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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1897)
- r ' i- RIMilMMHpn THE GREAT REMEDY FOR PAM CURES PROMPTLY. LEGAL DIRECTORY; Albany. W R Bilyeu, Foehay & Mason block. J R N Blackburn, P O block. H Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, PO block. J N Dnncan, P O block. T P Hackleman, Pearce block. O E Hawkins, Gusick block. - Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly & Carl, bank building. L H Meitanve, Pearce block. J C Poweir, P O block. J M Somera, P O block. H 0 Wat eon, bank building. Weatherford & Wyatt, Bank bnilding. Whitney & Newport, Ousick!block . Q W Wright, P O block. Lebanon. S M Garland. Brownsrille. A A Tuseing. -DR.C. U, CHAMBERLin BOMOBOPi Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem uoa, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St., near 3d street. DR. JL L.HILL i l 11"! i: First St. I KMT NATIONAL. BANK. o iuisT, oucoa ..l.FLl(S 8,E,TOUWO VteaPrasUant . T a Vti 4ACT3 A 8 kd B L baokhit'basuMaa 'ACCOSTS KEPT rabtoct to .heck. IOresxcSANGC nl t.'eif rphlo ban-, v'' Now York 8u Tndsco.Ctlcaro at 1 4 OL ,TTI0K9 AD hunUt t rms a k rm. a P A Gooawur, t. C. 4. Fuxa. it Unwi Clubbing Hates. The San Francisco Weekly Examiner next year will give to ita subscribers a $10,000 residence in Sn Francisco rent ing for $60 a month, a $3,390 U. S. bond,a $1,500 gold nugget and hundreds of other thines. You can get the Examiner and Wxekly Democrat for $2 50 a year, with the Daily Democrat by mail for $4.25,by carrier $5.75. in advance. The Demo crat will order only on comDination pay nent ST LOUIS REPUBLIC, semi-weekly, nit of the best papers in the United Statee. and the Democrat paid in advance, fotonljtl 75. YourDoctofi Fights. Disease with medicine. 11 the medicine is not right he can not ooaquor disease- If I the druggibt does his dnty the ' medicine will be right, and yonr doctor will stand a fair I chance of winning the victory Ton can beta vor doctor bv having your prescription h!l- j ea at our store Burkhart It Lee. Dr Adams Cnsick Block Albany, Or Painless work a specialty. j. c Limm Gronnd Floor Dental Office. Broadalbin, St Vard Littler. Assistant. Albany, Or. f fRFCTqft ANDPURIT? Tea Coffees 5picea ExtracU at our expense if you're not pleased F E ALLEN 4 CO. Baking Powder J WATCHES 3 .4 If you want a good reliable watch on French " the jeweler. (Bank of Oregon building.) V e have the goods, tbeqtianty guaranteed and the prices are right. J.M. RALSTON 3 Doo s East of Democrat Office. Moniy to loan on farm security, all mall loans mtdeon personal security. City, county and school warrant bought. Collections made on favorable terms. Fire uwurance written in three of fhi arg t companies in the world, at lowest rates- Mill lot Sale. For ale or will exchange for improved real rstate, a Urge, well equipped sawmill, in rood running order, j bi. mill i sl'u atei adjacent U a large timber belt and' has fi e shipping facilitiei. Here is a barga'i'. for aome odb. For further par Ucuiara er quire of The Stewart A Sox Hdw Co., Albany, i'r. - " V T K Sk I fir aswaa in 1 1 Albany TradingCo K. w. Morris, Manager. Here are a few of onr bargains : 16 lbs granulated sugar $ I 00 Auinsvllle flour, per sack 105 20 lbs rice ' 1 galloa best vinegar 8 cans fine cove oysters 25 5 gallons kerosene 85 3 bottles extract, lemon or vanilla 26 Try our new Koyal Java coffee. better tnao Aroucxie oi uiou, two papers 20 ounce bar battle Ax soap 8 large 14 ounce bars soap I long bar toilet soao 1 box concentrated lye........... 3 lbs of soap extract 3 lbs of Gold Dust No 1 lamp chimney No. 2 tamp chimney 3 bottles ot bluing 25 C6 25 OS 05 20 20 05 10 26 Best axle grease, can. 10 2 papers Lion coffee 25 2 " Arbuckle coffee 25 50 lb sk salt 4 pa good corn starch :.. 4 " gloss " 25 3 cans mustard, cinnamcn, sage, pepper, cloves or allspice 25 8 1 bs choice beans 25 Large 10c cake Rising Sun stove polish 6 7 loa bu.k A A H soda 2 5 papers Anvil soda 25 5 cans deviled ham 25 Scans sardines 25 We have the best broom, nice painted handles for 25 Beet Gunpowder tea : 30 Nice corn fed bnean 10 Nice hams U 5 lb can Lard 50 Loaded ahella for aa.e 60 lbs rye flour 11 ' Whole wheat flour. Graham flour in 5 0 and 25 lb sacks. ' We have dry goods bran, shorts and ; chop leed. Come and eee us. TERMS CASH. A fall line of tinware. Batter and eggs taken in exchange. Honey to Loan. We have a block of $40,000 to loan on good farms in Linn and adjoining count- im If you have good security and peifect title, we can furnish you the coin without delay, as we mate our own examination of security. all on us or write 8. N. Ptmle Co. Albany, Oregon. Commercial Printing On Good Stock Quiet Wort Eii! Prices SM1L.EY THE PRINTER Brown Block, Broadalbin St "sJ JM. a .,J tiwqa JW .1' .T 45 mi For sale ly J. A. Cnrnmiog. SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. No question ahont full and prompt roent of losses by fire on inauiance plao c with tbe leading agent of Albany. M. San ders. 'Tbafs vhatHe Insures People Fcr Don't ahow yonrwlf to Le roped inio tn various "Local Mutuals" now heme poshed on you mm being "cheapest In surance, when ou insnre you do aoi want to worry about eeUir.g Tourtnonev i case of lots . M SENDERS Inanrance. Hay. Grain and W oo'.. FRANK SKIPTON ?uccessor to JoIlii Fchmee. Livery at Reasonable Hates W JJ keep (earns for 10 cents, with feed 40 cents, all night $100 LOOK HERE. The Oregon School Supply House, Incorporated of Albany, Has en e to stay t.nd is now prepared to lurnieli school districts with every thing needed in the line of school furni ture and apparatus, such as seats, desks, maps, charts, globes, blackboards and in fact ailof the necessary articles which go to and are. required in the school room. We are also general agents fur the famous Kennedys Dissecting Mathe matical blocks for teaching of mensura tion and teachers instruction. The blojki are indespensiable in tbe school room, and boards of directors will do well to come and examine them and see for themselves. These blocks are uni versally endorsed by the best teacheru and educators in the land and are to he seen to be appreciated. Give us a call. uur pries are the lowest and onr terms the best. Office Surahan Bl;ck, Room 20, Uj stairs. Orsgon School Supply Hocsg. FOSHAY & MASON -Wholesale k Retail - - DRUGGISTS 1BD BOOKSELLERS ALBANY. OREGON. Pure Drugs and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. A Hard Word Perterverauce! Can von spell it T And ita meaning, can you tell It? If yon stick to what you're doing, Study, woik or play pursuing, Every failure bravel meeting, Bravely eacn attempt repeating, Trying twice and thrice and fourtimea, Yes a hundred, evn more times, Youcansoellit! Yon can spell It! And Us meaning, you can lell it! Anna M Youth's Companion. $1,000,000,000 is a good deal of money, but that is the amount that changes hands in lbs United States every waek This is a business country, and we count our money by the millions. Those Wisconsin foot ball players are game. After Wisconsin University de feated Chicago that University offered them $5000 just to play another game, and they refused it with scorn. Such i the foot ball spirit of the day. The Goldendale Klondike collapsed - There was nothing in it. Nine out ol ten Klondike will fail in the same way. Tbey are generally mads up of more wind than whistles through Chil cootpaee.or a Nebraska man's whis kers. From the Boston Post: Tbe monument dedicated to tbe mem ory ot Elijah P Livejoy. at Alton, III., yesterday, has a deeper significance than that ot the memorial ot no individual. It symbolises the devotion of the American people to the doctrine ot tree speech. It is a monument a tree prees These are the liberties -r whicn Love joy lived and for which he died. From tbe Cleveland Leader. "A dispatch from Washington says many of the Republican Congressmen attribute tbe Democratic gains in tbe recent election to the President's course in upholding tbe eivif service law, and for that reason it Is believed a tenons attempt will be made to repeal or modify the law at tbe coming seion ot Cong rets. Tbe Leader Joes not agree witb that belief. Congressmen may talk against tbe civil service law and say tbey favor its repeal, bnt they do not mean what they say. Nearly all tbe Congress men are g;ad that tbe law is in force. It is a great protection to tbem against the norde of office seekers. From the Pittsburg Timas A few years aso. when the electric light began to be introduced, there were manv who predicted that the era ot gas was over and that ita manufacture wonld soon be a dead industry. As oredicted, the electric light came into general use, and the tarnishing of It and tbe manu facture of appliances for tbe same are among tbe great indoatriet ot tbe nation. Bat what bas gas been doing in themean time? It has gone on increasing its out- put and extending itt ntefulnest jutt aeiTS1 undoubtedly ibt will ot tbe ranidly as the electric light, while evry gas plant is worth tar more than it waa before the electric light was demonstra ted to bei a commercial succeae- At tblt very moment there it more money seek ing investment in gas plants and gat ap pliance than ever txtore. Saturday afternoon Coacb Blots, com ing down town after tbe foot ball prac tice gance, met a middle aged man oo the street, crying and pointing upward witb bia bands- Tbt man paid no at tention to inquiries and teemed to be insane. Chief of Police Walla was noti fied and took the fellow in charge. He made quite a scene when te found b was finely etcorted to jail and bad to be carried. He was or pretended to be deaf and dumb, but would or could not respond to the deaf and dumb alpbapct on either one or two binds. Ha wrott tbat be wished to go to Philomath to tbe chief sent bim on bia way. He was Ttry quiet and rational appearing when injail. Timer. A huge anaconda on exhibition at Philadephia severely injured Samoa' Masher, the museum watchman, and crushed to deatb a valuable trick pony. Tbe pony waa tied to a feed box along eiJe tbe anaconda's cage. Hasher saw the reptile bad worked one ot tbe boards of its cage loose sndjhsd stretched on a short distance He pushed the board to, believing tbe anarunda wonld pull within ita cage again. Instead, It wrig g'ed ont and wrapped itself several times a'wat Hasher. The latter screamed lor h'lp and the pony, Irigblen'd by tbe b'g reptile, began jamp'ng about. This saved Masher's life, for the rep tile nnwonnd itself from bim and ' com pletely encircled tbe poney. Mash fell o tbe floor unconscious. H ben a num ber of employes reached tbe scene, the snake began to unwind itself,andappear ed to begetting ready for the fight. The men kept aloofuntil a lasso was obtained and the snake fiaally made aecare. Several o(Mashers ribs wre broken. and ne waa taken to a hospital. Cut ioua Facts. Beat holidays have been established by law in tbe public schools of Switzer land. Recognizing the well known tact that the brain cannot work properly when the beat it excessive, tbt children areaiemissea notn tneir tasks whenever the thermometer goes above a certain point .... . . who owns tne glaciers and moraine of Saritzerland the stsU, ihe caotoos, or the townships? Asnograss grows on them, no one seems hfareto'ore to bave cared who owns tbem, but by a recent decision In tbe Canton Valais, tbey be long to the coumuoitiet within whose limits they he , A citizen just rjturned from Paris de scribes a very inicenions device has been adopted thers for the use in cabs. It la a register that indicates the exact distance automatically the cab traveslt on a trip, and at the end displays the amount of the legal fare for tbat distance for the inforjiatiou of the passenger. la F run cm wunn are admitted as students in the universities on the same c as men, and eligible for tbe diplomas conferred on malt students In 8etgium there is a statutory equally for men and women. It is the same In Holland, and statiet'ci show tbat the! number of women students it steadily J increasing. Some years ago an English lady who was in Egypt bought a terra cotta cat wb'ch she with ber own eyes saw exca vated from a pi'e of turns, the was very,' i -1 1 i i . . i . prouu oi per possession, sou iook Ihe beat possible care of it. A littlt while ago it was knocked down and broken. and she found the head atnffed with English papers of comparatively recent date. boot bll ii, and foot ball it not. That ) is about the tiie ot the discuasion. There have been enough big gold strikes In the U S recently to fill all the mints in prospecto Bit most of it is only a chimney biun'ng nut. Chaa. A' Danna left a fortune val ued at over $2,000,000 made out of the newspaper business. A good many editors are millionaires in their minda. U S Grant, a son of the late US Giant, is a candidate for U S senator from Cal ifornia, a U 8 Grant would make an interesting feature in that body. It is doubtful If the junior can ever fill the shoes of the senior. Tom Reed, it Is reported will retire from Congress, move to New York and devo'e himself to business, tie is ant ed there in big commercial Interests. Certainly He is on the inside wiih all the big trusts and other concerns oi wealth. F.oin the Baltimore Herald. The Diario de la Maiina, of Havana, is authority for the statement that 08, 60J Cubans have died ot starvation with in two mouths. And sow say that Spain nill hat tLs rights in Cuba which ! thisconotrv is bound to respect. From th Cleveland Plain Djaler. Poet-Author Joat Chandler Harris bas sent a Jersey cow with bis beat love to little Urover Cleveland. He raised tbe cow himself, and probably hopes the tiny stranger will enjoyfreqaent extracts from one ot bis best works. It is declared that when Congress meets, Spain will tremble. Perhaps so, perhaps not. Congress is sneb and un certainty that it is not sate to predict what the will do. It is doubtful if after all there is much trembling in tbe met tor. The Portland merchants have been visiting eeveia! North West towns in a body, in tbe interest of Portland's com mercial trade. It is time that this city got a pretty live movement on in this respect. Tbera are several Northwest cities that are reaching out for tbe trade and it will take rustling to secure its share alone." When the Willamette valley grU down to business making rain it will ask no odds ot any country except Skagnay. Next fail we expect to show soma fine crops to pay for iu After all we have only about titty inches a yar, ard a country wbat can't scatter fifty inches ot rain la twelve months i not toich good as a natural irregator. Albany's indebtedntts pet capita is about tii, white tbat ot New Yoik city is $58 32. We are not at all Jealous of tbe metropolis ot the Cntted Slates. She it welcome to her big dabf . and Albany instead of trying to equal her will try to rsdnce her indebtedness, or shoo'.d. people. Tb'.s it tbe way a Justice of tbt peace iu Yamhill county married a couple from tbe back woods: "By tbt authority vetted in ml ai aa officer of tbt state ot Oregon ; by tbt virgin forest that spread about na in soblt grandeur; by tbt bowl ot tbt fox hound and tbt coon dog. and by tbt morning glory whose clii a'tng tendril Is will sbade your bumble dwell, ing place ; by tbt btir of tbt great btac k bear and tbt daws of tbt pantbtr ; by tbt quills of tbt badge bog; by tbt juice ot tbt blackberries whose sweetness Silt your heart witb joy; by the heavens and tbt earth and tbt things nnder the earth n tbe pr rtence of theet wit newts. I pronounce yen man and wife." Ex In France every post office is a saving bant. Any ptrton, man, woman or . .. ... w u., u-pvuwi . by tbt government at tbt rattol2H p. r cent per annum. On the December 1 of each year tbt inttttt is added to tl e principal. No person can deposit to ex cetd 303 in aov oos year. Wbei a depositor's amount bas reached $300 be is notified and ran either withdraw bit money or exchange certificate of de posit for government bonds, which draw 3 per cent. On December 31, 1896, there were 2,688,730 depositors in Fr Oo July 31, 1896 tbt number of depositors bad increaced to 2,825,226. Dr. T. J. Lee. Speaking of Dr T j Lee, ot Indrpen denre, who died on Nov 17, the Enter prist says : His death came almost without warning-, caused by paralysis ot the heart. The tod was peaceful and quie. When the ftal attack came everthina was done that medical skill con Id do to ward off tht i-r pending stroke, but In vain. Dr Lea waa about 45 years ot t tod bad been a resident of Oregon sirc.-eary bobood He was a graduate of a lead ing medical college In St. Loui. Mo , and bfgan the practice o." hie profession in Ibis city in 1870, forming a copartner ship witb tbe lata Or J E Davidetn. Ha t onct gained tbe confidence and esteem of the people, and toon established to extensive practice. Few physicians of Polk county ever built np so large a practice or won to warm a place in tbe bearta of the people, none ever euipats ed him. Dr Lee waa a stung character, aggress ive but sympathetic; stern and uobend iog in the line of duty, but tender at a woman to the cry of distress. He loved his friends and had charity even for bis enemies. He bad the democratic faculty of making himself affable witb all class as ot people, tbe high and tht lowly, tbt rich aod tbt poor; modest in his person al bearing, but possessed a magnificent physique which attracted attention. The doctor filled several civic and political positions with honor to hlmre'l aid eredit to his constituency He suved several terms at corooer of Polk ounty, and was elected mayor of this city in December, 1896, -manifesting marked exective abilitv in his adminis tration of the afiVra of the cUy, be was also elected to the legislature in ISM, a id was a .conspicuous figure in that mnmorable session. lie haves a wife aod daughter, Myrtle. several brother and one sister. The funeral wat preached at the Auditori um this afttroon at ana o'clock, R-v 0 U Pollnw. nf T.tvfaaatt nffli-lnrim. Tl.. UDerBi b0(j burial exercises were con- dnetad nml tha mr.U. nf T .a. r .l... -w wMwaravw-sw s a-s F s tUUlagaj A F & A M, of tbit city, A large audi euct were in attendance. Tbe remains wart Interred In tbt I O 0 F cemeter. Kaw al the Ladies Bsziar. L'wn hem. ititched centers for haodki robieft also footing and vsJ laoea for same. J W Bentljy, tbe piootwr hoot and shoe man, does first-class work cheap. Call on bim, just north of the Democrat office. TREATMENT FOR WEAK MEN. TRIAL. WITHOUT EXPENSE. The famous Appllanoasnd Remedies of theKrieMedlml C. now lor lh llrst time ottered on trial without ixno to any honeat man. Not m dollar to be paid In advance. Cure R IT acta of Error, or Excessee In Old or Youngr. Manhood Fully llestored. How to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Portions of Body. Absolutely unfailing Home Treatment. No Co. D. or other Mb. me. A plain oiler by a firm of high standing. feme iicninn nn 64 niaoarast.i ILnib lill.liiWHL UUi IwrrAU! Hi. T SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS This is the end of a genuine webfoot week. How the rain did pour down part of the tiin-. pitchforks downward, into tbe hills, into the valleys, every where. And the river rose, and the ground was si.ked full, and the roads became masses of mud, in regular web foot style. We all got soaked. Nex year, though e will reap the harves't and it is a fact that the raioy weather is about the healthiest of the year Duriaot continues to be somewhat oj a theme. Would it be bad if be didn't bave much time to think about being banged. Poor fellow, he's bad only two years aud ttvsn months already. And then bow much time did Blanche La monte and Minnie Williams have to think ot death. There bas been alto gether too much foolishneea. The fact is tbe rase has been a disgrace to Ca'i fornia jurisprudence, and ttare asham ed of our sister state. Wdl Cuba ever cease iz be a theme for a Saturday night thought. This week Cuba has been mentioned frt queot iy, but there is being nothing settled. There is some emore, but no genuine fife yet. Perhaps some day there wilt be tome fire, but where is it romicg from. Who hat the match. Wedcn'tknow. Tbe first snow of the season tell in the Willamette valley this week. ' Now snow Is not iodiginous tu this valley bv any means, and altogether we do not get much, so when it dos come it is worth noticing. Other couiicent i not neces sary. It is not often that n Francisco tbows toy real sent. In fact that city probably does more fool things than any city in the U. S. But ttis wtk in ignor ing the Sharkey-Goddard tight it did en title itself to a long credit mark. Even if prixe fighting was to be endotsed inch a man as Sharkey would be en titled to no consideration at el-. There has tven tome talk ot tbe city elect too, but it bas been ot a wandering character, and hardly defiant in iu character. In fact one can hardly pot ones fingers on city election matters on ttl lb city coo vi ttoL. In the circuit court th'a has been di vorce caae week. It is pirating to oote in this connection that the, e were fewer cases that osual. At a warnii.g if for nothing else, divcrce laws shouKJ be very strict. In tbe first iiare people sboutd not get married noli! they know imetbing about what they are doing. There are too many marriages without any consideration cf She rponitii!"li of the act . 1 tie l-.oitlieh ooe day Una werk were whipped by tbe Afghans, a bat be rout people unused to warfare. Tl.e I'xwo raar believes tbat most of tbeee little wart of England, which ara continually taking place, are unnecessary tod oo jitlifitd, and admits that it rather feels good when H reads of an Fngltsh rielea in ont of them. England baa iocg lorded over too many of tLeie weak httie cocntries, and once in awhile desertes a good thrtshioa. jell are ever m rujicaious for , tiMln-Tll. M tie , . . ' A good word is an easy obligation ; but act to speak i 1 rrq tUes on'y our silence, and cottt ns notning rillotsjn For drookeneva, driok coid water; for health, rise early; to be happy, be hon est; to please all mind your own bust neat. Franklin Beware f Ointments tor Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will surelv destroy tbe ten of soellacd completely drrance the whole syste-n when entering it through the mu coa i surfaota. Such article soojld or be used except oo preacriptioas from reput able physicians, aa toe damage tbey will do is ten fold to the good you can psibiy derivtfrom. Hal.'a Catarrh Core, maou fa -lured by F J Cheney tt Co, Toledo.Obio, contains no mercury, aad is taken intern ally, acting directly upon tbe blood and morons surfaces -d the system. In having Hall's Cate.rrh Cure b sm you get tbe genuine. It is tskeo internally, aod made in Toledo. Ohic, by F J Cteney Co. Testimonials free. Sold bv dromr ta. price 75c per bottle. Halls Fami'y Pills are tbe best. What Ur A E Salter Says. i . . uurri.-i, i i. ttea'.a: rrou my personal knowledge. ga:ned in observing the effect of your Shlloh's Cure in cases of advanced Constipation, I am prepared to aay it l tbe most rema'ka'jle Kerned) that has ever been br-uht to my atten tion. It hat certainly avd many from Consumption. SoU br Foshay Ma son. the PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Baked Goods Isat Parser Bros- Everybody kuows where their place ia. They keen a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all a.ike. You may regret some steps yon take in Ufa tut none taken into the store -f Parker Bros. It it a grett thing to be well fed. Par ker liros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but voo want it well made. Try Parker Bros. Steamer Kutli. The OR NCo's steamer Kuth will -re sume regular tripa commencing Thursday Nov. 1 1th lnving Allmny for PortUnd aud way porta on Mondava Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 A M Leave Portland fo.' op rirer points on l'u(wla?s Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 A M. Tbe office that d es high grade printing on eoi 1 atock, for the price of the o her kind. Smiley, Ihe printer. C ASTORIA For Ii-faaU and Children. fit fa .."Us stgutars tf toes stsrr MISFITS At San Francises last night Sharkey whipped Goddard in six rounds. Tbe people of that city showed their good sense by staying away from the tight. The wearing of short skirts by ladiet duiiog the winter months is one of the nioat sensible things that can le sug gested, Not too short, but just short enouieh. A reporterssked a German friend who lives on the creek if the Hoods iioihered bin). Ilesaid: "No, die ganze Nacli barschalt iat versoffen atfar ah bin noth obendraut." Salem Journal. Goveinor Kogers, of Washington, in his thanksgiving proclamation booms bis stale w'th great enthusiasm, making very interesting boom literatuie. It takes sort of a semi-crauk at least to do a thing like that. The Albany Democrat man is not only a pianist and a linguist, but an iuventor. lie lectures his readers on the correct way to spell "peraeverence." Salem Journal. The Democrat tuln is neither a pianist, linqniat, inventor or lecturer. J ever touched us! Turkeys tre only 7 cents a pound in the Miuippi valley, the expresaage here is 5 cents, and then they are as cheap as Oregon turkeys, says an exchange, hicb declares that the price heie is too high. But this is not tbe Miasistippi valley. At the present writing McEwen. the Hypnotist, is decidedly ahead. Besides he is gelling more advi-rtisii g than moot any man in Oregon. He will be in Al bany December 6, and no doubt, our citizens will wish to see and judge for themselves. The following is a funny but serious item in the Astoria News: We don't mind people coming to see us- -in fact we are always glad to have our friends visit us, but we would like to imprest upon tbe miods ot several cbair-waruaert tbat we ate running a paper, not a loaging boute. Tbe other Sl?ru editors teem to be very jealous of Gov. Fletcher, of the In dependent, on account of the lavor wirK which bit lecture on Tilling tbe 8oil l.s been received It it said to bi deep fur row, bnt not all vegetables. There are glenty of flowers in it and eooogu spice to make it entertaining. I). P. Thompson. ex-miri c to Tur key, and Gov. Fletcher, of the Salem In dependent, bave been invited to lecture at Lebanon tbia winter. Tbt Dkkocsat man intends to tit on the fenca an ! aee tbem go by, one Portland's most inde pendent citixen.the other Oregoc 'a great- si wit. A resilient of the lake country south of Florence fnlorms ns that there U a bov six years of age in hia ceigbborhood who bas attended school lor three month this fall, says tbe Florence Wet:. Al though tht boy can talk all right, tbe teacher says ttat during the entire term, though be watched him closely, played witb him at no jo and recce and made special efforts to induce the by to talk, be never beard bim speak a word. J Scbaarta, of Portland, bas invented and obtained a patent for a potalvdig- gsng machine which be claims discounts the Lebanon digger, made bv Blacklaw and r rook Bros Mr Scbwartt says bis machine can die, pick aod sack from 1,000 to I 2U0 t ishrls in ooe day, re quiring the seme of ooly two men and two horses. Moreover, it iseorts the potatoes, putting the targe ones in one ark aud the rn.ail one m another. Advance. Cap'ain Uarry L. tVella. who bas re turned from a two weeks' tour of Cali fornia, says that there will be heavy immigration to Otegnu aod the Pacific coast i hi winter. Tht tde of Utavel which several Kaittero radroad cooj paoiet direct to the South every year bat been turned by tbe yellow fever epi demic, and much of It will come to Ore gon and Ca'ifomta. Otegooian. Governor Bu Id, of California, issued a proclamation that waa a abort as Gov. Lord's was long. Here it it in full ex cept the red tape part: Thursday. November ?5lh, A. D 1S97, is hereby appointed a dav of poUic tbankesiviisg. On said day'let tbe rxo pie of this sute give thanks to the Al mighty God for the manifest blecaing enjoyed by us during U e part year; ant! in recognititn of said blessings let us mingle with our thanks such tlms as onr hearts may dictate aod our purtet al low. Four tad boys in Walla Walla stole into Palee'a opera bouse aod secreted tbemselve in the loft witb tbt inten tion ot slipping down in lime to tee the show. Jun before tbe performance be gan they ventured to move about, and one of them fell partially through the olaetered ceilicg, greatly amusing tbe au dience and giving their plo away. A policeman called the bma down from their lofty perch tbem to the city cooler lor an bour or two. The Misfit column it not noe-tidej. It tries to give til axpectt of leading mat ters. Grandpa Fletcher, tl tbe Salem Independent, thus punt lures foolbail: There is th s, too, to t e offered in U vor of prize fighting wneo contra jtet ith football. There is great skill, if not science, in the art of boxing. There is also some lair-nlav and decencv. If one fishier knorks au the- down, he is not allowed to jump on top of him, ana knock his wind out and sometimes hit life. In football it ia all. a brutal strug gle 8till and science plays but a small cart. In o her words, the greatest brutes win. Ralph Watson writes some entertain ing letters froo Stanford University to the Salem Journal. In hie last he says: hearing everyone from Kurinai'stwellett dude to Koble't most aueenlv dame talking of "cramming" and "plugging" and "stuffing." No more do you hear of "cold throw downs" ard "dead flunks" nor do the blushing coeds murmur ot "most awfully agonising mathematical examinations ' or of "sweetly delicious snaps;" intead, the only topics ot con versation now art: Daley's sixty yard run, Cotton's center drive, Chester's goal kicka and other entertaining items oi football prowess. The New York World, in i s report of the Guldenauppe murdt r trial, now go ing oa in that city says : " Women rush to hear the proceedings. They crowded the galleries and revel iu the tale of hor rors." These same women, the Demo. crat will wager, would look with horror ou the game of football on account of itt roughness, and yet tbt Guldensuppe trial is the narration of the cutting up of a human bodv and its distribution in different parts of the city. Theo American Bible Society asked Gov. enn yer ior a contribution. He re sponded in hit unique way as follows: "I acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 10th inst, asking for a contribution for the American Bible Society ,and have read the inclosed circular, stating that, owing to the shrinkage in the gifts oi the living and the falling off of legacies at the same time, the expenditures of tht society for the last two v.ars have ex ceeded the e wipta by $156,050 I also notice a' New York ditpatcb in theOre gonian that the Bible house Is for tale, as rentals bave diminished nd expenses which were formerly defrayed 'rom this account bave to be met in other ways. 1 sincerely regret to say that the same cause tbat hat been instruuieidal in the -shrinkage ot gifts, the falling off legacies and diminishing of rentals, so crippling to the great wotk of tbe uibie society, has also been instrumental in the shrinkage ot my ability to render It my aid. I hope that every friend of the Bible society and every friend of humanity wII aid in overturning tbe tingln gold basis the cause ol tint universal shrinkage- and in the restoration of ailver aa standard money, whereby the Bible society can be rettored to itt lormtr uaefulnest. and I can be rettored to an ability to aid it." TELEGRAPHIC. Re Bat Bailway Wasihwotok, Nov 15. The probabil ities are that a coat railway will never be constructed at Tne Dalles. Chkirtnao looker, of the river and harbor commit tee, has made an examination of tbe ra pids, and will interest himself more or leas in several matters which will require appropriations from bia committee. Mr. Hooker is very reticent about expressing hia viewa, but there were other members of ibe river and harbor committee with him on bia wea'ern trip, and tbe Oregoniaa I correspondent has been able to learn that ! tbi. boat railway plan will not be approved in tbe next session cf congress. Draw Br la Hhlu Barac Rapid ..8SOBAT' Alka. Nov. 12. per steamer Al-Ki. to Settle. Nov. 19 t.'ews reached here tonight of the drowning of two men belonging to the party of Colonel Will E t lsber, of San Francisco, in the White f one rapids Nov, 4, Jmsb Kali Beat Aklixotom, Nov. 19 Joseph Baird. a ell koown citizen of this couoty, waa found dead near the doorstep of bis home, ner Joseph yesterday. Mr. baird was a batcbelor and lived alone. He waa last aeen alive last Wed neiday by aome woeat haulers, bo observ ed biin passing from bis stable to bis house. A Btewanl STered Ousbxt Citt. Nov. 19. There is much excitement in and aroond Chetco. as tbe result of tbe killing of voong Cool idge by tbe Van Petls, over the townsit question. Coolidn senior, a capitalist of Silverton Or ha offered a reward of 4500 for the arrest and coavirtion ot tbe various members of the Van Pelt and accessories to the murder. TW War Eae4 New Tor. Nov 19. A Herald from Madrid tats: special to tb The aecretarv ot war and f h ni. ,.l tbe col3nies bave recei red dipatchea from the governor general of the Pnilipinrs ear ing that the insurrection there baa been brought to an end by means of nesrotiatirns undertaken and condoitrd by the natiTea tbenseltea. A aa Sea lew re ArTiS. lex., Nov. 19 loday in the wa t etcenrt bere. L I Fisher and relix Woife rteaded guilty to robbing the Iner- I - tiooal A Great Northern train at Mc eil. 12 mile above bere. on UctoLei 12. aad were sentencef to 50 aod 45 years, re spectively, to tne penitentiary. sMaacw Mitnlkl New York. Nov. 11 A dispatch to tfce Herald from Havanaa says: There ia no aiga of tbe appearance of the fall text of the promised reforms, and in eonstqTjeoce the hopes of tbe most cptim iatic aotonotnUta are dwindling. Tbe tacit lies not with General Blanco. There ia every reaon to believe tbat his promises en arrival were made ia good faith, lie is erideaUv deeply iutued at tbe false posi- . . : i vi . i . .... .nra mi w uicu oe is piacea . tie cwoh d a dar or two ago M Madrid, saying General j V ejler bad -e-eired bim at to the coodt- i tion of the army aad the government. CaaspeUaur rrtsawrra art ce WASHiworos. Nov. 13 Miniater Woodfora bas telegraphed tbe state de partmeot 'bat the Spanish cabinet baa notified him that the qien ha t pardoced tb Competttor prisoner. The state de partowat aaaooncew aat the Competitor prisoners were tamed over to Consul Gen eral Lew last Mondav. aad will be seat by him direct to Ne York. a TssrlwU asanas Astoria. Nov. H. One of tbe worst storata ever known h-re has prevailed the hut twe dava. At tbe cue U at niKt this morning tbe wind waa b'owug 7 to S4 mile per hoar . Ihe et c waa from the southwest and tbe mobtit of the river was obauired by a thick fog. Ships neither alied from or arrived ia toe fcarhor todav Tbe sttrm increased la mry after nu-iaigbt and became a hurricane at 7 o'clock tnu nursing. A Terrlk-e aerMeaa LojtDos. Nov. 1S dupaich from Btnin describes a terrible fatality ia Po land While a recest pretora:aoce of wild beaata and their tawer wa in prtHrma at a village near Koaovo.Polaa I. the lioa lamer waa killed by a Itos and a tigres. A fearful panic eosaed among tbe arecta tor. and 6J persona were crbed to aVatb Tacoha. Nov. IS. A cMnuok wind anl ram is playing; havoc through out Western Washington Telegraph wire are down ia all directions, nvers aad email streams are son and railroads are suffer ing from flooded tracks. A Ledger special says tbe mouaUia strewma have swolen tie Saooomiab nrjr beyond tbe highest mark erer known. Tarter Weanews Losdo. Nov. tl. A dUpalco. rrotn Constant no pie says tbe Turkish gut em inent has agreed to I e de wands of tbe Aoatriaa rovtramta-; th.t the vaii of ABdaaa ar.d M iaa hav Lees deposed; tbat the victim oi the retrace will be l-j-dtmntSed. aad that tbe ui:an baa cotaee ted to pay tbe claims of Ue Oriental rail road, which waa operated by the Anttrain company, paying $ 1 2S8.0V0. beta tbe balaace d-e tbe comnanv fur the rtmnt. anceof Ttt-kub troops duricg tbe recent war wiiu time. WawM be aa t)wlrae Uadkid. Nov. 17 Tbe report tbat the government intends, ia rehirw for his ser vicea as gorenor-general of Cu bi, to ap point General Wejler governor general of tbe Philippines ia officially dejied. According to a dispatch from S inlander on the Bay of Bucay. the parlwan ot ey r are making lavish preparaUsat to we come nim on bia return. taaae AsHstSMau WasntsoTos, Nov. 17 Tne president woay niaae ine lot owing appointment a : loaeph A Clifford, aent for Indiana at Tongue Rirer agency Montana. Jonathan W Crumpacer, of Indiana, as sociate jiwtioe of toe supreme court for the bfrritory of New Mexico George A Lotie. Dtwlmir l t:.,!.) . A rat laws (Ule AarvRiA. for 17. A furious irala hu j . "" o inia morning, tow increasing, ice wind IS bio ug oj miles a? hour at the cape. No snips nave arr ve . or departet. The mouth ot the river ta ooacured bv beavv for an.l rain . The steamer State of California, due iois morning it is presume 1. is It ing out side near tbe lightship. latallr Barae Bakhr Cut. Nov. 17. Mrs E M Ford, wife of Enguei- Ford, of the Sampler alley rati wry, wag seriously burned last night by the explosion of a lamd, and died this evening. A 5 year old child carried a caoy out oi ins house and saved it from a similar fate to that of the mother. A Xewsaawer Ckaag Oiieoo Cmr, Nov. 17. Miu Meegte, of f t. Helena, will take pcoaesion of the Oregon Ciy Enterprise, next Monday, nn- uer a conditional tease troai Vbarlea Me terve. Mr Beegle bat sold his interest ia the St Helert Mist, which heob-uiaed from Mr. Meaerve a few years age, to hts part ter, David Davis. Magnolia Llevators. The undersigned have rented tbe Magnolia Elevators at the west end ot First street. Albany Oregon, at the ap proach to the tteel bridge, and will con duct a general grain warehouse business. Persons wishing to store or tell wheat or oats will do we'l to tea ut before mak ing their arrangements. Ko Goixt, W. L. Vrc S. E. Young. That clean sharp effect on out- printing it had by knowing how to do rres work, and by iiaiog the beat material, still the price ia no bigher than the other kind. Smiley, the printer. Let everybody come to t.-.t btar Bikeri and get r Ve ot I reah bread for $1 oe cash. CMXYBI. Mohic Mitt Milarca Burmettsi toacher of piano or organ. System tht mason toucu and technique. Keaidens Fifth street, opposite U P chutch. A stylish line of fur collarettes, canes, muffs and children sets jutt received at the Ladies Baaaar. To Cs-.s Coa.n potion tarser. ..fake Oucareu Candy Catharila 10a or Bo, It U C C. fall to cure, druutlau reraod mow. I Oualitvir w- -Wte aj-r in i a a imuiiti-. r wr J j Tobacco above all other brands. & f A Buy the NEW FrV E-CENT November 15, 19S7. Editor Democrat: Elder Strev teller a preacher in the Evangelical church, bat been preaching t tbe DeYaney school boose for tome weeks and bas eighteen con verts and a pro peel of 10 or 12 more. Geo. DeYaney hat been to Gates for tome catt'e be bad bought there, be re turned home yesterday. He goes to Albany tomorrow on basins. Sterling Bilrea is Tisiting bit titter at tbia place. Miet Matilda Jeeter baa returned from a visit to Washington. Mr and Mrs Richardson have returned from Kastern Oregon, where tbey spent tbe summer. I understand tbey expect to porcbase a farm and locate near bere. There are tome friends of William Goint jast arrived from Tennessee. Tney are visi;in and looking at the country. Tbey teem to be pleased witb what tbey bave seen. " A nephew ot Mrs William Goin it Tis iting in the neighborhood and ia bwtbly pleated with both people and country. - Mr and Mra S D Titos returned today from a visit to Lebanon, where they had been in attendance at the Missionary Baptist church at tbat place. A J Pierce and WUliaar DeYaney are ; cutting wood for A 4 Deraner. Tbt good weather maket quite a ca!l for hands to dig rmtaloes, aeveral bave not yet finished digging. There teem to be some peculiar dis ease among some of tbe horses of this vicinity. MrFLSehale bat already lost two fine mates and hat anothet one tick. S 11 Goin wants ?0 or toads of 1st class potatoes at once. He offers tbe top price for good shippers. Taerebaa been'a large acreage'of wheat, cheat and oatt already sown in' tbit vi cinitv and many are not nearly done. Mies Mand Kelly is teaching a splen did term of school, pupils are aa well p'.eaeed at they well can be, and are ad vancing rapidly and permanently. A csr PxVsov. WL: a genteel parlor game foot ball 4, what a refined friendly contest any way. A writer in tbe Examiner well U luetrate this tact in bit writenp of tbe great game on Saturday between Harvard and Yale. He say : For almost two boors tbe tide of battle I twayed and twung from mark to mark. up and down tbe long held, with the u-ed g ants in tbe ruth knet btuering'and tug ging at each other witb bearta of fire and ! bngersot fury. Never an inch ot that wide gray sward that wa net paid for in blood or b-uieet of b.ue or itimson. Never a roth into tbe rue that wa not marked with tbe strain of interlocking limbs and muscles that would have up rooted a monnmenU From end to end of tbe battle each minute was marked by desperate deeds. When tbe tight enotd tne oati wat oa 1 ale s tweatv vard line - a ..... i " tt was red with blood. There were aplasnet of crimson on Donald's hair. There were toachee of it here and there al! along the line. Cabot's left eve was pulled into a tale bine, shaw't jacket wat blooilv. Haskell's had been before him. But blond amounts to only a farth ing rusa light in loot ball. People who are declaring that foot bat!. reauy a rough game, is a Cangerou, brutal game tbat should he prohibited oj taw snouid read toe following tnd prepare to declare that swimming, boat ing, hunting, bicycling, boraebaca rid ing, base tut', tennis and golf should be prohibited : The discuswion whether football is or it not an eepeciallv dangerous game has led tbe Pittsburg Dispatch to compile a table of fatal acciJentt in tbe United states in different branches of sport since which table vhowt at follows: Swimming 1,450 Boating Hunting ; 654 Bicycliig 254 Horseback riding 3S3 Iceboating - Baseball Tennis j Golf 4 rootoaii (tour seasons) n Apples and Cider For tale, by tbe wholesale or or dried, delivered to any part of the city. Fine, selected fruit. Cider in any quantity. Apples bought. Albany Frcit Co., Mill block, Fret St. Home i-irst. Tho WorlJllttirunr.1 fZ .,.1 grcoeiiea foe vuir innui. jk ton keen the beaL whi.-h -.11 ,u onhsr.i. on bacd. A one line of crockery. Just Across the Way. At F II PfeifTer's you can pet tbe best Coast and Eastern oysters to be found. He also keeps the best line of confection ary in the city. Call on hiui for tbe best of everything in hU line. A few hundreV choice cedar fence poate heap. Call on C E Kkownkil. fWi? from Vauninna Bav everv dav. u . c. DKovsiu. 1 vox a,ax ao carina 'oi snon anii 4nnnjun3 it JO 009 sis33tup y -Sucun aooz , siuraai sviri anto4kiopaum tut 'scj ox-M W 'aoaiA put ajb oji o nm onka -tn q jaiaio pot tia ooavqoi tjuh ojL T ajr? I awt nog ttMaai .? I . fammtt. G I PIECE: enlarged o per cent- rBORTHERH li PACIFIC R. R. p oil man Sleepin Elegant Dinipg Cars, Touns Sleeping Ua at Pan! SJinneapoli Dniatb trarso, irand Korkr- Crook etoo tisnipea Betecaawt Sutte THaOUGH TICKE S... TO Cfaicaijco Washingtou Philadeipbia New lork Boston and al Potnta Eaet and Sontb f ? iara:. j n 1 J an aad Ch aa, Tnroofb tkkdta to laoan and Cb Tacocnaaad Northern Pacific steaasshir Co.. aa amexicaa tine. For information, V tar canla. oaape anC j tickets call on or w - C G Borkbart agat. AiDsvnv, t.-t. ADCbarlto- Ge Faa agi Portland. l- VreaUaaSTrw! JsseMad and all Pat-! Btwdssodfi.envtscer'sbota. WaadxiaeHi aamaMfrc'c!ur. OwtoewoataatiE' pateEtisatcTav-i. A PsiwjiSslet -fiaw toOb-; vita co c 1 nacia in ""h C- A.. SNCW&CO. w.. . . r r arFf: HEW VORK WORLD Thricoa-Wetk Edition IS Pages a Week ... ... 156 Papers a Te-ai For One Dollar. rwVhbesl every a Hvraale aj exreaS a The Thrice-a- W eek Editioa ol Th a N kw York World first among all weekly " papers ia sib, frequency cf puMkatioa and the freshaess. aceoracy and variety ot its coi t-nts. It hia ail tbe merits of a great $6 daily at the price ot a doliat weekly. Its political news is prompt. com plete, accurate and impartial as ail its read ers wilt testify. It is against the mono po lio aad tor the people It prints the new of ail tbt world, hav ing special corwpon Jeoce from all ia porta nt news points oa tbe globe. It baa jtiihant ilUsrratioo. stories by great author, a capital nunor page," complete markets, departments "sr tbe bousehotd and women's wotk and other special de partments. We offer this nBcaaaled wewsparer and tbt DsxoctAT togetnerowe year for I 0 S00 PACIFIC LINE To ill Points last Solid vestibule trains, consisting! ace sieeomg eaxa. luxu'ioos uimu eleint dar coaches, niacni Scent cars tad free colonist sleepers from th cine to the Atlantic without change COST DIRECT ASO CHKAFSST KOCT ICootcnnyti District SAxesr, IttW DXSVXR, slocas crrt, UUO, TRAIL, BOJSLAND A j I ' All raints in the OkanajraB Country. I Ge a pamphlet giving a full descnptiox Columbia. Lowes rates o and trom EXJKOP Atlantic steamship 1 Canadian Pac. Ryf Boyal Mail Steal line to China and X CAKADIAX Al'STKALIAN bokolulc, rui AltD ACST The shortest Uoe to the Colonies steatners carry an experieaced sou a siewaructs oa every I sor time tablet, pamphlets, or 2r UgbaUon. call on or address. SB 2 a i S N STEELE t CO. Agents.Albany Or. E J COYLE, Ag't, 16 Third 8t Poct aad. Or. GEO. McL, BROWN, D. P. A. Yancoaver, B. C. S 5