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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1897)
TERMS. Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month 3.00 per advance, 80c per month uufc iu auvance. By carrier, 10c per wee, iu per cent added if allowed to run over months. Single copies 5c. Wekklt, $1.25 in advance; f 1.50 at end of year; $1.75 for second year; $2 00 for third and preceedbg years, when not paid .2 advance. Clubs of five new subscriber for $5.0. Have you noticed the shoa window this WtekT Heavy soled shoes wiih light uppers are iuo leauers. A mans shoe, fu'l stock, calf, lined to the toe, U 00 Mens coin toe. black, green or ox blord, Scotch bals. $3 50 A Scotch Bal is the popular st le of the season Full stock calf shoe, $2 50 Boys a-can'rippem shoes, $ 1 53 to $1 85 Youths dress sooes, $1 10 Children shoes - , Heavy Dongola kid,5 to 8, t30c, 5Ji to H ou cents A. good grain shoe, 5 to 8, 75c Kangaroo cif, 5 to 8. 90 cents. Tiger kid, 5 to 8, $1 00. 5 E Young & Son, Albany, Oregon. 96.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 buys a goodnew Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or zna strings. $25.00 buysa5-draw?rsewing machine ; uign arm, ngm running ; guaran teed 5 years. Mrajf Prices on Pianos. Orcrans.Banins TUESDAY E. U. Will Albany. Than Klondike Ton will have to work for all jou gt in The Klondike but yon can get Klondike Metal at our store as a premium. We're giving it away as an inducement for Cash trace. With each purchase of 50 cents or more lot cab we will present you a ticket, representing 10 per cent of the purchase, which win be redeemed by ne n either cur Klondike ware or Regular Silver ware, which we have on display. It will pay you to investigate our proposition. Call Early. BEAD, PEACOCK & CO. MISTAKEN FOR A DEER. Jay Swank Accidentally Shot by II. M. Perry. Jay Swank, his father, Hugh M Perry and one or two others were veeterday hunting deer at Lower Soda when they met with au accident that put a stop to their hunt. They were at tha nl 1 Ke, wnen rerry mistook v Jay Swank wirougn me ousiies, lor a deer and shot uiiu. xonunaieiy tlia bullet wenl low and struck Swank in one ot the le-rs making a badwound Word was hrought to Lebanon last evening and Dr Lain ber oouweni io me scene ot the accident ur waiiace was aiso sent for and left this morning for Lower Soda. The in- jourea man resides a few miles from Aioanv, ana is well known here. Mr. errv recently came nom the mines at -lewiit, Wash, to spend the winter. aua is a relative of Mr Swaok. He will regret more than any one the unfortun ate accident. WHEAT. Liverpool 3c higher. That's good. New furk 97JW' cents. Chicago, 91 cents. San Francisco 86 cents Albany 64 cents. Probate Record. J C Myer final receipts REFEREE WOODCOCK'S RE PORT A. o. Woodcock, of Eugene, today, rendered his decision in the case of the money received on the s fie of the steam er mamette alley, made several years jtu, uu wmca nas oeen m litigation long enougn lor the amount received aoout 4U,mw,to dwindle to about half the amount, loe referee awards $1110 to Chas. Clark, ex receiver, $736 to Thcs. Pavey, $500 to V. S. MoFadden. and the remainder about $19,000 to the O. C. & E , making it a victory for .rionner & Hammond. Foot Kail. Bat ten burg lace doilie;. Fancy cushion tops. Fancy ticking and dennims. iew tinsel drapery. A rt linen. Side board and bureau scarfs. Stamped linens, all new designs. Wash siiks in ail new art tbauea. iao a Urge line of down pillows from 10 cents ud. Thk I-atitks Rnn WHEAT. The market it reported firm this neon. Sew fork 97,c Chicago 90?4'c San Francisco 63c AJbany &4c LiYerpool lc lower." REAL EST AT F SALES. Reported by the L'nn County Ab stract Company, for the Dkmockat, for the week; ending Nov. 20th, 1S97. , Ella L Dubruille and husband to . H J HsDkins. wtv deed, tot 5 bt 19, Albany J M Casady and wile to Oole Ben-' son, wtv deed. Sec 8, T 13, 1 W, 40 acres First Nat Bank to J D Isom, wty ueeu, J. iat d w. ...... F M Rumbaugh and wtfe to J Bacnman, T 13,1 E.l acre Mary Croft to First Sat Bank, wty deed. T 13, 2 and 3 W, 474 ... W T Cochran and wife to E G Spevy, wty deed, T 13, 2 and 3 W, 913 acres, also property in Worth Brownsville, Gross' ad Jjqrth Brownsville, and H s.3rd ad to Albany E N McQaw and wfe tQ Wm K Warner, ty deed. Sac g, T 15, 2 W, 160 acre T M Witten and wife to Jas Bar bin, wty deed, lots 3 and 4, bl 53, Waterlro P H Marlay and wife to Joe Harri- sen, qt cl deed, Sec 18, T 10, 1 W, 120 acres. .I.:..?.'.. G T Bayne and wiie to J S Lamar ' et al. wty deed, E claim in No 45, T 13, 4 W....... T Id McGhee and wife to E L Bry- an, wty deed, gee 32, T 11, 8 W. 40 acres ..; S W Moore and wife to E F Sox, wty deed, lot 3, bl 1, Sweet Home VV H Averill and wi'e to Thos Kay, The Albany boys intend to j,ive our citizens an exhibition of foot ball on Thanksgiving day that will show them what the time is. They will play a team from Eugene, the average not to be over 140 pounds. As the expenses of the Eugene team will have to be paidan ad mission fee of Sa cents to the ground will bo charged. The line up will be as fol lows : ALBANY Goins Marcel'u9 F VVeatherford Left Guard " Tackle " End 2000 00 3700 40CO joocfj 600 100 4500 930 75 ! ' n sir wty oeea, email tract l ii, o y . E E IaVis arid wife to Orfc'.n Mtg : Co;'wty deed. Sec 23, T 11, 3 W, 2 acres.... - Wm Lee and wifeto AnnCarmical, wty deed, lots ft and 10, Goins land plat to Brio llslUsa Hogan to M D Hogan, qt cl deed, T 12, 2 W, 105 acres.... DjMyers to Alice J. Johnson, wty deed, lots 2 and 3, bl 3 and frac tional lots J and 2,, bl .5, W heel er's ad toScio.':.; M' C Hogan to Mellisea Hogan, qt cVdeeb, 105 acres. T12, 2 W. . . . ti A Elsqn to Mattie E Elson. wty fleed, lots 6, 7 and tj, bl 17 Bas ton'a 3rd ad to Lebanon ; lots 15 and 1. bl 1, Kirpatrick s ad to Jebanon lot 6, bl 3, Shultz's ad to Albany . 20 95 10 20CQ 10 1000 EITGKSE L Driver Eilnunson Travea Stelimaclier Center R Driver Clam Right Guard Bouny Tyree Ta.-kle West brook Saltmarsh " End Anderson Ramp Quarter Marx Howard R Half Gilstrap R Weatfaerford L Half Burner Stewart Full Back Luckev Subs Smick, Riley Subs, Cancer, Dner At Eugene last Saturday the O. A. C, as predicted by the Dbmoc&at, defeated the U. of O 24 to 8. The score was 10 ro 4 at the end of the first half. Mr. Percy Yonng, of this city officiated as referee ani Se.h McAllister of Eugene as um pire. Mrs. Robert Crosby went (o Portland this morning visit with her sister, Mrs. Richard Conn. E. Van Vrankiin, of Junction, has closed his ealooo in that "City after run ning it twelve yeais. Wayne Eridgeford, medical student in the State university, came home yester day to spend the Ibar.kf giving season. Mrs. N H Allen today received S2.CC0 from the A O O W beneSciary of her husband who died recently. Mi;S Carrie Lavtm, for eight years a compositor on the Heiald, left Saturday for Portland, where she will work on the Tribune. A Roseburg mao was in Albany today on his way to Klondike, and bought some supplies here. He w li remain io Juneau this winter. F. M. French, H. O. Hardman and Joseph Hume as grand juryman, went to Portland today in response to a com- mand from the U- S. court. Mrs. Ida Mansey, of Portland, former ly ot Lebanon, died in Portland on ov ember 16, at the age of 28 veais. She was a sister of Mrs. VY. L- Map'.e, of tnis city. O H Irvine U being mentioned for the office of Circuit Judge, but Mr. Irvine tatea distinctly that he is & candidate only in case Judges Burnett and Hewitt are not nominated. F.H. Pfeiffer. Frank Hackleman and Graut Froman returned Saturday even ing from a two days booting trip around Coburg.bringing seventy or eighty birds. mostly ducks, home. The O-egnnisn today say that Eon J. K. Ve.iUer!jid of this city, is men tioned for governor on the democrotic ticket and Hon. M. A. Miller, of Leba non, for congressman. in ii A bier wheat sale of 10.0UQ binheli was made to Moore Furguaon k Co. last Sat urday in this city. tuett;r List. Following is the lUt l?ter remaiuing in the Pwtomoe at Alluuy. Lian county Oregon, Nov. 23, 1897. Persons calling for these letters must give the date on wbicn they were adyertiel." ' Birdsley.Mrs Carrie 2 Cooper, Mr Otto Croft, Mr A Douglas, Mrs Daisy Easb. Mr Edward tirant, Mrs Lime Helms, Mr Qeorga Ilalley, Mis Jessie tlammmona, jna irwm, air r-manuei Pybnrn, Mrs Sally Price, Mr Wm N Smith, Miss Luella 2 Robertson, Mr C E Warmoth, Miesdna T. J. Stites. P M In estate of Sarah Ann Mcllamue in ventory filed and petition to sell persona property. In etate of . Bender petition for proof of will tiled. Bond for $4000 filed Appraisers appointed. Inventory filed in extste of Lydia Morgan report of sale of real property was tiled, also final account. In estate of filed. In estate of Clarissa Brown, inventnrv ... . Ktiu apprniaemeni nieu. in estate Of W llham Hunter, nrnnprtv , : . . . -- J ' iuow oruerea set aside. m estate oi w U Morgan, final ac count bled. in estate of Isabel McNeil, inventory nuu appiaisement nieii. retition to sell personal property. in estate oi J J lute, personal prop- cnjr iqiurira sold. Oafcvtlle. Air. Link St. John anJ Miss Julia Turner were married on the evening of iue -ist. e didn't learn the particu lars but suppose that Link would have his friend Acterman invited although in his haste be forgot us Many of our jiale citiiens ure bidding on the mail contract. We would like a "soft snap" too, but to carry the mail from Oakviile to Shedd's for a dollar a day or less and furnish everything is no "soft snap" especially io the wiuter. A cat caused a little nnpleasantness among two respectable who reside on Water street lecentlv. tV'i diiln't learn the particulars. We appologixe "McK" aud admit that we are mistaken, but then thines !ook sttanpe at a distance. Don't try io fight us. l ou are too short. We can out run you. Ha, ha. A. 1. Smith is sumrised at the nliinr of the Democrat claiming him as a brother of "Rocky Mountain Smith " He is only a cousin. The meetings at Fairview last week were well attended although the nights were dark and stormy. Mr. v. Mono took a load of dried prunes to Taneent yesterday. Ha ia sending his dried fiuit to Colorado and gets five cents a pound. lbanssgiviQK dinner will be served in the school house. At little boy at school was rerrimn,t- ed for misconduct. After ha wan ilia- missed he said to a reporter: "I wish could write irood and I would that school mam up in the newspapers I would." As Billy Morgan was returning from a I visit to his Lest girl his horse fell and in consequence be wlks with a cane, lie decided not to get married on the 2t'.th. Lmu Rosa Bco. 2000 00 says " It is worth a great deal to us to have y.ou try Schillings Best baking powder and tea." Money-back says "We have a great deal of confidence in your good faith and, in Schillings Best baking powder andtea:" chilling' s Best baking powder and tea are Jbecause they are money-back. What is the missing word? not SAFE, although Schilling's ett baking powder and tea are safe. Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out the ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in the tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st Until October 15th two words allowed lor every ticket ; after that only one word for every ticket. If only one person finds the word, Uiat person gets liooo.oo ; if several find it, I2000.00 will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest Those sending three or more in one envelope will receive an 1S9S pocket calendar no advertising- on it These creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered in the last contest Better cut these rules out. Address: MONEY-BACK, SAW FRANCISCO. base. Bull. At tt e opera houss tonight will be played a live game of base ball between F. Co. and the Boy's Club. The latter will do their best to reverse the recent score of 9 to ? against them. Admission 10 cents. . On Thursday niht F. Co. and Salem Y. M. C. A. will play the first of tbeir series of four gauges, and oar citizens generally should see it. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL An Assay. Samples of ore taken from "The Rhoda."the mine near QuarUville recently discovered by Senator A. Geaner and surveying party, have been essayed, the results of which are quite satisfact ory to the discoverers of the mine. An exceptional rich quantity of ore assayed $141.16. Other samples went irotn $2' 10 $6 averaging about 4. At present noth ing is being done towards further devel oping the mine bat in the spring pros pecting will be resumed and should the quality of the ore be such as to warrant placing a mill in operation, those inter ested in the mine will proceed to develop the minr. Journal. ThiJ ndicates .bit the body of the ore is $1 ore, and every- body knows there is no money in $4 ore In this district. SIR coincidence attaches to the sudden death at Independence, Tuesday night, of Dr. T. J. Lee, representative from Polk county. The week previous a lodge of Maccabees was organised at Independ ence b organizers from Corvaliis. and on the charter l'st was Dr. Lee, then in apparently excellent health. The $2,000 of insurance resultant from his member ship in the newly organised tent fills to the doctor s family, now that the hand that provided for them is stiUed in death. limes. The Portland D,auly Triba..e now apr Dears ts a morning paper, directly 10 tbe field of tbtf Qregonian- Can it make tbe nffle, tbat is the question. It has started out wtl. Thanksgiving dinner will be served at the Revere House from 5.30 to 7.30 P M. Several friends passed a very enjoyable evening last night with Mr. and Mrs. E". E Goff. Mr. Harry Jackson, of Eugene, will fill the position of bookkeeper in the bank of J. W. Cusick. Miss Edna Luper returned this noon from Woodbnrn, where she has been several weeks. Mr. R. R. Findley, while walking the gng plank of a river steamer this week fell into the water, but being a good swimmer got out very easily. Mr. Jim Collins who returned from trip to Skaguay several weeks ago, is in the city, and expects to leave next week for Dawson. He intends to make it this time. Constable Collins, rf Mill city, last even iog was in tbe city with Mr. Hazeltine. whom be took to Salem this morning to set re out a $40 fine for nsiao' abusive language. Thousands bave pronounced Farland'a banjo playing, "The most marvelous in strumental performance of tbe age." He will be in Albany, Saturday even'ng, Dec 4. The ladies of the G. A. R. last evening gave a very enjoyable pumpkin pie en tertainment An impronpn pi cv m was rendered, a fine time bad socially and pumpkin pie eaten to satisfaction. A Forest Grove dispatch states that the condition of Judge barber. whoe serious illness was recently reported, is unchanged. He cannot sleep in a hori zontal position. He sleeps in a chair. Mr. G. W. Wright went to Salem this morning to argue in tho Supreme Court in tbe case ol Tbe Standard boe Co , a Mijsoari corporation, et al. agt S. N . Thompson, et at, on appeal from this county. Charles S. Welter, senior member of the fir. oi Weller Bros., of Salem. Or., and Mies Leonore Chamberlain, sister oi Mrs. G. W. Belt, were married last even ing at the home ol the latter in Spokane, and left 00 the O. R. A X. train for Sa lem. Twelve or fifteen Sir Kn'gSts of the Maccabee of Corvaliis, with the aid of rigs and handcars, went over to Albany Saturday evening and surprised tbe Al bany tent order. Tho Sir Kn'gbts of Albany were equal to the occasion bow evet, and were pronounced by theii guests o be roysl entertainers Cor Times. A musical evect of much Dole was the recital given by Mies Ellis and Mus Natb, assis'.ed bv W. Gifford Nash at the M. fc. church Friday nubt The ct nrcb was crowded by au appreciative audience and tbe vanoas P umbers ren dered either by Miss Ellis soprano, or Miss Nath at the piano, were most fav orably received. Miss Ellis with a mel low roprano voice that betrays marked cultivation, firmly established herself as a favorite with Corvaliis music livers.- -Times. ORGON'S PRODUCTS. Tbe Oregonian today gives a report ol he products of Oregon for the past year, com 22 counties as follows : Wheat $ 7,468,014 Livestock 4,300.373 Hay 2,1108,500 Gold. 2,5&.&S6 Fish 1,867,400 Hops 1.324.i5 Lumber 1.303.845 Oats 1.250.K.0 Fruit 1.191,620 Woo Lfr8,6I5 Butter. Cheese and Eire J,0o6,128 Potatoes TtS.SiOi Other products 670,650 Total $27,620,030 The report for Linn county makes the highest showing of any county in the state except Multnomah and Baker, the latter being second 00 account ot f.'.OOO,- U0U in gold produced there. Following it an ejtimate of the output ol products so'd at borne and abroad in 1.1 an county: umber, aiue . 1,200,000 $ KO.000 .. 400.000 120,000 Wheat, bushels. . Oats Hay. tons oO.OOO Lomber.leet 20.000.0lO Sfinglee 8,000.000 Hope, pout-us 362.0UI Wool 300.000 Cattle. 10,7vJ Hogs 14.600 Sheep IS 450 roujoes, busbeis 1,6,01V Imed iruue.pounil. 43,000 Other dried trail, (p- plee, pears.peacbet) 6Ci,000 Green lruit, busbeis. 75,000 Lgg, dozen 7.000.O. v Butter, pounds fcj 6C0.QU0 i'ooltrv. dozn s SrJ.OuO Other proiucts 400.00U I6O.OO0 14,000 S2.8.VI 39 000 160,500 S7.6O0- 34,rt) HOME AND ABROAD. Smile) ' clean printing. Roraona pure spices Romona Romona pure extracts . Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder. Shirts and collars a specialty at tbe Mag nulia Launc ry. (' your oyrs for Thanksgiving from F h Peiffer. lie has the best. Will Sc Sta k always have in rtock iat it novelties in all luer of jewelry. A deer swam the Willamette jut abjve I lid bridge this forenoon . Take the U (J & E cteamer for Portland down river on Sunday, Tuesday and Tburs lay. If you c.ire for good bread aak for "Red Crown" flour. Ever, grocery man in town has it. Memben of tbe Simonton Band are requested to meet tomorrow afternoon at 2 o' dock. Ths public school (0 day celebrated Thanksgiving with appropriate exerciaes in tbe different departments. The Albany Dressed Ueif Co. are run ning a bone mill for matin chicken feed. Call nn-4 get some. Do jou uie crackers? Just as well have the beat. Tbey cost no mora. Freth one at Kenton's Csh Store. You will alwiys find a fine line of jew elry at Will A Starks. Do not buy before examining their goods. A man named House is reported to have met with an acci.leot near Sweet Home yesterday, but no particulancould be learn- td this evening. Drum will give away 1 bottle of per-1 fuuiery to morrow to tbe lady making the bighettt score at tbe bowling alley Revival Meeting will be commenced at tbe Evangelical church on Tnansigtving evening to continue for indeffoate time. When you want a choice steak, a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry Broilers. He keens tbe best. F A Rankin, of Engene, has sold his trotter, bessie Rankin, to a California man fors. The borne has a record of 2.16 ! and has gone in 2 OS. a noe ironing board, made by Mr Ed Davidnoo. may be sea al Hopkins Bros It hs folding legt.ii cheap and is just tbe bing for convenience. Uet one. The best meats of all kinds and good treatment at tbe Albany t rented Beef Company's market jait d)wn Second street. Good weight and prompt attend tion. Tbe famou Reliance foot ball team passed througb All any yesterday morning for Butte, Moo., wuers t'aey go to play tbe big cub ot tbat city, getting 2000 tor their expenses. A special mteting of St John's lodge A F A M. will be held at their bail this evening for work in the third degree. Ail members and vtst'ing brethren are expect ed to be pre nt Oa Wednesday. Dec 1. Tie co-jih be fore tbe War will be presented at Ibe npera booe There are bv actual count fifty two peop'e in the perf wran 3e, and it is declar ed to be the biggetl aad bet thing ever in Albany. The swank Accident. Many Cases of New Goods at the Blain Clothing Company's. Seasonable and Nobby Suits for Men. Pretty and Durable Suits for Boys. An elegant line ol Furnishings in the Latest Designs The Best Underwear for Winter. Stylish Hats and Caps. The Styles and Prices Will Satisfy You STMT Al SOI HD. CO - Dr. J. P. Wallace return d last night from Lower Sods, where be bad been to attend lay Swank, accidentally shot by bi father-in-law Mr. U. M. Perry on Sunday. He left him in a critical condi tion with the chances entirely agaiml bis recovery. The bullet struck tbe sacrum instead of one ot tbe legs, as re ported, entered tbeiectom.and came oat ml t Km on n ,,rring In i r. T t-r An operation was performed, offvring relief. Total Talue r2,5a,000 While extensive gold mining is carried oa In tinn county, tbe largvat mine bave been id this year, and tbe mining product ia only nominal. Tbe tjua-u- vilie mines, tbe largest in lite ciootry, are now being operated arin, but Ibe output for the remainder of the year can only be be roojectnred Last year theee mines produced .S,HX) in gold buuion. 1S.200 j blood poison in bad set in, and tt was j thought be could not lire. 25.-VX) j The accident happened about 9 o'clock lsj .?0 j Sunday morning. A deer bad been seen SoO 000 , ahead of tbe men in the bushes. Swank 120.(00 (went a!.ead intending to go io a certain 52.000 1 direction by arrangement with IVrrj.but 50.000 instead went in anotber by mi lake. lie wore a brown sun 01 clotnes. and when he apptarrd aboat forty yards away in the bushes t'erry thought it was tbe dee? tbey were afier and fired at once. It took neany all the remainder of be day to get the injured man to tbe eamp. He nearly bled to death, and it was very cold. A Rich Chunk. The Dkmocbat will try and keep its readers posted about t-he new mines in Crook coonty, through tbe Prioeville pa pers. The Prlneville Journal says t Lewis McAllister came down from the Ochoco mines Monday and brought with him a chunk of ore taken out of the tuu ,.i f hf mine, the same ore as is now bn the way to'tbe Tacoma smelter for a . Tii chunk wetehs about 5'J pounds mA mav be' seen at this office. It is a soft Btey roca, so boh, r .jvw. w i . 5:- that it fonld ha noun led into dust with a wooden mallet, and it weighs almost as heavy as lead. It seerts a dif 1 .. .lata of ore from tbat of which we lately published tbe returns, and justfies i Mr. McAllister's optpion that the edge io the tunnel is rnly a spur of tbe main ledge, at tbe angle of dip, if uniform.wil. require more than 150 feet extension of the tunnel to reach it. As to the quan tity of ore in sight Mr. McAllister says: .t( hia nra in as rich as tbe two and a already tested a force of twelve mem could, for an indefinite per tiA ;!, Mit t2fl(IO a dav.'f J r '.Qfi!o WRlcrhindr and measuring th?'50-pound cbpnk of ore, it is estipoat fditW bP pre wjll weigh, pot more tbap War Cky. The War -,if Saturday. JXOVemoer v, ""'" J - . . .11 fr. I n rY t.j..iK iTntin. who recently' left for i . u.. t. tain nnlnmns. InCIUU' na innr illustrations, one of the big can tilver steel bridge, a urss eireev th St Chsrles Hotel, the Threa fiistersland CaDt. Kuhn. The ar- tirl rafara to Albany briefly in a com r.iimnntirv wav.aud then eives a history f tVia Salvation Army here Tbe War Orv had a bit sale (Saturday by Uapt Duthie and Lieutenant epencer. the present popular and competent officials Assignees Sale. t - 3 - ; On Saturday, Nov. 27, 1897, at one nVWl n. m. at the front door ot tne . . . . , . t 1 1 r? court house to Albany, uregQn, nl ,ui.inia nl I. V. DiaiU Will ecu 11 the bishest bidder for cash in band, all tha nntoa end accounts amounting to atiout $12,000 belonging to saiC Jjlain. li BBVAST, assignee. DIED. FAR WELL. Near Shedd. on Oct. 9tb. J897, Horace, yourgest son of Mr. agd, Mis. Hiram Farwell. sired 8 months. The pareuts have the sympathy of many in their lose. Mr. Ramp, of Salem, father of 15. F. Ramp, of this city came np this neon on a visit. Mies Shaver returned yesterdsy noon from Harney after an absence of sever al months- License bas been issued tor the mar riage of L. K. McNabband Mrs Alice Logan, and t rank eerten and Mattie Chapman. Mrs. O. O. Lee went to Salem this coon for tbe purpose of attending the wedding of her sister Miss Carl Hitchens. which will take place on next Thursday. The fortunate gentleman is Mr. Will Staieer, tbe marble dealer, well known in Albany for many estimable qualities. Tbe friends ol J. X. Poindextar of this city will be sorry io hear that he was stricken with paralysis last Friday morn ing and bas lost the use of bis left side Drs. tiesner and Belknap are attending him and they have hopes tbat he may re cover tbe use of bis side, at least, par tially. frinevule Journal Judge P. P. Prim and wife left for San Framisco on Sunday, where they go in hope that the chance will prove benefical to the health of the former. The Judge and his estimible wile have Veeided In Jacksonville tor yesrs, and tbe; carry with them the best wishes ol a host ot friends, who deeply regret tbeir depart ure from this place. Ashland Tidings. Probably the most imposing social event tbat ever happened io Corvaliis took place at the residence of J. M. No lan Thursday afternoon. The occasion was the birthday of Victor Nolan, aged three. Little billet doux.somewat largef than a postage $taiop had tDyitetladoeo little people' ot about "Victors age to a party in honor of the day, and at two o'clock all were present. They had a big little time. Timeg, Thannsgivlng. Program for nnion ThsaksgiviDg ser? vice to be held at tbe United Presbyter. n church at 10 UK) a. m. The services will be in charge of Rev. O. R. Steveeon, pastor of the V P- church. OBEia or SEavicf. 1 . Voluntary. 2. Invocation and Lord's Prayer by Rev. McKillop. 3. Reading of proclamation by Rev. G. A. Manshardt. 4. Anthem. 5. Script re reading by Kev, M. 0. Wire. 6 Hymn- 7. Prayer by Rev. Reed. Anthem, Ferriion and prayer by Rev- Mc- a Qee. 10 11 12 J Oh, How Thankful Pain Was Maddening and Hope Had Been Abandoned-VVonder-fut R9eu(t of Purifying the 'pioo'cl.' f A very severe pain came in my left knee, wbicb grew worse and worse, ana finally a sore broke out eoove me anee. Jt discharged a great deal and the pain from my thigh down was maddening, Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my leg. I suffered In this way for years, and gave up all hope of ever being cured. My wife was reading bt case; Jike, mine nred by Hood's Sarsaparilla, ' and she advised me to try It. I began taking It find when I had used a lew bottles I found relief from my suffering. Obj ow thankful I am for this relief I J ar9 stronger than I have ever been In my life, I am in the best of health, have a good appetite and am a new man altogether." J. P. Moobb, Lisbon raus, Maine, Offering. Hymn. Benediction by Rev Jcnes. It was resolved bv tbe Ministerial As- socistfon that a call be issued to tbe citi zens of Albany for voluntary eontribu' tions (or the poor. Buch contributions should be brought to the United I'reeby tenan church, the day proceeding Thanksgiving, where a committee will be prepared to receive all contributions and make a satisfactory distribution of uie same. Ston that Coatrh! Take waminf. It mav lead to Consumotioo A 25a lpottle Oi qiiisi yj"in imj ai9 jruur iiie 1 by Fobhuy Sc Masou. Sarsa OOCI S parilla Sold Is the best-tn tact the One True Blood Purlfler. Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills. Jtscutit. ICO bsles cf boos were sold in Gervais yesterday for Viy2 per pound. Tbe total enrollment of The Dalles schools is ? 5!?. Average daily attendant a 670. Chief of Police Wells. Corvaliis. is to be tried for misfeasance, inat'ention, and incapacity, J. C. Biegman, of Jefferson is at Leba non buying poUtofs. rJe Intends to B.hip tencar jaad. Willamette University has 12Q students, 40 less tban for tbe corresponding time a year ago. What is tbe matter of old Wil- ftoaette. Two grocery stores in Portland have just failed, Richet Bros and Miller Smith & Oo. Tbe former though are bridging tha mat ter over with a 125 .000 mortgsge. The horse found by Wren Ross in the barbed wire fence belonged to Mr J Clem, who called far it yesterday. It bad ' been loaned by him to -neighbor to go to church, and bad run away. J L Fenton. of the Ashland Iron Works, was strolling around the panyon, Friday, near bis foundry, wben he spied au extra large-siwed buck browsing along the road. Being a good shot and not subject to "buck fever,'' he re.urned to his office and procured bis rifle and made tbe beauty ot tbe forest bite tbe dust. Fenton will bave venison ga'ore for his Thanksgiving din ner. Ashland Tidings. Magnolia Elevators. The undersigned bave rented the Magnolia Elevators at the west end of First street. Albany Oregon, at the ap proach to the steel bridge, and will cq 1- duct a general grain warehouse business. persons wishing to store or sell wheat or oats will do we'l to see us before mak ing their arrangements. Ep Gatxa, w. i VAVCI 0. E. Yogno. CITY COUNCIL. Tuesday Evening. Nov. 23. Present Mayor, recorder, etreet sup erintendent, marshal and Coanrilmen Tweedale, Dannals, Hogue, Mr:iu and Hops ins. Dickey. Tbe tolloa log hills were ordered pud : P J Smilrv 7 00 Hopkins Bros 9 40. Huston & Co Z7 i. P W Spioks m Oi. Mr Tweedale of tbe committee on streets and public properly recommend ed that the west side of Lyon etre t be obstructed and tbe gravel scraped op, so that travel wilt be forced opoo the east aide. Tbe matter upon motion was left to the committee oo streets and public property. ucense was e ranted Fred He is snd II L Cranor to sell liouors for the term of six months from December 1. A warrant was ordered drawj for tdO to pay interest on f 30,000 ot bonds due December. Councilman Pickev Inouired about tbe dogs, stating that there bad been ooly 76 dogs taxed the past year where there were 199 tbe year before. Upon motion the present Doundmsster was directed to collect all dog tax not paid' L . . li : , ,, . . oicm wnmimoinr neatiait siateo tbat the new Ninth street improvement at tbe S P track wjuld be ready for travel in a few days. ' Wio (mat the O, C. E From the Corvaliis Times : Tbe Soutnern PaMQc does not own a share or a fraction of a share of stock in the Oregon Central A Eastern railroad. This statement is made on absolute in formation concerning tbe facts. There are in the O. CAE. company 30,000 scares of stock. Of these A. It. Ham mond owns 211,998, and the two remain ing shsres are owned oca 'each, by Kd- win atone and J. o. Hrrson. in otner words Mr Hammond is absolute owner of the entire property, the Stone and Biy son shares bema held in their names simply in order to fulfill the require ments of tbe law which provides tha. in every corporation there shall be at least three stockholders. Tbe Times information comes from personal examination o the stock books ol the company. A letter was sent to Mr Hammond mtormmg mm oi tne reports in circulation to the effect tnat .1 . . It t. - 1 I . i. llie V. I. A b. HH uutivi tUHirvi ui iu Southern pacific, and asking for a state ment of the facts In respohes, Mr Ham mond wrote the Times, denying the re ports in un justified tei its, base ttall. At tbe c per a bouse last evening ia a practice game tbe Boy's Club defeated tbeclobofF Co. 21 to IS in a red hot and loud game. Tbe baturyof F. Co. is first class, but some of the support is not strong enough yet. The club though is a good one. Tomorrow night, at tbe opera house, F. Co. will play t-tkm, Tbe game wilt be worth witnetkirg. It will begin at o:X) o'clock Admbeion 13 cents. Tbe club that will play will probably be as follows: Stellmaker, Phillips, llrafain, Weet brook. Love, Weather lord, Casick and Layton. aiem will bave to play to beat the in. Gi!s, Skaucav Schmidt. C. H. Schmidt, the well known hotel men of Corvaliis. for many years of Yaquina, was in Albany yesterday afternoon to contract for sev eral hundred blsnkeU to take to Alaska. Mr. ikhmidt baa formed a company for tbe purpose of estabi shing a series nf hotel stations between Dye and Lake Lindermana. probably six, where trav elers Iawsonward will be fed and board ed io Urge teuts (or $1 forescb. Schmidt, wbo is a gectos as well as a rustler, is full of the project and entertained a god many of bis Albany friends last evening wiiu bis narrations about tbat country, where be recently spent several eekt. Dealers in Hardware, Paixts and wagon lateral. Iron, Steel Coal, Chain, etc bTovas Wheat is a good price and there is no reason in the world why you should not buy your wile a cook stove. We can fit you out with anything in the line of stoves and ranges, having a large stock of "Jewels" and "universal" constantly on band. Orxs asd AxMtrxmos Hunticg bas now commenced and we are prepared for it wiib a fine line of guns and a big stock ol ammunition. Ours'ockof shot guns is particularly good and the price very low. Call early and get yoo: choice. Bictcus We still carry tbe two best bicycles in the market the "Columbia" and "Hartford." There isn't any other wheel chat w ll give as good satisfaction, and tbe people are beginning to find it out. We also bave a repair ehop, so if yoor old wheel needs any work, come around and ae will put it io good shape lor yoo. JawH.Die Haaaows Does yoor old disk barrow rear up in the middle on leas yoa ran a rail into itT When you get a "Jewel" yoa won't bave this trouble. It bas a solid steel frame, is tbe most dunble barrow oa tbe market. and if it doesn t do as good work as any of them yoa cn bring it tack. Plows sd Hsoh Yod can't raie 30 bushels oi wheal pel acre notes yoo get tbe ground in good concition and we nave tne implement io do it Uh ana want to tell them. We can sell yon plows tbat will be 'ieht draft and will scour in any soil and we don't tbiak any one can best as on price. Ths Bur BrooT brought into the val ley is btndebak- r a "Ixxer," and we in vite yoa to come around and take a look at our stock We bave ibm in light and heavy siies.brewaterand end sprines quarter leather an I tall leather tops and tbe gears in tbrce ditterent colors, 100 Bcuel ol waeat is a common every dav load for a 3l tudebaker wason. It ia not warranud by tbe mat era under such a load, bat it carries thM much right along ionug tbe straw-Laul- mg seasoo. However it is warranted to carry as much as a 31 wagon of any other manufacture, ll yoa w ant a wag on that will last yoa daring the reet of yoar We, boy the Stodebeker." Scrsauon Dsius Wm Jordan, K D Farwell, Jno Hatchins, Wm Walker. J Archibald, B J Becker, Al Peerv, 8 Freerksen, Geo E Edge, Z G Haves, Frank Trues, E D Barrett. If yoa think tbe Superior drill is not right at tbe top. . sk any of tbe above named gentlemen, each of whom bought and tutd one last epring. We have just received a car load for the fall trade, aad tbey are not old bankrnpt stock from Portland, bat were shipped direct to a from the factory Aug. Hu. Come arc and and see the very latest and best orilL Dox't FoBuct tbat tbe place to bay al these articles and many other tbat we bave not mentioned, la at the store ot the STEW HT 4 SOX IIDVY.CO. NOVEMBER 22,1897 H. F. Mel wain's Cash Storeo New lines and new patterns of On tings received today will be sold at Ee per yd. Fin line beavv all wool Dress Goods, a very good bargain at 47cta per yd, will be sold at 25 cents per yard to close this lot. Mens heavy plow shoes all solid leather, sixes 6 to 10, great values at $173 to dose l 25 Oreeron best all wcol White BlsnkeU 10-4 size, great value for fo 50 will be-sold at H &5t only 6 pra left at this price, call early. 19 mens all wool Oregon suits, regular $12 grade. To dose this lit we bave made a special price of $8 10 Just received large lot of Battle Ax tobacco. Tbe price bas advanced and it i ortb 30c p:r plug of IS ox bat to move Ibis large lot will sell 16 oz plug of Battlb Ax at 25c Mens fine full stock calf shoes, water proof snd just tbe thing for wet westbeT worth 3, will be sold sa long as lot lasts at $1 95 Ladies fine shoes, good yalue, at $2 50 ill be sold for f ISO 200 mens bats to close oat at 99 cents, worth fl 50 A fall snd complete stock of groceries will be sold st greatly reduced prices. Call early for bargains. " . U F HclLWAlS'S CASH STORE, Think!!! 250 toelopas for 15c One qt best Ink lor 25c Granitironcnspidors 15c Our Etoul" of Lames, Crockery Glassware is las largest is ilbisj to alect frta and tns paces the lowest Ltrr Casus s. Mrs. Kane, the lady ho was so brutally maltreated about ten days ago, by her nefarious basband, took tbe early train this morning for vkmlock, Washington, wbere ber par ents resile. Her father-in-law, wbo lives in Albanv. sent word that h would meet ber at Albany andacccompany ber the remaiiider ol the tourney to WiolOck. The brute of s husband was given his liberty tiiis morning upon promise that he would leave t&e city and not ' return Register. ' ' ' Wcoks Bio. -Mr. Wren Roes this morning found a horse and carriage.near his place in thesouihem suburbs, tangled in a barbed, wire fence. Ibe camaee a good one, was bad'y mashed up. The out til had evidently been there all night, and it looked as if the horpe had run some distance. He was a large.etrong a,nitual, but quite wild. The horse was broueht to the citv to be cared loi until the owner should; call for Tarr Notick Just 6ve days from date ia which to pay your dog lax, and then will oe after I be dogs if not tairgoa. K0V t lt"J7 E U 1IAVIHUJN Poundmasler. WHEAT. To Cms CouMlpatlon frnrcvor. Take Cuscuret Candy Cathartic. 10a arSSe. It C. C. C. fail to euro, drufcjfmta refuiiU ntcwy. Steamer Kuth. The 0 R it N Co's steamer Kuth will -re sume regular trips commencing Thursday Nov. 11th . ' Lsiving Albany for Portland aud way porta ' "U .Mondays Wednesdays and fidnys at 1 A M Leave Portland Io.' up river points on I uesiiays TbursUsys and Saturdays at 6 A M. Commencing Thursday, Nov. ) Uh, the 0 CAE. steamer Albany will again resume her regu ar run. Leaving down for Portland and way points Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 7 o'clock a in. Up river on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. . ....; V ' T r Mosic Miss toilarcd fittrmester teacher of piano or organ. System ths Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite v fcpuicb, Vo tjar Cuimtipiitiart ForT,' TnUe Ciiscarets Candy Cathartic 10c or 2Ro It C. C. C. tail to eura. lruimiwui refund money Has No Equal Is what a prominent writer says of Tarrey's razors snd strops. Thev are known, used and praised every wbere. Every raor snd strop sold under a iruaranteo to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Burkhart & Lee. See our line of pocket knives. Every one guaranteed, 15c to 11.00. There is a decided improvement, that has struck Albany with tbe reslpf tbe worid, and we hope it wtit at iJlVt'fpWl Ml",", New York W8!Bc, Chicago 81 !40. San Francisco 87 'c. Albany 67c. A LAg Co. Smoovino Accipest. Henry Renlnger was hunting on the Mo hawk miles aboveEugene last Sunday, when he was shot in the back between the shoulders. The ball never touched a bone, and the shot will not prove fatal. An inch in any direction would have proven fatsL Wbo did the shooting is mystery, but it is tuougui ttenmger was mistaken for a deer, and the shooter lied wben be saw his mistake. - -jr -wm -.- Ons or mors subgxoxs of the Nationa Surgical Institute, 319 Bush St. San Francisco, may be consulted free of charce in reference to any deformltory club feet, hip disetse, etc., paralysis niln fistula, chronic diseases and ih permanent care Of Rupture, at the Re vere House, Albany, Wednesday and Thursday. Deo. 8 and 9, and at the Wll- .lamette Hotel. Salem, Monday snd Tues sWy, Dec. 6 and 7. For the cure of these specialties mis institute stands unpar alleled. The highest references given. Manzaneita Circle Woman of Wood craft will celebrate their 2nd anniversary on Dec. 10th wben a fine musical and, iterary program will be rendered. AU Woodmen and their families are icvlted. '' ti J s w 4y uruor ui n v SIHFLICIIY rrSELF. A SIMPLER HARMLESS REMEDY Ouk Last Lisa ot plush capei aud jackets haye arrived . An excellent oppor tunity tor ladies not yet Having purenssea theirs. Prices extiemelr low. LAPits Eazaab. A Barhei of genuine run pie syrup at Parker Bros. Take your bucket and get some. It is cheap but good. Yet It Cures the Worst Cases of Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Tr Jeunison.wbo bas made a life study of stomach trouble, says : All forma of indigeetioo really amount to the same thine, that is, failure to completely di gest tbe food eaten : no matter whether tbe troob'e ts acid arspepsia or sour stomach, belchina of wind, nervous dys pepsia or loss of flesh and appetite: a person will not hare anv of tbetn ii the stomacb can be induced by any natural, harmless way to thoroughly digest what ia eaten, and this can be done by a aim' le remedy which 1 have tetted in bun- reds of aggravated cases with complete success. Tbe remedy is a comoination ot fruit and vegetable essences, pure as- enlic censin and eoldenseal put up in the form ol pleasant tasting taoieis ana sold bv druggits under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. One or two of these tablets should bo taken after meals and allowed to dissolve in the mouth and mingle with tbe fo3d in tbe stomach digests it completely before it has time to ferment, decay and sour. On actual experiment one Brain of Stuar's Dyspepsia Tablets will dig ft three thousand grains ot mett, eggs and similar wholesome foods It is safe to say ii this wholesome remedy was belter known, by people generally, it would be a national blessing. as we are a nat'.on ot ajrapepiies ana nine-tenths ot all diseases owe then ori gin to imperfect digestion and nutrition O... .' II ... . t.t nA, . secret patent medicine, but a fifty cent nackase will do more real good lor a weak stomacb than fifty dollars wjrlh ot patent medicines and a person baa the satisfaction of knos ing just what he is putting into bit stomach, wbicn ne does not know, wben widely advertised pat ent medicines ere used. AH druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, full sized package 50c. A little book on cause and curs ot stomach troubles mailed tree by ad dressing The Stuart Co., Marshall, Mica, Remember voo can ret a chance oa that Havtlaad Decorated French Chi aa Dinner Set tor nothing. Call aad see about it. Albany's Cheapest Store OECHT&HEM. Received. Another lot of Mens and Bovs Clothing. Mens suit .'rom $9.65 down to $3.33. Some nobby boys suits for a very little money. flust have room for Holiday Goods at Ik Fair An all week's sale on Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves andTlitts. Call Early. J. A. Weaver. Commercial Printing We have good stock, good and dew type, good preeeew and understand how" to do good work and we do it at a Terr reasonable price. For neat snd op-to-date job printing call on. G. B MILLOY- . Sf LOIS EM STOR THANKSGIVING DINNER. KterviKMty Says fiA Crwnret Candv C-tttliavtle, the most won derful, mt-tlkuii ilisoovcrv ot the a:e, pleas ant uml vofivKlnnii to' the livme, on pvnlly nml insitivc-ly en M'lneys, liver uml bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel cold, cure timulHolie. fever, linbltuiil conslliiatlon and b:iloiniw. Please buy anil try a box of C C. O. to-day : 10, tt Ml renUi. bold aad guarairX'd to cure by all druggists. mmm mm That clean sharp effect oa our prigntia is bad by knowing now to do rret work. and by using tbe nest material, still tbe prion is no nigaer man ids wuer aina. Smiley, the'printer. Catarrh Cured. A clear head ano weet brj.h secure 1 with Saitoh's Ca rrhtiujiely; soldi' spirit & Masan Cran Denies, Bannanas. Pumpkins,. Nuts, California Grapes, BLEACHED Celery, Fine Apples. Where? A. 0. BEAMS. Good Money Saved i On Mens Goodv Shoes, BootsV Bais, Shirts, Ties and Snspea den. XeTer Rip Pants Oreral!s, Blouses, rloves, etc, etc. Qo' ing Out Sale. They will soon aU be gone. IRBLS1H, (He Puts the Prices Down Ladies and Childrens Shoes . . "Cheapest in town." "Spleodid haloes." ' "Hate found none so cheap are some oi the remarks made about ray ladies and childrens shoes, that I have jus placed ca sale. W. R. BLAIN. jtie puis tne ptwrn wwb.. APPLES LASTED, threa ear loads o sereral earieties Cash paid, at high est prices Call on William Hani, opposi te Ruse House. WANTED. X few more engage ments by tbe day to sew. Mas k. t. uwcjr. AT CO -Notice. Delinquent tax sale for lSOfi orninued to Saturday, Ko?elner xi. t; w la. Albany, Nor 22, 7. City Marshal. Harness. Harness. Having purchased the stock of har ness and saddlery of Powers & Tom linson we will sell all the present Try our taasiKVngsatlOc. Extra quality. j, il, urowneu. Ncbcss, Pibbs, Wteths. These I are names that stand for the finest drugs I and chemicals in all tbe world. Tbe kinds ... i most rse I at our prescription counter. ei . . . s. look for the best, we buy the best, it is cfork" ftf himetS at COSt IOr CaSH, lO mn.l r,tl to ns. but we know that ouali- OlAJClV UI IltJ VWJ. awa wvw , ly is standard snd can be depended upon j ear in and year out. Et skhart & Las. Special Bali of Ladies walking bats' sailors and tatnoshanter. special prices on all trimmed bats, juksjoon uoprnaK. Ce'err from Yauuinns Bay every day. C E. Urownkll. make room for a complete new stock. Now is the time to get a good set of harness at cost. T0MLINS0N & DUBRUILLE.