The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 26, 1897, Image 2

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The sugar manufacturers are fighting
the annexation of the Hawaiian islands
0( coarse. The whole machinery ofthe
government ia ran on a selfish basis.
London baa just had a big $15,000,
000 fire. That would sweep oat several
places like Albany, but in the metropo
lis of the world it would not make a verj
big hole.
Kelay Porter ol Union county shot
three people down, and yst a good man
people asked for his pardon. It is goot
atwa? sin these cases to remember hi.w
li tie mercy waa abown the murdered
peopie before one gets too sentimental.
From the .New York Press:
Van Wyes:, in his affidavit ahowin
his election expenses, says that it co'
him $38.75 for dippings of the thing
thai were printed about him. He mey
not have liked the quality, but we su -
pect t hat he got his money 'a worth in
From the London Times. '
Considering how much we hear abor
the poverty of Cambridge University,
does seem a moat idiotio waste of mone
to par a professor of Chinese, this cba
having just been filled up. It would be
interesting to learn howhnany pupils 'h
protestor will obtain and what is sup
posed to be the practical object of having
such a cbair, especially when funds a
ariit-utly needed for so many more im
portent and useful objects.
From the Boston Herald : -The
arithmetic man has now been tack
ling the yellow fever problem down
8onth, and he figures out that the pe
cuniary lose to the three States of Louis
iana, Mississippi, and Alabama will not
be less than 1 60,000,000. and that does
not include the general business stag
nation which each State haa suffered.
Thia it considerable more expensive
than the alternative ef first class pnblir
sanitation down there.
From the New York Sun.
Onr Consul at Cardiff, the Bev D T
Phillips, baa bean making a donkey of
himself. He began by discoursing at
public meetings about the wickedness of
New York and Chicago. Then be took
to diagnosing Cardiff, and Cardiff didn't
like it. It is expected that thia in
judicious officer will be rapped over the
knuckles by the Washington authorities.
Here we have another example of the
clergyman in public affaire.
Thousands of people in thia great
United States are looking for the route
that leada to gold . Host people in trav
eling want to find the route that ia the
smoothest, with the finest scenery, but
when gold is men tioeed the roughness
of the route to it ia never allowed to play
any part in it. It may be over a Chil-
coot pass, that takes hardihood to cross,
but he will be on band, or through a
death dealing trap like the White rap
Ida, but he will be there. Perbapa yoa
couldn't hire him to ride in a day coach,
nothing but a Pullman ia good enough
for him, bat he asks no questions about
(be route to Gold. There is food for
reflection in all thia.
Albany and the S A.
From the War Cry.
Albany, Ore., ia one of the moat im
portant points in Oregon. ItU a place
ef about 4,000 inhabitants and ia located
en the Willamette River, in the very
heart of the great Willamette Valley.
A steel bridge spans the river at thin
place which cost about $105,000. It ia
probably the finest bridge in the North
west. Albany haa a woolen mill, two chair
factories and several grain elevators.
water works,' floor mills, electric ligbt
. plant, foundry, machine shops and
various other industry.'
The city haa water communication by
way- of the Willamette to the ocean
while two railroads (the terminus of one
ia at the Yaquina Bay on the Coast,)
greatly facilitate travel.
Albany ia surrounded by the largest
beat growing section in the Northwest,
and will doubtless prove to be in the
future one of the most important of the
nland towns of the North Pacific.
At the recent Oregon 8 sate Fair, Linn
county, of which Albany ia the county
eat, this county received the highest re
ward for the best exhibit of agricultural
Albany is not a new town, but was
first settled in 1845, over fifty years ago,
and since that time its growth haa been
steady. It haa good public schools,
a Presbyterian college, a Catholic aca
demy, twelve churches and, aad to say,
, ten saloons.
The Salvation Army started its oper
tion in Albany about ten years ago, bnt
waa compelled to withdraw its officers
and close up ita corps after a few months
of hard fighting. Great opposition waa
met from those in charge of the muni
cipal affiairs of the town. j
Tbeir labors were not in vain though,
as sonls were saved and soldiers enrolled
in spite of all, and brother and sister
Goins, who stood true to God and tbe
flag during all the yeara that the Salva
tion Army left, are a beautiful example
of God's saving and keeping power. In
December 1895, Captain
tbe corps, and since then much good
was accomplished, although the fight
for a time seemed rather difficult.
Four months ago, Lieutenant Singet
berger and the writer came to take
barge of the work . The corps was in
debt and but few soldiers enrolled, but
through loti of bard work, push, and
faith in God for tbeir salvation, victory
cam at last.
Dnr v their stay they pa'd off tb-cunu-
ifbt, finanances increased, they
mors- Jian doubled the so'dlers' roll,
mad ii-w friends and gained tbe sym
pathy of all classes in a real practical
Oii te 5th Mjaor Marshall paid avis!
to i - iwrps and a big meeting was tb.
renn'u : t was held in the opera count ,
and a grand success it proved to be
Ebitj Jewell and Leyti, and tbe officer
and eoldiers from Corvailia aisUted
Some of tbe main features ol tbe march
m A ..... i ... . 17 1 -1 .
of the Albany lite boat crew, "Rescue,"
in thtir pretty uniforms, music and
aor.g by the Eugene Sectional String
Band. and tbe gtvingawav of a feeatiful
baby boy.
Ky. i mdy enjoyed the meeting .
Cpatain Randolph Kahn delivered an '
wxcellant address and one found the way
ef peace and joy. j
K .? time ago Lieutenant Singerberg
r and tbe writer farewelled for other '
Sells oi labor and at present the corps Is
under tbe able leadership of Captain '
Dutbte and Lieutenant Spencer, late of
r-v,,.. : ., t nA .it ,v..i
- Washington Letter.
From our regular Corrcsiiondsnt
Washington, Nov. 15, 1897.
"Teddv" Roosevelt may soon be out o
a job. if he doesn't learn to bridle hi
tongue-when talking in public npon
subjects which the administration's
position is officially unannounced. He
Was given a hint of this wheu lie return,
ed from New York, where he made an
alter dinner speech on the necessity of
our having a fihtin Navy, it we wished
to escape the ridicule of the world, and
having oar declaration (oneerniug the
Monroe Doctrine treated as merely so
muh hinder. "Teddy" used Hawaii at
du my in ordtsf 10 give the adtuinis
tra'iti'o li.-ir'-d Cuban pi'icy two-or
'mm i-.vf hotiy blow, but the app'i-a-
mil wa toy plain io b. overlooked.
1- hT- be-n warned .".m todoeo again.
M.nialtr hsa begun lii
,. '.sininen.. cf nuDilC men on a rcaie
. .
4 , uititvte that ro mailer ho
i - T S, may be. it baa no inten-
t-i '.dncinj! 'he '.ECiey spent in
Ji.L j." I
,-to; it- be attempt to tualti
-r - . .1
!Sa :b iiri?ter was an elegant
.m. i swell Metropolitan Club,
. "-l.j-or . a Spanish editor. The
;- wud the V s rjupreme
V..ti, . tra well represented at th'a din
j : n e i-er Mi wtly Craniard must
. . 'oiK' t U tedtaw to wt his
t :..-. v ifr on Crrs, or tbe
sota ;6ed iuret Lava sent re-
e i,e Uiat e it x&y. 'Senator Elk
ii.K Hir j j'.y Bosoibtr i t tue leglela
v f ;;.'. tl vle soveniuient that
i, ili d iff dimcr.
The kits, clocking ieuirut of U.e
Maryland republicans, headed by Ken a-
tor Wellington, are euainiog every
nrce in their efforts to make sure that
Mary and legislators dre not elect Rep
mMntative MudJ to succeed Senator
Gorman These men probably know
what thev are doing, but thetr activity
against Mudd, who is eoneiderea in
Washington as tbe weakest of ail the
aspiranta to Senator Gorman's seat
reminds one of going after Reed biid
with Gattling guns. j
Tbe general opinion among tbe moe i
prominent democrats who have been in '
Washington since that republican fight
npon the election of Boss Hanoa, has
appeared to grow to such large propor
tioos. is that the democrats of Ohio
boa Id have nothing whatever to do
with it. There ia, of coarse, bare
possibility that enough of tbe republican
members of the Ohio tegislation would, '
if the democrats would help item, be
willing to elect some other republican to
the senate than Hanoa, but tbe moat
powerful microscope made world not
,how the smallest particle of advantage
to the Ohio democrats in defeating
Hanna and electing some other to the
Senate. As long as Ohio has got to hare
another republican Senator, Hanna is
the best man. for Ue democrats, both in
Ohio ana elsewhere, toat coaU be chos
en . But even if it would be adyaoU.
gon for the democrat to knock Hanna
out, and to help elect some other repub-r
lican, it wnuld not be advisable for the
democrat! in tbe Ohio legislature to be
come parties to a deal with tbe alleged
anti-Hanna republican members of that
body, for tba simple reason that Hanna,
with the aid of 11 r. Mckiolej, will al
most certainly be able, to get sofficuct
number ef republican votes u he elec
ted . It ia a fight between Hannaism and
Forakerism. and no democrat ahoald
The person with a clear conscience
and cleao record baa reason to be thankful-
He who baa treated bis fellow man
well should be thankful, fie who has
paid his debts should be taenkfol
There is no one who can feel more
'aoaful from an everyday standpoint
man the man wbo ia out of debt- Tbe
peraoo with health must be thankful
for that, and where ia the greater bless
ing Tbe -xirsosi with poor health
must be Uiahkfnl for menial and spirit
il favota. Auy way be thaakiul- A
grateful heart is ; he beet tbat eas rula
a person. .
Tbe cities ef lue United State are
running in debt by the issuing ol bonds
at the rate of about $5,000,000 a month .
On general principle, a city like aa in
dividual kbould oot make improvement
uu'il ii can pay for it. & day of reckon
'ng ia bound to come tome time and tte
longer it is put off, lice the pai.ling ef a.
tooth, tbe harder it will be - to meet it.
Tbia wholesale running in debt by cities
and govern men is ia not a pleasant feat
ure of the present system of doiog
thing. Pay as yon go, is tbe beet poi
cv that any one ran follow, and it ia as
true of gav arnments. x
Curry county ia getting a reputation
for lawlessness tbat is aot becoming an
Oregon eommnnitv. Her citizens should
set an example of justice tbat wilibe un
derstood by the peopl of that county.
When a family or set of men can openly
defy the officers of tbe law it is high
time for emphatic action.
A Washington, D C arao, Cnei hie
wife from 5 cents to $1 for every offence
commited. Be proposes to have his
household run in the right way . P. 8.
His wife Laa brought an action lor di
vorce. She didn't like being that kind
ol a wife, and we don't blame her.
Two or three car loadj of eggs arrive
in Portland every week. Oregon should
not allow this. It is strange if we cans
not make our hens lay enough lor heme
Tba farmer wbo sold his wheat for 80
ceots is the onelo be particularly thank
ful this thanksgiving season, looking at
the finatei1 eirle of it.
m , i u-. ir'jf.-: sti'.j! joo know
i - ...; t trn, ,
Wh it lr A E Suiter Save.
tiHf a J Y 'iii: I'mti oiv
-.i, j .!(. )'. V Civil Hi observing
r ... . : r Si. ' '. C'J 11 Cilf!
:'.!p;uM, t u prepared
i .oi; r.Pa KcuieJ)
I- '.. -. i j ttti!i io my atteo
I '' 1' -i ic-''fiy ;tvd many from
.' 'imu "ipti'Mi. 8i J v jr"oib'-y & Ma
for jawei.y. Tbey
keep the beut.
't, r-rf'.-i.u ttn to iV kord'.n
Sv i..-: y "''hi?.
, tlwJil'-. ffaiiiipli for pitotOKrapba.
fr"-- tu $1 ) &) p;r do'jti.
' a JS an' 'J. K Beni oilices aad
iv.d ut r' eftie buiiilinjr. Spocinl
a-'fn iin )tavi tod'asea of women.
" . anat i j at r-ieivefi a tiueiioerj
Stumped menu. rfec:t ieHUties
Haudkercipf'. boe, foiiiator.
In, "an,
""swss. IK.
The Mother's Pay Day.
What nav does a hard-working mother of
a family receive for her labor at the end of a
wtv r i ne nusoana may
bring home his regulai
Some of the child
ren may be old
enough to earn
theirs. But the
mother, what it
her pay for her
daya of toil and
often nights of
anxiety; Well,
she ia ettnei
paid in love or
she isn't naid
at alt
The majority
of mothers are
perfectly satis
fied with the
simple recompense of loving appreciation.
If any mother doesn't receive that much,
it's an awful oitv.
It'a a sad thing when the mother comes
down sick with overwork or worry, or be.
cause some little weakness or disease has
been neglected until it gets to be alarming.
It should never be allowed to get to this
point. She ought to be looked after right
away. She needs the help of common sense
medical treatment. Of course no one medi
cine will cure everything. A medicine must
be speciallyadaptedtoits particular purpose.
If the digestive organs or the liver are out
of order Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery ia a perfect and scientific .remedy.
His "Favorite Prescription" ia specially
devised for weaknesses and diseases of the
womanly organs; and it ia the most potent
remedy 'for these troubles which haa ever
been invented.
Where both these conditions exist these
two medicines taken alternately constitute
a thoroughly scientific course of treatment,
which has been marvelously successful with
thousands of dyspeptic, debilitated and
nervous women.
' " I take great pleasure In recommending Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription, "Golden Medical
Discovery and Pellets.' writes Mrsjed Law
tenee. Sooth Hero, Grand Isle Co., W My
trouble was female weakness, kidney disease,
nmralris rhinrr of life and bad 8owlnr spells.
I took eight battles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription, seven bottles of Golden Medical Pis-covers-,
and seven smalt vials of Pellets. The
doctors did not help me any. I conld not sleep
Bight nor day. I suffered everything before I
inhk. tr Pierce's medicines. When I
Imm to use them I sreiehed too pennds. Now I
weigh MS pounds. lean now dosil my work,'
Nov. 23.
Hilaey is a quie; ao l pl-ait little
ciy of 600 inhabitant, i" ia situated in
tbe central part ol the Williamette valley
on the S P R R. Its maio source of rev
enue and support is derived from the
wide circle of beautiful, and productive
farms surrounding it. We have here
three large warehouses for grata and at
the harvest season these are all well 111-
ei. to be shipped la'er on to Portland
and other points. There ia also annually
alortd here tor shipment hnndieds of
tons ol bailed hay . Tnere Is a large
steam fruit dryer in which last
season about 100 tons of prunes were
dried by Wm Croei and woi. In con
nection with tbe fruit dryer iatbe HaV-
sey creamery, which ia amply equipped
with tbe latest improved machinery. We
have a namher ol business bouses name
ly : A Urge general merchandiss store
owned by Mt U V KoonU, who also own.
and operates two of the grain warehouses.
Next ia importance ia tbe general mer
chandise store of A M Reeves, The
Post Office is in this store, also tbe office
ol the Oreoa Ti.?noa Co. Mr Alas
Powers is P 51 and telephone agent also
manager of the large grin warehouse
owned by T J Black. Nest is the gen
era mdee. store of T M Nagle, on 2nd at.
Sext the srneral mdee store of tbe I X
L Co which baa bat ;ost opened in the
lOOF building, nest the gro lery store
ol A J Pitnerelso a new venture.
C Tray ami Co dispense drug.
'fbeCity Market is ran byT P Patton.
StandisH Brothers tbe blacksmiths.
J E Cross tee tinner keeps on bapi
everything in bis line, and la a fret
class workman.
4 E Bending, tbe toneorial artist will
push your whiskers or cot yonr hair, or
curl your tangs in the (attest style.
T ao tboe shops irjuirea fpod under
standing to all wbo have the price.
Mr. Coetuan, jeweler deans and re
pairs clocks and watches aod does
all kinds of work in bia line.
D L Stuart makes as good barneee a
can be made, aod he also deals in aad
W J Stewart is Joatice of tbe Peace
and Notary Publ'c
B W Turnin is a wagon maker aad
Yeteiratery Surgeon.
J Ray, carriage, sign, and house
J B Bone & Sons. Livery stable, bas
good rigs and careful d ivera.
The Viiiard bou&e hat lately changed
banda and is now nnder the manage
ment of Mr. E Boyed, and it pne ef the
best hotels on the coast.
Messra. Siuart and Friaby, real estate
agents, will cheerluty show prospective
settlers over he town or country, or
answer all inquires abont land.
Kb Hayes Ac Sons, are fuliy eujpped
for bouse moving aod well driving
Carpenters and baliders. Among
tbe first class carpenters are, Wiltlam
While, F Frisby, J W Rector, Wm.
Basset and J A Peail.
Churches There are four churches,
tbe M E, Rev. F L Belknap, pastor,
tbe Chiistain, Dean Sanderson, of tbe.
Eugene Divinity school, pastor, the
Baptist, Rev. Sperry pastor, and tbe
V P church, no regular pas or.
Physicians Halsey has three first
class dqetors, Dr. J M Cain, eclectic
physician and eergeou, office at City
Drug store, a A Siuitb ajvpttb, office at
residence 2nd street, Dr. Hunter, alo
patb, office at residence 2od street.
Tbe public school baa an attendance
of over JOO pupil with three teachers,
Pcpl. White, principal, W C Snow inter
mediate and Miss Carrie Van winkle
Depot and eapreaa office, L Boyd
agent, aud last but not leaet comes lbs
writer of ibis article, E M jewett, pre
cinct Constable, who is prepared and
willing to do anything in bis line,
either in preserving the peace or recov
ery of monej. Collections a speciality.
I -s
There will be a mars convention of the
democratic voters of t tie uftyof Albany
held at the court liouee ie said city on
Satin day the 4th day of December, 1897,
at the hoar of ti o' p m., for tbe
purpose of nominating catvlidates for the
',l5r,t of mayor,, recorder and
ueaearer, and to ratify ward nomina
Hons for countilinen to be vaied f r at
the coming city election to be beld on
Monday, Itecenber 8. 1807.
We rcporntniipd that ward meetings be
held in tlie different aarde of the city on
Tliiiieday. Dei-ember , IS97, at tbe hour
of 8 oY'ock p. in to nominate one coun
c tn:nn iroiu eacu warn arincnoose niera-
tiers of central com it ittoe at tbe follow'
iiigpiacs: first ward, circuit court
room ; second ward county court room ;
thirii ward, in office cf farmers ware
houee. G. W, Wbioiit,
CO. Bdkkhart,
Juht Aaroa tlje Way.
At F H Pfeiffer's you can get tbe
Coast mid Eastern oysters to be found
Me also keeps the best line of confection
arv in tbe city .
'Oil on biui for tbe beat of everything in
his line.
Apptee and Cider
For sale, by the wholecate or retail .green
or dried, delivered to any part of the
city. Fine, selected fruit. Cider in any
qutn'.ity. Apples bought.
AtBAKV Fruit Oo..
.lfS"!13-liliiM wages
Linn county hunters will have to look
to tneir laurels. A Benton county boy
claims to have shot ten geese atone shot.
This la Thanksgiving week , a season
not merely for eiting tnrkev but as well
for being grateful for little aa well as big
It is about timo for the Alaska lectur
er who has been to Dawson to appear
before the public. Ho is bound to ap
pear in time with his magio lantern.
They had fresh sturgeon for breakfast
at the Prinevi'.le Hotel last Monday
morning, a verv rare menu, for a Crook
county tioetlery, so far away as we
are Irotn the river. I'rtneviUe Journal.
A Silem papor protests against a dis
tinction made at that city. The rail
roads charge 00 fare to Chicago (or one
kind oi Saictd hog and 6 (or another.
Wm McKenile. an old man. of Port
land, claims (or distinction the (act that
he was once kissed bv a urim-ers. a
dat ghter o( Queen Victoria. It doesn't
take much sometimes to make fame.
The Journal boais tbat Dr McEwen.
ne Hypnotist, alter traveling all over
the world, has decided to locate in ba
it in We wonder. Probably another of
the Journal' jokes
There ar 85 less nr'soners in the iwn
ueniury man mere were a vear or two
ago. That indicates that justice has not
been done, though some one dec. area it
is a sign of better times.
Hail Kelsey I'orter. the Union cour tv
murderer, lived in California he would
no doubt have lived to a ripe old age
California is tbe Mecca of the murderer
Oakland fruit growers continue to re
ceive returns from tbeir big green (ruit
shipments. One man haa just received a
bill lor 19 tor freight. Rather lair, but
better late than never.
Eugene will bold the first Lane county
Joultry abow on December 30, 31 and
anuary 1. Albany ahould have a poul
try show. Tbe display of turkey on
Thanksgiving is not enough.
At Spokane Saturday Justice Saundera
arrested two men in the act of larcsnv.
took them lelore himself, tried them (or
tbe offense, and sentenced them to V8
ialh-V, ,.r Vail,
days in tbe county
Stateeman .
Marshal gtilea arrested a tramp at Eu
gene. He sentenced him to five days la
bor on tbe street. He refused saying be
waa a F renin cook and did not propose
to "disgrace" bia profeeen." lie was
np in a dark cell and farnisbed with a
diet of bread and water.
.A no armed man waa in Albany yes
terday. He was well dreased, carried
hiaaeeil well and had an InJepentent air.
The man wbo miasee one arm has an
other one to console fciu. but tbe man
v-thoot any arm, is obliged to evea wipe
bia aoae with his coat eieeye.
The Washington Kews Letter gave
conaMeraDie space to Uon Binger
mann in its editorial column toe other
day. Among other things it said that
"few men in the United States are bet
ter fitted for tbe presidency than Mr
Hermann, and he may be given a seat ia
tbe United Slate senate at no diaunt
.day,' fejme people will smile at this
ana some irn$t .
tk. i ti - r ... sr. ...IMaiPttratioo, aeooaoce
tasM rrvs.wt mnn.h m 1 .w . A -
Tbe Portland papers fairiy cremated a
troop tbe Salem par era said waa first
etaaa ia every respect. By the time tbev
get through tbe fcouod cities thev will
probably be ready te retire. Tbe "trouD
was represented to be ooe of Frobmaa't
K.. . . I . i . . '
"u is mum uwn ue east now toat
Frohmao will not aeod another troop to
tbe coast, even to San Francisco.
rank Davey SAlimnd other men,
re tailing a it at U no see to go
to Klondike for gold, that there ia plemy
all aroood is Oregon. So doubt ibK is
troe, bat it is so much ia preepecto tbat
people are tired of wailing lor it- There
are men wbo bare Been getting this gold
for tea or fifteen years without a color to
Wow for it, bet with empty pockets. At
tbe Mtpe fjrne It ia here, and the Dmo.
out likes to aea beoble trying to get it
for ereatoally it will be broufiit tflh
siww i ii rica ijaanuuee.
Portland ia to have a linn nf alaamars
to Dawson ci'y, which will be equal to
7 vu ,ue coast, i ne company with
Colonel John McCracken at iu bead, J.
O. AinSWOTth. Charlaa V I ...! 11 n?
P. Loru,Jobn 8. Baker of Tacoma," Jf "
0. Oeprge and . V. Marpby, aa direc-
wra, nae oeen organised and has alreadv
parcbaawd a fine vatNil for tbe deep seai
trip, and baa secured an option on ih
second. A number of river ataamara srin
be built for the ionrnsrv 'mm S
to Dawson City. Tbe Dmocaat hopes
One with true Christian m..-;. i
baves bimself, is oot eelfisb. seeks not
his own interests ooly, does not ny with
a paastoa and act a fool en alio-hl nrovrw
cation and does not imagine and charge
evil design and intention on others wbo
say or do something not according to his
idaaa (k.i. ...s . l , .,
-,. ruticicm loug ana is
kinxl." jWdlan.
In 189 the amouotof Usable property
in Jackson county waa 252.674iX) mote
than in (Jiackamas county, and the eg
pensee lor six months were 112,523.57
. Jn Jck,on county, being f28,487 83
for Clackamas county and $16,064 24 for
Jackson county. Ths Ui payers of Jack
sou county have no reason to complain of
f his howtiii.r Jfedlorrj Mail .
While the Late Mr Caaullo waa criti- I
cised in Albany in Halem It aeems to
bave met witli favor and received thia
from tbe Butesman : "The work on the
sUge was first class in every respect.
The stage settings were exce lent, and
mey atone aeterveil a better audience.
woue tue fiUT$ on tbe boards npbeld
tuo reputation iner uaye tbat ol star
to the last degree. The' coaiaroes of
toe company were tbe best ever uea at
me tteea ny a Baieiu audience,"
Quality Counts.
As soon as an attraction ia booked at
tbe opera house it is the customary
question (or tbe publia to ask: How
many are there in tbe company?" The
question tbat should be asked ist "Wbo
are tbe actors or artists, and are they
good?" It only requires a moment's re
flection to realize that no manager can
carry a company of ten, fifteen or twenty
arrista and have them all first class, for
good artiste not only demand a large sal
ary but iusist on Iu being paid. Mr
Beywood believes tbat the general pub
lic prefer to see six or eight fiist clats
city artists to a whole stage full of
"Barnstormers" ', and has surrounded
himself wltb artists as fine in their re
spective lines as Heywood is in his. Tbe
result is a performance tbat from rtae to
(ell of curtain is full of pure, fresh fun,
popnlar music, entertaining specialties
and beautiful women. This attrar-tinn
is to appear here on Friday evening Nov.
A Rig College fire
Pullman, Wab.,Nov. 23. Fire de
strayed ferry ball, of the state agricultural
college, at an early hour this morning,
f be building was used as the boys' dor
mitory and 100 young men weie sleeping
there when the Humes broku out at 1 :30
I be los4 to tha stats is t.'lo.OOO. I be
Humes spread with dangerous rapidity and
most of tbe bovt lost all tbeir personal
effects Many weie driven out before
tboy could put on tbeir clothing. Tbe
burned building was a hre story onus.
and only .be blackeued walls remain.
Far 4 alsBomy
Madrid, Nov. 23. IVmior Sagas's,
replying today to a Cat ail deputation.
formally declared that tbe gov rmnent oi
Spain cou d in noway uioilify its jtrograme
or autonomy tor Uuua. uontimuiig. me
premier expressed the hope iiiut mu tauan
astembly would elect a cuiulti-lon which
would cu-nixTrt'e with a pani-ii omui.s
sion in de'ertnimn tbe eotiinnrcial rela
tions between CuUa and Spaiu tij consul
ting tbeir mutual interest.
Aatl-t'i slon
8r Louis. Nov 23 I'be natioual or
ganiidtion coin mu tee of tb-s p pulirt party
repieentii:g tbo miJuls t the-roaaer
ma: btiie today. Twenty-nine states were
represented. Among thiee present are
General Jacob S Coxey. of Onio; Chairman
Ttltoo Parse, of Texue; rVeretarr W S
Morgan, of Arkansas; Brandon 1) Oowe,
of Alabama, treasurer, am Whartcn Bar
ker of t h:laoelpbia. editor of tbe Aineri
Seasaliaaal CearVsslaa
IIocstom. Tex. Nov. 23. . eicial to
tbe Poet from Morgan says:
Joseph K tilanther, alias Fothes, com
mitred 8ui-ide in tbe Meritlen j nl March
20 las. 1 Vvelopments if the lot fw djjs
bring to hgbt tbe tact that BUntber
the self confessed prepetrator ol evea more
startling crioioa Iban tbe ruurder of Mra
Largfelt, of san Fra.ocia&, which he
was bunted. Io a written cotdt-ssuc he
declares that he kilieJ UUocb Lamonie
aod Minnie t illuuit.
Tsiree 4eae. Tss Wwsiaeesl
Chicaoc, Nov. 23. A special totLe
Chronicle from Colombia S 1) says:
lo format ion was received here from
Baitsburg, a small town io Edgt-heiti
county of a wboteesle shooting ot negroes
daring a row over a game of cards.
Three are dead and two deprrtely woun
ded 4 TcrtlMc strath
c, v i:,. i f ..kv 1 lo repett the aiorv other trlumth l
oka. Nov 23,-Rictard lbrook DedlJ. Her super. vui. her '.ertnai
of Ooeor d'Aleee tity 1 Jabo. met an awhi ; iog b;f orl,oU1 tlut . e , , 1:
dea'h today. He wotted in a sawmi.l at . guur-a h-r k s.n. l-rii . u,mo
Haoaer lanction, wbere bia brother baa a ,, nd th lo'e e i bible so-netbi-g
contract for getting out tie. He act-iii-o j tn .r. ake u.-toe ,i.xi in-r-uoatkm
taJlv leu upon a revolving saw, ana nu
bod' l
after Wavaas
v. w v. r s. .. . ,f
J.BW Tom. Nov 2. A
urgenuauarkedthebpaiufb w pewts of
Havana, and a abaro report Mlowed.
says the Haraoa rorrwpoodeot of the
Herald. Tbe sound of fireing caused
great etciteawnt in Havana, and it is
koowa that large rrlsH forces are quartered
tj - adv
Details of tberagsgeauat are aot keown
but it is said tnat the insurgents destmv
ed.moeH proprrty before safrcieat Spaaith
forres were concentrated to drive them
a bi eair
vTaanixaTosr. Xor. 22 Portland is
on of tbe 50 oScea to tbe United Sta'es
which is included ia the list of Urgest
postt tb je bv wbidt compameoo are
, a- lrl"i " au tir..
the derarta.etit which soowed thai the
postal receipt ie September, 1 test, at Port
land were &13.194 while in the aame
month of lT. they were fH lrio. f
ryae la ga la Wrtra I
KaxsasCity. l.'or. 23 Ex Govensor
Crittenden, of Miaaoori. wbo was cctoI-
I geseral to Mesco oo Jer tee
last (.'etetaad !
that be wili
I lTe UI c,,
&t ek f t San Actroio.
Tex., wbere ! will be jetted Ly vv I
brraa aad Air. Bryan and that tbe thr I
will depart from a Act jdi on a four I
week' toor la Mexico. I
A rra.narf fie J
Sew Yobs Kov. 2J Ibe ecbedoVs ia
tbe assign meet oJ IJ Hicbcork K Co..
whoieaaie silk and cotmaisMOO taefchants, '
i wbo asaignad on Iktober a, sbaw. Iftrvct i
liabilitit,l, 141. Vaioootinteet liabtlitiae i
110 C00; nominal aese, tl.j.VTJ.actaal
Tea Mark VteisArr
BAjscaCrrr. Xsv Frank lioetrd
a mining mka aa J eagiaeer, rsrentiy of f
the BoaatsA mine, yesterdsy afternooo
(ell from tb VaHey areeoe Lfidge, and I
vu drowned, lie bad faeej oa a protrae- j
tei spree aod was bordering oo dclinam
t re meet.
stepeesl aa U j
Wahisotox. Nov. 22. Tenator Bar-j
tbat there will be a crotracted discntsiot.
of tne correocy qoeauoa ia ire approa.u
ing session of I tie coogree, aod that ia all
probability rocgre i.l be ia seeroa sa
ttl Aagat.
Aaatfcer Iteaa
WAsntsotox. 'ov. 21 . Coljoe! Wil
I'ara L frecholtu. wbo was control ier of
tbe correecr under 1'rwident Cleveland's
first administration, baa submitted bis
fires on refiem to tbe monetary
commlsaioa. L'o'ooel Trvnbolai recou
mead tbe fusion of tbe greesback aod
Sbernan ecte into cne torm of paper
redeem. Ue thinks tbat tnee nite ahould
be issued in ('Kminattoos of $1, $2, aod
l-i. in order tbat tbe people may bare con
fideoce in tbe money in current circulation.
He believe tbat a redfmpiioo fnd cf
HXOOtX), would be sufficient to maintain
the pantv of the entire volt me of about
4 Big t lra
MrLUOCRSg, Nov. 21. A great fire
broke out here at 2 o'clock this morning,
and in a very abort space of tune did an
enormous damage. It started ih the ware
house of Craig Ai Williamson. A strong
wind wa blowing and the tieroely fanned
name enKulfed building after buil-ling.
it U estimated tbat tbe toss will reeh
OUO.000 while tbe trado in (t 'goods ha
received a serinua (At back-
Aa Australian t rclaaa
M KLlmfRNE, Nov. 31: A dust cyclone
swept over the northwest portion of the
coloney on Friday evening, tl was especial
ly severe in ibe Wimmora district, wbere
several towna wera wrecke 1, many cSurrbes
and prominent building being ruined.
One town alone ufe'red damage to the
amount of f45O,0OO.
Ie Cake
Hawaii, Nov. 21. Of the recomentra
do in MaUoxaa, numbering mora tban
50.000, 79 died ia two day. 36 perwbing
from hunger, lesterday 17 dea'b were
reported, a larae proportion tbe result of
starvation. In laruacd, aboct 6o per cent
oi tne dettht are ca-iseu irooi ttarvat on.
kd tbe we i trae in many other places.
wearal aiaway
New York, Nov. 21 !en, Albert Ord-
way died tonight at the IloRman bouse.
OeneralOrdwavand hi wife relumed from
Kim ne last Aedmstian ieit day the
general a taken sick, and continued to
grow weaker and weaker until .-IS tbi
evening when be pard away .
rrver Wet
New Oim.kans. Nov 21. There were
eight new cams of yellow fever and three
to itive uiy whoh
at too-
LJ lion to piiul'ry raising I off jr all
cept 10 ucres of ny
Farm for Sale
It is the best located small farm in the
coun'y, one and one half mile south of
Albany on Tanifimt road- Have jrood well.
comlortul Ie building, brie a cellar with
tfoticrute Ho r. apples, pear, pluuia.quinces,
currants, b'atkberries. raapberrie, straw
berries in abgndnne for family use, 200
rods of woven wire fence and everything in
Also bave 2 milch cows and one heifer
(will be fresh in Keb.) all hicb prade Jerr
se.vs, for sale cheap . 0 D JJatks
K. O. T. M,
meats evenr Saturday evenina at K. 0. T.
M. bad. Vl-itinur kntohta Inviied to at
tend, J. F. Thoutman, Coin.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
The Greatest Singer of the.Day Acknowledges Her
Indebtedness to Palne's Celery Componad.
Emma Calve baa -named a so ces an
pracedented i. lb sails s.if lyric art.
; ojr wnicn me atva' na m ,a Let name
i io avery pail nf ih w.,r I
1 tier m si v i sua l : em era
im-sibiiomisirs gr I Ac ttm
thi- brings ita own rtoa, and i- great
tears know gra t r at., graa .em,ere
, altt loom Kr. r.?rTo a,
oon,jnetuiy, there are -rt..of ner
' roua prstra.lo an J utt'u filled eoraee
t menu when Impat'edt .. 1 a are apt
; a t-mc iHeaeeal nu-tlngeir-f.iMs inn
, Caive'e absolute teli uo, on 1'au .s
; cesery oumpwna at a an ti - chk w
I narvoe energy appe-rs; lu ibe follow .ng
P-saton. Ma-a March, If ST.
am corr'nreu U-at raioes te erv
e uip ud4 is ibe geestcaa let ja atrengtr
eeer tbat can In ubttiel can vouch
I tor its wooderiul tweiib giving po-t;
I H4 v. t:LE
' Every grral ebaae t -r tbe wutsst ie
' heaitb !a lo moat esaea at oerw tsKraved
y a loss ot wetgbt aod a pmcned tnto
r ing of he a On the c4lr band a
j ssia n e gat. u, m a certain point, goes
all tAber eaaenliaia of beata,ant n-ably
f- improvement In ibe eoior nod amooat
of tbat !(,!.
Oieo ibe surest tentf if the he lb
Best on earth.
Everyone knows the Oliver
plow. Sold only by
Albany Oregon,
the Oregon
8? from
in the market
' be undersold
Foster Blk 1st
Wall Paper,
Lace Curtains,
future Frames,
Linen Warp Matting,
Oil Paintings,
and Undertaking
Call on
v n .k'n j capabilitke of Paloe'a celery com
i-nund t tbe rrii uereaaelo weigbt aod
the '.ccieaaed roddtoeseol the blosd tbat
Invanab'y tM owj he nse- ft clears tbe
akin, makes tbe excretory, purifying
functions, parforuied by ibe bowels kia
oe a and lb skin reguW ao1 thoroogt
Tbe la provemeot lo looks fmm uktng
Ibis groat tastoradv t ent a mere matter
of ld;e vanity, but tbe atgo ot bea'thier
procusasa all ov.r tha brdv. Man v a oar
ent. wife and huabead have vjcs d sriic
grow iog aurprise aod J if aome 'Utieea,
while b oodeti fseb.e re alive gaining, no
oar tne neip i runs i eatery oompoaoi
Osab O'lor aod wholeemeoaaa of mind
and bxfr.
Not only is there a decided gale in tbe
general beh Irom the use of Paine
eelarr compennd, but snob disorder c
sacs Gaaoavioaw, awmsusai, neoraiglA,
kidoev dlssvseasd nrwvoua debility la
variably yield to Ire vigoroca building
up o! the health that thia great remedj
isever f.lis to bring aboaL
lueraswka J appatf. rad v rsrssci-.v to
digest (jod and ibb nnat ctu of stotsacb
disorders, bowel dittlruiUee and nervous
deraegemaat folloe tbe u s cf Palne's
rwVHy oc n pound.
. prudent men insure h! bone
agaloata cooUotette of fire, beweve
' retn. ao peraooa feeJIag -run dawo'
, ana urea norii take precantioea agaioas
, tog UP aaeuisvji UieUeogtl end vigTc of
j Use enure svsssxo by meaue ot Vj-e'e
j eatery coco'p ood. s '
WV ar receiviu? another large invoice of
all wool suils, whi'h we are
fO.OO to? 10.00,th? iet value
A big line of inns tn4 Iboys boots and
shoes, trunk?, valises, suits, An exten
sive line of itens and youths furnishings,
hats and caps. All the above goods have
been hought at low orices. We Will Dot
St. Albany, Or
City Election Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual city election, in and lor tbe city cf
Albany, in juinn County, Oregon, will be
beld on
Monday, the (ith Day of Dec. 1897.
for tbe purpose of electing tbe following
municipal officers ton it :
One Mayor,
One Recorder,
One Marshal,
One Treasurer,
One Member of the City Council from
Each We'd.
Said election will be held at the fol
lowing plates to-wit:
First ward At City Council Cham
bers. Second ward At Number One's Hall.
Third ward At tbe old office of tbe
Alany Farmer's Company.
The following named persons have
been appointed by tbe city council ae
judites and clerks of said election, towit :
Fust ward: Jud?ee, B W Cundiff. O
T Porter and O W Warren. Clerke, t M
ftedfield ad J V White.
Second ward: Judges, A B Woodin,
Straoiler Froman and 8 M Pennington.
Clerks, A Senders acd U E Propet.
Third ward: Judges. V Baltimore,
James Shelton an U W Harris Cujrkr,
i V Thomas aod Vi m Kicharos .
feaid election will begin at 9 o clock in
the morning, an 1 contitiue without cloe
ing tbe polls, until 6 o'clock in the even
ing of the above mentioned day.
(jiven by order of tbe citv council
made at a regular meeting held tbe 9tb
day of November, 1897.
Albany, Oregon, Nov-12, Vi.
N. J. HrxTO,
Recorder of the City of Albany
Sale ol Real Estate.
NOIl E ts hettbv g'VeD tbat tb BO-
denrigad hdaA MtTMlur with tbe will aa
oexed cf tba t ate ct Robert John, da
essaad. wi", by virtse of aa order of sale
da!y fipsd - snl enured of record, in the
eoontr eat for i ion eoentv, Cr.. oa tbe
5tb Amy of X)embtr, 1897. aotno'lZ B
and Itcrasiog the osdrticed as such so ,
oiiois-.r-tor t sell alt tbe resi trm be
loogiagtoibe estate cf aaid deceased.
Ie parsaeaee thereof I wi'i on
faterdar, December, 1.1897.
at the hoar of 1 o'e ock p m, of said day
at tba court boose door Albaay. Lna
eoeety. Oreg-m. offer for sale at pablie
auction, to tna highest bidder, the f How
!cg real estate:
Ztt ) acres In Tp :3 8 R 4 st.
3 43 screa in Tp 13 R 4 west
322 77 seres in Tp 14 3 B 4 sot
26 73 acne in Tp 14 K 4 west
'I ha sooth H b ock 34, Hscklemaa'a &
ad Albany '
Lots S and 6 block 16 Hi'rmu'i 3rd
ad Aibany
Sl 3$ acre ia Tp it S R 4 srrat
I-t 3 bk.-k 3 Coast, 's ad t j LeWnva
Let l block 23 J M Ralston a second ad
to Labaeoa
piLct I bkek gf J M Kalatoa' sacotd
to Lebanon -The
w H of the N W qaarter of black
139 ia Hacelemaa'a ad to ot of Abaay.
2 33 acres ia We-tera aiditsoe to Alfaanv
3) acre in D L QJofan Birsbsrt in Tp 11
S P. J, srsst
Block 4S Gtra Park ad to Albier.
Bloet ZJ G l.a t-ark elition to Albxey
132 by 143 feet ia biock 66. Aibsay
oa half acre ra block 5 Hsekl.nua's 3rd
addition to 4tbiev '
Tea Hi W e.aartee of brk 129 Bsck'e
sun's addition to Ataaay
Tarass of aak, eash in band
D.ted Nevembsv 11. l97.
Adaa jutraor With the will saned
be esia'-e of Egbert Johns, deceased.
otic is berrbv gives that the ea dr
ai adosiaistrstsr cf the estt ef Tba
rgan, d'ceand. baa filed his noal aee
at a aeca admuwitnitor with t'e clerk
he eoeaiy coa-tssf I. we eoenty, Oregon
aaJtfcattbe Ilaioeab'e Geo U barton,
jadge of aaad eosrt, h a aepoUteti Sstar
day the ll'.heay of December, 1S9T. at
the boar of 10 'o-k in, u the ties, swd
the osaty eonrt r ox at ASbaay, Cre.oo.
at tba place, tor brio or j-ctioos to said
final sccoant All paraocs ara bereby
eoti Seii tba: if they desire to snake aav
ofejertioe to said Baal accoaat or aetUe
asent thereof to be and appear at the abeve
Ua aad vlaee, or be forsVer Lured.
Dated Koreauberg, IJjJ.
Gto W Yki.:ht. W G Uobsax.
Atty for Adror. AdsBtatstnter
Katie is hereby girsn that J ems W
Mf'. as adsnintstrslur of tba e-c of
LfdiM Morgan, deceased, baa b.oi his final
acerwnt a scch sviministratie wtta tb
clerk f tbe ya'r court of Lfan conntv,
lOtvsn jjj intiuJ coart haa appoint. d
-wMiuay to ilia oy oi I'eoeaabee,
a fe boar of 10 o'ciac is tb foreeoan
of aakl day aa the timj and tbe eoentv
conn room ia Aibaav, Oregon, aa tb place
f ' bearing aod settling said account. All
awsona are actitied ttat If tbey bav any
objections te otd acceunt. and 6aal etta
rnsat te aopear at laid time and pUce ant.
praaert then..
Dared Nov. S. 1S97
Ceo W WnjuaT, Jas W IToeeAjt,
A t f jt Admr. A Isimiatratcr .
Notice for Publication
Lajcd Oirtct ar Oat.o Crrr, Oa.
Oct 13th. 1SS7.
Kotiee is heseby Riven tbat tb following
aaosce settisr bas bl4 eoA-ce ol bis latew
tioa to make bas) ptoot ia support of bis
claim, and tbat suJ proof will 'be -nad. be
for tba eoanty clerk of Una coast v at Al
bany, Oo, oo Xcrnbr SJut, 1S97. TU;
ElUa Mnrle) ; H E 11433 for tbe lot S ot
See 14. Tp 9 Sooth R 1 East. He name
tba fo Iowiqj witaese to prov sis con
ttaaiaa icsidaoo apo. aod ciiltirstioe of.
Slid land: v-: Char taa 8waak. Henry
Lvoas, Jsaou VV Tenney, Aa4rw 'f Zart
wa't, all of 0o,
Rosa t A Xnu.
Notice i hen by (riven tbat tue under
signed erecutar of the lat witl and testa
meat of Louisa M aTinser, deoaated. has
filed with the clerk ot the county court tor
sinn county, Oregon, hi final accoaat
and the coirt has set Monday the da dav
of December,tl97 at the ronr of 1 o'clock
p m ot stio tfav o bear objection to aid
hnal accent aed to te te said ete.
ThU the $.h day of Octib. 197.
Kaeca'r of eUU if Louisa M b-inier,
ran u
- si
Carry the larg3st and
most complete sock of
Cloths ia the valley.
Oil glad in Ilii M.
fUDTCTlT 1 0 Tb d
'Remembrance Cia lender for 1S9S,
conipriMDg IVsxva exquisite Art Studios.
i be nura of eacu separate mootn, enricnea
oyappropriate qoou Uon from standard
authors. Price; Oss LKiixak, by mail .
H M CaiDSJt & Co., Publishers, 1 ork, fa.
FOR SALE. A ma-i at tattle Ivlc
wwhra to U his 40 acre tract, con
aistlne of 20 scree cleared, 10 to be cleared,
with 18 or 20 tons of hay, 150 bushels of
botatoe in the ground, 100 fruit trees, and
some cattle and sbeep, la a nice location,
for HUt-
FOR SALE- A horse and mare, each
neighing 1400 pounds. V'or sale
cheapACall oa Dr Wm Amos, 3rd war?.
. llo
TO 1 Hfe
eivUTHacHoica ot
Lrwest Bates to all
Eastern Cities
Ocean Steamers Leave
Portland Uvery 5 days
.. roe
Steamers monthly from Port
land to Yokohoma and Hong
Kong; via, f he Northern Pa
cific Steamship Co. iu con
nection with O R and S
for tall iofortcstioo sal- m
CcaaAX MoMSfTH, A bsny, Ol
W H HD8I.-4LK1.
Ijis'l Pat . Ao
P.htUsd Oc.
1 HI
Qsittorsaa finrsss Trains
.as.s rertiaaa iMtis
I at
i w. a. bs
e a a I Lv
lit a I Ar
ar ss sa
L re
Above iri'lt op at " too be
tweea Pj-UsI ani Sileai Tnr
r. Sl-iri'e. JeT-rjsi Aioany
TAngeat, Shedd, Halsey taeoe
Cottage Grove, Drain. OakUcd and all
ctatione fr:j Rsebarg s r'n to and io-
eliding AahlAod.
fc ii l
Urtsra I tr
sen ar
Gm Aibsav Avr l'imm
Amvs at A,;aas boas Leaaon
Leasa Aiasar Sar Lebaaaa
&me si Asttsaf traas Laaw
Ua Ai sacv tar Vsoiaera vat
krassca '
Arris as Aiaaay boss
LassaAissnv tar SaOva
Arsis at Aiatsr trsas Sssraa
mittkt SUrFH SLEEFEiU.
Oinin? Cars on Cden Rcl
Atwefce (a an Tkrsnsfe Tratns
Vs scAe Mvasaaw.
art w as rwrriASe aa tKttitn
Sin ra (aattKsxeatSaaaai
auaasvaa auiaBVv
-' r I
' Kxarsw tail ImUf frxcsjic enexy
4Sr L
I sera I Ar
IKri Ar
Ar j a
Jrlll a a
It i 4 SO a
Direct esasvtin s" S i t Frsass with 0atat
nsvirsl sal P- ssii staaMsuc laas
FtlvilC'ttltasai; scs scaiitau
a!aa1 titAsts rt. sussts saA Ksrif)
1SHS. tl !A. ltCLC a&i ICiTR -esa
b astsiaal trm & fISIK. Afeat
oa re r A
rrt-a&e One; a
aV easterh R. R. CO.
Connecting at Yaqmna Bay with the
San Francisco SYaaina Bay
Slsaiij "Presftsnt
Sails from Yaquina evrv 8 daya foa
Sea Francisco, CooeBay.Hamboldt Bay.
fAseucsxa AcconoDATiosf Uicsrer Asset
Shortest route between the iTillsiw
tte Valley and California.
' Fare from Albaay and points weet tc
Ban Francisco
Cam ..t SfX
SrazBAea 6.0C
Round trip good for 60 days ITXC
Cabin $3.0
$teeraee 6 00
To Humboldt bav aad Port Orioni, -
Cabin flO.Of
Steerage S 00
River Division.
Steamer Albany" between Portland
and OorvalUs, throagh withoat lay-over.
Lea vee Cor rail a 6:30 a. nu Toeedaye.
Tharedaysand Sundays; leaves Poit
htnd, Yamhill etreet dork, 6K)C a. m.
Mondava VTedneedars and Fridays.
V F. fjwi1 SKMtK, " J C 1at.
1o,er Suot Hirer l)iv.
r. r nr.. . . l" .
Ci c " iunj, agvnSj aitwny.
oii Vio
Ari 4 S ra
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Ksw esarrs sVsssAy Alula! alt CsAaswa ss ika f
anuaiadoa. (arsa ul k ater Z
rarsaa ssaa7 II waoK.-i. Vca eaa s srsassdat jT
psstari aam7:s mssM sad taa ass aisna
srvsi srtib taoaa srka I aa ( tssrss w w var
roasisc. svasjBSB
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V ASS fcbtca
SUU ias ttp
Is Boaca. Ass
Hsl Irwaoaaa;
tb sAlU T Ik ssaat
S'ar ..i. . k. -
saasi rssassMSsss. A s s r . i
ssn . J if i nu?. u liSsssassAsf
uwi a s s s Tmi. -- sawas
smljTor TnlssiT
gnuli i lo carp s,
si. .s saJsAaBsm
a I J ta asi ,ne ears.
ssja ismM t Vjg,
sslasat sAril Pa
trsauaa tbi disws wr a
rVtULCB and a
aars sa,asHs brum w
s. w n kmt s ft b
kpsk a.i4 ai 1 1 lass
as. I
S .tSS aV. a B.V K m ....
t Ttaste. 1 tltw. luusSla.
The wotoi on tbe Albaay street rail
way will connect p'omptly with all train
to and from the depot, day and night.
Special trip will t n ade at special
a'e. I. F Cosn, Cor-dgctor
URX1S0ED Room for rent "on
corner of Fourth and Calipooia s:r
Ma. D. C. eHEta.
FOR RENT. uooii bouse of iiverooui
in 3rd ward. Convenient to echuot.
Enquire at Morris's store.
1 UL (Kutleruen cr lade tQ tray'
; for responsible, es'ablishe4 houe
Oregon. Monthlv fo5 0t) andezpeeae
position steady. Kefeience knetoa
self .addressed stamped envelope.
Dominica Conipanyjjept. H, Chicago.
tive gentlemen or ladies to travel
for responsible, established boose ia
Orefron. Monthly (65.00 and expenses.
Position stead v. Reference. Encloce seif-
addressed stamped envelope. Tbe Dcuiin
on Company, llept. Y CbicAtro.
Tia rooSna and plumbiag.
be opera hoose