it down the field with the sun at their back until they crossed the line for a touch down, followed by a goal, but it took over twenty minutes After the next kick Al bany kept the ball in feugene a territory until the half closed- Eugene 6, Albany 0 Eugene then faced the sun . On her kick Albany got the ball, and by a series of brilliant end plays carried it rapidly j the line. On the way Ramp made a sen sational end un, by a trick, that result ed in a long gain, and Howard and Bridgeford both made some telling gains. Stewarts full back gams was tbe best general playing of tbe day. Bridgeford finally carried the bail over the line, and easily kicked a goal. This made tbe score even. Eugene then gut the ball and by main force carried it dangerously cloee to the goal, on the way Banner making tbe only gain around the end made by Eugene, and it was a hard one well earned. He was finally tackled by Saltmarsh, throwing off two others. Tbe game ended with the ball one yard from the line, and of course there was a dispute, Eugene claiming a half minute more lime, wnich would have given her the game. Eugene, 6; Albany, & Rfferee nd umpira Moir, of Salem, and McClanahan, of Eogene. -A Supreme Court Cute. At coon WeJnesday tbe supreme court called the cae of the btandard Shoe Company, a private corporation, and R. Li -cabin, appellants, vs. K. . I uoni p- son.i-beorge H. Goshow, tbe Bank of Brownsville et al., respondents, and the merits of the issue on appeal were duly presented. "The p'aintiff'a action was commenced on the 26th dai of or 27 in day of April, 1895. Tbe attachment was levied tbe same or next oar. On May 1st, pr per haps the 2nd, Mr. Thompson aa Je an assignment to Geo H. Coshow of all his property, both real and personal, which assignment is in regular form and to far as appears from the assignment it ia com plete in ali its details and regular npon its face. "The appellant seeks to set aside tbe assignment h r the reason it is void.made so by the transfer of notee, amoaotiog to about 400 or fjOO. to Haosman, Powell and G rover to secure thoe parties against liability npon notes which tbey baj signed as secuntv lor the defendant. Thompson." Statesman. Pacific Coast Games. Besides tbe game in Albany there were contests yesterday all along the coast. lhe leading game was that between Stanford and California University. As the Democrat expected Stanford won easily, 23 to 0. - Murphy again played a star game once making a phenomenal run ot tfc yards. At Butte tbe team oi that city defeated tbe Reliance team of Oakland 6 to I. Seattle defeated the University of Washington 10 to 6. Portland defeated the 3IaUnomaUt 4 to 0, and tbe Oregonlan devotes over a page to tbe contest. The O. A. C. defeated McMinnvilie 51 to 0. A feature was tbe wonderful run of Scrogios from the Lick off 80 yards to a touch cown, going through tbe entire crowd. Monmouth defeated Chemawa IS to 0. The O. A. C are arranging a game with Washington University. Nsw Officers. At tbe meeting cf the Woodmen last evening the following of ficers were elected : Dr. W. H Davie, Consul Commander. K. B. Montague, Adviser Lieutenant, J. P. Van Winkle, Banker. C. E. Hawkins, Clerk. F. E Allen. Escort. D. W. Myers, atebman. J. S. Lamar, Sentry. W. F. Read. W. A. McClaio, Board of Managers. At the Mines. Regarding the richness of tbe property at tbe Lawler min Mr. Wm Ratxburg said to a Statesman Reporter that it was uot as profitable as many properties he bad seen, but be was told by those in po sition to know, that tbe ore was running from ft to $30 per tuo.and every man en gaged in helping to operate the property baa conndence in me success ot toe vent? are. This region promises to be a good. steady gold producer, and will add much to tbe wealth ot tbe state, especially should the district be further prospected. as ii unaoumeaiy win ne. Salkm Wo. A gallery full of people saw the gentlemanly Y. M. C. A. indoor base ball team ot Salem defeat F. Co's team last night 14 to 12. Tbe game was fast and exciting, with a constant round of cbers and other noises by the crowd. W ith tbe cheers ail against them the Sa lem boys never lost their heads nor their tempers, and tbe Alhacy bovs as well just piaycd oau. ud vuriBimae aioany wtu mate a .ive enort to reverse tbe score, Mr. Alex Moir. tbe clear headed bank clerk, umpired for Salem and the Dxao- cbt man for Albany. Salem Evans, Cbase, Bradruaw, Ol iver, Ounger, Evan, Lftqoe. Bishop. Albany Stellmaker. Phillips. Cukick. Love, Finch, West brook. Lay ton, Brat- tain. REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported by the Linn County Ab stract Company, for the Democrat, for the week ending Nov. 23rd, 18U7. J L Miller to D P Mason, wtv deed. Sees 9 and 16, T 1 w 320 acres.. $6000 United Btates to Wm J Lander pat - ent, lots 1 and 2 Bee 4, T 15 4 w R Warner and wf to Daniel Erb. wty deed, part claim 61, T 11 , 2 w 60 acres , 1150 Mary J Wlgle et al, by sheriff, to Emily M Mover, sheriff deed, part of block No. 6, North Brownsville 1100 0 Sullivan to Jason Wheeler, wtv deed, w J of w of N E M hlk 2 Eastern add to Albany 1 T J Rodgera to trustees A O U W Cemetery Association, Harris burg, tract for cemetery 3 U F Merrill, at al, by sheriff, to Alice P Richards, sheriff's deed', part of lot 2 block 9 Albany 1439 James Crabtree et al, by sheriff, to Alliance Trust Co, sheriff's deed BW Hamilton D L C, T 11. 1 andtw, and N W ', W -Bee II, T 11,2 w 1872 Alliance Trust Co to W J Crabtree wty deed, N w M of S w )i Sec 11, T U, 2 w 40 acres 250 Alliance Trust Co to James San derson, wty deed, B W Hamil ton DLO in Til, 1 and 2 w 320 acres ..... 3700 Joseph 8 Am-s to Zebulan Thomp son, wty deed, lots 2 snd 3 btk 5 town of Sweet Home proper. . 150 LEBANON. From tbe Express: J. 8. Van Winkle, of Albany, was in Lebanon this week, to see about organ izing a K. of P. lode at this place. H. and Dennis Klum returned yester day from a deer hunt in the mountains above Lower Soda. They ki.led thirteen deer. A. II. Drum, tbe young barber, of Al bany, came out yesterday evening and returned this morning. Lebanon evid ently contains tome attraction for Mr. Drum, aa be ia here quite often . C W. Stokes and Lewit Crandall, who have been working at the carpenter trade in Moro, in Eastern Oregon, arriving in Lebanon yesterday evening, for a visit with their relatives here. They will probably return to Eastern Oregon soon after the holiday. Will Don tea recently received a letter from his brother John, who is now in Sacramento, staling that be had found his node Richard Donaca, in that city. John's wife did not go with him, bnt is staylog with her mother in Albany nut' I John finds a location. D. D. Shaw arrived iu Lebanon last Saturday for a visit with his mother, af ter an absence of nearly two years. Dariog the summer Dan has b?en work ing at Trail, B. C. a mining town on the Columbia river. He wa working at the carpeotar tra le, at good wages. Dan brought home with him some fine speci mens of ore from the famoai Le Roi and War mines, and alto some nice specimens from tw i ledges which he, is compomhany with a few friends, bare located, and which tbey think will event sally be worth a good deal. Dan tart times are quite good there compared with in is place. City Convention. There will be a mase convention of the democratic voters of the cftv of Albany held at tbe court boose ie said city on Satuiday tbe 4 in day of December. 1S97, at the boor of 8 o'clock p. m.. for tbe po r pose of nominating candidates for tbe office of mayor, marshal, recorder and treasurer, and to raufy ward nomina tions for coo Dolmen to be vaied f r at the coming city election to be held on Monday, Decembers, 1K7. We recommend that ward meetings be held in the different wards of the city on Thursday. December 2, 1997, at tbe boar ot 8 o'c'ock p. m . to nominate one coun cilman from each ward and choose mem bers of central comer it tee at tbe follow ing places : First ward, circuit court room t second ward county court room ; third ward, in office cf farmers ware house. u. vt , vt KIOHT. C. O. Bras a ax, Prrta Rilxy. What Dr A E Salter Says. my BcrrALo. N Y. Geots: From penona! knowledge. ga:aed ia obteruog tbe effect of your ebH-w Cure in cases of advanced ConttipaUoo, I am prepared to say it is lbs most remarkable Kemedj that has ever been brought to my atten tion. It ha certainly aavd many from Conumptton. Sold by Kohj ",1c Ma-ton. The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world eel- 1 1 r . cDraiea lor its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your, cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. ttOVAL BARINS POWDeN C0., Best Work Promptness PRINTING .JOES - 2E-2E30-.1L. -SOOH : Office Stationery A Speciaitj Give us yoav Patronage P. J. SMILEY THOMAS BRINK, All kinds of furniture and bedding-, and it you want the most complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. The Albany ocheetra was in Corvallie last sight to play for a dance. Rev H L Hood and wife, of Shedd. spent Thanksgiving with Albany friends. Miss Mary Cnndiff who is tescbiug a school near Harrieburg. spent Thanks giving at home. A number of ladies have volunteered to remove their bats during the play at the Opera House to night. The Magazine Clob will meet tomor row at 1 :30 at Mr D P Mason's, prepared to drive to the boose of Mies Eva simp- son. Mr. John tsaylor, of Colfax, Wash , is in the city the guest of bis brother, Mr. Al. baylor. liiey bad not seen eacn other for twenty-three years. At tbe bowling alley yesterday Mr. Frazier received the prize for making the highest score at cocked bat, and Mrs. II. B. Hcrey tbe htgbett ladies Bcore, 44. Mr pecker, a young man from Mich igan, is here on a visit, and is the guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Blain, a relative. Mr Decker has with him a very ingenius camara attachment, arranged like a gun, whicn be invented. Jt is only neces sary to aim and pull the trigger, and the picture is taken. The Democrat has received from Rey. 0. H.Callender, of Laos, Lakawn, Asia, a copy of tbe bt-monthly letters of aorth Laos mission for August. It Is an inter esting review of tbe work at Cbieng Mai, Lakawn, Praa, and Cbieng Hai, and shows the progress being made, some what ietarded now by a lack ol funds. Stolx Pat's Ch ickxxs. Every Satur day night for five weeks some one has stolen ch'ckena troiu the hen house of Pat Crenner, last Saturday night taking lour, ibis is very displeasing to 1'al, who wants them for bis own use. He says he knows the party, and proposes to make it tropical tor him, and as Pat never felt better he may be depended upon doing so. It is a pretty contemp tibly small man who will steal chickens from a man nearly ninety years of age The TitAxxsoivrxo Savvies at the U. P. church were ol a very entertaining or der. r Tbe address by Rev. McGhee wss a practical and sensible one, and wss generally appreciated Tbe charitable collection amounted to $16. A Ctots Call to a serious accident happened at the shootina range yes terday After shooting, the sun of Fred Blount bad been left cocked, with a load in.- The trigger was accidentally pulled in the midst of quite a crowd. Fortunately tbe gon was pointing down ward and the shot took ertect in tbe ground, close to bis and the feet of F II I Pbewer. Steamer Kutb. The O R X Cos steamer Rath wi l -re some regular trips comnenciag Thursday Nov. 11U living Albany tor roruao aud way ports on Mondav W ednesJays and Fridays at 7 A M Leave Portland fo." op river pntot on Tuesdays Tnurai.js aud SAturdiys at 6 A M. Magnolia Elevator. Tbe underaigned have rented tbe Magnolia Elevators at tbe west end of First street. Albany Oregon, at the ap n roach to the steel bridge, and will coj- duct a seneral arraio warehouse business. Persona wishing to store or sell wheat or oats will do we'l to see us before mak ing their arrangements, ho Goins, w. l. Aia S.- E. Yocso SOCIAL AND PERSONAL John Chie well. Jr., left this week for Tacoma, to work in the Woolen mid. License was issued today for the mar riage of ti. W. Sanderson and Miss Mary Taylor. Miss Grace Stafford, of tbe Ha-risborg schools, spent Thanksging in Albany wth b,r parents. Mr. 'Al BoenUke left yesterday for Juneau, where be will run a cigar store for the Monogram man. Howard Bramwell, a former Harris burg young man, and Miss Mae Stephens were married at Colfax. Wash., recently Mines Ahbie Frv, IUla Elkins and A. W. and Webster Wight, ara SDrodine- tbeir Thanksgiving vacation in Lebanon. Lebanon Advance. ' Mr. and Mrs. HiUearr. the well known Grange people, of Turner, returned home yesterday irons tbe aUonal Graoge at II arris burg, Penn. Prof. Ranee, tbe rustling president of the Drain Normal School, was in theciiy yesterday. He ia contemplating getting a plant for tbe publication of a ichool paper In the near future. Mrs. Barker and daughter, Mies If ag gie Barker, mother and sister of the celebrated pugnoted freight conductor of the Shasta division, are out from Albany visiting bis family. Ashland Record. Tbe fo'lowirg are being examined at Salem today for admission to tbe bar: Felix Erhy, Woodbnrn; Jeaseo R Cbilda, Grant's Paasobn i Stoddard. Poniard ; L. J. Adams, Silverton ; O. R. Mount, ilverton;C A. Piggett, St Helens; t B. Tongue, IlUIsboro; A. F. Starkweath er. Gold Hill. Mr. and Mrs. John Wolverton, of Mon mouth, celebrated tbeir gohfen wedding on Thaokegiving day. It was a happy affair. They bave resided in Polk coon ty forty-five years. Seven children are alive, the mot prominent of whom is Oregon's popular supreme judge, C. E. Wolverton of this city, now of Salem. Rev. S. F. Loo g bottom died at bis home in Alsea valley on Sor 18 to, of cancer of tbe stomach. Ker. J, A. Long bottom of this city waa at the bedside of bis brother for a week or two before be died. The deceased had many friends in this county, who are pained to bear of hit death.- Lebanon Advance, Rev. Longboitom waa pastor of the C. P. church in Albany at one time and was highly esleemed ber. Mr. Jay Swank, accidentally shot at Lower Soda last Sunday, is ra ported to be improving with a probability of re covery. The Advaoceaays: "Jay Swank, wbo waa shot by his fatner-in-law last Sunday, was almost a member of the Lebanon tent ol tbe K. U. T. H. witn a beneficiary certificate for 12,000 He had paseed the medical examination .paid the initiation fee, and only lacked being initiated." Alba Hey wood. WHEAT. Tbe increased price of wheat is probably doe to the demand for December deliveries wnich wm take place next Wedeeeday. roi:oiog are roaay s qaotw-ans: New York 99, Chicago 974e b in fraaetwo SSjiC. Albany 69c Liverpool 1 wot higher. HOME AND ABROAD. Tonight and Sunday raio or snow cool er. River 6.9 feet. Smile) 'a c-'eaa printing. Romona pure tpkea . Romooa Romoaa pure extracts. Try ScatlUes a Bct tea aa Ualag powder. Shirts aad collars a soscialtv at tha Ma soiia laanury Get TOUT OT!er far 1 hanktairinv frcm F tl Preiser, lie has tUUt- Will AY Sta k always have ta rtock UuVwt novelties in ail her of jewelry. Taae tbe U C t E cteamer for Portland down river on Sunday, Tuesday aad Than day. If yoa rare for good bread ak for "Red Croan" floor. Ever; giwetjmaa in tow a has it. Tbe Portland Pouring Mill romoaa v presented a 1 their employes with tarkeys. This is an aanaal coatcra. Tbe Abany Dresaed Bf Co. are run ning a bone mill for mating chicken wed. Call aad get tome. Do yon n cracker? Jat as well have tbeberf. Tbey coat no mors. Fnh one at Kenton's Gun Store. Yon will always find a Sue line cf iew elry at Will a Stark. Do not boy before examining their goods. When yoa waat a choice shsak. a nice roari or meat of any kind, call on Henry Broders. He keeps the best. TTbe U of O Glee clah will make a toor of the valley during the Holiday. Al bany students will be glad to hear them. A fine ironinir board, made bv Mr Ed Davidsoo, may be sen at Hopkins Brca. It has folding !eg,is cheap and is just the bing for enavfnieaoe Get one. The best meats of all kinds aad good treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, juat dwn Second street, bood weight and prompt attend tioo. The La then a Zion's cocgreiratioa of Oregon city held a fnanksinving service at which the pastor. Rev Ernest Mack. was formally presented with a loaf of bread six feet long. William Kcehler. a aa'jve of Hanover. Germany aged 74. as found dead yeeter- sao. From tbe Press : Lewis Huber of Jordan is quite sick with a disorder resembling Brigbt'e dis ease. He went to Albany tor treatment. expecting to be detained there for soma time. Mr. C. S. Harniah left for his borne in Albany lut Monday. Ha did a good business while here, but was compelled to return to the gallery at Albany on ac count of the holiday rush. David Horsborgh and Wm. Sheriff. two industrious young men living near this place, started forJunean, Alaska, last Monday moraine They will work at Jonean this winter, and will go in to tbe mines in tha spring. List of Patents. Granted to Pacific Coast inven tors this week. Reported by C A Snow A Co. patent attorneys. Wash- in guru, D.C. J Alder, balem. ure, game apparatus: R C Allen. Saratoga. Cal, fruit-paring at tachment tor knives; S E Biaveo, Sooth Pasadena, Cal. street and station indic ator: J L Blodgett. Los Angeles, Gal, electrical switchboard for coin-operated machines : H B Clark, Florin, Cal, wrap ping-machine for newepapera, etc: H C Domeyer, San Tie's Island, Ore. chain- lock or unload inc apparatus: J J Hall. Los Angeles, Cel. mineral-oil Darner; J S Hardy. Kan Lhero. Uai. refrigerator ear: M m tender. ea r ranoaoo. vat. mitoeosraon: L ProlL San Francisco, Oal, reversible window; F J Riebmand, San Francisco. Cal, comet; M H 6a gar. Loa Anceies. UaL Ure-tigbtener. . or copy oi any patent send lJ cents m postage stamps with date of this paper to C A Enow A Co.,n ashmgton, V U. Brownsville. From tbe Times: Messrs. Garman A ewland, lbs gen tleman from Gates and Mill City who will con inct a general merchandise store in the old B, . Thompson boiidipg, ar rived here Monday with their boojehold goods and throe car loads of merchan dise. Jaa. Morgan was arrested Monday and Tuesday waa tried in Justice Bsrgers court before a inrv.on a charge of assault and baltcrv, committed upon the persm of the son of Wesley Swearingea. It ap- neara that Momn tossed an egg to young Swearingen which proved to bavn been, ia a decayed sute, and tbe eg bars ted, bene the arrest- The jnrv, nt-1 7 boors, cooia not City Election Mice, Notice is hereby given that the an nual city election, in and for the city of Albany, in Lion County, Oregon, will be held on Monday, tbe 6th Day of Dec. 1897. jot the purpose of electing tha following municipal officers towits One Mayor, One Recorder, One Marshal, One Treasurer, One Member of tbe City Council from Each Want. Said election will be held at the fol lowing places to-wit : First ward At City Council Cham bers. Second ward At Kamber One'a Hall. Third ward At tbe old office of the Aioany Farmer's Company. Tbe following named persona bare been appointed by the city council a: judges and clerks of said election, towits First ward: Judge, B W Cnndiff. O T Porter and O W Warren. Clerks, F M Redfield awl J W White. Second ward: Jndges, A B Woodin, Straoder Froman and 8 M Pennington. Clerks, A Sanders and Q K Pro pet Third ward : Jndges. W V Baltimore, Jamea She! ton anr1 G W Harris Cierka, J V Thomas and Wm Richards . Said election will begin at 9 o'clock to tbe morning, and continue without clos ing tbe polls, until 6 o'clock in the even ing ef the above mentioned day. Given by order of tbe city council made at a regular meeting held the 9ta day of November, 1897. Albany, Oregon, Nov-12, 1897. N. J. Hestow, Recorder of the City of Albany. Home First, Tbe World afterward.. GH good grcoaies for your fanu y. Conn A Hus ton keep tbe best, which tbew seT. at the lowest possible prices. Friah vegetable and fruits according to the season, always on band. A fine line uf crockery. Albany TradingCo R. If. Morris, Manager. Here are n few of our bargains: 16 lbs granulated sugar.. $100 Anmsvllle floor, per sack 1 Ot lbs rice 1 1 Si 2 Cf 2t 0 ti 9 2 6a R 36 M 3K 2S 2S a 25 3a JO 11 SO Mcstc Misa Milorcd Burmestei teacher of piano or organ. System ths Mason touch and techniaoe. Fifth street, opposite U P chutch. Dealer in ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY a om:iji Proprietor DIED. To Care CoiutifMttton rorevfe. Take OnsrareUI Candv Cot ban ic. !Oe or So, If C C. C. fall to rtir. rnicviM refund money TO CURE A COLD IN ONK DAY. Take Ltxativ Broin Qnlntns Taole'a All Druggist refund the money If It fall j o cure 03. IITTRVn f.n nv.mhr 27. lH'Jl. th. Po-hanoa Hotel, in Albany, oi nn.hi'.;u.uA(thii kidney's. Mr Lnuia Huber. of Jbrdan. at the age of about forty years. di3iiii9a ler bein oat a boat asree noon a verdict and were discharged. r.TZTVM i i oeaayeater- ij ,tood 4 utta! and S for day afternoon ; hi cabin, four miles weat - Tbe case will be retried a- ofiyarraiiis rmoooy ws nair arrsasa ufe bad eviden'ly days. been extinct several Under the auspices ot the Elks Mr. Alba Hey wood, impersonator, appeared before an Albany audience last night tor the third time. The fact that it was tbe largest of the three sneaks for tbe manner n wbicb he ia apprec'ated tn tbts city. His performance last night showed that be waa improving with age. Hey wood is Inimitable in bis tine of impersona tions, a whole tbow from tbe first grin He is splendidly supported by Miss lore Drescher, a genuine artist, on the violin ; Miss Blanche hteele, a talented pianist, and Mr. HarolJ DeBray, a bass vocalist, with an excellent voice displayed witn fine expression. Mr. Hey wood may al ways depend on a large audience in At' baoy. MARRIED. JUU Most Torturing, Disfiguring, Humiliating Of itching, burning, bleeding, scaly skin and scalp humors Is Instantly relieved by a warm bath with Cdticuea Soar, a single application of Cuticuba (oint ment), tbe great skin cure, and a full dose of Cuticcea Resolvint, greatest of blood purifiers and humor sures. Uticiira Remedies speedily, permanently, and economically cure, when all else fails, FROM A N BLOUNT. On the eve of Nov. 24, at tbe home of the bride's! mother, Mrs Clarissa Blount, by Rev. Ronald McKillop, David Froman. Jr., anaearauM. j. tsiount all ol Albany. The groom and bride ara life long res-1 identa of Albany and vicinity and are eetimable young people wbo deserve the best marriage blessings of life. They uavo tue beat wishes ot many friends. STAIGER HITCHENS. In Salem, on itmraday, ov. at the home of Mrs Jane Hitchena, Mr. William Staiger and Miaa Carl Hitchena. Tbe event waa a happy one. Mr. and and wra. staiger nave the congratula tions of many Albany friends. PWTTK PSDO tn Cnw. Co,.. SaI. rroM.. 1 Jiow to Con mry skla u Wood Biuoor," ma. Forlfl.4 wi4 BintIM tf CUT1UUBA. soar. PIMPLY FACES Punyi Children Who would prescribe only tonics and bitters for a weax, puny child" ? Its muscles and nerves are so thoroughly ex hausted that they cannot be whipped Into activity. The child needs food; a blood- making;, nerve-strengthening AM j ?r ihfif Mintr food i&ilW vyr' o Scott's Emulsion Odd Character. An o'd weather beaten man of about sixty called this forenoon. He wore a yellow oilod coat and workingman'a clothes. His Ulk had a Q vman accent to it, and there was a sort of a twinkle in bia eve. about half a twinkle. "I have lost rny age." he said, "and want to find iU" lie had come to the riuit advertising medium. "Will yon let me see a copy of yester day's Democrat," he continued, "I want to learn whether I am dead or alive.' . The Dkmocbat man haloed tbe pecu liar old man out tbe best he could, and be h ft with bis heavy pack, on a hunt he said for a job as a machinist, without a cent in his Docket and a muddy track before him. Oakvillc. . Thanksgiving day was observed tare in tbe usual way We partook of a first class dinner at tbe home of our parents and received many presents from friends in tbe way of vegetables, aa we can truly aav "we are thankful. A basket social will be given at Hut- burt's school house on Friday evening December 10. 1897. Baskets to be sold st a action and proceeds to go towrrds improvement ol school building. Come and bring a basket. All thoee who wish mar. instead of potting their names ia the basket, put in a baby picture of them selves (or one taken in tbeir younger days) tbe purchaser of tbe basket to nnd the owner o! the picture and return it. Everybody invited. Tbe baskets wm re filled. A surprise party consisting of the wife and daughters of Judge Barton, surprised Mr D E Junkin last Wednesday evening at his home. Tbey were well entertained. Mr Junkin roasted peanuts (raised b bimsell) and popped corn. Alter were satisfied with eatable the remain der of tbe evening was spent m a must' cal entertainment. Mis JJanon Barton played tbe organ and waa accompanied bv Glen Junkin with the violin and Miss Elna Barton Mandolin banio, aiiaa Ethel with the guitar, Mr Loit Junkin with the piccalo and Miss Glen Barton with the accordeon. LtTTLK Ross Hi D conviction. Tbe gain tomorrow at 10 a. m. Regardless ot Cost. Julius Gradwohl ia'enda to go out of the crockery and etassware business, going in to some other line of bat-ines. aad hence wi.l sell his goods of this kind regardless of cost. When oa call and get hia price aoa will be convinced that ne means nn neas, aud will believe what be says Catarrh in ths hi vJ. Utu tri:le some and disjruitiaz disease. mv be en tirely cored by a thorjah ire of Hood" 2rsaparilla, tne great wooa panaer. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick bead- cha ia ligation, bilhousaess. A U drag gists e . 1 galloe best vinegar 3 cans fine cove oysters 5 gallons kerosene...... 3 bottles extract, lemon or vanilla Try our new Royal Java eoCee, . better toan Arboekic o Lion. two papers 20oance bar battle Ax neap...... 8 large 14 ounce ban soap.. I loog bar toilet soap 1 box concentrated lye...... 3 lb of soap extract.. 3 lbs of Goid Dost No 1 lamp chimney No. 2 lamp chimney 3 bottle of bluing Beet axl greaee, can.. 2 papers Lion coffee 2 "' Arbnckle coffee 50 tb ak salt 4 pa good corn starch 4 - - gtoss " 3 cans mustard, rinnamrn, sage, pepper, cloves or allspice . 8 lb choice beans Large 10c cake Riling Sun stove potiab .......... 7 lbs bo k A A H soda i papers Anvil soda....... a caaa Oevuea nam... -- Scans sardines We have the best broom, nice painted bandies tor Beet Gunpowder tea Nice corn fed be can Nice bams 5 lb eaa Lard Loaded shells for ea.e 90 lbs rye floor 11 Whole wbeat floor. Graham floor in 5 10 and 25 lb sacks. We have dry goods bran, aborts and chop feed. Come and see na. TERMS CASH, A full fine of tin ware. Butter and eggs taken in exchange ODRJAPACIH ' Is Uneqoaled In the Valley. OUR WORK Is Unsurpassed- In Oregon. We have the best stock to select from and our prices are always the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, Albany. Th Printer THE tal Tahare Salt aa KM! laa aaw Away. To aott totoeo easCy aad torater. be mag Belie, lull ot lite, nerra and visor, take No-To- Bae. lt wnodci worker, utat makes weak waea strong. All drecslst,Keori. t-ur guaran teed. Booklet aoa sample rrea. aouran StarUDC Remedy Co. Calcara or New York. J. Gradwohl Inform the general public that be Mil aa low aa aavboJr in the city tor ash.' Come and get prices before yoa ooy April 1st. 1S97 . - J. wrADWOHi. of fVUJvef Oil fa all of this, REESE -WALTON.-On the afternoon ancl vou stiU have a tonic In of Nov. 24th at the home of T.J. Ris- n0 WT, " cSt,a nl lime ley. by Rev. Ronald McKillop-H. J. 5 the hypopBP1"5 ? ,Ume w , , 1 For thin and delicate children g 5 SJoS" I there fa no remedy r. i. e. McNabb and j to It In the world. It means S Reese and Mrs. E. E. Walton, all of m and soda to act with the food. Benton county, uregon. McNABB LOGAN, Nov. 24, in Alban Mansbsrdt, Mr. L. E. McNabb and mr a T 7mv Airs agues iogan,D0in ot 1,1 nn county V OKSON HARDISTY. At the home of tbe bride's parents near Halsey, on Nov. 17, 1897, by Kev. H. L. Hood, Mr. O. F. Jackson, aon of ex-Hhoriff Jack son, and Miss Rosa Hardlaty. They have tbe beat wishes of many. ffeowrth. strength, plumpness Z . . . .."j X & asid COmtort to tnem jjc sure you get SCOTT femulsion. r jot and ., fifta, -8COTT BOWWB, ChunUts, Kw York, 3e)SC' Hohmi Fati.ity. C. If. Vebrs has lost six horses by some diseaie during the past four months. Mr. Vehrs wrote to tbe best veterinary surgeon in the state Mr. Wirhcowby, of Hillaljoro giving the aymptona of the disease, and Mr. W. writea that it is la grippe. The disease seems to affect tbe spine and kidneya.the animals lose the use ot tbeir iimos ana . Hnn than die in a week or two in a ad state ot mortification. But the dis ease does not affect their appetites, and thA aat hearti v uo to tbe timeot ueam. Mr. venrs tost nuy uoau ui winter from the same or a similar dis ease. Lebanon Advance. Was it Balxsi.- John Holman, tbs Mnial manaserof ths Albany Iron works, combined business and pleasure tn his to the uanitai uuy yeateraay, py superintending the shipment from his foundry per the steamer Albany, of four tons of machinery for the new pumping station at the Oregon state penitentiary, and, it having been safely docked here, be joined ins ismiiy in a juuj, out' fashioned Thanksgiving dinner, return ina to Albany on tbe overland express last nisht. Incidentally with this im- ahlnment Mr. Holman made aa -r ,... nn.rr. mill machinery uiucr w wui WMW v. ... .- tn a .hi n.i yesterday, so taking it all around, he put In quite a buay and hap py day. Btnteaman. ASkcak THtsr. Last evening some one entered Uie room of Miss Flo Min ion, a boarder at Fred Blount's house, the dxr of her room having been left ooen. and stole $6.00 which she had left in tbe room. On next Tuesday a citisens meeting will be held in Eugene to consider the improvement ot the W illamette liver be tween Harrisburg and that city. The river is reported to be in good condition this S'de of Harrisburg. and now tne peo ple of Eogene think they are entitled to aorae ot the benetit of that 1100,000 ap propriation. Karl's Clover Root Tea. Sor Conatipa. Hon it's the Beat and if after using it yoa don't say a return the package and get vour money . Sold by r oshay alaaoa That clean sharp effect on our prigritia I ia had bv knowinar how to do Trees work, I aad by using tbe best material, still the I ones 11 no Dinner mu ure mum &mtiey, tne. primer. THh' BEST Clothes racks snd ironing boards are made by E. B. Davidson. i Sample a Hopkins Bros., where order may be lett- New at tbe Ladies Batsar Linen hem stitched centers for handkerchiefs also footing and val laces for sane. Task Notice Just five day from data in which to pay your dog tax, and then I will na after trie doss if not Urged. Nov 24 K97 E U t'At lU'SUiH Po: ad master Is the beat and yet simplest type wnw manufactured, the consummation w -inventors art. An expert atenographer after using many machiaes, says - 1 " aider the x ost w nnng iauiw ior to any 1 bave yet used-" Call at the DatoctuT office and see one oftbe type writer that baa to have a perrec ssent. ... Alt Typewriters supphes oroereo . F.P.NcTrrso. Agent. Clubbing Rates. Xcrcxs. So'JiKBS, Wtkths These are names that stand for the finest drugs and chemicals in all the world. The kinds most r se 1 at our prescription counter, w e look for the best, we buy tbe best, it is most costly to us. but we know that quali ty is standard tod can be depended upon year in and year out. Burkhart & Lbk. llaaNoEaual Is what a prominent writer savs of iarrev's rasors aad strops. They are known, used and praised every where. Every rotor and strop told under a aruarantee to give perfect satisfaction er ..l L II 1 a . monev retunueo r or saie oy nuranart & Lee. h'ee our line of pocket knives. Every one guaranteed, loc to wi.w. TO CURE A C LD INONiE DAY Take L.axive Bromo Uuintne 1 ablets. AH druzjrtsu refund the money if it fails I ,o Cure. 2So. I W bVntljy. the pioneer boot and shoe man. does hrst-clasa work cheap. Call on him, just north of the Dxmocrat office. The San Francisco Weekly Examiner next year will give to its subscribers a $10,000 residence in San Francisco rent ing for $d0 a month, a SS.S90 U S. bond,a $ I 500 gold nugget and hundreds of other i:. i--- tv, ETtmiiier and ininga. a t" --- Wbkklt DastocBAT for $2.50 a year, with the Daily Dkmockav by mail for io,DT earner S5.75. in advance. The Dxno caat will order only on combination pay- went ST LOUIS REPUBLIC, semi-weekly. one of the best paper in we cnuea States, and the Democrat paw in aavaim, fot only $1 75. A Barrei of genuine maple syrup at parkerBroa. Take your bucaet and get ome. It is cheap but good. tmmiiivr tneive bt whole I J lion to poultry nosing I offer all cept 10 scree of my Farm for Sale It is the Ust located small farm i atten- ex tbe of half mfiea sooth ine otnee mat uoes nign graa pnnung i coon y, .T u. in good atock, for the price of the other Albaay on Tangent roadave good we i, , o:i 1 I i .t U. haildinfi-. briCK cellar Wltn i .i ...rvhrwlv come to tnj star Bakery v ..... 1 - i urfiim - . - and get 4" loaves of fresh bread for ft.o woit vroven wire fence and everyuung ia concrvte flow, apple, pear. plums,quwces, currants. Wackberrie. raspbeme. stra l. .Knndancei for family nse, 200 cash. C Mayas. KdaeateTawr With CuanM Candy Cathartic, core eoostipfctioa forT.r. tOc&a. 'ICftO, fall, dragiasrounl moaay. iAtoo have 2 milch cows and one heife (wiU be freah in Feb.) all high ' deJe Isejs, tor sale cneap. CDbATas.